The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, April 29, 1863, Image 1
E, B ednesday, April SStii, 1863. i’ D. L. IMBRIE, Editor s Proprietor. TERMS - :Osb DoiuiE and PirTT.Crjtra p»r annum. la adtasci; otherwise Ttto Dol ia** will be charged. No paper discontinued 'uadi all arrearages ore settled. S^T Letters and communications, bj mail iLall £roiipt attention. -• NEW-YORIL TRIBUNE Prom Ihe lOlst Reg |P. V. j Cajlp 101st Beo’t. Pal Vols ) i . land t. JSewUirne.X Wi11 , ;63. f'ik. ' . —r 9tat “‘ it a the caran of .1 ■Much bas.beon-said By the “copper- P®*”® fieg’t., Pu. Morris in the h , e^B,,^ lnV ”( e ” nco i t( ? the'provisions Chair, Lieut Col. Armor arid Capt during P earl V Compiler Vico Presidents, aid. Lieut ISf, ! One ty will Conley and Surgeon Rush Secretaries ! 11,ft U P. hla bronzed ncad and eay.dcnoui the followiiiir committee, repr^ B entingl a te tTiT 0118 L^ cich county! reprinted in )he regfl 2"& > PWr.another addkatl^V^ merit, was nominated to resolV ijLh 31 at f ramecl passed ) other ..1 olio Uoo'i all Lulioßßiif men”; an( T eapt. Bonner AJ&ms, The fol-j iti.onnnlih ~*1 - IffittlttetWllot'lßto'llM -a.,nnl.lien„:inil. ns.erjnn, ol .boj and renolntini,, ' T ,{"" !>•£"*)>«•». Anln nf.Lc (poor.. , *K"<* <l«» «.■ I «puA ana inalienable of .all' submitted and unanimously idonted : ? S f vent b Congress. In that; Contrast. sirAho provisions o? th men, to ‘hte;, liberty, and the pursuit' by tL e * ° US,y f« , law,. « shown the humanity, [ denounced acf^ .. , 1««3. ?'•* is .fioJfiinr I*4l, in; its twenty-second years. lias, obtained both a larger and !.:cre widely diffused circulation thaV nay other newspaper ever published .!« -Virunen. 'Though j t has suffered/ in C'.iiiuioii with oilier jounials, from i'.,c volunteering- and 'departure' -{jif teiis of tuousands of its patrons to serve /n the V> nr for tbo ijnion, its •ivi.ait-oa on,ibis 6lb of December 1M»2; is as follows; . ‘ / ’ reo. every scheme and effort of-the Slave i nlhiing at the destruction of our great I ..„L'_ •. -. '„ e [treason by the New fork nJJ^ 0 e i.i I°f ordenti’g a draft for State m* T Ipi -°'m 9U been follow edi by a:-sfiih-i-L I u uu ? itaft J’ e ' !> • - TJH 1 * ~ fortresses 'or . i’ower.drum the Annexation of Texas ’ and /f e f ’Mving broken, out,!’ 9?pP 0 «j b ejjhj . who rcaro no more existing militia%w I tO, T- Am #' person raay l c Xl IO^ tl?n ' O v-' imperial; pbw-1 ? bta,n ; practice to the great Rebellion, tot grasp the ran 1 ' portion of ter-( about tl ».e Government than though it authorized Etoi«tU"i n £ 0 th«T d °* % . aeco P ta blvSsubstitute niaee 01 i fvT ® d ’'P 0 . 11 f 1 nc ,ok l by. tire ab-f» m stritribg,vessels or i‘in piio Of the New Wo. Id and wield \ n <K United’Slatcs, denyihg j W valueless. • | U tho United" 'Si tbc ,Jr 4 at any price forSLfh T siS^fH' e “ d «f and a ; wrlhin-acertafo rao^ resources oTour country for .its bor “Olbonly, followed by -“defaming ! For iho purpose of Lhowln i t States. By tfce-'ldwß •«? «f W i? f s*l ® an P ro Cure one.‘Every draftsman confident! b ? st,l ' ta f 8 fo'h'kt;! i*avo been ‘ bl . s atemney of Jaim.-is obtauiejj V •'. own ’aggrandizement— i proudest recollections, Mr imltinb I t h„ , ; P ur P9 S 0 ot fibon mg clearly Stal -.7 «W , \ be . Umte ? ,fs at liberty to fm-nish » confidently [looked for before the i tb ? M Practicing kt| targets at ‘-such ih afitago.-.isni to the depots of the and cynynittipg yibleneo lb hbr !fln£ ! h Inteat,ts, > °f the ‘bill, with refer- certain' 6W Yorii . rate as Ire day *H 'P ceB ®"' >' eai l 2tf.