■I -The French in tHk Mexican Cap-' The French/army, under Gen. Forey, in I;l^'n K possession of the citr of Mexico, appears' to have been well received by the inhabitants of! ■he Capital- Tlicst reels were strewn with flowers; Te Beam was chanted in the cathedral; and illuminations ■»nd 6re-works testified, tlio joy of'the on the arrival of their conquer -oli\ Ihe French official accounts .'sneak of the “dclirum of the people, „| lc) threw tpemseves biforc Forey aiiil his stairf” These ncer.unbt are decidedly Frenehy. One is reluctant to believe that a people can become sb "degraded anil abject as the Mexicans nre* here represented to be, in lulling in Ihe very dirt at the feet of their tonqucrois! i^_ The Now York Tribune gives it to its deliberate cpnvipticm that sympa-, lingers with the rebellion have for months plotted jto bring .about a rev elution at the /North, wliiclk. should j.lacir the whole -tier pf free ,Im>i dcring on tlio slave, regiondn alli h,!, c with and practical:subordination lo the rebel conspiracy, and adds: Had Meade been defeated at Gettys oh—as the Copperheads believed, they would have beeiiiready to raise the flai;'' of rebellion ,’and proclaim M CUdlim the head pf a Provisional Government. . ■_»" : Mu- Ltisu has ht'lea-st for a “limf" (mm the 'id'iipin.ii'P 11,0 Star: Who. Uikcß his place doca not yol- appear. Beaver Markets 1 . eonnrcTEii wbkklv. for Tim “akgcs.” Flour per bbV. ; do “ u>si..- : lined Apple* per bushel. ir do “ ‘ • ; -4wheai \ r ‘v ■;; • ( 'dVrn ; * r - “ * uye . ;; • • ’Harley 1 . "i’lover Seed,, 7 , »r?i<»ffir •" , '<*ed t . ** KM x Seed, ** 'Beans, _ I’otalijCTt flnioris,; jWn >1 trill, - Hotter, “ dozen lb Hams. . ..ShnuMtTS, Sid Cs. Tallhiv, bn riC ‘Gandies, EMI Soap, ’ j “ ’Molasses, *f. Gallon Tarbon Uil. j * f ■ A' JOIINIV Proposing -certain Ame ndments ■ as*" t» TiiK . <’<>S' T I r r'l T TIO TNT it resolved be the Senate and llou4c of Represent at I vcp*of th« (/ommonweabh of| VtinnylT*nta in General Assembly met,, That i tij«* flowing be proposed / •»p*n(ution of (he Commonwealth. in aceTird (be provisions of the tenth article thereof : \ . L . •Thefre shall be an'additional section to Ibc third article of, thrTConstitution. to be desig nated hh section four, as follows: See. ,4. Whenever any of the oualifijed elec tors of this -.Gomtaon wealth shall be,jin any actual military service, under a 'ie«|ul*iti«>u from the President of the Gutted-' Slates, or by the authority of this I'ltnimfmwivilUi. such ideetors may exercise; the right of suffrage in nil elections by' the citizens, under Mich regt. illations a*, are,.or ahull he, prescribed.hy lavr. nti fully ns if I,hey were presenfkl their usual elect tori. . * There 1 shall be Awo additional Sections to the eleventh articleof (Ue f’onsfitution,.to he designated as sect ions 'eight and nine, as fol lows:. ' See. B- >»•* IblVshall be passed by-the .Leg islature,! mnf niuiiip more than; one .subject-, which. shall !*• rlearly expressed" in the .title, except irppmpriafion bills. * N«i bill m1i3.11 be passed; bydbc Leg islature granting nny, powers, or privileges, in u«t ca-ie. uliore the authority In grant .such |«*tver-. nr p’vileges. ha <• been, or nt-ay here «lrrr ho, upon the .courts,, pf this . h. JOHN CESSNA. : Speaker .of the- Keprosontattves. JOHN P. i'KNNKV, i Speaker ul the Senate * ' Oriir,' of the iStv';/ of llt i- i.'ummnmri''i!tli II.MMMMII I’.i:. July 1, I .‘'•l-J. I’ENNSVI.VAMA,, SS: .1 do hereby certify that i the foregoing,annexed is, true and correct ! c»-py of die original joint Resolution of the General ft.;* s.] Assembly, entitled •* A join! Resolution proposing certain amendments to , tye Constitution/.