BEATER DRUG STORE, Opened in the Boom formerly Oc cupied by the late Dr. Minis. THE Subscriber having purchased the . tabli.-hment will endeavor to keep con on‘ alf-arnclcs usually found in J-t r d,g Stores. .. ' »■ i*< ing a pfarsicjan and Drujrgisl, the public may rely on his keeping the PUREST and ELST DRUGS. f A variety of other .articles will found in-diis establishment:i w Tea, Extract <?/ CoiTct?, Rosin \ Soap, Fancy 'Soaps, Part J lonics , Combs. ALL ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET. SPOOL COTTON. LEAL PENCILS. NEEDLES, STEEL -i PENS.- JIAIIi BLUSHES. TOOTH BRUSHES, TOBACCO. SEHAES. ;L£T . TKU. NOl'j:. fcIFOOLSr' t cap Taper. Carbon Oil, Lamps 'and Chimneys. Xlicse arc a few of » he articles, and only-a few always <>n*hand.- O.U and sec. \ ' He Tvill try-, by cbise attention-pnd fair dealing, .to give satisfaction to .all. who may fater him wit Imheir custom. " c; P. CUMMINS, M.irD". attention -\vill be paid to putting up Physician s prescript ions,, ; [a^igilT Notice in the Orphans’Court. Beayer County, ss; IN tlie Or,. ;inii.' C.iirt. in'aiM lor r.t/aver county,, !.f f.*re o the 'frame! I Agnew, Pj*esi-»c!ii. and l:;s .l a.dgcs said Court. ( ’in the i*vu;er «»f tlto petition 'of Arch ibald Admifiistritbr of-tbe estate of Mary Alexander, ucc'd, for decree of specific performance of c-onnvacf.'wifit Archibald- tfil- the cv.rm-yancc.t.o him of-ceftain real estate situate in -Hopewell’ township, Beaver ■countv. Pa. • Now., tofwit:'.Tone 2.1.' 1802, .the Court g/anf a rule on h:. heirs and' legal representatives of Mary Alexander, dec’d, to shew cause why a'decree of -be.., ;tie' performance of contract with Arclnl o’-i t'dmore for the conveyance of sai-Frcal e-tate-jt..itld not be made. -. ' Cc'pu-mber ISC, 2. Uo;e continued, end returnablec.n toe 'o.-coud Monday ot November next. ■ / ‘ A Irttv copy. [ , [ P .ADCst: ■ A. til -M’CREARY, Cl kt, c'Cdti. - NOTICK IS .hereby- given. that, 'the account■ of L. I*. Roberts, 1-s-j ~ A-.-tgnee of Thom.-;-; McKi.tlry, '£..v the• benefit-, iif eredhors.' has bocii vxi.-i.Mted .-itid-fibel in my-Miiee.t.nd that the s:fme tvdldo- Al '-y.-d t.y tth.oit i-it ’ibe s.fc -nd M. n-i-ic of .Vid-etd's-r ner.i;»AjH>l jl .-2. eon's-. A,ell be-dioon against the conl'a-- mation . ’ MICIIA!U. V. 1;V2.M1,' Ffoli,'y I n Ihe-Conn' eft*.-.nim<*n Flees of iffiavej-C:,.; .In tj»i- ‘«ai:-‘r of/bo aeomyst of RT F. R.,b- ; errs, r.-'-'t.. ic.-icnoc ot'-'T’ McKinley, fur the b-.-n-.lit of iM-editot-s: . • , * .Sjl.i now., Sep'i 18, 18'".2; --the- (\.mj gjtint a Lille to show cause whv .-the Assignee sfiiMiM.-noi he discharged from tui-i- up- h cflnt'nniaiir.noij i,ts ;lrrnuut. and payment of br. ,;:nce in b isdoneland order .notice to |>e given by [uiblicajb.n ; n the Beaver Arcus at'.j.'rding to Rule., r • . i-lif.cvHit Ci'iXTV, ss; 1 ,Ut-si: <nj8 —3t MICHAEL WiIYAND, rroiit/iaoriiry, isTOTIOIB. (.o-jiijpncrsliinheretofureexir-iinp; tm- X <ler the name and bn : le of A. D; «ifoiland,( Nc*v.~ Hri-hi oik in' tin; husiner's of ii’.ere]).m.!i.ep.. ! was duhvdlrsAlvcd on the 'Jt»ti» d , I J: of -'pfl. IBti2. T!o‘ Books willhe settled « ? f.'S-e "C Jf. tfiiii’nnj. 'All -persons Jiefnselves Indebted to the lute Cr?h; enil rend settle infuiedintely, us the Books tvilLhe closed,without de’nv. ' * 1 I ’ - A. I). Cl LI.II, AMP, • ,u M.; (ilf.l.lLAN’i). At tv Jrit‘L|v-jf.Mp.yltt. sk>2. v ' ’ : k.. .NOTICK.' -4 I'l* Vl-.U.SI having liusines?-with the snhscribtr. wiirpUiasc' call with Mr. 1 i.ouert-Tailom nb. is ilfily authorized -to tU t end-to,a 11 busine- s <liiriii'; my absence. Also Ril persi oS havjiijr un-ell led 'accounts- will call r.u.; ioal,e -settlement a.-, toon as possible! iV? it has becnmenVy.duty to leave home -for the • purpose serving my : country. I hope m\ - cU'f miters trill- stilt giro their -patronage as . usual, ns they will fiud Mr. Tallon at the shoe shop'aml lay sou, James, at the tun-yard, sep:!. IS,,- JOHN UssfOKl-S. ■ J. 11. Cl-N>ISGIIA3I, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Wire in Orn.Wd'Ou’s Office. SOUTH JSIHF..-UF. Tin; BIAMOMJ, | BE A-YEK /PA. t^jKU'iC- Dirsfitol vision. lAHr, Co-partnership heretofore cxistingrun : dvr the name and style of MVnxvru. « towns Hulls! on, rnjrfged in I lie. Foundry ; ani J; Machine Jiusiuess. « a s duly dissolved on .thf •:<> day of .inuei is,!-. Thy ItooJts tif the ; In'tytinu wilt he settle ! l.y M. I'arraidi'.t Co.: - atyheir o nice in bali-ton, Heaver- county, Jht.. where.iLey rj-'ill- c.-n-iiiue sa'id business’in all i-s hra itches.' All persons huou ing Ihcrosclves indebted to, the late jinn will idei.'-e call - and fettle immediately. DAVlll M CI)NNFLI,, .XaTTI.S'iN, 'JAIIUAGII. ■ >MN(in..icl'!.