The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, April 08, 1863, Image 3

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    Outrage .--jI ’X 1 m © T a l e}.
■S£ ■Mjs,, niiSSi °.. “oi“i. |Sj t .tftTSBci!OB,VE.-tr ,
StUirt"" e ' l^uit^^ C inan W «ut- BMW T-.fL|: : ••<
b 'l in ' bis escape, and wucwc name : -J 5l * „iiw,ot tt PUtslmtjV «?»•*• *•
m T* vvu The. mother went toljjss.-.a. -•> ■ ’ »" ■' a. !
0-1 \\ Vile Street, the little girlj 7{20 P.. »b '** ' 1." ' '* **: ’
a “to* °.r.. , into'tlie vard,.where ! • Gome T7«m— -\
‘. !t * U . ) hi- ih.l Clinch- i 3 ™ fcw'Weiw?* \
.dSf.H^ OVVIW! 0VV1W! S .‘F Zud .V ? !C:4o<a. it. .Arrirt* «t ßetter, ......8:M A.*.
‘‘‘i .., K ; i. Hrricd into the on t-bouse. : P- Eoohfsur...—B:QoVp. Jt.
ubs devilish purpose, j 3;00 ,. *. ; •• ..u..4:80 f. m.,
iWd her mouth tP . .J. K. McCCIXOCOH, Pntt. ; ;
Worn crying onVT Thb,! F. B. MYEBS.j go.'. i<k'tA/*nu | '
r Ai'iiT ' >n returnlsfSpm PITTSBCRG/FT. WAYKB t CHICAGO/tl. b.
•••.. t'-ihl btUerly, , .i— ■’ r: - ' v i
Rochester Stetlon-G onto EasV
guve tha absrni.-*- Comnitnriny vn and oflti Swtrfey, Jan. 4 5,68.
, :1 " I V.Ur'irisher bud, however, | Trami leavt Station ia follpvu’
The '‘‘ ' I ’j -i I heaves Rochester Arr. at Pitt*;
.v. is supposed to be ;he j B 2:16 r. u 8:48 p. ■!
‘.'nlv twrir-.bat, uniortuimtely, only • let 8:40 a. 6:00 a.
* unsatisfactory description can I i> d Exprasa, 10:00 p. ‘*......11:00
r 8" /,! biin. Alderman Ballet! j . ;. Gowo West— • .1
ti c jI |U - - i. i ,i u'tll HiMire 1 ' l ■ LeiTesTittß. Arr* Rochester.
WMW'mauer m band,and uill -par* AwS3MbBo>'. a. a. I
ra rifurw toljecure i. 2 d Brjlh’n “ ■ 4:20 r. a...—. jW6 ». »• ;
fia- injury inflicted to^the child ■j. gfoO a. *2B a. *.
i „ „,4t '-erious nature, and hereon- i gt Express, ’ bW a. k....... 8:06 a. a.
• Monday evening,
ChUchl by the «
14 ■
4 ■
: i x . Lons, April 6.—naif a• bjobic
j -oi l>“->' ncss part, °f
• v,. r J or. the morning.-of .the .3d.
i,,,'. for.voc-n forty and fitly tlloua *
sail tlnUiits. It was thu work ol an
I Inmanavolib, Apr. G.—Tiio town
■'locii'.us in this State to-day, as
far as heard fro.?., resulted iu Urge
/[' . for ; the unconditional Li .non
ticket. .
j JBeave**
F.our per bbl. ....■■■■■
do ** lbs
Cried Apples per bushel;. —•
do I’csqhe* “. “/■■■-■■r-
Cora "
Kye ,
o*t» ' /“
Barley "
Closer Seed, "
Timothy Seed, *,*
Flai’Seod. “
Beaus, '* *"
Potatoes, “
■ v > -•
M■ ■ J
: Meal,
;Ttllow, /
liard, -■ s
Caudles, I 44
Soap/ I’ *‘( *
‘'j Gallon
\ Alton Oil* 44 i “
“ . “i -i
-“ doten ..(.
it ••
“ .d*
| A teaming in the Pofei OlHcc at Rochester
VT.Ma: 18C3: i \
' Brr*n £.3 iHarragh Fitinnoafl
ItA-Dcf T • • 'jjroa* David 1 }
*|lrons Saticy • ’j
|Ka;rlrt^r , Jacob
'Lester David
♦ Leaf William. *
♦ McLaughlin M
•iMiicbeil J W j
;MiUer JsaraU E ' }
’ MU'cr Emilia j
)Qu:glv WUltanj \
jkobinivn Ucvili VT
Deed Mary !
♦ Reed Thomas! s
AK i .
•i'srji'.r:' CafoUae
{ (Vuiv.)ii
- iteriion Oscar
MMhliit.Surah Ji
jjrecnO li 'l*
HiriiStli Kate •
•ffch« John
Gorly I.Floy
tii'.-t-b Jvusan
Mi:-- r Annie '
Smifh John |
■ 5;; C.
•SuJiter Soka 1
. - 'Siuf.trly John
'•7. Sum.* V * J
MaiuuLur,:\i '\cazy ,'layv- ! .
. , .’ar./.'.ne i< ::r-v«v Vim A
llfcilfv’ Auj.rt. ‘ j
1 f-»r letter.- :j: the above list,
- ::»*.* • rt•
! y TAVLoii. P. M.
LWV <)': iStalij'p for,
i in :. e K:st li C.
Jl. Pa., :ia.v i;-.;;. ( ' ■
, - . M’Gin Ucv j' '
/JJrj-:* M ('ay IlcvAV W
hi K . M(-'i.jiuljV Du?ld
JiroKji AsrvC ' Pyle Fc’
Cuiij^nifisaj-Ja’ia ■ 3*yle Susan
■ Crav.'..jiJ Lizzie . | ParJoc ,Joseph
.v eil V*m Uobertson Mrs J
Stm I # -Russell Christian
l);iij:;.-r;y .vlj s . Kheil Leonhard.
.V— vr ' , * i! Stewart Wm
Jj frTi:? Cont-ae Smith Sampson,..
Oarers Louisa Smith Edward
G;tcn In hort, . ' . Swager Sarah
Sum 1 v Schnallenberg’er'Joo
Vribs-m Lieut W\F • Scott R G
Mrs iTbifny Wm■..*
lS&rah .Thorn Rev C- *
Marg't •‘JWiUon G J
J M jWUHams John
O Larey John [White J L
- jlv ~..v at.a
%lUU Jo!,:s ! ‘
"j! r. : ‘ '
7." beta
Persons calling for letters in tlie above List
■will jaease ssjr they advertised.
