reefer 8 - BEAVER fefc lift, 1868. D. L.;JM'blfuE, Editor 4 Proprietor: I S, M. P.entenglil it Go., 'jib. VtPurk ifsw.’iv.' Stale if., Boitoie are bur iVgelils' for the Aaccs initboge cities,' and «re authorized to take Advertisements and Subscriptions for ua at cuiLouratKaiel. I SALUTATORY . The andcrsfgncdhavini' purchased the interest of Mr. XicirdisoN in the Argus, will hcrtfceforlfiassume ibo ed itorial.conlrol!of the,paper, i , Oh entering upon the duties of editor of the at the present time, one cannot hurt be aware that the respond sibilities” aiT thogipo^libn;havc b£cn largelj* increased 1 by the.state of our •National affairs; yet, with a firm reli aneo upon the justice of our'cause, it U believed that we may meet and dis charge those responsijbilitiesj in a raan : nef that may-never cause ns to blush Afgv* has ■ heretofore-done,, sufdain, to ihe nt'mosfcof its power, the principles laid down by the Founders Of our Government; and so> long as ■ onr present Chief 'Magistrate shall be ; faithful to* those, principles, wo shall continue jro give Tiim unqualified support. were*opposed to the ■■T' both in its In -1 V-ce^tlon 1 and in its ’oseeution, we may prc anc ...» nan.. stating . pay that wo' are in favor of having it pardon •p£jfeFendants ! before ‘ tria| —- put down, , with ary'Snd every means it may seem strange to some that law*, that God hast placed in pur;power.— Riding citizens wdnld; sign a petition ' i Believing tjhaE%ympatliy. withTreasoji asking the Goyernoi : interfere She Traifprs TsrSlfmowise' Belter,, ol* fore trijit, and'4p&rdQn 'll® pjefendainte- T more honorable, than Treasdn itself, known whetlicrthey were WeshallJenopncQ it. wiicrever found, not ; before they have badjan i : .- wtiether inj;4hp‘personof a General ini opportunity of establishing their jin the army, or imibecojiirnns of ; a so-: nocence, as we they : called ißefnobratiC' newspaper. i: j niay be able to do, if ■ ever ' tried. -!a1- . neyer in pol-flowing, liowever, that "to be proper, i-t-j Icy Sf' treatinrgjho rebellion in a mild! we find on reading the petition, ifs.e^ ' blit think It should bo crush^jforth for truth that which is_ entirely opposed to disunioiryatid shail never ; have 110 doubt were not awacp of this, - - to thei' fdr.mation of -ijwO-goW but two or three of | them living in ernments oiijthis soil. • .JiVcd)pfeve j lhisj)orough must have known thatf ! that tlie rebels can be 1 -wd, believe that they will be. We are, 1 For instance they ' say Sheets was therefore, opposed to all coinpromises-j found in a room very easy oi access of every kind,-and-- hpld every the outside. Sohie vof the pet«: that advocates any andevery kind of ■ tioheis living in the borpngh surely coniprohiisiy with armed ,rebels, ’its s|n ’-kYiSw thatps not true. Om gaid pfetb enemy to..his government. -.' W^ : bc-i tipn, accompanied with letters, expdtie, Hove that those who- cry : out that] the Legislature isinduced r “they for putting down the rebel- I The Bill was rushed through the Sen -1 ion, biit that if Negroes are ' itn .fin-iityiUnv shal£*:iwlt.” “and those ,-U was in- contemplation; and sent to willfighTfor the Union 1 (.1,6 reported from the cbm. : in asjvpll iis all wll< pished in the House the day :it I ; loyally fa in lb e -least*- conditional-; j|g Hr. Cxiti, from Fayette, a! Tbi no'sense for the Union at all, and of the Bill andfbnr I : >ndght: |ist ns well bp IbiOeflV Davis j%ei»W. .Sr. H.pijryrilfeed a poBtp|6ne:.| -as. oncOrj- •-rrTnenl to give time its. :-V '-T-he: ; «bovb \vc! conceive to be Drat they mjg&xhavi! an j : . _.idem .to indicate! the position which j opportunity to amend. jsjAlthouj;b it j V' ' the,: Argils- will assume, under the nmn-1. was there was n()\need -fpr I present editor,■ ip rc-J snc j, haste, their requests, cdktniry tdj g:ird affairs. .. - fall usage and decency, wererefused 1 , 1 Bettering that the administration j yhoconduct of the House is Without •$% |ifGov.!Curtin has city neatly wise Poisoned by. falsiehpbdi f’’ patriotic, we shall aSs&catoj the j and misropresentation, they iWouliT I,; i voiitinuance 1 of the same policy ipotSyait for light and truth tbj roaeh V - that has marked his ,ivas asked (for op, ? : The Argjis will, however, b% rafK&lhe i 'grounds; .partly. -JKhld ever, ' • exponent:'of pr j heard or -politics ha,d Shy r- w-o sliallplways bo ready ! 0 Hitgtum j thing to do witb ? Hbecase. The do-' 1 'X- ahd co-operate jcjiidcrats j'fch'dahW arc - Their ag -Uassachuselts, Dickinson politics were not know n—'boing women. ’y ofVjjfew'Vork: Hickman c ‘ Penn%l Did any one care what' tbrnr , politics var.ia, an J .hosts of other; who are Cr g y Have politicsanythipg to do tbij thc- Unipr. yfo with-the case ? Howu-idiepbim! The that'sjpairty < nr rpes' .often man whomakes use of spc-h-aii an d that j)£ciizau Cdi- mentis a mean, low poliliciati a tors 1 ' arc! trequentl led * ” froin p- ' t»i r ,eq_. jr 'by k" ; success.: With the Argu - . . shall always be for therigl we believe to-be Widngt y ’ -hesita'-or to iji «i ,■4- 4»y.seti).f men; whatever, ? ‘ views arid Opinions, the ed i ?. the* control of the Argus, t j % shah, have thecountena | jjprtof all the loyal. cUizt / bounty. ’ - •’ 4. " : • •In our iritercoursewltl hi brethren; -we shall ’' I.'fr:. m • - , inaintain-the'same dignifi teoas demeanor that has a aetcnzed this journal unde] proprietors. 'V'"D.-. ijf-' i We learn from respondent that Rev. D.r; Stori lain ot tho'l34th Reg.'sa yolL ,-!■ at Lw'homß. placeToWrlu I■* of-Wit hes^t|>,\ j ports that &d: .E (Catpt. ||L- excellent Health, anti as brave b* ' r are intelligent The Dr.rbrings 'vf/fcim about six thousand , dollar* Aj\ " 4 -lEfiends in the' regiment; O^Cnpiain , Vera/hc spraks in the highest terms r a& an offieeltand soldicr; and thai Boa ver county may vfell be proad of CpS - E fifid its officers! Ro.returns to iJS ' repment'On the 18tJ> or I9th, • : V V ■ J®*Oor thanks are due Hjtk John W. Wallaces for'vjttaable Public Doc uments. We are'also tions to Senators Lawrence. M'Ctiita- ’ less, Bound, Bbngliter, Robinson,-Con' , Wm. " Hour}’ of tb« House. ._y,- -jr ■4‘tQetr -f _' AR ÜB. : i Wo noiiced lasi weekthat aBUI before oar State. Legislature prop©*- to change the Venue i,n the Caw lat the commonwealth vej'lTrs. Barker let al-, froetsthis county io Fayette.— ■ Thb BUI has "since, boUi Hous es, and may be it has, orwill he, sign, iedby the Governor, thne making: it a; j law. We have heretofore refrained j | saying auythig about the guilt or in ' ndcence of these -parties, notwith-i standing the false assertions of inter ested persons to the contlnry, and we will not in write or publish I anything to prejudice theminds of,the against them. Our sympathies I and feelings are" all with - them- K | would-be bXcecdingly'gratifying tp us lif they shoal'd establish , their- inno cence, and we would fain hope that they may be able to do so. Living in the bordugh, and: knowing/the defendants for a long' time,,our preju-: dices, if'we bave'any, are entirely in' their favor.; But as the Bill just pas sed reflects upori the county, the man lier in wh|ch it was passed, so unusual [for Legislative bodies, amjthe means employed, by certain persons sp on principled, that we deem it our duty to acquaint om readers with the facts, ilerc we might sqy that so far as the dcfecridanlß were instrumental in ac complishing it, we have no complaint to make-isA. petition was id a few nartics obtained, asking 'the -‘ y hd zeal for >■, the, atm t; and what o shall not y party, or With these; tor assumes rusting-tbit ncelgid sup iis of onr editori- ndeavor to id and ceiur- Iways thar- - its former iiIBRIE. mhloot cpr ;er,Ch|p: arrival ' *eßday He re-. ii) is in i, they with rs' f' Change bfVenne dishonest man, evert'ifhould. -r; JB name' be Cyrus Pershing. Vi-by would one political newspaper persecute, them ? ilow absurd-! Hem - Cyrus. Per shing, member from Cam bha couhtyV made a length}- speech which we puf& lish on: the outside-jof qur| pager of. this week, and to which' we destrSYd' call the attention of our readert.r* % i i • This Pershing is a lawyer of some reputation in his own county • fjrebe [ lieve, studied with lodge Black (now happened to got to the Legislature; he makes a sjkjeoh neaW. ly every assertion oft ttessays that Mrs. Craft waaJs&JEjttsj burg-,at the time of the "arrest of Sheets,badJbeen-fbr some time before, and remained'there lor some time af- \ . J JfBr. That is, untrue. Ha says'that ' there is a great excitement and preju dice in Beaver county against the de fendants. That is equally false.— There w«s no excitement .or prejudice agaiqst,. the whatever. jWe but speak truth when we say that in stead of a lfeeling against, them here, there^waeff styong ieeling in their, fa wonl(|||>tt!*e strong er,evidence to liave convicted them here than ever was "required in the case of any other criminals. He as-, serts'again tbatjthe Juiy found bills of indictment! against the. hoys, to prevent their be coming .witnesses. That:'attacks the. j honesty ahd integrity- pfHwenty 01 jraoro of oor.tapt citise'nsiand for them i we:pronoonce tbajcbarge false and. ..fgunditlon, in truth. rAguo, be says they conld fidt'hnve a .fafr trial here. That at- tacks the Coart. the Bar, the Jaryf •ad the people, •nUii equally untrue, ffej. again enyis this; lady hair bwx> the subject'oftiliack .through a political news paperin Beaver county,’’ \ r • < ! ancMliat every.effort has been made to arouse public opinion agitnst 'her.' In this the Son. (f) Cyrus Pcrshl.ig. either ignorantly orwilfully, stated a paipabiej^alsohocd.. ? Any dplnlru giv en by any newspaper in this country. was in their favor. All spoke of their high «f u their inteUi gence and- goodf itahdi'ng in society.'—^ Then, bow could this gentleman fro# Cambria make such a declaration on thojloor of the House oMtopresenta tives t ■ The ungenerous and unman ly attacks” made on thuiJßoor of the .House, “onghttp bring a blush to the check of ibo man capable of perpe- trating them." He ; also says that there is ho Hail Bead communication between Beaver and Washington, i In this hhis mistaken. Now this man says begot bis information (rather mis-inbjpmation) from correspondents in Briwdk. Who can this correspond- ent bo. that attacks, the Grand Jury, District Attorney, Court, Bar, Petit Jury and people generally, charging jthemwith falsehood Corruption i and tyranny ? C With whom is ho acquaint} ed here and with whom docs he cor respond ? Many of our readers, we presume, know! It was- upon such false assertions tbd Bill was passed— an outrage and disgrace upon Beaver county. This outrage and disgrace was perpetrated by citizens of Beaver coujity, and as Pershing Cam/Hopkins, Ludlow and others en tgaged to perfect it. Will-the people ■of Beaver county jforget|it? , editor, qt the ■ Star is very indignant, and spreads himself won derfully, about the Sjfrest of Soileau, of the Philadelphia Evening Joutnal, foi writing and publishing treason. In this case Ml. Boilfeau’s fricnd»?aro mui£h more exercised than he ia .him self. In fact, be admits in bis retrac tion to Gen. Schenek, which 'the Star, designedly, we,presume, omits to men tion, that the arrest,,was Just. Why. then, ddqathe the Star got into terrible rage-? Is he mbre interested, bottcrjndge of treason, right and ’Wrong,| than, the principal himsclf—Me. T .In his article •the editor uses ■ this re ‘ e ave read or that is the ! arrest was made, and “while w]n>«nnpf: «ppnw« or endorse .not think it dauhin t»vn p '‘pliobablo cause’lor arrest'.’’ Tfthere j j is any one doubted before the legality jof the arrest , they need do so no more. The editor of the Star can’t endorse Mr. Boileaii’s article 1 Is no*, that ev idence enough to,, convict any inan ? |We are surprised, and gratified like-' i wise, to learn that our neiglihor could i not go quite so far as some others of I fhis party. There is really a length, j he won’t go against the I government. It isj- really encoura ging! beg leave to change ■'him, slightly. Mr. Boi releSse, says in bis ed s retraction was volnn i aTJriioniDemocrat.and s as the ono'ln s queWion find a place iiHns pa per 'Vy nssecj since the retraction, and avowal- ot‘limon sentiments,. Mrvj trends Bd the'Lcgislatnre, who were so much outraged at his ar rest, are now equalJyNxUidignant aji hiihj-and many of them refuse fiPUike liis'papcr longer. He avowed himself a union man, anil they again f him. We expect the Star wil its readers next week of his conver sion |o liepnblicaniam. i . When a man j once declarWhimsolt intercourse j with Democracy ceases. " . The "editor of the Star is mistaken when bo says tbo Lcgislaturd'passed lesolutions condemning tbo arrest.— They passed nonsuch resolutions.— Again, he jitatos ..the Court ordered the to prepare bills of indictmdbt against• Gen. Scbcnck and others. iJudge Ludlow made that 'order, but 1)0 was only one of throe, and the other two > different order. " - 1 ■ jgrThe 'editor of the Star is great- * ly exercised about arming thenogroes- 1 4t is a fearful thing, baiu’t it, Brother , Long? Niggers were’not made to ■ be killed. It is.much betler to "make the white soldiers-do all jthe fighting —do all the the work and undergo all the hardships. . They are jhsttoade for itfand we ftro ndl going; to allow any others to interfere. What if the negroes could save 2- the lives of. fifty thousand white soldiers, it would not be right to allow tlTetn to do it. Anig ger shan’t save the life of a white man, no how. Wj» suppose Hr. Long, if he was drowning, would droirn rather than let a nigger rescue him So you would: Mr. Editor there is nothing like assorting your rights,and showing ydur superior! ly over others.. ' Board dr Revextje CommissioKees. —The members of the. Board ,of ReMM& Conindssidners the year .18»e observed that the Spoilt ■*r-.w§* perfectlj Wtbome.whilst sit ting in' the and. in our'inter* coarse with the members of.the SsutOi we fbund that Mr Lawrenes w« ad mired a* a all, both Repub licans and DemoyMts.. Be is thor ougbly versed i n pkrjjsmentary rules, sagacious and possessing, the respect and qbufidenee, of alt the mem hers of the body oyer which 1 he piesides.He is nowSetring! for the .aslegislator. .• The pMpWwbtni ho hits sodong and faith ially repfesented,: roost truly appre ciatfchia services. We have known ibrliycaw, and can bear testimony, free from/all t>ias, when we..sayjth^sj^.'is honest as a representative, afl&blennd. courteous as a'gentleman, aid Warm-hearted as i n friend; and he holy represents the peculiarities of fitness .which appears to bare been inherent in the Law rence family in tbo Senate as its That body could not have better select tion for the position Ho is still a ris ing man. t }ffo congratulate our old friengayatid associates of the Senate in of. one so /eminently qualified to preside oyer theirdelitor : ations. p &•! . BQuWo commenced in our last pa per, and continue in this, iho publica tion of the Receipts and Expendi tures of Beaver • Codnty. Tijc state ments are worthy'tbo close attention out of our lpborof the Commmissioners and Txeasuidr, du ling the past year, has been been ve ry arduous. In addition to, their or dinary duties the payment of Bounty and disbnrsingthe Belief fun : d ; added almost onc ; half tnore. Tb§ Commis sioners discharged their duties with Credit to tbemse^Y es to $9 f?. 1 ' 8 faction of tbe citiscna of the ; county, Mr. Biadshaw, our excellent Treasu rer, has displayed great energy and capacity m the llerformance othisdug ty. , He left nothing! undone, ;np duty unperformed thai was required of hi m, and we interests; of the peopleiSbWtkpartment lire safe' in his bands. Wo were also fortu ualv i.®f Aiuli. tors. They labored faithfully and notwithstanding as we stated above, the increased Jnhbr ibey •flpsed this work in about the usual lime'.; The peo ple of Beavei county bfivc been very fortunate in thjh selection of officers generally. A good recommendation; lor tho party from whom they were taken. . Jj] H ; ,1 . ~, ' Harrisburg ' Correspondence , Haebisbcro, FcK! 6,1863. M a Editor : — The doings of the Legislature the: present week may be briefly told. A nan’ named Boilcau, an editor of a paper in Philadelphia, was arrested for hia lreasonable teach ings. So soon aS ! bikhi ethisrn ( in feel ing, in the Hoard of hisuirest., there:was quite a flutter among the Kanes, Ludlows,lß6yerS, &c., &c., ! a resolution mijst be'offered, of course, it is not sufficient, it.would seeni, that such New Sewickly tp k’ George ItoMp, Christian Black,; Tbonms Boggs, JaniesFeazel.l . j . J - , f ’ New Brighton bor: James- Boggs; David Magaw|, -Wi Ham Bcabout (Joig: Champion. ' i ■ H Economy tp: Henry AvßrvanyTbpß. Wait, 'i r- J • ' r\.| A-U Fallston bor: R.;D. Cooper, David Johnston, James Hayden. ! ,li I ■ ■ 1 Hanover tpl; Jos. Cooley,' Da-Vid D.; Duncan, John A. Gibb, William Hice, Jr., David'Stever.s.. ,’: J,’ ■ i•" ,■(•■ ■: . Brighton tpl Andw Carothcrs,George. Barclay: v '.' 'r ‘.-i -. Marion tp: Jacob Dumbacher. -j I tp ( ; George Greer. Raccqon to: Samuel GorraJy, Sami. Kennedy, John Reicd. | j -f |j Greed tp: David ;Ki rr! Jr.. Michael C. Eerlyj. lira. J.-| Sterling, ■' Jr., Henry Co'yab.j BenJan#nfLan-rciicJe.' Industry tp 1 ; John I Wil*oii. j John I Jackman,j Benjamin Tot’d, Ch'arljss Hays, John Mason. ’ ' I ;■ ;: - North Sewicklytp William M’Croary, Hugh Wallace, Isaac Ilnzeii. I ,1 Hookstowii bar : William -Miller,. Samuel H. Witherspoon ;, . ; ; Franklin tp: Josjeph Phillis: j; i ■ ■Rrifige.watdr Bor John A. Rmv’un.; Itofchestcr bor : John Slilesi •. | j Big Beaver tp : L Rohert Wiley. , . Borough tp: Amos Doutt. , Hai mony lp ; William Gull. : ■c •PaUerson tp: Charles Kiittz. !• Ie&”. (SECOND I WEEK.); .}, ;| . i V t|J: Thomn^Brndsbiiw, George*W. Barclay,Samuel X-nwrencc; 1 Brighton tp : Samuel fllack;,Henry ;Evahs. r j ! Freedopi b,or: Cicorgo r Isaac Black, \Villiam Hooper. | . L |L liopcwell it[n : I vgrsnn' Boyd, Ari|hi> nald yi’Coy.iJohr Shaffer. ' Borough tp: Luc-ien Conrad, Sanin§l iicoff.. : jT' : V Rochesterlifer S Ivory Colo JorsO Hooro, E iDegcn. J R. McClelland] George Deiiihcr, Gilbert Pendleton. Big Beaver tp • Reed 'Clark, Chariest De ffdssJTlibmßAi M'Clnro. v Hanover Ip SHavid Dcavcr, Atirou W.ilson. ■ A . InduHthy tpCDaykl ] ■ Greene:* Jno Ehring. Kobt E.Moody ■ Moon Wm|. C. Fisher,George Iliyks Harmony tp,; Henry Fencht. V Noirth ScvyitKlf tp : .tamcs JackßOn. • Kew Scwicklyltp : George Mijller. v Franklin tp: Ilenrv Potter,- Juiuer’ WrigjitJl }■ ". I [. | : - Now Brighton bor : John Rooin^or. , Bhiilip»burg be r; Jacob SliafTer. ‘ Pulaski tjj: Jos spit Wbisler. , . i Obituary, .i. J . r Dilqd at Hammond General Hosp tal, Point the 2d of Jah. 4 863,:George W. Hays, of Falls* toil, Beaver County j aged 28 years. . Anpttier j flowerj is plucked from o\fr lidpjiy home ; apotber jewel stole it from jour treasure! Of love ; olio happy j .household baud lias again been broken. Aritiy with its clones and/simshiuio; has passed away ;; and what! a eb'ahge. OiioJ who stood by ohr side. rich in; youth and beauty, hds left us jto n iturn no more ; | one i with [a soui jas pr re as the flowera that lay upon his cofin lid, and a licarl well stored witlv treasures of holy thoughts and, ki ad impulses—far .tho pnrejind good to bear’lhc wars and sorrows of; eartli. The ; angels .cunie for Geoigcjand bore him to a more genial clime, where" now he : “d wells op the hills df|myrr'i”; -Hiavsirorilelty of soul and hip unselfish hckf.t won for him the-,involan4ai:y csteeni and ad miration and acquaintances, overj whosd near ts his sudden death has cast a jpall o " deepest .gloom. A found wife waits in vain to! hear the sound] pf lb nil' well known step. No more will hi j merry voice greet lThey - have, brushed back the dark curls from his manlyvbrow. Theichorisiied one lias go,iie;%UV| ohj! not last forever. His sp rit, free and' untrammeled, . still hovers, around those bej loved lon earth; to comfort and strengthen their strickeu hearts. He! is waiting in glorious anticipation for ibe tiiheao come when the;: band 'hf Gpd shpjll joir; hint with tliei loved ones of earth. It is true George now lies low ip death ; —the name iso fu-j milliaT ehaU it now be forgotten ? The acchstomod presence of one in our midst, shall it cease, to bo remem bered ? Family [ and friends, I those most dear nowifccreft ot husband, son nna brother, can forget?~Nover: but xu fond recollectiors, clinging still,George will live. ] For why ? oh! ask not, else in the human heart affection lingers not. Was be not » fridnd, drasr be not loved? Why, was be not brave ? aye was lie not a man, honest apd troc inword ahd deed ? Thoughts phrelas ifofhigher spheres,arid actions govern ed thus will fridnd dr foe find fanlt— Freely offered, he fell in a cause most just, and friends will mourn while sur- Touhding patriots hear testimony to his worth ,f ■ • ■: ■ r Tsfc tbm srt dssd; yst fond msaoiyoft i Arovnd tliesUngsTi, Osorgs, tanriu dssr : 0. ireaUthst these ivciet soeeaU kind aod soft s[' j,.'', 11 yjs- bpsn Csmrn. penker fid clow jnMOta- daring fifty' years ,wo. inches of solid millions do it) it id of that time to vand a'quarter of ah jnclLtmohand . l •' : f mu im |> ii i| *i mi» wi> » 'j. I ' ; ~ I L 1 . I l IT—She jNd lu :ilioufVatof S ’ ed in sinking, two pind crippling a and hence their roplr that she coul.l f j ~ 4 P' j,-1 4 4, sink lower thanner irutls, ‘' l i * [ The .engagement commenced The ,am then steamed; towards H* oT^-’o* ■,! H '' T Keystone Sialeand sonf aislioi throuM, ' 1 : ;Tbe Pidmetto State*, vplh her s(teaDi idmjm, dore Ingraham on boaid.openep oh the twenty-one persons, Hvi-fve by ■di & t Federal gunboat Mcycedua, curry.og aad p f n? b y being, scalded by US 1 eleven guns a«d ond hundred and rtffteein. of At‘ iWit it 1 dbife l^-p^fc'tlrloiia^o?' r in five lathoms pf, water. Her jdition. In :ihe meantime the ivt', 1 mander, ( Captain Stollwagori, with gunboa . HousatoKic engaged a boat’s cretv, catrie.on board and w- driving her awav At vendeijedj. /Pnc |ert, , clear thipngh.. Up|am, needed iipitoGhaHestoni L : ' ! *7; |tdlwag|n and ciow|were paroled by rJ)ut| -j Uie da j. t , rao bteckM . r,-' «n«Reef«.ib h e qot^sHioafanluW&Bep-'4- I ] ‘Klr^vldJkl nun •"« lh ‘ ;,r station,* and on the day of, pot!U, this assault most! of the Vekseir>ldled\ ifs toward'the Keystone Slide Id asecvJ Quaker latter wak j ta in her condition, and l.whcjtbcr she; file by the Clncoro, jV j wanted any assistance. |This ma^ac her flagjto but after a l coun t for; their apparent abscnceyiti (managed to ewape, Jisingionb 'v!|cel., Uie time 0 j the visit I of; the i OoifUtrls' ■ She was very i ■j a s mentioned [by! the hbei pdpers.;— ’ xS 'The T.umber ol lhe"blockadingPeet ; Our vessels,: outside jit the tunc the atfpek - as- p OS ;tion at dark; The Ironsides thiVtc6nl with twp hrst- frigi|tes, acr j ve ,)^tb e npxij. day to| i eihferce tpc Susquehanna — 4 j bhiekiKle.; ! s.: ’H ; I 4* i • The Federal loss icru rery. severe. i f The Princess; Royal hiis alyi;* ikas 'a coinplete ; success on hur part.- with riot a\man hurt. ,otr gunboats were criot even struck. ~. |. i! • ■ I All the hlockadershuve disappeared. ‘iThero in, not one t|p b 3 seen withiri five 4nTcs i >v!llh 'the' j feirongest fkinit. of. glasses! Our boaits ire now; returning to,Charleston. /.1 •• ' " J The; following ip th ; official, dispatch: CiiAiLtRTON, Peb. 1, 1863;—//-Wf quarters'Land and Kaval Forces. Char- j • lesions Jan.| 31; 1863.—At-aboul ( fivo oVdock Allis moniing Jthc Confed erate' Slates naval .forte on this-hstu-- tion, attacked the' t;i ited Stales block ading fleet of-the Vi arbor of ; th« city. of arid s ink, 'dispersed or dfoyoOff and pat >f- sight! for) the time the' entire host lb,.fleet. | ■ i Therefore wc} ■' i hoi andbr'sigiK'df| commanders respect ively of lihe Con- 1 federate Stales nava and land forces 1 in this quarter, do forwally ■■- : ' s , Jt was then diseoycrctf that the captain and pilot had succeeded in getting ashore by. means ;of a small; boati carrying importahtj dispatches to the rebel government. 1 Tht> Cna-; dillaj carried her t’oi the Tide of the: liOupatonio and laid there till daylight.. whcfi the thunder of was heard, accompanied by sharp flashes of fire. It was supposed that oqr fleet ..was ! engaged j.n; making .captures, dr" the Alabama oij Florida wercjpndeivpnng jlO force an entrance. |, | .:: i j At daybreak two rebel. iroii clads, Were seen coming slowly froih the direction of. StonO Inlet towards our ■ fleet.* They attacked the Mprcedita| stor first, one ram struck her jon the wa-; ta [j en by ; u ter’s edge, keeling her over | and at r a ir j Sl a p. tbe same ttmo firing a; shot which j. are jy t,o bo entered one. of her boilers, causing I jjpjfji,, his >i the death of three persons—including! lrom \ en to j the gunner —by shot and; steam. ! tain!, after j The ram. then btiled the Mercedita, dayi and Capt. Steiiwagep IpWerod.ohe pt 5 int brush hn small beats, aner leaying one ot t fi ign, so jth. the plugs ooti Allowing the water to i no , ; n >• eittof it. The iram answered.our pail j by replying‘‘Uonfedorate ram. Palmet-1' n Friday, cl)rß ?^i to Stale. l)d you surrender T This g wife J whp at A,l^ on ' 01 ' ! ; »fa th iidWogf -yh. f-- •r-n -giaro besides ji large ajiiounil Ot&VlnsfafiV iiminunitioji. tbry tb'e cjl, Mteahvers; and abb, as in,’: Kngljsh mccligbitg jwiio j, weH'yerpedui the process? and hafdcriing. |- , s : Difr valuo is-, vari< IVI sly eiitUnnicii; slie. i-s dogbtlbig}iwbrth; aumilhoii of dollars. J A vjVj ; V: | . ■ppssesis?j^/bj^lie^ji ? j li ; avdi been mcalpulablK ut.dbv!; W..r the effort tliey fnude It the attack oil the blockadingispur Rest for j the Ri jserves -: At length oa|r| bravo brothers-, t from: the remnajil.of the ,-Jl’eiUisy ni,-« ityservcM, /ii-y ,10' bare |,re?l. I order has |; !•' ! effect t half lint- .Riiserve t'orys tie j j drawi! .1 ritmaiie fichfrml jilacci j tin ty 'on V the fortifications, "ay j\V asbinglou. Ilowevei Ja’e tfb i dpr conies, we still rejoice:theft! !'at length Ijebn tjsueif. lliid a,'-o I order been made six months ago j jAie Ueserves ;1 ecu allowed -I: rest ?yeij three: ■ ago, and officer ; been dei ob'.'i Thai nsyl vania on recruiting eyery- company <>fUU«| lleseryi could have beet filled wijh ties and the. Corps thus. ‘Si>»ttghl ' gth. The Stit ([d to'iticrca'sc’ |h e gkry of laat *]|aivdfby’ rt'newing its“ and again reviving its uhdar j or mi mbits to jAie.AVlhoposilions . iif ‘evci I wore .made to, this o Jrysuljl- bitt Click in turn ,wer i ahVinipraciUiiahle. amtil j d'eath: djmllnikhed thecooh jse ithtismsml ilnil tdSimei tfr I what was oliice the hvostt'.tfe \Vd: ll.\ : - 1 At length,(the Reserve ; be relieved from duty. ~ ; already rcaj-hcd, it Wilfsh ' ijhe ( nt|ienclinlciit-s. in l,hc Ila swellin i ranks no lon vitli ardor and strength, lost.'that went forth yi grcamingb-Uiat was li deliverers W,a nation'll Its worst peid?— will-lea; its' gloribiis Action, m ihati ivheh'-it'i' first onj f but KlllTlTrokcn doyrn, weary of Its great si t riasfPt ha t sonic not if ■ rnont wHI .be taken by of llic State. |We, si Lcgjshrttiro, do son premises, by which a be passed’, recogntzi and) commending tj Übsilrve Corps' The; irresolution \rniiid re upon, the ■cussjoh of a motion 1 fodcWib government, foil i-mout h c d, ilfrr P' traitor,- T/or- J‘ I'- ' 4^—-- j: . pa*i A-' gcrUleni: l .Duyle, wlu>, >ome yComiiiulii'JT ftir his Itisli "’it,', for the hist, two y K' oWhy.” said . on true republican t .“How so ?” jn j. “Shtive, you k i “the Gonslilot'' fairly-, ecu !* >ye on.l; itiurteen me mb' fools in Now V justice.’’ T