The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, March 18, 1863, Image 1

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Elsich 1863.
I<( l IMBRIE, Editor & Proprietor.
’ rr f r> »,Jg —y.M. DoLLAE.aud firrr.CEMS
?." »•„, is ADvisce; -otherwise Two llot-
Il *.”»i;:,&<; ; chars«d, Ko dia<§Blinn«l
• a ;i £•: cti rates are fettled.
- i ctu;3 aii-J ccnanimicoticaf, ty Bail'
v.’’ prompt iittcnticij. ,
■ V t • '■ ■ ISU3.
TKiivxtJ first is
in its- •tvvvnjy-svronU
ii.-ined bofli a and
• , vidciv.diffused circuia;;ioii than
' , ,•1. . .i - i.civ»l''aj«r,r.- ever jiubiithed
i ;v;i. Though it has suffered,
u <iji iviih oilier journal-*, from
,t-J’-l tt,!;ai:«ieri.sij', aiid dejtarimo of.
• - .1 ;!* Vl‘- its J’JilrofsS to
1. v in the \V;ir for the Union, its
GiU ol -December,
.jVKc-.Vi :
... .................—10,375
juitu.-'! o? 2fi?ws,and
: i -i-.-.: irrif, IT Iji-; Tkiscxs.ha*
iilms-v.-luc;.' v. di ebarac
!*. ’f\ - 1!;e i agio word If tt* t BLtCA'N.
• - iu its la-siny iiilbcaibn;
‘. .. _Jrin * i i} v!t"t ■/LI oil 4ias>.
,i. r ( « i' ! .yJ i ali i.ationkbf men" !
':u: ■' Cii f.T. H. i :!: - L Vll it i pi the |
jujj ii.'!sj;-'nat;!o .r.ghts .ot. ail 1
- 'lie'. nhertv. and ’>■*!. pursuit ■
in : ■*it& i
-t. • lethiul. hu.-tiliiv IP 1
l.vfro: t >l’- iho itiave i
. r‘...!Voi:i tup -\..!h.xaiiv'.i.uf i fit us j
:,c iiv.-V-v'Hip; l . -to 'gi'a>p tup':
U.p’.li.* '■'f lip i\ L" V.' 'A ‘.'li :i LI Lid : 11.I 1 . iV hi
i.e 1- ur rountiy for itsj
~v.; u me::! —rlVj-’B oilcan .in ;
v'V-A- c'f tFie
i.i'i.:i ij in tbe;' thrust I
. •'!'••' •' -• . «
. ,i;* *>sii :j Jj c c'Ulilcl - •
. lii I* ;|r; *. • al.-.i .U.iii -:<»f Lliei
'i-oJeJ luyiiiiiii'— I;r•J:i ii un. in - its j
' i:faith ia!.<| effort,!•
. ik nc!i:pu inuitj j
e >ip;n;:l o.'.ei tlirc. \y of its !
••• ti.»; eMablUliinent I,
i.ual.iiiv.’s i
i v.-ho'e .c;<te! t of oui- country; {
■ i- ; orny X' iiU in L-.hall ia- ■
V .> ■ • • 1
i Llt-tM. t.cvoLf/., in |
ujnd to Ernie extent in !
TeilllioUUlCtL A*r. i
1 . l] ." I
• I .C.^V
ihuSl. t-ai-i.
*i‘ V:iC Ci.i'.l
.WorKl. 1
j.f ii.r>
:.v it*/;
f:■ i --I
v l i rl
::i I'l~~.l~ :..1
.1: «\ lit: i vv-!;•
• tE~tir .
_ lf.vcuftp.j>V . whatever t !;j? irititaJ ancf
■lyktl- jm'jjrmi' m.d liciiig Of ,
; but Ibr.iLc itscncr
• i).-!» <-.fh!iiii;s ,ul;e n.auil' yie
•oratioif success
1 ill’ tho in vi
u \\u! \\ - !ir t'm- tiio .Uiiioij.,l Its specif 1
-■■''V']! cWn's- ; ‘-jvqry|
a>. iiiy ar.U ■ u-pOul. cycrv"
-,r lyiJUi.V. w,.
■“ ’ i:)!;t*lcnt o< tliat yreatstrug-i
ii-iiHi to roynSti in, the!
I i-uimpii i oT llie j
■ .s' il.y :-..--;U;rnl,ion j
i-i’ir. lii-traeted.!
■try, ,\V-‘
> »}'■ llit* V
• a V«i t . r i && 'M")’}- or »i.l\ ■ !»«•*". Mby this section, t anilol, bo : 1
>• \l. • i.;'.i ---.J 4„.J , IrM-e I 1 f., • '' b A ,sls F ds «*?»£■. here two of thorn tire in the niilitarv -mt- : performed wiinui the limes: specified ; |,' ut i- 0 ;i f or -i.r e wliw, not I fur
«I-.; vice of -, he'Hii.i.ed' State. Uw • «•« **'.£ '"ball: jbe purft.k-n>dA us j „ id &er
.u nii;; ’rf or ' n,issiol, r d ■■«%<•«. >r pru w I W ,l J c^ s ■: ; , [.v.* i.