>2»- ft. H. HAItUACH, AliiHXl^Xi;AT(Al : s v NOXK;K. v 3 i.TTFKS of sVduiiijistiation on the estate, ; U < !I. hVtusox. late of the" borough ot Ijettvcr. fteaver County, Vena'tW dee d. harin'jKeeu granted to the undersigned, .all jhusoi'.s Indebted to said estate are roouest lompde immediate payment, and those having' nailus against the same w ill. j,resent them •properly anthcmieateijjiir .settlement-. JOHN 11. V* i’runKlin tp„ ' Adrnihu«lr;itor. Stray Mare. ■ to the premises of'the subscriber I \iy living in Ur- Uomvor toh-nship. Beaver! . comity, oiv the evening of the IMth of April. , a small "Bay, Olare,' about f. years old. shod' all aroundA saddle marks, off hind hough en larged hy aeiil or bruise: no olherrnarfcs.per ciyvable. The owner is desired to e'uuo for waiU; provelpropcrty pay charges and take her ! aw ay; or otherwise she will he disposed of ac ; cording to law. r, ~ jtmcllSt , J.piES K. CAUIOUS. r- Corifessions of an Invalid Prm.rsilKLi tor tne-uenefit and as a warn 1 ing aioi a caution to young men who suf— pier from NVorvous Bebiiiiy, Premature Decay the same lime the means oi i Self-Cure.; ]!y one who has cured hiinsell j after being put id great cipeuse throughlied- Tcaliimposilioh and quackery. By enclosing a ! posh-paid,addressed envelopes,, single copies ~ may be ‘bad of the author, NATHANIEL M-Vl FA ill, Esq., Bedford,-Kings Co., X. V. iDo You Want Employment. OFFER a pleasant business for the Sprinrg with large profits. - Send fdr la^'ncwcircular, containing: full .infornifttioiL Address . GEO. EDW'D SEAIJS, ai*r26. • . V St., S, T. C ‘ —V • < Kerr’s I-lotel, Street, Beaver, Fepn’k S. KJL&J}, Proprietor, j “VAN ITT FAI R.” | fmends 4nd^latives ‘“This i* tie first .really clever comic and | BRAVE SOLDFERS 'AfiD SAILORS. LLO WA V S PILLS cood-tejupcrcd t and xujl afraid to My that Its. •. . « __ , • * .. soul 18 its own—which show* that it has A; A TVO.. I nntm pmr,- ' soiiL Our readers will to know .where —•— iheyt can find native fun that, has wmething , LL WHO have Friends and Relatives in the better in it than mere ; putcir.' Atlantic ■ Army or Navy, should take especial care Monthly'. : ■ | ■_ [ that they be amply supplied’ with those Pills “This paper is excellent. . .Remarkable o ;mme ni; and where the brave Soldiers for originality.’ ;— A~. i'. Trardlrr. - _ ; and Sailors have neglected to 'provide them “Vaxity Faik is. conducted by a vivacious, witblbcm, no better present cah be sent witty audMutcUigcnt -corps of journalists. - t ),. m i,y their friends. They have been ppov- Jhilchnrld (Cqnh.) Enquirer. t. . t : cdlto be the Soldier’s never-failing friend in ‘ “Will wield as poieril an influence as that of t he hour of need, the Loudon Punch.'’—BozUm Traveller. ' {fOUGIIS AND COLDSAFFECTJNG TfiQOPS' ; hosoever finds himself laughing at Ice jvill g removed and effectually wit ’of Vanity Faui, and docs not return a. curc( j by using these admirable medicines, and .find pro quo,. is tit for'treason, and spoils. • paying proper attention to the Directions AVI'. Crayon. ]\. ■, , ", Which areuttached to each I'ot or Box. ,-SPECjUI. SQTICE. TLc very marked anh flattcringEUCCCsswhicb taa thus far attended tie!' publicaiiou of ••Va.\irr Fain,” . Enables the publisher to announce that with rle coimncncenicnt of the Second. Volume, i v sited this day, lllth June. Sj>* Features.-both Literary and Artistic, will b© introduced, which i;wi)l increasethe value and interest of the j»a i'jieir, and- fully'''.maintain "tjlic proud position I'unanhaoUsly''accorded to it.ias the leading ' • Comic Journal of’ America, f'k '< VANITY FAIR ; IS ISSUED r-EMLAULT eVkUV TUtBfIUT. and is for Pule Ly nil Newsmen, and at the Office of Publication, So lid Nassau-strect, Nc'.v Vor-L. | ' ; 'f : TKR.M^:;/ 1 f • Thrco dollars per unuuin,-in advance—~Six coins single copy. f •[' ' . TKKMS FOKiCtUBS: f Two,copies ot' willl>e sent to '.one n*4dreks-for, .Li $5 <H) | ‘Fivecc-jlic's 1- ! . Ten c0pie5.........1...;........ii'J Of) , • ,\ii Ext ra copy .will ho allowed to the getter* !up cf every Club-, of-n(.t Itissjihnn five copies.l (' Tins paper is lilecirot|yp|ed, nnd ( numbora' Sinav he procured at anv tune. r t rr j; ‘ ' LOUIS'H. SXEr-lIESS, • - Publisher for the Proprietors, 133 Xaasnu-st.‘ i • 1 - * 1. ' New-York. ! TO COUNTRY DEALERS. , dial Sttihornry <tt li holt i \ k j' i 1 The, sultseriW ti:i tihvayK on liana : T )<oiio’il\TN il-Guffejl’s! Hpcilcr A.llca i rk-t-5.,-Hay’s. , Ari.tlmiotie.s. StoddardV i'Ariilinu-tif. Himic-o’A (jranvnvars;! 15i plji'.qj. &e.. Tostanuiiilk.Lc-t.tor CV]> and k'oiTiiiu-ioiaL-Nolo iffijiyro, -Jynvo’ i.tllanlc-1 o-i.ks.-,Hass' .jirtol'ts. Steel. Pens' : ‘:uid ILi.ldol's. Cojiy Jloolis. -Sl,alcs; Ink, : j ink stands. iJonnct'BtfewdSj.Sc., \ f \. I’snal tliscdnnt:. for : catiK. Goods : iKi'-ki d and dolivorod to any piart of fiite city; i HOIi-T. S. DAVi.S, fob; 18 --j 7S st. ; PjttsblU-wli JBE-AT'T'ierß, NjllNAliV APIi^TJTUTE I Rev. R. T. Taylor, 1 A. M,, Pxin, j Mrs.A. S. Taylor, Governess. i.t a first class st:Jilqbi;Fou THEEpu- I '/\ c-aiiou of Young (Lailief.. Special bare ; given ; in tlie Primary I and Preparatory Dc- p-arimcnts. ! expenses eiccpi Tuition and Washing, j perteriji of Joikrlccn v.oeks. . 00' ; ' ’ Tuition IV'-nl •’>o io $8 tH). j '‘N’ii efforts spared to innke the school worthy ;of the vQtifhionte patrons. • ; fats'} tor a Catalogue. 1 next term commences Aug.-20, *O2. VVm. PhU....C PittsVg 3I IKKKR & IiICKKTSON, i GR6CIRS, JSJI»OUT£BS or Brandies, Wines and Segars, -Nt>. v . ->1 rj‘ -JO. CCf. o:‘ Lihcr!y Imin tit. Ivon, Nails. Cotton Yarn,** Ac./&c., constantly on |iaud. ■ [nug£ (amoral Coifiiiiissioii .Merchant ! - ' ’ MSI) ■ ’ j- ! Prnirr in Flour, \(lrain, and all kinds ‘of ‘ Country Produce, : Wines end ■ inform; Tobacco, Ac.. * Office and Warehouse, .No. *37 South 2d stree udvanccs madc oc consignments • . aug 28. (J. O- WILS »S. 8. B. ii’BLROr.