The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, April 08, 1863, Image 1

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    - '-.; ■ :• ■- - --■■'• ■'.. |„ '"' ? . , .. t , , ,-■- • i~~~~, 7. , -■■■■', 1 ; |—' "** ■■'■'>■>■ —L'.l: ■’** ~>'&> f^liJi'i. l j: .-. I. ■ (
! IB> " '
trohipt attention,
' 1803.
Tn- TRiBVJaj, -firs* is
,neii In> WI, in itstwopty-socond
■ has ul.lained l»oth sparger and
■j more widely diffused circulation than newspaper ever*published
' ,’imericii. Though it.has suffered.
Ji.miuou with other journals,"from
jie! volunteering ; and departure of
vrS of thousands of itspatrons to
.erve in the War for the •,Union,'its
■ on this 6th ol December,'
;sT)j is as follows: * ~ - .
' DailV 50.125"
'fau-V.'eekljr 17,230
'•Vwkiy I«, 000. '
I- [ _215i875
Prc-ciiiiiienf ly'a journal. jof No\ra, and
Liirciun 1 . -The TkiuOn* Ims politi
i i-tnwhich are well charnc
|, . z . ; : U the single. word K ki’u'blioa.v. |
f it ••VitwMicafl in its lieartw arlbesion j
-l,i Until that. ,-(.tud. has j
tp-ii‘ »f■'■iie. .blood all nations of men’’ 1
ij-l:'f!ir.'.i:i;!vij in assertion i of tlfe |
L.j'i'a! :t:i't ; Hialioiiaiilu ;of hill
tan ;<■ .liberty, ami the pursuit |
j;l' ir.:|.j;i;;oss’’ —lo’;ialilie.ui in ttsi
i!;;-!, earnest; defiant' hostility to <
>■:. j ,■ viiiidefl'oit of tfic Slave!
' J '. ■ gxmt lUoi’Aii-neAuriott of Texas ;
■ i ae art-i-m 'Rebellion:, to jjrasp. the i
ttuji.tit’ of the'New YvoiM and. wiejld i
li '.' i Jsourees of onr-eijintn- for
i tvii'ttii'srran^izii.teitt'—f’t*piil>!!i.-an 'in I
its atit to’tlie,despots of (the :
OhWVorld. --who foml/v "in the'
pci’ils arid i-a'amities- Middenh’ thrust
ijV'a ns tii for 1A mcrica tr, cutter- !
;ii-r ,t/M> . ov-fi-tiiiri v ami ruin bfHlierelgiment, vising to a
iltjdel • iWj.-ujjKc^-Rojitibi Iran in its •: friend in New York fromithe camp
'■.T *«>«. iMaryland Height* on! Saint
w»tj M.syilMrn.-ns Jfu!>flliiin niusti'n i ; i.- i ' ■ ° - . h.-'. “
a ioverture-\y of its “* s j .expresses his opinion
;. s lijni t!i t v rirnv estaMislVrnent;Ml' 5 men and.their schemes
...; !■ 1 1-*!.! tm:i ii 1 1 oiyial laws throturh-[,>n ft'very free style, thus: '
" 1 " l !" X'TP'A \ * cannot- rmagme any.
J".:j thing,inorb moan arid despicable than
"■■* ‘ “'. s epai’»bic ,hehce-ni ; cowardly,-- sndakitlg, • snivelling,
i critic- !.:■ ’ “
:/ .mm iCi’^Vv’.'
.a',- nrnt-s, :rti;d-to sonuj- extent- in las a lobster, and asunuch courage ns) tibb 2 ‘ f f? r - > l2aD orgamza
• nation,^Jemppianco;.;A«j-I a bullfrog.. Ho would sell his grand-' '' Jfadlwit '&■ 5 -'i i d 1-S'
; ■ uy,. and •'whatever | mother into slavery if lie got a good dutv of eveWT Ai' I' ‘ the
■ tt..,i rtiiait U> our detracted,; and reiterate dhisJ They wtnl. ««nny.i • • " e , ■ for -- County..
*-• ‘y • 'f-ithb "j'»'r« and charn" i WdeS^Ufed T*\ difMntdistricts; inWcouVv
■K Hus: 'momentous' conflict” bo ; 1,0 r... d ! ,nt ti,„ ° fi^, t , to !!V a " d 1 , Wbubl Ipnd hutch to givo'a. heajthy 1
‘"I tMn. ilir.uiirli (he rSnlkr ' hS" a <»fOndocted ; tofcct to public opinio., ad I
' >r-.o«r Columns. And" iv^iX n,V “ . ’ J friends of the Union to i
d-Uv .oiieil She ir , ka r s PT l ?nt' Thereby! |y ini carrvho.u
I; r.f ^ u V. ,<} f tod <» tKifpiSlgu. *?i
th *t ' , '°A" tb C'vhen L itkinA.. Af^ tl 'e | adoption of the resold I
k' ■ S- Si-VirerV.tVd ' ‘ : ■ 7 i!- t ‘l' e,l, ‘^ , y e -' ,s will not: f lo . n^ tlio Lbagno organized tfy ap
' , ~ ' ; •'VK'n.v •.: even trade with' Vanlccqs Unless hard I P®“»tin« &enry. Cpwan President,. Jno.
