The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, March 11, 1863, Image 4

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    “VAKiTY FAIR.” ;
/‘•This is 111? 1 first really, clever comic and
sat ill cal {journal we.hare bad~in. Arperica
really clover it is. It is both sharp and
.■gobdltempercd, and not afraid to say : that iTs j
sivi-is its own—wltich shows that It-has a
fcouL 4 Our.readeiapill be glad to know where
jbey cam find native fun that has something
bctec ;n‘ it than’ mere patois. I '-— Attnnik
MoniXly. ’
'“This paper is . . . . Bcmarkaljle
for originality.”— „V. ,JT. Traveller. *
• “Vasiiy Faiu is- conduetedlb
whir: ftnd intelligent-corps of.joumalij#is/’—-
Lueijietd (Conn;) Enquirer. -j.
“\Vill wield as potent an influenpe as (hat-of
t lfe ; Lor.don Vu^ich Traveller.
‘•Whosoever finds hitnself laughing at the
wit of Vanity Fair,* and docs not return a
.quid pro quo. is fit for ‘treason, and spoils.'*'—l
- 1' Crayon. ' _
} The very flattcringsncccss which
>hks thus far. attended the publication of
>• ‘‘Vanity Fair, m ''
’ Enables t.hepublisher, to announce that with
the Second Volume, is
'Edpd this dny, 30th June, New Features, both*
3 # r, oi.ury and* Artistic, will he introduced, which
will increase the value and interest of the pa
per,. akd'. fully TUftintain the proud position
unanimously accorded to it, as the*leading
. Comic Journal! of-(America.
■'V si
i« i‘«r-Kn nrci i..vr.J.v evert thirshat.
and is for Sjale By, all Newsmen, and at the
Office'of Bublicalion. No 113 Nassau-streeir
New Tort. . ■ • ' ! i " J
Tifreo dollars* per annum* in advance—Six
cents single copy,
. ] Two. copies'of Vanity. pAiu \vtll be sent to
one fpr j.... 00 t *
Vive copies.. .1-00
Ten" copies.....-..;'.....* 00
An Extra copy will be allowed to iliegettcrr
up’of every Club of nordeasthan tire copies.
This paper is Elecirotyped. rind numbers
may be procured at any time.
Publisher for .(he Proprietors, 113 Naiis.iu-st
! ' ; New-York.
CflifC of J VY COOKE.
At JAY COOKE tc. CO., Bankers,
T ov. 1- 1802.
> y*
THE undersigned., having bcAi appointed
ry'of the Treasury, is now prepared to fur
nish, &l once, the. • .
Tu'enfy Yeor-ft per rt Bonds.
<'( the United Stale?, designated as “Fivc
ies.'' redeemable at the pleasure of the
Government, after five year**, and authorized
by Act of Congress) approvcd‘Felrruary -5.
1 ii., COITOX BOXCS arc issued in sums of
f-t. SfOtt So‘K>;- sl(nWr.'
. Ti;" UVXHSTKK Boxes in.sums of $ol).
siOii. SouO, SIOOO and .fdiiOOv
. InteTi-ii at Six per''cent, per annum’will
comrnewe Iron date of purchase, and is
w'.m-ti-Ss rqunl. at the present
, -‘"n; . ■ about KIGHT PER CENT.
P!.!\ ANNIhM. > ' ■' ‘ ■
t-r*'linnis jfcrhanics/Capiialisfs,
ntul'nil ivlin have any money invest, should -
ifij'Owrtiiti remember that Bonds .arc;.in ;
eriec:. n. VdOHJ’t'tAGK upon all Kail-;'
loads/ Canals,. Hunk Stocks : 'uisd- Securities,;.
r.:: 1 ! the immon6p*{*ro(hict« of all rbc Mnnufac-jf
&e., Ac.. in the country: andnhe full •.
•n* ;,:r *iU* provision made fur-the payment oi’ ;
. i:;e Vr/.ever-i ,ui*l li«:ujdaiV' n 4,f i‘Vin..»,.«•} >..• j
ii.s- jdfues. Jvxt'ise .Mftmps nud Internal j
' lUv-enue. to make these Bondsjhc ;
J/• valiable hu>l‘ Vapvhr t
. Ivq tivu hi I: / the iMitrktL ; r * '■
SrVseriiaVorjS rccehed in Le<:aiTeu- j
‘ hr' Xo’.fs.'or_n'*!es„,and .checks of hanks at !
i hi Chhadyipllia. Subscribers i»y mail will
je'*e’ive and every? facility-j
am; e*,*...ha!tyvn will ,hc afforded on applies- ;
this office. . ‘ ; r ' M :
-)A full. sttp.ply‘df. Bonds will he kept on hand j
for.: mined hi :<» delivery.
: JAY COOKE..Subscription Ajzcrd. \
And Otlier
.j • ' l ■ ' I
Nervous and Chrome Diseases,
. ■ ' ! . ■ , • ,l : -■ • t! ’
rTWIi? institution ia'iiutr npcnjfor 111crecop
| tk»n, cttrcv und troiumehi of (the
tltuywUit* of who aj|e .laboring under
mcjiihl :dcraugcmvnior oilier nervous and
chronic disease* We.make.special mention of
nervous and j chrbntc disease?,, from thej fact
that seven tenths of the. patients 1 that
arc committed to our jiubliq AJyhim.s. tb be
treated for 9U, ordered minds., reduced to
that IninontaMc*; condition (hrortgii previous
physical disorder. I>y h well limed and judi;
ejous treatment of chronic, anjl nervous; dis
ease?, .all pliysical di«orde|rsjTn Jhe majority
.«»D cases niayibe removed : -nud thus thoniind»
i having suiTerpd through the medium of the
! body~ will \yhcn free tWju the exciting
| physical oau.|e. throw off -the shackles jlhnT
:‘bn*.hound it So worstMummidnight darkness,
\ and reason will, cnee morej resume it? swayi
; clothed in bcjmty and wonted
' excellence. ITonce the necessity of all those,
who arc hiborjmg under the predisposing nr
, exefuag causes, calculated in the end to im
pair the min i to resort to, an early, and
judicious course of remedial agents. / 1
1. The InMitii’tion is'a large brick building
; witli a stone basement—-four stories high* and
1 well ventilated. It is situated on fin elevated
; x lable land which commands a view-of entire
j town —adjacent groves and neighboring
j streams; nil if whkh ip*c ca.lcujatcid to pro
| duce impressions upon the disorder*
| cd'mind. • . jr* i- . . : * J
'l->OCf« ‘ j- ' The institution is cpmjdcto in all of its ap-
Li)ST in-Rochester. on- the ill si nf Octo-I P°i ntmcn, i‘ : savin£$ avin £ been •tastefullyfitted' up
her,.a Black .Shepherd’ Dog,l uiith while |- ut S vnCt wpff*. }f ?* l6r t ! ,fl f U ma - v »«•*
Snm around his nt;ck« und white tip in the end | ie apprnhaUvji and views ot .fhemost fnsMdi-.
