The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, February 11, 1863, Image 3

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    *3 '
u i Otc-M.'
■ v '
•• • *i-rfWi>ic*a«»-*i
1 Four exuminations held,.loot- ajK
i-ri i, .•snminochsr.■ r r •';/"
4'or' v Si-Kdt»V visited, onct and
if ’.j^u'’’lours average duration of
lnstitutes attended, two
-4‘ T-rinty to
T -< C ‘n J 1; hundred ; irnd,,s
t m veled in ..:3charge. o_f^offic;al
- : (b:iv ' ■ ’
r .Kine official written..
JaNLARV;. 1-86&
' r Ft'V spr
hoiWT average (duration
attended, lour
O- ■ ~ tV'bf William M, Scott and;.!*.. isey .. ■ ■ *%” -*v. W • ...
;i* t >*iishVA*cid.- : , ' a't the sUit”oW»fiies Trimble. I' ~i - >Of Adarnsville, vu: Thirty-four,, thirty-five,
’ , tlavis devoted .Wi v-. 0 . i ; .iHSfi-'i '■ forty-six, fifty-seven, sixty-six, one, andsizty
f. . - * ■§" K - ' .r- " 1 • * 7®. • j , J , seven. Also, all the right,'tiile, interest and
»BlJtaljj .... -, w V j>- g * claim of defendant, of, iiaiid. to, afl ihalssr
.',V4me bunorcjl; and ejgli t ttTfe wan* tain p ibcc of ’ of land> CO nt a imng four
p uR lre vle£> .-dtk-trfgfeVpl offlgm! to all that certain*** tt:*a« oHcnd s.tyate aot J of an acre,
, ,0 ~ . ra.the township of Notd, of of Baid tOW7I o Fx,lai«viUe, and not laid
° "l-- i j ?ca\er and state of dVnnsylvauia,.hounded Q g § ntor XbCs, and being that partion of athirty-
- , o^ t be : land of: Jordan M. SJiye nine acrc 7raet originally 4 off to Sarah B.
, lluriip' tue ..yitir. thus Kti, and' Joseph- on the cast by, land- of j c.. I>rr ... i —-.1™...., i„n«'»« 1853 I
, -fuiV,,, Sidlabl ■'iiiiiT'di'ntis'
; otie«>cbc>tor : oiu* Ui .lSea ! and and on tlie Jyr. of j defencUnt, to all that certain piece or?parccl
-id W-itS Van I tort. TlioUwo ? frun- of lana ikthe Baid of<Ada^vi i le , .Jmme- I
n '* . ! 'l :rc3 m °ii^-, , ind.Uetaufitai the street j
-°*T-, are ' wWnf the pool, not laid off info Jots,
: 1 °1 1 ‘ W'W- . | fence sud on which are, erect fcd.onc log hwsev aild wht)jh b .giemeut was dedicated jo the
allTjootl 3. !'f P; " nJ 4®ff stable, and some ftnit-trees on: the . comia o a e ? of B thc the water lots,,
idieij (uruffiirc 01 }'• an good water. L •-... j 1 thoir respective iiit wests. 1 I
ha proved i“-|^?jws e^?°?w-lv hc I Sel4d indtak'fat in execution as the proper J
*‘H l : SL 1 J , *• i* ; crt .V ol,„ John Wiley ut W ilharn liusli • tx ., f ■ tV- s _ r ™\A Utlm- A f \i t r r«ni.i ]
(>/ rl*o, (hive 'usc ' iiri tru-ti for i'J ° , Ma i n # \ °/% a^
■' ’ t'i. titin * v. .. . -n , -V - • I* £.J: 4ec d,» at the suit of Gilbert L. Is. Fettcrman, J
•r.h«»t.s-X-aO«tl..- . . . i now for u§e.of{>ohn 11. W ilson, ! Adm of B Fetterman tlec y d
iSLv srifoo. .Jinrt 1 hcp’i c J Ccti J j Aiitumistralor-of Josenb H. Wirso'n, dcc'J, *!V * i T .■’r • ’ i
1 Wand place jail the right, ti- f iM ‘iS of'defer.danJ, of Sand to !
MUtlv - Hearer ; towneh»|l. and claim of defendant of, in; and ,i, c du dividlid one-thirdof the folloiviftg lots of I
,^n ; i);i:r , "'1 'M V* S ro “ n ? in: the t^ l5; l(j. 17, IS and, IP,.i
j d v«Lf,*Jj *. , r, v“ t »2o'^ C^\*V"'! ' U,, { y t. a ’ 'situate in the borough-or New Brighton, Bea-1
r ■ ; =;;1 > ■ - s'- -v, t! '- V M»|‘be.w Utawplm. and 4k ’or llately .oc-- the W cst bv . Beaver river. ' There being ■
£'~-tb;.v I r.>v's,i4ft “nf tfci protfnt 'C;iOp^«“l^-4 • M‘hon Townsend,’and rurpirag lisjNos. ;14 and 15 a large Wl
' ivtTwJii”!i yftwwil.d d l - S, * Ldggaes, ,ens;_-'iU llngicut/ Far.iiiVjr, being 411 feet front on ;
, i, i et.l>n<vrni/»itlii”«« ee3 Vi five feet deep, the basement story ofsl me, and i
,n ?r» U V. f.i s, ”f 44 ! threcstories ofj wood; also a snilll frame shed]
-■ Vfpvr I»tr?cl<n;H-ni iltslguat- lect_.te. ptoce of bejipmng; containingo2|.per-: on fUeBouiir B i dc -of said building about 20 by
.;•" be s'viprofiriliti•> Ito the same less, and be. uff the |«, ft*,, ,i fc cast side of sfreet running
.j., -Mips Tor the iflii4.reoor.t-i of *!• U^¥^ i * h^'lS “ ,J »tK , * h «" ‘wo brick
a®;.X'■ rfuses treneraily adopte.L ti, to ; and pne^ame.stable; a number of jfruit<trees x e w Jrigl.ton Wster\Oompany. each share i
•t ; -I* ' <»i*o touchop. for each branch-, j J . ~! .>1 bclxtg equal to tho onehuiidredih part of all •
•• wVi i-n- hoar the. rciTitation ffii the ! • rt ”" ?d J r *. n 4 ‘i ke “ , m ‘l« )‘4 *<« belonging to the 'race of said Com- j
' -W?ftt.-;hseh: : I ),uti I ,tcU;tiT^ Qj uplift ef taff 7 T . ilwe £ U lots So 17 and
imrAl'lflebKtfift’arc assWliod IVo ■ • , ‘ AT t?<T ! • : 7 ?lJB.;a large lour story Tub Factmy, 40 loot A»h
■ 'SV o '*. - „i ond'l L * ■ AlsSO.j . . •• j . street; running through said lots, and 40 feel
:■ actual-ntnuj, At The same time and t>laqe, all the fighty. deep. The basement stone, and three siorlcs of
' h irei£t;:?gi» r ,ni!di'' fOlidiK-ted .s°as to J title, interest and claim of defendant, of, in woS3- r alsoone brick dtylkilns, on lot No. 18.
!r:.i&'liutni "drill on the I aQ d to the .undivided one fifth of the follow- ; nveen oahsl and ruce. being about’ lo by 20
~ ffirftbfe'nch rcciU*<l. The "ox f-Ug ac'fnbe'h t 1 ? 1 . 01 . 0 !' land. situaie in“ North feet, and also one'brick'dry kiln, partly ini
■a. Swrdlv tilt! P«4’«-. hot-Jfeilfij' and partly in No. 47. beidg about
-7. et.ofa y- *-[ bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at the ;15 b?2t> ft. There is belonging toiots Nos.'lP,
iintprnpiv.HChools in lilts RAJ j north-west corner of at a«heMnut tree o» the • ITund 18, the" nndlvided i ono-Tlfird oTnlnc
V i nrlfuu'Tions r-nuuot.faii l f >.be_ bene^t- 1 ea« Beaver creek, tbooce .by land | shares of Block in the ,New Brighton?«ster
b' 1 ! nmi thcnitsfli liifin onr-.Schools jof the; heirs of James Kennedy due north 87 r j Company* each share being equal to the one
■ 'r r, {iVTive<T ' KVe HiVve I in ; c&B t one Lualred und scventy^eight; hundredth pftrl of all belonging to
;• " -li ...- -t-v. *, J perches a posv,' ; thence ht land of Pftvid! the Uacc bf Raid Corartaßv . v
tliat-are inort- bt-tii tiejml t > j Warnock south 59J dem-ee., - past T 24 , Seiicd and taken in execution as the prop
i-.-n.-wra fhatl fl term nt 6-lu.O. avould to a poa, thence ,by land warranled ib theierty. of IVm. S. Gill at the-suit of Christian
J’c : effect vupoti tiHJ l ->CbooJs 1 name of Henrj- Knoi,.»6»uh 87 degreesi irestl yimsen, assignee of lUtcy k Matthews, for
■j.ta’i.Vbt : ibv the mcmhhrs is vef j- visi’s [2BO perches taa beech tree on the dfßig.i the Merchants'■& Manufacturers' Bank V-'
- Me' Tlii>'<.,i.of ilial:uv. wiik-li ‘ hencc ..“«* creeknbrih 17 J?<K 12. r ‘;i i'ALSO, "
r.akosJt :i<WisaloTV oinJtfe Dipn't-tors i ninc I At the same time and place all the right tl
• itiP-vSntnjiiays. i'auii tjiO-sii per cent, being pan of tiwct|Kamnted a ‘-‘ d C ’?‘7 11
V; v producmi; £- >6\ fru.iU :irK H * nJ ,D §^«tate-}of -cubiya- |of New Brighton, Bearer county, Ta., bound
;:iU%nlin««• t in projvnr- {j ■ C^ CCt ?r ?V ° ‘ V folWws* to wit; Lot No. 477 honuded ou
j-;'- 'W sjirit-oT tlioi lu'.v is carried ; a double Imj barn'and oiff' nor,ll i b >' llar “<»i' strcel, on the east by
7- -V tv: .:. Vj' I ‘7^™^ Xo -^'“J
■ 'hvet-v- len.-Vvcr who iV.-sirJ f. J d-> his! vein ot£o«l bituminous coal.- .! i w'f J >2"- !>tree t l i N p °' 4 1 8 ( bou ) l,,cd
*’«•“.- A muti4«f. tl n V^ iw * ~he, ,he *"*; ; imrJLT h £,
rpmplyfwnb the ' v rly °t^S el B ' Thompson at the suit of ■ 470 boundld on tile north by lot No. 478 cast
!a become bolter ~rtmr ed to i b L “ft ,0 f p . h ,: Tl,o, ?P’ pn ' !by part of lot N0.'479.-'south by. Wl No. 480,
L - whoo * Mainstrce.i on wbf.hU erected
• "'3b».-6= j c-’™"- «?• \5: »’ Lfe-
At time and place ad tng.Hght, tir building uped 'KB a haulting hotUe, a frame
_ —■■ , - .tie. interest and.datm. of defendentvofj ini and ustablc. coal house, and other oiit'-buildiugs.
woilCE TO SOLDIERS ! if to the following describeffrcal, estate, situate ! The above lots are well irapfoveil a 4 planlcdT;
HAS npfXrn iv‘ in KpfibcStefWoiigii, Beyer county, I'enn, with fruit and omanientalti-ees. i : . 7
. 1 > aB-follows:_Ou the east by Aim. lots No. ;35<h and 352.-bonhdhi aa fol-
Fu WayUe & ( iiicago railroad, onAhc sonth jrloivs:' No. 350. bounded north'-hy 4ot'i!*o2«4B^
V Persinna b" ’ „,V ! 4. 10 t °. f T, J. Chandler,-on ffifc wesf, by cast by Front Tstrcct, Boutir-%-dqt^Na.lSffiL*..
. cosions. D3CK Pay b«»ver river, and-on tbemortU by lot bydssl,i.ahd west by Broadivnyi, No?SS&klwundcd
andwill -promptly attend to fit] SWJowan. being ninety river. \ north bv lot -Km v
bim.and will fiirnish in- r? nd^ ,runningback hundred feet; on wh’S 1 ' I south by Laurclflreef; apd west by Broadway.
'c.itjon rclvtive lo such, clnimj*. upon' enclc- i lB ® re<J log hoti^e. j- -i . j The above "oho cncloj-ure and planted
. k -r-? -rfnecfcwaTy postage I. Seized andtaken inexecution aa the proper- -j,with fruit trees, ahiubbeij, &c. f on ia
, SAMUKL A. POWEB. ' ‘J of Edward llreen anCDelOah. Green,! Els.j erected one frame building 40 by 20 feet In
; . ~ v Kirkwood House.) * j *tf*- formeriy Delilah -Afassoh, at the suit of length and breadth.
V 1 W*suixr.ToN, D. cy ■ •' I - Alexander, foivthe usepf Jnmep Jl. Seized-and taken in execution as the prop-
W Castle Courant, Butler A«eri- 1 Ajexandcr and Elias . j erty of Harrison Mendenhall and B; B.Clism*
ivfd. Better Star copy and send bill to' <• ALSO, ; ' > | . beriin, st the suit, of Edward Hoops, now for;
... - T 1 At the sime tima aniiplacc, n(l_tjhe right, use of Thomas Cunningham. -■ i
; title-interest and claim-of defendant, of, Tn’ iS O . 13. XI-SO i
i ‘following lot,of grftnd, 7) .At the same time and place, all right; title, i
.situate in Rochester township, Beaver county, j interest and claim of defendants-of. in and
Pa., pounded-and ffesenbed askfelloww: On |to the following-described wit: j
! lhe # “°r l J l 4 I “ n<1 Of Margaret Highy; : on that certain lot or piece of ground situate 1
; east by laud of Oavid Mitchell, on the south"; in the village of New’Galilce. in Big Beaver
, by lots Nos. 5 and C., and on the west tyr Ft. - townihip, Beaver eonhly, Pa.Kboimded on the!
i "‘J"® SChteagp R.,-B.; containing ortMcre, j north by New Castle and Darlingfoicß, B. on*
; more or less, and under fence: on which is Vthe east by iownship road, on- thk souih bv a
erected ; a one story frame house, 24 by 14 feet; 1 thirty foot street, and on.thc west % Innrl-uf'
I coal bank on the lot. ; •■ : - | George M. Tpung, containing one fourth of
i. , ■• n ? l aken m execution aj the proper- an .lot under fence. ;<)h which is erect
; ty of -John, Baker at the .suit of T. .& W. |ed * large, new two story frame house, (con
!‘”^. O S’V i - . . ' ■ taining fi Te rTOma,)’with cellar' underneath,,
j Np, o>' jVLSO, | v ftlaoli frame MtiUile iiiid-other.oht buildings. ...
i -At the same time and!'place, ail the right, - Seixed and- ta)t^,-in-execution as the
: title, {interest'and 1 jlaim of defendant, of,, in P r °P en J ®P nilltapi B. Jlcilep and Sarah -his
arid, to the following described- lot of gjonnd, <he;Mit or SaUmel McCrcady. .
being No. 15, situatbin the borough of Bo- will take, nof Ice that-JO per
Chester, Beaver county. Pa., bounded on the ce^ 1 - upon*llamotmtaof their bidswiilbe rc
north by George slrcct. on the east by Brigh- t l ulr , in hand. Ail bids under $5O will_ be
ton street, on-the south by Isiril of Israel Gray,' *“ i ® ask ®t The sale. If
Cnow. lVm. I-ea'f,) and on the- Weal, by; Gould ,f®f -complied with ths
street, being part ont lot, No. 74. The above P ro P? rt y W *U be re-sold. . , •
described lot under.fence. -' i ■_ % , n; v SOWN ROBERTS, Hh’ff.
Seixed and taken in ciccution as the pfopi' 1
eny of, Mkria Oouldwt tho| suit of JTohn i ®^ TW * ***■ ■ ■
I No. 9. ALSCk. ; j -• I i MAKCH SESSIONS. 18ti3 ;
I At the same time and plicbe, j»U the right, ti- ' ' Inn»-ari4 Taverns. ’
I ? nd 'f ia .° r °5- l n “ d David 8. Hamiltonv........Georgetown/'.
ltd the following lots of ground, situate in the Sampson Kerr : t Berrer
borpugh of Darlington, Bqavcr county,! Penn*,} f: John D. WcKall. ".";!!:"Gcor4bw? .
j being Nos- 35 and 86. m theplanof said town, AUx. C1ark.....V... Beaver ■ •
«?c ,0t e eißg . , b? , I * Q « u ‘C- P. ke*reherv.,.........;-..Phinii*burg.' r
MS feet fronrbyJ4o feet dotT.-'-WidwUtmder, AugurtAV*Uer.........;..;...OU»gow“ “
: on whgtj are eTepWJ John Qraebing..,.. Jiew Galilee
buildings, to witi-A large two storv.frain*- „ - T . A , ~ -j ■■^ r .
f eb ,-j dwelling-and store hbnse, the entiee building .. J O tcU JjiquOTS V^th.^MetxJiandlze.
being 70 feet long feet, wide,' th&tore room Uinr A4exandier..;;.....,.jjHochc»ter bur.
tl- o ... —6O by 26 feet in length and Feb.l). 1 A.O; U’C&EABY, Cl’k. ■■
I ( p OO RhvvrQ v /J. r shelving, counters, etc,, the two \a; of WfiSETI
" 1L hgive the»Kn-V-- S' * ' apartments,one-10by 16, the lO feet W :: 6.000 ••
'"t and copvicf^^eS* 4 " l te te ,rL Wimre, with » Urge, KeU finished iroom on r .„
orXinl ,!.?-- Oll foBnJ fl4r. 70 feet h«g by 16 wide. edll4r ondsr. . • « ' Oste.*^
j.:ad^l ar*l|Uo DeUswed in Pittsburg, fw, which Ik^rimhor
-10(1 lot- of J 7. "EJhn farm of Abramjffolf added to the hou^i^ to he - " ’
, •'irtt. A'Chicago R. ,K. Co. )
r i : ' OrncK or t the Sfcbetaet, t
27th, ’63. J
; rH : L ; anhral meeting of, the Stockland
lA’ Bondholders ’of' this. Company for the
i 'of Directors and such other business
I *! come before will be held at : the; offiac
:■ j.\ in the city of Pittsbiirg on
‘ j: rlij 4 'tJiic?d.iy of February, A. ltJlS(>3.
f ‘t.' siojA Transfer Books of the
at their Office; jn the City: Pitts
• ? r v SI J ' ,t Ihe City
■\ork, will bc closced ou the lilt h day
• ebraary andreoain dosed uuliUthe 2Gtb
thereafter; W. U.RA KXKS, v
■■■ * Secietarr.
I. INTERS if admifilstralioir on the estate
n t ; r,Eu - A. Htixfcß.late of QJiio Town
■ Kjf.l ■J t|kver co., deed, having been grant
i ‘ <l tlj<‘unrlo.rsign|a, all persons indebted to
.■’l »re requested to make, immediate
?;*M !ent- :in(l *‘ l 'o. s e having claims against said
e ."‘‘l present them to tlrts, subscriber
• authenticated for settlement.
'^vl'^^^ EßSON^ri s) iton :‘p-: '
* Administniior.
«' V • , ,-j', '
■li^^ Sr ° f Admli»ln»«ioi of the e*Ute i
Admji^a&ator. 11 !
T: L fio* "'
4 n*
f • "auncww uuw IUU |IWIIU ■
Tsg .
.. n-r .»- 'ft- "i* to/WUrthe
. iff -the right, 'tStlej intent -ftnd claim of oneundiried eightKpiruof allihdse' sixteen
the r dtfandant,n£tajan4 ta town.of.AdainkrilW Chip
o£ ground sittfete' fc Netr,Brighton, Bearer {pewa township,- Beaver coonty, Penttfa,, in
eonntjf-l’a., being !oi,Jf«f. a)!P-bonnde4on the u iW iAf «iitl-town,sU > i 4 do« , n''»s Watdr
NorthjajWot Njj. oaTlfiCWhst by Broad- j lots, and ias such numbered one, two, three,
wajvonjjie So?th hV lai Jt*' [ «fls and thetfour, seven, eight,' nine, ten, eleven.
East by Eront ,street, on which" are erected a ! twelve, thii teen, fourteen, fifteen and sixteen,
ft-ame dtrciiing house, ■HVfrtm.TmrMiwifrrrr
cellar nndernesthf-a frame stable, ooal-hoase, [ Also, all the right, title, interest and claim of
andothtteut-buftdings: fruit;trees
herylon theiiot; —• ,*< I [part, jaore o'r leas- of the. following.lpts in said
i_ Sefrtdand exicatioa' as thei Adamsvnio, numbered.'in lift plait of
erty of William. Cart er;at’ the suit of William ‘ the same, -twenty-nine, twenty-teren, twenty- I
Kennedy. ' V i {eight, eighty-two* eighty-threo, twenty-twp.
No. 2 - ■ AliSOr - -s.. tweni{
At the same: tlmif and plaee,, ill the right,
title, interest and claim of William M. j^tt f l B ;“^*W- ,1 —*
:oi»mC the. defendants, of, in and to the fol- i "P I *** «tae»y-«re.
‘ e * n ’
township, ' BegVcr- county. Pa.,’ bounded on Jtnety-e , ght, ! ..nin^)r !; « , ne il lep. eleven, ot,p
the North by land of AndrOw-lPoe, on the! East i
bjr Uni of James -Slaekall. -in t«}b>undred gnd tWft one hundred andthre*.
-tend of Joi Brnnton, and ob llre West by *““ , V «“*, tun :
Virginia line: containing - lip*acres, more or jdted and- four, fire,, one hundred and
less? adout 7o of which atid two ; llire «.
fence; on wHich arc erected a 1 one story frame cigcty six, eighty-fieten, twenty
dwelling" house, - 3<T by 18 fee Tin Unglh and I*,*- «»ghty< -e>fbty-<u»ai^aiefity..
harnand'out-houscs: ayohngl fiT !?. were oppropnated and made ap-
thgpremiscs. oty:; - - iP. t Vr** nan , t -t° *aid water lots. Also* aU, the
Stiied'Mdjlaken fc:.xec2tl6n
Scott -vlr'irobcrt' It aim ~■ mthetown
iiofe- -f. a'
| M&reitf ehltyuranged for lining
.4-teg frtmc sl»bic, H
l M _in leagtli. ««i bte*dlb, »nd 1G fei
j.- lot No.' Zs\ - Tlie ahivc described '
HtQl; UreoßTeolettt; -
igi4. tT«f Ktriliill Sf
too :‘:Xo. io. i'
P l O.
- A
'mr 1
,i ■
>■ .if
1. " '* ’
fto wit: . . .
} fcnonal properly U MMimt «f SSVB 86, to
•widow oflVm. Kldej, dec'd. Jno S Elder, A dm.
{widow of Sami'Wilson, dee’d. P.M. Kerr, Adm.
! Porapnal property to Cti,-la
na ’ : ‘* AWwni.fHfcfc*- - - Hearj
Personal i*6pcrty »DU)unt of SBOC, to wid
ow ofSam'lSSoDD. dec’d-Si- EHHIbmR"*B?PWm.
Robb; AdmJS?._j . ■'t '
> ' Personal "property to 'fcmount of $800; to
widow of Andrew Olasasdcc’deJolmijlenti,
Adm’r ‘ i e ‘ -t SV-i • ’
Real to.amounfof $270, to widow of
Adaov Lam bright, late of'Bridgewater, deed.
HdUhirESmbritfht, Adm’rT t . *■ *■"-
Notice ia. hereby given *9 creditor*; - heirr,
legatees, distributees, nodal) qrfiera itrtCTcri
ed, to appear. atSlareh tdn&Aiext; and not I*-
' tor than the third'.day of the-tertn, being the!
4th day of March,' 18M, dashed* cause, if anyt
they have, agaihitt 'the fldal ‘’coufinnatirn of
the said several hppratsemenls. . i '
feb4 * ?»A.- O; M’CREARVv Cl’k/
j- . BJSAVEK .!!, ■.
Rev.' Wl; WJ rmclpal.
(LATE I'!«6»B'6ARE Of IEV. JT. H’oitii) '
Young Ladlrt, will open on | j
Monday, tKc Ist dpypj September next,
Boarders received into the family of the
Principal. 1 ■; i . , ? . •
Ligbt*Fuel; arid. Tuition,
per term of .14
Tuition aloue, pertorm„s4 00 > SftbiX& $7 00
according to bronches studied. . f
B®_ Kor 'further' particulars ndjrcsy the
rrinetpht. .■,.-,A i ■ nugO -
ificncral Commission Mmliani
r( ' ?•. . ■ .
I Dealer in Flour.i- Graitf, and \all .kinds
of Cov»trij r \ ir6duee, ' .'end
Liquors, Cigars, U'ofafco,\Ac X
Office ami sVnrehouse; .Kp;\;37 South -id atree.
. (gr Liberal advance* made on consignments
■ r ,/■ ■ : jang 28. a
'J.O>IU9|. •t. B. k’klbot. JAMES Finlay
Bave mvi their, fiPHlNfii -fi.pOQJCof
Complete. Extra in(ttieoiiioi|t3 offer
cd to Caslirbuyers, f (inlilO.
IA.'ISriBIW’ i
I;’--..' , ■- •’ j OF.tUE, I '■ ■ : i '
.Mlif AKES OK hfiCtlTK o JB^X.
HY JOHN S. DART, Lli !>.. i
JWyMO., muslin, pride ;-50 pents; pnper cov
erg, 25 cent*. , Copies of ring book will
be sent by mail ;on receipt of thei price, in
postage sumps. Pleas address 1 .
J., C. GARRIBUES. Publisher,
' 148 South Fourth street, Phil'a. P*.
roar2fi. > j. ".j ; V • .»., ,i i
Gw©. t*rms*r*j:TijCL. nr.
.■IIHtKS can now tie Wd et Ibif •
Tlu'jtJ, piclßrr* are netmcre daiihlij, but war '
ranlt*tl SUPKBIOU to ;aoy that hHVkf ercrhoen
niaih- in Menver: cpoiiijjf fcy atiy other artist.
To Tie convinced- gall end examine,specimens.
I v il!rcmnii) f hut.n few Srceka. ,' n t |
OnUcry in Iba sane rao'm Occupied by
me in 1807.’ ,‘ C. A. OBIFIiN. 1
. ■ Ptiotngmnliic Artist
croirrooSi <&' op..
Advertising and Cotilnlision ‘Agents
■ v . ' Asn'iyEjvtipus U.-'v;
Type, Printing Materials,
wiyrlxc AxeittiSTjsarAPEß cards, &c
- OFElCES—Brown’slHuildinC, Philadelphia;
Tribune I’.uildings. NcTy York; j jl.. - •
mur’id; ly. . ■ I ■’|b ■
; xottc i-:.:
ALL PERSONS haring business with the
sabscriber, will ; please call: with Mr.-
• ttobert Tullon, who is iinly authorized to at*
t'cnil to'ii 11 luisitiess (faring myabsencc. Also
all persons haTicfgiinsettleJ accounts will call
ami niiikc settlement as soon as possible. As
it has become ray duty to leave home for the
purpose, of, serving my country; I j llopo'wy
customers will- still gire their patronage as
usual, ns they will find Air. Tallnp ac the shoe
shop and my son, James, at the'tan*yntd.
sep3.lBti2. ‘I : •JOHN l>! STOJvES.
IMvicletict IVo.
.3 ' _ BAstdorlDßAVEn Cocntt.'l |
- Newßrigliton, Nov. 4. 18C-. J -i
; A . - FOUR 1 PER CENT.
■ xX on the Capital 'Stock of fit s Hank, .for past ') moot ha. Las been declared this day,,
payable to stockholders or their legal repre
sentatives os dividend will
be. free jof the Cnifed States Tills,; the Bank
having a gaumed the payment of t lie same to
the Government. EUWAKItIIOOPS, !
>-i -npkltt *»2_ I'-’ I/'- 1 .1 Cashier. !
f “
fllllE Co-part ncrshipherctofore existing un-
S A ,<lcr ,tie hamoandatyle ofA-CD. Gilliland,
: engagett-ln -business of
merchandise, was duly-dissolved on the I9th
day of-ApriTv IKCI The Books will be settled
st >the store of M. Gilliland.; ,All persons
knowing"l hemselves indebted t ntWilate .firm',
will please call and settle immediately, as the
Bhoks will be closed without delay;
■■ •„v M. GILLILAND,
New Brighton,May lti, ; lBti2. ’ -I.
.. Beaver '•Hotei7 r
JOSUPH HALL, Prt^rietqr,i
: V;; : Beaver, Pa.
■QvAX'ING thoroughly .fitted up this house,
J.J. he is now prepared to accommodate his
the.rwHi»m«ii,||j, hr the Bust
satufaetory manner. js ! ’*r ‘ , fmayfti t
1 JO HN B Yp XJ NO , ; >
in the Courtf'npaee,
. ' -i
I 11 *!*- a war P';
*c- £ e time ihe meana, ol
»ncr being put-to greifteipeuae through medi
.cal Mat Bj~e«oto«Wg *
.jS ■; ■ <mi Neuralgia. [' ~ |.,
-.■cliM‘eSthe a»-t ’• OITB ARTILLERY 18 ! ’
1 coa-i.. .DIL WMt B. HUR&% 1 J '
iws^" d *"“““r m ‘°’E rU ALtHEAv< i R Y.
Bcidk a rhysleiah inlt Uroggtrt, ifca pnMlc I . '. a cowrtir* nr or anmireaton " ■>
Braffifttoa" -TIUM’BETII./
A-eariety of otUef articles will atao be found ■ Purifying the Breath and Mouth
J Mf.W*. ’; ■'-']• . : v-i'; - > ;-...•! .!■■
Tea, Extract cf. Coffee, Jtosin Soap, ’ •:! : ' .r'v .A5D’ ,|v.
• 'Fahey Soaps, Port Motiie& Combs. r . j, • I
all articles for THE toilet. Toottache andTNeufalflia.
Spool cottqn,lealpencils,
:■■■ cap paper: w -j,
Qarlon' Oil i Lamps [and 1 Chimneys.
These ar! av few. of the artieles, and only a
few always on hand. CaH and see.
He will try, by dose attention and fair
dealing, to give satisfaction to all who may
favor hint: with their customi '
:B@uPhr ioiilarl attention will lie'paid -to
putting up Physicians prescriptions. : [ang27
II ix ip. a;n IWC Is e ry.
Jute I'ublUhedma. ScaledEnttlopr, Price f> ctt:
i lkctube |by Db!; culvErwell,
tomuca,' Consumption, Mental anil Physical
Debility, Nervousness, Epilepsy;' Impaired Nu
trition xif the Body; Lassitude; Weakness of
the Limbs and ti|c Back!;[ Indisposition,': and
■ Incapacityvfor stilly and] Labor; Dullness iof
A ppreh ension; Loss of Memory; Aversion to
•Society J Love* of Solitude; Timidity; Self
[ Distrust'; Dirtiness; Hcatluclic, Affections of
j the Eyes ;| Pimpleson the (Face; Involuntary
I Emissions,’ and Sexual Incapacity ; the 5 Conse
| qucnces _o£| youthful Indiscretion, Ato., &c., ; ■
j admirable Lecture clearly ; proves
that t lie above enumerated, often.seif-afflicted
evils, inayj be removed without medicine and
without, Dangerous surgical operations, and,
should bo read byi every youth and every man
: 'in! the’ lani|. ■ -j' ||. . f;'
' Sent tinder seal, to: any niilrcss/ in a plain
Sealed envelope, on the receipt ol six cents, or
dwi) postage stamps, by addressing* r
ij : 1 CIIAS. J. C. KLINE & CO.. .
V|E7 Bdivery.-New York,Post Office Bex,4sBQt j
llj, ;!] ; v/[
li»ve,a fmd‘liates, sorrows arid anger?
■ ■■"• - a f TTV i * »riAi’! lik “' u ‘‘’tl jfJRITi 4' GJiVh
hopes And fean,. regrets, npd joys;. MANr m,L LmA rJ»V--- .■; •;£ ... . .
HOOD,: h<lw lost, bow restored., ‘‘the nature, r ' ! t! >t ir
! md radical *euri of sjUmatetrhota h"l ■i ? “i 1P" 6 S'T WS
; or. «om «4 weakness.;,' ii.v AdntaVy eniissiehs, . r P Ci t - ",
sexuiilideljhliiy «iid:itop«lLen.a to,.2arri«ga. . x ?t , • 9rer i °f
I generally i VwroUdccV consumption, ’ Xr^bhliw- B^ ‘tM’-' 8
'pUysidn’l mcapicit v! resulting, from A 7 W v'>” * M * ;
fSELF-lAlJtSKiare 'fully explained in the W} e *l*K e *W*
i M4KiLWui-' 'nritivt iw w\i VmiKUt m -sn ■ 0 or their
! iVy , n L T L . r ' Ll^i 1 " ' l -| C!^®’'f L2 P’ excellence, while eminent %«mW4of ■Sew
extraordinary book should bo injtUo o 1
. hands ,of .wtungj-jterson contemplating the p f„ rtsiio ' n . Witllo u t j 0 f : advmis j
, ew»y, man or jonm* who de- ihg, havel S old'them f by I gi-oss. ,
! »»re* . f lt«rt the number , Tll e fcditor of the BrcokUm
I tte*rq disease ahd „ Wcnl L e i6 \ nmv ,-L
| ache incidental tojjfouth. maturity and old age. Hurd> bbecCeding .beyond -nU; ex AatiSnW
It I f «P 1 ? !n , cd; i evcry partielo of kiimvledgp with his iIOUTHt WASH and TOCiTH I><>W-
be kn#n . 9 here given It is fnl DER . rf* great aepre. of his. mitcess 'r&ta
pf engravings. In lacr, .t accrcfs ha wi , h t} c , J ct Mai ; hikrlicle, dre Oeieclv ,r hit
every spne ahoulil know; stil It is a took-M they ar 4 relented to be, a, ice can U/.V'>ia
.must ije lacked up! nndinot he about, the housed the\r lolig u\e'' i*‘ J
;lt will tttjanyj <Webn the repeiptjof * Tbe Well known P. Bariuini Writes: --I
iwenty-fivjß CcnU ,in postage stanipsi fotod your TOOTH POWDER eb tobd that my
i . 1 S P ruce «- fafjiily nave used it all up. VTe'Snk it the $,«
! ,v ~ ■ i - pomlerM the teeth icehare ever Iced.. I shall
I **T no matter. What 0bUg4 ,,.. if vou w!n gelld!nje a „i 6th( . r
may be-your pW ****>, ply at the'Sluseun, at your ciinvenliiicc. with
■; sell under tbccare olj'toyifdf thonotonous •, , , ' | j“ ■•••
i this: or any. other paptr of hr te9t ,, DmUer for himse „. ' F y , y
Joung a book, and read .t carefully. lt wdl Beware of the ordinary Tooth Powders.
WiToo» h :.Poo 4 W..^Ui n B" l >o acids.!
yotar. mwnnjr «w Itw. •. nor alkallij nor charcoal, and polished without
L?%!.>PlAO«mn be conmlted onany of the wearing tile enamell Uselo other! j
; dweases deaenbed in. h.s publication .at: his >VHAa i wj tli DR ;, HURD’S REMEDIES
i omcc,v4lb Spruce Street, abovcir ourtn, Plnla- > Ah 1 EEFFCT* !
1 «®-Office Ircrni 9to 3, daily. [mat-C , D r. Huriil a Month Wath aid -Too
' ‘.'(---4y-fr x~r sb\ -y-r tn: t h / will gire jjoung ladies that finest cli
|.ST ri vJv rj FNI IVV ,nian—aspect breatli and pearly! t
liioilbi-CillS iiliillE .m i„
j i; will cleanse the mouth from all .foil
: MAN UFAC rORY; ' tions, andjif the morning.
N()S. Wr east TWENTY-THIRD STREeY,' B^3f«V h t-.
' ,;si, ?"cEXTK?slm TA! 'l'''s 1 ''' 5 i
i | ■ j? . . Dr. HurjJ's Mouth Wash and Too!
EflTAo|LkansD 188^,. N. vl‘j RSTAnusfciD 1838. ‘ are'the the best preparations in the
Establishment lias bepn in successful curing bad breath and giving 6rni
I operation fori24 ycarsy and is.theilargest health tn the gums. jHundrcdSj Ol
of I fie kind in the United! State?.' AVc hate bn l idding Gum*, Sore Month
hand <>r mamifactiire toorderevery description c *> kave been cured by Dr. Hurd !
of Eookiug'glass.; Picture and Portrait Frames, wash. * • .’ j
Plain and Ornanipn,tal Pierf:Wall,Oval;&Mah- ,^ r .* Hurl’s Mouth Wash and Toot
tel Connecting Cornices,-Base! aijd 1 aii additional charm to court
Bracket with. Mak-hle Slabs, Toilet • make busbanda; more apeeablfc tqtli
Glasses, &c., &c; J&c. Mouldings for Picture' wives itu th'ejr husbands. ; Tlieyf
Frames, in lengths suitable for transportation, UBe d ,by every person hiaving t
either Gilt, ;Berling, Rosewood, Oak, Zebra, Jl. . - v * r
Birdsoye, Slahogony, &c. iOur new mahiifac- which are,|liaolcto;impait atamtto'tjhernbnth.
tory snd extensive facilities euable us toifnm- Dr, Hurd s.Xootlurche Drodps curc ’-Tobth»
.ish atiy article’ in bur Une^ ds good as the best, ac^e a rlsing from .exposed nerves,: and the.
4nd ns .cheap as the chcapbsfy\i< ' ' best tbat parepts canthave in thehbose
' Dealers are invited to Ml upon US cMldreif froni tbrturednd them
p&n they vißlt New Tor” to he ****■s**[ olwß and_ *uf
ahlc to onpply to supply them with every arti- * ri ”B- | - ■ ;- '■ -
cle in oiiV line which they cairpussibly purchase , F»r«cra and mechan,ca 1 af
elaewbere 1 ’ . ford to neglect your teeth. Foi a trifling sumo
10? Orders by mail attended tb' with
promptness. DoSbtfail to call when you visit Rothschiiaor - Astor can get nothing , better.
New York * - ~ J ! Remembcij that Dj/ytptut-and Coimimjttion 'of
opcci Warerodmlyb. 2li Centre SUV. ilt Te*«u
iiatjlii'l!' it ctpt rc’ a *!' ccnu foc thc Twfl/jw oi i Teeth , And road Dr..
xr - « _ ~O“ |A CE , v -ISIGLER, Aptnu H , ch> observations ori this subject,;, If too;.
.ia< y, j °s. - I| ■, ■ late to arrest decay ia.yoiir own iocth, save’,
your children’s ■ I ’/
Neuralgia NeuiAdhesiv<:Plastere arc
pleasant anil successful rcmeJies evcr preseri
cd for this painful disease. The patient ap- 1
plica one, soon bfcomes drowsy, fulls asleep, 7
and awakes free from paid*, and ho blister! or ;
other unpleasant or injurious consequences en-'
sue. For'Earache and Xerrous headache, ap- |
ply according to directions, and! relief will
surely follow. Nothing can bc obtaincd cqiial
to Dr. Hard's Compress for Neuralgia. Try
|them! They arc ditirely'a novel, curious and
j original preparation, and wohdcrfullyfiuccebs
fnl. They are of two sixes, one srim’llj for the
face, price 15 cents, and the other large, for
application to the body, price 37 cents, • irH/
be mailed on receipt of price and one elijinip, \ p
The American people are intelligent enougb jo
appreciatepreparatiuns that contribute bo much
to happiness of those using them, end they
wont them. < Every inail.brings its letters, some
ordering the Treatise on some the Neu
ralgia Plasters, and not! a few enclosing 3rets,
for the Sleuth Wash, to ;be sent by mail; bat.
-to these We are compclledto reply that, ii lis
impossible to send a half T pint bottle by mad.
The people want these | Remedies,- , H’Ao uill
npplf ihemf ' i 1 ‘i|
,•, Now is jthe.'- : V p/ ■ ; ... •rj ■
- Shrewd agents can make a small fortune'in
carrying these articles around to families. Th«
Dental Tfeasury is the neatest article' that t
man or woman can cany . around, ’ Send foi
one and see, or,; better, a ddien,' which Wt
will sell, as for S 7. Agents supplied
liberally circulars.; tfsS“ JJow is the time
to to go iiito thebusiness, to do good, andmakf
a profitl We are spending thousands for tht:
benefit of agents. New England-men or wo
men! here is something nice, and a chance to
take the tide at its flood.-; Address, H Ij
i WM. B. HURD & C0.,->
Tribnneßnildingaf New (Tort |j
That remittances may. be made with confi
dence, W. B. H. & Co.. refer to the .Mayor of
Brooklyn; toG.lW.Griffith,President.Fannw
Crs'and'Cititens Bank, Brooklyn: to Jot. Coa.
\ , . ■
, K
D andelion:o bfleej.
THIS preparation, madejfrom the best Java
Coffee, is recommended by physicians as
era! Debility,’ Dyspepsia alia, all billions disoir-i
dera. ("Thousands who havobeen compelled to
abandon the use of coffee, will use this with
out injurious effects. One can contains the
strength of two pounds of ordinary coffee.
Price 26'cents. . ; '■
'jest and best BAKING POWDER
inakiug light, sweet and nutritious
Calces. ] .PriceaW cents. • ~ ~
itured by I j' , •
M, H. KOLLOCK, Chemist,
of Broad and Chestnut streets, .
)jr all. Druggists' jind Grocers. , '
Employment SlOO
The pa
known, (jjrj
Bread and
id sold b
m»r2B *1
■!- -I r„] 'i; ■ : '
uio fqh tthe
W 1 (A SjtW ENQLAItf)! '
'act tiring C ompany.i
•" one! hundred >pcr tent.; on all/ goods
Bold by bur . Agents,, jor we trill pay wages of
'from SSO to $lOO pen month and pay a!l ne
cessary V,expenses. : |For particulars address
wilb stamp, *.j • ,!~
.. ' V CHAS. RUOGLES* Oen. AgTt,
For the Adams Manufacturing Co,. Detriot,
Michigan. ! 1 '| ( July 2, 1862. ;
Jan. 20, TBfi2
" Hoiase,:
No. 107 Street
wo®d ajto mabkit) rj j :
r- ■ : Term*. Very. Xweretft,.. t . •, ,
H i[■ A\l- l
'l'i. ,i
jnu Bugu\.cafUL -.fSikjtmi tad*
i ' a i War ,c/ Eziemmaiion aganut Ba
ly OC- ; ■ ' ' ’ Bad Breath, Diuaud lO’
'j ’■■■ 1, Toothache, £atacHe ; \'
1. y
'■ t
Dr. Hurd’t Celebrated HO UiTH WASH, int
ioWs.: - .■ 't.L
■Dr. Hurdt Unequalled TOOTH POODKR,
one hoi, - /' V /f
Dr.' Hu;
one bottle.
Dr. Urn
t MARITAL on tle B/st
Dr. ffuri
( . Mont* |
\Trtstreing Ott Teeth, including Directions Jot the
Proper Treatment of Children’s Teeth.] I '
FLOSS SILK for Cleaning between theTteih.
TOOTHPICKS, etc., etc- : \ ■ i
Fropafeu at. Dr, Hurd’s Ueutal Office 77
Fourth fet.l Brooklyn, (E. "l).j ■ „ i I.
'Price, OyE VOLLAR ; or S/j'ss. ■
Dental TVeatwy makes |d package'
eight, inchiesjiy five, aipiiis Kent ■
1®" /or i ue is\on tach ’prticlf j
Thcafoll6wirig|articlcs we can send Separate
ly. by mail, viz:. t
; The Treatise on Preservin'?'iheTeedskui, post
paid, on receipt of-Twelve- cests,- or four
stamps. • | '*» -1, ; A
The Sen 'alyia Plaster, for Neuralgia in the'
i Face, v Jierrous Headache, aiid£aiWbe,,Bent‘
sosl paid, on receipt of ,Eighicai„ CcriU t > or si
stamps.-' I' -v , "■ ■\ n
The -A fit 'dlgia atut Rheumatic Pliisier{{ large
size)* for 1 ams in the Chest, Shoulders, Hack,
or any par, af the bwlyj senCpost paid, olive*
ceipt of Thirtysei'tn cents. r I t ■ _
Address,!. . J, *
: j r Tribune liuilttinr/x, Al
sent by mail. Inil they cnnprobal
tained at your Drug or Periodica) i
they cannot;' send to!us for the;
TIU-Ab'UKV, Price, Onb Dollar! y
tainaHhem. ■ v >: : I'
f: now, ]
uie*d- pae? nu
■AJad jDlntinfent;
A LL.WHOl»VeFriei>iUii)d EeUtireslnUie
} " :t 'wiai&fcc-Vlcai* l
Anny KfcTj-, ihofald especial CarH
tu»tticjr.l>c atuplysupjdicd iuthi those Pilii
andOintroenl ;abdwhere ttb briVe Soldiers
andiSailors have neglected to provide thoiu
gelrjtfi with them, no better present can be sent
them by their friendsC' Thty hnVe ticeii prov
ed. to be the Soldier's nc<er-t»iliu); friend in
the hour of need. . !i ~. •
, - Will be speedily reuiOTei.and effectually. .
cured by using ti.icsc admirable medicines, and
by paying proper,attcntiOnyv' .Ruajctious
which are attached to esbh I’bt or Eos. -
These feeling* whjcii li» t
arise from- trouble or annoyances. 6hsii(a i~.r
perspiration, or ealing ami utinkme; ;
is unwholesome,.thus lieaiijliXvjJ,
faction of the'liver ami siopiuch, c ' The|& orV ■'
gans must be relieved, if yon desire to hOvcll;
1 The I’illsj taking'according fo'ihc' printcil.iii
atructions, will quickly a produce a healthy: j;
action in both liver and stomachy and" ai ft
haturul cousequcnce a clear hcad.uudgcod ap
petite. : . at' '' 1 :I■ ' ' ('
(tan* qj
.4*Cf).UU uui/.
j Will Botin disappear by-lhe ftSft of ibepe in
valuable I’illsV and the Soldienwill quicklylac
;<|uji c additional sti-cngl li. Ncvrir let the bow
els lit? eithcrebafined or unduly acted iupoii,.
It strange Jthat jlollowny’sl Tills
should be recommended for ■ Itysentorv and
Flux, many persons snipposingt
increase the relaxation; J This is a imis-i
take, for these jPills wilftprrect the UvcpjiVnd '
stomach arid ihus.rcmovo all tlic acrid huiriors
from the .system; - This rccdiciiie will give tong ]'
ami,vigor to the whole organic system ho.wri v ,-' e
fit uerallgcd, iwhilc health arid strength follow' S
■as a matter of bourse. Nothing will stop (Ji?;,
relaxation of. the 'Bowels' sersure .as thiai fuiti--'
ous medicine. !;. I. KidA'c
Tio.vs ok youth. ;,.. s r
Sores and Ulcers, Watching's and
| can with certainty be radically' cured ;lf ! Hie
; Piils are,taken, night’ arid morning, anil iViif
| pintincrit he freely Used as,stated
led instructions. If treated in any other.,mSu-,'
j ner they dry up in one part to break Am Lin cS?
: other. Whereas this Ointment'' wifi leiuovc
■the humors system,and l'atient
tient a rigorous Tt wili re- :<
quire julittie pcrsevcfaricc ut bad'cases io'lif- ■
srire n lasting cure. . '■; ' ■' • ~
LET. SORES Olt'BKUlSjfS;'.. -: f, , ; j-r/i
To iiii'd Sailur a-i;c liahle v
therc are no-'riiedicinSs Vo safe, sure arid con- ■
venient as -Holloway's Y-fllaand ointment... The
I jioqr .wounded and .almostdying .
! hare his wounds dressed ■ fmiuediitcly?’ ITT#' :
woiihl only provide himself witlithiS match-, "
p leas Ointment, which should he thrttat into lha
wound .and smeared, all around it , iberi Covered ■
' with'a piece nf lindri from his knapsack, and
| Compressed vwiiji a“ handkerchief,; T*£jojp--. ■'
f-night-aiid' riioriringG or 8 Pills, to "cool thesjs-.;
| tem and pi event diiflamation. ;,-. - .
j Every ’Soldifer's knapsaok; and iSfcilnJan’it ’
chest should he provided with these’ valuable
■’Remedies. 'is 1 «- | V
I , CAUTION , —None arc gcriuirie on leaf'
I the words •/Viotfotci/t/j Artr l\/k and'Loudcp,’’
I are disccrna)ble "as.a waier-itark in crcty letf ”
, of, the hook of directions around" cScU pet cr
i host 'he same may ho plainly seen by fioldinjt
\ the tenf to ihi light, _ A handsome reward wilt '
i.he given to any one rendering,
j tion as may I tool to the detection of l anv pan v
|;or parties'cQuuteriejiingliteuicdicineS-Oi Tciid- '
j ing pic sanies knowing them to "he spnfiotts.
I * Sold;\rit\tlie Manufactory /if, PvofeSsoc
Jloi,T.owAy, 80 Maiden Lane? New iYork. and
by all respectablWDruggists land jDcaiers in
! Medicines, throughout the civilized world,' .in '
. bares at. Wi fi'd ci r.rq and Sf each-'..'
t is conpderablejSaving h^ilakiri^
the larger sizes. \
: N. B.—Direct ions (for the guidance of pa'-' •
ientsiin every disorderareaffiried to each box?
May,7.’ ' ■■ '-eT 1
V fO. f ‘
\lew York ,
{cannot j-be
;jblj* .bc ob-
Stotcs* jlf
which con
!/■' ..-i..'
• h Powder,
i arm in w.o
•dth. Tryi
•; \MiIK. S . '
(Quarterly Mirror ol a PasMonarj
lh Powder.
il esliaU j
will tnaVe
day begin
srspns! can
■il. -
h Powder
world;, for
ißcss i and
f biases iof
(fi'M GtrtU Improcr'rmnts nnd'AdfUHons,
V ■ _ fa TTER.XS of DRESSED; 1
,1 : T , COMPRISING Tilt
: New French IVaist, an Eleeant Sleeve. und a
Misses, Sack. an<l a Sheet of New !
V: ‘”, ■!)nil Beautiful ■
Together with nearly IfK) Engravings of>>
' - ' . all, the novelties for/ ■;
Summer Bonnets, Cloaks,-Trimmings, /
Children’s Dresses, &0,, ; > X
And. .valuable, information to .Milliners. Dress
Makers,,Motherl and; Ladies -generally; vije- ;
scntiiig the % largest and 'best Fashion Maga
zine in .tl|HWorld, published dTS'/Broadway. /
K. ,T.\ amr sold,.'everywhere at 123' cents; 4>r ;
aetrifiby mail, posyVcejSon receipt of rhe i ettiit.‘- 3
I in-atamps or silver; Vcur £l,(jo with ibe lot- /
j lowing'..valuable pretjtiuni. : '• "
lasEitCh yearly subaoriher will be entitled lo.a
j rftceipt fpr the eele'c|ioii"'of 50 cents
plain patterns, from Hhe designs in the boolj,
or iVom?.tlip.. show room, -or' they' may bo/pry-,,
dered and sent by mail any time' dtiHng lie./
-ysar, by paying postage. j ,■ f ,
, lnducements to Canvassers.
No. now reticiv. “
Ib!. Powder
ship, and
i should be
" 3ST-.e w Grpocl^?!!;
'8 . 5 : s'. K A ; )s'G Ivit.J
BHdgejvatcr,^ -
■,-,. ' *. '®" 1 '" f 1 . * i. •:
HAS just, received a .Were assortment* of
Av.hich will o!forei at PAXTC PRICKS.
Amongst his Hock can, at all fiirfiis. be found•
h variety-of " , ‘
. SIEHV. &c:. See.- .
IRON A STEEL, all varieties;,
NAILS bv. the pound or i
. WINDOW GLASS, aU'sizes;.' V " ’ >
All of which will he sold Aon- 1 for Cash,:w.r ',
Country Produce. , [. \
Bridgewater. Mar 7. 18t52. 1 —V,; .
Wm-MilleS, Phil....C. W Bicketsos, PitisVg ’ /
mmm grocers,
Brandic|, Wines and Segars,
223, Cor. oJ/Libtrty ic Irwin tit:-
■ iMTTSBUiIft, Pa. ;
Iron, Naila, ton Vara. &c., &0., constantly
■■ -on Land. a [anjti -
' I IMssoliition
f 1 1HE l\crel oford exists ngUn-
I dcrthe name arid style of .M’Coxseii &
tMttitAQns, Fallsibn, engaged intheToundry
and Machinb BuMncssvwas duly dissolved'on
Ibe 3d day ofJnne, 1802.. The books of tie
late .firm atilt be settled byM. Darragb & Co.j
at their office ia Falhton, Bearef
where they willscontinae said business in,all~
Its Branches. ATI persons knowirigtheraselres -
indebted to the late firnj trill pletsc cull and'
acttle immediately. .DAYXBSL'COKKEIX,
; 1
' **6l