■’ ■{•«* ' ei.;.; ilii .f.. •vVii.d.v.ic! vv:Jf» -N --jol.ii the .fill-, rules, the residue oImi, ; I, tbmily 'and I s “; M l \J urt her enaded. | flb.k aufhbrikediby
.J ?r r i*<*' 40 jrpei-a tloii .of ' - . . ; i j.. nqt c-xocvdiii/v two. shall be , liat1 iat M-° c 9*°j' o ® l* m *l the]>ruv<j)st, inarsiiai general:' f 1
■' eauslp which !■ ~rr r l ?*—~j j ‘ jikempt. Anij no persons hnl stu-ii us; b " nlild f ?ly, ni.d=they ;s[ft)l on-: Hkc. IJI A/'t! he it .further ai '
a-s‘ cfj :-;V Little Tir.vvzLiin --A little girl i>. r .e herein excepted shall be exempt;! - v ■ l ’ ,n, ' l ' ! t'- e those, wnoso ag*'S shall ho i f hhi auv beijson enro!!e'd|iifiVd dr
p-ihout '.twelve- jy ears iof age named Providal,, Itilrny.r. That no persons'; <m day 61 July tin tci, by : according! to r iln '. i>rt:v(i.<i:o.Ws M
j Ann:o ..itn-iveif in the! city vcs-''' l Tbo,!ias beed.convictcd of felony shifli ," Pn '*"i-ty five year;,. ; aet! wljoiskat')-db •I'lislr ai? ' net'ch
j terday tin} interior of Slinki-sKa. i’ 1 * Strolled dr permitted, to, serve Jin i ' Ec - A l -' •/]■»<■ ff ft Jurthirl niactuh ; .abstifuiie; s4'dtll'-vHierrk!*.ll r ‘-
l::.s ttll • ti.o Why "from ’ «->> d ibrocs. [ ' ' ' ' ; . ('} l,!l1 .‘I 1, I'-'Vfof.s dims imrolled ; f,.„ m the .WoniVi i f eiirUiiilotit ■ h
, -diiino.sota uloiie She was a. witness ;. ‘ >KC - 3- -‘1 <.v/ .V it further . uar’oi, ! e ’ ■ tjv« first-i tiiieate: ol <I 'it-hn!•<••<> lVr.iiir ; -ueli ’ c
:to ono of the imost inhainjm Jndi'ari. I lie ndtionsil (on-es-orthe Uni- j Ua 3’‘ ;’"0 - sfteeeedinj'- 'i»r 0H.r.,11- ! vvL-ie-!i!VI :!Ii hxenioi hMuifemi n
, massacres which lately lock place in ted Stales tfet: n>,u-'in tliounilisarv I "'l'* the niilitafyser-J jy, dutvi 'Jlnrii..' tinie' lii]v whir
1 that State and'.?:?** hpr father ronr- .>ervi.-o..enri>ji,v I irnder thi.v Act, shall | v . ,co () ! t,ltt V nitcd States, and to ..eon- Llwai; draityd'; lairi shiMilutc
j ; 'lercii_ by a set! of. I She hasl hedivi,!:-.! inktwo iliedirst ofi u . llUe "‘■WvijC-o ii*r lliree Veaty. or du- |, c :'enfitied th- I h'e same jiUy «»'
I a vivid rceoTl.oelir.ii. ;of-• th,« horrible i whn-h j-hall t-onipri-a- all persohs srl.-h I:,, rA.’he • war; ami w hen cahed linin' Kiwanec.4 by hijiv as
1 scene, all the pnrtieiars tof which = she l " d-« nnhtary dhty Ic twewi the : •“.‘■•rv-iee he plficed on' -the sa!ne^ iai : j heeii .orteiiiailb -dn li;i;d fnu
! relates in an .inlcllijtent; hi aim i r.—' s'Kt-’s of twerjty and thirty-five, years ; ■‘"Olmy, m all respects, as vplnup-crs,. „hrviee <d: ihei f’id led' Staii-s ’
I.S-IC is on her way to iFaycitc cymnty :m d n ; l 'omoirried-persons snldeet ;to ‘‘"rini; the jnjeseiii n-bellion, not lipw-.' Si.c -isV .li-J,/ ,{ /c'iWdr eiti
; I*a : . -where .her . relations!'- reside.— ! d <» ndiitacy | duty iil-ure . - ver. «-jfeeevlni K -' the term ~V»I - flirce j Tl»s,t i Mieli" cif : /hc . vofiint-ers'
: [Wheeling Inlcd. thirtydivehiini ur.iler (iie liir-c of iortv- > L ' : - ir -- '"cludnur adyan. o' milillfi'. np'w lin the sifi-idee o(
i __a - ,y , . live; and thp sevijml da>s shall com- h'>nnty as now provided by law. )' ■ United - St'atls >Jsl tii-fy l 'l rh-enlh
! a«c.A K’c-'.V York letter savs Stew-• htherj persons .sahjeet to : _ Skc. fi; it fu)ilni'\ rhur/rdf ; s<Sv\ti: ony yisar ' 'unless; iwonerl
: art has the ’credit of bnviii.2 up a l ‘ a ; utnyd ainl shall im. in '• 1 hat. .whenever may be iioc ( titer oxpiraijon"-of ~.
•«reur class of. soldi- ; Ile lists'- an^, ,s V' H '-o > t ?‘ !l: ' <1 11,10 <be;service .' to fail out the national ftireesflbr mili- present lerin of ytjiivlceA.fliilH hi yen
warehouses a’hoycr the City crowded ?! H'e* bmted Slau-s (h.oso of tar.V service, tin) President is hjiiitchy : titled to A'-jfoi«Vty «jl' -lij'-'y; |loJhir.s; (»nc‘-
u i:)j Ho will; sell a. bale C *T^ S _ been cal*. nnlliorixctl. I'o each-; disu iet*:'halKot wiiicib in lie i>ai<l upon hiich
at a,June.. Other men 1 eah ,huy ooodsj L< c .' ; the .nnaihe.r ot. inoo td be tiirnishcil: rc-cnlisthient; l,;ind the baluneo al .t-lie
but Stewart is the only mAn that tan i lc - '/= ■ -p >( ’ % further entrcfeJ. by said district, and thereupon: the expiration; of j |»e •m, of reenlistment.
hay' and hold. He sells never fioin.: , ’I 1 * ~l r hT L> ater convenience in erf-; enrolling board shalj, under idhfcydiU. And such as mAy rek'tilistlto serviii for
■ necessity; bat only- whjen lie' chooses'..! rt>,lin fl-. faljlng out. end organizing , roclion of (hej Prcsiclcnl make a draft! tivd years. ' uritess souneiv ilisehiirged;
c - ’ ' ' or,o f Olyf Girard is reported to have had a national dorces. tiinl for tlio arrest; of dhe io,qtiirc!d ifnmher. amf ffiy 'per[after flic expifali ,i; >of-ti.ei’r p.reSe'nt.
