The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, December 10, 1862, Image 3

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    I '* oStTTTAT!V. I - ; l. -' ! Beaver- Ocmrut-yi. ss ; jixcoßr-OiiATiiDiaag. ,
MU -|
Z-ioii, ."of Typhoid Courn- Jn.-the .matter! of J^aientidn sfir 5 fir j -JUALSAFETY INSURANCECO. |
V Vi I VV-S oi C-edar Cortftly,! partition i f the real Henry Tuy.J ■- ' . . . ._. .. ■
loriuel !v ul ".LScd.vei''fio., I;v , in - -'““i-'j townTh,. coun y, , Pitn.Aiiii.pniA, November 12, 1862.:’ j
e fSlh-vcai- ! ol' his age. ,j 'I . ' '-4- t ,-vi- ’s\7 r- v ■ ; Ibe .The following Statement |of lie'affairs of;
t' w-tstl | l Semheriffi‘tho! CortJpaw V.r. UW Kile Vn heirs nisi <ae Comp.iny-iy published. in ceulomity with;
Ibe . .1 1 'V! ' ri-.,u..; le-<ai.rer,retH.aliVtives .»{ k*M- -agoM., to wit;/wp/9vi«oiroi ust-biiler : ; . ...
!!i' lowa ;t? • 7 —b i , Ji'jjftv IV,; (v, ith.-.v ;;, -MvUi-mi.! i:;:cm.trricd rromutnte Received iVom November 1, 1301,'
i P'-'t jidl hj "l hy traitors fin.! 1 1.; -m t i-witli Stanley W. Fixed, uf Beaver co.S James ! to Octoljct 01, -'•
. Uel.bre he.TerfC’ifed >h.e :bat- l trr^ v (dead) leaving,a Avidww. Caroline, and ; -- .. ‘ ... j • "
ri l(i Ot Struck- it single blo w IpT j children Jcdin, lieilrt- mid James. Heaver .co,— "j.'l
.TvriO' he Xin«i ejipin'isitVl. >a.l lief dl -y.lniai
his couiiU-Vv-a, wilting patriot, "h 1 , ■•'•.. 7 -^~
.. suldiui- .worthv oi' a' MaCO* ,!i: iW a ‘V " !i!> ye.d. 'ein.ns r , lunrk
a,-,trU-a soiuii-i ."111 .Mi 1:."' ; , .ihugbt ev. Nancy .Kmes. who,, are mißtu-s; 1 ; I ,' r . v .„ 1 ...a, . | ■..
die memory oi tl gt tilettH people. ’n; ,oVt‘ i.l - ,;‘l , ..I ,■ !iicaver co.tjhihn . 1 *o». , ■-
\tniill live tveoks previous to -.bis ; Ti.,y. who rcai.iies iu ■Wnsliiagion co.; x’rcwiuaw marked off as entijed,
V,J,. he bade lairewell tp llis :wifb‘Toy,:ff!io reaSlea Jn Indiana: Nancy .lonea.j i,-„ m lNut. li til; to Oei. 01,(52 ;
7 ii tt io son. and started with Ins-: darpbtcr of .KltzA, Jones, .daoghicr of ty. Iy U M.iriurai.d-iui
ciment South, at Keokutc f'iio 'iid.l.lV'i’n Mh7nri.iliw : liitksV.....
;vflS uiuablc-to proceed turthcr, ixpci .'J\, v tl'ftif'?-:’ ;
ja left in the lio-pital. -i'O .appro- n-.a.-iicd to J-iphrairi’ Srnrs,- who residua in ; jj n t.fffrsanie-period; Snlvagi
r aious wore entertained of his: dis-, lyl.ruisi. avU<.[ ixaidca in Indian.;: . ' ■ t , u ■
fatal, until it was-too late • IViyim. >3 t. rK,...'; ja leaver co;«.y: • ’
>1“ . • •’•• * . • , . t at.inr. Hitcnnavncd to d’ancimn CfiMi'-r. v. iw . jc.a.aa •*»o*e .
khis tneuds to go to him; and .111 as rv j xdcsih . lw :^.,._ an .x : i.x imcrcatod. .-Marme-asi lma.,d
-from home, tnnong strangers; with !o ;; ii;vv c , UJ v.. ir „ 1!y have, yan In- ....Navjii-u lueses..;
- lived one uigU,'" to S.oothe, him, ilia quest-, to make , i-.-.nitiVn the real c-rate of ,iir« 1055e5,....
, : "' on ,r wearvi house otVsarterillg. to I said dcceiis,..!.-, 5h0.11.1- w•: .be awarded, at an ; Ucluru pi-ciuiiuji,.
Suraids brow, i' “ l ( -“H*? Wli "'" l=r . aS^V^;
MitniC diraught to bis pavehed ; hps, , ‘ ’ v ..f Kale. ■ ; .’ ! Advl, I'riufg.'&c..
J-rnril passed away—we trust to i At t as ,; “ ,v.. U. M CitiiAUY, Cl k. 1 Taxes ,•.•--;•••
i7httr. far li-oin thej decim. - . 1 ' ' ' '
■i-c ot Avar ;ind strile; v. • j_ _ ~,, . ~ ■■* ; *-- r,,a
lie was .ion sacral vcars.a itcguiar'^/a LU/i.Cs t_ u. ' --c ok "• lii
■,I c 7riM-!t¥triicml>^-id : 'the-ohurcli j•" "JpfcXß, PAt iTH- - a I
U his daily life exemplified the ll .^,; cr ;^w- 1 e- „. -Jn aupvipte;
rjotV id' Olirist. lie AVtIS a -kind, at- . .^ale lda,valp.lile fart;, sltnalc inlitiplkon !
.•tlofuVto'Son and brother, a .dfrVOted 1i,.. lu-ayci Pa 1 ..--ab n: : '- ./'raK-. s ■.vt’-i idHira- :
•s<hanii. -aiid tender lathery hut the v.-r. oo the S!-s;o.r. c ><i.joa.i|r.? “'il' 11 ,s‘loo,olo U. Si •> per ct.loaUwiSOS.OeO. O'-! • . v i-.-,rW.N4iofpi‘iYm('r|yc, V()TT
s'iis- friends have saslaired, is.; w,e. New- y.;w to p. •• ‘0 I - “MK 20. Tau on . Iw.V LtfK h.^Udl
■■■•' ‘rr-iii. ' ■ ,■" I hKrr: vsma?Tiia s m, s -a. 0 Treasury - X of adiainistitition bn the estate
rJSi. his eternal „.u., -'*d y.M yar.-m;.ij; ; h " ; va wrm , ■ \ -Notes Tli'.UO 00 oi IV Hopewell Towu
l;l;tis.-hy tills .AAiViti d lent 1.1... I. -d.. 1 .11. a.. >r. ana m;, , -.3 {.(10 - T 'S-K» ffoe cent ~ : hUi». JleavVr co.,’ dee'd. having -graut^
- umg, U v.-i-i: ..] I-..-.,.- . Ti*t:is.nvy Not os.l.v.’. 26,000 00 ; C ‘l' : to the isn lorsipucd, :xU, pevnoiis hulclued-to'
of men j\vho have foaled, the ;e' -y twa* - .’.lt 5 m of V-.u'o j»r cl. Uam 05.0.'’,0 ho !vS to tviu'kc-
of Ihcil*'devotion, to icoun-«■; ta 0. puyraout. ciupn^igainht-said]
‘ l ,i\i.avi;pp?' Another deenlv >J» '\- :vU ;: . [ v ° '** > 00 estatg' r.*iir tu-oscni lima tolthc M:b*criUci--
:y with th 7vf;^ r '.hr snhJrriKrr. ;vu,g ■! -dmleiyd >sw.d lan*. . nrn.S drTen.Kff “ .-12,000 od., properly nut .emicuted for set lemen!.. .
