y. - „ ARGhIJS English Neutrality- and Inter- was not, ais history «yon- Letter Wi the lOtli Resk*v*| i PinvwwmA, Dec ’ 2 9j-^ ? nsUsh " ~. •,S lest for the liberties.of 4e people. j Ok' S | 1 Emioe AHfliJB ;-ta mvjla^ to - ’ 7 v ; tehds, 6 uctv;dip^Wnfe' ? ;^ , PENN%Z3 : h : No nia n whois^equointodVith the jThe people are oppressed and crushed ;( an ;: io£t t “ eYfx:£ --■—r.... - of the causes of this ! re-1 to earth. Instead of kingly despot- - r address by: Wm. Reed, Chinese; i*nd*. ; ! tmM\ J* A,-. 1-■.„£* 1 : Wednegday, Dec. 24th, 1862. | h caa doubt; for a they groan under tbe Sa f T c Nicholson, - - * Editor; that the evinspirits |of the-Soath werej a proud and - - ca«cn f Jg§r T.C.NlohoiBOn, : , ,^U^ exdus^ly.h^th«: 1 ; *TA hnO DITDfIWQ l.uj % a t the - by. the .the hands ot its aristocratic nobles, the, friends .of noble boys- front baW purpose of treasoiL .IHe islcoldj \ including j-imliJCiri; v : K f 62,4)4C,g)(ij’i .fen',. f Vfp^,T«'oofr 1 ■;,. • ■ lU UUK PAlttUWh. th^v had 0I th * British gbvoru-1 hw nosytopatby"«Wt the ■ “cootmod Beaver county,, c.-pecialiy t^e :,two calcu { a ting a..d selfish in 'Wo malU ab cwrfttappeaUothosot menl ,i ntP rj'eri,;(. iiij lbeir|behalf. ■ I,..| barb” art safe .. <bey moy, f i-4** S>*i of oar oubscriber. orhoorc in orr.o™': mc „ fl , tbf Sooth, ; a S well a.j.ho.r labor, . ooabte Ihon, lo roll ,o S r Mi-feE"tfe for t<j pay up. aii vwhcre cUo, from fko bisto-j splendid’ magnificence. Can ago\ern- suppdrfipg,tbe engineers inwingtng *lua : owA'- inSjctment, atid bas Theater, 3,373 6]Lj f.itlT iV^fnfti Vow is the time. Bfib doing you J A nds cold arid sclfisb poli- 1 ment, constituted as-,the British gov the the nvcrj , plead gm , t |f C roto.; That y£aa Wl jjfctUlejry lo ’fl *f,£5 * fci can save Fifty Merits, ai.aftor fist - her injustice *to other .nations, as j erurnent, having no feeling fdr'iheir * ,'vM £ of WiU charge all who fe j, as tp parU • of her own, Empire,' own people, have any sincore^^ lViend *kJ^^\he b evening; of the iiave paid us rot'hiftg ;yet. Two Dot;,; (i :at there was at R*ast a strong probri ship for other nations? We answeß pCOU i, ihb enemy at the piitposts |jj e y b _’ Y a tin^’l^ghhi l !--! PamplilTrla^ 6 , il ? R jf er^ ..ftonsulted the p rc; LAS 3. : , -■ ! a'biiitv of-taslng part with those whdjnol Her past-history show’s this con-4.hear : thejJr batteries, on tile railroad. | T^j9^ ure p a j. t y j JlihUa tax, ' - Ist (Wal j^ oal^;b n tjj^ a o s t to theagrandize-j oiusively; aiidfwe will agencies ” will also raise price of advertising ; mont 0 i ingtahd. The South, Brit r , that in her present course tp the Um-i. y _ j *t • l fotinds *-° ,n . ,, . c mvt\; t<» nile jlimt ow n iTax oB . wr wins, deeds, &c„ i, -Ql.Oip-if ■ their nr-n-evlings. /icountof theh advance in jiaper. Fa- ; vvou jj do iaore to- proinotc the great j injustice and imnntigavod meanness. sliouldef itor the .Union', until cpie-halt; |.if allte f 0 be! Ctnal toll*. '■■.'■■ - ' ( l"‘vf_', u l ot the per that sumSier': ulercs { s than the'JXOrth. | .. . J*V c f * - their, nuniber mlf army; was|-^ aU j ossolte d- .feconffition of Saleof row costs M OdrVd-l The y W oald lef whbllr dependent' Halleck and Stanton. , ; eompo.ed of .such men ,as t 0 . =•■ ' i/t , . - > -■• sj ■• «• * The late, disastrous repulse" I Corps, robclhon.-would--cease mstSmtcr.!]. • n iHv whicK-bah «» o vcrn;-i3ii* coan-1 ian L: .