T , i,orr- oVere - e irS'U Stnfh; no,t ever then, ’without j Mitchell Vice President, M. Lawrence
i : .1 ,e h f ;ldi,ng' ■■their noses I And yet these , & ec f. c .t« r y. J-hmes 11. Trimble Treasu
-4a '‘‘ K sycophants will get dowri. on ! rcr > ' Committee: M. Law
"s i‘i iw-,,..;,r t i 1 , , t' { ! %' ir ".arrow-bones : to the 'ftriatocftitt !.^?. c^'i? s ®P**'Cain, Jol.nston Calhoon,
rn.L\ V lK if chival.y,’ and implore thenOto ac-'l^’ hn j M’XiHet*, John Smiley, John
I.(|\ j IV Tiuiirv O ' i vc F! t of ’ their pefteo offerings! lAloody, Key. IR.I &, .Morton. J6hn Me
■ * l,jlU - Nh -V .. ■!-*. * * “Peace: on , their plan | n " e *V James H. Trimble, John
■' <vr "M would be - ■ I Mitchell. Tlj ' folio-- P>- *
,} «e.n-ar o«i«*v_..,^hT‘i' 0 . u ‘ j e peac-oof »hbrt-idtfration in-
T ", "I T'llUH’S'E. Tli<*. sattls>of freedom and sla
, v-- jn veryilia* to lie (plight out oh' this con.
t'hent* and iloW that we have our
; 7 Uut i sleeves rolled up arid ouuloins girded
• v: “,rr.'’Vi:i I ! ur tl,e eowbalj-whatistbe use of try-
; ,r - C " tweu ‘:>'iy to defer it 10 Ibinc oilier day?”
- ! ! • •
. Jfar,.-sU .i,._ •' v -- -- ' 1
.........| a®. The Baltimore American —the
! 01,1 conservative itfgan Of'Maryland
l**r qUOtCH 11,0 M«bSlc,rn6t,«*Ri c hmoh<i;
SI/)0 • each. An i,^ ,T! r;P ontlen ‘- , c- “bout Yallandigharn,
--"Py will be sent ;.to every club ' ! >i which.that person is described as
T •:•■.. ‘".goring,,in his “great speech,” fnsuf
. !tv \ S ' a<l, '*** balderdash, insulting to' the
• *ui\ larircr nujnboi* ot ■£? „• i.* » . . ®
b. ; : l\ n extra copy will W d mcor < with itself—
[■r. ■ -?’•*twenty- Tocluba 0 f ! a,ld aads - concerning the distinguished
i[V. rii ,1' : WEEKLY TJ?I- snc f> k himself:
I, 1 T°,? lb bs of fifty j • “2fow; who will not say that that is
• L • b l ' *" I- Ijfwill bo setit j J lot aa eminently fitting reward for the
*.v ' , . Ppcffable moanhess and treachery and
■■ln;: . lib dot eating which has distinguished^
*■••'■lidjngs. Xsew-York (the great exponent of domestic iiea-
: —v - ■ j son.dately taken by the band by die
!ie P.fpehred tt is J Vilest, herd-of. official plunderers ever
tnaij 1,, reniit ‘Bank Bills.- ta this continent! Eeoogniz-
Vli?!!', ll ' c ; Post-Office. and. ed .?n , *»tA sides as disgracing, hunsolf,
1 • ,ai. cases bp .plainly j 33 infamous, what compensation can
; there bo for hjin'which an Jionorablo
mind would covet; and how certain do
we feel as we read this caustic tirade
from the far South, indorsed on its
way huher in the rebel capital ,as
thiMhflt the Ohio traitor has ecubal'm-
Cd himself in a coating of infamy
whjeh will, last, like the wrappings
around; the mummies of Thebes, for
the like thousands years that' this
contest! wll} be. contemplated and dis
cussed by wise and good mem ‘ycr
ily, be bath his reward/ ” ■
?,ri V, vcar.
one yi'.ir.
' ' vflio send money by
’ , : " ls } I ,r yjiay the •. Express
it-Av-i+i-^ije-tleduetcd from
lC,c ;
•Almanac for -1863
a :i bout3 '
1 l: ' ( ’ii .Hotel, ”
. BEav ER, PENN’A. '
.v Proprietor
; ' i^i^j l '!,' l 'f of a firs I
o«n Vaiis&ctorynjari-( ; *®i-The President, ji.n;
• sV£TEf{i .<?»T, ; oov ; request; of the Senate, has
- ; = i . •• Bated .Thursday, the: 30th" of
■*• saaL ,l? * ir a^ pri * day of Da Mona.l humiiia
or ZS% b i£ tahh&l vfo-Oysieta, ll ,° !V. ant J P ra yor, ..and con-'
&kuH« ii T H.T~ |f* udcB Ll ® a* follows:
‘;v ,! ‘ e .UTTSBURC MAK [‘ Let us then rest-humbly in the hope
-- V -K.\ivrv % : .decir . H; ar 4 on higb;-And answeroii with
dour Hair i>i n « blessings no less than the pardon of
r^ sr P»u*; -fester olj* uatiobal sins and tbd restoration
St'-> viij, , of w .-»ow divided and: suffering
-?f c.?>7mmkV i‘ oUn ‘7 t 0 former happy,icondf;
j- ' I IL ■ i - ( jU°M of__Ußfity.nhd-pea.-o." , •■•.:_ . / -jl
Vol. Sa-STo. 14; -
Impromptu Lines oa ti» Copperheads.
i*T oEpto Ei W.. BJ SOA V.
