The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, June 03, 1863, Image 3
" (*.»!.trh ■ Jss.f EricrniThat of l« ,1l !ht> fimjjJwt, safest, cheapest and t-nre - milting wc have ever attended. Ev- . gfj rat that fan it. propfriv pre- ft'-.wrrffoir to dlfectibns, wili est ~ it/imJ every one ».Rat eats it will die, -j.frvrr.iiy at some! place as distant as, ' ;tfrom .where the medicine was _ir.c‘4' _ Ea\.i ®cre (jlfiVA.) Mirror.i* « • .c/g-adycrtiacihent in this paj S«tr>y * )r o. P. Cummins & Son. ! Ju S, -k2 ice » Roaches, Art* ' —n ——~— • „ Insects on Kants JJlaii. LiECTtixAXx.Gfi.\KRAtB •—Tho'als. 4oi{ 1 igvlniut'd Examiner says it is rumored ■ *M f 1 Bote*. Bottle* and ;i:u: (jJb. .V-P.lliH and, Gen. Wl | ** «* *uljße *- hsre C--. Lieuter.ant.Gcu-! -•Oafj.l*p iMe - re n.cdiei Wa ” ’ V ! “IresTrOM Poisons.” ; • I : r • : a^n ?« to tho-Honian Family.’ strw Jersey it. :• said to .be’ ’«*u > eo«ne outoir Uioir holes to. die.” ‘ ;i,!t litii-n. or about two IblrdjS, ofi Wholesale in all large cities ii.r:;<jd volunteers lot euiir't fbV : b r «nDruggists and UelaileVs <6 r > • i ß^‘^ andFl “ s 2 t^r*^bn;; ue ‘ cij inAftxt.itiJJ. -W: .i<( SfiiDai--: PSV Address HENRY p rri«Vie at-the residence of llev.-A. \V. i Depot, -182 X T. ■p id. :.e vim.-iaung minister. MrJ *®^ So N h.v C..P. Ccxinils 4 goir, 'fW# Hirx to Miss .Vlvftr fevxF ■ ; J Wholesale and Retail AfcmtsJ . I!.-::ver .-.0-shty. P :v , ; f’ ‘" ■ a *- Tl ° Y 3/ - ’ Beaver. Pa. .Mr<fTtl..,iSG3. at the jjofc! of frm I A X?‘ W AITTP If ■”. ia fcoclmster. ],y% v..D. . ' 1 * jA 1 V & i,a:., v: L-ci'O/,..'ir. ilucfi jftF.t i- ANtitiiso.v, both u'f East ■ Liven.!-!. 0. - ’ ' BE : w ' vUr - J. ;Hh : ult./by the E«?v). J. AT. i J. B, P. iinri.s, ol Denver I '-.v. ‘' . ivrrit-H-y. arui Miss i‘i- urss. of. IndiHtrr, Beaver ' Pa. : i' =I I l:j uif , f*y thf; John; •** * 'Mr.}Jo»i:i Woff,' tnl i! ;si Jlaht ■> *'■ \ i vcr <•»•»«*;tv 13eaver Markets. f tor. mi: **a:;gc3.” Y’umr yor Vol . •* lm» ihs •;, i?«r bu.-hf! . r io Pcrwl-ctf f .’ora . Jisrii-r '}&cr S*cd, 44 Uic u; , " | r r: ■! ■f.: >CI*, u -.Ur IJ-'.-'V. RIM EMI .4^*. :i on, '* G*Ho.-a . Employment' W.V.VTED ■ *75-.; •; .-.t. , ' : , CiM • r - I -'-‘i>^> , ITTSCCKOH. r.. K. ! r ■ Ka-st • 18C3 - r -- '[GOODSI • DET : 6OOi)S'I y ‘ *' ' - , r T !f ril .„:„ * wvuxia... A ,._ .Cojso w E «_ -—' possible prick. i*,.n rc “ ltMe **fiUoiu t ■ ■ x-n f I’-’-loi ’ •4 r pv«««t Bearer, TUNE’S NEW STORE j I. il. MYEIIjS, * (Jfiit Tckti Affeiii. iy KOCH ESTER, ; 1 I i’iTTSßri’O, 7|l. W-AY.VK i CJIK’AOO u. u. I . Rorhcsfef SfatioK—fioi.vo East". -jin jl a -choice a'ijrta&nt of j ' : Wavin•U-uhre ter Arr. at Pitt* SEW GOODS,. I lat*!} rigli’n AifOTn. o:i») A: a. . M ‘ . r ~ A.iS'y* l '* *’ {, ‘ 4f > T - 5:25-a X*. ‘ ./ •• •■ f | ’ I \!! r 'P-‘ n . , -8:(J5 i.nd P . M . ■•IOZ AMBIQUIi'?. i I S -H x...... 7:05 p. *. LAVAS'. jlst 1- • * 2:25.A. jf. .MNCHMIS <■ 12 M .. 0o 5 r.. M TfVin vi ’ : ■ (-incic 11 Exp. j \ 0:45 7:50 r. *. ■ f , , j j iiOINr,.. VV K.HT— 1 . -Vs-; - ■ j_ . ' Uares iHst'j. '• Arr. .at Rcche/ter. • 'UOMKRT j j Croathne A«ccjiii: «:C0 Ul * * ( ;V» :r .' g^uAc^-'i ~"° *•' « 1:02 .1. >l. I’iZ'Cl'ii'VirS" "■ ! r‘| f‘ r: S‘ x n 1 it...... V:J4 »•. «. y x -r<'"i ! if ■ "U • 'Wfll'P. ....... £;00 r. v. ;J : 7;W A. V-... 1. 6:‘ja A.- Jl. _ _ , 1 let-Liprejs. 