-n nil 1 f'-’ 1-,'jri' „i-. -i-...rci« ■of .d ra „.in., teing cmpolMd 10 «»,u„nd raie . „ „„ at tori: o.or th.i i«». ! p '% » *j* so Irons thrsairie cause., that we are. tobacco nnl sugar gli on wg L o. nlij in • f -y en lialle>;k aTitl Secretary ‘'vhon; peace will bo restored oil flirw plinips,-' T.lUik'/ descV-ibi-dMdm- , J3--f"; °! V : . ;|L &, -Almost all others papers in the coun- wor d. But there were other apd- • , . sothat our bravo and Balnotic:, , jfl „ l it ,jesse4 somewhat :i|TTJ;iob - : «;• C'» honl ft 7 rebpmd, w ■ ti,(.u ! '-• • su, trvb»r> increased' the price of their great, and pOrhapfe the '^•«inA*?Vjl>jecls; j • ■ . ! *oh tiers may return tgt heir homes. q ~s £ nicpde-ithittKSi your tria kmlwt, *' c 7 oe . a -,' we f“f r r „ ' :'3- ; - * 'f*? ■ , tr ?'- b *T e ® cr .l a ;;- J P. . i vibn I'm'land-ail the; " c observe that the ITerW, the Post. ■. 'f o detail deeds ofiriiidiHm to Hell—to-HeiiMtc got a * ,' > ' n 'b“i w'-' I '' .'sT't 4 **'-- subscription ifad; ad X_ : ' i 1 “ L “ i-iv '■ 6tbeii"leadiag riwnofcratie Jour- ;■valor would' be- hut!.suffice itl ,The matter was brought Jsoulore vnnuhV torrSlu ot aa!*.‘ ' ‘ : iMiV*; * erT « , -^ b ere-»Hll>« ut -VfThe a l s loudlWoß tLeTTfcsldent for Ito say! that- ciphiny—[the couuty, peremptory iamlanu-s 7 i .j- 1 _.• , ' adopit. Her pride. a» mistics. of the . • •. - .... f *;; Cant. Adams-ruommandod’b\'/Lieut. was-is»ue<l, eommandiug ’the ucaiupj.Kees ol puhlii offices, -- ? u y .. v . .L,Of f-w,*a?t..uiCe«. f j-11, -; ... *. front this ofScoiuext week. -Fr:i.ieis. (^ By . Jand.ltnd'sea, had buei. ’ l J je rcmoial of these two public jj like other people, want a iiitt &^ Cre 'lfambied bvher in the war of! ln doing thisUmy are, bift ; 33 , men (a nio-oht 19 sßoj-.g- the-eWciiUi@nt.n-liytlw |fe .hjjtjrfr f■! jnsyu. ot : rao s ; ation and'ehjovment. Our next issue-j of no-A,’ exhibiting, the -.iidturai judgment of 'Wurcthb hiWvesTof thbi brdvfe. -leariijed,, how.evei-HiiayUiitre r■ •* 1 ; | . <?nt 1 - -■ ' ‘ - • i-.iii et. uiuti-cu.ui i ‘ •' ' r cjfir-' ' *’ -ionlf 1 ' L»->‘ r i . .; 0 P '] ‘■; ijchet''* - . ... ~ ' • i ■ mtu. for theic'X&oy/oco editors having 1 camiot doAcribo,the bravery f cjf ;Co, F; 1 is tobe. sypli?;new 1 Bal/luS^re „ : p ;-; y.-ii.iout,. a -..Vtrnmciu 3 • .‘v i jud-red Messrs Stanton and. Ualleck, ;“ Iso cif fornverly/pcjniiivaiidcd bwhicb ■ tliu ••Javv-abWiiig ■p;jr,iy , ‘ \Vii| • v . •a. The Post-Office will be onen. without'antHe*; vhtiniut a navy". with- , -, - , ,by 'tbe rhov; d«t'v tl;v e6uh|v. V- :-•>'■ I’ l "f 4 actable. ■V: ?'f*-..u . ~ -■ i< 5 , :,■ .Ki ~-,.. ji . ■ f;; U onnf j r ; but «lctor-i°* their party, have come to the con-, m - lss Co. A went ip 45 strong and iexcitement by_ *>ivcnl^ji l ' imaginable 44032 tir V ; morning, and from 3oui . e-. * .&•- . - ’. ~ ; elusion tbit these two are culpable.—l returned with; 12 men, all the others 'ly chargingeftjslfc ! : : _ : ■:.' } if. ! '--J-Sr.AgjieST ~ noon. V.. , ii mined to be Uee from tie erne i » f Their reasoning, slated in gi syilogifcj bolngkillcd. wounded and -| to ,obK'f.V — :\T* —T .a.t- c I oppression .ot the; mother country, ,r - • .V- _ "J* rTallcbf Chivalry;-Jitr. lidilbr. Such (This seemed tofiiiaiiv ; v .i '. • •'■> {gT’VWare drreete y «° ■ ' &i _ - lt \vdsV-allejyiiacl humbled hep. In the ! tK ‘ _ ° ,m ' 3 101 ’ 'deeds of valpn canhot'be surpassed on i lor belief^,' i’|\pple nr their yiflipli^fti'fv^^r*'-; . sj; : .. f Collector of thisjDistncl \o say, '•‘ at / ( j ast ’ to iicr "reatr lo^l6, w 0 in this ;^ n y & ( tllc-fieid. Thd' cneni}! was on- ! and - ' as the Government- iciU> r i<ti receive • lnallIll ' r: , ; *. trCrifbed^^and, under fdCed ! sdrh : coiispFr|aesoeve •■ ' ~ v :lri but.its; own tiinds. lax-pav-. ‘ !,oi “•■-■ u " ‘ ... i*: ‘ .