The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, April 15, 1863, Image 1

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, _ .
A vvolEt) it3Erciris
,’ iMBRIE, Editor & Proprietor.! ! \
Police and FiittC’ests [
fk® ADV isce: -otherwise Two Dot-,
* - jJ.6rp"<l. No piper discontinued |
''• srr i -ii"'’= «re settled. . . 1
j, * c r s m-l tonmtanications, by .mail '■
'e', aiu-ntw?*.; |
.i"i/ ■VAR'U TRIBUNE ! Letter from Washington. SPEECH-OP ' cos,' they Nvill iintermoddlo : Wli
I*<s3, •■' H ' WAsniNGTojf City.D.C,, )• THON- JOHN W/ WALLACE, aff “™ B, ' An
k - ' ■ . Amil Ist IS(i» - f | : . These are- considoratifl^
.-i uiiK Xui«v>-, hp»* .:>■■ I • T- ’ V, -h of PENNSYtriNiA, , meet us right-here and; now,- ,-t
i-H. in its .twenty-second,: - Dear Apous,:—Ere ibis reaches >• | question is, what shall we‘ do f
- " a larger ans'iyou. you jnrjll. -have received from \lnthe llouscof. Mejiresentatioes, FehnP ohch adoptmcasnrci'fc
diffusedclrcnlatfoii-than • Votir exchanges a full-report of the I’ ' ' 1 fedroto'Witfrthooccasion;,-fJml
"• lit-u >j;a]»i*r cvcu piiMiaued i trrand Cniou Mass meetitg_hoJd in\ \ on the q a est{on of cSttMwhingaddftiftmil ha- blodso far'as possible (o,rt«s
. ■ 1 it HHa lher ofinatc Ohaniber. llousa of} tiohai awaoritfsiiatid founderies In' ; ' emergency, or - shall vre fold;C
uiih p*slier journals,-,i from. 1 - RepreseutAifvea last . night . (81st [,. ■ • the Unit fed States. ;!-. i ’ in Ihlse security and jcinf
■ -"* - t*i i i* ,f Vitll d aepaf tui e of- Maich). To say .that, .he city- cf>.. -..r !.sti t> *■ i •- i nesco ■” till a fbrsitrn waVis
: Tlobmw'W iff >p “ilagnldeent distances” has redeemed; T 1 J r q Xtffjfrf S^akor n of l e6tab-1&'«V lam not on^ofethfH*!''
V. si' lor the 1n.0n., its character as a loyal. community , r Ur desire: war with »««*,»
.. thin bill ol- JDoccmbery: won'ld he but.poor expression; ofi ’ ,B “ , P» aimoiiea, betwoeri (
-; tin; real lii.t. Wbi„ (h,,£urnr.nt,. «"•* r . l3 - ™“„VVod u“it«d St
l/,2u0 . litinil fsmh have umte<l;in expressions ; Ll lJj a-.subject coat ib now <?nustmg < ■ , . - « «
!SS .of il.o most ..doobuiftoUj to out j iumftV in ,W ScjStw
..a - ! the’ Administration Tho f v at ? reBi * lam well lawaro, sir, that a-t!'“ ee,s 'Q c - c t OW J}V^-
ilit hiiiiiyiK ha*» polili-» u \ e - A iminiaiiauoii: lijo at time like thelirbUnr wLn mtr rinr ■ of our b tiM
übfl. uie uuUuaruc-.a *
’ - • }i i i),. I .. r , ( M V ' too- iku tn{ ihe rel»o»s?lhe on v terms, oqen pou i.S mio oct to i ’ •-
' 1 A" HO , dK 11 h / ortuL-e arc no;v tl.e oniv enormous dollars in the supportaccumulated'■»',»
•. j.j t’l.v ns heal t\,«<• "==■•«>. ulti ;,, o j ; ’ -p lie >tirnn<r ‘eloquent and - 0 f <>“*■ Army and in Siib^uing' la*iitioi» -entniled^^.npon
h , ,ui.... i-..n . it'd 1> . ial ; e ot”' Chief Justice 1 11 1 '* fierce and for}uidahle rl-liellion.' 'VHho.ut al *yi conicsppii^ifl
:1 . „. „t l.trn tad i.aiici sll mei. , P- : ■ John.-ilpit,and others hot be in'liasto in adopting: fbt?«|ed ; H |
-.n,us jis«en;o.._ol 11.1-- - ’ f tl)t . oven of .any noic , mca.surcsr ; llml may involve b l '" |^ 1 1,0 I ,«
■; --a;;.;:.aneii;d ie a .* i . AV ho " die u’ell known, in this I 1 additional niuional expense.--i’tonality, and demand
i , -i.ii-. liberty; ana I e y.ur>au *■• •> -a. , . vn >p ;l thiser3- -wit h the ‘ Bat.#ir T one c-oiisideralion .with me in. every where shall bo respv
)r L 'T^'SkSoi- : iny advocacy of tliiWmoasure is based Kngian.-and Praneo.-gt^iA
.-aiae-f;. uehayit .e>si.iHi . - 4 . :n ; s „ u j.]j- n ,v wonders tin '-nponTts teononiiC- [features, fotlT verb ; t- I * o . hotiatfal dochn aUpii%aP^&
■sebeii"! and e1..-i tet 1 - 'j'u:l mil!-L ; . the vlmid Tisat so lately ! l'" > K J ieve that a saiying to t!.o tiation | el ’^! | pobev, .
.* Aiiu-:i.r.iioiMji i c.\U" ; u ‘ ,m b • . , ,■ i l l hr* m«fK. ivnr.i .iHu nf r»-f 'vitli our domestic u:mcuute»^_am(rt«ce
r, l'iiri‘ r over tue -lionzon of. our imtion'i ,ha j J .‘C mucre tuuiua.ij oi miUions or , u n i. ; M
-TCiU Kiibohiyu, U? tm* . ,1 v • » * -doM-ir-* - . i nnrt, with tho rebels m t»irwOn‘t>
-.r ■ j, ‘.he masses xSiT the North 1 • ld P t a different ppli<-y fiom that which 1 W 1 S el ,
: f ; , fi i., u iv ! has heretofore cxikted in regard to tlie runst light t-iiem, aud, ; if
- vckS.4 thAS£ ymauu^re. ,whi.cU the. na- the. world
% aV.dVt.iniu.- sii.J.jeidy tl.rost l l-o'Cthat thus it wiipbe |«nlil :?v i
i.,- ii,,.:.- i.i.'-.i-in tfiniier-woman and chuJ m lour country tit-U nsc... l-no true .policy ot o%oi> -
i.p—P,.|.:v-. 1 in Tt- :i, :sn!t. r.nv. other -proposition than and entirely lor arms upon her own ; f 1 . oar oi tannp j„uo», ; q.
•b-.d-uW' ds Vd;h' nnd • effort 1 t! - : - of chtire naliohivl workshops. .Napolgpn, thaV; Jtu , l - le :| • ■ [’ ■'
~s "i-ci.e'it.i. niiwv to their allegiance on thd part otj tho ; wist- and sagapioi s stalesrnim’ as wd-l L j - There is little dpubt W
’ -iu"'i he .signal' oven’brow •of ilk; rci els .-ns a basis <if- puaceJ. I .l« s gciwifiJ, declared - - l.GoyernmeulS
arid ih-,.' iinn h'hnK-iii Tne expose of the prngrahimo-of;' ~ "The original siinplv of warlike mu'- 1 li '-,a hdlnre. and butwaiy »l&
.iils'aml Jaws throngli-1 t!n.?eouserva: ,ve parly . pgr I'oUQi - of Aerials with which,a nation begins hos- ■ •l;. , ‘ ctl ‘. xt ■ t( ?, '^ >, l s,s,t U ’ %
,v iviiple evl-nt of our .-o.ii.u-C. Lyons 17th .\ovemLjer,TSo2, to, ulitics'can last little lime aU all eia-niemlK* r |llow. \1?
-I:, i.iiiertv'-ahd Union shall. hV ■ Kar!-Rn-is.-:!, pnnhslied m this days : .pc great care ofjevery viiso ruler has: BntiiimSeized .upon th
b.>'-»ae-J».i inscpar-ii.lf” 'hcncV; .".u llu- \\.sshington J/vr/.-.g ’ boeil to nnikc country iiuhm'ndent as 11 ht liwn'
. ;.nd fbrc-Ver.f ’ I rOy.hf,* is receiv.~i u o;.ly as corroWa,. . Mll - am.'mcans-oil dttacit:ttffd’ t that governnient
... -;. o- oi-e.-tes.-iUe'iib.ii live e-. ol wnat that -sunke in' ... ; . ...arinamcnl in the Amei
■’•ime-O ’ and 10-s'-no t-xte'nt iiri'l-e grass inis long ago l>ccii charged: Iho senlinienttis fraOght with wis-1 read ti-lim tjio Londorr
T-oiiSiiA AU- •' *it!.; Vin.: a resini- a ,u.n ,g the Union ft wthe-ejnjineijiliph of a pfin-; (i. 'i]2. to show whaf
|*'t,‘ ’’ "' ... .i ivh-iit-ri-i-' n *-'• ""as. wiiii slavery as a perpetual I .which should command the at- '.miralU' had acccfnipt'
i, K to the snif itna! , !r i,i ] ins. i!ution. Tiie- recognition of the Mention id jfcmlenicri upon .tWsj.ffoor | dtiys;. lifter .the* ,'l'Fv
, ••■(Vs • ,1(1.- wJi! ;io i“CV»S.” »s an i'r.dcpeiulcht power; free; fo-day. - .In my judgment it is The occiiri-cl(l: p- i" - '
■* .*. 'T .- .[ ~ H ... - r—ni Brithd' ..'nd otber. ioipoiutivo • duty of the .Govt-rnuioiit - , ... ■ -
Vh'-'VVian.iis • aiT'mmnl‘‘ • ai ' s '“' d . W ontrageo'ffs • of overy nalioivjo establish t|ic ,wAys !, ' A'J'
; -V. ■.■.■■fe.igoratn.ri and sm-cess : '«ea-"res. a*i tending to, degrade ;us-« nd n ,l « c ! f of ot-rtamly = i| nL ..of-bkt t il6'gLi'
... V,, T., !he LTiibo.- Its Special: usa/nuion .ftn.d deprive usof every, “Tohth , j supply mg all arms » . r-l-iHs
; .... ueeir.ijjanv evetv of independeneo jtind sen.-e uf| uml; imm.ubns .yt war necessary: for ■ .f' J. r 6iefle.
Rfll tlig been itiioi'rotcotionnnd detense of Hie -
n idert of Otal
s:. . ;VVViu“hVlrmmph of dhc 1 it ' «h«ll bo dVne . .si«g , .o’s
:,: m IPS and in ti.e . rest-ration ; •*> »6p - trl ,i is so a 9 t 0 '>? us ? . th ‘“ :,e *f ! I lrJ °. : foik-c hyT«>-r 4.. t-wo-. iitte-ollb.allle
j-cv- iuui'-ihnf. u. oar distracted. ‘ ti "i upon tl.e peopldi to' secure Ike great- 0 M the largest.
•WounU-y.. V. e b-.-iieve (i;at not - ! |’ l ef t < ' l * alu *-J off supply, to makp ; and' j.eayiest armed -s^ew
Vvvii-u . cal. i fuller or more acc.t-, U^‘ tor '• “ wst "«P'-ovedi atub reiiabie arms, to . Mgalek ajid eight! powerful corvettes;
:, wof th.- in-ogress hi.'-I .eloirae ; no., to.ifi -e- ■ ■ •> j : ■ ; iiaye them at sbe-h central points a. Jlt ijampng them one InnidmJ
Li -bis puoi-ii.oiis ■ c.n lk-t be.^r I '. 1 ‘ - ' • l,hT with the.,,ljt.V be.- 10 of these voxels have Ab
"han *ii,k .he regular: f frtn tool. parts of the coftry.. „ li;< lin d a;re ( i.l.Uly on the
i. f on: colnnuis. , And. f re • °,V-. .-h -.V is - ..inle evidehec :v ’ ld l * Q the-national ; ■‘ ,l f-tatioiij other's -are] th|lr wiiyont,;
•f t . " v i r llJe co-jperation of-j Ifoiels jj.. Isi ■> j*vi- -v. ■ '■>.. n yi ahoiis where tlic raw materiah. call be . t| so j nl . alvuit.thc-ir sailiiig''oi--.
‘o i - whichjihat t .eidjslui.kaeol. the:>, tho r cl) , a J, t Jllld most abundant. rik , ;v rmjme,lt’ s uotke.-:
,-,i: . v , i a.|1...!-i -ns f'l'i tTL-nef.i in luting .ic h, »■ . ‘ Tiod. where'.the}* most secure ( «qi, !U ii- 0 n of .each ves
- i'. U----o---•-• to aid us i.n ex- i•' i'l , ' :al a |lC rs a F_‘* r- - i s. froinVi iuvadiji.g foe. ■ _ ; soi hi\M ls-en ciiriliiii} chosen for .its:
* 1 ' : i wea!herr?Slioi.ia ‘it"rei.uiin so ibr> aI" b ;M speed, steam-power,!
' -.lays longer, wo war! |
• n Ti-.nis : Tl*T d} - .f ~VO T C :thtn'a baUW be- ’ llem - at al ‘ ’ been Sent i,gainst at'.incmy. Jlv the I
ria-lrhg nc-w-V-av.-rs. •-. i -Is ‘ “l I’* 1 ’* jj 2nd ! P'd ex-ernuUi jpujl? at.d jhJ’rneS, an.}:, f;,,---, Felfruar, Admiral Milne I
WUis ?v ;f.,. ? Tu, 1.-1- ; l^ c ; IT inK Vi the de.frnd lhei|i-el ves against internal M h - • Blst y .five I
■i, 1 l V!-V , . , ol- .pV Xi • Mumon’., 1 insurroclionajand from foreign: invu- j nam Uv. sev!.-n lic-of battle ships.;
\Ty T |‘.V. *FTili V* The ■.vnicr ' fi k ,m - TT.e State that ia.i.ot fully pro- r t Ulrf-v-tI*rt*c!'fritc«< e^-sind twenty-five i
to repulse an aggressor , (;I^tte , . , Tloop With snelx a!
; n-qt<- •} .. - 1.- 'PpntiT 1 niuintaiii tiio dignitj ami inajosU i fdfee a total anil mol effective hlpclc
... u.‘i , u ! un..c. , o >w |0 nationality, is very imp.ntecl ,n-1 ail the Fodcil iporti ponld ;be !
"•IV a ;' d 1 "r th(} l ' < {ew' ' j —u «i eq asp to tl.e principal ; obiecth. a>i ? lu weer; A sin-|
...VsiAlV;. oi ‘ desln at.on, and cannot b’.i?? j v yssel|at .each pet ‘Cosejs : Boston !
...; s-ddr/e. c “- ! n .Mdlv • C-Jmhar those who -subsist; neitjier can it .coianufui PoHlllhd, ami Wo off {‘ape 3luy ;
■’ ir i ,
r7,At‘o^crvW: y luk I Vnuisjrs off the;
iVetrr/Sy Sl|o , 'mu-uV' , An “do > the: case in regard to nUiLiild £"lit i
m.v V ill be s6hl th every ■ deb'■ £he j (lo oifc.xaudi.a t- uo ourselvetl v. jWe have a loyal popnla-; d T_ ;
■ I ro \' ) t;. aul 3- i i - .f.. l-tidn of ov.ef twenty million people; i ;.v, I To .. tn „i u
„ m .. i ~ -uhv said a gentleman to another. 1 . w6n „,.... H 0 c; i rV t«'-taiai ic
f.v CoptesL fo om,undress,, one f in re . ■ IQ tho ‘and. in, in resouu-cs o- ; comlunci!
S2-’>.-nnd any larg'niiniimher at. ‘,' qj,;:'how uvicfi of a-. w . c! ‘>V : ., iln< * !‘ u . I,tar y \ ?e i ii-.m frigates; ill ca
An extra copy v, ill be, ulaliun I York V New ,-.are not cstf led by. any people 'on (he j - t ; w islicd to.
i.i>4 of iv.-ontv. If) clnb> of ?t , c « mv'mv irnrii V r jirliin : I'lpoe ; bivt id tl»u* luoiins iiiul Appliftfi* i fpj.rjjg hv‘lavir ,r t
vl.i; • .=eii weekly wn-j" i&s iL * 4* wv ? >»«. *?> ■■ ns**s?&3
• :■: - m i»>«-». - r« a- ■»j- ;;,,h ,i 0“ “ r u, u.; *«S«- '-- ; ti* fc.
'lrtlovcd a visit home a'short timeugo. | - T 'h L of the or'W- 111 * ' vo ' can Jseij
•- . f , I,- V Uitl'thc old place is-reaUviiriipniving;:?.!.- r Wa Wepaa’ quick as
"in n .‘raftsman bo -procured it mi- , (0 bui,ditigs.'gQing up where Uie i • r, . J P< )S!, esHioii of .Govciniucnt _ build[tli.em, aildvi
naS'- th oT. lhrpSt,fe.c t^ n n k ‘ sl,wu,d heei ; tho-.j ot the
3s ss teas
;*«>.,®» „,uo,j.,.i<u.ud .n a corner „f .««r J
n: ; S mu ; lar iarl.-of the pefTormauecs - Ilcrc we lujvo (|
'T- re-idv almiit Chnstinhs : 1 were - ejccd-cnt, W“ ld J ««J men ts our iGovernment was suddenly Times for saying
li-Vw. ‘-' 5 * f ■ ■' —^-'4s..| hce it that Proi. deserve,, and placed - | an a ttUudo !of threatened: .miralty had »|t-thj
«* T , . T , ~i | will win, success.; The marked ,1 . ,!, '.| enHiaion-with Givat Britain; and nl- pn The , Amcncd
Ap-niOll Hotel, jciplii.e evinced by, the young | ad j e9 .i t1l „ u J til i Trent difficulty has been hearlyfbalf aji ‘id
Brnwi-' who read cssayA,.is of ad jhAtcd. And a war with England for to-day. iffall^heT
BEAVER,- PENN A,. the success of tne iaeulty. in; t j lo t j me being averted, yet-'llio tone ail the loyal State
VAI ;-v n \'K Ppop-uetor 'tho mind. May. tlieih enterprise and- 0 ? the hE n gH&h jiross still i lake jcities-in! iliei
TN s' ik - : /]■ of a > j labors be amply rewarded, ami a full iu(l - cato ai warlikc spirit; and the to- ed condition woul
,XVi;to i a attest..thatj they, are a PPt*o“l proposition of Tor-modia-irtho iliercy,.o^
t:-. !.uuse>ui a CEir.pteic apd taiisfactor-vtcan- j oiated. i . .t,\; ‘ tion presontSj indnbitabla»evidcrice that , Look,
■ tr , oa i J , 1 Please mail me, oecamonall)|, aoopy, .- 1 but. liitlo sympathy fromv wo have si’luch w
tiYSTER-SALdON; I- ipf the 'Argus -(it, does Took tfo imkh . aW.L thinla it hardly an tjnpmy jlf*X i<
*-V* re tte'l>«i,f< I k>utjgof Ojrtilers' nay he off ;j like an old friend), and at.sonw.luiuie : -y at c gj, pass thrcraghotur war), Through t
.'■vV tteiw «;aaoi.rii. any desircjl j t i m c we may jot down, tor ypur hon- J,; t trvin-'ordeal withoutTsorrting fessor Bache Ih*
-■-t'a ail t!.t luxuries ibcPITTSISLTIG MAIt -he, ui every sense Of the word, u e p owerB 0 J Europe.; For naUons rt offhp Allantiv at
kW can airordf , of our nation. ■■?. Mo. . t;ha;viduals pfe actuated by gives in tho [aggi
’^ cl7 _: boon confiscated,, with its P^« ngv.
JSSSKS rivers .logons,
T tacit-sliarpeners, Spool Cottofa. kfkho nmnortv is estS-Capche Best attbßecjgd by an intei-i
1^7 te - fw * ,l “ t ‘be Drmr Store of, i #ho vaTno. property i» iat^tdiStncfeio-r
i 0523 - - > ; DAU.fiCCJtSIISS. ..'about'SleJOOO.^r t 7 . J ! ;-■
■■ ; -,«i--.»-al - A-. - ,i , 0 : i . ■ . I -..-■ I - 1 !
IVuiii It
r .;i. *
i •„vV ■ !
i vi k w ! t-nns iv
•i'.Ui. Y •TWiirM
' a -* *;■ i: v
■ V;
Yf;.l i.r'Sj.
rt I
J 4 * ’ • n<* yv»:i^,
• 1 n. '.v*;-r.
i\ . .U IR> UA,;
tar(OJ i «
11 !io year
<.ne' veat
.. TIIEjTKIt&SE, .
DuiUliiijrs.,;NßW | -Y ork
A l.!r, :*
"Vol.' 39--N
’7 * ft"-w . ■-■; , r^
o. 15... /:■'-; !.,;;’ •■ <-['' f - tEst
. 1 “i.'v • .
! "i
i(anco could bo
i tap k' o P our foil f
llio British Gov
ictaic their own
: fleet broadside on
ivk and Jfoluhcn.
. itho.u the small
i ps., ,Qu the t'si
not possess the
on theAtlanlic,
gunboats i-cady
northerners can
r quicker.
ter thebi-baking
vers and/canals,
iboais, with, the
screw corvettes
iililne, will carry
>lO English (lag
:oit;” ’ ‘ .
mthoiity of the
the British Ad
ne an armament
raters carrying
;unßjiH W 6 have
and arsenals in
)ur Atlantic and
eompletely at
i extent of coast
:be. exposed to
at of a foreign
litencss of. Pro- r
tfore Ine a table"
’ miles of coast
If Slates, which
• five thousand:
ixty-eight geo
nerai coast-lino;
atiqhs of bays,
re httve a Shore
mika, besides »
..- -1' - -j ■ • ...
tipps, and at a lyne of peace,;strong-1 facturfcrof-arm^'anci ordnance•, neces
ly, rccqnimend ibis' same policy; and 18ary for of their popple
jnco'nfqTWty vvitjh- his.euggestioiiStlio'; ap’d 'flie of th'cir eltfet.—'
armories at Sp'Hngfield and -Harper's j 'J^bc.propjpsrtipn'is-^fbkmrmenny- :Jtwt
fFerfy- <Were established as early, as | and right that, .1 .apprehend ■it will 1
170-i.V' ".jh.-jir L-r - T. \ ■ juieot -jwitii no setioiia; opposition .in
ijThc necessity of additional fivcih- this House, • ; .. J,,, \.y /
for the. nianufaciljuro. of arms j for j ' Thb; manner .t/i dbfffiuniiiingjjive
defense of the people wo find set ; most.suitable locations T's another con
tji -ftr the message, ot Madison jand'-sidpratjoß, about which thrgfo appears
proe, find that at a -tune' wjhon to be iconic*! 'differemiii-fpf-'oplhion-.,- I
w,,i ' domain was miich’lesa ani.indu'vor of llio appointment of a
l? n^P r b nit is .to-day,-and , our population , commission!): as recbinracadedr hyHho
ly one third as great. President kommitteoi The locations VsTi.onVd-bp
in ishrcir called the attention of chone.ii ilunspoetivo of i local O'i) private
' igrosK to tho Tamo, subject, in his 1 interests. And-surely geiitiemor ean
;fj|aVo —, Issagd in 183,7, iu-which ho pays): ( ..j be-;' found, of : sniontide'^XUainmeiMfiß
.. . ... M creatiorf Of
iaiiri'on, to ho|common in the W- ;*!.!'?.% P‘ ,mls J Vf •*'*?■ ai,o '; a i iow f L
j.ofttbo-Anny’ and JS T avy: ofj the:!
ted .States, W ; ej:;in!^;v,io,v ' wri ’.:l b ®. 5? ? A l ?' V,*>..-•
StnUtSp^cd,"and- appears to" bo .rc- l J u !°:. ■ liOS ; l ' J;** 1
4. ~.rrv"^«ri»ir w Trith^thatL c,J I^ a k ra^ I0:is w*T n
.idCfiaf -'Copntriea;-and/tpvenable Tibati ■■> u>£ ns h ■
'P£l f * a p4 “fty.tbousand,.had* [privet : of articles and • srYi'duatoi.uio’^?' !^i ' i; * n *
\eti oijo’ tiihe filty-six,thduB- i.Wppß««''t64ho:i'ihtB''bfilie ;-6b^di¥.-ii sanic 9 T*2^^t tU - r f th>
ips t thd ex.SeOret al f as well |is : to' roguldte iiei.- I:^9 1 :^ 9 f
:du ">rt of - Pofeniber 2, ;:quklilyl and quantity nr.d insure tlhoir' r . a "i’,T - e ’' ■ "‘j” 1 ,, V ,
tef .tins fact, siiys, uu fomityT. Tljo same reasons induce ‘ -
loyal States Jfuif -.mi■-lb I recornnifend- the erection bf a T’ 1 .f’l VIV-:? =>;f- ■
whicir mantifuctoiry'' ot -i gunpowdor, to] ho ‘ o0t " L1 ? ! l ;
'he chsp should , tuifdor itlie direction of -tho Ofdiilmoe . ( . 'T;T‘| JU -*i" - .■*.•, ■?. '• ■ ■
T they: could iOffice. The esiabiishment of a niuiui! f" w " .. \J- ‘
'd ah amy fui-tory .of,; smail-arms of i tho ; i‘'° U ,!i!
’his caicii-:■ Alleghany"kuoulaius. upon the -flan Ci-'-,-II.V
-vtion the proposed ,by the Secretary of ffarb; H c I^'
> IbyaJ- jwSlI. coDbrihute to extonli througiioin T"” ’ v ~‘ T, ~ 1 ..TV'-.-; 13 ;’',
ored ; [ tli'at country,the improyoments''v\ s hioh , ,r ;V‘ l i ' --TVIT . 1 ••■. 1 M f
will L-ist. in ektablishmentl ol iv.; similar,; : ZP' .
>il,- dqscriptioij in the Atlantic States and ■ S *- L ''’■• ‘A 1 r '‘ r “' l '
d|;id t/f a! jmoro eponoinieal dist>ib<i-' , (? \ . t r’Ve,ui-''.V. 1
'-{ion of the armament .required iii ■iho.. -(? > v ]v** qom => .<> o ■■■i 1. ,1. fn
W jstern pqr'iiioh of our nbuuiry/T ' i convmaq.ung ns rejouro-.-spanu na
■-.■(■j- 1 : ;[■, •■■ j /.( r . t - t'v.> ,:advaiittfgos. -of- ■ unit'
IIorG; wp observe tL.\t a. liruus of ■ iU’-go rnauiifaet iiriiig r
■Yaw-■ i»«Vcn % rbeommetided not JotTly* VeTTV,- iw-ithoul the
the|vstahlis!iavent of a jnat-iohal a|rmo-, to Ifilifiarbo-cities. ‘ .Its locution isTilfit •
ry :|ud_ foundry,’ but tliirt- ' Hc-h agriSftlutsn... .country, wiiero. air
be • located,, .west of - She iVllegJianj- TdndsJyf irrovisi-nis are ij-imndaiit 'aiid
.nioun.lains, aud the oousidoralitHls for ; cheap. ifls'sUaaiodin tlic very heu(t -
so dpi-iig Jare' spt forth. tVSi’utr j'.rgU:" ofvtlvf great iron smellir.g' Wn’d irori
lentsbaiybe offered, why. it isj.not, ! matuilaCtaving-vegloui of Peiuisyiva-:'
isl;,;.ahdj light that .'this should be | nia and Ohio.' A few: tpiles nonurpn
’ T ,hone. A very largethe being the'iren furnuccs, ’■
ua importUnt portion of jour' Rcprb-1 hp tlic. Shc^-ngd.
; L .lies fyest-. of tho, Aircg.hauiq|'."J .It r : affif ;., riyj^glbrt }•' or fifty
is -iiow !a largetand rapidly’ growing ! miles, f.heir oreg
ipuliitibn of;npt; lesa than; tyeivc | all( j inake a. llreir
illlon , people,| than , rylvbiu; bberO i far’ 'ls free ,frc>m sulphcr;
:e ..none mdfe: ( intercslbll:In. iren. .It• p'/ssca,]'
iiiitig• the, : integrity of Itliq' lliiion,! is'-’ohe'.oi* thd'fiestijmqsf.'powerful,,«nd \
hlpnf Aforo Toyaj and•j'true.f The 1 jVarajilp wiiwv- i r, birr country.- 1
'' c ’th.s people wr l ro* i f'tV.
" BiasaH.. — i the xhcl! *afer to tha,;
i 5 sa - s . , ... Tucry. ; , .n l :t ,! ji-. ;5.e of
•’ ’. |T 1, ' ■1 ’ : : i>,,ii * a . Tfopl> ';l3oal'i hi !grcat, quantity
Can we,’then, place in the hamU of; 1 I ' e .U: '
private'contracjtors.such an. n 'i n '! ; . ,cllire . ~Ssmm
truffi,. which,TtjTffill3t''perforinbd,-inti\i'!. ol { U4 '* B, P ttU t i'% rc - c * and \* om 'ffiayST! aid liuiber iof varir.ns
jeopardize the very existence of tile' -!f u ' ;o . of iratispar atio.u n . v( | T 0, ,( aiM j e i,.. a p. r,’l, e ||jy|aJ
nation? i When :<ve ibok at the marW !ft Al f P° -largnir iner i eascd,..or' n-l't-Wieo osiimi’h-H ah. I
nor in Which our Army aud.Govcrnf n «>ont esiUbbslt:her nalional :^;|^. tod u r ,v, hvitw.v
inerit hav;e been ■,defrauded by spccuv' l 1 .y horo. all ( the |,rn\v , missionsi' ajrpciuted ' Will
lators, we iaust shtiihk from The Ideall s native, j.nh.iui«Jan.t .j and p a; tijffint, uT;- as - ..ffifrlvAs 1
of trusting- to private contraeiors to|’ Vl|‘u a P.’ * l P d -' v hQ|’e anns-cqn lie af!ie;i q., -.isifrg . jj’ ■
furnush N tl:e nebessary, means y f*. ,n . ila, \ •''f',: ai.d more Tiieful vk-Jfnriiii'tuff, •.
rintional;'defense, dpeppndenco upon: U v";:! expadien^(.TdTteToan'd ’a-i ; v:i0: eligible site c«.m
private contractors for arms and nni| i ' , ' orn | l,l;ll t Vp herjarrai, ffimng ! grentpr ’ national a'lvlmi a-'s.
niiipiis .'d'war is too] precuneus ahd | l!ia U»e Annbrvlie csta!'iished: i
mJeeriain ~"iu all respects, asAvell ad : J^ V? S T" AlleighaiJiois^ ylien it |;; M . ; -J - f•• •
too costly, upoii iwjiy-ch to rest hiicli!.’ ll T.® u j l ’ e .- ! l J r <2 . n , pY . a r i : : or
an| important and vital meter.-T of.flic’:'/. 1 ; IJ J lul!,slt ' n appended ,Uy..u o|H;m*nen L’ : .in- deffijnioe- nomiaatfou for (j ov
nation. i The irnprovemenls .inailo of' K l -, ieiu - n i rc ..l ill -tf ' v r f s ’t drni t/ - * n ' ernc.r’of d’hoje Xsl.auil, teiidlireii: to.
late years in the pdirer and destriiffi 1 ’ u nia< 0 • lK r . '.hutod ••fit _less| Cost : by too Denloeratio and The Coji
tivencss of all rendered al * °h n ;bo done at any point iii the .sTittuioiial, T’nrqn:C;.pivcalions, is ’cx-1
pselt-ss; Weapohs i tliat;| ' ‘ i < • !■• • ceeq'nTly cridlfchle to hi:.i. 4... ’ i
ireio deemed the very best, perhaps;!. reason oari boi givcii wily it
not more than i? quaVtlu- of ii century : ; notfespedient to estiiblh h an .jrmo- Gnvp-fnor.T'fipjffn uses the ib:;Vv. i.-g J
ago;■ arid with and Qxp'eri.--; : ai, ’ r l /MaiuJ.ryi- west of tho njtoui!-1-c^i'ii*sicl;ii iitlruria!»lo hiLi.giiii^t.' 0 :—:
ciiced nJiuds now Irboringlfo produce f , ta ]! is ’. -Otiloast to. the extegt of, hn-ji- ! :,T'pffi ;
ami bring but new 1 , inycnlionS.’sli niii-il i 'Vlf nrms and ofdbanco nccessafy ior spairec. and: hcaf.t 'l nihiuiifi cj! a I,'u.sT :
afcT thereto byftljo. ihighty Tloveri’vi: amiiigiaiuldcf^dihgTtint• portion of''Trpon. j'tl.eTiysideni. fJllipg .him ini- |
incnts of the .Old W r oi-Jd,. which act! °!‘f country? ' .lirsiyles, .CioverufaeHl, bec.le; elb... T'. be-|
lipon thb. belief t|iat; yiiildry is wjith jn'ot diserimibato in- 'lhvrfr •qf ■ neveridisirnitfitleithor ills lioiuTly orj .
that Power hav ,ii|g :and using the uest!' n portion 01 our’ country to l!i| ex- ipf niten 1 ion-.,‘ami.have stood; by b'bn I
giilis ami heaviest ; ordnance, wo may ii , nnouier. J.ook p.t( -ijivdj.fdr iuiii iil wkys. .f l ' I Ti.if ..
fcasoriablw Vxpjlt cvbb greater im-j ) ln nncf ;of inen Tjmployodi'iu_ fhej/Ea-it : iTdhf I'vn .mp,-^C^ay.k^>}^.-T-'-.
hrovcmet’ls in the jnrjnament of Tia- 1 >'• nur gud nayy-yards:. and py, opinion.. Rreliricnt 'Tiin'otT-i'e
lions in the samjicori'cspondi.iig- liniii r tby midiOas of dollars unphtiily, d;s-; g'im.l n.’id >v'i>'c mail, tbef v’i-0 :
|o .come. --Our GoWi'ninent' shouldST. r .i !, «tpd. .among The people lO : iu;i» iji ourledu:«‘. iy -i'.>ivi■• tc : i>!if- v, •_c’r id*
take good enro • hot] to -bo behind in.] ? ut h advatitagefc are. onjiiyed lyji ll 0. the\ flod I •.< pi-.iued , ■ ’
ih is- effort alter;! improvements, and ;.l ,er ff lu ’ Pf-lhe Wbst, and atylhc ■ fame Tnlye miaifciToo;-, i’m-ddent; { {;■ i
|tbe oiily way to jiccomplish tins is to valley cAj-tiie, Ohio.^ralfMiss r p;,f’l; 'Th'-sy of'uT. who arc- s;.f ■h^iind':,.
have a suliicienej' of iiatipbal work- • l 6B *HP>’ bus', furnished-: inofe llhisn , ; ebi)it'U-ta l 'lv ;a!,. hTtno eoii!j; ly-gin. to-, /
|hops, so tliaf by testing niidprovin"- 9 nc half of alt the sofdiersjiow lAifhc 'roaiizo: the tmfijfns )e-t. up.oiv »•
livery new and promising Tnvciitioiq -fic'-T figlptiiigthbl battles ior IryeJojn,-'fa. ; Lincoio— y>!o.epjess Vigitaiif'C.'
Ivc shall! bo able adopt snclt’as provy J f n( l constitutional la\y._ Arc- wnf-w-He • uiiinieriniitc-1 Coiis, !iis\he"3. r t-rending ,
gobd aiul,worthy. Thetaorestoftbe' T l, b ■ that we shall not havT.lho ;|ri\[i-. ti i;d—ye could’ wili\hifid .tfonv-J
private' con true lor is to d iscburagc allJ lt! gf & f . manulactufiiig - wtal, oi| tiie .hire °fr pyinpaf HJ.y oy: spTok'.sligiffi-j
Change inThe character of annb which j Allott.hanies flip arbis necessary forp hiigyy ot h:s acts o-y ly.ol ives. i’j p ■-
Ida machinory is prepared- to make, as 'ho our own jtpoplc-.' .Must, •!■ __L, -’ f ... : !' , .' T
machinery is costlyi. and every mat ex T e fOokltoour mpdest Tnends ot -plasxv,, y.' ,ls ‘j’.’- : .»l a 1 ''; : . l ''. c ‘„ T
flal bbaiigo] uece'^sitales!a 'cortespbhdvi sae|us°tl-s to work loi uk f■ P il, y- ' ‘'.'■t’-* 1 ‘'T !1!l ' ': ' - fV-'k
jug change in hill.machinery, b ■.■*" . did hope ttiatgcptleaicn-wpula not jome , |j 'T' wns f -unumg a.; The mn,r of lux
Thp arms. ordHaiico, and munitions ir : ntinds dwarled by n ,fl y’; 1 ; 3 ; ,' nl ' s 'v mm saw the
if war-bought" by Goveimmenl 1 from MY selfish-nolionS.or local prejudices;.;’ mro a \..ifry on ihij insure
irivate coutraetqis and! from -foieigh‘’i'* ,ut would,be iib.yto view this-.mhtler. ; Tpdmi,- ci icd to.; boy., u.c
cdjjst oh'the Pacific, and
of fix thousand Iwo hun
lyjjmilos. JKd- nation in
i such an extent of coast
iiXJinjtcd St'atef; att'd li‘6\v.
.red ; to defend-ftin ! ic|tse'Of
'pr ; Will* snob-guns iis
ssksss, iiuil clad steamers
trllslr AVarrior could pass
i • jmrfectim'ppnity, with
lelgning . to respond to o'nr
/mrny,opinioh f it
•ptivo | duty -,of Cougrose to
' , provision to" mee’t this
liatjqh. / ' ,■ '
3siapl|fllir t fouhdo
r/o cast 'of ldrgo
■jh widely
' those* ji]an-c|ad-)sjteantojsj,
till thoh,' jyijl
|-|S; r. ■ i
vhda;' tM -matter : in - fb-
of;Bnpplyo- small
tSfaehueotts darmgthei-rew
war),[wifl)i a-popnlation of
iflfecl and; Hfty^thousand,,hai|
(tf at oiio tiipe 'fiUy-six.thpuf
s ; and tlie ex-SeCVetary of
ais irbport of - Pofember 2,
to tins fact, says,
the present Joyal States |fur
,«J;troOps'in Ijiko proportion, which
affififflßlbdly wofuld po; theehsp should
. fejlßttißfgency demand it. they could
nq.tly put iiitodho field aji army
■ .’.iriiis ctiicii-;
i tap rw leaves out En the’computation' the
i in 'rpvplt,bdi whoso; IdyaJ
; 3l& ! Wot hope, will- .sopn bo rcs|tored ;
| bfitfpr.tho sakej bf argument wjp -will
muinber..of.'three mil
:||bi^H,!Thcn,f if'wo have, three ;mi|-
i abre-liodicd meu'capabfc ofbear
vhat| faciftics'i 4iavo v.'b foi
| three niillien guns ? I roply,
[ brieOJily armory andjiwSipt might be
!ijnad,e ,by private; ,epiU<-actor», upon
| iwnpjn'i.,propose to sljiy w,pi:esently .wo j
(1 ipbnd. -’'Granting to.the!
Spfingfield armory' highest! es(i-j
{inatb that its wa4 ; nvo|-rt friends claim ii -
j&ftltv’Aftbeh all bbf juachiuery is-.put; (
kpapibity. for, ..malting
iionared -.thpussilua.. injiskcta, per A
~tn, ; dhd'all )wi,iigj one million ser- j
Mo ■ giinh.' 6l thif war 1 |j (
ossesßion ijbf Government’, 1
high; »n ostipawtet apd it i i.'
fily I tho
' armories,. since r - jtho commencement
|of the irebellion, have doubtless cost,
jover and above the positive expense
lof their manuhiUiirp. |ten times'as
| much ns would establish andput into.
! operation ■tho'arriiofy and fbunderics
lecommended in 1 resolution of the
comn'iittee r I i'understand .that’ the
Government, from necessity of pro
curin'; a sufficronit quality of arms,
tin? jhecu paying,' on average,"
abOut twenty-twO‘dollars per musket
When they have? been and could be
inanufaeturo in |oijr national Work-:
shops for one hal| that money, i Is it ;
the interest jot the Government to
t. urauo this ruinous policy any fOuger/
If hot 1 , then let us pass the rosolution
of the armory committee, and have »i
eitJßcibnfcy of* national vyorksnops es
tablished to supply the, nation with
arms.-i ■■ ! ■■ j '! ji , '
The idea of manufacturing the arms
necessary for defer so, of ;ihe na
tion -is not a new! pfpjectl Washing,
ton; in bis message to Congress, when
oaf pbpnlatlonwis'WSsttliati’fottf Mil-
p ; j.~
, cr. k
S.,:i '
aTblislied. IBIS
ion I
[iron a high |iliytijonaL.stamlpoiii’t,f and • ' i'o’b-lM’btbcns. “■’* l " • ‘‘"earn-, 'hr
| apt aiid justly to.wanl| the ! 1 '.none "fail.” A if-us.-dun r\
|i people of-thol groat West, who'o at 1 fitter /ode -Op j?’nd /aid. tho ‘
j|th,e .same time in%p doing'tbe i tiler- f-Hhiy A iigiu protect ■ you. ’at (he f
jicajss of the whole Country wouiA bCv s:tHlu time tdowingpout the boy Vl-raiiis.' ■
ji best prompted, ;; ■ ■ . ? ■I • ; ' v| lh
ji Tlioro arc, air,-, high political jcpn-| ■ oO.Kna|juVed war’’
jlajJertttioiH involved in-this Question,-rneaidy paten du-tIW house and home
lArhu h demand ,tho -careful- atteijiidi j- t ,fupd eom-iant fetsVf frUmds.-avusv
of gintloinen trom dho' eastern Ipdrf-!. on-! <_Vuv eou«,l.MoV .bitterly' Jf 'his
!,uon. ; cf -oiu'-country.- The ia| !m mc-rb;-s-visUptM “Share, trtidi-I’ll v
i;“: vr stcaypu-o within itself, and j the', tell yei how to gM>id of'em,’Viaid an
i people will neverf consent to; boj do-1Inslihiijtn: I 'PS#fow i‘” "Lind mon
- pendent [Upon thir far Bast for tjheir i eydo : the poor mon, "
isupdly of awns, dnd bo placed in ; a | ey fi-oib >ho ri*h bnespand nathdr will- ‘
position where they will ho,subsciryi- | evei-trd&blc yoira&ajn;”' - ' ..V
f’eot to tbe- people of that section otj pi ;., i ■ -■' '
pur country, any more; tbad-tbey jwii: ; EPntuhkians, late fronr,
Sdbmit to aiij' tbefrej, Texas jglvca Ufouiv account of af.. ,
navigation v6f;,t!jo waters of;|thsj fhii-s there: They dot two thousand;' -
[Mississippi: Tbo; patriotism. of j the i olpllindman’s ‘taeu who had deserted
people of the ,West is cpnftnedi byjan'd s,worc .tbey would die befefre re-'
!‘no pont-up Utiea”—they are:Anicri-- | t urnin»-. , i e
bans at large,: and through liic-ir' ° 1
ItepresontativeS upon tliis[ floor jaak
Congress to grant thorn a notional
armory -and,. -foundry for*the niflnu-
A 4
, I '
j v ; H" NCfoCE:tb '
i* i *■:. /V' 'T*"? -’''■ '■
inßaftcd/at’tbo rate ofjTS ;
( cents
t 25 j A, Hboral discCnnt'iridfid tS^yeae^f*
I tidrortisers, andonlong.advcrtisomentarr'’* C
j’ .A' space -equal to twelve- lines of'this tyja
( measured as 'a square. *“■' • •• |
Special notices 2o per cenC.acliJUion’torejf
ular rdjes. .. -: ' > ,• , ,',
j T, Business 'crtts a-linnHper-year -j
1 -lielijju-xs,, Political i
i and-tc^er Jiotices of a public -! i
i r
SSSujJvish potatoes for planting are,'
I Sellingjiji Jade son, Miss,; jat tbo niotf-
I crate prico of 830 a bushel, / ■ ■
■ = ■•* •; i : lr /■ i^ir
! ‘ ’
i • I
~f ; ;