The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, March 11, 1863, Image 1

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Wednesday,' March Utfi, 1863.
D. L. Editor & Proprietor.
1 PimOssT*
-J er annum, i.V advaxce ; otherwise Two Doi
will be charged. No-paper discontinued
' until lar-reafagea are settle?!. 1 a
Letters. Bind eoramunicaticin, hy mail
~a h i«Ve prompt attention. •„ .
* 1863;
Tiir N ew-Yurk Triblne, first ii
viiiti in 3541- in its twenty-second
V t : i'. 'has otitiiined- both a larger find
: r ,,.)■(> Widely diffused circulation than
, miter .'newspaper. ever published
i >ti Amt-iii ;i. " Though it. has suffered,
• ... i-., mon with other journals, front
36*. 'Editor; Yod are already ac
quainted with the vastndssUancl many*
of the; objects of interest HborTnectcd'i
with,this city but years may hd.spent
Svithin-ii with'oqt becorajngthbrough
ly acquainted, on account jdf the ex
tensive field of observation. 1 1 ■'
Society here lias many-phascs. It
■is coinpOged of all imaginable varie- ;
.ties andl shades of .character ; Here
■are commingled the rude and thc re
fined, the religious jpid profane, the
learned andHhe illiterate,i the affluent
and tl.e destitute,, the virtuous and ig
jpoble,’ the young and 'the aged—all
jiifitions, dialects arid sympathies; - all
! habits, manners and customs’ of the
! civilized worla. Kotwithsfs ndihg the
I mixed multitudes that are iiicessantly
| thronging its various avenues, there
j are certain localities that exhibit dis
tinct characteristics. Life; in Wall
street presents an cpitomizejLgribw of
its mercantile phase. Here*are its
, Banks, add their great plaie
i dezvous, the,Exchange—Wh|cro many
j great projects have lsd their begin-j
j ning; - here, ..have been’planned vast
(schemes' (if commercial enterprise,
j%herc too ‘has originated niany acts
|of public benefaction. In tno vicini
tty of Madison and U ti ion squares, and,
i especially -Fifth"Avenue, wo find the?
monuments) of the wealth, taste and
sp'.elidor of its citizens, The South
ern part ofithe- city— its original site
—exhibits ill kinds ,of irregularity;
but the upper portion is,laid out reg.
ularly,. i Pci-baps the densest part‘Of
city, frcjrti jWjlience issues the vitalizing
tide’of itsj commerce, is the junction i
i iqf Kansan ,a[nd Fulton street? and its {
„.„i ■■■■’ ' " vicinity The collision „of interests j
’ ’ which all tile stir and traffic of-these |
crowded ,scenes involve, brines human !
nature dnto ttrong relief, and intcusi
j fiesitho lights and charae-;
| ter.: It is in! those avenucs-fb wealth i
I -pthere vestibules whore fripd, con
| lends vith honor for an entrance: in
ftn tho fctmilti—tliiit wo.rcad (lie heart?
lof man belter 11)an in hooks. - ” x '
‘"'y j | Tire great!- cipiractcristic of ' Kew
S t York is din and ■excitement—-all is in-J
;. : aiiSnkyt-;. ’ll is especially notice-.:
*■"! ' able! in ! the (leading thoroughfare of
; u i llroadwiy . where Uio no : se and con-j
’\ i ciuised by the incessant passing j
''.anil d'epr.ssiltig of sonic thousands of!
; vehicle's per djiy; render it’a aecftcmf 1
\U j confusion, . !* •; ‘ J >j i. ' -j
ve \ KewAork has over been renowned I
I( ,j ; for its liberal i ))u!dic benfactionß aml|
; charities. Aniong' hcr many; glories |
y, | tliis is most cfjrispicuons. lAbOundingj
v j in! heneficienti institutions' suited to
tu f th;o relief; undj enriched by the most i
„ n lilieral eiidowpiciits jlbr classical iil-<
; “true!ion.s. she jbears the pahii ;in .all i
..that pertjiins tp'tlic inoral. ihijeileetu-;
aladvanceiiiyn| of society—Jq drillin';
: for tiie distressed and oppress’ed-oa - all I
jf,, ; nations. ■ '-■ jV * •■•' .’1 ■*
i 1 ’A very .extended view can be had
| front tiie stoejile of Trinity (jlhnroh
. if : From this..point the’ variegated- 1
j stretches out id every direction with
‘now heart lies. 'Korth and Spdth lies
f, Broadway, with its teemingjttnulli-
Hides "and 'its numberless, vcjhieles;
e’-j-, west and (gist a“c crowded streets, of
housetops,ltcrnilnating only with the
water pf the inclosing rivers. | Look
’ itfg eastward wi see Wall street! im- 1
mediately "lido\y, ivitli the Custom
VE.. House' on the Heft,, the East: river
which separates .Kew ’ York ! from
Brooklyn; with (he. Harbor stretching