* ‘ ; All. Democrats are naturally inimi-i the loe 1 agaitik grape and cajnjster. and tfornied. Thtiyiorget that Z-peiiSlf - -oi^th.e r: <3‘fi£a*ia*oia -1 - 'H l '^ n tO ,W? Ik ‘ dto lLe t al,tp the Government: dJut teliy forniedAO nun;def the i»re|- ■Trill bfe on Jan: Tih. >cra . 1 ■*. disrnernbt*! uient ot her and . - . , b w.. . = *^poiiii(i whcri*‘ licurtv•■"■till oiil^-ollicers • Since the publication ol ,• , . 'is ... , 1 ... ; ’Messrs. .Manton and Hallcck arc :^ ruu ‘" tl t -:J* * ,A ?W, •? ~ o.un-e .iii.j j . . . f*. acknowledge puivViui»*pendeneo ot the . . . . were killed. (tenerab ; h!s Donee,to in tuispapeh. v u b Sl iti loni rh pl w .sic- ■ ' m ' onit ? ; ■' i Stlficiyad* of 1 the Bankers police khqv , e -Ad- » It U ’pias ji./as ’,day-Jt that- the; 5 julant General'-ulso.lVill,‘.as wfcft ‘ spiu'^yj.4.*beeirYoVtlic Ijif.Ui-, A-c* ApEi.jUs.a continaad..hwyf«w to mnmfesl er ; 6tUer papers of- tliat•> tW«encnij: ■"■ Many; tdmpiuiy offi-j ue.,*yaV 'Gyvf !C;i; rthiu ; tjltt rirujj'bh ■ - l»itler:u;:l malignant leoiingi y*\\ aru*. . . /.K'V.b;* f , , . r ' wei.o killed, Udl: *till jibe boys \ wmild h:iv»: bi va : eoimnHUsl. rjvfi..., «iu* K->< publish a card in our issue .tins .country bvvarious acts of alio.'- ' l ‘ v,, f? . ? Fo, ‘ fought] on until dark, ihiseil in> ■; ' 1 afti-r t|n? l*i‘c-r ) loit. Ilamsout-ir. “ Vo * V u- ; - -Stick' from John A. Our infant,but 'rapidly : L “ v “' ■*'/$' ,l i at 3 ou i •Thu,h,lloiviUg_is : n j i i.t of the killed-,.; lW _ . . ; . r x ■ • j . "».,</’».♦* ../,!• can .n.c-vvr hit • .ft y&e nui n e % wounded and njiifcrVMi'* 01 and Jv: ■‘jiaph i*t mUitiui(U£*Woiu‘/d i*:v Kl |A, n.'bn* 4“«- ; Esq., relative to a peUUou couin|cree wa., .ulciK-.«l, ■ ■ ■!;, f . -Compass F - ImiAc-but' tt& arm, foment Vt Egv t don; of Sheets; te--. which weceall at-- with upon-tbe high sea> ; our-seamen,. -t ; - i k.UM— Christian* Holland Henry C.irtii: ihistrjtted the scheme. Jtf- ; IVrji i. ' y -Cj? tendon,' v \lTe ; Under ‘llio of the .Half-hf'; .dip the following from the <JuJi. Jolur Edgar. ’. if,::, ’ - ' t fl* yiliiuri' borfclije atta-l.q^i* for a long tinie, and can Von^l.for the o:jr c(Wintry. boldly truth-aind honesty of word bo >W ui vv--; 1-y; direct: ; ■' C«donol . Quay, bio of: the One 'oiyClarlf oi t>r \r. ; d. ; M says. ■ Having coiomittedjui-.error uu-; authority of and iholiiuudrod and Thirtv-fourtii Ponn.syl- ■; ;^asiu; r Saut’h -f‘tV,T^ f w’l.vTe^V«df‘ iy-T»nr A' H 1 •T.-V,i<h.vV^-^' warily he at once .redtifiU it ;-uo : right of search proclaimed by the.nl ™«, u .regiment. wh«n reMgiiation j after ioniit line' : - - ~ f •. ~ • vaii ■ * ■•• < .' ~ I . r , • .• was* accepted a lew. days mice mi ae-.-.c.l tuito, t>eoige..i,euniu,: _ '-.v-.- ■■■,,■ •, : t T , OlTsi-untied: irtievcs; 3,1 1 ..JJ.hvo o> nittn could do' more. -- •;-...is tuc-ir r.iglu. fheu- up-., t . fi ; l[)t ..j, jj,, heaUll) aet elb : is volunteer • Fbeiier. A ‘ f-V-l' ‘, A i ngmetih^jig:ly it. dia- now --11 j , ' ;: »j - -- • r J 011 our conuuerejc and their •iijjusliee .aid.'araJ'.ie'joried ’ biftiist-li' with- most ■ Missing— lfa NeviM. J.i Li Hson, i p ll ’’i' c ppsL'uii .nut i i..=* a.va.ty. . 1 i-Uhma*e.^Apiii.l!<workss>.o;<lk:laiC!s, ; . v, *S>The colored children pf Bridge- • b e;;mu so that wo were j eo.U.ueLUlc Colonel (Juny I John WiLn^us^oat)thcyili.iie. t O: j: ,W lieu yt. A <ca riiieu o f ,•; |u- - *V,»rv» •♦?... * - : I . . . „.’ * 7 . .■%: - . • ;} ■ _ K>. -•• '■ l,orustUUtic;u , -a.S L‘-»JoU' ja»-: suite *iurar>,-, ~r .- >• : ■— rtgiuy»fc>i 1 iti iitm* aCL ? UI * I y b.. trampl-l-upon: We ' - f Elder, W. EoeH• Kd%ert if. L>a- ( £^daUtbo' o ’ ■: - their complexion. ,We eurunre bv • . \ • n . . , J - ' ifor the l.envcr Argus. .j Win AI M'M-iUm - a ? ‘J d ■•.; 1 * v 1 lit.. .•, f-. iI-' ci 'wtiT lj<-r; bUore the*:- * a nAfeti ■! Xl ■ *, i ■ , S n ,! : ; »» sonic R«mpltV-| sy«i:-dniv • A.Ut ZS, yy. hat law, and- >y •what nglit,,.i. ~\L - r : .. ~i the Inie we:-; \ve proved tliat. i 4.'- .yrg ' , . i f-hinie-tt? think a loathe. £bnstifeioa, r _ foci, done Are the (eolored' chil'.lren .of , , ~ . 1 I , ;' As iit. is -bdieved bv some of inv i. Missing —liWUt.:- Alex, j»l..oilkey,tjHcci 'wouW ocjhu'li for -Sncli aT- per.re«elaiioh.|)f ApV: ; 24-g’5C. ■■■- ' ■•" i 4-1 : h E-t:t,- - . the Xwib to ho pi-e vented Iroia-learn''. v-eretab.e.nol on y;. n , k , i(i ; Uj . it lny altnched to | ««-VrSon-_ Y. Fdvyards,. h ,h ° ia S ; -- . Uf.r.n ■ ■ Weitbirtk tb evil -i ve no' le.r-,1 i-iOhi t„ U ‘ !, ’'- a UHonai'-iitiiin luetn. British '.Sheets.. : I i.eMi-fc, to correct .that n ? n ,rxt-‘l “t,-,*- f s»TKf haA reaignci ,U, S. G.«rqfucieiit direct, tax..: . ,S : V!.nyO t .:. - , ; ,A . " E; - ]jov. er and llerilong i oasied snperiori- : [uessKpi bt' the'tolfuiving statement Wcidoy Bakei, • 1 . Bbnie.-s l has rosijgtir; Miseeilancous, , i 1' K.iS-tV-vd? their jHh'i! di. ./ijr-rr-/' :expel tuew -unless- they ■ j.rovrue for,, , v ~- (-u wcro i A petition xvas presented for signers, • .’ - r' s :J 1 ‘ 'V Mocfbc? tiyei;. a them a Separate, school. ■ - , , . •. .warn iny (.thee...' I was busily engaged ab ] " to«N it fif»-sagSfe -* . - ■ •. rfrl : llrt „ ,'. ■ at i-hrs-^.-sa / ■/ n K^ 5 ,^ 115f pa f . ;ihc tinie, and. while i listened ;o thel —. c i I-- : , i WitlJ.ml bSng. lUrayeßy S .‘®*Vi7-x Bilfo bV w..\r •/ ,/ Col. M. &. Quay. cn-ly going wUn ustn the; pleadings for a re. i .itc,br stay of ex-].; List ofJurory. al j pnthese ..rurnora :io ; ;a.#'Te|lliE , \D^r ie- V - 1 ---s • > / Wo fearn. that Gob .'Quay,, of the i ei-vi!zai:.w;riyaliebn'tianity oftlie. peo-^erntion.-for at some 1 en-;■] for Adjourned lOiVt, 'O3- ; sour(-e| I| niu&liylose: JOC^bb-;-dtai^'lfeW;-V- ;i t* tlfc , # Treuyvb j.: ,: ; . Utat : v{e t.r.\ig,l t. ’ ISdth Beg. P. Y-., honieATme since lent pie of <fl;« .''-her Iriej.dtiiip was ■'■ lost ol any thing hkc ]iar--f BOY-pigh township : ing wthen nextjsyo u a y Bi j?-W c « dered his rbsiirWion on ■ account «.f hollow, and deceit.'?*! amt- preten-: tlo “ > t lt ha !" J . tllllu .- 1 l‘ : cm.gvpf -fepuratea -Johnston, Wm. II; M’Jyeng.ie. countiiy -will be Lauftn} ..... ■■ , - A > -- —' U ‘ ?,>. boroau;i JMp nertu ms rc oii.a<coun, , . . 1 coniniiserano.t hyv.ig (.vereotne my Bridgewater: James Porter. ‘ om'ialhprs loved, >vill bo infi 11 foiregl 'I i.V ■lv c Q s% i 3 was a .out si- ■ 'StT ' » .11 health, u-b.cn was accepted-vet Jlas. she no .irom, t,ette. judgment. I signed Uuf petition. J {p : being oh the "ipundi vobinleered' und'V llß * c t 0 *r> her.|av!-> :ma In her \A. n.ouient /lis-! thairArkoiizic. r " f !• l *. hwirtiiy in Hustainihg und shp-.: ; v \ j-.U L ••• ‘rL 1 -. i !'-■ •r 4 • Tbl* i ' / «'* J ' ' - acted as aid to Gbn.JFyltr- tef ti.e bat- : cmjsaaries ■■-.nf amongst ’been 'on,; covered. to .me the- errorjif 1 |dated j Beabcr r'rWnvlAieutv Janies -portiiig thobesbgovernmenSo.ifearlbAf 1 ’.V r ’A\ ..to- F r VV L ■ ‘ v•• t Vd-avo-im- id 1-u.men* .lis'Pi, does I life ••ireumstamo to my Inomlf-IL A. S-S'f ’ •t “, I f - - r t ■ ; ~ i AlCliTi/t'f’ ; P rL - a i,-,t ioa„‘;'- . . *V-t» u •lie of \%\hero he be-i u a '°‘ Ul r> 10 i lf - Kll - - . A * a us, ■*• ft n Y , 1 . z 1 ■ • r. ■ • ,l • y • -. '• A V. > • i;*‘ nation of ; iSecrtiturv nn t^-; 1 1 ? /;•■ *‘i-V’ • :harid show-; J'-Jople ?In tho Norll. i '„ it- and at I ' '' r ’ «®*A ioe«.bisr~}jf- .ttiw2nai;:.Virgiuia' <% l.tfd npt;|bec.i ‘’' ' ‘ * . cd,]i ’ •?'•- .she by a- nn.-l 6f - .. .. ,uo. a..io\\ n . .1. - iilacKinpio. : > from Bdverlt:. \ a.. rumo.rH[■ as :|o ui i a -» l - . they will nbljrccCive, on deposit.. Hank ■ Kotfg, arid pay4n ‘•green-latks/’ -imselfl') bo. a brave and Tuihint officer. AVc hdgbl hero add, that ffu learn from the; best ahlhorityi that < Col. Quay’s resignation h?-universally regrette'd /bj s ?! his regimen ty, .All-his , tnen were grea% attached him. ’We , are, boweycj, ihi|£, the feloncl has resigned his'jiosition. for we know. is physically unlit Tor iniltiury service, h'owcycc-.much he might desire lei serve las tommy in tire field MEI A New Scheme for Ending, the " ' Rebellion. 1 IVe see It 'stated 1 ' tii.at a large and influential classy, of j»o;rtit-'iatis. have united,iu n»-ging upon .the President., the appointment of- haver;‘.of Massachusetts-, as Military Governor, 'of; Florida, with ’ authority/to enlist 20,000 armed emigrants, wuli their families. The scheme is a good one. and if' persevered ia-wiUsoou deliver Florida from the liands of the rebels. It is alsO Huppostd that the. mission of Gen. Banks, to Texas, is lor the same . purpose. Texajs Will make, five very good sisied Stateg, and it was provided in the terms that it should be so divided- With th.e op ' erationsrof .Butler in Loaisatia. Banks : -in' Texas, Curtis in Wi kapr-as, and Tbaycr in Floridn, wo may soon hail the admission: of seven dr--heigh t states,' devoted- to the interests of .Freedom; to, which may also be ad ded the pew State of Western Virgin ia, and Missouri soon to be (reed from j Wt are in'error if we' jma tbe curse of .bumax. slavery. . gine that thVpcnplo -Of G.reat Britain signs ,of the times JudF j ure free. : TiVreteiic .is the fcctl For cate a' general amelioration of thej centuries a portion of wlmt was call-, condition of the African race, and-tbo-ed the -People,:contended against the gradual elevation of those Stales of) Crown, for the puvpdso of stripping the X'tiipn Which - Lave. been brought4 it of its despotic power, and of limit*, low by the Slayehpldcrs’power do ajing the prerogatives claimed, by tbeiiv level with' tlioseC mot e' favored por- i ilpnarehs; but it wps the nobles against \ I-vi.j of our couhtry , where Freedom,i the Crown for [the purpose of increas- • «;gw,trits.ttj»bant j u.g their own power aud wealtfi.. .It , . , utico pursued the tiling until I iiud n>y tin-’ nihUtiitUir. >)i slitVory, :\ud oi-.i-oil. In flie in'vautiiiu*. Liiv ; oped l'o prove Unit .tUo Viulional jfoy..; int? licard thiit.'soine'of my -iK.