When the sweet roses blushing red.
In Eden'their first fragraabe; abed,
A traitor and a copperhead
aJ Came in disguise.
Diffusing knowledge; and he said,
Eat ind be wise,
And wisdom, ah all anoint thine rye*.
And when the Womamsawlthe tree..
• -vr f - • - •
So plekaant-for the eyes to see, : . ~
She ate forbidden ThMehe/ aw.,
. Hath than ' ;
Now‘neath the_lree of liberty, H f u
' . this copperhead ' -
In bine and white and red*
■ ’■ i‘ X>."‘ : 4 ■. -i .
. Undfflf the silent grass he l, :
Among the. weed* and flowers he glides, ■
Down by the brooks'he moat abides—,,!
■ A treachoroea ■
the stars and stripes . that deck bis.sidee
’ Conceal a sting......
Venom and death are in his spring.-
KaVan seceded, and be fell.
In chains and darkness dwell,
WiUi other traitors who rebel, ■
... In and /jvord, .
I because Ec'd rattier reign in hell ,
Thawserreithc Lord,
W r ho guards us with,a flaming sword, -',
• *!*:*"' “ " ” '• ' *
Strong, But ftrqei
An Irish soldier, ot the Fourheenlit
V, ;) A*oc*i.' V : [w IteQDJwigf ! > i.- / ;
toya! iWatiojaol League. Evidence <kT A-ebj&' J ilKHbniO.
ppfeKc doiiob. . t&'dneui^lE&iibj r I :; •
maerj- qC the.citizonsjof GieCne, town- ; ; just
h.p mot in the basemoutof tho Pros. from 4 momp: of
bytenan church, - m Hookatown, Mar.' n y R 9Sth rpcrrm»nt V/,
Chnirmalf^nd 1 COWAN o\tq name,*nd. pbi>)Uo^
Chairman, and Joii* Mitchell Sccrp, O ftho onetho eiri thixPro.
tary. _ The object of - the meeUng, yfar vest jtoarshal'enk»'*%uf kilties
The , formation of A Loyal National fcfa* ** auppoao lm'w||Stend to Mr.
League, wi| stated by. the Chairman; Alp’s case pome® ?s>fgm£
when, on motion, a Committee, was ,iiar kind • ' !-1- vl? V
'jjPP^* tcd to prepare plan }". • " ■-
uAWooj%'O ‘ Aqota Lanwno Va. fir 1®? -■
. .1X ' : V %?V ■ • eas^ni
the duly >|:bwi^cHw^w|^Silo.'
f S*' dA»**i«to*rd
ted States awFlßatclairas £ha ipfotec- , ; aB me re(jbM‘ a.privato
Von #Jts Laws for - his person ‘ and' palpable
property, to give that GdvorHment a ? d t#M£» 10 9 s&,di4ji»prable that;
his active, earnest and loyal suppsyt f tb ? 3; ou hg.nulnto w«s sent, 1
■Sesolved, That cb’enablo us to' dis- ;.wfth, AjMr.lhsultedi by,
.eliargc our. duty more efficiently, we l»og“age.. the letter
forma Loyal National League to Ke arpundauiongthe expres
jfcmppsSdof all Loyal 1 citizens, of the B, °* J f ®y«y-
Township and Vicinity, jand w<i recdm- W d,s S? sti Offer
mend that all Such Subscribe their f#|P l 9% c l desertora; they,replied that'
n tunes to'the pledge adopted by this I t . WWd . not be safe forhim lo! throw
meeting (see pledge below), and we., ‘M|>lself.oh mercy -W 1)1° Coffiipa-; the; gamoAfad dois 1 1”?, s•«* ouipi-Ueaai)- fin’d siibh !
feet .our organization'- by 'eloctihlr a W* hjod. fiendish trartMs.atliorn'o.—
President, ; President, Secretary;'
Proas ure r, find Executive Committee tue jbtler should.ho pulliHhod
Of ten ' 3' , anduyo
That the Object .and pur*
ppsb of the;league; shall be, as the'
pledge imp|ics, [to unite together all
Loyal men jvvithout reference to their
political opinions, in an earnest and
snergelic support of-the GoveHriiiont
iu carrying! on'the.war, and,pitting
down Ibis lacked rebellion, and With
tins object and purpose' in* we
will not (jobation Uio righ t of its mem-
to yt/Jo for; whom, they please,
i-. following Pledge was
signed by those,present; r '
; ' pledge: .
We, the undersigned, -.itizens of
Greene- Towhsjiip, hereby a.sKociatc
ourselves under the name imd title of
the “Loyal Rational League;” Wc
pledge ourselves sto 'an unconditional
loyalty to the|Government of the Uni
ted States, to|an unwavering l support
of its effoitsTb suppress the Pebcllion,
to spare no ciidoavois to maintain,
unimpaired, the National unity, both
in principle and terntoiiai boundary.
. The primary object of this League
is, and shall be, to bind together all 1
lojml men,' of all tiades and profes
sions, jrr a common union to maintain
The power, glory, and integrity of the
Nation. (Sjigncd.)j . '
Bolls, with the heading of the
•PledgO.. circulated so ah togive
ail citizans an opportunity of ‘sub
scribing.' r
_ Besomed, That the proceedings of
this meeting be presented for publica
tion in;, the' Western Star and Beaver
Argus. : ,■. ■ | | ... ; ( ,
Adjourned, to meet at the call of the
President. I 1 - ?
