The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, October 29, 1862, Image 3
'Hr /LntJis, October 27.-One of.lhp most serious accents that has visited Z river. marine /or many years oc nftrred to-day./ j Abbot noon - a Sfo Earner H. uiiloading herap the foot of Locust street.; The flames' spread with great mpiuily, ■riea'ih 1 ' Warm and Commotion among, adjaf efjt,* steapers, and before mij to removed the 31 (rill, A. M - Oowoll: Estella andJW. H., Russell, were wrapped in flames and destroyed, 'together with their, contents. About six blind red bales hemp and one hun dred balescotton were consumed. HI HD—At Beaver County; Poor House. ‘SarAii Lean. October/2'dth v i s gcd j' s y u;lM - . ’ ,; - -r . :r% t j,o igd inst.V in Ci cone; tp., of ’ pintheria.'ALsoN Glenn, aged ;7 yrs. On the last.,-of the same disease, iSiMUEL Glenn, aged a rears, children of Mr. and Mrs. Dayid’ Glenn.: - On the Bth .list., near Georgetown, dt pipthena. Pakie A. : Winch,; in the /-tt, year of liis age. . On the 10t,h ' 'list.; ol the .'-same: disease, Fmjra Vis’rii; in I the atl'i year of her age, diiidreii of Mr. and Mrs. John Winch. public Sale. ; > riinK subscriber will offer at Public Sale,, at j ! I.;. ,jie. late residence "of. Asiirew Glass, , jcT- d.,-in Ohio tp., Beaver county,, Fit., on /Th’irt'livj, November 6<A, IS.OA, * 4 tiiV following property, viz: 3-work Horses, -4 otic old Colts, and one' spring Colt, fc.-.vs and yonhg-Cattle, 875 Sheep of superior eutditv: IT - Hogs, 1 I\vu boTsc tVagpui 1 Beap ■inc and-Mowing Machine, Grain Drill, Plows, Harrow.’ Cultivator, and farthing implements , .’cncijally: about flOtVbiis. Wheat, 200 bu3i.Jlyc. ■ ®-4i bus.'Oatis. oOtl bus. Corn in Kve in the ground, it large qoSnlity of iinv jo the.stack and vnuw; Household and n d'uiitltur.c, consisting in part-of Beds., and Bedding; one new Cooking e. Bureau, Tables,. Chairs, &C. J ‘ .. Also, deceased’s interest- (being J) Jn a . r. i'.ingGil Well, near Smith's Ferry, inciud \:.z’.Steam Engine,-boring apparatu's(.&c., and a variety, of other articles too. numerous to , latntien. ■ . • ■ : to commence at 10 o’clock, a. m., ca.-lMday. ;. ( . ! JOHN SI.ENTZ, Oct.- 27.’ . 1 Administrator, Quarterly Statement ; OF' THE HANK OF HEAVER COUNTY. • New Brighton,* A-ug. G. 1862. • LIADIUTiES. Capital Stock paid in,.'. N pircomit'Exchange and iut-crcst. j,*uc Depositors lLviJ<.ud unpaid. •T&ul. KESOCUCES Notes and Bills Discounted, Loan to Common wealth HC. S. Treasury Notes, (7 d-lOper ct j... 4,850 On Due from Banks.: 23,0-15* 47 NuiW nod Checks of oilier B:uiks..:Ulc3UB f J2 Com in Vault it. l.> 'Furniture and Office Fixtures........ C.urreatExpeuses Total j V.EAVEK COU'NTV'Ib?: Before nit*, a notary public, in-and for said ,-Cotmiy, cnmc Edward Cashier of I lie Hank of Beaver County, woo being duly afririiied according to Ipw, tle pbsetli that the above statement is correct and into, according to.lbe best of'bla : knowledge ind belief. • EDWAIII) I Affirmed-and subscribed before n;c tbls Otli J day of Aug. I*o2. JNO.CA-THBEUSttN. CifAft. Hoops. Deputy Itegristei* 9 s!! ZVotice. ,4 LL persona-interested in the following j .. Administration and, Guardian. Accounts, 'which have been! passed, and filed in the Ue •;*gi-tcVt ollicc. of Heaver younty, Pa., will take f that.ri'he same will he presented to the ! . to be Judd at Heaver, on AVnn .ne*u \v.£l--rii or .Novkisiieb,' ibOli; .for confir • station ami allowance'; , 1 The final;,account (Rfeal estate) , of David M-Cail;ste;% I actmg Executor of the last will of VVm. MJCnllister ilcc'd. . Ti e final account of John Ewing, .EsrpvAd- Winisiralor ‘of tL£ estate of James Whitehill, ■'etc d. i J f . ; Ti;e final accounts (Real and Personal) of John M Cuilo'ugli Administrator of. the estate oj Andrew Knbx, dee d ' r f The final accounts (Real and Personal) of .. ftajiiel Shafer, Administration of ihc estate of* Shafer, dee d. i‘ • f. Ti e final account of Alexander Nickle, Ad iDinistnitnr of the ostate of Jane .Hogc dec’d. The second and rinal account of David Gra ham. surviving Executor of the; last will of :] Wdliarv. Nelson, dec'd. ' \ : . 1 • The partial.account of-Wm. D.uff,\Executor; cf the lu>t will of John Duff, dec'd. * The final accounts (U£al and Personal), of P. L firiin, acting Administrator of Henry., Smllj.dec'iJ. '] The Guardian account of Jamc.sMarka,GuaTr dian of James minor son of Charles dec'd. ' u ’ _ i ‘ ! * I Tire Guardian account of James, , Ksq..»Guardian- of Mary J. Young, formerly Mary; J. Marks, miner fc of ( «xues ‘ park’s, dec d. Be*y«r, Cot. 8, *62 NATIONAL. WAR TAX. ~VTOTICE.—Tht Tax-payers ofßeaver, Co,, niiQ I bajve. .been assessed : during th« of are hereby notified thal| said assessments*iarc nov open lor thetinspec-* ffkn, as follows: ''/ ’ *\ ' •' j '• No. 4, .Heaver' county,. .‘North of thjsOhid ' river, and [East of the Ohio river, at ibd officp ' oufU Berio, .^Nch ‘Brighton. j "No. f», Heaver county. North of. the Ohicj \ river ani M'est of the Bcaycr river,] at the qf-j | fice of Gcoi \\V Hamilton, rß 1' j I No. 0, Beaver County, South; of the Ohio,; river; except the townships of Hopewell and < Independence, at William B; Trimble’s,! Hookstown}. ; ~7i~" ~ n * j No. 7, llopewell and, - ebips, at William M. lndependence. [ All persons interested can ball and Inspect; sail-lists at any time j'within "fifteen days front the date hereof. j 1 j A Court of Appeals will be "held for-Bcavcil county, at Beaver, on the 27th day df,Octd4 her.lnst.