M. J. ANDERSOy, P. M.j
t ; t*g~6ffice Ilo.iirs; From 7A. M. till CJ P.M.
LETTERS of administration on the estate
of Mart Siiajeb, late of Moon ' Totrh
snin. Reaver co.,i dcc'd, having been grant
ed to the undersigned, all persons indebted to
said estate are requested to make immediate
payment, and those having claims against said
estate will present them to the subscriber
properly authenticated for settlement.
SAM'L SHAFER, Brighton tp.,
' ■ ]Votice ; .
}< j 1
MY wife. Scsas WifiKixsos, baring left my
bed and board, all persons are hereby
notified not to trust her on my account, as I
not pay any debts '6f her contracting:
Big Bearer tp.,
Lawrence co., ‘Pa. r
64 Wbpd St.,
'|o F F E STO C K f 0 R T H E
OF 1863,
Ai TM Lowht rum*.
r fc*». DS/M
LETTERS of adiiiWstrationoHlhe estate of
Albket Facts i, late ofDarliKgtob tp.B'tt
rerco., dec’d, baVing been granted to tbe un-.
Jerigncdi all persona indebted to said estate
irg nqaesttd to cftVt nflßfcdiirtt' psyineot, tsd
•hose hiring eUiml said esttto will
present them to the subscriber properly au
thenticated for settlement. • it
! mar,lS.’C3. | ; Admintat^ator.
■ BXjitspTXOisr-
TUE Stockholders' of . .“tie Company for
erecting a Bridge oyer Big Bearer Creek,
at or near Wolf Lane, in the county of Bearer,”
are licrehy notified that ah election, for one
President,,six Managers, and a Trqoaurer, will
be held in the Toll House of said company, on
the last Monday (the Aprilneit,
commencing: at 10 o’clock, *. M. . ,■.
marl 7, '63- JAMES ALLISOKj Treas.
r oo
! 50 • ’
!For Kent.
THE large two atory Brick llouae, rfltk
kitchen—in all sixteen rooms—suitable
fur a Boarding House, with garden and abont'
two acre* of yards: of fruit and shrubbery,
good bam. tihd all 1 necessary but-buildinga,
known as Stone’s residence, at Beaver Point;
Also, a private residence, two j story brick,
with ten acres of land, attached to it, with
good weft, iUterh, good barn, and all other
necessary, cut-buildings, situate on the brow
of the hill above Beaver Point, now occupied,
i by JohnS. Lehmer, Esq. ; '{
I fcSf-Apply to CHAULES STOSE, at the ]
J caver Point House* or at. this office? ’
. e oo
. i uo
. 3 00
.2 «5.
• 1 00
d i oo
. . i oo
.. ! 12
WHEREAS letter* testamentary having
been granted to the undersigned, on es-
I tate of Eobikt Waicnr, Mec’d.. late Of
I Ilookstowit. Bearer county, Pa., all persons
1 knowing Jlhemselvea indebted to said estate
I are requested to make payment immediately
• and those having claims against the same trill -
I prtaent them to the subscriber duly auihtati-
I cated fur settlement. TUOS. WEIGHT.
! marl! ; ' •.. | Executor. .
.1........ 12J
■v—v‘ i Hi
! CO
LETTERS cf administration - upon the. es- j
talc of Ybaxcis M. Ebwim, late of Hope
well Ip., Beaver county. Pa., dee’d, having!
| been granted to the undersigned, all •
j knowing themselves indebted to-said estate]
j are requested to made immediate , payment.
I and those having claims. agakMUhelsame trill
; present them properly authenticated for aet
; llement. . ■ -■ ' |
I JOXIX R, McEOXAI.D, nopcVvcll I}).-,
i maril ’63; ■' Administrator.
For Sale at the BeavcrDrugSt&e,
'i ■ •I- • , ■ -i ’ . ' ■ Vl'" -
. burn.oil Avithout ciAmncrri, splendid affair,
j Also Gai'boa Oil Lanterns without chimneys.
", Forasic at I>rug Store of CL I*. Cummins—*
i Gun Powder,. Vounjf Hyson and Black Teas.
I all good; Coffee, Lit.'Coffee, Dandelion Coffee,
i Gold pens, Spectacles, Golden Syrup for table
use. a prime thing: a cheaper article of Syrup,
• very good;, hominy, hand scrubing
; brushes and salt. ,
i, Zsut currauts.and Raisons for-tile al C. P
; Cummins’ Drag Store. ‘, ■
Board of Director* — Rct D. IT. A. M*LtAS,D.D.
Kcr. D. A. CrssriNOHA*.
Rct. C. P. Ccjohss, M. D.
irpniS Seminary, haring been bought by
I B. Mercer, is being thoroughly re-fit
ted and re-furnished, and wUI be opened for
the reception of Pupils, oh
Monday, the 20th of April, '63-
A full corps pf Teachers is beingsclected,
who will be present at the opening of tbe term.
'Rates, per Term of'Fourteen weeks:
Board and room, furni5hed..*......•.....*.53800
To. those furnishing a pair of sheets, pil
lowslips, a blanket, and their own '
t0we15.. ..r..... —sB6oo
Light and Fuel extra. Washing 80 cents per
: dozen
Latin. French and Germen, each ...$5 00
Music and'all branches of Drawing and
Painting will be taught it the usual prices.—
For further information address any
one of the Directors," or
- r feb2s
Tr.TEIIS I leaf amcntai y on tile estate of
.1 i Sascei Baker,. Ule of Pulaski town
ship, Bearer. County, Fenn'a dee d haring
been granted to'the undersigned, all persons
indebted it o said estate are requested to' make
immediate payment, and those haring claimfe
aaainst the same will present them properly
authenticated for settlement: >
EDMUND BOOTS, North Sewiekly tp,
■f ' 5.000 !• “ Oat*.
ilWered m Pittsburg, for which I »tp author
ed to par the highest: prices. ~ Address,
h '■ - , a. W. C»APT. / .