’.’//I, to (he Soijtli. •’ Transferring our gaze
~«o. ,0 Broadw.-iy.,can he scon the Banks
or the Republic, the J[ctmpoliian|Bank-,
i Barnum’s 3[nsenin. tiic Astpr flousi',
.52.: . .-i■ ~ i.J i; Pstrk and Oifv lljiill.TV/ißwe and-';7Vmc.«
......i?.-,’ ; Whoever may been; h.s ; XicholUlolcl, numcrouseb
•••’••••■ intention, j-oung Dobbins seemed to ; e<mnt 'stwos ' ; . V
,aivri-i-'"'i'unibi'r "*</,///'• Y'X majig idind ; °T.,.uiing ’to ; the point 4f
■ g .do ineherdish deed ifc; set down ; view, the" Hudson riUu with JorX
I• v ill be t u ,„ I !l ; y W a flnd.-i City and 'llobokmm with its l,oa ; uliful
: ‘ :• 11 . ’ : l . '.T 11, T >U i d walks, its distant hills anVXalleys
.f- 'Copies, fa !‘X< Z % i bW This viveVms Timed for its
at bridge which’’wa/ndar liyfnw k> ow“ !’ ca,,t - V; . Tl ' is ,. c 4" 9Ctfn h Y
;> H-c- ,vn extra min w,M !„• „.g w h.-thor he had ; kiiled the .mid or J s ® ort . h -, r he;Farlc
■• ■Hbs 0.l rw.enlv. . j’o.ciuhs of not There lie waited for some tiinc ln . v ! e ' v > s A triangular inclosure -,con
• ■ ffi ■-r.'.IMVEEKI.V Till* »■£
, n, no sent, f<> ciuli-' ..! liitv haek and found that the man i. ] k a r al the. Southern part ot
■ MIA TIM BUK H ill be ! } dead on tl.ergromid, with the t o«cd m'a IAX UIUI in *'
" ■ .. • ’ . . i lantern still.burning at his side., ' Tl.e S 'vi f ,l,"Jn,ons
’■F " ~ ~T- llh rill Bl K L„. , murderer, tlrqn proceeded to search limptian lilv* i»*X*’ ai> °' a *\
I'-ne Luduings. Nev.-'iork i victim, and Hat was his ra«m and c • ■ ",^ 0U , ® re »umcrOOa. per-
I .—. • ■ii.upi.oi:,„™i .S rf* *% ° r
. .'baits cai.i no proemed it is in monev anU a silver match Fckr-li f arb,pioy' ? t<|d wl.ieh deeding
•' t fan to-rmait Bank Bills, f„| 0 f being caiiglu. lie their ran awhy I J.™ Ul “ mist - wh»lloino maim jet throws
' <d the Ft st Office and (forgetting in his fear to take thi- i, P ® ol?l ' uu , to « r .eat height aduds.t
. 1,1 all «*-' lantern M "and. took ihe fipstYrain !to f b SS“’lh«?R.i^ - V '
•,■ • ’ v .: Cincinnati, and was soon ibund. i .(V • .1 , ’’ •..‘f. }’ ® Biiniiiai name
,: r \ money; by j .lie qnieidjf made confelssioU of the Dr Xe.W lm '
■m-t prepay to" Express: whole affair. Hdiappedrcd’ perfodly K t?r® P k ' t 1 bu.kl.n- covers
'■-■■ it wilLbu u*.*dacted. I rom j reckless, and said that the “authorb j J" uo ' -°- ? hU I, a^
Mies mav hang him and be il-d.” He Z ,'V? lar ».°l lcc *
■•had been in the army 1 but deserted .9, a*.
1 l a don • iECotel, •” : ™~
fe t beaver, penn'a
’ - I'.a-Yl .wife, to whom he has been mar-| !slTrt , K by „ a , wit (, -alcoves! for
Taorßr-ETou •^f ,led bu *' llb ' >ul _ five J^ ont H j iipa.ntiug' aild Sculpture. v tL hJdxt
- convenience „f a fir > | ’ tSuthe Columbus* (Ga.) Sun
■' l -"TEir SALOt)K ■ ■ M- 9 , •“ la^ i , gham'. And if 3 allandig^|j ut . no , moro Jb p pru °^ L . l i •
s - of u -J don l quit spouting treason, the^’ 5 : . , : .
, • lr '-.soar* 1 , CO fc* V ! ■; . i 4 ... .
. . _ ;''v* tt cnish e .iwUh(.v«pfs;'f^" t, - ,C- P Wo 9 d have more dilfi r ,| a person ivlio ‘was a sortlid
• - ■ l ’’ , Tllc is furnished. Cl, ' t 3 >n passing h,is jugular than our -Wiser it was told-to All- (S„ mn ,i
. ;;■«- m«w» „A B I tan. i..v. ■; | ‘K.g
••■■• !soJ, vf tJ,I? l ibcral>j,atrnnagc hereto- ■ 1 ■'l it **.* : i ' ,W|th o.licishirt' and a guinea. ‘.‘Yes”
■oa.i- | -' fc .,A ; fj tmua °?e. or ihiT- •omc is I 4 n f m agin«tive Irishman gives i said Currar, “and 11 will answer for it
~.■ .» ■ - dec!7 j rttterance to this lamentation : “I rej-j that lie will change neither of thiun
ILlTnic ! turned to the -iinlls of ray fathers by until he. returns.” '■( ;
a 4HBER & l ni « Ht ’ and 1 found l - 1,9m in J’-uiiis!. Xi . i —M- 4
'Mpl- '-y of rro,„iis7 : .A7 b f iB " i 'T'pd aloud, Aly fathers, where are teKfroubles are j like dogs the
v T lnc- >’• and an echo responded, ‘ls smaller they arc’tbe mnre tnov annoy
V-' I thilffyou, Patrick ! jy<|b. /, mire uioy annoy
;i,e volunteering and- departure of
.'^ ns .of'tlKiusah«is' of its pritrons to
. lT v,' in tlie War for the Lhion,.it3
-th-viaijfji on this Gib of December,
- . is .1 s 'follows :
. ]‘airv
~ ’ vrj. kir.'.
" Afgrcpite 1 21A3T5
;’.-.--eriiiiie;rlly u•journal of, Nows and
]. TtiUii-e, The Tkibt.'SE haapoliti
,.'ii’ivictimis winch nrc'Ayell clm.rac
. !iv tin;single wordlf^’CßHCA.v.