-igliLbps fi-iimciii 1 Vas • ijMswcraljlc"for- the 1 Kin ; H' 1 «-x|r\r*c<£d wilihignesK to sign it, - . -v?; *r .. ■•, • t • , il iiiii;u**;inviely hu.-lwu-ij to them ami ol it. iii the N;iuh P-lio ■ - • 4 v- . . - ♦ 4 4; .*• •t;si*o*-uvv prevent th^ui the I^<»J:.!<:• f-liai < commuCin- a HkoVemir. :They, l!it*y .>vx-iv. hy .-the Isorlh/ however, 1 >;*.il mjn-eti not to (Jo *••>. uuJ &U‘ippe*.hil’ their riglit.^-as me’m- \ A' I '-’ 11 11 'JyHmvt'* hiovermn: Ur.- or ti.<, uSin-j.. thus arraying one liis Excellency,to - . , ' . U, i . , exantmo Inc li.-l of names to Inal pc great sec-:'.;: pi. our great and gh.n-; Ai tS^ t ifnd-notlinding-my name theme on- .1 him; ri the other. Vi ii cn ~,,, p, give me ft let tor to that cflcct. South <A»rp?lu':» •pa.-sed her act o.fse-! These, then, an?. (Tioimplo lacts.’and 1 ecssioiu'-aul ft he- others''. followed ' in - I flatter myself that no per-oii who is quick succession, ii appeared to create . : ‘< 'inaintcd /ae : and especially ,tn ;r / . T , , , fPt " mov own . umm-uiale rii^hltorhooclr . blVt ‘ U V-* »• rhe , w j,- ore 111 V in v," lo Urn 'government and thetutstoeratic dpis-; murder, inialV e!l kifowti; ;ses, had been'.long, looking for- the l ean or will, (V nent,think , units ■ id' the mu-casing effort to jTio- or ' believe th ill or desire j ■ dace -a division. ur.d by that • means 1 *°- *)j rn !s c,<H,ii . 'lined loose ■ , •-. . , , l on the community. ; , dostroy a government' wh,«i. they ; ■ Dcc , Miu > ?>■>.*■ JottsA. Frazier leered. , . . . y | ■ ■■ \ IV e. find them constantly, throng if; Casualties in Co, 134th P V., | tJieir liiercenary press,.’ fanning ijfo } ' on Saturday, Deo. 13, ’62. : flames of civil discord. At the very I Phedeujcksiil'ho, Dec. 14, 1802. . : time they appeared to be neutral or ) Killed: I/ieut. Hugh A. pretcndild thev were ncutral.lhey were:Dandson, .■Albert'' FeoneJ (supposed^ . - • •„ • . : uoberl Miller, (supposed) Jus-.' Hi gu.ng all -the encouragement they j Williams; supposed.) . 1 . i ■ oons'-tctiily witii their ajiparent | , I] ’oh:oM;\ Ciipt. John Hague, fieri-1 • portion.’ to .Southern i ou*ly: Sergt..l.Miao MurJifk. Jo^ophti.sj ;uui a* llit? lime their ex- Miili:i. A|. M.. Gtiiiritii*'luuii, Jo.-;. M. 1 tpressions of unitv to '«nr government Eicbard lv- Krown. Heed A t . : Davidson, Johnston Bctiuamnd, John i , and.-people, unu -sympathizing with «*' 0 . .-liihvortl.,Joseph Dnnlajs, Miller i -nuour affections This-as wo will! DiH'mi. Janies A'. Lusk;, George-; \V. ! show, was* not sincere or- honest.— ! Leslie, Sami, (L; M'Ginnis; I 1 England- never. sincerely !}' J?' - iljtchelly, V\ ui. B. Miller, Hii'atn i : -,T- J •••; ;; ‘J ■ . j W iritcnbcrgorJ-Walier Ai Yodn<u i i jw.1.1 auv oihcf. nation m their Irotib-j J. i6llt ; Mountain of Co I, and C'apt. j jles, unless taeir own interests or.ppw-ji Vera un.l llieut, Anderson of Co.j EJ jer was eliecled ll.ercjiv. f arc unhurt. A lisl ofeasna’itie.s'in the latter company will ibe forwarded as fioori as it can accnnilely bc-jirejiared. Harton, Scfoggs. and'Carson are un hurt.; Thei regiment look into action about and men, only 225 of Whom an swcied at next roll-call. They all .tell in the-SDace of fifteen minutes, in a desperate Inn .disastrous charge with the bayonet upon the. rebel works. : : M. MEI p-#gj*A' Richmond paper ofl.last week admits that the Confederate loss i 1 the late battle was 8,500. > . v (TOHiii * •*'* •* ( . -Hauovci tj): Wm. Cur-Otlicr.sj i);u iii 10 tkfi..j’il'tsb'ara iJi-niotch, savaV-'j : : i iprovail.