The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, August 12, 1863, Image 1

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Wednesday, Aug 12,1863.
L'IMBRfE, Editor & Proprietor.
.. Osa Dollar and Pirrf%’*Ki*
iuvajci; otherwise Tnp.DoL
ti tc argcd. So p»ptr discontinued
„ a^e ,r«ge» ere settled. ’
i aso communications, by mat'
-j attention.
” ■ W(J3. '
L' V v *V**rk -Tribune. „fin»t is
-7 ■ 'i'4l in its- twenty-second
f )„lit;v!!ied both a larger and
d-ifi-usou circulation than
-v.-spaper everjcil.'iishcd
. Thou-h u hasi.i-uffcrcd,
... v.i*h ‘other journals. from
t iiuic .and departure ot
• ’ln>r~aii<Ls' ot. its palrhnsj to
v\ ar" .lor the Union,] its
: r , ..a ur.s : bib. of Ueceuihcr,
j. is V’ilbv.-s :
u journal of Nows ami
™pii-e. Tin: Tuibunb has |ipliti
... •%.,=; wLu-Fi aifi wcll'-ch^rac.
• • j>'{«-hmlc word Iteri; aucp.
ui,-4is lifcarty adhesion
"i-i'. trntli that "Gud has
.-JeW viie bloud all nations ot men
:vni '-I* .issoi tu.ui ol the
'iiialioHU-hlij j Eights of all
- liberty,.iiml the pursuit
• ■ joiitf.'hvss"—Kfpuhjit.i'i ■>"’ its
J , .ill c-l oh .1..! ' ’“11-1 I.M to
lu.- uud otV'.rl of tin; Slave
... ;|. O Annexation. o|- iv\us
il'olVivat IMndihsh'-lo 'gni-p tin?
iii’iij '<6l' the-New Vv Olid aud wiclo,
■■■ L'hu.liiy lor its
. k I ' *
ii. ;i ,r
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hi. o ; in:«i«r f
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. Kcin»llion ‘ mfi-sl
ii lliv i)•••.■ rtiir ! 'rtv of i ls ;
'mi,-..lnc- linn o.'i:ilili~liinenl i
!.r>.:r;fti.i■>]nni iiiws ilirimijli
l’' i-Mi’-m of our’ iMtmTirv.
i;| l.ii' -rtv ;iT'!ji , ' , i. ■sliiili- in-,'
pari He""'
| 1 i‘ \ I'. -
•V.VSy. m-vi-Ur.
■ ’C. ''
t:i.-.s.;<i •miyc i;xU*iil in
! .i I'.-Jnciilion. r foni]ic'! jijr.-o, -Air-'
*. liivi-mii.'iipl :i!ui ‘ ivliaijevoit!
v 'illil/istcr Im |in‘ >(nri!n;il mill
i ’ort'vrrcss’ : 11 ?w-'-il. t»v*i?»if «.‘1
li*i* ;or it^uKr
>;-!uhj? Jiiic nutmlv .tU v - ;
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;i:mv t-vcrv i
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v■, - v. .■ tmsit#o rvsifll 'in the '
•' tV.n!..iu>iv^. ! tniiii?jili, ui -\lic
nnus ':Unl in.l'l.-'’ ! e'lt;r:Ul<‘l! ■
{iini 1 'fl.irit't tu mu; liiMriulv/ I '.
■; l uunlrj;, . \Vv.VviK ; vo Ui.iit nf*i .
’ -f ciui n'fuik'V <•" liiuiv nil'll- :
■•■■■ v (>1 llio|irimiv."' uniL c'nanir
tlu<.!' n.' rdlilliei ,Ik* •
'il l il;tu -I ;;;■<■ ti mTi • 1 iiVj1 v Vi*<;iiiiJr
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- !.'U • Nruimni! • •nii'i'ivliiilr
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v.u!«il ■lluu.aunv.. -t**.aui U' m.eS-.
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j.,■>) .All
> ■’ ill be soul to cvorv. chib
My, cflc H'-hlr,'.-if, cub
.!ui any lat'irer nuiyln-r al
An extra copy Will be
• lit.? Dt (iVeniv. ’i'u c iul.s of
. Til 1- SIAM i- \V lyHIyl.Y . Till/
ivii', be scat. Tcn:liib-s oi liitv
TIUB.OU vvilfbc sent
••Mres* THE
••ciuiie New-York
i iSraft» cun lie procured it ris
1 ■ '•ic i: imi 11 lo ivnisl .liunk .
’■•onv* ol Hi|,e Post' Ufliec. ■ sOjil*
■••• '•■•vild ;n -uis! i-fiscs be; pluiqiy
who somi iiioilev by
}>i?»|'siy ,t)i«s Expires;,
it wifi bo deducted from
v ,, ifcißrSE for 1808
!•••• rwi-iv. about Ctii'Uunifc.
IL 11101-1
• J ”'S* ii' nn 19 ** ie -conveniences of a firs
, 1 * ••"!•'!,jho iMf. ]r; e: or !! ■;“ fitted up In
1 4 ‘ ■'*• ::V! ‘'r.'.inT.’.o:e and
~: t 4 ()Y * s ti'R salosn. .
Oysters! mny.bc ob
-•jle ~u r,ri? >U«r season," in any desired
i j ill' anil ‘K's ear. lie furnished with Oysters,
»:ri, r ?V'" ?e:i - The t-able is furnished
■K-ET,‘ *l laiiiriesrile PITTSBURG. MAR
. -j-. l - l n afford. _ : . i .
