The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, February 25, 1863, Image 1
r A 37 r.„ vs ' Feb. 25th t 1863, o iMBRIE, Editor & Proprietor. ' !'• ■ ' * —Okf. Dollau end-Furr Cests! •, e r»:mum. is advance; otherwise .tiro Jot ' Lr.« Wiß' be clißTEed. No paper discontinued 3 ■ all trr'carn'Eci are gcftled, - \ . “jgp LctuTE’ani communicationa; .by moil jijli havejromiJ attention. . . f r l'’ 1 m e T & Id 1 © . . & IjITTSBUEGHjl j ITTSBUEGHj B. R. ,- r t- * ■ ' 4 r : ' : ' I Beaver Station— Going East, i ' «r< ,’ij. ' • Nor. 17, 1862.—2Vatni ' 1 ' \ >i. Arrives"at Pittsburgh,■ 9:20 A- u. ■ ‘ V.j.-':; v. :. ■ ’ 4:10 p. s. :■ f:“ x 8:45 p. m. , ' ' ■ ■ ' Ggiso West— , v i'itUhtiryh at follow;'' < i'l ~ kr;-ivcs ntvßcavcr, 8:10 a. h. • - po?hcst*r...,. 18:00 r. m. .•■•tAir. «• “ ’ 4:30 r. m. ' j J. N. McCl-LLOrOH, Put't. ; • ■’ . k K- MV.EBS. Gen I TirkttAgmU 5. ‘ ' ,T : ' v:TJ-r.L-nr.. FT. WAVNEii; CHICAGO B. E. Rochester East.,, ' .-»;;c.W t on and dfiet Suufait, Jan, 4 ‘*oB. Ucye Station os folloics: \ .. Leaves Kocbekerf -Anv at j Pitts. ' ]c- Acorn. C:C*5 a: m...... 8:40 ! a'. M. ‘ - lVjjrigb"a !•“ ' 32?4» A; ai,... £3O, P. ». • MaiC -• I 2:15 r. Z:io[ T. M. ’U:4O a* 5:00 a. m. -.1 ' .-10:00 P.. M.... v U:00: p. M GVimj Wesiv- i . • Leaves'Pitts.- , Arr. at Rochester. 1 r.rLdiln Aceom. 9:CO A.* M—...11;20 A. M. rd-l’.riih’n it* —4S9 r. a r. k. M„u. ' • • . 8:00 A;- M....... 9:28 A. M. Ist Express,: 1:5»J a- m. ...;. • / S:0o a. Jt. •Jd 'Express: *1:40 r. M....V2:55 r. m. ' A tQi p 0 A UT.EV, J?iipi .. E. D, , :■ Fallstou.boi-: R. D'. Cooler."-David Johnston. James Ilavden. ■ 1 liar, over Ip■ ; "Jos.' Cooley, David D. I'umran. John A. (libb. Wi.liam 1 Ili«e. .Jr... David Sfe.vvr-sW i Brighton yr.jAiidy.- Carotdirs.C c-orgy Barclay. ' . j : ’■-Marion ip; J -‘h ; i>.; ml: afr, Darlington tf?: tie-org 1 ” ftVo'viv tp : Si.niuel (aoipdy,.Sand. Kennedy, John Tleed. '- \ (ireen tp: David Kerf, jr.j Michael C. •„ Kerr, Win. J. -Sterling'. Jr.lLeniv ,a:0 b*, <-*..! iV.»- ~ . * VHj* StOV-V - iIODO i-OWUM, i->„C MJ UMI ii 1 ,i.<U'.V J’y] "» . -a leci.'n double iniln-liy Ip : John. WIl.-ou, Join) 5 '-ani. go-«l n’lhr.i','ijtiihle Sr c. an orchard J;ul<man. Btfbp-imin Toc'jd, Charie.-j, also ti;vvi-ar^ , 06j>j.riiigs.o'f wafer'on _ the John A| -isoif i '< .J r.v’jf.U;««vd .ibc-uv ouo J Mia mUl'C.v^ Ivi* r.!iuvfi-“i«n»’il. ! c J'uiijngivii or.Ncv Venice ■ *» III* v*n the Pittsburg,. Fort Wayne ,K Vbi-.; ll.<-okM t<*»V li L»or • \V ill jaiiV. Miller. 6-:;--Tailt<.-a*li \ ‘ J- - SaiuM A JI. i t litrspiooii" 1 ! , ■ i( (Ibe undivided one-thlrd of all .of- Franklin. fjn Jo-fiih'lMiillis;. ; •' ; \:,..*.<r;i]irlot of ground situate m ibc vil- ■- n ... . ■. l ~ J T , .i. ■-J y i-4i "t tLe'.Towns|iiii afore~. hor Jo!m %.>van. kiov: n ks-rtfe .Saw-iuiU lot,, ibdrig 300* Rochester bor : St I It's., j-. I ‘‘ 121 feel in jividtii j bounded ‘ Hi*' Heaver Ip: .Robert\V i I • 1- *tjd Wc'st, bj- .oiliSr- lands • of said ' ;• Borough tp : AnuK '.Ddnll. ’ ‘ - r, n ivLich is a S'l-ain S.ii> U ;u Inonv tp!: AYilliai.i Willi; c -.1. a Mtjt 4n by 20 .Ket., • ■ .. /.i -n .. ; • 1 : ** 4 . i One-third ofyarchrisc money to ‘ i ."On tp. Ch;irJt > KmUz. , }.'■ vuiU bA ,c«>nfinimuon of the sale by tbe j ' 1 \VKEKt) ‘ . / •C.«n,yb* i H , t« in., jtiv.i rqunl oyiniiiirjn-.. ' Sou th Beaver ! j>; Tliomiii BraiWniwr *’a;nMsni«r‘rov.i ihai interest ■ i‘ t- m "• t ■■< K ,ira„ l |i-.-. l iM;,„ r J Gi orgy \< l^iwrvnon • (uvilH-v iifciitauivii /■•ft.'., IM-igiifoiv Tp : Slum tivl Black, Ilenry Sharp O/i* Jos Sl.nip. ndjoirjnrr iV;.e-prom- : Kvans. ; ' t : =~ i i : ci A'diuiii:>ii-iivr of.'iKV'ih. j Fnvvl<>h)’Jn»r r(.«vorifc*B|iker. Ivaac >-lirigToir, ra. f -,j ' ■ i - - Bla.-k. Wiliian, Uo-.p.-iO , '. ' 'V(jf Cl ? k ' ’ ip : Ingl-aiii'ißoy.l, Arclii- V."” ■- ’ J ’ i ha!d M' < J> y v J<-il rlV'-S ll af ’i-r . r. ’Jti'.CJl'-i xtpjtoo. ’. f lj>: Lufivii Coiv -ad, Samuel- A !r.* cJ-Tf * f?_l o ( ‘ '• 7 ' : K<-r-hVjS*cr Roiv; TV-'»rV--TV>|o .Moore, ?9> Dfgi-V.V J it. iM Civiland, W; Yo rj C B'rr.) t_rif Lri.nirr., .(.fiibvi t IVlidifloll. .n.v n- x Big B'im- rip.-. B'-vd. tjlai-k; Cliarlvs ; . . Dr TiaV>i.T!ioiiia i '4M ICilii:;y] 1 Cilii:;y] < Hanovf.-r ip : Jhivid Ivruycr, Aaron r''/. -Minsiinri-r.' St.ii.nv4- Wi-1.