-U,cited and lute.hgeit Atye-nphLen, Uiraw-vt.-iup, ... } • ~,;u ;i„ Pa. It. 11.1 st Morgagc ~. : EI-IZ.K 1IKEI), . ijl
-reftor licr bcstearthlvVM-ieifll;; and •. .ir-.-io . , ■’ -I J\- ... ’’ -o I1C1 ; ‘*o j ' • :• THOMAS KEKD./j.-j
~1-nlc Hun: Ifiu w'ling in Hilly realize * 'j . V nii.OOp pi ipt. _ ‘.stplli ; ;
or -quite* inai errand “Pa can _' ' , ~, 4 ‘ ..v i ccllt * ( ' u : ■”77 7 ' N'OTICE I *
. Ia- . l.mnV* ".-f-in - r 'is donrivad • l-;* :%|| ». ->p AiO.tlh.. r«, K. K. M ttidi-M .. . iiAJ-v I iUiiO . i ,
e . V ,°. l 11 . ■j' : .• A‘'P\ ‘t_A. fIi.oVO.W i letters urn \thc •
; -ills cal thlV ]fl np’ -jit.b «v» f p. • i. . GerhuOil.iiwu'tir.i; (*o. ; .\V > estaie of (luo. latcAof Xewj
v> V:i'!' sU.I!--the .Jiieep e|U nc>l •• !*r. 7 ..n V..o.r.:i:ir, . v f " . ‘V.ji jlii-.res of block, ’ ■ ; Ivriirliton. UKivvcr ctmuiy,; tlco'd; haying been j
:v '>> -O I<or.i: - ius-t. ‘ ; g!:iVitc4,to the '.mnlcrsigrictl, all "pet-sons m-S;;
>'Vis'lhl4-CMU*I v.*;ir continue to scittl . Uir-bh ;e: : ! I. ** ’K'.igb Aii‘loi>*oi. j - gumnniecl by 1 tiie i:«lcl>ie».rio s;;M estate aro u ref|Uestc.d’|io ‘make!,
' ’ through the ' ' _ . r )v . I - r; -city.of IMiihHkipli:a..-I5 l Ot»O j OO i,,ij; lo .uhto.i ayinent, audjihosc iiuTrrig.’claimi*!;
l ( -i - ,<olib ; - IICJcO Loan;? On \u,n>i •. a;c;ti:isi tin* *amc. will -present AthoiuJ propei-ly|
Vs* ‘ , .- 1 1 : I’ n i , 11 , - , ** Same. ; maj-t liuienticated for eejdilcireiit. I ~ i
sa-.-less. eUiv.ior ifve.d ones lar-away , Sa; ;w ft ;d. j r. ( c ,.vcd .....'. 11 :T.7f>o ’j 1 .IOIIN UOPlVfif.f.,
■Ji S.-Cp.ffs A.t strife and varnagh. c.iii. : . VKidofV- i, ; V ahie, ml | lil-.VJ.IJKDisON; i. K
iiiv hear‘down -'.to; The sileslee’ «>i . sv- V 1 ;, v * " • ‘ •' k- - ‘ : '-Junp.2s, liSf,2. 1 .Exlcjoulors.'- ;
r.’iit'.; wiv-.h,’
•• Vruv« v . loud
■l-vi. :■JIov.-- 1.,
“a:ii7f ~ot* ■ jjlmk*u~ vd lov.
' -H’fl'o'.wai/.-ri ■’ibnu t<* ;*!:<*)•
M i h^’ L£*orh>ud ' hou*; (d I-U
■ !ur,n ;;iMUHndmto| vadry. | !!■■.ll!
.'d jiOrthv«vcoa«'i;w the.-iuiir.y shore*
V [he Svilrth '1 ■•- *
Orphans' 11','Mj; l!i !’.n o loj>m {i i:
■ .in,the Piltsluirsr- '.’nut ilu
'i i'liaiii- ■ Karin--StliOfil 'yt .'Xe’itvnojiic
■istibtr (ifimily, Vniimcr tho car'
Rev.’ A. Pa^pvanv.
-i, von hr, fire r.'ii; KauuMay
Ll* cMiiuivn wuiv nicr^iK*! I .*.
ifih.o lari'c h ti';i. 1 tii hi;.*. pi; • 1 . 1 . v ■ ; .
iib niosJ of tlu* hirmtinv: provision**. 1
\c.. w hOhsiuvu*!'---
•. - , -tuis »lc-vofr-l j»car>
Uil-Ol’ Vi ir t»* t*H"-
<• t 1. '■ i: <■
;xr'K' A **’ **U IV !]\ : I!:
I . "'
i' 1 :;1 >• >r
.iIW-np* I'iU 'ui; .-rv
■ j“T ' .v T
W•. - i '; ‘ hV- i*V !:■ 1 ‘
t’ulViiiri i*- J’ili-. I■ >
'oi-iv In
’vv'.H-r*.* ’ i?-;i * :f:is
. ,
' iT.-nUy -jtffii', oi iho-q- | v .(
*iv i;v -inni - V -W liii* i"M -\A : 1 ;i‘ :,
will risis'iift;' ivi£
dt'r*s3t' (lie hnlicvHij.'; it»»1 noric-t-Jiti-Ui
■I i- r ]iru,ijs river ‘hi. 1 wlifil<- ■,-
i' i:'M!v Uuit-liiiirs, t'ui'nth .sftv
i in liic ry, Hn.i tsivifr i f::i
i; !!' ’i O U ilOrV I'tl\‘li1'tl\‘li *j-! i■•;:' ■ :; i
Vi-'r i ;i
hotiic i,M Ej;iiiv. i]*
ti.l,' 'vhi':;;li».-r rm ’1 ri;.
iSii’c'it ‘Joo-s not iilaic.; 3it-.,UoiUa- !••:•!..
ii-i> ■’uir*- kihl Uis cv-.-s f-svini ii.: ;
If j-t'C^rHiee:ion if.lji'iiilts i!;j- M,'K ; n;n :
i'U-s .-iris his iir. : vli(*i;uV;rr'\ i
■j hi* •rniiiijg&ij-lsv.i><i-to iioar at -the ' v> ~~ ■
Ht tijj|»roacU of tvonnij* itrJji.w native CiiViibfek> &: riTiTSßl' t!-<:II.1:
\ »i,l* ’ “
Public Sale, ij
>r v ... . -offer, sal
V Hv tiJO - ;ir» residence in Beaver. on the .j-:
■““*£ ! f native '.‘vV;)|f >/ ; of - Deb'mbcf', 1802,■ i
o v.-i-li o-ip Ecaver ;opc.::K.v;T; - i ~ . rr<i>r ., r i.' | ™>%
- , , . .i I ... i V..- ifr IS.;-' _L 7V,.- ».. ■ " K ' ' ‘ V ‘ i i‘ I and .bite ten >.urnitt l ilMpoi tcdious.yi mentt«
i.D toil L.ts v.! pi , t . . t j .v„ j r,j . di^vin!!i^c(l>\icuvL^..Ss'),4: i !? ■>> j nil tlie i00.1.v &c r , Gieccparyj for the ci
>uUyoiiM<Jt , r . vyll<flta% . g.,.,, - K - ' Arrives a'i Pin'sb'urghv.' i : undo.- gro'iesO; •. »•:.>*! tablielimimt of a Iln'weiiy, |,JJ || j
;,a'ld lliii oijo-- t') ftoir;.'!; 1 " • ' ■"* ' 4:10 r. m. j!■ oatlj'6 Connaonwealili.'..£<.<•'#> • a >'j ,;.uov2»s \ ILI-INGE;K.
udr-oLjjidren :nni ■dinSOivo-i iuviv m; i* ' ; *;45 p. m. . llafyk* .............a.Nr;! S 4:_-. - ' i:'“h
,f ami .-'ir-tV-.-. ' * yW- ..< £ , „ tr,l T il, 6.Tj H 1
• iff lirtif-oniiaffif. ■•vfv^v""’ r, '' s . lo . in Vadb a’ I i Arch Street above Third; i
hahn-gK,] .■ . s:;':a» r" m’ IW.nivo. I.PdSdG j- £ .■ , .qiIdXiXDELPIOA, PiA,.