,f-:e Ki'Sl 'H 'iheral patronage hereto
P.&S 1 Hair
’ ‘T 16 *,’ N * ed J ce ' Tweeters,
‘'as; 4„ 1 2, “*"• Spool Cotton, Thread,
■>3-y ■ d, ** .tbo-Brbg Store of .
1 - ,’:DR. Cl CCMMtSS '
Vol. 3l.
- . [Weittes tob the Akocs.]
i A- VIl/.'
i Besides, in; the A'crse, there is
’ an enumeration of the different elapses
’of the inhabitants, in which servants
;iind strangers are included: , “And
' the Sabbath of the land shall be meat
;for you.’’; (For whom?, 'For you
’lsraelites) lor thee, and for servant
j and for thy maid and for thy hired scr
ivant, and lor thy stranger that so
■ journelii with thee. Further through-’
I out all the iegulations about thojubi
i lee. and the sabbatical year, the stran
gers in the land arc manifestly inclu~ ;
ded in the precepts, pronibitions, and
promised ibiessings. Agajn the year
■ bf®juhileeiwas ushered in by llio sol
'•■miiiMc- of the day of atonement.— \
WhafVns the design or these institu
tion- - The day of atonement, prefig
: in-r-d the atonement of Chri-t, and the
rear of pthdee lhe r Gospel jubilee. —
And (il l they prefigure n iMesshih's
•atonement and a Gospel jubilcco to
Jews only.' Were they ..types of the
'remission of sons, and the proclama
tion ot •salvatfon to 'the nation of
Israel alyue. Is there; no redemption
■tor us Gentiles tn these ends ot the
earth. and is our hope presumption
and impiety. Bid that old partition.
wild survive the shoek that made
• . • i
earth (make, and hid the sun, and
hurst the graves and rooks, and,the
sent tlie temple vail. ’And did' the ;
Go-pel only build it stronger and rea’r
it higher to' thunder direr -perdition
fiom its frowning battlements on all
without. Xd-I the (JoJ of our salva
.i- ' 1 :
tioii lijves ' 'Good tidings of great joy
-hall be Io k//.people. One shout shall
swell ironv all the ransomed, ,“l!io|u
hast redeemed us unto God bv thv
blood out of eve.rv kindred, and tlmguL
■ s• • i r
atid people, and milrorii” To deny that
the blessings of tlie.jubilee, and of the
-.uvuieme.nt day extended‘to the soi
vnnts from the Gentiles makes Chris
tianity Jinlatstn. It ndt only eclipses
the'glory of the Gospel, but strikes
out the sun. No detiuneiatioiislii tire
Bible, arc- more " terrible than those
toomftvieed hv God upon su'eh-as
would -not release their servants at th:e
;-ound ot the jubilee trumpet. By re
• ttisjng to do this, [they falsified and
disaimuTed a grand leading Type of the
atonement, and th is. - libelled the doc •
.trine of Christ’s rodemtion. Finally,
■even it forever di<| refer to the length
of-\u/( service, eye have ample
precedents lor. limiting the term by
the jubilee.- fne.'same word is-used
to define the length of time for which j
-tho-e- >h-:c'.-fh servants were held, \vh(|>;
■ refused to gr> out on the seventh;
■ • ;■ . _ I j
.■year. .'.Arid gill admit that their ternj j
;of service "did riot go beyond Ihejiibif!
lee. Ve shall take them as an inheri} |
■Jance n-r ypur children after you to!
uihvht a possession.'; This refers ,
lo the nations round about,.'and- to the ;
.-trangeis sojourning among themL
itnd not to tlie individual servants pro* •
eared from these'nations and 1 slran- •
gers. But let us ascertain whether,
the words’remiered “inherit" and “in| 1
herilance ’ when uses! in the Old Test
. • 'll
tamert.° necessarily point the things'
inherited and. possessed as' article* of’
properly, or in any sense, as chattels! I
I. Xabal.und Nahala—-la/icrd. and in
licriiancfi- .Sec 2, Chron. Iff, Hi. “The
. people answered Ui.o.TCing and said
what portion havc.jWO in David, and
; have'i oue inheritance'in the sou of
I Jesse.’'* Dia they gravely ’men to did-,
I claim the,right of holding their’King
jas an article of properly. Psalms 12,
i 7, -‘5. “So children are a heritage (in’-
I hcritanc-e) of the Lord!” Exodus 2-1,
: ft, “pardon pur iniquity and sin, and
take-us for 1 thijie inheritance.”, Are
! we to. infer from this that when God
; pardons Ids enemies and adopts thqm
fas his children',' that he makes them
‘ articles of property. Are forgiveness
jatid chattel making, synonymous
: Psalm 110, 111. “Thy testimonies
! have I taken as a heritage (inhert-
I lance’) forever - .; “Ask of mo and I
willigive the heathen for.thine inheri
tance Psalm 42, 14. See also Deuter
onomy 4, 20. Joshua’ ■’ Psalm
42, 4. Prdv; 14, 4. .Genesis 42, 11.—
And-Joseph placed his father and his
brethbrn; and ’gave a, possession in
the land of Egypt in the best of the
land, in the land of Raineses,_as Pha
raoh had! commanded. In what sense
was the land of Goshen the possession
of :tho Israelites. Answer—in the
i sense of occupation. ; ; ■ • ’ .- L .
> 4- . 1
. tiu'
‘jlliliJ '.ill lllf
h in rust
■s. 'nbinpets
111 i. i!U
1 1 .
Hotel, ”
They lived there as "tributaries to
the King of Egypt. Ezekiel 44, ,24.
• Ye shall give! them no posession'in
Israel, 11 am their possession. Now
•sve .pnti it ih candor —in what sense
■- •' i ■ * i ■ : • *'l i.