Ao. 185, Liberty Street PiliehtuTt.
sept? Bm. -
A - iX persons living unsettled account
■J\ with me, or Smith & Collins, within the
fast twenty years, fo? Carding, Spinning, &c. f
will please call at iherFaliston Woolen Factory,
before the first of Ojctober, 18C2, and settle
the same by cash or note
.jy16,’62, )
Do You Want Employment.
I OF FER * pleasant huaine** for the
end Smnmcr, trith large profit*. Send for
mjrtew circular, containing full information.
maria. -m, wmta m x. t.
LET.liiiuc v*
<r tftte : ofMsLO tais, lute of Independence
township, Beaver county, licc'd, having been
granted to jthe undersigned, all persons . in
debted to said'estate are requested to make
Immediate psyinlHt,, ahd those haring claims
against the [satae ,will present them -properly
, authenticated for settlement. I
. l i ; jamestoute, !
—from $4 00, to *7OO j f,b,25, 186 S , Administrator.
’ ’ Superiutemlent.
NTEB—IO,OOO Bushel* of Wheel,
“ • 6,000 “ 1 Rye,
“ -5.000 “ ' Barley,
; r '’ ~ J H “vlfolU■ *■; ' MAYORS OE-Tflk
OF THE‘*LAKK«op- tttIAKAiUCQItNIiL. -ThY-virtlio ofi-a. ; a S. f . : .jA t\V A 1 fc H -.4.\ -i'] '.-I—.•/.- . '- 1 ;■
v| r P}^ S V- ;-,i'X
U ■:J■ i K - : ™ 3 , e nd tt oor,oal-OTr, on the pma.'S'k tin ;., • ‘ —-— —i."v n : ' Wo.the mdetaS^d
Bills ifid 13,&p ce in 3 >; ; ;ij-‘, T AtAwk* U» Drags^«»», ! -A9otb*9«lM, M*
. . ai,dt«rtc following described piece or parcel ![ o ti Sill d|horoiigl), baring a blf <• ' f<« oi» ..-h It liahSulH #o.’, tU J: w t.«s~c.o £nf\9 'i < i
rixtur 4, i 0 f glimi, situate m Jilt, village of) anport, jllJauover street! ami ciicmlißff’iibJ; Ihcrcfwjm r..V e ,, •iV' il.ev cab -u-afifi; ■&*..< V> HOH.i •
~r T v-V*"" ■• Reiver county. I’a., bounded.ou the north by LlO'tcbtv Also] a certain H of-groikd ,->-'e stltcmu -1 ’ Of M'5«tf7KAS3. : ;
* n tll e'easl by anal cy. on the y M H arj v.rvab.l , jjgjf j AIiSIN * -
. I,_ :! J •■•■■:'■-!■••-- - • by landsofWasilingum JolmtWn,.aud l}i r =burg. imnhc Borough aiu.w L.i. a' ■ i . ** . . - -'il. ff r”* »«r
, T0ta1..'.'...'...—.- 0 "P : k v>ntbe / es { l ivlandsiif^fenck,'.MalTaj l .n;can-| lrunt bf Gu‘s&t on Secoua streeij and-e|tt.ena- v Vißl’fe CCTS AND Ct '•-■ v C.VrS\M-4 1 ' C ' ‘ 113707 ~ -
■i \. jIUBIUIiM. ■■ ~ I mining three wires;. mol* or less. on which is,jngjha<*;*M ; ) | | ' ntVtWilL unuquallc'd. nnd’pic^ntitgHOW. E. W. HAMXW^jQ^-.' J, i 1
Capital:Stock psidln..... $.6,225 001 eVtctcd a large *nck, dircttiug I, 'ffenMS-^Onejthird of, the: bpnej; : v Q st!t ’ |rif aa >ni*fioti and • fwttlj ••' j . Mayor of M jWQHS3TBB, g. tf 1-j
CireuWlda ;...r..._ „• M 80: boure> con t a two JS»pis, > kttcb«i» *Mri»altou of tbd sale bj die ,'ijo odec* to-cilier,: it .w.liiU tr. . . u n m m : v i,;
Duo Depositor* .j........ - 63.067 U t cellar in, the basemcaat or first floor,: four jCourt, tbprcsuluc Mhrec cqugJ. annual iH- t c Xplctliv bent? Ibt- moat IVM.tH :v.Hi .TOH I , >TOSTO ; A#BWt*j-- j\. ,^.
Profits and Earnings.,.. - 1,720 13 irooins on the second flodH and two attic rpoms, from the ddy of confutations I U’h'KSlANb «ISTEHS 0l“ Oi'U VCl.l'K J Mayor of OOSPOaD, S. a..
Dividend* unpaid... 580.75; ; t ) ie elU iro house well finished; cistern at the ,i j©-For further intojmiat«on,ltinuire of the J I ‘ TKEKS , :: -i - rww.- a W BBtLOtllf ?' I '■ 1 : i !
. i ' 1 door, a smaU frame stable and other but-build-|; Un dcr»igncd, of said - --
. ,'.../...slBS,o22'o9jjlnlp * ?< «, :-tho.P r ? n, t , |^ 1^ l of|f TB r, P*T i ' . /j'fVtß h I uTbS" * *£'“?naMS 0
BEAVER tbOsTY ss: Before me, a notary; ground all under orchard o f | : .. marlB.oB.- 1 ; t-ommitteca n <Lssary than a'snj.nly of!n:ss- • I EOH; ; HATiMUBf*?® M
public, llh find for said .County, came Edward,'fine fpittrw.sgrowingithcMcn. j —POTT-RT AT j - EXTItAORuISAIIY MILITARY -j j .
Hoods! Cashier of the Bank of Beavir County,Ji iSoised and execution as the-preper- ORPHANS COURT AliE, j 'Hie Itnely sefitrv talking his rounds at Tw
who being duly iflirmed according to law, de-i ty of John U. Large, laMe „ " vvy rirtue ofau order of the Orphans'Court irfglS, exposed' to drcnciing rains ?iul.ei:ia' I|, J BrtmprJjf*'3tA33 ‘ '
poseth IhSt the above filatement is correct and|! lyu'Dargc. os, Joh^K Ujge * C 0.,, . « county, will fijtpose to' sale night-ait. is .often seised'- the those, ,+ . f , , , 11. " S 3". i
true, according lb the best of his knowledge at the Suit ot Erncst.l ' n _3je niR s h ’ff . 6ypublic.vcnduo or out-ery, onitlicpremiscsjon RaINSa t-COUGHS jand SVEI'QCAT-IJiO. -HOE. ‘W'JIi M. BOPsIAN, , - y
j >»-»s ,
4^^.i«. J- CCIBBEW.r. !-l ■■■!■. HO - "B».t? :
I- : ' .. : village of . siw.Bco.«svUte, Hopewell : MEXT. alhdanger IS ,-avcrto., a few ‘?h*“ ||- , HOSWICH, OOslT. .
