The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, December 10, 1862, Image 4
VP*' -V rfl fT fA\ H.”V . - and really clever it is. It, is both sharp OLLO W AtY,' k) M ft*L d ■; 5 sood-Seiupercd.-j»nd not afraidto eaythat its]- v v>. t- /n • \j r r . \ ! soul is iis bAvnf-wbidi shows that it nas irf Hfl ()UltlUGllt. A UJ be glad to know where :, „■ ... . DEVOTED TO CHOICE LITERATUK 5 soul*- Our rcu<i<jr* wal| be to knovr wayre,... „ • —-- -- ; ~ j ibev-cau find native fun that has sym^ingj^V,l'i.t-WH.Obave Friends anil Relativesinthe ( ' , toiler. .in' It. than inters ipott/w.”— Allaitlic r?-/S. Anjij'.or Navy, should take especial care : Jj/c/. -hr/. .- ’.| . -/ * they be amply, supplied with those Rills ileS V • This paper ijs excellent. .. . . Remarkable -y n . l( j ointment; and' where ithe brave Soldiers ; r fosoriginality.”---V. V. JVo.-O/ir.; '! and Sailors have;neglected to provide them-. ivRT ' ••V-.ytxv FaiS.l* conducted by a vivacious, f gc j T^g iheip, no. better present, canbc%nt;| o VI- r" witty and intelligent corps of journalists.’ tbeir friends. 'They have been prov- j '■“* ' yK/.-A/lU't/ ICoun.ji L'Mjttirrr.- \ edao be the Soldier's never-failing friend in j . • !, T "Hill tvield ns potent an .influence as that ot l)f nceJ . \ j In the Literary Dopartmettt ; we .suall pre- ,;, c i'„or/;.':' —iUtsiuu TractiUr. : (joBGHS ASlf COLDS AFFECTING TUOORS I aent the choicest varieties within the reach ot { . ..\vhcsoevcr.finds biiaseit laughing at. >ae py;!! be speedily rempy.ed and 'effectually ; our extended means. The .y.ovclctihjaTalc?. : w j t „f Vaxny 5' .‘.tit, arid does not return a ' cure j j,j. us ijig these adtiiiiaOdcbicdicincs, and ;■ i’o'etryi' kc., bhall,ha supplied-froia the best , y , u i rr i yjor. bfilh for irroasQit, and >poile.’’’ —. p y joying proper attention to llic Directions j and hi ghost-sources, and be equal toanything j,' }' Cru>io:L ■'. .... ,i f ndiich'arc attuchefbto. each I’ot or Rox. ■■ j to be. found in hny.journal or magariae.- . 1 -——-t. , ItOCK II EADACIIiiS AND WAJsT OF AI?PK-j ' ■ TITK INCIDLNTAL TO SOLDIERS. '■! .These leelings.'vvbich so stjddeh Tl*. usually-! arise front trouble or annoyances, 'obstructed j perspiration,-or eating and drinking whatever iis unwholesome, thus disturbing the healthful 1 'action of the liver and stpUiaeh. -These'or-I ; paijs-must be reliered.'if you desire to be .well, j The Rills, taking according to the printed in structions, will quickly a produce a healthy : 'act ion in both liver-and.-stomach,' and as a natural .consequence a clear head and good ap- : . INCLUDING Poetry, Novelettes, Tales, ,-ASflli MDKAX 4 ' *AXD KXTBRTAIis- READING u-EXERALLi. igTxettifcuio akd Hortlqultoe, f i - ■ • '■ has ■ thus- f&r 'altendcO: thb publication ,°l : ; - •• - \ . , - . . ■.■;..v.,sitv Faiu,” : f h.- -‘1- ’ _ t ■ VFnaWe.- the publisher' to announce that willi. , rrUlt-RaiSinSi &c -- ,v,, ; e,,iunioitccmeiu of' the l-Mcon-i Volume, is " ■ V " suet! this dev. dl'th Juno. New Feat arcs,, both In fill their craakf;. or po.viidnl ,on thejatat j : ; u , rHr^ lul J All Mil-, will be intigduecd, 1 wljiuh ■ _ cndyitosl anurfre-J 'ijwcm. ■■ j j airciM ji the value and,!atcrVst of the pa s'; .?*■' - p . ‘ ami fuljy, BMkiiwiiisi -*ie -proud- positlou Our labors 1" this department ior o\cr ihtr- _ unaiiitAously ajcdrdedito it-rs the-leading ty uave.mel' the eordia 1 approbation of' ' - ■ the public.' Our purpose. has-l.Vcn .to funnsir' useful "and reliable . udermatioh .upon . these : very important branches of industry., anil to; . protest, them so'far’’as within 1 - fur- power; ttiairk :he,fa}se tlo'cjfine-- atid svlSrfi purpof- ’’VANITY FAIR «»r “•- empires ami setmaiipn-adven-evituv Tinr.SJ.vr. turers by.'whtch the rarmehts incessantly as- ■ XetUtcn, and'ut the saileJ. I" This poi-u.iu ot tue o,nw :*« « 7r/t- . f - )S 'kyltuUmalion,, Xu jl« Xa«fau-slrec-l, graph wiU alone he tv or; it tiie w-tioie. price ot ; . - , )- " _ , tnhsrftpiion.; as every Farmer and Gardener. * d l *'. ■■ ■ i f ■ .- > xwhp'fbas- a proper coaScptmn .of his callitfg.d- -i, TKUXSS:'- • ' will readiiy admit. \__/ __ T.f.rce al.ill-niu per annimj, in advance—Sik - DEPABTHEriT. ; i. ■ - The : itanie ihUusity.c«re.-ftcd.ili.<crimiii.aVten. s forj lor gathering iauil preparing-t lie St irring Kvfcni s ; Five r0pi05......b. “•••.—■• am ~,, of'the-DAv. expressiv for this paper, .which ,’l'ea..,copies , ..v:.....hi) Id hitherto has been one' of its marked feuliird* .- ’An-.Kitrajtojly will bc-aHowed to tb<>getter anti given so auivei—il |ati-!ay!t-.a:.v.i!l bo .up .d’- cver/.tMuh yipltm leis tli&n hvc cojncs. coutinued with rcJoji’ ; i,-,d elfotts to meet the ;. ' V ■ • increasius iiemam 1s t* the.pttV.ic., The labor , This .papery tteetrntypctl, nnd numbers ret.uirtd in this- acpatimcnt* is nere.r ihlU a{.-, may be proent’fj at any lime.. ■ ■ ' o ;■■ prJemTea n:- the. trader. It’ wonUOnrinf- . • • ' pagssble* to 'present; the ,cc.n.Wt.