The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, October 29, 1862, Image 1

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    ’ beaver aruus.
I Wednesday, October 29 th, 1862.
T. C. NICHOLSON &C.o.*, Proprietors.
TERMS — Oxe Dollae and Firrr Ckst*'
. per aimcm, ix advance; otlicrwisc Two Dot
_.U.e»'.wjU te charged. JTo paper discontinued
\ until;*'! arrearages arc settled. i f - .
j@“Lc(ter6 end communication!,'! by mail
• (ball prompt"attention. • ■ ■ ,
Quarterly Statement
:>EW Biughio.v, Aug. G, 1802.
' .Ccjyiial .Stock- paid
•>'c«ics'ih' Citc’ulatifon—.;.
* Discount and iuibrcsU...!
Due ..
' Di vidend unpaid
N'-tcsiintißills Discounted, ..._503,012 60 Commonwealth. -15,000 00
,S TieuWv Notes,, 7 3-10 pci- ct)_4,Sso 00
T-from I'-ank5.i.L.1..........;.. '28,045 47
*i;t ;'antt Checks of etner Banka.;, 19,398 92
Cj-4 '-t l l anlt; 12.300 15
hnd.Ofliw Fixtures .i. 1,058 95
|f li,SiSeS -
- -v.’ ..■..'.5120,117 06;
i-i EH COX-is 1 1 -i: Hefore me, a notary
ill and for .said County, came Edward.
. iio r?., <_ iiseicr of the Bunk ol i-earer County,
win* '■•-'•fib' duly'affirmed '.according ;to law] dc
i ’'‘ the above statement is Correct and
true, according lo tlic best |of his'knowledge i
and -belief. ’•• _er EDWAkIWJOOPS. i
subscribed before me this Gth
day cf Aug, ISdi.i. JXO. CUTHBjiKSOX, I
Sotary Public, i
v Cxi- 1 ?. If'*»ors; Pcputy
■ $ LL _ in the following
Administration ;■ i;d Unardiaii Accounts,,
•..i.i’d! lave Ufa passed L and filed! in tile Ke-
W licit vor.ooaaty, .Pa!, will take
jjuT;i.-e'ba' tie jartic will be presented to the
ivi'hans C ourt, to be held at Beaver, cn Wed-
SE.'UaV. ;-T.i: ;o.y >'oiVE3;DLHi 1362,1 for confitt
fthU v I
*««»““*• (,Rer,l estate) of David
.u,C •fibster, acting Executor of the last wifE:
c*l ’• ia.- MA'a-Hisicr icc\E • . i V
linal accpuiu of JohnrEwing'; Esq., Asl
raior os (the of James V»'LiieLi f l! 3 ,j
. ~ i Real and Personal] of
M .Adammirattfr of ike (SsiMi?
oi ■’»»•lr.-'xv Kr.‘."x. dec" <1 • / >*!' t•
- accoum- : f!ooi and Personal'! of 5’
ri’ t'iiaiei', Auminifr;-;»tIou of lbe estate cfj
s»bj.K*iv d-c U.' - ' j . :
fim: account v-',Alf-cn:idc::
ir..of the ,i r dtiiio-liogo dec'd. •
Adf- «:.a 'u.-M ,‘W»nl :iccouu; of David tira-’-
surviving -Executor of jtlie last will of!
dee d- ‘ I •' - |
ii.o venial account >f VTm/Dulf;. Executor :
c: :..L* lo'JLiyiil of Jp!.!i.l)G2: r d-ac'di r .•
iuo aicaljand Persian!) of i
P: L. acting/Administrator of Hcnrv !
t VV|(i>t Will be ihe CossEQuex^r?’
: f :,ia '"‘° and:
V "'’ . ar-mml jTOlelian’s army,;
3 £etf Indian ECcotiW of • Janies.’ Irons." r w <«sj: give new stimulus 1
of Mary J. Vf unjr. formcrlv ! ai ■ J P l to t[io rebels. It in iiri-’
Marv J-M-iki, miner. .d«ugtter]:«f >im« ; possible to deny, tlie -splendid -audacity i
. , o [ ).,!• the e X ploi,. tvhilo 4r.1,.g tl^!
A : ‘S r : ; loibtjcihty / that should make 1
- I lt ptfSMblo. You will Duturuliv coin- i
XATiqyiL' WAR- TAX.-, ! raid ofS.tnart, j
—’Xii)TlCE.—TLi..3.u>.ca.vrt»-ftf .Be»T«.-C jV- ; M- CiellanVurmy circuit ‘Of f
ll treo- rrmT»r occn •a?rc9*e‘J auruiir liic 1 n„, :« f. ■. .. . -
•rtiuiO of S.-iM.-mf..- r ..«re W<-l ) yn.>siB«l .Ut.»" ut f hc pwport.ione. 01. tins' -wwp urc
sni-J ar*j now,o‘j>c:i iuv.tlic I WOl c UtKI inOTOj during. |
tion.Msioii.nvf; ' '' ; is not to he Judged by i
3eav»r, o<*. 8 V '62
No. X 'leaver county. .North of the Ohio
ri'%*!*. •its..] 1.01 li t* U:i?o ::*• <•>, at the cilice
of Kli I'eit". -Nt»!i Ilri^hibn.'
N'j. 0., M-ur.'vr co-.nify, N*.rih of ihe; Ohio
rivrf :*u»i Wei?i of :Heaver river, ijlic ol
ii.-e oi tee. W, Hamilton. leaver.