-Ollj : V Ad’n'rJ : tp::huTiil Ealtjivv Vs oi Alex. ■ (irconc: Jiio ivwing. JipUl K.Moody-. '• Moon Win. U. Fishvr.Godrgc-ilivks. Harni'-.nv tj> : IL-nry I’oiuiit. . | K y . "idrill SvwlvUly tp.r,iantes Jaoksoii. - i:rl-cniil-^Va«Ul.' tp ; . Cirorgfi . Miilvc. •ie i.i . | 1 . Franklin-tp : Iletiry 'Potter. James ■ riTi.l rei'-er,."!', ' $T Win. : Wrigh t. _ ! ' '' | i.-i.; iy 4 - ; l ' ! "'S’ Bst.-JVill of John , - . .N'cw Brighton bor'.-Jdjih Kobihson. fV.i-i V, ' Ih-, . - , , ■ f’lnUiiislmrg hor: Jacob Shaffer. ■ M-o.ii ini J. Qarotliery, n r - i n-i • i 0 f th y t;tatc a . .-P-uiasky p: Joseph.. W btalor- ; ; -r -roors .ii-o M; ’ .1 —: | ~ - i >■ rni.ilju-iTi.M ~f l >aac Kntr-n. hirvirinpd i AriUVAL OF EAST Tes.VCSSEAN? HA • _y.-a.-r oi-;1:p ]n ; ,i' gj)l AJaitliias ' Itook. , JiJirt Vof sixty loyal East TennesSt-atlS ,y, aU'l k h,-=. Niclmlj-un. Ad:nmi;-:rntoß nfl ariiivod in, f.oiiisvUle bii ’Tuesdav ' i • ih/ioe-n-: u - MW-ny iuroni»h lear of.LliQ lajjipli'.-aiiwf; , , Hie nDtlfinnl nrcriiitts (HonJ ar.d Per- </f- " ih/J -anieridVd iCOMSC.ripUoii' u6t, ! of Et-iK-ni A-nMcrs/'n, ArTruinictrator of <“xcmpl> , Cltizor:y liet wccn^llu 1 n°vs \-',y 0 >'iTs lIM l” -; | MII -la- ,t. i : ,i*. *><»<■'. • . f • - , Kv •>tc of Mfiin Apdevs.jn, ViccVi. / „ ; i,Y- ioiirfo’cn ’\V»V*r r*'v '«■ ~ 3y as , made. Golonei ~ pertthen cans- al traditions—false to itidUiKdiipry .Of] ; Fit'll tin ii Joel, ail the man ; ajid ii;c stciind part ini | account nf ; James Dc i one 0 * ■ *«jl . 1 • ’ '.V.. i ,rtl s e •>«d t.o b.c+catl the following order: Reli- their lathers- and to/Alw r.i 14 his- of.- yielded them to |he ropresciitatl '■a.',ell. .-ttiriiinistratnr' 6f estate of j.-.icicn ;■ *, , ’ ..’fl'w 5 '“;?" n °'T‘-- abloinformation having been received their talatf to Ihc country ol’ Gen Ilailock i!vt(d others with gi f ;:s l ;r*;nw , 'l L rf '"--v- ki-v , 4 ■ -r.f Peter Barbel. rioc’d., llciucn are from lilt*‘Vicinity ofKnox- ill! f.itr it #nv] |,itl t II ■ , s WH' of j T" i • ;7 ■ : ! W'ip.tcr .of Alexander ('aniphcii. fine d. . ! see. • ' , 1 ,h I • i t!u - 11 at, Uit. t htmiqnaiuis, ac-. tieachorous misrepresentations, • ‘(.The- i;oui4vllloi says, it i . A. I!. MOORE, V;'.V I .'ica with salislaeiory ;jdtl to so aid and coinloft the-'i-ehels I the Southern people were- not Dii ■ J never, Jafi. 28, lSi’.3. . . -Register.' i Ar.i, .Right.—General J6hn 3l’.Ned, a * 1 , lr t 0 Gie Gpyerm j that our tale may bo .either to aban-1 ionists. Wo never! said the eonlrt ItoaVex’ ’Coiintv uwhosc surrender : to therebel amhdti-, . ]./{ I tlon the tree nouh ami; become hang- j apd wo go still further j andafllrtn IN die Omiian*' Toun In -Tn \ f it • r purpose-of being ha ng'litis ' -j , T -rl tf lr k 1,0 s \ al>t ! ers ' (J, ‘ :ot :l government •founded in j belief that the tiaufherni people ah ■i c-mitj. j!; fo ; c r ii 1 c be ’ c} ' demanded by Jeff .Davis, mafie"^, I; ,° llate ,. l 1 ' proceedings [and treachery, Ih.ipl and iiisu.fe ambition; [to-day Uisuniohisb. Ifthe Cortsc‘ y i c 'd-'.;i. In ihe mailer of. .'the pctiiiuir of n : s, appearance,' a few , days-smcivip. '’“Y 0 lll . e Go : ii\eulion j with ]or at least, to-dissolve thej Union un- 1 tion Jaw, enforced] by Morgan; flf . r-.riciotvi': and and the “Jilssoy ri Ilouse. .of Keprcsenih: U J“ tant ; ,v ? uld pfe names,of| dor wuieh>>vo have prospered, and to ; rjsB f, ]Wadc, iandl'h.hndreds. of lot <ladj.'fctcrs rtiH-, lives, ai'nl iwas leecived wiith nrarked t ‘CMlelegates as- they \ysjpe called. — t break this fair’and glori<|uB : country] irnerrila ciiiefs, with armed bands ,c^c ’! X-Vpet-G by‘.'that Bbd.y; ’ the Honke , J } e f ll - 1 : -tbere are Uiose here w^(im ; into wifi bo cursed 1 dcspcriulous, hml| hot reeridted Samuel lO shew :-. t<>o . k % access for. ten' mjimites, jaiid ii ■*“ ”’V"■. < I G*l Ap* -. f .’!. VC . ’J perpelnal discards at Vdnfo t and by | Bejbel nrinjes; if - ]i'| military |yf:fi '■ i-e a; y.tlitj-lf'uid iioi cciitj-ibuie towards Gen. invifed- Uf lhe-Sp.eak-.' . :>IV ■ S ra u ised iiuiije Of | the eoiilempt anti ill tisagd of foreign ■ more lerriplo' Ibaii Austrian des “■*ofspeiiiisftofs. *- -er's-stand, and request c<f •to .addreks. v nioe! as } otj. lijnr c assembled here jiialions, Irpiii whieii weshiill 'then be ism,.did nrJl stamji -out the tiivU sy " Zl,' 1,,? Pow ' the representatives, which ihe did., 1 :T" . lli v “oj.eao perleel your designs, f too weak to vindicate .mrielves., •. ; toms iof i|esistuh4 ;if it were: ' i |- ; hut.t Hepudiated byj the j sue!.- offences should bp’duly i high IreasO.i ,lo I. Wer the ch!eiilh t •-Vn.4;ifaov^iifaibis-oVinio;iaVtcciU! ! Whv do you d.ivo jmch it mfe.- eii : h- U !nd U B °° d Ulz « n j„< i»’ tbe imwo, 1 ' r-Mhc jiccord. i ; . • * ' . -lookVi-rV'lruass tint‘ • ' • ‘ ! * , * X>cmocratic i und that .proper legislation ibv. CoiU* » \Vcaltby 1 lind : almost unammoi i . G- M CREAKY, Clk. 1 Jtjn‘l you jioavior ‘ t of. fl\k ; *'"! Z 1 '™* ivr call; : sla|ve)widing ‘ mihf v will at tend to. l be duties of. on h,inV?V ?aid a travel ler? to an Irish . ! L . f >j l,s . y*" T - -° U V, * lo^lu n p 0 ! 1 ' \ [*° as jiltle doubled. Wbetboi’ such |. wore brohqn, a largo majority qU Use Qeur? lir.ugclin Bfta- r ,]^ V( . T ' ■ " ■ * * ■ * IIUK *»V»u i but a should : a * -k' i.6 c . h a ;. sure .f QUf th .k».ld‘v 01 . u, .' d !;«b‘cafoyt»Uy- to the Gov. y tt - ,j l( . wrlt.i.V habeas corpus lit any,! for'the. Union.. | tlib thej : id £l ■ Si. k W f en,, A hllvwed to v« >ll for] and what part of tho co i.ntty, is u |gcon„,tbe lialtai! find the sword! jl. V or - 1- or ' Tv-Tin-:- •--■-I- - >-° !, ~ J !“- tiv ii j MIC poili : shall not hold within theliunts ofrniy :ihe legislative-authorities/of the'Uliii tv ” i • i ,G’- ;N 1 " -■ cot\TV^ ,J1 ‘ MOS P^i ASOF ' Sre is ou hi!n^w ; - ry ,lU u ! comtiiaud, an J to. avoid trouble; ton t led States, who jmderVtlJe : r ; £ vdluh^.«|l^cat : of mV? " -V; • 1 si ll - d to. your homes, and in .tio.r huvy the to determine it.- 7 ordered, -t “ to Win. A. Loird” ? . ..1 ■ .( 1 c-, a %‘ i . j • AqJ 11 a,l - BU cb-attempts 10.-That great to Ijo -BttB-stwo''!fnrfo%b»-.;j{ball-: : be - granted gf*ath«lhc <lp4 ’accost 1 '/seuSidncyeSmiih tp say Inutja:, ci^l- war upon your Slate. J pended, iiulcss-to the of Con-lieverv hupdred fnlnih regiments 4 M ’ GiU - ko^ I ,,lable 'i * r,e ! ,cl -9 f h }\ T, tho H, » r| L ! ' * tl *\ toL C,l ‘ be *' t . bad spoken, an Egress, the present necessity, shall -ap- j hatteMos, llwo llavea of absence ' cfiice,,and I lands could always fl*(l llm?slate t|f; was inadeAo offbr jesolulipns, :;peur to be urgent.' ' >[ ■j , | (ifficcrsiiul, }..e , to; field eatie [ by wh,s-t respectfully declined-.oy j I thei-efore recommend fjiotpartnge j eabh to hav«on I ays,: except i. t «jii 6 Ti\^ y d - nk - t,e da y v 1 llls 0U: u I ,1’ a- 'a -J 'l ot !whcre : belbnk •,^ - - * averring that the glass went up in the The, body then adjourned, fhere, mg that CongfcssshsiH ibikhwiili puss i more distant No ftblcl H offi - ■ - M.wevaxd. Pw. hand as tbp mercury . went down In j was some excitement in the city !,but I laws defining and punishing offences ■to be granted leaW except when ; * 1 j the thermometer inthe hall. jj no noise. ■I. .. . | of the class abefre i efei red to, ard pro- 1 are on duty I Fan Vol. 39~JN ; 0. 8. .List of Jurors ■For'March Term of Court,First Monday■ GRAND JURORS. New Brighton bor: Horace Beeson, Jacob Alliman* ’ ■ - 1 1 ■ Beaver bar : Isaac N. Bitkins, n * Big Beaver tp : Samuelißlair, James | Patterson. ■ | f j Phillipsbnrg bor: tlenry Bimbeh j Hanover tp: David Beale. ! i New Sowickly tp; WilliiimC. Brown 1-Michael Harget’,- Joint Mellon { Economy tp ; William'i Cole, John ■'.Conway.... i ' i’ I ’ . i , t;. Hopewell tp: John Qraig. j Moori tp ; Edwin H Dcuds, Corban Profatcr. : ,r i* - 4 ‘ Rochester hor: JVlonnpej Miller. . Gjasgbw: Austin J. Petliit. , Bridgewater bor : Nnzrb Park. Raccoon tp : John K. Potter, j : Williapi E.-imsey. | " Darlington tp : Matthew; P.eed, Jos. ■: 11. Veon. . 4 f - i ! Ohio tp: James Scroggs.j I -Franklin tp : Francis £?. Wilson, j PETIT JURORS, (FIRST VVEEK) ■ Beaver bor : J.-L. Anderson. • il,Hopewell tp ; Jacob Bruce. . • •' Pulaski tp : Henry Barrett. ■, \\ i New Sewickly tp : George Bonzo, 1 .Christian Black,: Thomas Boggs, . James Fcazel. * , New Brighton • bor;: James Boggs, David Magaw, William Bebbout Jos. ;.Ghampion.. , ~ 1 . J ' ' ' EconoMV tp ; itenrv'A.jßrvan.Thos. Wart. 1 : ■ j-r -- 'i ■■■-.; ; Sale ■t ißeXirpJian*’. /o sale , on Vne; prem- Sth, ’63 hijr.- ival urthe wai.exs ■r.plin 7:011 tp.. Tiz: u liiim or ’Pcrclies,-. at' William .