- ‘ (,j F. Jl. N;Vj?i;S. i; .'l j .'Total •'«. j rjplllSMlofel is cc'utrali Coinairmeu^by
■•■:•.* Orphah* s -e«art. in -and i' irißr : av'ir J ' 'l. ■ +-tk. . • ' 1 .. «v; !'•}, i.iAßiT.tTir.s...; c 1 iUihvay Cars to'nll\parls.a>
tu-rt.rc >f:o luiiid Apnov;. . T’ 1 ’ i’- V->' * K CUU :VGJ I.- K. . ■■ <. j J-;-.. - r ,,-,n art ! ■Cn v/aiiVihin adapted t
„r said V. , . „ . .. ck :-? n ’^ ; : la t}.e Travelling l?u
;hi the'nulticr ttl' TTn.'-j'nrtir ; ;-,n of iLe : Rochester SLa!k»h-|f;o!No East. PER DAY;'I
,• ;•, - r .f , ■ ■ ’ , ■: DuC-DoWUOiaTSi 1)0,41-01 ■••>«■ 4
-..■ ,f ( ; a,n. u.. ’ :■ : .. Arr. at Pitts. ; j>,- o |;',3 Earning 5.................... .50 00 A, V P AYA7
’vVvvK. -V l Jv'V-™P ,A :- : M nriph'n Accom.. 0:oS A ; ». i ......' 2,404 75 S 3 -L JtV^La3Q uU!\V
■•V’ni lWr<'- “ U' ■ , -VME ’to the' premises ot-tho buHcJ
.V) " .2:15o m!;..-3:45 is M. I: T ....:5128.00S 95 (J U s inu in New Sewieklny tp„ BcaVei
an'.l .'.ia'rv C.aii:-un.i -hair? ’ ofi JaScs P. 4^ ! '• , ” v i r.KAVEit COCSTS bs; j ’Before: ijio t rn:notary Pa.,’,on llio Olli of Oclotjer, a ,. re^
|?V; <o^w,t."r-v - 1 >;
• rariiTiou to .hnp 's.ji t :»r of-1 lie, baiiu oi iJejiver bounty. / a “v;. u . •. ~;
•7"»«rHe4'to James W. ’ JSlziuv a l .,Tr r ;-i,' r :sY?(' m't' I , .V 5 ll- 1 '! a ' <i' wso Pein" ilnlvuniruiei] according'to-law, <le- • e. ° f_ A
■:v;,,i: :() £rh„ s 15nre £ :, George. VYi; t"- 1 h".}v r[ m! correel ami |»> come properly, pay jhi
V :i l ; riic' la.-! i"’ U being .iaraoH over !■!. 7, =•'• ,' • true, aeoo'riiicg to tbc best of bis knowledge , a “ d , take licr an ay., j i.i ; i ™V-,.
- jili'-f xvirotn re'slile in B-.ver V'.ar.. fi ’ f-”"" m bciioT. ..: KDWABI) HOOPS. •. «»2-’=ot. r ,• t j&lf jP
; - l -‘ 1 ; , 4 „ P ,j iSS r. .t/AfiM befotc me-th« oth . , - - JVotice! ~ ,!
-a-sfiinere,,eil.-i.)e.’tmg. A , oai . ■- I'.iir. v.r \T»Tt-*V 0,,.,* V?> ■ pavet Nov, lbG2. ■ ill. B. Br.ISEL, J.. P. . ■■ - ’ !
t >.•! are l.erebv die.; iVai ,h - , .... ..Co. 0!.,U.i...i . b !>. VJ _ : —--r—-,-r-t-■ TS hereby given that I have been a^io
(>,'iie“llon., ■ .v,r s r !1,, r , : '■ ]-L(> I. J.'o (}: K’ E, I Sam',l K. AValtoij i., .In the ConH,of Com.-'i! X-as Surgeon by the rfcnetdn Depart mo*
;’--ev. at an ttryhaisyPourt. .tobt j, d.% At' ■ I' ‘ ! v /' '-.vs. - A;. ] mon Pleas of Bcavcrj examine woumlcd and onVjjlitl S ildiOrs,
tV...|id«Tvl Marehn'vst.t...a'ccei.t oii fe:i:-c !u - I 1(0 TTfo i dVt" f 4 P • .Tos.Jfi Pugh. Ei'r of J. County, Vend. . Exp. «hargedifrom the service; that Pjy.Jjutlji
J'.eslatv .-.ffoid i;. :,rceCai:;. d.'e'Ci'.; Ml u. ' rllt LC 1 L<J IL . V *, i. I Si). of September extends to any County, Sthlei or, Terrii
ha. : .« I,:-:.•i.- 1 i4.-.,st- - v . af ‘t,Te '■p'C'JS a-.-ejiaiaoi.n.'<, best Java;. of j ohn p lllr b, <jcc - d.T- Term,' 1852. ‘ - and that? lam now reody to enter upo:
■ i'.'.iii'i'. i-. refi.iiiivondv.’. br y liysicians as - I ■, | ! i discharge of my duties. 1. ■ i-r
..-, a-aparii.r N 4? nUfIOCS I EVEB.Vt;;; iorOen-i ? , Jrio: Walton -f'l t 1 - ' . j; .?• GEORGE’MeCOOKi MCD.
...; , ~r;r;tv t.i Sei-’. '- Hr ‘■•fa 1 1 v-4dlity. l)ysjiejisia aJid nll.biHious disi.r-;' ; ? j . vs. 1 , 'ci, i _ , _ G J - .0ct.15-A4t. ' Examining Surge i
.., ~ .1.-rs-, ' win. coui]'elicd,lo Jos. T'-itbfgh, Ex rof t Vend. E.xp, N0...1 of .—^—— u - ■-
... (><h'ehi';? i .RV'v?iu.Ga‘atriifts/iw abandon the use of Toffee, will use this with- , list will I Sept, Term, 1802. ''' ]Votiee._
:iu ' iVi^'t-Vi!; Ift ’~i"'\\ r T r » j* out in’iiriMii- vilVci«. Oni; cjiu cc*utniris the .of Johii Pugh, d. J I • ■LL ’
I hhe BAIUNG ‘ p|tVI>ER J inK’o S ! wij} 'P^»“
td^»- - k - : ■ ;, f ritluus i cascs : am^ g ‘ (■SS-i4lt
'• ;.;:;w;ix!v..x..p, : 'Manufactured. by_ ' ' j. _•. ; ' 1 Attest': . M; AVKA'AM), Pyo. j ' jyKi. *>Z. ... . -Id: ??*«
•' ■// M.°'il. KOLLOCK, Chemist, I , —1 t>EN-KN'IVES, Scissors, Gum! Hair
A • {55011, ! jCorncr of Briuid and Cliestimt streets. _. , \ • KOT.LCE. . j W Purses, Port Monaics, Needles,Two.
OFFtB tlicir T>rofc<«tonftl iorv? -i- <!•’ ’ • , BHIL.VBI.I.PHIA, . j'„ B undersigntd will ailondto the duties of , i) cnc il. s haipcher3r , Spool ?.Gblfpn, Th
sietmis and j■ , 0 rbe'Vitiiths'r*'- s °H- by al V Dru ?S Jals ! aD J Grocers. ’ a i, oTe appoint nidut at the Clerk's Office, in'. p; ns at the Drug Stprc; of*;
f®'tW..v icai r/i”" ZM ■ ißJavcr-on TnntSDAY, DECE«BEtt4, lbU2,at! 0c22.^t r BK.G. P. qGMMI
to engaged.' «„he ; OOD Crushed and Br6wh Sugars for sale | ‘° A ;.“- wl *« P.»rties 5u micrcst w.U j
of OTP,.Cummin... 5111 A t (jTat th. Drag Store of! . be I *' ’ 5
I. -i' l«fe.- ■ ■, (B. P. (IHiffiW I «' 'j ■' Awlrtor. ■ 1 £:
*:i yorf-G s^ :-
i-i-iaj-*! „-j ut'iif’-’.il ‘.I li.v.i
u!\ : ;in-
i !tr,<a.!>3 fV.iiTt
'i - 0, ;t t;
ivruwii.Ns, mJ:..
. , -:••••. r
,,ter liivefam-.s made,ala-"-, dr ; •. ! , .. ,1 ■ j. . .
i-1 ; ue nt i’r.-nd- ”j. '%\T HUUBAo. Jeiters [testamentary having;
n- -1 mOl-rime iV.icirs acented I been •pvant&l to h|ie i. ;.-
; • ether >l.4.ts d;ie the Watc id' Jesq h MrCietdty. .Sr.. decitd., ijajo qC ■: ( y' ' 'r'
• ~v ■ '■ cVcene 'tn.. Heaver county, I'a.r 'all jSettsnuH grtllE undersigned. having thcon appointed
: : S'hc!i''j’!'rt.ieli-y - : knowing ‘themselves indebted to' silid j!cMa<oji _£ SinsUUn’.TION AGE-Vf byMU'e.ScfrCtilr
:, ‘ „iirr a ether fonii.auiva.' .fUt.H'G, are rciueMled «<> make paynjcnl r y ef the Treasni-y, jirepared tn fuj>,
j.,; i.aio-l i,-...!............’ 4,518 I" 1 'and these having claims Against ihejsamcj tjvill| nisli, at lincc, ike . : ' ■ '• j!h
! t'asi/ eii -it %'itli 1 V. States - . them to the subscriber duly i imtltltnil-li; •- , '■! j i‘ , : : : J ; 1
"I ’ iVuv" - nhtenr subject in tendars .1 rated lor settlement. J;AME.S>IcI,'R.KAMj, i ali TllicMui Ycnr t) -jkr »d.
y : r *'■ . . j ociil. - *__ iX i ; ; .j.; .. ■),
: lln.'u ■l-pcsii:rnt(iirss :i5, XT'Xn-r’Xr. •••rTP'64 CNA'-CIVd 5 '¥ )»'»' ,,f CaUttk<Siatc!i; 3|cs:Rnalca.U_s, ‘‘Fnfe-a
in It'ntvw... Itr.t 71 ! T tSr "d*£.' .XiT rd ihwentiei" tic.ieemabk. a. Measure of] t.t;
T ■ > . 1- :iU'..r.isS <;Sj JU' retmutju.t* n 14. C W ofltec at. tj , Uov tiye years; add aul-luFrithdi
; .- ' . . .V, ———- ; 1 • 1 ll " -"> v -V-" 11 .- : r ', ; .: F , ' by Act iof Congress. lipproved Fxbvuany.jit|‘),
4 / _ v . .V'; ' r ; • ij,. Tlw? C'Ori’ON' BONDS Krc.issutfl in srißisj.ot-*
. , ' ; Jolm . * v!us; J Ji.Vn?. : .rr-sH :; vi ' f
r.o.nvu Ot pivcxJm's have- inis CfyA „ t[ fa a < tn *\\ ' -Portor iCUribeth j : nr,;vSTI-:U ]i(»NDS‘iu sums of,^u.O
v’-i’.eii a . r-.s.i divne ed et 1-b.K. iK.T. • •-• , Mary .1 ■ Uisi, SrCW and^StHtO:.': ' ■
~r: ■ ap.tai, .-te.-k «u-1 -ftA I >■ -v,^.i[Sutherland - 1 j;;, [, li( . vt J sl llt six mu, 'cent. peV- .anhfirAi-ryiVi
•ecreattest; a S A ; K«.ehey, 1! ' v 1 c , io -fn& da.V of, purehLev and is^vX;;
..n au^a.tev h:.- M . ..Uvilsea > irgimA ! ,;j. 1•• j • . ■ ~ 1 t : . | • it* ' T
K. .vd; IV • Tiidv: :.a I';,::id:.;r v j ‘ V;:’:.C;; a g, iUers in ihe aheve lit 1 ' PAYABLE IN GOVb, -r
’ ' “ i ' Vilt ; iil -^9 £i,y t:,C !i a
, . oii. : ' «> a >- 5 i ‘»; r lbc Ue -| : - 7AL M. tiill 0 ; !>.■ M. a Pjl 'K f '
I ‘x 1 ILXLLML__ O' T;.. v l:.vr wi red aVo that the nlimining j ' ‘ "p-gt A'K/' 'd’.'ffr''" ” 'l' v'-F“tiiicr?i %cli.Sn:jg?. triipitSpUt;
T r •■-• 1; ■ 4 X ••' I ' 11 S'dslftif the ('..•VMiiV'.ir Use ml! ' f- i - —>-t=- V J=J-EV ;... .- t i: a nd ollukho litiye any itm.utT tojuiyest. sfenMljl
. J.i-.i-., “ r t ;. e -ye,im kr-n- to-lm-N lie r.WU-cn'ud! ,:'\t ? V ><V '■.} Vj) ! N>TIT ; UT E rcnmmbsrlhat ,l:. Jtds ■ aVe . ip
ATPO;SIT E Y.r- AtT li-' .imh rm! rtPr.-bniwe -, Isk.lVetn ' V * ! > A l‘ V U f V-jMect, * MOKTCAG Ej t.pU-all iUa.P
.. , :,1 . --MV 1 -Ci-!e . .KW-a-.i >!:wi ; e-t! eeaiei ‘ V RcV. R.. T. Taylor. A. Mi’ PriH?;; i.lcii.K CansK Uanlf, Ktt.Cka and fcocajj;^.
/ i.xh.S 1. \ ... ; Cl , ;r t , .11 under!; TJr^a t c Tp vlor ! rind the iiipi;en.sc_pi'iidticts pt all .tile Mnmi.hatrr
p;-': \" \ ■ . i-1- • . , . 1’,.. ;rr p.. 1 IP.Jlor, «o v ei'Ue-3 .vewtn the Country;- and thglUill
, ... -V'\. r -' fi nV* ' ’ ! tifiea‘C>iailY*t.e-nhi«V cljlmed within tw.)| jt- EHtST 1 Ij,AHti ripni'pb'.!> [j 11 X ; and amide l anvHsf«n i madc,{.A the j
• l ~*■' ,r ‘. ; ”!; V; ' x \; o die tilviUcjFi ; l/V cr.ti- n »*l| \ “iiiur L;utu>. . *t)io finiorest. an«l of ;
■ V“1 ”- i ; A. r ? r ' : i jk cvMciico. in '[lic If,nLi-ry- I'roparatoryj.--Uo- (' nS ‘ UJ i ls S'tr.nip? fiu-l Intern:^
i*.- ; ‘ i ji-'-riiHoutr. J '. ! i. i{ 'Ki' : ro'iniiKC 1-hosLv liouds the,/;'[ . ‘
■m ;: .i"- I '' ‘‘ ’ y|.. -AW t-xccry: 'tuSrlon
I--cty, • t
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\y£. Ji V.-- -t-V " . Tl.cO(t'n r ilt!.s V.lnhh%. john-al. i’fu- j : *in f H;V! -
\\v': I- I ':* .■Wl'ohit; 1 V Juauv ir. Williani';- k\\i'i'. Vr..j ,Ul*. i i.if thc-tMI-i
.* n V/.:.- *n. ;*.U;I Ll' l Ii " I J :*. Seal. ’ ; .<
inSF'isc ; i;;v U. M". l:ufii.;u v U*yjo : yc ti.' ].*\\"
,hr r ! h»- I*•.': »■ “i‘ f»uvi : c rhr»’k ,A K*J!v;. ll*-»hc:vt Si.iauol
; i,r .1- WHi *1 iIT -1111 ‘«V111 MJ* fO '’f OS. J- i’* 11 *\M V .Ottll ,*_bt I ■ J,, O
•cii.iit -Cji.r u- »u.l rth.».M f::.V» I “U,. ii. • "
'ri-l ■* 1 :hci M-rivijl!'. T. H, Jl.l’HV-.l W 1 ;i
• ■ M.V. (Nnr:n-:y;.:i!‘'rs wiii ;j.»»••!. Jr,-b::a f*. K; vi;. .Mm : .V T .*,l
.h«; ; L 'i- o', 'I a]-]-siii-r •[/. T.‘ Morgan.' /V/ ( 'a, •IJtij.W, . j
• , r . V _ i . *’• n.VM». , j VJVMI.hy
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Quarterly Statement-
OF TJII4 iiANK-o? i:s:Aviat- ■cofnTV. 1 i
" ' “ ■ , Ni;w‘llmiiH ri;N, Nov. Hi
s22o,sp§;si i
$325,G50 11
821K142' 82
10-J, IJ'JOO .25
: 888,883 «9 .
28,34(1 ■<a^.
i'j 1 , f■!>) 3t .
lb;44ti 1 3
-14.-427 (l‘J
■5 2,211.52
1 O,SSU A 8
Surplus.'' 4j4;)3,ii.'ia W>
G,m. Jrl'j t'.ii
Teacliers ■ ?-L-'. ?■ OOOj
THE Board of School HirEetoA. oflndEpra- ]! . : nB xrnwr .
dent School Bistriet of
beaver County i’a., desire to cmfloy- two Male ! : J " TO SELL ■■ ... ■
and three Female tcaihcrk of 1 1. - ’
said District. j Term to commence about the ' Xiloyd S JSew Steel Plate- tuiinty COlOTea
first of; .December nexli. and continue-fpurjj f Map of ike. United Slates,
months? The County Superintendent trill nt-i|- | asid : New ißntnsxcickf :j
, end at Hie ] phhm sttfvcyW completiidr -
; ft-"' . - ,f ih. rit 10 o ciocu, lo -u ( Uit s*»o 006 to cnera-vo '.it. and ibji'ct
\ fcpplicnnts. \vl cn and tngravo i
i ii,g to apply -or .lasted M*| $lO map ever made hyCol4ti
attend, and { W*. .hero, W 9-- *h nnS sells the.-low f *o . o
! "‘'By of ** ' ?!; W* ‘“"tf •“*
K .1 only a County map, hut it’isaUda |
SGOTT HOXTSEI I countv CxiiiLuoAii ■ma-p-^^ i
! ’ T> nvr A t-Mf Cl! ‘ Vnnr.V - i' j of, the D. S. tc Cnliadas combined iiiope;giving ,! •
j 1."• A AlvKl-K. JfKOl. R, j E vtv ,. Railroad SuitiU and distances betwccn/nV
I Cor. Irwin 'Str '«£* Danuesiifi Way, \ j Guarantee any w-ohian or man $3 io So
.! ; . _ Pimrni'rn I>A add will take hack all maps; that cannot - o: .
j - f IITTSBCRGH. IA. .he hold and jsfund ibo money. : ; AVT
THE “SCOTT fiOCSE'’ is one of the largest >j s c nd for. Si* worth to try.
and best nrWinged Hotels in the Iron City j printed instcniitions-hovf to canvass well. >’y o ,
and neither pains wilt be sparcjl fnojished all oumagents. ! Hus;
'i to maintain iis well ?nilicil repdtation. Its f ’wintWi—Wholesale Agents- foronr maps in-, j„ un
j location, is convenient tol%eßrhlgcs anjl Kail- eyery, Stated Canada. England,.! [■.
‘ road stations specially!- chmmcnds it to the; A may he made '■■
[traveling puMic- ■ a. ‘ ; ■ n.tlt a fetv ; " hundred dollars ..cardial. Ao- rent-an
.a: -Al F. I.i.ovn, 164 Broadway,?N; T>.’: v Bigjh
j J JL 'issoiutionr * ■ ‘Tho Vvar Department our nmpof Vir-. J‘..V!|\S,
T* C<hrpiftucrshi|v heretofore existing uurlgiaia, Maj-yhind* aiu) VcnusylvirniJ?, eoM SlO<V :
ia<uMue wme ainlMyle of M r Cossr.LL t)t)o,-.on jvliicli U, hiarfecd ‘ Aniiolnfn Creek.
i D.MiUAtjut*, FiiUsUm, engnged in the’ Fmindry irSharpsbnfg.. Jbiryhmcl Higbis,, AV!;S ; 3
! nrd Ma-hinc i Business, >vfta\luly dissolved on ; Foray.'Bhorcrsvillcl; NolaitiCs Ford, , and
! t i u . tiiiX-iv- o<* June 1602.1 -The Moles. of ,the''iVActe on the Pqlouinc. and-every other pla(»; nilT j t H - H ,
• Into Grin willfc settled by M. Dirr«gb<& Col .[ in the alniic naipeAStnles, or money rcluniledi
d ; au:l oiiiUin Falision," Jleavcv coiinly,- Fa'.J ADHICAt,AIAV OiV‘ |\ vi! ,
- whci'd ihov vj-ill cputiime Jsaiil business’ Kjl-iNTIiCEA, dltfO, .INDIANA. ■ «»<• [,, ( . m(Bit
5/i,s lu-inihcs." ’ : iUf persorisjfeaowing thci at the only authority .for Gen. Posccrann amt yjA.^re
■ indebted to thh-late linirw-ill please ci jltfic
; settle immediately. DAVIDM’CONNE il.any .one findingHn' :j ,; :■ . ;. .•[■
MAT?fISON DAB: (j-■ 1 ’ : Vj Prom lliqTribune;^^Ang-i. *;■•■■-. .' An
■Fillht. l it'tJl«;:C2*- B. 11? DAilUAd’ n fl.i.ovAs bF;ViiwiSiA; : M.\nynvx,ti avk:
- ’ * ■*' jVr,xxsvi.v : ASi.\.—Tile map is yers; large;.
costJslbut tlo dints, ahd if i»,MC%CIr/iirA cgrt'.j- uv
Ac jtiird atiril." ‘ i '"lj, § f> tvetn
■ a Uwifi (trrr:i Map.of tht Mimsslppi
Frrfai'iAciiial ' Capts.-Bnrt nndWm'\ c \
|..r,dihi.’ Mississippi .llivcr llUots,’, flf Sf,’
fMoy. sliows every man’s plantation ami owner’s jy
: nanie lfom St? I.ouiS lo ibe Gulf.hf Meiitto-s.
1-1.3.?)- nijlcs.—every samirbar, r island. ( town,.
] la’iidiiig.’.orid all places 3!l iniicH baj<k froni IJih,.
coumics and States,
jSI in Sheets. §2,.-pocket t’ormf 1 and rq
ilitien, With rollers, r 2O. ; - - , 5-,„
I AvVy ■Jfi'jhrlintilir i. Septi 16. 1833. g
1 J. T'.Lloyd—Sir: Send uic yimr slap. : pfvthc
' Missisiippi River, with pf|ic|> ['per hundrcil
cojjies. ' lieiir-Atlmiral Chnrlcs|iHi;
'rnanding (|hc AHssissipid siiuadron, is; lihthoih.
ized to parchase as many as rtfc.TeiiHirejjfif
us6.;;of tliit sipmdron.: •> ’
198,008 05
316,143 07
58,7 to —i'
5213,Ssif -i
.->'ll uV
! rjnni; r
: .1
, 1,1 -
... i
in*’.:! ,’r*> ' j;! j
V- *i .to bn,!-.o't-ho sc)jpoW*vs*M 'J,
ofies' pMroiiis.'f .j| , ,; j
■ti‘il r ljr■ r, ' \|fV- ' ! '|j .
u 110x1 iota*c^rnuipivco3'Dc.c.
fVioil, I?iM>p<>sials’
I; 1)0 I-O.j* »o tiic ; nf'
lvii'-V nt Ihe office pr iihef
nii’ii v 1 ;'>r n-1 iiou-v : i*f' i-inj’!-!y
-a! S(s:»y|ir<l. |iv
«-n d-tyi of
i.:;. iOMlic cu.-uio;’.Mouv-i, ■': i ii i
«r nitibo>r<) of Ini fi-I'.ri.
• / ■:' ■ ■■' j ;■ i stow|jvii.|'
; '!:r .■
i ’ ' i" t
■4.©.CP of J i\ i()( : RK.
At JAY COOKE it CO., Bankers,
T-111UD STUfeKT. . .!;
: piiiiniicir.ii'ia.'kuir, X13? 1 -’--
!r i *
- iHivshki'nt hi.ihe.Marhtiy 'IX ..
i; , < . I . ‘ 5.
Subscriptions received at BAR in
dcr Notcsl or notes and chocks ol ,bauks :
i>u'p tiiVnißadnlpliia.: Subscribers *5U
prompt attention,, ami- evoi'y 'bujiliiy
■ ijud explanation' aff(n - Jed ; pn a.pp|icu
rioti; ait. (iijis ’ . •• .•• '■
' ■ A, full' sitpp ly ' o f^Domls \yillb.C'.^Ypt.on 1 1 f\n<1
for in\rnC'|i;trc:At*]ircv\'; s-; ,;■ ' ’*■• V•; t
I , ;J AV COOKK, Subscription Agent. 1
Estate of David Minis. Jr., IVi.IT., Dcc’d;
Tyy.Citl^E-54 licrjsiiy given that letters - ot.aifv
luinistr.-it ioii liavt*'- been granted, ivy. the.
' Ui'gbit cr : jof' WjiUs.l &<?.'; pH he county ufßdaycr;
npnnUu'c«taieofDAvir. Minis. dr.M. D..nyoM;-,
late of Borough in couniyT to thctitilv-
residing in the Borough' of Brayt% iiv
‘sat'd Comity. ’iJcbtorp will mak.g payment -arid*
erddilors present- their claims
led to the undersigned.
f 1‘ ’ • . ■■■ ■ ■ ■. DA.MEL AONEW,,j ■:V
Apr U-ll!. , ,i VAdminiKtrator.. 5 :
:"Tintixi.sfiiAToi:s NtyiieE-^;
• \¥TIfERBAS admiulsirationAfn
; tbo csyrtn Of Micu|vi;l Kambc?,-; late,
, ofj,, Kaccdori township. Ileavcr county, '.de->
•cciisoil. buying been July gi|antcAlo fb&ira.;
dcirsigucJ, all perscuisj indebted tofai,bpSia’fe
tire notified to make immediate .payment, • ami
\ busc-b."ving claims agaiiist-lbesamo w,ill;prt>,
' sent jlhetii properly ,for,' scttlc-l
! ment without delay. Hz*.' 1 ■ .1 | : ' I
Vf ■ " Admiuistiat’or.
■jl ?ns
f the
I, ‘ ■ i- '7 t'-CoWfaWsALTJ ; i ■■■ ... Vt : : I -r .
!' ' j« i • ; I i 1 •• f ■ ' .
(irotcr fomiujssiwii
c- j ..Also DcalelfMn ■< d . .1- .
!, PLOTJE;, '
K X OUU l'|E • I '.'(S Ep£ RA|L;'L;I :
i,,- ' Xo. 8 SMITH FIR LI) ST^'
j'ppbs’.te the st6nongnUclft|Uoii!fp, . ■ j
| :* i \ : PITXSUL T RGIl„ P.V. r
; ito
. . _AI 3STEW . ■
j '■■■....■■• ■' |ot[ thb.-’-.! . :i . ■-i.
: BY JOHN S. HART, LL. I)., /
IlfyMOii ;inuslin,!price 50 cents* paper.! coy-
I A ers, 25 cents. Copies tjf this book (rill
be sent by mail bn receipt ,of thV pripe, in
pdstngcsir.nips. Pleas address ,;| /■
■ : J: C. (JAKJUGUES.Itublishcr,; A
: 148 South Fourth street;; Phil’a. Vi.; ,
raarZC. . | ■ ,'r i-
d-V- tio
i t!tie
a (lie
*?i v ’
LETTEII.& of - ndniir|istnition upon the es
tate of |Sam'l, late; of Paccooit
township, I’caycr counly, deed; having dxtni;
granted to tho'unUersigncd, all persons lb J |
debted to said estate arc requested to imnSpif
ihimediatc payment, and those having TClaihts
against thc’sanie. will present them properly"
authenticatedfor settlement. , ‘
'J. : , P. W. KERB, Raccoon tp.-,. ri , l
I'Diei 1852. • I .
A'' J - 1 ■ ii A'tei
v "
* ■■Tt
awm uu nm\ . -
.WAYS READY, .MWiLW £ i Idljjlg ' U‘\m
• ; ■:'! •-£■£***" i. •;■ i \[ •••*;•'. x- *>nilA=ST TTVi:N*fY-fin.Hl> street;
eorc anJsUff joints, blister- *f (JHASI) StKEE'f
i*d imU inflamed feet; all these . 'i i v\*TPESTUEK. 13 •••.»•'.*• v
endure, SIOTHEItS.-RKMEMBEK TIUSi ; k kV|.v' - W 'vT, 183$. V
, vour son*karigrasping Timakcta 10. isWrtpiiEl* 13oS. ■ « ■
ianaerjlthink wbtihreliefi a pot. of this fytntS EslahKsimicnt has bcoiviu sOccosstut---.
H EA-t.ISG* &^)OtXXO.Salv - 4»' *itt g ive ■£ -operation .'fyryfcl yeat*. mid is the Wrgcsi
o oho y'odiloMe when fur away from.homo 01 . the tied,in ihofCnitcd Stales. .»« wj® ®*\. -
frienflsJ ‘lt biathlons mitt iiake«l tdttgli .the- -'liaJiil tUsimfeel urp to order cskiry -
ilo that lt oftooking-glass;, ■
lircßevhu.lho tu.iriojio'l plain, and.Oruamemal I ;or. I- JH, o\ul *- •«»“.
vigors'’tel Clatteew Uaso--«?«..,■..
iVi.Ue tvif; ■-.-r-.A .I ■ V : k E Aiarhle. hlutis. kfotlct ■
6«»*S|'IOTIS!OUSPS' '■ ; ricluro,
-uds ithiSiieiilou., amoving and Iprevcnting p i; an;cs ; : iti.lbngtl.s sttUdble for ti:mfporlalio.n3 -
rlycsiftc of .inllammatui.u ..and:. gciVHy cilheVOilf, .-BcSlinjr. -BoswrontU Oak,- AchKt,
d|t*s| ip'edges’. together.' it'hjiickl^j&tUi'Jlir^eyc;; Mwtwgany, feci; jOar.tW* •mftnuCa?-.-,
ilcTriv h oalo lh 0 mint' fright ly- Iv.uUnilSi,. lorv.ktnd cxt vo.'iN e lucuii■.ef eur.blc u n’ ° ur "
■E<i. AXIS-’Std’i’KKS VP ' 6jlil. VOLI’N-' Uh aiijhartiido iUftir Uiiu iii good as-the host,
!•■[ ■|. 'TEIIBS? AiriCiifcchoapa;- the ■cheapest.-,' ‘A .ev. f .
KJ ut into tho-Knniirn'hs 1 f A’o';r QeaicfS 3TC inVltCci tl) CSIJ UpOH.US
nr.U Urol hew.-, a f |o\.-\Vi.f.n' tlitv visit. Mew, York. >Ve claim to bo
sKurv gtlViliAiihi'fftpiity jjf this ■ u uhloto ’sitpphv tasupjjy'tliom with i-
I'tjiiitlNAßYjtMl'EflkVM.tV linl-Bdiichtacy can possibly purchase V
clviysiDtry 'Walking |bU .rounds at clsed-hcr'i-- .
■nisod. to \lreio-lili-!0 rr.ii; - .soil e-1 1 ■ 11 r - riuii e'tenuo'l to .'with
i ts''izch tlio iiipst AvinLKNT ri W on jri|ncS;-aKtiuoirfairw) call when yopvisit
COlhi IJS ill'll S( I ; 3'llt' -V i lht> \e\v Voikl ' ‘jr ,e ’’' '
.*■*'”:»■ . ftr -;LY*»rj2ls- .W-s>..■*!« r.
(N. ! Wvu :: '-I ■:’*•- .
tu'<iimiicr Tit firericil.a' fev.j I'ilUi li'.kon*. '.f' y \. ; ~j ■■ —.
•Tmdrmn*r‘,' ind y : OF'-yjtTi'lvl.^. UXCAI.LKIn Ft>R,
’TiccivUiiy ov'er nmli ch.v h» ' 9 I tUe PosrUCicc ut
~ tojJjc .f imi l^v>v.'loiiiJ'lUU'i; ■ • :*
A-O*-' - ■(■■■ s'-' livithu Ifuask- • ’
sObDlblth ATiI.N IiON . . tjVuldch (" A”i v-. f ; Kiihhalv 'Jnv ...■•’
yctnroivn lofiltir. .J^tlyt yrusl to : .the . j, Mast ' \V,„ ’ ■ iKlihiVcr. 1-ouUa :.1
ipltrs ulthoitgh mosrvu.imhtc. 1 - Ml . a . L .: . .. • ■:l.ohahs t.UzubctU i
k e - I ’'r i; “'- r) . o ™ug :v Aug
J.cyartrthc-.«ily rtuto.^ 3 (s ' s - , • J.'
.i;.OainMtfhajß«rr ? CKs, w I, -
'irtonllodoway has, »U ;lie : ' fic^Ma^A ;. :. i, fPauly biv,l -B". , f
h Luropo.. Utpl diking llm■ (. jdM t,.,VN- s , V . . . • ; Ru-.u-ov ,G: W
UiS he a dctiol W.n (k k .Kauk rU-v J , ’
jr .oo ut.cUiMV.; ulo ol U1...V f- f Jas \ s - . .ttoiliji Miiry E ... -
many ait aio Ins l.ocimU-: ' : -Smirh A ■ ;■ • . i
fS sold v, v >tt. H -.iltuhncs .6,lts, 1 ' .itujh Jets S; .. .
in-ttsmglcda.v. I li.okc, tci;.ihk 1 u.m! j- H ., ir ._ pi . nfihces K-C
sonKA^ - :.:':- ^ii n; '. ■ ‘ .
•noh'W»4Jsf jin:rrikTH^Hrall .1 ■?’' A 2 ■.
-V‘- ■ ■ wyf- ■
to S 'vk"'»|v A-n VV'\U ■•' ,: ; 4:- : '.r«AoW-<hij3it!?.foclcKojfja(hfe-aHove list.
[, 1 , •■•■ •:•,■ , -f (,:■••'!. tvill aiwisc-safthoj; 1552,a-i.vcvl iscd. ", 1 ;
1 I l<jf rtix-so br.avo nieu oy J.dt-v t-AVT f»R P AI
ijicc* iii tlrcir :h;i:i'l.s tfeii JltlErii K‘S -- I
inr.s.. timj .Wjiii vtnT-v .1.,'.:;; to :rusiv, Rare Cliance Wa .Good Investmenti
n-jci'' k, iA ~ i'. -<t lui[ !j •'vt-rs. rll o .1 . . •.- ' - _ ~ .
.'mil ,i.H !*.■ VwvAiidf> ivhitili;- .they ■ cHiiiink'i * . a^t 1 T7l ' r ~'
In-ihe’iiß>iAp?«sot itf>ctl, whvn*ns : it : 1 •- ■V • * iuui,
tell ihuv.ii (iniv- to thyir hahil jr/nto I OFs i <.>i,Li, ni 1 a o<’im. *c.i h..t,- •- ; : .
tapis arks a.ldYtimlhave h sunl xl-.Wj fl' Y ."“ i ll - , . T , 1 - +‘ ' •''l
:hc ir [;,10v.-,:Yf.l-t>b!w ? .- • nitre lor mA V mtei
ifiisitn'is of jtiviiil vrouM lh iiyr hi' s ivtol"Lr;oli;. .".oek .on, r.ii ]'■ tr^n,. no 'p . ,' :
■uto ollierv. iU ttcVisli iWfrti'C:,r4dh:fAruili# o | Hl f • V : " r '-’r : ' K V ! !"'
-ii* i.-.T•v.rv^o-.iw.^^
!•; ■ ... i- .•■■ ' .; ’ ■ Sr«*i:c and uu'di.uit*- Inr r-'
[IYi©.N *}? gt' n 39‘“ • Adui'ftss Fn..
to,otot /.;■»«/ ; ~,..,1 aa'l-.-sta-i iug. wnCie 1 an inteiiiew
ecrhalfk as-a wjttcr-ltarki in every j jo .. A, k> fk, . Oel.lf
took of jtirccWoit:! iirioiiul, viiispipptkcr. k'-, , . '/t;. ik -' 'k J_~,.k/ - ' - '•
!ip siitn(riiiii\j l jVe ; iait.'iy ii'.v / .i.’.;'; : f\ r I - (’i , 1 ;i> k :
' !h.‘{ k\. : lianiioriae irihskird -will-- .: v f 1 V v .
:n Wany-Ami 1 rchijering' tt.riclf- - ir.iAfroa- j, {jy.y'.K Jftyi; Vtily'iug. biisitiess will! the
limy lend itMhe 'leitckikh of imy J par!,y l: ' /\ksniisci-ihei- ' call witii' Y!r.,
I'ipyUin vik/.-rilollieinos i.rveinpj; UoKurl Airly; mu rV.rizcl. to 'alk
liniwlng them !o .be kj nrions; r jl j : i i( , all l,i;>ini-sir,k:vu,i' hiy. s.tisrneh. .Al'O
jhe |.M.!iiiul2icitiry .•! i’u . '"Vk .jp |'. c .i-.;,i : . i-.hvii.g uiis-atlei! tip t rrtit r srkS; ill call
jlriTilcn laitt*:, Newk.Yorkk.aifdj.:.aiui’'b'iak<: rir'n ki.ufi;,k\ loon :i-f ossiiilek As
(ilcf Titu'gjnyl *'■ nsi*!’>'Jfi‘a!*-ttS|.lilts■hccv.uic'soJk<i*ii;V-t.o leave; iiupipAor, the
Inchkht thei eivillirC'.l tvorhl. .sixp phrejinse.‘irt^seryiup- jay.. riiiiuiryk-i; hope :my
IV. .1 2 wins' r Xol r-ki on eh.; ,- i a'us'toiftrirs■ w ilk ’ ; lie;}-' pafriMiagpr as
Vo! ~!dc,inik<(r?riytl,L' by u<ldtig|': yVaal.-xis tioiykt' 'itr. ml Air. '.lJ.Utjilsi!; the shoe
•k -' 'I- L ; •k . S’r'slifoi lay rsonvi JilmcsV itLl lie .lan-yaitiT.’ ■’' :
uoii.irsfSja I he;' gdidiriccof. ptid {'. i ‘.Ii , »HN l|..ts'l‘i.'KES...
if-.T-.r-nr'i:.urefrill\e ! i ,l A'ci.r’i :— '■—, — —<-- - -A-A-- -~r —~——
... .-K . ' ' -ej ■ y l .'.. , iclroild ■; '.y
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; - lvy *• ; i , Jsrlv E 1 f'.-..' )
■ I;.;' ■, ’-A lkihF kFn-ifllfxnßCCl^T.
il ;V1 ER 0 1AL• AG£NT3f WAN TED’: f ■ ihokja pitjii Ri,o,cl: of.fiihk k Bajik. lyt
*■' '"Z~ \ t \ l~Ts- “T' i ■< ■s’' ■•'■ -‘.•A 1.1. rj.l. h *-i - u.p t
":; V,‘ ’V'. ! ;, e ! :lia|vi:,e ■ akriiii.iei! jhe-J'oyiiieiit orfnkkS^o-ti 1
inxifale't ; Ciompany. - eli\\ Aju^pw's;,
■. flVll.L.f.i.Vi-; . j A riJMMi.AfKkS -'.'/r, w-_ :_y__ ._,r-_ .■■■■_ k;
oil.- ihir.'l; Vi per : eehiL-onp aU, goodkj ".yjykt'l v,f.plV A TO 11 ’ISVSU'i’iyivkr
iw'i.u;- Vceitj-n in- ;vi’ will vuiSrror rayufk’ . y ■-. r ■ - J{A , ’..t
S'tvi)..o if: liio'[or .no. tit iivi rn! jf f v , r’l ife :'1 & ■ «Ij-tw
wivp t . osfvij uU;
~ > •• •«. -• i' • ■;. ■ -i<.- f>' •- co., i:l. , iK'O 4; \nij
\ Imi'1 mi '- 1 J 1 \’i ■;R i l’rVi , ;i > :Vtr'l.' &v:iihAd i*A!ie .Cii-l.M>ip>oa:
• the Adatas Mixf.ul-iot.iVmg iA.k;TtWrsott ■■" :.U’,
Tjfn,' ■ ;1 IJo klulY ■; re.iu.rml 'll* lv ! k' le untne..xtiU_ pa,mont
-j in ,j, ... it, • • i'.v*:.! Ly' ; ujdl m- -j :
-Ci •. j . i*r-i’- _ji ’ A i Yvo>cn’i]iiK-RL.pVMijtAlicuiU-iiU'i i<*.
>:eayei; xXotel, >ir<ftt r > :i .ii3w--..- t .p.,
1c ■ V.-.
.5?A'- ‘-'/rkv
tyfiNij t :,o<-■■••ighly fiH.yn'p.uhiVjioS®,;
hki is now ji Vl'ari , .lJ.' , ";il»cr'tah ! r'd?-»h t>i»
;s. ati.lafio piihiic goricrhlly;kiA. tho.'.moxt
iclor.y ruanio r. r|. ■ ,^jkonyf"
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SBlii STf;V'f.Alh ■’• . | oNk.Yi [to; nfc;;»GH»r.TO pi; .vi?--
■■' ' P'Vr.i'CIATTl*
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j.iIJEIV < | J !vr'i;sj.h S-;
■ | «3p6«j K-ist ! t r '
: : i.SIl0Ji:0!10 ‘ln:,T oaVt of I‘i ‘r.ii4!c;/s.|l old, !
-: ’;• ti|M I»i j K }v\ >vi^lil? X \, : .j' J
■y[\<-r . y Eii:- •
JAUS-a: CANS. ]■ !' ■ . .■: ': -J
-JP ■■', COKKS-.i- I}■ - ' M ■■:■:. :} ■
'.VAX: 1.-..?..i '
■■■• ‘'l- ■•. IiOKIX. ■ , ' 1 '
■ !■'.* "■ ’■^oA- ; NAia;s!;r i , -r;,--t _
• : , ■; _ III'NUV.-.:. t
\Sv ANTKD—iO/OfWJinsh-.-la (if V> iicr.t,
• • ■ - •• "• . ' iiurky;.
■■ ,f' f .
I BcljiTcrccV. in PUfcfeiirp v for whiq.h-1 ahfa;nta,ori.
Skcd t’o pir ilie pritcSii Aamits, „
V j - • ■■': , j V* 1 GRAFT.'-
Bt. Striri PititiiirS.'
BSpitf'Sa!. 'j -'1 ■■■]■■-•]■ '■'A . ,rr‘ --
"I. ETTI?RS of kdmaiiietratjfln. on Ibp estate;
J_i of .Tons CotRTN,RY, fate of- flicTbor
«ug'i of D.fvlingtOnt CenToriCounly, I’enn'ii;.'
dco'd, Having been grantedtb the undersigned,
nil-persons indebted-to said &tatc are
to made immediate paymentpand thbec.baving
claims jagaiiisf itliqt same \i‘ill present' them
proterly authenticated for settlement. ' ’ ;
JOHN T. OOrfiTNEY. Darlington, -
I noTl2 Administrator, 'v
>• i
4 optics; q.:.
nniffi rVi>ivtiictyfliiy witffrlwfcMjjfc,. .
- | -il'-r i:Vf,!Li!he:in»l M'vb- 1 i*f A. l». ‘ , ,
'v-t> d(i?vl 1 ■" -^ it'tfi .■
!;;/ .;i .\y~-\ IWit. wi’.l -cit'Si/.l ..
kilirnTn" 1 lifniselv IM* ; 1 n th*-V.u«s&*,' : '
n:ii®V'!iao e:iirSnilj stifle- ;
Übtils-4i : n] W A-iuacJ:withoutV.iAay.-’ ’ 1 ■
:...'.M.t.r;A’ •'. A. b.jGi LULI-AND, A \
: I 1 .. 'M : ‘i;iu.n;-,M\ }
onfess to p s £>. pe rj c nee cfat; ! i- v aj,i
TTjI'BLISHIBu t»-r Jtw ccacfit f.nd a>ril waipir-
JL ■ cautir u to ujimt/,\viiu j-.uf
-I,'jrWToni y,.
S^li-Cinie. : ;j 3»y -
alloy'toifrcui. -.- . ■
ical jpnck’ory. i\\ /.«:!;•. ••' ;
postcdmiH's^'ll ohy- ’i*, j-o?f. ,siii ) u,'-v / A •
nrny -%'? ■ . ixyl •oT.iiic ';-, NA’i ll.■■ N**- 1 i%
■ • !;._44A- % A ; .
r*j'- *
_ Mi' mi^istn:\TU:rs !:•*'
••(^TI-.Tl'R.< -.of *on .
of’ Tiu>.'i>.i Mni.:i',v.. lii'iy. ef- (Irvot'.irro’.vn.
, Iloov-IT p'f’rrajc. .•I'T'fnr.'i (U'o'u. l.aving-"
to't.!rir un'.ifrMgncil. all jiWS’DS
: ! tO'“;iitl .are pii In'otaka '
i pavnuo.t.r. mill lose
! luuhenlicolcil . r /. j *
J .VJX ‘lwnovef'ip-. i- f:
■ - • A(hmcistratt*r.>j
[V'; Stray. V •'
M Ev.ttv- thc^'iycniises'..of; tbe..stib*f,iioirr,.
\j*hi € , Uij>peAvavrp., uhoui the 1..-1 •’ ll * y •
1 a ‘TThUo HeilVi*, Z -y wirtS-’ old. ’, Tlit* »-iw*u*v.’js
ironies! o«l W tauSe i\»s f rove J-*’-. r^y..-;
.pa'V■■cJiar^od"'aud.T;i!.c i licr,''nw:\y; mhcnvi>y §b?* :
\v ill : be *lisp;)s,cd'ol lt v.v r ;ir!:' ' j
| - 1 THuS. MK.I’KIAjY.
. Dp .You ,Wdnt> Employmeri^r
llargs proms. . Staid tor
circulav, containing , 1 ull inStaiianoiS
.Address <’lK'U, Fi)\V’l) SIAVifcB. sv 1 "
'! : ni.ivi!*i. ■ ■ a i. . ‘_ 3&1 ‘William Si... >.V V' ’
• J. Ifc -V1!
•, .rzOjtitX . in. Gjn :, WU&fns: Otpu -e. j' '; ;
' NOIVTII . §fi>i Oi;THE mAMCpStfT:•*
' P*;. •iap3f ' 62'
‘Sx Ciaf’J ;V
Third , P«m’a
- [,• a , ■'! - * '
' : * rir 'M-. .KERR, Prop^
' 7 -
l\\VftOl)-^-R!~STORkTiVK : ;COI;DIAI'
U Wood Renovator' life gelffi|ne arti
istrie ai Ibc Drug Store! of ' \
TcttiOi ;
i nn<
Jllli l .’ wi
v ■ ■_
i t
jv .n J
:»1:: ;i'
• ' r -£"*2-k