■■* ‘-J -■- '.1.i—^., .,• Bnsyicsa cards, •a l njiygg|||^> :
| were tho Israelites to possess those and not Laving money, pM&.fo* them
\ nations and take them as an inheri- in labor seven years apiccA
tance for their children. AVe answer 15, 29. Many other
—they possesseib them as a source of l>o given. If buying sefvaiits among
permanent supply for domestic or the. Jews shows that,
Household servants, and this relation property, and if the fcc6-o£ their
to these nations! was to go down to being bought is proof sufflclcntj then
posterity as a standing regulation—a their; buying wives they
national' usage respecting them, hav- were property, and the fact.thttt they
ing the certainty and regularity of a :wer|o| bought, is proof Jbo,.
descent by inheritance' "The/sehse of .wordsin the original wbi<% are nse«i,
the whole regulation may giyen fo the one, .describe the other.,Why,
I thus :. “ Thy . permanent *ddmestic, not.corttend that,the wives of the an-,
both' male and? jfomale, which thou cient fathers of the the
j shall have) shall be. of the nations men-after God a own heart.were their,
jround about ■ you,-: of them 'shall get chattels .anil used as at
I male and female domestics.!’ More-, a p|nch. And thence deduce rights j
lover of the children of thejprbigncrs modern Hollar gone,
i that do sojourn among youtof them is the church from primitiva purity •
shall yo get, and of their families that will pious ,
are with you, Vrhich - they begat in’ up to. their. Bible privileges! become |
your land, and they shall be your per- partakers with the Old Testament
imanent resource” (for household ,set- worthies in the true .glory pf a'
| vantsi) ' Ami yo shall take ’them as a immunities ? It Ribands! I a
I perpetual provision for your children doubt whether professors
| after you, to bold as a constant source no "’ i*™ ~ot bmU l 0! byr-antl-hold
!of supply. Always of them shall yo wives as property. -Refukitig
! Jorve!yourselves” i lo i d « »■ piety
| „ Tito last: thing to bo considered iM f b *>*> “good
I tho import of the word “Buy” and the Abraham, and- apd, Jaf.
■ ~ , . cob, with the prophets, andf A host
; phrase Bought with money, from j ■ 1 ,/ ; . ..
. , I. ... r imn'uka ~ whoni|tho world was not - worthy.
, the -direction to too Israelite,s to i m ; , _
I , The use of-the word being todetonbe
I “buy tbeir servants,-and from the - , ®
; ,• ■ j the- procuring of wives is noKpeeuhar
: phrase ‘'.bought, with money applied Hol> .“ Wfl _ Tho tho
|to Abrahams servants, . ,s argued e ion fol . tUo u^ed”,
.that such persons'were bought ana . Atc ■ m.
.« „• of lk. .yy bOiftSt. Jta.
‘ ,„li s ™„ Jof ku Sciu-f U 11,0 forms U«kro-v »or<l, Irro***
i , ; , ~ „ , .. . takes its modification from the natuvp
themselves, “.buy” and ‘.-bought with f
~ ~ - * . “ •r of the subject, to winch it is applied.
, money ’ and such an, import to those . , J • ■■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■
'■ : * ms manifest., Eve says, “I have gotten
terms when applied to servants un- 1 i / ’ r ~f
, ,■ „,. f , , ,■ . r ; . I (bought!) a manvot the Lord.” Slio
, der the Ihitriarebal and Mosaic sys- 1 v » ,f. /( -. v j , •• •„
- ■■■■:, . , • i named,-him Cam.'that is bought. , Con
•! terns; is assumed, not only m-thm ab- . ,i -T. v.
i ; .. ~ ; / , , ■ J-jV c suit Free, 10, 32; Isiah 11, 11, Eza 78,
I sense ot all proof,: but in uurfaee of -. ■ • ’ i , i „ „ „
i i evidence to-ti.d contrary;- How much l l 13 > 4 > 9 >' 8 > 22 -
Uinte and toil 'mightHc saved, if in I Tbe .came to Joseph with
I discussion the-thing to bej proved was formal proposition to become sor-
Mi!viaj's, assuiiie'd.’ Tobegnljbv begging vants, and .that bo should %them..
la question in debate would bc“kre»Ct, W! ‘ e '’ 11,0 bwr « slin was closod > loac V h
J economy of midnight oil. fand a fore- said tUe,n - “ BoboW , 1
! stall’er of premature \vi*iiik?es and grev mW* -: And J«t .thfe*;’ *art>
I Imiijb by tlic Imuliituae.- Instead pf not - l ite > but ’ voluntary
prolrhoted investigation into Scrip- Tbpco is not a single instanedpf »W usage, aud ;T iunful ,collation,of '-ant'being sold by any o|o|jt h,»m-
I'passagesi' and cautious trading of min- PP-- *
1u 16 relations; -find out the meaning or - XJ ? osaie systems, in ;wbteh a master
fof Scripture terms, let every man re- j sold bis Tliat "'<*
i stdvo to interpret the language of lhe |.'vbo ; weroyboughf’,Wd themselves, is
i oldest book'in the world by the usages j a ,n f^ once fr 0!“ a-variety of pas
!of his Own tiine and place, and thel of Scnpturo, bes f de the ease of
■ j work is done, j We repeat it. the only | doac l ,b tte B SyP t?anB » vilicu9
• . , f ■ go, 47. The case of-tholsraelite, who■
! ground of tac j correction that those ; ’ ; ; ■
, ,! ; . , . ■ hecafne -the servant"of - Uiotslrangcr.