, Jon.v Mitchell, Soc’y. ■ ,|
i • IN A kcMP.—Tho story goes
in Washington, thVit when Vallandi?-
bam denounced thelSW York World
as i an abolition journal, and Ben
Wood denied that ii was any more an
Ofgan ol the | Democrats,: some .Re
publican member of Congress ex
pressed bis surprise at those state
ments,, “Why yon see,": replied Ben
“my brother got tired jof the thin a
afror! the election,' and-; eoldi «nt bis
interest to Belmont and others I”
“But the editors,” suggested a listen
er, “were thay ti-uusfei-red with the
concern ?” | >
‘ ‘Oh yes,” rejoined Ben. with* the
utmost coolness, "we soidj’em ail in a
lump 1 ■ | ’, , ? r , '
, .Wftr^ v ot .lq n g since, two sailor passed
bj ; a,tailor's shop, observed « tailor at
work hie waist-coat patched
W -Wferent qolors Of cfdth-v.tvhen
:®s* tdraOned out to" Uid Other:
‘ Jadk, did yoi over see so
rtlL i .'»■- ; ■ J. ■iiliu .V: i.'l ;,;*f
eaver, W edaaesda^
KJ'bJ'-la W?b *l>gor£b'ntoaijpti(>ra i aro we to jiay it ? o i
biped? should, to {vo ! jjßut thd ;; symptoms, | .phn breach,bo
wpuld ipiyior Jet, him remain in ohscu- tWeon the blast a tic] Northwest! May
rity. Bat wo hope liy'mlptnhg.a, tar- not they ho managed , and turned to
get ot hipiTfor acc:punt, ‘'repel”the
il there be who arft w' by harsh and cutting lan
may be a,ble Truly, wo admit theilan
suph rhea,are loohed
arom tjiei field, !Ho c||s himself agains.t those armed anjti brutal ihva-
Doinocrat—yes, a- Democrat.' j tiors b tbe y would nevgf be “repelled’'
the Bcmo'crats- j{.‘ : home, aro i' b >t' -Vltuperalivo ’cjpittjit; and all' the
now, we can’t say, biii ijfp have sojno' bayonets and ,columbi|ds, we can mus
m pur company, ; and ;j the« are gentle-j'*®* a ™ settrecly chough jto repel! the?
mcb. and patriots bid fair -to brigands. l But lot ini' help aud : cn-‘
remain so in spile of c ?“* a S°f. ypu.say, their intestine-di-:
bpmo influenee can bringrtb bear up- i^* s ’P u ?; ,-Xes .we jin i thb
on them.: Thepobr.sßl y cywiurc seems wo'gave rise to Ahose divisions
to tbmk wo are figbtipgjwlbly ior th’a latI at W>sh to encourage them
negro. We deny it...Juruc, by opt* no ''"- .That is to say, by" desperate
specks the negro / will w;.beneiitxed. ! vosistaiice and 1 defiance. • .: !
But ho is only
Hop, and is only being need '•to ’ aid j f°P r f fi cse <Vl><*reniiiJ friendly advdhebs
puiifielves.. '.And in ~tbisnespeet wo !p DcnidcratSi than the ap'm at'rwiity
flatter ourselves that {-are ■ abie ? to ■ philayithfopitits , |qf \J\£ass(v:/ufsi{ts. —
judge of passing well as .' A 'b“ : ahvayk was
those at homo. ; Wo witch with a pay, worst, enemy ]; >hd but’ ! fbr Its
jealous cyi t|io; doings Jf Congress, P ois pnous binb!-aeej ihc.‘|e States wbnld
and the powers ipveated fn tho Prcsi- *ayb been free and clear of the un
■—ut • w ' e loflf.ovifewaos ahdall phtural Union twontyycars ago. It
tliyljr cunifOrts from moilT^.7be'jfmli l
otism. A\o started out wjth : the do. f"lapk
tcnninalon of maintaining .thpjjGbvi have nurf us.j |rhoy wore i-iJhfc
erinpunt, and we are detbrinineili still ; a H along there walah. irrepressible J
to have the U.’S. Govcrnmenit sit-' Conflict between ! tsvp" different cjyili- '
protße in the land, and out privileges i zdtions, two,opposite social orgahiza
,»ud] liberty, as we bad them before i tions > they yrere no Sndre able tjollliyi :
the tvar, or we will die in the field. I P e peeably together .iqjone ttoverhihbnt
”jfl look Luck at the iappy days t<ro hands can .wc|ir onb ..glove. 1
wo spent before the war, and ardent- W. j"’ e did not discover so soon as.t the 1
ly wish for their speedy return. Sued; 'Abblitionislbt?, ’ this groat truth, it(i
piosperity and peace wo. hope soon j because \ j)emoci'(itic party, I
agaip to enjoy, and wool torthp nian as it was in\ principle,i falser to !
or set of men cither north or soilitli ■; \ s td^ • <md"whotty;indifferent to the
that j does anything to hinder tbjcir 1 of either .of-ffi'e 'opposing cdmmimi- 1
aiiccdy return.' ; (, 1 ' 1 -•! Unplaced itself between, raised , the '
\du have may think -thissu-bng n anner l bf the ,-‘spoils,”! and—we . all'
ianguago, hut" we wish tp a wopd ! rest. , The tiled of that oliiuf
Xjf 'warning to. .traitat’tomcj a
word of encouragement to : despond
mg patriots, and to assure all that tlic
army is still true; to the principle 0 f
our forefathers.
. I am, Mr. .Editor, i ‘
Jtespeptfullyiyours, &ci, j
Sorgt. G. A. MclLVAi.vk ; ' -
. Co. B,| 28th Epg. P. Y.
T;S~ You the privilege,! of put
lishiug the foregoing letter or as
much| of it as you geo proper,! and al
so the; treasonable part of Mrl Kalp’s.
The balance of h!s| relates to family
aftau-a and need.'rot bo published.—
i ou may also publish my name in full,
as I,hold myself responsible far whiit
Iwrite - ; G. A. Mol.
Wai.ti.ick, Feb. 28th, 1803.
■ * * * : * *]’•*■
i well James I suppose you ate pretty
] near tierd of Soldier life aud| well you
may as this war is an ungodly one 1
j believe as the republicans-or| our pres
j out goyernmon are trying theirMitinost
i to destroy our constitution whibh was
! the Best in the world Well ; James' I
J ,hppe*ypu will Soon try and got homo
give them the Slip and come Home
iiUeaU the good democrats will do as
there ! lionourilor any democrat
to Stay] and tight to - free the nigrocs
Di ,W / a : mC6 . fig K n ° longer td; free the
Blacks land against the corisiituti.on
the Boys are nearly ill a i homo that
went to war from here and they are
more honoured than those that are at
war J’ot V there was twelve;Soldiers
Went through Donegall last week
and the citizens of tbo town Urcafed
them for running off and So you See
that there is more honour to run off’
than to Slav! if you; C an only get
J^u ay lhoro * re plenty hero to defend
To Jas r K Leonard Geo '
r .I , and wife
, »®- said ®i*own;
f a recently dcepjjgeci' neighbor; whb
Zu ov ! r ; thr l's'- :‘ lie
salt and lost h.s bpofK «Yo 9 " Son
tentionsfy observed Jones,' “and flow
the salt lias. lost its Bay?* 1 .” , ; ',i - ' •
■ . •al'vnys like to’ see gentle!-
a ® t f ladica w-iUi] beautiful rich
dSIW on . t .? ei ?’ finifem,
VT ks 80 neata »d
411-. life dgaiit, and' holding
of I Unarms to us, makes 'i\s: : shiifr..\ : Its
fqttl breath is malarid; its t\uch is death.
Give"us the let him
bp as tefocious and' greedy .as yon
■vyill. Let*'obr .enemy appear as ,an
exterminating Yankee boat, wo pray,
i s>d a Democratic! Coilycnnon
Let bini lake any shape] but that !r-
A 1 ready wo have visions of the men
of feeble knees, tender foot aiul imdu
lating spines] losing Itheii- senseis and the coiilacf, they did;
alasd so’, often before. \ [ We, scent
froni afar off the old dead compromises
—amt amend and seem <o fee*-upon
ouytlu-jats the strdngiiiatiou of nn
elpan fingers. Lint it is a dream; nobody
| lives in the tjjia Confederacy iJr
I dare to propose, or to hint even ht a
distance, that wo should •sacrifice at
that abomnab!p shrine all the gallant
blood,trebly pouredj out; to sanctify
bur nationhood. For it, comes to; this: I
wo can have no peace nop-, save!by
submission j no peado -now sayo' by
making once more air affiliation with
a Northern party, and baking the
Democracy a present of all that ihesti-i
•nablo i treasure of tb]d .dearest blood
that flowed ir. Southci 1 !! |
rPcabo;! Does the j rnonstyous host)
befbrbl¥ickabdrg bring us peace J lls
r itipeacb ! tbat Jtoaecrans is tnaking in!
j T mqesscp ?. Docs the miljhaly.. djs
; pc rsioh of public meetings in Koniuc
kjr bode peace ? The new Northern
' conscription, enrolling thfeb millions.
Jand: making provision fob inatantlv
commanding their service, or exact?l
ing-a heavy exempt foil laic-does this '
loolf: like pejace? lElfo .deliberate!
■vesting of Abrnliara Lincoln ;;of all
thejmih’tary : pdvyer ;of-]a dretftfor, with,
thoi. treasure , ojf .the j whole nation'
opened to,him without stint—is it tS I
enable him to make poaofo or war—
which . fo
Inhere, then,'arb-thdo’e indications
of peace, which wo ar* Said to - be
recklessly; resisting; and disdaining?
Oh ! the great of j Yallhudighani;’
-thc‘ touching invitation of "tuneful;
Gpx! .Wo .groaljy fear that those
wbersi bf the : South sfofbhd ;and
fai«» will!, very,.soon,., bk‘| pm nd% like
Joh]n Yap|J. Buren,. ehridlnng but I for
war th e 1:hifo; and if ’iliey delay 1 at
dedlfno to Yeeatif their great ondobbld
1 speeches■ why;tboy will seethe
JVe, yvish
A Southem Voioe tatheGopper*
: head*---The ■ Biohmond . En-.
quirer on Peacjej ... . f
‘ £Fr<)m. the Biohmond Enquirer of Much sth. j
”/■ :; ■ - “PEAciv 1. :
'■! Frofa ofold it Was hold perilous for
me nto cry, peacej I pence I when there
,v.’dfc no peace; The dangers of it for
us .at this moment are manifold'. It
encourages tlio planting ot cotton In
stoat, of corn; it unsettled the minds,
of our soldiers .in the field, which is
dcraoraliaatiomift stimulates-the enc
ij?y prosecution of*
the idea that iceivo so'
who reproach the
:w%bl.-beiDg ofi
War, ,;£hU iaiomo*
whaf iunreasohablo. Is any one* offer-,
.SNfeTtdnnd whole'
horlzhn—ia it, dh sea’ hr ) land/
tha'fryou 'discern any fain tost flatter
of the “white jwingß f” all war :
all,, ©he bottomless.gulf of blood, One::
universal caruivaf of slaughter, and
ravage and/ruin. . '
True, j there is one way by which
thjd Southern Cojifederates could im
mediate hy regalp all the blessings of
peace; il is bysuhmiasion— by recon
blruotipn.s—ny desisting from the I‘re
bellion,” anddelivering up our ring
leaders to the punishment ot the laws
they have trampled upon. , Is there,
jcdecd, one singlp|citizen of this Coo
fedeiacy who would have peace atany.
jmice t Well, here is the pnee/sky at
no .-Rllr;
Established 18’ IB
irqm oar hearts' they were both .al
ready aulely chained up, at the present
writing; they have, done tis jmoro
harm, they rind : -their- like, ‘ than ten
tremble to see their unwholesome ad-,
trances; still mdto to see a sojrt d(
morbid craving here to respond'to
them, nnc|cf the delusive idea of pro
mqting iq|ostinediViBion at the North.
Ph ! Dictator TCnneoln.} lock yb. up
those two [peace Democrats-r-tog Other
Kicli&rdiiOn—in 'soino ;
primary prisons ! ' - 'I .I. .
/ Mistaken for a fol
i lowing-is an extract) of it private lot
ted from SFashviHo •
- ATew dpya Birio©; tyro, ,pf:our ]■men ,
,wcre walking -along the streets of
.Nt isbvillo. They belonged to a Iregi
:m< nt. whick iipd gone thefjo qp' ekcor t
i ‘to* a fnipply t^aiR 1 , acd'wlulethe |wag
; bn > .■wtrei being loaded -bad goup for a
’stioll. :,Ono of them was dressed in
rbl» ie| uniform, and! carried hidimilsket
the other : had on him a sccesh I coat
iwf ioh ho h&Jt picked up bn the battle
grjand, ago wbjre long, black, ibair,
an},J indeed .lopkodi to. a! stranger
mere like 1 “socesh” ■ than the honest
soldiorhe ls[ when, as they passed a
fin 2 house in theidbpr of which was
standing a very , pretty .young" lady,
she suddenly cried out:, ' p
“Pi soldier, won’t you; lot that "map
—he is a poor soldier of our arny—
wljoni you are guarding, come in ? I
know ho Wyants' someth mg to eat.—
Isn’t he a Texas liahgeri l ,”l , ■ '
fYes,’’ s|aid4ic with ithb, ; ‘>yo
captured him only the other day.—
Gql in, old fellow ” him 1 the!
wink. -.' I • , ■. ■ f
The supposed Ranger went in | and ,
qu|ckly rcßircod with his arnys full
.ofjpies eskes; . oijbc brcad u _u. bolt'.c
toff iquer. grid g lot of : good
| things generally. iv 1 ; ]
f Morel bn,”-.Raid;bo With the gtm ;
j|Rnjl so :tli moved on to thertirst
|:COtiyenient j place, where they sat
|jdpwb anil jiijoycd a hearty meal, and
[ioaief|lly rushed it down witlik goo if
|ili(|kor. ;
•is. <— A dastardly tra tor.
fur of tlio draft, vauit
i! town during feif •wpi'fc;*
1:0; abolition war, and do-'
the soldiers as d!ying tin a,
! cause. Alleging hat.
1 carcasses should he lolii!
?| die, and uot .be hnfiighi ,
pollute the soil of (jrcene
Storing-;' 1 up to r.' father
waS-on hia way home fi;om
e a lifeless corpse, he asked
, Trirerfha, was going toigot.
n home.. The , insult'st ing
vbtl father and .patriot to
ind with an cffol-t, <appag
?! human; ho prostrated the
din on the ground. r .'ho
is,'‘'served Ijiinv
l tbq ‘indignation of the
■ agu nst- the rebel bin,'
inteisc, arid could w!ii
lalvo res trained lia'.
t tho jilaco, shortly aijte
lion.-hf/ Co. :
and .sliull
jiiia arou.h
| Ic'uirsiiiij!
d.wLjraeef u
.their, ilea
iwhero lli
count)’.. '
whose aoo
,J.bct .arjnw
•»•i n * •
iiis dead s i
l ibiit herea l
; the heart,
renlly sup
i beastly vil
, right,” am
i community
I gnalrd was
difficulty h
.lie: mot lei'
the tran’sac
I", AxeOdot:
sill! OF
dent of the
relates .he
3 of the Late M«. i’Ktjri
[arleston.—-A . correspon-
Npw- York i’os.t
Ijbllowing aneedotoaif ll
ittigru, [ ; |bf''Cbarl<?jstpri.
il ing bun m the street ic
md .‘kid: ■, ■' ' f
be s 6 land • tip to direct
unaticj. Asj-lum ?” j •“
Pi” answered Mr. Pettigijit
1 ointuftr to the cast ;>jaid
i ig~ and pointing to tjie'ore.r pointing to. the
here lignin,” pointing £o
• ‘You ctinhot Iv-ossiblv go
I ■!, ,k v- :\,
i;d anlojxplanatioa of tlijs
rpction',l ho said: “Tile
irate Mr. Pi
j person linei
i costed him
j “ Will, yor
inojto the 1.