\ S'*. ';. Denver' county. SV.iuh of the] Ohio
r.'.f-n. t tlio to\vn>ni]*s of'Hopewell nod :
at William lU Trimble's,
T, Hopewell ami Independence town- j
.?:»t V.'iU:s.r.i M. KccH's. Independence.. j
' lintere>*ed can rail and inspect \
at.auy-iixuc within "fifteen davs from j
i: c •
-A 1 Appeals will be held for Beaver
c: I’«'uvVr, r*n tile 27 tb day of Octo-
i;VM L.
s. A*i>‘r< Cdiico.
r..=.c«..;.,-pvir -
t i:-r of lncabled fob.
_J j i: tbc I'o.-A aillocheater
l tl:| lb-32: f, ; .
A.i.ri ■ 1 J :M’C!ain Proton B
• ;>lah»y .
: Mc.iny John;
• Muniay Janies..
:M.nVii Uoherl .
; “May Jo!m
i •Null I’riah .
Midi Mary
H;ns . ; =.
I;ir •::, .p.,}
* uil-U
f' r .
v.-s J
• Mr* Rosetta
s:o:.ger Tetor *.
■ S:mii U .
.X'jm-on (iWly •
Mi-s M A
-I'-.l a i a-rb.
ii O L
Jv .l H
■.« b-if •John L
T « =; i.vwri John,.- “ 'Warner Lotiid
•Jn~nil Miss Lizzie Wilson MrsG 1 M
**bh i.'.lat; , [ ':AViUou Gcoi'gO A
,_iu- i;bi.oUs •; _ '
: •!i>c;illin^for'l(>lu , rs in the above list
i-lta-i; fuv tiiov are ■ ’
• ' ;, T. M. TAYLOR. P. M.
Xj rtii.iiin -tlie office at;Bcavcr C
Slju -I. tl: f I>*l
-5 .hime?
, *. JuEn
: iii'l-i-JuUn' IS
• 1 Vrsons calling lor letters in the List
*di please say tLev advertised. ? * 7
Hours:.From 7 A. ,M. jillCr, M.
A Rare Chance for a Good Investment,
Stock ajljj fixtuiiks of a ‘country
•STOKE; la & good Location, with a large
r *tu ot cuf?ti.n»: situate within 13 miles of
Rittshurg. Just ;Th itiroe for Fall and Winter
Trade Stock low at present: no unsalable
- f jQods. Terms easy. For a man of limited
no Letter chance could be offered.—
‘ tore and dwelling house fori sale or rent'.—
Address "R. . L,“ City, I’a., giving
rea * name, - aad A stating- where an 1 interview
«&abeheid. _ . : Oct. 15.
Washington at Waterloo. —“My
dearly beloved hearers,” said a very
popular! preacher down South, when
haranguin’' his hearers on the import
ance oi. perseverance and! fortitude
during the piesent war!, ‘‘you must-do
yvhat'Xieneral Washington done atlhe
battle of Waterloo. In the heat of
the skirmish hisihorso iwas killed by
a British cannon ball. jDid Washing-
ton give up his horse to the enemy ?
- Stiray ~” iJJoI he. lie sung out'at* the top of.
pAME? to the premises of the Irabseriber.l 1,1,5 voic p- .*A hor8 ®' *i h PWe! my king-,
V/ m Chippewa ip., about the Ist of July’, tlom forj-a, horse!’ A horse was in
reon 1111 'i IelIcr ’ ~ J ears old - The ,owner is . stancly’hrought him by Frank Marion,
PV cr»VeesVhd?«Li l 0 s W ' ard ’ prov f P ro P er tj. gnd he at-ove the British.from the field,.
ot South Car
m’IOFLBT. j : ,- r : --j
...J-553,450 00
, 4,5tj0 Co
‘3,835 05
i-50,918 1C
...v-' Gi9 57
. r ... 5120,117 96
. “ i* -
Jts injure material imjio'rlante. I jam
Q"‘t eViiTOi.-ily iiitunneijl-wluU damage
they i did in Pennsylvania, though I
, understand they' burnt considerable
: properly at Cham hers b u rg, and. 1
know they got them good warm win
ter suit* and iresh steeds with' which
to pursue the bold dash. : But it is tlTc
lame ;df the thing the will value, and
J Ass'r «6ili Dis't
'Vi' l V
Virav JA
j Marshall Hugh
: M a rail a* Tb eressa
*Ncvin Ancie
tNclson Kate
tScbti Hcbccea.
.S&rpdcs. M'iUium
Snath ii fi.<;
IMeish Martin
i Welsh U F ■
•Wilson MarV E
■! ■ ■■ ' j
i , ■■ t, w
ypl. BS—lST6. 4c4z.
Scion of a mighty stock 1 ! ' .
Bands of iron—heartaof oak—
Follow with unflinching tread i
” Where the noble fathers led I
' . ■-h ' • t , . .
_ <Sraft and subtle treachery.
Gallant: youth ! are not ifor thee: .
r Follow thou, in word and deeds,
r Where the God within-the leads!
Honesty with steady eye,! . W
N : Truth and pure simplicity. - !
Totc that gently winncth hearts,— *
r These.shall bo thy only arts/
; ■ Prudent in the council train,
i Poubtless on the battle plain, :
. Heady at the country’s need
Fbr her glorious causb to blecdi
Where the dews of night distil
Cpou Vernon’s holy hill,'
Where shore it gleaming far
Freedom lights her guiding star.
Thither turn the steady eye,"
Flashing with a purpose high;
Thither devotion meet.
Often turn On; pilgrim feet I
Let the noble mono be, ‘
,God.--rihe Country,—Liberty!
on.Hcligion's rock, * !