-won - i£® ln f 8 as ’ an auaeting fbrce must pass. Oki IVo.rJcl. Who- fondly hall in the ! ' ve to {„[ sh a?b ‘ to tho P oor class, we give ®W 3 ‘ f» b8til «t«; or aiydro®nSS 7 ' In J P f e ‘ -p 1 " 00 . 111 ! th »cw the whole' weight i J P" 8 . a ™ ■- bro “SK l( V bear : upmi T pt.nh abd calamities suddenly thrust , lie . r | f:lte or redeemlfor. at a isacred i following letter, written to Fernando being drifted into M 7 . du r>’’| H’ each sum, not' exco'idimt t ,n »“>enso patronage|in .favor? c of i >« l -b fr,j.oi ! its, ar/d when odr, : ■ upon ns ~y their American counter- P nc ' e ' antl W bereas, '-cchain partteal Woid by Senator VViiann i ° Hlie United Stnlea v service o , hundred dollars bs the Snor tbl .Sfbiiighaift- .Wefmdy be sureTiiat 1 tIO ° l S ,‘ Jl g aril,r,: ‘d approach they pssf theoverthrov and- ruin of the : in the land of Our homes wl Lne 'of iZ r l %.T" on ’ w, ‘° ™ ! th 6 wK exempt ( War may i&mdo^ ecreta, T 'pf were seaUerci broadcast i se V CI ’ C,, - V - .-UwieJ J.Vpublic—Republican in itk' evep looked for.strength and ;i M • tb ’° h,l1 > and " ho andihfirm««p2l d °''' C ‘u m , o^ho T 8 ' IsuWitulmi j ’ 1 Procure la throngacut the-State ; thajt the. dipr-l , sufc, ‘ accuracy-Is -displayed -, ■ihope .and. trust, its -faith aud effort ; i,av f SW? n us unmistakable fl^ d * ® nd doe f it inuclij f£ it children' o.O fcho^ oss > M' |i : The sum deternined uno.i 'by M hTn ° fl corru »• tIW j t b '’cbel, gangers,; an irnme.Jiate , tlmt tins must^ * loyalty, by withhbldinglnHi; tban th 9 8a who denounce it,‘or young bWihefa aS mo ts' ^ at °' r :UKi Iminiot.s ! f) l^mon ‘should bo, made'- .:W ■‘f u,t 1,1 'tl'c signat overthrow of its hei f su PP°i’t from i the fiovernir.ent i' an d fllegc that ft is oppressive to thb entfon their fht* 81 depend, j dr e d dbjiawflt may be ten fif't “ ‘ '' ,IS bl ou ? ht i bear - w.ith iiVrcsistifile t will tho rebels will ];ytte ! the firm ‘establishdieht i Renouncing alike tl*e ExdJS poor] fibWs- PP T nbS SteZIVV*? l " n:dr< -< «»flLd o?’ f’..?' orce aga.nst -lilf- wide oM.iu> mark. ,This hits s--11H..1 i-ighisand oqiiaMaws tbrduo-h-i an-^tl,e arrn ‘cs in the field <Mvin>> aid v i - nation nor lb* I« ’ i b -S-.’ i 1 *! 8 - of *l® within ! tho‘ limits of ba! l. succeeded,;. Connecticut is h beel . 1 ' ‘need'sever.iU times -already r.iyhuro. Inventions, and whatever: 00,1 9 f treas«p, ; ’to replace every Jitolen it is-fit that I™ ltt,on ’i . lSurc, y. then, pe| on i^'t 1 C f mv'* 311 ’ all ' n, id poor 'men: cou d more d tbore can bo JiUle.ltfonit that 'Uib i fi e^ lon ' & “ o; -l»>o'’edyandAkenf their] 4W-.tei.ts accompany \<* MUlabl?. Wisdom lh ® V*r iStf^^^ 01 -- thb^^da P°'- ta ? tba despot ** tbe -and report every i a^ a n<l'proclamafionl’ . -f V 5 S.S^l a “ d Call,, the ijational S-5 % ”"** fortunate could obtdlb in process tO.C b - v ** gunners. Our - : ' t X“* I! icuhent : of that sttne-1 .Sesolsed,- -Thac.. S s 'jin a or- obtdia a where The lim wJ ?. f t ’, as wclfas our artillei‘y : •sirna) and .eonctffijve’t-nnropli. fit tae !^npport to the National Governnient,! preservation fof pur .periled countiy and other officials: 39 ' '"• f t J a!tt wasj ai mj tiams, shoot with an accuracy > a dnd in the restoration J an s P hi^j* sm j nUentioh tb the sick and . -make an infamous distinctionbetween Tbis“Act for enrolling and ealiinn- i!? ■ IUEd:r j dol ar9 .was | ■boio^^^ o^'fff^ e, Hew teslinici. f cons.jJorod wonderful by., ail V: Pvace and .Thrift to our distracted, !*?