The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, December 24, 1862, Image 4
GSaiSAKTOWK IELEG&APH. JA and ;Sn~Agriculfu'r&i Journal, i IiSVOtED to. CHOICE 11TERATCRE, SNOI.UDINa i Poetry, Novelettes, Tales, , ANi) ENTElitAl^- ; EEADI#®^ENERALLy. 1 Department' we shall pre eent'jho choiccstlrariciies to itbin the reach of opt-extend'd menus. The Novelettes, Tales. PoJtrVr Sic., shall lo'suppliedfroiri the best .and highest ioaroes, and be cqualHo anything to bg found in ati>* journal dr magaxTnd.. Agriculture and Horticulture, EMBRACING ! FarmingiGardecing, Fruit-Rafsing.&c.|| ' : r i The F.iK*.' taking to the rndnltyFiE slvuctunns will q'uicWy .-ft .ii'-heullby 1 actieh in both liver anil ,riu! ns a j natural c.oii<e<|ucnce a deny!head and good'ap- j petite. f ' :V -.- WKAIOvES'S.'’OIf^DEDIf.ITVV INDtTCED BY FATIGUE, VuII soon disappear by thc'usc of : valuable Pills', m;J the Soldier will*quickly ac ‘ <juiko iiiMitioiial strength.' N’cvftr let the bew jv-lr- be id: Lor coniined ur unduly Vactrd upen. |lr may. M‘ci!i strange iJmt^Jl»djQ\viiy' , 3 Pills) ’ should be rtccMicondcd for FysenuTy and} F|ux.’jiJtiii'y-.ycrsuiis?.Miiipvir.gilmtVbey would • : increase the This iy-u’ Wc:it mis? | Uika. fvrilieee Fills will correct the diver and;’; stomach and thus remove all the ac’riu humors r I’io.m the system. This tneilieitie will lone and vin..{* to ihe whole. organic sybteuAhnwcv- . er deranged, whilcheallh and strong li\ibliow j as a nirifur oT - course, Nolhiiig wFQstnp.rbe ! velaxattbil of the. Bowels so sure, ns'YlasViVim- i «>iis jjK'lcidnc. ' ! 1- \ - . J i-VGU'MEKUS ATTENTION! INDISC-KF-I : ' ~ - THINS OF YOcTIK \ ! 1 Sore* and L’[«;vr-.. Fdotchings and Swelling Ij ’ e-in wiili ce,nullity cm cd if the j ’ Viils n;t-taken i.'ighi''Hcpflw*!ami : ointment to t: i*eiy e-Cu us s ta l cd in ihe j 1 lot .* j It (Vested in arty oilier n- :, .u-\j. m-rThcA dry up in * ?:f paK to blcilk oiUdni n-j ['t/».Lcr. V. i.fic’i'; iKhFOihfao id will remove, | li:e l.wmr-v- i'il.’u vi-e system ami leave the Fa i tluit a' vigorous and I.cabby man;, it* will tc- I • J :;ire a lutlepcn'Cvei ance in bad-casts to :n -j ;-uU: a I.i-nng'eur.v ' • *> '. i l uF v.ofnfs r.iTin'ir orr vs.ioM:i> nv 1 Til MHA VON FT. OIIS.VBUB UUTIIKIIFL /! u:t, soki:s ok . f , . j To v.blc-i, c\ery are lia-bto ( • there are no mcd ; cimv m> sarc,. sure* niul coii-s I;.venjeut as frrlbiv. ay’s Fills find ointment, TliV,. J ' poor wounded and ulmo>t dying snftVrermight’ i |:'.,have Ids ' wounds the-’-ed ihiiucdiately, if lie | -Vewo.ild only pioyhle idinsclf with ihjs inaleh-i f rU 1 ' < Oiui>:ivui, wljielrsliov.h.r ho thrifsi itito ihe i jjw.jtihd and-sthcaved all around It, t];en covered I tavitli u piece of Ilneii I'voin I*is knapsack, .and j ndiipVcssed wit lx -a jiandkcrthioi’. TalFic-g : ; night, and mnnungb Fills, to, cool; tiso sys- ] ; j triii arid ] ivvenl iiillannuS-.i;..- ■ 1 -A > I ■ ; • Every hiiapsncj; and Scamair’s. ! | c'.ie: t sm.‘uld be provided wlih lbe=c valuable j 1 ’‘llenjedies. I i C A? T TiOX«"*^ nlie . } * ,rc ] ’he* y.’'ji'il* viy. A J *irh c«?/ /.oao'f /;,” \ aro di-eerii.rhle a*, a wator-trark in every leaf; i ‘ the* of directions nnujud eft eh. pot cr 1 1 K : ! ‘• ’XF’j.ll.c s,ai::o*n:ay be h'lr.<n-: \ pM.i *■ ;.■•!•.* | : ■>,,'** iJn A iuind.- time re ward .will ' epn r*'**Tr7 >r r'’P“V fSU S A'! 77 T<'h . F* • f : ‘' cu rendering in:ornia-- i v ml t.i-Utc dcjeesion ..f-any f^uv 'lj--. 1 /'* c-v.v/ ,F/t/-/F (fv .. j} A?-V i pur.'iej coU.meyAdcingtheiucdiciiies i<rvct:d / . v '[f? . \ I ii:e sanie.'j.hou'inrc tltern fo b\* spurious. ? i ■ ~r^ v j*; J t . . > t } ■ r*-j>d sit ihe ,N 1 annJ>ict*»ry o« 'prt'lt'AsOr 1 " t . l ll V 1 4t ‘ -’■■f > l r '* slCr ■ lIoLi ov.av. b : > Mtii.iten bacc, . New York, mid tl * : 'die,v h T'!nuK 1 " jby till voi'p- I '. tsIAF ;.’:d ■ id •. • di'ffi;■%]!:; V Atv ! • t; • ; Niedlciucv \ civilii'.ed. w* » ! \ri-li!?v-5*7<v I'tV'.-iT’J'f i fttihiiiuLs. i!i- atvl , A! v'<, 'l'-.V.Ai 1 .- 1 ■ v ('lm"-i ,1 1 feavjLg by t'aleiivg ■■'■■. VV 1 ~r •b-t J','.^r. : ■ ;v - -7a 1 d •■> . 1 •.» oiC S;Fvi i.• Vnts in oVerv ♦f.iaordt-v aruitltixed iu each br>.*c, irieryous anq Onrcmc iJiseKsee.; | jj;yd.r- t : -4A- yiA/dv .<«.• *v„ ] u \ z ■ - .A)i V 7. •ExcLrsiVEfY Von rs KM.ALKs. V-:'*" :Fin;;TtT:MuTi' r • > -[~y '■v; t . F-r ..u«»o . // . “ • hrstitut Ft the reevp- ‘ ijUlCAfi I'Fui «-• ai.ytvurt !<>r' ; Qiiarteiiy Mirror ;c •1- »ion,-caftf.-a?W <.f »lit . r - t-iiv 1' ! !0 hVcS.' f-A •; C,/w v:A« W« r ..f r V^VyV;’ cr '' n ”' : ‘f yF O-UrT- • ; Writ.; >l.. / ■ r.;,f A:,-o:Vxr>: ! .rh-..NTAI.N. . ■•* •—•■. ’.V . I si\i,ry/‘i/> task/ox. eld '.ollo disease; in*kc ; sr.e t i f fl •mv i.ti.’n *> .y t y» p.hil. ...C \V lluFCri-t.'i, )’■/ J /7' v /’;■b /’/,v./r f /; ti. ;,. t . :.. ■ • ... ' L./ W M/»fv ' that seven leutbs.oi the ;eniak* t-fliaHt*? V’>:n ~ ■ 1 'artV eonunilled ■ tn;o‘,ir *aib.iie ;\ i/£ . (X' Ei Ix, z\ Sci j. N.O At ■ x . /: 111 : 1 “ K - ■ i i’ ■. u^« 3i e. ■ bF :■=.-a' 1 ;. i-Atr^nNs. ‘flic*:- ..Vrsm.> ~V ,;rs, ; ; ; M :T F cw -■ I,HU ti,yravmg i .„f i f ci.sesmW-i'JA'ri-iii.ivcii'Niu.i ;Niisf ■ . I _ ••' l -— i o' - n< V lle , S ” - ..iufieW tfiv.iugli.-iuo St'Ok- ♦Brprdh*-’' Whrr* /srrl -Roo-aU ! Summer ; Bonnets, Cloaks, Trimmings, .'itiu!.- , ■ - v ' anci ; “ e S atS >,, . Child?cfl’s Dressesric.,' pb’.Sieal eanse. thrwi*. %fLthe shneklcs that ; v o .»•■»! :. .»/A-l>. >r - ,■ ’■ r J • And valualfle AMUinevs. Press > ; * •lit.' ' .Wy-f. —t 0.-,—•.‘t< o', c' /.,vr''/ .-•y/voW- N,, » >. i- , , ~ , / • has bound at to v.ome ilnvn.mutnjjrht tiaricncs*. - .■:' V 4 p f' s 'U • Pl' i*i - V> J | •Makers, Audheis. and Ladies .Ke.ucrully, pi t find reuson/w.iih'once nmiV mt.iv.. 1 V ' . l /. 1 ' ' • • . k , J* b«»?F»6iug ’.rnt'-dargesi. J»nd’ besi. Fdsbfcn*>laga : cioihed -in fiU'its primitive beamy :uiii woutvil ’■“ '' n? \ :£rn ’ Ac., con£f:im‘.Vj in file ,Ar< i rld, ~pi:>>Fisiied iTH UrfliidwayV r .. excellence. Hruce; the aieecsrity tif :di those. ' •• i, / oU . • •• C tynl sold e.vefyyyheve nt F-T<^jrits r or ■ win* arc liibui-iug tinder ‘ ih<* ‘.predis oVj IlVTsjl’fl AV • ' ■. on recc’ipl of-tjhe r.mY exciting caush?. caieuUucd in-the e.n : d‘t.v int,-.] • v V\.o ’ifJ* | :\ yj|i\| Jin Year with fuc fwl^ pah* ibe mind to ;fe--Art i-* an •; early y:iid jF Uj/il'l -b flawing’valuable premfrftii.' ' course of j-creedial agents., *“ 'a/V i A ' i /.• . i Kacii yearly rUb^enber'will bo'cnthdcd to a TrwAliu<i'Uutiouvs a large brick hu ■’•V (m nrrei- Uiir-sission Merrhairl rccuij t .. soJ:'c;i tmi <T '‘l p-ui- 'V'.rih’nf Nvilb a^!^ 1 '; I’' 1 ’' >'" !^ -li-.-i-li:;:! •' .'i» ,A vnd ..pinin'paltcVns, 'from tii’R iu.llioA’reok! ■well vcntilalctl. !i;i< k!u.iu;l os an. n ,7.>V’7-7 -A \\ i in ;•■ i or-from the show vbmSt; W-lhcy ni-iv lic ur ./ table bmd Which c,Wwl, a view V cmi;v ' d> ' ''l ls^ K *»'.[ . .J t rcl ml \*n,A *y viidd any titac during the town —adjacent* hills—grove- and nclnlrberrn'j ; *'J \V u *i ' '' f •■' l bv payinz --V' • ' ;,a streams: all vd* whielsdtre c;dcidaJ«:-i io.vno- ' L’ffi' ,-i. (. ~'l o/a/,r J > 1 t (.c, ’ !• l*cd-_»Sp!«jiidid InduceJnenta to Canvassers. ; duce favorable inim;es t Tt?ns. upon -die Wai-ehouie. |No lid stree ■ nowrciidv. . cd mind; vf 1 ; *i.. -'F.w' T Tire is coispletb iu r.lFofdis'a’-- -X?. - ; - pointrLcntf. Haying been fas: -fuFy i:*icd *t' ;>. fi V L'Utral aiF ;mces nuide * n eapsigii)nrnt- Vrat'gmct >csj>cnse, in order’thai/if may meet ‘s ' a - v Fs. • t unpprbbation cud 'views of : —«?; : ‘—^— ... <. .. •-•.■->-! -fi- o v-'tcs*.»N. t.. ii. JrEcnoV; VAiir.s Finlay' closers ami Vath : rsg .r.r-ririrfttr..- | —— ’ e * ~ - F hav.e been gotVen .up r.tyn the stieiitificT-nnfljsi'A , This ,I: r A-.;«, :,i ' iC« ; PS.-ri 0 ft fi ■,n»t|.p:.l,-. t rh-vmAM-y ’ 1.=..h, f, a .. |n f }l' At ,|]f| . ftisj.K the inoaicated. warm .nr am. as ■ ■ 1 -ili Idljii'V 1 VU / Vvfl^’ ami dc>cem»:ug n ..or moo** r.'Tf ~i ifa 1 *■■ lll l rj?/ . . *~ and ‘ sue Cos.-fut treYtv.rrn: 'or eetaiTi t'< : ,s^r ‘ "~»*-V ’wv ‘ Vi-.Ni,; f; „t p A,. BiiTgHroja ; disposcd.’lo commit tiiu UiurestH po:u* ~ '* 1(1 iS J 0( K of : IwVx;i.Ssk:;J:™AV“;- ‘©KY. GOODS;! f iass : %K?.;- c rF !tt o •»*»««>»••«*! clistomcd bcalth au;d’iigor of jnind. .■’*K I F , et: ( Usli buyers. ’ For- further particulars vh'bbn* a 1 circular. •F F” ‘ ‘ ‘ —-> r — ; d All communieaiioi.sjsh -uid • e addicssi-.u i-;>. ' PrTTSBUStJ WATES CIJEE. : ! V. KUMUaC-i.. M. S>; ■ , I. ■ ' I Bupt. .«f NcW-15r:i!l.i.,nTf?»ro:a i iV W'.;'" Vv !--”lwncrtn]lJl)UO- 1 -i Nr.rv.hion ' !X* y A (In .hwMfcc'trtsiiiii-m <\f : nil forms i TciivorCo. Pa. .•.' Jl Ti«Jitetiimiun iu tiii«■obun-'j ■. i ~ —i-s r —; —: t>7 - ' . fetralih ;,u>a«;i..u I'KariMMsi ■ ' ~[ ... ,i / the pH'iUijf-t of tlie sulwrribwl -“S*^j;* I’lctonai Circular. i n!h!rt,-j,<y’. ~. . j living in llig jlicnvcr r 1 •' i: ■ A. N- II | ■‘‘K-ounTvj-on tho evening Of the, i-Ah ;T. ■ ' : ;Vi«.tibu|-g, l*iw . .a -juall liny Maref nhont- ■>.years o!u;|;.ii,a ; 1 ~~ ~ ~ : ’ sll aroitnJ, ?ad.Uo !niatks.,<)ff hiiul ho;>H iu- ! ni‘-PT*l 1110' TT rin la<s Uy.a cut or trm«: no othermartl r ci- iF P L XIO ctrSabVe, The, owner is tlefircJ t.Vxonu) .for- JIN Oi 107 Street WOI A^,VI :r VWy paychargesaiultakjcliert- '(ti: woon am> siveFtK awayf or otherwistfshe v-ai bcUisco'Md of-uc- j -f fj* 'TT'v isrßH u-jt- V-V-. V cordingto law. '. -i . I I Vi J livbf R«», 'PEA.VA. 1 Vifiyt r ; .■ .pir.vMEs'K. clliioo- ..'j,^OAH-iyNuEvyiii.jifc.u,day t>invfii,K. ' 7"- >■>'■.(■■ •' I) .y r.tle.! X' Vvxsti, I’ort jlouaici, Nvcilc., TitMiHi-Tj. T T f . ■ ieacil-eharponcrs,’ .Spool CV.toii, -■ TitrcaJ, , -~ l ■ Pins. &e.jr for sale’at-the l*nie Store of ' “ Y - llF . [ v|> eeaK-r- ■,- -T V&.C. IK Clomps.}' • ' - V AL “ 1, F - : EOF. WOOD’S KESTOI-.ATIAr.. COlllil AA' 9 &,,ST A T 1 O J^R II and Blood Renovator, thelrenuiuc atti- VaTss n 1 M'-vt n ■.cle.for. sale at the Cntg Store of t 'VAV £lix Jt J ’2XX S O3T : , ■ oc£2 v j. ••I>E.._ C . | TOYS AHD FANCY AKXICLEB XyLAVyiuvti a. 1 np6. S?E\V iIUGHTON Ea. J •- ■ "Fy, . I, .’ • • • - • •._ * [ • ■ ■« y - * y - V — : ~ , ’ TT'OtiSCCO—Apdcrtron’s Fine Cut, Nature tfe.> . ! X Xcaf, -Grant., BflUiaore i'ing, Cu ■F v |; - JuisEr«% In .alt iktir !.rrsKciici,. cs aitduettif. on tit latest end tf'i’Sl apiiruvcd ~ty*tctn. ' ' Oar b.bor? iujliis department for over tliir ty mil tbc.cordial approbation,-of - tile public; . dtir'purpo?§ liarbce.ii to furnish useful ami informal ion upon .lijese very.lmportant branches of industry, and to piottfc; limit .sot far as within mir, power against the false klpctrincs and selfish purpps t-s-dfrthe.hi.'iny empires a.ud 'sensation-adven turers oy-A.'iicl! the Fanner ij. in'cos-OinUy as sailed. Tliis portion of the, GvMaptoan f;.U . grayh it’ be ivordr flic whole pricc'df . subscript iu’r, r r every. Farmer and Gardener; _ who lies propfr conception of lt:s calling. 1. wvill readily admii. MWSJ)EPjOITM'ENTi ■' Tlic fca.TO-j iiicluiify.carc.nn‘2U:?crrr.ijnMtion, in flfaiLci*:»ri ;;U‘iprcpun*j.T £v*,-n: s of the ei’in;ssly for lUis-parcr.! xvhirli beeii ms and civon -so universal .satieinciionr v.iU V-o contiiKie-i -V';!. jedonblod eiTn-t* to meet tire inerc dcitr-nds of li.c public.’ Tl'o .labor •.i-b'-l i':‘ i n;b deV-nWrueiii :l neVif. tutlv fij»- rnccla-f-i !;y tlie ncS'jcr. .Il uouH beiin [•O'-Ible ;6 the coijJcuscd and care .’•ury n.ado'np' fcrpi in! it appears, a c r -n voted of uIImUc .most •iiiUTCtftinjr «•; !,bo’. keok; .without iinulvinj luucii pb\iicj.l Übor, .(act ainl.jud£mc*nt. • • ' rc ‘ VVe annex tlie eath '-tm, to leave 1 to cuil attention -of all tvho think. of •übacribin" for a ne'v«paj»cr : ' • ' Advance Cash ’Terms. ' t One . copy, "one rear, *s*2 : uni*. copy T»*-a’is* $5 AH); three copic*vt*ie yer.:^, i-’sv^-^spf‘ 4 ?. One Vear, t»m' One Vc-ar, $15,00; Xfffcntv Copies, X* ■■ * ' ■*V T " tedS* Subscription not paid ■\vitr $2.50. ; .UjC*Ju\_Ciub of five subscriber?. ’ will - cnijrte tlw person jrctrinir if tij» in n for eix iiinuriis; a Club of U’U «>r luore. <o fii'copv for oiie Club . at tire on*! of-tLc' tliuo paid fit - . ur. ArA -Al *■. , l b i)rreceive attention- ut’ess »c*ampVisbod wiiU ihc ■•' . peednien buihbers sent : > aio'l:entits. ’-PHliilP R. FREAS. n ■•; -?. V vf Editor and rroprietor. | J G*rmnnin\ri\ % P:tiUu!< .’></(<;/.' l Jc‘' -'2. 1 - . -# ■ ■••;■' . mW BBIGHTOK EETESA?. Tana’sylumfortherece?- 0 TION. CURB AND TREAT-; MENT OP MENTAL j ALIENATION OJfc ; r- DISORDER. . ,norl2'G2. vk/VwOY iiiio. VAft IT Y E AIR! fkjends ax» relatives beaver drug " store, .•This U the llever comic «u l bRAVE SA!UJR,£ eatinical.journal •we have in An.erk.-U, _> .' • , • t. j. Copiedijy the Me Dl. MllllS. ] and really clever it is. It both sharp and •H 0 L LOW AY b .PILLS; rr ,n : p j jlitr ’.I rood-texnpcied. and not cfnud to smv tba:-its 1 _ Subscriber bayingifuircbascd tlie En soul-is its own—which 'nlwWa .fb.ii h **« a "A ITCI OlHtlXL©llI). h * iwlU. oriMpor to tap con ijouL- Our reader’wid be to Lndw where . ■ . - : .i- ‘ | Etttntjyoti batid alb usually iound:in Ibov can find native fuir-that - has soiat-tbing <. jJ 4 JVllObavQFriendtuimlßclatircsin -St ore*. -f ,•. "V- ' ‘ '• , -b, ’better mil Yfcau mere \ crNmv, should take especial care ; L^ u f a 1 , i „ . and -This paper is esociient. i. . . EcmatSaolc j . l!ul ointment :®ld where the brave Soldiers for oripinality.”—.V. d*. Trcrrtlirg-; " 'j.-md Sailors to provide l^cm-■ A variety of other articles-w-ill also be lound ‘•ViSiTV Kaih is conduct <jd'.b.?*S» vivacion-Cj haves with prc^l'c^nbc-scnt • , , ita his establishment: ,i witty ju.d intelligent Mps of jouma-hfia. -- i A e .,„ j, ¥ , They bavcibeen.prov- I Ttd, Eilmft of Coffee, JioSUl [ Sotlp , iUu. ,w r rN** l 1,1 5, » ll!C S,i ‘^ r ' 3 friend in i jr anC y Soaps, Port Monki ,C»»ifts ‘•Will wield os poWut as that ol u; JV j lonr o f >u€e( r-_ • , . .• i : , ■• ; u : L•• tbcLondon iWA/’—• j COUOIIS AXV COLDSAFFKCTISG TROOPS ! ALJL ARTICLES FOR ’ Till TOILET. “Whosoever find? .bnr.self laughing at the] wjjj V-e removed :ind efl’octuully 1 SPOOL COTTQN, I>EAI) wit of A .vmty Fair,; atid teu-rn a > "Hv ehksc atiiuirableiucdicines, And : u’lt'TAT L’c! ■ xrirv’Q tr \ T quo, is fit for .‘treasou, aud Epuila.”’— \\ }y 1 roper Vllontiou to the Directions } £^ ul l v 4Allt S. y.^Crjtyun r ■ :" _ | ' 1 which \reyiUaebed\t!) elieli Pot nr libs.. j liilUSHtlS, TOOTUJiK|JSIjiS| 1 1 SlCli IHiAliACimt AND fVANT OK APPK- . TOHACCO, BKtiAliS. LET* ” •: Tli'E IS!'I DENTAL TO SOI.BIIiKS. T Hli. N OTH. A FOOLS- . ■>’ - These feelings v.biei so sadden us. usually C'AP PAPKK. • . ’ ari.-e fro*, trouble or nanovunces, obstructed ■ T j _■ ; n . perspiralioniiibf-ealiag and drinking whatever | CCToon Oil .LoWand is ua wholesome, j thus the healtliful j These are a! few of tltc articles, and actifii. of tiic liver. and Vlomncii. , i These ors j fe\vjaiw:iys on hand. Call and see. -J pans must be relieved, if you desire to bo .jycllaf' Ho Will try, by/ close/ attention and ifair SPECIAL NOTICE. - The very-marked and flatteHnjrsnccew* which thus, far attended -fhe publication of I " ; \ **Vamtv ■ Fan;,'' I EnaWosHhe publisher to minounca that with i the commencement of ifie Second Tolmuc, w-d sued this dliy. lituh June. Now Feature:;, holif j Literary and Artistic. will lie which will hicvciit’c the vahse aud of ihe pa-!! per, and fully ‘ maiautiz! ihe-prouU posiufcitj unanimously accorded to it, us the leading i-t ■ ’’ Comic-Journal ofl-America. : • . . ‘y r ■ , ... , .V. ! VANITY. FAIR* H| 15-4 f <ri:r 5r j ;..v tiive'stuy: ; | ler S-‘W r.y till itn«l at thij 1 Oliicc /*l‘ Fubtlu.iit-n 1 , '* '■ r>a k >au-=ti<o , l. : Ncw Veil:. -TLvcc per r.iaaan. iit CcHU ' . r tku'ms reigq-vcs | Tr."* C'-pir* < : .! V.:y:rvl'i 4 >: one >s JVi* J ;vc cs'rj'i: s. Tvii. C' i'ii"- An i:*v; rf; *»* .»i- U» f bo •j' l’tr r -1;- U' ol i:- t Ic;*i ili::u civics, Tisi* . \ b;:SV l;i*A tl at r.nv t irr *. * N • * . r : L<>ns !}. >7"]^!;:^, I'ubliil'.C'r for-31 •*' Yt - - 4 ..... • ‘X<v.*-Vi*:k. ■, . y SATURDAY POST. ,T»te bjl-t FSWuily rveu^Mj.irp.ih. WKSTK!!.V PEATA. . Ai:J lUc oijiy Ik'ir.oc;at,o £>iicct - iii * - VittiAnirtr. * | •- i'ST A 1!1. IS 11 j-; 1 r IK I ilir.'j Tl nil i :tt* *. T Ulj TliK Mkhotnry. Mil: l;o* .rt(M <..‘>isiihotcial i tjicf’? a.cM.ico srult-tMon M -.tales. i’“r’lvy.' i.! t.vfn i V ;i :M M. l/ic A l‘l ioioA /• *■ j AgricKl-mM N«Av.>*. &c.f ' ’ . fc " *..\i,sn- ; MI i. o»-iCi. £ Vt-tin lho Latest Teicerspiiic No’.vs, EU •r e; H V £. A. i. ~i;«v Utr.'-V. I.; 1 =Mil 7 Alpt.::: s (■Vr.Mvr.r itiU O 1 ■'< j Tl'ltMS : aro.scc~Six •• r , nviU be*sonr to P,") my •J;» ( O : \lh2 V I and c.I, TIU, 1:♦ 1.5 «*r Nov: 1211115 *■ i *”*< * * * fxl : t ;h s - i’ro-, . ;a J .. «\ j •,mi,.- (•. I:: A; TOWNSEND ..New- Goods! ! S'. K A N G?K li . ,I>. i3i*iclg , e\vatei*9. Pa., Sj AS just received a' large assortment of JUL . cl>l!l.\‘G tiuqLisr - tvfiich will be offered at I’A.VfC PRICES-. -Vniougst his stock can, at all times, boioaijil a'variety of " - ■ V£„ DKESS OGGI'S. M.USLIN’S, ,GLOVdJS, HOl SIBRY, \c.. &c., HUOx &'STULL, all varieties. the. pound or/i;og. 1 ' V.'iliTL I.KAL I VAllNlS!!. LAtIU, Si’KllM. UNSEEIi fiOAUKOS OILS IV INGOVV'OLASS. all,sizes, ■ QUEENStV.UIii, LOG Ei NO -0 LA S 3 ES, ic. J All of vvhick .will be sold low for t'ash; or J. i:w.- G B AF/T , r COMMISSION IMEHCHMIS No. 185 Liberty Street, ' v i PITTSBURGH, PA. Order? for Pittsburgh Manufaclm)ed ■ ‘ -if. and- Orocevjics, prompter tilled at- the. very DAY. Ist DAY O? SEPTEMBER; j «swca| "prlcep, when accotapanicd .jwlth cash p»r £ar/ieulura, address the Principal’ 1* « equivalent; • I V' fy eefrlTfStu. Boarer, Pu. IDo You Want Employment. IjOSt Do§!' ' ■>' * ;V 1 hr OEFEIIu pleasant business for the Sprinrg lOSf in on' the 21st of Oct(i-ri and Summer; with largo profits.' j ’her, a EhiofcSlicphcrd Dog, with WiritcJ niynew circular, containing fyll . nm around Ilia.neck, pud white .tip on the oidtg Address GEO. EDW’p.SEAKS, ; 1 of his; ail: answer.?'tit the name ot‘ •Hi Jj g.' j innriMi. ts 1 \iillinni St-. N. .Y Any person finding" Baid_dog.wifl ho'suilaldy ' " awarded by leaving him atjehristem’s Hotel, near jKnehcstcr Depot, or at theTcsidpncc of" . tho-suhscribcr in Xc\v Scwiekly tp. f n:.vl2 .. . " ' ytI^G.VIVRAItP. i C'liOntrvJ’riidiicc. | loddjjcwatcr. May 7.lftoi BE AD E MY. , INSTITUTION V. ILL OPKN ON MoS 1 i SSh J’ ETTLIIS of Administration oh tlio estdt? -J of J«tw Cot RTiKv,' U|(e-of bor' 011'Vji of DaillingloU. Ifeaver Oounly,. Pctfnla- i doc- d,-Laving been granted io-lhe undersigned. | nil;persons iudebtedjo said e'sfntetjre ro'jiu'^t-• to made immediate payment, and those having ’claims ■ against the Same will present them properly authenticated for settlement. ji JOIUTX.' OOUKTKKY, Oariingtoß, I I : »wru .a rrive To aii: c^ I '' iu*H wilb thfcir custoni. leas than one half the bottle made mo.completely wflU t' ■ :*f: s fi| ('. p. M, D. 'yoiir juedidn«« atf th»lchew9ta* well ay tlf«l*«!st : slgx^l’articuliir uite;;iion VUI be' pMiOlou f uitmg up lurtmci’ipiiuna.: [uug27 A>U»ia or Phthisic, «nd BroncKlUe. ;: . ■ rf" rpinr /'P f \ f r r 1 \ AT, 1 • !-i r Wm sii.icmm*, Pa, v«bA.iBi>4. «• I —I HI-* VilkfcjAi. LAUoI Ur •■ l / ■ Bn ; Your Cherrg Jkatoral It performingmarteltots ; ■jtt ___ ' J „, -■*.*• • ; cures In tbfaaectloa. It b*a relieved sercraTfrom alarm ■m 'X U IIX ZX II x*-A. , UigWmplomscf consumption, and is cow Cdrihga man I jL, Vul/hhriUn U >f* i/- PstW'&*s&•* w&i aftjiftcUon oflbe.langs.tor the: W.h.ttL _ ||knKY L. PARKS, Merchant I Al lAll'TUlUl KV Dn. CCEVERVvELL, A-'-A;- RAUSBY, Xuuojr, Mormon (&, lowa, j J\ DN Till: CAUSE AND Ol T KK v>f WiW- 4 •»l)«rißg^^jJceqr i iMy.j«ar* J Vomun-pilon;. Mental : .md i 4vf.l i. Debility, NcrvoufMU‘*s. Epilepsy; linpifavcd Nu- * ,-mk* curable.” *■• - r : ■. j., tri;,U»n uf. the .Uodv: lassitude; VkUkhVK* • ■ might ijddVolonji* { liuj l.h-.W nml tbc Back; liiii;si>of!in.m,,iii2id i P»«>f f* theylrtoMQfthisnmedjriifcun^lulu j flii’.'i.vcity'l'W.rtudy aud Labor; r,f| et^txlA^upontrial. ' .j j Loss of .iKmory.; -Aprcj.d; Joi| »W* j: N.-Cicty ; f.oye ot _oluudo ; lium-.ty: cured »o;many and such daagrroos cases at this.; Some I ( Dls;rust; Uizziu^-'-a; Headache , AIU-ciUdis of-,’ no human alt! can reach; but even to those iho,Cherrp ; 11 be KJi-.v: Liwjdcs oa tlie Fnci?: lujvoliiu'taryij »nd eoojrort._ tj . ■ [ JAiii==ioii!i, iiu(l Sexual I'iicupuvity:-the .'CiitiHc* I '!i ■ I Asria Hopas,skw Yo«Cfrr, Mdrcli 6,11856. | | quenecA of youthful eiioii, iel.- &cJ; !.. ?«««{ M H <autr «rf• |deahin : ‘ I 1 m• J i • i i r * , :* ; ■ . ‘■■■i toiulbrui xoo ; whal your Cherry Hcivral h»s my ; I lus admirable x*ec.urc ? clearly ]irove3 r . wi&*. Sbe bad Ucea fiTe-monQis umJa-r tho dan- ! ! I bat ibe above, euturretn led, ‘cerous symptoms of froTn VFe ] I t . v iN ni'v be reiimveil nuulle'ne' inull- «wU(Artur*£**• her Elioviiiitteadityfall jous. m. % > oe lumnea wituou mca> ; unar ; t *g. aabi thU cUy,wl»rrc;wo havecom* for 1 i 'Vi Liioul Dangerous surgical ..bptraTinDs,, nn?!., liartcd, reoZuumotuifd s trul of AYe bless j i <lii)v4<l bo read 1)V every v.owlU rtlid every ' Ufa kiulneu,-as wo do jour skiUT^rrecovered i i • ,-.I ( * v ...V j *\ : \ ; -V from Uiai day. She b not-yel oa etroegaa^ho;used lo In* . i , . ' ~ . _,• 4: Uo, bot her rbogb,and calbheraelf weU.“j V j. heal Uudor.s?eal, a«Mrc?>. n , J Yburayuh pratUndeand regard, i ~!. (. j s-?4e‘,l yai ttie.rt of >-i:; cciilts, or OIILAJiIK) SUELBV, orl&tliiiTTUX. nvb .ld re. I '.*s iLp”. ; .j - not despair Ull you bare tried-Area’s 1: r (MI AS J/ Cj: I.j \ T (f’O i ! 1 Cam*! PecrtaAt. It fa made t/aoneofaiie l**t medical,^ lij .l*«Wory.StWf V«l-U.i'ost Oilicij iiox.-lofa.’ , | : ,.i marriage. ■ payer’s Cathartic Pills.; IT^lovcs -awr hat sorrow and janseft. ' ninß A «>4 bW kiwsifg' »i**pc? «rrd learn. . ali*l j«>vs : J- bisefttlurir utmost to-produce,this teflt, mo«t perfect ' IKXID, byvr lo:~t, iipjc/ l; ti*e ;riutur«|, ; i>urgntiTejwbicU fa Uuowu to man. Innmnerabie jiroota j.; ireaiment iiiid j a’uiciil eui e Of spcrniat crli been ; tiro rijowu that there'.pieLS bare rirtuoa which sarpaes ja ■; •vr': reßt»iial vv6iikne.-hr Involuntary | «xccneac* tbo aeddbat they win tm* rer.uif rUMliiy and imivcdiiueuts Vi marnaac "pwecdaatedly upon Ute A»t«em of all wen..; Tbeyaresifo; J - »M rt«!<to» ]■' » * i , , ,• s; . * , . • I „ ; trattng pmpertua utlmubite the vital aetlrltiegof the bodgy: 1 j “^?C:\^V\r^vs, c ul rouU.usfrop : :remo 4 I Zo bsllocl K >ni(^i „ ! “f ~*• *”' ,tre . le.xj.l.kjm'd n) tiu* j and eipei dfaease. Theyparg-t*out (hefoo)humors which j .■r .UK IA1«E li by YOI N l.l , M. p. 1 nreed and. grow dfat«mi«r, stimulate fingguh or dfaoxi* i J Tins tiui.4 cxtYnoriliiuuy bo».4c hi l lie ; drrrfttorgansiotQ ihoir'Dalural impart healthy, I iijl?:ds of every yomig prison ■^tHitempbiting ;Wue w»ih strength to system. , Not only do'| nTr.rriajic. aa«l‘cv«rv 'limn ov -\v..iiinn,"w iiu jUV. --tbey core tbe .Terj-Jay ccuipWiiU of etery body,.lmt {JOTVS to'limit the numli-r oftheir ,'■ «1« i.nnl<l<Ue .ad daßrennu, that h«tcb«fllnl hiiieir cirirt.mstnD'ce's. tvciivAaiii, <li4iHo a. ,1 1 a ' a f hum^ , ,km - j hi, •■■* , 4 . *.. effects, they are at tbe-same tunc, In dimlnUhed doses, the : j l« W-. ■: 4 p^ric fbr ichirdrfn.; I ft' .expKuiuia; everv p:irlic;e ur s:io,\V;e‘,llru Belug BUgar-coattkl, Ihty aiS-plt-aatiut to take; and being j |lb,jt .sl.*>nld be, known btve-given. .)r lib'i purelyyegetable. aro any rfajc of banc. Cures | i»| A'Wgravlngs. ‘ lu diKcbncs t L|\ts'/r hare been made which Si|ggfva> belief; were they not snb-'i i evvryoiit* yiumUl knowtsad It is a ; •tanifated M mod position and character; 1 j nr:slJ)C looko.l- i>jV, and not Vic :»b*mt the W forhbliibe suspicion of untrbth. Many: eminent | lit will V.: ’ any our on the iof; : Vderfrmeniu»ll!.1 l ftlclixiwhawlCDtth^ ;;iv.-T,tv-nv./ ci'Mi s ,iu c:i M'atirJ^ r ,h ."-f ul :! i s ° f “J «bH, bthcr, I , . ti ■ - '■ 1 A Lave senwiw the assurance of their couvlcticn that my 1 ! 'iiAu .rps in, Pirt-upe..,-. - Pr.-parnttiras nmtrli,ute imnieuHly to tba Wlef «f m> ; •j f-invla. •■ ~ ■; J • . ! V T' ' ‘ j JC 1 "!'I’*al./ 1 ’ *aI./ '"''' f /. nu ti'Mllerivti|:il ; ; { may ?*o your U'*'s:n. i 'C, i»clut\K* 3.’ ; 1 .}•! Ao ur-- 1 Amerima-Aimanac.'&ihitaiiiing direct/ons fur their u4t* and J s|ri:‘-'under'tV-r* .rare of nav rliv n'dbvi-'djf - certifliatos cjf thtir cpiW, of tlielhilowiDg couiplitints:—; | !’n. U -L‘. u” tWr-u'u wl>-» nvl iiu . • Costivenei. 'Bliloah Propay, 1 | . U.rfj m - • (1C -<h.<■■ oy .S>. Ui. ■ ie . u Morbid Inaction cf.tlie Pain h I VnuSiu'VTWi;. IniidvrsTatl U : c;\*f4nU4- -'iD v.iU I ' atWng tow of alt Uleyri llikthd. if.' - -vixlr-v nm .kniv* dull 1 ’• oust'.-uul which reukitg-an; cVa" v nnnt 1 n *A,' i i o *; *' l r}£ 0U ;:• Klnir's KrlU • TIHS.W by;purlfyr-' jyi-UV lit-:;tih. po.iMr.iy \ouv Inc. 1 I 3 ~Ing th»*, bUW and stinmlating the system* cjn'e-inany ( i -in:. 1 uCW’U cun be Crln lifted uil* any ic.f the ■: ' kiiich It" would nf-t support they! could , l* i • •. 1 , .Jit:;.,.;. ;«» |.:4! . reach. hUch|WK rttrti;o.mi«dness,'N\nirßlglannd ; : Em ,t. .>\ -.1 r.Ob,t.U» a. , , K moU ,- IrcitabUlty; DbrAngcmopta of- thb Lirnf.aml Kid- : tliiicc”, 411* rect, above, I-ou-vtli,;! . ari* a . |; f^r.lV..Ui , -iCe hdur.S from *,* lo d, thi'dy. • j‘ni:ut-;d ; low state of the botly or of * . . . ,' v •_:. * .-.j •. .. I : Do not UDpnrjripied ! r ’.ISKAVKU =*• j | ’"‘<str«lr->m rfpi' onT\Ask,.for ’AiEitji-’ w y V fiua, ek. Mo other-they.?3n give rir EMA I E s £ M/lli AivY. I•• ■ yoii «.mpar«i».vlth"<hu In its /atrinsic*v«?uc or carailra \\ I> V v \v \v 'r4\VPHTY- • The sick wont the bAt:aW for thcro, ’ 'I; !4.atk.4;A t( ,v K kof 1.4...! .v. 4^.A!4r^ Mathvy^m 'K ,itt^u. r , : • j ~ . s ..., . , _... . ~ -I ~; . Prepared by. Dr. J. 43; AV[EB, 4 ;if ,4-on' ’ Practical and Analytical Chemist,lomell,'^Kai*. 4'. ,' -1 ’ , i:- ,r ” -I’EJci'aS CIS.: rEii-.'ltoi.i, ."itb Boii» fa’» Jl.i'j I. f/Jt;.' li'Y ■ 1)1 : •_.■■' ■ ~gUI.D iiY • I ':-: 1 /■ .“(■■ j s received' n.i'l thr>f jnif y Ife || ; ~ v.-.r nio t,y v'. Minis; jr,,'. 'nravcr H v„s j'.;l. . V- •• • lj< 'r. -.v. Kociu-tvr;- VvaV^nru-r...v l,n<v'rv,..{PS;i j; r . J-. .Nichols, ~). ■ l ''".vp'-.r. - . I }.a- 1' ! 1 Wci;;s.^,;.., - Joliii jPlor 1 ?, |j ; Tiutii-n.ohiov,per (srni. i>+ K>. :,'’i I'fi.ji • ’cau: A/Eslsar,'> dcnlhrait-J?t!rv j.i2C'.’>piiiiz,to V.roiiclips .-tit liW. -.iiSi- 1 ] l.rrp- ' 5® . j " Fuiv 12. '-tfi ji: ' f'.r liii'il.cj' voi’':id,!ft‘V?r ;V,c j •l.’riniTijiit.'-.o; .* J ~ ja«Jf«V ■ | AMBBpTYPBb'!:! . .FCIISTASTI \r,.’ UFH.LI4v Vb’- .\IT Tt : nl'S i-ab i[cyt be baU'ht the ;| couiixaidusk, in BKAvitai; , I r ' I i, ■! . ■-. J. • . ],. •j* ( . ;Tbrs*f piiitinvs iu>t d;inhj*, wat tc'vrsrijr.KlOlt to any lb it iinvo os or •nude in- | Denver- county; by fir«y other iifjlAt.; T« bo convjuccU, Cull i- jmuii ie . L j.cdineti4 jl ;*• iH.rVni«)u but H leir Vet ki. 1 * ’ 1 fl^,f»alU , ry injtho eaine rentin' by ; /i , < v . A. x CfUtF.|INVV% j j : I rimt..gf3phic Arti?t ;hsts >i Fas Mons, Mr ; // . I . cro if , coE & coa idvernsiiig ana CoicmissioD Agents'; | am> deaiai'iis in - . , PKIXTING INKSOF''ALL KINDS’ ' Type, Printing Materials, AVl’lTl*li AND I RINriNO I‘A'rtfi CAIiiDS, &Q OtTicns; —Brown's liuiUlinfl, rhilad-lpuiu: Tribune lluilJitijji*,''Sla'wj York, lyj- ", r .:'r; ■ ‘ ' ■. >. ; SV-'V (BEAVEIt, PA.) ■ I |a6"o(Tice in the Court Hoiifc. !'■■■; IV-,, isos. j. Hi ; ATTO.RKEY AT. LAW. Ofth'c f in Octi.l Wih'>ti& Otisx. i- 'f. NOlVr% r SIbE Of THE DIAMOSBj, I Ker-r’s Hotel,’ < Thdprd Street. Braver, P ' ,r T. .. = : v: J Sr KERR, Proprietor. , *: OOD Cnuhed'ind Brown Sugars for sale \T.« tk« Bn('W«r« •# . ■' I ,i ■ • i- •' .. :«j JOHN B. YOUNG, Eal 'BB A yap, PA- j [af>3b;<32 : AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL iron tub haem curb or Colds, Conglis, ant Hoarseness. £ ' B*Uonn», Mass* 20th D«cL 1855. • v Ds. J. C. Arn: Ido not hesitate tr the beat irpiedy 1 J£tre errr .found I and eearomitent,.symptomsofa Cold, la; Coiaar Psctoaau - Its cobs ton t u? toy practice and m y family fcij the-1 i ten years ho* slmwu lt"To possess suj rior rirtur* Sof the trealmeutoftlu I oumsdaftts. EBEH KNtQHT.M.D. ! A.J3, Cf/cA* N. writes: u t hare I Used y^u^iVctortuf3y*elf and in iny fitmily ever fluco; I yon iQTohtcd .lt, lt the best jmedreine fotsit* [ • purpose fter pnfrotitr.TViih a bad cold I should sooner'. I - pay twenty Dre «loUarh for* bottle Ulan do without lt,’or' i tokeaoyoUicrremedy.” v | Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza, ! ' ! rSpsiaona.D, 51i«L,K5b.7 # 186 ft . > A- , BROTirta Atsr: I Will cheerfully dertify y6i&Ji\xirtral j_ the boat remedy we possess for the c«rejo&|£a£oph»K y% dohgli. croup, ao‘,l tlie cueif’iliiieases Bf chiliir&w \ve of ' your fraternity in, the fcoptli appreciate your skill,' anil I . commend your tueidletae ttfottr people. I ; * v , i AMO3 L£E,£^.«JtoiamT r la* writes, CJ 11 1 had a t<fdiour4ufluemai which cbiifiutxl mepji doors' ■ six weeks; took many uitniTcluea with mjtT^TlcT^ftnaH y,. • • - '♦ • '^r/yD'- chitte s } PHILADELPHIA < j-ii: ■ ' ont ifr ,TnGj-~g^si; i N. E. come? of 7th &CliestnutSt., ■■■ rA. / 5 • jTltillS wjncfr \Vns estulriitihcd ijn; • 15 44,- iaiul | is i no\v-.con>oqxuuiily jin t jc| 1 year jtff Mis cxistciice, j i\mid;oi|x .‘/amongMis s hundreds of t hefn;uVt MvrcM’jjrnts and Uusuicsa Meu .of our Crtiinnrv. _j f • ') ■ •• "■■"/{■■ \ . jl’.l I ’ of ,Ujp Institution is to itf-i i'otd y *miig: men ie.s • for thoFvmsj.h rut ion for • . ■ T- ■?-. : -tauglitaro* "as ... J'o<jk-Av applicable !o the various rtepa/ariVcnU C£|tratlfp i’enipansliip* pta'inf* an *\[. arnarihmnil f Commercial' Luw, Civil Engineering; ; ,l)nVwui2, ‘ rhhpugfapljy}, ’ aiul Mmlcrn.jaiiig»mges» • <- 1 The systonKoi; Instruct ion. is. peculiar: jiip classes .qr matfe use of; hjit «*^s|cli tanglii hmiviu’-mlly'. so that .lie may e»»j:!]jycncc*'rtl-i»ny li vac. ainl alt oral er hovu-M aVe ruor’t corivfi’riitnM ' ' .I -tl*|c Y : Catalogue's arc ’ 'after • * loth of of. ifie fi.ul-. dents for, the year, and'full particulars of tony he obtained at- ajiy ;Un|c: tty addressing the VrtncipaV \ : . In-Texffcnswe accommodations. .nude-spre: :d reputation, and thedengthy of life' •Ilpincipal* this! Institution jofffcpiFTO&li Mes;«ir’ pe&or to any other ih the 'comilry^^t \jw\V-Q men wishing to proparefor and; ;j c> obtain at the shmc time a vVjU prove a recommendation for apv Nfcjr cantile'House.^•' ;‘j[ ~ ’ —— # * ;■|i>n . llook-KceWng, Vw more..■■widely J tiroUla?fc(l tbanWy i»lhcr work on .tlio fcubjoct, sale nt tke College. ' i.-.;:.’- ; -i: 'i \‘ ■l.-, ! ..S,-U<»»(IESf > UITTKSHg?fj. : '-|t \, ' ■' T ji\- ; ' -.ritlN'rJIMEK ’ i May : 3>TC>tlO©- •• ■' .. Tub Aunt's liir 1806 ami, 1801, wlilc-h liavirnot beennp. aswcOl; h* ike : ucrounls 1 61'. iL.Wt'yaud, j[. j. U’cyand. AVcySnd, and Jjllcfiryv arc fVi|n{yiiai|ds lor .i.tHjqlited" (q ror l subsbidirtlo'n, advivtis6id<uit"ori|ob call. pn/rne at Iho Ofbick. couiitij-arq dl' long/standing sliojiild: bo settled. ' _ Oil' ’ SAMUEL DAVENPORT : ' SEW miXEHY m MAXTUA-MARIXB ' ' j;_ KStABLISiniKiTT, \1 j'; •• •v" vrw «mnr v eim'a* BROADWAY, SEW BRIGHTON, PA., (Fow Do«p below: Dr. Saxcont't Drugstore. . r -y*trk Mffis WBNO. 1 (. VO■ .'M- ' V ’ • TAe, -Ciy/e CaHt!- TheW. ar kct g^. W-V'-J’-j.. ©W* ■■■ I I-... 11 ur &■ ZxtarmtscifSen aftntut i Wz-k : 1 ■ 1 r ’■" /f!\ RgME^f^: j .].V: :•_•• I|. ■ ’,;Ki,Tir , (THE OKWISAt, ONLV TKCE ANI) O»TIXE} J ' (/,e Jf, ” 'll; fW.9sXcpri a Stable Bcne4; for'' '■. ■ '"* ' LIVER ' ' r ' AND .seases. , Tho.ord. _ -ces.ef Dis-' ; . ■;■ ; vr|Vf : easb'of the Liver arc Pain and . I _ VViVl ;r .V ; tenderness] in the yegi an of tip: -• ASIT;i ; Liys^BoiflatimesduUltiidacliinj,-,, .fl; /><•- *• //^s firptihn■■ increased by pressure* pain end ;, tr- IflCasiness in! Brca|WD!f, ; Pain in ' *■ 7 / }Ii0: ■ : the right' I uneasiness', •< ' C ; when lyingupon tho left title, ' )i' ! p rJxyVrP v , <l orthoXiyer; SSiOPf and Dry Chugftj disordered stoni- . ; 'y ieh, i'ellowish'Tiage oh ; jthoeyos and skin; UcadaciiPf yet, u.i-iV p«?«&<jss£], , loWieh fui on the tongue, ' J- Fu “? r - ;’>V jisll. taste in [the. '■ j! 1 ■ js6>" 'ffitwii «La}:V»£ ‘^s; dull sessakion in the .Brals* W yyS .; prsssioa {.■':fj.-6.p^U;w.^^-utUc!c-s , ‘w<. : | almost to Insaaitj-, slight'l%Br--V' j h ijj ■■ ry| ‘ : .itoward!ev|niii^os<io| Atp*tHe,;'£o ' ’' * Kf lantUelr.withmoipoS&ircss'and '; . ,® as _. . r;;■ -■-s'- ■•!'! aSrla, • Xeara ? g^.i o <3nai- -Ai hc: h v ; & /^ r "' . j ness, a general feeing of Uacasi--- |, ■ ts‘"' yhi i ness,® Languor, drowsiness, the, , 4i3riK ]J. "Jp j iipafient opnscibusbf • I ■tartogiin himself, and .disused : :. 4si».y. 3•.••■it.i-jSt. I :■ ifto.'seof nothing right dir tilings."!v j ec TXi’ about .him, yot wholly unable ! '-• ] j ■ to. explain the cause"bi|iiif jeen,-v.-.- 1 ; ; . y{ y; il many other,s-easily • ' : ; ..^. I detected? |by resemblancos to • : p“ "Fr *' ; sbtiior 6nb or other of tihj.abovo.; ; ’I" '■■■ ■'• '■ • 1 The Liver P,iU will cor- rv.-\. r j. u , • I : faialy arr!st tho diseaso if taken . r o<.“ .■ 'P-iP p of aboveJ\!. , y.., t -.• i symptom;;, which if a‘lowed to' ' i. rj . ti£i^|iite''^ii^e^hcccinhablu > <n^.'4'-^-'^- • .. ~ —v<i itsi nature and. A . ' , rablp, asd '. ■ l ' l ‘. .1 " y i’■ •■ 1 ' ■■'■*' l ’■ stantly increasing suffering. , -- ; * h '' '■•.■•••:. :■ ;c , The und of thia nieSirius wIII'e‘ - r t i;i j- l j ' 5 V o*qato a nor •'• ‘-f- r • -'• ;v:, '\ pre’paro th.eij«ystem hemoreVi "bro-fi3 , ’V .. remedies of tho ■' npcessary ! call anjiaißj oidv 1 \J*4% ; : ! As! i .- , :SELLEjRS' PSLi-Si ; .SfesE IHVALtTABIiB. '• 'y I' | y• ■; •‘ 7 FromtA^^sbi'ng/ JDrnJc , .lsf,..S.'l?<fD'*i Ind;: f l>. tv-i;.— P-«r ..v»>— Ip rrj>?V, :<■«• .viwii*: .*-«if tli.i itrh'iiHSfiut, I r-rr‘ [ ,rh-i > . 'fir S’-iItTH: ’.M(iil;c'hf- jr-.s 'i-f} ln-.: - tinaAl oail ihj no* t}>«-v fhiK-il U> ].n' L . Cilllifll*. Cj ,i*li J-f.C.iiatMl Him 7 •■«-r'MsW 1 • pl-ii-wt 4t, triliin -Ov* p'Vli of ‘-t'‘n:vi7,>‘r - - with U-i jiy srudvT** it a faViTiitx-: Nut ;i ii|iV ■ :*.t of ibo?_ y ycar'. Tii- fliers Syrup. , ~ r ,'■•■; ••■; ;,• : • j.,1 o. cr«j:r,c>. . df-jliCvJ : J!r TvcllVii MVM th* yirtir* »'■ pr-sMir* ch ! .; v |> >v.w !> six "iv.•rifts ft lu £Coa' i, ' ,-T^v: ifj 'N'-rTf W :i UrTi J*. WnkcficM, former Mhc*c<_.H* i*. thdf.c:i.j 7^ [r>'V-t {•*'*;«jr.rt‘..«!r'vt I t .•*! i:ir -hy, id.. ■ v.tur jus!*y 0i ; ■Szte J‘ -lit/'. ■«:. !' !m t!ri-o : vn.'V! • ■ ■h: *l. V.-tJi {!! ;ior v ft‘! Wv.-Us, ■ (y* /• , C.* :»?:*? I'rf : The ',u'<•;! It* Vir lr<‘-m~T h« ] .■?. J PrieO'SS Ccnia., • ■ * mwkis .wanatgair TIL - JPB3a SELLERS j&.-Cp. • : : , ■;:- '■r- -' ,■! ' •R. e; f '.ff ipir I &sxst t-is hcri ?j!e : cvu. ; jV; ; t;*i*‘y ‘ }.,-\ Tiy.’ kV.‘. j iVr- 'ihrrn\s-rK W ,M;!ur ( lm's>. ■ ’•• fcr v t.' I .'-j- <■, h.(h''fkci’if.'H r/. r.;ftj : > j . 'Jh. 1 iTii«- ‘ |*Lv o>‘fcr«;r'u-n_*'.T maur \4>ysljiaf..- j I tis j :I v - rpi i*. ;n a.i:SSj,r;J ■ : ju-tU'e-.l ! ;; il;c . ' *. iUJ?i 'ij:e j iuvr.'.fi'-n'y,rf v??).'! h ’of Ihf* jpc '! \Yi:l Oc.kKtu liV ••AVUk:»|j *;U , i-rT;ir l i>:'.;vS:r. ; Jf t i>l y'fh'.f t<f ih<: 5 fulie? ay>’ t?* hirk.ttjf {Vi/ <ov Vr^ciVV/Tf: i d V 7 . ■ : ? ..viytiilll idui;';VrUh (/io" i 1.~ i i-l:i <i. ■-■•['. . :■■ j! ,i,i-- ~ : ;• *'J !| 'LST "MY£rCIAKG SPE.tK;-> i ‘sEisg vs|!F^njiE;i;i:sn iiicir. piio^J 1 '■ /tir\’i V a 1 M’. V, y. H j—V. s:r \ .’i ;„v rtw! r'-o.ei ir tiv' U'.an'fii'fiy ] •■vix n'.'Tvr. • l v \; ii!W-‘fi ; ca-V o vial. 3 I -.i it‘ uMh'ffrlJ .&■>*' *!■•>'• y\ii 'i [ v r l 1 tli'- ‘ Of t- ; ! /..tivr.- j ’J li-r cUSt f.,r i;cv. &s vvtll a< ativ s;i tlr I’ j,' v ' ’ * >, ‘4*. ». va i&j i. -i«i v: ; ! J AJI Uifit ii ji'jatui La in ;>hy I [faiiTHy.-tPi fair trial;. i- : , Jv ■ - ■•■< *■' ; r r.. ii: ?r. r».- ‘ _v . 'I-Ulj, P ;>■ J{- r » ,f t nr.-f-rt. 4, : V H. Tu. :—ll >\v ii'i£ ti'cti it- Irt h % y joric- IKv t*<r, hv l.tVt'luur liv>? vnu. ' u ; .-tfly vSt j*n : i al*s r• * tlw V bi.T.’, \. i ..ilu-J i-ur.iiUuUrcrf. iV?>Tlfisll\v> i J ! -.i* • ' ■ ;I). CVCCiI,-;Xu- J), '. I IWt* illicit enumorath Isunilrvils, of plljpr rav«,! lijt, VoToiruje hasiy.KHl- .Mns tho imillciil frailly aijiVptßv. lie Le n. ore Man a quarter df a tUvlf, Is couduiuro of ita entire sd/tlfy aiv/eU at tfa rrrt- lts ffitft. |r. ' 5* -2•• ••••• EM arfe citf ' to Jcalora (to m:ouim*!UiV K)ul seU othor Vc>- wHujm. Do doc o£ . any cf Jtem on you. t> Int c'tett pc.<i, therefore ask fior&ilcrs’ ami tal tup other. '?'&!,s, " 3?rico fin Ceßis; -V '--j '* 1 .rjtu*iau> AND £OU» Cf'Sv r-i' w R. E. SELLERg& CO. ... J/PiTTSßijncriii ■ - | : ‘ :NfuraJgS, - 311, T/., -- S -vi :i . u XVntv-t ■ v Vr.y'J. I'T* & " ~/y l;oC. Ui:'^j,;;iy!i \ -- y.'r!: I; :> ■1 'ij c Kuiiiir oi'Viu v i'.-- 1 -,'. •• ■/ . • U;;:- I. ■*!■ ■.•>:> M'iib'T'll ’V.‘ U : t! ;■.!» 1 i-'l '1 ■ i - V. i; •iri:"' i'lvilil.'.i ■ b!;i;. iiii* —-rv.*iii m./i" MI ii-' >’'?• Ti •■!:.. * -r-.- ■; ■., n vuww:! MMIIIMM ■i f\-o!x.-il.-f : W .:r m : : ■■<; k> si-.v;lii.V4wT%; >K‘A ■ ; 3 ■■ - I , '11; 0! A: ! K'Z'VSzv l! ‘ -V ;,'::r-i? „ I . j - .MV -""•/.vin. y>.r.i'iji i-:\• I <*t :K ! V^i EN Eli '. ' in''"! • i'C : ..I^l%'’ ‘i- ; -\i. si,-\ ,v {.\-n V ■■'Xii-v- T(i . •■• r*n 'I i -Ov-ur; •. =Ell • ■ *j UK. MBES t'i ■ 'yJ r .ifas.'-I nv erorv sr-* ;- , v .' / t'y a :/■ •Iv.irirt ;u ; f flt; - : I sf pn vis»s U> iv .> i )**>}■ r■cl;i M tf <! ttoiiMr-*.i r i i] *;.9■ • t! l‘i:i tor VOi V £-ic!c J$ ■•••.•■•- I.^ }•< : (n ' j • * i’*-. •5f V ;u-,nicv-Candrn \>£i: olnU‘*'l: foj-i.l tiv vour ui‘Hk i Fin .j yo:( ,{;• voi,. yr: ov oai.v‘^£ : A ,u*'i 1 h:it mnl i -’d r ■\'(ftc l.kuitx in ncct ■ ) Son-,1 Jin' ftfiJ. j'r-.trfpij (-,1 ,7':r.!.). : >: I, ;,v \ K-»UVs : A*lJ sfrjfcii -■ jlaic in'fivvi-si.(l-vc:\Y v <v.v‘i t' r *j' /1 /*».i A f / /-i .S’/V-l f Aon^Adii'c-T:Ao t-ln-^-rv•> •f-idV' ::jts-piinJyr ' fr T?4-? ' -r- ■ . fii- • -1 ■-• vii i t*or.) ‘v,v.' "*■•••■••'-v..f0r.’T'.’js ':i.... ; ui :: Vf&jes lVi*e if-ipu'r : v... unplevi-ant. i-uol , and y'cn'ou.-. s ! muolv. iV'Uow. , cVui .Krllr. UunVs -igiv^pr-iv,^*^ : jiienv. Xlu'vuro •origiun.r rut ionV a V\ui 1 0:1. 'Tlicyr:-icc cl‘ ;t 01 -iHcc. jnvco id cents; 'and tn«. « ;^‘pUc : tli<yV li> llui-.bavTyc prKv At: muih’f op rirccuH •;• «7/S£r The rmc‘? a ppretfi a re a that Voi joJjjim-iiieVf.' oVLtUpsC' U Avoni-ihum.-, T,vcry'mail brniaW 1* i w oa and-not’a teu^Whyrti^ | \V^si\ v . u>J ,c - HCiTlj hy m; s j l ito -tipstwo arc compelled to K’ply ' ! rrapcfeTiile to pend^’.hnlt‘-fgm bi>nl6...Vy ; 'i '‘Tliepooplo i Sltvpt-f th&n?..-'-' ;. ■. v *’Now is'the . ■ '■ ■- ■ . C UANCEVFOII -AGKNT^% r Shrewd agents can tnHke.a J r. I carrying these articles afois»Ju> -Dec!i.Ll'rciiswy i«_lbe neatest ■' ir!;Cl | ■ man can carry .arbupj?s one and see, or, Ijcttor, a Will soil, as-samjUqs. . liberally w'ith clrculurs. I.Jjgj" 5 j to to go; t.b,deg'> Kl l a profit..«TO&iliSa sp.endinsr IUoM-m. 1 , I ,;' I benefit of Stfriists.- ■. men I hove isjsomctTiiujc uictv aa takedho.lltlcjttt its W. Address. • • ■'ZF.I J AVSI. 11. HCiU>> i. ■■■;^Tribun^ua<Kfiss.,.Ne>r' c That be denee, Wi ISsn H. tit Co-i' t-ei'er 11 BVooklyn'rst i(L$. Crsland Bank; Brook'.? 3 : :"Ln. S * 10 V ‘ Ti l },u * Ulft ._. •‘t i / EMS tr' . 1:3 AKD, EU 7.-~ v t’no! •T -iti: .• V- »/ -V.f •/.'._ ;V <: v .V, E ERIE J ’-a, i! -• Mg ; • ’.. ’'"i •" IMO '• /v-ir/- -v =, ~ s . »;! 1 V ■» MS MI : wm ?nvcii I s- :■,. i;i \j&/ illffl ;,..,. y.,:i EEC ‘N f MEE EMI ME "£A; /jJTV.-V _ Il'.V.i ie'-si.-i J 1 ""'T •-• p • - s-STab'iM