- V'j SAM’L. .MAyENPOBT,* [I J,U.'S. Aaa’rs pfficc, V Ass r iiuthUis’t. ; , Beaccr, Oct. 9. / 1 . ■;* . ' | EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. | T ETTEKiS testamentary on the estate of . I j Octavia ALLisox.Jaic of Greene ip..,Bea«- rerco., dec’<UjhaTing.becn granted to th’e'un l -' iersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested tq make immediate payment, and V those haring claims against said' estate will present them. lo th subserbers properly au. fhciicated,for settlement JAMES ALLISON, Greene; tp., ■ . | _ I Executor, j Notice. LL persons haying unsettled' accoiin fix' with me, jor Smith & Collins, within the i " s ! twentjf years, for Carding;.Spinning, &c;, will please hall at the Fallston Woolen Factory, pefore the first of October, 1802/and settle l ae.*nirc by cash or note •Jgi6.*«2. ,'X 0 L •AKB, best ■ Shei4fi*s Sialeg;' BT virtue o? Sunday Writs of Levari Facias Fiera Facias and- Venditioni Exponas is sued out of the Court of Comoh- pleas of the Couhty of Beavcrand to me directed, I will expose to public sale at the Sheriff’s .office in the hprough of, Beaver, in thecounty afo.'e said, on / u■: -j ; Saturday, November Bth. 1882 at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, the following property,,to writ. i■> ~ ' All the' right, {title, interest end claim jsf the defendant, of, in end to the follorwirlg ’ dei scribed farm or inChippewa-and Jlig Beaver Idwnaltips, Beaver county, Pehna., bounded end described as follows, via:', On the Jiorth hy pubUc-roadi'Ettst SbiyJantee’B" Welsh S'‘~’ ' “ ‘ ‘ ictlt Welsh, and Win. McColtery, Sooth by John McCarter, John Duff and John Wilson, and West by John.Dulf, Joseph Hannah, : M* ry Johnston, Jos. Anderson; and Washington Johnston; containing 28V acre's,' mare or'less, about 250 if which, are cleared, under’fence, and in a good ;ajatc if cultivation, ; The entire farm underlaid with coal ahdfUmp ' stone; one five feet vein; of coal openOn which Tate erected one large two story] brick dwelling house, built ini an I, shape, main or front honse being 42 -X 34> length and breadth,and the 1. partlB by2o feet; cellar under :the whole house, ;n foiir, apartments; the entire. ■ bouse containing eleven rooms,with two porch |es .back, and portico in front. There are al so] the followingbut!-buildings on -the premi- I see, via I one brick building,, in three, apart |j mciit's, used, as c coal house, wash house nod ilamber house, three log houses, owe frame ' btirn and frame stable, oncfroute wagon bouse and corn crib| and two’ cow houses. There afe on the premises three orchards of bearing fruit trees, and one recently planted. t„sa—all {the right, - title, interest and claim af llie defendant, of,! in and 16 another tract or parcel of land situate in Big Beaver and Chippewa townships, Beaver county. Pa.; bounded and described as follows, viz: Oh the North'by Harrison Power. James Marshalland Jbhn Imbrie, on the East by! public road and David Cochran, on the South by Andrew Welsh, and pit the,West by Wm. McCpttery and Harrison Power; containing^■ 78 acres, more or less.j about fifty of which are cleared, 1 under fence and in a good state of cultivation. ! The above tract is welfwatcrcd and underlaid : with coal and lime stone;, on which are erect led a frame dwelling house,! containing three ) rooms, a log [stable and cow bouse, and astone i building formerly used as a Church,'bout 40*x ; by 45 feet mdengtb and breadth. -A small pr j chard on the premises. j Seized and taken in execution as the prop | erty of Thomas McKinley at the yhit of Dan iel Agncw. _ , ' ! " No. 2 . ALSO, At the same time and place, all the right. title, interest and claim of defendant, of, in : I and to the following tract: of land, in Indepcn l dencc township, Beaver county. Pa;, bounded | 6n the liast by land of IVm. Obeny, dh the South by land’ of UobcrtGorsuch, on the West by lloher! Gorsuch.'Sr., on the North by Isaac McCoy: containing about 02 acres; on which, are log house and log stable. About 45 acres cleared and under fence. Also— One other lot of ground adjoining the above tract, containing about 2 acres; bounded oh tbc blast by Win. Thompson,South bv IVrai Obeny, North and West by, above i tract of land. I ir ’ -; . ’ . Selied and taken in execution as the peop le! ty of Fisher Beaty at the suit, .of William ; Obcnv i X 0.3 -$53,450 00 4,505 00 ... 1.835 05 ...59.018 10 040 57. .$l-0,117 90 .$53,032 50 J 5,01H>00 ALSO. • At.the same* time anil place, all the right, title interest and claim of John Wilson, one of the defendant#, of. in and to the following lot of ground situate ill the village of NcvvGal •ilec. lsi g Beaver township'. Iloitver couuty.l’a.. hounded on the North by public road, on nlie llastrhy land of Jonathan-McCaHnm.- on the South by land of James SlVat-ps heirjttnd West ■ by street; on which is’ erected one small frame dwelling house. Some fruit trees on the lot. Seized n’nd'taken in execution as the prop erty of John Wilson. .Milton McMinti and Jo si th T. W. McCune at the suit of Ui« f om jniouwealth of I’ennsvlyaaia. 'ALSO. •. 455 07- .