Thou sbulc ‘stand iu every shock.
s Laugh at danger fur or near '
i baseness—spuin'at fear.!
f-JStm with persevering inight, '!
| &Speal£'lhe truth, hod doibc right
’ shall pence, a chariuing guest,
n«.'vei*]-ke in thy bosom’rcsi,
So shall Honor’s steady, blazed
Heath upon thy closing days. '•
if celestial favor,
S-uu[e upon the high endeavor;
Happy if it be thy call
Ih the holy cause to fhll.
it is the shame ot the thing nt which |
we may well how|our heads. '2foth-|
jug could excced'.tbe depression this
■ raid has 'caused the loyal people of
\Vcs;.cni-Maryland, i It is felt that
there! is absolutely no ! security for
them ;that the icbels can with| impu
nity hnier the Slate •whenever they
wish to dp so. It is so bitterly felt that
only some prompt and decided success
can atone- for this unparalleled dla
evbr ja man since the
■creation ■ of the worlu,' who stood in
need of salvation from his friends, or
professed friends, M’Clellan .is
lliaj. ntan. A- f.e£ij>| political .bank
rupts-; broken dowtfiparty backs, who,
if they ever had anY principles, sold
thein out to. sluveryJlpng ago, having
no merit whatever of their 1 own to
standi.iipon. are trying by noisy and
senseless demonstrations 'to boast
M'Clellan. into a position which I
may give them a Chance to ride upon
his back into .places of 'power and
plunder- .Whether General M’Clellan
is the great .General; which some' of
his friends think he isj; remains fori
h,-iin - to demonstrate by his future
acts; and if he ever does establish the
fact ofliis greatness in spite of all
the ( obstacles which this horde of un
principled blowers and claquers are
throwing in his way. it.-will be be
cause real genius and. merit cannot be
obscured jKTUianeiilly., by even such
misfortunes.- In season and out of
season | tliese senseless fellows are
thrusting their hero upon the public
observation, and ofieper than other
wise, with results which must be most
mortifying- to. eveiyi real’ friend of
Gen M’Clellan, Wdiile they are thus
cnicifyiVg hint, he may; well cry out
to be saved from his
Lurg Telegraph. j :
' . V -' ■ ■ . : J -f. i t-"^;■]-
T' hv:v - ...; ;
The lastndvico from Eniope. ren
der it morally certain that France
and .Great Britain will recognize , the
Southern Confederacy on dr about the
Ist of January, next, provided the sita>‘
atbn shall remain unchanged till that
time. ■ In other words, if our Generals
should ■henceforth' stand, on the de
fensive. and hi diie time subside into
| Winter quarters, they decide to give
j up the Union.
j. Our fo reign enemies as well as bur
domestic traitors were aware, before j
I the Pro clarf.ation of Freedom. was
[ issued, tl lat it must and would come, j
j . They realized that it would be fatal
f to the J cbell’- canse unless promptly
and yig( rously counteracted'. Hence
the prop mitiona inlheßebel Congress
tO] raise the: black flag, to treat bur
cnplurec soldiers as felons, &c., &c.,
•all of which have’ miscarried. This
being nl sort of double-action affair,
the Confederate leaders wisely con
cluded to let in alone. They talked a*
little, inferred the whole matter to
Jeff DaV 5s with j>ower, and dispersed. I
Yet something must be done to
meet oi; forestall that rightly dreaded
Einancif ation policy': Foreign sym
pathy is invoked, and apparently with
success. | If our .armies go into Win
ter-quar .ers without achieving farther
an 4 more dticisivh successes, Western
Europe flies to tlio rescue .of the
licbcls. y
Of coi
TJie' j»*h
G rand
Wo pr
(or rufii
being gv
in the vi
cal, mas
May ’
the whole
will be p\
Union '■<
where t
Bull l|un was lost by (ion. Patter
s'll1 * 1 * nbjfenyo a qd inaction tyjjilo Joe
Johnston, whom bo wns expressly set
to--ffftlcbl andjictttm. ftsojuimi t v"
tthre 'tSfout MfiDowcll. But, beside-'
this, Ten Thousand Union' soldiers
stood id I > in and around Washington
all that fataljduy § and ball so many
more be ween [that city- and Centre
ville—wl Vj Geiij 1 Scott may know ; 'we
do not. 1 ■ *
Ball’s Huff, was a repetition of the.
same strategy iindera different com
mander on a smaller scale but with
similar results.' ' ,
1 . Fort Ironclson was taken and West
i Tennessee nearly cleared of Rebel
forces while [Gen. Buell stood idle near
Bowlling Green; Had he!co-operated,
and pressed on directly alter to !N asb
yilie, Sidney Johnston’S army must
have bean annihilated and all its ‘ iptf
nitioi> captured or destroyed. , |
Gen. (jlrahl’s army was nearly lost
at Shiloh, because surprised in ah lex
posed positioff with a regiment in tiro
front without cnrti.idges, its General
several, miles in the rear, its divisions
out of supporting distance, and Bdell
far awaV. ,1 It was saved at last!by
splendid fighting, the co-operation; of
gunboats, and the fardy. arrival | of
Buell. . ' I
Gen. W’Clellan’er heavy Togacsj at
Williams bug and at Fair Oak s/hrjere
duo to tshp same general cause—the]
exposure of. part of his army to jbe j
assailed ; n overwhelming force by the
.Rebels w bile the residue was preclud
ed ny di: tanco or obstacle from assist
ing it*: In th'o latter series of engage
ments! w rich resulted in his change of
base to the? James, the prcsciicoj of
Al’Howc i’s horns alone—then stand
ing idle on the Rappahannock—would
have ins ircd him the victory.
. Still laler, Uen. Pope—whatevermijiy
be-, said of .bis- leadership—was con
strained, with a portion of our forces
on the Potomac, to bear the brunt of
the entire Hebe), Army of Vitginia.-f-
Ho says he would. have.triumphed at
the second Bull'Run if the. Generals
of certain di visions detached from ithe
old Army of the Potomac to support
him had not treasonably refused to
d 050.,, Whoever may be in fault, ithe
fact tfiat Filz John Porter, Franklin
and GrifHn'did not practically re-en
force hirjn, as they were.expected and
directed \to do, does not seem to be
disputed j, |
If the 'last battle in Maryland bad
been fought oy all or nearly all troops
within fifty miles of the Antietam, we
presume no one imagines. that 1 the
Rebels vould ever have taken their
guns bai:k into Virginia.- p
: We recall these facts for the single
Curpose of urging-that our next battle
e.iongl tin full force. As we urged
before tl e bloody week on the Penin
sula’, so. ye urgetl how, that every re
giment’ on‘ .or near the Potomac be
sent to M’Clellan. Ho question re
garding his capacity can possibly be
pertinent! If he is a good General,
bo will : tnd a good use tor every bat
talion ; ;f a poor one, his need 1 -6( a
vast fort e is by so mneb the' more) ur
gent. We do not now any- more than
hitherto assume that heistbf fittest
mao for bis place: we only insist that,
BeAver Wednegiclari t qbtober 186
rsc, we fightjar.d that soon.—
ujnee of Gen. M’Clellan from
jForry means that the Rebel
A|nny must ;either light or
bjmme it will fight;its faculties
inng, if vigorously, pressed
ossly inadequate.! ; ’
: is, to be a battle soon
kinly/of Winchester.
attlojif its result be unequivo
. have consequences of iucon
iilagnilude. -
vd not hope, therefore, that
Union utrenyth on the Potomac
t forth in that pottle 7
important, disaster to the
ause- has been .incurred by
our forces everywhere but
icy should bo at the [critical
bo long aV fe in
coihmabd, he should
fort the inevitiftbijifOtaMct ttutt he
may , . ■, J ’j; .v ■ •
: “make MaurW^T&ibljsurtd ,".•
And'take : ‘ ! j-•
Better , temporariij arid ! dveti
lose* both Vfashingt<>b4fiid • Baltiniiore
while ' beating Jelly,
than: hold them Mfcief
lan’s army bo d " 4 \«k ol the
regiments that .'rrispha.
Gen. Hallevk
President' Lincoi
the tfimed Str
thoroughly ,to nj
theory of War,
principle notoi
stronger on the
how weak
our Grand Arm -
Of regimenitf ti
Spared to rO-onfc
hold him to a fti
JV. . Y. tribune.
[I • .
The Last Wordtjofa Dvina
a ■ • : • 'I-.' -
* . 11 - rf-f; . • ; •
The following tojttchpg.lpttcr was
written by of the
Michigan Cavalry Regiment, who was
killed in one’the biuiroat<whichGen r
oral Pope coniinhndw! I '’lts touching
pathos ahd. higb&toed 'patriotism
will awaken IreSijSgtets for thb
death of a brave soldier:
Mv Deakest Writetoyon
mortal! ■ tlW br^tj'
> - T • .iUedi]' .Jie battle-, . oarity niig ie committer. ,hui
■field*;- Wo arcagain featcd, and; Ire' were rnh;s of .abaft bat mere cobwebs|
this rpatfbes you.pHtiren wilPije when they.found an enemy with‘l his
fatherless/ [ | j„:■ / i: -'f . :can;non at 'the doors ,pf tlieip ciHirlsJ
I Before I ,die )l ' and, !thly saw the flames eimhtcliiig
some wy, it.may-that Gen-j'tboj! cupalo?- Talk then *ibout .the
ei'al-——has beon ohtSHtied, und that rgjes of court, and the thrmulitlies of
is a liaitor. their proceedings ? The man that wquld
duty as I did mlhejjato !|fad led as.l Ido this, wdul'd fiddle wiiile-thbca]pstal
did, the, dear old Tlag;liad waved iu was- burning (sensation.), lie’ could
triumph. : K l M ■ loot envy any man the pbsscsfium cif
I wrote to youlyerfafday mlaruing. such stoical jihjlo’sophy. Talk about
To-day is Sunday, |l sink illegality!;, Talk about formalities i
to the green, couch fi’nal| rest. I Wlijj theVq was but one fqrmulily/ to!
I I have tbnghtj pMlj >'my darting, he observed, and that was the 'formal-'
gnd I was'shot in t to-rul- ity _.ol directing t heicannbn, ait I:■ de;- j
ly bur could .ptaoying the enemy, regardless of,the j
have escaped, until allt means, whether it bo by .the - seizure j
hope was gone; a3i about pf cotton bags or the seizure of ..per- ■
the oidy one.of oU jiortWftwft'on ibo sons, if" the necessity of the case re
field. Ourcauseht gen quired it. The Gbd of naturey has
erals, not the enlg bleated conferred this right on mail [ and iiia- j
us. In God’s gOQCL3lra®a®jAff :sdve ti'maf and, therefore, lotbno-nothw-l
“SSfPSffW .*»( ■» ;•• •■ »Ciix\CM io"'
dreh. Bring'them! np, 1 1 know you! that| it was unconstitutional to :Use ,
will, in the fear offeod: and love dor i the necessary means. .The constitu| I
the Saviour. But for you and the Uioti was adopted 1 for the protection of;
deas ones dependent L should die hap- j the (jounlty, amfuijdeT that coiistjiu-1
py. j know the blow will fall ;wilh jlioik the nation had the riglit to exer|-j
crushing weight .hrx ybilJ Trust .in j cise all the powers that were, nedessa- j
Him who gave marina iu {the jvilder- ry foy the protection of The pliyUryl j
ness. . * ' Ii ; j y’; -Tf martial luvyd was; necessary tortile j
Dr. Nash is .with me. It isinow'laf- Salvation of"the cfmotrj-. marlial law
ter midnight, 1 and I! have spefif most was legal for that purpose If it AVas
of the night in seeding messages ho .Siecessarj?.for q Judge. for.- the preser
you. , > i i > vutiori of order, ip punish for a--con'- :|
I Two bullets havi tempt, he llliought jit ii|ctssary ■
citest, and directly for ager.cial to exercise control of his
I suffer but little cannon, to imprison, traitors, am! ftp,!