i terms arc to be .interpreted to mean,; i ■ . ■ ■ j ■■:. 13 >
■ i- i i • ,i n-m i the words! are, “If bo sell bltnself unto
; when applied to servanlli .in tho Bible . , - • , ,- • ,
i ; I,i '' ’ i- ■ T the stranger. The same word, and
the same that they- mean when.'ap- ■ , p . !., .; , . , ’ ,
: f . i - form;of word, rendered irt. tho 47th
plied to our slaves, is U|e- terms •, i J ,• '
i themselves- -a Babel jargon I vui : k0 ’ •«» in tho 39th verse
i would be made of the Bible if it were V'* Allowing passages fur
j talcoififor granted limt the 'sense-iu j n * s ' b b clnb to usages on this
! J wbiebj-words are now used is- the iii-: I IC, ‘ • icings 21, 20, 25; 11, ivings
! spired sense. -David says : --I prevent-1,7} -Isaiah 1,1; Isaiah 02. 3; Jere,
| ed.tbe dawning oh llio morning 1 and f m ; iab ! 34 > ; 14 J «omans 7,13. and 7. 1G;
j cried." Two hundred''years ago pro- John 8,34. <•
■ vent was used’ in thej strict Latin
, sense,;to could before of anticipate'.—
'lt was always used.,inj this sense in
■ the Old imd New Testaments, .David’s
: exjircssijon .translated -into lie Eng
' lish-of jihe nintoenth eentuvy would
: be. ‘-Before the dawning of the morn
ing 1 cried/’ dr I -began ; to cry before
I daj- break. “;So .n»y prayer shall pre
vent I bee.” Let' lis. prevent his face
r with thanksgiyiiig.” “Mine eyes pre
i venl lbe night- ln almost
every chapter of the Bjble words are
now irsed in a sense nearly or quite
obselctc. There never was a shallow- . , , ,
,-i , h . , . laughed afterwards.
,or conceit than tha:t of making the “Xotlnn«- Hell'-
; present' sense jof a ! word, its sense ; n d- somc'l> r
{ centuries ago, by quotipg its. moaning B eti th’at
jnowllo prov<jy that it meant so then, the'
i The inference'. that - tKo word buy,
i used to describe the. procuring of ser
! vants means procuring them as chat
tels or,,property seems' based on this
i fallacy whatever cost money is money,
| tuat whatever jor who ever you pay,
j money for. is an! article of property.—
| Tub children of!'lsrael were required
| to purchase their first born out from
j under the obligations of the priost
j hood, Num. 14, 15, 10. Exod: 34, 20.
; It.was called! buying their first born.
The custom is kjept to this ;day among
the Jews and ‘ ;he word buy is still
used to the transaction. Doesi
this prove that, their first born .verb,
or.!wore held as property.
They were ibctight,as roally’as tvere
servants. So tic Israelites -were re
quired to pay money ! for their souls.
This.'was called somptimes a ransom,
sometimes an atonement. -Were their
souls .therefore] marketable commodi
ties. Bible saints bought their wives,
Boaz bought! ihis wife Ruth.
Ruth tho Moabitcss, the wifd of Mah
lon, have I pnrL-based'to be my \vife,”
Ruth 4, 10. | j The prophet Hosea
bought (his .wife, Hosea, 3, 2. Jacob
bought his wives, Rachot aqd Leah,-
Beaver. Wednesday, ; |-;:
[a grand mistake. I
; , '' ■ I 1 . I', -
Dorn and 1 had "been silent fujllyj fif
teen Ifninutes—an unusual occurrence
for|us—when she suddenly broke out
.wiih; one of her gayest, sweetest
pearls of laughter. The ears were
going at tho : rate of forty miles an
hour,-but Dora's laugh ran'g out above
all itheir noise and confusion.
/.‘What is it, Dora, you witch, you?”
I said, hali piqdea'lhat sho had riot
first told mo what pleased her, and
laughed afterwards. .
‘,‘Notlnng, Nell ; only I was think
ing of something so funny. Do you
sed that gentleman in frontof us, with
the beautiful black whiskers and circa-
Ul • I j ; - i ■■ ■
my brown eyes ? Well, he’s been
watching you behind that book the
last half Jhoui, looking ns if*lie should
love to take a the red. roses
oniyour cheeks. Don’t blush; but he’s
in love with you—l’ll bet my gold
tbiniblo on it. I was just thinking of
sohie the stories 1 have read, about
young ladies' mistaking handsome fel
lows for their brothers, etc.; and tho’t
wljat fun it would bo if you could only
manage to; mistake that gentleman for
yoirr brother Fred.” If,
1 was rca,dy f° r some fun in a mo
ment. ..
? }‘Tell you what I’ll do, Dora,” 1
broke out, eagerly. “Ypu'know I
haVh’t seen Fred since I went to school
three years ago-; and, of course,, he’s
changed,a good deal since then. Well,
if that’ literary gentleman with the
hrbwn oycs|(he is handsome, isn't ho,
Dora ?) should get off the at bur
depot, I'll wait I till he gets mixed up
with the crowd; tee him suddenly, as if
tor first time;.rush up ,to him in a
flutter ot delight,'hall him brother
Fred, and give him such another kiss
ing as he hasn’t had ..since he saw bis
sweetheart last."
if X were
Dbrtf,'3?farCaBtically.- “T
st«iafe u |
“DonMfedafo to, though ? Wait
and soo; 'I 1 i- 1
: v -» IJfi -.; » I* -1 ( !,,V V ,i • • ! - : i!