- JAMBS . FiNLAy j ' , ' | - • ■ ' • Ipos, pißOYica^ r 'S/57’0<3<3, , } , PITTS.BTJBG-: Uftriv 7,'«(C SPUING STOCK of DRIfI^OOBS, Complete. Esti;:x inducements offer ‘ ■ ,cd to Cash buyers. (mhl9. PITTSBURG WATERTCURE. Ki- ~ f > (.1 <. tfrativc(Agency,is superior to lIVDRO \ r.'-THV for the . treatment of a|l forms of ihseascs, and tuf Institfltinn.'in Ibis coun ;,tryijH,srTw,w greater facilities for its adminis tration than ibis. [ Ec&»i'or I‘ietorial Circular address’ Hu. w. In. hamblkton, I, , Pittsburg; I’a. - Sterling House, . IVo. 107 Second Street •-d . ■ (BETWEEN -WOlip AND StABKET,)' PITTSBURG, PENJT’A. DY THE MEAL, DAY OR WEEK. Terms Ti’rj/ Moderate. ~ [ap '■ .l’eppct Sauce. Porte Monaic?, E vj Letter Paper, Envelop ' ic.. at / j- HENKY’R., IiITE LEAD, at '' ' / V; ■ ■ S - HENRY’S. rpOBACcS-Anderfeon’s Fine Cut, Nature JL Leaf, Grant's, Baltimore Plug, and Cn . V’L HENEY’S WILLOW WApir, Lamps, Shades; and Lamp Chimney*, at HENRY'S. ]4,rAGIC TACK HAMMERS, Shoe Brimf’ I*-L Blacking Ink, Castoi and SweetsOU, • ■■ ■ ■ ' - HENRY’S. Flavoring extracts—Lemonand v*. niU »- at • .HENRY’S. BUGGY WHIPS, only 2ft cent*, at - - : . 1 HENRY’S rpEAS— Totong Hyson, Blackand Imperial i at ; i HESBrS. F ~ . F F 1 ~ SICK, IIE.AI)ACHES AND WANT OF APPE TITE INCIDENTAL TO SOLDIERS. These fcißnga which so sadden us, usually arise fromitrouble -or annoyances, obstructed perspiration/or eating and drinking whatever is unwholesome, thus disturbing the ,healthful action of the liver and stomach. These or gans must be relieved, if you desire to be well. The Pills, taking according id the printed in structions, will quickly a produce a healthy action in both lirer and stomach, and as a natural consequence a clear head and good ap petite.- |S. . ’■ WEAKNESS OR DEBILITY INDUCED BT . OVf.K FATIGUE, Will soon disappear by the use of these in-, valuable Fills, and the Soldier will quickly ac quire additional strength. , Never let the bow els’ be cither confined or unduly acted It mity seem, strange that Holloway’s Pills should be recommended for Dysentery and Flux, ifl.iny persons supposingtbat they would increase Ihe'rclaxation. 1 This isia great mis take, for these Pills will correct the liver and stomach and thus'remove all the acrid humors from the system! . This medicine will give lone and vigor to the whole organic system howev er deranged, while health and strength follow as a matter of course. , Nothing will stop the [ relaxation of the Boircls so'surc as this; fam ous medicine.. | VOLUNTEERS ATTENTION!' INDISCRE • TIONS OF YOUTH. ! Sores and Ulcers, Elotcliings and Swellings, can with certainty bn-radically cuv«id If the Fills arc taken night I and morning, and the ointment he freely used as slated in, the print ed instructions. , If treated in any other man ner they dry up in one part to break, out in an other. j Whereas, this Ointment will remove |the humbrs ( from the system and leave Hie Fa tient a! vigorous and healthy man. It will re quire a little perseverance in had cases to in jure a lasting cure, FOR WOUNDS EITHER OCCASIONED BY’ THE bAVON'ET, OR SABRE ORTIIE BUL LET, SORES OR BRUISES' To which every Soldier and Sailor ar? liable there are no medieilics so safe, sure and, con. vcment/is Holloway's Fills and ointment. The poor wounded-and almost dying sufferer might I have his. wounds dressed immediately, if he .would only provide himself with .tins match less Ointment,' which should be thrust into tlie wound and smeared alt around it, then covered with a piece of linen from his knapsack. :and compressed with a I handkerchief. Taking night and morning 0 or 8 Fills; to cool the sys tem tind prevent inflamation. Every Soldier's knapsack and Seaman's chest should he provided with these valuable Remedies, 'CAUTION. —None; are genuine unlcs the words ‘*7/o//oir<iy, Airis, York and London ,’ are disccrnable as a water-mark in every leaf of thc'book of directions arotuid each pot or box; Ute saute may be plainly seen by holding the leaf to the light. t A han'dspme reward- will be given to. any one rendering such informn tjoii as may lead to the detection of any party or part ies counterfeit ing the medicines or vend ing the same, knowing them to be spurious. *** Sold at the Manufactory Of Professor iloLi-owAt,'Bo Maiden Lane, New York, and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicines, throughout the civilized 'world,-in boxes at 25 cents, 02 cents and 81 each. CSy There is considerable saving by taking the’larger sizes. • N. B.—Directions for the guidance of pa tents in every disorder arc affixed to each box. May 7. ; _ j ililK. DEMOiiEST’S Quarterly Mirror of Fashions Il'iVA Ortai Improvement! and Additions, THE SUMMER NUMBER CONTAINS FOUR LARGE ,(■ SPLENDID FASHION PLATES, i'll It EE FVLI.-Siy.El) | PATTERNS OF DRESSES, COMI-BISIXfiTHB 'New .French Waist, tn Elegant Sleeve, and a Misses Suck, nml a Sheet of New ; and Beautiful • ! FKAID AND EMBROIDERING PATTERNS, Together with nearly Hip Engravitigs of ’ A, nil the novelties for Summer Bonnets; Cloaks, Trimmings, Children’s Dresses, &c. f Anti valuable information to .Milliners, Dress Makers, Mothers; and Ladies generally, pre senting the largest and test Fashion Maga zine in the iVorld, published 47*1 Broadway, X. Ah, and sold everywhere at 25 cents, or sent by mail, post -free, on receipt of tbc nm't in stamps or silver. Year Si,U(J with the fol 'loiving valuable premium. - > Each yearly subscriber will be entitled to.a receipt for the selection of 50 cents worth of plain patterns, from the designs in the'book, pr from the show room, yr they may heor derod and sent by mail nnfy time tlnring the year, by paying postage. lnducements to Canvassers. > No. now ; ready. ISTew Groods I I B. S. RAN G UK, Uviclgre-vvater, Pa., HAS just received & l&rge assortment;, of t SPRING GOODS, which will be offered at PANIC PHICES. Amongst his stock can, at all times, tie found a variety, of < . ji DRESS GOODS, MDSUN’S, GLOVES, HO SIERYv &c., &c., IRON'& STEEL,, all varictics. NAII.S by the pound or tee. WHITE LEAD and VARNISH. LARD, SPERM, LINSEEg& OARP, ON OILS WIN DOW Q LASS, all sizes,' ! QDEENSWARE, LOOKING-GLASSES, &c., All of which will be sold low for Cash, or Country Prodnce v ( _ Bridgewater, MnyJ,. 1862. BEAVER _ACADE«!Y. rpms INSTITUTION WILL OPEN ON MONDAY, Ist day op SEPTEMBER T) particulars address the Principall S. B.MERCER , Beaver. Pa.: J. W. CRAFT, • COMMISSION MERCHANT, No; 185 Liberty Street, " PITTSBURGH, PA. Orders for Pittsburgh Manufactured Goods, and Groceries, promptly filled at the rery lowest prices, when ; accompanied with cash Or an equivalent. . Bepl7;Bm. WANTED —10,000 Bushels of Wheat, " 6,000 •• Bye, ; 6,000 •• Barley, " 6.000 v Oats, Delivered in Pittsburg, for which lam author »*®d io pay the higlieit pricts. Address. . J. W. CRAFT. ssyW piHoaasrrx • LOOKI.\fI-GHSS^I‘ICTURB/IiASE MANUFACTORY, NOR 221 TWENTYrTIjJBD "STREET, 178 & ITS OBAND.SXREET ANB 218 CENTRE STREE. ' I .i; j f {{ XSTABUBBEDjIS3B. N. T,. j SStAOUSUZD 1888 THIS Establishment has been in successful operatiW for 24 years! and isthe, largest ol the kind in the United States. Wo have on hand or manufacture toordereveryidescription of Looking-glaas, Picture and Portrait Frames, Plain and Ornamental Wall, Oral & Man tel Glasses, Connecting Cornioes, Base and Bracket Tables, with Marble ■ Slabs, Toilet Glasses, Ac.,' &0., Ac. Mouldings for Picture Frathcs,. in lengths suitable for transportation, eithcrGilt, (Borling, Rosewood, Oak, Zebra, Birdseye, Mahogany, &c, {Our dew manufac tory and extensive facilities enable us to furn ish any article in our line as good m the best, and as cheap as the cheapest. ,■} j jJ Dealers are invited 1o call upon us When they (visit New York., We claim to ,be able to supply to supply them with every arti cle in our lino which they can possibly purchase elsewhere-* ,■{! • f.. i ,f' • ,ties' Orders by mail attended to with promptness! Donot fail to call Whcniyou visit Now York. | . . I Ojfictft Wdrtroonu , No. 21) Centre St, j, HORACE V. SIGLER, Agent. ▼—3 mos. ■ |( Ma 7 , THE GKEAT CAUSE OF II u xii a n Misery. Jdse Published in a Sealed Envelope.', Price 6 els: ; A LECTURE BY Dull CULYERWELL, ON THE CAUSE ANX) CORE of Sperma torrhoea, Consumption, Mental and Xmysical Debility, Nervousness, Epilepsy; Impaired Nu- j trilion of the Body; Lassitude; Weakness of the Limbs and the Back ;{{lndisposition, and Incapacity for study and Labor; Dullness of Apprehension; Loss Of Memory;- Aversion to Society;- Love of Solitude; Timidity; SJelf- Distrust; Dizziness; Headache, Affections of the Eyes: Pimples oa the-Yace; involuntary Emissions, and Sexual Incapacity; the CuhsjL qucnecs of yoithftil Indisciction, &q;, &c., - ndiiirable Lecture clearly proves that the above enumerated, often peifyiflllctcd evils, may be removed, yvitliout medicine aiid vrithout Dangerous surgical operations, and should lie read by every yojulh ahd every nian in the land. ( ■ • . j j' ■ r | Sent under seal, to any address, fin a! plain' sealed envelope, on (he receipt of six cents, oh two postage stamps, by ,nd{lrcssing|i ' , : cuas. j.c.'KlinL &go:, I f 127 Bowclry.New York.Post,Office Box.doSfjh; i MARRIAGE. ! .;! TTS loyes and hates, boitows , and angers, I hopes and fears, rdgrets. and- joys; l 51 jvN-, "MOOD, tow lost, how restored; the nature, treatment-and radical cure of sperroaten-ua-a or seminal weakness; involuntary emissions", sexual debility and impediments to marriage generally; nervousness,;; Jconsumption, [fits, mental n|nd physical incapacity, resulting from; SELF-AjJUSE—are fully 1 explained in : the MARRIAGE GUIDE, by \VM. YOUNG, M. I). This most extraordinary ls6ok should be in flic hands of every young pc son contemplating marriage, and every man or woman who dp sires to limit the number iif their offspring to their circumstances. •Every pain, disease and ache incidental to yonth, maturity and old age, is fully explained; every particle of knowledge that should.belknown is here given. It is full of ln fact, ( it discloses secrets that every one should kpow; (rt)Il >X is a book that thus), hg' locked up; and hot He about the house. It will be. sent to any one on the; receipt jof tw'eidy-fivc qents in specie or postage stamps. J Address Dn. Wm. YOUNG, 410 Spruce st., Above Ifourlh, I’hilndelpWa. .J. 1 JES?" Afflicted arid Unfortunate, nomalterjwliat may bejyour disease, bdfore you place your self under,M he care of any of the notorious Quacks —native or who advert iiei in this or! any fict a, copy Otj i)r. Young's book, and read |i| carefullylll will bo the |means of saving yjbu many' a dollar, your health, and possibly your life, j j Db. YOUNG can be consulted on any pi,the diseases described in bis publication, m jhis office, 410 Spruce Street,!above Fourth, Phila. B*sU.Oflice.hours from 9 t 0.3,.3, daily, fn ai-20 REAVER FEMALE SEMINARY. Huy. W. W. La\‘krty, i Ifrineiuctl.- (tsp-E t'.vptm oawtjorjjwtr. J. U. .v'ciii,.} THIS INSTITUTION, jfoi- thp reception «f ' Yeung Ladies, will! open qu : , ! | Monday, the Ist day of SeptcMher iiext, ■ Boarders received 'ipto tic .family iof jthe Principal. ■ , . .i' j■' i , Expenses—Board, Light, Fuel, and tuition; per term of 14 weeks...i.... ..........SRi 00 •Tuition alone, pertcriii, 1?? 00, $6 001& S|fod. according to branches studied. -j ! B®, For further I particulars address | the PrincipaL . | j j'nugG “ ADM IjS ST R ATOR’.S i NOXIC eP LETTERS upon! the! es tate of Kgxhy CAMpnEj.!.,.liite of Greene township, Beaver eciinly.jPa., deefd,! having been grunted to the undersigned,all? persons knotring themselves ] indebted tp said estate arc i-cquestcd to mide immediate payment, and those having claims against'the same 1 will present* tliem properly authenticated; for set tlement, ; SAMUEL NELSON,' Juuc 35 1802, . rj. 1 ■ Administrator. ..Allienß,orrizps! Good, substantial ( LiFE-iiiiOJ ;pic } he had jit the ; I COURT-HOUSE, IN BEAVER.; These pictures are not m'efe daobs, biitiwar ranted SUPERIOR to any [that have ever; been made in Beaver connty, by :any ether artist-, To be convinced, call and excmiDO fipeeimcus -1 wRi remain but a few weeks. V. 1 ■; J@,rjallery in the same reom occupied by me in 1857. C.J A.. GRIP. IN, - Apr 9 I Photographic Artist, ; -* croir, oob & qo.. Advertising and! Commission Agents ■■ AND DEALWIS IS ;i ; PRINTING USIES OF! ALL KIX|)S r Type, Printing .Materials, WIATISU AND PRINTIN G PAI’ER CAllljS, &C OFFICES —Brown's Bui IdinO, Philadelphia; Tribune Buildings, New York, i mar2C:ly. ■ j !.• j-: JOHN B YOUNG, a.t I^aw, (DISTRICT ATTORNEY.) |SrO<Se« io (he Court House. |■; ' , U Jan. 20,1862 Tli © Uni oil,” Arch Street .above Third, f Philadelphia, jp*.. 1 imier, s*rbp’r. Convenient ibypat to all parts of the tionlar adapted to the W Travelling 1 Public. pub day. WNSiP pton n&isHi |L »engi ity, and omfort ani * TBF Mil. 0 OK Wall Paper,, iimciss. M* lifßW BWGHXONI Pa. v I i (•'-'T : ! : I mi ■in RAPID CUR* OT (: . C*i4* C*agb*, ami. J Hoarseness. | CM '■'< Bmjctiilo,ltu«,a»llj>«,!!*».■ ' ]MJiaAni:l<oiiolMlliitiloiv ' '■ thet«c( ntaaij ,l banmr fcebdfor : Cqßfffc Haraca, lollnenn, <Mjd the . efocoialtntrpßptaiuar*Oold;fo,tar ' Oaxui hcntiL lUcontent dmla.. : my practfe* ud ayfcmily for Ufo. put} ton jraui baa ihown it to poueuj mpe- 4 rtor rlrtou tor Urn treatment Of them “ WkffS 1 wofitinlM. SB SH KNIOHT.M. D. ■T* 7 *’ r> ,’ A.B.MOBTLCT, R*UiOf Unci, K. T« write.; “I bin •udjoor Aetortu mnuf ud In mj hmUr mr doc* . yoo jtoT.nted It, and MU.T. It th. bat mMlcin. for It* } pupon enrpntont. With s bad cold 1 abould KoIMT ' paytwenty-dre dollan fora bottla than do without U,or tek.u,eth.r nmcdj." ' Croup, Whooping Coogh, liloeiu _J‘: ■. Bmaafmn, Ttb. 7.18 Mr BMnraim: I «0) chwrfatly certify yoar fttforal to tte teat wmeto w« poaws for; tha cor* oT whooping cough, mmp» and the chert diwtees of children, j We of your fraternity. Ip the South appreciate yoar ikm, and •atoteendyeorßedkin* to onr people. j . CONKLIN, It D. AMOS LBB,£ao~ Moxtzair. write*, MJan-Tl85«: . *T had a tediooa lodaeoxa, which confined mo In doors Six weeks; took many medicinM without relief; finally fried year Jfrekral by the edrice of oaptclcrgynuu).,. The! ~ toft daw raUeved the. soraoeea in my tteoat and losga i Atom than ooe half the bottle nude me.completely, .‘ffcjfr aedfclnw are lfa»;dtoiMßkt as Wdl as the best wo tndwt mteem too, lector, and yoar ‘iaSpe poor wan’s friend." j.. *|■■ x •l - AiwKs or PhttoisiCf {and Bronchitis* \ M is M West BIASCHmza, Pa., Feb. 4,1856. Ba; Your CWry ikcforol is performing marvellous ls this section. It has relieved several fromalarss lotwwfilOßs of consumption, knd la sow curing* map who m> labored under an affection of the lungs for ithfi Mforty year*.. { HENRI L. PARKS, Merchant. 1 {A. A. RAMSCT,. MI D.,|Atnow,- Monos Co„ lowjl • Daring ny practice of many year* II hate found nothing equal h yoar (farry Peetorat fat. gjrfog wee and relief to concur iptlre patient*/or curing «Wh w|ere eorabla.**.. ' /•, \ | Vs sefeht add voloipes of e rldeoce, but thwisoat oop>: wUuiac proof :of the vlrtaw of Ode remedy Is found in its &eam «peo frtoh i 1 i, - •’> Contaai] tlon* | I.ProbeUy no oue remedy luu ever been . Wtfed so macy sod such c*tm as tills. £ome te howan aid can reach; bait evte to those the Chert} llbSsrto'iSbrds relief sod comfort/.' ' | lAena House. Wbw Yp« Citt, Marchß, JWj Am, Lowma: 1 foal it a and a pleasure . ito' inform yon what jcmx Chtrrv Pectoral hw done formy . viib. Bbo had beer* «*« tnnnth* ’-horiag Under the 'dan- , grnMssymptoJW ufrhieh no aid te •soli procara ci tw wiuateadfly Wl- I tog, until Dr) alr> e we have come, for adtle* woeeune xCdnei' We bloss ' hla Mndawm, as ihi baa recoTored : , 'fruin that day. oug aa ahh'naedto i,be» bat is free tt s herself wclL | |t , Tour, vitb V. - !. ~ , -j. ■ ;i , . .. or BcmiTT)UK| liotc triinl Ats.’b ; Duuimn I tlie bat medial 1 chemist. Id tfaf sround us bapejtk ’ the high Uphia Letter, V . Ayert 3 Pills. f|iUK ecleaoei -didae liaTe been : 'X taxed their beat, frost perfect | . | purgative wfaid xnxmmotabie jmi)& axo shown that “tnee whlcii mrpaadin , :wzoell«ac« the ordl that they win fa* ' ;■procedentedly npor >n. • are wife - ! ‘ and pleasant to ;ure. Thdr pefao-’' trating propertia irhicaof thebo^y, j j remove the obstr purify the lijdbd, - and expel disease which j ; breed, anil grow hluggiahj w diaor-i nderedorgansintc id ln^mrthe^U»y "toue with strength to ue »uoie ijotem. Kot only do :. they cart the'eveiy^y 1 complaint* of every body) tut' also 1 formidable and dangerous diseases that have baffled tbe beetj of human skill.' Wjblle they produce powejftd ; effects, they-are at the same lime, la diminished doees,fhb ■. ; s£fest and best phytic that ca nbe employed for children. * Being itigarooatsd, they art ] deaaant to and bdng « partly vegetable, are free fra i any risk ojf harm. Cure* have been made which aorpaia belief were they not rob* s staiitisted by men of soch^exalted poaitipn and duuactcr w to lbrbU the aospldon of nntrMfll.. , , Many efripent ; itlergypen and phyticlapshaye lentlbeir names to certify /: ’ kotbe public the reliability of my remedies, while others | ; I have sept me th 6 aaauraiaee of thelreonvietlon thatimy i PreparaUons eoojrJbßte inmjensely to the relief of[my j i afflicted, suffering t .. ;i- The Agent below named lit pleased to fnniisb gratiai my V ; American Almanac, containing directions for their usekud ; certificates of their rnree, ef the following conifffsinti;— r ! (krtiteuees, BUtonli CompUinta,;BbeumaUsto, brcfpey, i . i : Boartbpru, Headache arising] froth a foal stomachy Nan , aea. Indigestion, Morbid Inaction of the Bowels.and Win - , : arising iherefrom, Flatulency, Lot* of Appetite, *!! r}cer- .. oui ana CUtaneons msedses require an eraeuant:/ medicine,‘‘Scrofula or Ring's kviLj They also, by 'iiig 'tbd blood . and stimulating the system,‘cure many, : , complaints which It would not bo snppoeM they could reach, Such as Deaftiess, Partial Blindness, NenrnVgl* and: ' . NeHmis Irritability, Derangements of the Liver and ’ ney*) Oont, anil other kindred conqtlsints' arising frdm -a : ; low state of the body or obstruction of its functions. ?' i| . ; Do Dot be put off by unpjjlnctpted dealers with fomeij ether they make more profit pa. Ask .for Arm’s ] PnJA, !tad take potting eW. No other j you oninparaß witii lts iutriusic raloo or enratiro ] powers.. The sick w^nt 7 .aid there is for.them; ahd thcy should liave it. ( ; • j . j * . Pxoparod by D:r. i. C. ATE& | Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell; Piuc* 25 Cu, va. Box.' fin res :|li "' ;J : . \ ;S(ju> BY j.-;;.' ■!:’ : j , ■ ,j; S@wKor safe by I>. Minis,! jr„ Beaver;. s , D'agjroWcr & Loirry, fre.-*‘ dom; jJ. Nlchpla,: r -1; '’argenij ijNew; Brighton,'- John icton, pun-1 cin & Edgar, Ft iealj?rai wheri- ! *♦»* ife, ;62. *’ ■. ■< . _____ ■ i _ jjij,. u . :. ■ i CRI'I I-Vf/- ; PHILAOELf ERCIAL coi .7-V- N. E. corner sstnutSt., ': T i I’HILA UELVIII A, I’A. | THIS; Institution, v.L di : Was cMablislicil in i 1814, nnrf jis now : consri|ucutly; in t c eighteenth, year of. it 4 existence, huiii'- nntoiig its grattihlcs, hundreds of the.riiosf eessiul Alerchamli and Cusiiess Men; of Country.; : | ’ Tin l object of, llic Ins forii yoimp incii faeflitic railon for bitsinitss. ) > ,? . . . . ■ T?he branches |tanghjf afcj.r.oolt-kccifihg, as’ applicnble to the Tarjotn departments orir.'ide: Penmanship, hl>ih j pin in |jmd br.nanieuial; Coninicrclnl Lay-, mat lematics, Navigations Civil Engineering, jEr iwingJ I’ltojiographyV ami: Modern Languages, V. .■(* { • : ’i i'lThc system of Insifvction is .peculiar; uo clttssba or set lessons ars mjtdottse of| luu paclt student is taught individually, so that he niay coifimeucc at ijiiy tlute,'.and[attend', nt wliatev-' cr’liotiis arc most convenient. |Gatalogucs ai-e issue d after thi 1 nili jof April, contain ngjnam'qs of the stu dents for the iyear, rnd full particnlilrs of terms, &c., and 1 may. lii: obtained at any lime hjy addressing the Principal. ' ‘ c rln cxlensivoinccotiin cidatidns, wide-spread reputation, and the leii experience pf thp Ermdipul,’thi» lustitui[on joffers facilities stt jicrior to any bitter .In the. jeountry, fork young men Kvishing to prepatje for businciis, iatid : to pjUain af 'lhn s;uai‘ tiuie A,J)li'LoMA,’.wiiich will jirqvc a rccopneeudatiomfor them to any 'Mors Canlilc House.!’ J |,i, : J V'.v ■' '■' ■ . 1S ’*©* -Senes of Treatises onl .Boufc-Kecping,: now lijiore widely ! circulated than any other work on thel subject, niro jfor sale at the College. ■ ji 1 1, ■!’. f • J • - S. HODGES CRITTENDEN’S, i ; *ii’■ | i , j AtUmry-at-Lmr, fj-.| •, ; May 7. 1' |. !■■ I , 'PwscfPAt u . i ■ • “ The accounts ami subscriptions to ffijttE;Aßcjii.Bji-fpt-. li|Co and 1861 j. which have not been! setlUc J up, as Well us ike accounts 6f M. Weyand, M: &J; IVVoyand, -and 'Weyaud Jlarid, Henryl arc in-mybands ibr scttlcnifcnt.: , Jill who are indcbtcdjl tether ..■of these for subscription, advertisement .or job’ work, will please -call on uncut the Treasurers Office. Many of these caj cpnnts are of long sti.nding aiid should bo settled. , | i I ; 1 [ SAMUEL LAYEXTQRT. I ■- 1 r~ : ;■ : "IFEIV - : ''■ ’ .•! SIUSIHC:P»| : BITOpptM |i : : establishment,p| f- BROADWAY, NEW ‘BRIGHTON, PA.V f Year Door* bel*w Dp. Drug Stow. i, fc-sn*» mm. ND) I I TIOJ^EItY sijlclj' to nf sj** forLthorongh’ pfejifa- - \ (IBX OBIGIMAIj ONLY TRUE ASD IKSDISE} .. .| forsslean » EUple »«■> tij.Ur'- .j LIVER COMPLAINT 4,, q AJTO AIX BILIOUS DISEASES. £ . Theordinary evidences of Lis- - ! ease of the Liver are Pain and;, tenderness in the region of; the ]f llTer,eoxnetimes dull and aching* 1 increased by pressure, pain : and ' 1 Uneasiness in Breathing) Pain in j the right Shoulder* uneasiness - when lying upon the left; side, increased*size of the Livjer,Bhorl and Dry Cough* disordered stem- | seb, Nausea, Yellowish-Tinge oh ' the eyes and skin, Headache* yol lowiflh fur on the tongue, Isb | taste jin the mjouta,; heavy, i doll sensation in the Brain, D^- ■ presslon of [Spirits* amounting i almost to Insanity, slight [Fcvfer toward ovenirig, LOSS of Appetite, ' Melancholy, with inorosehes's and ■ Sypochondria,• Neuralgia, *dnli- [ . nos B , a igeheraVfeeiirig ness, e Languor, drowsmes?,. the • patient conscious of something wrong in and, disposed | to )see nothing right in things: ahput him. ' ynt wholly unable to explain the cause of sationsrrwith many ' detected -by resemblances to . some one or other of-the-above; j ; The Liver Pill will alinost cer- j tainly arrest the disease if takcip upon ttio appearance of; th.o symptoms, which if allowed to| tike its course, boeomCs chronic: in its nature and almost dneu-j ruble, producing great and Con ■ etantly increasing suffering,' ‘ 'the .use of this medicine fail! neither; create a caiaplicate anj. existing iOne, : .prepare theiriore remedies? of the physician Jahould it bo : t|o caU in .his !i j V !l i, ' j: AS A FA3UI.X 'l' BEL-LER.B» UV PILLS. • AKE INVALUABLE. ‘'t .ii, jigged Cents. VP TTP ! ' From A. ■ Cush Druggist, JS. Bead; Ind. D.' S. Owes; Kl-u]>7 Drar Sir —ln reply toyouy lUvorof the 15ih I would Jay, that {lie nalo of j Sollnr,*’ Medicine* hits far .my cyprctaf tldus; and In!'no oaao/haTe they lulled to produce the desired effect. The, Cough Syfnp is a cure for troughs, cold«J Ac„ an«V the cheapness of th& article place* it within the reach of (mi which, together wilfT ita efficacious qualities, renders It a vnivf.rral favorite. Mot a day'paws numejxai? calls ihh “the one' thing mv-druJ.” «{ this season of th* yw, Vi*. OkigU Syrnp.. j -!| v .I. j - A’Ja..jcusmM*o.;. .1 > Price Cents. • {:]*■ : ■•iVERMi-Fb-CjEii'li ■j; , • ‘J: P f i. Frtra the Rev. S. WokefleW, fanner Taste 1, of the Liberty. Street 3L IT. C’liurcU; J| iiMr. tl. K.jS^cUfcße—lt,iA t'mru s-iinr* t.f xtoUngi wilbgKsitfpleusiin.-.IIK-art>«:imoo’jrJ j the Virtue of jWr jijjdly celehnjred j‘. procured a single hmths it to tluyy.Ofpi I chliJron, who hail boen 111 far weeks.] | rjldcat was sh*ti year* old, thd'bext, nr.d v.tjl : youngest eighteen-iuonths.- The flr*t flit ' etc worms, the second and the'tt;|: . Hr. eonridemble number,.not - distinctly r>colP i cU' CmcMhew tlioy have been und one hi; hj,good healih v j \ S. WAKKFIELD. " ■■ l - 2 ' ! ‘" " ' I f Price 25 Cepta. . 5 PBEPABKD ASD HOED' B 1 ?.E. SELLERS & CC I . PITTSnPOQH, PA. ~ J vermifuge. ‘yM&Rmsk:: * Eo?ry year Tfeottssi&s jof Children ;iiel from tils’lAriißlo dril. jrtiii slaniitng i«., loii\Uy Cnll-S -1W ; inrrvArtl vuicliiit?iJ imil fiir gnmUr ».* icU'-.u r.f ;/<« jylar.* tiy. ' Thv tij pc'si:i'*ri *f iiiany iiiiVMi-ctkns to ft lTirtl'O.d w.jiin sMs h| a just:fit*'l by. tl.c, injuries rjual ;tli s ol- P-inO >f t!.r .vt-rmifuyps lojildbe j c*;‘VU? p ost of tbo s PO'calUJi ‘‘TVVrin Cu fZ-cIU-uii,". ‘| livrbi ;rn,mlio3”/*\Vorrn Teds’ - *vlv Krrn IfJht tai'cr are tiarjnhss arc. inside: f,: fsl* HEUT Hi.t.C iST LICI'J . S*o 111* 11'111ft 1, ; ‘-:i piMr.* tiH-'!b<.T, Vriil thus IrirtvywiUi.die ilu* ■«* bo; child. A* '• : 4 ’■ ■•' •: I ' leV physicians speak. sue-. SELLERS’ VEiISIFDSf. h myitis is> thk x»xi,opir. •| • XicMhs I; t \ K, 5. i ‘Ms. R.‘E. S-LL- k«,jvlrH ( .-‘•■•i I fror-c ylrttic* T ty.-r J. ,1 to : W MA|ioiy.l{::i\oo'tic* vlak Mv l-r-th* r*s ( i,M I v..i i.inin/u»; ittiii urtitlihy l-i n tyW> Ut*',n. j 1 i=:. hnnrs al'tor iho V<vr?|i;a_-'.:. fbaViiCt’r i.ur «luautU>; of ujtfvhrd of f i> >- f y ; llitj thU*l. tbatvasuWoa np/ut' i , uow as well as aav in the ‘ - ’, . AUBBosWApCBT-i', >r.;U. it rc|iutntty»-{i ?n. ; •; i • i ; <5 . AlHhnt iu faiiiilj, w a fair U::il. , j 1 JVm! TV. / tf’v H.TI. Pntiiifii uh-.I ic linu% ■■• ti<«» f‘if the Ja*t fdixr nr f:vcj y«»r», 1 U ii -' oiJ.Hlly;t’ho Wst prVfaniUohjof tin? <* ! other manufacturer*. 'YV.uirs. rcf^K.vtfnny; ■ ‘ r.l : .. i • ... *• ji>. coi]Cii/M, b. We might rTTUftijerHlr! hundreds of .ythor <av *. lint Vermifuge iuu*toc d Uus marching Uatofth? mimlcaVfcwulty anti jiu > lie fo r wore than a guaric*ofa century. Which. ?f conclusive of iU' tiitire safety, as tccfJ ( u the certaiuty of It* eUV'd." :| •. '! 1 , XJjtick.— Vlxtraonliuory InduaWnta a!ro <»f tp dealer* to recomme vl mid sell otli-'r Vi r mIEogM. Do not Ut unprincipled men p*hu >t any of these on-joij. Tito tit any ftict U OUefi\aj*sl, therefor© oak lU SelioiV Vemifoj p andtafe* mooOitr, i J Price Ooutcii HiPxßta A!»0 'eouTß» ! : | .• SELLERS & CO PA. j j 1 _, _. -/) !_• HE \ The Jing{e. , iUuUt- Thy , r rj '■ War o/' ii.'i KV . ' l - :.«?(!? ' - I/!' I;! ! , DIi..TVJSI•,;b.• ! s f j •tv« D'ENT'A : ;U\T:Re.fV*-u-?i : ’n: ; Pnriftjknj the - ■JJrr.p/J 'Curing Tcofhaahc 'and Neuraigi; ■] aft Kin t*. .Df.,Jlurd'9 Crkkraud MOCTII IT : cn holdf. , • V ' J)r. Uurft VnypwUid TOOTIk !)f;t one hox. ’ I - ' JlynVt Xi.'f/k TOO 'J Jl/tCJi r’ /jJ one ■ • - n ; i- '. : u,. i’!,Ayp!:u. ■/•r. I.'sr.u ,'l inf) <L /’ 'i'J I’o'r-rr.Tn-o/u>,-ii> <r < ■,.i -p,-, : \hLO*.<p:fLK ]<W. i,'- J-JPh'P . . .'Vm'-'ilw! n.( •.!»)•. Ihivi’s .'l-uf; ri;, , • ' ■ Pr.'-c. ox/-: UOLLA l. w' ’ - 7 n 'f-srrf; U;:. ' r \ <■ %' iijelic*. l.v f. vo. Vu'i'.l i.-. > j ; /tjr ll.y i* •>;.' ... v I;, . TU'J ]■' Av iJ! y Ji'l I ;t;lcv fj i !y. l?y irirtil. vii.r ‘ ; j ‘ ’ ' I ’i r-. fh'/.<•: on 7\"^ ir n.'hi;l /'■'■■)"■■■ /■ r»ij ..receipt of ku\T; ci:si .j i I liC lor | ; Pifcc; Nri-vr.u . ‘ ->_ 7 ’ ''■ 1,-.; tiiiVo P.. /■ -{V.f.l'Ajn- ii. 'j].( VjL -i: -H;. ;» u\'. ;;l' Jf.t- !;■*:! V.| : out j,: ; ~1 r L V h ■ ■' i’ :•!><■■ Jiyh> •V-P.-'f r/MM-.y, rid , i<>k'rji\'rriri-: I ‘ain't l(*y ■t, i il. .liii! . ( ' ] raliiijt! n! ; j i!r' I) . ! iii.'.v ( 1.1 lj.■ 1. ! iiikvSYin ' " ! hiig Ai:; . ii | a [V I iivjuv-r t*rV*.-1: W\. H «> vj« hr, j :JII i* 13 I r-i ;i/ie >v \ |•'{; {M-M/.K i* i■. r \-‘- ; v.y Vv‘f'l ].~.i ;. ~ ... n NE vAh. MEE •» > y at: f r. T ! '-li-. ".iV:, ,■ if. y>a; -ct j |»jv ;jl tl&.Muyvtmi ;*;•?.y.r .i.V.iil.." ' / ; * Use if cW.sf ?s y«. sf:,a}{ I ; i»J- !iry-V* ■ lH'. luu*d's> I’o.Jlor;’ I.) -I rutv allcali. :*M|v*lk»vrc - u\. v.u .V •'. ; 4y s i\yxl ■ * ■' 'VII st ViiiJi.. iii;:yiia;i:'\s: uM’ ;• ; v' -J;* .kfk-f.w ’••.-r, j av I*l give y-'iil-.’c \F*V • in’'.?!; —aysn eM breathand j tadkj-M - ‘. . j jiy Dr.-Hurd's Mm-hAashil Jyv.ill: !in- ,i v mi IJ 1 Ms. a is.«] ’fused iri.l-i. re- I'fii'.v hrerikiirsf (user vV/,-.• r-. 5 imo'v Jinn-hy !;•>( ilvj_e Oils, ••i'vv f ii:> .v. lA ;; ’are ThvAoe host pr'ey-er itl 1 h>iu 'ly i■■ iHo ; : efC.. 'have ,hecu cured hy * -viii; ndjVl*.- ; Ur., Hurd’s >VoutU \VasUV rjrivo :ui. add.ii ioual chanM, , make lm>b;mds. more ai-ive* S and wiyes-to ilielr husband* 'used !*y every jjcivuii d;:;vhi ; V.'hich iIVC* liable to iutpal f n>.••)!*! I''.' 1 MV l! Id*. Hurd ; VToiul.atHuv Mi I aeju' hervc>. yir. f best t.ita.y jiarchfr ena ii;»ye j t<» .‘•ave tl.en*,elfi.i<h : on fVarh r/>nui'« 1 , 1 tVein lns> of ::jul sv Us-in'ir. i‘ , •'• • , Kannork si,ml invcJinnie 4^ yo*i cann -: fun! ryVm* U'v.i h.- fora-t y*'U c.aV' lu-u yfci jo’c-t/ryabivcyi {h.ur -.n-..Vst‘*r run tba 1 mul C’vn. i/ "> i}>‘: Jd'uija oft on “virinaji* hr uegleei-. *j *’ vV'-w.v*' T<vh, ami tv. : ,Y it ell- .s < tlv.-ew ;j! i- ns »>u. I liis• suiijeot, . | taii-o'rest Avcay iu y*'iur own ten! j your cbiMrcn s teeth, . . ' : I* l Neuralgia Ulast i he •pleasant jand -sucecsslul ] -n ed ihf liiisj.fctiiir-ul disease. . Tlte fri 1 jd'es one, soon hc(N>mos <U*'owsy. and a\vpkd? »Voe‘fvf-ui pain, ami ny« Mid 1 other. uhpioayaur ov injurious cbjr.'i*oue!aa sue.; Frif /Atr.-ichs 'ami A 'crvouls ply ’ nyfoi iling •jo directions, and jvliM: surely, hdlotvvi Notliiug efrn he nhiahioti.i lo l>r. (‘onipress fheuf. TliO/V Are Muhvly a novel,- 1 | oviginal.prejojivatinji. ami \vdr.doTl’u,:'y I JUI. • They :rre of t \v<r sizes.' one smdU fy i fa-ce. price, lo.cents, and the' otUer | applicatidu hxthe body, price ‘57 eon's, ; ‘ ; /-• an d'i'ei'pi *?/i-rii '- itiul un* ' j ir//,i;r .d.’f rin: j>i:'>! i.K Tlie. Amevlc;« -yieople,nre intelliiron* ar}‘i;cciaivj)iTpirt-aiioiistl»Hs(eonJ vUjuK-rv to happiness of those. usvp’g, them. :>ivh [ ivont them. KVorv ■ onlcrin£.the.Treatise onTeeth. s»|mo the 1 valg-iu niiu iiui a ; {e\y-vnuly>iff> r -' tor the Mouth Wash.’ to be stent to.these wp are eompelleAto bnpossibleUo semi a.half-piui bottle hv, people want those'' lieuieiUos. ■h {r ibffirf. j ' ■- v *■* 1 Now ia the .p *. ,V\ w ftsosj Shrewd agents can Hmfcc ,a small .carrying, these articles aroiimlto I'anishfi; DerttabTfeasury is the nealest, avnc!'-' ' man. or womlin can Carry around. .H?' lino and seen, or, better,- a dozen. willVcll, ,ds samples-,':for !?7. ~1 gent'I 1 !, liberally yylth circulars.- pa?" No"' ' s ■ S to iu go iiito tlm business, to' ■ a profit. AVe are spending , th'n^a ll '!' lu benefit of agents. New BngltlnJ men ! here is somethingnice, and a dp take,the tide at Us Bodd; Address,,,i_ ■ ■ i' ivM. «. ni’iin x t<>- ’ ‘ e Tribune BtiilduigS- Nevr^ ' made deuce, Vi. li. H. & Co., refer to,the -' u f , llrouklyn; to U‘. W. Griffith. Ptcsidcn-i -Crs’and Citizens Da»K f \BrooHj»: *£.' " lIMI i r.t '.•V.iy/'i/. ;v/ i, 4 ; .V- r T. J t !i : =III ■Av: f.T-,7 I =TM .1 .■■■; f *f- - j a ; x r:^: 'i - 1 ifiat t-vei Y A'i-1 ; T >i • r ;.:.d !i ! :nn». f r.-v-T IL .jycJClprlClA L CUA NCE FOR AGE.NTS 1110 'y I -i ; or :V/v.v ><■' i _ 1 •. =I ' '*!'■ r Tien^,:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers