The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, December 24, 1862, Image 3
: wabtaz. '" Great -Cities/- ' t Burnsido.l V ■■■ -•/T”“ ‘ -\ ] Hebert vs Nllban F. Couch, TO SELL , ; i • \ t tlw underaignoC^yo”*^ erob y ~ ' *y thb artillery u J_M c! . ,c, J .Office of' Ixthunal .Kn\-ENjrE, J Joim.D. Dooghcrty 14 I>r. John Wiuans, „ at .« c/L/ P7/r>i» Cnuntv Colored &’ \ /rrr —- ]"“•. Uj FAST TWEKTY-TUIKD STREET, -the Pruggigta, Apotjxeoarieg, ana ■/■• « /tbo ; -*(/, 'OJUct,vu Dinner,ljnn «., V ! James Duncan '-,■ “ Jno.jM. Ewing et »L LfoycTs New iShit ■ . ■ jf ONG“inarchcir sOTo »nd etiff ioinlk hi** l ® 1 -f 1 . I7iP& 176 GRAND STREET AND 215 . toMtr hi - N .. v ■ lot?., 1b62. j Jtiram Meaner ct ah •• Hugh Andean. ; Map of the UMStatCS, :; j T t&Wier' f| - • , ■sl&mnt of assurance ttntAYEffS v bank of ibe EtipJ'nnuMiO"-!,, -»j C ,TIC.E is hereby givenio fll persons who ( s am e., ■" ■; “ _ ,‘/“ c ’ . r 'J Canada*, ami A 818 ErunSWich, r-‘ ULi en( i ur . MOTH EUB, IIEMFMBKKi THIS, - oiio v' y 1838 BABSApPAEILLA. baa been foundtojje . * It lie- water. If • have been Assessed for License, &c., for; Bank Lawrence Col, •• Selah Chamberlin. . recent surveys, completed Aug. 10, your B ons a fc grasping their. ihuskeW tpW TAB |;J®-_ £ V N ‘ * . . t ,i ec J,.f u v-.» : romed7 0f great excellence, aid rfOUJiT rer.aA V ... /..i s -’ xtT nidus froflTtinc September-. Assessment, under the Excise o game' •*■■ f‘ |- amo ' , -} 1862: cost $20,000 to engrave tit,- and one lL ee i dan^et, think what relief a po{ lof -thia^T'Hly.a^ihthy'li'Kt'6ff’^° No< ?^® denoo th ® community. - between filly v - tv 0 f ,h c chited States, within the County | Same -- . <j* Same, ct alt . 1 lit t ittMt tW(L fc COOLING Salves wW cive -J_ operation fo r ;«» :? s , W-ft/ ' . - i *r *- R^ A ?» w ; oSc^-TY -atidt The j tatlm cor t ‘^ e “ r ; on or : A backpay, bounty and pensions, P r <» e =-' ■ p. r - mte d instructions Shw to, canvass, well. I pu t iutd-thc Khapsacks ofyour*. lliVlteti to ca!! UHOn US “ NATH’L SH.SBBE, ’•’ railronil from Washmft on. via- Aqma ; sp d P W-!™“ d «collect ion tvuhthe least P-" c ': furnished all our agents. ‘,w y , Druthers, a moie vW or>Ln: York - MASS, creek passes. thfOngh U and thereby upon Adr : . .1 dtt ° U , Wantca-WhoUsale Agents for our maps ttv tUalt .a of thi» ~ j-nWc fi s#Wy to fttrpljWfltonf «c ;; 1 1 f Wre If-tffic ai«<l tra, lo was : , i- ■ ■ 1 , rtiwcAlnHnn ' every ; State,-CaUforma, Camida, Lngland, jIJXTUAOUDIXAUir.MILITAU-Y SALt E. ! clejnamtr^iut avhichtbey eunpossibly p,••tK.ev S, W./ ?^P95®L^-»„.«a“ a '^r 6 , “ rebellion. Ad ; the ; r^‘d^ funds par in! • France and Cuba. A fortune may<jc ■ xhe loheiy sentry walking his riunds Jtrcyiou V<r,.nei-Viv PUipitcd at : bur-onlv, taken in pavmenfof lascs. ’ ; rpUE Co-partnership heretofore existing un- 'with few hundred dolhirs capital. No to. - a | exposed to ..trenching rams and chtU.; jpgrDvucrg ; bjr, ni yu • • TTOTT-WM! M BODafATT,' :i ’ ' -.’ IN J A bur eatj, L.uttt I SA JfKEV.- •; 1 derthXnaurc and style of M-CoNXtttt..J F. Uovd, 16-f Broadway. h. ; l, ; , iliri l iH hv ,m C most VIODDVT| tn , DpnaVfatl to ( HOIL. H Frcderitfol'Ulti slay V .lJ.t«« / a„, .lG Collector -2 l:b District, •! tons, unpaged in the Foundry / The! Wat Department usesronr tudflS-iH, and j A ork. • ; * i Ijouf on cat-h trip, a uol-intotm ik.rabk I. . anil y at .j line fcasinesa. was duly dissfilvcd on vgiijia, iMary’.nnd. and Veuiisjlvama,cost •.•I- jhjaUSSEWJ, firstitVniptonis of-.QUWf Ot«ee : f ,B«rcror-n«». vAd. kV/en.w-A.,1-.- } ' , HOH". PRENTICE,- ~ iriuetvus n.vrp'.y inl.ili int-> Wanted Immediately, fuc ::d day of June;. 