1:00 *. '2: 10 A M ' ■■■■' |*» :2; 10 P„ ,m..,..!. K *' ( '-BG r.IUDIKV. Siipt., F.. h. | >• •/• ££KC[lrijOK^ j tUS.'v 2tc.staTnuiita.rr on Tue “Stale of ; JJtrs mi -f.icn. Jmp of Dai toxvn : _ Venn's .diVd •having i oc * n granted todl.e undersigned, all persons .Xonli j indebted 10 said, estate, are ,rennc«t,ed to tnaVe , immediate payment. end those Lavi'ng claims ■ci; HlTours same will frcdc.nt them properly viler ■ gv< »t induce- i au,^.® n! *-ated for Settlement. / . • I'jrto btu.' Citric onrjT.j ■ yALGHES’.' barliacljirl tp. 'So-.S. jrc tioebcjter. end ! n - a J'd s' lliecuier ■ -cent, in buying what | ■ ' •T :i itk Piiit tbicr.)! tlvs, r : ' i >; - 1 m : V&R* i.X a hliioV- r , /■. .♦ .S’; ' .5 -.I i _ . . ~, t - ■ pv. ;jar*i, ~.-rv !.,v. V \-> l • Ckjl'iop,'cheap. -Shawls ' , k c:* Ui'.n *»Tcr. r ’ j ** , . ,-4-' *' i * • rt.ii, r[T° ST . on lilt 21*t'cf Qjto* • ! 4 '-J , ‘ or --S Dog. with'white ' ■Growers’ Convention ' 1 fV'i.f." 1 "!' 1 UlS|and . wh ‘*’« li P (,n tl.e end < ■ j lii.N lp the nmnc.of ♦•Kinc.’.'- . (*K THK wool CrSIOWRT*s • Any- |»cr?oo. lmd:.rj£ srxi-1 dbg will he .Miitabl.v =:dc o: Ohio.river, tt3 s ?ro " m-*J1 iCAv:ng him ju Johnston** Hotel*. ; . v.l i)j* in Mcchnhics- i‘ n *‘* r Dept t; or. at the residence oi ■■" - -'i-Mp, t!:e I,'rh dav of 1 : hfc?*?bVbnln>r iir-New* Setvicklv tp, - h-ur of 1 . JOHN GARRARD, •w.v.*taliL a -ltinjra uniform mice j ; f“ -■•!t.rrr., anl.,Staling enWe,- *. D--. v * ■'■■'iftt with or tier fee-1 S-i-’l-'- . -.«•• nii-1 transact air'oth- j K , ~ + * Sc Son, “ s ’° Wos: -s™-« fs -'. .1,4 professional Jcrriccs J* Phy ' vf .stpans athl Stirgennv to the citizens ol Bearer ami vicinity.’ They can always be fotttrl. ■ w hen .not j'Vofc-sion!v engaged, at the Dntg Store of G. V. <:il Pi tains, M. D. - l>ec:m Respcctf^lt,' F. A. FOKTUKF. p-N t.'.'s.. Con .. ;• .National Militia (Act of ■■■• • in >anipblet. form..; ac!ug li c only bt.uora ■! '•'■■■■}■ of .: v:ai:;:i£ tbs ceming . t tc> cae address nr the Agsnt. i!- 'V. JjAUrEn, . Kss lC3f. Pittsburg,- Pa. ¥ v i'V AX!) iASTrUTE il avior ’ A- m v ?*&■ iu; vTaylor,- G-ove^ness. ■/■■‘l Koi WILL COMMtKCE , _ 24th, 1853, :• • .'%}? TJfc. “i m of ‘tie. : . *’ u * pupil* thorcurlj, e*t>e- lirwu-hw.. . V piiissi ' :, o fit (hem •’ifna,,.. *■;:*: ' v -'4 ’be termed it fba ' Mi> ”• '. i; o term. i £T* r £!; *?-;••* --Uss oo I •i r : a „. «o *B.oo . ••: j ‘-f. K»sult^ 4r, - ,CU ‘* r * i:: 3 air ® Of the K, T. TAVLOIi. 1 «•*.. . ' ,?*.«. ?. ccvjrnfi: • iy l H V ft L K \v dn U f 'HF et;,: ’* cr:!>cr lias purchased from the - 1 atsntee tn* right- to use. i a -tilts.countv. and hoauttlul inrciition for. protect ini is tomb stores an-.l prepared to furnish Monuments or-Head-Stones nun Una useful iniprovement at exceeding!,. ■ low prices. * i ■ - \THE SHIEL.T) ~-t '■ Z™ ! i *, C T? n,:U ‘ r ; jtcct *• idcSjtirc of tbr ,‘X ------s.J. anu besenti-.-* a neat and appropriate -luO , ornament to the stone. Picturedp u t^in 1 10-. i ■.^; i i-Ti«UT CASKS. - • . ■ 12, ■ > an'.j f “ a “? 10 . tlieirongirtol beaut in. : " 1 for marrv s,*-Vs. 8 i - All kinds ofmande while. mjlitarv deiens qi • elc > c *ecuted eu abort notice. ' i ' i ' ;v i »• MAinaiALil ' V Koclc-!or Marble Works. .Sr oo . «> .«> 1 50 3 J 4*l - fc.) I Cl , C oo •: ‘J TriV . S oo ! mnxO <• ir» I - 8 ‘ '33 - 00 m ,- T a 1,1 <>. s V'f'j. i, AI) .M OTICE. LKTTIiRS of administration upon the es- l)a|vi u isto.TT.lase of Brighton- tp„ j township. Ucaver county. jlec'd, haring beorj i gnmted -to tile undersigned. all persons iin -1 debic/j to said estate are’ rcmie&tctl 10.