TO FEMALES, ’n , i tw XtS* task HOIT. 3. N. HARRIS,
'tTwo lots of ground^^adjommgenchothcr.icn-rubbed |i twice:a_ attyotertne tnroai np Mayor of HEW LONDON, COIOT;
closed and containing, in the 1 ';'« «>¥<”? ,hc .hfcTOtoOT , , , , 1 f
.fourths of finSacrc, morfc or liiss.Bounded: by i ft 0 d, “ r ?t"si“wi^ G fSS°T C ° °i »»»♦ ®?PS T «
Cherry Alley .% f=;'±Sli , :>lj - ; •; Vtt&Of «f, MOHTBEAIh Ot-UT
*S«- tin vour olm liefltll dn T iot tb Jhc- HOK. ». P. MBMAHIT, .
whirf- Ffisifib Arif v'Applies ilthbpgh most valuable, t Tijese 1 i [ Mayor of'HBW TOBKj OWT. /
eood BhoD. a tested I ,;|tliey arc the only remed es *■; - .w»m at irtimfiinir, in. iW;
1 gobd well q"f water, and a vfiriel> of bciring j | **** «.. w
frmt trees on the premises. ■’ ,1 v *, - years.. Doefor Honoway has : alb the; ADAM -WILSOK, r , : .
Tkbiis—Ono-thirdof the purchase money to W“* , g ?"w‘ d S"v5 l«. V ,Mayop,of TOBOIiirO. 0.-Wl ■,
bepaiion confirmation o'rthe sale by thfr» 3 o ’, 1 wkwr v, tor iTt'rUrvm
Tom-t iislanfifi in two eoual afmnal instal- clava. for the exclusive sale of thefle Ohr.AT fiOH, B. M.{BISHOP,
menu froL that date, whii liefest thereon- REMEDIES, many a time his spemal :Agenf ; Mayorjof,dHCXinSTATI. pHIO.
fro^s?v ?t fttii • r ,ii •■ f J fefcrls d%^ ?: Thw q t&°e- ihd ' kOHJ LH. iSRAWPOBD, i *
i i ■ Kayor ori.oviBVXLLS.l^.
undesigned.}| ).. | ROBERT WTLSOX,', . i !^ l JQHW i
/ t, { , i Administrator. l 1 Mayor of I.TOSS, lOWA- •
BEAVER DRUG STORE*; ahtl now tsile the jCry rings ;HON. JAMES McFEETEBS, • '
Opened Oc-1 ' br9U fj‘ oUt to arsis 1: | 0
cfiptedjby itelalsnhaßdli; I i HO f- «.' ■
: Ei ‘: Sr^ES2i^ (««»•
1 {*hbshmont w.ll endeavor to keep con-, ~^d g .whiob' Ufo-y bannoi . , Mayor of aAIiOWELL, ME.
a ? ? usu ‘ ll^ uod !“ What is more, eanhotfehjmn.i^., JAMES Is. BEEK, ... .i .
vnjjs otwrea. j 1 . * * *. , - >••,*.. succor in tlie moment of neco, it our ? | * r ■pwTrrti WRTfTPOTJ *IT
nel-ig A Physicifin : and Drugg.s .the PdM.c ; braVe m I oWj . t 0 ptl , ,l ic i r bands,into 1 . , M* 7ol of S. 3.
ttutyrely v n ji“ 19 ¥ ce l> in S tbc l LKtST und ic i r nnd &hd iU«ro a wire remedy HON. WHoLARD *tTYE, r M
BKST I>HUMa.. 1 i * . i. ' for dl tlip casualties of tbe battle feld. How j Mayor of HEW BEDFOBD, ICASS# ,
‘A variety of qtber articles will also be Ibondf mnny thousands of lives woltld lbu« be skv-cd | * , ■ •■ ' . 7
ill hts jsslablisbcicilt: V ■ i j who would 'otherwise perish before relief could I SOI7* J* BIiAISBEIjXi, -• f :•.•
Tea. E-xtrM<i 'of . Coffeef liosin'-.rSvfip, |be cbtiiined. ;i : . ’• ilf j Mayoi: of PAIiE IHVEB,,MAS3.
■ j Fancy •fejjJ Fort M(*kf u Comte. '.-! j I HON. W. H.: CBfNSTOW. f ■ -V''
ALL ■ ARTICLES FOR Xllfe TOILET. ;j are ,- t i.oeVtinl'!? as a : ip every Itsi; I * Mayor of KBWE9BT. E. X
SPOOL CCh'TOM, LEAD PENCILS; i nf ilti-V-i’- cf ;direetlon^und, eich 1 ROM. FEED STAHL, "
iil,'T>liTri Ci'l'P-KT livvb llf Alii iho suu emiay be iilaiu.y,seci(|, by i ~ Mayor of GALES’.*; EC.K
■ftJlt,OL,fcSf MWJi I the ?SV. A CMtds'-me rpnaid;i*4h j - ; - | ■ T
IHIITSiIIES. TOOTH BRUSH-,KS, 1 !be .-iby oiic ren-JeriirV sooJi ii.ioim:-.;^'j HON. JObOT'HODGDKS 1 ,
TOli \rc6 SEGAIIS LKT- ' :. j tiou fi 1 * may itfijl to the detection of any parly, | . Mayor of DH3UQ,trB, lOWA.