-lini't' nn'l Win. ‘jli nii*i Crook. audit’ hi» i*V.r-C',n- A(im'r •J: ■ ■■(' I Er • Vi"*. Adjyi’r. IKA v Kll V I Cincinnati, T*‘b. Is—Special to'tlie <.', from i'rankfort, Ky., suVs i that tho rebels assembled here to day. ■ for the ostensible purpose of making' nominations for (he August elec-lion'. The House of Hepresetitallves, hy a : decided vote, having refused the use 'of the Hall, they rented the Theater. : Delegates • from forty counties were present.' David .Merriweaiher was ■ elected Chairman! On taking the chair, he.said he : hoped lire convention would ii<a nothing hut that which j good, loyal eitize.nsshould do, ' Mean-' time a regiment of soldiers, with fix ed bayonets, formed in front of the Theater, when a call of-the counties 1 'ad ''il I (tilt 4- Beaver, Wednesday February Q 5, 1863. COMPROMISE. 1 Compromise 1 who dares to speak it , On the nation’s hallowed day. When the air with thunder echoes, And the rocket-lightnings play ? Compromise ! while on the dial Liberty goes ages hack—- : Scourged, ond bound, for our denial, Firmer to the despot’s rack ? Compromise ! while angels tremble As wc falter in the race ! ■ Cringe, and flatter, and dissemble ! • .Wc ! who hold sucm royal place? Compromise ! it suits the craven 1 Has our valor stooped so low ? Have wo lost pur ancient ardor v Face to face,to meet the foe ? Com promise is Trcasdn’’i£ally, Traitors’ refuge, cowards’ raid; All tha wrongs'that Justice suffers Flourish in its deadly shade. Compromise is base undoing Of the deeds our fathers wrought; They, for Right and Freedom suing— Wo, disdaining what they bought; Ko ! By,the Mayflower’s peril On the wild 'and wintry- sts; By the Pilgrim’s prayer ascending. As he knelt frith reverent knee; By the fairest day oi] summer. When the trjed, |hc true, the brave, Name, and life, and^sacred honor To the Rollior Freedom gave; : By the tears* the march, the Where the noble, fcarlcU 'died— Wild around the cannon's ratjli*, Waiting angels ai their side; By our children's goMeu future, ij By our father’sstainless Xbat'which G :-.l and heroes left us. We will never, never 5 , yield I Hoar h'\ ye who sit inlconncil; 1 Wo. the Beopio. toll you so I • Will you venture to whisper. '-When the millions thinu.icr **No?‘ ? Will yotLsen the nation's 'birthright. ileptagc of toil audipain, ■ While aery of shame and vengeance ; Rings from Oregon t<| Maine;? Compromise—then Separation^— Such the order of the two : ; admits-the first tcmpfaiion, .Has the rocoucTs work to do'. Compromise—the sultry silence I Separation—whirlwind jy.wer ! Fom; moment “s baleful quiet* AmII you risk that rending hour ? a ■ j; : J 7 Vfho ivould sail the Miasissppi? '-'V Wh j the mountain ranges hold? TVln C hio’s fertile borders? '* Saepnmento’s sands ofigoM? , would be. our banner's, glory ! ■*' v y»'lip fright would claim? our old - -illiurt riou< st'-ry,. ( yairiot grave:., and fields of. faiftc ? Compromise-—-wc scorn the offer' £epar;uion — we defy ! • c i:u! jfrtc and cnc forever Tinis*UieVcj>i>lc intake reply “Death to every form of Treu, In |h« Senate, on the ti While'lho chorus swells, “We vriM^jfhv iEVKIt YlKI.u! From Kentufcky Message from U>© - I Governor-- - yidihg forithofairand speedy tiial by Governmental inests. r an impartial juVy of persons' charged I The Secretary -of the Cortimdn- wit .V *nch offices, in.the loyal and >4. aiL p 1 ' 1 undißynicd States, so that.theitudty weal th, presented a-message from the; nia y jiPj- suffer and thd-inuocent re- Governor to the Senate and House of! HevediV' 'i ’> j Representatives d&ich;, was read, as j' 4-! "f [ ! G.vCtfRTIN. follows: } ’.v 1 ’■ ; ' " -T ~] V-j“.'' ' \'-"y • m ..•;!• 4 CHAiBEE. hi i H ° W ' H JW J°t , tlfO i Harrisburg, 4b. 12j’G3. }' ■ ' I : ; To ifie Senate and f, I f f ‘^c^sting l*.- the Commonwealth of Penn- \ General Hooker in the sylvdnia: • , Chicago Tribun/-, : : | V, GxNtLEMEN ;■ —I desire jjp call y!our ij ; “ When the war broke out; General attention toa.subject of jmbment. ! Hooker.,: th[en, ill■Cijalifornia, came pdstv- When the present infamous’ and - 'haste to - Washington to offer his ser- God rebelliotv brok<poutV- f’ices • to |thc government, :■ ’Gienjcral Congress was-not ina^Bgion 1 , apd the; Scott was jat the|liead of the Jrniiitia j occurrence oftfbingsi ry affairs! of', tiht||? country ; arid bC-j not having been.tdresoori in former;' tween that old 1 gerltleman'and Gener-- times, no adequate , Lajl: «1 Hooker, was ji lend dating hack to' been had to uiCet it.. the ha,mp:|he '.Mexican war ; ’hence,-, as every time the lift of th&courtlry beinij atj ihiiig relating to the army was 'refei stakc, it: appeared'necessary jthat!: red to Geii. ' Scptjj, Hooker was - : £uf- Rotne means shouid’bb t4keii- to|cpn-|| fered to apply in yaiif for even h r'egi trol the small band of traitors in] 'Uielj menliil command. • ( lJisgiisted> i. -and loyal Stales, sb as to, pi-uvenl them ji. mad, |hc made preparations itdjraajrp! j froin nmchinationir.whiclt in-|j to the Pacific cbast,and was abojut In - jurious, if not fafjtl .to It he national >; start;-when, thb jirst battle. M! Bull• 'cause. Under tlteso circunistances]' Run was'fbughtl (Therel was nothing! the General Government! resorted io tin that topn,coi|ragc; sp he went np the.system: of military atrests of <lah-|'to the White House, as the lasUthirig gerous persons, arjif juicing thus lieifore leaving; to, call on thel jPrcsi luencod acting under it, liirve cbutiuufjdeht,, whom be hiiif never seen. He ed (at long intervals in this Slate) ltdVHvas introduced by some '.mistake 'of pursuit il. The Govenilmont I of[ thej his iriendjasjOiiptiiin Hooker, <lhd the United Suites act* directly bn individ-! following was the” .'conversation that ah' d the S 1 Rxeiji ' 1 ® - !i I ; j - iSj and ih*. tatc Executive : j jji . i| i authorkityor mentis it/ipierferc with;.’! •President, 1 \yns in arrests of citizens of ; Uio,United- (rodUCed _to yo u a!s Capllain ilooker. States made Under the /authority of T am or was Idolucninl .'(.jloionel Hoolv thacHSovcrnment/;- :! | , ir of the. refillin' ariuy.i WJnn Urn - Every citizen of l > enn*|jl'vaKU is id: war beguni, J.; wiU .it lltomc in’t ulilor-,- so a" eitizen'iif Ilia .United 1 States [ai:<l; :iiia. and iiastemd o’mako a tedder of owes allegiance U) llieni. as wed a- my services to Liio (.ioveriimctd; but (.subject 1 to the provisions of :t he (.’on- my reiaMUn to ,'dei.erul Scot I ,o: some sti I it t ion pf t he United Sijiics /he owes ..other imped dpi; jit Utan Jv i it lie : wav. it to; Pennsylvania,. If -l}o be.unlaw- land I seC . rio cliaueo -of -1 lakji g my fully derived jjf Jjis libeHv; his pidy military and expt rieiiee. redress ik to be hid' tit tjiio .hifi.ds iof; useful. I ■ mil, .ijbdut to , 'etiif .1, put j h'e. judiciary. ]n 1 such .Itimj/SiJinf tbc ; before goijlg 1 dvi.s*,aiAinus ; to pay: present ijt is. more than dvef] ! n«ci)ss;i. ; i my respects- to iyt u,, a tub to • express yy io pnpue regularity. i|i jomcjuf kie : ] my .wishes for jeftir pe.rbq ml tyblfare lion. fjjfeat otforts have heed ami are ■ and'--for your suceej sin piittiiig'-dqwn probably, slid being mud/. by persons ’ this ' infernal yebpl ion. And I' want, biiiuied dr. ill jjdjposeil to throw .Us in,- jylfile I -am-itt it. [to say i one .Ulina.l to a stale of revolution:— Unit is. tomore ; I was. atj.Bull UtiiV the dt|hpt; say, to ei-Cate anarchy ayid ’bdnjusioh , day. Hr. President, and iiiia pty vaiii —and ultimately to brine; .about the ty/oV boasting id nje to ssy that lam destruction of lifeam[property anioog ; a -| —i-i —'■ sight better general ’ than; us. Any irrcgulart 1 , min-dimorq illegal. • yon. sir. had oiliUig t .-field-!” 1 interference by your ExdftUiye, with | cTho; Piesident,: in repeating fids matters, which by the Codstiiufioi:iiare[ speech, says that jhe looked lit jthe nof entrusted! to bis cogi izauce,| and i speaker to, see tyhaymanner of ti mini ■ especially any such iutefference with Jho wills who made guclf a lioaslij ‘ilis the action of flip Executive ; of j the/'eye was steady ami clear, his manner -United Slates functions pf, not half so confident as bis words, tlie jintieiai-y, wouuifOd jin : tbo.exist- and altogether he;.bad. th'p. air of a mg crisis emphatioalte-Hangerond ji if: manof-fionsc intelligence who tvoiild have a i ’ tJwroughlhr* believed, ninyielf. - aftth deucy j, in; fact it -would .bo. to corn- who ■ wtmi«V«vjiTwj;.. tpr"fn mitKS. bis; niedee a revolution. The courts of/words good. JI Wfts impresspir y tlh J.usliee are;Open, and no doubt all pdr- i him, and rising qdti of mychair.wnlk-, sonaldyrdiigs can be prdji.erly redres- | cd ii]i to him, aiiij Jjpnfting my ! lia.ndi self in diic course of law. ! - j jon Eiti shouldeij said, ‘Colonel, not! ■I do not know howfiniyiy afi^sts|of, Liefitenant Colonel Hooker, stay, 1. the kind hereinbefore rt/ferrod toiliiavc ! liave|nsc for yon. and a rcgiiubdt for; been made: In I’eiuisylvania, as I Ij’ajvef you io conitnandl’ j| '_' l atj no lime; been privy tod the niaking; .