any larger nesaher at with one of- tlic riidi men of of and sides of thy .enemy., eeiitum in iidditioii-atnl shall ‘hiii'ko ap ternj of enlisCiheiif. shall; receive. Aip
■ , -H- e-,i..i i -vp\ will hafxno I’cm. City. 'I can, bu'v 'you arid *''e L idled (States shall he divided in- eJcaet and complete rollj of, the liairtes ‘ o'u Mieii'-fe-enlisuiienl; twe'nir-fivcmlol
i -’•■V ' v-';..-^'V''i ub t X ’ r ’' s p !I s’ ou ■«{?“':«. ‘ Girkrd/f said- the ui-tnctssj. of which the. district of! of the persifi.s so dniwn. and- ot .the ; lars iof ,y)iivonl? ■hiindred'’ (lidlarA homo,
> ii ~. i v\o',.-,,vL\ driel-: a|ngry jhiercdiant. ‘-And I can buy *olum >ia -fhall eotis.litiitc one, _each ■ order in .which were drawn, .so that, ty It,r enlisiihont, proviietl by the
■ and 'keep.:-you,” was Girard’s re-j lci n - to, '3' ■t>f the ■Tniifd''States shall the first -..drawn may stand first .‘upon-ffifth - scctionjjol Hho fib ij approved
■ t;.i I .(iAt N, it ,K he seal, spouse. . j constitute one or niore, as the Pre.-.i - the" said roll and the second may: ikety-scjeond; of July, eighteen Ininl
- ’ ■■■’ | dent shall J direct, and each eongres- : stand second. ar,d so on. And flic jdred' and sikty , one, enttlludb '‘Ail
sional bisti iet of the respective States prisons so dr r.v,ir shall be nbtifi'ed: of ac t to aluhorizo the employment; of
I , '[l °* iio.'vt. piy- the:-same wit iiiy teti dtjys thei'«afler, dy o 1 ti 11 11 it-ir s_!t o Jitul _ n cpforcipg. the law
(.ceding the. enrojlnp'iil, sliail i-onsti- 'by a-written <,r printed • notice, flu.;: be . and jn blic jn djfer'Cy.'’ f
tuie-onejj -Proiy/r./.. .That in . States; Served pcrsutjiliy oc'hy ; leitying ; s«cbpy : .!i-' Site. |ih :-AM i/e it. fMlier%ink\f
wipe.i ha-\ p not by Jherr laws been rii- :at the la.-t plapc- of residence. |re(jiiir- I’liat w jieiievbf a! regliimit:; of ydl.lin-
r‘ .1 ii,;j v u.
f.; V J
■M. i-
1-J '-ia'.'c C
■V." i-;;;,:. ■■
•> I .-/J AJU'.'h
Lb i |vrocs»r.*u it is
;■> roniit, Lank JiilU.
•Jie,'iV‘sl Grace and
l>e plainly
squad of men. 'imeolin*'-'of '!^ 1 .. !I ' to -j' vo °r orc <«ngi i-ssionai hi" them to appear ,at a tlestenWd livers oil dlio samelanm IVoiir (he sy ; me
the Knight, i n .Ovve i/comi tv!d rvsharch
61 desC-Ttcrs—fichtlr bclicvinir thevi ’' di-vido tlio same into so assigning to the districts tlieK-iufobcr: bpf piv|criMl j bj- law, : (!ti; IWilhnl.
wofild . naturally sock shelter in Such i' 1 .” a -- V‘ ," u ’ nt districts as.Jic may A <*f men to he. furnished therefroinf/thq'f uiiiy ’dilreci tile t-onsoJidaliiou pifheim.
a quarter—and actually dispersed the! “H v n , Vt *'. , . l *‘. i, s- ' President shall lake into eoiiMdera- i company's of idieii . reglin.j?liH j /Vpimi-. do\en
assemblage 1 Another violation of i i v: lt J\ r J l 'T non the unnijbev >d volunteers and j rd, That iiul coihjiiiny so lojined-' shall .in the 1
‘'constitutional rights,” Tallin" fori' i? ii , 01 1 .P* districts Ihoru militia ./urjiished t by, and Worn, ’the 1 ; excecjd the' ihaxjiimim inumbei pile- The Cep
indignant protest tfonvthe whole fam-i 1 ' f* n . by the President, several States ip-, width- said[ districts ; scriWd by 'law. 1 When such, coi’isb i- cd laith.l
ily of copperheads ! )!i a ' -J- 1 o\°st .uarshal. with rank, pay,; arc situated,.and the p'efiod ii of llu-ir .datioti is made,The regimental officers I'ore.viit
- - .-y ’~ • U ■ h and eraolinncr.ts ot a captain ot cav-• service since | the commencement of i.shall he reduced in proportion to’the I Sec. 2
’• Bubnside’s -(tnFrn — ln :Ki«' ’i °f *T < ?™ eer - oI “>*•.- rank .shall j tho; present rebellion, and shall so ' reduction ,in jtho 1 number! of cornipa-.'that ii:
visit r<;X4c«Tc%l ? Gen-Burn Tu , P,^kK;llt ‘ *»«" J-make said alignment *Bt,to ; cqduli 2 e WV h. !;( i f ioause, «
- j side, with '.no ovationhdc-Vuto hedtfcl lbe ' ~: e ct,o,‘, ‘ anJ sub-jlhe mirnbers among .flic J districts.bfl SEcf, k V/i'Mer.Umcfed, ; party lo‘.
. Pnoj-uiE-roR ' i sijred none. appearingdverv Where iivl'll appointed or^aned'hv'dl 1 C ‘- ! 'S|r 1 * salc$ alcs > wnsidbrihg and,-That:whencvef|a [regiment |sj .reduced ; .shall .app
•'j ihc co*vcrifnct« of a fir* citizens’ lii.ade irwidputni : \t J f4 r T - • t - l IU re ‘ ,I ‘; tl ,n #- or e ■ iiumlicrs^a'lrcady-^fur-* bcJow the: minimum number :dl<nvcd | d ib>pi;;
• .> c , r w„ ,i,6 XV.,,,!., K .„d,.. f . m.d hh I “ f Ahr r v >-Ji- TOi^ol.beor4 : ;l,o f o „^„oJk l ~g
i’.v<Tvn c n. 1 ;. 1 ,ingtlie patriot and lieroi in .one it .n„r.m A,. , -t' . ■ ° " l ’“. .... c- 10. And be it further, enacted' cessa’tfy for thocomniaiid ol such, re- j ,-h>:c. ..
■fit 1 ol‘ 1 i! i 811 b^ ei > : Ji I Si!"h.
