The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, November 05, 1862, Image 3
Ucd'haartcrs Army of th f Potomac;- si —Affairs remain quiet in front The enemy is undoubtedly hr strong force between the Potomac and’ Win-. eliesUr, and is evidently muclppiizzled cuuceiniug our iiiovemonji. 1 Parties comiii- within our lines rdport- that brcat Activity .prevails in all rebel canips. and Umbnufa little uneasiness is'Viiiiiicsted by their-officers.; ;■ 1 Xiic irobps have nearly' all received' [fcir winter clothing, though; there is ■ r M-iat deficiency ot good shoes and hhuiketsi .These* however, will dbon be supplied. ■ . - ttasitiwton, ,2sov. I.— The latest news from the front is that the rebels hold Thoroughfare (jap: with a small picket. . . " ' , ' , __ GeV».'BavartT« cavalry was attacked v(Vi efdav* afternoon at A ldic: . lie encamped last,night.WO miles .east of liail jtlacc. Iroiu which fact illiel'- ve'i lie repulsed the' rebel force. Wheatland, U.— Our ; cavalry made a rccoiuioissaiiTrc yestorda}’ to within three miles inchester. — iiuslc a: large loroe dt,the rebel iaivairv with artillery .were i|i»u«vcr - U :.s: the slopes witbin-lbc.vicinity of ■s. Hkcr's Gap, vhere the enemy have 'J*„ nccatlv erected a signal station. -•- l.v v ca'i.uoc.aUiiig • was hea;a last ‘ ’at and' it was ihci'e • that a skirmish' was ..a' b.-iwocn Gen. Bayard I .and : 11: i .~; ~ . .'SMil't A- j-t i ,)i.n<)i.-i;a:;co ■’ this . tooriiing ro veais fiio. tn'-'t t hut 'the ivLcis arc ill ii-.a-L-' hv-tweeir Gup jr.l i’hiltr.VH.t; on tW’ wk-st.o; it side of ii,.- jtiiie I’riJge i . ' : A any rjfthc Futjjtnac, i u. 'mi. — iii‘! i -I’tea-'ll:!loir yes-- v cun.!',' ■no with tin 1 . enemys i iiV.'ilrA' -and artillery at! Pliilnnrtift. ai i.iit ' ek-vo.ii, o'clock. • The liyrht, which yas conducted wholly uy 'arltl hashed about five. hour?, -.wlicst ■■ftc-'i" ciKliiy ’ retreated ,to Union —a town'three miles beyomi. • Our was one killed.dburteen wyunded. J'he fnetiiv's. dorcc consisted _ of a i fei-iii 'of Ftuart’s -cavalry. and one S* Five of them are. 1; Mown 16 j//, ■ ifu'is Kf. Vi; 11 *_■ 4*'t i k idi U ii'oniiiiij PloiiHiiiitiin ivnccved ti.r "iuiiickai ; At Mon i,‘, 1 •i, k 'no, v. :m by adjrfefiidje .^iVSkiilry, :iat : oir‘ u.ylo;-!vj..P-V 0 ! jvl! : ba-k• Iroui Urdu?! and our ,;n- ; !;> 4, i. riiji;r ; i ’Ur town. " Oilij. ii'ys rj‘ :- r I i‘iyV ; .was'; *c»u«| C;;:i.■?; :i:’d •.voun-U-fl. . I>uViii>/liic a -ivkvl c ySfilodyd i-v our oT, The- loss'Hot 4. !0 1 Ti:o lirim' ia that '<Jii ; oii was vi : v;,hvavv ;i-na throe u’c-’oi-k lill .cars. hit! Ihe rei-air is aet l;ii;.\yn.~ M'Cieliui. xiUtea thy :Voatdur- (.i _<• this-aTti-Vniujii. W'bat the •.yer<*'; moviiii' 1 ' isViof kbb’.v.r., the djs flaino Ai■«>:‘io,i- par! “or o;:r at i'iy look ",p'o.*M-s3i'>n <>! SnickirrV Gap Tlsive- Lof ivb'.l in,!:!fit-I'JV' v.-t-re. at last fi.fivu-es. a'lvtj!iei.’i;r hji 'fib i.o! th :b(ibbf ,:iu‘ mcutiUi:!. in, lTj|y !'ib. a; atf'.iuwcil but i-csults-’ are i.<il vet. kttavnn • 2w»v i.—Tlio o v.'y [Vnw iis. v o'iir .els Wti'o'Jnvoa in at iiia.■’ .This jis ii.oarr’nl. li(iux-v.T, to ihdicale a >t;tn>iss:!!!c<s r.-i;!u r tliati-aii: at tank. "tTuo iv'ools 10 no oto; up i'V Ay:iV (Ji' tiiol will inns ho in. position io; 1 1 Kolivi raioi Coi ;ml;i I(. is liaiviv :i <‘*il r jt;2 - rv>. M'--' iM-' vet that, tilevC liavc ,'hi.l ft.'■ iiails men to attack. Lai have pM-L ii!cir foluniiiS -ionvanJ it.i. a! •threat fiat'll aiaiiiu-r in tadcr lime at ;Jlniiv Sjirit'iis anil" ■ other : ‘S. ; “ . V . " Cu:;11! 11 ehos t-■ -Ji;; v" Fay li at the mail ./ii.f.-o::t;«' I- V ''.i. - in there to" day Irvuuijiic-vi!i:i and r ;.;irlod that our -fouls t=;i<i .-•••ouivd iii-.r country ; a* lavasKi]•;c-v." ;Lmt dis e. .. ret! nt) traces or the. enemy- One' arrival from I tie 4 South I i-fji.orts •.-..1 ijiiiei at Helena. , In .' 'i. Lave been issued !l.y I Sen. Sl.u-r ■at. all ;steamers, wirii UU-.1l t*. ,<-ti j'r nu:rt-l;:ii;tii:;i,t sI;:r!l; In 1 tnii u\.,i Uy ifftjstbats £e;ii -1 •',':*t Cairo or Jlriujiliis. ; V.- ,i‘!>vc- a nniior 1-y l).c Avaj-'of • Ci.Vu'jj.Jit Ji['-b'i!r |> Ti.c -re i.inviyht hi i y ivl.e!; jai.-oli ■' v!nr y I/i\i:«■'! j-ii ti i rj ' i,'i —The ■■ • ! Miys; Ail day ;• "-flay | la-t. stalwart. s!tn-.-!y’. sttcn •j cntv.iy ill. tuid tit vvchintr the ■'.Ml was Till- Couimis ■ r trad cXi 1 i -.-.-I i‘ the ivise I (tret'au ,-■■■ 11 C j jj’ti!i:!(iii id :liijiiors. '$ ■ ‘■•'■.aiydi! n.oro jiaarcahlv ■ :-y ha,d . IjiH-n a!;’.i'-;p:iUd. (In ono :.'i..,n,.'laty i“;'. the oVeiiiiiir. \yo heard •■i’- puny up,-street ‘r We'll oid.Abc on'a tree,” "Ji'li.aiioilif! - .dovni j-iuk't echo in re ('l’’ “Hurra lor JetTlhiVis” which iy-uiiiiirl- harshly ami"' ominously But yt-itfi this exception, we ■-aiv coginsKini'’jof no i>lismcw6riiiv -fnnfiuct. - .■ ■■ • , •I On; ttr SCtl., nil.. Wil -i'f (A son,of Thomas J. :inii Caroline * Schley. 1 year ar.p •> months Teachers 'VV:uil«ml. Tfllu Board of .School uflr.dcpcn uortt School UiMrici of Borough Township, lu;*iVt:r e (,.v'*uni3j* - I'a..j , jt , «!rc to cnipjaj *tto Male Mid thr»*o .female teacher's li.r ?he Schools of Jani liisi riv'J. Tomi. to ccnnnenve, nhout .the h'c'm '‘Uvcudfcr next, and continue four 3if j .fiie C..uiuy Superintendent will at- (u a, the Court in .Beu-Ver,- on Yuras 'l/' ~ H * J* ; ,o clock.a.- M»t to examine 1 "''i! 11 all '* w v!u.'! j ‘ r ‘ r > . :ll V ,^ons -: ari - k ’ revues:eft to i , J: ! ; . f re,i, ‘ R! jfhere to the ■ who will i>c-present.', .