$120;i17 90 Noi'trv I’ubJic. No. 4 At the same time xml {.luce, .all tlie right, I title, interest and claim of defendant of. in xml in the following described property, to wit All those three lots of ground situate in the 'borough of New Brighton, Beaver county, j numbered 120, 121 and 122, bounded as fol ilows, to vr;: ; On the north by Street, jtiast by third street, south by. Mulberry alley, on the west by Clover alley, all under fence. ; Seized'and taken in execution as the prop jcrTy of Thomas T. Keub.;at the suit of John A Braden. . * ' ‘ ■ No. o. 2 , ALSO, • . At the same time and place all the right, ti tle, interest and claim of; defendant of, in and to the following lot ,of ground-in the.borough of New Brighton, Beaver; county, Ba;, being No. 24; bounded on’the North by lot No. 23, on tlie-East by alley, on!the.South by Butler siicev, and on the West by Bridge etregt; on whichare erected one two story brick dwelling house; With cellar underneath, and one frame warebohse. Fruit trees And shubb.ery on' the lot- s ,' ■ ; Seized and taken in execution ns the proper ty of John C. Rainbow at'the suit of James teazel. - , - J'iß. 6, i At the same time and place, all the right, ti 7 .1 tic, interest andclaim of defendant, of, in and .to the following tract of! land, situate in In ’ uustry tp. r Beaver county, I’a., bounded and [described as follows; Beginning at a walunf, !theuc by depreciation land' nort(f4 degrees, fwest (it) perches to a beech, tltenee by land of Noah Campbell north tif degtees, west 54 5-10 perches to a hickory, thence south 43 degrees, west 137 perches to .a post, thence south 0 de grees, .west 15b perChcs to a stone on the bank of the Ohio river, thence up the same north 38 degrees,.east 130' perches to a post, thence, north 54 degrees, east 110 perches to the place of beginning, containing 1()7 acres, more or less, about one-half of which is cleared and under fence, and'all bfj the hill, part (being'; about onc-half) underlaid with coal, one vein of which is open and in working order, on which is erected one brick dwelling house, two storibs; high. 1 with cellar nuderneath .and kitclwn back; alio,' two frame houses one and; a half storieslhigh, and a new storeroom; also, a stable and out-buildings—a good orchard of fruit trees, and plenty of water on the pre mises. •» j ( A- R. .MOORE. ‘ Register. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Charles H. Shriner at the suit of Jas. Jackson. 1 EPH’M., SMITH. nse; at I, - ■ ' .awwi. y ALSO, NOT, i ; ALSO. . At the sime time and place all the right, ti tle, interest and.claim of defendent of, in and to the following mcEsmige oi lot of ground situate in the borough of Bridgewater, in the County of Clearer,- and State of Pennsylvania, numbered-27 In the plait of lots! in said bor ough, and bounded and described as follows ; Beginning A* a corner on Bridge street, and Market street; thence by Market street 133 feet to South alley; thence by the same ®>. ■feet to a corner of lot No. 20, sold to Samuel Porter and owned by David Stewart; thence by the said lot, No. 20,1 133 feet to Bridge street:- thence by the, same oO feet to the place of beginning; being the same premises which Jacob Wagoner and Christiana, his wife, did convey, to thej said Charles U. Shi ner, his heirs and assigns; bn which is erect ed one frame dwelling house, two stories high; with cellar underneath, one other frame building, two stories high, one frame stable, coal house, smoke house and other out build ings; fruit trees on the lot. i Seizcd-and taken>n execution as the proper ly of Charles H. Shiner at the spit of Phil Cooper; assignee of j Samuel B * !No, 8, '■■ . ALSO, 'j i At the same time and place, all the right, title, interest and elaitnpf defendent, of, in and-Jo. the following described tract of land situate in Hanover township; Beaver county, Pesasr. botmded nud-deoerihod so on r.' ■ ■■ v. ■ ' ' ' y ■ -i •South by land of Janies Nichol, on the We** by land of Margaret MoDonald,yatid on th* North by same. ‘The above tract containing fifty-three acres,'? more or less, on wbich we erected onojog house, tog barn and'tuner put buildings;'an orcbartlofgoodfruU the premises- j— * -•••• ‘ •" .k. > *■ -i. Seised' 'iind ' taken ,dn eaecntion^ap ; the property tf James. Morrison,, at the. suit,, of wnTwAipkii; ' No. 9.. i ALSO, At t)i»;teine time and piece, all the tight, tUle,in£ece)st andclsinr of defendants of, m'l and to Hieinnditidccl four-tenths ’ parts of a certain tract qt piece of land; situate in Pu laski township, Beaver county. Pa. ,' bonnd_ed on the worth by BI wood Thomas, on ilio.East by the same and Grant, on the . South by Robert Wallace; and on the West by same: and —— whole tract containing 146. acres, or less;. about 80 acres ■of which are cleared and under fence; on which are e»«<Steda loghouso nnd logbarn. ' ! -Seiied and taken |in execution as the proper ty of Williaip Moore, Uugh Moore and Bob t. Moore, at the edit of Hugh Morroer, now for the nac of Matthew Irwin. . ..., No. I 0 .: ■ ' At thosamatimo and_place all the right, ti tle, interest Slid claim of Christien See Wed, one of the ■ defendants, of, •' in and to the-,.-foUowing described lot of ground situate ini; the ■ Borough . of Rochester, Bearer, county, Benn'a., hounded .aa fol lows: -«% the north by Purdy’s heirs, east by lot ofCharles Kaiser, south by Water street, and west by prid Pinney; the above lot front ing 20 feet, on Water street hy 80 fect back.on which, is erected a two story frame dwelling house, 14 by 28 feet in length and breadth. Also, one other lot; of ground (being So. 73 in Vickary’s extension of Freedom) situate in Sew Sewiclcly township,;- Beaver county: Pa*, bounded as follows,, vis: beginning at, a post at the intersection of Putchman’s run and Locust alley 82J degress cast to a post at the corner of Locust alley and First street, thence south 571 degrees wcst.di feet,to a post thence by lot No' 72 north 82 J degrees west to Dutch man's rim, thence north by, the course of ■ gala niu ts> the place of beginning. on t?hich is erected one, frame duelling house with cellar underneath. ' ■’ ‘ ? Seized anil taken in execution as the proper ty of Christian Seefried, and also i Kosantm Endriss. Adm'x. and Win. ShaafelbergcrAdm’r., of Johu-Eridriss, dec'd. . . I Xo. 11. : ALSU. - At the some time arid plac.e all thejright ti tle, interest and claim of defendant !«, in and to_ the following lota of ground situate in the village of Vanport, borough township, ’ Beaver county, Ph., being Nos. 1 and 2 in Noss’ plan of lota in said' village, and-bounded on tlio North by Stale roadmen the East by lot Nor 1.3, on the South by Grave alloy, and on-the Went by alley. The above, lots each 50 by 150 fectin length and breadth, and,under fence. Seized and takenin execution as the proper ty of B. II Nelson at the suit of A. Frowen fcl'l & Bro. ■ ggy- Purchasers will take notice that-10 per cent, upon all amounts of th-oir bids will bo re quired in hand.’ All bids under $5O will be j required -in cash at the time- of. the sale.. If 1 these conditions arc not complied with the will b.e re-sold. ‘.. ' i ; JOHN ROBERTS, Sh’ff. Sheriff's Office, \ Beaver, 0c1.. ; 2U, '02,. ) Beaver County , ss s IN the Orphans’ Court in and for Beaver County, before - the llotf. Judges of said Court. In Jhe matter of“ the real- 1 estate account of George Bruce, Administrator of, the estate of Charles Bruce, dec’d. ■ And how, to, wit, Oct. 20tb, the Court appoint B. B. Chamberlin, Esq,, an Auditor tft distribute the balance in the bauds of the Administrator according to the. Auditor's rc port.'ijn.the account confirmed at [September Term, 1862. From the llccord. A.G. McCREAKy, Clerk'. At lest ;i oc f •NOTICE. This undersigned will attcndto the duties of above appointment at the Court House, in Beaver, on Friday, Noyehheb 7, 1802, at 4 o’clock, i». m.,- when parties in interest will be duly heard, i. B. 8.-CHAMBERLIN, *o2. •-i • Auditor. EXECUTOES NOTICE. WHEREAS letterslestamcnlary haying been granted to the undersigned, on es tate of Joseph McCrcaily, Sr„ dec'd., late of Greene, tp/. Beaver couhty. i’n.l nllipersons knowing ■ themselves indebted to are Requested to make payment immediately and those having claims against the same will present them to the subscriber duly authenti cated for settlement. JAMES McCREAIDY, 0c22. t 1 Executor. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. LETTERS ' of admirilstratioji upon the es tate of Axubew Glass, late of.-Ohio township, county, dec'd, haring beet granted to the s undersigned, all persons in debted to said estate are requestcdjto make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them properly authenticated for setlemcnt. / JOHN SI.ENTZ, Ohio, tp. Oct. 22 18G2. ; i Administrator. | A DMINIST R ATOR'S NOTICE. '} i ’ LETTERS of administration on the estate of Hesbt Keep, late of Hopewell Town ship, Beaver col. dec’ll, having been grant ed to the undersigned, all persons indebted to 'said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will present them to thei subscriber properly authenticated for settlement. ELIZA REEI), THOMAS REED.. Administrators; seplT ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. ETTEUS of Administration on the estate l i of James M. Littell, late of Kaccoon township, Beaver County, Penn’a dcc’d having been, granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those haying claims against the same will present them [properly authenticated for settlement. junc4, JOHNIM’HENRY, Jr.Adm’r EXECUTOIIS’ NOTICE. WHEREAS letters testamentary 'pn the estate of Geo. Boswell, late of New Brighton, Beaver county, dcc'd,' having been granted to thO undersigned, all ipersons in debted to said estate are requested to make .immediate payment, and those having claims against the tame will. present them properly autenticated for-settlement. • j, i ■ JOHN BOSWELL, BEN’J BEDISpN, June 25, 1862. Executors. stray oow. GAME to the premises ,of the subscriber, living in New Sewickley tp.,BeaVerco., Pa., on the 6th of October, 1862, -a red cow, with, a white face; about 6years old; she had a bell on, and two or three slits in the ear; ho other marks visible, The owner is i requested to come forward, prove property,, pay charges and take her away. ! 0c22;3t. f A. P. SMITH. TJEN-KNIVES; Scisaora, Gum Hair. Pins; | Purses, Port Mohaies, Needles; Tweezers, Pencil-sharpeners, . Spool ‘ Cotton, Thread, Pins; &0., for sale at the Drag Store of ' 0c22. , DR. C. P. CUMMINS. /PI OOD Crashed and Brown Sqgan for sale VTT »t the Ihug Store Of . ; - cm2i ; c. P. evmme; : (IT) CIEVELAND 4 PITTSBCBok % 1U •' , • ■ V','; v r,i'. ' .j|. I Beaver ; Ba*t. | j Commtmeinj, 'Manias, Jfiqr l 6; >IE 52.4-JViri»» leave Beaver Station at filtamti'j 11 .i'll ; 7:65 a. M. Arrives it Pittsburgh, ■ 9:16 Aj, »• 2:05p.m. •* ;■• . »• j-,,;,-^ J i-a:26,;P.:ii. l j &60p.*. . „ “ ?i J 8:00 .p. ■*. ', Goran W*sj>— . „ t Trains leave Piiulmrghat/oUoKi; I'J 6:10 a. Arrives *t 8e5ver,....,.<:25 a| j|,!. 4:00 P. sl •• .' “ ..;.1.5:20 p. M. j. n. McCullough, iWt i . f.B.iMTERBi Gen’l'XSekttAgm. PITTSBURG, FT. W4YNB * CHICAGO R. R./ Roohoit?rstatfon—fiokilic East: ; / 'Leaves Rochester Arr. atPitta. lit Brigh’n Accom. 5:80 a: x 7:00 i. ». 2d . . “’| 6:46 a. x...... 8:40 a. x. Alliance-' •• 8:46 a- x...;..10:40 a, x. Ini Brigh’n , •• 12:84 p. x. 2:10. p. ti. 2d Brigb’n “ 2:15 r.x...... 8:23 P. X, Mail,’ ’ ( : 2:00 P. , 8:10 pI m. Ist ExpoPss, , 12:60 a.X...,..2:00a.k. 2d ‘Express, 6:40 p. x...... 7:45 P. if, Ooiso w«st— ‘Hi. f > t Leaves Pitts, Arr. at Rochester.* istßrigh'n Accom. 8:50 a. ii 10:25 a.’ .iiri 2d Brigh'n “ I 11:50 a.i X-.....J' 1:26 p. ;*; Alliance «• ': 8:00 P. X 4:55 p. x. Ist Brigh’n “ 4:80 P. X......J 6:01 P. x. 2d Brigh’n i“ 6:20 P. xl 8:00 P. X. Mail, 7:10 a. x...;..: 8:40 a; x. Ist Express, 1:00 a. x 2:10 a. x. 2d: Express 12:50 p. X..*.„..i 2:00 p. x. • ./r ■ AUG. BRADLEY, Supt.,E. D." Not!oe> in the Orphans’ Court. j .The following appraisements,! underthe Act of .Assembly of the lath of April, 1851, of property allowed to befretained by a wid ow or children of a decedent, to,the value of $3OO hare been filed in the office of the Clerk of the Orphans’ Court of. Beaver, County, to witr . , ' I. . 'f ■ Personal property to omount of $3BO 20, by widow of Henry. Heed, late ;pf [Hopewell, tp., dec'd. Eliza Seed and Thomas /Reed Adin’rs. ■, i.| j v : i- f ‘ Personal property to amount o([ 5298 55, by widow ,of John Torrence, dec’d. Mary Torreiicc, Adin'r. i 1 ■ ' 1 ■ • ; The amount to $10; 27/personal prorperty elected to be retained by the widow of Michael ' 1 Kambo.'latc of Baccoopn township,; deceased. Jacob Front, Esq., Adni'r. f Notice is hereby giren to, all heirs legatees, distributees, and all others interest ed in the above, to; appear at'November Term, nextj of said Court, and not lateijUhau Wed-, nesday the third dayi of the term 1 , being the 52th'day of the mouth, to 'show cause, if any thcy|havc, against the final confirmation of the above appraisements. . | " A. O. SI’GBEARY, Cl k. Beaver, Pa., (lot. 16th 18G2. ■. , ■ Notice : j- IS hereby giten that I hare been appointed as Surgeon by Pension Department, to examine wounded and inralid Soldiers, dis charged from the serrice; that, my authority extends to any County, State or Territory, and that I am now reody .to enter j upon the discharge of my duties. i, GEOKGK.MeCOOE, M. D., Examining Surgeon. 4t KOL LOOK’S ■ IDaiidelionC offee. Cdffee, is recommended ny physicians as a superior NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE for Gen eral Dedlity, Dyapcpsiaand all billions disor ders. Thousands who have been] compelled to abando i'the use of coffee, will uio this with out injurious effects. One cani j contains the strengtit of two pounds of ordinary coffee. ; THcb-JJ > evuifl. , I .! j > -1 KOLLO OK'S LEV AIK. I ; | The purest and-best BAKIKG POWDER j known, for making light, sweet and nutritions Bread Cakes;. Pride 1 S cents • Manufactured by ; - I M. H. KOLLOCK, Ch Corner of Broad and Chestnn PHIhA! And sold by all Druggists and Oi niar-ti - j; • THE V ,!■):■ ■ SATURDAY MORNING POST. ' -Tlie best Family Senrspaj er in ■ HON. WESTERN PENN’A. M| Ami>the only Democratic; Uniin Sheet in, “ u,n ' Pittsburg.v ! ■ESTABLISHED IN, 1804. It contains alii the CURREK’)' KEV.’S OF THE DAY reliable. Monetary, Market and Commercial reports and a choic l ! selection.of Tales, Poetry, Literaryiand Scientific Articles, Valuable Statistical Information, ' Agricultural Near*, &c.; ■ ; S - 1: ALSO— ■. j i The Latest Telegraphic News. Embracing every important j .Item of News, Foreign and Domestic, Congressional | Intelligence,.-legislative Pro-*- i’ ccedings, &c., &c.. - • Terror,!sl .per' annum for a Single Copy* ** H Comte one year for $lO. JAMES P, BARR, .Editor and jFropfJctor. - Corner Fifth and Wood ate., Pittsburg Pa* your money by mail iat my risk. Address Estate of David Minis, Jr., M "VTOTICE is hereby given th?t ll| ministration hare been gn Register of Wills, &c., of thecou upon the estate ofDAVin Mists, 3r late of Borough tp„ in said conn scriber residing in the Borough . said county. Debtors wBl make creditors present their claims du ted to the undersigned. DANIEL Ad ,i April 1.2 ' i NOTICE '\\T HEREAS letters of; adm nistration _on the estate, of Miciiaei. It ax do, late of Itaccoon township, Beaver county, de ceased, having been dnly .grarted to the un dersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment,, and those having claims against the same Will pre sent them properly authenticated fair. settle; ment wit bout delay. 1 i S . T JACOB FRONK, Administrator. sep24. JAS C GRIERI ."■•■•'l.'' ' . WIIOLISALE Grocer & fonnission; ■ - Also IJpaler in ’B' 43SD PUOPIUE GE • ’ No. 8 SMITHFIEL pposite the Monongahcla House _ , : PITTSBI AND BEAUTIFUL ■ : OF THE ; HI STAKES Of KDUC | BY JOHN T£)MO., muslin, price &0 cenl IZj ere, 26 cents. Copies of be sent by mail on receipt of postage stamps.' Pleas sddrest J. C.GARRIODES, !■' _ 148 Bon*bPew«h stmt mar)A. j • *‘i’ . »V* i. - ! i; i f• " , ~,,,,,... .. 1 1101 , ;;,,, . . - • . .;4 ,; ureat .es. ' 1 bi,P 1.. ri oz i w4 a. undersigned lionetreserf- '. 1 ; 1141 W IlirDillidd l le A ' ' 2101 1 -I , ' I t t „!! PhysieinnatitteaWalevs4 'ha Wined I .' OOO adootildshtittioutaiia,to thitlairilril l'etin azoset4 4 4 Basaapazuma. bat tamirso ail' folio_ a :emit' or ems allialiodbY 3 1 ell. At e' . SIM; 0111111d1111011 dial! -• -' i . ' ell ,1 'I ' 1 1 I' - - - 1'... 6 Pit', =ON.I JAS 0008, , .i -i,- itcr,, c 1 Newer oeId) I scaiiik. a 47, HON ALSOr :I .: •, , ' IT: i 1 1 Mayor o f -X 1q• .11,11'. V.. tioo *° l; ILI W. : ::• 8 , iITON, ~ -, t!,li i ii 1 ' , I Nisi= at 3LAZifel: • I N. B r . I gO 3r ;' MD= AlagnixerD , • , I a , - 1 ) .1 Ilfriar cd' It. Z. ir• u 11 , i HON. .AL H. BULLOOK. . ', ; 'I ' 15 Ilteros et 11.11133. 0 , IHtlf, NA.Tirr9 Rik , . :.. Il[aybe of ,'BIMIX.. YAM • , ‘l' _ ' Ir i RON, P. W. zarroorx Jr. 1. morn or BoiriON:itailie. m t ' = HON." MC X. BOLISALN • , • b TI • , ]war a [ miov i ag i zar ' as . ALit . ~ t i t zcorr..Ams W. PILI - M1. 013 1 rt - u Pl i ` • i r . l IlLegur - of NOICW/IDE. I 00218. ' Mat HON: J. N. 111110118 < t • ' -• j ,, 1 . , • mayor of NSW LOrhni. Odinr• •I ; VON. OWL EL BOVLIKEI4I - iXaTor of ko a 31!. the , •[ ' HFer,• • D.S% 1 9 '' ' , - ilLearor o f L ; • 'TOME GEM. $1 , •• HON. H.43E. ENE' :- • , j , , x .,,, • I I ' mow of : • • • lil r O.IW. iim soli. temem. - • = •N, , u ec f ''l Narai of TO: • NTO, G. W. 1 HON. B. X. DISICO - i t , f ' 1 Kayos of CIN ell , t ATI, OHIO. I i ROIL L 11., CM. • ED, •' ' 1 ' ' Rigor of LO I I- WWI ! KT., HON. 3011di SLOAN , . 1 1 , ' • Harm of gfoNs, lOWA. • le me HON. SAXES X. - : 1 : 71: Z 9 ' • ' dil' . /WO Of TlOWlLAirnrilak O. Nr. 4` __l I now. %TAXES W. NORTH, ,•• ' k !. •. • • Xiior of iITGUBTA, Kg,' % ` 1 Bo II HON. IkliMMtY COOPER, Jr., , ' ' ag of nititolvm l4 WC. ~..,aTor ; • ~ HON. ;Mara It : - 1 1- • I • , -, e 1 *slow of PRIED ,: OTOS, 8 1 9. , f HON. IgirLAND, •" • .; ,1 , MayOri of NZW .• H• FORD, 81.L1113. ' - ' . is NON. Z. ELLIEDEr...t, - .1 1 A8 ta ifuYor of PALL ' RIVE% 8. -' al H. i i J. , , HCIN‘ 'W j H. ,CBAN TON, t - it, • t 1 1, , ][aloe of lIIRVIMORT,IIt. I. 6 ' to I ._ ROM FRED . STA B 1, 4 .6 itiuor of ALIMr. VAX. 4 i i Y' Boric. JO HODG /Or,- • I ___:• -: I e • " of D.: i QUID, lOICIL. ' • HON. 0XA.13 pri,. , • ..- ' , a . , a clice.Tir : OCIGA, TIIINII. ;'1 , i HON. ROBERT ,liT-ATII; ( - ; r - . 1 2 ;- TOSO 11A,.A.Tid.. 44. of • • , li , • • HON. R. D. DAUG :I • , i' , I I v.& as I a t mi m mor , sal s • :6 - : lIMEThr. I , '. a ; n _ HON. GERABD - ." Hijor'ot ZIEW • ButiNs, , rut. i , _1 . . I ( Lc , HON. H 4 •D. z 7. -• ' + •N, 1 11-1 m a y or: at : . . :. ~.rza, ff, Y. ,$ Ile 1 . 1 ee.. HON. ;DE lilirEPT 0., c R 01713, P . I Karr t ; HON. GEO. wiz's° , i . 1 , R 1 I 1 1 Ifftworl of . .1 t,,. PA. t .LS . : HON. 0. H. BtHL, ' • 1 11 .311alori of.D IT; *CIL , HON. I3HITAN iL. IL PE, , . I ildayor of 'Hai - 411=0, Imo. I, • I 1 HON. ITAUG .1 •i , I i , m a i m a r i .... ~ ma, 1 HON. PARR, I , • i .f i. T.l '„.. ' mum of • -05 Es. witi. . , HON. JOHN 'C. :- s • .--,:. . i : 1 , I , . j , mar* of 41:II 01,04). I trZi. I 1 i n. HON. X 1 .1. :et. :•- - TII • % I ' 1 • I ikror - =WO., ALA. i I I I HON. A. 1 :13. NOB • 1. 'I , OF li, 30*Yor? of No. • BMW. ALA. I 1" ~ 1 I l e d f EcoN. vi!*s. HOL ' ; , let, Miler or LTIXIDDI I , GA. 4 DON ABIEHRO - ' . • ' 1 I ° l f i V *" CR 1735 . I DON PTOTBI3'DIi 06.-BALLO. `' wE, I r. liam of maxico.p,' DON inr/SIPHILMH : • DRIGITgiI,f. i ' of 1iA.7.1118A.,`i i 11 DON ANTONIO 7. si:s • ' :4: . . ~ 1 1 _i_Szy_ I . :: c:ii LIKA I ill4gr' II i ~,,......., .... 4 1 510 . 30 '' 1 1 r. 1 teranli a .M. • 11 6 &AM . • . , Pa. .I • Xs.fer of VALI' i =Mai) I; I . 1 DON 0 forsQ34}llDAiis; d , 314 ~,,I . Naar of RIO JANZIMe.I3 v, i 1 , , ad _ ' Oertity the Moltke* Dritaistt have:,.l 1,. , ..cured • &_.. ' , the ' 1 ' , ... cd I ; , . ver' Ayeil s. S Sp r , in Lan t remedy.' worthithe mere an d I of the lea- i yet $ Diseases., Per Pnaliying the Bleed: r. War, levetaria cm Stagg. Evil:" 't. • --- I Ber=ors, Ulcers, and here..' i E I Tor pitons mad P plea. .1, ici , c , n Dor Blotches, Mahe', d Bells., I • late 1 , For st . Anthony's P , Retie, or iiryw de- I Iror Tette: or Ban Rh . 1.444a5. u n - I For / arid' Read and R ionizes. an d ' Per Cancer sad Canes as nem. pie _ .I Fir sere Byes, Sore , sad Ililauiril• ttle7 I rev yeaude Diseases. I • ' • I' ' Per Suppression and Warn". ~... For liplaUs er Ven Disease s . " `., War. Liveqr Complaints. I . •' t . 1 Per Diseases *rifts Reales. ani r• ,The 'Won of the chief cities of the Ifni. tad States; Combs, and el c r 14b,h1Prerrinessi Chili, Peru, Brasil, M and in flit als • most all the eitistroa continent. have • Ogled this doc%Nent , to their People continent.', LT whit remedies they rosy, with safety and I Modideime. sot oar . wil/ only Omit , a pathos of than. I' ' - '' • 1 II 0 , 1 ,I- , _ 1 •. -- ; , - i I 'welds stlisa -*, ‘;-_--' Ayer's Clt , Peotorsl, 1 i - - , A3nxr's I", and ' iN . , A3rer's Ague Cu r e, ` , raarcaunitur i , N • i Dr ' . lA, C. ALy;i; is to g I.OWEI.L, A n i s r ' indadiP/'Dralalisti - litlelL !I - cos- L__ . ' ~. , , i 1 • , _ vi "W. ror sa.e toi 1). M Die, Jr.. ;tearer; 0 a , i n ii Cry**. lioeheter; %aggro; er & Lowry, Free . I dent: J• Jilt:6olc - Bade ;14. Sargent; Se* Brig,btoo, Johb Black Dgelioiten. Dus ts.: 04 0 ili-Bdf,se, Saliriei, rid ter dealers-every MEM =I emisl. • streets, ■ )ELPHIA, ocei >. HON. BON. HOHVi { 1.D., Dec’d. letters of ad -intcdhy the i sty ofißcsver, ■, M. Dl.dcc’d., tty, to Ihesub of Bearer, in payment, and ily aiithentica- AQNEW, Ininistrator. ON Dlmbanf, j’ ' I piULLT D ST., . ; URGH, PAv goal lITION r idea, Lli. X»L't; s: paper cot thU book ■will ■the price, in ■- ; -i -:;v; s i- -j Pablinher, PhQ’a, F». BY- virtue of anorder oft he Orphuils' Courv i of.Beavef Cohnfy,[ willhi; ejcfosiid to-saitt by vendue or out cry , on tiip premises | On Wednesday, November sth,j «tll2 b’clock the! following ' rtatl estate of jAn .McHenry, decld, | situate in the toft nahip bounded and; described as fallows: -On the north by} lands of laaac Me- Cby,'hn the east and souttrby .lands bf James Alexander, and bn thel west by land of Ales. Mbrrow and Frederick Book; containing lij tcrcB,"#ore or less—about 7 or 8 [acres cleared, arid a small house bn the .promi ses, I' l‘1 : ‘ , ' TERMS,—One third in hand} on confirma tion of gale by the Court, and .the ’; balance 'in two equal annual instalments from that .dale, f j with interest thereon from lhe same.time. ■ ! further information inquire, of Charles M’Hcnry, or John M’Hcnry, Service Pi O. BeavcrCot, Pa. ‘i i 'i By order of .the Court.' , ' A. G.j SI’CBEARY, Cl’k. ’ Oct. 4, 1802.' y-.v.p *|"S hereby given f that■, tho| account'/of JL(. R. Pi.Kobejrts, EsW , Assignee hpf-Thomas McKiplcJf, ’for i the; benefit ’ of ‘ jcreditors; has beed cihibilW abd filed in my, office, and that the SaraO will bo allowed by the Court on the second Monday of November next, A. D. 1862, unless cguse then be shown against the confir-' matipn/j ■ ii : : t, , : >■ tl ■- L ’ ■ ij MICHAEL . WEYAND, Proth’y. .. i In the Court of Common i’leas of Beaver Co.: I In the matter of the account of K. I’. Rol|- crts| Esq., assignee of Thomas McKinley, fbr thoibenttit, of'creditors:. j' ■ > i f f And now, to wit, Sep’t }B, 18G2, the Conn grant a Rule to show cause : why the Assignee, should not be discharged from his trust upon ofi, his account, and payment of anjP balance in his hands;, and order nptice to be given by publication in tbclieaver Argus According to Kule. I ! i j Beaver CohisTY^' es: ■ ' vl‘j ! I i Attest: I MICHAEL WEYAND, • dcB—3t J , J rriothonotary. M"; NOTICE. TOM E t'o-ptitncrahip heretofore existing uh dcr the name and style of A. D. Gilliland, Sew Brighton, engaged in the - business of merchandise,' jtvas duly dissolved oh the ;19th day jif April, ,iSaal The Book's will be settled at the stord ofj M. Gilliland. All; persons knowing themselves indebted to the late fAm, wilt please call and settle immediately! as the Books will be closed without 1 delay. s. !, I ] \ • ‘ I; j : A. D. OILLILASDJ m. gillibaxd, New Brighton,MaylO, 18G2. .. ; .'■NO'£tGEa,.j |, . \ LL I’EIJSOSS haying business with, the i subscriber "will ■ please;, cadi with. Mr. Ilobert Talloh, wUp > i? , ‘duly aiithorized: Ip at tend tp all business during my absence. [ Also iall persons haying unsettled accounts, i^ill..nail ,4nd make settlement as soon us possible.; As t' r t has become my duty to leave home for the iurpbse of serving' my’ country, I h'dpc my Customers will still give; their patronage, as isual, as they will find Mr. gallon at the shoe ■ ’Sliopaiid mylson,' James, at lhetan.yani. [ sep3, ISliii; ": JOHN D. STOKES. _j. Sonfessions of an Invalid, | CLISjHEu B tor tiie r benelit and osjaiwartv i ihg jJtid u edition to young men \vho suf jferfrom Nervous Debility.. Premature Decani | Kc., Mtpplvlrignt t-hc same tilne the means oV f Sclf-Cfftß.* By one who jhis ;curcd j hinvach* afher, being put tb great through njieil- : leal imposition and quackery. By enclosingßj. boat-paid addressed envelopes, singlh , copies' mi\s be" had of the autnttr, NATHANIEL J MAYFAIB, Esq., Bedford,! liings Co.-p T : jT. | j mar2U:l V. : ■ i. ) ■■ ■ I (30. Employment! $lOO COMMERCIAL AGENTS WANTED TO SEEL GOOBS FOR THE : 3 ,| . ((A NEW'ENGLAND! hMaaafaat urlns Company. \Ttle AVILL iGIVE A COMMISSION OF: ■YY one • hundred - per cent, bn all goods bv out (Agents, or we will pay wages at Prom $3O to Slot) per month] and pay, all ne :cisa#y For particulars ; address Ivith/itainin r ’ M ' ; ■ ■■ ' ■'; L.--« - ' tCHAS. Ag’t, For the Adams. Manufacturing Co.. Detriot, |lich!gari. J- ji' - * u 'y .2- 186 A ■ 3CQTT 3310TTSIE., B. D. 51AKKKU, Phop'm", l; \ Cor. Irwin St. cfc liwqueshe TVay, . : |J' . L jnTTSBCRGH. PA* SHE “SCOTT HOUSE"’is one otAhki larges* and best} arranged Hotels in theljfon.Cijy. I neither pains nor expense will bo. spared |o maintain its well earned lts location," is iomichicnt totbeßridgcsaud Rail-, road Specially, commends if. to the Raveling public ._V \1 •' ;■ | VRectvex* Hotel, . jys EPH HALL, proprietor, :l Beaver, Pa* -.V HAVING:' thoroughly fi(tcd;up.tliis house, i he islnow. prcpnred|to nccommpdate his public generally, in}the most satisfactory miiiiner. ' [mayo- ; ; “The Howe Sewing Machine,” :C] -J f i solD'';by J •X* iMi• Ikf’G REeOltv i ■ CORNER PENN & ST. CEAIR SJS., r j f - ! > v •! PiTTSBUKG; :.PESN "A., '■ SEEDS ONLY TO jBE SEEN TO BE AP- | ! PRECIATEd'. . r>p22—dm. =I ■ r A* R. THOMSON •[ \ T: T oft N!E Y, |AT liA W ! OJjtee. eonifro/Thridhreet andthtViavicni. lv , BEAYEKrPA. ' j. may 21. ! .|j bnetel, arbuckle&co. , OP ; • ' ojiL, ROCHESTER, ■ > j , BEAVER COUNTY, BA. [ap2 • .■: ! ! 11 1 t . ■ ■■£♦■ ‘ ' ' MN JOHN B. AVtLIHAMS, ~ HAftßlgßl & HAIE-DEESSEIL (Shop one door east of Pfoudley’sjllotel,'■_ r ; BIiiDGEVV PEXN’A.^ ! Y’- ’■( RAIL-ROADHOUSE, ADAM JOHNSON, PRO’R, ‘ j . I ROCItiSSTIiB, pfeSN’A. TARHfT JARS & CANS U ’ 1 ''j' I’' 1 ’' r cowis,.: ■ i - ' , SEALING WAX, . ■-I I-‘ : ..f, j- rosin. •. s 'H'-- ■' I-- '■ . CANARY SEED. &B. at • ■ ■ ’ ‘ ■ \ HENRY'S.- | . ■'l '• Do You Want Employment. I OFFERa pleaaant buameea fortha Sprlnrg and Summer. with large profits.- Send for mvnet» circular, containing full information. Add«H ’ iOKO-EDWID SEARS, marST .• Wl Brilliant St.. S. V. i I". fl OAPB—Botin, -Protdf 4 Gamble e . .-,, t= • It- = • • .* .. f ' - tit .1 -.- . ti :#i - rini i% - 4Ait--rnlt; . 11) i AL l itV A. • r fi rell , lA :1.1'i. , -'-' 1 .1 b . r 1 'IQ if_o3l.olllll.l* 'S 1 1 1 . - a imi 11. , T ON:61-1 marches, - .re arid etiff 1 irate, blister= „Li ed aud ittllame = feet,' ill t Les e the told:er toast endure, MOT ERS, RENE AILED. THIS;' when your sons are grasping - their muskets to • meet danger, think whit relief a .pot of thist, ALL HEALING jt. OGLING Salves will give ta.the one you love when far away from Lome aid friends. It ha dine and make* tnugh the feet so that they Ca , endure great fatigue. It aootbea and,relieve thi= in'tlateed and stinened.= - joints, leaving the s' eupple, strong and.vreor- , one, while for , I '! SABRE CUTS A D iii N'Sllo'l . 'WOUNDS f 'et stands nnequill•d, retne‘ing and preventing every:, vestige efl nflammatjon and ' , gently, drawing the edges together,' it quickly - and completely heals ti c mee, frigidly woullds. •-•!", WIVES AND SI. TF,ILS! OF OUR VOLUNa ! • " TEELLS • : .. ...........Ii o To Cannot put i to the, Faapsacks 'of your Husbands and 13ro hers, a more - valnable ox 4 1 more necessarpgi than a anpply of !this - -- I It f EKTRAORDIN RY MILITARY SALVE. 3' 8 ' Thellionely sen ryi walking his rounds id s night, exposed to dionehing rains 'and 'chill ' • t night limos often elit.ed the most 'VIOLENT, e PAINS, COUGH: = it.nd" SUFFOCATING. ' 't 110ARSNESS, firs r, mpl l ema of QUICK CON-, -* iSLIMPTION', bet if supplied ' with IIoLLO-= t - WAY'S 'Plus -1 n IHILLOWAY'S „ 'OINT; „ ' - ..NIENT, all dange.r is averted,* few Fi ll s - taken , , h . , nightvand tornin, rid the outmost' briskly , : rubbed twice a des ver Hie &reat and eLtet, 1 =,- will remove the ''E .REST PAINS and stop _ .r the mist s dislressi g DANGEROUS COUGH I Theforefwe say t i e= whole army, Tt SOLDIE 111. - ATTENTION !i' , ! t e- 1 - ., See to your ow, h •alth, do not' trast tq CE !n Army supplies alt o ii, inest valuable. These, of PILLS and OINT 1 NT have traert thoroughly`.; ' 1 to tested, they ire tt o nlyfreteedies usfd in 11. e 8 European Camps n ,Barracks, forover forty, . years Doctorllol a =ay has supplied all 'the armies in Europe,_afld during the. CIIINEAN - 1 , CANIP - A.IGN he i - ste.blished , a depot at ,'-, Pea -1 davit, for the ex wire Sale of these GILEAT I REMEDIES , ma y la Cant iris special = l .figen;,' I there has sold o ell a Son in weight cd :ha n _ Ointment in a ' Sill i 'ALIY,. , These tot rible and • i t 1 fatal enemies of h# - Soldier in Camp, ' 0 - f t DIARRHEA. 1)Y . FaTE I RY, SC unvY.• SORES t i i and SCItOFULO 'S . EltliPTI_ON5, all clisape e d pear like a chart_ befor l e these PILLS AND ns OINTMENT, an now while the Cxy iiitge in throuehout the It nd: , • , e TO 'A 'NISI ITO ARNISI! •_ : • Do not let ihes brave wen perish . - by dio'.. I case, place in t eir Land* these "PECIOUS lIE3IEDIES., th t will' enable them to resist ,' the dangerous.' xposures ) the Fevers,the I Chills, 'and the w - Ottn - de ;Thiel, they cann ot` ~ avoid, and what s more cannot frequently get succor in the uio ent of need. Whereas if our' he brave inen4tave - id l y tci put , their_ hands into r. their Enapseeks nil find thertea eure remedy at- 1 for. allthe casue tics of !the battle fi eld. How Ise 1-may thousands if ilies would thus- be saved 'all who,would other viselperish before relief cooed As be obtained. the c A tuTio, T .N , ne are genu:ne unlee my the words -lioll tea - a Nev. Yank and London,' z f l ! I are disceneble! a a i ' valcr - izaris. in every letf, • '' = of the book 'of d reetioos around pot cr (.box •," the. same ay be ploinle • s:sen by hoiden. . — ll4 Idaj; to Me kalif. : A bait:some retkaid will l i id . f. be given to any one r endering such Informa -1 tion as may lead to the detect:on of any _party re 1 or parties! count rfeitliig tl.- medicines or vend .ut• I ing • the same, k n owing them to belt:pm - ions. i a,y 1 e -,- =! Sold at tto , Msradactoty cii Professor . ~o 1 ' .I IiaLLOWAY. Bird Sidell Lens., ; New York,-att sell, by ell respectab e Drtle•:4tB and. Dealers in led' Medicines, tllko fr,iltoilt the eil ilize‘l. wcaid, in gn4,boiws nt 20 cent , ffi cents and ,i,:=l,e - ach. • , ies - 1. g-tr - There is etielcleer.lle saving by tatin: j IEI2I the lareer sixeB. I. ' , ' .- J. . I , -- N: Lt.—Direct ons for . the eti;dance of-pa . ier.ds in every d' - ?ealsl , fl Ca ?rah box Olaf 7. , aI • • • BEAVER Opened in ti 1 cupiedb; The Sujjscvi inblisbirivii tstanfly on lk«Rd| l)rii£ 'Stores. - Being a. P,by*« may rely on hi .BEST * bIIUGS ‘ A yaricty of otl Tci' Eiiract Famoj: Son ALII- AUTKL' SPOOLCO'I Needles, : TOBAC I r i'KU, La inps on d, C'A neyS'. ev.’ of the article", and only'a iinJ. Call hud si ei 1 1 , by itlose: .attention, and fair Satisfaction to ill who may their eastoni.! ; i. ■ „ ■. i f C. F. CUMMINS, Mq;D. lar attention will l.c paid t 0 i ■ sici aha pfesc ript ions. [Au %^TC : Orphan’s Court Salts of valuable, .. ; , } Real Estate. BY i vlrt;uo Jifan order of Jihe. diphatbh Court); of] Beaver county, will bee Ex posed to sale pvi public vi mitre; or, out cry, j on the premises, on |i - J j Saturday Oot 2iith, 1862, 1 at ;1 o’.clock, p;|ni.-the following real estate.Of:; Alexander Gibb. deebb. sitnater iti Hanovcri fownsbip, Beaver co, : . bounded on the North 7 by lands of John Gibb's iibirs; on the East, by lands of John i'VitJiam's' jcirs. on the South by lands of[ Henry lance and West by lands of John Oarron. Cjontaii ing about' ninety acres—about 50 acres cleared and qrjdl, CultV 5 vafed. .A goodJhowcd Log Dwelling House oh the premises.; T , ‘ , ' ‘ TER.MS-!-OucOhird of-the purchase money ■ ,tobc paid on cpnfirmntion.of ite Sale ly the Court, the balance pf purchase money, in itvo equal annual “payments 7 from, with interest thebcoh,from the same time. ' For . further (information 'inquire of David Anderson, Admiiv . - . ■ I By order ofi Court. i A. G. McCP.EARY. . >]t,'24,’fill' > Clerk.:' Carbon Oil :l', Tlrese art a .few always; on .1 He will itry, dealing,' to*i gii favor,him i»iit li 1 SOLParticul putting up PUy ■ i . 1. ■i.'l Beaver, Sap) in the Orphans’ Court. Beavfer iCdunty, sssi, IN the Orphans’ C'ourt.ln and for Beaver county, S before tiie Ifbn. i>aniel President, ami i his Associate Judges of said Court. In the matter of the petition of Arch -1 (bald Johnston. Administralir of the estate of, , [ Marjt Alexander, dec’d, folr decree of specific . performance olf contract wi|lh , Archibald Gil- Kmbre for th? conveyance tohim of ccrtain.real situate in Bupdwen| I tow nship, Beaver ; cottnty,.,Ea.j .' L ■ 'j- V; - ‘ " |. Now, to wit: June 2d, 18C2, the Court graht it rule on.the heirs-and- legal representatives of Mary Aloiunder, dco'd, to shew cause Why | atWcree cjfj specific performance of contract witiisArchibald iGilmore for; the conveyance of said rdal csta e should not be made. . September 18th, 1862; Rule continued,'and refutable on the second Monday Of November next.- i 'f' i* ’■ j , : “ i' ’■ 'i 'A-true copy. • Attest: A. O. M’CREAHY, Cl’k. oc8:3. I •• Notice Kerr’s JEloiel, Third Street, Betfvcr, Peim’tu j£EJ[. llKafcßJß, /v-- 11 - f •. G« r Si. ■' ‘ ]>RUC " SIA.RE, .eEoom formerly ,oc* the late Dr. Minis. : per, having'purchased the Efi will endeavor to keer con all arnci*? usuaiK ioitnu in c-jrin '£uui'l)rugg:s>, ll; ? keeping ;4c- rUUEIXiW Ler; articles will *’io/cc'fotond liia i cstfiblislimeiit: . ■ . r 1 "/ (-Wee, Jiotin Soapj- IS:. Port CvlfthS'. . 1 . AES -FOR THE TOILET. ■ ‘ l-TON. LEAD PANTIES; ' STKEL ,PENS. HAIR S. TOOTH BHUSIIES.v X'O. SEG-VRS. LET-T 1 NOTI-I. A FOOLS :ap paper., s