I "min e eano. ; :lr;i j^ w :.i i(lv . . '-Jlv creed is «h o rt The iroverment I qv„ a!a > i ... ~, uplablc substitute .to take , his Tilat'O 1 iiial so tnuch bf th'e i tilth; section jof i air
«ra.^ n .- -Jheta.,!,. ii rurubheJ ' inuit be sustained :’t he rebellion must I Tlmtit MtUf bW di mrt A 7l f m^e ' '■ U 1 ti,e draft; of* he may pay :,to such i the act' a] ; proVed sevenieenih oflThly, j womkiinl
■h .uxonea i;.e PiTTSiJURU ,tnll be Udo vri ‘ Jw I? PtP" I Person as theioeretary of'War ' eighteen hundred indsixtyicmecuiilled will, an f
1 -V i P “ •° W ?- r- -1 Ire 1 b” r nl ' ■ “P- i to rehoive it, ■'such sifur ■ to «m<M an to4h | bery, *1
trtf' "f“ g e- : ’ ' WAS wants to lci.owiwbcther.rf' make ruh-s and i thfSrilt l‘v v'll T i th ? i ,a ' V . B ! ““f aU "
. . ■; ~r paper. 7 -,W when reporte| to by I ftrnwhiijsf the j substitute : oV ti/il
i (.'l'
v. i.o nvoiiov by
• 'l>! - u!»iiv\tlus Express
i '-'ill in- .lot*acted from
itu.M, A vxac for 18C3
11 !•' iip'uui L'luAimas
1:1 otel, 5?
- 111 Oil
L:t 1, i'lill
- I
Vol. 89 -TSTo. 11.
A MOTHER’S WAITING THE CONSCRIPTION ACT* fttfie com mantling commini-; thb money.-ijdiall >e {discharged iron. I spy a t descrler, or of mutiny - or h.iir
■ . fi.r, .1 i — L -- • ■ ■ :ic;«td to lhcm|all the.Picsiv (uillkv liability tl.ut j .lor; Lrd hesWicr i>un-'
—“ ‘ •! . ;•■ .An aet^for’enrolling and calling out-: dent in reference to COTWg orit the.rm-. And jaiiyjryi’son filling to report i»fte - j ishnnlnl of these offences.;-mlly. boreal:- 1
i ! the'national forces, and Tor bthiirpnV-; tional forces ;| to blanks :.dntt .-fel vice of notice, heroin, prescribe riejl i nto execution upon the! .•iimi-ovui'
■ .1 noses • l-'-V ' ■ ‘ " lm d 'instioctiomr and cd, without iuriiishjijlg a subsiitulb, Qr'-df ti c cbnvhmnding "general in thei
. , 1 ■ ■ ' drlifting to.file and ptijfervd eopies.of ; the requi|;ob Ysurii therefor],! field: 1 jl i ' 1
Whereas, cxifita in the ‘ all cnrolllipmt lists, j slated sbalK bd deemed ajdtwlrtei.'arpP sha) I,i Bec. 22. And fvriher enact,-d ■
j United Stated an insurrection aiid. re-f.reports of alUproceetSfes Oil the; pan; be aine-a-d by- .U|e-. prdvpst j Thatlviurts have nowdr'
| hellion agenda tn« «t»hprity thereof,' of-the #tiborcijir.utes audit idl >ie- and sent to the ndarest military jiosfl to seiitenec officers klio keinlclves :
■inpd it is. under the United Slates, the.; counts connected un-; for trial by cpui-t martial, ntileVs, lipoii I Irom their J cbmniandAvi 1h ■ lie-vd-• ti. !
i=.Ualy of the governmjiuL’to suppress ■ dcVhi«fdir?ctjion; - pioper showing that he is not liable' be reduced to the raniis to serve threk
; I insurrection |uulrebellion, to gimran-; other! duties 'as lhq;P®iderit ipaV prA- lb military of eiirollt j yvah 01 durum the war - ’ ■ •
f Ifte to each State a republican lorm of scribe in carryingtouKdhq provisions! mbrit shall rclievejhim fron tho draftl h;i Sk ij B : -l/Td he- it YvrP er
I le.iranqiiilju ; and Jor-tliesc • Sec. And b^imurt her emeted. That all d.aiikd pk-mfs kail, -ka.-kkd aceouhtre.nents ( Wishl-a ov tlml
; ; pufnoses * military fcjrye is in*;- That it shal l>tl,Hlly .of the; pro- , Mtlml be carelwlk tlnitcd SuUe/to any soldieri shad not:
j despensable.l.jtir raise and support| vost marshal!? to fierfe all deskrtetf i in f p< £j o( i liy Jim sJi.-gkn of tl.e bdard £btf soij ;^ bartered, eiciiait< , pled-od i
•! ST ou B lu 10-jvbcther; who si ail truly Spoilt to I Hie bbtmi ■ or
conlEibute^ix^d,tf7Kre((s^|ien, pr.pehst.n, the Sevyieo the pbj Bieal condition of each one -1 dibivlor duly ai.ihoriied of tld-i
I l}°rraS^nd‘i,l^■7"'r ra S^ nd ‘ i, I^■7"' ¥ »ersbr.s dl-afted and clu.rilinoiUnitcd States wbio.hUs pOs^ssin.
than that #k w tendered ; for wherever, -be found,' t . X emp ! iion from niilitaiy duty on \'A& clothes,]itilry outilts'
Unio?T? tiS'! * Co, ‘ Bl ’ tut,otl nntl j “ I,d *P mil-, count of disabililti.oraby btiLetiiile;: or aef untremets, furnished as afVr^j
SSSItSd and Cod-: shall present theli- elaibrni-to -be; ex; 1 ; iaidA'hichdmyb been the inibjecis -.of
non of free gjivei niuei.t, therefore.;; of} the who, shall,,; cmptcdW (lie bokd, whose deciiioiiJ any Sudl siile, barter, pledge :
I %t the Senate and .House { w !lh<n>t unreasonaebfe/delays be dcliy-i shall 'be final. ] .-S lhloar.,i tor.Kilv'sball’ibaVl- aiiv ri.»l?fi
\of Reprint***, of.the United Slides wod .to the of the genbr,d }, j Site, 15. An<l l)e it fmthc*-enacted title, or interest tben|n, -buti thosa.iie 1
\l°f America That.; the department jn wb.c-h ; that x a r .y surgcoil charged , jnay/.be and ftal&n J wherever"
m all able bodied male citizens of, the j they inay be loyredlcq, tried*, as ilnty of.such; inspielion who-Ufiall re-1 ftpiml-hy any oflieer autf I .Drifted to rc-;
j and persons of foreign j sooiwis the t«igc. cies; of tho service feeiyeiVont any whoi.rsoker any the same ; 4iul # ttw itossession Afj
j birth who shall have ciecUfred. on outL j permit jto ritv-ftil .^rdors-- and ' or dthci I valnublo <|* 1 any elplb’cs.. amis',• miiilarv buti!
