The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, March 04, 1863, Image 3
:.,j Tima Tables. JtATER phce .store.-rr nrWTMMt 1 flli itMAYrtRS OF TfTR ** »'j“'"‘ l °L ’‘Tfr am rr, 1 jjjJpi !j ~- **< I Opened in theEoom formerly Oc- \ ALWJISMiKir, :« illil IUUO Ui, XIIU copied by theiatc Sr. Minis. olftlKENl.l 1 Great Cities. 5. jl#./- d in tlitf cinVELAND 4 FITTSBCItGH, R. B. nppp Ouiwrteey W-kjdl-'.M"' e*- T CRO inaiclire, .Wenisl blin.r-n tWftOie widOTaisnea Majwi.hor^year. rhair. Or inctiJn, »»> !?- ~ JJaicta}f ‘ —7 ' - ' Fmj*nd««v«i-ito.V'-«P'c.-ii-:f| ;bi all d-i»««inea’lc«i, »U«U»« il.*Wd*w • **& **».«» Brpggiats. ApotbeeariM, aail. appointed Scx-’y. Tne *. BeaVCP S.WItQIV-rOiOIXC East. ' . , eb Land ijU -ayiiclw anally Wund iu i-lSlstlcisdwc, MOTliTltSi Riail-IMI.Wtn-K'.K Ttersioiana of our several oUios.Uavo sigeodj ??.JeW bdiftß. 10 fleet offleers-for; Corntneitg, Monday, Aoc. 17, !£C2.— Triiu., ! 10 ?Y^'P’ 3 . i- I , ( M- ■ i«Ld your fons nitgia: tingilUir aliUi. i- . Moeurnent of,wsuranooto; on shatAYEß*3i de ,„W rear M-J-W J. WrHum 1 &«#» Reaver Smt.oii atfoUtnt,-. j , H ‘-“'•■K *1 1l! i -, “ c, 7 n “P 11 Druggist. the public . WcAll danger, ildr.k win/rr!i<r K I*l !nl i! I.- • haa booa feraud to be t! uDDoinu-d i Ai - X ‘ ArriTes at Pittsburgh, «J:2oVs,. t V? ,p JKiJI.9 fViIhSX .and ;|AiiLIIIEAI.ING fc mm-Mi tnivwivili b'.vr F oat oxco.loaco, and wojlhy M 2:88 -- “• Km-.Aum. lilltcs - |.o.beonejeulovewUn,lar.- v:"” 1 ■ • confidonna ot tha cammuiuty. : u*r* l ® , |.7:20p,m. •* ; •** p. at. f’ 3 **I.’ 1 .’ **, /V 'aricty |of other, articles will also bo found \ ;nnd friends. It na viler, a jimJnoikt.'’ i i: til*? result; _ m j Goiso West—4 i*- . !| ■i, in bis i cwtubli.^liincut: > i-feci so flat they can culture 'jtrtn: uiirpup. ■1; HON. ’. JAJrIES COOS, -( * 'j Train* Itav* PUtUurghMifolhxctr | N ’ ' ■ Tea,. Ex.lriVit.-iit .Cotfc<\ Hosin i MKitbty‘ami i-cUcvcs llio iaflr.ft'.cd nn.-s Mihcncu :• l’ ■ Mayor Cl X.OWE3!i2j,HAriSd i 6:40 a. X* , Arrircsat licarer r 8; 10 Ar x. k / , •«, 7A»t»/*>#' x 1 ir •■, y» *. »• ■ I .ioiiits, Icuvini' iittiiLMiii'lci siioj<i£ Siuu v.gtir* tiawJ • atbttct tjtti vt). •- wy}?‘ n-.e R TTolf. Rocbcsier......g;Oo p.iii. h aßt f V m - . . t /‘CI,./?!. ™f[ : r tnis*. -while for r/ i , -j *x- j tt Tlrt Pritidenl—A'.-O- » 0U », i r-f , p • 3:00t. •. .. “ . !: “ : ..,. i -.‘!.-30.r.!M. j. : . ALL . Ar.TICI.Kp: IfOtt THE Tfnu f v.r.. I SAltliE CTTS AK.D-.G.I'NSIUittVOX'M/S ■ I 1.1. Mayor of IeASHXiA, 2k. H. ton -P.. J ; - J- lia£uU - « bi.r-Oed. ~■ •£ S. r Prut. sien»i° i hI’OUL hKM) PES€\ Lo : i! “ pujud*untnualM. r^movinß ( ~; iVP ; KOir> E . Wi IH&BEIWGIjoir, ' . Mwaip: . .. _ •f • I'fy**** o ": ..•!■, 1. IT, . i NFEl>i:Ks; 11 \I !• <■* ■■mlnmnialipn j aim gtuil.v ( ( |, Kaj . 6 i or iSANCnESTEB, K. H. e W.S. ilutan, Borv. tp. , •■' ■ H 111 J L .J • r t ' i4 . J .'r -I* dvawhii; the cdirr.s tuireiluM*, u rr,u;cKly wul ■ J h . i • 1 » • & M-XVeuTV Boro. in. PITTSBURG,; FT. WAYSE & CHICAGO R.H. o widow of TOGTII BRURIIKS • 1 coiti|>ic«elv.bcaUlGi.o ' 'fe««r-3i' liorO. tp/ '•' D - ! ■ • T ' *1 TOh.UVO. SE«AJtS.!LIST- ’ j 'UVKS Am* SISTKIIS Of] Ot K V.JLUX-; Mayir of COHOOBD, s. S. * 2 1 c; i Tni,n Cttun Rochester StetioitT - Going East. lao. sniv. r r i*’rtti- t.twt r i ■ ■' 1 1 rttits 1 ~ rr«wj . tt tstttt fioip y,/. bilk JobnStLk\-j on 4 ’63. |; Quarterly Statement]. I I 1 ;1 • U i< n l»' J iVm.|4*^ L,S| ‘ hiV-ttM.fcfct 1»« -into -of year vis, ra!, "Jflnitb Biuiaiu, Kob.rvj Potlei, ■ Train*itattsidthetter Station of foUlotca: \ /\F T,HE BASK OF BEAVER COCNTXI. Jnnil not In- ! . I I .I Al EU. un|cl RroiLer. l --. \u morlij viuutuiio -or t. 3. T.,hu K- mteh Wm. Burns., . lb leaves Rochester A-xx* atiPitts. vy New ‘Brioiito.n, Feb. 18.63. |. hbcia« thfc \ ! ! O.U \ -fympB find \ ChlMni: -?/•>': ■ Dlu V^.^ : :).u.u v. th:- -'HOli.i' IfATKIItf SIIiSBEB, . I r £aal. ’Maguire, -J*>hn Ist Bright Accom. '6:55-a; >!„....- v 'B:iU:A. m. j | . ' nEsoraCES.! i ! ! W, ft*anv :‘{ ! •These ant Ai Icu-i of (lie ami'only a 1 ' I^TPv Vu . 1: r A -' .'ll-U b.. j f - • Mayor, of 5AL821, lICASS. EisOT- J>v“:Il-.'yjko»,aoBrjr<Soehr.;MMil - « •• ....... !,««>. ?J : , E nl, blMi aiK™mrf.»,ih...SsWj li, nmm, * CdUDj-.i \ HO». I. W. iIHOOLW, Jr., H'TSiW Thoruky Cr.!wW '« : | ,' 6m iv. o.r. toU'Vs.;,ls«r;7s a % i;vS;.T“;.:r envwt; ■ ‘ “ TO3T T ;^ KVst>‘K J. “P'S 7‘ ; 2(1. Express, 10:00 ; p,-m. 1J:C0 Uuri ; frwn Banks ' ..J.! 18,902 it P-—l-.L- favor biuov-itfa thdir cobkom. ■' I\ ' ' vi'V» il«vr«d « hl-'ii r'lvX- aOIT.i WM. M. EODMANf ■ ■tieiras .Poneran; Boocrt; , / : g.0.t0 ; : iV . |C. P. CUMMINS, 51. K - i'X ! ‘ Mayor of 3. t •WiffG- duiiter, John, V\ lUon, tndus- ttore. ?.«*.•; at 43,350 32 ' E©.P*.iiculßr 'attcn.U-i. vull be pniA >. , ; ut i'i,,' i'v l l wb’T AMOS W PEEWTIC2 TV *-l< ' r ' ,K ! ■ r «° , “* p! , •' . I) . „,. Vaclav. - u\L P IoHWIcS CON3T. Mn ’ p ojO ! i r/ [ e . J Q mO<J :>lau; vf , - B:0i) All m .0:28 i; C ° TlxtmCa I I,J °j jU< IltTkli ItimilllMilflll ; JUrrcll.Ull THE Git HAT CAUSE OF| J ni«l.l nn.itho ointpitnt hul'y W .HARPK -V. (-mi lit vhv- I reMilfli.t. ' T Ist'Express ■ ‘. 1:50 Ei jl '. »i. - ..V ■ i di. j AS n . i l ,; T Vi 1 i i i_ *!.• fe. il ' ; twice; n day nvcr the llirtust and cb.ftl ■ U.OJN.,J-. JN.jMAKEIS, -, - i ■ J[. C. U T JXs'ON. Pres’t. . 1:40 Ei *...„.. 2?05 r. M . j Current Expenses 'I fWprin Flour. Grain , a)td< all Jaiuh H , U ma T 1 M 1 K O py. (l,.* .EVEREST PAINS and ..oi- Mayor LONDON; CONSt BakcEATv Sefe’y,: pro-tern, j ' AEG. BRAOLEY, Supt., Z. i). | j '. ..,.smu22 0t»! of Country , Produce. Wine* nd 4«« IW,M .«^S.<,M£nv'hj r . PHif*.-*; > •»;« >»«*« diHtrcs>ir.gor nA.NGEUOEb COtUil HO». CHAS. S. EODIBB, Mlind.lrprhe corrcsri'- , { -.1 '; / i. j * Liquorl Chjars: Tohoov, iU. i AND tmlS ' |U n 'sOLDlUts\7a!N^: ’ Mayor of JtOifTHEAI.. G. B. . v ul" tUO ’Wheeling Intelligencer . !. j Capital Stock paid in ."...-. $75,225 00 j OfGvc ami 'Vai)ebpu«e. .No .37, sj«iptli:£ti strec.i iuiiiltca.' t'oii'itinplion/ Menial ‘..Hd l-bt’skal I . "'‘ J t 0 • v, ;. l V’',' l n l i ' La !‘“' ,ln f'7 l ? rl ;!3e , HON ’-. D * F - TlEHAiriv, _ ? in c ? rc . ul * l *«-*» 1- M ■PViilartPil-nTrijr,. ;i'tlolii i .N, 1 .M.,.;^.i-;p,itp.i ; li.M.krcd w s ;: n^:, , n U c;‘ rl M el . sra nasu HON - ., T“ - .vss^vrs=TTsLfSi,!iSCSotw'jNi-how. u«mua. ' • 2-OtL. 11 ■•• bel cavalry scout. ciJiU , , j'HE >E\I TERM MILL COMMENCE T0tb1.J.....: $133.022 99- • ;), iv j Society; Lovo ot] iCplitudo; 'JVmiditvii Seltv i n ; Hi I h like t,U..n.. v N ; Mayor of TORONTO C W vron-'.catftfiaVldf ourpiflCfM ««i the v 1 "\ : t -J.. i ■ 1 ' BEAVER COUNTV vs: Before m*. > notary • J K-tru-t; Gue.ntsslleadael.c, Atiwlii.. -of 1 be cdli.hl.ihtd ,1 depot ,n 1.;!..-, K.,0. o. xJ.KJ.MO, C. W, S'i-i-i iii •- roa 1. ■ After a skirmiMi i TuesdayMarch [ i \±t.hl • publib, in and Tor said County, camel Edward; httv fi'Al T ' iTlilT Tt/vvr Fn' ! n a the Kyes; PSutples loju ili« Face: ilnvolumapy! \'* ' ■;? l l J'■ { HON. [R. -M.- BISHOP, | . ■"Vh 1 !■-if intnntrv i.itdce'f in ' which “ And continue 14 weeks.: Tiie dim' of , the ! Hoops. GAsbier of ibe Rank of Bearer Gounty,]. IVII C[|\j, M'lr 111 ftV fr rfl A ■ Eniis..ron4, and Se\i«;i! Inediiiicitj-rikc: (joiist-! *7'r U 'P ll ' ?> ’ l f‘“h 3 ’ -l , 1 “° l' 3 l I: \ i Miyor "of Cl2f OINMATI, OHIO. , - ’id 1 n ide. the it.Wl* cbpe-J rto'tclhg duly affirmed acco.ding .0 law. de-„ \\ IM CiLUU 1 & l/U., Jon.b.itl Ac.. Ac., " “ nd Eol I H CBAWPOSO ' tv... 'ApIC-%.0.u«. v v Jon utn .-Ut. U,«v the Common EMuieLea: ’ !,1 posetl. that the above statement is eolrect and ! .’| MPRuTIiS-adm.r«l.|e Lecture dibitK nrotes G.n»: m a b.nglt. d..y. ilk-c ?<_uiM. .nd U-tJPI. i. xl. krillkWiUU J, .vti.-niv.l-eurcll.. t,it>iHi UisJ t.»c t.U ..lit . • ~ v I. ’i ’! true, according to -tlietbcdt of bis knowledge!! <d*3L '■ : 00(3.: I SSlfcmm ! tliut t lie 1 [above enumerated, odeti sell-alliicted 1 i“ I: ‘ V,(J "11 s 17-^v > \rVr'l'V : tTiivii s- v ei'u'-a- ‘ Mayor of LOUIS VIXiLE.KT. •,a* Ot kWC.v ..Kll. FiVf'J : A tNYtrmal Class, ;! I; And belief. ' EUWAUU HPOPS. II ] evil-s may be removed without mediemh nud iWpf'yi I .*,!'•'■• , .*....C-..’, n ,l vdV/|V HON. JOHN SLOAIT. " ' tff' hh • noticeTOßuiißEßi 1,. os I. U Jill 1. HIM. vis «h; of q 1 imiXE l-^N-AN.. .Sl-Ef-IFICATIONS FOR I J t'iiAS. J. f. KLINE A Cf). f . , ’iu: Mayor ox AUGUSTA. ME.. 11. lit I ' 'Sv.- *•<!. i:..iri<k : , •; ' , It) 1. TAVLoE., If, a UWEELING UtILSE 1,1.1 vbo seen at | JL 3STEj"W'i ' j 1-- U"e...-.Nen \O. ,i.lVt'( 15os.t5Kb. , Jm.’.uieV WMire- t I,V K, e. s', HOK. HENRY COOPER, Jr., r ( t.a s (J. u.iUo> s lo'\ i 1.1 1 :* '« .• tUu.Xteavcr Seminary Inst time.; for tl.e|| . » njr> ‘Tlia A Ptimnw ' IT I MAlßttt a'Rl!>" i CtiiiH. dWI wmn.ds wl.leli:. tlev.lVannor -i Mayor of HALLOW3LL. ME.. -1,. i‘j t 1 For Saleatthoß2averl)rugStorc,:bm!dh ir T-wMcii.o. ....I o. ~. i ;! ds a,o‘ ANP BEAUTIFUL EDITION _ makriAGE. i a ‘ n V«l!u s' t.vV.««-Gv t-.:- wow TAWW = - i 1 i 1 , 1 •.» i . . ..... -i ■! •■< *4(»li«*iti*d ui» t«» 111 o •’»! h <>f .»! -*ir. Ihe nplif ri'-o- '■ i li.h i- ■ ■ mui itMt*.-*; iS'iiiukh nn*l ntitrorH, t i 1 . \ <• . I . ... i r » -.. ■ (JxlllLaliw> »r» ,i. V. f *. * l k BISTIKES on BEUTKD - - :: .,' • f ■ ; • ~v' - :rr.r^S " ‘ I.n U.C : Gu „ J kwde" ain-y Elait. IW,!.1 W , ! . V,' “.'.'.'..'.Tv's I-'"' 'e.', n-Vn'p.ior'' f!£T w! ** " ,i!d polish iJelm e ,rCi;, f cou’dj HQ3T. J. BLAISDELIi, ' les -On li all good; Coffee, ExT. chdeeL I-andeHen (•..fTed- |’. |]| )• mei ll tf.ilo in * V ' , 1 Mayor of PALL 31VEH, 3VLA33. .si n.t I Hi , a.,lt, „,g.. pens. Spectacled.. tw«c:j -f.- i::V,!e ■ ‘.. f .; ; ipc u.rr. :s i. s,a,- • - :l. ; - Phas addle.* ' ’ % ,s!,‘_ a, e n,i;. exi,l..,„td ik' C A 1.1 IOJ« at» tp'-.r.b > j H OIT tlf’K CR ft a r , in*, a prmic tiling: a chwj.fer ,uncle of Syrdp; ; ■, ‘ ■ . ,| ‘ .1. C. t.ARRUVCES. I’ilblisiier. i llvlVuM. UiCNG; M. l». -'V- .''K'; /•".•••■«.,• l-aOif- iW. n' r -r;. ~f .. •.. ..„ • '’ Ci - T sav'd; vuiegar. h„..,my. baud sCi-plung i r»v>V r-Artn'C 9, ) r H Ic j t ' <M J .’■’•■V ; i; , .! Jtlj '. or ol -NEWPORT, n. I -aiu-ch a-iM-AiC, „ y brumes and sa:?> ■, ; . ' ; IJll * UUUiJi U ,o i; - , . ' ■ T, 1 *h; u-ts ..ifiescj: vi v.mtigf -e.mU-,6,.liltiug 1 I' 1 "*■« f f rrtt 'i ’l'F t if /' T - HOST. -FRED' STAHL, ’ • ■ lai-U: j I.V Cairo, ot ; |an. currants and :.4,r-,ns for ta.e at, C. 1> ;' ■ . » r-- ]■ J /J-v--' nm,. .rince. or .homnn who did , ■ I'4 | K..yor of GAL3MA. ILL. - M .n d Vtf i O J,.Cu-nm WS Dreg Story:.- ~ i: ; rjnJnj.t ATltejT ANO r .tMU-Sv \ j:j 1 I ! -: . 1, o. i. ..11-pr.i.g ,o 11' ".O' ■" ' ''" ) > , - 7 “ ■ ' : I din-I- lb lull i’t start— i\DAI IV IS r'VVYtoT* 4 Vi) I ft' r X ..Sidles -if 5 !> <» ’ ’ ODS 'kepi ‘ 1 i'H ~ , rT a ! their ci.reuii.stinccb. ■ Krerr [am, disease aie) I»c »•><« l; ' •J’}.'I ( ; ,1 ‘‘“jf « s>A, •», .< ’>• », ■ HOH. JOHIf iHOBGDBIT, : I ; I- tiff Oil the--' -r, UO ■! *" 1 - - VO , J I U ' , - , i StaJtlv. on bn.uN audio. Vdc.i’r 1 MUiS 1 AMU AI„ t.IPrAU.eS VIC- ■.» be .aei.b ,u..f lo kputl,. lualu, iu and old ,„-o, J " •'"■V > •V' 1-1 1,0 ’ u | ( M" 'I ' , Mayor ef DULUGTUn, lOWA. * - 1 11 V u ' 011 UC \trilNßEASdeltcrs oradu.ii.isr.'aiic.noi. i ( * r • . . . , dC I: l:S eau ,iow be bad a, . e iis fully evrlah,ed- : cv •rv 'par! i-lchf krliwlcd-j { I'artiekeoimrvrte.'inull.omed [cues ,:rv,-u,|- - : :,: , . i .. AI v r *W tbe.estatf of Jo,is* GcSsirus,: laic, :CAS II I*U 1* K o‘Ji LC K. r,, r ,-T ,lf .vTfWT'P '.ha, -wt K.e'si.'on. .■ J c 81l I , 1 »>B W-™ 1 "* 'hem t« be «« u ,0.... HON. THOMAS CItOTOHPIELD, , tllt l„ 1.. U • Pif '.of.. flaiiuver , township Reaver county, df, | 1 t O LI. MIOL S K, IN ELAMJi. .> J c.’ t.m ’ at '? 5 Mayor of oJtfcAIOOOAI Tffiia :.e-.Vi.f w-fit k fur m Vera, liars It ceased, having.'been duly granted to Hie uii- ‘, f.ii.i.i,., ,i 1 here pictrres fire not met e. ilaufi-. but a uri Id lor.i- A 111 i, n,.,J i,'. fea Maiden l.atu. iNpw.l \o:k. md M ; . . 1 that IU „V' It's line, nll'i dcTaigiied, all. persuM iudcbletl lo said esufn' ;V N =. T J, K ‘CtJlil.l rS' t)M.Mt,N J’lAl'tS *OF ' r *" J*""** Bl ° l: I *T ru "* nm-l he .... k-d up. and’,,.,, be nboul n.el.«U ' 4'v'tah'e Uniug:-, - and Ih-ilei- in HON. PO AIS, ’ I , .in it. tin,’ 0.1- ..,fl =»- 0 n'-’Hhed to make.m,mediate paymem. and | I REA VER t'Ol.'Vl ' ‘ ."ad..,, I , ar. r reii. li. by ,i er art,-. |, ,i P| be seal .V any one on rl.o ictupr «t ! c ’ ! v- «l.u.imL.-yt. the eni.i/cd' wm'd, ... Mayor of trUSCALOO-.A, AuA- J. , •■! • " .-I. ...; i tUese having elaimis •.igainaiilhc .aim- will •' . V 1 , ~ ... ;; J , il to he . ..nvinced. call nfd ex.,iid,rp tweidv-fiv'e cent- in ~,. , ;lt '> r J<:eiit-,ana I, Ca-di. -.’■irfy-yr Tt TV T aTTr*TT - I ■■ 1- ■ *v*i V .c I'-bed ■ them properly authenticated for seiiio- ji da t. i«f Ue :.pi...e,ii ~r a t bar- ||l - il; rtnntii but a, few we. ks I lildre-a !>r lV« Yor ! \C jiuevl I ' X>iT‘ Thcru is constuerivhle saying bv taking “9*'* , ’ E AF®~b__, ’u.m ,1). • A till iCed. ii/eui without dt-h. V. .. i ! I ' ter of mem pvranou ,d >, e ■ (..ta ifnno t’em-, p,; .:,.l»r V in the same n. ... reeupb dbi 7, n , ..n-V, hi • **'' ,1 J. ! ry , - „s. , ' , ' rt JmMPEJ, T3NN. <u. is »0 U sent JOIIN AULSON.tlndepeAdcuvc t P b I . ' c ” ‘ v ... 1-57. - r. A OUIF IN .ffa.-.X; m.d I . noinauerulut . -l-.u-ettons hr. the guid.ihic of ;a- HON. GEHARD 3TITH,- V 1 !' 1- also s .ted 111 It i mart : o3 _ ' h'^A u ‘ illi;!:: ‘ tor 'J.! And'how bi ! wii. .! |„ 2'. I',;;;. ii'-’’'":! i,_ Phoiegrapiip: _\_ ry*!_ | mhy Ibe .v’lnr' dlsea-e. y.m pi,lee kUr-li K OVI d ; ioP..e. Wvjic. -<u.. e. • Mayor cf NSV/‘ 03LCA3T3,; LA.. re .... tnt:l‘i«us li.-ive- rcartied: 'K’otioo'' J'y: tlii- .'lllr! T ■,r ** '* ;i U ‘i 1 b,O . \(»| \ ■ Ilc ilUl'-Mlglll-j _■ i E.OTT* il.. .D.'lSORAi'i’*TOl , 7 # v - I.w r. V)a I'liifli ll.;i!;c. tn.ii ant ; ~1 , '•'* 4 iindiny .1 proper, at. Imu .•bjeeii.iii.-ibl.- in anv H. . T t m-vviVvC ! t - V • 'l* -.T T *;! or 1 ’" VP" - 'V‘(> adie.tisc: in,; . f List, of Causes ,i . • ~! •v .i Mayoi of ROCHESTER; K. T. , l.iet ,1, the re to* \ tf s- A LL. persons in.WOTtcd :nj the lv.! ; .w;ng ;kiidev nonoe i.rilie same to bd given 11 A IJ '. l '‘V. SO - S> hus.i.e^- tne o» any plhei- paper; getta copy ol Ur.u -|-v„R AIARCII ' IM;:!;! CtD.MMENCv I -A .'•• - i* ■ ■ i —. , ' , 'A. A amjujit ration and Guardian Account sir acc-irdin* !•» law. and ti* IU first dnv ol ibe ( ■ su ‘f s ®« ,| lMsr. w,i|l, fdtt.ijo.emJ w.ifi Mr. 1 uimg s t.p.ifc. :and read it eaeelullyi It will.! Id i NtJ' 1-t Vlt jit, A \ (2ni. I ' X HON. 3DE. WITT C. GROVE, : A ' *** , VJ >L! .. ua which been. prifcij-€d and filed iu iIiG Kv’-: „,- s t ]Tcr»j f«>r il-o ot' cteeuiihiis in * i uo,,olt T.ibnD, lli.o i» UcIJ-'wlifhui to 4»- ho-the ijiii-niiH! oi: you umiiv *m .wm.,, ,T V ., \ J i ■' : r - i > Mayor of UTICA U Y , 3 .'e* B'tmahJ me. v, a Igister-s of lioattr county, ill : ;lk . ;' |f ' ‘ P " , -“ J *«»» I. nea-. haing mV Also y and possiblyyour life. 1 I, VUl.a.l, t_ JIZ b.c I’i-jv illume l; . nottco that the same wili be p.'esei.led !■■ ;i..b 'd. M ;vrvt\li l>„’ : > ll! persons bavingiitige-ttlr.d accmi'nts wdl ea.l j in,;. \ OEXO can be consulted .Vn -irjy of t lie: 3 , ;?o lc ''"' ■. ,T'- .-''v *■■*) ing.ot ah, HOIT.. GEO. WILSON, ; •«• -■ _ ! OqUaifi* Court, lo be htd<Ut l%vrv,fVn m i-n-i prsv a»), ‘ >-* V‘*' ; |iud uuike -cttlcmont u* soon ns iio>>ibie,' A* M*>sea'Kv.< *U*sci’ib<ul in hU tub-io-iu u. at iri<r * n ut *■ ’ -'f u , H lson - .i* Mayor cf PITTSBURG, PA. . * AMirN(,jON. .Mu. .) Imo I t CM- ; NKti>AT, tl dr.v tl .Vardi,}^ f lorcob : iil ■lm.s'htrcome ; my duty lo Icur.u loV« .tlie Street, libovi.* r*uii*t!h. IM.ila-r , it ~■ ~ s ‘ l,ne x l. r i, Virnw Arr TOTTTTT ' ‘ ••. U\fi. b} 4-Vvattfil :.n lumatlon arul ' 1,, . a !fN T- t .:rj; i w j' < t»M Mf )\ iM.KA c *)f ‘ V ur l *»l my country, li bop* my ;) ; jUmrs \\ to .}:ii)vi *■* • V ?l i 4 " ! fc * v A!m * s H b : V‘ u “v V/ •**; , I*?" 5 - . •.vr:.ordu;arv etvstt.ti id tin* .-Somur. i nnalac.cotmf of .%tmes KeJsbn, A'if.V’i' | -• .i \■ i y. 1 ni>tuineris will still give iJivtr :im ii _ 1 i■• ■ ! ' «;■ ** h,Al:,c I ■.»■ ■:■• \ i'|. , DETROIT, IiUCH. at II 111 on tnu -Ji. j{ > ~5 l ti the estate of .Uex, Nehseip dec d ;: ' |• n-is do Ihe ac- ,v ; 'hfisnne j ( > Qj] iNTTiSL If,, I T .. < THON. HEMANi L. PAGE,- ? -if ' ' * r. ... -v r - , Tit. account of VuvUl Auacnon, Adm'r* * I * • , 11* ■ tC . Uhuoan.J u.y James, nt lie luiliy.ntd. |{. .• >, \r< • .1.-nui Lawrence <.q. brtanifjctMTj. . \\.*. Tttv ' rf'xTr-wraimmi* 'Wro.- ’ ‘ «.«■■; rum CM(J „ of thc-Jalc of ‘L\ V-- ■ " " - of Jbon ( JOHN 1, S.UKLS .. (»L ?* |jf \VV 9 Jj. f f ,M 1| (,' i. Same •* S.n- . Mayor cf MILWAUKIB, WIS. -’‘l t .Ift. it 01. tl •f- (: Gibb.- deed. , 1 j \- T‘; - : .; '. , ‘ ’T -ww .’l/ I '-i T. ' . !■]•“ .IV'. :i‘ *' ** 11-1 I*- H»! 1.11 h . Sume. -.- : “ J-j. j i s Iri.t'n.beflln; HOlfi W. W.' VAtTQHN, . . 4 • ' 1 I| '' » ,f ' If! We .cctiunt. of Undrew «.'Sno(tc«. Adb'Vbth.^U.e aPp.'int RulimEsr i -*>lVl«Hon<! >«.'«. |l ;. MANUFACTORY | F « 'e- A-„. e, vj " Mai, 1,. I. ..-I • . et a! , Mayor of EACIKE, Wis| i 1 •• i. j> ti ii' .re •;.(.» niihi ‘tr\‘ tLc Chtaic of AllvcU , 16ii uj',} \ ‘ *■ . ~ j i i*r \vni l fiv\TY 1 *’• •*V/ F i *b 1 ,\JIG Ii j iW <u 11, .iiNrit- s. M ■ i > - ». .-. • \. ■ 4 lU - (.if,, ,1 . The partial arcuunt oT and! v" " VU ' wj -i- t hx!! ' - ‘ U m'We v ivn’’}'™ !l New Nov. -I. ItdiL-. *' I : | N'OSJ 221 EAtjT .TAMbVn-TII IIS L, IsTREET, b ' ci U'.-' disc \. . f.Sbarrer * Oj-born. EON. A ; PARE, , , > • ••-•- .1 r--l 1- \v Vi ' Mar i>- nn Tucker., fvee-niers ofiiL, las: will VoPi/.r n I „.w run 1 .11 dV, il,< ‘■ \ OiVll-EM) “OF roVl! I Jdt t’EVT. I 173 iV 175 GR INI' I, I'KEI'.T AND 215 )' v » f " «' • jT. " \ :n-i.n<. Sjt«e„s I suayor of K3KOSHA. WI3, i,;V . A -« *i.c u } ..r <u . • . ■ hon.aohnc. haines; , r ■ H-.P. fi.r iiiu it„v Ki : 'F«^. -# Bxcculor l 1 **'m"* 1 ! X ■''K 1 ' ,V! . .. J Mayor of CHICAGO,- ILL. • 3 'CtiiVyrs <llmo J •Ndtherland, deed. .jj TI.” I' C J W'ubt\ V '■'■''''i'v-. ..s I>' ivi. Tin, dn -nd V„1 ' '^''’>7“*?! ' 7 !'! T * " Tl.. T)h ijson. HOW. '2l. J, A., HEATH, ' 1 - „I,u, U 1 1 The partial account of John A I'avo; i,e-s. !' . • 1.-. J*. • ‘*T ! ;bp tree nl the United Slates TiiTj he Rank , 4- f , v '.f. .! " i 4 :. l ,‘ e , K I , M .j l -"hei 1 t.lianc 11-.-my Ri.Nhv.-.n. ;i, ;- , v Mayor of SELMA', ALA. , t . , Administrator r/eWd no,, of the cd-'e 7,f- H. •r 1 „• ■,.../• ! ■Mi iving a-umed to-- tiavm.'M. ~f tb j saiiie k n V h 1 ' ' nVC ‘ f ''' ( , ' ! l i ‘‘ s &( h - “ 'V. Mjfshi, t-l' cl- id. T ' I i.- . I I tl. . * a ‘ ' - r ‘ JI 1 - 1 1 James dce:d'. - !c. _.t ~, , p tns . tPf VUvst: aI up w.o 1.. K. . o. ; , 1 ' V.UA viiß Ilnul'S , h“»d 0,-.nn.n,.lae-l u. e otoi j desenput-n ifeuis Mnlker- A,i- Ih.i.e- HON. A. NOBLE, , "T"’. CK,- T The final acconjM of Isaac Eatiin. sn-vivinr-1 '■ j V;v“i; ; “'l' " r I? ’ V’ r -T V‘' ’ i I n.ivj'ln"' 1 C-ksl.ier "* Lnohiug-glass. 1 ictn.e and I‘o. trait F.ame-.. - for. ...0. - R.-i.i -of E d-t n Mayor of MONTGOMERY, ALA. /, v \V U * ’• 1,1 Andrew jrcfe^^ttbfs^oiTsTtlH.! 'X •»- U'r.rnny Ur .he - ~ r S.ST£SSm;s. nr- "j " U " J" ■«'»' "» * KM Re- e, r.I - lltm.V-K,n v v COLUMBUS, GA. •f-t- r " N ; <j M, "i&r^ 4Ulitt wUI iJ. r ' espaetbho hanhel, 11 • u I*" , fo , „ ! “rh^tLsnUrm-n-Frh , 'of s-i nr in the cr, of fit, .burg on , ''"P'"'“lf' 'J |S‘ % ' !, “ 'l iu^ t. e,i i. or 1i,!.. R^i 11f,.. L llak. Zebra, 1 ?C <-s W (T T V CVf I«:, ? ? Mayor 01 VERA CRUZ. iv ik 1 ”-- \ \\ Abehi at &11J unn» occold* 3 (}«( :l . :»livl 1 tr* ir* ,1’ iv -t i .. i»» % .1 •. ••..., I im<*i c■ 1 «tii u 1 .'f*« wu>il»i 1 \ ujsrf<‘l\<'(lt>iiitU4‘l , Jili -^< 1 ■ .t, V—i \ \ \_x v L>.'i 1 i ■»-n ._•». • ■ • l 11 'll " .'J,, - : sonal) of Eenoni,Anderson,>7:: F r,tor of ] t il' ' ll vif April, ldi,2 Ihe IJ. «k. «ill Ik -tlltod I ?' • t;f- Oar new manuti.C-. . - * I " BON PIETBE DE CABALLO, , -titr. tti Mi-s Cv\mi j- ' ‘ estate (if John Andersen, deed. I —d.i-i-in v si'ibidi-i)f' ! i -. in'd v . ('■i'-' " r'p'i, 1 * ' n,: «< ’m G illll ind" li! Ipe, J' 1 'v and Werfsise (.t.ilitus iinflo ns tj futn- A'> q. t , * s -r -,, cf MEXICO. ’I, ip.l-ver p? 1 '- 1 ’ * rolSt C 4S d •^ ,ia . , • ’T"! «tu • !n,,C,rtC “ ,lc ‘T ‘ “ ,I,C A>O L L , DON ESTEPHAIHS RODRIGUES. ■!h Mvi'it )t v-... y p S l ’-, b 0o i;: The Guardianaccounta of Wlll««n: A. Tltda'- ] cl ‘^, ul j *li i:A. V. GiLLU.AM), i 'Vhcfthcy visit N V w \ nrk:; IVo claim to -Uv - . '. , , .ii : * DON ANTONIO i ECHEVEEA, • . J ....tskf 111., ton ■ Administrator, of I‘cier dec',l.. ' A,- JV. ’' U ' "i'V't' ' ... • >l. OIELIEANp, ; able to supply twsui.ply them with every artis TJAis just rc<p:.ved a Jnrge of;' Mayor cf LIMA, PERtT. ■ '■-' *• ■ dhi vc.-irs, -Who was Guaidinuof.AVia.Gcu.'.Marks, mini,, ; F:'. 1 ’ ; “,i i eclet at j., L \ cn . j>, ••.rhton.Ma v U«, 1352. Ifi ] clc in tmcj line tylnch they can possibly purchase XX , ... H MM' blKlliS,; j i , 1 tVrtiVT ii)r 'U • "-. ’ I . . _ .. ton of James >;ark«, a,nd'jol.n . t 'liiii-i, Swcezcv ! \i) MI VIS I 1 P\T( 1 ■>■« VfVI’U ‘ I-’ 1 " ' ,- An cleetvherc. -■■!* ! I • , vj-..«c.» .e. .il ot tdierc. at d’.-l A IC i PRICES. -MOJM SI. G-. JjIIIjANGNO, ■ Orphan’s Court Sal«s- ’• ■: m ’ nor s‘-n:of--Marx Sweerey. dic’d, F. iy. . •'>-'Vdi JV. j, I T>p f . -Vjj,, ■ T-Trvf f JI • 1 o®f7 Orders' by I mail attended to ! with . j Amongst his stock can, ar tic found-! - • - Mayor of VALPARAISO, CHILL Y) - R-1 an 7-., ~ p,’ . p : iThc Guardian account of Maridtnhike IVi). ' | M|rkKS’ ; «•! .admmlsti uion on the calatc., _i ' “iJ-J'* O Lr.| 1, I piaiuipincfs. Donot fail to call when -von visit iti'-mety of ri 1 ! 1 TJON IVTARO T-T A e 1 v JZI « 7 L f r ? ban6r ) ,urt Guardian ol Prances Gaiupbclt, i n i„ r ' 1-J o1 ' i;eo -i A il lll n.luie of Ohio Ton,i-\ JOSEPH HALL, Proprietor, 1 N>w York. . I ttOnflS 'MISI.INA. GT f,>VES, HO-' “ tvto I’, w Jor “out c.? p 0;. li!e Alciandc: Campluil!. 5 deed dee d ha, mg been gran..- N ' ’ J Ofi; i BVcroois.. .V" 215 r„.,r, S,. .Vl V. , . MKI.I. M-.. U, ' !’ - MayCr BRAZIL. ■ )V<v : n T? r r\v ! al - t f* e \ ; , vU 1 MOt)fr I C’j to lilt* uinkusijrnnl, ml indebted to 1 i ■ ot ' a ' '’.- 1 ’ A •'i u , ! -\\ IIOUACU V SKTLKU -Iwl* ' « STKKIa nil . i • '-.rWtifv ; f%<»'« .J w Ccaveß. Jan. US, 1803. * 1 ‘ i 9^ id c^ llU * lo make immediate ; "pf A l Vl^ Ci filled uj> .iJvi.fiiiOiisc. ; MaT tin*, i I I *' , * : ,■ [XAIi.S by )^ r . *,l 1 ■ S **** r ... r lf Wt ~T r~ “—: , buvmg eitnmy njiums! said 1 to aecnnm,-6dl;u* hife ‘ - . -1 - aI !: j WIHTK 1 K Al> 'and V \U-MBIJ ij ii - ' i oasurea tnem >i. U.i: A r I jWi ,h g. fo ! ,o ‘ nn s described ; ' ; HKAVEIi |I V ’ ‘csiate will ipresent them to the subscriber iJnvnda, and Hie puliljc geiieralU-, Tn :t.l«c must ] I HQ jJ], (>r‘k ,! S 1 i ! LINSKED&CAKBOS 01IS b/.A Conion^^lU ,f Jehn K, shannon, late of. the ’VVIf «'T-p; CV W T-’wi A n'v I Ifppwly ntrthcnvcalcd for j«tUcnicm. I ; salistactnry jimnnii-J fma.r«2 ! ;■■ ••I ' ' 3 I ■ •-! • ■ ’ iMIM>O', all size-, ■i 'I .JaiyQV.S SHpSFIIIQ,>r. county of Ijtat er, dec*d, . ; O Ja iu, j. Jtj AAY , ; \ ANRItEW A'ATTEIISON; ISnglltou Ip. J.- : ■ , ,i' ,—■, i ~T~v -j -i |* r cc 1 V'LKi'.NSUiK!' il;()KI\ll (it ts-l-'ik i, I • S’ ■' cna>v c B’lvcr. No. (, - ! i- j r fcbl I'd.J. A: [ *, Adminisindof. I ! „JOHN E. YOUNG ,1 ! -1 i D «XllCl©llollo ali'ol whiel. kill ’ bi, s<!bl lew for iC-h remedy, endvrorthy tb«^con . ,JC PC J rf^^s^l;e v O-11-,A.!S{' r’' ln , I V ] Un, Tf ,p., I 1 j fTMUS preparation, made fioraihe best .) vv;ki-Ai'V ullll y I’ioduce. - ,r\ ’ ] -‘ ■ , cf.tta oopuaumty. * j •Tii. e L .‘if o~i a a ? d laV-M1®1?I a V- M1 ® 1 ? • . .if - ’S**' «' a‘ CfspW'tlMM. .f ‘ *. * t V iOK h . ! ‘£B.l! T -g*.ng»rr ; . I I roffcc. is recommended bv phrsieuns asn .ißndgewaier. Mav 7. 18G2. I For Spring.DUeajeJ. , ./ r ~ V Grph bs Court of the ,-. 3. Rev. C. P. O, 1{ ; ErnM’.S bf Admin.stialinn on Ibc estate , ' ***' ■*-»'«*. • j em.peF.or M'TKITIOVS REVER VGE to.-Gen- , [ -. ! For PnrJfvlng the Blood - 1- o: sune Term, rpms Sfemlagiy, having -been ihoiodit by ■ i)f lt>ni;cc.\-<J.vst. .\1 Kmoiit. laa-i of - I fUF-\ V El!' pt ' fi H- i; j oral Gobilitv'. Dyspepsia and lull billions Vlisi.i-:-; '' 1hi1....(.. 1\ Rn kstsov, I’jiifsb'g F o a, ScrofniA „ tj-i J' r- Tlv wcsmrn wV.f .. v ■ X S ' 4 heing'thoroiigl.lV : Ending,on. ,dw«ship. RcaverCounlypPemJ'a. I'l .- -'(.“BAA LfC, L A.) ;j, ■- j der4 . who have been-compelled i . i i A" - - I f OP ;^r 0f,1, “ Evil. i • f . ... ' l°‘ t '-* a and re-lumishcd, be 1 uneticd tv*r dCv ' having V.een granted to the undersigned. I . L f■ i I ’.i { abandon the use of c.«\ftec, m*ill use tliis •n*uli- »?! UiLLR & RICK KXSOiX* or ? ,am 9 M f and Sores* 7 I,* .. ug “ of Lc ; lT *- r , the reception 4>f- Pupils, on j •* ' persons imiebted'io sanl estate are ’ in the Court House. • j ; a tiut injurious effects. Omj elm 'contain*'' ilic' IS7II ik] IU) I ri-i -'Fop KrwpUo.ll* imd Pimples. •> . t- p.., u-_: , h - Monday, the 20th Of Afirill *ft«. : I ‘] ll,ad<; i™me{liatc payutent, and thosQ havi’nji I ■ | .: il > n ' ,! rtrcnsrilf; *»f iw.oj jumnds of coffee, j|||{ HI Jit n/l 11-] ‘ If II Ili : Tli \ ! **V Blotohci f . BlMiui, and Bolls. 'T..- lC i - I ■ Jor ? n*.e, or nrW Vn* /.‘J" n t " cu . d ° ne ~, ,r P c ' Rates, mr Ten,not F.urtmi' WrrH- ■' (4 ; ,1 J; Pj ' yi Darlington ,p. [] lor Die DCnelifitna as a IwaVii- Tte furcht, arid best RAKING POWDER I : ' A r 3U -'U'«‘Tei:s or j| i i , *!-?.- °f Sa U;**]ijX*,*®?- 1 "' lit-!. Th-.ld nt > r U J Board and 'room.-fumUhcd. !■' t.o t ! fcbn ! : Administrator. ’-! ing and a cam inn to young men wi is.ib ’ hnmSi, for making light, sweet and nutritious | _ r . A[ I 1 '!. al t r |t,. a t „„(, S , ,- e b: hmr l To those furnishing,a pairof »hWj«rpiU V i 4'~K#i'ir ' ,e 1 1 t rol “*?>’m'voub 'Dehililj-, Preu.alurc Uifcenv j Onkcsj Price 15 Cents. BtasdieS, 1 Mines Gild SegaiS,! Cnn^er •»“«> t«««rou» SoJ., 5:.1,w0 Ihilis ,i fi-, 3 , fl If; fcw-slips, al-bi»i.ket,-' and Ibcirlowu - * I j ic'., (supplying at the same lime the means 'ol ! Manufactured hy i M . , I . *•) i r 1 F*r-Sore Ey*«, Sore'E.ra,«aa Anmov . ..*■ jj 0u ,i [ - towels •S- i. pfl I' J dbTEKS itestnmentar.v l be •stiilc of 1 Uy one who lm» cured liiin«ell j’ *• i • H. Chemist, L2v, ycr. r.f hlfrni..,\' Jnrinwc. rFw Female. Dltcnccß. 1 r .c ->;e. anu a good J-cn ti^-t «“<*-?»«!> per i I«xifin. late „f Pulaski I own- | »fter beinppu. to great expense n„„,.gh lued-j Corner of Broad and Clirsinul .-ito-'a ' I . IMTTSII W.l J, |' A . . Par Suppression ami teegnlarlty. s,-,\c i . ■ ■ dozen. ’ !•/ * ;‘“'Fv Reaver t.ountjp, 1 enn n dec d having l iTal-irojHMitnm and <|Uae)(ery. liy uichis-mga ! iv: - -.i . .I.IIir.ADLLI.I|IA,- ...j.lrcn Nails,: jtonh arn. 4tc.» Ac; criusfartlv Fot Svahlii< ! nv , vf n 1 , ■“ ’ 1, west r s- r , \ Tuition; ,4......... . from A-lAf'.V «- (l n. b .? ea ■S r »»««'-I ■iielunJ«.r ? i gw d. all jiersoiiv . IJostTiW a-Wressed single Vchpic.- h N all Druggists and Grocers. -, .),- •(' .[, oii hand. ■ *i--' -s h,uc7 „■ T . '’ I , ” ,e ** e *' .» E C T 7: ne Latin, French and : G«incn, ea c 'h'.i..\.'?.AVrl.'’ «■/sci.i estrAe are ,-c.fuested li mall: nmy, he had of the author.: NA fIIANIEL =>ah» ,- - I ~*T (VinTlpC Trv” cnTnirne ' ‘ * T, lv *v Complaint*. , 1 « Get i 1 „111 Ui(infcc o labv Mu »i« and-all. branches ..I' D-kn-tilg . lti ! d' paymew, and those having clajtis M-VV FAIR. Esq., Redfoi'l, Ivmgs Co., I,’ijV. ' T ----- -- • - I NOTICp TO SOLDIERS, |j , _ Por : cf the licort.' ■\r ic, u „ -he 0 .stf ‘ L Daiming will be tniighl at aiie i.Mnil'p-ice- -4 >" v **. me '“11 present then,' properly ■ mar2ri:ly. ' .'f -t • ENDI- RSIdiNED HAS OPEMIiI) AN I ' -.1 ', I - : -.•i'.-A l ».'s;*4r .p, i ■;-; 4 •~, , W :* 1 1. ‘-wsssl. * *•• • No. 2bm the borough of Bridge-! r : V- J. - i C-,. a,., .. i o . ~*i iJ-vtiv'iina. .P’aUslon,. cngitgcd ,in. -the Fduii fi,u.-}* iliiiustcd (o liim.awd will farliish-in- ri^nwa’i-wt.^k l^ 63 Y, 11 , 4^58 ceatment, hive * l4 - svaaded ncith- by Bridge')' "TT i-. TT 'A- v jj •-t»t;vwi Payers.., ■ i and Machine Business, was dulv dissolvai -.e.u.ive to sueii tlaiu», upon ciielo- what their pc ~.plo »: : • '*• iw ‘tuct Soa.u by —L U mon - utiotel, i ]Vp?' iKll - “ ! |,e^ c! ‘ y B"*n to CuUecVors or the *1 day of Juno, The books hr suit- o. necus.,l postage stamps. ' n»e w»ta safety - lu U *of J W Itocih Is heirs “ nn.,,™" - . !' • ! .fT?xas;«o'p..v|oll th« baUticcs dlioUm ih£;»«« Apt will be- ? «tled:Hy 3|. -Darragh |c.- • b-iMVI.!, A. IOWLItI . a of Se-n ° 7 aQEU '' ■ -2-- - one krge dohblc frame ! "EA.VER, - A. ' f lv *?l , ccfivc on m* 1 Aiarcb ;»* their office in Fnll&toth; llostver countvVi : i ■ - (Kithwood./luuse. lj i N-t. i.o u ' -s?! * Uu .s:or:cd Utgh, also frame' 1. . t .tvV ‘i •* ♦ • .j UMjm Jo! -ComI; taxes aVc needed j wheri ihey.will continue Vuid )m?iucas*ilit j fifbJl'LO j W.vsiiiMrjox/.l). -fc. V A * i • i i •i.-.-. a v. - .j’. 1 AJuLa.7 CLAIiIC PropUiVtoH 1 • and u*us: be colk-ciedju order ic meet the de* j branches. All persons''knowing thcmsc • (Xcav Caml? Cournuu BjiMer "Unicri- «y6r’S tilla ’ ■ f ' al 1 tne unaeccDted lL v : a.- . | mindi upon Uip County. -I indebted fo the late finuiwill please -call can,' und Beuvot .Star .copyf send (bill to |Vi 'AVgt’r > n ’ ° 1 rhie 0 f «ia jSnH T* addltioll to etmTenlencin/of-a-firH f ' I ( G. C. BHADSUAW. : J settlelimmdiaiely.- UAVID M CONNELU, thw oflicc. i < | ’ | Ayer 8 POCtOral, L - X Hotel, the Proprietor has fih«d up fn i I Treasurer: j J , MATTISO.V T IST OP Ayep’S Pills, and .-« - S.T 3 “ --r Wanted ImmwSaiely,- . i »•» «««« L“ «' «t .Ayer’s Ague Core/ ( OYST£It SALOON;I -f V j TJO-X,. Mixi Raccoon, ' 'SKK,<£ '.„d 1 ' 1 David’s utluTn 1 TaV r’ l *' , - 1 ' - n _ "l CPABs:r> B T r * s utLetii.. “a** imCrebt where the beat'quaUty of Oysters^' be ob- : JCj Mt'SIvKAT SKINS; forwhich inchighcst : Sampson Kerri T 1 4 ® P * 9* C©^ f. r j ’/■'* hi defertedf in- tamed during their season,; in; ahy' deslrcd- 3 '. ln Cashl will be paid .at 11,’e Cheap Jol.ii D. McKiil Georee'trwn 11 tOAVULL, JIASS.,-; i ! ■y...- ' '■ V CE: * * c a Qor:- style. . Families can Ira furnished wi;y Oysters. Clothing Store of 1. N. A 1 KlNsjßcarcr-—sigh Vlcx Claik 1 fi ■I, hadiold by Druyglati every whore.' i -.'Y'-'-friafonßiiion ii' j b I<=an oi 1 dozen., The table is turuished of >»e p’g 1 dcclT C F ’ Kcarcbefi Pb 1 wv. 1 1<• ’. * 1 ' -.t-»HNll!gg i :: a TT I Aug«. . , -'GEO. K. HAflli-TftV. * r fu \k 'i ' 'i I f ' liAeiT S HOfifili.'- j-Jobu Viracbmg;................ Sew Galileo 11 I CTa **> Dorbeter; M i.ggoner _L Ldirrv. F,-0.. n ~ , | fore bestowed V jßeaVerj Peirn'a. ; , 2 ’° sdl ors Merchandb-i. ißribt«n. K Jona’ Rifict*’ ’ DarPn^for 11 ’ Uu* ' •' • ."«P*«fnJlr*clieUai. I idwl7 ; , ; JCE&&, 'Propritttr. l tior. | can' 4 Edgtt, FfclUut.iud t y deMew . ■' ■ i;■ ( ■ . ]■■- t • ■ reb.u. .A. o. a’lt. 1 •• ■■■■:■: y fvb.;/.» '«£ Hi- u.i-in'v .Nkw -MV - I ’ —n i, r ; EOM V V VALUABLE ' * BEAL ESTATE | ' Notice In jlhe ,V'j ucl» p '■ -(j rinilK followiDg Appraisements, louder tic , ■: ' I ■ j.’JL-Ik I' A«t ofiApril H, 1651, ofpt<.p(kiy tiUpw-'j THE TRUSTEES O.F BEAVER ACADEMY |) # -f, O b c reigned-by widows anil chi droll or ft I desiring to tranal'er the 'Male Bepsrt--Jjdpcedtni, :teilid-t mount >et ‘ESI-ti Lm been' Kenttint Institution to another laud j n t j, e office ol I lie Clerk cl' the OrpLiUls:’ ertcti-iva building. offer fpr salethq proper- (■Ujurt lor licayer.county, ai.un 'uppinveU li.j/,,.- Iwwn .1 the BEAVftH I - r4 1 ' ' u taste vu ile comer bf thijfd (Hrebt and-the; ; j|pcrsonnt pvopcfiy to emount jni ] uhiic -ty;u;:lc, in the, Beavcr.4- pf Vm. Elder,- dee d. JuOS i lip lot is\gf good sire. The. improvements 'Personal properly lo amount !ol £ are a large atory Brick building, with j ofSand Wilson, dec'd. ‘ P„iM. p frame attached, and was originally | built for ajj personal properly to amount -of j: Hotel. It contains upwards ofSO rooms; cel—| widow of Francis Alcorn,, dcct Ur, underneath the whole building. .This prop- ( pjjin; g< Ex’r; * / ! I crly, from its location and the chalrkittcr aujd Pergonal property amount bf|s3) arrangement'of the buildihgs, is well calculiU, o j£dfSktnl llobb, ilecU. \ElUahet ted for a good hotel, anti-will be sold at a tcS- ! j|sbb, Aifm'rs. ,f sohablc price and on reasonable terms. ■ ■ property to amount 0 Bgs,For further information and widojrjof .Andrew Glass, -'dec’d. t Jo ply to Rev. D. A., Cunningham, Bridgewater, t . the undersigned, or any member ofjthe ,§jiard J Real'cstate-to nraounl of 5275, t of 'Trustees. By order of the Board. -) Adam Lambright, late of Bridgewa Beaver,Feb24,;62, H./HICE, Sec’y. j Helleno Lambright, AdtM’r. :*( " 1 ~ I police is hereby given to credi) 1 legatees, distributees, and all othei ,ed; to appear kt Slarch term neat, ; ter than the third day of the tcijm,| 4th day of Marclii ISOS,- to shew|ca; they have,' against the fmal'l c?nfi. the’said several appraisements. 1 ! 1 feb4 | A- G. Sl’Clll^B !$30. ; Employment. $100; ' ,yj :COvi.VIERCIAjL AGENTjS WANTEt) \ V TO SELL 4oGDS^F(ORi THE k ] n-'il ' l ,h"j ■; ,AN “' V ■ | ■ ifv|’'jiranu'f!a.ct : ntin^Company. { aIUTTr WILL (IiVE U- C.oShllSSlbN ()I? i )vii» !i VV o“« hundred jjqfa cnnilDoti all- goods;' jmd sold hy our Agents., oivjtfc will pay Wagpi of .T-y from s3l> to §loii,per toolkit atjil pay jd’.l ne-f GU, ccssary expenses. I -Filf particulars laddrcssfl I j with stamp, ’ '1 JS ’ v !■ -i . .T^rrcrr^,v;r.. chas; RtrcGtES. Gen. Ag’t. Ai)M 1N ]h 1 I.AiOH’S :N OTIC,E] For. the Adams. .Manufacturing Co.: Uciriot, LETTERS of administration upon' tlieds- Michigan. j ' July ■'S, 1802. talc of.Mito Cats, late of Independence] i , . r -•— r ] ’ . township,|-Beavcr,coamy. : dec'd, baring,'; been I .•OX©PiLlliffl'JbXOtlS©j ; granted to the undersigned,, u.Il persons iu-.l'-Jj. i dehfed tol said estate are requested to make 107 StlCOnll 5*5Xl GGt jmmediaiepayinent, and those having cki'lns > ■. /(between isdoixAtin Ji;ißKST.),r ■ against the same will present them properly pi ■'. fab.J6.lB6B. : Itannfrrator.j , j Moderate. r■ jy i.rv' "■ :;.M'A'y, ; '-A m ;1. a,-:a II t' =ri I i '• _ '