‘ille did ;sfay.j Tlie pnymifiedj reg't of them, bul'T belieyo tb|iy. have, been | was put under his orders,and frorti It be. few: 1 mis uiidertlieimpressioli that j wbs soon promoted to a brigade, nnu lltyrc would be no necessity for piore Übence ito a Majordteneral’S.plajei' jrr of' them, but recent evbntst having! cdiiimiincTof d divifion. - slidwn that this impression' f ’ i“ 'ln every jiositjop in whjpti lie ■’ .neons, I deem it-niy'dutyj no\v to in-’liocn pnt.’j Eiiywln. >( .vile your attention to tbeUnlject.; > JTookef- has • tlio/'cxjie.ctai. Tne contesl-m which we-ate engag- whicli Ids sejf-cdlifi;iiencb excited, ed is one for tlie prcsei viukin of/our a Colonel, ias Bfigfidier and iv own liberiy and ■ weliaiw.jl-Tbe trait : Cenend he ijp.itp exceedingly' v ors*at the south bale tliejircat ho ly _uf and should liecrar b|rCalled to ccimm. our people who are ami bate lids at iny/.if lji£vo|nq| doubt, he would ae liud bitterly despiseTliedew whoditrc I ojnit himself a».ga|tmtly as any tjnan ready for submission, fjbless tlie re-j in the cpdniiy. .j F . ' : i hellion be .'effectually suppressed |.wo ■ | "That’s tlie way jj.hal Gen. Hoof must lose : oiir price of boutitipvllho / gol,ihto the servib'f. In Wasldngt larger ]iortion of our tbfT'itbry,.uiid 1 Tib. Lincblhls partiality for, him .is the elements, not only; of gredtficss,,Secret. When tit determined bufof jifosperity a’nd bveli 1 o ■ 'Seeuyi’- i remove 3l'iCleUaJrij| the' head :of ty to lily, liberty and jiropert''. Eilz John Porter |jgang. ;t|ie qticsi withstanding nil this, it js,, 1 an ! . of siiccesstii-vldp jiMi both . iimloublfd tnii li that a fcV a.■■libidles 1 and. criinar-rassing|. The ! Preside!' among us, talse to all our ijftm and Joy-.; inclifintionk arjd pi/cferenee pointb' r ! w\ echoes' mm I /, -S NEM. irallgiE . -i I :j- • [From the Journalp of Congress 1777], Arbitrary [Arrests in the time of U v .he Rp ->iuttr I the . .evo. aoxx. Whereas, Thel States of Pennsylva nia and Delaware arathreatened .with ah invhiiediate invasion troth a power,, ful army, who have already’ landed at t-Ho jhqad -Of Chesajpeake , bay : And principles cjf.policiy and -gelf?, preservation require'that ail ■ persons ,wh j ; mhy; reasonably be suspectrii bf aiding or abetting the cause j(n:<ihk enemy may be prevented Iron-.' ing injurious to' lac public' 'veal : - XX'X *■ , JifSOlved,' That fhc/Tixeoutivc ;-au-', thdrlities of the States cd IV-iiiisy.lva - tiia and Delaware . be requ'eslcd to; 1 cause all persons, within tliei.i- ;rCspec-- tiye,l ; States; , ' notoriously disaii'cetcd' forthwitlJ'fo bo apprehended. disarmed, add ! secured, till such! time as their r.e.spbctiye • States t;hihk-si,bcY may , be released without injujry-to the common dans 3. | I '<• | ; ~ . 1 dsV«oZmf,j That ij >be' retfiiniiioisl??. to. i! e Supreme ; Exjcculive Council .d the Statc'of Perinsyjvania-to cause a diligent search to| .bo.. made in the houses of the uihaljdtanls the city of; Philadelphia wild have not taui.:- fested their attachment to the Ameri can causo,! for firo-al'ms, swordii -and bayonets; that thcS ; owners of! the arms io found be paid for them at an appraised value, arid that •livercd to such of flic militia, of the State 'of i'onhsylvama who present unarmed, anil have been-called intojthe hold. |-A ■ 1. Ot the above ‘preamble and resolu tions,, I\lr> ■.'•'lisbilr,: in bis, admit able wctrli.on Thn Ji'nid\n; the ■ConslituUofa makes these remarks : '• | . A'pase.oefrtibrcd .in iddhidelphi \’;in ■ .Some t woivty •.- gentle me i ~ of iv-pc.n:;l iiity.f-Were myo.ohi ybv ■of Ihe'fS uprjeirie‘K?;i ■ c utl v e Cbfrn tins , -State.i at: the Instuir-eet.of iyss, banisjied do u.thwa In'jViiy and- linl'.rit idetain. <l. They Hot .•treated ::ls criminals,; but T 77 7, in lei oil o! {,’i nmj ipma •\v.eve vy'uli Tho* k’gini loast-'S turn 1 ,<:onsuleruiiion I: and "hindness.— d 'elude; to, declare their ,al nee ‘to 1 1» o iCniviirament were ; re a, and sill \y!ero : permitted-to hro -1 to -their -liiumcs when-it. Was thoughl they cio/a'ld. lie no longci: ktuu- geroiis. I jlipQ atjrcstiHrt’CiJle.'■ jvtth'-U.hc ktmdi'ihje vfd :.<i)>prbs!li ; )n of-.'Wiifhitfj.- tan. -•! v'rit of halji'dh corj/iis u-os issued at ihe.tytsihncc of fh(:\jodSorff,Jiut it ica'g diHojirdi J hj (ha,} \.chirje ; of (ban. and spoil; afttb'Vards, September 19th, 1777, tlie a bill itideinlnifyinf' 'tbo Exo v i;tlVe/Coun'cilp and susper.dihtr .tlio; tvri.t oi/fisbeds oof- J/ {;IG er -Thi Jforrsc Pa . a . ... , ' Winter .Grain ’ j It. is- i'•■!;■ c/f t he'. if a term" ih.c I soil by. bm uT I rozeni’;»ha.t breaks.. aii<J -tears the roots .of .plants.- Kep .tlic uja.-'diy ns possihig ' diirin.; . the . , -winter, by el-earing dhudraihs,open-y ~i— r ■ I 'i : ing the dead'furrows am w, [.n ..V- Rouseau at, Lancaster. '{ in-- that the Outlets are free. 'Kuu a ’ it gallant General one horse plow through the dendrfbr mi. trn-)i.. .v-s-ti^m,a.B(»stc r ..tronys' 'when iinftozeh^spatislif^iii? _sliort Urtiß ago. mm,! made tifCyTmr?p _ lu'iid ■ing.pjjtfiotle' rciniyrkfi, to an mv- .ktfjoybdi.-1-'"’- j' ibis.. seldoniycomes nr" crowdr | , / ' ■. ,! much! inthedead . ~ii: troys, wade'.’ ho : .Tupf |aj.pollt-ieian, and neveryx- ; bettor draining of the rest of t-h 1 - I'ti^ he,' |’ Before tins- wai*i,began ll I.ivill; largely increase ti>e. pivd\icr,.!,in-i lawyer, .and ' since 1 luiile bean j qinijily. ‘ - jerJ V\Hi have ever'asked lias j-s ~-[, for. rnotl and,means to pisb down I , elgejHoit. My ; politick! .'creed- is ! terfu minimd longV' 1 anylbr the-.g.0.y-. ! .riajsa :nt of imy ■iiilh'ifr.y and for ilio . efiiclet s of khat...government; 'and'; 1| Take _ninst (lie or that giiy-, jj Vi} e , ernimnt and all 1 their I'riends,; lakhi-ile (a ;Aiorlh.anil lie called ini ■ Ciioi * i ipcpple that l|hey he .so united as not , iul ,i - ( j .T-lcritfplo the etforts of the), s.iltlilir.-i in ;,T:hc e ,th'c IhTd. ' |sV, mailer wniU yotir:jio-; .sho'nli. litieal prodi|lectionk'|m;ly ho 1 , - "h title it o'; rgqnlf save five country, &nd afier sJtile [ ; gnesti Dns oik policy.! : Let j net (your ( |' v _ ■ diflerijnce.v of opinion ‘ wbakcu fife i : J >M»a , ; ■■ ■ l v - , r ■ L-' 1 - -fjKird arms of the hiavo men vend are |; n , in'g that yon may hefty-o.' Irit-lie"Arjny of the Cknnherland.i.iin which [: I'klvi}.-' the honor i fieornmaiidintr it. division.- : ~1. <• ■ . ; . <■*, . i ... , wnNn otliecrs ami men kno\is> ontiv tiu cause - , Of'i ntry.. All- are u ; nt;e:l in a eemunon work. ■.2i'o- 1 dissetrsiotis' jor-1. joaloin ie.s weak j.n their ibi!pe. i.’roin [ ,Gen.. 'Jtoseenvns, .the f h-c'ro hi CdriiUh,' ;i° and Miirfroas.horo’, .dbwn ththejlnjin.;. blest j riyiite in the ranks, tilioro lik .and ( .p'^. .abiding confidence in’the ehicieiiey■ 1 ffn [thycd nmand 1 , ami faith in the justicei 1 jof Abe Cause. | Wheh tliey go intjtijai- i tie they have, no olhey pnrpdse Uiatiyo ! '.."Vp., ; Crush i the rebellion and preserve tbcl 'V goyerbnient. 1J! fear tiio '.results ifof^^'-'.’y' yoiir' divisions, ygt' I ivijl .-ay So those ( ‘ lO 1 ivtio. w ill raise issues and, make com-.. plaints—save, the. old flag;,and -the- . 2*o ,, ‘ | government of your f nth era; and thoti c-riiig ydii es n have-tho 6f|idcs frotn' now! to' court eternity. ’ ' ; / ■ .[ ; had*:• I they- n follow d.a; poet > !ji*soklj been this r hut a ernm lias! friend .a in! ‘in iron ou? 'As X joi ■'ell,, and leer ton,’' 3 (10 1 to ' tile iif.ii ; ifeptl/ •ht’s I <1 to 1 lie ons •eat ■jbly liam l' ot EV' liti , The Imoiortal Butler. ' [At the grand reception of; this Soc [ond llero of Now Orleans, ht Boatoiii tile. Athens of America, Gen. Butler used the .following poldier-like' aiid highly I patriotic language-: i‘l V- •• ■ TBuljyou [iiiay. ash; why llaYn her'o. instead! of being on the fieldi 1 ; To thfat" I.jlyfvt jthc- suniplo, ajtijßver.vllio- pa \\ n 1 oil,tin; idlest (hoard litas -.nd^ right Ftio know When |a|hd how [he will he huiA-'j--- ■oil no;:t by-thW,e' «dip huveidVe great' game jf war in chmgo. But when ever apd _ wilrercver; the Uovenrient, may rejed m|y| Services, he ij 110 start to.-niglit or tliS the di-; rectiO!i Of, sputhEast |or Wcj>"t —l h ere, as a Soldier harm bound, and as , a pa triot ]. anfprojud td ajiiswer and'go. > IS?;Riot Knob, iw'Ansscmri, is a,;! conical,ipioupd of a| sbgar-iotif shape, ! aofljj feet : in [height, and-coveying 50oJ acres. According- [t ad estimate, it ' ~, , cdptaint npl|s>ar^,oafi l bo0 j tuhb Do ■ wßiMr IretSL if'"l I Per CCn 0f M< :*ny betUW on people with V pure metal, in it. I . ;, B t kS than on olheM ’’’ : - •B .'Vi I’ d. !. 1 ' - I-' V 1 ! ; V V. - "'-7" ' i- of *W •\iy the bo un- nvo fal- bat i to •ors, fisCH to icoi all ■ Li t' 'v r | teed ;l®iB NOTICE TO, ADVERTISERS. ~ j ■> ( v •• • -A. >■ —?<■ ■-, i ' ..-1 L , .Adrertisements the rate of 75' cents per square-i-cach subsequent' insertion 25 cents. A Itbe al discount inade to yearly advertisers, and on long advert iscnicnts. - A space cqual'to toelte'lines'of tLis tj-pe measured as a square. ; ,/4 o' Special notices 126 per cent. addition to r«g- x ula,r rates. ■ t' ■ Business cards, 76 cents a line', pet year • Marriages and|Dcaths, Political,' and other Notices of a public nntuvji, free. :tt Xe sponj' vv j /lio was for. .he whiiiu- jcciunti'y, aod biolhii’.ii; bat too v.-iie>ii‘ .c(>UMI r\V ; No‘ «)inj)!’,iunibi‘.‘;]iai’:itiVi'Uv no dino of (Jeiiiaccalidn; a.ii'ii '''.V> -pjvsVrv!o -that. 'te !ii«n'-.’invkikiic. ’be wan to •• {, •: _ ( • , *“• »■ sm?Vitk-e ■!i^.ji’.>. i s-,-.sneiK V.- d foivo, ;iii !a JHfS/'rvo -t.s)£' Vt?-c»ifiilvy t-.ifi ! c-Moro it Vft'-.i!s;ii>:i!. footuiii ii'i..- Whitt i tv** ? Uv. :r= ■ ;i' ii;i t .donpfi ■'liiiajiidiiiu'.'t-li'f; loAc-t of ’the wfoid, | i, v.'llys.y .lia;; iv--('.:'OU-ij lit-Hii-i 1 "rj eii,!(.vrirrr.l « pop. every soil. Wheref j‘'v:ijs it'tfovf JW. i-.-.-ii iiji. oy a i;\ttor . yr;iT-'-liot’.vc'.;.:i. .tip? North ;uul Sottf;:. ; '.vljidu-|!M f.i : • ■ the- :ut>Ui ; tiop of :• lb tv I t tlu , o.^'lie was ihe ' ■ili.ahi wlkj wo’l'.i ii>sco'',-iijupr<iitjj'.UV.. W-oult!. Oft h i‘_-i'; W to fie iiUll llto? tiif filial I .iriftiiV ?•!' v; ho, wniiiil fiiur frost fit. I-1 !**, Iho A-;i top o' oniseis waited, -war,, j bay to effect a; no .'other ’.vr-Vj peVpttnal waif! hey i'.-a-i sqjja ralion, .? ;.Xh i~u \y a* ftp : preservo tbe Llaoii j’cxccjt by pudding ciiivyu tbo-rebidbor.; j anU'Tliougiflife; woHs ley:, yet be' bopeif b'K. ir.igllt, jive ioagfenougiv-to 1 £ce :.t‘!ie . L iiio 1 . rest orid. 1 Geiy, \\Vool I toncludeil \iiib a Idsb thVt ■Xe.w Vork .Su-.te Militia. and said fiiat Ibe way staliqi ed here to atlOudvtoylie j de/einH’S iof- j bo ...ihaHtcrri' Departint-n.i.. i litul reniai'ked - that lie was doing ail jin iris, jyaver to put the barboiof tS'ew j'k: rb pertet t state of deicuso.-rn j [Ciitei-:-^ 7 ~'r . ■' .." k 4-;-- j' ■ •;83,u/)',vf ;/>yej'. tbftt s v r: ■*la’!v. t 1 her h si'iina <1; 11 ‘'_T to .the i!: r, one in- bail ih r,in ? ; ;jte\t.k ■ "O;^-1 jkaui U’.e ]iu! .■i-a Ta-lre llvir. tex; ■J i ‘.M-. ■ id dw ! houi-ttbp than : in-st w-iilp* hour- I SjVf'-htO. j 1 ; seruvoidiior :■'?/■ j aripiieati;;:;: 7 ’ : f- . ••• b'rht-h ; ; frpn: S.ol-.iruoti Ijhj ‘n: is i ’dl.Jfjh d ’ eat neW y<ii‘ the ; with a hraw'iinij.jjvrtnian ■o.’ .‘Do-you. iiieari me,' tiie iadv, qiik-kl v-jt af!V’’ 'Vas the dl/raVe ■ ie--: ivill not 'niiikl.! ■>§ < good / t-.i are. too s‘oo»iiTh A'ouiy j • . ■A' iio nll inn iU‘’ • i \i. a- a ■ !: h; t!ir I 1) tv j n |T' up merfy. l or. tlij-.l'liV-, . vs ' tl-.'al; ii 'hiV's; ji!ivav< • nri'kieiih lsi! in .fl r'-iie!'; a toim--eo itnti'e'ii mi; \s iirin urn r iinon; the <•• :,i. aiyJl -It.-: ,'tivp ■' lid raw mnol-minto 'iiiy; senary;!' it t'lrona’i .'iiTQilv r-f-siiti* ami > bo;' tried pivltyneveiy o.ieapipir 4 A r '* b’;|fr,o in tin-IMcv.-j Jcr.-xx Lo:x- ; a*j;rtv r/*tliaV ai>pi&>jiri:i^-i< > j i J; • hy- : css. (t!', Sl>s-.i‘Oi, i .(K)o Id. - I r * ~ I i y»• ■4. • ♦ iu . >{. ■!-■• <■(! ln: iiiii.e-j -of Xi'-’f .I*-m'y*'ivl\.!|jE i ( oil! t,'i la’.Xf ami, i ha I-.‘^T i- w] wili '.mVf be f.>r aayi aof tUa>| debt. •a ■ ..'i v ' j '■ i 1 ' !■■ ‘ ■ ’ ' ■- ■■ ..mV [f: !■ a’ithor- ii{f Jpnv,*’ lia.s-jlii.f-f !etu Uvf- ipimilir-m >• f i> ! '.;o per tod . that i.c pi--. service; u'iWk-i'; >'•■• ■i ,o. "of .liNv,. to 1.0 '•ul'iki..u .ki : ’ I * "*¥ \ tmixl.On<x-a-Web';.- , i.'i 1< :• r 1 .it: takioV J :V kiui ationji : ndonijo. i hwlyvjn speaking f»t the guth-l. iif latfyiers' to dedicate fa nett hou-sq,-fud she supposed" tili.iy ' lie "lid vietv. t !ul' gvo-'nil \yljeip';, itisl short!v-iief’ '■ ■ V'Frene'ii author stars r-Wheii I ,• wife,! |oyefy; iVrii.ily: -in .;t!6ipt too (uUilhei ; but jrvben .1 Most •so ut» one offered fto-ivgikc him i._.JKaK . lost ni_ offered 1 my ho ! goodf’ ■| ; I . argu kayerta ■j of Ids • ! toll®* belief ii niisvr would table ; V.eaigje iw'n if• he.knew whefef . if' tf- le isf biU|)jy that-j finJ's-* at r n cxtirtsmity. but - htj 'ih hapjyi owsvii o extrcraity twlyeVeiii friend..; ■ i | , i friend, | t'iiat'ki 'try. his t don’t rememberlhavrng sei said to! 1 nee. ’f : \ ' i '! I . Bgt-*' you be' cOnseic fhat .kind.of a fiiee should': per hate? ATacei that- isi ft. if ■ j'auetjbm - bidding. Gonti'i-oinise ■eu> to (Jcii. V\ ooi- 6‘ 1 ' i: >. e army mi-1 ju?i made tue Idiioir- i v-\'.uto ME d, I- i Lll'-riH'.’s ; ids-hit .a.i'tipidy - • ! ' 1 ' i ■»i i! V - ' il :ui ; ui'- i;T v■' . .. V H