<J dtd' -In ! tbf.rtcb -and the poor!” i-Sir, this ae-1 (mt of the national forces- *>noSr^L 3 g '? ,V ’ H; ch ‘4 io.^ ? oi cd pbaco wnh the P '^ a •' tdicrwise (an a fuher or more aceur : „, lf i wh i;. nain we conVi and mfjtmously false—a foul, shame-1 making distinctions *i lo lUl |t miist inevita'bly do s 6 Tn,.J ' ■ 1 r “ m, - c ,->™ , . ■ -.- , ■— — review of the progress ami. charge i ‘ hii nets*! , v ith -iheperlidftiis con-j: less'arid damnable Ijbel j upon the law i alld the poor, fctcepts'and oxelfntk'not , lnal f° ,1“ its 'biiridj.oss'! 6f Lii.cbfo. Hero] . ; , J lanti f g Baßpt^vriea/ : ' -: r ;cfoth.s : memei.tous^onfi>c?De: rt d ftbo , ato Legisfou.-e, ajhich*-: and its! framers.. ott-re,waled ; members of Congress no t iom a ■ f statec irtThe A cpirespOmfont of the Uondon earned tear, through the regular . ft Tel - nsin , % . bv then-vote,- the h: II of. avmvaUjif tra.tors whose, house officers, not •postmasters : notUd 1 M' n M ,ntero ** ° r <imfC-l'P ! ‘ tc, V of wb ‘<?b the witness ] felaihed a -T sajAthat-ho has a r 3t ‘• wbun .P B - Aad '' v ® : liberty V the cause of'Marty, inherited ; souls are stained idood of Govcrnmcnl clerks, not the Slate in'- ! i(foafled nool lt means ;an<|l. of an indistincjtn-euielnbi atice *K e ■ ‘ CH -g l' ial ‘ tln .-' rt-spberries t^hibh" sol,git the eo-opftiation of. n We i„f am y by defaming us .our. murdered countryman, that tins dn-mnes, i.oij nmnsters of the Gospel 'iHvor oF P /f 1 lai, > n M O a distinction-In- thought it was 1 either the ‘‘-ibllnpV.o iTt eollsKlel ’ s / supoi-ior: to any.-other r,.-.i;n‘ tjie National causa which j , onlor ; e s ' i ' 1 accursed ;rcbellion now: upon ‘.us was a „d professoVand students in collL ii of V lO rch an F>agairtst the pom- ov =• .J. * P 1 J d c?lou - !, Tbo g rou| idfis. thorou.'hlv uVebared ygiird-and npbold that ,«f ‘P Th(ll i 0 oppose, under any I forced upim Giem by the digressions ( e s- no ! not iioso foxtunate-and favor! lo anJ hlad ncss, lt r Cai '° h i. ° f e l ,dent jl-iiieoln, ’(■¥ the tipig ihe. suckerl are - .- ; r?ai. llmmn.itj, to a.d ls m-fx- i ctexf tllo present! Administration, j6t the liberty loving people%f the; l!( i class for it enrolls tliem ijartil,.!'i d,,C f 3 l°/ ?' Ven^ 'Alozart Hall! 'V" 0 -" • tMl ‘ n,,o V t tllat 't. was jtbo ‘-al/- j b ‘ !otpr (jO'Cen meiies high. He seM-ts .an,g us f . , ' charged speciiliy with the Jestorbtion i not more a „d clthpr - ' - j rogation” of'l,fa office and po vef. : , s-wkers! that are v^elU • r , ■ I V l| - I ‘- .- , . ~,of the Unionris''an alliance withltt-ca-j ly, iWantoply and ick.edj} -false llimil ,„ 8 -h eobstittics, orpay Tor 1 substitites -ii« out fh . aC i Po,: 9F 0,,| fig and -caluf Tllie rebds-idoked anxif umII- to ■ l ° o j e ' ‘ n ' ,ld 13 Particular to have a ,/ l '° enormous increase in the p, ce , wh ; ev< , t so opposes, shill be is tfos declaration of .Mozart Jlall^iJ 0 , then, basils law, so flipp£ "l gives -'iasl. Connecticut election ato dfo ; 1 £ lb ° d .: fib r(n.s colla'i ot.pjjntinjr paper znd other miucnas r ' bga^ ded as ft - 7 CO ward, and held 5n ; that the, Conscription Act makes txis*; ]>denounceOby Mozart Hall BeSi. thc i-' wor, P tba ‘ h it is the I theni th ,'A ® I ‘I 0 ’" a bo ‘ d ' a g out to ,ai though die leaves arc !small.‘ The A ,v, pfiinnig ncwsjjiipers, cc inpels j d ce p ei l contempt than the more active Unction in favor of the ncluiiud a-1 nd exempt? •' I lbb n ,u rP 0 1 se k the nation to ■ - r , ’ b fP e :.°f a -speedy peace;—l h cies are dugand three,.plants p „t iu IUE iRI : (enemy in tl.e field. V . I | thopoor. _. .< j TT?iNaw, Haded l!y T o U ; sir and !S' S ' reblillioi,: ' Yoiiil(^ tbht their iforthern4^ aph ’ ,n .'A ‘riangle, about nine inches ■■■ mi-V-r'-pr'-F f That: ho who dem’arids a 1 r J™*'’ *s> do T nct misunderstand rac.i yo ur] clM> icxeep.s ind exempts I'Jth" fi Pa S? '‘i ;P~visidnB 4m j Bomoeratic allies could, by .'-m^Woff SR ff ccad V''#;^ e onf nicely ;■ A “ ’- withdrawal of the Union armies bo- 1 Of _ court,e I cannot mean to , f „. sti the VfoJVcisidcnt of the tlni- Jims of traiibi^°i < | 1 an<l - " ervc tbo!^.piectidn frauds and chicanery kid tl tlp “u ’ a wi ' watering,: ■ T*id, accuse Mbzart Hall pf intentional | tos, V _ (Ur- ot t,a 'tors,i thup puttim? •’ ' ■ • ymanagp J ami tjio vtork is done; r II El E * 3 cccts. Mh-vpi.tfrs, one rear i.'iji i;suc“‘).....'3S, j, >• kmi \r tribus e yc.ii; J<jr 2-:«ucs» V;-'. •a<* roar . . s‘22 50. '7 ? 1 ° De tierit ' cluVs of twca- !■’ vi.i} \P:IT. TRIBUNE. L'"’ 1 'r'■■*><; yoar(- r i2 issues)....;.—...'. $2 ■ ■ sue vear...:. .1 So. Ta.-tr O.; ’ oivp Tear. i.SB ; one year $l5. -'■’■‘7 larger number , addressed to : or. s .ds-;r!iters, 8V.50 oaeli. An -i'-ojiy will be gent .-to every club f’' Copies, fo one address,, one | ;bar. 825. and any larger number at price.- An extra ropy will be to eiuhs of twciitv. To clubs of tifety THE Slyill-WEEKLY TRI-' i TA'E-svill be sent. To dabs of fifty TnF-bAIL.Y will be sent. trails r - - j ! Addresl THE TRIBUNE, Tribune Buildings, New-York Vi'ht-h drafts can be procured it is •V-ri.S, >afcr titan'to remit Bank Bills. I'' l r.amo of the -and '■v’c rhould in all casijs be plainly ■ i n'. • • -t fibers . who send money byj I-.xj'.rt-fi. must; prepay. iEo Express! eke it,wiHib!o deducted .frnm( • : f remittance. ‘ ■[ j ! Ij ItiK Tnn:|:sr. Ailmasac for 18G3- : v 'ill l,e ready.'laliout Christmas I ' XJijion KEotel, ” . BEAVER, PENN’A. I 'V: : ALEX.' CLARK, Proprietor T N .•i.'uljticn to tie conveniences''of a firs -1 Hotel, the Proprietor has fitted up in “tef. in a complete jthd Eatisfactorymun- , ~ OYSTER SALOON, ~-trc the bo.-; fJiiiUiy of’Oysters may be ob dti^tag-licit season, in any desired -v ." ' H inilic!= can be furnished with Oysters, the can ordoicn. The table is furnished aU ‘ ,hc luxuries the PITTSBURG MAR. can afford,- . t , A^ : .i Il ' ifu Vf o r the HLeral patronage hereto re bestowed a eontinuahee of the same is solicited.-; dcclT ’ Gum Hair Pilii,' Monaies, Needles, Tweeters, 1 P;^‘s Eha 7 eilt ?’ ■ 6 P°° l Cotton, Thread, \ for •* tlte-Hrug Store of BfL.p.r. tx&oas*. V 1 ~X ' r- ' Vol. 39--2 ST. tore the are 'crowned with success, by deploring our abilty to conquer, offers ah insult which we indignantly spurn; or by appealing to our priva tions and sufferings, thus giving trai tors unopposed sway and dominion, is guilty of the foulest with treason, r-uch shall even beialike unworthy the 1 respect of his country men, and the associations of thp-sol dier t>f the bivouac and .battle-fields. Resolved. That we hold it be the du ty of every loyal Jcitizen to qid the President and his constituted author ..$5. SK2. ities in every- measure necessary to strengthen and conduct Lis armies in the field to ; a succossl'ul.issne, and with L u initiation .and pal n ■ shoal'd'' we learn that'ar.y opposition shall be permitted to exist, unribuked,; in a loyal munity. .? r - _ j t Respired, Tliat these resolutions bo published in the papers of the ties Represented in the 101st Pa. Vols. iMaj. A<W, TAYLOR, Pies' t, . S.uegeos D. G. Rush, Sec’y. t i: ‘ I '■ X r - -I Pennsylvania in Kentucky.—TLo , Louisville Journal snyaWhen tbei history of this war is written, i Ken tucky will be-as greatly in arrears of gratitude to the Keystone Statens to any ofherothor sistoTs,for its assistance has been as generous and'hearty as it was prompt. The names of Njegley, Stambaugh, VYynkobp, Williams, Jor don, Brown, and olheis, omitted from no invidious motive,! will always be remembered*. in oui; Commonwealth for their gallant services. Their com mands were among the first called to thtTStato by tlic General GQveinmcnt fer its defence, and there is hardly'a county frond the Big Sandy to the Mississippi, orfrom fhe Ohio to our j Southern border in which they have! not visited and- performed effective work. Among the more lecent! arri vals has been the 45th Pennsylvania regiment, under command, of (Col. Curtifli which is now at Campj Dick Robin Son, having left Paris on the 10th inst., where it was encamped on the Fair Grounds. The Citizen nays it is one of the best drilled Tegiihents it has seen, and won 'golden opinions from the Parisians for its orderly and, good co'nducl during its sojourn in thsir midst. . 'I iThi Consorlptlori Law Explain- "o^E Defended.' )7«m * -V 1111. rilii falsehood!.l'.Oh, no ! Surely no one would'susjiect Mozait Hill of inten tional falsehood or escalation : Its considerate moderfifpn; its lively sense of justice, its admitted patriot ism; its Stainless pmity,;d c-hunicter. will; rescue 1 Mozart lijJl fro nr the suspicion of intentional .misreprosen latipu'or falsehood Of course, sir, this &’!irnclcss accu sation against the provisions of the Conscription Act was Inspired by ig norance —n;ot by fatehooa. This exhibition 1 if.sheer igrid’iince concern ing itlje provisions of this proscribed lawlof the nation 'will,perhaps; bo ex cused and {pardoned (n view of the manifestations of that intense, paasion ale,|6ut-6poke« loyaiti :of Mozart Hall is wont to {put forth[in buluilf of {the government.. It. is, nevertheless, an agreeable spectacle to see you,;Bir,iand your Mozart patriots whoso exquis ite regard ; for hamaa: rights is only equaled by that deep contern for the couritry which impeb: you to delve Into! the mysteries of,' negotiations with the Richmond traitors, groping along in utter ignotance of the pro visions of a law tranced expressly* to nioro effectually‘defflid the endanger eji nation, lighten tbe burden of the Treasury and the equalize the duties, and| relieve, as: far las possible,' 'the toilingj dependent poor from the hard, if not harsh,provisions of exist ing inilitiujlaws. | But, sir, it mallets not whether this accusation of Moztrt Dali against the Conscription Ac t, was born ot igno rance or falsehood; It is equally fallal cious. deceptive, ‘mischievous. It is an accusation flangbefore the people by tho reckless land ot demagogue ism, to'poison heart and > mislead tho reason. . Surdy {the heart, r ! con science and treason of a; loyal people will mark'and brand the' brain! that conceived, the hand thitt penned and the tongue that proclaimed this foul, wicked.-and shameless calumny against ah act whlblii bears the amplest evi dence in every lino,that its framers in tended its burdens should fall.; as light us possible qi| the toiling masses. Sir, this “Act for enrolling and cal ling out the national farces” waadram ed to be more efficient for war purpos es than were tbsezisting militia laws, ' at. . »cd£atus, of. the; various !$, Courts of Uii/nited States, the heads I th of the vario: executive department ! fb of the Goveftienf;, antf the Cover- f lit nors of the s«rul States; ; second the re only : son liar to milit a rj\d u tv, ofJJe a widow dep Jer.t npon his IdW for i no support; thi th»only son of Wd l ox and infirm pint or parents depend- j tU cm on his fir for support; fourth i-cil. where, tbtfci-e two or-more sons of vfe] parents subject toM draft, thC -ifcr, oi, if ho be 'dead,' the ■ » h mother, rryla-t which son, shall Ibr ' h. \ov far —‘i .d.,. , .nil bejtL exanptj ti f i\ t!,o -° i, l y brother, of 0,.., cinldreu >oU-> years old, f e £ nei tlicr fiifecAy mother, depended ! rob. upon ,hw labo* support; sixth, the - ! --.MU,,, ■ndS' 1,, ! lJ . cr I 12 op Bl ®* Obit.i?abv:--Jlw|nrEdaturi'l??“ th .> lh , a K. b £ OI W- frpm Y^lidndlg-/ ioSh w?" w*} ,a ‘ K-- sorry to stall. VaS JT v ' tho l° earliest as-' nsTn lJ H>ro r Cr ° Ar"" T*' H T ° de P» this LU6 last): tl,os(i entrdatie-i,- ns in tiro same Aim- Jluhday. Jem was genorallv cdnsia'i! < % ucnt «PPPaIs fol- peace thick I, and two of them eierla gud feJlcr.i He Jlde aVthe a<W'f r f I Bto?“jcrn 8 t 0 ?“j crn ’pres* 'havt* lately; 'rtpuh commit °f ; 2b yea« old. |He went forVh wltht N b j d -.< * was common sons|theC SStf « P K ed °®' str,^ lo | aild i|uch n 7 V pe ; cc P^ on of •n&llgdtsl n-ot . p ir hmt l h ?. re « Cl ' r^i aW . oa ,r enS PpPP e^*-«9B4 n .ghtyjj wl b 3-fanatm.stti a'eerfai.Alopking IW R ABf. B . \cvn r honscliqj J, not smai t— to MorroJ wo Uro cut down^° r var( Mo the wraith, to stable '■Patriot of tin- i i’»i a,ll - % . ® a ?- n “ boexcmptj'cightb.llikp a coweuruber of the ground.- C f&T"™ enoiniithl I&npylfl C r oikc£ ot fort, l age 9 oi . lB r em whiclrhis f «H. hia: power consolidated, laic of .file-firm ° rk " ! ’ for the reason that potv waW on. iflis Wehewa was 113 straps and soldiers swarmioli of Boston hat aolcliers under numerous. .Menny is Iho thim's ! stronghold, c.ty ; villa-o I /h! v,! ' at l!l ° ‘-r^r 0 th< ' bot | lis K l -Owceiy,-a„i we are hap. Jg; ,n * h '« land >l unbrididd jwtll i^tiiutiin'thisnnJ’ofBoS£S; ls^ !n £- % 5“ men 1 1,0 nc^ r chei!ted - 1! if Ctln S da,I J . cruelties greater iarid I«e4t the treasure.oh StT r ‘‘h, Z k -0 and 30. ; ly m [the wate of) winch was I £ upon all who dure to j op.' Slfoo, b,e ng tho'-f«ll'sm o C* he exemptions of I n,t 4 H «melt sweet and bis surviv-1P 97 .? la m—when, in» word, thobiltiir debt with interest 1 “ ? M “ 1 ' 01 tLd st . C B ,° called) in '“£jV|ifo is the same wi. Wo never lu 1 ', 8 of uespptisrtri being ? ' ’ pon whoso daily liim to put sand, in his firm and the help JhPihf* had a big sand blar in frolnf of *»J ‘Ptoleiaßlp tyranny,feud' re-i fakmy “infamous I JIB woj nor waicr in! his libera ; !? -, in S the freedom so j latch- Jbst tbo riHrnmlthf 4,Q Otio rivq'i-j-ran " ''i| dorej \ n t * le * r un*‘ 3 futlioi- of knot years ot ago, Lor for suppoi are a. father ai ily nad housi are in the mili ted States ;,as cers, musician: duo of suoli fa cxccedingtwd, youngi men b and 20 are exc experience pr< 20 j-cars of a bin dens of cai between the a i| These, sir, | the’Conscript! favor of the pi | toil the aged, : . less rely. la | distinctions be poor/' to ex, ho only sons of poor widows,, cotiipbl members of Congress t( procure substi tutes or pay bstitutes ? Is it, making an‘|“i s distinction tween the rich poor” to exempt the only sons, 1 or infirm pa rents dopendo bom for bread ana compel c ouso officers, to fight, procure|Uos, or, pay for substitutes ? bikitg infamous distinction bette rich and the poor’Vto cxemtnff brothers of fatherless andtbss little broth! ers and sisterint upon their daily tbil forjttj and cbmpol postmasters twrnmont clerks to fight, proobitntes, or pay ( for Bubstitntea“making infac [monß dittincUkeen t& r *h ■~f : ' ‘ UM n"nc(TLff Ir to! > Btfstt SS 0 ?