! gone through .my
) hrough' the lungs
o\v, .but at first the
havju Avon the* •<bl
. tn. ready to meet
ij Afoidlers late.' 1
■avon 1 may see the
: ivo again oyer [the
I -have loved -Iso
'■,» i |l
dtybes,'and friends,
in.: . ,'i,' ' I "j.j ■_
X our Joying i ll
pain was acute: I
Uior’s name and i
now, as 1 must,ttli
hope that from Jlei
glorious old flag wi
undivided Uniqn
well, i
Farewell, wife am
Wo shall meet agi
f- '
Gen. Butler Again. .
. One Dr. kcwtdn llercer, of 3Tow
Orleans,|sgol Gon. Butler to
allow him tdi remai n ffiutr|al, the Gen
eral addressed hint asjfollpws: !
,", “In ray judgment,- tliorc can bo no
such thing as neutrality by a citizen
of the United States il this contest for
the life of the' gtvetimeht. As an
officer I certainly cinnot recognize
such neutrality. Hcithat -is not for
us is against us.' { I
i “All gbod citizi'nsar’c icalleif upOni
tO"lend their influvnei to the United
States; all that, do|sa<aro the
enemies of the'UnitetStatesj the line
is to be distinctly fttndbroadly drawn/
Every citizen mufy ffii himself oh the 1
one side or other of ttat line, mid can
claim no other positia than thutof ay
friend or an enemy of the TJniteJ
States. ’ ’ j ■ ■•- ■ i
i“I am glad to aclnowledgo yonr
long services and ipnjht life as a rnahi
your former services is an officer of
this Government, landhe highreapect I
I 'entertain 1 for, your lersdhal Charac
ter afed moral worth, 'at l am dealing
with yonr duty as citizen of the
U n <ted Slates, it sso noble quali
ties, as well'as your gb social posi
tion. render yonr exar ile fell the more
influential and jpcricioqs,' and, I
grieve to add, in mvepinioh, . more
dangerous to thr lerests of the
United States thai ' jypnnger man,
you had shoulder r musket and
in if]
?d yJ
marched to tbe fiel
tSrA certain !
trait taken in bin
standing with his
His friends and e
and everybody eii
like! it’s the ve|
An old farmer,
‘•Don’t you see,”
Ida bands in' his o
>be as like again
somebody else’*.”
awylj-,, had bis por
favdte attitude—
handin-his pockets.
dienUwenttoseo it,
rclaired,} “Oh, how
ty. of him !”
iow«ur, dissented’. 1
said p, “he has got
iwn. pjket i: ’Tw’ld
if njbad them in
'; *riiie Wflii Corpus.
Extract from the celebrated speech
of judge Douglas on the brlltprefur.d
the fine imposed on General Jackson
.by .Judge Hall of JJew Orleans;’ de
livered' in the House of Ilepresenta
lives. ISeeCorigressionalGiobeotJan
irnry 10., 1844.] , J-V--
•'The necessity atjd the; glorious ef
fect resulting from' the causewhich
that necessity ' prompt* d, were ac-
I knowlcdgcd by fne whole country*; and
| he would even say by Jtha'whole ei.vil-
Ozed world. Then, asfar as this hill is
[ concerned,; as ho (Mr. D.) c-6ul<d not
i pay whether their were legal or
[ illegal. He bared not whether Gen
j Jackson violated tholOansiitutioni of
' hot, tie ciired not whether 4 Gey.
j Jackson suspended all civil 1 authority
ior not. ■. r. ■ ’ ’. '' -1 V
“I f, his acts j were uecesisary to the
defence of rlhej .country;' that ; noeewsi-'
ty was abov-e L |nll law. Gen. Jackson
hazarded everything; ho hazarded
i both'life ami reputation ah that' step,
[ whidh. thight render him immnrti;lif
j ho,saved the countrj'. op. on j the cop.
| trary, make him • ignominiats, a by.
| word a|ul'.a reproach ; and (he mho
i that dated'to do that deserved the
protection and plaudits of his country.
;,lle did not envy the feelings of| that
■ rnuii who could getup and;talk' calm 1 :
|y and coolly, under such cirdumstan
!|eys,j abtiut rules of court andtechni
lealilies of proceeding,' when tholbity
infight b« i in flames^aiidthe utmost
barbarity : *hl be *• il; W -
ia, under
'forces: of
Imsl l,he
. th'e
' l ' / Should
for ■w'ant
iffve ‘teen
arrest spies,! unci' to intercept coiiuini-ij
cations wilh tlie encmyi , Ifthis’-was!
necessary this Was'lcgall” i
A Spunky Soldier- '
, One of the correspondents writinjj
of the battle of South Mountain, re
lates this'incident: ' ,J ■ ; T ;. ■].
Just aftpr the firing of musketry
beCamc interesting, I nolicca W'private
soldier coming off the fields and think
ing, perhaps,-be was running away to
avoid danger, I rode up to him,;wh(jn
I (bund lie bad" two ‘fingers’ of Ids left'j
hand shot ajtvay and a lhird;dreadfuliyj
lacerated. I saw at piieeVtkaC lis had I
at least a hutid in the light; l assiyi
ed. him to dress his wound as wejt as.
.liiniied kuoivledgo of *s.urgi|ry j
I would■; permit,, he in the raoaiicijhe j
'propping pluck qmiirtj
remarks. Said he: ‘“Don't care adurn":
for that third finger; for dt; ita’itjt ! an)j,j
’count no how; but the pinter and'!
t’other oiio were right good ones, and -
I hate.lo lose ’em. I -wouldn’t diavo!
pome to the. rear if-1 had been able: toi
load my gun; but I wasn’t.” ( j i
Alter had dressed his hand hej
looked-over in- the direction of thVtii-, j
ing, and stood, a moment. Turning '
■to me, hesaid: ‘Stranger, I Avislrybu j
would jist loud np my shooting !iron,
for in o; I want to have a little satis|
faction out of them blisses for spiling
riiy;lore- paw.” I loaded liis giiuYori
him,’ and- he started buekjor tfictop
of the fiil( aVa double quick in ‘qiicstj
of satisfaction. :
To Yocso Men.—Two j’bung men
commenced the sail making,
at Philadelphia. They brought a lot
of duck ji from. Stephen . Girard On
credit; and a friend liaibeftgnJged to in
dorse for theni. Each caught a roll
and was carrying itoff, when ;Girard
remarked: ~ . . ’ V-j
• ‘‘Had you not better got a dray •
• . “Jfo, it is not far, and wo can carry
it ourselves.” 1 •.;
“Toll your friend be needn’t indorse
your note.; I’ll lake it wiilidut.” :
ihe army of the
■®_ln one. of our towns the Post
master Ims, by'skillful manoeuvcring,
managed to retain ibis othcefrom the
lime of Tyler down to
the present day. : I I •
Being' asked bow he managed to
keep his office through so many chan
ges of Administration, - be replied would;take a..mighty smart
Administration to change quicker tkkn,
be M»kk j■ l . :r ..."v. v
I ■ i;
- s '• - ;
■ j
ryfc-T-aTg? raw>.«
-■' '■[•; ;1
; I
■ i". ui.j ; I't-v; r.- * - v . .j : j ' - •••.', , »• ....
The Coming Gunboat Campaign ' Orpheus G. Kerr's liast. : . ,
j |.) Tiipri iiyust/Ue a very large array of ! .Orpheus; writieir many [witty:
serviceable boats for ;pperations a : passages, tuft -neither- fie nor' iny otic
gainst the rebels hj.Htors, ,|i v.-rs. u .... VriueiVa prettied
amrat all point* to winch tfiinboutsi, *■; ~ • . , ■
kjnay. betaken on the Mgh waters f 1 - 111 1 ! * u t'bwing l bo.,
| theiconiingMv inter., A large fleeter bellowing o ttriM:- 1 , ' ■j- .
jt|ie|janer lias been built during tlie It is the ‘ Onion as it waV’thatAwc!
jsnihiHer.frotnXhe JTew Ironsides down want; imy hoy,. atid : those
the snialkVt-sizcs.nune oV which otherikt Ucli-s to sell arc hereby accus
j hitvo yotbecni called to take part in ed of being accursed abolitionists.! I [
iactual i warfare. 'l'lm NulmnC. u gun- was talking the othCrUaytOftvcner
j boat on the Monitor pattern, hasj just übl,e (l’oiigi-e-,sinen from Maryland,wliu
[been launched [tit , Bostoii, the la4l ill ! hud, jUst iirfivud to protest UgainslUicr
ftlm) service, bbt'.ypt 16 tftno tri maff idcdtUes "betwebil [
i jiate iii ihedecisivecampkign the com- ! liaftinitu d and the : Cupifol of. the
mg winter .will .bring. I, ■ i [ j Soailiei h Cuniedvriu-y, amlsuys lid. s
The rebels; it; appcjtrs;by the- Rich; j"i d l 4v e sev.-nd 'lyicnds who are Coii- v
mond papers. ai J e prep | federacies, imi they inform me, they/
fjintionyfJir more eagiyly thiin tho geh ; hire-perfecit y willing to t;eiui*4-to ttie
jdml public of't'he loyklfStatos. iui.J i.iri ibddijn: as it was. in eAio they’shputu
jihis single fact.therej is |a ; vdltime 'oik-pad in; th.eit ipresent enterprise. IKiM
fcomnimi'tnry irpon the rfenl difference!;.tjiopgl.t/’;saitr the'(,'oogresstiia l u,; bus-,
Idr strength 1 jbetwemi (tbCrn and. our; l, iy pricing a lottery ticket; in his Vest '
jidclyes..' ;To,life nil this array is hlu jin ljoekei, --it I..thought that this; War,;
[incident of the. great developineiit of: tj?«w .fif hei>\ aged ■ pujiposAlof in-r
[ptnyer ; inn arm wlifch Inis been to. a JjtM'dgjibe Souiliery (.Cnilederacy I'litli.-:
i oycijloolccd in the , bji* t«> i cslbi o" ihc Union [nk ;i£
[i'eeent e'llbrts to put tiip ainriy ■ ‘a ;■^ .sljoilld nit once tdeVuaiTd iiiorc i,
iffdoting Jpf oeerwhelnVing rmHciige of tau Gove'i’ioiient,’; and, re- ’
A. thousand guns coneeiitrated liif an penteiliy iiii .ureil of wnat had henome
nllack bit CUiarleston,' Savannah or; o ,* a/liilie •\i ide-Awakes.’ , ‘ t ...j
illobilo is'an effort not bt^aoidwtir.pow-j |As [he. uttered tlie-last horidbiC.