TidCxoTg'A FOOLS- •, ■■ 1 ?r phr.ics, , TFf>^rftf . chutchpiELD
Tiis combination of* ingredients in these
Pills are the result of 'fl long and extensive
practice; They are-mild in their operation, 1
and certain in correcting all irrcgUUritrcß,[
painful menstruations, rjsmoving all obstruc
tions, whether from cpltt or otherwise, head|
ache, pain in the tide, palpitation of the heartj
whites, all nervous affections, fatigue, hyster
ica, pain In the back disturbed
sleep, [which airiife ft-om’lnterruptlon of nature;
jDrCheeßeman’flPlUa ]
was the Commencement of a. new.\ era in the
treatment of those irregularities Ind obstruc
tions which have consigned so maiy to a pnt
xatcbe okavs, j So female can enjoy good
health unlees she is tcgtilar, and drhfcnever aft
obstruction takes place the jenerol,health be
gins to decline.' | ;j \ 1
I Dr. Cheeseman’s Fills ‘
are; the most effectualrepiedy known for all
compjaints peculiar to Females. To all clas
ses they are invaluable, mdueing, with cerlain
tgi periodical rtgidaritg. They are kjiown to
thousands, who [have used,' them at ilifferenl
periods, throughout the country, having the
sauciionof some of the most ominenh Physic
•. ■ r. • \ .) .. i \ • .■ ■: :
.ciana in i*. | ■
Eiy'hcit drrrctwru, Hating iehek vheuid not
bt tucJ, with each Box—the Price One Dollar
per Box, containing from 60 to CO Pills.
Pilla tent by mail, promptly, by remitting to j
the J Proprietor.' ; of Bridgewater,
sold agent. Tor this County. j
I . It. B. [hCTCHINGS, Proprietor, / |
. v ] i SU.Cedar St., liew York.;
M | ■ FOU SALE. -
The trustees of .beaver academy
desiring; tO; tr.tlister the Male Depart
ment of tliat Institution to another and a-less
extensive building, offer for sale the proper—!
ty now kno-wn as the BEAVER AC-AiEM V,-j
situate on'thwcoitsvr of third. street, and tije..
Public Square, in the .borough of Beaver.— ]
The lot is of'good size. The improvements;
are a large thfee story Brick building, with
i frame attached, and was originally built;for] a ;
Hotel, ft'contains upwards. Of ik. room.*: cel-]
j lap underneath tho-whole building. This pivi- j
| city, from itsjlocatien shd the character and i
j arrangement pf the buiUliugs, is well calculi- ]
1 ted for a good! hotel, and will he sold at a’ ret- .
sellable price and oil reasonable terms. . n
further informal ion and terms, up- i
ply to Rev. D. Ai .Cunningham, Bridgewater, I
the undersigned, or any member of the Board .
ofi Trustees. I' ’!. By ojrdcr of the Board. I .
: Beaver,Feb ; 2Efo2, '--E'- H. HIGE. Sec y-i I
H -V hr 1 - ■ . 1
I “r . H Cr.ACtn is .
, i: ■■:■!* M ‘ ‘ ' i
X Styles; bf DRESS GOODS k 'P>
coUstautly op hands irnd jor talc,„lur i'
I civs ir o a pi:ohuck.
• Bearer, January 14tb, I
“The TJ nion”
- Arch Street above Third; .
Upton S. Newcomer, Prop’r.
is central. Convenient b’y Tjis-t
\ aengcrj EviHvay Cars to all parts pt‘ the
.City, anti in every particular aclapltd to the
Cptiilbrjt and want's of the Travelling I‘ublic
I TEItilS. 5150 'PER DAY. K
I ETTERS of adrinnistral ion upon Hie es-
WHEREAS letters testament ary, on (he
estat e' of John Si MCor, late of Greene
township Beaver county! dec’d. iiStmg been
granted to the undersigned, all persons In
debted to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment, and these having claims
against the tome will present theta properly
autenticated for settlement.' . ’ J
■ * i
I ETTERB of Administration on the estate
-Li |of GiCraos Bancs, late of Moon
totirhghip, Bearer County, Pennsylrsnis,
dee’d. harm j beeh granted to the undersigned,
all persons indebted to said estate arc request
to made immediate payment, and’those bariug
claitns against ■ the same trill present them
properly authenticated for settlement. J
| BRUCE, BAKER, Moon ip., ■
Inateo I ; Admihistralor.
WIItKEAS letters of administration! on
the eiratoof Jons OcssActis, late
of: Handver township, Bearer county, de
ceased; having been duly granted to t fie un
dersigned, nllperaons indebted to said cerate*
are notified Ipm ate immediate paymentr'and'
those haring claims against the aaipe*wiU pre
sent them properly authenticated for settle
ment without delay. ■
I ’ ! JOIIM tp.,
I : mar4’63 Administrator,
/anted Immediately* |
T7K)X, MINfc,,*RACCOON, .jand
Jnj MOSKRA'T SKINS; for whiohthe higbcat
pnttc, in Caab, will be paid at the Cheap
Clothing Store of i. K. ATKIKB, Baaver—
of.flrtnrß#. " • -««i*
General ( ommijisiou Mmlniul
■ AWt*
Dealer in Flour. Grain, and all kinds
] of- Counthj Produce, Winef end
, Liquors, Ci/jars, Tobacco, dx. . ;
Office and Warehouse,i.So. 537 South 2d strie
Liberal' advanced msde on consignments
■' . . -j I ang 28.
t o. wmsok. s. ». etw-mor,: i Jams* Fispat
PITTSBU ±^<3-.
Ba£irow their STOCK of
Complete. Extril' Indacomcnf, 9 ofitir|
ed to ‘
, .a. jisrpEGrw ■: -\}
ant* beautiful edition
■ |. ; !:Of: the ' ■ ■ j
•T price 6i) cents: paper, cov-
I era, 25 cents. Copies of this hopkwill
be sent by mail ,hn Receipt of the ’jprtce, ih
nostaee sinmps- Pleas address ■. ■ ~ i
* -J. C v GAKKlGUE^ ( l^bltshbr l . t i’
lib South' fourth! street!,, I’hil'aJ ft,
■ mar£G. | ! \ ■ :
" I- I
f '1 UItES cnn! now he hajl at the
These fdctcrro are ilunh>, hut war'!-
routed SUPtKIUU to aoy t! at Uvjever born;
o-adrJu lh?}jver jcmintT, !»y nvy nrtisf.
To t.t* ronvii>cct?i call nnd<*T&n»irc tpecuiieijit: ;
1 HliV-nniiii hulj weeki*. , . j: . tj- 1 i
og>. Oolkty. in t&V&une room occ?«ph-«l.ljj}' ]
me in IKoT," I . VJiCV A. ■■ j
AeiO ■ |j* .|• \i. |
ALIj I’EUSOjiS .tayiiig business wit It ■ IlicS
sttbseijiber I v.ilV ’ please call, \vila . Mr,
l.ohcrt 1- n. ifl.o is duly niitlnnized-.|:o uj
teiijl to all business during-my a lichee. J ftl#o
all poisons Uaiung.UijWt]ied accounts will tail
aiiltxntik'c 'settlement:as tfonn ns possible. ! "As
it ivis beeeiiie niy duty to leave Inline Cor; lint
pmpue<V Sf.-Tfr.? p.j-- coentiy. |l l.«[tv ply.
on.c-.-s v.ili pit;lye t oeir :patroijnyy ' jo
usual, as lltv Will 6 ul Mv.'-Tnlloii at
slio’i find iiiv’lswiii,' Ja:ae,s, at tin- tan,-yard’. ,5 ,
cep;!; uoi*.. | JOHN I). S’lDKEb.j ;
j Dividend O. •
1 ■ Unsii: OF■ r.r.UVl'B- CorNTT, ,! !.
! New l:vi-i at on. 1' i .y. 1. UG_. • ■ i i
A 'PIVUIKNIi ~pf -FOUR Elitl
on the Capital .Sioek of fliisrliank. lor
too; pn«t 0 months. lay been declared ifrinday.
: payaldi lo tlfcUioldcra or Illicir dcgijj vcpr.c-
I soul'nlives. ox : l>r,M.'.XD. This dividend Will
Ihe lice of the I’nited States Tax. the Bank
i baling usniiued the payment of the same |to
, t lie (loveriiment. i. UIV Ait It JIOOPS* ,j
j \nori'.' 02 Cnshier.|.
V \
I dor il,o ibiiabtthl {stylo of A. iVGinibintlj
Vi ion. ■ nijragcu. hi tiie i<*f
uiorci.;i»w*He. \v»s ‘»ii v solved :0n tia* ifcth
s u y i.f April, 1 &-*:!. ; ■i'ljc Books-will be scaled
ol ilfc store of M ? All i*vs<»iis
.knowing tUeuis-olvcs indebted .'to the lute*
\viirple:t‘c*tali r.nd'fi [:lo immediately, as tLc
Books will bo cloatd uMtboui delay.
’ A. 1). OiULTLAKD,
Xcw Brigbton*Muy lit, Ifci*-- (
ißeavei' I-fo (el.
J OS£PH {LA LL, Proprietor,
■ Beavei 1 , Pa. - ;
HAVING thoroughly filled up this' house,
' he is now prepared to accommodate bis
friends, and the public generally, in the most
satisfactory manner, j ; . ' , faiay62
jat ILiaw,
j (BEAVER, 1 -PA j jii.
{SrOffice in the Court-House.
| Jan. 20. IS«2.
Confessions & £*perience of an invalid.
PUBLISHED tor tne penetit and,as a warn
ing and a| caution to young men who puf
fer fitom Nervous Debility, Premature Decay
&c. : , siipplying at thesnmfytime the ol
Self-Cure. . By one who ’bos cured himselt
after being put to' grfat expense through med
ical imposition and quackery. By enclosing a
post-paid addressed envelbpics, single cbpici
may be had of the author, NATHANIEL;
MATFAIR, Esq., Bedford, Kings Co., N. • V-:
niar2li:ly. - | ' ! 1
1 Dissblutipdr.
• j'--’' ~ ■ r I | -
rilllE Co-partnerehipjiefetofore existing un-
I der the name antfstylc of M'CbsKpjjL ■&
Dabbagus, FaiLstda, engaged in the Foundry
and Mochine-'llusiness, wasiduly dissolved on
the Sdday of | June, 1802. , The books of the
luto-Criu will lie .settled by' 51. Duffagh & Co.,
■it their office in Fftllston, Beaver county,l]lla M
where they will continuo said business ip nil
its branches. < Allpcrsons knowing thetuselves
indebted to the late firm wjll please call and
settle immediately.. DAVID sl’ipO?iNELLii;
S. U. PARKAGH. ; .
Fnlht opj elO, ’ 6**
negotiated at* bis I’ITTSDUUQ pOLiiAU
Pittsburg, on favorable terms. I
. Jan2l:B& • O. A. COLTON. Twaaaty. .
t|v:: .7
; {[cap tAPEii. i
Carbon OW -Lamps\.and Chimia'yg.
These arc (| few' ,°f (lie articles,"anddhU’ »
few always on 2iantL Call tindlsee. ,
He wills IIV. iiy dose .rttemum fair
ile.i!iii",' l t,e- |£ive'’satisfaction to yll »’hd may
lavor Mm Vitfa their n. • . •
.’lf C. 1C qi'MMINS. M. P.
, 'aitemltnxriU
’putting up IjtysiCians iivescripljons. [aug27
IX '■
i 178 &• jfe ’GRAXD’STBEEt’AXD 2I&
i • ii.cMtue stluee> • ; j_ L
I. KfTAn'itftncij 1-888. | -N. V. KSTABtisWn 1538 1
;{rpills iisiubiblUiiciir ink bcpriin ,*|u||cto*sful
j. § t's.H’iM > r:\rfi 'lilld *3 t largest
t I \: 1.0 thjc i'lii. ?d &i ? :it i c» v . have <»n
ihiitlilj!C.iilre t vurticrOvt'O;
1 •*
Main jini'l 4i niaiweiithl Tier. _Wi»U.Ovnt.,*c >!Un*
,I**l (U'a^csj.] (V. m-NS. *]• >-<■ Vamh
iVnclret Yf-j h*i*. ! ; V- Hlj ■' .MarUi* Vi’oiit;
,(V. i*ck, Cvo-i v'.c/. \c.j ' >lou~t‘ln'i> MvVirturo
'Framf** -hi' isjri i!.-i suitable tor irsinsj
riil v” C : ':. |i Moscwnod,- Ouk, 2lchra*
tory 4ml extensive iuciliiios cfa’ilft us to lum
j.4h any arjiclo in c.ur tine as good us the* best,
iind/fik'Vhejiji as liiej ! -
bealcpsljare invited to call upon -us
When tlity -visit Now V«tk. VUc clalyi to be
able to supply to supply them with ever}* ’arti
cle-in’ our. like - Whidli i keycap possibly purchase'
elsewhere. I: ■ . *, .
' jgtjy* Orders t>y mail jitll'ndod with
prmnptucspjj • pd'not tail when vpJi visit
• New Vbrk. i| • 1 ‘ .
'Office A Wareroomt, Xo. -K Centre St.,- X.
: T , ji -Horace r. .
| Ma 7 yj-3 mbs.