And' 80 I dtopped back’, into,.the 1
cushion and siionccj till ihc train stop
ped at’oup’atation. i ;
Dora gave mo a wickcd'look and:
whispered that she knew my courage
Would fail like jafor the gentleman
really geltiugjoff -■ i- i 1 !
' I wan not to be triumphed over,!]
though ; Bnd u sp,7as we stepped out on:
ti^e^ ; crowd,and’
with a ljttle bound, throw myself into
hls'amH drid'hissed ihim iiull in the
mouth, hysterically saying— i
'•‘Fred, my dearj dear brother ! hoW
arc you V } ' i■■ l i . - i ■-[■ . i : i
. I Icaugnt a .glimpse of! Dura—she
was in danger of going into coiivul4
sipns. .I. oxpected to hear the stiun
ger confusedly rfay tha.t there’* was
some mistake: but, to my surprisie,:
,I}o gage me a hearty embrace—kissed
me.two or throe times—staid lie w'ps
.well—that.l-had .grown u little, and
t inquired ? for my little irier((l|
.Dprrn—who, af| this time, was
ing the sympathies of a tie crowd, ta-i
they supposed she.wits.insane, judging
from hci frantic laughter. W
‘."Father and i mother arc expecting
you, Nellie, and arcso impatient tlibv
can scarcely wait to see you. I was
aii-aiS you woljldn’t know: me - ; but T
am really glad that I "my image lias hejetl
treasured up so care fill ly in my little
sister’s heart.’} • ' !
I was bewildered , beyond’ mcasmti.lofi
It ically was iFr.ed, then ; and I hiul: (,1 I
not known him. I felt slightly ridic- llt 'i
Jt- - i . ■ 1 '| ; • j
ulous, and while introducing Dorado*!
. ’ 1 ~- . . • i’i i |M
my brother, whispered to tier to jjoep fv
quiet in reference U> my -intended j ]>n<
trick. . I was 1 100 much confused dS-i; 01 <
■ t ; ■■ ’ 1 . . ‘ . ' ( I ’ i,.
thlukof inquiring how bcicumc lo.bts
\n cani without seoingime; so Ive i
aU'.Wont to.the)carriage that was wait;!
’ .- c: j . ■ r rj ' i !
waiting for its, amt rapidly drove
home; i”■ j ; 'i \\ |)
' I lidd hover 1 known Fred to bo so \
the lime, and K'sso.f
unnecessarily short interval-; but, tu'j
tell the Ir,i.itii, I had; never loved him ’j
half so_Twell b.ei'orc;-,-nov:Jr thongln! I
liini half so handsome. I
W e reached the 1 gate.. ilother kiss
ed me and cried over mo all at once ;
father, repeated it; and | finally', a
frank, hearty voice broke lout with—:;
own a!
‘•Hallo, sist aren't you goiijg to no
tice-your scapegrace of a brother at
all ; ' ’
And to. my astonishment. a hand- :
jsdmo fellow.l ind not seed before "UVC
•-' { ( I
line a ,go;n«iiit hug: and la kiss ihat
I you could ha’.lo heard across the yard. '■
.‘‘There is some mistake,'; I mui mur-,
Pedf ‘:Arc »/-)><! my broth ei Fred?
• .thought if: gentleman was, I'’ 1 '’ pointy:
ifihg to tin; handsome fellow I'liatTont- I '-
, braced at the depot. I !
1,, sis;are you going crazj : . "?rl
j Of course I’m your brother, and thalij
[follow. there is my college! chuiS, Aiy ! |
j chie who went half way up j|
j the line to incit you. What are you ij
Iblushibg'at, Noll ? There {wasn't any j
! thing wrongs 0 his goinjf after you.|:
was there? 1 didn’t hare {time to gO, ; i'
and let him take your picture with;j
him so that he would bo S.uro to'jknonj j
} you.-lie’s been playing off some of j
his.mad pranks, and been passing hi ni
sei fo If for mo I'll warrant.” £.
I looked at Archie Winters'beseech
ingly; and as they were all going into
the house I whispered : ' ; j
“For pity’s sakiv don’t speak of
that nfistakc. How could it ’nave
■ . f ■
happened?’’ -
“I overheard you in the cars garid
will'.keep your secret only
on one condition.” I
' lie whispered something to rho Unit
made my•iaee_]EUish,scarletj bull was
at his mercy, iji'bd said,! would think
of it. I did think f)V it, lender yarn],
to the"delight of tlie whuio
Dora and Fredj in Archie
and 1 wet*} married! in leas than two
months. ; And|i)ord said to mc ; as 1 I
bade her good-by, that it would give
unspeakable delight'to: Fred and her
self; if I would attend their wedding
in a month I’roiu then—and I did. p
| The beauty of; the sbul.ia faith. As
| ideal lovhnoSs s to the sculptor, faith
iis fad ho heart. Faith, rightly under
stood, extends ovoi; ; all the works pf
the Creator,! whom wo .can know
through -bcl|ief; it calm|
confidence in ourselves, and a sercn|'
sreposo as to our future; it is the moon
light that swaj s the tide's of the hn
| man sea.
- iv:-; 4 ';,-.- Husbands. .i
l j
hand m>th that’delicate and interesting*
0M : Ir "i • 0i :i ‘ ;; •• •' ’ 1 *lf #'-T? '-, i : • .*?’
1 age all,the way; 'forty, raid per* j
Uafis evtfn litter, are (generally suppos. j
;Cj2f ftcjtbb, mfiiq or lot)s; oh the look-iut !