-’ as the . ' satfie remains on file in this office. * . In Testimony . whereof,. I. " have hereunto set my hand, anjl caused the real, of the Secretary's office to be ’ affixed,’ - , the day and year above written; • * KM SUPER. Sec*v of the Commonwealth. JlUß.'l State Normal School. < KDISKOBO. ERIE CO.. I’A. THE buildings are new, peal And coipren ient; go<*d Libranck. Ueadiug Uoomj and Apparatus; Instruction thorough and practi cal. • Tuition per term of fourteen'weeks. $4,00; Board/SILISS per week; $30,50 pays the whole term's expense; including (he use,.of lest booh*. | - The Fall terra opens,- August IS,' X?C3. Send ferlf iretilar. ' ■ . J. A. COOPER, A. M/, Principal. Sligo KXKCUTOUS WHEREAS letters testamentary on the estate ofAj.EKM.PKR tiuen, late of Jtonksiown, Jiearer countr. dec‘d. : haring Been, granted to the undersigned, all personal indented to said eadate arc requested to make immediate payment, and there haring claims against, (he some will present then properly authenticated for' settlement. - - ’ B. Aj MOOS. Exeeo'e. A aTUTXTS OTICE. LETTERS of administrate on harm* .been granted to the undersigned, residing in Economy township, Bearer county, on the estate of James Logan, tale of said township and eounfy, dee'd, all persons indebted to said estE, e are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and those haring claims against the same will present - them for settlement I with out delay. r BALUE LOGAN, Adtk’x. - . - , r j . /"CONSCRIPTION ACT.—The O. 8. Con seripf ion law, or National Militia Act of s*w, official and cothplete, in pamphlet form. Alw information embracing the only honora ®t«.arid lawful; way of escaping the coming rail, hot If sent (porf-paid) i to. one address receipt of $1,(10 by the Agent. «, W. HARPER. 1334, Pittsburg, Pg. NOTICE in the Orphans’ Court of the Coun ty of Bearer, pa,, in the nuvtlcr-nf,Uie, t partition of the rcaleslatp of-Jcsac Smith,dc- i ceased. ' /’ - ’! Writ of partition or valuation," No. 31, 1 March Term, 1803; to, Susan Smith, widaw, Jesse Smith, Margaret Smith ( widow of Sam uel Smith, dec’d) John B.’Smith, Isaac Jdmi son and Susan Jamison, his wife,dormerly Sn- , Ban Smith, James Dawson and Mury Ann, his ■wife, formerly] Mary%Ann Smith, Daniel Daw. son, Guardianjof Louisa Smith, a minor, and ; ail others, heirs or legal.representatives of; said Jesse Smith, dec'll. - i- . _ ' ■ You and each of you lire licfchy notified that ; an inquisition will he held in purßUauceof the above mentioned writ of partition On the pre- . raises st Smith’s Ferry, Ohio township, ver county, on: Friday the 38thday of August,,; 1803, at 10 o'clook.ia. m.. lo moke partition of the real’estate of said Jesse Smith, deceased, to arid, among his heirs and legal represents-, tires, if suejh 1 /partition can be made, thereof, without prejudice, &c., but if such partition: cannot be inode thereof, &p„ then .to.value arid appraise the same according to law, at; which time ijnd place you may. attend if you ' (Aink properj-i Sheriff's Office, Bearer, July *.19, 1803. ' - „ . - j . JOHN IIOBEUTS, Sheriff. N" OTICETiTthc; Orphans Court of Bearer County, Pa., in Ihe mailer of the parti- ; tionnf the real estate of Geo. A. Hunter, de- ; ceased. * „,i • .. . I \Wri! of partition or valnalion,->o.J»>, Maren • Tfehn 1803, 1-0 Robert Hunter, Enoch Potter ! and Alary Potter, U» wife, formerly Mary Hunter,\Loui*a Seroggs. formerly Umxa Hunter. Jonah Hasson and Minerva Hasscn.hts wife, formcriK Minerva llnplcr, Milo Brad »b'aw, and Jane nradshaw, his wjfo. formerly Jane Hunter, Isaac'.Shauo and Frances Shane, his wife, formerly Frances Hunter, and all others, heirs.land legal rit'presciilalivcs.ofsaid George A. Uiinter, . You and each of you arc hereby notified; that an inquisition will he held ru pursuance j of the aboveJ mentioned writ of, partition, :il j the premises' described in said writ, si It uit c in , Ohio township, Hcayeri coimly, adjoining j i lands of Kobcrt Hunter, Andrew \Vallerson>J [Mary A. Kuhn, Isaac Shane, :ind_Tlios. llnn- j ! ter, on Tuesday tlic "doth day.nf August, IWo, ! ! at iß.ieelnc.k; a. ni., to make partition of the I aforesaid "real est.itfc to and among Ihe heirs,' vc.. of sail! dec’d, if sucli partition: can.-he,! made withnnt'injnry, ,kc., butif such parti tion cannot be made thereof. &c„ then to, value aiid'appraisethe same - . Hecording to law,' at which time and place yon may atlcndif you', think proper. ,SV tid . 