] t^^nlio.tto.Wniccdlizeusundcr: I’Ogulations of live proyosi ■niai>li:il. directly or indirect I v:tprcecivi-1 ( r
i and in pursuujiec oi tins laws] thereof; 1 genera!, and hucdk?as'-Bia} by tlio samy to liia oA’n or anotbcd-’sijuiej i ! |°t if or offiepi' of ili)j UniUd
j between tho twenty and for- ;yd by law, linrollni'ent; for, making an iniierfect inis'iicicUoti- or shuir be \prtma fade^eyideb^c^^of
1 ty-five except ;t&.hereinafter &x-1 aj)U culling ijnio .hjcffTftu of ;Lc juiUon.; a false >r ijicorrUt' reiiovt, forhWhc bailor. oxVhun;^,- ;
j peeled, #are hereby declared to |al lurcoe. ; - J iliail wijiiilly neglec't to nnikd a fail ii- ; loan, of gift .'as .aforesatii. r | °'■'K
; lute the national Iforees. and shall bo l Sko. -8. And be. it further \enackih . ini iuspectioO aOd -nne liJuVdt i 'fij. v y *i 1‘ ’’ w '
,| liable to perloi-m;the n.ililary (luty- In j That it, tl.Hrsh.ll he trie’l l.y u court oil Tlitit perJbn it■iuljl-tT Ilk
|thc service ot ,thc Lnitdd States when be a board ftfcnrolltßuiiU coin- conviction tihert-bf. bd f.ii niaiicjcf I v rliles aiid'articles ' fho -i.'iTi :
/i called out. by tbo President for that: po«Jof the-P--; duo nm.eKCovd,nglive '
ipuiposi*. , ( . ,M idciit, and tw o to.'be up;,, lar.sjiior. less jtliSan t\\|6;iltuTulred, r '!(and j hbre or e.nrice a soldier in tijo service i
’ Sec. .2-, And be t% further enacted..] l >OI ,“^ d d y dv ° ! 'i 0 ! ■ L '° the|djscrmioi! olMhe |ofth j United States to dbsert; or i
!That the following persons be, and I lt <Jl r® i'i 1 ’* 10 ’ 11 ,‘'v; bd casliicred mild ,dismissed : who sliai! harbor, . eoiiceiifll or '
ithoy arehereHy. excepted and bxempi phystc.iins and;t from tl.e sCr jddc.T 'I j / lt.p4ymcht to a desirlor. : i<Jr em-ry I
fVom the proi-isions ot tins act, and ! .4 , • .J' 4 "viLiV 'iji .i v ! : ? tc - Ami? he it further: eh(ktes ! Wnf hway,or aidjif. carrying ‘him j
shall not be liable to military duty nn- f ' 0 ' A«<i ffl *1 :lA t im i nuriiljer ! iwajH fkiiowhig hinl: to be istich ;/or ,
[der the same, to wit:' Suci. as are rc' | 1 b? the gu ypi .the said . 0I .'.intn liiAle[to do:h4li-' Ivlm pu,rcha<el frorn'miiv sJ./diei;:
I j k-lejKias physically unfit for the ser-1 “'.'‘f 10 1 into sub- tu: .j shall fbd obtained froiirfl ne; bis arms.. equiptnCiils; anliiminnioii,
I.vice, «ls*fij-sf; the'Tice President.of ; ‘ lr> | l . , P. t!> 0 . list /of tlipscj: dia 'tod, llto] rcmaiiider uniioi m, •' or aiiy paijt thereof;':
! the U the various 'courts i * ‘, !l d V°i" not .exceeding}, B i M ,J|_ bo discharged. Arid lull drafted . And 'fJiiv eapt<nnj?r eommaddidu- otH
-1 <>f the U..Ued*Statcs,,the heads a. va-; *«<•;.without- f 9 of the , krs6t.s : rep () ftrn f >l'at of kr,- 'k'.r. <Jf 'any ,ship& f esselfoii any siik
j rions executive d< partment of the , '’ : r ’. an ,r l f. “J’Jl 01 ! 1 ,’ 0,1 dezvoiis. shalj b.o allowed' '|' l crin; ondent lor eoiidtudoif of Siiyi
j government, : 4ti.d the govt-rnors of the ; tieloie the tenth 3l|aich p. ( y| tllciv 'placer, iof residciicS; ; fail road other; public conveyance., .cart
■ Severn Is Stales. Second, flic only son j. 1 . 111 . 1,1 Sp C 11 ! w? n ! > a!f g> ? •M iC^pW. r ' : la|illV; all persons- discharged at fine ! f}'. 1 "!-? away any such solyieif us one of
iof A widow dependent upon his labor imi ’'iiiqiling omcer »f. each. place of. rendezvous: shairbd alldivcd bis k-dew 'or dthervv'ise-: knowing him
lor" <••: ix*' - '-,1% ' i c ,.- i tnct, and to |m vfj.lh’ proper - ! • ' s ? .1 tl 1 1 • ■ • .
' Wien he comes back all glorious, '
j. With the Icte-light in his eye, j.
, From the battle-field tictnrious, I
Who’ll be happier than IT .; |i,
Sec, the big arm chair is waiting.
Vacant still, in its hid place— •
Time 1 press quickly oh.the houia
' Till I seq his pleasant fjee ! i, ■ i
Hq was looycung, they told me.
To march against the foe:
Yet, when his country needed au!,j.
- His mother bade him go f |i .
’Twcrc meet slaves ahbuld tremble
Whom tyrants hold, in I
But .my boy was VTiiciaan borfi
lie went at Freedom’s, call. |
; My small v.-cak hand would water
The shortest sword to.bear, ;
Cut he stands ready ih the rankei | w
And'holds his musket there. ", |S; .