-fll. is" not. iti-' ‘ I 1 1!. '' i ’ ~ ■:, 1 ... » P4vai<i£»t?sr thill '• bt-lj-ians jf;\ls?y A .J'A-oiwm} • feimon Gottorn,. \\ m- C-. (■( ivou in tlic t«rinj% ...T tinrj have (; ■ * I ; h'ut (hiehnaiv iinijing fault f liuiiisdiy Ip I'Georgiv tngte. ~i , an d ,1 liiiquidjtl; In toilet h|UO^b^-ivot^' l >n, Y ' ,\H J.;'4 *-■" \\ m. I* ramj>ton,| jtAh.” Gsaid he;- y.i*« >•}{*?[ . „ / * i; ; : . ’, fcrnal niggos\” I Sevi.'dlarye •.#?»>- i■ .. trankbn rtj> s inion r is|!jer,., : TOii, {ho c .yi t i etl t. told thJtnvtlf Vvhon&rol ja ; phUtpifem.!’ ='• £ L-nr Y'iVx Pcill.l', ilolm C. kelson. • f.: . .; i(l< ' -■ ■ • •"■■" k t..- 4i- ' “ " i y - ... -v ■ ■ •; ' s: tit. 'if there never* had heea/fdjlves.Mhe telegraph otfh-e-trC ■.. . .viv; George: VV . .this, chantry.. there, niwer ' wbidd | half past- twolvrfrtfdot;k on ! 11 j ' -i i 1. .',! y hnyo. been a rehidlioh.’’ ' l !i li:ivu_-jio . afltd-nporv-hy.tbfir-ngent:of hy thorufyi' l . ' 9 f doubt' yj‘ it,”' he.' njiliatheiatgd, fVessj;titbit “not '-ttirsorry- in Clo'v; Juint ’Sfcfirsjirtll. Knlih-et/Should tli6 l , re>yfci).t--’<lc}ro.t6i. < ®i£^fi^--ft>l^* ! .*fesc(S‘ y , liaccoon }p : : tlrC; jn.>st attention 1 ylve- iHv# suppressed t.o.GVfj iJ ope well . Jpcob liopli, \V in. Jo.init-- t c ! r I Jit i Jftijle, iinprttve|h|ei4 bf j byy official-, j diVeytiotts^...jriU're-.> fe ho >idt.',..and' wjiif *- ori - . 1 -f ...... i ■ ■:■ {TiySira. arid li»rhdrs,dbt^Ctfcjbt^i'jt> -bil means ..bl*p?' -•■»w«dv $•• =-»Abn>,i«g- .t.b” ■■ Ohio tp':; John Johnston.,- iilfo ipr: j theTsi)precf'of South Denver:• Jatn.es Lyon, James! hfc£t tiipt tife-j ataiT®,diaw M Gtelian. • . / , 'v ooubtVj&?” ’ .* l l tfhti’l 1 c(tre|," sjiidj b'bS'firi ,ail,h^i;el .Rochester borough ;c John Ji’Koun, .uj, e tallss too rnWt abbot Utein;^|jeiv >? ! cauie as|iTgi Dr. AT. Shulletibergcr, Jolm' Wilson. I j | U pp oS p y o u MVe seem Gob fpjJlil-! Sluyufd-|e t • Marjon tji: Sampson il'Danioh roy’s order suppressing thbfVirculaitipn office, wluU - Chipp<pya tp.: David •M’Leanf'', oftroasonablcbewspapers 1 , anil d!esra;- idgtoa guv Grconp tp: AcW i»po,fJpbn Vaace,.. nrtfn t Whfe^i l?rcfc jbtoc tin,,. V “ 1 1 j ■T’Bf-'; Tfl ', .;-'Tbo‘- : {Qi;d i ■\. WasiJisotok/’ Deo. |l9l— Senator soldier l !, .and main? j llcndcrson’sbill in aid of emancipating as to w.*y tti© Pittsburg Ciiiein-|to : tho jfan* tbii Miivos :6f Missouri, ;provldes for o»ti : £vqujrer f arid either j intelligeriL j compenaution to that State upon the kindred sheets are not Brfppress4d.' —| to the cneni | passage of emancipating-half Tbeat^pAptfr#• in (tnents, ..but l : l b®. chives therein, to the amount of arpiTL by tng’|pa* ties. Ito extend ti 18-o;i)0U.0'J0. K further -provides that, every mail ii burdened wHlillpri- j character, rif the law of emancipation: fihpuldj i o pi k^oaihu^l^Vl[or alaled Presa j manumit all slaves ©n or before July- >*deur:teousln,^" 'or a MdeVfiltpd ,'i'riqnd,” tips' fact vv. [‘•ttb, 1866,1 the. President- shall have >{o brave men In the' ? ai-bty,; tfhdneitig lot" tlrcaioni ; the whole amount of bonds prepared e President and the vhrvp iif'henis of i ..miiebih^ i apd delivered piv the passage of- the j]j 0 Administration.’- its 'tlVci C, -J ja.ct. If it should hpiovide jbemedy? i I] r' hid j .ution Chase ' \vus; lovaliv parlie:! i' 'eoiril ihitalmcnts datbd from 'theidiohd \t)ispatch of the h(lth,. say at 1 tins cvohu’g-v- 1 -‘;,'''' passage of theaet’tb ti.ii timp wlreu [ff'M ?