1«02. The books of the 000, on which is // ' SIMI‘T,I!W. -lad' V Miiyor of KOSWtCH.rCSJNST- Cbanct It -is/ > - * ■ ---led bv M. "-rragli & Co., ! Sbr -sb - ‘ Maryland lltghfs,..\<iluam?port i, v and llOlii.UVr AVS lOlNTrll- '-mAr P:.- '; ’ !i J ' ■ ’ . . - mediate locality Ford hnd, tdU.^VIV dl^aT-l-n ym *^j ltU *.*' ;.,'• • : |t -£■•;, \. n { y e ' : ( j »>e Cheap tfherv Cuey will- continue e«id business in.all . others on I .the Potomac, and other i.*.100 m mid moriung^ioijlie oinimcni-JbnsklyjjT Oi LKTT . i 0 * pt HEW LOSIDOjr, <jJOM?V o-rrivd to Frt>«icHrk>tiurg. * "i .’ :..l • isciOeuouieOlatclv. -DAVID M'COKKBM... | KENTUCKY* Oil SO.. IMUANAi; and H4c,■ ! lh(! or I>'\,.n«KKO,US> C(JlpP'.j :Ai!;in k j j y. Mayor of M 1 i V‘„,t Wn-ii' ht>i'a!*o been, con- ■ ! f . v,,. /v ’ MATVISON UABUAOH, i at the only anti ority .for Ga^iiThefore say to ihe ivholo army; . „'-fi M.'G ■. . . - x:-x- ■ ; HOW. j'lT. 'Fi .TIEMjAWH’ > 1 . L :■. A L.t^ w '., 16 a Point u.i-;-i±— £*.. 1. I B. ■ (he Wari Department. Monpyt, refunded ~o ~ , gOLIHEUS A'f-fHNTipXrir- |hSKh C A of NEW, YOEK CITT.-; Sppabnnnook **, OFFIQE-OF THE MU-1 ' al)^ t H«n. y-mr ?fjfaorf. ' <dSUß*VrW*ci V W£C4;-swi. :■ The river extensive;. w.ltci , T J. O viewing sianawt pt-the unmrs.of cJ ,„ tl , e undersigned, alt persons indebted to j '• I ■ l ,J.irf / £; / .i Vm . o f.a f jf?««.i,W IfhXr.— year.-. Doctor Holloway Ims supplied. '* l £ .;j .j, -?;y ■;lUiihcy 0- W- -7- -h. bmTTOP ' "’■ '- . TjOWer. w hich.,ho\v.'Vt'r.' l.tis riot oeen; tl ;c Xoinptu.y i M .uhiUhcd •mi coMoremy w«u ga i4 cslate are requested to mahe immediate,' „ U., mi i Cains. Art and Ifni arihiq.s in Europe: ..nad.rmj ' ,c; IvifS ffnrC y HO%B. M. — *. , fine s;ranitOj ’and. *lrce>toi'ftv About ; 0u Marine ami, J«- •' • ' | : ’ . THOMAS ItKKD. „a all back from ihi Olntmoni in a fe.| artjl-, '^7: f >-.Si Vht~ti>Jon.ry. Jl i . ’£ JjQHW' SIiQ&WU. o ’thirty yearn ■;«..■«, -Hie oi ; . land hi^,....0.- bT - - . : , cp n ,' >; ’ , inbgun.iaiiand Tnce. ‘ v • "ii; Mayor; oM,Y<3ITS. lOWA?'-. town- tvtts vpry jnteilt; ■Vi . j , l .l ! .i Y .l!!i t'i,a uof-n« . :rl:-. •?- C “ -5. . v „ ll ?‘ >!1 ’ w o ' ollc ; :, ; l —■> •?,?.!Hi 1«6-’ : Lr Ut e ;ia oi (i m:r t..‘two ! -tl»;« I’ILLS AND ; Juhi.*<ion Anna. , j,-. Williy^i■. ~■?.,f f O. W. ’ gtoppctlin Us ’• ih ':‘ >?i •^ I w4^rß^5 i - ■r ft as It w'ere.. S.nnditig * 1 > ~ Vl .^: K^: marked off ar tuim.l - ;cMhtoaFßcaV<^£aholyrd<* - .turoUg^lioutr ic a iv. ' r r-,0!,, ' ?; v.l'"'l ivuAdcaseSiiy • \. .-- ; ; . jeiyir- rfsitfOTSTA, JSEt± ■I. h l.■rim , :^v . t , .- w , uc.lrl.oi: ■' ~| granted td\tUo^mder S *»-. ' * - 111 - ' ” ; Ti) AllMsl -.. >;, j. U ; ,v .;.- | T ..y t <F,\\|W>S; JES;..K- f p ; T Its i importance. its population , c j 1 : ; .,,j i a . . ~ y.. ...... 1 . ; ; t ! l .;... J ,V' l rd estate' arc fejiu-sicd -to malic "l l ;;■• • 1 ,S. ..,...; c,,,;rj ron irt author- : Do hot let these l>i-ayc'nteir perish 'Ug f --4 ■!■ =p4 •'; ' - HOK., HEHK? GOOPEB. Jr-i 1 | -iiini souls. • „ tx:B,!ij a 'nd tliose havhic chums maiming the .• ‘inJUron. nsantnor . l!f6Tp h . ln j s ,<. cs „ ..p.i;%,Vftlpb ' - OLL &<■■ h;iiS ... .u, of HAI4hOWELIi. i Ho ; numbered ■ficarlykour ;tliou>.. „ • ■ ‘ luit-l- Josas ind in 1>>)0, 11-ii yeitrs,-ahor. k baa (jurhc nnl'v increased oightysAght persons-"*- less than nine 'each . year., and -being - abdn't itvm-'per'cent. in a .depade —a : ue., during the. remarkably _ima!l ■increase -p ;'contaißvd-nv.eeluircbcs vtv&u t.a—*„■ obe •usylu.m,: two ' F: ;. J' fcuf newspaper odices and;two- banljs. v ioann ; - ; The‘ccmiity jn which i-Vederivk.s-! Keka-uvam-es .... burg is'fsUiiatficiihw'-'; :,n area of- •.Surges, hundred square tdilek or. two hundred- i •and„ fift j^h&^housapd aenny The Rappahannock- forms ‘the Jlouiulary i;chis. "on the northeast, the Anna I V - river on the' southwest, iiriil- the Abu- ' 5 taponygrises within. its liniit,^. The | , "surface is diversitied'by hill ■ " The solkis generally fertile in life""- ' vicinily nf the streams. Two gold,, niinos were worked withui the county ■ f ’ : < iii kfuO, 'and', »s before -staled, tree-; d, stone and granite'are- abundant. 1 in; ' ' ir ' J canal running northwest carries the •'•■river ‘.traffic’ far above the- 'lulls, and .. the eouritry is intersected by the Rnhr i niond and Potomac I’ailroad. Si'•■!- - ; organized•in-MT-O, anil nanifd.'-in honor of Alexander' Spoils;; n. to al- i • ’'-'i i* 1r vt VU- J- J ; BC2 ' •-.*>.--• -.• -v:- ■;.. . vlSiiv «H-'KE. •./■■[ ■ i--c S'Ji'co' ■_ : ; SVnSCUIT’TItp AGRIyT, f: c+ ■ ' herkas i<h—; At ~ j A y COOKE & CO., Bankers, " l ”i‘ii I * v " ij- .!\ 4y h'U'ri ‘TrmltMi it. »is*i'Uivuci’^cr>t-’- f l*,ou ci- : < *• i •i- ~ ■•*.. [■•■■■• i : -i 75 ■■ ■ ' -* r t:ttc of;Vr?ppb Sr.. Vaieof-. . 140 S.OUJK TUIUI>>STUEKT,. | 'U4?7T'j’ ‘ / ;i Grccius* tp.-, VcA&r’ county. I'a..- nil \urr*yua v. . i r" ■'^ifJ«Ua<lciphia r :Nov.'l, ISy-*. -,-h £2 - ;«*■-r^»fenow ; jhp iheinbolvcs ic‘>U*l>LC<l to t-aid • - i.- M .'^'y ' ’ ! i •\. •. ■ o,<su IS • <r*:v to imiiioaiatcly. iin4oi>i£nvd.4»aTm£ tyen fappqinterf j -*■ | ana huvinjr claims* tiitf same will j ■ jspaSlUUl.M’loN AOKNlWibc Sccrcla -v.2v)o 91 .... j present ihdfr to tl:o dul.v n»« Jiont:- t Yrojivafy,’ia now prip&vcU to fur-'" j ( c^.icd’ torKflilenicrji.' J AMi-S. McCIIh.MA, ’,irirh, ax ciice, t lie ■'_:• -• J| .’■ {[ ■ |- •' ___ ‘j* - - ■"■*' - Executor, ; , ‘ _j_ ‘‘ , i r 1!! ' ;;i ’ ■ pwr ; ALMri)' iok. : Xeic fv:<- n tjYear G .px d~-J^iuh. : *• 1 - !| j in ti.c' Root office at Reaver C. ‘ ,j . , •-,... ~ . .I.j 7a’ .‘Five-' xK;ot •.•nil oompamv, [hrva.,=Nov. fsib. iso-j. .. •- U »!* Umtci mi«* <J f Vf .<-, 1- Ik--.. --,. -*v r,_, , . , • „ i ; 'lVtuliox; ’ redeemable at the pleasure oijnt ’-i '■•■ o 1 Government, alter five years, And authorized •'.) c ■=. 3 j,cr-ctUoan/.-.?'.i3,(H:!0 ; fto J Im- -m,'r* * ‘ ’ i liv Act of Congrcs., nj,proved lebruMy w* 1 ‘ •■;j ToJ.OO 1 L‘ , tu , » n Jouii _ Isr-’ ■ i ' '. i i‘. - i.\ ~ ' . ; Obahiiriort Sarah j Purler Klizabcth .. ‘TiicCrtUrdN TSOXDS *u«jV. . 41,010 00 'A'airie-Jpfcn ;*J.o:is Mary •* ' ?3u' SlW^tf'VslWK-V ' ■['.. . i ,-L • 7 :;-1-r{vfr ccofe , ' •! [ !,ck . **?** '■ 2 d I ' The'. UEGIfsTER ? u.ns of |uo :i‘io o'.» - A ££!r'U;.tl ■ • • ,• {»{-i 1 S->9o.' r k - !• ;■ ■. j o » -i Mrs \u-gima ■ - Ul^rC:J( k| .| Bix p cr per nniluj .will ' ' T ' 5T.130 *.U ; fcWr* In .he above List C?n.wcne« from Ua.6 of,purchase, autl .** ‘ i i,«-O’* l/U . ■ p i •■-.». 1 . .. to ■ . :• PAYABLE HT GOLD, -.800 rsjt ;«>®ciiE?6ttra: Kcom -a; Jl. 01103 rvM. ■ wWch ~rc,entn t ' (Jo j. - " •.'■ • ' *bottt ; tG,lT I>E,ltE f* T^ «l\ •> RY -AVI) '•'•i'iTl'TllTl' i FarWcrs.'illcrch'tints Mechanic? Capitalists. K ,A.M> < 11■ U I U ;, t ,j u ii.wl,o btive any money' 16 invent, sliiultl.; ■ l r> ! Rev. R. T. Taylor, A. M. ( Prih; !;kn..w-on.l renlcmbw (hill tU«O. Bondd aw; in • > • , >. '■ ft VST MOU-TG.UiE upon aJLBnil-1 I Mrs.A. S. Taylor, Governess. . \,A : I!aus( Stocta ttcct.riaw • • ! 4 rillST■ CLASS srilOulvl-oirniKtliL'- [ Jiml •,; iunucli.-cpwliicv-of all tluV'Mannfac-; l'),0-:0 oi> ;■ ."eutli’m. U.f Young l.r.<lic>. .Syccja! care ;', urt i St . tbe'cottmcv.; fiwl' ihe.jfuU | 1 ' , ;-ach in the I’rii.iiuy anti rrevarafory I-’e- janipKi [> r ision itmtle !br the pavhictit of-, ■jetvi it.etu.s. -.j -7 . j j.jiie anti litjulilalion of pi‘iuciv--.t. by j in:.7.;o COj .\;i ~x , H . u?c's Ttiitioa ana -Vt ashiii"-,, ri^.nll : s j;xci ? e Stampa and .Internal I ASr“Cli,l«'i-a'-S j'-'-i' p’o-m:! ! -., ir CrV-P~:/, Mnvkcl |\'aine. S'3?*S,i *b O' 1 ; i'ev tend of foariccu ivccks....... irob bo j vov’enue. aovves to make !; j y:aihuv the ] f-S. ■ (tfl- school n V m j ■tiK-MnM-fiji'.itt.) ...... ot av in ■ ..f il.e muSd/accif.l.a;. • lhc M.trfu - •; • beiN ptcn lyi)v,i V.Ap v.lUj r a •’ - . received at VAR hi ll,all-en ll'C. I.alt 14 I.o’t.n. I.:!.,!!va , t| , |(|i . i , ; ., r;i ,„ •■.,•;•<•!•;*( acctatvl i place tnity liar c, i’nc >Jc!l~. !;nt iaieven. a:,d ..;i;er debtf- V. 119 thc^ (> ——k” J P!.>iia‘iclpbia. SabscnWra b^taikwiin cauimlj ndiliAj.oi’zc dll'. f !:!ik. ’ Company • I/..(','.'11 o.; ;,. i -,STOT|tEi TrSfcive. prcaipt aflcaihjn.and.etvtj faedilv j which is iii:i<!b-';Vv;!i'ill‘ic' ! V i;i( hci! X Sc.'ip ictd ot. i.cii'V'y i J r tn'o= IlocvV la the Court' ofl'iStmufoii ;"antf' v cxi.!an:ilian will be afforded oh appjib.t'. Pci-! ul ill Ltr.‘ ! ' nrfic "x'i'lK- to si-ii- aace a other Coaipcah k .• , o ;* ' .■'’■s Vlcaa Wf- noitvdvNrbmftv, NorriTw (if this tillicc.' , ,1 hliko-Ttolvnj cjldijc i SaianlUoeyJ . .Tc. March rem, 'r.c; d ;'.K'L; I O.U “Tb][ \ UiKg u ii scr i,,|i,,n Agent. pii::::- The onphuii. «J r 'th* count" * fpisitsylvSnia { t’Mfjt.. .11 village ■ on' 'the I’o rivvT.avi v luih Jtielijiioii-I. vvii n-w !> c. i>cUd by-a Vorapike i-f ;r.i Ihe ■ ■reUirn. I he; po|in!ntr.v;i, -i'>ve gv- ri 'rts'.ecii thonHai.e 1 ..title- ’ ■ bill! el' radio nv tvere slave -; tin;, ii'n ur-li’ '.-i in .» ra-Uv? i-.S'V.. tTtl'-v -r doTr OJ i tt»! a: J i«’)\V l,j, v‘ ;;•••; .'i <*•]«l i h Of ■> iiri': <W, .. • •/ ; | Vo^nnnl^lT" Zs : "x’i'p liftfra ?f**eoV..W i wllf t Ij;v i ; .v,r \cu«V TS:X Vlyu A I.M. 2S/U-M ie- k'3i'.' U’n. -t-’ui- V/'d ; i. .' . ~t .; !C and SIX - A’l-N I /■'' Ins Wdii.ii- in (;.uL : :,v '■>:■*-■. • ' liieS'CliK’-ni-.jltc ('uin|mny.:i>ay -Vlan.l.--w(M.a«K-r. ll.k <&;,.,£& Tvl.ld ~n ii..l after li.o Oece#.c-r l-roximu. J j" rn V ; . i *•’- / ■ • ‘Vi* liln. .UM'lnJ,*cd‘u>nni» dividend of i Clnurl, Jws not, ; i.oart. viah *lk.rrLl Mmirnna : ” ll ° bW;j«<«V*. /»»»•*«•• C)v-«ris, ;u. ■ f, )r W veer . o-llti-r .Ocf.twr I«<«.‘csrtifi ii <,<■ i-u- r--k-r.M' , r;i . (!S : ,; r v/i.lcii i-sut-P t... tlx '•■ nciit-s kis;fiii!-.iiiri!ii. ni> bo\ i-'k nv-v'.-fit’.'iu-d t« t-l.e saa'iir«•!> iuiiP U«*-ti pl L * c ‘ ' an‘i !i.ip-i'i;:ui!i('!"i Ivivt-i. 1 to i.jvu.iwo. , , , soil ftpjirOSU--i4t»i twinii-' kiTu;.; ii;Uni- ‘.-Vy liav.e <«'J s "ea also ’l ,a y 1:o ;. l '^ ,l^ I! ‘ I "? r. v M i -•' gj c,.-n-i'ii'.s : iii..Si'Ull ul !ne ( nnlnuny of line i*- 1 . - • ■ Sue- years i.rlw,l» IMS. l*e redeemed, • 4 . . ■; . »><■-. ■ Sa'«l ‘alter February d. JS'Pi. TFuin ’Vhom If.'iS . will.■ djint-alip■wliieii daWnU inVercsttuei-cili shall cease; / ■ 'vvou'itl Oknsxlcr wii'.-tliv” 'Vi-Uif) «iii-r../B>3C.'Sw-ccrl'iucat<! of J*rofi«ft Rsued under • : ' nOl 'uildJ lln^Sjno■’■more attraciiwii to ; Bjc Ow .Acl of IncfcrpoptiMi^^no.-ccr i ■ ■ i . / . - , n a.ud. • thc - aeelurMku of dh-idfud i'. <leater anti /trongd* .'yid lla- -.wnenai U ;='evidence-., i. , 1 "' plnc-fi >vd call our horiic.; ——r v , ; Irul. Banner.]] ‘ ' . 1 ~:~r- ;,:r : H:itM. .lobaHV- iJavis, EJmv :•. BEARER - BRtt! ■' • STORE' A ' _ _>aS?s- , _ : 4\iee, JTiiiftM Tra.itiia'trrA'iTiiaidLyre.. -ir : . dtl.“. tne Room fonnerly Oc- <\ iLn„r. v/iui;,,.', c.OuSwif. n. ScM, - v cupiedby ttojatelh. Mimsi / i ; . .. . . ■ .v: , ,• ~r -i E. J. r\ - 'itaihtin, Il.curv jsloau> hJ f filir. •SnK«crtf*«r Imping, purchased the hs-• „v 7 .1 ? • vt.-w o,,„ n ior ? 1 .aWis.iit.fent will r eiidcav,.p Keenan-: ILJon'* Brooke T . Leslie I . 1? ‘ . .-: ri ; v ■- J/m’yiCdAvis .■ v f 1. loun-11 llgp^ES, Tin./'E.iihi-'l " r VmTi.v. ; . •’•. • "• lifincy i'nl .!/<.,» ( V.<. (V/«i//s.'‘j .S E-W.;BM (®^ , ALL Inl! TfIK 'iOILI>T. NOTICE- ;'a. SPOOL (JoTTON. I.L\D PF.XCILS. EXECUTOR b JNUX . YVPlil'lk TM'Vv ri rin T-UTTERS: testamentary- mi the-estate of - „ „ i J. litc of (irocuo ip., j ■ i ; :'S-Bi£i:Sll KS. TOOTH PH tTSII LS, 4 vercb.. dic'd, Jv. thejm- j i ’ -CO A r ’S '[>■ FT- I iondpned, nlFjiersoiis indebted teMSgtd ' *r i,m> v-fiiT , . i■; \; .. ’ -;k 1 are rciiueMed to nta’ae inmicaltate payinent, and ■ • T i : tho S e taring claim>* «i.l estate Iv.ll . j .O.Vi lAL Mi. Lpi-escut them to th property siu- Carbon . '0.7 Lamps amt : ‘Chimneys.l ,a 4 , ■ • T , ■- , * r ,£>-« IILMIA I’IULLIS, PiilasLi tp-.p , T>ese areia few oi the or.h-a-ti-j cc j 0 • ... .; Kicctwor. few always pn'hand. ChlVs&il m*v | : j. * T . ~.—.v:—l-i - by ct-iec attention and fair . r A Cl 4 ITHR UipißC ''' L/ .-d?aUn^..‘,io'.givi'lWji.fKclion tuAili who rnav ’ vnOfl lUU fllU^LJi * favor him with I heir ettstom. * ! Tf IVLLJj I’.U''TUB : lIIGHEBT> MAIIKET ?■/■: ; C. I*. CUMMINS, M, 1). : i l'ltiVK for HIDES & CAIjP" f<S®»raniemar attention, will b.LinKi', to 3JONS*^ li V' !r «d , Urjy mShared. ; ' puttin'g up riiySlciniii * [aujiiiT . , .JAMES DA-KUAGH- t QJ*» m um. •ipm MEI 5- , ■< a ' it u: it*«l ,I;o‘ * ! i . i,!' 1 '‘ -v ii -~.:i (i'-i-oJ-U ’v.ith L'. U .-.vcrillWUt iuly-iC! to.ieli-l'.iv.-!' " While -y.hiiilv. ' c ,;i .....h.SM’.IMI ■.'’(* uii-iq <»:! li# : ( . IS , W), tlu'-u' i;‘a>u ia f ifrawcr....'.’.... / ■ l\ 'I. i U' ‘ i'\ :;' J . . ■ ' apr-iiust l'-io-i-iili:'-' will prc«|cul «t«ui • pvopwly —; ■•- Sftlti.Ufr 0) iiutfiitic-atcil lor.ficUlinni-n:t> - Vi. so'• ■ ■■' , jojux imsjvFxn.. •- ■■—;■ , , : uElx’j^Kiiisox^.' ■ " ' ■ .'lixctulors. I '-'. vriiime fct.u-d; -iaiVages, r, - ,, _i:riD.ty:i.e .......<,i -s V-.'t 7S !!...»» L-V’-- x> i’hiia-c;: y‘» o'«, ; • iS<>; i’cuu-5 •*. •;i*a ‘H-i:. I’-'- r'*, J>C.‘ cc:;s ‘{••■lr's K. IS* • V'J I , : , <K ,>t OC;v, alia in t : . il i uvl S cis<- >! a SIM-i.-i ,ai)J I IG t T*v {'f,, ESE CU/;-C H<O.«!CS 6R IDIEZR/jECTO^Sr WUXOfr' VTAUIi. Lamin, Shades,' -K«SC MIMI hv t **c ' 1 . I il,Tli'c cii’ij'iii'ajiuiiJ aluis Kul-i'iviin irf.tliis caa | • —C~ TlTi'^T Uuving l:i'cn 1 veiU!’ik ( i X !■:. r.f i-jui «’>i ; Estate of David Minis* Jr., Deo, d. t) W H ;t l, f virnr Ijccnraaile Unit Susmlloeycould ; , V. l.t foMi.H 1 aii.,lhe>ftorc islicic iy B i«n thafrlc torslol ml n ' : ' • • ri i: lii r y :t(rii,w, rc-l-iN tuhtfatraU.mJmvc .been- grpptca hy. the • i.uM-inp; liio responded. So-atit H..vy; lo a)>|>ciir . Ktrguder olj.M tUs; f>t ll.e cw.iU.j o. c , ; <m UuS' fir.^i' UTm.. | upoinhecatatool b,\\n. Jr. ' i CvM Mjiitdtiv «f-Ma\VlV next. -to an- J l».tc »t>-i«»} "'r'.'.l ’■ 1 i.\ , „VtiW'r« vi«* HhnVmt * J »crj;bir rccitiing in tnc L.>roiigU. Bwnoi, in • i b "»lUwv; tfiv i : os|)Diniout ■ itbove iP- vn, r" l^! in ' i . ■i, hoivWU J sfic.l to M .|. C anrifi ,2rc«JiiU ! the fi«a Monday of next, iirfwsuance ttcJ to the u»dci».gne<n. «!<•:. j A P «n^ i ■ 50.i.1.a j>roimW,'l» T AlOllXl-rUAToUS Not trK ; X*r ir,L liisjv'ceived' upmTthe 2S>tW day 4 i ,\V 'isttoal; the ,office of tW I'W the. estate ot Mipit.vEV KambO, UU { '^t-avcrt’u'.iixi'v'' poor aind'-ilouac of Cmploy-l lOf Kateoou lov.risliip. Leaver coti!:i t ,. fora Steward, to tiife* eoaSed, l.avpig been duly .granted, trfjdie un vrli'n"-!.- 1 of Sjid institution- on the Ist day of, devSigiHidfi aj.! persona laapbled lostTid estate \tirrf- ittUd, fofcilte'ensuiupycar. . *,* I aite to payinciit, and "'Lv older ofeJfiS'fct of Directok t tlrtseUavlng-c.amta agaiiistt,ic satue wdlpre •*V ■ V "JA.MjiS IUUTTAIS.j ] sent them tproperly settle-. •I* *. ' ;,l Steward | meutwit bout delay. 1¥ -: . [V no '“ " i •• ■■ 1 •■ -hfi; ;V. 1.. . ; -y : ; JACOB FROXK, , - ;;sep24x • ; Administrator. ; jJ®rCrG^lfißSbNT~~ ! i . t. . WHOLESALE,[ : 0 roccr i Km laii^ Also Dealer in • '|t E’B-EnD %d Fuoruii;.„ i&kk rally ’Xo. 8 SJII.THFIELD ST., i ; : j po3ltC tlicvM oiiongahelaHoupo*, j / Xi-i : PITTSIi Uft'G PA. •SW*SI:S I<i “ Tll e XT il |p n Arch Street above Third, : | PHILADELPHIA, TPa. '.Upton. S. Newcomer, Prop’r- THIS Hotel is central;. I ConveSUrnt''by Pas senger Cars to air parts ot tho LUIV4 anil in every' paiticalar adapted to the coiijlut-r and ‘wants of the'Travelling Public g 1,50 PER BAYV S'l’ii A Y COW. GAELIC t>o the premises -of'subscriber*] living in Ntw Stwickley tp., Ueaver 00., ; l'a.;; 6n the UtU of October; with a;wliite lace, a'hnjot <iycars' v oW she had a hell oh. and fwo ihrce slits »p4he edn ’Tio oilier marks vifdjlle. . Thejpgrncf is Requested to come forward.' prove property, uud take her atvay. ; / 5- oc2*3t. ~L \i‘ > ■ •’ [ITS hereby-given that I have been appointed i Surgeon by the Pension Deptirtinepl, to [ examihi? 5 wounded and invalid SoliliersJ ilia i charged from the service: that i extends to any County, State or Territory, i aniHhahlt, am how reedy tojyucr upon the 1 dischaige df'iny duties. ,•. v-a L.- ' ,l • ' GEORGE McCOOK, •Oct.l5—It. Examining Surgeon. ALL persons haring' unsettled account with me, or Smith & Collins, within the last twenty years,, for Carding, Spinning, &c., will plcasc-call at lhe FalliitotLWoolen.Fnctory, before the first if October, 1862, and settle laud '■ the same hv cash or aole. y ■ A. I’. SMITH iVottoe. izcl awl re<iJiiW*l fo.- c,I i:r.l tX of l!ic Xftvv;.. and beautiful edition 'of rnr, ’ .j'“L , J -4 Ml STAKES OF IItTF.DS V. !:■ BY JOIIX S. HART, LL. D., • muslin, price f>o cents: papjar. cov, crs.'l'p cents. Copies of thia'book viilf be sept-by; mail on receipt-of the price,iin postage stamps.-. . Pleas, address* - | - | ' j; V. G.VIUUUVKS. Publisher. . 148 South Pourth-strcet. I'bila. Pa. |mar26. i, ■. ' -'VTi'j j ■ ' A 8 il IN IST RAT I UTS JsOTICK. T ETTEP.S of administration upondho c«- | j tata of Sam'l-Wiisos-, lab. of Raccoon (mvnship, Beaver county, having been, granted to the undersigned, • all persons in-, deblcd to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, andjlhose .having claims against the same will present‘them properly authenticatedforbttlemenl, i ,'I , P. Sf.JKBBB. Raccoon tp.. Dee. », !«». f A*aa»Nr«»«r. ri!!Sg case. place in tin .1. .-1 ti,. •-- r---- i ‘ i 1 ■ . , . • ' V,-..-!- i „ ■<l*ll. jnii.l \ l»ip’tlioy V f 1 . V N- B._ _ ; aVoi<l,,iiiH * Wk’j/tnniindcd by| yby=i<‘i".r AND WYE, ■; ~ '■ -J; ■ iSS,;ts"S?®s's *4 l« m«gMS®iK£: v- MS - -.ri tlieir?Kii»®p»skB and girdthere a sure rei'tody ’ ••’ lnvcibctin con-iudVd to HONs J. BLASSDEtiIi, ■ ,’ 1 .;■■■■■ I for - < »i«1!,, ciriTccT ivill lmc't).,s v.- t!l - . .mi«rooM. BIVEB, MASS. ji.uny iliTnisamls ot lives iwoiild inns be p.-1 1 . ,3 • . ; «t i ,••■• 0,,,. contains iiic •■••:>., ■ ‘-• • - i* cd:ce.. ; HON.;W. H. '• be obiMuedi i'lj ■' :• •:-- r,| r^elit;A S^i ei ‘y * J ' j a ■ U ' : J . : ', M=^6r s - C-4UTIOX.—r*°" e nrc Renuine"|un{|«J.|' ■| V Yt'Ol.l.OctS 7. Erji'/X:- , . ! > HO N. .'■ ', \ t 1» '■•lluilovrr.ij, y’ew York j; Tbef pur tat, andr best. \ ; 3i. '. ■ arSynr.of - QAIiKCTAr HifSg?.' 1 - arc as'» fratcr-inarjL in etgijy for maUjng;light* s^c^t- and. mui;t k v» ; .-.j ; , T: '\— •:;i : : U,f -tbe book of directions immud cacb*potj(Cr j.,p r Jd : and''6\b : c?r jd'rico 10 cents. - i HON. JOHN HODQIJEjSfy ' ; C -1 boa’f the’ unmel miy.bc.'plaSnly 1 • jfajiufuciured by ’■ V-J. Jr. •.’, Mayer of .DTJBp-QmSjJp'W^;; \llu 'h’fM ifir frjyAfwrj' handsomercKard kill ,| ' M. U. .KOl,l.oCl:.sJiciin.'t. _ . T : ■ t._ Jw.-p tV~ " \ be girth to any. 'one, rendering -such • . c orn tr of I’roiid ainl.J ’br Aeui • r-» rc.c* a. .... 1 HON. THOMAS CSHTCHHIELDv.. . lion na .inav leS.Ulo the detcebjon.of anjf parly > , -,i . I >llJ i li\l)b:i.rm.V, -ff ,' ” Jlkypr?of OHATTAHOOGA, USm^j or pnrj|c3 eounterfeil|inptber4edieincs!pyrttid- \j,d sold hr all'DrugfUts. au|l lirocers.-, : I W aTR ' ing tlur>oii(c, bndwiijg them to be jpuinm J , mariiO ’ • .'' T I I ; I i... .. | f-MA| onsA - ’ 'Vs«M |»i- ths of Vr,f.d«.r : flayer iof TUSCALOOSA, ALA. ;: _. .ir&wbwAv.;»» Maiden Un^'Now. VoVk, «ud 0 2 r e Chanbe 'flap a Gbobl |nw6vmc.nt- 1 -goiT-i B; D. BA®GH, - s ! • ': . ' by all respectable libnggists .arul-DealcttKjn ■ .r t -.0 j ■ CLV of'’MEMPHIS.-’EEKW.' : Medicines, throughput the civilized Kprldylriu ' ; nOiyl «A ti ! E -:-I i■ ■'-[ ■ 'I ; T .: ■ _ j A V boxes a! 20jcents, C 2 conta caeli, ;. v :*, T r r rnl -v T 'rv : HOTTi (JEBAED STITH, . awe** There is considerable saving by taking CITOCK ANU ElXTrflK., OP A. ; ',.. 1 I’’ I J tvrnynr at ITBW- OHXiEAKSi liAy |:-k. a. ? > ‘ 1 Go ? d 3 , Ton l! s ..nsy , HON ‘ T. ■ . capital, no; better chaficcxpuld bo M,cu\d— , M , ~ v • * j Plorc and dwelling house for sale or rent.— HOJT.d(JEQ. WHiSOIT, ;- ' 1 Employment. $3O. NM COMMERCIAL AGENTS WANTED : 3 V' f -V ■' 8.3 TQ SE _' 'IL'.J ■ ■—*■? -°V | -1 '-\\ % •:. ‘sh OTX.CJ.i. • ' ! HON. HEMA$f’ » \'/i\ 1 , : : , (A.NEW; K>:cU..VNDJ ;■■ , ' ■■'V; .. it with,. the |.| , Mayor of MXCWAUKIB, WI3. ' Manufactfiring Compjany; ' xx r W’U, GlViv'A. COMMISSION ,Oj,. Md to -.. i- I Mayoi; of WIU. ' •%V '.'one'.hundred [per cent, oti All; gooll persona. haviiigui&cHbd acc<oir(is will fetf-; rr/STiT' A VAJVR.- \ .. W.d by -our AgentAfpr we will, pay |wagea .a iDlvmake -eitfenyent.aasopfr|is / ■*• ■' '. Mayor of'KEWsHSA, fWlB: {- , ■fr«nrsBo-toSUd) *e«;iudnt,U.and- pay g,i, tie j j*-ii»s become my nitty to lea-ifc. boric tor ...0,. A. ■, ' ■-. (7- f C -. ■/ with stamp! ■ . |i •' I .’will ,at(q-js-ire..i:l.civ';.p ! rirone ? e as, • ~" ■.7 7; .. ukyor ; ofCEXCACO.LxLLi > CTIAS;:IU:Gai.ES.;Gcr(. 4u*»^ S they ivill-fnd Mth'lfdloii at thesi>w>; ~ \ - ']f 1 l'“»ri lbe.:Adai!>3 :M4l>ura«nHng:Co . o !y spn.Tfcrnies.'ib fhe tiiii-yanl s«7 HON. H. J<-A- . ,4™’ ... i., .: ■! M obi-ati ■ dulv 2, 18(!2.-*gf-'' %s. IPW. ' . 'iOHN I.V.STOKES?., ;K, 7! ~ Mayor. <rf,SELMA, |ALA. * JOSEPH HALL, Proprietor, (■ •„■ a %c\;- l itvi ! rii.o U . A'• i. . ' ,hon. W. s. holybad, Vi, .. j.... ! 1'•. *' . s vMob:|i< de- ’.f u '".-v V-v -' f .y-.Xvm of .comHUra, oa. ,•, eatis.uctory m.nuuj . , ~■) - » ■ t'hkvunr 'assiiiiii’di titc* }..;y ut-n.t ft .ii.i-’wm'C ■■.. % • ■'•’ ’ ticf,.up’Mbl t't-->. , *-••. .“ Tlie Ho\v6 Sewing , j ; j ! ; ino vun;2o ' . ■ hi h ' • <'■- -h -; 'Mayor . ; : .-,■ ; s l> ,j P' nv „ idott Antonio echkv^ra v ■-■•,' "' :: CQK.NEII talo pf e: 1 Aubtifi A.,\V. Iv\k[>: J .;_ jjQjj My G , } • rt ; . I*l lAsbi. K(«-. A’i.i Ui-arer ip.. JAeiiver co., I 1,%. , doe d, -try •- • <£. Mayor of vAiPAEAISO, CHILI.- ' '. NEIItfSOJfLY .T'JiJK■ SEEN-TO BE -Al’-! • ilccn-'C'raif.fed Coihc;uftde?si*niai,i ad pcriiens ; ( ,j " _ J~T-. ■ ■ ,l '■■ . i^. 1 - ■ T . ~,. YTTI) Bni. ’''Unow;r.g.tlicm..>ive s ta '.Mi;d- cr;:'lC: PWli _ ■ - : 1 UKUATV.I). ; l«r- r —bm ~ a ; e rcf “,; ! ;i ci i..; readc ilmmcdiat:*- palinoul. ; ; Mayor of RIO JA3JEIBO. J^K A XTT u-^^ A./R* ;: ‘;v*:^‘4!rdLsnLobVU-;''i --ef-1, Certify that: the!resident Druggista ; AT mLAMIi: ,._ —A^^S ;i DBireBpE®llft'' .- * Tts 1 . /; . . ■ . ■ .. , ! Is anorcellcnt rerr.cdy, aud vrorthy t'Qc con.. may 21. r _|_ dc|-thc'uaiilod»iid;Btyj.o yp.A.Je-lAjijlai!'P..4 ." • p.. .' . ■.'■ • v ptw X?rigUou, |l«»^^cd{jn-. ; tlitt-\&c#incss >(hFor Dl«ea«es.':... -v*.. : v Ircridiiir.i'dre, duly-.diK-6lvod or. t!.o It-th Por Fnrtfylng the. Blood. . i ■ . d iy, s d . April. If) 1 >2. Ti,.r li.iol;a rvilt be settkd p<>r or 'ming-.'MvUi' ,; 1 Tii SSTstore of |M. ■ Oilliltitid. -A'll yper.-jttr -■ eniSi ' ’ a i^uuwiag'tlt<sni6e\vcb the Jafe ’ firin'. ■,'.,'“Tlh 1 T*\^ r * ? v ,b ; ■ %-.-. v |Wril dlfmed;:^ iildokS-wili bo closed’ rvifiJoiTtklolay. ■ . ■ For Blotchel.Hlatplr and\Bol“O"—Ar ‘ j. , j;Ji \ J- Salt micum. i °,i.X’-U-.Ji-,.?n. r - : For Scald,Head and IHiigwormr -V- fc:. ij&3t|jeri€ncc; of an For Cancer and C«nc*ftpo« Sores. - A , , $ ;4.ue s i,.cfttitfton t.f'youii^ I^ FciaalC3piB^asci. v j pot lrre^ularKy. t J’ji'i _t ho tTm °*" For Sj'pliilla'or Venereal JJ^seoscs. i’»y i Oho tlvcr - *l»v:~enoi.eshi? : V-V-S-'w * , 'rjivvl.<Mi# i‘ r^ : | : r i:°? !. l 'dhf!' :Vvl, 1 C-i'.l •■'l N y cities'of A 1 C 1 u j’ * ’V_ ted. States, CansdaaJ apdf British Prt : -5; -i ■ :.. I h.h 1 ' - • "i* - ; fTbtit, Peru r Brazil, Mexico, and in,. iSi’il.V-TO !i S ;\()1 i‘. li.f i ' most all tho cities on this continent, | .-s' : ■*!*?■' ■ signed tins document, to assure their pi ? of' tcstamcttlar.v (by ,ni- 'el at : what remedies they may use TTith Btifef ■ >i,rs Modtui, iii’i\otyi>f<.s!i ; . j»nfldenoe. ,Bnt‘ dnr spase wilTbnly 1 r -t’onutyi, i’onrf a it|T ; 'd' hav:ng ; a portion f of them.d d 7•■ ;d to, the undersigned, all pevsotis : 'V r ‘ '■..." ; y'‘. j V 1 said estate arcii'Cipit-Mcd to iiial.e jaor>cnnoT>illn t 1 ' : 1 avment,- ahH tbose;d.Tivin,g claims S &a^apayma, same wiir pre.-eut t|.eui- puip.criy .; Ayer’s Cherry, Pectoral^'” id for seitlerr.rnt. <» : / .. _ ~ Ayftr’R Pills, and , ' AMI'.S NJjl.sOiS, iliinnver tp, .7 , pu.— rt , 7 if', r ■ 'j| |s>;A<nnjnistrii,tor. '.'(,:'. Ajmer’S Agilo'ChlTe, V?h L *’ -e y A -.-■ iipiiirAnEp nr .■'■■" ' : .®r, J.ii.,Aycr & .Co., i ■ ’ 1.0W T Ef,I.; JldisS., '. ..;■ '■" Andiioid by Druggists eyefywher*.''; :■ f . ,-' s by : p.Alinia, ■Cfii'Ti. Itoclu’tcr; AyHagoiier. & *l-o«rfy*. ‘doin'; J. NinUbUb (Jadeu; ■'.). Brighton, .1 1> lir^&ItbiSk, Darlington',' Duni I Cfn A- Edgar, :F^|, \&p&- d.V) dealer* ewtf h e;x - ■' 1 ' Furo 12, ■ " r< _ J-3:l - . MASI-FACTjCTKRa \ Op: .4 Orm*; 1: '•■■■,:■■ ■- rociikstE«v v ,| - Vi ]?■ H COUN T Y,' PA, fW-2'’ , ' ■■ M - : I -> ' 1 - ; vj BAEEEB, & HAIB-DEESSm •(Shop otic; door cast of I'rnutUey lloiol, 13 n r i Hi e \y a y e h . ; =II O,OOO ■• W' ' “ ' 16,000:. ■ “ • ; J Rye.; ■' ■ •• f > 6,000 ■ “ ■ Barley, ■ ■ <•' ! 5,000.,,0at5. ■ Delivered;in Pittsburg, fbr which taneauthor-jj ixfed to piiy' the highcSteltriccs.' AJifrass, : j ■;j ■ 1 ■: :■: ..0. W. GRAE'f.' ■ ■■,l: , , Jffi. -ijffifc i?ser» ■J&recl-' -:Ptf»&vr/>jf ■ i-VM*«sr 9au .. 1 ‘'r~i; I .•••■; C-i• • = S :■> ;iv -- d IiTOTIOE."/ Ti| A A RON MOORE, of this Borough is the only Licexsep Auci,iosee|b ib tjiis court- lie is, at aby tinted ready |o {lerfornt the duties of his office when notified.. An other who attempts to sell st ministratbr's sale, does it in violation of lav t 'The'penalty is mlew thahj sBo.' ' T | Beaver. Dee, ;I<V *B2. I 4 OFZei Confessions EUUUSjU IcivfroiJvNerf 1 niter icirfiifiposui** a* b*av. be li: 1 MAYFAI V, : 'yA jpi A o£»XjiiO ship, bc«u*-grant* iiuiebh*ft-lo immedmtc \ .uaainst the \auilienticat :nOTii: \ eAME t in Phi; a While lie requested I pay ‘charge will be disj -Aug,2l W“' IMO ?«K!. =NM i*R.. "i Stray. -: J " v;. ; {hi: premises, of the subscriber, ’wa tp., aijoiit tile Ist _of July. 2' years pld/* The-Wncf ipl come; forward, prove property,:' wlotake lier away; qtheifciHcs-lir :d of' according to liiw. i. THOS. M’KISIXT iip * >, *t I - KEyRTS, : ' ■ 'i j J ]*wr. . itu Tl ew» reSv EOM & >.. v «*«*• IME lin