My fuiht'Tieart would; falter. I|
• • The” battle ground to see, | j
But his is strong in Freedom’s might’
He fights for nor and .me. .I { ■
SO. 125
lam watching and waiting, • , ;
' - ’Ar mothers watch and wait,' ; j
Whesc sons are in the army now,-
. a And ais growing late ;
My life's past its morning,
It's near sunset in the sky— ; -i
Oh 1 I long once more to clasp him
In my arms before I die. j. |
[Yet farther off the atmy go'|3 —f j i
: He will return no more, !■ :
Till our glorious flag is free again
r To float o'er sea and shore|
, Where'er it tvaved in days gone by,
Its folds, again shall rest,
/ From the Uephts of the lowest valley
To the highest mountain crest.[■
And he, ot boy, myi darling,- ; s
The pride of ;my old hedlt! . j
Where'er his place may be. I .know
He .will fiillilihis'paft. r |i ■
X6t until the war is-over ■ ij j '-
Shall we meet in fiiad embrabe—
Time press sfriftly on tlichaure
Till I soo dace I . I
*• America the Old wlapp.— Pro,
fespOT Agueiiz in ihc, jnuniber
oi the Atlantic, a new Verics 6f scien
tific articles title, America
llie Old World,’’ ifi which hie inain-
tains that.-the American | j,.« nei'tliVr Slier cnvinother lo b<i
has been falsely- denominated the i e „t, uuon his labor fm- 4:mi ! ( d which ftbtl
*®7, W f vl , d :. i ‘“B&k -fS* the "fffsrrilTt ITtlief' dnhotTftnes^^
dry, lamt lilted out; of .th«j waters,; der twelveyoars of «*<• dci.-mlent tip- 1 Ul ? day
Here tne hist , shore washed; ; b\- the! ow his ; labor! lor .-••iiV.-ri) SeW-vU : enrollment,
ocean ; thiit enveloped all tfic. earth lyl.ereTthpre |.W-a 'W'-if. it. Iron
U'j us in c-x-
r .:;:~~:
■ o cents,
• £?.
22 s;j.
- tjvcn
;>n:< iv
v club
!, Ksiciits-of the’ Golden' Circle.-t
-1 1 iio Ivnights of the Golden Circle in I
i Indiana. are having a bad tiine o!f it. ;
*}■. nights ago an odicer of t.he 1
Sixtj: iiiniif'lndiana roginiient. with
, - 1 • - I.' • . . . ,
. . .- ••• .'--:- -- - ',x. ..• • •,-, - - - - •:•• .; • .
pia- • . 11, , • ' :-. _ _' • - - - , ,'..
~ ...).. r ,
~; , ,'N'' ; t, O . . ~. 'i I . rl i
IIHi • ' . - . ' 1.10 1. 7. , , ft- 1 1 , • „ '- 1- 1 r,. •, • , ~,,. V, 1
'''' 1 : . - • '!, • ---- ••••,,•,: . 5_..V.'.t1 1 0 ,, , 7 - 4 - ' „ ,• 1 t—.'.lrl , - .. ' -r • —1: • .•:- ;•
il - , Iti l t ar 4 ...-.. • ~ .
t • 1,.. -- . .' J
• - 're .- - r.4P_...-.1-- - :31E!!- V r. i : , ...,) ... ? , ." 7 - 1: = , • , . '''
' i. . 1 ' ', 4 . l ' ,L l ' .
;NI -
, -
f I
L• : I
. support;: tlui only '.son of IJ. "}•
aged or infirni parent or 'pareutM klc-j. •/ . s il,1 “ 1
pendcnf: upon ihis labor for support—;4n»ftiedmtely
Fourth, here there are ttvo,or more' s P I 1? i sl,^j0C *'
rtiuis of aired or infirm parents subject,j !rt ‘ s l )u<i
to draft, the father, or if be bo dead : ujjcs.oti the
tfie may elect whicliison shall | ln »
be-exempt. ; Fifth, the-'only 1 brother ’ °*‘ be f
of children not twelve ycass old, hav-j f* ll i Si * me *°
\ t w :JC
V* • •*
33eaver, We
ai' ‘ll • i )a - v to ahcirj :of i-fsfddnee; .fanil
and hc l ( Blmll -tt jr -cxptiisoj .tonLc»;U>d-:wit|r the.^cn
“ -l)- cr ‘ 1 ! *4 ...nllor-4^
*4 "'-Preoident ’.■ ofsithe
?,-’} Uf,it,:d p>»dj ancl all
follow- j, expenses : connccl|ud withj rthr> 4csf
occujn. ,jii, ittfd'shall. on,'
I'epoi t|
<lie bogfcy bC.etirollmcnt, ;
m i iurin, Khiili
I tion (or j|
of Jlay: ,i, e l j lilt(
Froc,dcd\ 'iievcrt/ifk^.p r , jxi(fa r
ji uny CitiiNc, the 'jrlirtiosi\; .i.
1 11 H Mfc
tell- 18* ISG3.
I ' ......ii . .arte.
and rtdivhi dttsertei a ty} lliei'r iv»l
iqonts;' Jjr’.’siibh i)Uii'.t <iutie* nsjlth'-o
•proviwt innrtjal mIJIiiII
l>o ji'nitj froi!i,Uio approjiriii
dosoijtci-s,; miller
hidpns-its * tho PrpsiiK*«»t of
oil Slates shall' proscribe:
Tli ; o provost nufiislhds ijball
-i 1 4 ■
r •:! ! ■ i'■
•cliiVOlr 111
■ 'iw'-i !U!
Ihilt. "t-li
ii -li'ol
s!;a!! hy
Jr al-: yy
if lit
1 !u‘
t : 'to
id is-
I it'ii-
ini It V|
•J-.-g-I ■
ablisliecl dtSlB
to ijia
of an;
•e deserted, Tor feliiill to
if !j!m ii n to t !jolhcjVa of his
aniling :p}fipcr, shiill -iij/oii legal
•lion, iic.tilled, at the.
•’ court Having edgnizajicc o!f the
in any- escveifiiiigl' fi*
.-a; rie
loiss t!
... ~ yi. g|.t:v%
jO'.i' (K'H.v.'t,an;d JLc
Jod not j, wo fyod ri 'olrr
ian six mojillis. ! '•&
, . ■ ' V • iiU, riiTWOl
25. Ahd be it 'bwc/ap, rcowipensation Jias bee o: pvovi(lcd|.sArall;
ii any person snail resist..' any, be pa-'i.»»; folioivs. -te \yii:
vt in e_ni enj-gUgii.fin.d ei iis tt caimiHSSa-fy..-tho-' sanie as 1
it servuc pi ilui; tp"nitb<iirdaij,ou-irJ!-1,0
11: epm.sbl or aid .any -ler&iiii' Ho as chief.l.ujjlurTtlie
h (It- ’' " 1 * '-■ml 'ilie '■ -j-
| Sec,
Tilitit,' i
into t
or si;:
or ob:
’Sui vie
any stleh draft hetv^diidiOhsaiilt i gea.. eme as.regi.nivti'.al edmim*
;truct;9iiyfoWmiJ'tr'iri^kiti^sueli. fcafy'-sorgia.iu;^comjOu.yj-O 7 . s .• '■>
or in'. the perfoimanye of any '■seegeaiil tin* saline -usi roc; pane ’vjui.f .
•if in relation thereto }or ’shall.’ t«it'iiia-iiar^..|ie^go'ai,U:l// > /vr ./■• i i'L'fiaU
ciniiisol;. any, person. to ailsaillt or ,ob- Uic. 'triade-. 4-' jsiip .•nmii.ei.iire -
rlrust iiriy officer, or shall •coitifl. .iieabm. pul two teanadei.s (Or earL"
“V,! aty drafted fjjipeilr at r^nijjaifv-.iiiii! One liirrtvr: arid
their }.jaee<dj rendezvous.'' <.{». wiituiiy blac&sij-.itlf ; lbrj vaei.h re-amii.i,, -as ai-
Oissnade tlff-m Ironi ; the peidOrmanee. “’W vd oy sa* ■ i' see I ion. or tA. at not.. (p.
ol {iVitivai'y ■ viSity hr •.(••Viptireil’by . 'I My are. hereby! aUnlisiieJ r . ~ii,-.i
dhatl be' .'-ü .sum- . eiiidi.ey.'alry ehldpaiy pay t’jtvo-
I »i;y jar rest ly the l provost ntartujiietriii-ipeters, to be as’bifcier ■;! ;fnJ
■U ' si:i;»i 1 bej forthwith deliveivd 'to -eaeh'aii'-.hsj.veouevdidrifia
cifil, auttio.ritios, and upon! eon- : ry siiLgeufi, iih.t iyo ipik pf ivb&tfai-.
.‘lioii thereof, l>t; published by a ride ,t:i!-serpe;mt-m;ijor. whose-.-e ...atjfeh
f exeeeumg. tife! huiidia J ■; oi.iars.-d? rsativu .- halt be seVenij. live J. tier
. iniprisoippoijl hot [exeei-ling twp : ’ ’ 'i * d *rh
Oi' both of said ;punisi meat's, j
jSEC.,iO; ■ U:\nriihei \iuuirh
That iin hied lately after-, tht passage
id■;lb ael; lie 'I Ve~r!e:,i "Tea
his proclamation d obi a rind that aifs6V
diers now absent fromjiheir.ipe-fiuents'
ivilliouil 1 . lea ;l may, return within ,a
.iiitu s<jfebitictf to sueb'place <fr ■ places'
a'Sjlie pay indicate in ids pi edlumalion';
aydbe'jiy.-torei! in their fosjio|.t: vc-.t’cij
iriivhi-i without! jiiinisltiiieiiii. axeepi
the .for leii ln'e 01. thcii." pay J UKow-'.
anees i. iirin;T tijeir absence!; am],.all,
ilesefLCjis \Vliio shaii not' return wl.tluii ;
ilm tii m speefied by 1 the .l-iesldenv'
shall, it jioii be i ng 1 a rivs ted, fij ‘pnai-li-.
isliiid as the lawjproviilei. ] , ‘
27.'; A nil, tit it ‘f Ml,:i\ eiu/dc^'.
Thai, .depositions ofavitiiosses rcsKl
inej tiio. Hniits of tliel, state; v.
territory, or liisiriet iii v.-iieji 'hiilitr.--,
iy L’Oiu ts shall.' .tViijsit.. may.”
be taken in bases jiot lapilhl by 1 f'iihi'f
. and road in evitienee ;
the! sanjo shall be taken iipoij reaspni
iiblp uouee to the;Opposite piirivsa.iij'.
' b i v .' ’ e:
rfac. p._ And hc ! }f Jvrihq\
Tii al the Judge adyijvate shall have'
])o\vgr,io 'appoint aj repoftoj - '. 'whose
shall bo to r.ccoid : t l.e jprdoeetF- • onpdialfy legijoes, /me-bail- iuen.
and testimony takvV bcl'ufe • .tie nogr’t-vk f.i"j anned and uid'ormed
;.courts- instead,. of llie Judge; t«■ y same u!;o^' .The fact ap.-
■-r; and *ueh report er-iju>y MttViyeiirs' to lo beyond question.. Oijjy
cii. pi oueciJinga and i 115/oji v*' tno hundred |tp'one lutndi e i and lift'''
. instance iii, yards Jnlcrvdiie' between i.p'uif.
rater shall bp_swoi ii dr,'atilrmsianJ those <d [tlio •enemy. and tlu'viiv«-
•ally t<‘ jierlorn'i »lits July- he-j; plainly to be iirstingii;|iied wiw*ouv •
wing upbt it. - j. ’ .'l ofa gias?. . V .Vi d.
d. 'And he .U fartln-rfxua&flX i I . ■'-,[4-- —V--. .. VV.;
: o>, court, t sha|l, jor r«!|;,av- liable f • BuaVi; . SdcTinatN'
;rat)ii a coiitinahco ti;i .oi.lbpr'" [ > etersbnrsf jSxprcxf lid!'; us' dif.a late
• sut-di itiiiie mid as often iis;ruiiy of Utiiprdsl? in Yadlhn -co Vim-.
icar to be just: .iVyfn/jtf, 'Jt’bist. ;■X; ■jvlier‘6 a 'number mi fheui took! ;
Wf “ban.close •■oiitjiiijiivoiit VefiVc iii 'tk Quaker'church, and die not bo di-laj cd.jor a po-;, funding thswfcsclves with arms'aWst '
:er than |ixty | , . ;]|rebej ‘efforts'to cbnscripttltoin,' killing
V it f urther\ iauutnh : ; tw o and.'losing v two.the rest ro'iiiid i
miu oi war, insurrection, d’r diF salclyfto unvlfri she
: ,nurt * cr > assault and.ijmttory. lead' of ‘‘^jEmne, - '- who is 1
rjient to hill, ■ uiansijlughter, ;is a “bald. bad and darir.f’ man.’’
hi oy shooting" or, stabbing:. , . r b- v ~ ■ 1 '
nlei4 to hiurcfer, fobV Xaucie. : Ta^es.—lt iiii stated that
abin burglary, > rape,| assaujt'j. Hubert F.' FijmUt, the in anulaetiirer
1 O ilh an intent tojconunityof the ■■ celebrated Farriotl gun.. has
1 larceny,-shall by puhisbabie paid !t; thc’tiOvet-ninciH since Si'jiif.jlj’
entcnco of al general etJuiVj 180‘d; ta::es /under ihc. National KeV
r military cojinniiasioli. when j.cmuj lay io tlie a-mount of ;
Üby persons who arp in the] f «—• »-•' -l ’
iervico-of the pniiec|iStales,'j sharp tongue m
ct to the articles ol- War; and ; and fiu« - e painful wounds
’Mimpnlsj- ibtj Inch '|r>iVi'.ipesltVii, . J .
1 -1
i Advertisements inserted at the rate' of 75
cents per square—each subsequent insertion'
,20;ceils.' 4, liberal discount made to yearly
advertisers, and on long advertisements.
■ „ A apace equal to twelve lines of this type
measured as a square. I; n ,
Special notices 20 per cent., addition' t| rck
.ular.rates.-1'- ' I
i .DiisratsJ 75 a line, per
I, \Marriagcs and Deaths, lleiigicuav l clit ; .|.l
j ami other Notices of a public nature, free.
i ■ .j
■ : ' y
j t
i . i" v ■-*;
T ;‘-.'A;'
'.if ! ‘v
shall never bo iese than ihoseintiieicd
by tho-laws, ot ;ttVe Slate, 1 territory^ 1 -*::;'
dlstrii-t in tvitk-h they inniy hdiVej
iyommillcuy -, -i - j ; !_. p*
She- oi: And be it 'further en.,i V»',i
Tnal any olliei-1; absent from duty with
leave, except I'br .sickness or ,woil nils. 1 .
shall, during Half
ofiuio pay and allowance pres'(irih|d;
by daw, and no| |pore; anil any tidier'
absent wiiicmtj leave shall, in aVtdi.u|ri
to the penal) ie.j 'prescribed' by law 1 hr
a court martial,forfeit alii,pay or ittf- 1
lowanees diiry;:gisueti absence; : :
: -Ssc. 82. I'Sdt- farther \a\nctat>.
Tliat thty ooivsinsiiiders bjl’’.rw.Tf|iie*us
and of'but toriok ini hb field -arobik-'-eby
• authorized and einpinvci.fed ■ to igrUh£'
iui loughs lor if period not cxltiedinirt
thirlyj,.days at any ‘one liinc tb 114*1
per centum ,oii the iion-eoiunihs-jioned
j offkicty and pt'(valas,|iVM - conduct
;in the liflu oi dutyc'/kc., iind subject ;to
: the approval, bt the' bbmu.ander of the
I forces' of which bul-hj non-eo'inniiijsion
.cd ofilcbrs und privaies form a 'part '
' &eC. 33. Anfl he it. further ' timeted,
| That the Prospien). <.f the Cr.ited’
| States is ;hercfey authorized’and en)-
| powered, during* thq present rebel
lion, to cull fprtjf the national force-.,
by draft, in the Imariner provided foi*
in tliis act. !' . i , ! ■. ■•
• ]o l. And-, be 'iLfiirthtr. nU'-cied.,
That' ill- piM-iOn/ t!i aflod un'dtr/tiio''jjia of act shall be
by the,President. to luiiilary dfitvia
k\i eh corjis. re lineals, or oilier branch
•OS; .of the serv-ice as ilia exigeriie.-cof
tLe scrvitMi ii.ayii-i.‘i|iijre. ■ , j.|
'35 -&S b:- -t.-f- ‘•.a.i&V
•--'i- oi :- - : -'il v: -- /vrihe? endued
Ilu;c liercaftorj details lo special 1 »!<»•>
vita slV.ill only be made ■vviili,. Ufc iVpr>-■
sent?of. ilie colai:iaiidi|ij£ ollieeir of lur
.ees in the ficlti; «nf 1 enlisted nlileii, no\v !
or hereafter detailed lo sjieeiidsef - si;|iv.
shall:, nut receive-any extra pijyibi .
sueii servicuss beyond '-thalfttllow'ddl'io
.oilier enlisted men. [ j 15.
A lia, i:C :. J i! ! l/' e. ';i( • o<j,
.'J’hat gcliprat .'.orders'iof Waivi&pilife-'
incut, numbered oi.e ' )>nndr<s , 4&t
.fiftjVlour and ohoihu'uih-cd auj hisjfyv
.t’.Vcjj iu reference' topiiiiiin'.euts of voi'
unleero into Uie regular t-crviji-'o, lie;
the* sapio iioreliy r e.-riLiile'J; uud
.herc-sfl’er pq Kuchx-iilii-tuu-iils' sliaH; bp
alSbw.edr ■ ■ '. ■ | "'• ■■■ i J
-37., And■ he d-farikekkeuactid}
Thai the grade-.- ere: -,d in thj Y -ah
v . O*' - tltC CtlTtit
fus’ces oi"
tion eicyea. 'of - |tb6.acti. a;.proved' l.Tlh-
and. i'< r \\ hk-li ■ no, nvfeof
lii. | ,
\ ..Ai.\d lc -it \f\r- J Jl\ : cr
«*-] -'frivol -in ri.i.o v '[>■;. r
1 itt i,i 1. - v. ni-.;i: >a !.-■• Uhc s'yidviuVj
y of Jim fui’te d\ Statesf i-iiaJT •
tiyuiul InrSclij* o in’jr a--'-'ids do
tdtaut ruiy ; ; (U ' i’io. jOos.i
(jIJuVIeKS O 'C-13.(“till |: J 1 io■ 11 [- of
:.ny of Iho i i.|s= of' i! iu ILiitedv
or ciscwiioiy,'sjjuii bo, iNdUcf
,1 > a. ge i:cr;; 1 sC<j! ur l ‘ :j i ;i fi |a! o r i;. :ji it a ry\
0 Jpl-llissi.:,;;, TiUol- sliilii. r.ilOM ofi-vio-
lion >t her d. ' -,|o.' ■
| s\ i.! Vi.r: of JHvei'i;.-—i.-saio
to be an Indian naliif. si ,0: j! yjno,
(.] jM}(h. . .The-j jWttlyV" .ilfj tlio 4
river is. always of a ■ stagnant,i j.-iiiay
lii iciness, aiiiij certain to -iti
.jliCtlplbl-sf disease when used £riy
do time. dXcarly -all’ of l!>e lueii m,
ar:ny w!o> wvrtf up';
’the 1 azoo, wove affei-tc&W.iy i’;e T
anil snnvo of ilio' > w J ounf'.i‘ , l \vho feyp
fcilurued are yet suffering. f’rO!ii' r thj»
1 lj»caso third; 'eontrr.eted. The Viyef
is properly filmed. - l if
„Tiir, pickets of the enemy uloko eer
taiii portions.|of the lino-on-tho oppo
dte side of, (t-l.o: I'mppahr.nnoek. ;are
i* or
i - • i. 5
kes xlf’operj j
than hbarjS