L ' - ” ’ !Of his tail:'answers to the; muneVf Hling.” j ou £* ’’ ' ■?. ' • . , : . Mi '
11 r i Any pennon finding said dog uullibe suitably ' Jte water-closet* and baUm>£ up^arntns
jf to the premises <d* the subscriber, ’ awarded by leaving him at JohnstdiffeHotof, : been gotten up Approved
t \y in f'hipj cun tp.;-ahm:i the list >.f duly, i near Rochester‘Depot; or at ,t- r ' ' j mo ‘ l * rn scienhhcpfincildcs. .This department
p White Mvilcr. k y-earj* old. The owner is Ihe subscriber in New SewickU | embraces, not Jimly the ordinary baths , but,.
rwp:**Mod to • £srw*u-l. prove i-ropertv f nov!2 . hJOljN’ ; also, the,meditated,, warm air and ascetijding
lkv..iimr ! sw a n.l take her o heVwiW-W i ““I lfccc,,d ‘ n 1 f f""*': «*£• »»«rc
will be disposed «*f according to law \i A l->ol iwv IUU o . and succcjsslulj treatment Orf cutaneous and
•i Au^.'Jl—ilu. .V ~ Titos ■ ; T' ET T r - KS ' of a ‘Kii‘iStrniion <ithcr «crofuld4db-ca«-s. -'
4- —i-,—-J. : !Xj «'«*C Of Uaxiei. Ki' , We.beg learc, t 6 say tn all those who may be
i'.Notice. • . .■ 1; Heaver IVekver c&i Pa., .Iced, iwWne. 10 the inlmsts nf n drar
' !.■ 1T L'._ ,-j . '> ■ f becn.prnnic'l to tlic undcrsijjncd, itl 'actions s ' ! ‘ ,, -* r to onr cli.irgc— i«ay
A UlrT- : !‘i n V-" ’ a .■"S c,>u . , ? t knowing lh«b?elvc« .• Jndcbw.l to cunlo i Ih ’ ll ' ii “ re,i no mc;lns '«H be, spared or|, .n 1 (?,., , r . miiVx < oj.ins. ivriiim Uie ; aro refitjeftcl .to nuule iinme.'Uato Lnyment” ! ctTrtrt.^-wantingour part,to.ameliorate their
U 4,‘ »or t «r<lin_p. 5-pmnin?.. Jcc., and I.avingelainii? a-rain.-t tl.ehme will 0.-,n>i:rion or to clic-el .o restoration to their a C| -
•b e >al , « o“'\" “ r™ta9.‘°ry, a 9.‘°ry, • pres-en't-ihrm Jropcriy.auth4ntscaife.i lor Be “ 1 castomed health nn.l vigorof mind. . 1 ;
be|.'lre the ,-ot O.ciolier, t-M.,,, and.settle, tlement. ,’,>y , : '\V. if. KtlsTpr’ ! For lurthcr particulars send for a circular.
Ihfc rutj'e by c-a«u or note. - ’ i -. ’ ' - Kitl’ 1 ! j f i’vii'i-if 'All cvuununicatjnno should be aildtcsseil no.
.■ : HU , • fN
,-I .!. ;- llf - _■_ , - rr-.-l ■■ rf-n- —■- •>-—■- - • fcupt. of New-Bnshton Reticat
• !■; r.dif W, T ~’ •.-■t t ..>•*» Brighton.
COU3HHSIOX aIIERCHAXT,} h T!, ° n c(-0, - int - s «"<!! st|bscbpiron S to.i no T J ’‘ 02 ;. m _ ___ Bw^r c? - Pa - ;
Xo...lBS‘Liberty Slpeet, ?°V,Pt ? A^ E 4
j : . PITTSBUEGH, PA. ill,, jrams ft-H.
[ i:-orders tor. Pittsburgh .Manufactured Gopds, j Wvvatul. and \V C-yandr and jllcviry, hy public Vendue or out-cry, on the premises, on
and- GroeerieK i.r.-taptiy tilled at the very I an 1 , iu my hands for stitUVmdit. All ' S'tfurdau, 'Mh nf- Febniani. 1863. :
oieest prioesj ii;hcn accompanied withrcash i i V ho are. indebted tfi vitiici - of tl,c«c 1 , i , • '
•r an equivalent, ’ * seplcSm. *n « t .,tb »;«<;, « „b- J- J. . \ at 1 o’clock, p. ,m., the following real estate of,
: ' . ' V’ C M 1 - ! a, V or job j ocoh No.?, sri, jilec'd.. slluath in Brighton tp.;
W i l _hQV L t Bushels of VS Kea:ti I j work, will please Cull pii itriti at, Ihc Bcarcr'county; nonluled nnd.desc'rlhc'd as fol
■ - (4 . |r (f - k , I TnßASruKll'.S Office, sillily of (hcsccu- lows: Beginning at a post of the garden of said
;‘.V- •• *' .
- , ’ , , ;Ro ftottloil. - * 1 i ° . ‘.uidc of -the great road south forty-three de
. ea\ercd.iu f which I litn/juthor-1 tj’i Mr FT *X\ A vt»^rr>i\ - nrnl ■ grees, west to ahposl, thence
ed to pay idie /ughest prices. j 4 ■ y -A-J L dJAy by land of Jesse Moored "north, two degrees,
I’ • • .'/h .J-* RAKT. . -r% ji. • wSat to n/post ncara Lynn
■.- rT °*
,kgepl/'diu/ ‘ J j T WlULgive the above regard for the ar-i- fort T pprclms to ti post.- thence south thirty
jj* /v a i"\ UrtTICC' ! A rest and conviction of any per>6n . founil one degrees, .cat t sixteen , perches to place of
" -fiAIt"nUAU nU.Ubb, - * -trespassbig or doing maliciouk mischief on w beginning: 5 containing between four and five
4TV4-M iniIVCAV Dnnm [ property, adjoining the farm Abram »V v olf ncrcskbc the' same more or leas. Dwelling
9 V ttxll V : rnM K and lot ef John Fisher, near the-boro, of house, stable, orchard and other valtfable im-
V ... ■ iwn.Hisii.K, rtM A,- 1 Beaver. ' piyj| STOSEK. prQvemrtiis on the premises. •
•y- -- : i Jaa. 28708. - r ' i , ■ - Tf.em?—Onu-third of the piircha?c money to
■T)fcVKM.\ LA .''chisiirs; Gum. Hair Pins, ! ——y —tr —« — : f-- ; be pail on confirmatiott of the sale hy, the
.1, P>'.s-p:-s, Port Monuie?. Needles,Tivcczers, j TJEOF.; RESTORATIVE CORDIA Court, halance in two 'equal,’ annual inatal
;'...ii.iil'sl;arpeners,- 'Spool, Cwtlun, Thread, J- and-Blood Renovator, the gemiine arti- mon t ß from that date, with interest thereon
Fins. foVeeUat the Bru»;Store of 1 ? le - f ° r - »»i« at the Drqg Store of : ■ from gjme time; By the Court.
jet-'-A . ■ »'*«•«• F- CFM.UIV3. , **. BK «• F. B «avet, FeM. A. G. M’CRKART,CI*V.
A"Rare? chance.for- a Good Investment,
■ ( 'Tnl'K A.NH I iX s m;i’.'' OF A roi'NTRV
■ STORK. in a , Location; with a large
liii; of cn*rom: situate vvltinn,- f-> anilo of
] Tin‘ burg. -- .li>t in. unit* Ibr KsiU and-NVJmcr
j.Tvade Sir-ck. h.-w at iprc^-nr*’jjo unsalable
i Tf ; vni.- ea*y. Hbr a tr.rui «*f limited
vj'tab’ Ti<» better cbaueC; vyttid be offered.—
[*Sf».rc and-,dwelling f->t- ba-lo or rent.—
• A,hirerV*'u., 1,."* 5 AUeeffony »Iby. V;\.. giving'
1 real name, and slating .where an interview
ican be held. *„ '• 1 Oci.lT).
4 ARON IMOORH,' of ttiis' Borough'ij* the
on; v/Lo: k.\>i::• IA rwr tv.*'i:r.r. in this conn*
. \\\. Uy v?. vt auv f.ii'.o. Vfjply i‘j j.cvfv>nn tho
, ;<<nire whr'ri • Any other
- p.ylio attempts tserial A\:otk.ii. escej-t at AU
- |jjii;j!.'rran>r’« j-ale, «lnc< ii in violation of lav
i’J’hr fohalJy is no/.l’s?.-? tUau s *»'.»
;\. -Reaver, i ! cc. Rh
r i
|Tue combination of IngTcdiehts
VUls arc the result of ai long and extensive.
t, : I f v . ‘ ,
practice. They are" mild; in their 1 operation,
arid certain in correcting nil irregularities,
painful menstruations, removing’all obstruc
tions, whether from cold: or otherwise, head
ache. pain in the side, palpitation of the heart,
whites, all nervous! affectipna, fatigue; hyster
ics, painiin the bach and.limbs, etc.;-.disturbed
sleep, Wliicli arise from'mtert’uj.uon ',>f nature.
■ Dr Cheeseman’s Rills
was ilic commencement of a new era in the
treatment of those irregularities and obstruc
tions wbichiave consigned so many to a pbe
iiATfßE giuve. No female can enjoy good
health unlecs she is regular, and whenever an
obstruction takes place the: jenexal health be
gins to decline. ; [
j Dr. Cheeseman’s Pills ,
are. tlie most cffecliinl remqdj known for all
complaints peculiar to Females. To all clas
ses they are invaluable, inducing, idth ccriaia
(?/j periodical They are known to j
thousands, who have. Used ‘them at dilTercnb|
periods, throughout the'['country, haring Ihoj
sanction of-som* of the. most eminent Phrsi- i
.1 L i ; . 1 .
cians m , : . • . \
. Explicit directions, stating tch'cn tJity should not
be used, frith each Bpx—the Trice One Dollar
per Box, containing:from 50 to GO Pills.
■ Pills sent by mail, promptly y by remitting to, j.
the Proprietor!. ' Dr. Smith jof j
sole igenl for this County. j ■ V l
11. B. .. ;
- . ffißCedar St., New YorTj-i !
James ; Hoty ' In the Court of Common}
vs > . Pleas of Beayer county, j
Susan IJoev, }' 70, March Term/18b2.
, = TAhKL FOR DIVORCE. . [ |
The original;and alias Mibptcna in tins casfj
having Been Returned X. ip /.;. and du !>
proof having jbeen made (hat Susan Kocy could |
not be found m llcaver county,-J am therefore j
directed to give,notice ; to lanvrc-r
Vjuiring ; tlie respondent^Susan Hocy* tJappcar |
in this Court, *on the,first day of next term, j
being the first Monday of March next, to nii-J
swer the petition.of libelant. ' j
Susan lloey, .the respondent-: above named, J
is horeby notified to appear ini this Court on t
the first .Monday of .March next, in pursuance i
of said order. J \ ItUBKUTS. ;
. ! ded7 ■ i ‘ Shcrilf.
LETTERS testamentary on the estate of
'VitASpjs Atco^s f Intc of'Vtilaski,
verco.. dec’Jl, having granted to the un-
Jcrjgned, all persons indebted to stiid vstate
arc requested to make immediate; payment, and
those having elaipi gainst saiji' estate ivill
present them tothe* properly an
tlientieatcd ibr settleinent. I i '
MESHY RHIEUS, Pulaskiip..
: .j. EXECVTbm: NOTICE. i-\\
letters; testamentary on .the:
\ estate of Oko. I?o>weu,, | late of New.
Brighton. Beaver county. flccM, 'having t>eoh'
granted to the undersigned. *IV; .persons ih
liebuulto said estate are requested to make I
immediate paylneni. ami tbo>c-hjiving claims'
ngainst.thc same will present them properly \
alil'eatieated ibr settlement. ,|
June 2-*, 1802
letters ic>tamentnvy having
\f been granted to the undersigned, ones-
U(c of Joseph Mcrrcady,' Sr*-, <lsc'd.t v Aat& of
Grccjnc Ip., pcarer county, I*a.* all persons ,
inching themselves indebted e*talc
are to* make payment immediately
and those having claims against the same will
present them to-ihe subscriber dujy anLhciHi
ented for seifiement/ JAMKS -MctiKKADV,
0c22. 1 K-xeculor.
I ' - Sti l ay IVXsire. ' :'y
CIA ME to the premises of the cuhscrihcrij
/ ■living, in Big Beaver township, Heaver
cojifity.oh the evening of rlio 2l|ii .-»«* April,* 1
|n small liny‘Mart, f> yen if >M f
"all'around, saddle, off hind hough en
larged hy n cut or bruisc|;~ii'» • marks por-
VeelvaUlo. The owner i>U\c-\. vu'U‘ .fpr
; word, prove property paythiirge* jiud ukv her
* away. or otherwise bhc will W jl^jU. s ed of he
• cording to law/ • ;•* ' 1 ■
: imeli 8t JAMES IK. CALHOUN*.
C.-V. CIMMIN.'. M. I».
0-I*. Caimaniiits
OFFUU their professional perviees Thy
slcmn> and Surgeon?* Li«j -ttierTeii iz'cirs* of-
and vicinity. They can jalways he
found; when not joiof^ fi ssoirly engaged, at the
,1/rug Store u( C. V.'Cummin?. M. 0. *
i r
CtAMil to ihc promises v>f tiro kuhscriher,
I living in New fcewickley tp., . ISearcr co..
I*a.. on iho.ikh of October; IfIfJLV ri red cow,
u;;-i n "..i'.te luce. uh-nMiycnrs old: sire had
u {|cilV«k, :i;AI tivo or is; the car; .in>
r-Viur marks visible. The owner; isj requested
to conic forward, prove property,, pay charges,
and'.tiike h*. r a .v:»
Germantown telegraph.
A Family and an Agricultural Journal,
’ 1.... > ■ ■ I ■ , • :
Poetry, Novelettes, Tales,
In the Literary Department we shall pre
sent the choicest varieties within the reach of
our| extended means. The Novelettes, Tales,
Poetry, &c., shall be 1 supplied from the best
andlhigLcst sources, and be equal to anything
to be found in any journal or magazine.-
I Agriculture and Horticulture,
Farming,Gardening, Fruit-Baising, Ac.
‘ [n all ihcir branches, as conducted on the latest
j and mott approved syeitm. . ; t
Outj labors in this department for over thir
ty years, have met the cordial approbation of
the pAblie. Our purpose has been to furnish
usefulj and reliable information upon these
very important branches of industry, slid to
protect them so far ins - within , our power
against the false doctrines fyui selfish purpos
es of the many .empires and scnsfttion-'iidvcn
iurers by which the Farmer is incessantly as
sailed. I This portion of the GcnnptUoim Tdt
groph will alone be worth the whole price of
subscription, as. every! Farmer and Gardener,
who lias a proper conception of his calling,
will readily admit. j - 1 . *
The slime industry,care,and discrimination,
in gathering andprepafing thcStirringEvents
of .the Day, expressly | for this paper, which
hilhcrlo'has beeri-onc Of its marked-features
and given so universal satisfaction; will he
continued with redoubled efforts to meet the
■increasing demands of tbs public. The labor
required in this department is never! fully ap
preciated by the reader. It :woiild ! be im
possible. to present, thej condensed and care
fully made-up form, in (which it hippcars, a
corrected; mass of all the ihost ’lnteresting
news of the week, without involving much
pltySiflal labor, tact and (judgment, /
We annex the cash terms, to which-we beg
Igavc to tall .attention; of all who think of
.subscribing for a newspaper: i
Advance Cash Terms.
, One copy, qne year,- S 2; one copy, three
years. So,oo : three copies, one year. SoiOO;
five Copies. One "Year,) $B,OO ; Ten Copies.
One Year. $15,00 : Tv only Copies, Ohi ! Year,
$28,00. ; I ~- j ,' ■ ’ ;
, Subscript ion not paid within the; rear,
52,50. ■ ' 1 ‘
BgEuA Club of five subscribers, at SS, will
entitle the person getting it- up to a c.opy for
six months.! a Club of ten or more, to te copy
for one year. All Club subscript ions stopped
at the end if the time paid for, unless re-or
dered. '| 'j . ;
order will receive attention unless
accomplished with the cash. i
So„,Specinien numbers sent to applicants.
Editor and Proprietor.
GcrxmmoirpJ VhitudrlpSiin* ‘o2. , :
,;J. M. .cr.'fMINS, 51.
N. E. comer of 7th &ClxestnutSt.,
f I 'HIS Institution, established ia
A 1844, and is now!, consequently in t c
eiglhtefenth ycar of! its existence, numbers
among its gratuities, hundreds of the most suc
cessful Merchants and Business Men of-our
Country, , ■; 1 | • .p' '
The object of the Institution is solely to af
ford yonng men facilities for thorough preps-,
ration for business, j i . ; - • !
The branches taught arc, Book-keeping, as
applicable tothevanous departments of trade;
Penmanship, both plain and ] ornamental;
Commercial Law, mathematics,! ■ Navigation,
Civil Engineering, ' Drawing, phonography,
and Modern Languages,' 1 ’ - ■
system of"lnstnutidii. is -•,
classes’or set made use ojf, but each
student is taught individually, ,so that he may I
commence at ariy time, 1 and attend at whatev
er hours are most convenient. i 1
. Catalogues. are ' issued aunpally after the
15th of Aprilj ’containing names of the stu
dents for the year, and full particulars lof
terms, &cp atid may hi obtained at any time
by addressing the Principal. ' p’ ; . i. j
In' extensive accommodations,
reputation, and the lengthy 'experience .of the j
Principal, this Institution offers; faWlitics su
perior to any Other in the-, country, Ifor 'young
men) wishing to prepare for business, and to
obtain at thp same timo 'k tuPLoiiA, kvbich will
prove a recommendation for them" Men
canlilo Hoijse. 1 ( I i
! CniTrKßnxx’s 'Scries ot ‘Treatises! on
Book-Keeping, now mo|e Widely jcirculntcd
than-any other work oh the subject, are for
sale at the College. • j. : i. .
’ p , 'S. HODGES piUTTENDEN, . a ■;
| • ' J-| i .AllornaJ-ai-Lav!, -p
[May 7. i .\ - ‘y PhtttrirAi.i
intmep. i c«w«. cboKtis, nw*.
.' •&- i ’• 1 !“T ■, „i v i.-;' •• .■ r ..'.^Uonr*eneBfc'.\>^''
ALL WHO have Fnends and Relatives in the ad. 16«.
Army or Navy, sbouldrlake espcual core ' D». J,C. Ats* : I qoihe*Bate to »*y .
;thot he amply wttto those tills & V
andOrntment; and;whete the,brave Soldiers «GJlJ.lajro'ir
and Sailors have neglected to provide them- Cai«iir‘p«cToß*i- ilneoMuatowto ,■
selves with them, no better present can b'c sent my rrtcUca «wt mj I th * . |UEt ft
them by their friends. ; They bivq,been pm- thi£ X
cd tobelthe Soldier's never-failing friend in ooapufnu. ,KRENiKJJ|9HT» M. D.
Ibc hour'of need* 1 i .. i, |.A:B. MOBTLEY. KsQ. f (tf,UiiCA* N. V»» w/i ...
Will bo speedily removed' and, effectually pon»»o .rerpnt ont.; [With i hadeoW IsUonliJ »xm«»
cured by using these admirable medicines, and tv t»enty-6ro JolUr* for . bottle than do without It, or
byw»ayiWproper attention to the: Directions. iL-i .
whiS nro attached to Pot or Uox., x.-., ,
TITE INCIDENTAL TO <■ Uw bwt remedy «e noeiew lor the cure of whooping*
Mrl.j/vl. Lnfl' «« ,licit„ H« b <k>Bgh, croup, amt the chert dlecMe* of children.: We of ;
These which sa HaOjdui .us* y ou * ty j 0 tht approcias'e yemf rtkilVand
ansojfroxn trouble or annoyances*.obstructed jcjonuncad jour medicine looor. "people.: />•/;
vpcrsiiinit!ion» ambdi-lnUing wbutcver| i i 4 : ' HIRAM M. p.
is unwh4csomK thus disturbing j J
action ol| the unu. slopach. , loose or* , *(x week*; took many medicines without relief* -finjilly,
gang iuust be relieved*, if you desire tp be well, triedyoar JWoral ty the adrlce.of The
Tlio |»HW tviL-irifr flrrnVdhi : Jl to flio hr!riled in- doe#«Ue»ed tiui eorelwm Ininylteroat aml'loDg*;
liie I ills, taking ip lue pnmta in ■ one thebotu© ta»d*,m*s©mpW6ly mil,
fctrucliojifc, wiUj quickly a produce ;tt • healthy Yoar'medicines are tho cheapert M well as the best we
action in jboth lUver and storiiacli, j aud as%v etn bay, and Ve esteem yon, Doctor;and yoer remedies,;
natural consequence a cleaVUiend and good ap- **tb* ppor maa t friend.” j ? ‘• : • i
lietitc ■ • I I f I Asthflu or Phti&uic* and Bronchitis*
■i » f t I .1 [ 1 Wist Mi.TcnESTMyPAnyeb.^lSM.; *
WEAKNESS Oil DEBILfTiV INDUCED BY But: your Cherry J\c£oral is vortormisa marrellou*
• I ; . i HVKR PATmrr - e«re«inithl*aectloa. It.haarelieved seremf from-aJann
. j * ~ t . |n^symptoms of consumption, and U nbtr curing uinaw
"Will ?OC*n disappear by the use. of: these inr who baa Üborad under an affection of the lungs forihe
valuable 1 Pills, and the Soldier will rjiiichly AC- L..PA6KS, Merchant j
quire addjtiohnl strength. Never let fbc-bow- ■ JfiJfJjtfSSil, V I
els be either confined oi 4 unduly acted up'jn. i hare found nothing equal'toy mn< Cherrjf Ptcfotal far
IP* may seem strange that I Ifullowuv’s IMlls ease and to coMomptlvo. patient*, prjrorlng
should bej recommended for toymitery ««<} j 6 f^d«4,ba tth. m4t«n-,
Flux, ni(ipy|persons supposing!but they woul.l
- j mcrc.nso the yoljixatiou. jhigjisa great mis- } iHiU, i l! i .C - j
i live in 1’" ■•s;. 1 -i I take,' fo,rth6sc ipills will corrcqt the .liver and | I . | • Consumptioni !
UMIUM lII.' Stomiiqh nhiTllius remove all the ncrid humors | XYobaUy ho on* remedy h»» even been known wlildi !
-.v ?«.•* froinithe systenrj Thisriicdicihe willigive tone I cored»'maay ndraeh dai.geKra. hues aa thla.cSotn.
0th,.18b3: i ; < anil'vigor to t)ip Iwbolc orgunio, system 'bower- cm m thorn
' '■ or deranged, while health aad^stVcugtl,’follow rJrf'v „t. *'w«
McLean John dl > .. i < , v *»» 1 ♦,? - ; YoaKCirrrMarcn 5,1856. •
A N as n xuattpr ot course. -Nothing wul >?top tile iWroa Araa, LotrxLCrlfeel It and a pleasure
tj l . , l f ■! T r ” t. 1 rclaxntion'ol' tno Dowels so sure ns this lam- 16bildnn you-*ha»yimr-CAhnY i^ctorfll--haadouefor my.
Deborah McCarthy Hannah n n« «io ! Hum»h« I 1 1 ; ' i wife.' !Slie had been fire month* laboring the dan*
Netlil C H : ' J , * I 1 1 , ;• I ’.•■■■ gerous gymptoin* of. Coo»nmptlon, frobwhich noaidve
trs M; 2 Kidhison IVm 1 VOLUSTEKRS JaTTEXTIQXJNbISUUE. midpr^r.Eavoh.rmu^rellaf.^owuste.dily&il
tio ii, jAJcmson »m . . j ml' vniT'i’h Ing; until Dr. Strong, of this city, where we bare come fcr
Q | ; Stew art MnrgavcU • , I p • * J * J rf l * | i N ; r , advice, a trial of your medicine; W« blew
Smith sSoros anil UlcoVs. Blotchings'and STrcllingH, t l * SWodneea, as wcdo yourßkillj foiiiOie has recovered i
, «»" with cm-.nhui : bo rudicaily if .tile ]
Holla Pills arc taken njjglit and inomn g, -nod tuc |Yours wll%gr»titudeand regard,! . <
joinlmcrit freely used »s staled n the print- , | -.aOKLASDO SHELBY,jot SHaßTvati.j^j
cd instruct 10113, ilf treated irt any oilier mini* i not despair till you'havc tried Area’* i
nor they drv'iip in one part to break out hi an- ? c ? ‘
v, J ...? 1 1 ' '■ chemist* m the world, and its cure* all around bF'benheak
Ollier., heroi s this Ointment tvill remove., though'merit*of It* Udgtr,. i ;
the -humurslfroit. Oic system nnd leave the I’a-; «;!, •« m ' '.jmt' •*1 4- !
tient a vigorous apd healthy man.) U will fe,- j B.yGt S vBVIIBFIiIC PlilS ■
tptirc a littl|b|p e in bad cases to j mji E of fchemUtry Lv.'bJH
a last ing cure. - ; . | X their utmost :
FOR WOUNBS EITHER OCCASIONED P»Y purgative which » kuo«a to man. -IrinaiaaTable proof*
THE BAVONfcT, OR S/VURh] OUTIIK BUh-fve shown that thew Pats bave^ yirtM9 which turpiM in
LET, SORES Oil lUIUISES;': \ .. ’ i i exceUence^tbeordinary llmt they win un*^’l
• 1 • 1 i * '-o iv Iti -i v .? ujionihe eetetmof all men. They are safe i
, To winch :So!dior ntuLbailorarcdiaMe s J^ d to take, bnt powerfta, to liare. Xhelrjviu
there are no; medicines so safe, [fur j and con- iniUligpropertieastiianlatotheriialactiritie'oftLeliodT, 1
veiiicut.nSi Holidays PUUahd ulnfmCnt, The renjore the obrtmetions of ib» organs.purify the l-lood,! i
pour wounded and lalmost dying, sulTcrer inight; and expel disease. They purge oofthefdulhumors wlilchr \
lihye Ills' I 'wdundi <|re.«.«ed immediately*, if )\t breedland grow distemper,tiimnlate sTuggwh or disor- ■
would only himself with this:: match- ■ dirediorgane Into their natural action, aiid impart healthy j [
less Ointment, wthicli should be Ihru/stirito the i V*4 e to the whole system. -Not only do;:
wound andsW-arcVj all around it; I Jen covered ! cmnplalnta of|ererybodyi but: i
Er ' .sipfss srasriswss i!
night- bor S Fills.- to tool Olesya aafeet phy«a that cad be for;children. \
IcnV ‘ ‘ \ •■,>. , ; Beibg sugar-coated, iboy t&Ukc; and' Iwlng i
'Silldicr’iS , knapsack ami i Scinnmn's arti/roo from any riskjdf baroi. Cures '! valuable Hail made wltiri rtf^ase:belief w thay not snb
llonUMlibs. I I-•'■■«.: ■j' ;[■ ■; ;• s;« ,stADtiaitsl hy exalted pr.jutiop nud cliaraofor.
‘' * ' j i. : j W : to fprVlti the: sw«iAci«.u qf nmrvdb.i t'Many vmiutni
C'Al TIOX.-N pamliuc; miles?. «l^rkyn i ' , n uudphypic|&D-ihavek-nt ieir names to wrtlfy 1
life w’orll.x' ' •)/Jolhlni'i/, -VVi;’- \nui I vn. 1 .!, '’ to tbo pu'. lir ihr rrii:. liliiy of iny ijmwliis. w!s:le■ t-lheri
arc dirccrn'itlile as i'.wkt«r-roaA in everv 'caf m ' tk ' •*s«*** «*.their eonvkthm th.t my, .
of ,the boolvV'l' "ilireclions around icach ;! |pot ! cr , immenwly to th. rc&tcrm,. j
i; • • . , ~ • I *1 , ftfllirfe.!. pnff-ring felJow-men. - -i
U>K< thesa me Pyamly -y j■ i( ramfd h to g«<U my 1
Inc 1ra1 . !,0 Jh »j yyuf. A • rc wil] * Ameriran'Almanae.contiumbgdirvcticnsfortlieir nseahd
be given to stny- <|no rcndcviisg such : their cures, of.tlh: kyllowitis compiajtiis;—•,
f nihy .Iqad to f lie defection tdVaiiynji'rty ; \ CostimieM.-imiou* Comrk.ihts. Rliouiiiatfwn, Pror^'■.
or parties* Ore medicines ojlpcnd- ! Heartburn,uleadach© nri>lng from n liMi^tomrwb,
• -.t ’l : i i • _ ?.v . ,1 'i ; »e». Indjzvsjloo, Morbid Iriactb'irof Uie.BoWfls and Pam ■
mg the l.non inp them t<> be spurious. . j
f** Jin hi t Jic ; .Mhmifactnry of Professor , Otisand Ciitaueou* whiub wqulro/"” etacunnl .
Hot I.OW.VY.«SO Mniflen LnncJ- Now - Viifk 1-ind m#»licliiKScrofiil% «r King’s Kvlk Tbeynlao, by purify*b
Kv VI W*snpr-V. l i.L» 1);...,;.;:.,; :.„ J j - n if ..J;, inff the UotKl and-RtimuV-vliDs; the ajßtemq-cure many.'
1 * ,r,, g/isls iVTUI. |h ;dc»,s in : whffti It would
Medicines, thvoiighout (lie clv\Uied\>\et!r.f\d, in l rwwU, s^chas neafoeas, partial Wludnossi Xeumltrlaand:
boxes ;it i’JA cduis, iil* cents nnd $\ 'c-lcil I'l r-t yervon»ilrritafcility,DfraMgoment».of thoiUfprauii'KM*
ff'i : *• _ • 1 11 *• , ,j 1 i 1 npvß.Goijt, and other kindred complaints hrifllng from a
1 htre ( js c»vn|>nlcr;\ble saving l>Vj ia ling iow stuiipuf body or obKiructlon of iw/uoctions. ■
■ *jj ! . ■ i, Do noi;hoprt off ty tmprihelplad dealer* with witie
!'N. IL-r-Dircctions; for the guidance- bf pa- other pill they make mi>re protk on. Aek for Atir’i
ients in every! disorder arc nlhxcd to each iux. ritis, and lake nothing elw. NoVotherithoy esn give
|May 7.i ■ f .] I. you compare? lb it* inir nsievaluo or curative
_J—____ —; r... 1 pnwnr*. iTha tick wn»| the best aM 't'here is for themi
.]' /'i ! S r \/ r '\ AA/A ,vj- •• and thoyishrinld havj. {;. •• j ■ j ...
4 bJMMjCJOO 1 , y.. prepared, by Drrj-.q: AYER, '
MALE OR FJSMALE AGENTS Practical »nd /.naiyticai Chpir' bOwell. Maaa.
; j.;, ;■ ■ ■ . ro;_gp liL ■ i-j j,j; r " . / 1
Lloyd's ..Xeic -Stcyl'Plate County Colored *4»Fvir . i , i-ii]
' Map of the Unite‘l StatfS\-‘i !. Cv.a»v. ■ . “ i ; :: ■, ."ii .
i \ Catindasl. anf.Sew Bruhvichf j 4 j ' '■ ; : U--' "4 '
, From surveys, .Vug 'V ‘ I
cost slip,fKlO to' ongr%c it, and ■
year's lime. I |. i ' '! r — d ' f
; j ' Sujieriof tb nlny slojnap ovor made by
ton tor MitcHcllyVttd sollh at l,ho-'loir priy
Fitly oT(MSHI lire engfavv
this map.'|,-i | K :
It is not oulv niGountv'mnp, but it iSialin
C( Ts Yj &' It All -1 ’O AO M»L>
of tlic),L T . S. .t panadas combined in one, jgivi
iv;vy IVAilroauiSlatibii aiuldistanccs'bct wo
Guarantee atiywonian or nian $3- 1
day, add will (like batik all maps that cam
be sold the money .j S |_
. Send for #1 worth to try, . i j’.
;■ Trinteillnstrncjiotis bow lo canvass jiyeli
furnished all on - agents. '. .’-j ' i‘ I
Wanted—Wholesale j Agents for our maps in
every Stats;.; California, Canada, j Knglaud,
France and jCuba. A fonniio maybe .mule
with a few hundred dollars capititl. '
prtilion. ' J F. llutvn, illU Hvoiidway: -N. !T-1
The War Xfepjtrtmeiit uses Our tnap.ofi \ ir
ginia, slnry!andi, and I’cmtsylvaninl cost SIOO,-
UOO, oh w hich ;is marked -Vm ieram ('teek,
Slmypsltnfg, Maryland ll'ightst Williamsport
Ferity. Uhorcrsville, js'olaud'sj'l’o'rd, and all
others ou thc and every oilier {dace
in She abbvc nanied .Stivtos, ormoniey rcfutidedJ
■'. LLOYD'S T( tl’OG 11A I’IUC AI, iJI Al’ ('IF ;
iMbIASAi | and liU-i.;
at tljc only.jdul liority, jfor. Geh. Kpsccrans anil
the j pur Money, irefundeil t!o
anylono finding jan error in it.j Vj . p i
i ! ■ FrStu Die Tridnine, Aiig. ' r 2. ![
l’i:.v> SVI.VWIA .--—The map is very large; its
cost s lint'26 cehls; and it is the Met le/iicfican
be purchased." i : - d j‘ : I i
Liupfs Great Map of the Mississippi Hirer. —
A. K. THOMSOI. Fro'oj Actual Suyvcys by Capts. Bart andlivm'
& TTfIRNiFY A T*T AW L 4 B °p “> UtvOr Pilots, of St, Idjuis,
R* * * *1 'v L I I wrt ■¥■ j/ Moi, shovvs every tnaii'sjpbintation and owner's
Oifee, camera/ fhritl street and the Itiamonde CI mirnp from Si- Louis to j the Gulf of Mexico—
. BEAVER, PA. ;! 1, *160' ‘ miles-—every sahd-bari island., town
may,2i. 11 ; ’ 1 landing and nil places SO milck hack iVpm; the
I '-J. -L.-m riverd—feolorcd inicoumifea and States, I I’yicc,
$l. iu she‘ 1 ' do ’ ■'ket'for'” ' C";*.
'l' j rcmaii Post Office at Rochester
FaH Fel). L r : 1 . .;1 ;
Bohzo Soph Mitchell Eliza , l ( 1 -
Bolt Gcorgi McLean John it
•Baker Cha t McMartin A N ■ ;
Childs Mrs McCarthy Hannah
Clark H T ScalC U - . . i
Caniplon S Kichison Win
EiswaUlTt Slew art Margaret' •
Frank IVm '• Smith Mrs C 1 j,
Froivnfiqld Sheldrake. Joseph •/.
Fisher Mrs, ' Smi|h Mrs E
Corley, John Smith Mrs Sarah
llabdricht C Tigticr ll C,-2 ’• . I
Hogan Miss Nellie Tinker J A ;
Hadhn Misg Bella Vance John
Jackson Miss M Whitcficld Captain, 2
Mend E A »i : White HF;
Miller George | M Whitltleiiy FA / ' ;
Persons calling 4 for lct(crs|ih.tbe ahoyfe-list,
will please say they are h<’
; .| . I T. M.
iBROADwJvV. B PA., „
Doors below Dr.S’r ng Store.
w«y7.624lyii , MSI RENO;
WTO Curative Agency is superior toHVD 110- .
PATIIY for the treatment W all form- \
ol’Diseases, and no Institution in this cojm
: try possesses (greater facilities for it's adminis- ii
trillion than this.' I
i B@.For Pictorial Circular!
Un. W. N. 11/
** Tli e TJ ji io n
Arch Street above Third, ! ,•
* PIIIL A 1) Kl, T‘ 1U A. Pa. .
Upton S. Newcomer, Prop’r,
rjims Hotel: t* Central. Convenient i.y I’ns
j ?engor Railway Ci " to n|ll *■ Tt'a of tlie'
Citv; and 4n every 'jinr ell io the
comfort ’ ig'' l’ublic
. ‘fIvP.MS. Sl,. r AY.
“ The Hovye Is tlinc,”
v A’.! JH.'itf-’'
, ruEciAtr.
IS heroin- (riven that I h< appointed
it? Surgeon-by (lie P.cpsu.,. ,™r(mcuf; to
exaiuiiie wounded and invalid giddier?, di?-
chnfged from the service; .that niy nutlioritjr
extend? to any County, State yr :Territory,
and that I am now reedy to enter upon the
discharge of inyjdtitics. u 1 i '
(jeouci; Mcrook. M. n,
Kixamihtng Surgeon.
Ofcl ..IT)— 4t
0*07:, coe cfcpo..
Advertising and Commission Agents-;
, ;' nr.Ai.cfts in
- - . - ; 1 ' - j| ■'
Type, Printing Materials,
' ' \ ' * ' 1 . -• '■
OFFICES! —Brbwri’e BnildinG, I hil.vlclphia;
Jriiitinc UuiMiiigs, New^Vork. 1 :
niariH):l y. - • - .
gaTV. Offioo in , the Court House. |
AIX claims against (Itc Gove'
back pay, bounty nn<l ponsi
cut Oil t"o coUectioUr with the least
ay. ■ 'I
HOOK .S', .S' T A TlO WkH y,
aJ±ttßoisr o;
Loans ox first mortoagi
negotiated at tbo PITTSBURG
Pittsburg, on favorable terms
jan2l:Sfn C.|A, C.OL'
j Do You Want Employment, j
I OFFER a pleasant business for the Sprinrg
and Summer, with large profits. | Send for
mynew circular, containing full information.
Address GEO. EDW’D SEARS, 1
marlfi. ! 181 William St.J.N.t.' v
Wanted Immediately, 1
MUSKRAT SKINS: for which the highest
prices, in Cash, will bejpaid at the Cheap,'
Clothing Store of I, N. ATKINS, Beaver—sigh;
of the Big Hat, J de'elT 1
. F]
...If:, of the
br)we soldiers and sailors.
d O * t 't.
V. : M'l
al(l(Ire?s 1
HT2 A 11-l 1 -
-TTimcnl for
ijonsi prnse
poesildc 'lc
i. dcc:i’fi2
Tap- 1
S can b®
JON, Tri
CA in sheets. S 2, pockbt'forhy, and On
linep, with roller’s. ] Ready, Sept. lit)'. , |
A’ary Dtjwrinient,'] Waxhimion, Sej>i:Mi, 18(52.
•1- T. Lloyd l —-Sir-: Send Inc your Map of {the
Mississippi Kiyqr, .fwitjh price iper hundred
copies. Kcar-Adniiral Charles 11. Davis, com
manding the Mississippi squadron;'is auf hor
iicd to purchfuic'tvßijnany a 3 3TO required fo
iisdj of that squadron. j ; •’ ;!•
.GIpKUX WELDS. | Secretary of S.ftVjV •
School ’Books a\ui Stationery at' Whole
• m sulk. T
I, .•. . < |j [• i . ' '> .1*
, Thei'substudber hiis always on hail'd
Osgood’s & M G Spellpr & Bin
ders, Kay’s, Arithmetics, Stoddard’s
Arithmetic, PjnneO|S grammars,’ Bi
bles, &.c., Testdmjeids, Letter Gfip dnd
Contmercial Note pjapersAEnvclopbs,
Blan k Books, Pass Boplcs; Steel Pens
and liolders, Copy Books, Slates, Ink,
Ink stands, Bonnot Boards, &c. v &cli
| Usual! discount ibr cash; Gpdds
packed and delivered to: any part of
■the city. ; ROBT. S. LAYiS;
. feb;ip ; 78 Wopd st.,^Pittsburgh
•h- • ,1
i= i:
■ l c •'
J '. v■: i
i■■ i ,-'i - - V; ' I ■ r ■ 1 . : '-Coir,
I ■ ; bof
■Jiiijtroremrtib vwj Aanili'**:- \ 4-eu-*.; ... dOB listen
I Tim -rruMau',.: ■! %. "t
■ ’> 1.0-tfrii'isls I hill i>;irenls C.IJI nilvo iji : ;:i Jl «*-■<!
» &-y*i «4 * ‘
, nek, nnil n ;Sh«: lAv V*’ A - 1 ' ! i-T ■
. ■ and Kcnittilnl .'r .1 'i: _Vsiu n :./<'-»•»<•■>»'rtsf-
KK.MD AATi EMi!RC)II)E’i;iNCr , J. Hrmcr.^ nhd .y., • v -rj ...
Together 'with, neatly U'O. Engravings Of : j fol ! I l *'. llo -- V ‘ ■'
1 J ,:. - , iii. . •. • v,.ii o;in now ott-.-rrc-ei« n«:>e-. yir l '■ V.*
e’l : ■ tJa frjvj . Y 4-, - ,f, tir- can *get| jioMling fe b*tbr
Summer .Bonpets, Cloaks. Tyinjmmgs,- U , wiut)( ; t
' !/ Children’s Dresses, ; . '■■•■■&*. i.diyt 6Mon- oriVih/«c, jn m'ljgfeti •< t,ti : e;i.
And .valuable, iutbvmhtipui to Milliners. pjrwty Sci>d for the oa ?*• tns. and ivad-lu.
Makers. Mothers, and Ladies pre- . Fiii ; hV on this U '
.soiling the largest: aWd best tdnshioh Maga- ] ; if, i odirrest, decay;'in \|imr d.vrr teeth, sav-.
[title in the \\ oriel, published 470] llyoadway. y o ,j r clSildren's.kectj).. : \ _ ' t ' *
iN. V., find id everyklicre. nt.-iVcehiN : f, v ’ j\Vi t'ji.l/ffv'/J ;) r. Hurd?
seht/by jmail,- lOstTrce* pu-deceipt [of the ain't sPuralgin jCo»‘A'dhesivtv VUsttr* Sore ra?
in‘-.stam|)s or.silver. Vcaieisl,OU wit.h fh'e-i’ol- ' pleasant hi('l m recs.<i:l. v ' V " l '- {' ! l
lowing valuabl i premium. ;' y.. ed for vlilV ]>ahU’ul dvseasv.. ;^af.
; Each yearly .subscriber will'be entitled to; a _|j c S „n,k snon. hie .k- ? £
receipt- Jov.tKe selection of nd cei|ts worth of ni i nffrtke* tree- tn*w pa-m > d’*‘/ bo- bi.. ici |i
plain p'atfeyiis. f|-om t the designs in the book., unpleasant' or o
s from the s> p\v room, dr ( they may-be or- ’^ uo> ■and
deved andsent by mail anyf,' time during .the | p]y aveerdiug u> dhyeiiiais. and relict "'d
year, by paying post ago., UnVolv ibllow. • ' Nothing can he obtamed
to Ca'rivassors. \\. A Uuvd's t’otapress f'»r_ .
|«L,ijuiQm-cr now ' - thoni • Thev arc enlifely :r.iO|vyl, citrous
I r-* M ... . ■[• • ■ • ■•. • ■ I I 1 ..’ \ ;■ ibd wondertnlUNsnoeess-
--f i ■„
■ ' '-With Or ft.
'■ I I i
, < TUB s
FGVi; LA I! ft
i ’ pat:
‘in nr
[ 4,, o
4 on.
French Al
Mtees'i (I
ITS loves and] and a'ngeris,
-linpjfcs paid fipirs. .rei-refs,', anil'joys •; iI'.VS
HOOD, Innv lost. hOw]vcstpredijite’ nature,
treatment and rjnlicali fcHrc;of:sperhi.fitmhoni;
or Rcminal weakness} involuntary 1 coiissions,.,
sexual debility rind impediments tomarriage'!
generally; nervousness, consumption. fits. ;
mental and' physical illcapa c i t v .r t'Sit!tiltp from I
SKI. A li USK—are IV.Uy explained in tbel
MAUUIAGE.GUIDE, liy ,wS(. VOUiNji:. M. D. f
This mostrcxtraordiiiary hook should |be in the (,
hands of every youhgppcrson'Conthmplaiing!
marriage, and every man or who de-.;
slros to limit t'hp number of tbeir ptljspring to ;
their circumstances. Every pain, disease and
ache incidental to youth,-maturity andjoldngo.
is fully explained; cvery'partierp of knjuvledge
that should be known is hero given.; It is full.!
of engravings. In fact,, it discloses sperctsihalU
every one.should know; still it, is ai'book that;]
must be locked up, and not lie ahoupthiehouscl !
It will be. son! to any! onejon thc|rejeeipt of,
twenty-file cents in specie dr postage .stamps, r
J Address Dn. Wm. VOI T N'G, llii Spruce sr.,
nbo'it.eFpnrth, Philadelphia.j I 1 e j
f)S^Ajf/icted and CnfArtuncttt, no matter v/hat
may bp yohi disease, before' yon place your- j
sell': Under'the care of j any of th,c I notorious j
Quacks —native or foroign-s-wlifi advertise in
tlixs; or any other paper, gpt a copy r of Hr.
Young's book, and read it- carefully., ; ItAvill:
be the means of saving yon many jla : dollar,
youif health, and possibly your life. s
Dr.‘YOUNG can be consulted on any of tlie■
diseases: described in his, publication,' at his:
office, 41 fi Spruce Street, abovs Fourth. Phila
: tguOffiee hour* from 9 to 8, daily! fmar26
-' .'l
i ' i - l .
i 'ri
r n
i ' 1
! . i
sle Bugler CalUf, TheVT ;,„ v
H IKor o/, Extermination aaaiiiii ' n
fe , : , W</ Breath,
H Toothache; J^ e G **/
■t ■' 1 ■ . '«»* Xearahjin. ‘ -O .
• i Ot'K ARTiLLKky K I
DU* W3I. B. hi; u w
Purifying the fUcMh ~
j, •« •••'•!. ■ 4f>;
I wring 'Ne^;
1 1
■ -1 .....
f Dr. miMkrk
1 botfle.- % -j'.! ■
(■ f ! Dr.. llur<T «, Utiegttallcd fftjfrn „
\<ihe h.oxi •,i \\
|U i/>r. llHTd't'Magic TOOT/IACIif
XineUlilr. M- l ,th /A/;;
I. \fir. JTWVj i Tr ]~., f
\.pL4STnn. ■ --vt .. v i
U -Dr. BurftWA'XViiL in. id ■(,:
['Preserving the TetOty \neli,ii:,aj ■' i
> 1 Proper Trtapnint ofChihifi'n* T,r‘ -''"A
!; jtx-dss mjf &• (?«»;«■ ’ : ’
■ TOOTH Picks. Hr.., k.
Prepared, at! -Dr.'.Hurd's Itonini r.=
St,, Brooklyn. (B. I>.) . ‘f““.
I: . '■ 1 '.Drier, :02f-£ POL LA It cm?S; j:-;i . ~,-t
1 fiSTTIic Penial TnapCru wakrs'-JStf'jp
eight inflics l>y five, ahd is seni hv i., I .,:''- 1 '
SSSp Pvtl iHrretipm./ftr: Wi> k.i,'X'
The following articles s-.v can ret:/!..'-
ly. by mail. viz: v .t ‘ v
The Treiilue on Prr.’,:t.-X ; .
paid, -on Receipt of JwitaD ,vi;v
-’ stapips. ."jk - . '
jhc Xeumifin Pinker, ft,. 5,, E C K i.,;„ rr
ipaee, Ncrvlms ileadae(ie. a ad Rsri'urf
ppsjl.paid, on receipt of Ll';hiAn I. X\k'
stapipa. p- " ; ■ ■ ? ’’
I: The y^urannn 111.mwT.- ■■ p: ~•■ >,,
aiz<j',) for Tanislih-ihe Clicm-, .'iu.uM. ' W
or ifny part af iUeb«dy.
ccipt of Thtriy-krrA rfnir.: ■
Address, ,j '
I f'V: f A !s!&>.-■ 'Hi
v fir. fi«r<O Mo rrif stash.
I>EK uii'l rtinrUAW/E-Vkors
sent b}-( nruii,. ,!mt "(Key vin j>r.,n-iv.y
’taincJ a: .your l’iTio'l;t| t { ■
i hey cauniii, .shef ip
TI!I<A.SL ; Ii V.. Price, 1 Oxb pe;,i, u:J v.l.ivlj
tains them.' !
m DR* - '
Ttyelbesl o-vit'ienco-' ilm they uu- is,
fil-inost {Wen-I* ;ni.| !•<•;-: [-(urtm- av- I' l ,.
•;av« «-?! ri. -t; ii>n r. !>•■. I: - /I’;/- .- ';
;iri| (iinin'vnt iK-misf, I. >1 v*i, 'J>c-'-5'••• ’■ ■
'tilt* Ne v; ' V«■-k’ Si :itd;:?\
hir.u* b .i:U ['r
•vatc and no Ica-liilr r^l.v.s
of Brooklyn o • -WilVnlrn sourer
excellence, ':,vhi V'. 1 eminent \
York|roc:'imu?n ; } t ncia w:o 3 ;iv-u •
tile prnfVs>ir;j.r r.' ’
in"- kl-Nilovs \\Wiu )W uV
“Wr-jai-o ,i;.-y i.y it V.’Wv.- vl. .
irj'ta his, MOUTH UA.sjj anil 'tOl iT *•
\ ,Th(v 'Of
wh h tii'eTrrcr It /.< pr^.W*.*
ah ("/■>. r- /: r,i .i
<Ju’U‘ /'icy u---." * ; ; 1 \ ; .}.. '•
XhoKvi-U ku'VA u i’.j T. UV.yi.nnv Vv ! ‘> ■! vfvn
fnuuiVk*f|uv TfH ffl’U )'<>Vvi>LK So ijia* : ‘
■famiiyfiia’vo used jf all nj.*. We jul: • ’ •'•
■ i*J‘>r - tf'.t i- f*.’-; •
: led .ii‘ y<>u ■u-iTi '.-'•ini-it.c-a.
al'tli'e Mu-omd :M v«v:i- t "tr*<si
i-'biiU'* ]■,- .-v ■ 1. ■ ■ : .
K* lUit lh(.*lr-O" S t is s.oVlMilrl itlif I*r.vcr
! toi ; i ilii'rnr.rior'.if*
» 'g?i 7‘] in-wave o'V \\ t >:
■Dr,’Jtiiivl'jf dV.-tii I’
•nor al!ralu cl.n.< !•> ul. and jr-V-e
weaving tHi\«v>aTnoV- ; Vse v,*> ■
WIIAX.i v >VlLt» , U^ >
J ■ rj ; n'c'T {'
Ituci's Tiouili i-.jni T-- ■ . ,
ivju i :!!■'■' >r»,( '
•a ( ST» ; cer’ l-re.-u a a.i.d jwavly ;- Tv
I;ldlOr.' .p ■ ; ;■■ ■. ' f |j;
Hurd's M-'-nf )j \V;i>h and T<kuh. TUwdl 4 -:
the foulr.-ihtv!-
Hops, and-iTusod in xlu* moi’niug. 'will ihlaV
and the day
more pleasantly?.,V Hundreds; el- j-t'rsr.Ks
ivsiiVy tv this. Try ilicui. gcAuu-raVv*.
■ -Dr..Hurd’s '.joutli Wash and
the* the In-.-i nrcpavaii i >ns in-tl'f ••••• d !
-lirnuh . and -giving tltj.u*
" x gmas. Hundreds ui :- j. 4- i
* ’ mas, sf>rc, }htU(h, ■'■
'r.’iiHnM s- -
Dr. 1
will; ci
wjii c
■ fiil*" Thov j»iv oi. ‘‘two
.f;irc. pVio> la^o,jv^
laotdi.'ni cen( S . V l'r
i, 1 * v ;,, ~/•'; /•/»*'■ nurl'civ. s.nnip.
f-.wj/ir kiit: fn}; \
rF rcciu t c r rc l .avatio,«ll>ut«ontv IluUo 1 luUo r n ; .,..^
|i Imppiness of-thdse.using; thorn. »'"l f ,c -’
■wont then. Bvery maal -IvriJiffl. ns W«"f
tiering the Treatise on Teeth, V
raigia Blasters, and i ot a few t :
Ut-ihk Mouth Wash.; to he s?«t ,'*y .;‘ M - V
■to thile we' are. coiap|el>eJ to reply .
impossible to send a haU-pitKh; ,u | c m
The people. want th&se Ucnmdios. ,•..
wjtpj-h\th&n? . _. 1., 1 *
Now is the » • 1 . ' s • '
r ‘ . UUAXCK FOR AC. : ,
I • Shrewd agents,Clip make a small’lerlune Jt®
I can*ring these, articles around to
1 Dentil Treasury: is the neatest-article ...
i mart or woman can carry around. >
: one And sec,. or, better. ,a .foten. winch ,
,-nrlil sell; as, staples, far ST. Afcnt,
j liberally with tyrcuhfts. ' }• n , lran kV,, .
■to to go into tlie business, todogood.a in
I a profit;. We arc-spending
I benefit of agents. NewKngland ti
■ menhere B something nice, and a ch. ,
|iake the tidc at
! : . A' Tribune Buildings, Xt'’ ■'■
%■: Thai remit lances may be made wit
1 dence, W. B, If. & Co., refer to the Jto«
J Brooklyn;, t o 'O. %r #®» V
• Cra’and Citizens Bank, Brooklyn. (< I .
Co.. New York: to K. btsp. -
tm;**, ftt- ■■• ■ ■; ;
v I-'!
M .*
iV> j
T't'ii-< y ''-':.- 1-
i - v.
•>rf •: ni : i
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