I ‘pertaipl.
there it is,”
there,-” turn
South; ‘‘ii m
West; “and
.the North.
amiss.” ,l v ‘-
• When ask
sirtgnlar di
whole. State
the people rt:
i s ft luriatic asylum, aii ! i
u all lunatics.’’ : t I
A Copperi
t,ho Wiseons
on a' resofn
EOseerahs, si
lead.— Senator Clark, 01
n Legislature, in adobatk
tjon afr thanks to Geil
‘‘Till Goner
that letter .to'
had excluded
his lines, he
capable Ge.ti.eij
could write feui
drcl, a villain i
The resoluti
•alB osecraiishad written
the Ohio Assembly, anti
the Chicago Times frorii
fhad considered him a|
■jalf j'.but any m|au * wlio
icli n letter was,a ecounf
ivi|d a coward.” | !i
i jii passed, 27 to! I, V I.
blaimsl to bo| a BemS
That fellow
crat, ot conrs
rj—T-T— *.. ■ '
ik'ajjo Times have pro*
[ jUpon the discussion of
tjhpther it would iiol bu
Union leaving New]
tho Lpikisvilio Journal!
ii ; ' ' ' !
B®,T1»o Cl
posed to cntei
the! question i
j best to have
England out,
askj , :r-> ■
an interesting
proposition ~Bb
Jtcw, ;Englnnd
England saiion
.Spiders from tli
Britain r ’.
at question have been
question in Revo-
Hoy- ‘winld the;
' e sounded **> exclude"
privateers, and /New
:,iand New Rutland
ie’|last j.wa WHt Great j
W&-A DonglJ
the Troy Time
copperheads am
them, that wo so
are a little' clea
more manly thm
us Democrat writes tci
■i; “lit yoji have aiiy
ipog yoorfeadoia; tell
'((irera think the scbosh
'a good ifea!
rthay. I.:;- .--.;. 1■ -
J IbO^iiing : ‘ jjoir.
cfork.'tfa'b fecbfeflalf
’ btMki actJ*gtfohide r r |
W* WflHfoifeJgUr,'
, JWrThe pena
hStlf fo ‘go tb‘the
4o thepoor; .®h ;
the.Biiß|jo«Ltiofl j
.givjiß, thp,lt4tojt|
i.M j.;C J l ':
H -siist :. r j,
• i
5 i
,'i ;f
.V , ' PROCLAMATION. y , j
x To thejrk coloredJnhahitatfitf
iisinnu ':—Through a * mistaken policvct
you have horetoforo been deprived pf, ; r j
a the glorious. stragrT- ‘
glefcw ,rights. in whichouf 4 !, i.
.country ; - Thistiid ibiigeV-S
shall eyist. j, g . "• i . yd! gy,g; g*.
A? spiis of freedom, vua are nifjvv /
called upon to defend our most inis? .
tunable. Blessing. As Americaus/your v '
country looks with confidence th
adopted children.'for a valorousvup-:- 1 !
'portias’a faithful return fori the ad‘-’: *
vantages enjoyed unoor hor htild .and • •
onui table govern men t 7 Asfi lathers, I
hushabds and brothers, you are sum--.
inone.d to rally round; the.standard of 1 ’ ■ V
thc.ltagte* to. defenij all vvhieiV is dear ! ■ " r;
lin existeiibe. rj . ,l.j '; s, • .
i Vour country, although calling nty ?
your exertions; does jno,t wish 'you t*»
engage in her (ffihsdjvviUiotit liinply ye- /
mnhepatii g'you fdr tins Services fen- 1 1
dci-ed. ■ Yo'ugi intelligent .minds, art
not ,tp~l;e led a-vvay by ialse repfefe’', ~
tations,. I Yoiir Ipye *of hd^iof'yould?, 1
epuse 1 you to despise the man *\vho"!
sl|oiil.d attempt to deceive vdu.- lifthe
sincerity of a soldier, and the. dan- ,
guago ol; trutdi 1 uddresis yyu.'
■iTo bypiy noble hearted, generptis,
■freeman, of color,, volunteering' to! ■.
servo during, the present edptest Avitli '
Britain nt.d 1.0 longer, there •
will lie paid the same bounty in mon.
ay . iind' lands, now received by- the’
\vhile soldiers of the (United States;'
Vfa> .§124 in nionoy,‘and 160 acres - of '
land. The. noincommissioned oCiceis lj
j and|privalesAviLl also h«>! entitled, to - !
|! tlie pame monthly pay and daily ra- '
j tionrt, and clothes. famished to., any
.■ American soldier. " , 1 . t’ ’
! : ;Oi, yiiroHjiig yourselves ini cdlnpa- V
| "’collie; Major General coannt'uiding ’
| will !st;iocti ’ ofUccAH ijiiiv v.our j.voni-
j nionty Irom Voux* white tuilow citizen l *' ‘
lour. ol3k-ors will -
.be;.appointed among yourselves:
.I) u o.rega fd' Will be pi id "An (i* ’ fc,'. ! ’
n, i# of ivcenjun, and sdidiers.-j You v
will not, by I being associated with . i nrentn the i-ivnis Ooi p J,,.| w „„ •.
I ppseu-tp- improper oompa moils'or mV
1 just sarcasm.',b.Asadistii.ct : .imlepcnd --
j ont bnttallion or rcg;:.u‘iit, |mi'suinri"
| the ]*ath -of,glory: yor ' will, un.iivi.<fc '■ :
ei-‘. lyccivc iJ.o and .grati- '
j tude|bT,ycuf countrymen.. ~( ■ .
'Ck-'id 3’ olt P^^’l'lie T
‘ m," nnlentioiis.-a'.jd my anxiety !
13 our invaluable service' to our coun- -. ,
~. | tb.Vi I; have diiniiiiu'Licaled bay wishes, ■’’ J
: -} to the Governot of LoaisiaSia. wilio is! .V •
fully unformed,as'to the'Vr gy,. ' ./
! roLling, and vtilb give you evoi-y ne- ’
| information otij'the^s-nit.jett of . •
tjthis-'Vi(idres'.«. f. lb". ■ " ‘ ..
liKAno’ks - ; 7th iKliltaj-y liSstrict, ) •; 1
J/oit?e..Sepr. afs-.i, ] s I J f.
AA'DHEW JACKSOa, , ? •?‘ i
r ■ Gen. Coniiiiaiuiii'ig ' . j
jGorr’F.niiK-vn.s.; axii ii;- A dis- -
; patch from ■ Indianti iw|is, of the t!!id"
•: alt., says;" . .■ ' V
|. But ut meriting was-Be- j
ting jiclj in JiJoonnngtonj-i'ijd.. j.iVc '- :
clay last .week, a train of rebel prison- ' . y.:
ers .vv as dctuiiico tlieidr tt few nVonionis. . *[
The copperheads immediately »warin'-' '
yd around'and advised tin* pillnavefntp,
take ttdvanlagc of:tile er.ovfti hud de- i V '•
seit... etc., until the officer iii coin- | '
mandwas eorapellod to 1 drivcAhern : , '
from: the train at the point* of the '
biiyonel. A'-,..)-' y ,
l ( o
' ■degrees of depravity >
: ' l c Tyrees -of .Virtue. A
C!°utliefii rebel is a very shabby ani
I ft .A’ o rtliern. sympathizer, with «
.■poeuion [is as' much ..despicable as a ;
|liycua is, more despicable i%n a Ug^r.'-
I NB®>Alarrpitig Glories have bceb tolci, ,
Jab r (Mit jicopljo being poisoned with,rye; i
4ofl’oe;.but iltf i’s. Partington .suggests
iqjjut; spine ; of them . wlic us.o the ex
tra.ct of old rye in, other fluid .forim*-
may be subject to'quite asTmucll dint
age as the rye-coftec drinkers. '
' ,v. -j . >•• '< ' * :
. Scott is said -to be prepar- !
ing tor iinrnedialo publication, a d* t '■ :
tadetistAtonieiU, of his -relation* with ’' I
Gen. M Clollau during the brief period J
in; which their couhtry •
to S e Mi W ash i h^'ttih. ■ : * !;•
;^^l Wrc . ,, fCI
Command ifonnd in' k- : I
Men bales of- cotton no dess tlian 2700 H
toMnds of gapdi seed, afid other" h
m “ t ® among :the
Jetton, h a tld r^o^° U n| BV 3,
tend an*»>fctoD.'iSeiff. w’el*found i* v.
■ .’TT
;j- £ .
4 d7 ??;fJ?*? **. the .rate it
-cents per sqnaiiei—oacTT Id«lE>Be<ji<fit’ V
cents. A" liberal diseonntmadete yearly--- -
* i j -.;'q
... . A »P»c» .equal to Tjni,T^lls«»*of ; this tjrpa
messnred' as. 9 ,iquar<u. : .. .. •.. !,.- .- j fl '
'Special Mottoes 23 per cent.' addition to reg
ular rates;- .■... V ",i i’
Basfriesi cards,- 75 ceitts a line,'-per,!
• M . Brria E es and DcathVßeligioos, PolJtidtff - -
[other Noticlea p£ a public imlurerfljee. -"t
Gen. Jaokson arid ■" the : IJrigioesi '■'*
! r&blisL below the Proclamation
pf Gen. Anbrbw Jackson, calling on -
;tlu> negroes to.Wnljjst; “Old, Hickory” it
tkb.ugli t tv«s a“mibtakcir policy” topre
vent them from part icipating in the bat
tles of their country. But Dcmpcra
py !‘ain't how what it used, to w;us.” <:
l and perhitps the ! ;qid Hero” did
know what Dot”
mot-racy was: 1
. ,A ; li>:pLY.—A Ttosion pipch'
j saysltlnvt when Gen. M’Cleliai) visiteth ; : f A •
°. ne j 6 f the m 'htary hospitals in that *
ciit he found a soldier who had Tost V
fits-leg., * Where were yod wo a tided?"
asked the General. » “At Fredericks* ”
burgreplied the'solcner.' -‘but ifyou ..
had!been there,. tiencnd r I should
uavji been hurt ‘
~- : r