° m P el State, judges, J-fiSH.9® 8 ' PJ the peace, cterffvmen : anH sf regc professions to fi K bf Tbk WwJuob thus diserimlnatqs in S^^ ‘ii 0 be "‘-‘fioont prl visions of an act pafsed to uphold the Tl° °i f <??i“ r im P eriled country ! <lol i f U“fc If ’ -*“ ,6ri P' aforesaid may, on or before ahe dav t fceilhl 1115 , n PP oararlt< -'> furnish'an X accuptable,substitute to take liia lilaeo \y fml the draft; or ,o may pay to C h P e rson asjthe Secretary of War mn V a j fo receive it, such E Tot 'j iiirco hundred dollars, as | tlie Secretary mjiy determine. for the procuration of sjuch substitute! which ins Sf , , ■, if f .i- in peril I faijfSQ .of olur conntry, and K precious bloojcl o’ our heroic <je l<lUK. - > ou| ii . of tiiis nevolofnt act Of national defence, by ?nir hg '' th{3 t anii ifS: 'hopes: of the -qlljon maj- force upon the ixovern- I'ihf lfo ,»*essity ]of putting into ?sunon the draft provided , for by is jaet. rhat dr.'ift cannot bo avert eseent by promptly weaponing thio Ihtiff bands of; the %al men in the ' t “ 108 «"fi (rnrn(jdiatoly yielding mlydand onfhnsiajtic support tb Hinm- - - a*nd-ft,or •f. r 1 ,15,,ln a tbe : hopes and of ually ball ling tlio efforts bf the 26 ' Hi|sry *■ Piece to Lis reinajiis. . Minor ißotts, of Va„ so', longiiicaroeratediri ih|e Libby prison'’' and in Salisbury, Mi Ic. r jbaB boon pe-; leased through £fae interposition of a fneiifl, an extonsiv 3 p,ur]cbaso T of’ to baeco, and has pormisslon to remain on lifa ostato, near Gprdonsvillo, under tbo pledge of not aiding or abettiuc the Unropibanae. T ■ A Heroine.—TbeT” Register tolls of dj f e , tamed to that city luftc eighteen (months in iho haying bpr sex discdyei part in throe battles; ai ed twice, first above then in I the arm, too eomp«ll|njf her; to dir I to obtain a verdict ih tlicir hrf|dr in a majority of the northern Stateli,which would he sufficient toi more 1 desperate action bjr Democratic gov. Conors, judges or legislatures, ahd that they'Could thus o vc r t h r o wt h e h a t i o n - al government I, without, much diillcul j ty. dS’cjw that such a prospect! fades away, the Dispatch us, ii/ language which cannot he misjundei-: stood, with a' revolutionary 'outbreak. l>>" ■ iho northern Democrats. 1 Wo quotes it; . . j • • ‘.‘lt was not philanthropy aloine, 6r a bu'ge'boarted s* oathv f- L tb Jj>ast hi; ■ ... ,‘ J| S IU . .iU-meu anil unequipped, yet burning. with veh-b. fill luiy, tcaco ntc u d aslm in s t the armed perfectly llrined. and skil-’ S«n o in G1 ‘ ed e ?' 01 , ia f t*>e.oppiies so*. IjThen wTH tome back the poisoned cha- Ifiee whichthc scornful and vain<d(iri -o U ? ,north commended to the- lips i of the south. _ Then,a, revolution fierOer tuan that which desolated Franee wlilj bogiuj to end no man knows where br Then the blbod'of their slaugik tered southern brethern, which has beta so lonic crying from the’ ground | for vengeance, will be appoased by the (sightsmnd, sounds Of terror, the con- Bagrations, massact-cs, riots, battles,! great and small, which will Weep. the The, I rora Cn f ta the' other.-s- Tbeu the abolitionists; so eager to pro vpke war, so alow to engage in it, will know what war U. Ml|erto it ha^ i Jtioona (Pa.,) male tr a service of limy, without rec. She todk cd was wound tlio eye! and latter wound »«•';%« fez. ME The r S T^ a^ tß - ' ' if 0 ® 11 a pr? U -v pastime to'thr-iu. They: ' be r(i Bilt °f the Connecticuti. elec- |.* ,av ° . r <japed riches,' honors, offices tion turns out to be a soi-e affliction to 1 u -. wiif. it be what they the rebels at EicimoniJ. Their>liad nm . d .e Utous of the south::; nay, • •whmA'S h»™ Ln u> .*% -t in ’ How they wjrUbe under the - 7 l '’•’gold be ieile iil ns to shut our " defeat cl; their party ninir bo. seen byi e >’ e > to the fact:'aii' that is hero the annexed .passage frJm the EicW t^ aU ' nod! bas beer deliberately plot ’ mpr.d Dispatch : • - , : tod by the d« the | . “The, Couneetient election has «o RC I f -® S 4 tes > '3 'constantly being in- a B ii tl *U l,en,o c’ atS - ; M batT lal-.j eu | car c - d in' the secrecy of oa(.l.:bound *’ ilioistrengthof, thj*. Republican orders like the One recently detected S££ W by .^ ; feat .of thej.Dcmocracy cannot \l : ell be’ 1 S, : uco tl,e commencement': of the exaggerated, -for if ihitl rcsultihad skill .displayed by.o.flc' army ' been ft thorwiso the west wouldi " 11 ! 1 ,av f ■ has icxcited •' ia y e risen; the i.pcaec iJariy Iwbuld i lllll^?f S:l comment. aTho rebels nave or ■ • ■ - : ■"t ‘ ' ■ ■I; ' r 1 - !. ■. k Advertisements inserted at the rate of. 76 cent* pet square—each subsequent uisertioß r 5 cents. A liberal [discount , made to yearly advertisers, and on te%.'Wifii P Ua« ni^ttK j A space equal to twelve :lin?s of this tyn#-t measured as a square.; . : V I ■lf i -r I r Special notices 25 per. cent. addition- to ref 'war rates. - ' ' . . • Business oard.s 75 cents a line, per frear ■ Marriages ian’d Deaths, 'Keligious, Political and other .Notices of a pnblij Mature, free . . ; rfie-savs ilia: ho bap mod various ways Tj/s-istin.^■ out uone havo succcedecj as well i tins. .1 .. .... ;i '. • i . Sowing Flower! Seeds., «* .The;soll.lor-^wori- t feliV.uld--bc‘hn as rich as poksiliJc with weir re/ liable manure, and pulverized' / ■ " e ,r v -i T,l ° seeds ,6ho,iild be . covered bv, rakin.« w arnalj jnrun rake. ' They iW curenjlly tended, and soil' kepi.': jvUa, water fioni.a .vessel'' that . bean left slar'diny. in the sc.,: F^ n (jlflpr.ofweedp. Should ; rhe plaiuV come up too thickly, ibin them', and trans plant alter a rain whenever you may wash them; These should be protected against the middav Wn for aJcpnplQ of days, until they. become established. It r i4 Impossible' to ob ' i'?. hne tio 'V ; er6 unless the -round bo I pi-eparcd. and made very riclj 'Vj!tli the best ineaspro. ‘ ■ ,?®r i cam,ot dear; ' }rattor m#*wiiteh ; I i flimk it pmst wai>t o]enr.iij.','V\vas tlie ; to.;.hi3 better ha * the oilier day “Vo i ,|jet {'}'■;Httie. 1 it don £| 'vai.t- cleanibv i be cause baby and'l washed’ itTin .'the eve I- so long,,thja ■morning." “,j A. Douglas, in Chicago, .has-■■■been in dnn^' P “Hr)’ V '?P lll^drcd Thousand dollars, but,I there are incumbrances npon it equal to Us appraised valu£ lho executors report that there is nd personal property:. ! bs P Ve beiD g orgalisadi ! in ait th° principal towns in CaMfor n..u. Loyaltjr there is as enthusiastic' •vs Mi any ot | the Korthern States Treason, with all its hold attempts,, i finds no resting pJace,in the gold 1 moawealth;, i • ■ ,'|l • . • . ’ ! - r- ;■ " 5-; ]: 1. -*n ' 1 ■" » '.l; V * \ I 0 t-jeSa fca. j t- iC i «cie ted cry firry 'tli' a fid ho W-ist 3-- • i 'i ' - • ,-i l/V;