1 ' •- 'll |• ' ; > ■ • . !j, ' .■ - ..
H u in a h , M i s e r y ;
j , i jl 7 •
Jusr in a;ScaUf< J.'r’\-yli /V;V(- 0 cir: j
‘ ! l;;c rbißi: by . Di.. • ntuu ebwell,
UN Tlili CAUSE AM) CLltEof Spcvtna |
ion CjinvumpiiOn, • l’hypical j
Ucbjliiy, Kdrvoush'fcss, Epilepsy-;*lpiptMrcd Xu- j
frit ion of tlie Body: Lassitude; Weak liens .of |
the Limbs jini.i Ihif Back ; IniUsposUioii, gud j
Incapacity .for study and Labor; Diiliilcrs o,f
Apprehension; Loss' of iMtmOf-y; Aversion to
Society; -L(>to Of SoliltidO; TiniiilUJr; Helf-
Diatrusl ; Diiiincsa; Hea4aclie, Aff^Uo °F
the Eyes; Pimptca on the Kuco: Involuntaiy
Emission?,; »rid Scsunl Incapacity; the Coiise- j
•■nonce* of iyoulhfnl Indiscretion, &c., &e.j 1
Lecture joloarly proves
tbntlhe aboie enumerated,
evils, may tie removed without [inouicltie i jiiitlj
without Dangerous, surgical opertlions, »nd>
•bould be read by every youth nii«l overy r 1
iu thc.lamU •. 1 .!' -■,
Sent under seal, to any address,. In a p
scaled cnveloj'ie, on 1 the receipt of six «cntt
two postage stamps, 'bV addressing, .
v CIIAB. J. 0. KLiXE &j 60.,
127 Bpwery.Sew 'York.Post Officc. 80x,46£
,KOLLOCK’S . r, !
33 andelioti G pffej
yilHlS preparation, made from the befit ■ I
I Coffeti; is: recommended by pbysieiam
a superior NUTRITIOUS I!EV EK A O Efpf it
oral Debility, Dyspepsia and all billions i i
ilcrs. Thousands who hare -been compcile
abandon tHe use of coffee, Willusc Ibis i
out injurious effects.) One can contain i
strength jof two ppunds_of iprdinary je I
Price 25 cents! . ■
M KMi.L&cfrS levaix.
The rurjn.t nnd best BAKING PQM
known, rorTihaking light, sweet and nutr
Bread andjCaltes. Pripe 15 cent* ;
Manufactured by ■!■ | '1; ; !,»
■ fM. H. KOI.LOCK,-Chemist;*
• Corticfiof Broadiand Chestnut street*
• ; > ' - PHILADET.PH
• Sd sold oy ah Druggists arid Grocers!
| ' m*r2fi J 11
t Important to Tax;Pay<ffc.-
NOTICE, is hereby given tolCpriecle
Taxas to pay o# the balances due os
respective! .■ Duplicates on op. before ! M
term of Couit 1803. The. taxes are r.e
and must te collected in order,lc meet tin
mandO upon the Cout^
hhW*. !'■.
iiic.tlic same, btlbwitig tbcni to be pfnnoiis. HON.-- , —»
Sold at the Manufactory qi Prolest-or tsMayolr of OHATTANQOQA, TBJU.
IIOM.oWr. 80:MiiMcii I.aaei ,h’cw| Vm-ICand • __ . _J • A ;
Wall! respectable Bruggisis iaaditcalors hr EON. EOBEBT!.BLAIR, & v •gt
Mc-ticinW-. tbroupboutthe civiliie-i world, in ;■ WcTPT TCSCAI#9CSA, AliA,
MSAm'SH ccJitsj 02-cent? anil Si jeiicis. *.>... : P T 1 EkTIGH ”■”••■■■" ,
, CtT There U by .iking ;»PN. SphXS. TEN*.
kheHlargcr J,• , ... . ■ ,■: . >.
j N. l’.-4.l)iree:iofi? for ilia of fa- HOH. GEBAKD STITH, -
' u -iroafrlyr;'] ' . 1 Tfrn.ynr ■ of 1 S~j3W Oj£I»KA273, LA.
May 7. ;!j , Kf J, ' :JiV HON. S.kD. SCBANTON, • ■ t'k
ri''!!K,V-yi:W::'IOXEI. i'\. u .kIT-'kl? HON. IDE WITT C; GBOVB, ' ;
:y| ii'mv l ASilfXGT'py : ■■■A , k tmo*,--,
■ 11 - "[in'X 'F~v Wfct-'Tvk' •'! HgN. GEO. WILSON, >rk ■/.„
■ • fcnsicvv | C P'--.*> l k, ?.V“ r r v t •” "7’r.|ii v .. • ' Mayor of PITTSBCBO, PA,
due wj.l ->r» *;r; -' ' .-"“J ,••. __ ’k
. buairiyfcd entitled i., !.;n:.j.i.'y ,vi 'f ; * a ' k; i'HOS. j-C. s. BUHL, '
|or;ut-.lo;t vclobvd,:. ? Jliyor.of •DETROIT, MICE,-
dl tcCUiS'lVf > s * • ' '‘ • - * jLL *
: -f - a,t.uv:.i. A. P“tk R -V. ; i HON. HEMAN ■ ,
!.- ,/< ( t- .i uV'-v-’ij ,|i■’ j. . . i j Hayor cf JuLWAUiiS, WI8» L
i vl!v t 3 Cattlo! ( .’baU- >»»■ r>> T HOST. W. Wi'^VAXTGHN, .
V : J t ; k Ma ? cr of backs, w ? «;- .
iu; r iftv.ce.y k i HON. A. BABB, '-1 k'- ! kk- :
. « . , 1 ■ f «l\ J ’• ‘ Mayor of ££3?OSHAi WIB.
A Rare caancc for 3 s rrtc.ijj ■. •. • • .
, 'r' A'- 1 S HON. JOHN c. HAINES, • -'■ ,•;■■■
FOIIJS A 1. i.'! • 'Sk '!•■ - /Mayor cf CHICAGO. UJb.
AXP JIXTUUKk OF -4'4 c f^ r lkHbN. ? 'lli A. HBATH, r '. ' |r .vj
STUitij; ill ayt'jc.i T,..i - ._■■ Heyor of AI>A !
J. NOBLE; /w- : ; < :k >
• Vrado J 'si wk rofv • nl-jiresoti:;: 1 l:^ "4 ' “aycr Of AJbA. ■/
: v ‘-'i entia cj'.sy. har ,:i ti:-i; v-i ..nj..r rrr TTrtTtVTiAO / -
caj/i:;! 1 .. M. r ahaaco co.-hi outc.u..-, HON. .W. AJi../
S;L-uuU- .Availing ¥iufe lor at. e o. r. . J ..«W« cf OW
■: A.Wrc >S ,L. : .^Jrhci.y;Ci)y e!Vii.a| !BON ESFABTEBO MANUELi "/ • I
.tea! stutlag iwhere ■ uti Ut;u'..i-\,j - ■ 1; . of VEKA CBU2. ? ;
• /»TT’ lit* !• rt|l k • " Od.JO- } ■ .f ‘ I l ' • ’ » ■-> •/ )
StrAV: ;.-k'k : ' i'■’ - Moyer of MEXICO.
j to toe' prctiiifcos. of ii-i] PQ|T fiR l ! 1 hiPTTANIB BODRI6UE3, .
(1/ llvii.(T in Big Beaycr townM.ij'j Ue;iv>.‘i| Mayor of HAVANA. T
rioumV, 'on thc.cvcntng;of the,2flh ■ • . u/.u A ’
’-V .mail Bay ;Mare, about/5 yetijs v'u, s.ioJ ; |DON ANTONJO ECHETJBBA,
i nil around, saddle ir.utL.joirhin|i hifiglr ,en-j r r , Moyor. of-UMA* ?£3in. j.,i.
| foVitetl by a 'cut or bruise ;no otlujr jjqjj. jj q -MUiANGNO, , ,- ’ .' !
; ceivaW.v The ofttier is Jpbirvl jo coin.., 1.. r, , -i M ’j of f>Tiiri CHUJ.
I Aval tiyprovu property pay take her- j j \ rsA ~
j bth'dnyise fbe will be disposed of aci • DON JtTAEO SESQITEPEDATiTA» ; ‘
/cordiiijr to law. . : I : -i !■ ' ‘Mayor of,BIO JAKEIHO, BBAZIA
tmell-bi JAMIiS; K. t iAT.HOrX. • v: '
t" —.4- !■■■■/- /Certify ttot tho resideiit Dru«ti«t« have
!«. r.xvM>ti>s, it. aamred them
i.cTi?. & «<>iA,r ■ Sarsaparilla
1 eir professional Wyjce.s.ns ,i. r V- i> -p. 7 ■
r i-#- sictans hud Surgeon". t.yi’ , 4' ci.rt^cj. ftjiaexc^re^.tadyArto^epMr;
: Bcivfer anil ;rieihity. They ■, calf
found, wheninot profesajbtily cnfeiysed, at thy, e^ 0 p Spring Dtaeaacs. . ,
PyugiStOTO.of C. i i■■ . KWo*./:’.- i' ’it
'Fhr : Stroftrla or Klnc> ( S^u ;^' 1 ,
■■■ JRi k\_,2lL -O OW. i-For Turnon, and Sore». .
.rSAMC.•<O ; ifvtl.|
jiving Sewiekley tp , Bnvverko.| For BloteKei, BUlm, and Bail*.
Pel, on/tEe Dtii bi Cky' , er. , - W;- -M - ? ro.l/ccAvc’ For Et. Anthony's Fire, Roie. or Kry-j
iyi(W>(f whitcifaoe, abontbiiycata jo'd; ?ltc •■>>'> For Tetter or Bait Abeam. . [slpelai.
»¥cll on. and two or jhrec'■ tlie car:- Ito. par Scald Head and Jllii^iroros.
'mher iuarka visible. 1 :-TUe re.qnf>tc,. voneenft,* -Btsi.
oc_22;St. : A. P. SMITH. ;!? For Feudle Dlsrases. ■ ,
r "" i ~ 'k : —k ■ Fok Snpprcssioh and Irregularity. ■.
For Byshills or Vencreali''.Diseases. f
For Complaints, k
For Dlseascs o/ the HssoM. ■ "
; : yj:.
The Mayora of the of tbs TTnln
ted States, Canadas, and British Provinces,
Chili, Peru,.Brazil, Mbxico, and in fact al
most all the oities on this, continent, have
Binned this document;'to assure their people
what remedies they znsy use wit a safety and
But our space will only admit
a porgph of them, ' , [ ,
v.-;i Lbfat pbe; , jl; j/;
"fr OST in Hoebciler* on lb 9 111*; of Ocii-,-
| j beri' vlliack Shepherd r willi wliitpl
rim around hi j ana wbi!c tip 6a the ct|l!.
of hb tail; anmverr toj the hamls of
Any peraon Budinp 8»ld dog .will bcsmiablvli
fW*rded bim at JohnstoneHotel.;'
neat Depot,- or at thb residence ql .
theßubaorifadrin New fcewickly if>. il
- n6v1,2 • 1 , JOHN i-jA J‘RAIII). | ,
wo; 185 Liberty Street, |
. • . [; .. ,>
Orrttr* for Pillibiirgh it antifact urcJ v C^oo(l?,i
aoc| GrocerU*, ‘iininipHy fllledj ftl tlio'vcrj
ivten tnwmjiftnipd' .wltli' cafjh
or Aft equivalent.' , ,j| |>eplV:Bia. j -
frAjjlpß & HAI^DSESSEE.
east of I’leudlky’s liotel,' >.
"■ : WATER. PENN!A.j- |
' Jail-Road h6use~
ajdam f iOHjrsojri p**p*&
Ira of
Sarsaparilla, .
: Ayortf Ch&rry Pectoral,
jr; r Ayer’s pills, ah.) ;
Ayor’s Agup Cure,’
JT.Er.iniii) r.r i, T
Dr. J. & jCo^
j... ■ • MAsa,| II '■•■••j:
And told! by Dncristi crcrr Tvhsre.'l '
Km-!>»le tiv I). Minis, It’asrr; :>
Cms*. r.oclif'tcr; "Vgpouir & Kt<y,
do ’ : J. Nfchols, Bnd«n;;J. Knrg*-!. , N*»
BrKlt.lnn, 3A» Ulitck.i ItotfitifTolr;'" Ini ,
«on S Edgar, EalUluc.kul Ij doulfri
>***. •. r»vi| r ’**'
i', ' t
• r