‘ _ t CM "vj » , mv AN IT Ir-F A -111. “This is the first reallx.eleTcr fomio sad , satiric*! journalpwe hare had ia America—• -- Slid really clersr it is.: Xt ~i% bilh sharp, sad goal-tempered, sad not. afraid that-iu i ‘9OOl is its joWn—whiefa.shows' that it ass s ~.soul. Our readare will be glad toTtnowirhere csn Sod sstiTS ttah that' has something bettor ihrit than mere paieii.'‘—AtUmtie • - Mortify. ■ • 1; ■- j ‘‘This paper is excellent.... Remarkable -/ for originality.’V-jV' M YS Traveller. j. “Vajurr Faie is conducted by a riracious, . Witty sad intelligent corps of journalists."— -• LiithfiM (Conn.) Bngoirer. . | . ■ : “Willwieldaa potent an influence as list of the London Punch." —Botton Trmtller. “MTwsoerer finds himself laughing ai the. Wit of VakitV Fats, and .does not return a V 9>ad pro quo. is fit for itraason, aid apoils.’”— • If. Y. CrOyofi. “■ : : v-r. yI^CiAL'NCffICE. The eery marked and flattering anceesa which haa thug fir attended the - poblfeation of jp.-' “Vajcwt Faje,” I ■' •f. Et&Jilcs the.pnbliaher to announcethat with : the commencement of the Second Volume, is sued this day, 20th> Jane, New Features, both Literary and Artistic, Will'be introduced, which - will increase the value and interest of the pa ; per,’ and i fully maintain the proud position : unanimously accorded to it, aa the leading ' - Comic Jou&xal op Amxeica. VANITY FAIR ' s .ttttMUi EIQCIAKLT XVXBT THCESDAT. ■ and, is all Newsmenj and at the ■. No 113 Kassau-street, ' ■: ’reiiMS: - ■■ Three dollars gcr.jennum, in Bwta single mby.' ir ; l '' 1 TEHJIS FOE CLUBS: i-' , Taro cries'of Vasity Faib ailH>« sentto one address for. .-...t5. So 00 ’■ i• Fivecopios. ; ~.‘.....,......'..12 00 .vV | . Ten. ebpiea.i....;.. 00 An Extra popyjjrjJl be allowed fa The get ter of not less than Eye-^bpies. J>ipcrTB'ilElectretyped,' ■K7 Wprocured St any time. i' ■ ~Tr=? '!■' . -’f' 'i -XOUIS H..STEEHEXS, FabliatuH’ fir the Proprietors, 113 KausSS-at. New-York. of II||OOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGEifT, At- JATfc COOKE. & CO., Bankers, En IJO SOUTH THIEi);STREET, I ' - . /-. Philadelphia, Nov. 1,1862. THE undersigned, having been 'appointed SUBSCRIPTION AG tKT by the Secrete of the .Treasury, ia now prepared to fur * , ’ once, the ;.-W* Qoenfy Tear Q per ct,,-Bonds. jy.’.tha Pnited States, designated as “Five- T Ben ties/’ redeemable at. the pleasure' of the ,iftoreJTiihcnt; after five fears, and authorized of Congress, approved February 1!5, j/The COCPONBONDS are issued in sums of •so/tioo-ssoo, $1000: ;JJ y Thjt REGISTER. BONDS in sums of $5O WOO, $5OO, $lOOO and $5OOO. . interest at Six; per centi per annum will MHMnce from date of purchase, and is PAYABLE Ilf GOLD, Semi-Annually, which is equal, at the present premium on gold, to about EIGHT PERCENT'. PERAXXUM;- •• V Farmors. Merchants Mechanics Capitalists, :: -and alKwho (jave any money ’to iriyggt, should know and remcmberUhat these in •ffect, a FIRST MORTGAGE uMn,Jtl Rail .. toads, 'Canals, Bank-Stmmp ’ ■i- and the immense producisjof all the Manufac 'tares, &c., Ac'.j in the dountry: and the full and ample-provision made for tbe payment of ; tie interest and liquidation of principal;vby Cnstqms“Duties, EsWse Stamps, and luternal ■BcvenueVserves to make these Bonds the ... fidsfi Most Available andJiTost. Popular Investment, in iheMatktt. ' / 'T'-f- Sulijcriptions received! at P AlUn legal Ten- J aiid.checks’ of.bflnks at . p»t‘ijfPAiladelpliia. 'Subscribers b>"niall#ill receive prompt attention, and every facility ' «n4«explHnaflon. will be afforded oa applaa tiozf at this office.-,. ■ '% * *> JuH supply of Ponds'will- bekept on band ffiifc immediate delivery. . i£-** JAY COOKE. Subscription Agent. A. Rare chance for, a Good InvStirjent, f ’ FO^SAXE, AND OF A COUXTRY "O' STORK,-ip : a with a large run of custom';, situate within 13 miles :of Pittsburg. *Wust Falband Winter jßttfck low at, present; no unsalable -Goods. Terms s men'bf limited, capital; no better; chance offered.— -dwelling or rent.— Address ‘*i..' L.' * Allegheny City, Pat/,giving real name, aad stating .where"an interview Mo be held. _ , j: , . ” 0ct.15. : AI)aiK^TRATQII&-jS T OXICB' LETT£C4^r^4^ c ’-3jratijjii;ji :i tlic estate of HtxiiK UsliV 'ate of nftiHnvon.Tov:i r Biiip. Beaver eo.y.dec'd. having been graht ed to the undersigned.' all persiifiTThdebted to _ are requested to make immediate P»Srnent, and those having claims against ?s!d estate vvili present tji cm to the subscriber properly authenticated.'for settlea'cnt.- ELIZA BEED. THOMAS HEED. ; --Administrators. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE -"J \ ETTEHS of A'dmxnistratiojton the estate -*- J of • J«HS CIUKTjETi laic of the, hot-. cu£h"~6f Darlington. Beaver 'County, Pcnnn ! 55 55 Pcnoni Dawsons .GlSsgowj i.0r0:?.............15.;;?'* '51:01 8 J - eeow'W‘"Bhtonda'*'**‘'' u ?« . • 1 g - -, .vAmpu^i^«4;.f«rw^;j,.Jfef...,.’.; - 483 74 * Judgmenfri obtalgal;; f 1aa.5,’68, ' r 1892 2? 27e’00 , : - "* -j ./• ».. ; . . ; • i y\ -•. x ‘- r - •• ■ Vi’ ."V:- 1 a Ja\i:art_s, 1863. ); | To ampant-outstapdii.g on general warrants, “ on warra J nts per loapa Toy t bounty, ' (82,229 80 ppbonfo ‘ •SI ,86) 45r94,0J0 88 : \ • yt ireFTFT .-^ ! - M,l '.■=■• V - ' . ■>... • 1 Given hands and Seal .rf Oflw,. At; £fi*v«r f tl& 80th dav of J>i JWO. . .. !MEI 't* •*** FtMc EI at ofbeaVer CoOfitY MJfttNO tM'*l&i&.X %■:■ r -#-;U ■ *,., . -t a*. ■' Tr/S r; - tj- .; f > ■}.■>, ii -r ;.1 t • • t f Dr. ■ 1'; RECEIPTS- ■ :'l To C»«h rtceiteddnrißg thcyeffr, as, per Treasurer’* fcittWßl,. - exclumeof b»l»nceof: ; |W,6JBBI H . JTOj6IBJI I I ■■■■». 'i „ Or. EXPENDITURES, ' -1 : . 1 ' ‘ | By warrants issued duringtheycar on iheTollowingaco’Ts.rU; 1 Agricultural Society, per Act oil Assembly, . • . .$lOO 00 Appeals, expenses of, , | .. ■ $2l 68 Assessors’, pay—Assessments, : ' 429 50 ’ d° Military. Rolls, j ' 183 684 Bt Auditor!’pay—John Stewart, ■ i . r 34 60 do I' m. K. Boden,; • ' ' i 86 00 do . Findley Anderson, ' Si 60 ' ‘ Joseph tedlie, fSUte Auditor) 84 60— 189 60 Borrowed money, . j ] 1,650 00 .> ■ ■ ‘ 6° do inlcrcn paid,: _ • 4,768 26—6,418 26 Bridges— -,i 8,114 47 : - r do _ repairing,- ' ,* ■ [ ' 78 62—8; 188 09 Commissioners’ f ay—Samtiel .Lawrence, 890'00 do do James Wilson, 461 00 do . do Daniel B. Short, 466,00 do do' William-Barnes, 70 00—1,876 QO Clerk to Commissioners, liicbard 11. Agnew, • 450”00 Counsel to do '■. El P. Roberts, Esq., ‘ :60 DC Commonwealth cdscs," Viz; i:. - Clerk Quarter Sessions, fees,! - _■ Constables’ fees, ; j . -District Attorneys’ fees, . V : ‘ | Boarding and washing, prisoners, Guard at Jail, $lOO 00; iropjng prisoners, 76c, * Jailer’s,fees. $l4 25; Jusiicesf fees, $lB 18, Juroi-s. hoarding of, |*. I ' Prisoners’ clothing, &*, | |• v ; • Eeward for arresting henre-thief, V . ■ { ' / - do ■ 'conveying convicts to Penitentiary, Witnesses’ fees,.;; j j» / '•*, Coroner’s Inquests—Coronerla fees' J do Expenses of, . do Post mortem examinations, ' ■ . Witnesses'fees, j 4 ; • ; »‘ " , ”■ 1 ; GEORGE C. BRADSHAW, ESQ, IN ACC'T- WITH BBAVSR COUNTY. ' I. I -—’'l. . ■ ■ ■.>, ■ , ‘l’*!'' - . ■■ ' Drr . - *t ' v '1 j. .i • v January 5, 1868 ’ | f , : I; To anf t ree’d from late Treason r, ! $7 608 07 u . op-unseated land, prior to 1862, v $ 240! 72 ’ ’ “ l“ of.foUectoits, •• , ••• 9,668 68 >' “ . J“ of 40- interest ‘‘ •• . 226 60-10,436 00 ... of taxpayers before Aug: Ist, 1862, 19,669 6«-| of Jax-payefshetdre! Stjpt.-Ist, 1862, 1,189 97 ; - ‘ 11 . “ for 18C2, , ; , 8,116 82-23,874 81 “ “ °£-. Jo.. poll tax, j : ... , 8 69 of Roberts' fines and Jury fee*,j v ' - ■'l66 67 “ of John Brown, on bond for costs,” . ; ■* 162 00 “ \ 01 discount, / , * v of James Hjflson for posts,* ‘* A*' of Kii Brocis, bounty "returned, “ - “ of redemption V o'" w “. ' °f JHon. £). Agndw,temporary-lo«n, C6O 00 “ L ." of (borrowed money, [ ' 12,000 CO -“ of -“| for hountree, 31,017 00-48,667 Coi| “ , “ of levy of militia fine?, ~ ,ftl& 00l Excess ot premium. cnState tax, over amount .ofs pr U'd —-V ‘ COLLECTOR? -V -1 Jl - , jbf AugrbfScp,ljCoUct’«j tors. . Lands.jColß.lCo.Tax.lSt.TM . t ■ Beaver b0r0.....i j. ~ 905 03| , 832 07{ 32 60 100 16; -'52'82 3 09~~7 ;-74 2S ~ v, ' : • « ' . Big Beavcretp...lo7(t2B| 624 09 3704 J 879 10 .V 1.,:.., .” ' ‘-«79 1© . ' |30r0ugh, ; fp......i 645 701, 454 74 41 92 149 04 40 00 7 66* .... JC:J. feo •"”* • )E -V- Bridgewater b0t0..;... 702 56 473 39 *46 41 i&> 76 11 88 466 ...... 466 72 Will “° m ‘ ■ i? - ■ • : • B righion ; t p.... 1029.64 767 • vl- 66 88, 205 64 : 96 86 "fiS Z 5 *O6 87 ' ; ’ .- • CijiEpcwa’tp..., 881 77 810 755" 60 46 470,57 447 06 ......£B*s$> t- 4'V V ~ . Darlington b0r01......;. 78 ■ 100 778 471 96.84 ;69 01 SalTpowell* 7 - - ' Darlmgion tp„........ .fe1487 49 821 77 140 24 279 12 3 61%..... 272 61 T>iwi«o Economy tp.4...J...... . 134(r 80 726 51 896 606 38 186 68 182 . V s ' 466 93 • . Fallston bSro. J 431 76 . .294 76 •1 99 135.01 i •« ’ll 131 84 Daniel J Campion. Frankfort b0r0j...... . *166 23! 141 79| 13 ii 447 ... .■ X “fc „ V T C r V . ■ ; Fbank1mtp......J;..:..,J 694 68| 514 66 16 10 163 86 83 48 80 43 " J^ Cttm Pbcll - Freedom b0r0...i. } j .398 12! '220 26 17,72 186 M 66 00 228 .""f ‘ 97* 88 tiS^Hbllkr ~. Georgetown bork.... . 204 86 116 89 ~....; 89 47 ..“7- 28 '891938 35 ChrtgUan ■ HhUer. ■ : Gla ß goivbo r 6..ii.....'. . '*ll9 01; .85 81 83 2. .’ 28 00 106 •i 64 6 “ wfito Lttl'' ' Grccmr tp;;-....... ; 1405 00* ,871 97 34 66 498 47 .i ....... j 85 ...... 498 12200 74 Trimtu* ** • * ■; i Hanpver tp..-.... i , v .*. 1939 h. 1609 67 64 ,o 3 224 98 ........ 224 98 87 99 iLwfke?*!?—' Si? , 234 168 2341 63 ....... _ ;... ” " ; . # ■ '' “Hookstovrn b0r0i~7..1. 230 PC 160 28j 647 78 20 : ’Vs'io 28%7* ' $■ T Ho r ewelMp;...J.,„;.l, 1232 21 668 98; 87 95 476 26 ........ ...... 476 28 180 29 -1 fT ! * '• V ;j Independence 928 35 547 94 47 53 332 B£i 126 02 ...... ....V. 206 86 . DaW’ Alekftder ''' - ;• Industry tj..;....:.;„.i. 593 46 293 38 . 483 285 26 ........ 223 . 293 02 i •Marion tp?..! U-i- 408 0(-318 , 6 76 , 02 tt :" 41 86 C"'' S'sSS ' ' TWbpntp •* J.. ; . 816 63 4C6 54| 43 ,90 366 19 ■ 901 301 l7 T" rZw ' ■ ' -- New Brighton tiro..*.. 171 l 34 867 74; _4l 63 802 07 .830 17 16 14 466 76 ' n * - < j Scwic ’ K lv tP...;. .7 1357 27 .080 88: 'B6 .291 «S4 < ~ L>- y.-. • -*• -*■ n'• ■ t- i *<■ : ■ ; ?&■. ■ ... 1. . „ *rm* l|tOiF{AylQTH. aonew, Gfcrfc _ ~, `SEAL Ell 11151111 NE ■i *'• , Ell lands, Jan. 6, '6B/ r-r • BEAVER COUNTY STOCK. i ME CI ENE l£*B«ut brought fbrWtrd, _ Courts, expenses of, tit ~ Clerk of QnartWgeettehS, gihssal fost, . If. Constables attending, ' - y. '. )$$ do retina* and atUeagSi 7* . : : K ,Criers of Court, £iV :.B|! Orwid Jurors, $418.86; fcjtlt Jurtva, llrfW 11, 1,086 JatUtor of Court John Oftfcat i f M’ Prothonotary’s fed, ; ' gf Sheriff, sntaunoning Jurors, - ■,; It tMIM 01 Court Boose, Office* a&d .Jail tie ; I i. 1 Dockets, Duplicates, Stationary, As,, 7 ' MS >6 tS-‘ Firing Furnace, Attendance, fteJ, '-'at ML 868 60 ; Pnel, &o.‘, C.H., $92 06; Jail, 69 |Bl t , 1 . 15l jf .Iron-lining cell at Jail,. . . 248 66 f Incidental H., $lB *2; J«U,sl6le, $4 22 - ; Printing,, $267 76; Postage, $8 47,- ' : $66 $2 H $l2 M; Jail. $2B 46, ! ,41 ;&*1,280 ll Elections, General titi - - ’ > 0 I Advertisingfee, Sberiff, . ■ P’’.' ■-t - '7s ■'V ■■■ Assessors'attending, lists, tk, >] • . an Jn Constables do nstisM, AfcJ i HOC* i ; Election officer* pay, [ : ... 641 Si . Cso of houses, fuel, lights, As., < 16 (5-- 968 Of Hospital Western Pa., support AT tiaaMffi ' . |Q4 IB’- ' ' HoUsopf Bcfuge, do do do ■ 4BT 2B Western Penitentiary, do do s 80t(4»- 782 87 Justices fees, swearingconnty and township cffieseS, T ' and issuing certificates of Fox scalps, I v • J, I | poor House, supporter paupers, 4.800 Oo h do; purchase of land | 1. i 1867 1$ ~ do Directors’ pay—Sabi Moorhead.' 26 M do do do Henry Ooehring, 26 00 * *■■■•■ „. do do .do John White, 26 .(vLjt oSo. iit Itoilroad Bonds and Coupons, purchase of, .! OO \ j, do.. Costs and eapensesof suits, : - r-14682-18,410 82 Taxes—abatements and exonerations, i; 26 62 Advertising fees, Unseated Lands not solid, * 17 60 •Errors in assessments, Ac., | ■ J'" 88 68 - • •’ | Lost County and Sute, Collectors’ returns.of, I 627 64 • Purchase money of land by Commissioners at I Treasurer’s sale,-' : -fii ' '' 452 j > Taxes and costs refunded in land improperly *oU, 22 1? 681 88 Volunteers, bbunties paid tol and expenses;^ v 81,466 01 \ do Keliaf to families of, 8,006 77-87,612 78 $77,497 08 26295 $77,749 95 -ij . 1,868 88 $79,618 81 • . v ■44 77 - 166 68 . 68 00 228 77 100 75 27 48 ; 126 00, 6 99 28 72. S 3 57 ,12 00 ' .712 40—1,680 OS 64 45 17 88 60 00 Amount of vinuli isiuod to Jaa’jr 8,1888, do rood views, fox oeolpo and redemptions, , j 86 OQii- 178 33 ' $14,060 16 ■ J i . I 1 JaSbabt 6, 1863.-; „ *• By nih paid on warrantsduring Ibe year, “ “ oncertificates of roadriews, “ “ on certificates of Fox scalpa, “ ‘f on redemptions of unseated Undo, “ abatement allowed tax-payers, J “ commissions allowed collectors of militia tax, 86 46 ‘‘.exonerations ’ i- ■, ;; » ; 299 60-e 334 96 “ Treaa. oomms’n on >43,667, rcc’d.ati pr ot 218 S 3 V- -• “ •• - $43,459 88-10birec , d f Ji'*pct 869 19 “ T ‘ r - “ §48.867 50-100 paid, ati pcf 219 33: ! . “ “. . ‘‘,§31,410 61-100 paid, 42pctG28 2li-1,935 06 Saturn, cash it* Treasurer's hands, ' -- 26 82 50 ’ 1-00 60 CO 80 K ■acNv W4’i ME $87,126 68 $8,985 261 I ■ Jancakt 5. ,1863. ■' ■ .'■ L.’ • !-■ ; ' By bounce in Treasurer's hanfe ~ O ‘i : - i .$8,086 20 •• bp’i in Collectors’: hands prior to 1862, 1,892 20 r . “ - ; L - for 1862,:- 6.&1 l&-r7,467 42 “ “ due on unseated landa'pHor t 01862, -81 H --V '* ** “ i “ “ for 1862, :' 68 46sv 179 6? ■ “ due by John Ppbejls, Sheriff, fines a jury feef, 108 87 ‘‘■*» ty BuU»ertM«i, for OtW ; , .J 9 00 ?*•»*, ,fy>- . 7»,«08 K V fI.W 01 ' .»■ c. s9fl,CCo*l -.■-, r. - v , ' v. *' ; /•- '* = * • f Ezcmb, Bttt recdpta, - \ , 1 • r-.—K, 689 S 8 ith, 1863. iince-Ji January 5( NE , ’ :-A ~. • • •» El MEM I 1 , ' , MEM ES I; $74,600 20 182 00 CO 80 I EMI 60 95 252 95 078 15 . ■.. r- r~ '.i J ’■K-S ;a h r | U- v : ‘l | ■l : ■ «sC.»- I . ! El ‘Use ■* Or *,v I. 1 - NM toft «# tp (heiHmm ■I-. -ri _ •:»? : r., *o«2 L lfrfcdutoj, Dm V . 'Cr *“ *• . ... — «JL ■ ■■':h';' ; ' . l* : !! y> . 16 92" -•■%• . t ■ ■: •'•■• i >'~-± - v:u ’ ~-. -*SJO^7. M, *• Dlmtors’ «xtr* imihi, , -'■SS'j.j •X,'-: : :-L'. ,:i : . : '.' . y -' ; -i‘-'- -■'. ■■ ** !? JtUtiCU’ khd fichttabltt’ f*M. 4026 VHIk^MiHM | MfIU | MMHMBBaMBHaMMMHMMBaB < ' l, : lotaninMOQ'pTOpen)r, • . - -37 45 - ijl; ,"i' V' ■■■!.■■■'■■ - : p U ; Ferriage and brideo toil. 35 CO "Or 1 .: ■. l] ; ■ i fiXW3ND T TtJIU2S " - , Fwefcg tourd*. ;. ■ , 25781 By; Mill ptifl t JteditMiM «nd groctria, ,8 746 88 " •• , Trtreling «kpco*c», V • - -:J -^Bco “ ■ ‘“i ‘ Support of tattoo? p*op«9f ; •'., 1.902M9 ** **. Chopping cord wood, $3390: taft fig», * 9 .!9 . “ “ ■'■•]!■ ®* I 6Ut-do« u - 454 60 " ‘ . Ploogli,.itoTc and filtut-os, .■ ’ i 4690?: “ jKonorißjpißMrl ' ! - r i -;. 68^; “ ‘‘ i Pobliahing receipt* «nd expendi(nr«», ! . }*Toi'; " “ *! Ucdietl attcnouM on cut-door ptuptH, *llB 68. “ “ ' Stock hog*, $1460; thr««hing gr»£iti, S( 4$ M(0 “ “j , ff(Mnp6rttfy relief if outdoor pauper*, - .-j 11108 “ “• , 3tore-pipo and tin-war#, • ' ! • ’ -V 2 lf2i\ '■*: •■•■.. ; 1 .'A A-;'-,t "■ , Zja&tiiktß 60; po«*ge itonps, $286, - ! ■■ r‘ ■»• Maat, $277 88; bUMr, §l2 71, 290 60 «. : Mi»#«Ualioou»iUtM ; J “ .»• WhMtutddohr, . 81666 trewir'* >l, Igsg. M T ■ j« 1.. Bijrawt on Hum, : 1,86 f 16 ■ v 'i : A -I 'it.,; vM- ; . ;Mu« kad tantle h!r», h-• ■’81770 •: I ."j --!“i' ; >«*nnll«»Ury,» *1 “ “ Georg* Frinkf 1 ' , *; " 11821 do do ‘S f '* '■• “ “ John McHenry, ■ .I 8 60 > Alay 7 ‘•• do "do ■ ■ 5816 •? •• Henry Cambell, ■ 28 76 Jn“v &V •• 'do■ ’ tl ' t !■ « • i‘t% “. ■ “ “ William Nelson, : - . .-64 85 . Aug. 6, :•• 4do'- do do -V'. j‘‘ L ■ ■ “ “ Abigail Glass, N , 60 00 .< 8 20 •• • ;: 'dd'' : ' do- i 1 2 ' 3-' J .“i !‘ “ James M. Littcll, 20 64 . Sept.fo’ . “ do do *do ‘ r, 130,00 •W:V ! “ Andrew Knox, 860 -Oct ' 6 - do ' do .■ dd ' ■ ■■ Ti; f l; >“ :h . • .26 60 ?ov. £>, » t . %■* £ I : s 0. ; 7\- By caah paid sundry Appraisers' - do' 1.-i'i* 1 '' M , '■■■,*■■■, I \ ’ v commission on §540 60, at 5 per «ent., :•'• t- ft' < I' : ■ [/■ ■; . i.'*-;;. -i \ : ■ ■ Balai ce due Commonwealth, '|.“4 Lj ■! ■' _____ iis ■ ■„ % • ''■N v.^: ? ' W■ 'i '■ i-. ■ ;■ J v ' —— ? ; /i. ■’'Or. | BzAvsn Cockit, •• Moore, E*q., Register. To 'TDK: COMMISSIOKi I I: ■' ■ •! IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. : BBAYEB 1 ' i|XßcKTdK>s iffoa-jcu DHI QHEESEMAN’S Pl:L T ’SYYp.MfIM P‘) AN]) ■■: somtinatioia -of I ingredients in these ReVi.lt. T, TaylOr,' A. M.i Prill. : V . cr die.u t arc voigtbeep' gwkmcd tu\t4ie .uu : y of ‘ long ‘ nd oxUmBiVe MrslA. S, Taylor, Governess. ’ prtctice l . The;r|arp mijd ¥ in their operation, ' I FIRST CLASS SCHOOL FOR THE EHC-. •-hose, having gaiiigt sai.i wiuia \vil|:fe' and certain in cßrrectmg all irregularities, r\ cation 'of; Y’dung Ladies.- Special care prescgt_Ure&to the subscribers properly au-7 painful; ienstruititas,! removing all obstriic- ls iTon ‘“I the Primary and PreparatoryJ'Do-, «ctilc^eut> r I ' ‘ 4 f «^MK , TSS±i.- J ij.y : i.,.0. “ E r: T^’t"■ ache, pi m in the side, palpiUtipnof the heart, per term ihf fourteen Wed 5..:...:....;,,.. $BB 00 : “ whitc3, :Ul nervous : Affec'tionß, fatigue, hysicir- ( Tuitiotjjfroin $S 60 to .$8 00. > I 'i ics, pain in the back anclTimbs. cic.,-disturbed ! „ N ? to make tho school worthy , i i u. , ; l -J ■- iv -t - , pi the confidence of its, patrons. »i ! sleep, which ansa/fom interruption of nature.; sJ n d for a Catalogue, .'■ dW Y l: Dr Cheeeeman’s Pills • ’1 a©„Tbc next tem cogence* Dcc.-eib, ’62. w,ojs thoconimciiCciicnt of a new eta inj the -itt rpt - lT -■ i, ”T '• tre!atme|jr4f thdsc ohstruc-' ; -1- -ti ©\i U H I,'t tions”whicK have consigied so many to a the-j Arch Street above Third, matchkjottAVE'. i No fc nalo -can enjoy,good: 1 p^jjJ, X IIELPHJ hoalth-uhlecs-she is repri lar. and whenever an ,g ... i-» obstruction takes place ho jcneral health be- UptOli S«' i gins to decline. I j •■ . ■ JmfllS Hotel is cenf&r X'onvcnic J Dr., Cneeseinan’s Pills '• •i 1. JL . s'W* - - Ktiiway ;Car»,tb ail pa 4 remedy known Idr complaints peculiar to Females. To all olas- ' T FT? oi non tv sea they are invaluable, indhemp, uiih.tcrtaiH- 1 ’ 1 ,0U 1 thousands, vrbo ,have used them at different: :V . ■ ■ SOtli) iBY r* periods, .throughout the country, having* the 3l’G'kE G O sanotioujofisomelof the most eminent Physi-CCIiNER PEXxV SX. CjLAIR^IS*, cians in America. - v ..| v PiTTSB.URG. PJ-LNYN.'.A . '-fqPWf direction itatmg;vhtn ihey Y 4 TO PEiSEEN AF- - btjutd. with each Price ‘One Dollar ' • ; • \ ; iippivTmn ; ,-tW'''lii per Box,] containing frbr i 6QJ to 60 Pißs. I j- ;*■ .l ’ Pills promptly, by. rcinititiog td, : !/l. ; R.'THOMSON . ; ' - St <> »•« w V HDTCUIJCGS,' Proprietor. X * I'v •' 120 Celdar’St., New, York. - EAVEK. IP A. y ; BENTEL, ARBUtdCLE &CO ■,j . MANLFAfiXIERk OF I • cJLRBoisr. oxXj» ‘ i* ‘ ROCHESTER, ■■ V BEATER COUETY, PA. Jap2 ; , s> >f : $87,126 88 ■-U i f jtoticeL ■ rHnfl Jajnes Hoey V ", In the Court of Common! ;. v* f flew of' Beaver county. No; Susan Hoey, J 70, March term, ISO;!.-.', | lilBJiL jFOII 1)1 VOIICE.* if Thcongipal end alias tulneiindn tliig..cns having [been tei«ffncd| Jf. i,'. /., nn^Ju : proof haying Seen made that Susaix Hoey could not be found in Ucav&«cojjiUryf I am therefore’ directed -to give notice according 7 to. law, re quiring ijhc reBpondent, Si'3an Hoey, to appear in thiaCourt.on the. first day of next tcrrji. being the first Monday of March next', to an fVer,ths|pctition|of libelant; Susan i Hoey, the respondent above named,’ .is hereby notified to appear in this Court uh , (he firstlMgndayjof March next, in pursuance of said order, I ’ JOHN ROBERTS. dcclTj i . . .. " Sheriff, -j _ :f i■' JAMES 8* ' :;| AT TCP. 8.-rSk i II,AW, : (mSTltiqTr . Hi- ;or BEAV' PKNN’A. \ Uo Court. jTXi. claims against the Government for bat k pay, bounty: and pensions.'- prose cuted to sollection with the least possible de ay. ' I ' ■ : dccS’62; MIL O A, TOWN SBtf D DEALER.W 0 BO OKS, STATIC NVJty, Toys articles no 6. [new BBIGHToir, Pa. ; S APMiEjisTfiAteCTojhcyi i jT. ETTSBi} of i administration upon tie es- JLi. ofj San’tWiisos, late of .Raccoon lotrnthip, Bearer coupty, deo’d, haring, bceft K**Bted to the' undersigned, al) persons in debted, to ssad. estate are requested id make immediate pijment, and those haring claims Against the wm wiU present them properly authenticatedfor settlement. ' Hf: ■- M'E-EBB, BaerOon lp., j g " j /- Administrator. ; m f Dee.fc ■f i Po IK nynewfci •! 1I ■; ■ • . ;i ■ . {.f , , ..! * - ,u .-4 . p coLlateb L INHERITANCE TAX. . **> Register of Willsj 4c., In Beaver countyrin the CommonweaHh of Pennsylvania abre, I hereby certify the above to b< n*and for the county of Beaver, d bs or I|zavi:b Coiktv. I 'ou. \V«nt ; t V’’' iMeiwafitthsprtmj BMgmK£ga r I: ' i certify, that We hare eaami meat of the Pauper* of eald fiof Jaauary, A. 0.1863. 1.... - H' - I (O a tnio statement of .Colin, luring the year ending Nb’f . Si vav ' I eAME to the pri-mises, o(i,ii.efn,Vcrib«r. *l living in Big Beaver ‘ tofcnsW*’lMw ; county, on the ovenitijr of. tlic,lMili; •*«.• * Small Hay Mure v nboiit yc.ir.s old, all around] sud«ilc marks; off.-lund bough cn- . larged no oilier marks pci- _ CelviLble. . TJ»c jcnviirr i-> «icsirt*d um coiiic lor- , ward, prove r 4 away, or otbervvise sbc oi nc-; . AfiM|^STEATOft’^yd|r|cE£ j of - test ametrtfiry on tie 1 £laf. C- T- oSnigg/i. a.-ccMMiitsi-q, p. .A-i of TnpdtAS Moons, late of Gredne town ■ " \ __ ship, Beaver County, Pcnn'n deed] hafingi C.P. CtniunillS A ISOII, been granted-to the undersigned, iuttpirionv i /'VFFEIt tlicir services indebted to haid estate arc requested to make vj siciank , itmr§urj;e.«ifc' ujthe miizens ofj ( immediate njy’inieni, and those bavint beaver ami. \ iciuhM .They jean Slv,;,U' l«!_: Tioainst the aamd will present them propjeviyi- found, | engaged;'auu«j - authenticated for settlement. f 1 '!:, .jV ' .JAMES NELSON, Haho-eftp',|- \‘ | i»ek;>>- . 'V‘ - : '■<. ■ ■ •rhoVB. /,■' : , 'Administrator.. *2—- li t~7 - eF>e subscriber' - uponttbi.es-'i^lW^ JLi ***d. EiiiBHABT; fatei onßig iFa.; on <^ c Clh ofo , c c Bearer tn., Behvcr cd., Pa.; detf dg hairing,! -with. *4,ffl&lis if--’ no■ been granted to Ole undersigned, all personsfiaboU-on, and two or 1 j,- { iknowingttemee£ekjndebted| to othermarks arerequehedtomade immediate payment,' l 9 COBte-j^Jta*4*.P»^ e • J ’ l •* and those havingelaimSagainsttheeafnetviil -paid take irei ' a . w ?? - ' present them properly, authenticated for . set- ■ oeL2:3t. : W. B; FOSTEB, -4 ~ ; j.tufcjl.' #•.,;,- ' Administrator. • 'W» i ’WWWTW>-ini ,JJ ' Iv . .-i v plBeoluti|on« |-. ' f| tH£ Co-partnership htretoforeeiiaUpgun- I- .derthe nameapd style ot, M'CoStSolt & uaddaoitp, Falleton, engaged .in'fte. Fbnddry add Machine Bbsidefft, wa* dnlydissolved on fbe 3d day, of Juno, 1862,. ; rb‘e'.bookB of the l*U firm will be eetUed hy'JS. Bamgb 4 Co., •t'tbefr pffieelnFallston;' BeaVer eduatv; Fa.,: irtSSe'ttjjT erill. eotrtidtt# saidibdsinSst iii all itaibraaesey.' AH 'Fcnddaknotrihgthetnieie'es to the Me #lll jeldaee c»B 1 add , I-iOSt X>ocr. I; f ■:-': ; - •T OST in Rochester. 6n : the 21St if Ocio | j ber, l Black Shopherd’Do(r, with wljitt* yin aroun l big neck, and wbjte tip on the end of his tail answers to the’name of ••Ring-’* An)’ pcrsoip finding said-dog will besuilahly awarded jy leaving biro at Johnston's Hotel, near Rochester Depot, (Jr nt'lhe r< sidenejeof th’f subscriber inJSew Sewickly tp. . - : ;■ ; ■ *)»>■ GARRARD. ■ ;h ; i. h - ji id ftiid audited the foregoing; cxhihirvif Cii »•>. t i r*P'“ d I • S • •.. JOffS. SIBWARI.- i v i s -L / ; SlTSS ra ' : f «*■’“■ ' I t ' •'- I • . fc ' •■••/■ .• * 3 . \ ■•- 1 di.bur.ed *} [. rf 7 ,> i. LEDDtE, Auditor, ij .. VVanted Immediately,- .. - TTtOX,. Sfl.VKj RACCOON, .SKI'XK. r-nd-:' X! MUSKRAT SKISS: % wludi.rhehighest;' prices, inCasb,, will belaid Ar the ChVp - Clothing,Store of I. X. AXKLNS. Iteav/v-si. n of tie Big Hat£- .Vy Jecl7| ’*i BXHpUTOiJS’ NOTJCF. ' . I Y\/ IfEitEAS letters tesinnicntary, on (be , Tr ■ 'estate bf-Guo. iKosivku., hue of New-' -Brighton, Beaver county, decjU -bavin- hten i granted to the undersigned, all ini: debted to said estate lire requested!' to hmhc’ iminediaie'ra.yracnt, ant} those having' claims; ', against the same,will; present! them autCTiticiitcd ; lor EctlUir.entj. ! ; —'j - *, ■‘ I ' juiix iios w i r.i.. , J _> :;•. Liix-j ; ,:.r^ ffiSfH'* !' • iliccutpts.. ’ ■ HI Al Pa. Prop’r. i nt by ijns-. a rts of the rtctl to the' ig [ P,ubk*r -if?*'' -J, /. ■ . , June So, lcG2. i •• ■’ • .«■ 4V'V KXKCI WiIERiAS 1 been, gran tarr- of Joacq'h I Ilrfcuo Jp.‘, IS.‘a 'AtnorVihgi tlicmsc i arc requested to and those having ,pl-6sqht thenvltoi 1 cittcq for scttlctnc V. 0e22. ’ a’ ’ 1 hVne,’ ! R, j ■ AQMTNTS J j-rarnKaEAS th'c esla jof l&ccdpn tcijp • cciiuigi!, leaving I pi £urfc>iiotiiied to u: \ thiisc having chti propc | racm-vviiiToutdela I V wft-4, Notion ~.:A . hereby given that X feWe been npP? l^” J ss by department. . loundlraW inT«Ud Soldiers charged fromtoe'dwmea;^ thatmy “^X r / j eitends to any Cent* Stale or and that Lam nowf reody to enter-»F° tT&Q*&»kooK»v . ■ Ocfssi*fo K ? amininB_S ur S c , 0 _: X OAjis (wTfIBST MOETGAGES gn b 0 ‘Jb «^tiat e 4At^6WT^ WG ? ofi Jf ' SAVINGS Fo- 67 f QVP 1118 ™® 1, ww- ■•■' • - ME EVg - s_. • ; alr. the spkitAleding. Deo 41. ■ Vv' : ; f‘ ; -"•l : letters. tcPt:V'Riohl:'rv; L:■ vTt;g fori*to * 7 \lcCii'hdy,.St,, dec (0 J.-it-c**>f _y |Pn. f all.pc.vons, ves| indebted Iro said; estate*- ui-ake pavrncinl, iujrnodhurr) . claiirts against the ihe subscr.iber.dulv auflieiiL- • ut. I.J-AMESiMcafKA^y/ 1 .: letters of adminislrut uia-cn •' of Ka.vhv .-.iVtc- r nship. Ucavfr- fohi.'y., <:c-. »ccii; July pr?inie»i?:!t rsojt? jhdebXtid lujiaid Abij.ute a.ke iainiciiiuic pViyinei/r. tfud 1 ills agaiL*| iji.e will fTC“. } '■' •iv huthcn'icuted for'settle^' r-};■ :• •"•: : -•/ • I JAt’Otf FUOXtv, r ; •„ | - 1 Aldmi^lratdf. z^~ r -■ ■ i - A. P- SMITH. ! Z, lEll ? juosff i