1 50.; . o 50 1 50 - 00 ~! 00 50 JOHN ROBERTS, Sheriff. Sheriff 1 * Office, Beaver, Jffly 28, IPWI. ■ A DM IN STJi ATO li’S NOT IDE. LETTKBS of iilmiuislntlion upon'.l he es tate of Wiluam Tokkkxce laic of Hano ver Iwp., lieaver county; l‘a.. eaver. town ship, IVaverTVnnty I'ennsylvania. bounded on the east by lands of Thomas McClure, on the south by| lands of William .lonys, west by Hubert Stinson,* Uoberl.‘Crawford' and .bjm IbmdsonJ and mi the north by John l»avidson. on which arc the following improvements, to wit ; eighty acre's clcafed and under fence ; fine frame house thereon liO by *lO feet wath jan eight feet porch ; one frame barn Id ;by, ■tit) feel; 11 coal hank houses Unade of plank, each Iti by l*dj feet and one and one-half sto ries high ; a coal bank hpened thereon with railroad leading from it to tlfc river; also n a ham at. (he coal hank lit) by Id (Vet with an eight feet.sited ahd a b»g stable. There is al so an orchard on the premises. The tract contains one hundred and fifty nine acres fliore or less. ... Seized and-taken in execution as the prop erty of Kliiiit Evans at the suit of Jdmes Pat terson. : ' i I A 'MURDOCH, U. S. Marshal. .V«r«A»/i!V f>y7r»% Pittsburgh'P.i. ' , 'W anted, AT Rridgcwat.er Glass Works—Uoxes* and Paris. .Parties having litem in large or small tjnanlities, for sale will please leave word at the Glass Works ; as a good price wilt, be gived either delivered at the works or ln-> keu from there by th'c-'eompany. , PARSONS, TAYLOR & Co. WANTED to Contract for the delivery of Coal. at ijridgewater Glass Works, for the year commencing fith "July, or as soon thereafter as contract can he effected for '>o to 100. Rushcls of good coal perday.—; Cash paid weekly. PARSONS, TAYLOR & Co. to Ist August. IW3. <3O. ; l one hundred per cent, on nil goods; sold by onr Agents or we will pay wages of from $3O. to $lOO per month and pay aM ne-; cessary expenses. For particulars address; with stamp, * [ ■ m I I rifAS. BOGGLES, Gen. Ag’f, ; For th;« Adams Manufacturing Co.. Drtriut,: Michigan. . July 2, lHfi2. j Wx. Miller, V1ii1. ...C. W Ricketsok, Piitsb’g I MILLER & RICKKTSOiV, WHOLESAL INGERS, OTICB. i'nißxfiUßAT CA ÜBiroil Hn man Misery . Jute Published in a SealedEnrtlupf, Price H els; * * LECTURE BY Da. CDLVEKWELL, ON THE,CAUSE ANDCDUEof Sponna (orrheea, Consumption, Mental and Physical Debility, Nervousness, Epilepsy; Impaired Nu trition of the Body> Lassitude; Weakness of the Limbs and the lt( inn, and Incapacity for study t Ilncss of Loss'ol srsion to Society; Love’ of So' y; Self- Distrust; Dirtiness; ! iclions of the Eyes; Dimples bn roftintary Emissions, and Sexual ac Conse quences of youthful li &c., admirable y| proves that the above chtimci ■afflicted evils, may l>c removed cine and IV KW J - without Dangerous surgical operations, and SiLLVBRY m MANTLA-M iM ioitmpmt Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain i ESf AbLlSn.u,r wooimti r NEW FIRM. WOODRUFF & I|RONS. undersigned have-entered into 'art lj. nersliip. »ml will carry .on.ftlie nitride business in nil its various branches, such as headstones, -tombs. monuments. furniture work. etc. All work June with neatness and tlispa ch.astliebestof workmen wUI be cirt|»l«y td.l All kinds of product' taken in exchange ftiriwork. Please give us a call before 'pur chasing elsewhere. < . WOOIHUFF & IKONS.-’ July 1, ’tid. - Uridgcwalcr, Pa. REVENUE STAMPS; VKUY (JURAT I NOON VENIKNOE HAV inc been cxpericncc'l in this imnnjilintc vicinity, for fin* \v:»nt up:i 'lpi»'*«it«ry b’t; Uev- CTiue Stnmp>*. *hr un«lc purposes,j liom nr.'l nficr tin; *J*-M iusl., I*» keep mi h:in*l k Hip ply of the ilill'crenl- fr; Finishing and l>vcinp: alw In manufacture Flannel, Chilli.’ i[assiuiercs.fSalmell!j and Ulnnlieia. at m|y old place in Fallst-mi.; For wear and durability ! can warrant. I lie ,goods iiiaiiirfaelurcd lint f'l he aiirpaased. f v’r the accommodation of those oil I lie east s)dc of 1 tie Heaver. Wool* etc.. cnn.helelt at niyjhonsc in I’nlM.