iEh.plre j T IST OP «tTEBj is-evc ToflK.'i 7. *t Jf.i, 1 I / remain.jcln the P J! from >*«* QHennH °n the 4lh, pju Feb HU, 186 Vj’.t thin evening.- Henry A n.rees under Gen. Banks, after E,riholc«newPrcd V drilling. were in condition role Mollio » ®°r ' t K e fields "If was thought o>spnui Mrt *a>^. ,bs V „t once to cleanout the whole Deer Jolm rnnr&e eodntry. , .. Edwards John ; L n F S Sd loaf.. a fishing smack, Elliott The , On W. ,hioe Jews' and a slarge Grave Milo .ontaininp thiee Jews, £"« » h’ QallsherKate 0 *rAntity med.c.nes for \ h * -**:'*> GroreG Y 'UrM on the Jake, Gil(U N E # * ss i oula. . Letters were- also Hemphill Emma potico? forty dr fiftv leading dciti- ' Person* calling for li -oil'd t Orleans, to members of will please »y they ad* X* Coidederato ,?G?yernmcnt. The Hotea; 't* , were tried:. belorey Judge, Fea- I?^ 6u dm 4th inst., butdhe sentence ; ---withheld until -the parties’ . who Oti ti c letters had been arrested, by i Gen. > SiX'weather was very cold. It ww .generally believed tr.-New r L.,. that Gen. Butler would .re to that city if he was not. made . c :: r yt-\rv- ot War. - -j , s r V Pr* Leacock. Fulton and p irU-M reached Xew J Orleans,, f !V thev-refused take the oath ■ ofallV'^4G^Binks'.would; not, a! Theater flows through 'Williams’ r ,- in frbut of Vicksbnrg and a small : lu*4 passed through the canal. 'iS^ n9 knd wijt '" 8 ’ ° ni : dee,s 11 ' down, leaving Vicksburg f;/;,;),, distant: "This intelligence ! " no ,l the rebels considerably. '■■%,-u-is nothing new from Texas. A Confession of - Treason- ORPHANS COURT IBAMJ. ship i,n Pennsylyai ia. bul ,■ 1 f j M^uctendueorout-cry, on th e premises, on ■.iiiB-S'l)em«<:ratiC friend.-, . ; B cavcr county; bounded and described as fol nhuses Ke w , JJngliluu, .anti Jlociares* OWf; beginning at a post of the garden of said t 'iut if the UUeniittive lies between nea r the bridge, thence along the upper tlte suhiu""Uion of the Southern Stntcs- aide 0 f the grpat road south forty-three de - J w,,.. Ai.m the New Er.tfiand 1-frreeS, west .fifty-one perches to a post, thence ot;separuifp-. Tl)i , per- jby laid of Jesse Moore, north two .degrees. States*. lie pi c A.r . < nnv: to » post neara Lynn .s<»ri.'vho thus e? ‘ . J trfe thence north forty-tiro degrees, cast, •nils lo go over to had I it,. f -perches ; to a post, thence south thirty- to expobt a place .the i onqsdegrees, east sixteen’ perches to place of ""j/i iled Stales But he .was beg&ining; containing betwpenTfour and fire • i oiVtsuoicen aii(t the ex-i acres, be the same more otj less), Dwelling VA'vMOt his trofeofl. stud-’shares the house, stable, orchard and other valuable ,un “ - i proTKincnts ou the premises.! i ; isir-?-Jesse D. Bnyu t an 1 CltUl »l i*. TERM.s-i-Onc-third of the purchase money to . hi* Worthy Companions ;kg paid- oil confirmation of [the sale by the ave. ’ r . • •** * / j Court, balance in two-equal, annual insta)- : ’‘.’.rf-V.? . , — yi —*r. • _ monts fKrai that date, with interest thereon nttaiSBUEO. Feb. I‘X:—The follow--from same time.’ By the Court. ■. ' BcaTer, Fj:6l, : A. t. M’CBEABT.Cnc. - ii.-'auii'-iiiicenient ha-s justjbecn made. | * ?¥jjJ^Jju/t r F the ’.ritatuiliouß labors ofissital estate accouats.ofijohn M’jCartney and. Vl.uadvljjhi.i, a coillpltte . . And hpw tn wit. Sept.-11; 1863, on motion V-raOinti'abliuT.ten thousand naiues,h:is 0 f u en ry Hice, Esipvihe Court appoint B. B. Wen made of a : ll llie'sic-k ami wound- 1 . Chamberlin, Esq., nh Auditor, to distribute ed nV the''t-ate.'received iifTo the U. j balance of assets ofthe accounts, real anttpor t""Gi-Dfrai'Hospjlals iof Philadelphia, i' M Cirtccy and JaeW Swear ii • /„ •„ ‘ ,i,„I thgen, Executors of the last will and testa? n, .Chester,- i*, 1 jment ofMatthcwll. Jeffrey.-dcc’d-. amonpthe . t'Hjf/ rjiniT ot , llie wai*.>niiivtiuM teirs add parties interested odd entitled tjv Iki had concerning any soldier ; thereto, (From the,Record.) \ ■ i'. ilTlnVdhii- Joseph Parker, E) 00 Loin ro Commonwealth..’. -5.000 from-pthfe-Biiik's. 18,062 11, and‘'ml belief. - ' EDWARD HOOPS. .-’'■.•■•Affirmed and subscribed before me this 4th ,Isr'of Feb, 1663. J. CUTHBETSON.N. P. NOTICE TO BUILDERS. THE PLAN'AN)» SRECmCATIOXS-.F’OE ,a.DWELLING ffOCSE may be ecyn at [ she Beaver Seminary land Institute, for the i liuMing of which, or any part of it, bids are' e- up'to the 25th.inst. The right is re ] «tved to reject any and all bids. f- JjW'r Snn. i Imlitute, ) :K. T. TAYLOR. Feb. 16.’18C3. i ... i Important to i Tax Payers,. £ .]\^Tl<:E v is h.ercbj ■ given 'to. Collectors of ' Tn'tits to; pay off the balances due on.the respective • Duplicates, on orM>efore March 1863. . The taxes .are needed : an«i must be cbllcctcd in order tc meet the de -tcviis upon,the bounty. , i V # VI 4 G..C. BRADSANW^ ‘ ; 7 Treasurer _ f IiST or LETTERS . rSCALIED FOR. Xj remaining inthe Post Office at Rochester • f>l,. 15th,. 1863: ’ jemif. Sophia " ' ,J |t Ccorge « ' . ;.!“«& Mrs Deborah .Mart S T Campion MnCM, 2 SuaaUTO { • "»nkW m - 1 *r°»»SeW Heorr *■ ' Mr, Bella 'J°E»a Miss Nellie 1 '‘a'len Mis« . • Miss M 1 i -V ? '»•*« A - | . ‘ *^ e r George Vsom calUi 'Mitchell Eliza i McLean John R | McMartin A N - ; McCarthy Hannah iKeaICH ■Richison. IVm jSlcwart Margaret Smith Mrs C Sheldrake Joseph' Smith Mrs E ' Smith Mrs Sarah - Tignerß C, 2 tinker'J A. Vance John ' ~ ' Whitefield Captain, 2 White HE Whittlery, Bttera in the above list, ’advertised”*- » WMI F. ML ig for h - List of Causes • For' march term, ismj commenc ing lit MONDAY (2d), .[ ; | (FIRST Vt*aL.y j James Duncan '- ts. John M. al. Hiram -Mcanor, at al “ ’ Hugh Anderson. same ■— 44 same t ) James Kelloj a,wife “ James M’Elduff. • |U&B- f “ . sun© i' ~ (SECpSD 'WEEK..) Bank Lawrence Co. “ Selah Chamberlin. Same “ Same. Same ! •• Joe *8 Chamberlin. F. Wcscott, et al " Martin Lamer, et al. Wurtr, Anstrie a. M’- / r -J „ ;_.l • Veiri, use “ Sharrer & Osborn. Sami Stewart, jir. .*■ ‘S Augustine Sterena. I John Graham <• Thomas Many. ( \ same, “ 1. ( same . same i : George-Necly ‘fi Thomas Dickson. ! Robert M’Clane Henry Baldwin. ! James t Colling S Co, “ W. M. Shirts, et al. (Lewis Walker’s A. ' . • ALSO. At the same [time and place, all the riglil, title.intcrcst'and claim of defendant, of. in and to the undivided, mie fifth of. the follow ing described tract of land, situate in North Scwiokly township. Beaver bounty, Pcnn’a., bounded as follows. »h wittTJeginning at the porlh-wcst comer of at a cast hank of BiJrfßehyer creek; thence by latid | of the heirs oflJimiesjKcnn'cJy due north 87-: degreesfcnsl one hundred and >Ocvt‘Uly perches to a post, thence hy‘ land of David Warnock south 501 degrees, cast 121 perches to a post, thence_by landwarrant cdirf the name of Henry Knwi, h 87 ''’-'[■t ild'j perches to'a beech tree oti the hatikybf Rip Beaver creek, thence up said creek nortir ,17 degree?, cast iili probes to the place of begin ning: containing 1 To acres,'and allowance ot sixper dent, being part of tract warranted 14th April, 1 7b—. in nanjedf Jobla Kljeatabiull 70 acres cleared and in good state of cuifiva tion; on Vbicli iro erected a two£tbvy frapie : dwelling house,! 20 by C(j ■ fce\iifdength iitid breadth; s~do'ublc log barn and Other o.utt buildings; a* out lOfi acres underlaid withifa vein of good bituminous coal. , | ; k. Seized and taken in execution as the; prop erty of Emmet; 15. Thompson nt 'thc suit, of •Jamc# K. Thbjnpsbn and Joseph 1 Thompson, Admr’s of James Thompson, dec'dj. dtn.'l Mat thew Thofiipson and Samuel Kenncsly^ .No. G. : t ALSO, '■ ■ : ..w ' : At the some time and place all Che right; ti tle, interest and claim Of defendent. of, in and to the following described real' estate, situate in.Rochestcr borough, Beaver county, Pehn y bounded as follows: On the casfby Pittsburg; Ft. Wayne & Chicago railroad, on the south by lot of T. J. Chandler, on the west by -Beaver river, and on the north by lot by Jas. McGowan, being ninety feet-on Beaver river, and running Jjapk, one hundred feet; on which ■is erected ouo log house. - \ Seized andfakt;n: in execution as the proper ty of Edward Green and 1 Delilah Green, his wife, formerly|Dfe][ilah at the ytiiCof. Jos. M. Alexander, for the use 6t James ; Alexander and tElias ll.’"Alexander. NO. 7.' 'T ALSO. ■■■■&, !- At - the same' time and place, [all'tho right, title interest; and claim of defendant, of, \in and to the following lot of ground, (being No'T) situate in Rochester township, Beaver county, PaJ, bounded and described ns follows: On the north by;land of Margaret Higby, on the east by laiid-iof David Mitchell,_oji the south by bite Nos. i> and 6, and on the west: by Ft. Wayne & Chidago K. R.; containing one acre, more or less, and under: fence: 6n which is erected a one story frame house, 24 by 14-feet; coal bank on/t he lot. . ■ , ( i Seized and taken in execution as thc proper ty of .John; Baker at the suit! of- T. & W, Walton, ■■■•' l‘ .- r / . No. 8. ' j' ALSO. 1 -1 ■ /_ At the same [time and: place, 1 all the right, title, interest and claim; of-defendant; of, in an,d to the following .described lot of ground, being No. 15, situate in the borough of Ro chester, Beaver county. Pa., hounded on the' north by George street,, bn the/cast by Brigh ton street, on the south by lim’d of IsraclGray, (now Win. Leaf!) and oii tire west byi l Gould street, being part.out lot,/No. 74; The above described lot under fengb. k , , Seizcdand taken ur execution as tho prop erty of Maria! Gould at the suit of John Stiles. ... ■ ’[ [■■ j r N0.:9. . ALSO, . At the same lime and [place, all the right, ti tle, interest and claim oi defendant, of, in and to the 1 following lots of ground, situate in tho ' ho, out 1/of Darlington! Beaver county, I‘cnna, being Mbs. .35 and 3b. in tbcplnnof said town, cach'lot being bb by. lit) feet, making in all i 81/leei front l|y Id' l feet deep, and;all under ‘fence; on which are erected the following 1 buildings, to wit: A large two-'story frame ‘dwelling and store house,the ent ife building * nvtrvrTarr r amne \ being 7l> feel long 25 feet wide, the’storeroom l6u b yo s fee, in length and breadth, with LETTERS of Administration on the cstnte ! shelving, counters, etc.,: the two 7of Rkbecca Jake - M’K.vibuT./ Ihte of [ apartments, one -10 by , 15, the other 'TO feet Darlington, township; Beaver County, Pcnn'a. [square, with a. large, well finished'room on dec’d. having been granted’lo ihcTmdersigned, [2dfloor, 70 feet long by[lsiwidej ebUnr aU persons indebted to saidiestaufare request- ; neath; there are also two newj rooms lately tornado immediate payment, and those having , added to tho house: also a frame warehoqse claims’ against the same 'will present' them ; 30 by 25feet In length and breadth and 16ft. properly anthenticalcdfor .settlement. (high; said warehouse is within a few feet of r 1 j. p k MARTIN, Darlington tp.i [the Darlington Canncl Coal Railroad, and vMII '/ AdahßiftaMr. leoav—itally amayfrirtue of Sunday writ* of levari Facia* r> Fiera Facia* and Venditioni Exponaa i»- aucd out of - the Court of Comon plea* of thO ( County ;of Bearer and to me directed, 1 will expose to public jsale at the Sheriff’a office in the borough of Bearer, in the county afort .aaid, ou ■ ’ | Saturday, February 28th, 1868.; at 10 o’clock In the forenoon, the following property, to wit.: -y *ll the, right/ title, intereat and claim of the defendant, of, in and to the following lot of ground situate in New Brighton, Bearer county, Pa., being lot No. 802, boundedon the North by lot No. 300, on the We*t by Broad way, on the South by lot No. 304, and on the East, by Front street, on which are erected a frame dwelling house, two stories high, with cellar underneath, a frame stable, coal-house, and other out-buildings: fruit trees and shrub bery on the lot. Seixed and taken in execution as the prop erty of William Carter at the suit of William Kennedy. ' i ■ ■ No. 2 ALSO, At the same time and place. sB title, interest-and claim of William M- Scott, one of the defendants,, of, in and to the fol lowing farm or tract of land, situate in Greene township. Bearer county. Pa., bounded on the North by land of Andrew Poe,.on the East by land of James Mackall, on the South by land of Jps. Brunton, and on the AVestby the Virginia line; containing 111 acres, more or leas, adout- 75 of which are cleared and under fence; on which are erected a one story frame dwelling - house, 1 30 by 18 feet in length and breadth, a log bam and .out-houses; a young orchard on the premises. Seised and taken In execution as the proper ty of William M. Scott and - Robert Ramsey gt the suit of James Trimble. ;V -.A150." .i At the same time sml place, all the right,' title, interest and claim.Of defendant of, in and to kll that certain farm or tract of land situate in ijjie township of North Sewickly, county of Beaver Slid state of Pennsylvania, bounded on ; the north by land of Jordan M. Nye and Joseph Haxen, on the cast by land of H.aien, on ..the I south by land of Benj. Reno and John Wiley; and on the west by land of Foster and Jcnkins.containing about one hun dred and twenty aVres more or less, about seventy-five of which arc cleared and under -fence, "and on which arc erected tme log house and lug stable, and some fruit, trees on the premises andTgood water. i Seized and taken in execution as the prop erly of John Wiley at the suit of William Bush for use .of James D. McCreary, in trust/for Hannah Bush,\ now foil use of John 11. Wilson, Administrator of J'oseph 11. AMison, dcc’d, _. ' Nu. 4, ' j AL.SQ. At the same time and place all the right, ti tle, interest and claim of defendant of, in and to the following lot of ground situate in the borough of New Brighton, Beaver county,Pa., designated as lot No 498, and bounded as follows: Beginning on bridge street at the southwest corner of lot No. 497. former.y owned by Matthew Cliampliu. and now or lately-oc cupbd by iMUtou Townsend. ,and running north Cl degrees, east *lO feet tb Pearl street, t lie lice eaal-9 degrees, south 44fcet to lot No.. 499. thence south ’>l degrees wesl.-. JOO feet to Bridge strecj.lthem-c alung-Hvidge street ■« feet to place oflbcgmuTiigf coni ainjhg>A2J per ches, be piorc or the I ssmc'prcmlsSs tonSreycd iiytjns.’AV. Maynard and Susan-fi., ibis wife, to Lou.’sa'vLi'Uldon,; ! ( .n the 10th of Oct.. 1831—on which are,erect ed one frame, dwelling house, two" stories high, and one frame stable; a number of ftn’t trees on.thcllot., . J‘ . • 4 1 . - Seized and taken in execution £a the prop erly o*->laria Gould 1 atnthii suit’ of Fanny C.- Ness. • ■. ;■ , J ■ ilnsWeiAt; Notice In the Orphan** Court. ; | In length and breadiS?**™ •" reel high, DO. following Appraisements, ‘under the j IAJfmMC. planted i T A ct.,o/AprilTlf,. 1851. of property adpw r ! with valuable fnlit end oi^ette«t«-trees; w»j gj Widows and ehildrec of 4 ter Son veniont. ■ I •.. . J decedent, to the! amount of $300,| here boon Seised end taken in execution Mine proper-:, gj-g in theofScejoftheClcrkof- tht Orphans’ tv of - Marshall Hartehbrn Atlhe WH-J Court'for Beaver' eoUnty ‘ Wad approved «n£ son, Teyne & Co. ' .l 4,.*"' ■ _,■! tojwiu: |j 1' ; N6. IU. AliSO, : i ; -i '■ Personal property toimonnl of $298 85, tb At tho same time and place alt the right, Uo widow of'WnrrKtderj'dec'd. 'JnoB Elder. Adm. tie. interest and e l # l "* of defeßdante, of, w,: Personal property tdjdnount of $299 182, t|o and -i» the following property, to wit: The widow of Sami Wilson, dec’d.. P.M. Kerr. Adm. Wne undivied eighth part if all those sixteen Personal property to amount of $O2 60, to lots, sitnate in the town AdamsTiUe, Chip- .widow |of Ftabcis Alcorn, dec’d. Henry pewa township. Bearer County,, Penn a., in Phillis, Ext. . ■, , .; ,i' the plan of said town, laid down ,as water i Personal property amount of $BOO, to wid lote, and ns sboh numbered onej two, three, 0 w of Sam’l Robb,'dec’d. Elixabetfi. and yim. four, gve, six, seten, 1 cigil* ftinei ten, cieren; p|bbb, Adm’rs. 3 I i ' tfi twelve, thirteen, fiftoenjand sixteen, I Personal property lo ! amount of s3oo| [to together with waterpowerappurtenant thereto; widow ofl Andrew Glass,' disc’d. John Slentx, Also, all the right, title, 'intertstjand claim /jf Adtn’r I : |i . *j ! defendant, being the .undivided eighth Real estate toljamoant of $275, to.widow of part, more or less, of the following lotain said Adam Lambrigbjt, late of Bridgewater, dec’d. town of Adamsvillo, .numbered"ip the plan of Jlellcna Lambright, Adm’r. ~ ; p., ; the same, twenty.-nipe, twenty-seven, twentys'-f Notice is hereby given to ertditprs, heirs, eight, eighty-two, eighty-three, 1 twenty-two, legatees, distributees, and all others interest twenty-three, eighty-eight, eighty-nitw, td appear *t| March term next,,end not lia ty,, ninety, ninety-one, nineteen,- tcrihanthb third day of thetenn, being the ninety-two, ninety-three, seventeen; eighteen; 4th day of March! 1863, to shew cause, ■if eny ninety-four, fifteen, sixteen, ninety-live, nine- tbey haVe; against tho 'final confirmatiip of ty-six, thirteen, fourteen, ninety-seven,twelve, the said several: appraisements. ;- ■ < ninety-eight, ''ninety-nine,. ten, eleven, one hundred, one. hundred end one* eight, riinf; One hundred and two, one hundred and three, six, seven, one hundred'and four, one hun dred and five, four, |fiv* one hundred _ fcnd six, two, three, seventy-seven, seventy-eight, twenty-four, eigety six,’ eight Vrseven, twenty five, twenty-six, eighty, eighty-one, eighty five, which weie oppropriated 1 made Up purtenant to said witOr loU» A?w, all the right, thief, faiterost and claim lof defendant, of, in arid to all the foiled* lots, i& thetown of Adamsrille,-vii: Thirty-four, thitty-flve. forty-six, fifty-seven, sixty-six, one, andsiJly seven. Also, all the right, title, interest and claim of defendant, of, la and to all that cor- | tain picco or parcel of of land, ,coi itaining*four acres and of an acr?i lying west of the said town* of Adamsrille, and not .laid off info lots, and being tliatp&rtion of atiihiy nino acre tract originally set off; to Sarah 15- Fetterman. by agreement dated .Jane 23,1858. Also, all the right, title, interest Sand claim of defendant, to ail that certain piece or parcel of land in the said-town of Adamsyille. 'imme diately above the dam, end between the street end water of the pool, not laid off-into lots, and which by agreement was dedicated to the common use of the owners,of the .water lots, in proportion totheir respective interests., Soiled and lajMi in execution as the projter -1 ty of Maria of M. T. C. Gould jdcc’d., at the sunof Gilbert L. B. Fetterman, 1 Adm’r. of Sarah B. Fetterman, dee d. i’ No. 11, ’ALSO, i Atthe st4n t ‘ me and place, all the right,! itle, interest and claim of.defendant, of; in,' and to the undivided one-third of the following lots'of ground being Nos. 14, 15, 16, 17; 16 and It l , I situatedn the borough of New Brighton, Bea-1 ver county. Pa., bounded as follows, to wit: ] On the North by lofeNo. 13, on the East by Canal, ouThe Soulhby lot No. ! 2>i, and on 1 the West by Beaver river. There being - erected on lots Nos. 14 and 15 a large four story Bucket Factory, being. 4U feet front |on a street running through said lots, and eighty'-,, j fivojTect deep, life bascnrtnl story of stDhc.rand • three stories _pf‘ -Wood: also a small frame il]ed.[ Von liie south aide ;pf said,building about 2d}byV >•3O. -feet. On tlin east side of street running'j 1 through said bits there are erected two brtiik, I ; dry hi!ns about 15 by 2l» feet; There isbe- j ■ lunging to said .lotVNos. ’l4 and 15 the midi-1 vided one-third often skates of stock in the • ; New Brighten TVater -Compar y; share. T being equal,to'.the pne-hiHidredtlr part of all j the wal cr bclonginfSjo the "race of, said Com- j panyA There'are cretried on lots So. JT and ; IS.fa large four story Tub Factory, 40 feet on' .street, running through safed-cs, and 4*l feet i deep, the bnscmcrit stone, and three stories' of I w ood; alsoone brick dry kilns,, on lot So. 18, twten canal and race, being about-15 by 20 feet, aiid also' one. brick dry ktln, pjrrtly in lot So. jo, and No.-17, being about 115 by 20 it. Thc¥e is belonging toiots Nos. 16, {l7 and- 18. (ho undlvwiedjOno-tliird lof nine 1 i shares of block in the New BHgbton'Watcr i Company, each share being equal to tbc bnc | hundredth part oC all the water belonging? 1.0. 1 the Bare otSsaldlVdij'piihy. - U" 1 Seized and taken in execution as the pr.op jerty .of IVm. S. Gill av i'the Huit. of Christian,- i lhiiifiOn,..assiguee.;of-Uhcy & Matthews, for {the* Mcfihauts’ A Manufacturers’Bank 'j ,No. ii. ■ 7 ALSO. VV r•' | i ' -At the Sati-c I imoand place nil the right. 1 ti- | J ll'tointcrwit and of defendants of, in and j [to. rhc billowing lots of" ground, being Nos. (477.'vi”8. and part of 476, situate, it* the boro, lof Sew Brfghlon, Beareripouiily, Pn.. bound led us to No. 177 buunn'cd .on : f,tbc north by llarmonyatrcet. on the cast by •Front street, i>n south by lot So. 478, aff west by.,Main street. No. 478 bounded north iby lot Sp. 477, east by Front street, south by lot No. 479, and weskby Main street. -No. 479 bounded lira tbe’north by lot No. 478ienst by part of loti No. 479, Soutif;diy lot No. 480, and west by -Main street; oifwhich are erected one large; two.story brict dtveUingiiouse.wilb kitchen back one story high, a one story brick building used as a basking house, .a frame stable, opal house, and other- out-buildings.; Tho above lots arc well improved and! planted witbftqtit ana ornamental trees. ; Also, lots No. 850 and 862, bounde’d ns fol lows:. No. SoO bounded north by lot N0.'848,1 east by Front street, south by lot So. 852,1 and-west by Broadway. ' No. 352 bounded north by Hot j No. 350, east by Front street; south by Laufelftreef, and west by Broadway. Tbelabove lots in ■ one -enclosure, and planted with fruit trees, shT übbe#, Ac., on which is erected one frame building 40 by 20 feet in length and breadth.- J c Seized and taken in execution as tho I prop erty of Harrison Mendenhall and B. B. Cham berlin, at the.suit of Edward Hoops, now for use of Thomas Cunningham. " ■ No. 13. ALSO, At the same time' aud place, all. right, title, interest and;, claim of defendants lof, .in and to tho following described properly, to wit; All that certain lot or piece of ground situate 'du the village of Sew Galilee; in Big Beaver toVvnihip, Beaver county, Pa., bounded on the hurth by Sew Castle and Darlington It. B. oh the eastvby township road, on the south by h thirty foot street, and on tho west; by land of M v Jj[purig4containing one fourth: of an. here, lot fence. On which is erect ed a large, new two 'Story frame house,; (con taining five roomj,) with cellar underneath, alsoa frame, stable and other out buildings. | ‘ Seized ' and taken in execution I .os the properly of William B. llczlep and Sarah his wite, lit the suit of Samuel McCreadyl ' ; I Scff~ Purchasers will take notice that 10 per cent, upon all amounts of their bids will be re quired in hand, | All bids under $5O, will be required in cash at the time of the ' : If these conditions are not complied with .The property wil. here-sold. V • \ JOHN FkODERTS, Sh'ff. SHxkir'r’s Otnci, 1 >' ■ Beaver, Feb 11, ’63, f J ' List-op applicants fob license a MAKOU SESSIONS, I.SU3:; ‘ , i ] V- Inns and Taverns;. ■ A . David S. Hamilton....;....Georgetown. Sampson Kerr.....'. Bearer. . ' John D. McKall.. ......Georgetown. 'j Alex.’Clark ..i............8eaver.- i ' C. F. Kcarchcr......... Phillifstmrg. M ’ August Walter..... ....-Glasgow, John 0rncbing............ ..—New, Galileo • To sell Liquors with Hcr.chundpe.: Mary Alexander...... -Uochcster borl! Feb. 11.- | -A. GKEAKY, Crk|| 8850 Reward. the above reward for the * r ~ rest and conviction of triy person; foiud trespassing 6r doing malicious mischief on B y property, idjoinlng 'the farm of Abram W< If and lot of Uobn fisher, near the boro. I. of Beaver. BAVIP STOKBB. | 7m. mm. ]| A. O. M’CUEARY, Cl’k. feb4 ; ,h ! (jBKAVEIt ■■ • J... FE u allle S E HUT A sir. Ke.v. \V.f VY. Lav'ehxy, Principal. (late usdeb! fJABE or E«V 1. A. m’cill.); .. THIS INSTITUTION, for the reception! Of Young Ladies, will open on . •■’ i 1 Monday, the Isf day of September kept, Hoarders re< elred into the family of life Principal. i ■ iv j “oar' '>el, nd Tu : ‘‘ . Expenses—Board, Light, Fuel, am. uili'on, per tenln of 1-1 week5...1...... .....,.$4OlOO , Tuition alone,!per term, $4 00, $C 00 &$7.00 according to branches studied. ■ ; 3 ; is. For : further particular! address the Principal.! '.!-.[•] ~ |! ; ougfi ■■liSr JMOi ! 1;r . ■1! ;• .. | T r- Commission Merchant - ■ : ! Aiijii " '■ * ■ ”' 1 Deiiletdn Hour, Gram, and all kinds 1 of Produce. Wines. «»»$.•; ' Liquors, (Jigar 's\ Tobacco, ■ ■ ill- -I—:. ■ 28 -. .SON. :S. D. M'ELBOr. JAMES FINIAT \mx ffEIM & CO,, ■B-fll.. Wood St., |, ;• :pitts:btt;r,gk ; ■ Hare nmp their SPItJNG STOCK of ’DIiY GOCOS.I Complete. Extra iml accidents offcr -1 ml to l»nyci-s/ (lulilO-. J. 0. Wj A N ANP BEAUTIFUL EDITION, , f, ■ OF THE OK £ DIU ATSD BY JOHN S. IIAILT, LL. 1)., A' IfjMO.. muslin, price 50 cents: paper cov ' ern. 2") Cents.' Copies of this book will be sent'by m;ol on receipt, of the prtcc,_ in postage btftiupy. I’lcas address GAUUIGUES. Published r f.JS s’dutb FoiKtli street I’Uil'a. Pa. mr.r'-ir. :1, ■ . : i 't ■■ feoiirsriPiES 11 ■Aica !|BSTASTI,AL, UFttUS >IC; can now be had at the \ •- Gd. SOI r TCIiKS I 1-house, in beavj:r| rs arenot mere daubs, butivfar RIOR to any that have ever.hj-cii Trr eotfiityv. by any other artist. Ced, call and examine specimens but a few’ weeks., . ■ 1 1 . COURT There pictnn rsntetl SUPKI mjcle in Pern To bo'cohvini I'* ill remain ■a..n*llei me in 1867. Anr9 IL C@B & 00., *. and 'Commission Agents- AND DEALERS IN I (i INKS OF ALL KINDS j Printing Materials, Jo PRINTING PA*>ER CARDS, &C CTO's; rldvertuiDgj PRINTIN' ’TyP 6 . Vi FIXING A > Brown’s BuildinG, Philadelphia; ings, ‘New York. i fr ; ; j OFFICES — Tribune Built inar2G:iy< ; tsto'i'iok. j i LL PERSON’S having busiwss Willi the A subscriber .will please call with; Mr. ■ Robert Talloni who is duly authorised to at tend to all business during my absence. jAlso all'persons facing unsettled accounts will, call and make settlement as soon as possible.: ■ As it has bcconicpny duty to leave’“home fol* the purpose of serving my country, I bopd my customers wilt el ill give their patronage as ,'tsual, ns they will find Mr. Tallpn at. the shoe shop and my ton, James. at the tan-yard. st 03, 1862. ' JOHN D. STOKES. ■ dividend IV o. . " Bank ov Beaver Cotnc*r, ! V K'cV.Brighton, Nov. 4, 1802." J/. * . DIV O)i?ND OK POUR PER CENT. •A on the Cbital Stock of fhis Bnnfe for the past 'I months,■ has been declared tins day, payable -to stockholders ortheu- legal rtpre sen tat Ives, o 5 DaiUNP.. be free of the United States Tar, the Rank having assumed the the Government., BI)W ARD UOOI B, ■i n0v19’62 II ; Cashier. ■, SrOTXOE. ■; THE Co-portnerahtp-hcretofore existing un der the name and style of A. D- New Brighton*-engaged in the .° f i merchandise, was duly dissolved day of April, 1802. The Books willbosettled at the store Of M-. Gilliland'. 4 All persons knowing themslelvcs indebted to,the late fir®, 'will please call land settle immediately,; tbe Books will be closed without delay. j! : - -A. D. GILLILAND, ; ■ i I M. GILLILAND, . New'Brighfon.May I'J, 18152. ’ 'i| * Beaver Hotel, 70S EtHi HALIi, Proprietor, Vjii' HAVXKO thoroughly fitted uj? this h(jufe, heis'rto'w prepared to accommodate, his lrKuds,'and:t|ip public JffeneraUy, in the most satisfactory manner. f 1 JQHiN B.- YOUNG at ;c-«] ;'K : . (BEAVER, PA) •SrOffice in tlie Court'Hoaie., • . vj- : l«n. gn, Confessions & Experience of arv Invalid. TaIIiJLISHKU lor too benefit and asja warn p inc anil & caution to young men who sui te from Nervous Debility, Premature .Decoy So., supplying ftt the same time the means ol Sclf-Gure. By: one who hashed hupscll after being put to great expcusS through med ical imposition ind qua,ck,ery. v fßy mioatag# post-paid addressed cnvefdpes, single cfiplet may Ibe had of thu author, NAXHAMBL VAYFAIR. Esq- Bsdford, Kings Co., ».;*• •mmOlT-i -) i I , M \'l t’ ME in the same room occupied by C. A. GRIP IN. Photographic Artist E: t«(i2 X [■ I BEAVKR «Ri'C STORE. FKIEJiDS ANUBKI-AIKS Opened in the Soom fcnaerly Oe- BRAVE SO lOieRS AND SAILOr S 3 A cnpiedbythelateDi.Mum. h oj_lOW&Y‘S PILLb Axicl;jQintmeiS#. 1 ‘; slantly onlhand all articles Really found m. LL RTlOhaVe FricnUsand relatives in ftt fc Drug;Stores. • ■ VX 'd-X li4 ! A Amiy oir Navy, should take especial tai*. BeingaPhymcian and ihepuW'o supplied with'ihcsc 1 •.,. may rely Jm his keeping the PDUEfeT, and an j and there the’ brave ' SEST IJRCOS. . ■ I_, iJ i land SaHors bare'neglected! to provide. * A variety »f other article*, *fM, also .he toned ■ g - lvelJ wif g them, no bcHcr present can be *efi*isF . in his ; i I thOmiby their friends. _ They have been proy-1. ; TeoK- of .Coffee] Jtosin f Soap, ! js%ljli'ctr v friend in'i £ ; Fancy. Soaps, Port Monies, coCGTKboPS ... . ■ALL ARTICLB6 FOR THE TOILET. Will be kbcedily removed and effectually t. SPOOL COTTON, LEAD PEN cure< i yfi using;tliei>cadmirablemedicines, Ttf TS’WnT T7<3 I stTP'RT 'PENS H\lR hy paying propcr the'-Directions: NEEDLES, bl-ELL. 1 ..-D-AIAI. *i,icb. B rc attached to each Pot or box. BRUSHES, TOOTH BRUSHES, SIG £ headaci&s and,want of. atpe- ' t pTOBAdcPr SEHARS,vLET- ' TITE INCIDENTAL TO. SOLDIMIb, : : T ■ TER IKOTE, &FOOLS- These freliiig? fhich so saddem-ps. usually. . P* ''WAV PAPER A .arise from troffblc or annoyances,' obstrurted i ,| r CAJ I'AriVlt. _ bcrspiraiion. ot eating and drinking whalcver ■bon \ Oil ( Lamps and i ffnimneys. 'j g unwholesome, thus disturbing t]jc hcalthiul, hese are a few of the articles', aid only a I action of tbediver and Stomach.'..- Thete^ always on band. ' Call and set-: i > .gens Relieved, if you desire lobe wep ■ try* by : close attention aml fair 1 The ;Pills, tak ng according to^Uic i prnitp b i " te— 1 i ■ -—- —-h—j . .„ ! over FATiGfE. ' j..v. THE vGREAT CAUSE OF I W U soon - te Published in c Sfcltdhnvflcpf' j cither confined or ur.dr-ciy -i. '.in-M:. K A LECTUREV BT CCLVteWELh, jit may scenj &irange thai ii Ju*v; y' • OjSITHE CAUSE AND CUKE of Sperma-;, should' be r«|commended for 'DySetohy. ; : ‘ iorrhoen!, j Consumption; .Mental And, Physical] Fldx, many persons supposing :hifctJ.ty.wei. a. Debility,iNcryousncss, Epilepsy; jlmpiiircd JJu- | increase llie iclaVation. Tliis is a great hus tritlon of! the Body; Lassitude,;! Weakness] of j‘t n ki), for Pills will correct the liver .aiul thelLimbs and| the Back ; Indisposition, and I stomncii and llVas remove] all tile acrid liUmsrs Incapaciy for sludy anil! Labor; Dullness of j from the system. Thisnicdicinc will gife tone* Apprehclision ;! Loss of. Memory!; Aversion to | tt n(ljvigor4o the whole orgahic sysie.m.iiowcy- Socicty; Love of Solitude; 'Tiniidi.ty; Self- cr deranged, jwhilchetillb and stiengll; 1 follow. Dja rust Dizziness; iHeadachcAffection? of as a matter of course. - Nothing will-sipp; the. the Eyes; PitAjilcs on the Face; Involuntary: relaxation pf| the Bowels so sure as this fam- , Emissions, and Sexual incapaoily ; the. Cense- ousjimediciuel , , .1 j ; * quences if.yonlhfdl rndiscrction, &c., &c.; VUI.UNTKKBS ATTENTION 1 ' INDlSjpllE- . Lecture 'clcaiily proves ! ' TIONSOF YOUTH. -X [„ : ' thait tlio above enumerated, often self-affliited | and Ulcers, Rlvtichlng* and4swetl|rfgfc,.; evils,,puy be rertoveiVithOut; medicine and-,C a h with certainly be radicallrAurcd it; the.; without Dangerous surgibaf ,operations, and. pills arc night and mpfning, and; the .should be read by every ydiith and every mail ointment be freely Used asXated in the piiutX , *ih (he lajnd. . ‘1 I 1 -j!-’ 1 I eUNG; -Hl(> Spruce st,. 'Abj^ivcn;to ant- one iendhriiig! such , informa- ■ •above,Fdurtlnr-Philadcjpliia; ~f ! i|". as may lead to theidAection oCuny party • jgy AlHictc'J and I'itffrluntr/'i nhmntter.wliat i or parties co'itr tci ot vettd L may bi your disease, before jAii place' ythi - ; ing the shine; knowing them spur) .its. Self under the 1 care, of any (dythtj not prions | Sold at t’• ; 3-‘ Alamtiar-ory nt I 1,:; |c.>nr , tit-ACKSr-native or foreign—Who Hdvertjse in i U ! :nowi Jread Mai Qufacturca iy, :: i.>i, ■ M. H. KGLLOOK. Cheinist, jrner of Broad and Chestnut streets, ;; PHILADELPHIA,, told by all Druggists and GrOCers. ' fa- . ' '('l-- ' .''Pl' - : Msl nd s mai Employment. ! (100 IMERCIAL AGENTS WANTED lELL GOODS FIQR THE ADAMS (A NEW ENGLAND* , - CO ro Manufact bring; C omlp any. -rrf wii,l give A ur \\ one hundred per'tent’. ori| all- goods sold by dur Agents, or We willpay wages ol ftom S3O to SUKJ per nidntU and piiy ne cessary expenses. “or particulars addreaf vith statap, i) I :"■! .f-' ■ I’ CHAS. n,UGGI,ES. Gin. Ag’l, . the Adanis Manufacturing Co.. Detriot Jan. ; • rV. Julyp. 1g03,' St For ichi| erliixg Hcnase, 107 Second. Street (rimrßES wood asd habkkt) ITTSBURG, PBNK’A. 1 UNO BY |THE YtEAL, DAY |OR WEEK. I JWpto Vwt ilAl'K. DEMOi.'KSTS’ / Quarterly i Mirror, ot Fashions^' , (ilti’l'JnijirrA'rmehfs ‘ irui! "ScjlMKi: XrMI! i F,r..<.'PSTAIx.s FOt'li lAHGK/&- SPJ.BphW I'AfflflOX-' j*h £t ! ATES;VTBRBEHSVLT^S^-Dr' . i -. •- Mi rrp;xs op 'mj;ss£&, JcoirmsixoTME . w French AVaisf, ittn Elegant Sleeve. and ft , f ' Misses Sack.'anJ a Sheet Netv l 'and' Beautiful-' 1 .1 BRAID AND EMBROIDERING PATTERNS,' -.Together' with nenrlyLlOO of • | all the novelties for 3 ‘ Summer Bonnets, Cloaks, Trjmmingg, "Children’s Dresses, &c., Ami valuable to Milliners, Dress Mnjteff?,; Motlreisj. and Ladies generally. pre senting -the largest and best Fashion zilj.4 m» tlie ‘ World, published 470- Droet^\eay,- Y., and sold everywhere ‘.att--25 ocm*. Or 'sent by mail, .post free V[ ! otr receipt of the nrtvr iri stamps or premium.- -e , v : 1 Each yearly subscriber will be cnlirlrd to a receipt for the selection of jjtlnip patterns, frbm tfefe’ designs in the. bdolc/ or from the show room, or they jnqy bc or- ; dered and sent by maiLany lime’ during the y*ar, by paying postage.. , '/ Boj?plendid Inducements to Canvassers. No. no**readv. : oST ' G-oods Llj-~ K . S . iR| A N 0 K Il} Br^dgewatel’. Pa., ' BiAS juaL, received a large aesortmefal'.of- , i. SPRING GOOIiS, : ’ r -. ■■ ■ which' will be oflcvcd iat I‘AXTC miQES. Amongst his stoefeoan, at ail t irives, be found a variety of ; •DRESS: GOODS. |MESLINS, GLOVES, ifOJ . SIERV, !• ■ !’■'. IRON & STEEL, all varieties. ' HAILS'by the pound or hcg. ! WHITE LEAD and VARNISH. ’ - LARI). SPERM. LINSEED iCARBON OILS WINDOW GLASS, all sizes' ■• ■ y L QUEENSW.VKE LOOKING -GLASSES, ice..' : All of which will be sold lofr : for ■ Cash, or Country-Produce;' .; f ■' RridgeWaterr Mi,y,J. 1802. s ■ o ; Wm..Miij.eb, Phil. W Ricketsox, Pittsb'g' L MILLJGR&RipKETSOJr,r witOLiMi mm • : AND MPORTER's !OF .if'-- .r ■ K " " . , • 1 •I y f/-. Bnu^es 4 Segars, 223, jC'f’r. of Lihf Tlt/ S'lnc.n x-t. ■ , r PITTSBtJSG^A. ~ ton|Yarn; &c.; &p., ccniUfOy ! 'oh hand. ■. . [augli Wot. Iron, Nails, NOTICE TO SOLDIERS ! THE ••tsp.ER'SI&NED HAS OPENED,AN", Officain WASHINGTON. D. C. ■ for the 5 ; ; Pensions, Back Pay afid Boiinty, due Soldiers, endn'ill promptly, attend to nil business entiosud'to will (utnisli in._ .formation relative to such-claims, upon enclo sure of necessary postage stamp si ;’7f’ SASITJEL -A. POWEftV . , 1 ) , (Kirkwood House,) . ' febll’63 Washisoiox, D./C,; > (New Cnstlq-'-iCourant, Butler Ameri can, and Beaver Sta? -copy and send’ bill to tki* eAoa.) . r '.7 Mal Ell