-make j immediate payment, uud claims ! against the .iabie »iU_prcaent them properly 1 authenticated lorscitleinenu ; jANiBtVV .IVJITERSOX: 1 1 v administrator. } .April is, o. EXECUTORS .NOTICE, I "TTTUEREAR letters testamentary baring I Yy| been grnbtcd to tha undersigned, on jthc estate of Kebecb.c Hrix, dcc't}., late of ; Economy ip., Bearer county, Pa., all persops i knowing thcraficlrea indebted to said, estate | arc requested to make payment imritediately ; and those haring claims against the satne.will ; present them to the subscriber duly anthenti* ' rated' for sculenfenL i JfAttyjlX HCI.L, Economy tp., I ap22 ■ ! - • Executor I Do You Want Employment. T -OFFERa pleasant bu»i»<«a for the Spruirg I and Summer, with large pro Sts. Send for mynew circular, containing full ' information. Addrcai I *EQ KDWD SfcAW. maiid. j lit TTJl!*ib Or. ILiost Dog. M. UUMHIXS. M. V. ffTY tOlfVENTldrl. I:• ’V ; f r'' ti_ STATE AND COUNTY T/ 1 ’-■-——— -, TTiEij fea^Oi-'= _ ■» bj ewe -poire?: of tho corcrn'r-* & COOUXiSa| T^v :M k»,*J DHjitw I rr W ViJ * 'whh John •• Ibtfu*™ n °’ • ; ri’ Smjflj rfaofel. I : -Sw Isruehtf*n An . ! v“ c lM -o^g ? *» ot. I : :,irsl, r f\ ■ :^ r W 13(h Ifctfefftne next; ““^4“lrf si n : .& ■ r fc .?- &3S?- 4 »hiß« between ,Ui« hoar* of 2 and fs PM° i ***?£* CCTiS AND ClX<y|6lrWoiW)«?i Sfy^ s rj»'.d ty*mife*>S, Hw’h a i-al !)° • 11 i’ ,r -Aatar.v'« •TpjSicl ■" i , X ' , “ V " i,,el ' 11,1 -'>»• io. ‘m ilu- „f . - ',)i ~OUM - iu oA MON- i dyaw {“B ll,c f' l **"- “l'd DAri JOp.K 15tL, ftt a A. M., fw-l cat * most Wl.}* *««,s, " d p* P ttr PW? of nominating candidates for I W' V4 *3 AJiD SISjrEISS OF. gL’lt VOLL’V i..-. .. • TEEKS .F , f" auJ bprefugha will be entitled to elect , X , Cttn ? ot -.- nut !n, ° .Ike Knnrisacks of Bridgewater... ./> Independence 2 t, . wmtry walking Ms roiiuds-'.i 1«S Heaver ...,.4 - MdriSn "'" i "!S U ' C *Po*«<l to drchchiris^iS BrightonL.:.„, v ... 3 Mdon 3 &“*?» «*■* *1 ‘ VWLE& Chippowaj...„.„;•..,i. 3 New. Brighton ""4 . nnV^v^? 1 ' lS and - S&PoffiM :-V.;-'.....4 New Sewicfcly .....;;; 4 ■ "nipfttW V fi "yWP‘™oCAfelCt Cl w t-T« 7 TT- U; -- 4 Sewickly.i..,.3 : tv\v^ST 4 -*, s V. ppljod AOtul tallston . .....3 0 hitf.«..v..... 4 «r&? «» d ,.PUU*WAV!{T dlVp. Pranalm.,.i..| ,2. ' Patterson “Winger is av.e^ed^f^pu^^k S»Scrf Ho P ewri 1 :i;E:;::;;;;t| % t n" i Bj order of County COmmlttVd. lAw iun4d'e,°,M.' , '° U J tI '’ do «J the.: .: I'vsss- «* < ' - uk ■ - .[ ft .. i->-...»S j- a, !F« l,, ** , nr ' ro rrv.irt ftki., I .* '.: Announcements ■ N . •’i ),I:,1,! -' : “‘.«*> “ sin^e- ,j„ v . Thesit£&. ,! ' u ?' r•« l 1 4a*'«i-^i.t-i-*:.'.v fttLin o' ■ • ft — j -' - ; ■ "’'- " i .4^1.. W ,:ni^^-.> Kift- Ir ‘ Of tlwflaMwmg persons as candidates fbr ,ho i a,lJ SCllpFL'Uiis UKL’IfVIOXSLV'r^ -9 ? v'? G''™ Ranks. '. V" Jftl; ft] : J, r‘- C ”G‘ oCrJa^i:-- •Jtffcrcn'r offices .teamed b-low-i sul.icct t, n „ I,v:ir !ii * * charm ftcforefttiecg nxls j^' e, *" nd Cbxehi of La.Vks ir.'j'l £ • .'"I ar< ! i-“’ e! ,p f ,,lc <* ai. r . tec . lo . lC wuusatts"*-^ . ■ ; - . Assembly, i TO AUXW> TO \r<J, U’osn to Vaultfti .* r „.i ft ft.ft ! tl '”ftehng ; 0..n,t I WlLtlAll Ill;xnv, y !'iillsi„„, . ' ■■ ft r!aold.» -LktUsib. Hearer. ; ‘ c .,. <inll " l “ ,0 ’' s i C *! M -''ires, the Fevers.,L • .ft*’ 1 ’ 1 . 1 s, °'’:: frt-,d in ■*S-> 4 -s' .in I ' f ft !*!'•■a* l ntryons aifeei-V-H ’l' JOSKVH Of WILSON, Braver W V‘ H .*«•••*• >r - <in .ft:;;-To ’'ft tW-baeUmi £ ' 1 L)A \ID iIOILJCSTOV I'mll *r ’ I•* * V n * ' w,at is fuoi'c, cannotfferjid'ritlv «n» 1 ! f'’; 11 :" a,if| Ka’-ni.rrr*. - r .-Vj-s’cc-f •wi : i t -. * ’ ttl T \ MFS‘ X* A\ UPpJ/VV * M *? ! ■■ f r l!c,: ; ,r m |J ] C ollit- .!. wlit-rk* it F*■ I>lv|,Jt * ri,J -" -imj aid.',*..;.... o ,^K l> L 5 - 1 '*' '*S h *K™K i: \Ui i • { I rn,<* . srg Uc-Avi-r,' >■’>>' W« unlv, to P «, > l.eff'^,i“* ,r ~....;■ 'ft 3 DrChee«t-mU’ •V. J. ( 00IL. D'arliix'tori* ■ ((.c-ip !Uri f „,Y,,,,.-" ”^. J l an,1 a >n?o, I . . tl.u*. I.;. , vuee^man j MIUIUM B WOLF,' Far,ncr.l Brighton »p I of lives tvm.lJ -,hL I roi’\TY ‘'''r '- : SlQ "’ s '' ! N v't"' '• I,OSC r - :fc|£ft , A’Sgfetter ■ -,: ; i..„J ; iftj-- ,„„ v ■ of Court, , , '-I' r3.^»?: ! ,i:'*: , ..'f l?= if ri .„ •^p^ v CRAZIER.. i),u I-' The aecpanjl of fstmiicl'O * | W‘«m i- •' ’ - f}? .-ahi-iw vf V“V »>:' ’MJintei:.-;;..,. ■tf'P-rH' Xurth •yc-.i' J fkfv ' ‘ nrl! v'P' final ~cco,,,> ,- of Joseph Con- 1 XnvouS Sensibility of the o«ic *'«"«»j; • f. ' isftrss:~ r - “•■ "•-.•'l:' i '3i inx ■ v sr» 1?^ ; ii ItCOro*^*' 1 r : - •■• ■- ■ : Ti ~ ■rl . " ~,' . . ■ ,| ' ‘ h .' disease ot| in.iurios.. I ',. . ( ! ,»inim Mcanor, ft ai “i Jli. K b \ KLI BEED.lBeaver: •• . . :'i of ,1c b?n i|l?nv,,n f r ” ™* - "i -.: Pooi House Director, .' > finoUcej.un,- „r AJm .- j ~ ^..r < ’ lic " ctl <>r —!■ ihlk ,?„£"& cu : ." ijSSI? wim7S*ir ;u; i or Ti*. c .^r."U s 7?^^t:3^vu ta . rrr- :' & ~XLv-r}.,,y/u. “-"pewpll. : Tutor of fl:i> eftoieof William ileeMJ. !' ft ft,’;. -: - --ft—-I. -r. foimr .. +/„ o- ’ 1 LQDEftrcOOPKIi: Moon. I. A'liniiiiMiMTur of- cstato cfj (,’lar-! | l-dio]on?j!o j Nuti.- ' ■ I I Audi! or, I .! m, >:J w arret.. •«■«•.I; | ~1 ■ I r ' ! f l '■ J»>\ l.Ktnd'ndjune- T,.-m 'C3 i- N ’ IV'.1 V '. : r ' : ftnii.g!iaia ' “ • iJOspil iIf.hVRK. Bri'.ljrowntor. j ofT' : «. t^ m A tV ' •’ ' ■ v JV M ; ;m: J. MAHsIIALI.: liijr Heaver. : Sntall, .IrcU -ft ! , ~ . I ■; iHVid J Jr- i :; se •■ Trustees ot A.cadpmy. : w«n ... .wu '£ T ! 1,1,1 .■ : do : i ' Uov.D.A ft I X<j II AM JJritl^etv'r.., .T|4r.ii,.ruUn a-omnts .of 'j.ihn Shmi, Ail. ! And.fe ? W...J F..L&rA 7 ft ~. r ln ’ftV. Uit. S. CUXSISIhIMI JJfjIVPP. ■ 'ft estate of Sannnl fjnri.i,, ! flCnrv ? V” !? ‘ ■'**-&*. M Hft l~ ' r ' < Ou;u.l:an of James I-axt,,,,. f Hr"n- i„ n S '■ ; ft '( ft -1 ; :-..; j V *' 7 . T;a'7 ;’ - . j K.uabelh and Margaret Scn.jfgs. uitor chi!- . : J. Jiii’V-ivN : "l vv i"''V.- , ! 1,1 !i .'^I'- t,llr l? li r. .| , I I*l . <>f. ■ r.i; : TTKJ!S. I:\cl; ft 1 ' TO* ft' ■ I'lron of l.»r. .lames i’l .ft-r.;- 1. .doc'd i i ft 1, i ?''ji ' rl !I. J T<tma*idi'g ir tf.r i’ft"l J* k -r . : Vhr tlnardiikl aecnnis John i a“ ■ ! -S'-iPPi-RPort. -'' ft 1,1.ia. May f-;.. iuintft- PHYSICIANS & DRTJGGISTS. roinisinuor ijf the estate hf Andiav ! lia'vM I } fts I’''’ 1 ’''’ j ' Barn >•■ KUjjil* ; / . ; J ft -I'-' . d;-0;.j.. wlto tv«s c* isar*liiin of Cyrus. pJjjk'.'iA'ft t .Ivaac^Leslil''" 4 V '* r *' ,ft i ; r -; : ; " r >‘ il ... ' ’ rj'IHK umlersigried would dnform Phisieians ! ft. 11 - :lllt *fty' v,in !s ,C’a'i'.'.iey. inini.r ckl.deori, d'.j. Adam Aolmstoii' ' ''.'i 1 1.‘ ! 1 ‘ - ' i J. and Drupjjr&t that, airing to midnereas- ; '^ ll ' l> ••.'auahty, dce.d... .ft- I |..jj I t„,'■</ f- ■■ i ’ ■■- i-j’-V... . i .f.' 31 "'•? • atnan: ha . ing demand, he W now -prcpar.l'd Id mannfae. ' n "' of David W|aU> '• ■> "’fr™ M M*ih* I .ft'ftr/ r ; -■mnjU Hiram . .1 Io re .on a larger fcale t.^an' heretofore all ani- "Guardian «l Alia I- ! ra |i’..-...A3 minoi in.ft, ev i , rM ”' el ‘V l in^/fJf-rdi^pi iisr, nr. . j (•‘‘jas v Ad-, m I c’.'es of These will. he of : . uf: Maltlnav llrftdts.- dre"d. , ’ ! I ft, j Ccnrge.C. Spcycrerj ’....Updicster, -ii 1 ft'V'ftrftJ'a Julia -he strertglii*'had tpiaiiiy a’sj disgt-iised' in the ' , I ' lr ’ Guardian aecoitn,!; of Adtjm il.*l«kmtf. I • J , .' ,lin W0ke.v..;...! -...nrldgewatcr.- * l yA Prescription Department, of my ;pore. and will .j.GnanUtai of I '•iVftinr. liriaii and 5,.;1, ymlsoti.. 'ft ancis' !,e (.■pidlonl.. ..ritiilipsburg' i J-. 1 ’! V-" I '*;*,. fi 40 * 1 ; he found superior in strength tji most in mar- .*nnnut- c ( hiidrea'M’ Uriah,son. do-d j . • n > iiis , l’reilcn£lei,U..ft..?..;.,..Economy tn. i s;. 1 , 011 ! " r ‘ft .' . •let.; i guarantee them to ba of iho proper i ■’. Guardian itee.rln*is..-,r d. T. Sro. kdej Onar- Simon Toltatfi .i.j......... do ' .j ¥ ink John ••■ j strength and purity. . '. . ■ • -d*an of Eiizabcli af>i.Savah Ant. J, 1 - S, llamilftn..;.... |... v ...,.Gerirget l iiirn * I l‘ eer '! l ‘' m f i ftomo preparations offered are new, but will n r r ' oddreo of H. (fttltinnn. d.yi,; ni f 1 !■ ft;ft\. (I. ft ' ■ i; fi,\ It V. (■ ;ft , Gosnod Jurrct fte made, offieitjali inrlhc new Phattinacoiueia 1 «jimrniaflla.•cmnts of (oseph AJ c .]ieli, ;,TV Tflll TOI rT np-irmtifna-ft..ft . -- i J-faverf Kliz?.oeth roon to be issued, and will'be found to bo vai- "navdihn of list her iu.d lilizabet h. miir piiil-1 I BK.WEU -COif T NTY . ' GP | Jr ,- J'"'J 'i ~i nest .dingti gable remedies] 1 ‘ j siren of ift: ’tier M (,'rcer.V. diia’d. ,' i V I • ft -i '. • : Iloimea J.idm/• ■ -fight Ho Anyinformatiori asyegards their strength. ■' The rfnanKan ticco.ii.i. of Cenrga .lUsthcr 'Robert 'MTr»crv"ii Fnr'h,., "'i T ' 1 1 :w m , .1 usetiunl qnaHtica wiirbo sent to those' de'sir-l andliMivin lieei ci% Ear's of the o f* „. " ; 1 .ft i „ yft ing’it.. I-lohn Snyder, dee d..'who was Ultaraii.of John M’Parlaml 1.. \fc — , |T ersens oal'ting in ti u . £ world advise Dirsiciaa who hare been ' -'iniiior.y .Setlor.j jr., minor son of-.Vlionv '' filkl ** c, '' llni fo . r W ; W l *! please SjyV.beT auret 1 , : disappotntedftin the- 1 effect of any femetiv, to] Softer, sr.; dacd, ii 'f ' r ‘ e, ‘- . •' I ... !1. ■-' -W- d. AXiiEJjpi'. try niy mauufaciurc. I • r i A: B. MOOQ [ , April Id !, («,. Jutk for the rroirhonofarvi ■ Prom 7 A.' M' 1 They include— '' .1 ■ aprtft ■i . ft- ItV-lci- ti c ''f SC ? ,llt ' n|id liqfti.lale the am't t'4 f-ft 'ft J ft . .’...ft erg?.. : 1- Hark, and others.- •;. ft ‘I 1 /1A Jl ■ Ift ‘i A' !l'i I ,; i -. I tjr j T-\ f- 11 ‘-GGiiT OP C>OM MO.V I'l.i; AS uj? titrate of Irodf and Cilrato fof Iron andf J •' <tV t it'll;-)!. I | Jit X Jllft.vpti i-,*i.5:0.0.. ■■•■ Yft , Lft ' • . 1 hstabUshiteont has'been in'sueolful 1 a i,Wn ncainst! itb Stdn&nnalion. ' • , Oxalafn of Cerium; useful in obstinate :. JL operation fur years, and Is,the ifeest -fti ati-n-J 8 ft Vt WFY \St) Pro. Tomiting, j ilonUklndmllftlftiiredfitater. kehdfod Vft ft ;ft ' ; “ Elixir 0/ Talprianafc of Airtfconia; a Tahia-Miandor nianuf:ic:,i:rc to order cvervj d^’jlion XUin^STKATpI!’S,]NOTICh. Me remedy for nerrnna or sick headache, j®* Picture.and Portrair FriVoc.'i tt-i ETTERS of adtainiitfation uputi the ea wbere a nervous stimulant and aofacid is in- j Hum aMomtimenial Pier.. Wall.Oyal -‘.ftan- ' I . date of Thompson Ilrat, laie of Ke.m dlC ort- ‘ eo l - 1 „ let Oh'S?«g. ilonjipciir.g t.'ornices,, Jhisejind j inify ii'n-, ‘ Reaver county, i^a..' dru’d. having Solution of Bj-meconate of Mjfphta: Taules, Marble Slabs. Tld k.enj eranied to the undtrslgned. all persona strength as Laudanum and- more agmablo in k-lasses, .vc Ac. kc. Mouldings for.PiJitrc ! to o Whte thcrowlvc* indebied (o said estate ! : ft , ,v, * I>l “r'.:'.? U V?«*»] S "“''"Me 'rortrant.imrtaiion, arc to made immediate; payment, i Pyro pbosphstgof Iron: soluble. . 1 either unt Bei ling. Rosewood. Oak, /ftrazf. llu i ibose having claims agaipauhe; same will ] ( These, togclEeti with all rare and fine ehemi- Mahoßtny. &e. Oor new manUic-1 m^nt ,hem probcrly niithenlicaied for set - 1 ; iuh amt furnished in i • laciUt'cs enable us to lien- 1 ’ i •. * • any quantities, ft ; ish any article ia env line as good as the bst, ; j '. MAR VIN HULL, Economy tp., ■ I I Rm chemical examina- ! iic ciiunpeM, ~.. 1| 1 rttijF°9 *C*K- • Adminisimtor. | tioov.oi Oreai oils. Wafers, &c. c l Dealers invited to call upon ut --*■ ■=-:■— -.-J—= -, -77:77” i GEO. W. WEYMAN V i 'Vbcn they visrfi New Y'ork. We claim tbibc AiDM fNISTRATOIVS >OIIC : li ~ Cor. 33 i ats., Pittsburgh,’l*!. j»Mo to supply tyiply them with eviryjntl- wxirnERFAS detlers ol adminUdration on W H db * Cy C “^ ,blj ;. P,,^‘ # W tESi Ot dosarna. JC.Nsnv, late | ; - _t i fit . nril to Itith ot <Jco»*R«wn j-Poro.J UctiT'ef county, de-j / Bank or Beavku Cdr.vnO ! rrcnirLtnc Qt » fail to rail whm ccuiid, .Laving pc«n djilvj grunted to the un-, .* Kew Brighton; May 6. IS‘j3. *' f T ' MI °'' aU Whr n j dersigAed] allVnions fthllebted to said estate i I A op -FOUR PER' CENT. 1 O'See i irannM Vo -MA CrnH-r *, vU'd “re notified to ,make immediate and j i2l. on the Capital Stock of this fßiink,., for i ' ■ noil ACE V Slfir^R 5 V'i ‘hose having claims against the same will ptc-! the part 0 months, has been dechu-ed this .lay, i Mr- y— 3 mos. ' *1 I sent I them priipijrly au henticatcd for settle*, payable to stobklholdcra or their li,ga! Ti’nr-l- c 3 f /—. ; _ , j lmentwilliout.dcl.ay'. , . .1 settatives, o»PeuaS». This dWidcnd trtU 1 -s\l )JH N ISliliAfoirS i j ANN SjPAUIAH KINSET. Adrn'x.. j of thtt United States Tax, ~w v p • • « *• i nnr2it .IUiIN Adtn r. j haring assumed theftparment of same to 1 T ! ' n ..TT?" r S\ - I a ' • • • ! the Government. ■ ; EDffißb HOOPS "1 -L> Al ; rni; ? ( - ot l-.cwtoinytp.jl.ea-J. ft _ '3N otice. 1 sitIS'CS * rV* • haying 1 ■■' ' ! • iei ! tcrigncU. -peiftohs ftndebte.l to said eftate' 1 If TY n*fc, SrsA.r WnkinsoS, havingleftjiiy ' ' JOHN 1 Jb* IVILL'IAMS' jprereqUcsjed to tnakoiinme<iiate pnyment ind 'Tfi bed and bjiard, persons arc hereby teiown ft t* A -vi-rL-vxrmftL' ,ho!,e JBJtJm- ™ M A rR-MkERSKK■ Present theralo the subscriber! properly au-j will not pay'anyldobt* Af her contmelmg. (Sk(p on, dcorleaat of ProutUoy'a llotel ' . ‘hentiented for settlement. ft ft! ft | * BENOM WILKINSON. ’BRITXWMI’ATTtf? Muw-t' ' i ENOS HILL, Economy Ip.],. _ , ft Big Beavor tp:. .•*KISJ*9MW AXT»K. rmtx A. . s.frf».'P!d. j. . Admimsfrartr ,: -iar.S.*? 3 ) ‘ Us»r-no* eo., P«. S:10 A . j, 3:20 r. a, S;0» Iv. ii. • 140 a. 'm. r t : s!■ m the '»n!4 J fs . c anJ Scwidkly. do no Beinref.'; Jo ? ,n ’ do IT ♦liosai.l .4„n • do 8 in s,rid ,J ea i Ltftto t„ '.ii.i' '4 ’* ! n,cre,,f 1 ii'la.-kC - . Ido’ In S W uhr’lu46liSnmh?^^ c *?J l | do : ».°k1 S -- IP; Mi l Ti “>nio. S|„J,l,’ Hid )f~iF T B ’ ■ do; 23, BiwsojntciuWt in '■aid r.-iVI« », f • I V‘ l ’ tcmonlv. do >’S i - :i:i S : Sta/os in .Ivanov of lh«; Rncoonn.', -Vi.. . (I othera iKtcroMcd, to tl.cV c . a.I; Jndcpcn.lenoo,. .V,.> 7 .1 have, TvJiy an Inijiiesi, to n ( ®v 1,, I' 1 1 !, o'.vc.«-011 do 8 **&•«& * iVmgL,4‘&o^ l;<! l ; r . < 1: 'jr ° copfor Kttte, | • j : - J <> K,. ; f’ ; • ' : ;■ : i>o>i:zo Suf'hii*. ■ .Mi A f/ . liin- inan Joseph H rilrmirighaiu jtobt ■ Cij"•■)'•'r iAnnie' A-hlnlhors Jhh'ii : ; l»ira jamesf 1 Kill) Juliult J ■ i.Kifi. c-1 | Kllioit ,4nrah . ( iVm Kt ! Übni v'VSi , . ■ i 1 j jl’crsi nsicailing for letters ill lire ! will ple.ise suv I bey qr.e Advertised.' j J • ' T.. M. TAVI.OfI. I*. M i" jsjTv, .i.tiee hours, , (luring tho Vuminee.. -7 ('.tu 7 p. m. 1 !■ 1 !AD lliN ISXKATO iTS XCTICib ; X nTFEIIS of 'on the estate Ij Ol Vancy. pi i wy i,a. late of laJepchj eiice ip,; ibiaver ch., dec'|d. havinp-Jicuu jvsnt *> the’uiideiaij.mjsl.'ali utK>:.-c<s to cai'l ea ate bros iiop’-osiC'l to make irunuaibiip payment. and those having claims £ gainst sjani estate v.ill'j present them to the subscriber proper y authenticated lor seukr.ii nt: ■; v | I>A\ II) ALEXAMtEK.hmepoiideiicrJpJ | tuy 3’ j' o3. ! . ’ i A jaiimstraicjt 13 r. A. B. .Toni's, j OMOI OP A Till ST. ( iV'iion’s itforfa'y, riw : | niau’ifTol^ENN’A .OflWu'b'.uis: S'to 10 n. jut, 11 ! i * •; 3©. , -1 to 0. p. Wanted Immediate! F ! OX. , KACCOON, s?■ MUSKRAT SKIN’S; for whifch ; aricc?, in Cub, - will iSlothing Store of I. )*. AxKfSrf/4 c|f tip ■K: ria&nV.: \.y Aiiti-nvisii-Iwj gjn're. j 'i* ,he Wi \l l '¥& Iti’jTco!.' O. llimzrU. . ■ ■■, ■ *'> r- *V ! i!in , *iv l .uMiv;f w: .i. (ii - r j. s ... Ki , r „. , li. >■( Jlm-oft.ifioui.e.' >'-m iim Cj v/U’ 'jpoi.-jrtf !jlini» i> % 1 I, IX-fr.jr.-trs.' „ •; . .;»■ M bhit.r.k.., ;.r Colin*-,. ur^Uciina,:,^ I.av.Tonc..-« . •I'-'v-V ovllaff. «f ihc heirs iioisr.. *- »•••. tnonce i>.v Iftc Mime - stint li s«v,:. A..Ji C|ii.k>. Vr s ,v e „ t .v„ >,.. irC(l ~7 77‘ X . 7 X'P. ' S ''" :!j •"*!’*>«’« dferrcs; ‘ tvo U.-Bwhig'.*. ■■■-: \ lißn-Iron K-u;w, BB ao x „-. uv .. ■ . a-asM** Waved ah.-i, -,;tVv , a ,,.; I( , ' : w % ;: ’ fc-'il & llv.'lV., ;*? “*lpy. ; %nce;bj Jii,e sanif hwtl- n-7■(•-w'* Via. K'liou .!, . bc P .; , : wrojsrh'oc -■ :*?-■ $ :u!,e in [j.iiii- 1 of „i,r t : on rEffiA : . •. ■ *. j,* “ : J '' ■ ”’I '* J Cri«t i-y ■» >J Hjj o{l .. .''J .n I»; i... ;■:,; 1 r>.<U,,. i:.„ .' 1 ,! t ■fS" ;; w<Urjn;«, *„ r . ; :. ‘. u .r ii.-Xv-niV v '"V'-. ! y' 1 '-‘I «>-' anu/cxtcns tfs; : j _ , ~. . | i.ilioil- opcratio^.'‘•ciij.Ji.W {},V,T «n>l .ike v * :! -p -*i|- t;m<! .-nu •-rI.V I.a' r ; v :'r I. ~.CTj. CTj , -•fOiUta J <#*• li.o ».l*nUi;., ■ -mv’ i.e o:,r a ii,ci st ‘ : hjvcr- I ' . ' v ’ f,f S Pills : ! L r '-** v or f L in lhi*. T;♦ the- Pvr-ii«-U«/ h ./ J : ■“ . ■ ip’s :n .;;;; r " v .. . ' «■'".v}o>jlip;, icot. ci:j„y K A, I'.iii : ■;, , tc >l. !r! Mitl.i-vor ;i-k , ; V'’®" SJ»K "• ij‘ Uih-c.- .a'u’.i.’.'c." pj'• 1 e* I;-,.' I ne! > Ilul-i-tliC fr ■i'o' ~o‘jiej }•» pair:! frojn'6o=lo Vnis Or/.iTiir. .■ I -2n t>Jsv Si. r-'pv^Ojt' .N v 1 E= ■mbrso: • >Veis?i LHUiiMrl nr.l. ci: r .Shin >\ »» i ;• :Kf‘a»r, It;u;Rjr.; et al I!. ER Ln:> H.i; Ilnrnor ■ Ila/Jf't J Lv*wis \V< M ip-v M.i t. If' : j i*Cnj; j T - I J.ILI nivA ■vui,u' ; £ in.ii .Ini; ill;' llu.\ \l '•j-.' ['" i ‘ I ISl:. i\\i . ;\yj (’All . Uni ! IT- • •/>:» -.Ta« -*).u J r ; h!i n ti •* J iter ii ll tizdbelli y' •• : N 0 rrc E TO S O LD!i;r;G ! ~~ •ui.«v»iis, ’•■W.CKiO.vj;!! I.'/s •i. ■■ .4 i , 6 ;« n >- •■ y p ; M , K- , ,-rr “ , ' kV;.-,. ; Pensions, : Bjscft . Fgy ;r.d Cci:rijV m i*” ro : i ■- -'.V ii.’. -I !>;•, I,i l» Uiii.s.l li. v. Hi i S.'- - v.p< . fi..m (*!»■ hy in .o-eia. • . } ’ 3Jl'£ y[ umi. v,.. jv [ ' f ..’fJ'j’i■ I'"* • : jl». V- «'[ T- »' C4?y|- i:uiicr : ; can.- uU'l I'**r cu»y tr.*i rcnO| li*\ to ?! ’lii-'' , ; o .vj-- !' ■\_ > I -WjiT', 1»Vi1...-.C..'\y >;?ca.kT» s.'pM*V|? *■ &; tUCRRTSON*.. -GROtEI tVoit: J , i*l linker 'lKftpj- CliriVt jSlun •«? U'.irt < "ji'p-w.: f -John iStOVWI?* II ,';i > IVnul oVn T.el 1 'While Mnrg AV.QX. t ico iret above list, •• i- r to - p;‘m, ’ f j_ w 't ' -J; r .CNK’, and the highest tho f.iheap • M 7 . t. ftr. g: .1: . 'v : n. ■ -■ r C "?V r il-uv.,. • . ... Mj)(? f . ’ M, ii.'ivn, .-.•.■VI '.l';; a tf -v^T /V-iO'v V f -M>icr ■■ ~ r 'if r-v ■_• ■ • - A. ci i:,,. tijhet I; ! > . Po’l-i-' • C ' lTn ’ June next. i 'll V A:!, _ "f ~ ATT-'- *;r*y ■. il .1 bn *ri;rii 1 «•■^Sr U*l. : i.iriT, ol d d'iccdiiru. lotto v-- ,: 1 . ■' ■-■■-’ iv f . . ( ~11- - - , ■ . . n-i ,1 ,o;’i n:r. tied •I ij., M.tini ..Hirivua's jiif-Si-:*)'"/," 10 ih“| ot- .'dot id ■•,i j N‘ 'Vtrty 1 Cid,dr OWi ' d k•'•-•4 1 1 , 1 `v", • •v<«i»i»i. ,■ . V ox&c.i M . ;.iou.-r' A - :r “ i to > . ;>.■•.• c i 'e'-'-i... it. k; i' •'ll a‘|- ]•!'( ni • vr r.'.-ij lIMM 'I ■-•■H i'- . I \| |-iy to I -,' liv U-IM,.- ! i.y -Vi ‘,.M- O' j ir.CC.' Ji.*-;. h.* JV' 7,''. iV - ■• ,fr.. a'Vis, uJil 1., r Ijjrv • ] fii-!p.i;.ci’! ri-iwi',% •if.'" '¥ v- 1 # -cto-.o! y r . , Hljll ’r-;' ;i! MU. .iSiltt-l’ctt;. , u'lj.t.iv! li.i.iH slum il I- liiii-.i', fir^c'd I nw>‘,C’cu - /■ ■ I . .' AXI) or ; ■ ... .-.-i Brandies, ’ Wines. and Scgr.*s. 'i ■ , 2‘J3, CV- < I.’l;'-'- 1 .V ir»s!« * I'ITTrrBUKU, ,t\vU ; Iren,'iails,. ton Vann icu -= '■! i -OH liWi'.l. |, Foe Sale at tt e Beaver Cr? g fe-tcre,• =* ,tr;\ if. n : *. a>:\ i.' «;»fi -jjv >’"r.a s—' r ke. M •tiT’i'l.l) MO3riTO,H , 7i ; ‘®- ! burrt oil •pLiir-.n. js. ■:■ >•;•• nuiil ; Also i'ai-0.-r>OVI Axioms 'viin.'Ut cii.tanpvd. I •« for.saW'rtt Wicp Store oi’ C* I V. Cun'.iui^u*—- ! Or.n Powticv, Voivttg niul Rfock ■ I g*"S*, f a'i </*.{Vet-,ky. OMTrf,| ! i;tKUUi»aC<-tT<**, j GoM pen?. SyvAip **llso. *a pvic.V r iliinjr: ft * vnf v gnori; vinegni*. iiMl’.l hcrubiiig ! brushes iinu salt. t •; -.•**'* I - Zartt currants'and Katstns f*i fe»c %X v* j up [ • Xo>. 64 tvayv i~~\ A £to fae premises of the fcbeeribqr, J, iifi.CWpiWa tp.. nbout the lal of July,. Heilcr. 2 : yours old. The burner iif requested to come fornstd. prove \)r->perty,. pay charge!! and lake Tijw arVaj; otherwise »be will, be disposed of acaordiug toJ»w- Aoiai-to ihoS. I :i -'V- Y'v nn ' I ■ * ... iiMViV .1, u.". ’• . -:1~. '~„ r ; V : v ' '| UI --‘V 'ale • i‘* : V ;!.■ ••Mmtrijei;. with! ..-o-'ij, '..'••jo.: .T..|,.,va- K-'r' <A-: x f.v , '?* . I ‘i-Mi h\ ; u'i f!-a ;i scV d~irni c !'.` .M . * f \ s vo.. ;r... lIHI •w- 4 , , • f *vV' .xCrii'y •>.' *O. .oV'.-f-- 1 ' Ail--*' i i-'V' 1 x> j'>».•; Aj. •*i .T * t it m ( ia; "Vi. *tjo-r -1 • ; Lr - •I’tAl: INE { .v-t/' to >j,» u . •an:-.* A. v<_; 'MTliL.ilyO ’w. OH v 1 ! o '• ris- :l ;'