GEEMANTOWIT TELEGEAPH.]! fioo,ooo g AGESTS I V; TO-SExi r ’■ I ij Lloyd’s 2Tcw Sled Hat# .Comity: Colored 1 ■ _. f - :-\Mnp'ofithe. United Stales, ’’-S. CHOICE I4ITERA-.I7KE,j- • 'Catfadas, and JS r tw Jiransioick, .. - r .f-TunrN'i ■ 1 Fromjrcccat'surveys, completed Aug, 10, •, -* 1 1802; 'rcoßt §20,000 to jt, and ontj I < Pofitry, Novelettes, J Superior to any $lO map crcr made by Col-! „nn : (T (Vn-P\T'i’|jn , r ,ty or W> tclicl '- <*“<? sells at the lbw.prlco of Af GP ATj AAt I * ■‘A Ir,l\ 1 AIA -, Fifty. Coots;. SiO.'-SJO. ntaacs : are engraved on , -READING GEN EIIALLY. 1 lujs-map. ( e - ' V ' •r )■.■' s —. ' .' w - i- I f ls not only ia County'iaap, but itia alsou sin-tbe-I-itcriry Department we shall pre-j - COUNTY £ IJ AXLHO AD 31A P ' et-uvthc choicest varieties wulun the reach of. , T i 0 ‘ v,- ’ *. ' i . . . fcwua. Tbc Xovclestds. Tales, • '“ c b *■ - moftc.g.Tmg Ac.-; Cu.!il be supplied from the best ■ Uc ->' bt&tien.anddtslauccs between, ta’i bi.Vucsl sout ocs, and be etjual-to'anything t Guarantee any woman optnanl $3 to $5 per U, be'buna in iav journal of tua-gaziue.' ■ i : day, addi trill take Itsitk all mafri'thst cannot ‘ ‘ I ' VI be solipaid retbnif the money. ' i -T 1 j Send lor $1 worth So try. .; ~ - A §t' 1C blit AFC and xtorticulturs, Printed bow to canvass well, " I furnished trll onr agents. .* -. EMBU.ACING \\ anted—-Wholesale Agents for btr maps' |rr every State, California; Canada, England, pcr.Tiinq,Gardening. Fruit-Raising, 4.0, I France and Cuba; A fortune may be made, . *>" I with a.fow hundred dollars I "capital. Ku enfn /n all their tranches, as conducted on. the latest 'peiiil&n. • J F. U0td,.164 Broadway, N. Y.‘ and most approval rystan. -■ 1 ) The War Department uses oar map of*Virr ; ginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania, cost SUK),- iUOO, bn i which! iaymarked Antictam Creek. Sharpsburg, Maryland" Hiphtg, Williamsport Fcrjy. Bhorersville, Noland’s Ford, and all others cq the Potomac, and 1 every other place - in tlie abjove named States, or money refunded. ■ .LLOVD’S TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP OF . KENTUCKY, OHIO, INDIANA, and ILL:, at the only authority for Goii. Uosecmns'and the' Waif. Department. Money refunded " any one finding an error. in it. X L j From Aug. 2**--' ■ *. : ‘MAovb’s map or Virginia, MARTi.AND-Aifn ; Pi::>nsy lyania. —-Tlie map is very large; its ! cdst Is ihni-25 cents, and it is the hpsl which ten \ be pvrctjifrfi.^ f Lloi/d'i Greet Map of (hr Mississippi River.— Fium Actual. Surveys by Cnpts. llart.aiid Wm' Down. Mississippi Diver Pilots, 1 of St*. Louis, Mo., shofws'-s plantation and owner’s frdm Sr. Loaia to. the 6ulf of Mexico— miles—every sand-bar, island, town, binding, and,all places 20 miles back from the river—colored in counties and States, • Price, in sbeeti?. . S*2, pocket form, and $2,51) on l‘m?n,'with rollers^. KcadyScptJ2o, , e A,/<- y"/ ir'in.■ uf, M~a*hhfjinu, Srpl. 10,18(12. .•hT: Lloyd—Sir; Send me y<*ur Map of the- Mississippi with price per hundred Copies. Uear-Adrairal Charles 11. Davis, com manding the Mississippi, squadron, is author ised to purchasers many as arc required fo- U9c of that squadron,.. GIDKON WELLS, Secretary oT the Navy. A an Agricultural Journal, ■ i>£VOTED TO Onr labors in jthi? department for oyer thir t vours. hHve wcrtlifi cordial approbation of lie. itiifpurpdFC liasJbcen,to furnish*, •-c*ui :;n-« reUdble\ Information Upon these ' ;i;r t *oiiaii; bnuichcs of industry,, and to’ ' id"fsir‘as within our power £‘7, doctrines and selfish purpos i:;c j!.:nv empires and sensaiion-adycn :’uivr= l'‘' i , -uhh the Farmer is incessantly as «uiL*ti. portion of the OnTunuoirn TtU '„r,:u-iH al.»nc he worth,the whole price'of «jl»scrip::*.*n.’ as every. Farmer and Gardener* xvlo has a proper conception of his calling, will readily admit. ’ . ’ ’ . tiie V- : NEWS DEPARTMENT; iudu*trr. care, and ■ilsor‘:uhra:iori > .1: tiiv.Surnag-KveutSr ; :!'.o iV:V.' cxj‘rc--r;y iV-r this rapor, u-hscli- Lovu one of irs Tini Ko*! fouiurc* '^lvvn ?o v u!i’vor?al .<ai:ssaQwMii. he cc.i’.iii’ic l -vv'.tiv redouble*! cii-jVii io .moot the ii lie t * _'<i o; aa:iu> fi h c public.. The labor jhi« urpaituic-at fully a |»-;.. t-rJ»vr:ri hV the reader. -IJ ha iui f Mi. -l*n seni- the c«h;dc:;tcd and care m;. appears, a ■•• I iijftf-i* of all the nnj|t>!njere.>nii£ ;he vook, without:. iu> Giving iuucli* and judgment. - ai.'i 'c 1 >]:v \v'o ujin»*x t-I:c Cush irr:::s,'l u T.*c beg Vv.o ♦■» tlie attention of ah wlio thA; of L Advance £ash Terms.-. Oho e»-py, one vcy.% one ltlircc rrth .'. .f ; threp copies.'oiic yc:n ’ ; I-';vo O pies. One Year, ■££,*»;; Ten Copies, (‘javVcort £35,00; Ty\juy ? Copies, One Year, Subscription,’not paid .within the vear. 9 'tH&Ki .A €lub of five siib«e.viber. j . nt £B. will cr.r:ij.« t]»c.person petting it .up to a copy ./or .six months;, a Club/of ten or more, to a .copy for ohe'vcar. All (vn'li.siibsrnpti'-us “topped ftt .iiio oid of jibe tiinl&pui'd for. unless rc-or tiered,. • ’ • • CC\.;No order will receive attention'unless accomplished jvitirtke cash. ‘ * :PliiWP R. FRKASi" . . fditcr and Pronrictor. Grrmcnton n y I?at / ’jd\- r :‘hi-i , Ocf. 22, *b2. I7ET7 EHIGHTOtf EETSEAT. aN asylum for the RECEP TION- CURE AND TREAT- - IiIENT OF MENTAL f AiiIEMATION OR DISORDER. T scn:i-Anmi2llr; wldcUds at the present on-gold, to aboutLlGi*T PKK-CLNT. ; I‘i-K = | . • 1 I«■ 1 ' and :;i;y Tiioaov to, rh’ould liiioivv'atid rerWinLcr th-ir thirty I.onus arc. in tllut. a MniPRIA<!(K i;i-iiii all.iUal-. .1an; , .i.%'R fcaoul-s .h-ccuritios. , , ‘ ;pn i the innaonio products el! all the Manure nr*-ni- :n,s; opcu"%r the-recc-p- , tjros,-Kc.Aifcic.. in the cottnVrv; and the full £ : ion, treatinviu lu-u rr n- :il jl ample Vppvi.-ion made lor the- of >./ of jviisCiilrViiu arc laWiiu: under intenett and. lidulnntiou.of ptunmpul, liy. u olLt;’ and l/illes. Lxoij-c tind - ;,i r.le uNoum*. W e^ihake.special nientJoitf.of , ilavenue, Jervcs to make fiiese llonds'tlie' • * ■ JS2f -S£ ] -'i- 'committed to our pnblii.- Asylums, to be; ; ui the itf. trailed ' for -disordered m?nds, are reduced to | Subscript jjiis received in Legal Ten i-\t lamentable couditiou through | previous ; Nopes.-or notes and checks of hanks at O'ilier Nervous and-Chronic ;%iseSses. r <jii iror^Es. ’■IX'O'i.rSIVKLY^ -ic-al l»j a well Yiuietl .lull ju«li- ; par iii I'biladelpliia. Subscribers by mail will ireHtifient of ojiromc and nerv-Mis <lis- revolve prompr latmi; ami every facility '.•v?;, ;ill■ physical disorders, in il:c daujonty raipl will be aif/rdcif on appdca : fas?? may be remove.! ; ami dm? ihomiiid, \ tiT.;rut lids otiScc. ..!• ■ guiTcfod. ibc medium of lUc , t -iyi will . when ‘-free from the- exciting for iuiiaediaie de l cause., off the shsicklc^tliat:. ; r JAV C L- ’d'-und'jt .rn'u-tirsf than midnight- drvHshc**. y ; —’-4 ; —. r.y y.v-*"* -n will, onrc mor.e. .resume i's : s?;vay, j ; NOTICE ": V i;'f i'riminve btnjiiy aud Wonted-.’ -|- S hereby [given' -.that-[the account ■of r'-iife. l.leuce Fhc necessity ol jiliyhosc, ; U. I>. KoblWs, Esq , Assignee of Tlreiims sietj.-.r.hg. utfd<sr llic pieuispustiig or, McKinley.- for-fhe benefit ;of creditors, ’has calculate*! tu *beto'. vm-’. h C( .,. exhibited and filed in tar office, -and tjfat •41 t.,c u:n lid resort 19 :srt v r clu b j the vriil be allowed by I tlie Court on the remedial; *?<-«•«. J. , j.. i ,. < sm.i : Mont!ay of November nest, A. D. 18(52, l!T,.;iuiio!i i* a large brickj budJjng unless cause-then bctl.oivu against the confir -8»»( oat-ament—four .stories .high and : m .„ i■a,.j . ■ * T ve.niUie.ij--, It is • ijllciiAUL WEtUjID, I’rotb’iv ■ ’;ind wuiCii connuanas r a.ew of entire- . . 1 . •, v 4 . -(■■•« 4 and a.lgllWlng j- j„ th 6 Court of Common ricas trf Beaver. Co.: ,ah ol whiclj arc calculated lu pro-; j n t k e matter of the account of 1U P. Bob vorab.e impressions w.n tuc o.#ordcr-, * m .. 8a.,,’, assignee of Thomas MpKinlqy. Toy '■J; 1,1 , . .-i 1 • . ~ a, like benefit of creditors: r* 1 • ' TVJnsyiution is complete mad ofTUs ap- ■ Aud uo „., to wit S{ ,. /t jfc; ]8( ;o, (lle Court : euatenrs. Having btrpn tastefully fitted op ; nillt i U u ] u to s i l()W y a i lse Why -the Assignee jtpomt expense, id order that u may meet j t ] lollW Dlll be f&m hfi .trust uoon ■ ,i; i|iouationau'i vi?»» ol toe must tasiidi- -. confirmation of bis account, and payment* of. • , “ y,4, ! ftuv'bulancc iu his hands: uud order notice to , ••.e.vT.ter closets, and batamg apparatus hu^;ve „ bv publication in: th(J Heaver Argus' - oeen gotten Up upon the most approved ae*o.i-diii'. to llulc. -Tii scientific principles.;. TVs j depart meat : . J'.e.vvkh CuBSTy. sst - ' . ■ e-t mil . only the ordHiar.v' !?at’os but,: A ,( or , t: MICtfAEL WET AND, - j-i-t ] ae.bca;e,l. wann a.r aud aiming, „ c s_t!t ' rrotl.dnotarv.' . ‘• i lending fur the inure ciKv:u.:i •_ : j ■ .-■» *- ::| h i.;t*ces«ful treat meal of cutaneous and, 7 1 , • - \ \\y t-t g.leave to say to all those who may be : Co-partnership heretofore existing nn ■■'l' -t:d 10 cioiiimii the intpresrs of :» dear natm* and ?tylc of A. P. Gilliland, "ss^loe* ui^;diitighfor. to cur charge—mav CV| * r o:i2"pcd in the business of Wired that no meims or niorcliatiui.-e, duty dissolved on the Udh is wauriiig on our part to-ameliorate their*. AprU. The Boohs \vill be settled r - luluiojj f.r to oS'cct a restoration to tliclr ue«- store of M. OHlilarxd. All, persons -tiled health and vigor of mind. / knowing tin ip selves, indebted to the late firm, 1 »r further particulars send for a pjrcular. ! please call aid settle immediately, as the -h. c-jHimunicaiions should be addressed to. | Looks will be closed without delay. - r K. KKNDKICKrM. D. { ' A. D.HSIbLTLAXD, • Supt. of Xcw Brighton Uetreat i - M. GILLILAND, / v Bright on ! Keir Briglstch:Moylti, Üblh ( * . - ' AI)JIIN ISTRATOH’S NOTICE. LL I’EKSONS having business with the 1 KTrichs of.Admini*tratiou on the estate * ' vi . U ,P| ea * e .; C “V p“* I ■> Tf N ComrxKV, l.uc of the her- ! , Ku 'f f 1 Gallon, who m July autbonted to «t -r-‘?h c.fTir.rliugtnn, Heaver fouiitv, renn*»:: 10 » M us, ? e « ? onn ßfr absence. -Also *?.<*■ been cmn.ed to the uu-lersigued having unsettled accounts wdl call f 1! Per'ons'in.iebted to said estate are re.ptcst- .“f n £, ,tUl ' E f '**?** A* >•> made imi'ie,liat e .paVmenf, and thoichUbi- “ lia ’my duty to leave .home for the ag .y..T the same v.-ill present ibem I'nrposoKof scrv'ing, my ’ country, 2 hope lay pron..‘rlv f*. 0,. a r ■.«»'* ' » • customer* will stall sivc then* -patronage as JOHKtT, O;Ui;TNrY j’ usn . al » os lbe > find Mr. Tullou at the shoe aorl2 . k ‘ . . fr . ’ j shop and my soh, James, at the fan-yard. j ' Admimstrator. | 18 , ; jr. ; . JOHN H. STOKES. ■«;i« fills' i 2 1 2 Stray. Confessions u. Experience of an Invalid. PCIiUSIIEti lor tne Benefit and as a warn ing and a caution, fo young men who suf ferfrom Nervous Debility,- I’rcnmllxre Decay kc.. supplying at the same lime-the means'ol Self-Cure. Ky :ofle who has cured hhnseh after being j.ut to great eipeuso through med.- icaiitr.position and quackery. By 'enclosing a Sq, Pc „ i, "" post-paid addressed envelopes, single copies ■i, a ~ Ro ?. ln ’'j r . ot °- & Oamble*., G.rl maybe bad of the author, NATIIAXIEt ■ *.d i MAVFAXBr Esq., Bedford; Kings Co., X; Y. O.VME ’o the premises of the subscriber. V in f hippewa tp., Hl.out* the Ist of July,' I 'hue Heifer. ,2 years, old. The owner is '^uesicd -t° enthe forward, I prore property, Sfi take her nway; otherwise she h di*pow*<i of "According tolaw. •' i -m.. TIIOS. MKISLEY. \ \fiice of J \ ((H UP., SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, /At JAY COOKE &. CO.. "Bankers, Ul> SOUTH THIRD STILEETi ' Philadelphia, Nov. 1,1502. T[ J;K.•■ undersigned, having.been appointed fSUDSraurnoS AtJJiNT hythc Secreta riat the Treasury,'.is now' prepared* to fur-' oiiJje, the j it 'iverjy Year 0" per. ctJSumh. . n;’ the United States, designated as ‘‘Flto- * .'Twenties.** redeemable at the pleasure, of the*? , .(jitvc;'i»|nem’j »ucr live ytitrs, and authorized i - bv Act-of Congress, .approvodU’dbiuary 23;’! : . ‘ V ” . i line t(/LTuN T»O>.T)S ard isiucd'in sums of; s3*>. ‘Slgu idoiJ; SiUHJ- ' ,i < rU'Le fIIXUSTijIL3iO2tDS ip •sums of so'J ! : s6drv ifl*»;A) and S3UdU. ? , ’ -* I ‘lnterest at Six; per cent, per annun\ will commence from dale of] purchase, aud^tT PAYABLE IN GOLD, A full supply /I Ronds will- be kept onhand k liv»rry, OOKK, SubEcriptioti^Yguut* _ -Quarterly Statement. • i /\F THY[BANK OF BKAVJJB -COUNTY '' ■ *Xlw Aug. Of Ifciil. . ;• ~ u.unuriEq. ! ;r- : i- i; f, CajUhllSfoct paid Circulation..i/S&i'W DiseoUht ExCliange smi . CI line Ooposi tim. i.i69,«i 8,1 ( j 54963 Tpui......J .... M :„.,.„5i20;n7,0c fr . j! IXSOCECtS. • I Notesand Bills Discounted, .....$53,01 * 50 Loan to.ComiaonwcaUh.........s,ofio 00 U. S. TreastrryNotes, (7 3-Utper ct)„.4,iS_ r )0 of) line from Banks..... -25,045.47 Notes «nd Cliijclss of oilier Banks.. lSJ.BC‘Bt)i Coin in \Vn!C.i„....; 12,8(5tif5 Furniture and Office Fixtures....... r 1,95 ft 05 CmrcntE5pen^ea................... .485 87. Total. 9(| BEAVEEXJpUKTY ss: Before me, anotary public, in'judder, said Count jr, cSme ‘EdWarti Hoops, Cashier of tbe Bank of Beaver-County'; who being duly affirmed according to law, de; poseththat tbe aboVe statement is correct ant true, according to the, best of-bis fcnowlodgi and belief. j EIfWAIU) HOOPS. I Affirmed and | subscribedbefore me this fill day of Aug, 1862, JJiO. CCTUBBUSOX, ■ .1 ‘ Notary Public. | Hoops, j deputy A ; j Register’s JSTofice. AtL persons interested *in’ the following Administration and Guardian Accounts, which have been passed and filed in the Re gisters office, .of Heaver County, I’a., will take notice ,that the same will be presented to the' Orphans’ Court, to be held at Beaver, on Wko xkkday, 12th or November, 1802, for confir mation and allowance; The-final accbuiit (Real estate) of Davie) M'CulHstcr, deling Executor of the la|t will of Wn», .yCaliistcr dec’ll. The iinal account of John Kwing, Kpq., Ad-* ministrator bl* the estate of Janic^.lYhuehUl,; doc'd. ' -i j. •• The final accounts aiid (Personal) of John M'Cullough Administrator of the estate of Andrew Knox, doc d . s | 1 The final accounts-(Beal affd Personal)‘bl Shafer, Administration of the eslute'ol William Shafer, dee d.' The final account of Alexander Nickle, Ad ministrator of the estate of June! Ilogc dec’d. ■ The second ami final account of David Gra ham, surviving Eictutor of the last will of William Nelson, dec’d. i The partial account of Wm. Puff, Executor) of the last will of John Duff, dee d. ! ,The final accounts (Ueql and Personal) of ,P/ L. Grim, acting Administrator of Henry! Small, dec ? d. 1 -■ ■The Guardian account of JoiinesJMarts,Guar dian of Janies Berry, minor sop of C Luries Berry, dto'd. -V f; XUc Guardian, account of James, irons. Esq.,-Guardian of,Mary J. Youug, formerly Mary J. Marks,! minor /laughter of Tames Marks, ■ deo'd; " 1 " A. R. MOORE, , Register. Heaver, Oct. 8, *62 I IST OF LETTER j remaining ih the I l a., Gt th f 3jt’C2: Ann , Lrubaktr Joseph iliUismau J* 15,*.. ’ IJandecu Amy Campion Matilda ; • Clarke John U Carr Hart Dctridge Mrs J' ■ DarmL K li • Fraser J • nprron Miss Eliza* llamutou Miss MA Harris Joseph Ita.U .X Dan agii, ; Hare Miss Murih i Huston M C L Etona Airs J 11 Jackson Thomas /S Johnston-Johu j Johnson-Miss ’ii«& Kuhn'lsaac ' A 1 cCatfUft. JLkhLftUp.. ... . Versons calling for 1 will please say they un |T, IS UNCALLED FOR, L*ost Offic© at Rochester iMTlain Prestin IJ Alaloy Thomas ; Meany,-Jolm'L. Murray James Marsh Hubert* May John Null Uriah Paine Aliss Nancy 'Stillwell Miss Mury Seely' Oils ;’ - Smith Mrs Rosetta jSteii£4;i* Veter i-SliephcTtlVeler Stout Vuliaer 15 Touisoji Guriy » Wray J A VVilley .Miss Isabella Wiae John L V»’r»incr Lotnd Wilson MrsG.M. Wilson George ?ttcrs in the obovC list, 5 advertised. '1 M. TAVLOii, P. MJ ) «S% I?XOALLKI> FOR, Post ot£cc at Reaver C. i;2. ’ ; L . * { IST or LKT.TKK I j in lh« ] 11.' IV.j- Sept, otth, lsi Arbacklc Jnfhtß . m Avhr.eklc .Maggie j 1 Raid win .Gassy >j Campbell Joiepu 'Ciir. pr.cfi Martf j CliaiiiiolV John -v i-Mur .Jolm li Kby Julgi HaHveK.Minnie j •*- Higgins l . Murgarct - 1 f II logins • William L {Marshal migh • ‘ Marutia''i’hcieaaaa jNevin Angie -i yNclson Kate f‘ jScoit Rebecca t ■jStirodcs William ' Smith 1» G 1 Melhh Martin Welsh 1!F i-Wilson MaryE .Versons calling for letters in tb&abovc List trill please say they advertised. 1 - M.J.'ANDERSON, P.,M. JE£y"Orncc Hours: From 7-A.'3l. I ill 0 V. M. PHOCEHSTJX liU6KlXli-G.L\SS &mm r BABE MANUFACTORY, K§s.t22l EAST TWENTY-THIRD STREET, .-•T 17u & 170 GRAND STREET AND 216 * V- CENTRE STRWE. ■ I r.STABLISiIKD,IB.SB. N. ,Y. KST.4BM.snSD 1&S8 fruiis Establishment has been in successful ■ j .operation I’m- 24 years, and is the jiurgest f)i tlie kind in the United States. We have on Hand or manufacture toor'dercvcrydesenptiou of. Looking-glass? Piet ure’and Portrait Frames, Plain and Ornamental Pier, Wall, Oval & Man tel Glasses, Connecting Cornices, Rase and bracket Tables, with Marble Slabs. - Toilet ■ Glasses," &ce; &c.; ice. ’Mouldings fur Picture i Frames, in lengths suitable forjrunsportalion, i'cithcr Gilt, F>crling. Rosewood, Oak, Zebra, !IH ill-rye, Mahogany, ?- c. -(jhir new manufac tory and-extensive.facilities'’enable us to furn ish any article in our line a? good as the best, and as cheap as the cheapest. Dealers are invited to call upon us IVben they visit'New York. We clnim to Be abic tw supply to supply them with every arti cle in our line which they can possibly purchase elsewhere!' ; • . ' Orders, by mail attended to with promptness. Do not fait to call when you visit New York. , Office J- I Tartroomt, No. 215 Centre St., N. ’T. * j HORACE Y. SIGLER, Agent. Mat y—B mos. A Rare Chance for a Good Investment, FOR SALE, STOCK AND FIXTURES OF -JBTORE; in a good Location, with a largo rim of custom; situate twithih 13 miles of Pittsburg. Just in time for Fall and Winter Trade Stock low at present; no unsalable Goods. Terms easy! For a man of limited capital, no better cliandc could be offeied.— Store and dwelling house for said or Address.vß. L.” Allegheny City, Pa., giving real name, aad stating whore am interview can bo held. " ' Oct. 16. Do You Want Employment. I OFFER a pleasant business for the Sprinrg and Summer, with large profits. ( Send for rpynew circular, containing full information. 1) Address > GEO. EDW’D SEARS, piar-JC.. 181 William St., N. T. . Kerr’s Hotel, Third Street, Bcaver;P<tn’a. S. KERR, Proprietor. 1 GOOD Crushed and Drown Sugar* for sale Sara «T ' \ •«*. . . «. r. mumm _ unworn :v - store, Opened mtHe Eoorii foimerly^Oc wpiedbyt& ij THE Subscriber Eh-; (ablisbmcnt ; will endeavor, to .keep . eon«, stanfly onhand all articles usually found in Dnjg Stores.; ' . i i . " v 'V: Being a Physician and Drttggist, the public may rely on bis Seeping tile PUREST and |bkst dkUcs. -v(;«v / ; r. ■■■/■;■/ !A variety of otter articles ill also be lound I in bis establishment: • ; H j jTVa* Extract of Coffee\ itmh &}«/>,.j ! Fahey. Soaps; Pori Monies, Combi. ' | ALL ARTICLES FOB |tHE TOILET. 'SPOOL COTTON, LEAL PENCILS, NEEDLES, STEEL PENS; IIA LK ! BRUSHES. TOOTH BRUSHES, j TOBACCO. SUGARS. LET TER, NOTE. &• FOOLS- ' L• ■ ■ .-I CAP PAPER. ;■ Carbon Oil Lamps arid t Chimneys . These are s- few of the articles, and only a few always on hand. Call and see; ’ He will try, by close attention and fair' dealing, to] give satisfaction to all who may furor him-witb their custom. C. P. CUMMINS, M, D. BT^.Particular attention’ will ha . paid to putting upT’hysicinns prescriptions. [aug27 . Notice In the Orphans’ Court: t Beaver ; County, iss; . ! " IN the Orphans’ Court, in and,/for Beaver county, before the lloia. Daniel Aghcw, I’rcsidcht, and his Associate Judges of sajid Goilrt. j;ln the matter of tbWpctitioh of. Arcn ibalJ Johnston. Administrator Of the estate pf Mary Alexander, dco’dj, ter decreed" specifc pcrlomnnci of-conlracpwi h ArPhihaliP'tiif mfirc for the conveyance to him of. Certain rgaV estate situate; in| Hopewell township, county, il’ti. f i if \ • ; - • Now.,to wit: Juno 2d, 1802, the Court grant a , rule on the heirs and legal reprhsculutifes’ of/Mary Alexander, dop'd, to shcwjcause why, a decree of j specific performance ot contract' with Archival;! Gilmore iorj the conveyance of sail! real estate should not l)B ; Diado." September 18th, 1802. Rule continued, and returnable on the second Monday of November ' next. / A true copy. Attest- ! ooS;^ A. G. M CHEARY, qi’k. j i Teachers Wanted, \ THE Hoard of School Directors, ofltidepen" < dent School District of Borough Tjowhship, Heaver County Pa., desire to employ two Male and three Female' teachers for the Schools of said District./'Term to commence: about the |first of December next, and continue four imonths. The County Superintendent will at-i tend nt the Court House in Beaver, on Tncrs t’-'V Nov, —'tli, a I 10 o'clock a .n., ! to examine applicants, when and,where all persons intend ing to apply for situations'arc requested to attend, atid ptresent there applications’ to tlie : ituait] ol Directors, vvlio’ will he-present,.! : I'y order of Vhe Hoard, j ,[ ; i i - [i | ” IlesttV iTtCß.Chtec'yi; A DM] STiIATOIIS NOTICE; , i E-i T£iig I 0 f on th?- of TtbKAS JloopEi'|of Greene town ship; ■ |; ( .;:vcr County, Pennhi dec'd haying ■i**’ 1 granted to: the undersigned, all persons: inacb tc< j toisaidicstatcjare requested to make, imnio,i; a ( e payment, and those haying claims ■against the same will present thenl properly! aulheut-’/altd for settlement. : ! v . . JAMES K'ElSOh, HanOvbr Ip, | , nov. r >; ' ' ■ ) Administrator. -, SC OTT HEiOTJS IB | , .15. D. MARlviill, Puop.’b,!' | u I Cor. Irwiii St. «£• Duqncsne Way, : I'” ; ; | Pittsburgh; pa.]' *r jifIKII is oni) of the largest ■ to maintain its well earned reputation, i Its -location, is couvenb-ut toiho-Hridgcsand Hail; specially commends it, to! the traveling public; > . ', f EXECUTOR NOTICE* 1 -CTT^IIE aEAS■: letters tcstamcntarjr- having, ■ been grupted to.the undersigned. nn es tate of Joseph[ McCroady. Sr., deed., late of Greene 1p..: Heaver county, Pa.. 'all knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make payment immediately and those having claims lagaiijst the same will ipresent thcmtoltlio subscriber duly authenti cated for settlement.. JAM!.S Mc'JHHAHI, ocii'2. I 1 ■ Executor. -■ admixlstkatou:S notice. LETTER#' of administration upon the es tate of Axdhkvt Gevss. late of i Ohio township, Beaver county, dec'd, having; beet granted to the | undersigned, all pcys/ina in debted to said estate are request td to make immediate payment, ami those 'having claims against the i same, will present them property authenticated for act lenient. : i i -JOHN SLENTZ, Ohio? Ip'. | Oct. 22 Jf)»l2. Aiuinistratqr. | •ADMIN IST KATOH S NOTICE. -| lETTEUS of administration the estate j. of. llk.nuv Ueki). late of Hopewell Townf ship. Heaver co., deed, having been grantf ed to’the undersigned, all persons -indebted to sat'd estate arc requested to make immediate payment, and those bitting claims against said estate will present ’ them. to. (lie subscribilr properly authenticated for settlement.; i f . . ELIZA KEKU. , THOMAS UEEP. ar>p!7 ‘ Administfiitprg. EXJSGUTOKSV NOTICE. i. WIIEUEAS bitters testamentary on: the estate of. Gio. Bns>-t:u,, late of Sew Brighton, Leaver county, dec'd. having been granted to the /undersigned, all in debted tokaid'estate are requested to.make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them .properly BUtemicatcd for settlement. . 1 -JOHN BOSWELL, BEiVJ BEHISO.V, * June 25,18C2. . ' Exccutbrs. , Dissolution. THE Co-partnership heretofore existing un der the name and style of MCoxxnt.t. & Fallston, engaged in the Foundry 'ami Machine Business, was duly dissolved on the 3d day' of June, 1802.’ ' The boohs of this late firm will be settled by M. Darragh & Co., at'their office in'Fallston; Beaver eonnly. Pa.; where tlicy wijl continue said business in' all its branches., All persona knowing themselves indebted to the late firm will please call. and. settle immediately. DAVID M’OONNBLI*. MATTISON 4 DARRAGH, FalhtonJclO.’Ci* 8. H. DARRAGH. STRAY OOWi /TIaSiE to the premises of the subscriber, %£/ living in Now Sewi'ckley tpl, Beaver Co., Pa., oh the Cth of October! 1802,' a red c6w, with a white face, about oyears old; she had a bell bn, atid two or three slits in the ear; no other imirka visible. The”owner is fcfiucsted to come forward, prove property* pay chirges and,take jier away. . . - >; bc23:3t. . ; A. : p:SjMITII| J PEN-KNIVES, Scissors, Gum -Hair Pins; Purses, Port Monaics, Needles, Twe«icrsj i'cncil-sUarpenera, .Spool Cotton, Thread; Pins, &e., lorisaleat the Drug Store of 1 M ' *Voc22. DB.C. P. CBMMINS. :i T)ROF. WOOD’S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL JF and Blood RenoratorV the 'genuine arti cle-for tile at the Drag Store of ' ■. <fees- j , C. ?, CBMMWB. .} 1 1 Great Cities. r'‘,f —-1 , We.thetjadflraifcnedM»Tora,herebyber- S I Beavw Stafion—'GcH<o;EAr.T. - - «ft[ tout thoDru«aM^A)wthM»rios, | »nd r-Mtii- f>, IBC2.—7>c/ft» PhTdctMtoofo« «arig«l<dtte3 havarigned Uav* JUaver Station to/afoaVr " >; » dwmment of MOTrany ion» Ihrt Aygß’B 7:55 4 ; k. Arrives at Filial rib. fcisi': u. jhu boon, toayt to be i&OS p. : it. '■' ‘ “ ■ ' ' f .5;25 »i 's. ‘ * *«n«dy of great eioeUeno«, «nd worthy 6:50 i>. m. •«' ■< ■ ■, 8:00 Pi mi **** Ppnfliton^ofrthaamhmaftity. ! 1 \* / Goixa West— •' !'■■■;.'■! l •■ ‘ t--t -. 1 -m.i--. J v -i--.- i 7 Traou Uatt PiUtburyh at folio** : "> jVJ COOK, J . G:10 A.' M.j. I Arrives at Leaver,......7:25*; 4!' . ] Mayor of LOWELL, MAflfl. : 4:W "“’: ; J.KMccuilpwWf AiBIH BiißDj I ~ 'ffijPi- lin v ' | Mayor of PITTSBCKG. FT. WAYNE &JCHICAOO:B. P- 1 ' Rochester Station-G-o-xo East., M '»HOW. .TOHW ABBOTT;- -, /: : ‘,j ; . MV- I' i Leaves f.'ocliciitar Arr. itl’iilk! ■'| ;fi. Ist Brigk-n Worn. Grin) a: i...:..; 'm. j HOW. IA. EL BUBLOOK, “ '• C:jls A. a...;.. 8:10 , [jj .. I Mayor of WOBOEBTBB, MASS. 'Alliance . ** • 8:45 a. • ! > 11-.. =-v i • - * ,V I ;• ■ Ist Erigh’ii 44 -V12:34 p, .jx 2:10 p, .it.- ’ ! 2d Brigli’n 1 ** 2:15 'j| ■ /Mayor.of.B ATjTSWTp MASS* ■l' 12-so'r t"" v i S P. W/LmcblW # Jr.,! * eiiisci HOW WM. M. HODMtAW, j,' : ' Leaves Pitts. Arr. at Rochester.,) Ml Mayor of FBOVXDSHOB, B. I. Istßrigh'u Accom. 8:50 a. Ui..:...10:25 aJ m. 1 Ar , H^. L v,U J -,r.M " •• 2d Brjgli’n “ , 11:50 a. 1 :^. si, ■ HOW.; AMOS W.l PHKJi rIOE, r- Alliance •• 3:00 p. K. '1:55 P.r si'. ). J! | Mayor of KOBWXOH, OOB3T. ilsllirlgh’n ** - '1:30 p, 5i,...'..1 6:01 f\ m l . tt/vvo’ •T w tta tspra i *. ■ 2W BrliViJ •• • 6:20 p. i.*J 8:00' p.< si. , "iSSSSSKJiUr siin,' 8 v f 7 : 10 i-i’M a&SSIv 1j- ■ CON*. Ist Espriis,. - 1:00 a. 5i';....! 2:10 A. M. HOW. CELAS. S. E.ODIEE, i 1 ' 2d Express,. -12:50 p. W....... 2;0(« r. ; iu | 'M . Mayor ofMOBTBRAX. O. B. AUG. itRADLEji', Slip!.,■■£■'. ti-) I : jj mr ■ w ... i.. -■'■ i : '" : - J_ _ ■ 1 ; HOW; D. F. TTEMAWWa . j | 1 I , Mayorof NEW TOEKiCETT. i HOW. H. M. KHTSTEEY, I j, ■: . ■':'■■■ Mayo* of HAMItTOIT, O. W. HOW ADAM WILSOH, 4; ■ i ; ■ Mayor of TOBOHTO, aW. HOW. B. M. BISHOP, ; f Mayor ofiOINOINKATI, OHIO. i ■;i ' vl _ ' -. ' Notice in the Orphans’ Court; i-V ; . •.! j* I ' . L The following appraisements, under the, I'Acl-ofi Assembly of Ijic 1-iihKof April, ISol. i of property allowed to die retained OW-:or children of a decedent! to the.y.alue of SiiiKl tinvp been filed in tfic'office of the Clerk of the Orphans’ Court of-Bfcavcr Cobut.yr to . , 1 I’ f! ■■ i .. '• ! ■• 1 | ' , , ■ . . Personal; property to; Dnjrmnt of 19380 20, by widow Of lienry Heed, l| l,c ' of Hopewell tp.,;dec.'d.( ’liliia Heed; and; Xhomajs,-Kbcil Adm’fs,. ■ ;ij.. .' j I I'; >,l • Personal'propcrty to amount of $2OB So. by widow of John- Torrcnc?, dc’c’d. 1 Jlory Torrence, AdmV. The amount t 6 Sltj 27 persohalprorperty elected tp be reiaiuedby thb widow of Michael liambo, late' of Uaccooon iouuthip,' deceased; Jacobi'ronk, Ksq., Adm’r., J '| j Notuje is hereby given to <sl creditors; beijrs legatees, and alii others interest ed in jthc abofe, to appear atjNdvbntbcr Tein’i, next, [of said Court, and not jlatelr than Wed nesday the third day i>f ptlic r term, being, iiie •>2tb day of the, month, to_ show cause, if. any ; they have, against the fiual[ coufirmatioh of the ab.ovo appraisements. . | A. G. M’CKEARY,.CI’k. ’ Beaver, Pa., Oct. loth ■ , ■ .-il .. ■ ! j. £•-' - - I■l '• , ; Notice ;; --V ;i i , -i. • -1 „ -L | ; - ... •n- IS hereby giVen tint .1 bayie been appointed 2 as. Surgeon by Dcnsioln Depart iiiant, Jo examine wounded and invalid ; Soldiers, .dis cliarjrcd.fhmi the service; tljat .my ■ Authority extends to* any County, St|te : or -'l‘erntory: aiidtbut I am non* reody to enter upon the discharge of my duties. | - ’. v ; • j. v ; jcTEOitGE McfpOXdd.—it. Kxamiaiiig.Sur^odn.^ : KO LLOC K’S. ; . 3D aiidelioii Coffee. THIS preparation, made f|ujuthe best .'Coffee; is recommended by physicians] os a superior NCMJTIODS . oval l>ebility, Dyspepsia aiidlull .idlUpus diijor-,1 dels, i Thousands, who buVe *cojnpt-Hcd to] abandon the ute pi' coffee, \v|ll usd tins .VritbL ] put injurious; effects. One can contains, thp • strength* pf lWo : pounds ordinary’: coffcel . Video cents. ‘ .' *\ . ■:• ( ; i , [kvU'Qcics ■ ' :,lv known,' POIVDKII ( 1-Crcadj.and Cakes.! Price 15'cents,. ‘ ■ | t [ ; Manufactured-by _ -• .jf ■•; * ] t :v M. 1 H. KOLLOCdi, Chemist,, >i '• Corner of Hiuad and fhatlnt i streets, J ;• ■ | , ’ . PIIiLAIiELPHIA, ; And sold, by all Druggists tujii Grocers. t y , j. _• mav26, ._ ' ■ . ■ - ,'j P " . THE F P : .1- ; ,ii! satheday koeotg post. .. I ■ The‘best .Family Xeb'spapcr in 11 .' X’A. ’ And the only l)cn',Oeiatic |Laidn Sheet . ijt ' - rittslturg: \ ■J. ESTABLttiHEI) JX iISO-l. ft it lie. CCKfIENT 1 NEWS OF , THE HAY reliable.! Monetary! Market and Commercial: reports, and u cjjtbice selection of Talcs, Poetry, Litqrary and Scientific Articles, ValnlUilc tJHviistical Information, ' • ■i Agricultural Xewfe, &.C.; • • Mv . : T. ALSO-tuf-: : -%| j The Latest Telegraphic News. , Embracing every; important Item of News,) . ; i Foreign andj-Bomestic. LVingrcssional ! ; ,’i I 1: lutclligeiicel Legishitive Pro- i ; ' cccdiugs, iee.,'&c. f, | l:!:q TVriiis, $1 ptr annum' for a Ccpy t .or 11 ; ; : :Copi?t car ynirfir Sib. : | ; lAdpeess.: JAMES P. BAKR,! ■ . ' : ' . , i ■' [. Editor and Proprietor. J [■ Corner Fifth Wood sts.j Pm j ytrar mjinty by hiail almy risk. DON PIETBE DE CABALLO, a ~ .| •••■ !' Ijlayoriof MEXICO, DON ESTE7HANXE RODHIGUE3, /i . .. Mayor of HAVANA. DON ANTONIO EdHEyEHA, - I - -:l [' Mayor of LIMA, PEEU, ■ DON M. G. MUiANONO, ■ | Mayor of vat-pabatro, Rmr.r. . DpNMAEOSESQOTPEDALIA, Estate of David Minis, Jrl., | MByor bio janeiho, brazil. TATOTICE'js hereby given lhat letters or nil- i tlio resident Drussista hart miniitratiou have lieenj grnuietl by ! tho'i l ! assured them .j ; Register, of Wills. &c., of the county o< licnter, 1a I * ri .•»« : upfnthe estate of Damp Mim|. l>..deci<l.,> S nfl.rSßnft'Pl 113. late:«F Borough' tp„ to the suit-L j V . y* “ scrilier residing in the Poroligh of Peav.cyl.m- ** aa excellent remedy, and worthy the coai' said couutyi; Debtors’will make payment,ran'd ■■■;■■.. ■ fidenca of the community, • creditors present jtbelr chunk duly aulhcnfiya- 1 ' p<m s r „,„- ’ U -T ■' - ted to the undersigned. f t ; 1 _ ti , ) . }■•/** -f. . DANIEL AGXEW, : . ‘For Pnrtfylng the Blood. j ,i . April 12. . 1‘ AdniiDistrafoii, ,i Po*; B«rtftala or King’* EtU. . / “ThSi "vm-ifF : For »““"«• C,c *"» “ nd sW«. ■‘ V A 1 >IIA to JitA J. Uli h -N OI ILJji . por Eruptions and Plmydes. WHEREAS* ItUers'of . on ' For Blotched, BUlni r and Boil*; the estate of Mk|/i:u:l Kahiio, late* 'por St. Anthony's Fire, Rose, or ®ry ol Jtnceocin .aownship Pcayer county, SitU Bhinm.S' [ilpelM. ceased, havilig been duly, {granted to the tin- 'w-i*. -i I 1 * delsigneit,, all person.!}: indebted'to said estate Hgad.and lUngworm. .are notified to make immediate payment, and ; For Cancer and Canceroua .Sore*. ' those having claims against|,tbe same will pre- ■ For Bore Eyes, Sore Ears, and Ilnmors. sent them properly authenticated for 1 settlor ; For Female Disease*." j menl without delay. ■ L prriVK 6npP«*«»*on and Irregularity. ' ' For SyphUU or DUeeset. Iyer Complaint*- • ' »ep24.j JAS. o. GRIERSON ■' j ' ‘ - !, ■ ■ WHOLESALE (troccr & Commission/MrnhHul, Also Dealer in iBTEjOTTIR/, FEED \Sb H |‘{{#UCE IcKWtIULLT i Xo. 8 SJIITIIfIeLD ST., ; | Uie'.Jl -r v i AND BEAUTIFUL EDITION r ' ' op tub ,i ■■ - ! A n j- : -V ‘ i'J i ; ■MISTIKES OF > 4 f ■ •' BYJQEX S. IX, |.‘ T£}M<}.,ltmßlin, price. 60 cents: pWpcr ioy- J £f eYs, 25 cents.* Copies oftlils hook Will' ibe sehl by mail oh receipt i ol'tlie price; : in postage stamps. Pleas address: - : j : J. C. GARUIGUES, Publisher, i Be»i*hPdineh i jhree*, M;s,Pi. .' =1 HON. 1. H. CRAWPORD, -4 ; ■, ' I Mayor of tOmaviLLß, mr. HOW. JOHN SLOAN, L \ L -I,'' :] . ! j: ■ ] Mayor;of LYpSB, lOWA. j HON. JAMES McFEETERS, | | | Mayor of BOwSOAITViIiIV 0. W. HON. JAMES W. JTORTH, : j . ~;jj Mayor of AUGUSTA, MB. ■ HON,HENRY COOPER, Jr.; . Mayor of-HALLOWELL.MB. HON. . JAMES S. r BEER, ■ j-, ' 4. ; ' [ Mayor of FBEDEBIOTON, N. B. . HO& WILLARD NYB, S V | I Mayor of HEW; BEDPOBD.MASS. HbN.Vj. BLAISDELL,! . ; |r : \ j ; Mayor l of FAIJj KTVrEB, [MASS. HbN.W. H. CRANSTbN, | 1 >j.; v | ■ ■ Mayor of HEWPOST, B. X HON. PRED STAHL,' f I-14 • J : of GAIEjTA, XEL.* HQN. JOHN HODbDEN, 4 -4. :< r ■! - ! Mayor of DXrmf&OE, lOWA. ; HON. THOMAS CBETCHPIELD, 4; '- jl" Mayor of CHATTAMOboI, TEOTT.' ' r‘ ,-: II ■' j i.'' j ; (•' ' ROBERT BLAIR, i Majfor. 'of TOSCAIkiOSAi ALA. R. D. BAXTGH, f'- : j.‘v J Mayor of MEMKSI3, TENN.' GERARD STITH, I ‘ i Mayor of NEW OBLEANS, LA. H. D. SCBANTQN, I - Mayor of KOCHEBTEH, N. T. db wrrT c. prove; 1 ....ifajjisar of OTICA;S’. Ti- QBO.'WIfiSON, | - L V • . ■ Mayor of PITTSB*»rT’ c.S u.Tjuhij, • t, j Mayor of DETROIT. MIOH. L. PAGE, ,j Mayor, of MTT.WAtrKXE, WIS.: i VS", W. VAUGHN, ' ; ■ ' : v ; | - Mayor of BAOINE.'WIS. A. PARR, | . Mayor of KENOSHA. 1 WIB. iHON. i" >; HOlfc "•kbsr; HON; s T »-: I HON. HON. :;HqNj HON. HON, Hon. V ' HON. JOHW C. HAINES, Tv , I » Mayor of CHICAGO. ILL. how; ii. j. a: HEATH, . |, v . '| 'I ' Mayor of SEIjMA, ALA. HOjWijf A.' j. WOBEE, | 'Ti- : ' T |? ,•* Mayor of MONTGOMEBT, AT.A. HOWi! W. B. HOLYBADi- I ; |, ■ Mayor of COLCMBtrS, GiJ DOW ESPARTERO MAWUEI,, v > • T ■ Mayor of VEBA CBUZ. For lilverComplaints. ; .|f For Diseases of tit* Heart; I .j" .r r /H w ;i | f - ; .J. ■' ’I. ; The Mayors of the chief cities of the Uni ted 8 bates, Canada*, and British Chill, Pern, Brazil,’ Mexico, and in &ot al most ah the oitiesonthis continent, have signed this document, to assure their people j what remedies they map use with safety and j (wnddenoe." But ourepaca wfllonlyadmlt a portion of thonji . Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, r Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, Ayer’s Pills, | and : 'KG 11, PA I= * Ayer’s Ague Care, ' PREPARED BT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co^ ■j,| :i, ; - lovnai; mass.,- And sold by Draggists every whan. J ' sale hy;U. NjiijsL ;jKVB«a»«P;.-k Cross. IlucUetcr, Waggoner 4 Lberv, Pise join; J.Ninhol»,B»deo;J. Sargenij .New Brighton, John Biack, Bo rlinanon, t)UQ [Osn 4 Edgar, PalUt»D,sru By dealers every 'irhmi f ] , -fc». ‘ - ;■ ! kOLLOWAY’S (jfclßl^iEf T ONQ marches. twr« and stiff jobi**. Wi?*<s»-' JLi Snd inflamed fuel, ail these the soldier muni endure, MOTURIUL REMEMBER THIS, , when, your sou* are grasping their nmsf:ers.;tp moot d.vngbr, think what relief a "pot of this ■ ALLiI EALING & COOLING. Halves will give ' f to the one you lore when far iwi*y I torn homo • ; and friend*.' It hardens and mikes tough iho i feet so that they can endure grt-iii fatigac. It i soothe* ajud relieves the inflamed and stiffened i joints, tearing them supple, strong anil vigor-; Oils, 1 u'iille ior ,13. *..... I J at stands! unequalled. removing and prevent in g i <jvefy vcpii|o -of iuda3tiriatioii and .gently 7 jlraiving the gdgos together, it quickly arid ;, completely heals the most! frigidly wounds. WIVES 'AND SISTERS 0$ OUR VOLUN j,. r ;h TEERS ...... „ | ~0. j iY6 puU into.thej.RhapSacks oft your j Huf bands! and a piore valuable or Ispibre necessary gift than asupply of this -V » : EXTRAOItOIXARY MILITAKyiSALyE; J. The lonely seniry 7^ walking his : rounds' st. ( night, exposed tP drenching rains and ; chill . |!-nigljtjnir, is often"seiibd the moat VtOLEKT i j|PAINS,’. . COUGHS, -and . | {TiOARSNESS, first symptoms of Gos-.o J.SUyiPXION,' but if: supplied - wit h JIQLLO- 7 ■ WATIS rILLS-Saiid lIOLtOWA YS CjtX'i- f | iPEffj; all danger is averted;* few Pills tskbir ; hight And morning, and the ointment bri:-!;ly !'rubbcfl 't'w(cc.a ,day over the throat and »;hrst ij will! remove tUV SEVEREST EArINS and’stopd’ j JhOjiriost distressing or DANGEROUS COUGHi; I Tbeibru We say to the wholo.nrmy, . • I - j ; SOLDI EUS ATTENTION ! i f j Sec lo yiuV,own health,! dp not trust to, the Army supplies although mpst valuable. Those PlllLS and ijlSHlEKltttw been thoroughly/. tested, they are tjio onjy remedies used in the ■ European Camps for orcr ifoi 'ty . years Doctor HoJdSway his' supplied ail t;;‘J .rrniieadu Europe) And daring the CRIMEAN . CAMPAIGN he- established a depot at Bals clav’n, Tor tbe exclusive sale bf these GRRAfe f REMEDIES, many a time his special A got it liicrc ims;aold o.or a ton. in weight o: ih-j ttin:ini-ntm a single day. I, Tiicsp lerriblo-aiid i'atur.cTicniieS of the Soldis-in-Oamp. '.--X l-'S'sf. lIIARUHEA, DYSENTERY,'SCJtUVY. SORES aiidl SCROFULOUS EUCTTfQNS, all. d&ajiw peiijr iikp a J charm before these "PlUfjj’AM). OlXjMpN'f; .and now .while ihe- x rings " ;ihroug!iout ific land, ■'. --1 ‘ J 1 [I ! I TO ARMS! TOARMS!! ' ’ y.; 3;- >» !)(> n])t let these brave men perish-by difti £asc, place in • tbelrhonds'thebe• that will enable to; resist,l ;he 1. dangerous . exposures, tie'' tEo* * Ji’hilU. -Ufiii- ihc VVouriiia which they cannot avoid; and whm ? is morej.canaot frequently suctjpr in. th j rnum Jut of need, wherciis if our •brajc nien l ave only to put’ their hands into N theiji* Knaps teks apd find there assure remedy. 3 i fpr all the ctsualiies of tile battle field* /m r v-1 !'■ i '.■'.r-'H. ■ would otherwiic perish, boforo rellef COUld \bti iibt:im<-dj ’ " i '*• ' ■ f' \ one are genuine :the \yijfi],s^"i/ulir l innf, York and faridoa, ! are disCapuablo as ji. watcr-murkdoievery [ leaf ~ -of U ; ie book'ol' directions around each pot oK boxJ • the saiiie umv. lie.plainly seen, by holding . [ ike < -* af(to the light:' A* handsome rcwai*d will I he giytn to any . on 6 sirth Infnrroa | iiqn ds niny lend toihe any-perty ‘‘3 or-pavt.% couiuer!Vdtiiigt]tcraedicmes‘'orvend- * I ing the same, ilicm to be spurious. J r-t*,Sold iat* the Maniii'actoty of Professor. Maiilen r.ane. -'t*w.‘ York. and*.> j- by : l!i i-espccthhlc l>higgisis and'-pealerd in' !|!.\Je< iciuoK niivu^hoat.thj civilized world,-in’ • |hu.vjs at eijnts. icnd Si each. ! ; ( ' £t-£ ib Ylicro is saving by taking [the hirgci .sixes.' ] V '.V .V * , • j N. B.—Dtvectiony foi’ vho/puhlaiioc of pa | icat a in every di-iordpritre a;fixud 4 ro-ea6h ,b(»x. j■■yhy l. ■ i - 'j - ..' K: 1 : S3Q. # Emtiloyra^nt.' ;-i- IF COWVI 2 3 01AU- AfeE-NTS:WANTED. ' (ASEiY ESGKAS&i anufa ct a ring C omp ztty: , Y;-, Will, GIVE 'A' (’.flJlMl’SsioS; OTA , ; oi*b hundred fncr nu all srpcds h.v our Agent!*, or we "will wnsrcs .ftA Jl’sstjii $O;3 toSiuu per nient’u ami pay' a!l nc. iioe=siv>\ expense*. I : !: witi siiwup. ■- .[„! A •■;• ■ **. :| .[ J N ; i CUAS. EtGGtKS. G«n...Ac’t/.l . j Far tF.e Adams On;. OrtrioW : luidiigari. . | . ' : ;‘.Tuly : 2'. 1862.; j I3ea Vei?>- ’ETo t 1. JOSEPIi if ALL, Propriety', s j.• >SS : 3r*a* y k. • j (horoiighly fitted np t Ibi?; i;ouse._ j be is now prepared fp i rejoinrn odnte’-bis [ { li'jeuUs. and public generality in the most ! ‘ ■ [W.ay62 " f%i| TlVe Howe JSachire/’ ] 4 'p'A.- ’■ _ soiib EV 4 >■■ IE ■: : vf&.V Mi'/Mi’G-R E &6R; ■. COIJNEII i £NN « ST. CLAHI STS.,; I PITTS-BUIJG. PEXK’A., IJJC.Y TO BE SEEN TO EE AT--, . . Vl'tnoiATEp. ~" fin. BEDS P t-r. >*t :1-: • N e ;■ :A: It. TIIGMSOR. ! ATTORNEY AT LAW,' jl O n\r*,:corrifr r</ Tit rid street and thc Diamond, ~ iMTißEiivEitv i»A » i : i- • i . ■ ■ - • ' | j i„ J =■■ ■ SETELj ARBUCKLE> CCK ,\IA>'UFACTI'TF.RS OFr ; ; C ABBOIT r OI3L, ROCHESTER, v iSEA YER TA tap'2. |B!j i ■! . I; ; ■ i JOHN -B* WILLLIJWS, ; LRBSR & H^IS-^RESSm i’jop»medoor east of Sl'rouJlcy’s Hotel,' 1 ’ , BR,n)GE\\:ATI^|,PE^,N’^. RAIL- ROAD HOUSE, 5.01 joHys'oar, pro’r,’ ROCHESTER, PENN’A.’ iIUIT JARS i CANS, 1 cofeKs. '■ s ; ,, SCALING RAX, ' rosin,; . i. : v"- CANARY SEED, &e. at HENRY’S. , •'> •* If =I J. W. CRAFT j No. 135 Liberty Street, : j PITTSBURGH, TP A. ' Pi ders for Pittsdnirgli Manufactured Goods, ntnjl QrorerfM, jfrotoptlr) filled at r the very' ,!ov 0.-it prices, vvKon accompanied ■rt'it-Ji cash* or, an equivalent..' ’ | i ■ sVjtlTsSmV^. ' Wheal'/: • 1V -• *• " S,IKH! ; f< - Rye, ; ' • I' l , •• • •• w • Bcrley, - ■. V vS.IMH). [ . Oats, .. Delivered in Pittsbarg,/dr which l am author-' iig'd■'to* pay»th"c‘ highest prices'., Address, - ;i.. ,[: Ij. •: J. W. CKAFT. '.; ’ ■ Mo. 186, Lil*ri».~AneL Pted-si* .sept? 3m. ' J j . ' I,'^r- /Vt •ASS. hMt iaaM, M ■Va/r.a.,/?. - - WWjflTT' ft*?: : ; 'l. MEM
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