-ki township.' or John Jlodgkiiison’s store in New lliiglitoii. I i JeJ7d>:t ' j El’U'XI. SMITH. c. r.jcrnMiNs, m. n. C. I*. Cummins Ar Son. OKFKII (licir professional services 1 as I’liy isicians anil Siirjprons-. lo 1 lie t'iiiirns of Heavier mill vicinity. ■ They can.; always lie found, when not professioiily engaged, at I lie Drugstore of C. V. Cummine, M. 1). Dec-W j ' i ; A f>M INISTK ATOU'S .NOTICIS. LETTER.S of administration onthe estate of U.vvtn Dsvki:, late'of Hanover tp, -Ikm rercb., dec’d, having been granted to the un- Jcrigned, all persons lii'iobte.a. *. Arrives al.rUtsburgh; i 0:10 a. m. j*. m. “ , “ ,3iol'. M. O:»0 v. u. ; . M 1 8:03 r. M. OolVh West— Train* trarr Villehtirab n* fnlloll'* 0:(iO-A. M- Allivcsill TV: VCT.... 12:10p.m. ' llvrfifslvr.. ,J. )!. TI MMINS, M. P. JpIATUKK a n i;w mayO ** • Y r. >l. .1. N, Mci'CVLOI'GH, Vicst, I'. U. MVKKS. Grn\ Tctft Aijrni. IMTTSISUKO, FT. R. u. ;>:MJ r. m Rochester Statioi4r}4(<'f>i.\(i East. Leaves nochjestor * Avr. at Tilt:*. Ist Hripirn Afcoin.* s:ltt a!: M 7:(Mt A. m. 2«1“ llngh'n •• t*.:4r* j(. 8: J 5 a. m. :M Urigh'n 3:0. r > p. k..... r. m. Mail, • . «*»:2a ij. 5i...... 7:t*»V r. m. Ist Hxprov?», ' *1:20 a. >! 2:25 a. h. ‘Jil Kxpress 2:MO p. m...... ,J»:05 p. w. t’incm'ti Ks|». ; ti:.ls r. m...... 7:50 r. m. V’kst;— Leaves Tilts. i An*, at' llocbcslcr. (VostlillC Aeeoiu. j ‘.I; 00 A. m l'0:2o A. M. Ist ISrigb'itAccoin. a m...... !:■'•- a. m. 2d Ilrigb’n ** 11 £5,. i*. m t»:M m, 3.1 •• i*. Mr..:.. 8:00 i*. m. Mnil. . ‘ : 7;00 a. m....... S:2o* x. t M.. Ist Kxjim, r-.1111-A. M...'...' -J: Ml A. jl' •_M Express, ( * I - .': 11l r. m I:• l! ► i’. M. _ MIC. r.UADLKV. Sipl.J I’- 1M 1 IVotieo I a hereby givcn'l.liat I have.been appointed as Surgeon by the Tension Department, to examine wounded ahou the discharge of my duties. : i ' UEoUUE McCOOK, M. D ? Oct.ls —d(.. Examining Str-geon. 1 : “ Thu Howe Sewing Machine,” , soi,t»;iiy i A. 31. JI’ORECOU. > COKNER PENN & ST. f,'l. A 111 STS., i ■; ' ■ imttsi’.uuo, v ■ NEEDS ONLY TO DE SEEN TO REAP-, | : I’ilECl VTED. i ri»j|22-j|Ciiij ""TominisTitatoij’s no r|rci|, 1 LETTERS of administration -on (he; esltatc of Nan j CniKWKtu laic of lp'k*pyiid encc tp, f Beaver co., deed, having 1 cjtu grant ed to the undersigned. all persons iiniehlod to said estate arc Vc«im*fted’ 10 iimlic. immediate payment, and those having claims a ra ; ipsl|said estate them to tlie subscriber properly authenticated f*»r scltlcmeiti [ DAVJD ALEXANDEK.ludcpehduiee tp. - mySW’li:;. ’ ■ ■ ‘ Ainniaistr^Llor, j^-isTEW ; AND BEAUTIFUL EDIT ' OK Til K [, MISTAKES OF EDUCATED JOHN S. 11AUT, Jib price 50 cents :i pa lers, !is'8... . ■ IMPORTANT TO ITMAL&S. DR.CHEESEMAN’S PIE T S The combination of j ingredient a in these* Fills are the result of * long mill extensive j.ncticc. They arc mild iniheir operation, and certain in cbnrccliiig 01l irregularitie», rmhfid menstruations '.removing all obstruc tions, whether from cold oriotherwisc!, head ache, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, whiles,jnlll nervous affections, fatigue, by si cr pain in the back and limbs, etc., disturbed -sleep, which arise froin'interniplioii of nature. Dr Cheeseman’s Pills was the commencement of a new erainfth© treatment of those irregularities n id obstruc*. tions'which have consigned so many to a pbb matithe oitAVE. < No female ;can ;rijiiy goffd j hosrliU unices sh'ij is regular, and when ever-an j obstruction taked placeihc jcncra! health be j gins to decline. , * Dr. CJJieescman’s Pill s re the most effectual remedy known for all complaints peculiar lu Females. To all" class **cs they arc invaluable, indurin>j, with certain ty* p'-rvnlirol rfyutarijr/. They arc known to j thousands, who have Used >fhcm at different ■ periods, throiiglionf | the country, listing the j sanction o| some of| thie■ oibiiiciit Physic j j cians in America, j : J' UTS, Woolh. n PlanW? •• :j m, Hollies and els, Public In- : aown.” ran Faintly. * 4 ( les to j • ■gc citics.j, I id Retailers. r j jletsimilalions. 1 i lino in on each poubuy, r R. OOBTAU, ► roadway, I & Son,.J ■ ail Agents, ' Pcaver. iP*.. ! h'x/o to 00 Pi! tent hi/ vhttf-y l*y rem :*lic liroprictor.- I>r‘; Smith of/ISrhl ■sole ajjen! for this County! ' THE SIIIMH’S THE f y -’ j ’ ALWAYS READY HOLLOWAY’S 01NTW T-. j * ... - ONG marches, sore ami stiff join! j ed and inflamed feet* all these t must VnVlurc, MOTHEIES, RKMEMU! whcnjyuur sons are 'grasping their i, meet (danger. t what relief a p AI.L DEALING & COOLING Salvet • to the one love when fsir away fi and fi iemls. \lt harden* and makes feel so that cmlmc great fa soothes and relieves the inflamed am losing them supple, strong t • while for .SAIIKE CUTS AM) GUNSHOT WOUNDS at stands unequalled, removing and preventing I 1 every)’vestige of inflammation andij gently l drawing the edges together, it quickly and* coinfdeiely heals the most fright I y wotinds. WIVES AND SISTERS OF ol*U VOLUN { ' j TEKKS •' ■| •' ( ‘ Vo cannot-.put into ilie Kiiapsacksf of your Husbands and Druthers, a more valuable. or •more necessary gift than' a snpply'bf jthis KXTRAOKDINA UY' . Th 4 lomly seniry walking Ills '.rounds- at night) exposed to J drenching train* -‘and : chill nightjair, is often seized the inosl VKtEHNT fAIXS, COUGHS ami SUKEOCATIKci ill' \ KSNKISS. first symptoms of QKK'K t’OS SI'MI’TKIN, Iml if supplied. wii.Vijflloi.LO WAVUS P}U,S and IKHH.OWVYtS OINT- M EST< all danger is averted, a fefv Pill'*, I alien night]and morning, and the ointment “briskly ruhhgd twice a d«yj>vcr the throat and clitst* >■lll-remove the SEVEREST IMlNS'nnd ship the ido&t distressing or DAN'GEKOUStCOUIiif Thcforc we sav to the whole armyji f SOLDIERS ATTENTION 1 !! Sec to ymir own health, do not (rust lo the Army supplies although most valuable. These I’lLLSjand OINTMENT have beer thoroughly tested, they are the only remedies used in. the European Camps ami Darraoks, for over forty Doctor Holloway lias supp led ; all * lie armies In an.d during the CRIMEAN l.\ RUUEAv DVSENTKRV. S(’l T ll VV. SORES ami all/Vi fxin pear t likn a charm before these I'II.US AND OINTMENT,, and novi*. while ti e Cry rings\ throughout Ihe land, i TO ARMS ! TO ARM |)ii iml lef these brave men p< cascJ place in their hands ilicm R HaCeDIES,.- that will enable Ui the dangerous exposures,, the Chijls, and the Wounds which avoid, ami what is cannot. I succor in the moment of need, w Ipavi? men have only to put, 1 hoi (heir Knapsacks and find there ft for all the casualties of the ha til many thousands of lives Would ll who (Would otherwise perish befoi he obtained lI.XKSIIAI.U Marlilc Works. .T: t<> X. m 2:00 i*. M C'IUTIOX rNone are gtj tin* Words diir lyrk ■arc ijiseerhatdc as a w:il crinaik i j of lljc hook of directions around l.ox ;i (.hematite may he plainly set fftt' lAnf to the Ihjhf, . A,, Imndsmm, bo given to any one rendering si (ion ns may lead lo lire detection] or parties coiintcrfcit ing Iho med!; inp the same,' kiiowinp them to' t • Sold at the Maniil'acUa-y Holloway,-hi) .Maiden I.ane, Nr jby all respectable Hriipgisls at i Medicines, throughout! the eivilit jibov’is »t 25 cents, t;2 cents and % Skjsj" There is considerable sav the larger siz.es. r ,| ’ N.| I!.—Directions for the gun ients in every disordecarcaoixe* ‘ il|tv7. c . j' • HEAVER DRUR 6pcncd in the Room for copied by the late Dr 'rpjip Subscriber Krtvinp: pure) J. •ftabliHlmicnt • will' ctulcuvor' MafiJly on hand allj articled Drug Si tire.'*. , 1 ' lining a I’liysician finLJ*-< HTEEE PEN>>, 1I|A1K; iSIiI'HIIES.TO(Vni HIiUSIEEW,* TOBACCO, SEfiAKS,j IiRT TEP, NOTH, A FOOLS CAP PAPKE. MEX. . -kV cov will price, in Jhcr, 'a, r«. Carbon ' Oil Lamps ami Chimneys. These itTCrii fety of the ayliclc y! and only » few always nil hali'l- Call am I M‘C. i . f fie will try. I>y close allonl)! ut ntul ;,fair •rtcalloß, to give Satisfaction lo;al| wlio'iuayf fswb'r him wilh.lheif custom. ■ , -I • ,1 j C. I*. CUMMINS, M, I>. altcnliou ‘will he pai|l putting up riiysicinns pri’sirvpi'"OS; , v[:i«g-7 attorney (IPIUTRIVT, '• ■i 1 , 11EAVKK. : .. IFI in*l t'mut i - 0 , A jLb ctauna igUiuji tit for ./V hac k |»« v. bounty and .i* unions* prote collectioh i TTith the ; pos»iMe de llv . 1 ‘ - it-. dec3 «i V*j , . hi v pa . B THE 163 i ;icr. '( K R. H. HUTCHINGS, IVoprj 2D Cod.ir New The BxitjU .Cl War of F.\ 1 jjad alls / 7%f Witr kax ijftrffun! A • Xtei against Bftd Tfcth -i ly)r<«f/A, \J>t*awd (Juris 1 Enrarhef t ; r I T*-. *“*“ c “r , r ■! j OUHARTIJLLEKViB l: TV DR. WM. R. HURD’i? Dt NTALTREASURY I a roiipi.KTfe sETjor itEMteliij:* ro.a PUESERVINC tin: TEETH; Purifying the Breath utiil~ Jtloufh i'• : 1 " ■ " uring Toothache and Neuralgia. ■ (X)NTKNTS, Or. Hurd’s CrhbVated MOV Til WASH, one] bottlft 'j ' 1 |•: - '( Or? Hurd's j L’ntqnaVrd TOOTH TOO I) Ell, OU* hot.. I j % r I I>r. 7jT«rnruricks, ftc., : rtei ■ . - •’ iTepsirial «t Dr. Kurd's Dental; Office, 77 Fourth |si., ifi onklvn. n7 Hi:/; 7 Scut :!nnr*,MOVTtl WAS He. TOOTH in> \V |M.| TOOTH ACUK HHOPS c:inn l ot he y mail; hulll'l hoy can rnohuhlv he .ch in* ymif Orng or Stori'j*. If 'Cniinoi,- sjoml -7o uh for !:he PKNTAIj V»i;kv| Trice, l Onb Dollau, which c«ui hen». .* i - , - NOW, tiiilu-'U llicv J Ttsk.i! tain." I tI!E. I UR, HURD'S I’RETOtTlim COlfD Thcl>VsUevh j b‘iieeS' Hint 1 hoy arc is,. l.liHi-.1 heir firmest friends and best patrons arc those who have i scd them longest. Or- IlW*. J>. Jiunlis' mi en iuent Mcntisf of. Urooklyn, Treasurer, of the N\W York Stale Dentists’ Association, andj these preparations have been .used in bis pri vate j>ram ice lor years, and no lending citizen of Dvtokiyn or ‘Williamsburg - d to £c, ux 'w n'.n. testify from ■ fbrir t(OTH POWDKIv so good that I family havl* used it .till up. yVe find hrst \j>v'Cr thi /< »7/t «v hnn* ei't'r. fdiall feci obliged; .if y«»W.wi!l send nio another sup jdy at the Museum at four coitvcnicnc f iv.\vilh bin.";- i'-: v -!lul llieir tost is* so small lliai cvcry.oucnuiy ; lest the matter for hims'ellV i/. ; . ,• r*ou',ue/d* thcordinar)* Tooth IdhvdcV?: I>r.- Hurd's i’ooih Poodcr ct>at;»lns no acids, nor alkali. nor charcoal,utiid withuiU wearing the. enamel. IXse no'other. . iwn.vr wiht. i>kt nuaus, jiuMEiuns ■. ; r- ■ KFFFh’T? . • \\:l ){ • ;■ “• l>rj HurdV Month' Waslr.and Jooth. Powder will give young ladies that tines! charm in woj inan-i-a S\vt!et hrcaih anil pearly i|eeth. Try. tjieiii, l latte;f, * ' r £I ! Ihv Hurd s Moulh Wash aml_Toot!i Powder, will cleans * ihelinoiith frontal! foul Vxhals ' lion.s'and I ’ used* in the morning,. will matcc i|he breakfast l:istc sweeter ami llic ilay begin TimreJ pleasantly. Hundreds of persona cAn! testily to this. Try them, gentlemen. < | ; - .Hr; Hmd’s Mbiit lt4Vasli and Tooth Powder a re t he t lie mil he lor curing had’i/rutth ami glving ; Hirmness land health to thc\ja»ms.' -Hundreds a*f cases of A7o'//m/ Sore Canker, ‘ el’C., have been cured by Or. Hurd’s, astring ent \vas)t. 4 " Dr. Hurd's Mduth.Wash and Tooth, potvder pivc an addiliomi! '“cliarnt. to courtships and' majie husbands mpre agrc’cablc wives and wivesjo.thoir husbands. Thfey should be itseil by every person having S t, , • v .1 A.* TJ hiCIAI. T il K T //, * t!ish lyf* dis- i‘Ui:cfors- Ull 1 ; (O Kfcvert', I lie they. cannot ly j;et icrcns if our. tm*c remedy L“j ticM. IV'-'\v iisi. I'C ■ c. relief could Mi--- f - ijmifte unto;*** ijud id overj l£af tnck pofL or on i>«y hnWintf i [reward , jviH .iilcli inforimi jdf nay pajrly !cinc« or he s(iiir»oiiB, : Vl;; ri of|‘.4sor 1 w [Yorks 11 ml 4,1 UcJileis in siidjiworUl, in •1 c.vh. r -which are Uahlclo impail the mouth * Dr. Hurd’s Toothache Droops cure Toothn • ache arisitig from exposed nerves; and arc,tJlc| friends that parents can Uayein fhehousoj' to save their children from tort ure and them-' selves frbyi loss of sleep and sympathetic suf cring.' *•! ; ‘ i Farmers ami mechanics! you cannot well af ford to neglect .your teeth. Fora trifling snine you can now pet preservatives; .than which*! llothsuhild nr Astoi* can gel' nothing shelter, nohjetnber that and of Me Ana//* often originate in neglect off Teeth. Send for ilic T rotti** an TV/M, aiid read •Dr , Fitch’s observations on this subject.: If too late to arrest decay in your owin' teeth, save your children's teeth. ,£• ; : • ’• ng! by Inking dati'co ofj p:l i t o'each box. * Kurd's Neuralgia Nou : .\dhesivc Plasters arc flic most pleasant and successful remedies ever pr'escri-, ed lor tliis painful disease.’ . TLfc patient ap plies one. soon becomes'drowsy, Jails asleejp, and awakes tree from paird and* no blister or nlher unpleasant or injuriouscdifscqucncci* en sue. .For fymtche and X*rro>u //Vf/doeA*, vap ply according indirections. ahd : relief will Mncly follow. Nothing can ho obtained equal to Dr. Hurd's Compress fur = Try them* They are rriiirely a novel, curious and .original preparation, noil wonderfully shccess ;(Hl. They : arc of 1 wo sizes, om>j small, for' the fare. Jpriec cents, and 'Hie other large, for applfeitiou lo Hie hody,_prictv m7?cc;ils. \H7/Z be mriUt if on »vmtl onr 7/r/n/>. -- »y/.ir ARE ft IF. J'KOj’/t'f.'fHt'lXH? The American people are intelligent enough to appivciale preparations that contribute so much to happiness of thosy using Ihcrn. and they went 'lhem. : Kvory mail letters, so’me ordering the Treatise on Teeth, fomedhc Neu ralgia Plasters, and not a few enclosingS7els. for the Mmitb Wasjh, to he'sent hy mail ; Iml lb we arc cutt\pelhd to' reply’ that it is impossible to send a half-pint bottle by mad. The people want these, Ivcmcdics. \ Who tcill supply fhrm? X ' j | ! Stork. merly Op- Minis. lifiwoil the Eh-; to jkceji con ;illy louiid in Now is the I i, ..HAN.CE.FvK AGtj.VTtj . s Shrewd agents can make a small fitritme. io carrying these articles aroimdlQ tamilies. The Dental treasury itMhc ncatcst’urticlc that * man or woman c*an carry niVurptV Send lot one and see. or, heller, a dozen, which\vt ns samples. far $7. Agents (Supplied liberally with circulars: ffsiSr ib f s he,time to to go into the business, lodbgood. »nd make a profit. We are spending thousands lor I he. i benefit ol agents. New Kugland tuen or’ wo men! here is something.'nice, and a chance lui take the tide at itb flOodJ Address, . V ' mm; B. &CO, | l - * 'Tribune Builflinfs, New York; Thui is»y l»s nindo -wih ennh- W . B, H. & C*o.. refer to (he I Major'id Brooklyn ; to G. TT'f»i#ht Far|ii> Crs’andi Virens Hank, l^oi.klyh, to; by, -Ctfe,. *<• .! Nejy* V«‘rk; to I’. I barnum, , Now ioil,etc,, etc. i i LAW, DEE ! ■ •’v'N a'kd IH/TB, JiCJtp, r CO., I Tril> une JJuUtlittff vi «* 1 'orkl . V'. •: MARRIAGE ITS Iotc? nnd liptc*: •orrowa and) angJ 'lmj»es intd tVac?, anH IffHH). how.lost* how the nali rrikht*al cmie or/pcnimal weakness": involuntary thnsgi' sesMpV debility nhfl impediment*' to -iuar generally; eopsuinpfiuii, fils, , mental ami physical i'rt edacity/resul t! ngf "Om , SKI,K.\ lil'SK—arc. fujly explained ’ inti the M.VIUUAfiK OUlltK.ihy JFM. YOUNG, M D. Tliis most extraordinary book should be in the hands of ctenF young..person cotuempla ing marriage. ami every., tntut or woman oho de- * sin-s to iiiijil the Tnniiher of their oflaprin r id I licircirciimstu tiers, i’.Ve.ry pain, disease tnd aclic incidental to youth, root nrily and old i ige; J-- i is fully ciplnincd; every particle of Irhowlt dgO [ that shblild lie known is here given. .It is full i - ;of engravings. Indite), UiSisclosestiecrets hat I every one should know;, si ill it. is a book hat. | must Tic locked up, and not lie about the bo aaa. j I U will lic sent to ntry one on ■ the, rweijitjit ' i liKmly-fiyc cents in specie or postage stamps..' Address l.'tti Wm. VUUMJ, dlb-Spruce at., • (nliovc Kdurlli, I’liiladcTphitV' '' , «W Vnfammtt, no matter whatj may"lie your disease, ’before you place yonrd self under the cure of any of the notorious” .Quacks —native or loieigu-wTio advertise iu • •(|ii,s- or any other?paper, gvl tpxopy of Ur;' V|iung‘s Kook, TimbVcad it carefully. It will be the .means ol.siiring you many » <|<{Uar, /your health,-and possibly your life.- [ 1., ()t<. it If >li ,;!ii be consulted on any of the diseascir'deserilicd in, his publicist ion, at bis ether, 41 f, tijniuc St not, .above Fourth, Fhila- , jSij,..yillee limns front Uto 3, daily. | mar lid ; ■ MM K” I»KM 01 J KS'f.’ij Quarterly Mirror ol fashions, • I JVM Gjffijl Jmj*T<‘Vrr.mUk titi'i Addition*,. Tiln #CMHKR MIU.RRK OriNTAINS /•ova• -v sn.HStnr* ,FAsnmx •’f.ATES. mFVUrfIJTfIjiSIZFh 1 rA TIEUSS <>F EHESSES, ■i C''Ml'niSlN«l Tltß. New French W.-uM, »n Klesr.;fi;l l Sleeve, nnjlia • Miasea fS&k, and a Fh<«t jf New - u , ami Ueanti(ul '1 itK.MD ANf) KMI i I!")i>ERING TATTKRNB, 'Together will* nearly 1(h) I'.npravings of] ■ all llm~norrUi.es'ftm t . i Summer Bonnets, Cloaks, Trimmings, Children's Dresses, &b. t : Arid vain aide information to Milliner*, Dressy Makers, Mf/thens,; atid liridics generally, j»re- Vnting rl*c -largest amt hes* Fashion Maga-, 7.ine in the Wt»rtd,' pabtishcd 173: Drotidwayi :N. amt soM every wh“frc r ;nt 2ft centß, or isent; hy mail, post free, ok receipt of the ain't dri stumps or silvot-. Year 1 SI,(K) with the fol - 1 lowing valuable premiiinW' y ! ' Kacli yearly. gnh.scrihcc will he entitled to a for the selection cents worth M' '.plain, patterns. from the designs iri the booh, {'or !ro,ih the show • room, or 'they may he br J arid .sent hy mail any M-imc diiring the’ year, hy paying postage. ' ** lndmiemcnttrloCaityassers. < No. iiow reallr- -. ' y RAIL-ROAD HOUSE. T> ADAM JOHNSON, I’KOHt i ItOrhKSTkRMiA- I‘l KHK.N IX uidiiJfettLWi wtiiiwiiß’ f MANUFACTORY, KOS. -'2l EAST. TVVENTV-TIIIKD STREET. . 17;; & 17.ycr.ANl> STUKKT AND2IS , . I* ; OKNTKE = ' , KsTAiii.isiir.u IHJiS. Ki' K-, r,.«TAm,i«HBD r 18;>8 m'lllS Kslalifishmviit has been in | .opera lion lor 24 .years, ami ip Hie largest:' of.Uie.kin>! in Uic LhiiieJ Stales. We have on hall'll w iiialiiiljii.l lire to "filer every inscription WUmok-iug-glass,' I’irl lire anil I’Orl rail Frame a, ; I’htiii ami Ornament al I’ier.' Wall. Oval i(t Mari- ! -lei Olasses, Connecting Cornices. l»ase ami i J’.racUl Tables, willi Marble JSlahs, Toilet' 1 >7lasses, ,W„' '|Sc.-, &o. MotiMinpji for PwlnrA» Frhmes, in lengths snilahlo furtransportation, eiilier Uill. Herlniir. Tloseivooil, > ! ak, , /rhi-rt, Rinlseye, Mahogany, &c. ■ Unr.mav.iiiaiiufac tory nml.'vxtciisivV facilities'enable ns to turnV | ish any arl icli- in "Ur line as gum! as the best, ami as d)ea[> as the cheapesl.- ' Dealers are invited lo call upon us ■ When iliey visit Now' York.. We claim lo be slide t*» supply them with every art i- J clc in tW line which they can po?-:dldy pnrchftsq | elsewhere. ■ yy • ’-4 I 'isrit' ■'Orders I*y mail' c aUondnly lovwillr' * pryjupim*>s. ' Donot tail to on!! when yop,visit |-.Now York. ,•>. Otficc. A‘ M A <). -I* f'i n! r r Sf ., .K [ ‘ lIOKACE V. SUy7—!! nioHi INSTITUTE Rev. R. T. Taylor, A. JVr'.Prin. Mrs.A S! Taylor, Governess. f NKNT jTEUM WtI.Iral»(.'lip. k v. . ’ ! .iV iNormiii (iljiss, . „ lor’tlio itenijlil (T ! Mishin* jiu f?t Mifrn solves tor (i'jiohi-f'ig,: wiU ,be l f ».nmMl .at the commencement nl' llic fenri. ' ‘ . llourd, Uooiu renl t NV Tuition .varies from S-».oi» m . ■ . t :c FoV- further jmrticulais Inquire of the President of. Faculty.' n,mrr(l : s I Diyidend INo.‘ 1 < “ ! ir\NK or IIBVViKH Ch'tJNTY, \ i ( ' New Mav ♦’>, ■ ( • ’i" , ii)ivn>>rNn or r.nV:u:TKiu‘KNT J\ on the Tapil:)!. Slock ol\lhjs Hunk;'* lor Ihe prist lit'' 'lay. -payable In si.xkhf lers or[lli«*ir Jfgal. rypre-' «*cn(ativqj>, on OrMVNp; This UivoUnid wifi J»C f I'nittf SfjOe.* Tax, lh© Pnnk having- as.-unied- the payment bl'llie same Ui -1 lie.wMVtTuumul. . 11 OOPS,, inv I -Vil-t J^ s i fashion A 1 I.li If 12SONS .having .Inis.mcsfwith Ih© 'J\. -subscriber will : please- call with Mr. KtO»i-rt‘Tall*> i/wlio is aulhnrizcJ to ui (mil to biUiiii absence. Also ail [kosotis oijsptnfi! .'vcc.oimts will call e ah.f liiake seftlotnenk as s<*>n- .• As it has bWchie iuy'uuly lo leave home for lhe : purpose i»l seivinj* my’. country. 1 tw-j. ntstMiucvs will. Mill give tbeii;. < p;it»*o>:'»ge as iimi-iI, ji? I hey Tvjll.-liipl Mr.;'TalWu shop aii-1 inv son, Jamo, :Uoiu; I ;\t^y;’ini.‘ sop ;. iM.il. ' : .4011 N H. STOKES MlljO A TOWNSEND i>it;a.i,kr, in • , ■ . ; O A'Vi, :,S Tii TJD X &R V feiil JRaperi TOYS AH&, FA1»0¥: IBAOUSB • BKIO'HTt »N.--PA, •' A. R. THOMSON. riORKEY AT UW. }ive, cvrftri oj J'hrid t-lrt'e.l