fjr. iiurke. and ev ;ij while this. ; UH-eali hiy hoy ,;l was:iiugi-essed twith'
ii be | os^ibk: to surrenml a sense f,ol soinel hiusr darkly ,'detiio-:
I JS'assaVi.with a coKhiti <if[ ar'incd ships ; eratted.- ITt o inauy "of lie ’ Wide,
: cannot be eluded |by li e rebel; Awakes of the last bampaidir areitf- [
;iiratl,ers. j The fine biisiubss in contra--|'deed . last asleep when-thCnWouiiiry
I bittid trade which that; rebel reliigo ! necd.| them. I saw (>no of ilipin slhllb
j'lias: done for a year imtf a hAlf past j bering: near Culp t p]/oi! Oourt| llouso -
| will,certainly be greally cif-cuiiiscrib ' Igsl week, ilo was sleeping with bib ’
Ipd after the gmiboatsget to their uelih righi urin. twisted- inniheispcitiys or a
0: activity-fpr-the w hiter! Xian wo uq'iV[disabled cdt uon wheel,-'and' a smallU
j’lh fact, count on the next cargoes of, purpleimarl;. was ini his right leiApfeij'
|;arnis for otir pwh u»p,?incp the warn riim °|,c was Mol aldne in llis.for >;etliit
!,ing given to : one ißlumhei iog boyv-lbr hear him and nbidn
man at the harbor of Mobile If ! ; | ids'disliiiguge.i ..imtid,; was
J j The gunboat fleets will also ho cal- ‘ a de.moeral: too ! ■ , ,
j lbd -for again oh i lhp wjestCrn riVers. : : The !sig!it. 1 reiiiembrrLrdmlercd- me
ijilicir. ■ n*:\i ieve’monts weiuv j
jdistingiiishcd, splcjmlid,:. indeed, on' 1,',-lp jidinmigAndht toitlA cluthlois —!
tthose rivers, iijn.ihd.cainpaig n> 4c Sl H,.';:Ti lt .' diaplfdii InTsT-.d trinoniobc at-tho:
outU'. m 1863. Sllrangeiy enbttgh, Kusioi. Ticket before a|.' ' ; -1•:
of that country is ,;to be reem s!.-. p k.r the fld-s.’) 1 said he,l
iquerel in |BC3, ?f not sooner* fought sorilv.i-*ami:Siiav its stars 'ahtd pleas
! hjr. aml we have to ainplg, ; in i .ireapis omm ti.eir souls lorevcr.”'
j force* o.n, {\m -upper (Tennessee- lo nb ! ; _ .■ m - ~
| d-ivcr - | ‘ ! Well Said.’ - k -■ hi
iis al r so to be taken, aim tgo Mississippi I . ’ L d. . . . i
! itiver permanently |>peneil to loyal'j'.’.' !l ?“ :,n tphdyl Imiy to Lord
[epniihcrCe. - There isrreasthi to |belleve| Ghesllerficld I . -
r.tiiat^'liirther.preparation f df|h|lio west-! rThoi Brit
ti> iliSrompliAir ![of five rn- j
[l|iiilt it Avotiid he bette|r thafr'tp icavo] studriui' islisit
[fjl'b -service Shut by; half that huA'ifacr. ! ligimi T’
The recent ffttnsler'.df thb eiitire gun-! ''l sitpposh
boat fleet of tlicf o,hio and Mississippi [is because tl;
xjivers Iron; the .Wifi* to the aubatitatr'ai
llAriinetit i.s.perliaps intended to pre-[when they c,
pare for tlie requisite roiilting of the in (heir w
,fleet. We liope that tlie amplest prep-] adopt it ” .
a ration will be made for thoi-onglr; : Athl Lori!
| vrork withd gunbV*ts jn; tKe--we't. —. [savings, nev
Tlieir. adjvniitagoS in the ■.tn«ijsp<»rta-'-| . i
tioii of troops will bo immense even' B*jS“(Jen. f
iiller all‘tine rebel , forts; and : batteries ! Bj-obklvn a
\yiiliin th l eir reAcL-'.ace reduced;—Aki ; s.,' *' r '[
limcrfeoit.s: .i V ; >-kvj!
i.if> ' • | ; ■ , r ir;y : 7 1 ■ ; fellow citizc
Mi ' ho have Id
I •» ; •' :• : \ „7 !>V .
, Thanksgiving Day. ‘ x j t'o eopetir tv.
|;Crovcrnor Citijlin fol-V®
proclamation for a tlji/of geiw; .
(pal thanksgiving /throughput. ih,$ 4 at o'iic-o he d
State : ~j 1. ■ ■ ' ■/,'//.. t liio ; ns, that i
I Wuekeas, ITis ii good thing To rea--j;Tl>« laboring
der lhaitks (iiUoj Cod Tor iill hjs mercy; not, suppose/
midiloving'kindness : j , ' i .■"■■■ / South will’l/
j Jl[ Andretfe, U; 'Curjtii>,';t.