.jorjgl husband. .Nice dresses and pret- i
tj- bonnets, music and_d,anciiig, and’
the polite accomplishments in socre ;
tics wbcVC those ur'o cultivated, and'*
yc(y imseb of what * is called - society,
f arq supposotj to Lave this object in 1
iTiawr.ii*.:. * : 1 i ■
j say how just this is; bull
the popular idea, i
Itmclieved that nine out of ton ot;
all|tmrriamed ladies would not -object s
tojj ijodd hatband. •: ■ |
I ijß tj’.o supply of good husbands is
no'l ctjttai to the demand. Cduse juent
r^'tiweii. have solne hundreds of thou-:
old maids—nuns who have
i-taHenl no-veils or vows, and who ,do
.not/: live fu cun vents j bulrwho are. none’
iho'de«S ; jiving in a slate: of ceiixmcy.
soin»i Ihi'dk this a dangerous add im
mahfl statex* We.; arc not of that
yjinkn. ! )v I .1.
; | 7’l IV suhiltis of Wi.n.eli ma!
CCiJjtbtivy cf . many•tKnccessftyv
'jihjvoj'fbiness of m<inds>\tke can*
number, * Wesoetjutusa
inyii around uji who»e nittmvil si
nnii f ve! f tu.ais. WoN;
cfiiice'ivo bow thij i'ever, Hi'vjubt
~wiOin ini .to Imvo-lbem. ITini-ili/
net's, careless .in jthoir
iii'fijipeanmctiaitiiid fillby in-tliyf
its; ini»w can.tjilcse iitcn be the l )]
bands of tender, delicate, lovin!
'men?! .Still sjif.'U mini do get ml
Wc read about them in the in
pci's. I Sometimes they are eontjl
ofiToir' bealiilgl bruising, or sti:
their: wives, (.Sometimes it is
i' divorce.- tint there a re; tbit
[sufii cases jb.ut lire never he;'
tiny a pn.inj, scnkilive* wonu)
l a bruiu ( l husband. .and the
ivcK knows it: .
1. n.til ttic
•titt'es is rai
1 supplied. i
iepiire for: I lie
jt their’ hoI)[
infinyine: in Inii
top nltieli t vj'eli
i'iajgej wbit-li ik)
indwOman. son
win'd qualities;
mun-lit forty e
tier girltioodM
ty ho fio not'lull
hopes of yohfli
a i rnari'iitge is:
I I - ' I ° I
scarcely snspei
. * I ' f " ... !
«;t. clifi
[•bsit'l nmn .ouO' (
jtliijj hope of i|
|TjjO_y|know b<>i
[society and ihi]
|worse they w.
land so' they
(bettor or wo’rs
lof charitv.
you /'.said
iu daren’t
!’? '"' ; Pani
j J?a jiilorcv,■ Vic'jor d iug In-the h
niyihology, xyas the firstS ls>m.a!
tudi. | She was toruied. ofalay. I
eii'n,- ah the ’ rcq'uest of Juiiitv
S(k>.li, IS endowed with t!
jiro lo’haVe vici! with tsxp!
18■ pres eivfing : 1.«• xv.ith gifts. ,
edivcll beauty aiel' (.he tin. of pleasing,
from■' V.fijils ; the power of daplivafing
I tbe'- (J raeles ;.',.\pol!o tang .it hop,
iVjnv- to sing, .Mtreui’y iusti uiUed her iii
isi'oquidafo;- axxdj Minerva endowjed her
ivith Ixvisdom. J lichee /he was called
Pandpya, from the .(Iroek wordp ]Hin]
i 1 arid dorm, gift,-signifying tiial she
x asvu'll-gitted;i Jupiter .finally pro-j
eiiUfti lier with "a .box ; li lied xxjilh ilxd,!
ttnned’aOle evils, xvhich she -dris ,Uo*’:
ireditu give, to.the man who nitiri ipd :
Jr. ; She was: then conducted by iler-.|
my.-to i’rcnuStlious. lie, susjiieious.j
J deceit, would not accept yhe pres- !
it ;\i)Uf his broiiict-,'Eptmolheus, less i
rudpht, married hex*. ’ lie having ac- j
ipled and opened; the box, tlijero j
xyd irdm it a multitude i)f evils sfiid.
: sa.s|ex's, whicli | speedily dis iersedh
'mselyes. all over the .earll , andi
Incyei'-sinee c,cased to alHict tiiap
lie x-hut.the box in’ haste agair
at all- was gone, j 'lldpualone, whid
ppitor%ai'd : cort.passionatcly u elpi?o\
1 hit) unhappy had not titpe tjj
: cape, and consequently remained as
to ope conso.Uit jpinol' wjrolch'od • inor
c Is. 'J Tliis has invert ripe, to the ex-j
passion, . boi.tom.”l
"• 'f- ; ' • • —^■ • i 'J
Mix ~u're for a Co unit da C’dld.—
ukoi-one toacupful of-iflaxsoqd and
■ink lit all night. : lii thy mornjmgv
ri in a kettle two quarts of vvUer, a
mdful Of, liquprieo root; split i: p, ( one
lartje'r of a pdund of raisins broke in
df. i Let all boil aintillthfi strength
thoroughly exhKusfojl; ' ilvl>
o Ihixschd'which; has h'ccn pfcvioiiid
isoakcd. Let ail 4>oil hall an -Hour
■jnibre, watching] and islirring that
0 ijnixUire may inot burn; Then
rain aiid add 'lemon juit-e and
Apple Jolly;—-Sj.fico’* jtvholo t
o’fes, parings and all,) ’cook
jith just water cnohghtb cover
1 reduced to a softl, pulp. Ta
rid and* juice of fduf lemons;
liVpulp*. (not - squeezing it m
ij>ing| oyer, it twice;) add' the h
icasiiro pint for pound iwliite s
iitjjboila half hour, ami tui
irma.- ■' i• ] Tj .
86T Smith, tti'o bizo** strop than
now in the 140th New York
wis badly •vouinled in the leg i t Get-'
ty-Bburg.' But bp tip# one nioitj
lift.’/1 , ,■' ’ ■ ' ■ ■ ■■'
’I 1 j; f J jL*.- ” . i
. A.-_gootLsu>vy w-. related .Gor";
inun KvhO| ith OhdJbwtbe,
hospitals nit wjiich. proves;;:'
conclusively dlmt. appre*■-
eiateHoodi lor
tho mind. A rebel,, lady visited the,
li os pi t,ul jono nioi.njegwith-a.ja,egro.
servant, iwho carried wlarge basket,.,
on his army covered- vfltb'-a white
.■linen cloth.. Siic.approached our Ger
man. friend ami accosted him thus; '
i rArovyo?i a good "Union mat.?” ,"I
i ish da t,” was the- laconic reply' of the*
; German, at the ,siuw lime casting »-■
i hopeful glance at the aforesaid basket.
[“ all I wanted to know,” re~
; plied the Jady, and. bocltbning ito the
) ncgroilo: follow, she, Chided; to 'the op
, posiiojsidc of the room,-where:a rebel ■■■■
j soldier lay, tyid asked; him the same
'question, to which he,.very promptly
| replied : “Not by a d—d sight,.'' The .
; lads - Uhorcupoli' niicovcrefij thd ba.Pkc.L
i and laid.: out a- bottle of wshoJ mincai.:.
; pies, pOun.d cake and other delicacies,
i winch'were greedily devoured :ju the:;
fyresendo of the Ur.lo.ij' soidieijs who:
i felt somewhat indignant. On the.fol--i
1 lowing morning, however, another i
;lady made-■ her.-'appearance with ‘a
a large covered basket and she also ms ;
1 costed our Union ,inan. “• 1 ishj by
rdam ; I in, care, what won got' a I base
I Union." 'J'i,e (.sei-men friend thought i
I that ilia truth availed ui this case, it
i it did not in the oilier. ■ lint imagine;
i the length id tne poor fellow; s face:
Pwlc.di the l.idv uncovered heryibaskct
■ahdoiprescnted bim-with annul' ft bush- ].,
ill hose.. Ho shook' hi.v iieajilltsjj,}eT-sf.
ly. .wo, | fully. 'tint! -aid. ‘-I no' read Jvrtglish ;
iin led.-i and. preside, dat repel on de- xu«l*rji
cv. si.a. i side oi de. abuse'need flerp so. more a,
illamcd ; mo.” '1 lie hulXdistnbulfd lliem and.;,
ibiiingj loft. ; . An.-. -.1 'ji; ip
a. s.u i1.. p, oi, ioi.g atblr wh-rds 'a!ongj-, ( .e.aJnej'i
i isaiidsp; anqtlaer .s-ighly-diie-'SedHaiil y. wjh'o pi't'-ljr
ard of.- i pouiidPd the sajiie • q?ics
iin die.- 1 our Uerman friend. lie stood sgazmg i
[world -at. the basket, apparently. ala poss.for i..
,i : a r.eplv. v Ac Iciygili he answered .her.- 1
pandiy • in i-Yaiikcilf sj vie. as. follows
p,t bet--. Liam. von (no-got m'e dis dime. Yaf
well tq.pyou gol ih?de basket?’'.- The: lad* re- '
| •> ilh-.• ipiped aji liincouivocai answer to Iter
i much . qiieslionyiand was about to move on‘.
iquenevdwhtdi our hcniiim friend shouted out;'■
j dhu'kp-'-Jl got tracts. I bese .Union phut ifi
il.jveLyi got mince ,pies, mil pound cake and i
jnt lift i vine, llbase. Sccesli Pike ttfc tuvlhl?’ • :
hH J v;,--Pi ... .
pis'e.-ob!-.' Micrslialfs jfcjajie.-'
,ie men - ,jij- virtue of a writ of venditioni'..esponaa-■
tOl the- i-issued mil of 1 lie Circuit Court of ilie Cm-
I ' ' | ted,States for. Ihc.
hiianr t ■yl v “ i V nd / toWdirec^^w^^xjp^diif
r r»r*l T- PU>4hc»joor<>£^BfrCu^toiay-14aui|fr v
ana thu. rity of Pitts^}ur ? , on^; Ml ‘ r
v such Thursday, 30th dajs’ofJulV, '63
* * '-at v o'ellick. P. M.. all the t.itfto,. tli’m,
, ai:4 uT Klilm »it* in ati;i .to ibu
follinvinj' v. !•» \v i f :; . all..
jtluil n - ;UT *►!' lami iuif ■*. i’i l»:> ? .».vn
>tt;i!y J'ffiti-ylvaiiia. bimf-.-l* 1 ! u‘i.
• the. eti*t of. Th*»niasOioi.Uur; , , i cii! tl:n
y out J i hy lan'V 6i* Wi! j ian\ .font*, ifr.s: by- 1
rHoiK-rt "Ftir.riiiu, U<>berl H,’:a’ , .vforcl null -Lluiliß
'l‘avitl?cn, uii’l on tj\ie noVrij by Jolin DaviilMiti,
; uii are Uut l‘olion - l 1 imi;■ ro\‘odnCi ll *. t o
I Wit: cidhiy cl^avei 1 and nuclei* icnce ;
\vivS frame Isouhc ...I'M-reon 'io, jby 40 tet-t v;irh
'Oui 1 eight t loot jp.-jrnit one ..frame barn -M h;.i
l|| c-'-al ba-tk:liousoi; nuulc ol‘ plink,
each I•> My-liO lee ? V'nui.l om* ImM nne-h.iil' t-:-i
- A-'cyal %nik. op.eiied the ve-a *.vi;a
nirlraail Ociuling fit*m ;?*'to Ihe'riv'.:*:
a bara uilibo boal uani: -Wyeia ibci.'V.'i;
eight. aii.l a K»g stabVc. :> al
so atf’oVcUarM oil rhe {irerttiao.-j. ,Tb; ; * i*f:.>*t .'■
■ hum!red an-j ’lifry niiiic vu-a* •:
os the
The. a
iruls of
s-t:uid,iinl of Idip
ticil, :iiid tlio miirkl
svumon will
Tliei’iC i.-i U)0
Isle; and. *>(' cbn^yi
vclops a'li i-’uaf is
nolimes c
of in on. ACau.y
ixcehds thd-pros
nit liow fe.v of tb
Vvhrv'.fdr short
v;- t :
\y om.Miju
rjiy,j that.; they.
of |n|re bendvo'.oi
making them ho
■'.v-imielL ..nee
.! uoiuie. an'i 1 how' 1
on Id without,
give] ibdmselves;
' j 11
1 111041-
■ liiaoh
11 )< for-
■, sadtuiees.oii th
I }:
;i! -I i elf
i v cirt-
i f v Vui!-i
. r.. I
She re-.
ie the
ich or
n into
asyicw - -a, a.:ii!ie^pi
• Maixidgcs: andiDeathsl s«ls*isjn#,-
and oilier Notices a
Mince ,Piea*vs*-Tracts.
more cr id??. • ]' * ;.. ■
Seized and taken in okccutlon ns'-tiie prop
erly. \ ; i JJliht; Evans ii* fab suit. of James' Fa r
tcrsoiv. ! \ •- x ; ' ,
• AIMCHIinCH', U. S. -Marshal 1
MirrfJfxti'/ fy.-V.v, ’DuisburgFa.
'Witnted, :
AT Bridgewater'GTass Works—Boxes] and
Burl?. I‘ariies havhig them in large, or
small cjimiititles for sale wiltJplease:leave,
.word at the Glass Works: Asa good, prieef will.
;* , 'be : gived cither delivered utihc works or ta->
] ken from there bv tire company. • ‘I
i / • VXICaoXS, TAYLOR &.
WANTED tof'Coiuract for the delivery of
Coal. at (»hiss Work*. for,
the year commencing dth July, or s . as soqn
thereafter • ri-s contract can jb'e I effected! fur
50 to I*l*': .Bushels, of. gwidj c-vd "rcrday.^—-■
Cash phitlwoekiv. j t —- f
- FAKSOX.S: TAVL.OIU’-: (fo.
JBSZT'Contract open (o Ist August, t^noj /
.JVrOTICL: in tbeOrphank' Court of t-ftc-Cloim
i-Ll tv of I'oaver. I’-i.—Hvlhr matter of the
; partition ol- tlio real estutclof Jesse Smith, <lc-
Writ of partui«»n- Valuation, I No" ,‘ll ,•
March Term, Ibbd,. to Susan Smith, widjw,
Jesse Smith,, M;#£raref £n.i(lv (wido4v:of Sam
uel Smith. dec’dyJohn 11. Smith, Isaac .lami,
?-on and Susan Jamison, his Wife, formerly- Su
san Smith, James Dawson .and Mary Ann. his
wife: formerly Alary Ann Smifh, Daniel Daw
son; Guardian of Louisa Bmhh, -a iaiinuf, and
all uthorsi heirs or legal representatives of
said. Jesse Smith, clccTd: . 'j.
You and each of yon are hereby n Y cifi;'d f iintl'
an iuquisith'u wiH be. held in purs ifucc of ihd -
above mentioned writ of partition .oh theipre- '
raises at Smith’s Kerry. Ohio township Ben
veijjeounty. on Friday the *JBth dayof August,.
at Id o’cincA: u. in.,ho m-lkd partuiurn of.
tin] veal estate of said Jossb '&pith, fN-bVasyd;
to and umoTig hi.** heirs hud legal ;i oprvsentft'-
tivc-,--if such partit ion cun be miide ihyyeof,
without prejudice, &(•.,; but if siibh pauSinm
cannot bo made thereof, Kc.. then t«\iaiuc'
andl appraise-the same-accordrnr: to la w, at
winch time and place you may;attend if youf
think proper: ■'■
’ ShcriiTs Ulllcci Keayic, July fb. IS : VL *
' ' r JOJIN UOUERTS- She diV
' " FAX:.LSTO3\T _
'i. ! ■ • -
•II I . ■’ !; .. ; 1
rjUIK onityrsipnod expects to command!,
thisitvcyk. t'!ir.|iiii, : ginning, Fulljng,
finishing intd .Dyeing; itl'O to .ImnnuVucfijr.e'
,Flannel,..-Clotli, : Cnssiinore.v. Satinet.s and
Blankets, at toy old place in t'allstonl For
wear tend durability', I can v.'orrjin-t the £c i-d»
manufactured util to be purposed. For L t(ie
ucconimoidalioa of those oil'd fie coat aidb of
tie Beavetj, Wool, etc., ban bcleft tit my house
in Pulaski totyusliip, or John H O'iyk inaon’a
stoic in Nc'! Brighton.'! I
' .jrlT.dit ■ ■ : £..f EPU’M. 3MJTH,
I r,