BEAVER BHUG STORE, Opened in the Room fonnterfy Oc '* capied by the late Di. Minis. THE* Subscriber having purchased the Es tablishment will endeavor* to* keep con ; siuntlv on hand all articles usually found in , Drug Stores. , j ; | : lieing a Physician and Druggist, the public may rely on bis. keeping the PUREST and / REST DRUGS;. | •;■*. . A variety of other articles will also be found r in bis,.e3tablisbtnent: i. Ted. -Extract of \ Coffee, Basin', i Soqg; | Fancy- Soaps < Port Monies, Combs. U ALL ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET. SPOOL COTTON. LEAD P'ENCILS, NEEDLES, STEEL PENS, HAlii, , a i iUSir ES. TOOTH BE USHES, ■ v TpBACCO. SEOAES, LET *i TEir. NOTE. & FOOLS- / CAP PA PEE. 1 Carbon Oil . Lamps . and Chimneys. These arc a’few of the articles, and only a few always imliamL Call and see. i lie wiUtry, by close attention and fair! dealing, tO-> give satisfaction to all who mijy | favor him with their custom, ; c; P. CUMMINS, Me D. iv Bgk.Particular attention will'be paid to up Physicians prescriptions. ■ [augUT Notice in the Orphans’Court. Beaver County, 'gs: IX■ J i>s U*' Court, ioaud forjljcaver couuiy; bclore the’ Hon. *l)anio! : !Agncw. .1 and his Associate Judges $f • ’said I‘ourt. lu the inaircr di the petition oi'.Arch ibald Joiitistoti, AdminUtiator ol.the,estate of Ma y Alexander, dec d. lor decree of Bptcific -porao.nianee o* couliac; with. *Uil- iia? conicrrnccio.i/.JiJLKuiftin ical Ic-rtare situate ;n LiptwcU Kui.>bljy Leader cci;n*3*, i’a.‘ ; ■■ _-J'_ ■ . ! ' j Xvtiv, to u*it: June Cd.-ISoA the Court grant |n ;ule o<i ti.c lobs and 40l .Mary A:ex.mder. ucc (1. to shew cause why ppic.tlc• jeriormnticc ol contract. nKtm Aichibani Gilmore ioyjLc.c’oiivcysnce of rciil'e»u»«e sl cuiu noi be made. i ’ .Sepuiiihor a.'ialt, i.ulc comlnitcd. rnd returnable on the second Monday ol November Lilt.’ ' ' A truc'cdpy. J '• Attest: A. 6.- M’CISEARTj/Crk. • oc3;S. • ■*• *. '-j ■ ;* : NOTICE IS hereby given tlio Account orf. TO COUN K. :Asii S hcc /.W m ■ .vsc-kailcy. „l«r the benefit -<>i l,:is i ■ - U'ten.vxlu.kited audfil.'d ;n i:;y office, and laaj i -- the 3iiue,\rill be- aiSonvJ'.r.y the I'oaVt on ! I;ii>r- JTliO-.sulist'nbc second|>J «Adry «!■ November iiest7 \jD. ISHS; i Osgina.l's &M ; <i unites cause then hcstuwn-« vsaist; .tie coafir4,|«H*s. TJa s. -.A i laatiou ■•'.»■ ■ “ . - I V' v’ ..." *. r ij- A«- -nVriiri .Arithmetic, ni ocB. . .MiGiIAEL WtVAND, I’rotli r. !, , , r ■ i ; • - i lilos, &c._> les-lati lln tlxc Court of Common Plcn^of Rearer'Co.V; - Conunorciiil lu the mailer of the .account of R.p. l>!aiik I’imks. li*! crt?«, Lsi(, assignee of Thomas. McKlhlcj.' lor :I n,i IloMers. Cr the yC'Uoat of creditors: ' i T ‘ ;r, j, • iv j .And non-, so Wit, Scp’t IS. the .Court ‘ , T ‘ I ■*'. 1 ’ { $ Rule to show* cautfe the Assignee/f I'&lUft.. CU&(.*oU-i biiouhi not be discharged his trust siiut UL*I cioiSraia-tion of Ills account, anil payment ofWllie city. ! any balance in this Lands; .and order' notice lo I;, . feb'lS be given by. publication in tb c Beaver Argus according to Rule. ' 1 REAVER CotXTY, ?s: k'. l Mtmu: ■ I . MICHAEL WEY.i.N’D, ocS—3t 1 y Prothonoturv asroTioE. njUFK CP-partnership heretofore existing uh- JL Jer the'name and slylcAif A. -Di Gilliland. New Briglitoii._engaged jn the business of merchandise, iras duly di-Milved on the JUih day of April; ISU2.. The Books will he settled al the store ,of Jf. Gilliland. All persons knowing fhemselvesindebted to the late firm, will please call* and settle immediately, /as (he Books will be closed without delay..' y 1 ' A. I). fiII.LJLAND, .1 M._ GJKWLAMU, N'OTrci':. ;, ;l A LL I'i'.JISONS baling business with the J\_ l subscriber , will please call with Sir. hobert fa II oh, who is duly ;f nth 'I r; zf ‘ to aI - leinl'to all business during my absence. Also aii persons having unsettled account'* will call and make seulemcnra.i soon as possible. As it has beeoineimy duty to leave ..home for the purpose of sefrfkg tnv country. I hope customers will still give tlieir patronage as .twual, as they, will find Mr. Tallon at the shoe shop and my 'son, James, tit the' tan-vard l ly, ‘-- ’• ' JOIIX D. .STOKES. - 1 . j* H. Cr.V.YI HAM, ATTORNEY AT LAW. - Umn in ben. Wilsotte Office. . XOilTllj .SIDE of THE. DIAMOND,' jBKAVER, pa. :[ap30,02 IMsssolittibn. THE Eo-partnership heretoforecasting uni denhc name and style of MEonnkli. & .u.,ui.y(;us, Failstdn, engaged in 1 lie Foundry Ahicoine business, was duly tlissolved on ta.i oil day of June. WO2.- The' hoots of the -ale- turn-will be settled by IK HarnjghA (V> at Hicir cilice in Falls! on., Beaver count v.,Pn.'. w.tore they w;ii continue said business"'in all it.« know ing themselves indebted to rhe late firm will please call and setHe immediately.a BAVIi) M COX.VEI.E >' ft, ivT, mattison HAP.RAGII, 1 nllstenjjeio,- li2» S. H. I>A l« 15j\0 11. ] v' 1 i.sTii.vToi: s :xii r n(.■]•:/• } -til Ll’.S of A dnnnisi ration orijibe cm arc ■,* -.'Jf Col Jiisi:rii 11. Wit*«s, la tc nf tl.c . lrcl ph 1.1 1 o,aVer, 1 carer .Omnl.V. Fcnn-i. ' c u - l ; ;,v11 , •.Inn gMiitcilto ;iei.ii>ier?;cii(.l alt }-crsui» iii.icbitii io i-niti CMatrnVe n< t ur>u lo Jtu.uc }.:iißiQu:ato I’.ivmi-iil. ami tlosc bavins' tie. fame . idem 1 .t-l ti V 1 lpr’sctiknifiit. 1 - aOfIXJI. ’BILSOX, Franklin I p.", ! Adwiuittiattr. ME \ Sti;a.y Move. ■ ■ C.\iiE futile pi.misos of l£c isulifcw.bcr I.»;np ! n big -beaver lownsbip. rfavcr cooiity, on lie evcniifp „f tie of April, it s-jn:.U l.iiy Marc, aimed >'3 x ears' old. .-.1., J . saddle mails. ort'lin.V lox:gli in,. fl'l 1-y “ cut or bi uisc; no oiler nun Is ] or ' c -‘Y«b!c. Jlic- oxx-ney is desired to eotne! lor t waul, prove property pay charges and take her “'henrisealc iriM be disposed of ac ,toi d.ppto law." ’ j 1 i :.'>»<•( 1 $0 JA JIES: K. CALHOUN., , txnerienco.of an invalid. . tor i;j'e ncnclircl:(J :i« a warn JL • *ng aiul a caution to young lacu who Bill t. hitoui >ci rocs licbility. I'rtmature I'ccaj >;Vv s upplying at the same lime the means o! >Vil-t_’iu;e. ' Bygone who cured himsch •aHei- put to great .expense through uu-il nh ll y l f ■mposaionsnd quackery. By enclosings l*»4h p»;d addressed envelopes,' single copies may, .be bad of the, author, NATH VNIEI MAYFAIR. lEsq., Bcdlcrd, Kings Co,. N.V marliOrly. • ■j_i D®.„Y°u Want Employment. , | : OFFER a pleasant business for the Sprinre ' A. and,tiammer, with large profits. Send for jnynew circular, containing lull information, i Address ' GEO. EDW’D SEARS i 181 William-St., JJ. y. • Kerr’s Hotel,^ Tilled. hStr eet, Beaver,Petm’a. S. KEfiJt, Proprietor. S)ROF. WOOD’S RESTORATIVE cordial •od Blood BenoT&tor, tbe genuiixs erti- tsU it tbe Dvog fitore o t. »>*L ; Dk. 0. P. CmilQH^ "VANITY FAIR.” I. ‘‘This is the first really, clever comic and satirical Journal, we have hftdja Ainfiricn— andAealiy clever it is. It is d)oth sharp and good-tempered, afid not afnud to say its soul U its oWn-twhicli show* that it has a bouL tUur rcadefs will be glad to know where they .cin find lun that has something better |in it, j (bun mere . puioi*."—-^tlaniic ■ •‘This paper is4*'cellcnt: . I'• • Remarkable for originality.”—X K Traveller, . , “Vaxity Faih is conducted by a vivacious, witty and intelligent r corpa of Journalists. Lifchtietd°(Qvnn.) Enqiiirtrc ‘ x r ■ “\Vill wield as potent an influence as that of the Loudon Punch."-—JJoitun Traveller, ■' .“Whosoever finds- himself laughing at the, wit of Vasitt Paie, and does’ not return a quid pro quo. is fit for and spoils. m S. Y. Crayoii. ; I SPECIAL NOTICE. ! - The Very marked and flatterin'* success which has thus far attended the i‘publication of ‘•Vaxitv Faib; 0 . Enables the publisher to announce that with the’commencement of the Second-Ablumd, is-’ sued this duy. 3Cth June, New Features^both Litcrhry and*Artistic, willbo introduced, which j will increase the value and interest of the'pa per, and fully maintain the proud positiop unanimously accoided to it, as the leading A. ; ■".■ 1 . GbjUic Journal oe America, j . J ' r I , j! ' ; VANITY FAIR ‘ j? issfrp r.i.r.ii.A ii.v iivkuv rarn^DAT. ! arid is lor Sale hy'ull Ncw>mcn, and at the of Publication, No*lK> Naisau-sU'cei, Nc>v Vo;k. I A i i ! : - ~ ■ • 1 . i 44* - I * l> . :: / SEEMS: . ‘ ■ j; Tbijer dollars pa annum, in advance—r Six cents Single cej v. ] ■ , • A ! TLi/.MS toil CLUES:. ; [: T'.vo copies 01. iV.'igjTT Fa IB will be sent to m otic addiPr-s !0r....... K-o j' r • V:vc topic*.... A. fXI i"IiB .SM'irr.--I—.* ; V ..U...2:» - t An J.xtiu copy wAI he alh.yvcd tJT-iHogeUor ir.p ol eveiy uf net less tlLaxi live copies. XliTs ]':i]'cr riiCftroiTiuju1 numbers may be juccurcd at uuv'tim^.('■ , . i.oris H.i^Tr.riiEN’s, Publisher for *bc Jl*V>kHUs:iu*sl. ' i ; _ , : ' i^|eav-Vi»rU. RY EEALERS. W&Uttirmenj at. Whole S>lle‘ r has .always- on hand se itoa il!!!l>tK-rj. 8iix! (1 11 rti’» lino's ;(!ranVinars, . Bi monts, X. tailor Cap and jt j pallors, Kn vol.opos, Books, Stool I’oiis jpy Books. Slates. Ink. loot Boards, &tn,Ac. tjnt for cash, t'ioods v iveil'd to any jiart of EOBT.S. DAVIS, 73 Wood st., Pittsburgh (AND '‘^TITUTEj ! Bey. R. T, Taylor, A. M., Prin. I S. Traylor, Governess, A* FIKST CLASS SCHOOL FOB THE EDU cation. of Ycjuug Indies. Special care given in the Trimary and Treparatory De ■ partmcnls . j All expenses except Tuition and Washing, per term of fourteen weeks „.... i?US IK) | : Tuition from SoIDO to M). No efforts'spared to make the school worthy . of the confidence yf its patrons, j CSf* Sijnd,lor h Catalogue. ■' 1 - TV« nexCterm coauiifijioeilAxiE. 2(5402. j IVji. MiitjEF., I’liilUC W Uu-Ktrsos, Pitfsb’g 1 3IIEEER & RICKETSOX, WHOLESALE" GROCERS, | *s\> imu*R7i.ns i.? ' w ‘ Brandies, Wines and Segars, • -Vos. 221 4" 223,- Cor. of f.i’.erl’i /«./« . 1 ._ _ ■ riTtriiiuia;. i>a. . , , Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarn, countautlv . join band.; ; [jiujrVi ! GuiOriil Coiuniissibn Merchant I Under i : ii I-lo> r, Oi'<iin, I’ini nil<kinils i <ij Country Produce, Wines Scud ■ j Ldjuorr. Cigars, Tob'tc.-o, dc. \ _ j Office and Warelouse. .No. 237 Soufh 2d stfee i iPliiladelpliia;. ; C4y*liberal advance!* made od consignment* > _ A i «op 28. o WllfON. B. VEtlidr. J.XJIES ••I’ISIXT tiip. jllllHOf l|o,, . PITTSBU S,G-. Ih<re mtr Sl‘/tiy(; STOi 'Kif Ilߥ GOODS; - -j-Lxlni < AVoi*-: cU lv LitVfiH. (HiiilS). BIITSItEG ~ WATIE CUBE. "VT O I \fc<ucy'i».riij:crivm;«lVl)KO lV^VillVlvf- .U n.iauucit < f all lyriiis V.. 1.i.-Vnvrs. r;.yl’is«iiwu.ii in coun lif lusis.-n filiutf lacifiiiis liTr its atituinU luiiMi ii.jir. iKit*. , j ConmK to ter I‘ici tial Ciiuilcrffulrcss ■, l4e. IV. A'.' JIAMJJLETJIJf. _ * r . 1 . i I’jttsburg? I’a, j St erliii g 1-lcmse, TVo.lbJSecond Street (between wooi» ,axi> jueket) >» PITTfSEIHG, PENN’A. BOARDING D\| THE MEAL, DAY QR.WEEK. ' Term* Very 3lodehite. [op CATStI', Pejpppi Saute, Porte Mpnaies.r ■ Boois,Noie and Letter Paper* Envelop Ac.. Ac-at- [ . j. HENRYKS., XTriHTE LEAD, at T T °. j. :. • .. HENRY’S. ■ rTIOBACCO-|-Andcr?6n’s Fine'Cuf, Nature JL Leaf, ’Grant’s, Baltimore Plug, and Cu aim Dry, at . HENRY’S W ILLOW I WARE, Lamps, Shades, and Lamp-Chimneys, at HENRY’S. '■ MAGIC TiiiCK.HAMMEBS, Shoe Brush Blacking, Ini, Castor and Sweet Oil, ■ I 4 :■ HENRY’S. FLAT ORISG, EXTRACTS —Lem on and Va, nilla, Hi. 'j. I • ‘ HENRY’S. BCGG Y, WHIPS, only 25 cents, at. ;%■ I I , . r . : HENRY’S. f |MS AB»~Tcamg Hyatts, FRIENDS AND RELATIVES ortws ~fT BRAVE SOLDIERS ANL HOLLOWAY'S PILLS A.nd Ointmenti r I 4 LL WHOhaveFricndsand BeUtiveslnthe .f J\ Army or Navy, should Uke especial care, ) that they be amply supplied with those Pills ; and Ointment; and where; the bra re Soldiers [ and Sailors hare neglected to provide tbem ; selves with them, no better present can be sent ■ them by their friends." They have been prov [ed to be the■ Soldier’s never-failing friend, in i the hour of need.' | COUGHS AND COLDS AFFECTING TROOPS Will be speedily removed and effectually curcd'by using these admirable medicines,and by paying proper attention to the Directions’ which are attached to each, Pot or Box, j SICK HEADACHES AND WANT OF APPE- TITE INCIDENTAL TO SOLDIERS. These feelings which so sadden us. usv arise from troablc or annoyances, o.bsiru perspiration, or eating and drinking what is unwholesome, thus disturbing the hcall notion of the liver and stomach. These gans must W relieved, if yon desire to he i The Pills, taking according to the printet structiuiis, will quickly a produce a hci action in both Uver and stomach,- and natural consequence a clear head andgoqi petite. ' . . WEAKNESS OR DEBILITY INDUCED • OVER FATIGUE, i : Will soon disappear by the use of. thes i' m-. valuable Pills, and the Soldier will.quicklf acr*| quire additional strength. Never let the bow-I els be either confined.or unduly acted ‘upon. ! It may 'seem >trange Holloway's Pills should be recommended for.'’Dysentery and Plus; many persons supposihgthut they vrould relaxation. This is‘a great inU tnkc, tonhese Pills will correct X\*Sl liver and stomach and t£us remove all the acrid hi mors from' the system. J This medicine will givstonc, and vigor to the whole organic system howev er ueraiiged. while health and strength follow nS u mailer df. course.. Nothing will htojp the relaxuiioifbt* the Rowels so sure *is this!fam ous mediijine. ■ VOLUNTEERS- ATTENTION! INDISCRE TIONS OF YOUTH. I arK(.Clcci% lilotchiugi and Swell can with certainty bo\radically cured i! Pills arc .taken night and morning, an ointment be irceiy used as slated in the [ t , «J.’ r j If treated any other ht*r they dry up in. oiJe part to breakout i other. Whereas this Ointment, will r: the liumors from .the system und leave tJ (lent .a vigorous and healthy man. It wi quire a little .perseverance in bad coses sure a lasting cure. J EOU WOUNDS EITHER OCCASION!! T H E I B AVONET, A) BSAUKE OilTlll LET, SOKES ;OU; BRUISES, To which every Soldier and Sailor arc there are ho medicines so saf<|, sure an 1 venient Us-Holloway’s Pills tlifd ointmen poor wounded and almost dying sufferer have his wounds dressed immediately, would only provide himself . with this 11 less Ointment, which should\bc thrust it wound and smeared all around it, (hen <A with a piece of linen from his khapsac! compressed with a handkerchief. ; i night and morning oor 8 Pills,.to cool tJ Iciu and prevent iuflatnailoir: I Every Soldier's knapsack and Set chest should be'.pTovided with these v Remedies. ■r -•. CAUTION # —None arc genuine unlesj die words ‘‘//o/foicai/,'Xeio York und Lyndon,*" disccrnable ns u water-mark in every leaf of Ihe book uf directions around cach pot or box : the same may be plainly seen by’/loM’ny the Uaf to thi.Jijjht . A handsome reward will "be given to any . one rendering such informa tion as may lead to the detection Of party or parties counterfeiting the medicines or vend ing )he same, knowing them to bo spurious. £***Sold at the Manufactory of Professor Uou.oway, bp Maiden Dane, New York, and by till respectable Dhiggisls* and Dealers in Medicines, throughout civilized wtrld, in boxes at ko cents, 02. cunts and $1 each. There is coztsiderable saving bt‘taking N. 15.—Directions for the guidance of par ionia in every disorder aro affixed .to each box. May* 7. Quarterly Horror of Fashions, , iH7/A Great luprotmaH* and Addition.’, 'f THE-KFJtBKB-'cONTAIxJ . K . FOLK LAKHE * SFFEXhW EAsiHON . .”i,ATES. TEHEE EUFL-Si£eD ‘ FATTEHXE OF VHESSESZ' c.'jai’ltisiNa ti)e , [ French Waist, *n Elegant Sleeve.'and a ' Misses Sacld and a -Siest of New , nii*l . { • DUAID AND HMHKOI.DERIN'O I’ATTERNS, Togetherwilhhiearly UK) Engravings of £ all llie novelties for J g. Summer Bomiets, Cloaks, Trimming's, Children's Dresses, &c., : And -valuable information to Millihcjrs. Dress ■Makers, Mothers, “"and * Indies gcncridlv, pre suming the largest ami best Fash ion‘.Maga tine in the World, published 47.". lir.milwav. N|. : V,, ami sold everywhere at I*s ‘ents, or sent )>y mail, post free, on receipt of the am t' in stamps or silver.,oo with life fot-‘ vjUuaMeijireuiium. ■ ? F.ach yearly subscriber will he enl tiled to a receipt fornhe Selection of AO r ~v—' cip l .eduction of .">() oenlfj wprih nf I'lnin jj:itK‘iu3. from tli't: dcsijtiw iii.shc bonk, or from the;'show room, or they ii ay be or-; <lere'l anil rent by mail any time (l uring (lip j a tr; by paying postaee. ' • Bsa-Splcndid liulurruientr to Can assers, , ••f#*Sb.Sttisimer No. now rpady. i New (J oodss!! I!. Si ll A ,\ (i K M . I HAS just received a“’large assi • SI’I!IXG GOODS, Wmeli u ill lie oil'ereil at I’AXIC Amongst his stock can, nt all time a variety’of DBESS GOODS, MUSLINS, GLO ; . SIEKV, &«., &c:, ■ lUOX|& .STEEL, all- varieties. XAItS by (he pound nr keg. 'WHITE LEAD and VARNISH. 3;\KU. Sl'ElfM. f.IXSEEDicCAU W IXIIOW’ GLASS, nil size**, QUEENSWARE, LOOKIKG-OLA All of which will' be sold low fox Country I’roducc. . Rridgewater, May 7, 1 SOU. BEAVER _ACADEMY. rpms INSTITUTION WILL OPEN ON MOST)AY, ? Ist dat op SEPT EMBER S&~ For •particulars address the Principal ; S B.MERGER, Bjiujar. Pa,; EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. . LETTERS testamentary on the estate of , Oct avia Allison; late of Greene tp., Bea ver <jo., dec’d, having been granted to the un dersigned, all persona indebted to {said estate are requested to make immediate payment,.and those having claim against saidj estate “will present them to ih eubserbers properly au theticated for settlement , j JAMES ALLISON, GreeWtp.; • n B® ■ Executor. i -IVotice. ■. - 4 LL {persons having unsettled account with nie, or Smith & Collins within the last twenty yean, for Carding, 8p lining, &c., will please call at tbeFaUston Woo ten Factory, before the first of October, 1802, and ieltle the sazne hy cash or sot*. V jyl6/oa, j EPtTMI BMTTie ‘ll,li 41“11 Soli is Sisk as - 1 1 • Z • - • , • - - • D SAILORS 3LUE. DEiIOKKST’S IPSOOENTX momii-uLm&i’ieiuHß »bahe ■ MANUFACTORY, NOS. 221 EAST TWENTY-THIRD STREET, 178 & 176 QRAND BTRFET AND 216 : | _l j CENTRE STBEjE. estlbushkb 1888. N. Y. bstabusued.lSSS r|>HIS Establishment has been in successful I j operation for 24 year*,- and is the largest) oflhe kind in the United States. We hare dn‘ hand or manufacture to orderercry description of Looking-glass, Picture and Portrait Frames,' Plain and Ornamental Pier, Wall, Oral & Man tel Glasses, Connecting Cornices, Base.and Bracket Tables, with Marble Slabs,' Toilet Glasses, &c., &c., &c. Moulding? for Picture Frames, in lengths suitable for transportation, either Gilt,) Berling, Rosewood, Oak, Zebra,: Birdseye,.MAhogany, &c. • Our-ncw manufac tory and extensive facilities enable jus to:furn ish any article in oar line an good as- the best, and as cheap as the cheapest.; - i .. Dealers tire invited to call upon us When they visit- Now York. We “Maim to bo ablc to supply to supply them with every arti cle in our line which they can possibly purchase ’ elsewhere.)’ i - '[ ,).:!•■' Orders by mail ■ attended to: Willi promptness. Donot fail to call when you'visit New York. ■= • ; Office £ Warerooms, Xo. 216 Centre St.,'lf; T. HORACE y. SIGLER, Agent. Va 7 y—3 mos. i CAUSE OF " Hu xxi a. xi Mis ery. Jute Published in a Sealed Envelop Priqt 0 lets: . ALECTOAE BY Bb. ' .CUI-VEiaVEBL, US THE CACSE-ANI) OUUtj pi* Spci-iW-; iprrhtcrt, Consumption, Mental and t*jiySical. •BebjUiy, ; NerTou«Jcs5 f j£pjlcp»y; Impaired }vu-'i tritiou of Ihc Body; Lassitude; .Vpakiiitss.! of] the JL.iifiba and the rßaefc ? j Incapacity for study and Labtlr;;!Dulhiets; of 1 Apinehensjrmj'Losrfof Memory; Aversion ioy Society ; Love of Solitude: Timidity V Self- 1 Distrust*; Business; llcadach^, Aticcrions f»t’l the Eye*;TMiiiplcs on the Facie': involuntary Kmissioujs and Sexuallncapacity ;UhejOiinsc qucnces of yoiilhiiil Indiscretion. Ac.. Ac., BgL/TUn tufttnrablo Lecture cl^rly:'proves that tile above enumerated, often scdDahlielcd evils, may be removed without' mcUiipucVand I without Dangerous surpk.d [openttiony, and r rhould be read by every ydutli andleyery. lima \ iu the laud. ' | . i | • Sent under seal, Iq. any addres?*, *!jn a plaint sealed envelope^on lie receipt of six, cents, dr 5, tp ( d postage stamps, by addressingi lings, 1" tlie J tlie pi'int tiian- mnn- imoTO e I’llr ill’rcr o ins 127 Bowcpy t New York.Poat Office r ' : /. '' MARRIAGE. ■ ITS loves sad hates, sorrows ami ! ajngcrs, hopes and fears, regrets and joys; iSjAS-, , HOOD, how lost, bow .restored; the nature,: treatment and radical cure Of speritaaierrhocb or seminal weakness; involuntary I emissions, sexual debility, and impediments to murrjage generally; nervousness, consumption, fits,; mental and physical .incapacity, resulting front SELF-ABUSE—are fully cxplaitlbd ... in th'cr MAKKIAGE GUI BE, by IVM. YOUNG. M. U. This most extraorditniry book should be in the hands of every young; person | cotitctnpiiuing 1 matriage, and every man or wom'nn who de sires to limit the number of their .offspring to their Every pain, Fdisease and, ache incidental to youth, maturity and old age; is fully explained; every particle.,©! knowledge that should be known is here given. It is full of engravings. In fact, it discloseslsccTctsthat every one should know; still it !Is b book tbajl. must bo locked up, and not lie about thehousgi' It will be sent to any one qii the receipt of; .twenty-five cents in specie or'postage stamps. Address Dn. IVm. YotXti,, did! Spruce sh;; above Fourth, Philadelphia. ' 1 .f ■ . £gj"-dp/iqf«/ and Unfortunate , no mat ter what may be your[ disease, jbefore you jplace y'our self under ffesjeare of any of tile [notorious Qi-acks —natijre or foreign—who adverti.-c in this or any other paper, get a popy pf. Ur. Young's book, and read it carefiilly. It will; be the mean’s of saving you' dollar, Hit. YOliStJ can be consuTtcdf’on any of tile diseases described in hik publication,! at his office, 41C Spruce Street, above Fourth!Pbila |Q.Offiee hours frbnilt to 3, dkilyy fjnardii Df‘BY BUL- liable 1 con- Thfc i might if he natch* it o the covered ? Is, and Taking ijhe sys- : j man’s ufuable . r BEAVER | j Female seminary. Rkv. W. W. Lavkui;V, \Fnncipal. ( I,ATE VNIVkU CAiIK or «EV, J. A. ji’cmljU) THIS INSTITUTION fur .of Young Ladies, will open orl Monday, the Ist day of Seateyihcr' neM, • Boarders received! into the family tbc principal. * / - J r iSxpflnscs—ls'*' -d, Light, Fuel. id. T' -jxp^nscs—15<mr<.. uigbt. Fuel, .‘uition, per term of 14 wcei.5..i.....:.....i.„,;...\§4i» pH Tuition ulone. per term, si OH; $0 00 it ST OO according to hianchcs slmliej. Fur further particulars: address the I’niiclpiU. ' j y ' V-augi; 7^pM^TiiAToir§ liiTTKRS cf adndnistralioi upon 1 the cs- J tale of Campbell,flajie of Ureeae township, Heaver county, I‘u.j deed, having been granted io flic mulet'Mgned, all persona knowing thpmselvcs indc|it.ed| to-said estate arc reejuested ,to made 'iuiijj'ediate p.iyjoenf. and'those having L*i.aini3Tagaiti!;t the same will present them pruperlyiaijtheidieatcd for set tlement. . SAMUKf.' XJSi,S».N A j June 25 IStVi. | j|dministcator. AMBBOTYPESII GiOOD. SUIiSTANTIAL,; TIC TUHES con now hfehadjaf the - ■ COU RT-110USE, inJBEAVER. ; ‘« These nre iiot-'xncrc daub*, but war ranted SUPKUIOU to pay that have ever, been made tin UeuYer county, ‘by- any olhorj sirtiat. To \\4 convinced, call andex;.imuc speemiens I 1 * , ilJ rcmaih bill a few weeks. ■ a.. Gallery in the eninc room ocenpjed by me in ]Bi>7, A. GiUK J>J/ Av*rO Photographic 'jAriist* ’ :imcut of J‘KICKS, i, bit found fE3, 110- .croir, coiei «sc‘co., Adveuising hod - ccumussipu .i gems. - , AM) DKALEIIS IN j- PRINTING INKS OF ALL KIN|>S Type, Printing Materials, WRITING AND PRINTING PAPER cAuD.s; &C tox OILS ISES. &c„ Cash, or OFFlCES—Brown’s UuildiuG, Philadelphia; Tribune jUuildings, New York. ' •'{ .- martiOily, '; . , . JOHN B. YOUNG', Att’y 1 at Law, (DISTRICT ATTORNEY.) in the Court House. ■ J • •' ‘ Jai. 20,1862 “The Union, 55 Arch Street above Third, ? PHILADELPHIA, Pa. Upton .S. Newcomer, Prop’r, 1 tm3 Hotel is cehtral. Convenient byPas , senger Railway Cara to all parts of the City, and in every particular adapted to the comfort and wanta df the Travelling Public. TERMS, 81,50 PER DAY. MILO A. AT 6 W NSEN D> .. ■ DEALER ■ ' ; ' ''{ • BOOKS , STA iTIO NBJt Y ■. Wall Pap^r, . TOTS Abb FAHCT . ARTI<jIEB: . ■ a*. NSW BSiaHTON, P*. ’ - ■ . • :,i ■-' 'J. ; ’•> .- i. Oil AS. J. C. KLIX ;J: 'j;4 GHERUY Qw PECTORAL, J® ■ TOE THE RAPID CDEE dr j ; ~' Cold*. Conabs, akd- , ;|V''H**«»«»»e*s.' ± ; . IT ■'B*n«mi», Mm,2o»h D«c, ' ■ Dm.J.a AT*a:ldonojtbe«itatetosay ti* best remedy I have ever found for . •-* Cooghs, Uoaresnw. Inflaenia,' and iht 1 couconitant ijaptoin>»(if»OoW>|*yoqf • " Ossa*! Piotokal . Its eoMUbti.aat.fat . my practice tod my foully for (far kit • ten yws baa afaowo it (o poeeeeil leqpf ' . ■ rior virtue* for (be treatment of these Aft oozpplaints. EBBS KNIQUT, tf, 1 " • -~9~T : • T A.B. MORTLKY. Ebq^oTUtiet, K. T n writes: “I bare seed your Acforol myself tad In my family •ver sluce you invented it, tod believe It Ibe beslznedieta* for ita purpose ever pat out. • With a bed cold II should sootier pay twwutydkedollar* for a bottle (baa ido'wittwut It, or tabs toy otherremedj.” ; l .ij • * t H - Crosp, Whoopfnr Consh, Inflaeam. : ‘ ...'I. 1 7HBM. BxomssATia: I will cheerfully certify yoor Actors! la the teat remedy we pom for the cure of whooping ooogbt the chest diseases of children. Woof yoor. fraternity Id the Booth appreciate yoor skill, and eoemmndjoer medicine to burlpeople. . t . . uuax ooieKLnr.if.o.; AMOB LEE; Eso, writes, 3d Jfaiti, ISM: **l had a. tediooa Infioenza, cotid/iied melin, door* six weeks; tpok may maUddea without relief; Sadly tried your Amoral by the advise of oof clergyman.. ' The ftnt ooseyeiieved the Soreness tin my throat and longa t ■ kae than' eae half the bottle (bade me completely wqIL .Year medicine* are the cheapest aa well as the best wo can boy, and we esteem too. Doctor, and yoor remedies, as tbs poor sun’s friend. 0 -..|- v h ; Asthma or Pkthtaic,aDd Bronchitis.' : .Witr JU.vcttsrisa,PA.* Feb. 4; lSdfo : Sat Yoor Cherry Jkdortd marvellous; : ernes in this section. 1 It has relieved seven! from fdarp*-! log symptoms of consumption/and is now curing attain ~ who has labored ooder an . affection of iNe lungs for the last forty yean. 11EN1CY.L. PARKS, Merchant? ?|| A. A.BAMBEY, M. D„ Ajufoir, Mo.yaoi Co., lovrih; writes,' Sept. 3,18 M: u Puriogniy practice of maoy.vears; I.have'JUmd nothing to yinir Cherry Aefortzl for r givingeaseaml relief to consumptive patieQU, 6r curing such a* are curibls.” . ’ -j|. \] -.J' - .We add-volumes ofjflridenre, hnttfaemost Ajb 1* wincing proofof.the vfrtuesof this remedy Is fou&l in Its' . affects upon trial. : '\ '• j' : . . '.i: '! V. Consumption. : . t r.i- Probably no one remedy Itjjis ever been known vrldcb cured so many such dnugrromi cases as this. Subie ’ no bvinmn aid can reach ; but even to thorn the Gierrjf ibcbwul affords relief end totifort ; ( f Aeros llocse. New YohK CiTT.i&larrh S. 18A6J , pocroa Arcx. Lnweu: I f|el It a duty and a pWure^ I toinfotmy«>u CAerry ' { wifiC' Shr hsd I*et'o five months I.ifwiriiiir under the <hin*'. /.genniorsyuiptuiHH of m. from, which-no M>l ire ! hur murbjrcllef. Sliu was striuliiv fcUl» until Dr. otniuic. Of this Biy. whcn* jr« for } advice, ncytuoiended a trialj>f your medicine. W« blees . his we do yuorfckill; f|»ir she has rerovWed U. frum that day. Shells ootiyet aspirutigas*l»e uretllo \ t«V bht isTrtH’ froui her cough, and calls berself wtlL , Yours with gratitude ami regard, i!> i [ OUUMH) BU£Uty, or Siumiut; • Qmtumplirttt do not despair till yon luive tried Ates’s Cbskrt PccTOSAt- tt Is made by one of the'bwt medical . chemists lb tbe world, and Us Com all around us taafaiak 1 tbe Ugh meiits of Its virtu*. l --i7iaarfe(|rfiMr LnJgtr, < Ayer’s Catiartic Pills.; THE edeneea of ChemUtry ahd Medidue lisve l«en'i|- Uxetj their utmost Id (trodacs this perfret 1 ; porgutive*which is known to man. 'lnbnmanble prdofo ; are shown that these Puto imre vlrtuee which surpass ln : t. exedtebee the cadinary Uutt imri 1 'I precedentedly upon th«,e*teem of ali men. They sreisa/el, tad pleasant to {take, hat |*iweiibl to cave. Their p*ne- ; trattng properties stimulate (he vital activltlesof tbe Ipdy/j remove the ohstnxetion* of its orgniis, purify the ; and expel disease. Tbeypdrgeoptthefotilhuiuorswhich; ] C Dreed and grow distemper, stimulate sluggish or t ■| dendpriguuiflto their oaturai action, sud Impart healthy | tone; with strength to’ whole syslemi Not only do J ,fi (hey core the every-day complaints of every body, but ,-i \l also formidable and dangerous disnsee, that have baffled ]\ , ' tha best 'of human sXiIL 5 While tiiey produce powerful effects, they are at the same time, InMimiuished doses, the j safest and best phytic thktj can be employed for children; I' Being sugar-coated, they are pleasant to take; y purelyyegetable, are free |rom any risk of barm. Cores |- bave been made which so|pMa belief Were they.not sub; .i staatlated by men of suchUxalted j»ofltion and. character | as to forbid the suspicion of ut truth. Many, entioeht clergymen and it (heir nstnes to wrtify . to the public Um reUabilitj of my ; remsdkSywhne others hav£ sent me the assurance of jthelr couvictiuo that my Preparations contribute immensely 10 the relief of xuy . afflicted,sufferingfelloTT-meD, | j ■\‘ .*’ ‘ ! ] ' The Agent below ls pleased to fornisb gratis my American Almanac, containing directions for their use and ]-1 . certificates of -their cone, fpf tire following Costiveness, BUioos ComplainU, -Rh'eumatlsni, Dropsy, | Eeartbnrn, Headache arising from a foal atomsefafliaa* ses, ladigestiob, Morbid ljbactk>n F of. tbe Bowels and Pain . i-. arising therefrom; Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, all Ulcer- I ous and.CaUneons Diseases which require so evaebant i medkine, Bcrofbla or Kink’s KvlL They slso, by purify ing the blood and stimoUUng the system. Cure many ! feea>*Jak's!)feW4 Nervous Irritability, DerfLpgemeots of the Liver and KSd- • oeys, Ount; and other kioUred complaints, arising frma a ; low slate of the body or obstruction of Us funcnona.^ Do not be pat off by dealers with soqw | ] other plll they make'more profit on. .Ask for Ain’s ’ • PuxsJ.Mod take -nothings else. No other they can.gire ; ■* you eomparee with this ip its intrinsic value or enrati^ ’ powers. The sick want itho best, aid there 2s forthem, ; ’ and they should I » , f_ t ' Prepared byJDr.' J. C r AYEB, tod GtMmUtvXaWu, Htts. ; Fuat lis Cni m |Boi.; Fiti Bout really ' j ' r. SOLO BY . ; . , ror|s«t* toy .Mima, ;jr.V Bsoyet: IS Cy»K9, llocUktcr; AVdjrponcr; & Lo»ny,, : Pr<e J; ls|ui;u; J.j .^nrgenl,i'New Uriplifnn, John, It|nck, llun t-in & Edgar, Fnlls|on,snd I j-(dealers ewry wHem- : 1 I . Feh- V^ t 'K2.' ■ CIIITTENDEiNI’S i)' r i PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL. I ' v OOX-»Xj!EjC3-iE3, . / N. £. comer of 7th &Chestnut St., . .- ; > phil-abbumua/im.i ).■ i rj-’IHS Insjtit ution, {wliicli \vTiftj e’slnblislied in| | 1 I'iind'y consequently in t cj! eijjlliiecnib.fjear ofi its cxikteneftj nunilic;j iimutig its tire niost suc-- Merchants apd Business Men ofutir Country.! - * r ■' ■ • < 1 " ' • ' - } Ijhe object of t be Institution is solely' td nf-, « ftircl joiing men facilities for thorough prepa- j; ration for business’, jj,; . ' . Tlibbranches iajught arc, Book-keeping, aa i applicable to the various dejurtmentiTof tityde; both t|ilain amlf ornamental |- Commerjeiar Law, Navigation, Civi| | K|iginet*nng;r |])rawij|g, jPboimgrai)lry, v and'Moderu'languages. t .1 ‘ { fffic system of iupiructinn isVpdruliiir;;/-no|j claHsbs or set lessons,arc madcupeofj lurt;each*j student is tnfiglit individually, so-Hint iic| m|a-y'j com'merico at any tii|ie v and attend at \yhi : tev- ; or hours arc most convenient. ;■ ‘ J : j, •Catalogues arc issued annually*'afrerf the]? loth of April, containing iiamcsofiibo r- .. ui April, ug ii- ........ ;V' ilcritM lor the yean, Jul| particulars; 1 of .' terms, ftc., WndJinajl he obtained at 'any it itao ’ by addressing the J'iin,(j;ipal. /j I-f In .c.xicnscre:Accojnn(odatibns, ,Wjitc-sjir’cad !i, reputation, aadlhe lengthy clipcHoucc ul (lie S.S rrinuijial, this Institution .offers faei|itics.:,ru perior to any other pi the country, for .ypUcg men! Wishing toprepare 'for j business; 'ariff, to ■obtain at the same time a! niruntA, which; jvill y prove a recommendation for'tlicraio any Mcr-' j cantilc House. •jl j-. j ’ SQf CIitTTENnESj* Series- of Treatises bn 'f. Book-Keeping, now more widely circulated ■ tlidii any Other .work on (ho subject, arc , for sale at the College.*. : .•■; ■; j • S.-HODGES CKITT;EIsDEN,, |j MttOTne;i-al-Lav>, ■ I'i I,■ , I,' 1 ||:J 'l' ■;.*! ' . k; \v3Nr<Siio^, ; / ; W Thp accounts and subscriptions to The Argus for 1 1860 and IBUJ, which havonot been settled up, atrwoll as the, accounts of M. Weyand, Mi & J: Weyand-, and, Weyand and Henry, Arc hr ray for settlement;; All who are indebted to either! of-these - for subscription!, advertisement or job f work, will plea&o , call on me at the ■■■ Treasurer’s-oijneE, Manyofthcseca counts are 6flo|igBtandingaiid should , bo settled. ( ■ 4'. )• V'Jj SAMUEL DAVENPORT. ■■ mm ai|u^^xtca : m -I ESTABLISHMENT^,'4 v|' ' BROADWAY, KljW • BRIGHTON, PA. r ’Four Boon batoai I*r. Sargent’» Drag flt<*o.* ii 'l M ".‘.■-•■I ■- i:T ’V' ‘ 7. ■ ’Vi 1 - '\ T' V : 'f•• , (THX OKIODtAI* ONLY TRUE AHD maTClinC} . •; ■. fi rtr U Tun m Staple Ur ■ ‘ ] LIVER COmPLAIHT -vAOT AIX BIUOPS DISEASES. / The ordinary evidences! of Ilia. ,ease jof.the Liver are I*alß and 'tenderness in tho ; region of the ' Lircrysometimes dnll and aching, increased pressure, pain. and ' Coeasiness in Brtathlng, Paio in | > V iho' right Shoulder* uneasiness ; when lying upon jtho left aide, ' y increased size of tpe Liver, Short . ' and Dry Cough, disordered stem- : jaob, pansea,- Yellowish -Tinge on :: . the eyes and skinj Headache, yol-.-; ■ lowish fur on the tongue. Bitter- .! Tsh taste in the mouth, heavy, : ' dnll sensation in the Brain, Dc- i-*' j pression of almost,to Insauily, slight Peter toward evening, Loss of Appetite*. : Melancholy, withmoroser.css and ' I Hypochondria,*^Qralgta,•dull ness, a general fooling of I'neasi- , n6ss, ff f Langnor, drowsiness, the patient conscious of samo'hing f - . wrong in - hiiaseff, and disposed ;L jtdf see nothing right ’’in- things about hlth,yet wholly unable' to explain) the cause of hit) tcc- ; ihany,others easily ;! detected by reseinbliihcea to; ■ ’ some one or other cf the above. ; Tha Livcr HU will almost cor , tatnlyafrcst the disease if taken ■ ; upon the appears nice of the above i ; Syipptonia, which if, allowed to ■ take its course, becomes chronic ;; in its nature and almost iuctu ratjilo, producing ;? stantly increasing RuSVicj.. * The uat- of tbiS-TDsjiciua willneithor . e-eato a now direaae nor ccia.licateian ' ; extitiuj one, but, in. mostj 6»,0 s'W.iil ; prepa- e thofiystemibr the mire viperfe s : - remedies oi the physician, ahculd it be - pecessaryto cs.l in bis aid, ! as Jk' gjpui.l neaiaxs I SELLERS’ LIVER PILLS j . j ' ABE lEVAX.UA BLE.- l|; too Cfi Cents, SetLEfiS’ I Fna A. Coahins, Dnurdit, 8. Bend, Ind.' ■■ ■ .Df. S. Owtr.T. —Drar •Sjc—lri rer'ly to yiiir •; .favor of tlie-lSth inatnot, I wotild.sHv that th*} Kale of Seller** Medicines ,l»ai fur exceeded, my cxjk-cta tlon«; and in no casn hare they failed to prvduco f t thodrMred effect. Thp Coo ah fiynip .U e. core | for cobghf, <s<!*. /jc„ arid the; chespoet* of the Article :■ places it ’wit Ida the reach of ail, S«blch,, top-tlier ■- . with Its-efficackmfl qu&lUfrs, renders it :r . favorite. Not al day passe* without call* : lor u Via one tblotf ncedfoV* at this season Of; the : year. vfr. Sellers" OoaghSyrap.. ; - J iI- . ' . , ■ j . 1 1 ; AciK^cpsHisa.' ■ YERWIFUCeL;'' From ih« Rer. S. Wnkffleld, fanner Pftetor _4 ofthc Liberty Street M. IS. Church. -> Mr 1L E. It i» from hWhfoof<Wy. aa ' with grralsjlc'asqro. that 1 frsi r t*aimiony to'. thejrinnp of Justly celebrated Vcnnifijge. I ( pibcotiHi a single bo(ilo.|flD>l gave it to throoof raj cbtalrvn, wlw had been ill for sevCrul weetis I The'• eldest vu seTrrj years old. tho next four, and the -• youngest eighteen mom Its. The.first flfly aix wormv the second forty-seven. and Lno thlnlt a nnaiU r, not distinctly rocoll.'ctrd.' . Since then they, hare been doing wt-U, and are now In! good health. _ 8. WAKEHEUX ; : . Price 25 Cents. ■ ' 'j PBEPAHKD ASD SOID v R.E. SELLERS & CO. - :\ PITTSBPnr.iI, PA. : |V I I■ ' • . ' li ■ I "J ■ I • : . ■: |‘^LEBiS| . PA S I j ' 'j f.' \ ' •i_ - j ■ ■ J Ji_ I Erqry rear Ihousandj of ChiHres die • jUfOtt ttis ton iblq evil, ut.sWn 1 limir ( JtiiiUy ilcuuly calls VT.tfhfu’.iirM .1 and fer jkic'ftVr r*. re i - ;. t'<t vlrcHi>u t .r£ f/jejrem»r dj. Tlio swfipijjj: oj p 8itl« n*rf jr.nny I'ljj'Slrkinj 1:0 vtna ir.c*iiciib;a is. I*4 a iiansun*. ; by|,tl.c immv of ihu I # ▼*ra,i i ti f csi ar.ij ,tl;c fositivo cf iiunt f; of tVio, d - Won: CunffcCi'’ t‘ Wcni> t CaniHv«, ’ I4Vl 4 V r/iii Tf.£c. /Ji7u : ■ /ci/.v.- fir-' os kiirmfm ay i'mj are tr-ej;:rir)lt. T!JI l ' - xcx.\t IT 't: f niv,. ?Co! tr.ou <hi;*alVs«i -. alt I -uaitlur, will lln.a sjliJ* tins U.Vcf-liW ■ ■ cMd. 1 \ . \r ; J ,LE T PHYS ICIAKsi SPEAt*. iiKKi: iy Tiii; S’otJ-n. ri\.T-c. IT. is- - ". [• ♦■l’VT'- 17; S .it -V« nr \ ft'a.i.urfc :»« o c ilrlui* t‘,Hn m«y I *-vm-r.S 'il. l.ulilMu:? i' s' Isyivo*v«s«'la*. Xy ’.Ts-tlv v.*ai Mir* ati-M pitu (ItM Vcnnl.n? K'tliv ihionuoifc •' ‘jur.iit.ijr i» w./ #,ar l.ut.ifrd y:t ruj/ tcv* p'/a.-nt ,'i Jr* rhijil. tlmt up fur. 1 i UvU-a* v.vl;Qoa:iy hi iJw ra^]if*>ilio lK t, if : 11 j ■ i.Vi ,■ l,l .! ■ T"*/nf.f-t AfrMji c |« || • A!1 niat l n>l 10-ivc U lt-'.«UuL»i iii r.iM finally, i>u jix . •• -I . rl Wiv* '• n. r. wiLsox. M. d/.I ; Pin' T,». Tct 4. * ,ii'. V, T.Trt.:ru ii i-fmy Ib'o for tho !;;*t tuiirrr. J;vo-v»i»ra I * Link- it <!,> . tiJ'iliy ihoiUtt n'M|«hitioti of Uio kit rt. l-W’-c' liorv!oror«'jw'd .Ilte-i.v.p:iraliou of Hkv i/tiicr Juauuiacturtr*. VbUiVi«>*p<ctfttN*; 1 : :• i -j - touui, I mljljt enumerate hundreds of olher nSr*. 1 i It uecrwiirv. but Sellers’ Vttroiifasu taislacd" j faniUynna^iiUv Uc fcr mortfWim aqaefitt ofa CSutury, «hfe£. oj | SflK> S* foiitlnslra of iittniiriutfti), aevtit at ' : the ctrtaintjfot Us effect. ! ’ ?l ..-vi • Koticr.—-V.xtmoidiniirjr of -1 ftni tpd&unto rocbmiriendalnd seUwiierVer ndtnjrei. !J)o not lot aiipriaefjilid p,„ n ‘paJtn of any ot thtao on you. Tlio /<xt >t a „ y £ tiecieaptil' tliorefoio-aak furSeller*’ Vennlfcro, «u>4 laVg n/nUJter. : | • j •* 1 1 ; t ;.I*rico,-«S Cents; HumU),ATO SOLD DT R. E, SELLERS &( •; * . Pitigßcnon, pju TUt 1 n * War * 'or of £zuhnmation agaimi t j)„j 7““.’ * ■ *4<i ’JiT'Cth, J)%a u 4 (iZj *' ■ f-l - I \Tgoihacf.e,sTlarach:, / . j j ; ! Neuralgia. OCR ARTtI.I.KRy |g Dim B. lIUUD’si --i, , A COMPLETE SET iOT ÜBHEDIEs rni-: I*-' Till! j : fy< n -J V»e Breath ami a-sd' tfii : / .‘ ?, :, -i 'I. ... urmg Toothache and ■■ ■('/' -! f roN.;r:xTs. 'Jr. nurd’ll Celebrated MOUTH ini err lie. '. ■ ■ .. ! - " |( ‘W l) r- Mlurdi Unequalled T/JOTH /‘ootn* ?\hoz.i. ; I ' | * l)r. Ifnrdt JtttytT TOOTH AC//}/ lillOP't ; ifr. j/ur-r, cysivALUn Her 4 i(r,. ‘LAST Ell. . r-r (I . J)r. Hurd<l .VAXCAL in inf '/{ft' '• ww the Ttflh, inrtudinj l/,\-„ ;.l M f c Vrnn-i' Trrfj'n'ir ft rfOluur-r.'r Tf-i!, j- " T , CU-aning V • TOOTH PICKS, etc., fie. . -V : •'•“ti. - Pvepnrcd a‘f DA Ilmi’s ficutal Oif„ --F Fojsrili-St., -iJrookjyn. (E..;D.) : £ol[[i I ; «r-Ster|Si : . ] \ f®“':TliC' J>m!al IWisuArmatvs a ifilst inches h}, five,nr.u Is v. 'feS”" FuU 'fhrtrtinnr for v/r r r r e'pfh < r.:?' [The fellon-mi-ariicles vie can -pud W" ly/liy rt>rii!j viz”: J - ■.. : ‘ \ 4 Tl.-c Treatise on Ttrlh rrir pi![i(i, on' receipt of TWr.ivi: or’ 1 '" a Pips, : 4- V ■ * The ArVro.’yrV* '-/’totjer, far Rice, Xcirous Headache. $). -I ' pi at pa'i.l, on receipt of £ii;n.c.:t »t t ,i , I 'I- < ' . " f The Xfiiralpa Mif* Efavjaas r ;: v +_ 9'.«). foi-’raina in the f !•*!,, Shpif,.;,.-- \ j.cA'frilu; oi:-r£ Wipt ox 1 :ur:y-tevcn cm ,47 - . '■ '• • -| ' v'V " . rrjf. A jhjruD: c.\ TriCunr CVVW. IVi ■ ! f **• - t f ? Dr. Uunr.*3ro.vrim-Mff.-Ffiorii u<r -iT.O.OTTIAC/fK'bsw; c , n - , lE s?„ ;nt,.hy mil, !,»:■ t Hey can-fr.,[.C uneJ at your'Dre; or Periodical. / ipy •• ■c.iimot,- >crt<V. vto us Wttu • .’it '■llE-ASniV, Trice, 0:«E .Doi£w.,- isas ihcm 1 ’iio h;s: evidences t> L st'i..-T :;: t k : ,;, c j r tVleads an.l b :.h ; y,-.-. - used thcrS U.iigtsv r /Jfciyt an eminent i.'entisi iji 7* ia ...,jj- ' c { ii.o Now 'i n ; (' iy.nle .\.-. ’<■ , [, n, -ahfcsc prsiaval;ou.s h.'ivr- t.sui..:i jjkV.j'.ii. !-_aie. jfTa,cisc'.‘ ter.#«arsr hi.u ii.„'ia .a ' d. Ijf uoUlvu !ov u dhaii-'-;.:- jt-.- : -tecilcncc,. n;in!e, cmii.Kii -i . yu,-. ■ f,\; "ork,recomnicad'i'i! -o :• vf .;j.- he profession, V.’ithou! t v » *„ • 1 jng, dealers i.ave sold tiicui ki : . !ih.’i f‘V> c arc happy-fo Jflioiv rh.-il' our' ]i: ;c;..:r ! r. Kurd, is succeeding heyoiuT all. U‘ii ! h i:is MOIT.I M AS. :[fimd■ i'-i, [•! i ; ev.. j i ’ I'lie great; secret oj sueriusileais frith- the tac-t l'm! fits r*p'.'r ■■ eirl'2l' I f/.cyare rfjimeiHa! loftr,' ,l3 ire 1 •«« Kcci/i Yrcn l/r.r !,■;:/uyc." . . ( A-;' \ Tlie well known P. T. Barnnm wrjf.■ ‘I. I fpuijU yoip TOOTiI P(,t\VDJ-JK spgooJ/liia! mj iamiJy use*} ic all up. j We jutd it vm U:i pO'Cii*-Fjyj ueihjv: u.ive'livn- used. A eWl\ jocl pMi<ro(i if y 01T wiM send m/d-plyfiH plyfiH the MuseunPat. your convenience/ v/ilis bu|. J * I, t r / '-. v .• ■'* _ , | but their cost is so small .that ctery one rest . test the matter for'Mm sell, •". • : }\ .iy.lvavtf tooth ''Vowcm.\ Tootli: Pdfeder. contain!’n-' orrid?/ nor.alkaii, iidr cLarcpal, mW/cu, wearing the. onani.e:. i Use no oiher. . ' WHAT WJLIs . UKMEIdrS -.y- KHPI;CT? j": -j ' . ; . - A \ - fDx.;ffurd‘s SouthftyasL ana Tixaii.'V&wuer will give yodn+. ladre/ ilin; cu\:.. :i:'wr. man— p<eal4* l \vcu. T:v 1 ihenu hulics. ! • ..“>■* . •’ » I>l*.’Uunl's MoU]liij\V:Uii and sborh I ivill cleanse the uimhh from all ion! -wL's't lions, and if used in The morning,’ will'ir.u’ie * mid-the -m- i>Vg;n* more plcasahtiy v ' ■ |ldndreds l * o’f- in' testify .to this, s Try them. c.nuieimhV.' •/ br; Hurd's Moula and* fowder : . a're.lhe the best preparations ini he w-»Wd • for j curing l-nd hfenth' and’ giving, nrcifK-M . ah<i i liunltb to ‘the gum.?. - IJuhdro'l* '-W cask's of ■ j Diffused. "UUe*ding it urns, C'^r/.^r, etc., have; been cured by Drl Hurds inring ■ cut wash.i, ■■' v „ •\ • ■•■ ■ and' give aft iadditional charm to co.urf^; 1 . and makeJiu^bandj.more to their husband?. They aUc,U;U’.tC used by every person having ■-1 [■ :. r i ART/ A L TEETH. : : :y jvvhicli are .liable io Impai t atainUotuemcr;* I }. ■ ;Dr.J illurd’s Toot hache Droops euro .'* ;• hc^e-Arising from exposed- nervesr au I ,p.\c o ■-* best friends that parents can have hi -j\ 5,%-cif to saye ijteir children ft-om M.rMire i!ei*y selvesVrozn loss of sleep and. s?mp crin|. j’ , V, ,'■ v \ . : ' ,-r '' I F.irtacljs and mechanics.! you : 'v,, ■ fjord Ip'npglect your teeth; I- or 1 * tr j i.f.; ' st.t s youieau,. now get 1 preset ■.‘Tivos, tHn ! '.w;[;.i I Kolh'schUd ;or, Ask.;- can g-.t nofn; Vi tlViiti. Ucmeir.bc .'that D:r r '., ’ Con*'j ■ the lAinjs often originatpjb su-giect oj /'i V-i -'■Send for Ui? Trcc-iee ni.-TechSi. ■. i ‘;v- ir. . |( Fitch s observations on this;- s\ibJe4;H.v if ion jl late to arrest decays in your own tcefi;. »«■ your children'* teeii;.‘ irEUii:Aj.GiJi u.t. * Neuralgia Non AdSVsi-f" l'!,ar. : ■ nisf pleasant ami stteemM r«m&ioijev,.v;i .cd tor- ibis paint til - disease; TiW ,n-.: 1 ; f plies one, soon} becomes drowsy, (.I'’?' s and awakes, free from paXu, and y. j !r sir other, unpleasant or eimscWarte s In.-’ sue. Yo:R\ira:hr and-A’e/-eJi(: If ’ii I'l' ply according^o directions. ,'aa;l* relict yfl surely follow. Nothing' can bo olitiii’e;. c'.Lal; .Itobr. 11 mjd's. Compress tor Neural ,:. . V-j ( them. s'ney afe'en:freiy a novc!, e : ioas aa-i I original and .w-on-levU.'. . ful. .They. are of two sizes,' oai Va face, price 10/cents, and tiio » r application to the bajly. pr.c.>':j7 corns; pa* he united on ricept nfprtce and mi: i.a.ip. • what ahn fiik v&yi’LS 'u.y:w The American people) are intelligent ca iaeite appreciate preparations that c jnir.bares iriu’ii to happiness of, those using 'them; iiad ;; .‘ .wont tiicra. IKviii’y mail brings u - ic.! :>■ - ordering the Jicatise on Teeth, sonic lit ralgia Tlasters, eiieiiisiiiyi-N;* | for the MoutiJWasa- to bsseat • by: maiv ** j,ioi,h&a we arc/con|i)oriod to repty ff-it a'-* to scnd'ii iialf pint boiifei iiy B: ‘ ; i Tab'people want those ftemedies. ■" bf 0 supp':j'thend ' ■ o ;l ';, J - Nowls tho'-'f .. CHANCE FOP. AGENTS SlifewU agents c.i i ill tko a small fottanP'- 1 carrying tliesa artio es ardundto Bcptal Treasury is |up neatest ajapip . ;• man or ivoinun tjan paw - y: arouaUti' ticitt 11"; y one am] sec, or, bettor, a dofenr ivhioJT?' 1 .will sell, as sain pics', for S 7, , Agents s(*tP? e ; , f liberally with circulars, 'Cv3n° Xo.r is tip •>“ -( to to go into-jljio business, todogood.amitr** I a profit.'•! \V.p.are spending thdusapds/ci' I.^ 1 .^ | benefit of (agents. Xtj>v-:Knglaud tnen or • ; | n>en!! herp is something nice, and a chin' 9 take the tide at its flood.' Address, ~ . , IVM. B. HUTTO & Co.o ■ - 1 Tribune JBuildihgd. »'T >f~.. , That remittances may be : made w‘t“ p -r. dlnpo, W. B. 11. & Co., refer “to the Brooklyn; to ». W.'GriSfith. President £rs’and Citizens Bank, Brooklyn: toVoy. *° p - T - ***"* 1 2 10, 3 ■ i". ■ s ' : Eine VI r :‘orii-c
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