;■ iK-pnUiean in -ns hrartyj adhesion |
■--ay i iii-i*• siVcat' tinf 1 1 that - "ffod ha* ‘
[!„r'nin‘ l>!<io-i nil nations of men” j
■ 1 in its- assertion ot the
*. ’ .jiuiil anil inalienable riirlits of all
to ‘-iffe. liberty,,'and tin; pursuit
.or happiness’’—Keluibbean ‘.in its
-H';"i'.ast; ouruliHf. detia-ut. hostility' to
■ , : -rrv scheme and effort of the. Wave
1 fewer, from the Annexation of Texas
'.o,v'.ie oreatßebellion. .to irrasp -■the
' . rnipiie" ot iljth Afoild and wield
rim- nf our* for its
■ t.v.i "oorannir.iinent —Republican in
; 1 1:' .-nMa;*(i.nrsin to tiordespof*.- of- the
■ : . i;,i\Vo:ij. ‘ nh<> fni:dl\ qjia’l in. the ■
rj: r.h’s and eah.hjith s f thrust
~ ■ ■ a a.- J.y their A mfriq.-in '■counter-'
'part v ami :irnin of tho
n'i, i l.’f-’iii.lilic—J-Jopuh.ljeaii in its :
> ];and'trust, its .iiiith : trnd effort;
•".at this atrocious Rebellion inust
-a;; in i 1.- overthrow of its
....-and the linn establishment
i,e,,.rfai rtyhlstind eqiial laws Jliivmjrh
n the- whole extent eonntrv-,
■.-i:: Liberty.and Union - , shall • ih
• “one -.110,1 .['inseparable - ’ lienee
■>' 'I i:inr.\H ii('Vot('s aitftiljor .in
x-v Him-,.'.. arajl i<> fif*iii;- i-xt-'/it ia
to Tviiiptianvt 1 . Asf
■. I iivolil at id n~h:i tov<-r
i< inav iiiHi/.'-t.c--lii the .-jiirilnal mxi
lainl wyll-lietii" 'ol
'.il l; : l.'iit I'U' ii.o j.rosf‘i’,l itscnoi’-,' c(.!iiini!,s- ate I rnaiiilv (If-
~.iu inrigorauon and. puwt'ss
'■'•••r l : 'f ti.e L'mV.n, -Jts special
«.-v i'.-*ents
oc***'>mpn ny
■ o suny fir.ri report evo.rv
int iiic!i!enl ,nt that tcreat *■■ trui;-
- >ve irn> t- to j-esnli in 11 if
;• .il ••nr.eln.'i ve .triumph ol ,i 11 ;>
m: a; ’ii 1 * !iie.i in the roj-toraUen
- jiii'l 'l*l l rift fo v onr <ii.-t,r:u-;eii.
-(;nvu;try. AT(ibolt-eve tliaOijol
• -•i-'L* i ;:n ;v tulU’r.o.x* tnu»v nvcn
vj« wui the v-;»r] eliiirhc
ifl tliV rnt.’MirnJowr, 'Coiiflici 1.0
'■U; than through -the regular
‘yit onr - (•«■,!?. r»|i;?;. -Aiul. \ve
’■-h'-it -(lio::/Ti.o|jt.*ra(ion' of
Xtit'nnijTi causa.which
mi;*i- 1- i;|>ll *'Jij. r* that vof
4 ■>
!0;fi::l u- in I ox-
> iI.
■;: j.'uj
~~ -
I I■ : *• ! (. \<
‘ll.V Ti
•r.t' y *
C ’..' ‘ l - 1 J
p-.-vr:;i ; * r’.,iU t"cu-
M 1 li-MU'XI-:
-.i RIW.XE Al-MA-N/.r FOIt LSG"
».'iy about ClirUinias
I fLA RK-,
.;..... f1.0,]26
The pasta orq maui“» iand'cpmplevo’. |
tViih separate deeds, desires, 1
Orbing with motionjslow ori fleet
• ' * Their"small but perfect fires. j
■The future, moving; up the night, ;
it dusky bulk un shown ‘ 1 „
J 'i i ■
lk*hin>i Us verge of light, j
Is crescent nipl alone. , | -I
.Cold-Blooded Murder at Dayton,
■Ohio',’ , j' ' j
The Cincirumli papers give tile par
ticulars of a , cold-'Wooded inurdc-t
■i which occurred near Dayton, on the
i loth ell. ‘ - A young -irian namcdiJ. ,\\ r .
i Dobbins met afDaytoiii a farm up from
. Germantown, named ‘George Ltnder
i wood, who incautiously told hirii that
he had that day .disposed of a quan ti
dy ot tobacco, obtaining SDoO’
l meiit. At one time during tile day 1
! i.lio two -separated, when miiknopm to]
■the ot her;,SllOOi was: deposited id tlte 1
hank 1• v Lindeiwood, In the t,“ v cn- :
ing the two Went ’together to! fin'd,
isome place of athn&mhnt. but alter-,
■wiards. went into A store -together.--- ;
r J iicy remained .there awhile, Dobbins I
”oing out oiieo. and returning,with a.’
lantern, / which ho had steffen/) - j Tie l
trimmed the lantern carefully, lighted |
it. told:. liis 7ig«- a'equaihtuncc that lie !
was -going "up the river a little 1 dis-;
lance, to a friend's hoit-e,/to remain!