itr'ifverdor: (<f i the Commonwealth' ;=oh-labor ‘tnarlci:
Pennsy lvania, do recommend that '• ptaeeshould
TUUuSDAY, THE I)AY, OFi forinegfd Jat
|| ftOVEMBEii NEXT, be;sel Japari/by J That at! the
i ilie people’ pt/'rtm Common vcullh; us Country won
1 a ilay ol solemn Praver and Thanks- i the South/
I,{jiving to the Alnnglity :4f biving Ilim i '.,3 1
/bumble thanks that lie liiis gia-t k. lion
| ciously pleased to .protect jour free ■ lllO
i institutions 'apd Government,’and to"; V u ■ , s ; l f’ -4
keep, «s ness aml pestilence"; ”*f ,*
i TT-un’d-' to "cause 7 the ■ earth • 16 hring/ ! -r'' c 7
i forth,her, so that out garners■-!, ~ s oianciesi
! are chucked with the harvest: - and to- 1 * prised, p«
|,(ook so favorably on toil of ilisv 1 ui.e
jtjhildruii,’ that 'industry :has/ thriven;! j : :
j |iniui g us pud labor had its, /reward ,p
; and : also I that Ho has delivered as
from the hithds of )mr /(“neiivies and
j jrtlied our officers and -menaa the litjld
j jwith adoyul; and iiUrepid.spirit, and
given livent lhal lie has
poured out-upon us {albeit, tuiworthy)
other great and manifold blessings
j Be4eeehing Hint to help and govern
jns in His steadfast fear uiid ; love, am}
jto put into! our winds good desires, Vo
jthal by His continual Jhelp wei imiy
have a right Judgment iii all things:—
|| Aiidfespecialiy pruyirig Him. to give
[jto Christian diuretics gracei to Irate
t!|ti»e tiling which ,is evil, and to utter
1 tlie Uuehings of. trutli ant}/righ lyons
jhess,, declaring openly the whole coun
sel ot Cod : , y '//i i/ ■ ;
1 And most heartily entreating Him
to bestow Upon our civil rulers, wisv
dutu and cttrn.cslness in council, aiid
upon our nuli’tiiry leaders, zeal afd
Vigor in uetion,, that thefirbs/rtruhel
livii may'.'be queileh/d—that we,being
armed witb His delence,. may fbe pre
served from all perils, and that here
after our living )ih peace and
quietness, may,trout generation to gen
elation, reap lhc übundant fruits of
His mefey and with joy.andUhankful-'
uess praise und; magnify His holy
name.: j 1
( 'iOpTh'e difference between' war and
peace Jjias 'been well defined, by one of
the ancients—* In:time of peace, tiie
sons bury theiir flutters j iu time of
war bary their mb*."
I : - ■ -;i VX : ■: 'iX:^.
~- f. “
I i
■ :
Adyetliecmc i
b .^i s i}- ! ; *h«‘
25,,ctuts. ; A. 1.
adyt in<cie r ni <
- -A t(ji«
measured-«• ir-
;' ;■ ■•, y
Special noth
uUr rales; ■•..
Bosintts ci
and other Nol
S |iB@"Tlh- CO
iiiglon hits b
Roiij'e . to. S
d‘)he 1)y oi’u
was uhwjllin
ago 1 of' .this F
remain amon
thieving re by I
C@rl.ot ycj
and so.prmlej
oxCmlHlio, re
wlfp promise!
form is (ulse
does not port’
ed, is (also,to
I tSsJsTlie I':
lute onud'hiri
the (net that
yet prod ncet
southern pro’
sau * bog t
-tioned it she \
dropped heon
; l.'aih, yer hoi
since I was a
(leuili of Gen
* Many
and that’s b<
. 5-'' t '•. i */,.•■•
Us inserted at the rate cf-X*
<rt*ts»MUCHt inSCJtipT.
berttl aiscouiil iii&ac. tcv yttii,*
a . - ;
ul lu.mui UiiUbl ■tiie 1} ft
. .square.:. ..;; ,/ A
ee 25 per cent., addition to reg- ■
irds. 75 cents' * li»e f per year
lid Ceatlis, Keligi ms, I'clitica,
oos of a public n iture, free.
isfr Parliaments consists:',
hn'iidred of the best ind
’.’’ said liis lordship, ’’it
oy have not Ihce.n able to
ydiiiig bo'tter iirit-s stead';
.iih I. .do not doubt 'that,;
sdoni, they will caujiy
Chesterfield, \vilh alibis ?
.•r said a tetter, tluidl .•
-i.ev 'n * ■ •
Sickles dosed u
■ -I ■ : ■■ / - '■< ■
iavc a word to’ . iiiJT 1
is, and ,I'ipeeiiiliv to thdsif j
iiJ,ierto done me thel.i.'ii'di' rl
irh me in nvv views of pub
[ii the event of the-result-/
enninattug in tlr.ancii>a-"
■o ; say men’s ndnds should /
snbiised of'-any ni'bq iio
nny' liiive bjicn conceived.
men of ilu> North need
.hat ilie.lVt-ed hvi ri of the
•or’ Imerfetjsi-with - or-be
liters withj them in ti*.o '
tof the North. When’
be res Hired, the demand
tor would be-so inei-ifas'ed. ’
blacks Uirouulioiii’ the
'd be attracted towards-
cliarmih'iriy i lio&e blinds
paliUe.i-i" ieniaikcd Xn
icii-iitl Siictaibus, \y!u)Vus
u, new -mi p!ial
replied .SiMfubils, with
*milu. "ami you will bo
erliajis.' wlien “1 ty L juji
•k (>f?n blind painitr.”' . .
dlinvU'd statue of Wusii'-
.vii removed’ from,- iiuipn.j
i“\v : Ori«*ttus*.‘ ' Tliin w.f-L
ior of Geii. Butu-r, Xv,iio;|
g' to ..suffer the iiiarblealm^
ullieiv of lus Country to
savago ; guerrillas and
' r-- ; - i .
in; pronmos be sincere,
S*t|y i-ofVsfd'ored us not to
inch' of'jour ability; fie
■i more than be can pcr
to hiri'self; and Ife wild
>rnV wbut bo baa pfiipuiia
iia friend.
lull uitiiy numbers 534,*
;e Piedmontese ieonsti
oi' tbe f'orcCi owing to
be c-(!m%ription bus;not
its tub effepf h» the
imesl ' --v
;er woman.' w‘bon qncs-
I’eiv r.ot ti n Irish woman,
rtasyj and added, ■■ Share
oiyaiid have been ever
child.” , : : J '
ik-ugd iTimvs thinks tho
2? d*bh jv ill t'cnch Other
that their subordinates
cil an gentlemen.
a married soldier goes
ipaigh withdut' a|sir-atifh,;
U«r tbau kc might do at'