‘ • ‘ oi ' 'tf e l-oard. ' ‘ . ■ / j Hesav Hicit, Soc-’jr. •j A £- M 1 C|fi. ■ ° f on the estate ■ laic of. Greene tmvh -I'caTcr' caTcr Conntj-. Penn'a dccM diaring in!‘." hc undersigned, nil persons la a»'.ihi ' crta:c repeated fo n.ake 4ain«* 4p P ' 1 ' having-claims: dtheriw ‘ i D r e 1 P reflcnt them jjropcrlv -. for settlement. ‘ • ■ ‘ J.'i MPS NKX,SON, Hanover tp, Administrator. ' Uov.^ . Quarterly Statement OF THE ;BANKOF BEATER COUNTY. 'New Bkioutos, Aug. 0,1862. I LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paidin...i..i. : ..., _553,450 00 Notes in'Circulation ! 4,566 00 Discount Exchange and interest...... 1,836 05 Due-DeposUjjrs..... ......i 59,918 16 'Dividend unpaid 849 57 Total ...; I , BESOCBCES. ' i • | Nctcsand Bills Discounted, _553,012 50 Loan to Commonwealth., 5,000 00 U-. S. Treasury Notes, (7 3-10 per ct)L4,850 00 Due from Banks..; 23,045 47 Notes and Checks of other Banks- 19,398 92 Coihin Vault 12,'36615. Fdrniture and Office Fixtures...;..— 1,958 95 CunentExpensoS, ; .......48597 Total BEiAVLE COUNTY ss: Before me, a notary public, in and for said County, came Edward Hoops, Cashier of the' Bank of Beaver County, who being drtly affirmed according to law, dfc poselh that the above statement is correct ;and true, according to the best of his knowledge and belief. EDWARD HOOPS. .Affirmed and subscribed before me this 6th day .of Aug, 1862. JNO. CUTHBERSON, * Notary Pdblic. Ciias. Hoops. Deputy j jNotice. f '■ 4 LL persona interested in the following Administration and Guardian Accounts, which Lave been passed .and 61ed iirthe Re gister's office, of beaver county. Pa., willtiikc notieje that the saiue \rili be presented to the Orphans’ Court, to be held a( Beaver, on Wed stsuky. 12th or November, 1802, .for confir mation and allowance; ' ■ The final account ( of David M'Callistcr.' acting Executor of the last will of Wu), M'Callistcr dee'd. ’ . t. The final account of John Ewing, Esq., Ad ministrator of the estate of James R’hiti hill, deed. 1 ' 1 . i |r The-fin-aV accounts (P«calai)d Personal) Of John M'Callough Adraii)isilrator-of the estate of Andrew Knox, dee'd , The final accounts (Beal and Personal) 'of li:.ilie! Shafer.iAdrninistriition of the estate of William tjlmfer. dead. ; • The .final account of Alexander Nicklc, |Ad ministjator of i the estate of Jane Hoge dee’d. Ihe Second and final account of David Gra ham, sui-viviug Executor of the'last will Of William Nelson, dee’d. : The .partial account of Win. Duff, Executor of riic’-Jlasi wilt of Join Duff, dee’d. The final.n'ccotlius (Real and Persona!) of ?. h. ‘Oriin, acting Administrator of Henry •Snval.■dec'J. =j- , I ' V Tile Gdavdiariaccount of James Marks,Guar dian or.Jamci Berry, minor eon. of Charles Berry, dcoVi. j ; r — _ _ The Guas-dicn account of! dames, Irons, r«q.'. Guardian of Mary J. I'our.g, formc'rjy Mary IJ. Marks, mirier daughter of 'ames Marts}-dec’d. | i ! • (_ ■ X. %. MUORE. >*• * I BeaVer, Cteti-S, ’C2 nniilvsul.rfcribcr will at Public S;ile, at ■'jj tbe .lii.tcj rcsulenee of Andhew Glass, Hoc <l.. in Ohio tpVßcavcr'pounty, Pa. - ,’, on l ilu- fnUo ' yorcmbir-- m, tm, ..:KZi property;. ‘viz; 3 work Horses, •t wk*'year oil Colts. rCiVii! one spring Colt, (Va- nnd-vfoihg of superior quality. 17 Hojps.; \ two horse Wagon, 1 K'eap iu*i :md Mow Grain-Drill,'Plows, I‘arrow, Cv.'jijvator, farming Implements rebel V't;ou;'.s : generally; a v .ini 2d:l-bus. Wheat. 201 1 bus. Rye, 'Jinn ji ") Ims. Corn in the car. Wheat a!. !!: ... in the ground,a ; largo quantity of ; jj.-.y in the,-slack - and niqw; Household ami . Kitchen FUrnilurc. consisting, in ]<art of lied-, fteisis. Redd and rlte/ldihg: one new Cooking thoi'e,- Tables, Chairs, _ , Also, deceased's ftitetcsj' (bc&g |) in a '..Fh.wictr CuP Well, near Smith's Ferry, includ •'ing-Stcam Engine, boring-apparatus. Sc., ami. |k variety of biher articles too numerous to meat ion. \ I '■ ■ 1 ‘ . . £^.f**rsi!c l to commence'aii 10.‘ o'clock, n, m., I .Ifiy. j : \ JUIIN BRENTZ, ' Uc!. 27. i ' | Admiiiistviitor. 1 I Orphans’ Court Sale. lj By.-tinuc crjan o:Mer of Ihe Urjlhnns* Court *>f IVtuvor </onnty. .will bo- Exposed to sale ,l*y p;iVl;n vciidue or toutevy] on \be premises, Oil V/ednezday, Npvember sth.^ hi M.J die followin'* real estate of f McHciivy,; *iccM, Mtmito in lhe township i "f In ii’pcndcncb; buuidcd: and * described us : f..(1 0r. tIJ iit.nh by lauds of Isaac. Me *(bJy. ,r.n the eaW and south by bind* of -Janies ;\U xamlcr. and yii the wort Jjy land,of -Alex, i»;nl I'Kcuvrick Book: containing :scj e*s ; moveovici'e—-about J or 8 ceres cleared. ; and a smr.U'log dwelling house on *ihe prenii- •ji v 'i I.K-One third in hand, on coilSrma (i.ij eh sal*; by (lie Court,and the balance* in two ctjual amiual instalments from* that date, with intereit thereon from the same lime. ° r further • information. dnejuire cf Charles M'liwu'y, or John M llcnry, Service t- 0. BcavcvCo..,Pd. Bv of the*Conrf, : - • J • A. 0. MCCREARY, Cl*k. ; > £n rain; Oct. 4. 1802. ' ~ /v I IST OF; LETTERS UNCALLED FOR; j remaining in the Post Oflice at Rochester 1 i'a. ; Sept. SCjth, 1802; j linker Miss./Ann iM'Gain Preston B Brubaker Joseph ' iMalcy Thomas . Ihtiism.Mi J B jMoany John L’anlren Amy' (Murray James Campion MaiiMa !Nlarhb Robert C mike .John B jMay John © Carr liar: ‘ jKull'Criah. | I/euidgcMrsJ J Paine Miss Nancy. . Ldtrrah E 11. (SlillwelllMiss Mary ; Fla.'-'er J Oils Jierrou Miss Eliza iSmith Mrs Rosetta 'lamUton Miss MA, .Jsferigcr Peter' riarri.y Joseph 'Shepherd Peter —, Rail .k Darragh, Palmer D Hare Miss Maria ; T4n uson Gariy \ * CL |U*ray J A- I Ijons Mrs J If jVfilley Alisa Isabella x: Jackson TLomsij iVr'ise John L Johnsron’J.olin -iVaruer Lotad Johnson Miss Lizzie jV.'ilSon MnsG M Kuhn Isaac i !Wilson George .McCague Ishhcllc • ; , : .Perkins’calling for letters In the above list, will jileatc say they are advertised. T. ‘M. TAYLOR, P. M. List or letters, uncalled fob, remaining in the Post ’office at Reaver C. ’ H.-Pa., Sept. 3Cth, 1802.. ! • , Arbuck’e,James |Marshall Hugh •Arbticklc ‘Matjatta Theressa 1 i BaldwiiijCassy jNevincAngie ; Campbell Joseph iNelsonKate CJmpbcll .Mary jScutl Rebecca, t.’llannell John ' . . jShrod^s’William " , I’Mer John R , Smith RG ’ I,by John .Welsh Martin : Harwell Minnie I Welsh IFF . ' .Higgins Margaret ■ jWilson Mary £ \ Biggins: William ' i t : Persons calling .for.letters in the abptfe List ‘ will please say they advertised. • i - . M. J. ANDERSON, P. M. * ES"Office Hours: From 7A. M. till 6P. M. A Rare Chance for a Good Investment, qtock and fixtures of a country STORE, in.a g ood Location, with a large; run of custom: ’situate;'.within. 13 miles [of, ITllsburp. I Just in time for Fall and Winter Trade Stock low at present; no unsalable . Goods. Terms i'casy. For! a’man of limited capital, no belter chance could be offered.—. Store, and dwelling house for sale or rent.— :Address “R. 1..” Allegheny- City, Pa., giving real narne. asd j stating where on interview pan beheld. ' • !j j- . .. . Oct. lS. 5120,117 96 ,—...,....5120,117 06 Public Sale. , ! • • i ’ 1 ■ FOR S AiL E, Sheriff’s Sales. 1 Br virtue ,of Sunday writs of Levari Facias Fiera Facias Ond Tenditioni Exponas is sued out of the Court of Goman pleas .of the County of Beaver and to me directed, ’ I will expose to public sole at the Sheriff’s office in the borough, .of Beaver, in the county afore said, pa - 1 Saturday, November Bth. 1862- at 10 o’clock in the forenoon,, the following property) to witii . , ■ ’All , the right, title, interest and claim of the defendant, of, in and to the following de scribed farm or tract cf land in Chippewa and Big Beaver townships, Beaver county, Penna., bounded and described os follows, viz: On the Ninth by public road, Bast by James I*. Welsh,. Seth Welsh and Wm. McCottery, South by John McCarter, John Duff and John. Wilsb|i, and.Wcst’by John Duff, Joseph Hannah, Ma ry Johnston, Jos. Anderson aAd Washington Johnston; containing 281 acres, more or mss, about 250 of which are cleared, under fence, and inagood state of cultivation. The entire farm underlaid with coal and lime stone;; one' five feet vein of: coal open.; On which are erected one large, two story brick dwelling hquse, built in an L shape, main or front house being 42 x 34 feet in length and breadth, and the L part 18; by 26 feel; cellar under the whole house, in four apartments; the entire house containing-eleven rooms, with twoporch es back, and portico in front. There are al so the following out-buildings on the premi ses, viz : one brick building, in ; three apart ments, nsedhs a coal house, wash house ‘and lumber house, three log houses, one frame barn and frame stable, one frame wagon house and corn crib, jand two cow houses. " There arc on the premises three orchards of bearing fruit trees, and one recently planted. ! [Also —all the right, title, interest land claim of the defendant, of, inland to' another tract or parcel of land situate in Big Beaver and Chippewa townships, Beaver county, Pa.; bounded and described as-fallows, viz: On the North by Harrison Power, James Marshall and Jobu Imbrie, on the East by public road and David Cochran; on the South by Andrew Welsh,, and on tie West by Wm. .McCottery and Harrison Power; containing 78 acres, mure- or lesa. aboul fifty of which are cleared, under fence and in a good state of cultivation.' The above tractls well watered and underlaid with coal and lime stone; on which are crect :eil a frame dwelling house, containing three rooms, a log'stable and cow house, and a stone building formerly used as a Church, boutJ4U x by 45 feet in length and breadth. A small or chard on tbe.prcmises, ; | Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Thomas McKinley at the suit- of Dan-V ielAgnew. ' NV, 2 ALSO, .. - A 1 tltc same dime and place, all the right,, title, interest ahd claim of defendant, - pf, in aiid to the' following tract of land, in Indepens deuce township. Reaver county, Pa., bounded on the East by hind of Wm. Obeny, on; the South by land of ißoberfGorguch, on the: West by Robert Gorsucli, Sr., and on the ’North by Isaac McCoy; containing about C 2. acres; on which are clectedionc log house andlogsfablc. About 15 acres cleared and under fence. Register. Alsu — Otj? other ' lot of ground adjoining the jabure struct, containing about 2 acres; bounded on) the East by Wm,Thompson, South by Wm. Obeny, North and Weal by. above tract of land. , Seized and taken iuciccution as the prop erly of fisher Beaty at the suit of William Obeny. 1 ~y No. o, ALSO. ; ' At the same time and. place, all the right, title interest and claim of John Wilsbif,' one of the defendants, of. in and to the following lot of ground situate ift-the village of NcwGa'J. T ilce. Big Reaver township, Beaver county,Pa., bounded on the N or! hby public road, on the ’East by land of Jonathan .McCollum, pn‘ the fmuth by land of James Sharp’s heirs find Wont by street; bn which is erected one small frame dwelling house. Some fruit trees on the lot. ■gjetzed and taken in execution as the prop erly of John Wilson, Milton McMinn and Jo siah T. W. McCunc at the suit of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania- c. ' ~ Xo. ( 4' \ ALSO... ; At the same time and place, all the right, title, interest and (Haim of defendantiof, in and to the following property, to wit: All those three lots of .ground situate in the borough, of New Brighton* Beaver county; : numbered 120, 121. and -122, bounded as fol lows., to wit: On the north by Market JSlreet, ynst fiy third street, south by Mulberry alley, on- I be west Iby Clover alley; all under-fence. 1 Seized and taken in execution as 1 tlie. prop erty of Thomas T. at the suit of John A Bradeii. . . ‘ No/ 5./ j / ALSp, ' '] V., ; At.tlie aaiac time and place all the right, tir tie, int crcsf,Jiind claim of dcfcrulant of, in and to the 101 l owing lot of ground in the borough of New Urigjjtou, Beaver county, l’a.,, being No. 21; bounded on the North by ioi. No. 23,. ■on the East by'alley, on the South by Butler street, and on the B eat'by Bridge street; on which are'crected one two storj- brick dwelling house, with cellar underneath, and one frame warehouse. I'rujt trees and ahubberv on the •loti . . . . - " 1 , Seized and taken iii execution as the proper ty of John C. itaiuhpw at the suit of James I'eaiel. N o. T), At the same lime and place, all the right, ti tle, interest and claim of defendant, of, in and to the following tract of luuil,. -situate in In dustry tp., Beaver county, Pa.,- bounded and dcscriheif as follows: Beginning at a walunt, depreciation land north 4 degrees, west tSU perches to a beech, thence by land of Noah'Campbell north.C4 degrees, west 64 6-10 perches to a hickory, thence south 43 degrees, west 137 perches to a post, thcucc south 0 de grees| west 168 perches to a stone on the bank of the Ohio.rivcr,' thence up the same north 38,degrees; east 130 perches-to a post, thence uurtU 64 dcgriSes, cast 110 perches to the place of beginning, Containing 107 .acres,-more or less, about one-half of which is cleared and under fence, and all of the hill part (being about one-half) underlaid .with- coal, one vein of jjkich is open and in working order, on whioji is erected one brick dwelling house, two ktorics high,' "with .cellar underneath and kitchen back; also,, two frame houses one and a half stories high, and a new store room; also, a stable out-buildings—a good orchard of fruit treei, and plenty of water on the pro miscs. , , . . - /■ r. Seized arfd taken in execution as the prop erty of Charles 11. Sbriner at the. suit of Jas. Jackson. . . NO. 7 At the same time and place all the-right, ti tle, interest and claim of defendant pf, in: and to the following messusage or lot Pf ground situate in the borough of Bridgewater, in the County of Beaver, and State of Pennsylvania, numbered 27 in the plan of lots in said bor ough, and bounded and described as follows : Beginning at a corner on Bridge street and Market street; thence by Market street 138 feet to South alley; thence by the Same 50 feel to a cbtner of lot No. 20, sold, to Samuel Porter and . owned by David Stewart; thence by the said lot, No. .20, 133. feet to Bridge •street; thence by the same 50 feet to the place'of beginning; being the same premises which Jacob Wagoner and Christiana; his wife, did convey .to the said Charles U. Shi ner, his heirs and assigns; on which is erect ed one ; frame dwelling house, two stories high, wifi cellar underneath,’one other frame two stories high,- one frame stable, coal house; smoko hoose and other out build ings; fruft trees on the’lot. ■ 1 f Seized hud taken in execution as the proper ty of Charles H. Shiner at the .suit of, Phil ip Cbopdr, assignee of Samuel B Wilson. * No, 8. 1 ALSO, i w* > • ! . | I • , r At the same time and place,jilLthe right, title, interest and claim of defendant, of, in and to the following described tract of land ituate in Hanover township, ’ Beaver eonnty, •nna., branded and dearribed at iUTewm nt ■ ■ i-ij'-.-b: ■. ALSO, ALSO. I -, 1 theKut by Isad on Soi ' 'of J«awrHieJui,_ OB 4ho-'W«»l Margaret MeDonaW, and oh the net The above tract containing ••C», more ;of less, on which ar* log house, log barn and other out ' orchard «f gdbd friiit; trees on , taken executlim as’ the James Morriaon, at the snit of X. ALSO. j At th«|. >oe time apd place, all tli« right, title.interest and claim..'of defendant* of, in and to tne< undiTided]fonr-tenths parte of a certain tijact or piece of laud situate in Pu laski township, BeaTerjeoUnty, Pa., | bounded on the Nortk by Elwood Thomas,! on the East by the same and—— Qpant, on tbje South by Gobert Wallace, and on the West by same and s — Champion; the wholo , tract .containing 145 acres, more or less;' about; 89 ; acres of which are cleared and under fence; on which are erected* log house jandllog barn. Seised and taken in execution as the proper ty of William Moore, Hugh Moore andßobt. Moore, at the stilt of. Hugh Morrow, now- for the use o( Matthew Irwin. V i Xo. 10. ■■ ALSO, ; if > At the salne time and place all the right, ti tle, interest and olitim! of one of the defendants,- of,- in and to the following described . lot of ground situate m the Borough; of j Rochester! Bearer county, Penn’a.,/ bounded ;ns fdj]i lows; on the north by Purdy’s heirs, east by lot of Charles Kaiser, south by Water street, and west by Ovid Pinney; the above lot front] 1 ing 20 feet on Water etlreet by 80 feet back.on which is erected 1 a two story.frame dwelling house, 14 by ,28 feet in length and breadth. 1 Also, one other lot cf grotmd.(being N0.;73 in Vickary’s extension of .freedom) situate in New Sewibkly township, GeaVercounty, I’a.y bounded as,follows, ,vik: beginning at a post at the intersection Dutchman’s run and* Locust alley 82 J* degress east %o a. post at the corner of jtoousl allcy-snd First street, thenod south 57 J degrees west 44jfeet tq.n post thence by lot No.’ 72 north 82} 'degrees west to Dutch] man’s rani thence north by the course of | said run to thp place of beginning, ;bn which is erected one frame dwelling house with‘cellar! underneath. r 'j | ; F Seised and taken in er I Jic. ... rue proper ty [of Christian Seefried, and also Hosanna Endriss, Atltn’x. and Win. Shaufelberger Adm'r. of John Endriss, dec’d: u ‘ j ■ l , No. 11. j , . ALSO, f- j - ! At the same time anjl place [all the right ti tle, interest and claimof defendant of, and to the following lots of ground situate in the village of jVnnport, borough townsliip;; Beaver county, P*., being Noa. 1 and 2 in Nobs’ plan of lots in [said village,, and bounded onjtlie North by State road, on the' East' by. lot .No. 3, on the, South by Grave alley,; and pn'fthe VVest by alley.) The; above lots each 50 by ICO feet in lengf h/and breadth, and under Ifenee. Seiicd and takes in execution as the proper ty of B. H Nelson at the suit of A. Eroweti feld & Bro; ' •chasers will take notice that 10 per all amountsj of their bids will be re and. All b : ids under ;$5O will/, be , cash at the time of the Sale. '- If itiona are not complied with tile ill be re-sold. ‘ , ~ H JOHN ROBERTSiSh’ff. i a Owe*, | 1 ’** * dct,. 20,’62. [ . iI n.f C6J“ I’u cent, upon quired in 1 .required ii these coni property SitEßrrr' Beaver, er County, ss.: . Orphans’ Court in and for Beavori i, before thb lion. Judges,, or said it tbe matter ..of-the real estate I George Bruce, Administrator of of Charles Bruce, dec’d. >’■ And now, to wit, Oct. 20th, 1862, the Court appoint B, B.' Chamberlin, Esq., an Auditor lie the’: balance in the hands of the i tor according'to the Auditor's ,re i: rcal cstato account confirmed at • Term, 18621 _ |- •_ .I-.. From the Record. ”:! 'j ,AJSL.AUCBEABt, ■ '■’l■■ ■' ■ Clerk, | Bea\ IN the Count; Court. I account ol the estate m to'distribu ■ Adiuinistn jport, in thi September Attest: 0c22. ? notice/- /; - ; j Tint undersigned will attend to the duties of ibove appointment at the Court House, in Beaver,' on Fbidat, Notsubeh. 7, 18(12, "it 1 o’clock, r. when parties in interest will je duly hoard. ; B. B.' CHAMBERLIN, . |-| 0c1.22,’62. 1 , Auditor. ; 30OTT HOTJSB I: B. D. MARKEiI, Prop’h,< - Cor. Irwin St. d- Duquesne Way, f I . I’ITTSBCBGII, PA. QtllK “SCOTT IIOl’SK” is one of the largest and best, arranged Hotels in thelronCity, (inil neither pains nor expense spared: to maintain its well Ranted reputation. - Its location, is convenient lotheßridgcsand Rail road stations, specially commends it to the traveling public ; i j; ; j EXECUTOIiS NOTICE. ;i j ■ I «r \\T HEREAS letters.testamentary' having \\\ been granted to tse undersigned, on es tate of Joseph McCready, 8r„ deo'd., late of Greene tp., Beaver bounty, Pa., nil persons! Knowing themselves jndewed to said estate] arc requested to make payment : immediately; and those having claims against the same wifi present them to the subscriber duly authenti p tied for settlement. JAMES McC BEADY, i ;[ 0c22. , ' . ■ V- Executor. a!)AJTOU’S NOTICE. ~ "I' ETTEES of administration upon the cs- J_£ tale of Akdbew, Glass, late of Ohio township, -Beaver county, deo’d, having beet I granted to .the. undersigned, all; persons in debted to said: estate are requested to make immediate payment, and. those having claims same will present them properly authenticated for setlement.. ' j Hi' ■’ i JOHN BLENTZ, Ohio. tp. .; | -|Oct. 22 1862. Administrator. | NOTICE; i T ETTERS of administration on tlie estate li i’of Hesbt KiED.jlatoof HopeweUTotrn aMp, Bearer 00., dee’d, taring'been grant ed to the undersigned] alt persons indebtcli to said estate are requested to’ make immediate payment, and these haring ’claims against sajd estate will present them to the subscriber properly authenticated for settlement. I- j IS. I ELIZA REED,. I j I THOMABREBD. ! ! Administrators. i { «cp!7 | EXECUTORS’ NOTICE. ; j XjTTJJERSAS lotte: ■s testamentary ontl e * yV estate of Gao. Boswell, late of Nip Brighton, jßeaver coin ty, haring been, granted to the under ligned,'" all; persons in debted to said estate nre requested to make immediate payment, and those haying claims . against will present them' properly } auionticateil for settlement. | ■'' • 1 1 i ‘ v, JOHN BOSWELL, . BBN’J BECISON, (' • Executors. ! 'line 25,1862. STRAY COW" /~<AME to the premise* of the subscriber,. , \_J, living in Kew SoWiekley tp., Beaver coi. Pa], onthe 6th of Octobers 1862, a red cow, . with a white face, abont 6 years oldjshe had a bell on, and two or three slits in the'ear; .no marks visible. The owneris requested to eom,e forward, prove property; pay charges and! take her away. I 1 ■: i , i qc22:Bt. , - ;i - A.P. SMITH; TJEN-Kjn!VE3, r ,SeiraoTB, Gum Hair Pins, JL Purses, Port Monaies, Needles, IJweeiers, Pencil-sharpeners, food ' Cotton, Thread, Fins, &e., for sataat the Drugstore of ! 0022. -* 1 DB.’C. P. CUMMINS. A 001)' Crashed and 1 VXjefteOr^Blwi Brown Sognra.. **lllllol OE= TABIiEj iuiii CLEVELAND & I. 11,. BeavepStation— GOing-East. | i7ommtne^,\‘ Monday, May \o, 18Gli. —Trains kare lteaver S/t/non dt foliotc*y ! J !;•.'■ 7:56 *. m. Arrives a ; l*ltt3burgh, 9; 13 aL *. 2:05 p. Jt. ;. ;• , ; : J i:26 P. W. 6:50 K 3t. 1 1 -■ ' 8:00 f. u. , ■ Ooiac West— j ' -J-- - Trains leave I’tilxiu yh ar folloicg: ] |; ■ 6:10 H. '• Arrives it I’eAver, 7:26 a. m. 4:OOp. h. V . •<!' 1 5:20 b.n. ; n J. N. McCULEOOGH, I’rfi't. F.'R. MYEUS,- j Oen'l Ticket Agent',. j|;. iSJ ~ VYNE S R. •PjITTL t Rochester Station —Goino'East; J ' .!• [ Leaves Rochester Arr. at Pitts. Ist’Brigh’n’Accom. a: m...... 7:00 a! is. ”<l. : U;45a., ....... B;4ox! f >i. Alliance, : ; “ 6;45 a. 3i.... a; u. Ist Brigh'n “ 12:34 p. si .2 10 ri s. 2d Ilrigli’ji “ 2:15 p.'5...... 325 ri ,'si. Mail, J 2:00.p..i>i...... 8 10: p; su Ist Expense, .12:50 a. i 5.;.... 2 <4l a. »•’, 2d Express, ' ’ (1:40 rl 5...... 7:45 r, n. (ioixij West— k- :.- Leaves fitts. Arr. at Rochester. Ist Brigh’ipAccom.. 8:50 L\. 10 25 A; ;ii. 2d lirigh'h •• 11 50;a-( a...;... liSi p. j,. Alliance 1, “ 8 OOlpJ ,m.;..1... '4;S&‘l>. si. Ist ItifigU’ri j “ * :4 30 p. >i....... rt'Ji. 2d. ll'righ’n ;“ _ (i 20 p? ii....... 8:00 v; -si. MaiLi i i,. '7.10 a. m.s:4o .al.m lat Express, > J 2d Express, | . 12 i Arc. u Notice I In the Orphans’ Courts - \ The following -aj praiacmcuts. undeE ilho Act of Assembly of I he 14th ; of ApWl, ItSiU, of property allowed' o ho retained' by. a wid ow or childrlen of a decedent, to the value of Imre been filed ili-tbe office of Ihe Clcrk of the Orphans' Coirt of Bcuvcr County, to witt-lr "■:! ■i- 7 ; .. j Personal properly to orununt hyjw.idowjof Henry Eeed, late of Ilopepell tp.i dcc’d. Eliza iWd 'arid Thomas .Kccfl Adm'rs. ' . I’t *. r , I];. • personal property 46 amount -of . $29»;60, by- widow of John Terrence, dcc'd. ; Mary Tbrrcncci, i Adm'r. ' ■ 1 The-amount to $ ’ elected.ta be retains Kambo, lute of Kacc Jacob Fi-ouk, Esq., A 'Notice is hereby g legatees,,distributee ed iti the above, to a next, of said Court, nesday the third Idol 52 th day of the mot they have, against the above appraisemi >n ai tin eeuti IS hereby given th i ns Surgeon'.by examine wounded oj charged from the sef extends Vo any Coi and that 1 am now discharge 1 of my dut |, i GEGK Oct. 15—It. Daiicleli 11HIS preparation, ; Coffee,’ Ist reconi: a-superior NUT 111X1'! eral Debility; Dyspep decs. . Thousands wl abandon, the use of c. out injurious effects strength! of two poi Prioollo, cents. ‘ : \ KOLLOCI The purest • and. 1: known, for making Uj [ Bread and Cakes. I ■: Manufactured by I’. m; n. k< Corner of Broad Ami sold by dll Dni| mar 26. V ■ i U_J SATURDAY . WESTEI And' the >only Deni ~ ~i. -- V iri It contains all i the| THE UAy rcliatle, Commercial reports Tales, Pofetry* E* l ] “ Valuable Si , . U\gricu The Latest 2nSbmcing every Foreign anil I Intelligent v,■ ! .* cecd Terms, $1 \jirr>.anri ( ' Cojpiff; Addii*»<i . V"' # T ; ' ■ Corner Fifth CSs,„!3eh'l your ) Estate; of David Min Notice is hereby i ministration him Register of Wills, &e„ upon the estate of Davii late ofDorouph Ip., it scriber residing in tli( *aid county. Debtors creditors present theii ted to the undersigns' April 12. [ ' ISTiIA 1 ■TTriIEREAS loiter ■ tf ■ the I estate of of Uaccoon township ceased,' hav’iig - been : dersigped, kll persons are notified to- make it those hatting claims ap sent them properly a tent withoutdelay. jLepSi. i- : f . BY JOHN S?i I aMO., muslin, price I Z»ers. 25 cents. Ct »e sent by mail 'on rec xxtsge sumps. Pleas L ••' I- C. QARRI for' Ul> {, ~,~p IBUKG, FT. W A. m p. M....... 2:6(1 pi m DLEY, Supt;, E. D.' ■ 1C 27 personal prorperty ; by the wiclow'of Michael iuoqff township, deceased dm'r. |.ll-"' ven to all credit orr.bcirs I, and all Olliers intbrest .npcar at November 'Term,, and not later than \Veu y of the term, being the Sth, to show cause, if any the final continuation! |of ipnls. ■' | : ■ !■■■ ! !. G. M’CJtEAKV, Cfk. Heaver,| Pa., Oct iGtiriwas cilice : i jit I bare Veen appointed je Pension to ;nd invnlid Soldiers, rvicc; tlmt niy inty,: Stole or ' ~erriVory, I rcotly to'entev npon Ibe ieS*. ! \ I I'■]- i. j - itf-McCOOiK, Sli.Kvf.ti. Examining: S ivgcoit. av oe:K„’S KOI on C of' made from the post •Java! lU' mil'll by pl.ysiAmH as‘"j )US for Gen >sia anil all liillijous dis»r-| o.havc been compelled to] offee, will use this with- j - One can ccmtaliia Ithe ,j unids of;ordinary clbffce. | res, leva m .f 1 j;' I jest BAKING. | POWDER ; glit, sweet and {nutritious! [ rice 1C cental ; ’ )LtOCK, Ohcm inti Chestnut st] IMIILADEi gista; uml Groc< ME ?ITF. ■ lOENING ily Newspaper Tlio best Fn X PENN’A. ■ cratic 'Union Sheet 'in KD IX iBO4. . '■ CURRENT NEWS.|OF Monc.tnrr, Market and nd n choice selcctioji of y and Scientific Article:*’. lic:iHnfoi'ma?ion„ .1 frf Newd, like.; Lso— ’r ESTAUIjfS lit iir Ua ijegraphic News. Ertnnt .Item of Notts, ;ic, |Congressional ■ gisbitive Pro- ■; .||' &c.j &c. ■, i ' ’ I:, r d Single Copy, or 11 rtr/orsKb • BP. BAKJI, H itor and Proprietor oudjsts.. Pittslr ey by! mail at my nj<l num (»iven that letter o been granted by the 'of the coi'tnty of Ilea rer, .'Mists. Jr, i; said county, to thcsiih lillorough of Heaver, in Will make, pay incut, ami claims duly authentico- Y* : iCi* •-* i . DANIEL AONEW, Administrator.' foirs is df.ndminislratiori! on MICIIAEL 11am bo, ;Rite , Bcaycri ''county j'fde luly granted to tlib un indolitcdty said estate i amediate payment y, iapd 3 ainst the same willpre i ithcnticatcdfor' settle- JACOB FBONK; ' Aimiuiatratoi;. JAS- C. GRIERSON 1; L ■ wnor.csALE rrcecr & ron mission Slmhauf, I , Also‘Hualof in : ' ‘ flottk;,. peed ?i» IMiWU(F ;'teKR.iLlI ; ■ No. 8 SMITi ;FI|ELI) ST.j pcsite tbe Mohongahe a House, . tITXBBHRGH, PA;‘ nSTETW , " 'fh AND BEAUTT j’tJL EDITION 11 ! ■ of : he! • ;{, ' ' V- ,J KiST.IKGS OF KIHJC T E DBX, V- ; iy 'l' . I,:'I AET, LL. D.V i ;i 50 cents: . paper ; eor pies of this hook will eipt of. the price, in addregp GUES, Publisher,, i Mr***, Phil’*,i*». S : i; V I ■ j MAYORS OP THE Great Cities* ’ ttfr that thoDrnyglata, ApojOweartaa, and j of png aareral ctttea have rignad ' a document of unrtiioe to ua that ATEB’S ! H *' hu been fbund to b 6 ’ a. remedy of treat excellence, and worthy I | Jhe oonddenoe of tha community. j I HOE. JAMES COOS, I 1 ■-| ’ • [ | ; J M^ror,ofLO\^®Ll^l£ASa. i bob’. abbie beabd, v; ■; I , :: : Mayor of KASIUfA,' if. H. HON. E. W. HABBXEGTOE, Mayor of MANOHBSTEB, S. & HOE. JOHE; ABBOTT, U J \ ICayor of 00 TSQ&BSi, H. H. i HOE. A. H. BULLOCH, | Mayor Of -WOKOBSTEB, MASS. HOE. EATHL SILSBBE, j / i . | ■ Mayor of BAI.BM. MASS. HOE. F; W. LIECOLE, Jr., ■j' ; Mayor of BOSTOBT, MASS. HOE. m M. EODMAE, Mayor Of PHQVXDEIi'OB, B. I. \ HOE. AMOS W. FBEETIOB, | i--v;‘ v ; !.r. i Mayor of BOBWIOH, CONS. * HOE. J. E. TfAP.TtTH, | Mayor of MEW LONDON. COKE. HOE. OHAS.S.-BODIES, : • !■];,> b‘| ■ ' I [ Mayor of MONTR.iI AT., O. S.|> ‘ HOE. D. P. TIEMAEE,'' • f'f' , ij ; j Mayor of NEW, TOBK CUT. [ HOE; H. M. SXESTBE7, ;f , j . j ll , 1 | Mayor of HAMILTON, O. W. | HOE. ADAM vi | . j, { Mayor of O. W. ; HOE. B. M. BISHOII r 5 - ' ■ | ' j Mayor ..of, CINCINNATI, OHIO. HOE: I. H. ciAWFOBD, j | Mayor of LOUISVILLE, NT. HOE. JOKE SLdAEy, V ' ,; -. Mayor of LYONS, lOWA. HOE. JAMES McPEETEES, ! jMayor of BO WMAN VXLLE, O. W. I hoe- jamegl w.leobth; -It ■ . Mayo# of AUGUSTA, MS HOE. HBEBY COOFEB, Jr., ;• | . |y Mayotj of HALLOWhiiiT,,' MJbi»- HOE; JABtBS S. BEES. : , ■; : I -Mayor of *BEDEBIOTON. M.B, HOE. 'WILLABO EYE, Mayor of HEW BEDFOBD, MAflSi HOE.J. BLAISDELL, - | Mayor iof FAXit ETVEH, MASS. HOE. W. H. CBAESTOE, \ j . | , Mayor of NEWPOBT, B. I ■ HOE. PEED STAHL, I' ' t.i ■■ 1 1 . ■ Mayor of GALENA, ILT. HOE. JOHE HODQDBE, I • Mayor, of DUBUQUE, lOWA. HOE. THOMAS CRUTCHFIELD, ; i Mayor of OHATTANOOQA, TENN. HON.BOBEET BIiAIB, i| ■J 1-1 . Mayor of TUSCALOOSA. ALA. HON. B. D. BAUGH, < i | Mayor of MEWTHI3, TENN. 808. GEEARD STITH, , : | . Mayor of HEW ORT.EABTB, XA. HON.H.D.SCBANTON, ■, j , Mayor of KOOHjESTBB. M. T. HON. HE WVrt? C. GROVE, , of tmoA. it. T. bon.geo. wilson. 1 Mayor of. PXTTSBUBO, PA. HOW; C. H. BUKL, '} .1 ; ;' 'Y t Mayor of SSTBOIT, IHOH. HOW. HEMAW 1.. PAGE, ~ :' r J Majrorof SUIiWATTEXE, WIS. HOW. W. W., VATJQHW, !• : - :j' 1.1 ■ , M^ofKAOIKE.Wia HOW. A. PABB, I ' 1 if Ilf;. .1 • . Mayor of KBSOSHA, IRS. HOW. JOHW C. HAIWESsi U ' Mayor of. CHICAGO, tt.t., HOW. M. J. A HEATH, 1 jV: I I d Mayor of SELMA, ALA. ! BOW. A. 3. WOBIE, - V if;; Hayor'Of MOKTGOMEBT, ALA. ! root a, 1 I.VHIA, irs.J, 1 ; i: -I POST. HOB. W. .8. HOLYBAB, v i j | | ■ ] | Mayor of COIitTMBDB, GA. 808 ESPABTEBO MABTJEL, i . . Mayor of VEBA OHUZ. ; SOB PIETEB r SB CASAXLO, 1 | , Mayor of MEXICO. i SOB ESTEPHABIE HODEIGtTES, | .1 , r Mayor Of HAVANA. bobabtonio echeveba. .}■. ' . Majrpf of TiTM A, PBHU. don m., q.midangno, ’ | : : Mayor of VALPARAISO. nwiT.r. DON MAEO SiiSQUTPEDAiIA, j Mayor of 810 JASETBO, BBAZTCt. Certify that the resident I) ruggista have ' assured them , ■ Ayer’s Sarsaparilla la an excellent remedy, and Worthy the con.?’. | | fidenoe of / - For Sprb>| DliHieii ' {'■' v . ; | For the Blood. [- For Scrofula or King’! Kvil. 1 Fo|r Tnmors, Ulcers, and Sores. : , . Fair Rrnptlons tnl Pimplti. .. . * . • For Blotches, Dtlnii and Bolls. , For St. Anthony’i Fire, Rose, or Ery* For Tetter or Salt Rhcnm. [sipclas. For Scald Head and Blngnorm* For Cancer and Canecroas Sores. , ' f For Sore Kye!, Sore Bare, and Hnmort. ; For-Female jOUsases.'; j. '' !i For Suppression and. Irregularity.;! ». I For Syphilis or Venereal Diseases. ; I ForXtrsr Complaints. j"J ■ For Diseases of the Heart. : The Kay ore of the chief titles of the-Tint, ; ted States, Oanmdss, and British Provinces,! Ohiiii Pern, Brasil, Mexico, andinfaot ai* most aU the cities on this'continent, bate signed this document, toaaaure their .people what remedies they may use With safety and confidence,. Bat our space will only admit a portion of them.: . i ..1 - • .v? .I-,};;, v^-.r|; - Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, ' : 1 j Ayer** CherryPeetoral, j:, Ayer’s Fills, and Is 3 Ayer’s Ague Core, . \ . .-I ' /'l'- ‘ ■■ Dr. J. Ayer 4c Cft, ■i ■ JiM ' tOWELL, MASS. * dad sold by Druggists every wbei I;iJ I i i■ ■ ■■ i [ ' sale ey D. Minis, Cross, Kochater, Waggoner I dom; J. Nichols, Baden; ;J. Brighton, John Black, Da can A; Edgar, ralletOh.Li.u i where'- .Tii .i ou..s). i •.{% p'ii-,p .i111 | > 7 ■;■■■ ■' : ALWA¥S - J • i T .... -n, -j • j I ''i •' ’ > ■: • ■ IV O.yG idai'chcs; sore. ami stiff Joints, hlisfor- ; A ‘-‘dmad miiair.ed feet,i a E tlhtisO the sold,ur, v "ms!endure, MOTHESS, KBMEMBEK XJIiS, ;} u , Wjhtlii your soils .ajr.e P'-h‘qdpji tficjr i’i os’: olst o Adopt danger, think whafereljefj a pot ofthii AoA.HEAEING, at CQUIAXG Salves.vtdu give. i tp-.tlie‘oiic[ypu love ivhsii 'far aw»v : frtk iuiaia ‘ arid friefads. Tt hardens aa4.rho!tes^angli'^i'./ fleet so they can chdii,<rij%i-eat.Ya ; .soothes and relieves the inSamod aiidisriifened ■ . I joints- leaving CJicm 1 uhd viior- - -'- ’ j pus. while, for , j . ' f ■T ■ j :■ SACKE Cliffi? ANoiGCXsftOTVVOUXDSA:,' ! at stands uneqaKlled. removing sad preveptirig', 1 ! croryj jrostigevbf inila oTualiOa ' and|; ‘gpuUy.V : tlje edges together, iii quickly anil r completely heals.tire iho-tfrightiv wounds. di . [AVlVlis AND SlSjTlfl’.S OF ! ul T ll I VOlipN}; hr- A treks ,yV... : ! \ o caipiot put into the KncpSaeks" oT y our ■ Husbands; and Brothels, nimbi 4 AaUtabic;. pri, more, n.ceessbiy Vif! a supply of this ■' ■ ;■ ! , BXT^A'tWDiJ.jAnri >l iutaby sAtvEjit i_TliC|lpne!y sentry Walking hTs roumfe ’pit" ijilighl. eijio.-eu' in drenrhing. Tains amf",chill ' i;jni«m -air ? :ii often *«^eVl' , Gte'iMnat-‘VIOL : KS.f : a:i.L .SC F JGC;ATf N(j i | JIOA U.dXKSS. fii'jt .“SotptJbia'sjf <iCfC’k COS- < ; isCMVTfOV, but] jfTsvi-riK-J With HOLLO-. |.\AAV' ! fj'if!ll,L> amt tfIKT--’ " [ sll',NT, ail danger is aved led. a feW-dHlis faloeff d i niglsl'nml I in; ointment: bfi.sjtlf* - i,rubbed twice a day. over the throat r.lid .tht ft ' will remove the Stl\ Illlt,.Sl’'Pi tyCfi and gidp. ■ ' Ijiir mast idistnAsitigov I)AXGEKOCSCO.UGtk j Tuclore ivc ti:p' v.dioli,- tirniv. t‘ . j ‘l.'- / ‘ iKObMKfet ATTENTkikdJ , ..i' -'-'d lv Soedu yc/ur own health, do not trust to itiie J [.Arnnvtiii'i'plies although most valuable., ThescliJ' [.'VILL.S-ab'.i *<i NT.‘..ddTrhevc been thoroughly 1 .tested. they uv*- tl.q "jdy; redirdies used in I the’■! European Camps andJbalTat*ks. for over forty. 1 ybarsl or ilollov.'JtV,- lias Viipplied (ilf tlio iirmirjS in It’morie,; hrititdiiritig il.e bit I .'dlfA :V -C.VMdVftGA lie rs;al.fVi.e*i a tiepot at .jiala chiya.- for the rxelusi-fcl saieiif ijiesc GfIEAT. lilE'MEDiES.Jjnuayi, a|timo ids ' special Agent there Inis sold ’oyer ,a tori in woiyfit . (.i ihe .Ointment in ajsingif day; ’.dd.eseiehrviljle and fatal eneUiies'ot the Sddier in lir.'rim. 11 . lilAiVltii 11A, RViyEkTEKY. SCCjiVi’,' SOIIKS and SqUOFULGCS BBEPtI.OXS, all disap pesr lik£ a chafnij befdre these,*l'lLLS AV it . OINTMENT,' and !now v;bile the ‘Cry rings ‘ throughout tlia .. . ! , /. ! tCvkms : to aSms.;.; " ■i. Ilo;riel let tlieSc brave mou iririiaii bjl ; rlis- i tease,! place. in- their hand* KHMiiDiliS; tliat ( *sUl to-rcssiit,'' • the dujigeruus Vexposurei*,;-! ihc'l Eeyors, ahi Ijlhilis;,- Slid, - the- ] they .caimol - avoid; arid v.:hat uoftc/oalinot iTrtijueut lyijjet' : succor ill t|ic tnonient nl‘ need, avbcroasfif brave men bare only to put'their.lianU.-binto ‘ their. Knhlpsack.s.tuid,‘fiud.d here r. lore - remedy \ 1 lor all Ike oa-uKil'tapa of the.battle (icld.. Hour ;■ Clariy tkoil-ailds liree O'-eiM I'ltl who would otherwise perish before relief COM J. f “ ‘he . ' , • < .• '■ ■ ■ ■" ,~- ■CA:ljXlo?f4~'''' n e are genuine , unles tlic Words ••Itolluic'i;/, -V>;r lari; mu! J.'wJ’in.’ arc Uiscerniilili* as a;puep-:aHrk;'ia svAyidltjaf j of\the.l)bok of UirteiioiiVyAonucj eayU' pel' or 1 box: the,-same may be. plainly -holding, tkc haf .'</ i.h>: light.. A rcdvuvd will ! be giyeiiilo nny - rendering su:h’ inibiina-,. tion iis \iit\y lead 16 jhc o‘f any party ‘ or- parti e-t c.ount orioii lug the uicd.-crneji or v end- v ;ing the :l:ciij to be spiiiioua. 1 !’’■ at the aim'bcvm’y y! hrofessoi*- Itor.i.«'V.'.yY.-S-; Mabliu: Sev? \*>rk, kiid .by all riispoctatle lhaiggibis’ and Lealers in . MecUtdne-v throughout the jtix boxths iiij-0 cent-=, 'cents each. *i.'v ■fit'll oorhddcniblo sayjng by fusing . Ui-j-DireptionP for the gublance ofj'bv icnls in every 'di.rjrdc; are.-linked \o <;oob box. 5 iJay 7J ‘ 'V, ’ ' ' '' / . V. \;. - * ' ' !..: ! a ; >■ J ~ • •■• ' - ' $3O. "■* , ixuployiusutv $lO3 ■■ __ ■- -I ■ > Commercial agents wanted - 1 TO j SEEXrG OOD^FQ^'tHB - }\ A ‘ :;T -: ' ■; j-' fA Av;y.' , M anil fa ct tiring v orap a riy. W' : TiLL aivK a, rhMAfissiox oil-' , hundred. per • cput/oh fall pml. ls httltl i>y oar Agent's! or wo Arid i from $-?.) l;> pcrjnmilh slid imy ;*.M !&*•; . cp*sary/expanses;. iAr .Funiculars- addrtiiS • •>vith stamp., ~*• ; .* , • fW. A-r'd: For lljic Adams Mauafactuiving Hcdr.iot, ; v • * .iu-y' 2; . •'ißenvcii* liidi.ei;, ■ yOSSPIi H ALL, Proprietor, I! 3 '!?- . -;1 HATIN.G| pun-MU'g’jtf.; up t!u< lipu«e',- , Uclis U'lw j.ropim-'l. to.«i-ef-inrnotibis li ieiiils, Sind < lu- puiMlc in : mamu-iv y The Howe Sewing Machine,” a "' • ' ;• !.’ SOl.lif ]SY ' ' 1 'L A il. >1 • CORN £it i’LNS 1 ,c ST.-i;irAli; j-TS.. i '■ -■ f. ■■••Ui/r'MiM'Nii; i\i -NEEDS 0-NI.V-TO 'lk seen jv- A. R.'IIIO ATtORNEY' AT {_ hnrnfT of 7'!-.r:ifv!r,.: ih;"/hc p-01.-ii.H,. \ • ’:isiAA.yi:it., X* : -A.. ..T: ;■ ■ riiay 121. ■ , ( . BNETEL, ARBij CKli & COT cJL^Boisr: ©it,, ■■ ROCHESTER. bkavku i:urM v. r.v f.-u.-i. ;■ BAEBSiI & HAIE-DEESSEE. (Stop-one k!<>pr c«?t,of. ’ '■ B l|il liGE'Vy A TEli KN X A _v X : AOAM r JOHNSON PIJO’K*. j: ROCHESTER* I'ENX'A, FRUIT JARS &“CAJiSy -■ • - ’CORKS. ' ■•..■ SEAJ.JXG V. AX, ' '■ ■ .I \ ‘ RoSIS. v ' :• - ' ■ y 1 CANARY SEED : J. W. CRAFT, COMMISSION MERCHANT,, No. re,s| Liberty Strest," ’. PITTSBURok, PA. "" Orders -fir Pittsburgh Mnfinfacft uml Goods' arid: Groceries, j>rcmi|»tly rilled |at : the ver* accorijjja Tfi-omi-tly r . ..... ...-jf lorfesf prices, when nccehijjahieflj with ciislii or on equivalent; . |■’ aepl.7:Sm. •11/AxfE'O^ibjOWiitiuaKis-^Who^'r ■\y- “ V; s,p'Jo: ■ !*; Rye r J ! i -.SvltflO “ ' Harley* ■" '' • 5,O‘H» -Oats; Delivered in I’ittsburg. for whieh 1 am auUidt’-.- Uad to pay the highest prices. 'AdrJresif,- i : . j. w. craft. : , -ifc.'Ml*/ ti**f 9tr<m. Pimbvrti’ •optl Um. i ; |T : - Jr., b ; Loirrjr, Free 7 Sargent,- !f«« .rliugton, l)ub -3 dealers «|erj Fcl>-, ’.B, *63. obd g By tin, BksVan d Imperial rl^-ECIATtf). - 1.1-T.:! MAXUFAI'iXTEIiS or 5 K A-c. at lIKNUY'S. I i- ;N-A