-ed amj rare- ■' Ih:ldi-.herdor ih.c J’rcprictm s. .1 ■., Nat>sau-s f .. fuiiy ij.otucpup lorm“iji-;'.vUieh it ars.. a evv-i ta-k. j corr.epred' mass of ail ihe no.:-!'tai-uf-sting' ■ -:, y ,-r-t , / 'itev.-e-hnf the week, without ’ it.\oiviiiT hiuehf' •• ■ - -■ ;■ pnyr.tjsl labor, tael aitJpudgutem.’ . ~ SATUEDAY HOHITING;. POST. Wojwnej theyum prr,,: fa, whjdt wtflbeg ’ ' ‘ The hek Family ->ewsp:lj.c,r m ■kleavevitrt call aitcnrioTi; of a|t v.hw>t:iik -jf . E!> ’H; iMi N PESX’A. ' eabserllntjg for iluewj-jj-.per:; ■; ,'fv ' . '.Aioi rite oeiy! Luioit Sheet., in , "I Advance Cash, Terms. - • ' U; T v' icm • . „ o:ifj c-'l'V,- or.e yo;irj si!: ««iiu t-oj-y. ri i > * 1 _ • vearsi. ihrcc f-uc ycaiv ■. ‘lr.c*»*’ ll t OF l ive Veari : Tt-:i •‘.XIIK 'KVV Market nm\ Ouk ij’oai'.i IC'.OU ; Tweiiiy UiiO \ reijif-rl.' »!'*l 'a :oil of L * 1, '* 'j v ;l£:<*r:u-V-;k:w Arflcle-V noiiya-iJ y.itblu ]b<‘..year.‘ t MiiUria'iil liilu!imiiioii, ijli/ijtk ' L . " ''"a , .\^r»iciiliur-il News, . - ■ 1 , Club of five at y iir > ‘ •1' ■—Al>'k>-r , : -entitle person gettiiig it. tip to 'a w.j.y tor . fhe Latest ‘-Telegraphjo Nc'.vs. six.luoiiiiis; a Uhib ot ton or mort*. jTinkr.'iclutr rvorv .iii.j'tii nf No’VHj ’ for quo year. 4 AH-CK;b o’U* d ; •, ii* iucm ie. .•• .-at llie t-iVI of tbVv time i-ai't f<‘r. imie.r:- ro-er- - V lom direct. 1 ■ • " vcc.,|s'cc. ' or-lcr wi»l receive at;cnMun,'un!t srf £1] otcmtu -jor*n \Si.i(i.\\ Copy, or 11 \vitli,tbc Ci.slrj , **;. p . ' tt^yjspecnu?»'numbers s(v«»-to at plfcaiiti, • \‘iun>ir*is ■■■f pniLip k. FREAs, ; : / Editor and Proprietor.- ~ ‘',KSTON - REillEAT fc „,s ' y J'-VJifo, tut, ’ ;| 4', ' i J-’ilij^r^aiisUP’-MfiriotTir.- , CVmerKiftli nuu Wuiid l’a. 1 vi.uv unney by |naif> :;I my risk. / ~ TChCpUNTRY DEALERS: - ANA^LUMFORTSSI«ECEP-^'¥4>" ! # at.. tVhoiy - TION. CURE TREAT-„ • 1 - ok-,vs on bund - DISORDER. ■•■ '••. f- ! uvi ;'; -v»• ••» '«'V‘V, ?> • •; !•!<•<. Ajfci. .Tc>t;i(m : :ils. 4 Cap mid -lo.Noio j>a{>ij.-rs. Kiivvlojws, . |l'j>ank-I’.'ok;-. I’iWs ■ BU'vl I'viis -(••■lid Holders. C\.J-.V Books.'-Slatca - .- lids vf-LXCLUSI FOU stmnW Jlormid. B-iards. Ae.;'j :i ... ’■■ • - . • "y li t'sn.ul ii : ;>i-<'Unt i«>r| cnsli. floods' rjpSlS insrtruufcn !- ny. y.-n.£•'? die :o«n- r.^l, t .^ j ■ delivered Uu any' | :Vrt hf ■ i f- 1 v-V'cnv : i ' iroifx; 8. iVavis; : - oi ;-;,v ■;un-tw ,% ,0 . b ; V .- i >■,. i i •;,‘ u . .■ j»c* id ood sd.. L'lUsljur^l d;V but-'l Vta. W lb net ’-V t ‘lO'.'i’.S Xjnsw; bs -£LirLcX Q'ili ei' p lierv-cus and pßiomc Diseases. cat/ ch. iiiviil-al - Uci’aiprc; Vt.T->illC Ui'OM vdtfs nic Irili4== i r>;- ■ Cvmrii:! l '*! 5-- « 'ly.r.x'Mr •' r il ■4 ' I;,ru-v.f.v-.’r.’ :;;il <V V.’. I Sj." ;'. r'\> •}*■ CIiI .0!'- inriv I'V V. li.'v hfiviirj: .liluP" - -I£c> '»*:tii-:*. >) “ v^- lut ’anu.rc:.‘'.;; av T 1 .} • .»ii vM It- primitive. ••ca'Vtl y auu ’.wiped £aiU, Cuiton Yarn, ic., &c., const ah! ly ' zinc- in 1 lie World. published -17 M Hvmidway, ,'r'C\vc'|on»;;'.-. HcMc.i* tin* Ji-d lipy.' - ' ■ (. t iuhund. ( i- ’ £.:U£G ;N. nnd. sold everywhere 3b Oents, ov x wl,m ;.iv ruder the prr ‘ *: —; •••-• ----- mail, post tree., on receipt of the ain't ’■'a'ixcitinir c.ilcnnped ’in t.i.c \ <>'■ -ini- ,¥lYnniV ¥Ai IIITO/VIT . J 1 in-stninns \»r silver. ' wil.h the IVd - ...pah- mini U> ... a. c.rly aaJ :JIW y ||j I!\\i I \ | Imvin- valuable premium. . , judu-V’.n of lYmcdaai jibin’-. • r viikJOlJ 1 W Vfi .111 I $ j % . tffich yearly subscriber vvUVbc entitled to :s ■ : 'Du 1 !- r.Marj!*: brick ]„ - ' , . >receipt tor the selection .of o'-* cents V(.Tl'i> of with a V*asciKi*iii—l'uiir s'nrjes and . {-jpJ ICPtll i lOmmiSßimi jji ITClinill pluit-jputterns, from the designs in the book, well vein-.Uitnl. It yn*:m «lo.vau d., ■ . r oi . fl./m tl i(! >hov.' ro«mi, or thoyimiy bfc cr- Tainl a Titnv>V cn.n-e y.y G m ni, and M Hfnih ■ 'JerHilf ud sent l>y mail any time..%»«£ the ,iow«— hi^s— mujrhlmrmj:. Tr - * ; : vaar. bv pavinir posiaye. . .• •; - ,r .-.■stream.'; ail;.-: 'vbi.d; are epical. ti vd !. ptay;.. 'i 1 ' 7 ■’ ' 1 ; * .Bfbm.Splvhdid i imuremeilt si o impressions upon, the dbonicr-T *ooa.xo, dv. * i : •• No,-nownradv. V -V*’ ~ •. ;C<i nninl.. 1 • ( [ Office amirVarehonse l ,.No *. ; 87 South 2d etree i, , .: : Ti, ## The •ln«inr.!iv:i is cr.mplete in zVi an-. ,L _r_ •. —-.-■ •. T -l\ P,W • I I-‘- ■ point■ Having been lastehilfj.’ taU-fiiip ai: ctrpcti'c, in'Udcr that it may mar; ' - C 1 -"i>- * >v t’ •1 1 O v iI.C ;'.pp:' ( 'b;itioU a til \:c\vs t-f thciiaa-n jastidt- UB.‘ j J_> « O • Xv ’A’ iV \X- J.V « JAHK9 finlat; * iJi-i(irve : '\v£iteiv t JPak s ” XifC rli'seTs Inm.! .0 ■■ * u? . j * o* vtilson- s b. M haw ini ;i;o I : ■• ' • • •.nmil**’*:! .scKoifit:-:- -I hn d. * .rni • ... -i TTAS just received a-larjre assortment of ; eml-VilCC* •-' jJioiliary J l\/\T7 afi f\ ’. ■1 ' ; SPUING GOnj>Js. .i> . Riro. ihc’medicatis!.,v.-:sr-m j;.irumi riNomdiTt;: \ |'l IV J j;A| || | ill IV ir Ill,v ' 'vhieh'rwill he offered jit JLiX/O J'JUCI'S. ; JWid descendHi£ h■: i'- -r :1k- mmy- effectual/ | j I 111 ■ 1 jLi liV |« Q[| \j Ull Amongst hi* stock Tcaii, at all timeb. In*found •.•lond : cW-sr«i‘ , !rc:iti:u-' t . cutanj-.ii*' und' j ?- ' J _ 4 -. ?' a vi.rlfcu^f' •’ 'J , ' •; t ■' • * ■ : rC - CtV •;• di-.-.t-..... ’ ■■:CiSS4L- v- .Spl, i UiI'ESS GOODS,' JII’S.I.TXS, GLOVES, 110- leave to say-to,all Csisf wao isav ho : * -p-ri 111 | IQ~PTTT?I (*i- *■■'.' I , r • SIHUY, He-., &.C., '"•=■■ V cit.::- ii-ter**-- ; .l a--r .• ..-t-'-l. XJ. i jjpyyj & STEEL, alb varieties: , ■ - i.Vi.e. | t - or may- thor SPJI.L\ (t STOCK ofi NAJf.S bv the pound or l:eg. i ! s, »v '■•• «•«! j.c- ; w. 1., - 1 white lead and vakxi'sli: . j eißlrtr .tvanttu" «>u jwrr M awe!:, vale i.Hur | XaJLV X VjVJVI/O, \ : LAUD. SI’EIIM.LINSEED £ I'AKBON OILS • - cpU'v.tu.n :... liuiy. t c., f ■.. ]c i irliuevMK-lUs' offer-! • WINDOW flEASSball sizes, - . J -T-rtr ••v.muA •, 1 -: '■•* ■ "f Ut '- ,H °” cr t ! QUEESSWAKK, : LOOKISO-G®A«SES. &0.,- ; -r iTiriLtT jw-Ti.c-iil::!-- --i;.: ;• -t j. - Oil tu I VcrK., - (liihl'J. of ~v h i<:h -will be soW low for Cash, qr lr M cvr.iia«a:cati«n»'-siifjihrl.e a.iilro?-.*.-! to.. • -. V 1 ----- -'- £V-- T I’roducc - :#•> . PITTSBUEG WATER CUBE.,’ UVMifewatcr. May iMji’i, of New I.rigl'.tnn l,ei:e ; n , j.. ... i •■ , ~ J ~~~ ' ■ ‘,r‘ Xcw j 'V'OCiifiiive Agency .is superior VIJIUC ; .W- < . . I’.eaTcv I’a. JjA I’-'Tlil inc the . trif tiiiebt, of.;nll. lm-m s i BtAlffcill AcAUtWi I • , ■ —- ■' r »<,r l>i-'iascii, a'nil no Insn uiriott-tiii this’ccitfiir ! ■;. > — : — i >/•; i nv Mare. ; try p.'.s=essjcs eioau-r fat-ililics forMujiUminia: -i'rpH-IS ,ISSTITUTIQX AVILL (JPEN OX eAIIE ta llite promises uf the Mihse.iihcr I ,r -‘‘^‘ n . • ir J '' /■:•••’ ’ : '4-<I;4-vtW«-er' •« •'• ‘ • or»nrn-Vi TiTT b livW -Big Beaver towns’.iip, heaver' Eti. lor'4-'if mal Circ >!«r ».ii'lrcijs ! MONDAY,,-! ST DAT OF'SEPTwMB.KR coumv. on the everims -;f the i ith f.f April, 1 Ur “ «• >-vJ‘AJU>Lh UK i particulars, address the rnnoij. r k smail.Bay Marc, about 5 -years old, shod ; '.3g_ '/ '■ '-1 ittMiurg, a. ..., . fl. B.MBRCKR. Bjtivot*. P.l. . - all around,-,saddle ’marks, off lim'd hough enw ' i/ii'y ■ t • ■•T' : T> • I '— ’ • • s i largfel by arm or bruise: no other ! fetei’llllg 1101186, 1 •>. EXECUTOR’S NOTlCE esivklle. The owneris; desired 10-Senic for-i a V_, « + ; ioo+ i T ETTEHS tcslaniemary ■oh the cstatcof l?rovcprw>;r s v pay charges and take her .; Olfetl »T 1 CCt . I oerAvtA Allisos. latc'of Cireenc tp..Bea •> iav ay. . r otherwise she wrill be disposed of ac- l ' (BEvrf.r.s- r 008 AXD maskct) , , ver co.. deed, havitjg Iwen granted -1 ’iSeiiV !:iw - k r\ i iii it v i . Juneii . i jA. ir.a jv. L ! BOARDING'BY TH ■* ult VL 1) -VA' OU ATEEK. i «tcrequestqd-to-niakc tiiia /• i UAVOTUX6 Va.! ’ 'r ~ K : r ‘, "rdv Plv7 : a>inst m«1 '.estate .will *"* 'hria -it IU'NUrS Ji'i'OfS \tiy JJOa tUI J present fhem to* th properly au ’ * ’ ** * ; ’ il 1 thcticated for settlement ” r • \i' 1 JAffICS Greer 1 * aug6 ■ lv '• - Strav Mai’e. Bl(J' 1V WHIPS.- oulj 'Jj ctuts. at . . - J-. . -U ENII VS. i ; ; = . -i ’--i ) TE A t'-r'Cm«c Uvm, IHactoml Imperial ! at : • ' •', . HKXBY’S. I ll' .WAKE, Lamps, Shades,- and Yy Lsiap CliinuiSjs, at . lljiNT’.V S ' "it: r gr*. i)C:> I IBM i- .i'/A'; i. ;. »'!" > 'I iVuu ■ yrv'.- ■,v\ Jllj'l jmh- WEE :t;'- ■ u«. ■A Vlz\\< t Ij; v‘*t>r.ill ' j‘ ill*:* ■ •; Brandies,, rit' •i -iZiii. Sri'CIAL NOTICE Comic Jouuxal \mim. AND liVl-OBTf}! Wines 'Z'J. I ,j| ('’ll', of / I'iTTS A. T MILO I)EALE' BOOKS , S- "^aU TOYS AUD FAHC no 6. HEW B’ - r . ■ l eaf. Grant/: VB» ill i petite. ! WEAKNESS Oil DEKIUTV INDUCED BV \> x uvi:n fattgui:. > : p Will £OOll disappear by the hg« of in- j fvahiKbltf Vilis. /nu&hc Soldier willquickly ac- : 1 quire .additional btuengtb.. Never letibe bow- \ j el?r he either eimfincd or nmtluly acted upon. ! 'lt hmy L seem strange that- iluliovvay’a Tills should be recommended .for Dysentery im*l: Flux,’many persons supposingihut ihey-wotdd i.increase the relaxation. This is a great mis-- take, 1 .n* these Tills \> ill the liver and | stomach and thus teiuovo all the acrid bmpor*? ; from the system. This nicdictne w;li give lone .and vigor i«> the whole organic system hnvrev-' i or dcruuged, v_hile health r.ixd strength l»ulow* !As a nmtior o/Jcouise. rNoibiii/r-will stop , the j ijelaxiitioii’rr. tti'O Dowels to sure as this dirai- I 6ns medicine.• ■ ‘ /' m ~‘ 1 VOLLASTEEUS attention: • indiscke : • JPIONS UK VOUTiI. . . j Seres and Ulccry, vhitchings and Swellings,' |can with certainty be if the ViUs'are taken night and morning, and'the ointment be freelyused as stated-in the print- Tf treated in qny other liiiin :ih(:r they .dry" upiis ope part to break out inym fotfaer. ' \\ hercas tlih* Ointment will remove.- [theiiUmoi.s iVoiii'ibe systomAtiid .leave the Ta l .iieiit a vigorous :uid healthy may.j It wUhre-' j quire a in .bad oases to in i'sure a lasting c-urc^ .iKCtINIWtHJXDS'KITIII-R OCCASIONED- DV ‘TIUv-i»AVoNOVoiI jSABItK OItTIIEUI’-L -‘ J.ET. .SOKES Oil BRUISES,. ■ - *7 Tn. which every RM lier and Sailor are liable there arc n.t medicine" so *? u More and' eon- a .venieut as Hidlouay s Tills and ointment. Tue p.»iu- r ounded and almost dy'uvjr yu!V»-rer might ’have his w-uinds dressed' l vly v it lie ; ■ would bino-elf \Viti»A mateu-^ •o-'S Uiiiwtßmti' which shmilu- hcjrhrn-i hit<yi he woa-nd-'and.smeared a]j aioiindyr. then covered piectj of linen from Uis-knupsaek, and ’Compressed with a bliudkevchiet. '1 aping night amijisorrungji or’b Tills,,to c**ol tboys-/ tern and prevent ihilamalh'h. * Evi*ry_ Soldier's kpansack and Seaman s chest sdiouhl.he provided Avidy these va-jlt-ulde Remedies. - , j CAUTION 1 . —None arc genuine unlc-' the words A cic lork'tUi'l I*< are dhccrnable asA whier-inurk ia every leaf of* the book;of directions around each pet or rb«ix : : the Maine may be plainly neenyby *, oiling fh? l-’oTto the light. A. handsome reward will Ibe given rendering such iuforina j’t'ioJi as m;iyjfojfd tot be detect ion *of aiiy party jor parties, counterfeitingthemedieines'orvend "yg the san'e^m-v. to be spurious. Sold uC A lie, Aiatiulaet nry. of Trnfcssor HoiXtnvAVU B(ftlaideti Lmic, New York, and by all respectable Drug"is:s and,Dealers in throughout the civilized world. -In. do coins. I>2 cents ami ;. ;1 . caeh. £V.;Y"There is CMnsidci*abic’-savhig by taking due lavgoj-sizes. : j ■ N. K.-—Directions for of pa ■ iet'u.s hi grery diiorder arc affixed tp cacli box. .■^7*-MavT.*’ rT: *. . . • K.' DKMOKiiST'S Quarterly, Mirror of Pas Mons, * 1:7.‘/r fr[-rt" ln*rT<>i'- n-ni* ot<A ; -TUB VI'VCKIi foST-VISS r i Fo un I- 1 s<:ti-t x » t.r.fuin i sjn ox. ■ 'j-i.A rKs; yni:FCtfi-xitno, ■: -PATr/utix.s ■frF-jyk.F.isx.y: - * , .THK ; - ' Ackktso.n, l’in.-i>‘g. ItEfSOiV. -:i Nyiv.f ronch 'Waist; j*ir >SlecTO., anda .l^JUissos-JfacW, :i!iu a Sh:.2t Nc .v, : and Ucaiiliful 15kaii>' .\ND-EStiiunibr:n?:ip ratti-rn?. Together vdth nearly luo of aIK the* iiovchit?* Rr , Summer {Sonnets, Cloaks, Trimmings, Children’s Dresses, &.c., V • Ajyd vufeahle ftnoiTn.iii; n I<* Milliners. Ih’css r AL»kers^. Mother's. jihd Ladies ’pcneraßy, -j»rc ! VcnViiiif VtW and LestTsishiLn Ma^a- m; S OF s" . and Segarg,; Etll Ir-tnh «CiL, lU'ifw. R\. J W N S E N, [TI OjV KJt V, ! ; ‘ ] __ 1 - * j.T OSJ .in Rochester,-on the 21st of jOdltH j■ 1 j ber, alllack 'Shepherd Dog, witli whi(,e ’ ■ W-tutT* 1 r * B tiroyiul'W B and white tip on the end X -ARTICLES |of bis Hail; answers to the. mime of ••King.” 3G-HTOK Pa ’ i'-Any "person finding->aaid r Uog will be suitably ■ ' rowanied-hy leaving hiiuat Johnston'S Hotel, Fine Cut, Nature • near ’ lfep,6t, Or at the residence of "" Pltig, and £u [ thc aubscxlb'er in New Shwickly tp. ’;‘- HENRY’S I : iwria :. , ; qHN OARRAEP. tiiotf \~> < ■ i >.;!• :!• THE Subsoribi tablislirir snt . stantly mi hand all Drug stores. J > ; Dr I*b'jr’ \N m Drngj ~>cine a«. /sician 01., "IT nitiv r(>lr rm ||Sa‘ Uh3i BltlXLib. , th» host remMj| I b»ie ever found fer A vuviCy of jthii- armies [. ; n^ s iiia .. || ;i-- Ofluar Psctoeau. Ita cofkatant; Tea,' Kltrdct of w XfWe Uii last ’ |[- v si - ■ : tea yenrS’hM to powena nopes- Fitnci/ Fbans,' Pott -MuinV^maths: i J i •‘j ’i 15 ; . : '/n - complaints. EnE-NKNKIIIT,A!.rI>r . ALL ARTICLES ;,FOU T.!,: A.ttMOBTLET,ESd.i of Utica, N.t, ...iiMi -* rff oiii'-iif ‘ i •/,Vrrif> ( tv il I’ AT ’iJf? VVII >«.' o«d Vourjftrfow mfwlf and itr Joterf tlnco !' UV)L tyi. 1 ; you laroniod it, and believr;Jt the bent m«iicin« for Ita i ■V I? I.M \l i l.'C Q.'V P trr ! T>l7s!Q If’ I purpose ever put out. tfitli ,a tOIU tLehohldsoouer ; A - i J|.a.\ CV J.l *\i i. pay twentv-flycdoliamfora hottlo than du without if,or 1, B : kuA | tobacco, ■-.,£w- : 1 •;■•. ■■ XOTJ. & • v;-;:. i ' •. . CjwLP t-At ' ebhgfa, croup, and the chest jlweajHfe of children. dVe.of. . • • ■ -j ‘ _: f I _ ,‘ ''TTvV • T fraternity In the §outn npjjrßciuteyoiiE skill, and ; '■'Cfirbon, Ou . XvHJUaS niu* ■ ! your weihcine to otir piklW ; . ij !’! \ i i u ‘ ‘S.V|-\ initAMCONiaiN, M. D.> ( I i lieU'a r rc a few of f ne-artie PS, aii‘l oijly.ia j AMoS^LKB. wffie?,3djlan.[ 1856; • i few always op band. ; f ’all and: **T.. ‘;i '. - «i hnd sktedlous luflaenm. which cotlfmeil aw in doors ! He will . try*' by* close 'actdjtloir and' fair- si* vill>p«t\rWfrr; •««*»/' : deaii-g.' to Jve |UllL,vho f .u W , favor him iVifii* tbeir citatum. i \! / |e««.ibabJMdf'tU® [ J , M C 1* (’TMMIVS M I>. ! Vcur medicibjesWe as frell the Itost w» i ! -v .» i'll, *i :*•" •* ' ><i * i *■ ■ *,t 1 » •. ’«a hui 7 . uiiii wo esteem f&a: doctor; aud ydor recaedice, 1 I ! ogL^PAtli^ular^.ttltentioii'will'be., puid-jlo 2Ve i«^mail’s%ndAi 7 . > ■ ‘ up VJivs>ci!iiis;i}iroicnji idn». . j„ . or F&b«e,;and':«iiiMißhilfa. I i IviiVrn /Vn : ‘ i : '■> ■;•- d •’ •*> •.• j i 1 iii!*!* LiliiliAJL UA tM- UJ' V , f 'ain:JYour .diary marviUou* - 1 •‘I If - 1 cure»iJft : 6<l4>-ni fcom a!araj-. • I JrX XT XXL. £i XI": I>J. ISO •t ; log symptoms of ronsuihptiw.'aa-Us’noSr curing a m»n : ■ r H ev,; f' / : i. •„, »;-• ,V. i who bM Übored uuder>tiN»Kvctioh of!lh« lunp«tf »r the \ .Juxejl 9 nlUsl\t4\*n nSe*UtU%:tVfl ya: / nte 0 r{r. : ’ ia«t (urtj years. Merchwih . | ‘A 1 LKCTli'Uli in’ i Pi!. ■ iCUJA’KKWEJ-L,; I A. Ai-KAUSEA'; #s....wxV,^Ciowi, s A .•<»« Tirv HaI'SP-" AM) (".'ll!; 1.1 Vnun, 5ent.6,1!05: During of taanyyc.y.;, •I XJL. 0 Jiljfc.■.lj'O-hL, AAU I.U «.,ol ll.M' t toT ; IfoS.nd.noUito-g-dijo.t to j ..Menial J l.s;^ie*:iJ glVitigand relief to coiisampllTO^JutiouUi,.ordering r 1 Debility. >’crvcn;kne.^.’: lini-airtd Nu- such mlire curable,” ' .■] :ti i\iou oftliij'lWy: - Weaklier;* ;‘f ; . -We might add Toluipes p( esldenco? hut the most con- . ! the Limbi ahd tile lUd:; :Iml I E:4h; Pulh,y f ; j [; 1 A jij'i'chciiKlbjii; : Los.- *d .♦tem*>rr i ’| *Ay<*v>i«'U to ,; I'robibly no ode remedy bo-s! eTer jliaen^klown^wliich * S’-defy ; lUve ; <»!’ t So til mk :. r ‘ihudity : Sell- j cared so many and such dangerous leases as k thisryr6ome ; Dislius! ; ■ ItjzdneHP ;IleudacL • v Afiecl f '* -no human 1 aid can, reach; hut e&ivto : ■ tl.e'Lye.s ; l?imj»les oiii.the *F:\< yi luvb’ir.i n.vy affortls retief andicomforti. j"! )> ■•-/.-j Ln»i'i-i«>n?.'und Sexun] I'leabhcity (’<-iise- •' : AaToa'HohßE, Stw Yoitit Cirf,5,1550.’ >•: ! ~>' c » v.' - yf.-e.’ . ; ; • Doctor At*r. Ijowell; I feeKU a pleasure ; i queiieos of youthful Irmisero!l< ol ovV.. e.c,,| * to Inlorm you wluit your C/ierry J'lidrdZ hasidone fnr,my : I • L({durc |»roye<:.. thediin-'i j ,h„. ,ou|f t | cv!l.s, m«y be. o'd • ln^,. .11100 .mu , taj:. until Dr. Strong, of this cityj.whi-re.we haverome for ' without .Daiu'eroim surgical and 4 advice,-recomiuanded a trial of-your medicine. .We bless h I <Ufcuhl be read Uv everi" youth hinl- every riu-n ' hi* •kSa4nes« we- recoveml . U, V 1 !T ■ - i i “ :\ V i * i fdm that day. , She; knot yet «s shu used fo m't he land. ,-- r i 1 ••' .f, • j -but is IrWfrom her ooujgh, and calls heiself,well. j Sent under scab aib.bc?«, 5n a. tdain ; .* ; Youra with gratitude and regard, I* 1 .- : { . ! V sci.iofl euvslupi’.ion til'd m-i'ij'l otV sis cnOh; £ \ ; |. :; EUELEV.jfcf SHru.Tmir. j two. 'iv nilili iv .lin?, •' ' , ’• not daroic tlllrroV.Wo trii-H Arra's 1 > Wr«o : T »' ?;*[ 1 ci v ’f.Tn Cs tiuiT PtoaoSlC It> made by oni of the l«?bt medacal : f dIASi iJ. f. Wl .jM. \ V'-'y _ ~ chenustalh theworldjiacd Its cprescSi around 1 Ili7 ilowrry.New Vyrk.lV'U 01 « ihtfhigh merits of itsjrirtiilss.— ' j •' T "'.\ marriage. ■ a :‘ 1: AyeiV! Cathartic Bills.l ITS loved and luticjs, is^inanv;:-.*ind t’, rilJlFlpclencea of.Cliem.i3U7 1 and [Me«lu.’i.hie hayo been 'j hopes u:jil fears, jr’egrci s >,fr i r- fJL. uindl their utmoe<-to prudueo thii.Wstjjinwtperf.'ct HOOD, how lost, : h6w d ; * lhc Tiaiurt,.! purgative|whWi Is knownl to map. JlMnmlttablo proofs j treatinenf.niml padidiKchrJ <d Kpenual ‘ arc shown hrat thc-sa Ihui have which surpass in .x.-niinsi kvcaSncsdi i medl«»,:| sro’.iovp'.ly : | iicrv. ; ,i:;ijio i s, :; .. v hi>. , : roporaM ,, ill i u iateebeTludic^ULT.oVtl l ebo,)T,.! J'iiy.iit3l f.| result nijl) I'") 1 ) KmoT - 0 the, olatrocllou. of,ila; i orgnds. ; p>(rif}-l!i< : . blood, I. ! SE[jF-Ajif|!?E—-mi- loliy.'-t'-x ''niilfld in tin;) and (liM-A"<-. Tbfipurgooßtlbelbui Humors «Web i i M \)ll!iA(lsi,(iCfPß. hy Vi'.Mf VO.L'SC.M. Jl. i : grow■dW^se l !,atliuali^;'rt«jsm»b or diwr- j 1 Tliis* niort t*s 1 miiriliu li v, l>oi*li >lioltld he lu t !io ilrrcdorguosinto tbeir natural action.aml uiipartheAltiyt j ! 1--Ilsil< of eVcrv .riiuil»*l>ei><i i I ooiileliijAailiit tobe-VulfcatrengHi .*?> «b» ]Jfot only;v6 !. iiiafriurit. tindVirv ml or. 4mnn.iV who ihi- i- tbeyjuro U l o.evrt T id.y:ci)mpb.t. ! t|i of r-tfWj, but; , ’ , * ■• , * i i *••• 11 • . ~»«■ .j ’ also fcnnWable and thai fuite baffled , liitrtt .'l;‘h,nu. : .Ur.»‘4'f> r 1 of bui»d>km.. Wbtto,iS?pto.ilacc fow f rrui t lu\u*‘cfvHMU'?ijfiu*.e>.' ;t.tcr>' und | e ff et t|g t areat ibe wime tlm^injdmdpkhedrdose.s^lLo; | •jt'hc inciddnlul t o y<-;i?h| Ur.ii ;:: J ,kty;i«id is niliv tixj|l!Mimd:-«vcry[l«jd«l’-kli<i« teil?.ft»Baiig«ug«#4»<ittd, «nd btlijg -fiiliLah-onllj bu kiluivnos'liorc yiron. It i ll t llliy -purely Teselttble, are free from iinjiriiik Cures j 'ofotii>rayil|<s!i. In Ipt't. L ilirohlso-- iwiyisi lint Hbto boon made vb'ich surpaw bejibf -were'- they; not a&K. j evio V Oiiw iboolil 'kn.lw: .-tiH {t'ltV..a hV-.-^iluit:! i.stnntinted by men of sucpiSlteJ innsl lic'loilecdi.tnl not-fit:lho,n li.ehoovo. I. ». fcrbld.lbe ef .Msnjr eminent kt ton-Kc 50.,. lwentyrK'*|'Cenf& ‘ n |-“J’MV, ( . V 1 ’‘i 1 have'scat ine the assurance oMheirwuviVHlon that ! my ■ ‘ br. W>i. |i Ul .aU. 4*b. : .pWparatl'-nis contribute imniensoly to the[.ielk-f of my .•ibovc thirst. —-aflllcU'd, sufTerlnj? felluw-jneu. j ’ ..• :|» • i,' ~ •■■■ lyo isiTittev >vli Ml -,-, ;Tho Agent telow niuped k pleftae.!, lo.furnifih gratis my may heVojtr disearfei before -V‘Ui ; pined Vt;ur* 1 Au^.rlcim.lUiimm^o(wittinine ; nsoand self imderSlhc dpve! of «hw : «d' Hie nofovior.s csrtlfi'^9nf-theircure«,-e>:tho foUoWlflg:coinplainf?. i.-tiv* or iWtrn-.who ill V- ; *C«»ttvene#. SUiou* Dropsy. 1 !A1 ot. .? ?'_,»*»■ *- : - Heartburn,Headache prising.from;a.fOTl-.»tiinuichrNHn- (this or du y other ; c«>]»y <d,l.r. s | U MorbrainßcUon-Qf the; Itowelaaud Pain-.' I'Vuunji's b‘*.)k. undrcjul it a ;ir«. v fuilv-. - if Will;- 'arhitug thertfrom, Ajii|^'t|bS^iUl ' .. 1 !• rU • :,•„ : « -i. 1K,.. * and Cutaneous Discii.t«s wbi<;h.requfrjs‘an:TvacußTrt’ iholhc- IUCHJS ivl S:\i»ng ym ti .uJ r , a. f ..JoL.u,^ji 0 : »f cr ofula of King's KvlLr- Thoy kl#o, by purify .Vi.ur henl!?i. -SWI'I po-jsil.dy yojlir iile. . 3 - in-The iuid thS y'stem. cute many p iMi. i cun; V' con.Aiilteld'.oa fUiv'of t lie ;•• complaints which .Up would '■’U'P diey could •; vr. i ; r 1- * J.-.xJ.tJ n-tfch ►lirh as IMiTnle«s,l»artlal BUndneM, Neuralgia and <l,ise:ised ihitcnbed .]»ibhcuLuin. u.t. \u* - • j;etvon«ilnitabaily, : D»rapjremopt« of'.iha liver and Kid-• did Spruce Sld-Ctt, nl-i vg y'trurth. l*ii 4 ill-.: nevs G»iut,aud other kindred complaints, arising from a* Wli- Oli ee l.ou« i-nnn.'.l to, - - -1 i _ j.Do ,nclt be .put offlpy unprincipled: dealers with some r v * Trrvrlr fi other >in/ihey. ‘hiako .more’ profit .op.- .Arta'a | ; X\U IJ\JJ V - J] k..r ... ■i- .pm.s\ and take:noihlng tdse. ,Ko otlmr. Ihey-can give. -f-vw '.{■«' t d;• t'' | . ~f~*f • you eomiiarra!with this in US intrinsic valud <sr ennitive •_ am Cl e ,Ll 011 Oit l<3 €.- I. powera-j. Ihe fib# west the best laid there ie for them,; ■ii, ~ . .|1 ~ ' : ' s■, , i and tliey sbbuld bare it.* ’ .* ■ [ rSllllt iropani!i.;.«. imui.f] M,om t'.ii-l>e>t Ja a j i : . i , ■J_ C.offio. is mioimnentldil oy) pli.Vdiciniis ■ll Prepared ;by' Dr. J. _y,.tAilbi*j . a wip»i4..i i.L’TU-ITiIOE S IrHTE i’.Afii’. fi rGc t- Practical and Analytical Chemfst, J,6well, Haas,. etnl l.),(|l.;: ity.‘l>.vip|;pii,i mi< ill! billions ilisi i*-, . paler ag'oi3. ; ; prK Box: t'ivi: I'lisss rcE $l, i.Loi-s. ' jThi.nsiUuls t llib li-ivc ftpcjifcoiiioeljlinl 10 • ‘j- . .; ' SOLDBY' ''. UilntinWit tlie lih'.nf: cv'Cm o, \' 11 list* i I’-'s jwu . f.jr sale I.y i'. .'Mu, s, '■HplrTpr:* o j bdi injiViyons offeetj*. One nail fontniils i'i(i w . r(is j.; {• ocl>vt<-ri WnVootic ; slyLoarv,' Ertn? j sireiiL'in : of two il'inunW '«r oMinary cijffi.A-. -Bn'iSru:. j.j : PSrp.'ii’, iTrift'tt") fonts. ■! , ■:. i w ) I J'. .tTirlMhion. ,: .liiliii' ’ iilack, r|;t>ijn!:ntrrPun !• ■’ KOI.I,Ot’K'S -I.): 1.1 /A. i j '5 w|£ ( igr.r, lrr.lVfilet-. £i ob\ dealiirs >v. ry i. • Tlic pyrist best IVVEiIiO T’OVrPHU^ ■‘F h n y.' : m- -J Iknirwn. lur nihiting Stjtbt.swoor imtl' intyni't ia l j,:. „p f 'j -.----- , ; Utisn'l anil tiniiies.’; j I’noe'lb|ci-tus.-' ;.. . ■! , ‘ Cli ' ' -| I .A :-ci : yj ('orrJtn* oiV'Uroakhiiid t’h -S-inut streels, - >- ,~|T , r-! .. \!nif'n!l'l I.V uituv l .itclsis* ; luUii'ccc-iM. ’ i| N. E. COXUei’ 01 7|Xi i&Che-StllUbSb., ;im.-v-ii .'>■■■ - S-i.: i. . ; , i>i:ii..vbKi>i;i\. ;;a; : : ”7") —JT• -±”7 :7; v I r|’t-niS;Tnstftaiipn,- wi;iil^ynsU;itkbiislit*(lin I , .*'*• • |.'.ra iV: -h...; X' f J: 5 IS If. ::m<l i.--' k-i.-jv ' c.-Mi.-eiditriiily 'i r U •: i e TIE 1A LE SEMINA RY.i'‘’ i s'i-<kntJi w-r 7«r ii ' • p, .. w ■\U ! T i vrb’i'V' PrZVtlni V ninmy I lii.\ : . \\ - \\ . j J.At l.lfi i v I i >4 : fill, , -in.l . llitiinostj. 7-Mtji (1..1.TK rsntn i'.cb or i;t;v., J. a. .m itirt.A . " :- . i■. i t > ■ ' 1 ■•■'.•: i! -. T .!■»•■ (. on 11 try., 1. ~ ;; ; ," | , I y'-. nT rj.TIHS INSTITUTION, .er/.tho of. Tin-,object of l.lio liist!n ’. _J,- Vi.l ny Itii .*s', v.,i1l tipei! ‘ t’nril.yinmy'mini.Lu-ililii'+;ljin'‘l!jn<|l’'''t’Tr l i’ 1 '‘1,0." ! f,.tpc hT<itij I',J l i-^ t trf,t VVvrr IbinribTS rocoivci! (into tlu- family of Ili c' :tp|iiti.-;ilsit- t o ibyTilnons (bji'.’-i]' n| j-nn fr. ■. J'lt•.. I’rincij-iiJ. ■ .•■■;; i'. ; . li:. - : iv«nnins!.ip,- Inftli '^l • t K-xpenses-r-Hdnrih Lipid, Fuel, 'nhd .Tu*ti«'M, ; Ouaiiioveiul' 3 v u: } l * l '!' A •'.° *.; tonirofM I tvepk5.'.........1....' in’ *. t’liil. I b(.nogfapMi'.,.j Tuijin.i al'onc.-'infyicrri'L'S I!•«•),'$« OO.&STiMl.faml Mri.'lpviuLiiiijtiingcs..'xjy 1. acconliiijt to brumtlioi stud :o(li ...1 ; systom nl in-iiT-.'.-Morv 1-1 H ’7 o rySi„ for' furlVcr pilftiriilars ail.lri.-s» The ! c!M“os <w set di'ijsoiis IJ i'nnn.Ve tise am Principal ..' ■’:i - • ' -,[] ' nngii i stnilont pnlivnliirilly. Ml.' n«l ‘j‘- JS.~ —. s.——' — I.';-.'.. j cofelmonec•at-anv.timb; 'ak;'l iituniil at ivTiatet- AMBBOTYFES II -v J™^ r lf |«TS MKS i PI^ •VT .l.qiUfS can now nv tl.c y-y' tiv ln s'. may' inky nflic: i CO J RT-110 USE. NI)ll A V’I I .lv. i bv-niUlrcstniiit the Prinwfel. ' - .! » i Tiiosti iefures ate not myre tl:t,nh s . but srnr ;fl.i ■ Cxteti =slvo| fMtciiin. ranted SUPEIIIOh to any that Have ever been'; r«mMtiim. and tin..lot.-, ['} . 1 r., c «u -madc iiT;bc»>«ri artlat. ' Irmeipalt tins Innit >4 ' ‘b’ 'ftj vniin'' To be plmvineM; lotll nnd Bsntniuo .-rpecimopa penor-to any other ml. c. s iV ’ - m f •," I ejli rcimniu hut ;a frtr.'teW. . - \ ! ... nje«’.' lo prei.*ro;f« hm i nl the etime roomyoccnjnml by obt,mn nt the s.ulH. nnii . • : • tti'e ilrlBo7, - |j • C. A-. GUI F> INm j J ,rOTC * vccoiniapnaalion to any • ■ Acr!, i. I7' V '" tosrftpUiC A^iiC!l^fS ! iOTioi’s Seizes-bt Trenti.H ? ; r.n ■-t*/"\-N7*' V-n Uonk-Keovitig.i now -niovu widely ■;eirculafcd . vJ„V_/ X,.j V_/ w*, : • , . oi ii cr’tvork ‘on the - are for Adyer islfig'-aud- Con mission Agents..: .<l oV w C( . , ft i ; : ' • | ANf. DVAI.I lis.i.s- "it i S. 110 UGE K C UIT Tli NT' EN, PJ{LVTJjs;<: IiNKSCK ALL: KJXDS I -j : Atio}«ry-q£L«ir ij; i; • '■[' Type/ Printing'.Materials, May 7. i PiitMttr.M.. AVIHTI SO ANIi rßlNT,jis(l I>A|’F.K CAUDg^i.'tc Off CES—.Brown’s BitildinG, Philadelphia; .Tribun: Buildings, New i’ cjrk. ~ . 1 ESE 0; 1V uiilr o. JOHN B. jA-lrt’y a? <, ; j (BEAVBE jpgjT Office iri the (Joint K’tp., ; xecutor. J. W. Cl cojimissiok i lB5 tibei ■ piTTS Ordprs for i’ittslmrgh ■hd groceries, prompt! lowest prices, when aci or «n!«quiTalcnt:“• % Oc- having ill endea art ides can \iiih f3[ ■■■■.. mst*' U.c ftublfC I aieO’ bc louud OUNG, i’A.)' House. | /an. 20; IB;f>2- A FT, i MEUCIIAXT, irty Street, (BURGH, PA. Manufactured Goods, ly filled at the (very oompenied with cash 1 .. s«{il7:B<n. ■_ '-!f- AfrEß'S'l". POE TUK RAPID COKE OP Colds, Coughs, and ■ Hoarseness. . '" f iffoirtpeV.: j The accounts and , bubserjntibns; to . .TiiEj ,18(i0^ mul I8(|l, .which h live not beep- settled |.up,;,/iis well; as tlie 1 ot’ jJI. Weyand, M, A J, . Weyaud, iah jl Weyand,, ami Henry, aie'iii. rnj-'liipuls turi’seftlcineiit. 'All who are indebted to - cither ol these for subscription, ‘kdAteftispmcnt OrJ<|b work, will: pteaso. call ; oi), me at ike Theasoreu’s O kfick.- rM'any of tbesecii cpuhls are of long stand wg-aud shod Jjtli ke settled. -S i\'t: ~V| ] SA^IU RHIiAVE^rORT.i ; NEW^' j ; '. v m JiAYfIMA ;—f—r OEM !ilt! , a A It, ;>ESTABT4S%IOT, ■. NEW PA.| | (poor Dooraibolow Dr. SasgonT* Dmg Stare. >«s 4' MISS RBNO; , Wzmm (TBE.OBIOInAi, OSlit IBCE ASD OKSDISEf . --%: Cl Far ii Year* a Staple Remedy for : Lxykd 6dMPLAmr W 'M • •-I ■■■•■■■..■ . ir-kf'Curing 1 octrisbhe and Pie‘i3r>T ■'i-!’ ■■■ ' i ' V . ■. - ' - 'i :‘V ; "^l. Tho ovidences pf Difi- u pAvv -% i’i • . ease of tho Liver are Pain and ■. |' %. '■ \! .f; tenderness in' tho region of the '- h ;;|v , 4 v 1> Liver, sometimes dull and aching, "■, ;f iv. A,t:. increased pain and \ ■ Uneasiness iii> Breatlilng, Paln in : the - right /jSliouldfr, uneasiness •when' lyihg”upon tha : leftside, increased sizc-of the Livcr, ShG!tt and Dry Tongll, '•aclx. jYeilSwisfi Tinge.Jn , the eyos.aad yel lowish fur on- thQ.tongue, OiUciV ](ih I the' mopth,; ih4,the Brhipv i pjessioil ;jJof Spirits, amounting,. lnsanity, Bhg'nt Fever, tßyrard'evening, Loss of .‘ ppttite, ■ Rl.eiaacholy, with inoros'oncgs and: nfsg, of Lheiti" Languor, drotysi ness, the patient’ eonscidus^f ’■something Mviiong inlhimselifand disposed ' tpl'sea nothing sight in things f 'dbput him,j'yot ■vvholijr upable • to l.explaih the’, cause of hi-ftEon.,l sations—with • detected by resemblances :tp 1 some one or other ernhe-abose-; Tho Xiiycr Pill 'Will idJab,st ‘ tainly arrest thpdiisoase if taihn ! uponthoappoaraucooftheaboya V symptoms, -which 'if ull owed to take its course, becomes chronic s in its nature and.almost _incu . rable, producing great and con stantly increasing suffering. ; , .The usd of this luedicmo v.'ill neither ■ drehte a new disease nor compXicateaa h existing .one, but,’ in' most'Casss, ‘ will ~ prepare the system for the more viggrova ■ remedies of die physician,xboiCd ifTie \ .4-no'cessary t6"cali'ia £is aid.- v , j- : I A’>T A FA*irk'iMEBS'CIXE,:.’ ’ ■’SELLEp4;V''LI^a;:iPIiLLS -: ’ ■ , ABB : |.|j ■ o£ X* r i ce ’ .<3 >*? . G o wt.ft n a- ''ftSittfs* . vlr .# :. from A* S. 2Jentl» Tnd. j ~ ' Pi & f r,r.i>N^ T-ii.— r^ir- —*-Jt, fcj'ly, !•» y m .*. j.?4si • • f f\ror .-.t'.ilu' mhj w.niM mv * ilv ) .1- of: {Micrr^'Kcm I *^ hi* frr ftcv'-l-l .'■ X. tion«; nt»*l ; ')n uo‘;*vv-th*. v fuiliA, tir it£swee ; ••_ -- "**■. tfi<* d*rt»ir«*di>!T«'CtVf Tii« Onzh Syrnn U »• cun^fbr.--^ ’ • oln-’n, cel'K ic..-an£ llio cJivapn.-*s-.of th« ;ir-;a«, " • place* it within'of oil.' v-hich,’ . • with it-* .-'ii.ns it a . . = V/fcvoritfJ-' Nut* rtay fcalte ; fir HU tate-tStes somod of liiei . ,u. scii^."Cou S utrsius^' 4}, ;;■ Prici^.CeiytSvy y-: 1: . - . \ From the s’, Wnk^flHU.Tprrn^p.Paat^. ! .i ;ol* the'.liiterty , % l -'JIr. —»c »'■> !>■ ot«h!tT, L ' wc-JUi.* whb *l^ •th'f vimie of cMi-brnVvl .Vrnaifir^"/^! •■ felhPtljWjafroy. •«t \vW yj '"ld, tli** in-xt- f.iitr, nu-l tbo . .-,;• eijihU'ta itiurytu*., Tbo iii>t eix w^nB;s. , )t.ho’?r|->'nd tbjty*H*y'-n,. auJ llu* jVw ' •:■ m*t-ilisllncrly; end. SlncV'then thvj dpi:i;rw--IT.-ti?vl ntv now. I Ingco:Vhc:dt;u;; | ;•- j. |;,| 3?rics 2-5 Qenta. ' I '-l;-,! PBEP^REB -VX» Sof/B BV - •]; PAiV •: •: -I I !, .■ >v ■; . •• • ■'3 I' "E»bry, jSor.Thourr.ndD of Chililrea d-. 0,3 - g C-. Tit.. Tl;i ; : r,;- s ■ >; |-;> t'SjrUrti'.iytfjh'c ri.j.fW J - E '■'-■'■Vvi ; 1- ■ r ns?:-v n. j . ;J jj to* .- !••: i.-rjt j- 'i| ju'-ti!;ni , by if.e;: .' ijj I*riri;:iui;lv-7 ; ai.-l \A -rf j • z ..f .Jhl- jso'-a-lf-I •’ ; Wirm ||Ci’rvii'Ju':v‘. , ‘rn y- | | cr'uts Itori*.ins "* i-V* v cr-: Y^iyTJrtV^.^r'i;!;. '' i \v Uhoju '< ; 1.-THu V»i?* tlu- lii\f cTK-.-r 1 i. t v ■■■ j LET P,HY£[C3AKS SPEAK, j '-I it:t : ini: fest i|usg ,I ii i-; u 3.-: irt t n i r. nob.F. I •• I ■ i-i. F'-g Wy-av. t>.v. ivi* tr,.. - 3 Mr.r.-r. s-,i-••• • I n;r>;** Vir!iT^ ; Sl-aiLa”*' \j/v; * ■/ - j V. |n il> I n.-(f via*, yiv l.ri-titVsv? (~-u \inn* s'. J Jut'*" ; f *riit'U-r t V-, lV '' tho \t ■rnu:'u*«\ Ui« .J , t'v-r- r-L-.f 'is .V:',•' . 'y\. 'I ty* vlif'.,:. -U:Ni \Oi~ . - uow Kify tli** iVi. ■• • _•<*•■• .A -VV-,. ~.j. i'..- I. ;-i!. A T l N;h*3>ii : u‘ iU' in ;iuv . ."]■; in a • '- ■ I'. •1 ■ . * VgEtrtfil!, 7 US'E.. p- ' '!• }--i -1 •MPSWiftSili L 1 ’ H r.V pf> jjg s ~' ... I j■• W&. Ktk ;«. - i bV?s-i^3»: u —;■> | li'-T&ij ] .■ - ' I K. 11,. WI-LSON,»SI. I). '• i 1 I- P/-!'' 4,l'iT. TwTv. ?<"{.: . :~-niiV!UK ,*iJ ft v j nx-'-1 ti*-* rv-r 111• ■ List V.»sir «ir-Jivir vt-r.;s. I tlrihU'it ui - 1 I rUV-.Hy : j , \\y.!,yrx&%™i.U>U; {yf' i 11..) Sotci'Jll j M'lh*. r lu.tiiiit.iciiavrs. V r - ‘'• .-Tr', =' ';B. wTV-?it st^C'Vi tW-W;ar\:hiug lest' .>frh|> m. ; Ui.-t! Acuity Uc I ,r mere f.'wiu u. ulu‘ li,t.f] : its.lf, U coii'clusjve as \ the afttaintyoi ijjS’ciYrvf; _r ~; , , .*. -jt.•■•xtrni dr\i of. fvrea to dtulsc!! oibiVVcr mifujps.. t mii'riticijil(r<| / men j.rilm off 'aiyj of ihcsii I'he. any *&‘«7s for. Spik'rs'/Vcrmlfugo, .IXTitl 'fa/.-fr lio cthry. ~ j'■ .■ ' | '*T SsJ3_.eeiit!sl ' ' ■ • fc . : .PA£P\HI.D : jlt j-. R.E.BELLAS fic GO. PA. . 'Jiu'jfe ' C,u!i! ; !i J-'-fa -U I War J,: ■ ‘ 7;-.# , /,__■ . : t •y v ’4\ ..• ~ k -.Vii'i: ■:■ vVi; ~ i. uj)4 .- V .'. f>■“: i' V un . .. . . v !*.■<: ■■ "• t..- ■-.. " •‘•.-■•2'* r ’■a : ;- r : ‘ ~ ■ NZ= ;v i ■ i/ /V.:.Vr ■■ :l.Kr? yQcTUrin-J:' . nXK./'f, h,‘ 'Urr!, 1' -£■ itrii iv. \>-v :u-‘il. : I 1 ' f/. r :■ ' TCM.-vipf -o ' ‘if' r 'l' '.C ’‘t;-- A'iiii-uji. ■■:' Jyy. >’/- -Z- Mnyj ■ - ‘ill !v !., ii',llllr -l ' ' ; ih, < ■■.■iliUMt. • r _ ' i Ti;:- V'i r.iv i’v;..V, u'rxZ-M Tl:c 1 : 'V:V ' ; v v mi : hi- M‘\v - rr\ ■ '■■■ ■ :\ • av*. :l K .1 I • ; i-v'.:,’ i.iJj-V:7‘ .1 :• • Tr«; v.\-’i . K'Ts'orv rid Tv’-‘ r d‘» j,' :! V v■ :1 > r~~\• •. i''! T P'> ;i . i-tM , i ~v ..` . 1:• :41 i A' " ::- '• ■ !4l!-.‘ 3lit: i..f it. y , : ■-■ v.-.<rKtjr i-■ : :l iiit/iT 1 ~rn i.i.. BEM ME n-riE”-: lir. ■!<• ' i.;v ■ SA!^S; ■y!, !.i » ri «;’t’ i’rs , a i’.'- ‘ ' r ‘"- .■- ■ 1 1- ~.' ;•. '\v. -"j*. ■■A4.hs.uf- -r-A it '’*hc. t li r. ... «; 1 **’»;'tl a *|l r*il t I V- ’■ make lihAm ml-' hi >ro-af^Vew,>• ..:»*.!’ wiv."‘/l«Hl;rU 'liii'J --:- . I'f Ty —.'Ti 1 1 ■ v i.t-vs-'i* -t ; ’ i,' ‘ j.irrj, '■'{<-i'a ■ xvilil'h V. A.v-HWf^*r-C-f■ijni>;m i .. JiV- '■'•"g ' ..Mi I'.V p* i.'l'il' lUTi'V'. ; V. , | 'unit. p:u;yiit/ ciui-^v'•?: ' ■ * :.,..s7*vi' i lifiij roll fr“: lit : iy.". y : ' j / 1 irinii In'? \ft ii :ii 1 >'• ; ' :J, . I ■■ ■ ,:; I ;]7 < " :tnd npepanics; “VoiiV-t-' 4 ! C-vd to..U \ u IT toy! !1.-; • . ; volt c-ili) ’Xiiijvv gel ['• rc■'i;rv:7 ‘7 \’l ja);U / myl " l C S'iilU l\»'c i I'i*!’ .//<’■ ’■•v.' on 'f• !•!>. IV , 'i-’Kou’s.' i»n:s . 10, : o.v-‘U : vl»m* ct-im' •/* ' Lt . ■ I.: yiAi:AL'riA ’ Alympg ia ■ llre.-dv\? I’la^p .;* a';|l : l’**r IhV_pi U i f vU 'dpie a *e,; - The 7~ '■ j'-lie* oiio. >r*o!i' In qurnes /irowsy. i ; < ' ' ■ and uwukcs} fpo frvuli |»ain. ai:-.l !K k -: •ull>o r, m ‘ \o a- -ak C or ov|l- ,c ! Lv : p’’i-" CsCiir^i| J-J I 1 at.'],, p Vu’pi'l y'”i‘T>-‘ v‘”-‘ y ■ ■ - •Ti<».4>r. IhinlV ( V| )ii‘[a'op;_tpi; \re-' ; thcr-iT 1 *Thcyjiri; prejianrt ion. iuiTru'oU'lt'"- 11 P' ,7-4‘ul. Titcy *nre>-'0 tptAVo ■ tiutn*. pi'io.c iSit* J v j :cr ' • 1 Ul'' *: c:Vt '-AU -■ bo'hy pn-.-o "" oh ?,'y,'oy< j j w:jiaT\am^ I 1 The AmerioiUK^ j ,j »ii|.vc-ci:if-jc : ' h*>.h-a i ifo iwji§s£ f , *JUpmt. l l heiit 1 . ~Kye , : jprdcrius Tr«. ••. .rvylgin l-la^Ver?!.:' ‘■l Si out \i'\) '" : v we ar l‘ - • | .lO Jrt»! ; . r ‘ r ; Thc r people ,warn ;•,. i', KoSv'iis rU'e.H :' ! cir‘AN ‘ : agent Vhose-! l>eii Trea s u n •:>|miau or woman 1 one -fuul- o will. - | with c to gd liU-O'-tixt . j a protit. —AVe a ; benefit-of agon* ■| 3uon ! here to take the iido at » • ’• . ■ . ; 1 i,. •; ’r-' 1 ; rp’ £l)r.* itVi iT-' >L ft a rams -JiT, M. P., iTkat.rcmiitai denco, W. U..H Brooklyn to(« ‘ .CrsViid Cilizou j\ork,etJC*» --II .AM) . ■I ’tI'GTH : ■y/r: ilil'Vl" t.vLVr.i^tr-,] '■V .:’v;i !<v §mm MEI V'!>V !!r:! .. ME t -- ME iy. .V. }:. fiU'JIIK : 'VO r.-r )' 2/ it-i >/| ; . T> ■ am ikif, ; ; f '¥-' c -'• r .'i ‘* •iV ? <*rd’er’ ,l‘i »»-■ kor ! !:•; 'l>Y. ■ j >v:-.i.' '? ’’ 3‘^r, iD'w- ;,iij ;Uv'iLi t';; IV; •* 'I ■■'T'y ili di?.- '!.. iajr• ..<• ai-l. Eti ;j.. -«w; '-i'i ■;•; T. -j: ; i 'r7;Vts:- • ffill et. _ .::~~- ~ -. '~;,:, ~~. i» j ,TT"I ’., i I i 1, • /f; V! i • ENV ■■ khV,.,.;il; < : T.«S El it. .^-r - -.i. •-£.?. COMO ■ ! =jfa Eta *i i ■ r >? Z ••., UV.f v; •V t ■ If!-,. :: SWi, " p- rJivl-^pP MEE ■od'l V..-D- n-1 .-n'v! jM' H \if pi'?:*'- <f*i« r i-' r fin: /; 'oj'lt* are ?it r 1 '- f- at'u»n.--ihat V'-si:r: those ' n<h’% Tiiva; V si'.ail iirn'd" imi not a upv :ic?ii! to be.aCUl, •>’; , coiri|u-llc , 'i..to_ ivrv ■', ulaiali-pint il thcbo ivet_a eUie '';i is faRPo Pa 5 can make > nidus i'. is the ;a« tarry *» r *^ n ‘; n t* y; ;.v u '- l ‘Z $ 1 pies, tol «.;•• ronlar^. | ,U 'fc,.; ;'i *0 <PtJ*dfr:X : WerlTi'ii: -. j w 11,V.a, I Aj; s k '■ WM- v-n 5 ' noune s; -.* 5 '%. ; to P- »• w^-f - ;Ti