^?^h !^ r P4o#hsb|ir||.h ; Ct ni l-"4 ■' ... t.l 'laVerv slnll cease --The faith of the tle;war2,ooo.' Llevcnhdrtdrtd \v-ounw -; 1 ijmi .Cftni-, hiinsefLi-'m- United States is blethni'd- to the ful- ed:arrited fbure on i n “ tv i“ U m-ent >v.ith t,wn e •i- J »wi*' ri is required to'refund l(ie ■fliopoy • hc ' 1 ‘fa : received it sire should ever introduw &out|i i.Cat&liua re gl f i 1-'^ the Histiuition of slavery within her . •• . ‘ ■ ■ .j.J i; J l ■ '! krm'-ibeU J'Hiirl ip w *V ! V, h.h;,, I.T, 'borders. ' - i- i ■ ,-The:Eiclimond Dispafesj-ol ihojsamo ■ Fm '|P e wou^ld^laApi 1 gtiod ■! ol v; ro'-eyrewg :.G-eu:-Pi.".? 1 ? -Tj,;.; ■ i dato, contains ; a dismlhch i'roni‘ Gold.s. l ri : su out thut if he , could be - eon j maWli: to lho„f;npport of boro,.stating fqught ’i*9 the ‘coptfaty: fcarfw’tSl’W iat. Ixectfh/Ran. the AboUtibnisjfAon tht^ilday’pir^Vioas,! ro®**!?'-* 1 ? posilion upon that, ibhject, I of ih&brder,. sj; from Sa. auf'io il p.i-mH Thai", afterj to do ,the.* Pm Ut-'ara id’/i’bpe’hJ back oric'e'i coa jtf ' ur'der,;a!i the- - P.i ~- , '.| Gen. Evjrws Svah compelled to] I retire, j snrr oui>ded hirir. i , - ' •■. tv f> o( ip the' ivantials towrh. Thro? in no- report of the jtmaed that : the. nust uv!i v injured by th« Union bombardment. 4\eep their proceedmga i IIofJ.OVTAV’.S PItLS AND OINTMENJ'. — .Sore lug*.*orc bri*sts, abHiesses’ ; cancers Kaiid wounds or 1 ■ ta a course j-of these medicines. j' AM sores; are.for La tjiftiiittio'safpty-valves of the; /.should b(s fdowiy.; by ibe 'Qioiment with the,aid of tlie | pule. Sold everywhere. - Merit ou. hiSj .IwjTv’ lli'W'liO* fS’vil'Hioit,.. *j~fv .i • ■ ■., in i4'b!ujn-yiM)i. An. h'd -4! i-.v ; hmi'.h' uf remits .. v',‘!4 •. i;/”i ’ •; ~ > .- 1 Mi 1 itav v^x-pens e.* 1 . orchn:\''?, -• -1 Ivr -Hu V-fl. kr.tvitl! >ievK-n ' ‘ ' ■ J - ' •■'" •■ lJ>” •■ ; soth» j : ■’(jc tfiifJeiV'j t!fii The- . i:nj -ijr-,." is" '■ -S&l.;! 111 e ft He !'0 . ,I>'V . il.i.t •<:"?!¥ ' !l !'. , - : '•^i |, • V* i X. • ';A:Y r r ir:.,. tua-‘. tut. c -m:Uc;u,'U ; Vuii\[.(?*' Vrr.Va'.s.-*!;, ■ u'ijt/ii:'':...l |;tji!i l' 11 r <g\ l\r>ji: 'Wi lit r •’.i;:ii«» u vi Ifj -• V: lit t'-flVr V.'a- I!I v '.[■■•v :gzr\' , ' ! 'j ■ t i‘ ,J ,J '' J rt-iitli] W OV-*i ;!;■ *:,: i;,.:.: .u T i!, I■; •I- j; f ; V . !-•;;■!!! 6 f <i'W&a j> r to 4 Soawwof». l'e.; iv;\ i;l* i :.c- ■ I Sill, t; ;.i,■ !:■ in . ft j'••• '.:in sJ I I.h.’ T ! i iVHU» IV ij l tQSv’U . jr'-‘ - : -Aj.;,-. -.-.;4 i-Cib*,. •■ fr*>. 'ivar vj' Vvo! 1 . ;)i;ic 2KKsair.i.i-\'i' . tr ,•• 1- -I r 4 . J ■ / -A/jr .lEi.r a: 1 hiorr (■ .■■.uA* ib ■■• - :' iiW, " • tofn;m >S?n fo'/iflv ] n \ kfiowi! that.tbctv 1 him ofi t.u-/ p^f>_ t* ’♦*r r; I -k. i-!M. ■ ‘ i-fi. V* .. V c;i ' r -:; y( ' 1 ’ '■ ■'A'.ii:/.;. m^ 9 :u/r ME MEM o ';, i j' O'* r '<- '.Y MEM ; i* 'V iti •:; .• ir-' ■ "V Ilill '<’■ Jr .s ■ • !i::.1 1 .'.',..,;•11 1 ::: ,, , -, ,1X, ' •,' a 1 r -a; jo-.-s- I *.»«•>.11. 4 '•1*1 i'L‘i.2 i- -u .yesg^ i' vy EM=l • v>r —f-'*’ y. r.-l ; •'l' 1 : ’■ * *»...; :n* •.--; ui'- i ’' ' 't'W Piti?. ..£'>hl» \ ■' : is. .M ; (."icli!i:i i u'.i.-;V. i - t ! l h Portor'o!:ii-T i ;.' r--"f r l ho i,' J OEM =NA =ME W..X I • . ••.“■• i\ "irV'irui'..'-i. 1 ' ' ,luv Jj.ti-iiiisi j • [lei-eMpait} to 'lft»» jv I 1 !_•'£ ;>IV: '.hem.; '.''ll- 5 V , r\W wori-.r: •"% t«VW "■ill : iv. =BM 1 i v
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers