The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, April 15, 1863, Image 3

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    .41111 v.
Ifcw W M wwo to annoy tlw j Mercantile Appriisctnent. x ~
friend" of 'Jett- eoiiltle. Could any -j . .
sj-oer evidence of « man's dieldyahy | ef o otds, Warn cnfc^ler-
than Id* oppositionto, " *«Torftr-^
thcde exprewipua of loynlty Ly the!/ 1
tDoesefl. Suiely tueae Unions um ' IS*.lTcntaßiS&”i
their t&u hurt tioone but tr»i|or»; Bogh Aadeno&.. M .J4 Iteiid
w n «id no cause but llmt of our own B-Ad«»*. —..-14 . Btnmmy tp.
«rfftrine country*. Why then should V«• AUdaa—.....l4 M. Baker._.. 14
*ptlov*l m«n%ppse?-;TUew * ,
b/ltit one answer to this one which j .
4 will suggest itselt to every mind.!,. > the*. Ji’Crotry .14 J. Jaekfflaa^,j.-.,.14
„ The session is now nearly over. Inl.Andtr*on ft On. .18 C. C*«U0n_............14
mv next I wiii ; close also. v • I?.®' W, s lck *; J< . Mt&n&nt* tp.
Mr lienry has been a fiaitl.* L \\
/a!, uitenuve and unloustnous mem- yebt. * ;.14 Alas.
bcr, voting jOltVays against The shame-1 A. O. Henry_,....[ " SJa.vntp,
jul weekly adjournment, His course li Btiigtmtr ton.. ITn. 8ueh1,..-....,..„14
dnrin ff ’ lhe session las been such tbit i —l<) .'Site Brighten'lor.
his ipnsntueit-* may well,!* proud of ’ J.£Vfcri» ££ JCi^rr.M
him, Had; there bwn many more j A . C . Ham.. U> GeofsbNippard- ..14
Uadi members the busincM-of the ;J. 3. Dickey..; 14 John Hedgkin»on....l4
jJfMon wt/iild riot; have been left 8.- Hanger ,12 M. Gilliland-...- 12
Hoiih as it .now ii [in a great measure. 2**fP* r 8raiun......—14 J. B. Anderson— 14
ib.w.u*,- m ,b.i, fsuSStrdf
own bands. If they are content to j. M . 8arb0ur.;.......U tohn Ssrgeant. 14
le disgraewl by their representatives, peter Angel.. 14 H. T. 4J. 1:e*re5....14
1 ki.ow of no rerrtedv. Bigiiortrip. ' Wit; Kennedy..'.. .10
Jno. P. Caldwell—..l4 C. I‘. Kep51ey.........14
“Pouter ft Acbirfon....lB 3. Perron.'..... ....14
J. B. Jo'-inston ft Co. 14 51. 51. Laugblin .14
, i John Hearn ft .C0,.,.18 iVnc Setciekfy fp, ■'
i !' ; j Darhngtun tp. “ Geo. Houaeher .13
, Tlie follow ing dispatch appears in jJ. C. Duff.... 18 Jacob Wagner .14
'the New York papers of Saturday : [ Jacob Marks, ,18 C. Kerchner. ;_lB
i’XdilivilU. Friday. April 10.—Vnu I ■ I“b>j< , -........14Abraham Hunter..._l4
Whole force attacked General £
to tiay ul r »unUUiu Am r ; jobu Jamea Patton.
•severe: fighting for two hours tliejThoi.Donaldson. 14 , ■ Ohio p. ’?
reLeis rtlrcaU'd leaving their dead ou L Jitonomy tp. Sami Cunningham. ..14
the field. ■ The eafuamieu on either j a “ - ; "|j f*. I’* 1 ’* —• M
~ , i„ . LShnon Cottoni ...13 John Aber 14
side are ifot jel known. iW.&J. BreUeustein.lB John Kerr.;.. ..13
Ntfar Jiiivergne, 10-uay, a p:i;sengcr BalUtm ten., Bhiltipjturgh ton
train, on tlie Nashville ‘ Chat la Duncan & Edgar... .11 P. Le G0u110n......,..H
liooga ,F-ailroad.- .was attacked by a■" m. Chnnon. 14 tp. v \
rebel force |not lees than two hmidred . J s in Codind -.14 And. Wauhup 114
. J . . . ... ,i Fre'dcmUro. James Scott 114
■ationg. Cw eUo or hle i .e Wagner ft L0«rv„...14 Dan! slcCallister.,..il4
train'guarf wede killed and wounded. | c . H- Ecntc1.....1....14 Snnklin ip.
The tiaiuivah dcslroyi-d and lie tiack jrCasky*col4 E. Ant'enrith ...14
lofn Dp. ■ \ ; • re^T> e ‘P- ' ' lioche*t.r Voro,
It is repork-d that are be! force also j T. Christler..l....l4 G. C. Spsyerer . ; 12
uWu* sfeggr-* a
.Rowland, rim them off the Irjuk. _ i J.H. Dcihl ft C0._...18 John Conway....T“l4
Two bandied and twenty rive.rebi l c. Calhoun 14 3.. J. Cross St C0..*....12
pWhf.neis /efl 'hei c for LouioviUe. tbi.N J. H. Trumbull ft Cb.,18 M A1exander.....!...14
•morning. ,ij . Jfonntr rp. . jWm. D. Johnston 14
Thu (c/egrapli last night brought v Cnr w p orc -' --14*11. IV. 5ee1y....... 13
,•0* tlie following.: ■' ' --I V '“i H - C. Bole. v ....,„...14
j Ci.vciN.’-anj April 12.—A: special to -
'the .£r.vm-'rci(il, f*-i>: Mtirffccslmro.
Battle in Tennessee-
niyri Dorn attacked "lira niter alii
franklin with 35.1 Oilmen.
ttk' lasted most all ohV; The enemy
, wnstlrpulsed with a loss of three hint
■drcti.' • ‘ *'•' •
Ovu Stanley’s f-nvulrV. ,lc-4 hy Vint
|in person,-charged - ami 1 captured a
. ’aiii-ry arid two hundred prisoners,
lut. being unsupported wits compelled
i,o|ii li,i>qi;isli it he battery and all .bin
llv piisonern.
The enemy- was pursued until dark
MCysntSroxdjfi March 11.—Thu.Rich
mhi W-htg '*>f ! Friilay„ha» been re
. \i-.jvei’., ’.v.e. ‘ It contains the follow
‘ ■ tng -.lispavfice.i- ' ' J • •
April 8, eight o’clock p
in quiet thus far to day. The
fff : \ troops are in high spirits
" 'alt of .yesterday's tight.
, * '•- Ktokwk is eo'riainiji sunk. 1
Ti; - figh<t«o yeetcnbtr- wa*i chiefly
Tho cannot Surutotv
w.thout coming within tivo [hundred
yards. - • . . ‘ -■ >■ j .
The impression is very jrtuterjtl -
the oretuy " renew tlae '.attack ut' i . . 0. C. BRADSHAW, s'
It ti pairin'. dßnianos. •••' I *pnn3’62. |, Treasurelr.
-•Ii/rV/S. lit o'.-h'/: p. ;nj —The -Intuit I . W-tieeMes must be paid in par fiufiL -
'-in- ini inirlii-iTvo Irotii the bur .-paten I 'ADMI&IBTJtATOR‘B' NOTICE ~
I ' U,r '.*!• <ii^ron f E TTERS of cadminiatration upon the e.-l
i * n \ u \- Wnviiur -re ir aunt;/; |Jj faieof Divio Scott,late of'Eriehtbo tp..
ittuUzyh*. ivnkuk. wl.icii Ucs *unk i tOWDa^I P» .Bearer county, dcc’d, haring bc«n
n ifso.;>and vfirdis -fro)il- ’Morris 5 ?'? nlc r ' undersigned* all persons in T
N • ‘ ; clcbted to said estate: are [requested to make
removal ~f ,il»e ! authenticated forsettlement. t ' ,
IwrOloatc.l ,«W ant, ’ , ASDUEW ■
•« yi' Hi!" •••ur . ;,!,!■> Ml is , . Brighton tp;. . .
. Ilie; t n<a. v i* tojif m. /pr,! !■>. 03. , vijamUtrator. ■
c ! ‘ n — c * 14 ] FoiSaleat the Beaver DragtSoTeJ
's£?'**! i. - ' OIUUCRXEKS^TUE.
becn bl '»y ‘TATTLE MONITORS- to'
*. . ■ but a oil without chimneys, n splehdiaaffair.
{ : April <T « m All -JI ■ I Also Carbon Oik Untermr Without cliirnney«. L
r '«< :a ..Min M TIJ \rT. • ‘“ A h For ,al « « l»w« Store pf C/ 1 Pi;Cum^in 9 --
. r- ) i . aru Btlil i pun Powder, oung Hystfn i and Black Teas,
: i'Xl rI- I j ill pood: Coffee. Eit. Coffee; Dandelion toffee,
,K T • eT ®» i Pt? Manv picCCR nffOoU pons, Spectacles, Golden :§yrnp for table
'-••Maack e furnitbreJ with «„ v .r : I a *« "l us ®- * prime ‘bingpia cheaper articlet)f Syrup,
'Vtwhetf «in ! li-orris il'Ve** hominy,’ hand scrubing
if-uir f.c .1. V, j brushes and aalt. - . l 1
V!' were., Zanl currants arid Raisons for Isle »t;C P 1
‘ * I'lodd. , Cummins’ X?rug Store. ■ : 1
J‘ ,-evai!s at oinvbai- i ; —^.... ..’ i ■; —-
K- k . on board the ■ ? hA ' 1 i U
_ K - k w •.*» ten ibio. ■ J .. ’ ■ j FIJI ALE SEMIN A.E Y.
Ti - „ ‘ ,-\ -■■■ i iioaTd Hf Dirtitcn— Rev D. 11. M’Lsax DD.
leaver Markets*! -
. ■ I \ ’ Rev. C. P. Cchmixs, SI..D)
"eitcran wnm >oc ra« ‘'ak:cs.” j Sethinarr,’ haring been bought by'
; JL S- C. .Mereer, is heiug thoroughly re-f.l
-- iv> , ted »nd re-furnished, and will bfc opened for
vj - j | the reception of Pupils,.on :
:iT 200 j Monday, the 20th of April, *6B.
353 I. A full corps of Teachers is being selected,
l4O j'who present at the opening of the term.,
93 | Hates, per Term of Fourteen tree/;x : ~ }
l t» ( I Byrd and roplS, rumished..;:.;,... .$3B OO
— :.®d| | ro'those furnishing a pair of sheets, pil- f | AD-MINI.S TIiATOIiS XOIICK
»• ■ j lo.’r-slips,- a blanket, and their oirfl ’ ! { I . j
ooq !. lopeUi S36OO{TITIIBaBAS- bum of administration on j
.2 0(J 1 Light and Fuel extra. Washing ’is) ccntaper L ■.»:», »««,««»«« of Jonx pexsai us; late 1
‘ 3 00ft) dofeb., i i i let tlaudve]-_ towriship, Heave* county, .de-i
“ ......i 2~3 i Tuition .Mi;,..from Si 00,10 $7OO baiting hpliu duly rj-anted tollUe ml-1
lt O j Latin, French and Geynten, elch,.ss 00 1 “ci’ugped.i fell periunj iudeMtd to said tsiatb I
lOO f Music and ail branches of Drmwibg »bd r*, r * * u, mak^c imniediate paymebtj, mid
ICO : Paiuting will be taught at the usual prices j those having claims against t).S same wiij pres
...... 12 i I®- For. further information address any ’ ° enl them properly autheuticuted tor seule
.. ;s one of lhc| Directors, or < •. j them without delay). V , j
10 j S. B. MERCF.R, : ' VIL -r’p x . Independence tp.,
g ) .'lb2o ~ ' Superii.iendent. .( m >rl 03 :jj Administrator.
». U’t*Hj9'i'»
Apple* per bu«ii«l
J 4O f'etCiiM •• “
n L«»i
*r« r
M '•«
M . *4 - .
r . ••
f OT « s.,d; ..
'■ JUii -. <«
. 4 *3cw.
i Urd. ’ -
M , *.
**! dozen
“ - lb
•< » .«
. 10 j : i EXECUTORS NOTICE. v
1. TF.TSIIB testamentary on the estate'of
• lo ;i J-J Sasicm. Uaxteb, late of Pulaski town
•B j * bi F> liearer County, Penn* dee d bavin*
CO ■ been granted to the undersigned, »U persons
-—i- •••; indebted to said estate are requestedto. makj
To th- e u 1 • • - . • - • • immediate payment, and those hating claims
* ocnool Direct ora of I “■‘“•J tJ, -a= same will present (hem properly
■ ’authenticated tor Settlement. ;
Cf ~s , ' County. I tPMDND ISOOTS, North Sewiekly (p,
r ll t rHrfu »“« of I he!,43rd see- 1 B<K>orB - ' “
* U ‘ M »y- you are
‘""if ..-e. * ■••• acet .convention, at the;' V\ A.VTED—JO.CCO Bushels of Wheat,
v'S'h a; 1 evwv j - bc,ng I’ 1 * d *y of the • . . 6,'JOU , •• llarlcT
C **' afternoon, anJ ge- ' ~» :A«K» •• OtS 7 ‘
“ W l!* -of the whole; vlivcrtd in Pie »burg, for whieUl an author
;i-n' 7 ' Mid ttienpfe -Ipi 1 -* one pht-son, 6f{ to p«y the highest prices. J Address,
laj. ” f' !eneli m2. Ml. Kt. 18*,. Liltrtt Sfritt TVhSiwtf. , r
h or e ’ e f “ CCecJ -1 ***** Bct - -■ ' :- ' ; j l
the tasai: i v Do You Want £molpyinant. j Wanted Immediately,. . T o.\ d iitd/ 'MqHTruAGE& pan he'
.V*tf.sooiart T OF ,^ R «P Ie foe the T7OX,MISKi i'IRACOTON, ; SKUSk] and 'f / poawtimtfevl aftlic pIWSECab
. . T - C. Sai * X .Send foi'" MC3BHAT9KIXE; for which the highest SAVINGS BANK No C 7 «Htn*.i. D—
. Co. Sup’t. of £eairrf>«- ’• areolar; oo3taiiitiwt-'fall ; inft>nn*Uoß. ufiCeth'-bi Cash, *t?U be paid at the Cheip . : JWfiTil BTIEXT,
- Ap/v» V WC * Xddraae G&>. EttWD 6BABS, . SothJnjc Stdreof IX. ATM* SiTJoarar—sign . Bittsbvg.oa favorable t*r«u. • • : J .
1 * .-*•••
1 . lir
; ■ A. B. c.
1 , CO MF Of Nil
liridjevater loro: -
li'cver boro ,
C. P. Cummins... ....
The Wt
. uVfUj Brighton loro.
Francis Uoops
r r- , f ; oh-e tv. ;
J. Reed k Co.....;l( r i|Eigj;er k Childs 10
_ Bornory fp. I- ! : Indutry Ip.
R. L. Raker —lO Samucl Maaoii..i^.._]o
. Independentt ip. j £r.Jyn>attr Uro. .
llsuper & -Asoaler lit Joke 1»crr..j.... _lO
' ■ bkeVtSy. ; j ,
Eriigevrattr :lcro —.......Gottlieb kre1m......_f0
The appeal will bel£»w|(U’the Cotamissloaer’s
Office in Dearer, on the Ist as/, of Jlay next,
trexd 3 n'cleekl A. M. 5 , to 4 o’clock., p. M. '
, : I J- »• dcngax. ;
Appraiser of .Mercantile; Taxes.
KOilCl.—Fy an net entitled “.Ac act'ta
mepdatory of (to License LaWof.thi! State/'
approved tie lltb' day. of April, IgC2L All
persona returned by the Appraiser of Mercan
tile Taxes; as t-object to the payment*dr Li
cense, are required to pay the same to the
County Treasurer, qi or betcre the Ist- day
of July, in each -and cvciy year, or suit wiL
be brought within tin days thereafter for tie
recovery of the Same, afccording to the provi.
sious ot eaid act. ■ ,
‘R. L. Kenah; S
John Sargeant...’.; 3
' Kochuttr botoT
C. L. Kaiser.... ..3
J. H. fraonen.i_4
A. L. SliaUeuberger.. .3
! r
i { Quarterly Sistonent* !
/rwi; TaK4KAftic ur utAVtai countt.
V/ , j CiupirTOKjfciS. 4,1661.
| I ,■ .U _ nfisorocts. ,| i
BBlaod Kate* discounted, aetire-SJifijGCS 18'
f.|B«aM( | under protest...... 100 W)
taaatd Commonwealth... . 5,000
Due from otter Bank* i 18,962 ll
Notes and Checks of oilier Uuki! !'.
and Treasury N0te*......... .... 43.550 SC
Cota in Vau1t...... 9,091 68
Furniture and Office [Fixtures..:...... 1,968 93
Protestsccount,.■ I 41
Current Expense* ;. : 568.49
‘ ) ' '■ : Hi. ' i
T0ta1......]! i....,!... $133,022''29
', j • I h tl.lß*. | 'I
Capital Stock paid in .....L1_573,225 Otf
Notesta Circulation • j 2.480
Duo Depositors ;. .......... 68,067 11
Profits and Earning*. ....„■ i,72i) 13
Dividends unpaid..:.. 1 630.76
i "i , 'i ( - i. 1
: r . I: ; ! :
Total !! j !;.....'j..,$133.t'22 99
. BJEAYKR COE.MV *•: Before me, a notary
public, in andjfor skid 'County, came Edward
Hoops, Casbiefof the Bank of Beaver Coumy/
who being duly affirmed according to law. de
posetb that tbeaboVe staled! eiti* correct and
true, according to the best ofbts knowledge
and belief. 11 # EDWAEtD HOOPS.
Affirmed and ;*ub*eribedbefore me ibis 4tb
day of Feb. IfitiS. J.-CCTHBtTSOS.S iV.
■ ■ "I 1 ' ’II . : - ' 1 •'
Time Table.
Beiver Station— Coiko East. I
Commencing, ilottday, Kov. 17, ItVi.—Train*
Uayt Hfu'tr Station at folium I .I r
7:51 j|. m. Arrives at rittsburei, 9:20 a. *.
2:38 . . m I .. _ j 4:10. p. m,
-- ii ■ - ; S --.i
<:2O ||. K. . . .1 .. «: • m.
. | Cmso West— ; .'!
Trt’tit lent J'iUfl vrgh at fullotct: c
C:4t> s;. >i. Arrivesit 8eaver,.;....8:10 a. m
x. .11 i Rochester. J....&00 p. *.
3:00 ij. h. ■ f* i J....413i) p. x.
. R. BUEUSjjcViii ’i Agcut. * \
pnrscußdi rtj wayse i Chicago li. p
Rochester Station - Goino East!
Commevcir.j m aj aflrt Suiulny, J„n. '4 ’C3.
.Traitu'Uavt /.’ocAflPr Slalion at /oilum*
|; Scares Rochester Arr. at Pitta,
Isl.nrigVn Acconj. 0:55 a: 8:40 aJ m.
,2d' ; Eriglin «[! l£i« P. V„..L. 2:50 fj lit.
»*•«.! 2:15 p. *45 pj m.
Ist Express, ■ i : S:4O A. SiWI A J m.
2d Express, !'Ki:(!o>. M......11:00 p. : u
j ■ Gnisrti ; j I •
| teares Pills. • Arr. at,Rochester.
Irtßrigh’n Atcom. a. M.....-i.M;23 a. it,
2d Rrigtrn •• 4:20 r. Cjl/.Vrj; >».
Mail, 8:00 X. it.....,; 0:28: a.: N.
!el Express, 1:50 A. it i. CO s'm.
2d Express, '*1:411 P. m j. 2:55 r. M.
• BRADLEY, Supt., E. 1).
W ILSON, M’ElliOYl & CO-1 (r:' w ;>.;
M t j ' 1 L’Dl-Js <vunow t<« bin I tfc* -■» s*
H i The-e,!>•*■»> V.'i Tijri* mf mere 'daubs. .bin wni
PITTSBURGH, PA,.i Uv t v.rh.Y
V I .j IU wr; rAu«»f& Wr »ir.
O' PJTBR THE ill STOC K FOR TH E 1 J" * r fre.riii.ei* ■
i|! •. ;l> •*»* fi-Wifu not *
,•' ■ -__.liJ.-_ ! i 1 i CW-'iai'fry in lie ss,ni» n.<m 'oecbpiel b‘
SZPIR/ZOSTC3- iOilF i 863,; I,i, ‘ •* , w’J. ; < • a. «i:ik in.
11 I. * AwO«plil«r.Arili>t.
; At m« Lop.r Mieiit P«ic».
mar. 25,’G3 -| I■' S'’-' I | -j--w v/ _L O
~ —p 1 | \ I-I* 1 HIiSONsJ having business with the
M AM>EUSO>,; XJL Milwcriber will please .call with'Mr.
j.V . i | I iiolicrt T;.l!on. who is ilnly authorized |(o ift
■ k',!,. i j UnTto all during toy absence'. Also
, j| ‘ ; j j all persons haviiigunseltled accounts will call
nnv -al si, h*"* »»ke-s*Hlei»cnt l aa sotiii as possible. As
DRY GOODS & GROCERIES. i ll h * s become my-duly'to leave home .for the
|j J—a ! ( '< j purpose of serving my ■country, 1 hope my
THE LATEST AND MOST FASHION\ULFrIf' ,!i:m jers w,!l ?•'" ?A;e their patronage ns
Styles of lljttESS. G.!!ODS'W il’f** 11, “ s f n.I Mr, Tallon nt the shoe
cuustamly oh hands amt tor sale, tor ' 11*"*? nnd.-nt.v son; James, a! the tan-yard.
CASH OK p;nuiiuqK. |( -T'* ._ JOHN li. STOKES.
Beavey? January) Hth, 18C3.. j I , Dividend IVo. 0. 0 '
'/'i !>«• voti/1 n’ ' i 1 oask of Biivht I'oi srr, r
MUb JSOntK : j , New Nrighton, Nov. |
stters testamentary tin (he A WVIWUMI 'OF FOUIt PElv CENT.
PB. il Cov, UleofGreche xV. on the Capital Stock of fhis liiinkj lor
ounty, deed, hdvintf bceh P»*i niouihs, lias been declared this <lny.
dersigned, all pirsohs in-f 1 l '. v,l ’";C to stockholders or iheirjrgal repre
.le arc reiincstcd: to'luyke.) sea«ai«vd».-' ■<!*, Hess.imi. ! Tills dividend will
and those having claims jb? free of the United Stines Tax. the Bank
ill, present .them! prppefly [having assiniu-d the. payment oflhe same to
tticnient. - ' p p’• I the Government. EliWAlll* ilOOI'S;'
NANCi;M’COT.|. i ; nu'vl.OGJ { • | Cashier.
ALEX. A, M COY, ---■—4—-
Si , . Executsv*. OTXGE. I" -
? \TOP S VOTIV'F FITIIE Co-pail uership heretofore existing un
r.. . - ih i* . : _L J'-f the aaiieanii siyie ofA. 0. Gilliland,
l’!"' !,r j!| ,on P nl,l f esta, «°f! A c "' J-i'ig. lon. engaged, in "the inisihcsa of
:t.lateordJarlington Ip; lies-| mcrchanume, tvjis uuiy dissolved on the I'.'th
ihg been granted thS the un- ikl'tv of April, Hkil!. The Uouks will be settled
Sns indtlited to aaiid estate : »t-the store oip M.‘ Gilliland. All poniuus
ike immediate payment; and ’ knowing themstsves indebted Id fhb late firm
® said eifald will j will pltasceal! ami set tip immruiatciy, .as the
he subscriber properly au-. Louhs will tie .closed without iteloy,
'SiF.BAn,Kfe. I
: Admiiiialrator. i . j New Biighton,May lu, 1802. • i,
AOMiMSTiJAToi; s NoTieK *’ J3 e aver ' Hotel
I KTTERS of AW minist nation on the estate" rno tBII ■'rri nt t •*» - ♦,f
" ° f GEonoß Brice, i Ute of }li«a':fvB'ili rfl •Hi A LX, ■ rrOpnjtOTi
, t |pe“| 3, i' P ’ • U f aT r Uounty, Pcnniylvania, j i - ' Bea\ l ei’, B«'
<iec a, iiJiTint been gmutedio ibcuntiorsigncd, ttavi\/* »t 'n « . ■.- s
all persons imiebtt J to said esiateavolrcnueei- ! TT ,Iloruu g ll ly fitted up this house.'
to made immediate payment; sud those‘having (+-*-.“ C w ,"°. w P r ®l l ,' ,rct * ,0 nceunmiddate bis
claims against the same will . resent liioio T'ihuc gencrally. in the most
properly L Lhn.ii} fi.r ' i ■» , .> , -etorj- manner.) , fmayUJ
ItUUif'E. DA Moon tp., j
k*. j jAdminiatmtor. !
estate ot Jot
township Heaver cc
f rauUd to lUe inUl
said estai
immediate payment
.against w|j
iutvziti'ciitcd iorfcc
tvKTTEI'.S of ad!
i Albkct FSE*jt[
r erco. t deed, uarjil
Jerigned, all pernoi
are requested td ; tea
those baring elajn
present tliemlo t!
tbenticatcd for sett!
■' f ; at
marl 8, ’’63;
wonfcs jittts u Experience of an Invalid*
I lor tto’ ccnctil' nml «n h warn,
i JL) ,n K and a CAiilinn.ii> voting men who suf
| Icijl*ioiii scncii» Cclijiijr. Irtiiiuturc 'Veens
, . I *, c ;’ * u ri'iy»»g Kl 'no same lime the means oi
AIiMIJfISIIJUTOU’S JfOTIt'K. i b P lr '^ Ul ; e - MS »«« »w bos. cured himself
V pTTl’na -r i-.Ll* .J... !’ ■ , i 4 ■ l i r . b£ln Bl’ u * •« great expense; through pied
I S °b *i|n»p*»t«f»tloo on the! estate and ijuaetery. H» ehdii-nWa
jLd »» Mabt StUnm, late of Moon .town- ptwt paid addressed «iml>.pes| Wnele coniet
•"“‘Ft, fiec'd,' having been grant- may be had ol the .author. 'KAYUANIKI ■
to iLe undetftltafed, &il perwon indebuO to l' Alll, Ksq., Jiedfuid, Kiucs Co N T ‘
said estate ire rebnested to make immediate I l i ’ :
payment, and those having claims against said 1 —■ . I ■I I . I •
estate will present them to ; the .subscriber ! . IJiNssoltltioil.* |: ’.
properly sutiicntioatcd for settlement. ! Irn.rp . , . . I
SAM U StUFiIK. Hopewell tpi, C v'®’' 8 ’’ r ' f ««l«ng up
aprB:t>3. , , Atiumtiatrilor' J,- 1 -’' h of-itcosXKtL’& {
■ - =- —U-l ' F engaged ib| the Founded I
1 1 nd| (Insiuess, was ri tljf dissolved on I
lt,eAd uaj- oh June. UMtS. 11m,.honks otflhe
Lj:h,r.: :.i .. .11 he witJtM lyr M. Jftimigh &Co.,
w J Uc^r<iU v t i'mliiion,. Uc«irei c*;untv,.
wjel-6 they will continue nit'business'in all
*V l &**&** , '°'‘ in gthemselves
in i..b.ed .o the late firm ivi.l please caUand
seult immediately. If A VHi M <.'o\sELL,f “
I.aj'lsionjelo, C - ;S. ; l|,t l)A8HAfl»,
Important to Tax Payers. . [
NOTICE, is hereby given (o Collectors of
r Taxa* to paj on the balances due ion liio
respective Duplicates on or bclo;e March
ten® of Couit lb HI, The taxes arc needed
snd must be cojlected In order tc meet the de
mands upon tb| i ounty.
r Taeaaurar.
K 72
BB33jstFt*& !BALEL.' > ’ >
BT tirtua Of iVmd illbai Kmuai
: issued cot afthfejtictrfet Caort
g hen; count;, end to nw direct fed. I will «.
poseto into at public vendue, at the Sheriffs
office in Bearer, on ■ ■ ' 'i ,
Satuiday, ApiU 'lBth,lBB3j
•t il o'clock,a. it., lb* following described
property, to wit: , i - 'i
. AUj tlie right', '.title, interest and claim' of
'John It. Large, ouo Jf the defendants, of, in.
and. to the following' described piece or parcel
of ground, situate in the village- of Vanport,
Bearer.county, Va., bounded on the north by
public road, on the east by an alley, on the \
south,by lands' of Washington Johnston, and
on the west by lends df Patrick MohanoU.con
taining three acre*, more or lees, bn which is
erected •' lav&q two story brick dwelling
house, containing two looms, a kitchen and
cellar in .the' basegtent or first floor, four
rooms on the second floor, and two attic rooms,
the eniire liousoj well .finished; cistern'at the
door, a.bmall fruiuc stable and other out-build
ingaj.on ; the .primises. Tito above pibee of
groupd' all under fence. with. an orchard ol
hue frnit trees growing thereon.. 1' , ;
Seised and tatenin execution as the proper-,
ty of John it. .Largo, Isaac Large, and Lewel
lyn Large, partners as John U. target Co.,
ut tLe suit of Erucst V.'. Marrgtv. .
>l> I JOHN ROBERTS. Sh'ff.
will bo required to pay all
sta'ihp duties.: ,
Gi nefill Coinnassiou- jil erchani
AltO T
Dealer in Flovr. Grain,land. all kinds
of . Country Produce, j Winef t nd
Cigars, Tobacco, th>. .
Office feo.d Warehouse. .No V 37 Sculh 2d stree
Plilla delptiia.
litter LiWriii »il»*iiWk tuiuiv im cuiiMpisfiuiitr
’ ■ <' -*«c VH’ .•
i n wiiaos. ». B. hVi.»ot. JAML*V FinuaY
Waoa st»
JJavoiioip their HSVll]X(f \ ASTOCJC of
Comjdulo. Ext i n inducements odor.
Vj , ,cd t(» Ca.-li bin ors. (n|lilft
1 -A. isr&rw , :r ;
M > ■.■ ■ • ■■•.■! <»r vim : i' ■
.■SirsTAKKS OF ■> SU 5 t M I.\.
' P.Y JOlli* s. ItAR’4 LL. D.. "
1 n.osUt}. price 3lj ceiitsl: paper cov
1 erf- 2") cents Copies i.f iiis, book will
suit by until oa receipt of the, price, in
postage stumps. j Pleas address
■J. C. pAiikiOUhS. Publisher,..
IJB .So.utt; rctirth street. I’hil’a. Pa.
mar2ti ;■ ' j ’ , j
•trt’sr at Law^
’ (BKA\inp kI r.v.) • ' |
■ 1 . ...i !
IcSromcc in ii.t r ( .
, f
til I .
i**n. *J<‘.
'*'■ ’ J t -f
MKT. ■ Great Cities.-1
H«*V* f?* f ° now *”B rei* of T. OKQ marehek; ttW anti Miff joint*, hliltc!- .1 tmderslgnedTUalrora.hoiraoy 53-.
? k 3' „ #.*““?»:Soft’s., ailtialo |A tUe JUrediwi ihflarurdHcet, ali there 119 arddiu .W* Mi* tho Drussiata, Ap^htmriea^aa»
at ■ W Sco,,s^l “o. Hopewell town, mu»t endure, KOTULKi?. U.MlMli'.h;i|il!r y«rMslskl*<*f otte.wWeiOet lia+e <jipr,t> l
wmmMw eountjF, Fk y *«». !, f ! ; rrlen ydttr sous arc braM.ingTl.eii n.iisVtlr t- •doeuTtantof ostsuraacp la ostJuaiA'srßii’.i
. ,'a ■ at f of K r ? u . ,l^ft ?i o ’ lnin Bo« c ff other, cii- ««et dagger. thitih wintiebel a t;ot i.t'tL BAB3A.PA,HHiIiA has boon fouaJ to bo
eiooed and epntaimug, in tie aggregate, three- ALL HEAUK.U & Sh J>i» Vili g.! i ,P r «®ody tf great osed.loaco, and worthy
,2 ur J .* °*1 an a ®re, more or bounded by *° *l** one you love when far isiraT'ii ini Itr < Mto OOliJdoaso pf tAoco-atuaaity.;
Z ***** ■}*» ***** .Wjwry Alley end fric&la. Itflaricns and W*i < ■ .! h ’
i »■. V U 3| ’ S ‘«« lod $4 and.'Uj foot so t&t thejlpan leisure grins .fnAgiTi..!' It HOST. JA2133 COOK,
whieh iJ* 1 •* e •fV rd «! du relief the InflatpW'atohitfttintti ! ... STiyor of IXi'XrPA.
uielliJ 1i CC ' 1 , * S OO l«o tlo.y gratae J»inis„leijrmg.ilfeiu suji,!c,’ string and rigo I
Jewelling louse, having, < rooms tuereiu, a bus, while lor • j a • -T , HO*7. AXi3I!T EEiVSD,
et»We and other out-bitild.ugg.— I- SAL’RC CUTS AND fJCJiffIfCT Vif.tvrs ‘ 1 . "..t Mayor of :JA3HUji, Zl': Jt
‘ T "i e, XS°f Hri»g ■ al nbct,.talifcii.!,entering anti prc'rentiri *1(531 S XV WA RRTTT rrmnifr 7
jrut lreet°n fbe ppcniwes. , _ (every tcmilc ol infa:Vuiatii.ii «lJ cem'-r’ - u • ** '”• H^IvIIlQTOIT» i j
fElinK-jOne-tl|irdtit the purchase moniy to’, drawing if l.c edges, her, it iiu cfc'y ntil! ‘ . Miyor 3Taa, IT. IJ.
Court b o tt - .“ u -' n ? ,ion 'jy thej completely l.(a:siiiL,o.M iri4l.tlv ,wu;i.i:s. [ HOST. itTOair 'ABSofcs; v ”J"
Court, h.lanee: ,n tyro equal, anriual inifalf .WIVES AND Olf ti’k Vlil.tyl. uVo —I Tr
mentafrom that- date, with interest thcreom . I lilxrs ' T : H i - J-' & ljo ' 3. S.-
f{ i •V- ■■ :■■■• 1 -■ crrtiotruf 'aioltle, T il H. DULLOOK. f• |„
K _c. i r l " ror I t t,atlon inquire of Jno. ' Hpsbaadli ami I'iMhci f, a c 7' Miyor of •W08C83T33, MA33.
leaver Co,, I‘n., or the more ncccssaty frjfft; than n fitt;i iv tl is ’ ■»’ pn<T W4ntmT''n»»'«i.T,i.
marlh t|B. . ' ‘ Admiiilstratok ; Tiie.doncly Itcmiiy waljdng Kia|’ro;Jids ''J-'i’-■ '' ■ ' Ma7 a AI<E^jM-V33i
t—- cafiosed ,to drinchiug, r»:i« mul ' cli; IHQIT. P. W. IttRQOItTX,- Jr. J ;•; ef
“l i i“ Ir ’ r iort f ' j Usjot oi 803T0a,’31A33
■ r < * ; I COlt. iib i.iyjd- iSITj T( i'A v: V 1 l?: t
j rcn.lining in the p
l'a., 51»r. 31»t,
' J'P* n F 'Cj 3! I - Harragh FiUlmo; S T Irona-Da^idl
BergdorrCaroliue Irons Nancy ,
Boles Mlnspra; Kccrner Jacob
t.'laßiuDani _ . , Lester bated .
Goulson Joseph' Leaf William
bamon Osear t McLaughlin; M
Elliott S.trah E • Mitchell J Vi
Orecn i) H :P. Miller Sarah £
Griffith Kate f Miller Kmmt I
Gres* Joha j !• I Quigly itillian .•
Gorly Lucy , i liohtusoh: he»:B W
Gibha Susih | .Heed Mar; -Jj.
Greaves John, 2 | lilecjd Thoms* ’’ ■
Higby Annie ■ • Swill K
llonmm Joseph Smith John I
Ilelm* Maty Aim '...Shaffer Mies C ■
l amilljon Marg t Banter Solca ; !
lUll Joliii j ; Siatterly John J
Harton Elitnbcth 1 Stone b L /
Hart inburglt I Conrad Vcajy Mery |
lUniian Caroline AVithrow At m-A
Heller August ' Washingbaugh Chas
Persons calling for letters in the shore Ink
i trill please say they are advertised. (
M-, TaVLOU. P. M. |
List op fop. tu ihe Post office at Bbaver t
o. I'a.. Star. 18at, lfio3. . j. j ’
HattilolUr John i
lUruee Wm j MCaylilevAVW
Lradlord AV..-R iM’Coaahy Dari J
Brown Alary C I’y.le F C . ,
Cunningham Julia ! :1 yle Susan ifi ,
Ciuwloid'Lwiie / ! jpurdee Joseph.; t.
Campbell 'Vm | llotcrtson Mrs;' J
Davidson Sadi; 1 V Bussell Christikn
|> Dougherty Alrt ; t- ‘ltheil Leonhard
| traits lllaunah ] ; Stewart AVmi J*
Frnet Conrae 1.--, Smith Sampson
| Oarers Eouisa] ; | Smith Edward •
Gireu Robert 1 [•’ Swager Sarah i
litrin Sam i i ! Schii-.llenbergct- Jto
Gibson Lieut AT V ; Scott K<l T-1 ‘
Uoyte Mrs , i Tonny AVm
Uuasleton Thorn Her C '
Jennisoa Alarg't Wilson G J
Joliiston J M , ' AVilliair.a John '
O Larey'John: , . White J L
Persons daUipg for Utters in the abtiVe Lis
; willj please say they atlveriiaed. j
I - M. j. Axuhu&onJ P. M,
. JSjSrOffice IrourstiKroin 7A. M. till c j P.M
Ounr-pd irj-tlt a h nnm , fA3n»<i»ly Owl
j; cupledlby tlie late Dr. Minis.
npHE, Subscriber paving’ purchased Ihe Es ;
(J. Iflblislmcnt will endeavor to keep'con
fianiiy |on hand nU| articles' ttbaliy found in
prog Stoics. |. ; i - j f-'p
: 1-ciiig a Physician! and Druggist| the (public
may rely on his kefeping ihoPUREST ind
A variety of
| 1 (in! Ms establishment: ' ■■>
Tea< IZxtraffi^af A Coffin.. Hotin Snap.
■i |' Wary S-yps. 'Port '' 'Monies. Cnnths.
spoo-Lj cotrrON. i ,ha i » ijen ci ls
EE])IU-S,| sf|ji-r; PENS, IIA 11;
Oarl/oh Oil- 1 jZiffcyts ■ttml Chimnfys
These arc a few ofltlie articles, and oiily'a
few always on (Call and Bee.
\ J He (will tyy.ijjby ctose attention nmi fair 1
dealing, tp gird safisfiiction to all who nitty
favor film with their IjusUmi. I
: : y ; I C. V. CUMMINS, M. I).
Efjk-Parlictilar attention will bo paid; to
putting up I bysii ians.’prescriptions, [ailg2i
1* i-lOCEN IX
NOS. 221 EAST (l tVDXTV-Tll liliI) STREET
. 178 A 17a ORANUStKELT ANl»2lf
i ; ■(- CENTItL SiTIiEE. V J; -
4»TAbu*h«b lRBi N.[v. KSTAtn-igitiniailS
fnillS Establishment has been ii successful
Li. ; operation fopjM Mure, and hs the. largest
di the kind in the I'niird.States. . \Ve have on
uandor nuinulactnrc loorderevtry descrijSkm
of Looking-glass, PirtureanJ Poitrait Friittpii
plain andOrnamemul t’lcr. Walk Oval AMa?l
tel Glasses, Counseling Cou lees, E.-isp jh'd
Ifrackel Tables, jvith Marble Slabs, fotlct
Glasses, Ac., : &'c.i|kc.;l Mouldings for Picture
Frames, m lengthsjsuifable tor transportation'
eiibepGilt. Eerjing, Kbsetvood,, Oak. Zebra'
Eirdseye, Mahogany, U. Our neW manulac’
lory and extensile facilities et able its to font!
.Su any article in bnr line n S good as the best,',
and »a clicnp-ns ilicj - - •
’ Dealers are |n\fled to call upon us
When, tbfcy Visil Neiv l orki WeclaSmto .be
able to supply to SU) pijj tbein with ererj} arli
ulc in our hue which they can possibly ptipclfuse
elsewhere. ■- - ' i
- S©“ Orders by mail attended ti Uriih J
promptness, 'Loilol fail when von visit j
New York. • . _• • I
Office * Wartronmt, IAV 210 Centre St., A'. J
_ ] HORACE A'. SIG LEE, Agent.
Ma 7 yL-j tnos. , ,l| \■ | ' i
II u m b. it , M l h e v y ;
Jiue i’ubhth'td m a State I Hi,relope’, /’rice licit;
AlLctukk ui in, cclvkkwkll;
! THE CAUSIi AN D CVUE of Sperma■
foriiiwa. ConTOinpllou, .Menial and Physical
•Bcbility, Neryouiuesi K'^iltf{>Vv; : 'lin|>ati-e<r Nui
u-ition of jthe Body:) Latitude; V eaknesa bi
tpe TJithbs and tile Back; ludispolfiti.m, mid
Incapacity for study [and Labor ;;■ tallnesa m
Apprehension; Loss of lilcniory; A version to
Sucieiy; Lore of SolitiWc 1 ; limi'dity; self 1
Dutrusl; Oizziness; llendhclii. Affect ions ol
e # -^y e8 1 jViiuplos on] tlie l'»ce; Involuntary
Emissions, siiti Seiuiil Incapacity tlie tonse
quepcea of youtblul Illdiycrijtion, Ad., Adi,,
S®.Tl;u admirable Lecture clearly proves,
that,the above cndniemeiL often self-nfflkted
evils, may be removed! wit bum medicine aid
yntbbu, ■ Oangeroda' «argicnl oper»ijdns,"ani:
duould be read by every youtb uud ovgry' man
in the laml. : ;.j: V-V ■’
Stat bitter teal, to anyi'addreia, in "a plain'
eealgd envelope, on, the receipt of-ez e»nta, oi
(wo postage stamps; By aadreeiing, 1 "
* - ; 1 GH AS/ J. C, KLINE & GO. r | .
127 Bowery,New VorJLl'gat Office Box.4sSfi. *
; • „::
ost Office »t Koclie
i llOAilS.Sj.ltS. Ir.vl >\ nVr.ioW-r-.i: ('; Vll' K-i i-V
IsrsiraON. 4r.h%i4un
"A 1 S |*l 1.1 ,d ami liOl.i.oV.Vt'l - s Dixt
1 nJI ilriti-er is dvcmdv h tt-.v l iils it !c-1
M nigLt and Inoimuc-. and.tlie jdiutincut bmt ! '
i ; rubbed twice a day „vtr the throat «uil
willrempte tl.e .SKVJUiI sH'AINS ami K ’ r .|-
It 8 m “ l .4'“r««iiiiigoi| DAXGI i'.liL'ts t, tl'Oi"
TLclorc ufes-.y to tl.eiv. J.olc » : rinr ' ■
feOL .IEhS AtTI-N'l It Ki! '
Sec to your pwtif, littaJiL, .do not trust'to »]„
; r J‘l-' i:pt- most valuabV. 11 es.
11-f.o anil .OiMJUiAjr Lave 1 tin tl oroi gbly
lestod.tLey are.iLe otiily rcmeiites rired lit l;
European Httnipa and i .arrack*. for over fotty
„• yj»V»- Itqctor I.'ollovvay altpjtiicU -,«l|..flie
uttnieg in .Europe.-sadidtirlnj; ti.e ( IUMFAN
j CAMPAIGrX Le csluW|sjtcit a depot, at ? ahi
; id’svd, turtle exclusive sa'e .of, itese' (il J;AI
I UUilEUliiS, iuany a tir.-.c itt.s t| octal Ajciit
: : iLere Las sold o\ a j tin .in' tveijri.t- of' II.V
;• Olnl.tuent ii a' single. da'y, TiiSae-tt-niWis -i it’,:
fat's! enemies dt tiro f-uldicv in
LiiAIU’.ULA. DYSMi'I ELY. mTaV v. ftjiflis
■■ and SCKOFCLOIS liliL’l TitJNti. all disap
pear like, tvdiarib bofifte MI.l.s; AXXv
OIXTMX.XT. and-now v. jiiu! the it; ling*
khroiigJiOut; the Uml, , ■ ‘
lO Ah-MSijJ TO AT.-MSi!
' '®e not let ILcsc b.-avfe men 'j tfi-b 1 v
cs.»e, jiliice in. tbjclr Lai Cn-ti.o.. e Mil tit I :•
ivi..Ml'.DlKS. that Willi,l.i.l.■ . Lorn <[ U i r-t
iiij; dangerous • tsj,6su|-c..,. ttb.Tevjsits.
f-1*111.2*. and: tlic W1I<iH which i’frv t"1 [ j!
nTpld, and vriiat is r.iotcilcaa.iivt ftc..'u<.ti»«VigVi
succor in live' r. r imnt cltnerd? wlm i-i " ii* <ti"
brave intn Lave or,!v tr ji.t im-ir Umis ii.l.-
tUeir-Ivnapsurks ss.iEnll tl e.e ji sv.-;c t elvdv 1
for alUlic Cnsualiics of kite bur ill- tit-id. !io»-
tnany ti'.eusamis id livesjwo :’d beraved''
who wpuld otherwise b ftore tclitl ctulo
be obiaiuoi. 1* ‘ V . i•'
, CA L TIOX. fttnuino ttnlcts
tab Vi-otiis '' U'-uwjcy, A-J I —, J prk.itui: jfUuot', ’ t
are dibcertiab-le ns a vvatyi T u.etl- iii evtiy .) ea ,.r
of JLc. 9l dtrcciiojis aroitiid Cacli 'j rV rli
box; Uiejsauietmay beiplara.y seen by
tht Unf la\lhe!:jhl. A [bnud.-.-me reward will
: bo fjiveri t.o, tiny one reitdei iit-r .--v;cJ, i
ticn asjiiay lead to tbi, ri'eleer.r.ri 01^"r.iiv via,; ti
or parties coiinterititiny ibetlkpicttits di-iveod- 1
I iny tbc same,.-knuwmg'fijeui to' be fj urious. v
' **<»Sold it the JlauQfan-.-vrv of I'lofestot
' Hollowav, )# Aiaiden' Livt, »Tcw- Yoik. and i
by all rcspcdtaUe Druggists "Id '1 talers tit ■
Medicines, -tlr<u<gbout tLe civil;-td ; vvu '.di in
boxes at 25 comsi C 2 S'l cadi.- ' ’
‘ 51. j'Rnce of-'jia’
iiaU'in uiaordet trbaij.xed ioeacl.-hoij
■' • : ii I' -h" \ ■'
HOS. vm. M. ROO3IAN, i
Major of PBOVIDESOS,: B. I.
HOS. A 2103 W.
, - Mayor or MD3WICK, CO2TW.
non-, j. it. HAsmis,- X* , .
' .. Major of HBW X.6zrao2T, CO2TT.
■ -i ,7) Mayor of O. uX
HOS. i), ; 3T..TlBl4Airit;* ’H-.;.,' fe
•Owvr «no n ruw> j
nos. n, :r. . • .X
j !;. ■ Major of . HAMU.TO2r, C. W. ;
' HOS. ADASt XfliapjX, '\
■i- . ’ Mayor of' TOaOrTTO, O. 17. '
hos. «; m. Bland?; ■, XX;
>HOS. I. H. V
i;j;j ■ ; Mijojr of LOJI3VJXL2, KT.
• Uafror' of hjt 033., ib WAlf
M.iyjr 0/ 30 iVMA3VIi,L3. O. W,.
v-- :;-. , J of ATKHT3TA; MS..;
| Major of HALLOW2iiL, M 3.
HOS. S, BEES. ! : L v':
[, Major gf FTagEßldrOr*; s; B.^
nos. wiii aud ra, i 1 :
■ Mayor cf FALL iUVBB, MASS. .
HOS. ;W. H, CIIAI-TsrdSr i
Mayor of HEWFOBT,- 8.1- : -
HOS. PB2D STAHL, i, • ■ ■.'
.|| X Mayor of OALESA. ILI*
MijetVcf DuaaQTO, 10x74,
Major of CHATTjLjfbCKjA, TsariL
~, 1. - Mayor'of T l iJ3>oafc*.»*'““a jxy>n~ .
nos. Ti. : TS2J3’. ■
eos. onkißD stict, ■ ■■
Major oC-ZTSV/ OOLtiSS, LA. ■
EOS. H. S. SpRANTOS, - t
1 - .’; Mayor of EOCHBsTEB, K.sJ . •
X■ | Mayor of OTIOA, 3T.-Y.
nos. geo. wiiso'T, ’X; '
' / Mayor of iM.rTS3IT.2G.' PA.
HOS. C. H. BUHL; ■ '7 - V . -
- I; Major of DETROIT, MICH.
Mayor cf 2MLWACEIE, X7IS. ;
hos. vr. vr. vauchn. ' V ■
. Mayor of KAOMTE, WJA '
A Rare for a GjcoJ lines.mcr.l, i Mayor of eeitosha, wis. : 7
P r*. ,> ,• * r tt, I EOS. JOES C. HAISES, 6 ■■
QTOCK ANl> v>. • . Mayor of CHICAQO. Mi; %
Q f*'fpl‘.hVin 1 a R "P'I l.<,cali<m,- >vi(h * ECS. 11. J. A. j HEATH
IM of cuslpinj >m.(unto .AS miles, w . , Major of SEiMA, AEAa
l*itth^>urg.. \Ju&t »xu iiir.c t»>r i Ual niul Vt• •-
Trade Stock U»u; at f no COIT. A. J. ITOBLE, -
G.»,otls. Tefiiis. i-a?y. - l\.rS a . niun .if Um'ii u of MOSTGOMEBT, ALAi,
eapjial, lio vbpMrr tLonce con’d be < 'w T*rrtvn.T< 1
Siii-ennd.awHnnpJi.use f<A sale .»• . *-«"• .**f ».,• - j;
Address **ll. .J/.V Aiiegliciiy. C:( v,-fa., pip :ri*'■ - cf GA ■-
real name, aad itating ■ all DOS ES?AETEBO lIASITEII '
can be(U«id. '■ , • i Get.lo. Mayor of VERA CHITS,
THlv I'NDFJISTf Olfc EO.\y.
Offceln WAJ : H'fl’illTi K. I>. (L .
lorjtljp P.ol'ect’.rn o : ,]\. JV.v
f Fay aril Scurfy,
uikc jSc!dierp. ahclwiil c».J io. Ui'
cutiutud to L.iir.ftt v. jxl U. n ; vh in
ii-uiiti j i‘ roltUrve to suc’i bpoa -cncle- -
a;irc ot’iiecesairypustngc s.
■ ■’ ■ .' 1 1. r* >»v-ku. ~ j
; •’. , L 1 (.Klil&'drd r» ..
fehl l’€3' . Washington, 1 : . C. '
: t (\-c\t r> ' r Counriit, , vi i'‘
can, aiiJ 'l.cuycrrSiar ci-jy ond scad bill u> •
this >&cc.. I 1 , | j. .. . *• >.
Stray Mtirc. ’ EO2T PIETBE DS OAB AUjO
lj the il.c Mtb. c cri|ci " .. *■ , . MEXICO.
j|Vu living in ,lfig IleaUr Itownship. i;,.„yo ’ DOIT EsfeiPHANTB fiODEIGUES*
jcounly, on the yVtiiing of ll.c of Ajii! \ iri v.,w.!
,11 finiill iiay ■ Xiure, alxjm Si years rii-ia;. \ 7 * Ot HAvAITA. j
!I '•.rinkiij, naiidle nv.nKs, i 4 bind ina, f,li .i, , row AUTONIO : v..*
|arge(| a cut or utj otbtr kir | .«t ; ■■*; Mayor.'of XI2IA, t'Klltt,
ocivable. ; The idvmo is desired !o e..iue; ier ■ , ", .S
mafj,-prove prcjlirfy yay chappi s and inl.e i-.efKSLAJT6WP, ••
iiivay, or oflcrivlic the ivill iy aisjioatU o; ac- Kmyor of VALPAUAISOj CHIIX
«>fe:i- f
I ■«. n crfi* Out tlw Aidant DruttUu W :
[£- 3P. & Son, ■‘ V ■ L ff i ..; ‘■;
/ Yrf'Eß Tijeir. j\v.|c“.vioiml .ler-dCos as IT.y- -O-VGr S SfliTSfllli^lpf)|fl| • '
.V / siqjAiS.bpd &Wge.ons, .‘ty.tkc .citiiidis of 1 ' ■ • I ' ; •*f, ~4
I-’caver “and vicinity. 'J ley i can Vuvay s by.' r* an excellent remedy, and vrertby til. coa*
jloond.' when not ptWreasiciuy J engaged, at 1 1 i»■ A fidtnoe cf the ccjoaunity.,
pugg.** £ Citn.ii , in«.lil.; vS Tor Spring. Diseases. ? • ' .
—~ > —A-_l—L.L—___ For Porlify Ing the Blood.:
i| RAY Q OW. For Scrofula, or Kla,-. ErJl.
to ihe jirchiifce of lot. ;i, t i Tot T.m«iv, tlitn, tad tomi ?
J pfing in, li\r- -Se ai ok Icy ni,, heaver eo. .: Por Eruptions and Pimple (.
( a., on the (Sill of.Ce*tfcu > ."l?|>S, . Atd < ■ « • For Qlolrhei, Blalm, and tellf.
ivillria rtite face, ahoni fyyafi. old: . Itaf Fnr 'et •—... . Uiw ■ 1 _
a bclt on. and lW.i or tl.roc s’ilJir. ifcpVW, n * ***• # T»^ r Er 7”
.other marks visible. The owiicr. is i im-jh.-sio ?["fT* U,ror SaU I. [alpeiat.
to come rtajward, jiroTc j.n. j.i,: ly, j»v ci.aigl- For Scald Head and Itlugsronu.
and lake- her away. ■ |:.f, ■’ t'or Caster and Cancerous Fore*.
■ °°--- 8t - V '•■• ' -A-.r. dSMI Hi. Foe Sore Syee, Sore Car., and lt«n.ors’.
Par. Female Diseases. , . ■
For and frregalarliy. . ,
For £rpl«.lils ; or lilssaits.f | \
Tor Liver Complaints, '
For Blatascs cf the Heart.
. Tjbst lUOcri ' \
iri KocLcMer. pa ilk, Sl»t of Oil
Mack Ski pi «W -Wi ; witt, iu,;i
i .ni aroiinaL.s secty/unii wkii'J.t:;; ca ti e uii
uf lii> Ui-t ’answers |td ti e in. in e of •Ifaiir
Any person; finning 'said)cog I viil! .be euif..b!v
ejivarded by lAni at Jbinstoh s hots!.-
"«« r or at; tie residince oi
tbesubssriber ia >fcw-ScwitK'iijip.
1 ""ttl- <■ ■ ' ,j - ; OARTi.'.e:T> .
, rj? li XT iti 6 ri *■
Arch Street above Third,
j ; - J> A .' ■
Upton S. Kcwccincf, Prdp’r.
Hotel is ctblral.. (V>n\i-!iie'u tjfi.w
! J,' »««* £i3)wi.y (Vi,? to aftpant-'S tt*
Mj. aua .in cTerj-Jjpniiiiu.lftr sbarua to tie'
eomtort tod want* of th# iravti.i g 1 obiu
•;:n TBRiIS. 6 i vHC|{|-JiJIY. ;; ] V:>
£yor’s Sarsaparilla. . 1 . -
Ayerfr Cherry RSfctdral,
iVy®^- 3 rills, nm\ ' ,v
.. 47? r« Astio Cure; ‘
j] tIQIIN Jl. JVILLIAJIS, i■; ; .S>r. i,-. cl- A) or ei Co ■ '
& AIR-DEESSER.! ■; .■mwr.ii.ji.iss,- V
(Shopfoa* dopreasi of ; roudloy’a Hotaj f&dr Bri&fct*ererr wteri,*'
■! BBiiKJiOv(tTHi; to;**.* ; Wi.., ..i i
* *?? *7V ••„1; U t 4, ~« o
1r- J>. i iolo!.- 11. L... l d' l‘- - ■'
! iotiSEj
j ■ -V.. _i_—
, T*c. , li# eI«M of the TTnl-'
«=<l British ?rovince*: t
WT"’ X . M * a ’ la fact aU •
raoet all tno cities on this continent, ;.h<ivo
»Wned this documont/to csstire their people
trhatremediea they may cse wifn e*fety and
confidence. But !dor space trfilcniy admit
a portion of them, r ' ; | ;.
nv 1 ;
1t..i.3: ‘ : .