■o\er night.” and|invited him to go
along. To- tliis Underwood consent- \
ed. Tim two left thoistore in compa
ny. at hit- hour of the night,'and 1
walked' quite a distance Out of town':;
They, at length reached a ( dhrkj j
adoojny.' and unfrequented spot] on a '
lull near the ifiver, when Lindcisvyood;,
stopped sudderd} - -. declared h'ei wpuld ;
go no f urther, and accused hih rtnn- '
nanion of the intention of robbiri" '•
■ - \ , . .;! i~, ■» \ CV”
\\< 1
....• ~~l~.tyr
i'lii-; Trt'ir
> oent «•
r;:;;;; xi-..
s:” ;,m
' -1: - 1 -■. .-I ;,r | ■■■ ‘.1.: 4. .. -r- 1 ■ • ..K*
cia 11, 1868. ■;■- v l^]st
* Letter from New York. Ll , Gomproltoliiiifr 18BT
* •. r\
Eternal is the Power Serena i '
That brings tie*spring to nil, • s
Put brief the'space that lies between
The ripeness and the fall. ■
The earth, m shadow and intglow,
Around the aun ife roll'd, i t»
And lightly come and lightly go - t - ■; .
The years that make ns old.
Oh ! autumn night, reposing now, i
Xike-bird with folded wing} ' [ '
As old men think of youth, sol thou
Rccall’et the vanish’d spring. i
The lov’d one dies, ithc love remains ,j
As, when the cast is gray;
The lufi’d and dreaming west rcUin*
Its memory of this day. I ,j
Across the air the liasty ( ;
Secno'^abWingof.the past, i ,
tender-sneot lip* looks
■Tlmt arc not made to last!” '!
The-mild breath of ihe.waning year
Comes up from croft and lea, 1
And over distant downs I-hear j , -
The sighing of the sea
1 stand beneath the infant night^
' J’.esprem with dewy drops. *j
And see the crescent rail on hang while
. Above the dark hilltops, i |
And. ns the stars blbom thick ami fast
Uut of the tremulous sky,
Vet, by the waling moon surpass'd, ;
iKaimlv beneath her lie— '■ ”"i -j
Perfect, but faint, while she, secure
In growth'.and come,!
Holds in a silver trance ;toc 'pure; ?;
Dark of the skycy j
1 mid a ( .vriabol of our life !'■
impress'd in moon ind. stars, 1
A n»l vencb fit inner mdariiWgs. rifq
yrqrld’s dirjiiltara.' j
. i New Yoßft, Feb. 26,1863
1 I
escence of the JKirta fn, wjiit is (Pal
led “thp( tCompron iso”—j
tlmt>, by gi a warranty .
Hieed of an prcBent' : a&2 ftihirc territd-
Vy of tU^tiWon'ffiiim]of thel parallel j
of 36° 30 v Nortb . So wp nev- i
cr hacl any making an}'
such suiroiidei 1 !iiiairtho Slap Power i
bad pi accenting npt deem
ed the subject of serious impor
tance. The simpltfTact is, that .the
Slavery Propagaricpsta 1 . of the. South
had. found thftiijtlpng-scught excuse'
and ojppo rtn nity '■ breakirig up tlio
Union, and thoy : ,‘#sredetermined not
to let them pass pmrnpfoved. This Is
the way they 1 tdlk&'.!iri Congress du
ring the session intervened bo-
I tween
inauguration: ■ j [
. Mr. O, ,R. of Miss, Isaid
Dec. 4, ,djiy of thd fifcel'
sion): • - ” Tsf' J . !•
‘'l was not i?entMre rprthb purpose,'
of making any eonrorbmise or to patch
up existing difficMtids. | I- leave, SirJ
to’the sovereign of
to determine for. her presem:
Federal ', 1
Mr. Jones of to the same
j purpose: : ■»" v . ’I ■ ■ , ;
! ‘Mr. -Hawkins preFlorida said': •
“While I amSpeaker] I,
may , as well advknce] that 1
aftgppposcd, and my State is
ojlptfecd to all andSsfpery pdntprdmb’c.
The"'day, of conVpi&Alsp has passe;!.”,
Mrl-Clipton of.jliebamal said ; i ‘ 1 '
“Believing thafc»*„Stjato lias.-the
■right to secede, thc Only rem
edy' for present ppils', in iSooession, I
j will not hol'd putitoy; eiojiisive hope,
i nor sanction an#btentpofiaiiigl pol
| And, Mr. Pugli.-ireprescnting the
! : T;. •; I.'-U•
j *‘-' s 'my Sfatb wijabama intends
(following 'Spiiih: s Out of the
iUnion. by next]l
put- iio'attenU^^^^g^n-J-alipn
On the
.nor. of (icorgia
“Sir] the inro
dping it conU^TTOlon.-fe
We bo'.iovc that the onh- security- for
'the institution-to.which -ivc attach
much l.s Secession apd a
Southern Coincderaey. ■you'vtblk
about concession. Von talk|about re-,1
pe'aling tlio [Peisonal Liberty bills, as.
a concession ||o tiro Soutlii ilepcal j
them all tc-inoiTowfsir, ami it would |
not stop (lie progress of this revolu
tion. It is not".your]Personal Libert}-!
bills th:i|t we dread. | Nor do; wo sup-.!
pose that tbere will lie any overt acts!
on the jiayt ;0t Mr..L'inco|ii. IFor oifop
I do jipl dread overt acts. Ido hot
propose to Wiiit ibr them, We, intend
to-go Ollf.” ■ ... ■: j
■ JeflVrson Davis, the. a-reh'-ivuispir|t
tor, said on the lOt|i. of tl.ic same
niontii; 1
r BC*cne
t,! i he States in thei)* | en■
parity bavg now resolved to jnd<;e .of
the' infractions!- of the (-Vierai com*
pact, tjr.d of the mode and,nioiisuro of
rodrftik. Shall w cling to tlje mere
forms, or idolize the.nainc of Unions
when -ilt» blessings are lost alter its
spirit has fled |
On t!io next day but one Wigfall of
Texas, said: | ~ T
<- So far as thisWnior. is. conccvuod,
the cold sOeat of death-is upon it.—
t our Union is note dead : yonif Goy--
crniiiont, is bow dead. There is now
in the Gulf States 'ho excitement.—
I’ a fixed, determined will, that
the}- will ho fico.” |
Oh the 18th;- the CTittcndcPtj resolu
tions were introdneedi On thh Gist,
Senator Benjainin from Louisiana
said : ’ I ;
‘‘TJie Sfato of Carolina, with an
unaninity, scarcely with ‘parai Idled ;n
I history has dissolved the Union which
1 connects her witlf the other States of
! the- , Confederacy;, and has 'declared
herself independent . In'ext, week Mis
sissippi, Alabama and Floridaj will
nave declared thcmsolvesandependeht;
tbe week after, Georgia; and h |little
lafcr, Louisiana f soon, very soon; to
bo followed by Texas and Arkansas.
Tbe day for the.adjustment has
cd.' If you would give it -now, you
arc too late.” 1
And on tbe “tb of januar} - follow
i')g, Scnatov-Toomljs.of Georgia said ;
“Tho success 'pf/tlie Abalitioiiists
and their allies, tinder the aiamo of
.the, Republican party, bas produced
Ii ts logical results already. The Union,
Sir, is dissolved. That is an accom
plished fact, in the path of this discus
sion that men may jns well heed.—
And -nowiyoti see the glittering bdyo
nol, and you bear the tramp of armed,
.men from your. capital to tho Tlio
Grapdo.” ,• ~1 ■ ■-! | |l
i- Mason of Tirginia was;., ovcjrhc ird
,by Douglas to say : “Xo niafiej- w lat
compioniiso 1 the Xorth oilers, lire,
poulb must fin'd a'waj- to defeat it.”
Ami Pryor ot A irginia telegraph jd
VWe cau get the Crittenden Corapl-o
-• miso, but woa-don’t want it.".
I But it said ; Tnio.aho Cotton
States were resolved not .to bo com.-ili
atod but the Border States would have
staid if the Crittenden Compromise
had been carried,-.and they -ifcould
scon havo.ibi-ougbt|back tbo, otherd.”
But M.nsoii and Pryor word' Border
State-menand the Confederacy’ had
I settled the entice of the whole con—
Svoni; by forbidding the iatroductioi)
or. slayes from: any State tCdiiebishould
adhere to) the Union. ilfow tho'siaplo
export Inf Virginia.'| and iq a\ great
jextont pfi other border States, ip their
slave population--Virginia having re-,
-eived more money for her own flesh
and blood'sold to the ! Cotton 'States
within the last filly i years than she is
worth- to-day. The political imuna-:
gers of the Cbttpn were [firmly,
resolved never to be reconciled] to the'
Union—ythc Border stakes werbjintont
on keeping their negro market—and
they -were vociferous m their "protest
a^; coercion;, Thjo. border], state
delegates in the so-called “IWi) Com.
vention'’ in Washington were open in
that,] if the Cotton
States-should not lie won back to the
Union, tlfe horder states would follow
them out of it—-Passinu the' Qrilton
ddn Resolves ! would have simply de
moralized j the .North, ami givdh the
i Rebel (fonfoderncy a plagsiblo ground
foi* clairning all the Term tor ies Boutb
of 3fj° 30' in case of disunion. • It is
well 'that j tlie; North l escaped, that
snare—JVU . ;i "'
To the Democracy of Indiana.' of- i'isj being God’s , inliitiuioni itil! j ' .
Having .a qccp> interest in tiro fu-dlis rod ot.puhishnient!.— a thornba , 'Spa me^os ‘.uthjui.s SvjjpATuizßßs.
tine glory land welfare of our'cobntty. restoring' sting. Now iS tbe tiijie to I -.-T.hd. Louisville JnUnial. widen is
arid believing that we occupy a j post- rid the world of this MdC Of -pcacc.'kcrliii’tily nc-Min Administration; fA
tion wo can see the .eflectis liet-ns not fasten upon (the innocent! per, has this scorching ’ word of re-
Of the p6iitica|l struggles at hqniC ; up- nn.born this,fruitful themii of injus.fhhlcoL.for.'tlidsc recreants in the -free' 1 ,
on the hojie.s and Tears of- the rbbcls, tide, strife and'murder., (Leave not a (Stated who can onlv see-evil ante' of
w x c deem it;ourduty, to speak tb you vestige of, the curse. , The icnell bfUWo ’Govornmebt and only) good in
openly and plainly i n regard td the J slavery was hung in the [boom of the j those of the miammis tyrants who
same,.;.'-, ]>| : , ! | debpjtonod cannon intoned'for’the do-1 have -H-belled -against tbe'l'nioli and
- The rebels of the South are leaning stnViHion, of Fort' Suhtter(dnifcf lilfe • now oppress thej pbopld of.the South-'
on the Northern Dcrabcracy fori; sup- the boomerang in the hapds of an mi- jern Sjtate.?; .-•TV: fiml.atitrtrrg'lljo^eftf.•,
port, and ft’ I*4unquestionably ifnib, skill .ul.-tbroiver, iciounds; willy h kil-jtdrial.-aidieies ii'tlm -.rftft.r-nal for'Fein
that to; thfc ling .blow. The 'blow'li^vcrheratcs'.juary ! 9th: y . ,
Administration, is A“glvlog,’o}dj• ancl sproAda until ipl'c jtUirisdudom ! p-‘‘\Vi>nhiB‘to.ho-ihoiVgUt(ifU.ksd l crtit:
comfort t{»] tlija -CDcmyJjjy iVliilbAt:, is. heeds-tln> warding. I j aens Juid. others, ’wlki, ■prcdv'iiduig.-tb.
the duty ol Tuilriota to oppose‘the | The hfifne of Lincoln ,«■ nd Ur.iv'oisal fhe lof) the-Uiiion. send hp cea.srlcss
usurpation ;ol powtb-, it |is'ali(ic: their liberty, will forever Ce as closely alii- j ?ry military arrest in
duty fp avoid captious■ ed ajpthc; name of Christ and CUiWsti-(Aho . United grate's, vet.'’ are. never
niight ; create the very evild hvßicli'tyj and will go haiid To hand Vuh flieard.jlo hre’atho- a iiiunntfl over the
they attempt :tb avojd. ];! ' ’i>4hb Throne of grace.’’" / ; v, f.lhouyabds aft! (thousands of arbitrary
| The namp of Democrat, ajs|pejiate(l ; ,X j\- '> ' / ; I y* ! .tirrest>{ ) .iinipwlsjonihents. 1 •cmilmcafion< allythat is bright and gljo'Hjoiis in Vi-.'\ H >Tories--!--A Prediction, h i hwhippplgs and hangings • constant Iv
dhe history]of the pa|t. is
iSi^S^^i 1 s " r“^ uU "
Smipi. and nothing . hope] iyitUd’t Ir'sr.iteof l^rl^tf^^irlf^h''”’ 1 i ■Fc J 9l Allniimnration; IrfW
tUeit conquU. .ThcjUte «fo»k ml Wiho ffih
tbaif money ! freely.- to-| subside :| dhiu of’the natiSs S f**®- lifts* Wed almoapft.
:SSSSiSBM , t‘^SSs?W»
«mf*indittn'a,ftcndins' toward 'llebhli’i V'° v " > v,^l‘ ur « i; "S aful iswctuulg.tlkp, f* 1 Irf - Lktwk** ftjjjn--
|tkip otitbe Xorfcwost wUb.tblsdufh v s, fl!l )6 f U ''! tl,c ,V'’'-I :M :>AT fJ Jhdl^v.iif^..-
agtunst dliclEikcrn ISta'Jcs'. jße n 'T n V a -I 1 * e M} 11 ' 1 llg 1,1 Wiwt-h \ve copvj •fi:om_i«- ex.iliamVc; ii».
deceived. \J>uW t ,L ;,ilj: jroirj T^rir-t' "“’ “"l ftT'llfF K ! •’ G Urielj.Wf ii,Ud pyphmiuioh -,,r -an
|-fc 4;, fy •- *«IU •*« «».- urn.- not
iiil roJ|, , Y f 4 , ’ !,ri! 4’ *«|Hj 4‘fyo wu|lonnlor>t.v ; il
jW'ko whh'tiicikselycsjin the Crihie of! 1 *.H 'nqmae hmui.t. wr|ii l;/ , 4i-; : Jie!icv.vf -frm/W-c&.'t 4
jpvhojlion. aildibring Aa your Ih&artb- j , 1 . 1 . , _- , “, I ‘ lul r‘ ‘’’A sheAu;;ipd is p-'oVih. ljftv*pcr ..•cp!. p.v.idnm
t[itpiWK-the’ddsoii>tioiMd':i Ercnchirevo-I 'I' 11 ' j ln } l ‘ ot b p. l pjAy. l*taii;i,£ --papei' -dolisii-tirf oniv w..r: .■' •Ui \
1 : dn -kch<lr dido. 4'&°m **>> 4 d don^ :l -'i..o ’
• ‘peace i|n Ibc future jisNidssitlc 1 \tn t ‘ l fH r ' . Ll J,° ot 'to f..fnti.%; :i!uf sain.; a< t-Ij-‘ , n->- . ‘ ,
yiMfljtyc ar6.<ioh)polled4y -Hu^- 0 th r'!\ l>o S:i' >^-'!n ' Il Wori Vi'!’ : l- ,TaiA"Tmr.::■ ;.-: :W-.-.
j bj|eVory ihtpriAciple of-honor, anaScto- i vfnn ?•• f' K V.p l , c ' 1 ■.^! ,i !^‘ e V' s childrenip-yora.iis. eoidpAndihg of prtuimorwiGw.
! r/'inipnU oi; hianliood. to bring this y W'tspiiited with- Kjfijy.per cent taken-.
lon holy coplesl to a siucessfitl terniih- vl'aj, ’s?.!• .p ,, ® r : ate l o '* J f ’ / I,c ' woi I I K --au -article fV' nlue-h ■ ier Umu-g1...
•iatlonV , ;I; . ■ i... STfe:.-. U ?7 d '. >;yi l 1 ?':-” if ..; :id
j W;hatl --.Adtn t that \v(\ arc j. . } \j '^ e V 1 I *"j ul . v S‘.'flity pl;:‘ ccTif! Jo 'umlci--;' frf;r*i*11.;
: That tweiitydthree ’millipiili of|iJJorlh- i. ? ell <hgftt\.r on .thejirtomory ot • .iv- for < v nc iiiiro (.itt: - Eve de.i i- t tiiiv •
jevn lucn.'urojipieqn;d (oi'niko irtillidtisl'mp " j ! * ll^, c ’ 1 l" J l . i:^ t .MV ,tH 'A‘ olto, iy;per oeui- to jive,
lor the south ?N,iHbii.ho ,0.«4 'Stated ! ‘^^m vut , ,orC<i^h:llL Wl.-i Wpeiv djdiar. when i„? l v
I,that t Wdiild'enutrtaiii sd.dnPinPccful aj[ I - - l M > . lu e ! 1 .'vdsttlr tit’iyl per /•••irt-. y.'i’emitui'f. li^ y
i proposition-' Shame upon 1' 1 !'-.n lln H 1 * '.n dl edipo lon h iwottli sixty-sis' unit ■'tw«;1 1 fiK!.-' ■cVnti.’ , f
t craV who yvoilld ; snbniit to jtL .and i as " '}l dhe:'-iristo;til- ofdor/y.- Tl><' t» •
raise, lii.o-h. s chwardly voice anti claim h ,l>ll ’ r y- j cj’siniph; \yay (ifL;s-h.(pvii,ir_ tjiii- ; ,_ s i ; 'i>h,>, -
that he: Was an indianian 1! ' ijlc aiul] ' j , i;o!d di)Mar3;atrlCOarc ;■> oidht..
such' aasU rdK with their oftsprinkj ’ B,eath ii a Grand Secret. j .ll l: iP cr Tri". 1 ;-!lone:.;; mvii; ‘(vti-’r
: arc fit 'phuuisillA,’’ upon which .should .\u/ln„A ■-.* i r ».l ,i ,;• '. . .MHO 1 , dollar js jtv<t 'fiv.e-t’iirhtV-of- (1.;;- i
1.0 built the l<];-dlv4ructurh k their V -’' f *‘l • Cl > her:or I
JSouthcrn arfetloeraev! . And iwith 1 h 1
i iii I ; "i h in* f i othc*r^j.shallc brou*fiit ito death rbv t • v • . . s
ohmn os ,an<|o-.bp Vhat Wad 4e -aba'll fijo Ithc vav 'I Si.rnnKONXPnAVKn -O.t a lafV.^tv
f Sncl? ■ teh”; s 3ri- ar oi;fr& i kve sh .II rdtUrn hhy ■ in the. ,
iTi Iv J y.j f at > .f • t . l /V , ; disease; hr whfit disaster! will ‘be the i I ?'*'l’!' a - ver ’ Gmlv w.e ].rai-,
; thcji counhy, ?ind their j d oor i(Ji,p U t us inti tWhouse of. ap-! liR ’ naition across the ocean, and.
guerrilla cottonbipnors--w)th pbihtniM'Tor W 1 living i ! i c ithis time.\ve: tcjil-i-make'use of a snn- v
i m “ir ; nh^ .9/ iWb.4i.hof AeseriilcirllatldeaU. whirl wchuve not t.Xd h
t , ?“ S knot is tU.iitqdH between thei> hrec «M)nths-.' Wy are airaid that
juto the -hold, Uipuslr wtvea, bod ail d soul, nor
anddalws are c t behind!t Mcnlnvhji | &g • to l b cW 9 i|Uie.v throwing oIV ti.o I,amis',
pfi-scente andi hang, or drive, from „ ot * 'dl nnwnlu v l>ave*co,„b..
{their inms,. cvpriy man woman nm ~) 0 - Vith .4liat dr^diulleurioS^” 1 hmrestly, t■. pravVGhd. speed (hi-
' ll 4 ' f : ' .l do ' vt ‘- . does ll.e soul 1 hunch o, t ?ofi eternitr ThJouihoat the va.t. :T^-
norship the Southern trodi Ami. Jqt aru j reB jg rt itselt to an untried dhvsa ’ tseinldage thori was one heartv, loud
Svi f. S orn 8 / ra Let us Ire sitie that thefgutcL of liebo r - Vespoirsu of ‘•Amen,”, ae- thc
palhisc with such tyrants, and dare . o uiu. n uu. n . . ■ ~ - ...
oven to dream bl'conciliation !• • lndil| ® ,“1 - " i tl!e other A Mv l l ?r
anianls proud loyal, legions. nu,n| "d a K- m4I
her at least stivbntjv thoußdnd effect-: '* ICC ' . 11■ I ’ -.UsnoiisVs' ■ Ati.. V r \*
ive men in the Tfieltl; And a 4 with ohb roi^ C I*™," 0 »h Tf-■
great heart wc Know they |4ould rbi «4«vnto souls, nor! Am aequa.ntxg i ° ’ ol
pudiajto all unholy'combinations, tend! . Bla . tc *! i No stln-'d" ■ ' tr,:vl AV!,^bo
ing Afo'the disibembennent ofyouf region fo . v
Government '1- ' - t i, they are removed j , can nfcuhor j ,i. - _ , -, .
Ip this of onr country’s them nor |.to|' them;- ; exehanga lylules a ‘igpo.t;
trial, there . h . e ™ ,n ;p'eadotn -of n.cnapivu. is-on^boam
aid peace, and that is to hr vs firmbf f aa i ? , •V-'i b 4 °- n
■«W/l for our (Merriment, asthe bl ‘H !fl( > «/ *<>***■ into nc ion tlu-sc ,her t;
fire-•fii/aiiisl it: j Small dilleriuiebs of] W to- kne-,1 An .dimer,sneer--
opinion, .amountf to nothing' ih .. this 'ft™# wediaye beep m.s.aken.-. n«W usn.-d him -; n tic -;
a nation’s i>, ' - •|X | .;! i ll “ r( -
oyc!u one straX ip the:, .v h; ■ ■„... f -G. j wimt. aro-you pray-;.
| way! and- reincnippr, that every- word “Heavv Bats.”—\\ r e ifind thoj f«>l- 1 “ J, c -? , !f , , l! " iA A OO ;
(ypu jspeak *to‘ 1 lie South, lowing l\w 'laitUnittia--Staves M'ail: l ‘ Civ n^l* u .-r J 1 v i° or.o>u\/buWts - :
: nerves the. arm, And strilves tiro blow, &(>me idea >v ill lie given; of the iXcw j 11 ’"x '. !' •.P 81 ?) o ,' Ai 1 ' ,f,s
which is turned aljtlie'.heart’ii blood of ork jPost oflioe,' when the l-ict is ‘ f l(> r^’. ,zt ' ™°n£t.-rrpi mnpally atpong.
;our brothers and. kindred;) , V [ mentioncl that on Tuesday last, 1« J lhc i'’W :crd > wu f Gfe quick and ready .
J Aiivi'vP. Jlbii-.Y Brig! Genii.’ •!.'■ ladditipnt;6 the Usual work,: there wore !ret ° rt ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 ff
> i WimltAM T. SprcrT.y,Col.3!4th Ind. by a steamer froinGvewborn, j; . i , . ' . r V. ~ . ~,
' ViriniliAM-;£i'^ijdUEA^Col.'^'»dlntl.• •; O w 66.000 letters , EdVal, I, : .*&■'* f, « norg!*hoping, yd
i ■> , GKb.IF. ArGl&isAcoUaUh Ind; =.16,000 } .a id ;" 8"
! JAmils JJ. Col.-tftli lnd; Orleans. '.difffirent bring -J" raetnig peonies molars.,
Ilelehaj Ark ; feeb. 2,18G3, ; f .:- -labouflS.qW-imjiking 'in-, all S nearly r Sw 'l? ,s ' in « *
;„|—lOO.OOoAxtraletteruin oneelaj-L On'th.c' . . r*^W —-— . .
AidejLajfeo happieit ipan |is. the beifevr following [mOrpjng by thc jarrival .of j ‘ tS&-lt is an‘old} proverb tlmt '‘boys
.olenf ojfio. Oor b’cl. tho the SaxDnia. willi the European rpails, i will-’-bo bovs.'’ ‘\V hat a pity /tisn’t
happinoss ofvall piankind[- •> ' - -Art iyvere received OAfcrSO.uOO letters,! 1 eonailv-trnc «-;n- f... •U™
S3oiae Plain Talk by a Kentucky i Tlio Case. Fairly and ■■BtrougV'
U ■ , Slaveholder. : ; K- '. ly Put. ■ ' *•••/'
Tde Cincinnati Gazette'contains a ! nsay; that because ot tiie;p;V'-i; 4;
;i letter, from Qol. Leonidas! Hot-r 'H f > .diyorie.;- Jndd its
£ • J,. ; ■ I- T v I , j object is as looltsh ami murne ...v
l «>mmanW:ng one otHhe Kentucky is [.liveried
moi|ts. , .He is a sir v.eholder him- desolation of V ifginia. The object 1 ! ; ■
bnt despises dliat class : of. Ksik 'he [war is the ni»,irdoinaiic;c >r i;. -
:ians who have no' anxiety for any-■^ tOV | 1 ,)len^ — tbe desolation arid
ig except “niggdfs.’j - The -follow- f c ’^'?^'! ,!l t'i‘ ,T ' |are iricvitahle Incidents
.• At ■) ■ ...*?!;• f . I v iol warlike operations r i|je
is the concluding portion °.f ! object' of tbp •k'.on¥ervalivo,_r l e-!jetiop4
lf^: •*>'. •. . . j ■{,. •ji* tlje restoriii ion of n.ftarty to-pow-i
>Y,i biive Ljot our oyics Open at last. | er ’ cl j cc ‘ t: that' object it- ex-'
see that they are top ebf>tly -adux-'f .. 0 '•Tp; orninent to' destruction,-'
.1 Already a thousand millions has ; W> ■ jl <es -t|> e isupfomaey of
i spent! by each side!, and a iboUs-^f ‘’44 "wre 1 “V 1 - W*'
millions will net paly the dostnlc- id 10 Vovoi-nincyt—r.f- it he-'hates ,<V»I
; which ds a thousand dollars, a’ ! n ‘j M T u -j lu ‘V nvftre than, he lialety the
d for cvcfy slave oav nor' iri tiio ' '4 Icon under toe name of ' £ coh- .
:fb United States; And more rivv-i ? f rv i l' v ' in .tii.,/fr.vor ’
pet, lour hundred thinisand of (fur I . .w.hjeh Fer
t lace Wiave slaughtered or n i lI "-r ■ ° o( F’bi DaVis ap : ,
lof , disease,dn thii unrighteous " u<( -no'loves • his
*■ ; Our Congress has spent ju great ! mo !r ban party, order more than; an
ti 6f its time since wo likvo (been a ! ar ■ 'I; Polity tuore loan war. ho; wifi
ibn, in wrangling' oyer I that ones-: (A^PPb 1 a G.oycriinieiit, which/dbest
.•■Hus not time abundantly prov-l ! :T c jV i V. ( j anything ta-bce n,i}Cor».sti
tat wc'eannbt iiive|it .ian(i p«|acei t “ tl< ’s i,i yl'dh; : i>- .necessary to sfirc
The overbearing! tendency.! in- j le C|on»titulioir; nor anyihing.irtdy
.•d'intojua;by the'usages of thcjij- yanghrona liberty of a’hyVciti*
tion banishes the vefy idea of z(!n ‘'bich is .esaentiaf’to-lfce guaran
ty, pegco and pfogyesA Ahstcayl ttc ol the libei|ly -tit people^
;.'V ;■ , Advcrti'seint-ata insertedittf, the, 7,c
' , cents per square—eacn •;*-:i -
■ -i25 cents. A libera! discount Traiiati 3
■ f•d^^titera,''' tra'djoti ipngiadve^serrewt*
3 j AjSps.ce equal fp twelve iiries pf this i.vpe
•-1 measured »»'a - square. ' ... V.s ,
I-1 . Special'notice.t 26‘per cent.‘addition tiplrega
ujar rates. .\l : t '' ‘
Business' a Cards, 75 cents a. 1;:. L,
_ _ . . _ .rh Marriages.and l/catlts, Kcligb
J. loXo |and Notices of a iv uv”
J ..u
r j -v ;•