■4: ; , , MN THIS preparation, made from the best Java Coffee, is recommended by physicians as ; a superior NUTEITIOCS BEVERIVGE for Ge n era! Debility, Dyspepsia andall billions disor dcrs. ‘ DUmisands who have been compelled to ; abandonSthe use of coffee, will use jhia fwith -out injurious effects.- One can cohtaitis the 4. strength of; two pounds of ordinary! coffee. S'];. Price-3-cents. ■ - , ‘ ._'{ I ~ BOLLOCK'S. LEVA2X. The purest and best MAKING POWDER known, lor making, light, sweet and nutritious ISrejid and Oakes, ■ I'rioe-'do cents. N| .Manufactured by /■> . | . . . M. H. KOr.LOCK, Chemist, Corner of Broad and'Chestnnt streets, , , 5 PHILADELPHIA, And 'sold by all Druggists and Grocers. . biar2d. N , ' SATUEDATt HORNING POST. The bcstiFitnily Newspaper in: WESTERN PENN’A. And the. billy Democratic Union Sheet in ■; Pittsburg. . . ESTABLISHED IN 1804. It contains all the CURRENT NEbS OF THK DAY Monetary, Market .apd Commercial reports and a choice selection of Tales, Poetry, Literary and Scientific Articles, Valuable Statistical Information, \ ! , Agricultural News,;&c.; \ . —ALSO— j ' ' ; >; Th& Latest Telegraphic News; Embracing; evory /important Item of News, Foreign and Domestic, Congressional , ■. - * Intelligence. Legislative Pro-: 1 ‘ ceedings. &c., &c. * ; 1 Terms, $| 'per annum fora. Single Copy, or 11 Copies one year for $lO. J . JAMES. P. : 'BARR, j . ? - Editor and Proprietor. Collier Fifth and Wood sta., Pittshurg Pa. \ your money hy, mail at my risk. Address , ■ , r ANP BEAUTIFUL EDITION - OF THE 1 MISTAKES OF EDIK ATID# E\. BY JOllx S. ILVBT. LL. D., 1 muslin, price 50 cents; paper. Jeov ors, 25 cents. I-Copies of this, book Vill lie sent by fciail on .’receipt of the price/ in postage stamps. ' Plena address ”-* lj. C. G-A.UniOUES, Ptiblisher.j* 1# South Foortb jsl reel, -Phiri, Pa. ■ iuar*2o._- i . *,; : - ! Oeavex* Hotel, JOSEPH HALL, Proprietor, Beaver, Pal HAVING thoroughly fitto»l up .tins house, . he is now prepared to accommodate his . trieuds.-hnd the public generally, rinthe ‘most ..satisfactory ■maimer; . ; 11 The Howe Sewing Machine,” ■ - 'SOU) .Bp .-C ■ A. 31 i 3I’G RE G OR, * CORNER PENS' i ST. CLAIR STS., ; - 7 ' ' SEEDS ONLY T(jj BE SEEN TO, BE AP- J C PRECIATED. ' fap^iCiti. -EXECUTOR’S rfOTICE. tKTXKUS testamentary ojt. the estate J of Qct.Wia AruspN,* late of Greene rp..Hea ver co.. dccM, : having been granted to - the.- un dersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to ir.alce hliinediate.paynient, and those having claims against, said estiate will presentation l t 0 tlie suhyerbers properly au T 4qr settlement. - •: * :.UASI£Sr AIXISON, Grtpne, i ! ■ Exeteutor: ""g'l J.,H. CUpiXCHiM AI f 0 HNiY AT LAW. Office iff* Gen. 'Wihm’s Office. , ’ - NORTH SlliE OF THE > DIAMOND, - ; . BBAVEF.PA. [ai>3o.o2 Dissolution. ■*““* * ‘ ! •; ; ' •mm: Cb-p.artneri*hip heretofore existing uh -• g ■ dertbe imme-anil stylo of MXuxn.kli-& k’a«;hs, FallstoiJ, engaged .in the Foundry and Machine/Business;. was duly dissolved on tin* ".d tia'y .of dnntf. ISd2.■ ..The books of the late-th in will bo sc tied by M. Itarrugli & Co.', r -at their' oijicc in FaP.lston,- Beaver qouniy, Pa., where they will continue said business in all its branches. Aill .persons knowing themselves; indebted to the latb firm will please call and settle immediately. I>AV11) M'CONNELL. I . . MATTISOS D.UUIAGH, • Falistpn,jclO,V,2* -S. 11. . DAKUAGH, Aim iNisTirATorv-s notice. -■ ETTF.US of Administration on the estate J .i of fbd. JiTSKph : ’ljl. AVI!.f?ON; ' llltC of tllG borough'of, Bearer: Beaver County,- Perin’a; dec'd. having boon} granted to the undersigned? nil persons'"indebted to said estate arc requost lo'made -iniucdintd payment, ahd those.hating claims against thi» \satne will present thorn authenticated ft)r>cttleinsim ;•> JOHN H.JVItSON. Franklin tp.. n»ig2t»., ? " • Administrator. /Ai.vNthXlSTijlAToK^^Wl'lCE, IKTTKHS of administration oh the estate j of llnxuy Kkki*. date of Hopewell Town- slup. UcavtT co.. jiec'd.' having been grant cd to.i'he undersigned. all persons iiMobl'ed to said estate are lo 'makc immediate payment, and Ihosie having claims against said estate v.ill present them to the; subscriber* properly authenticated for settlement. i 1 U " : ELIZA REED. I THOMAS jJlfcEI). I ” Administrators. sopl 7 A D.MiX I.STRATOiVS: NOTICE i KTTEUS of A«lmii>istration on the csiat ■V of> -‘ - T ames M. Lirrt!j.j late of Raccoon . township, Reaver‘County, I’eun'a dec'U having granted lo.'.tlie ■undersigned,' all persons indebted to said estate are requested*o make immediate payment, and those Laving clainfc against the same; will-present*them properly authenticated forjsqttlement.' T j.Vnof. JOHN M'HENUV, Jr, Adm'r -| KXECUiToRS’ Notice ITI.'UEAS |.letter? testamentary. on the > > estate of ; Geo. Boswell, late of New Brighten. Beaver county. decM.: having been •pi-anted to the undersigned,' ill ...persons •in debted to paid estate arc requested to inaVc inmivdiatc. p^ment. and those having' claims the same will present theta properly autehueated for&etdement. - - JOHN BOSKELL, BEX J BEDISON, Executors..' • -1 I June 25i 1862* • >:x K(:'IITORS NOTICE.’ letters testamentary bavin IT .been granted to the undersigned; ones of ’Robert Ramsey, d£c*<L, late of Han oxer Township. Beaxor county, Pa* r all persons hnuwmg indebted to said estate are requested to mate'payment immediately ' •* iho>e having the same wil to ihe subscriber duly nuthenti *. - ment. , ELIRAMSEV; -i . ] Executor. SEE IVotice., persons having unset tied account ah me, or Smith; & Collins.'within the ' • *'entj years, for Carding, Spinning, &c., .-phase call at the Falls!on Woolen Factory, .i*rore &e first of October, 1862, land settle -- *iin eirtDo i>T p»eb ornate > * *,r> .* t THE RPH’M. SMITH. yanity fair.;: “This ’is the first really clew comic and satirical journal; we have had in America—- and really clever it is.s It Is /both and good-tempered, and not afraid to say its goal is its own-7-which shows it has a soul: Our readers will he glad to know where they can find native fun that has something better in it than mere paioitS ’—A turn tie Monthly. . . ’"“This paper is excellent. . . for originality.”—A. /• Traveller. 1 «‘\ t amty conducted by a vivacious, witty and intelligent corps of journalists.”— lUchfidd (ConnO Enquirer. . “Will wield as potent an influence M that ci the London Traveller , “Whosoever finds himself laughing at the wit‘of- Vauity* Fair, and does not return a quid pro qua, is fit for and spoils. Jf. Y., Crayon. SPECIAL NOTICE. : The very market!ami flalteringaueces* which Hit,, thus far attended the publication of ‘•Vasin • Pant,” Enables the publisher to announce that with the commencement of the Second \olunxe, •is sued this day. 30th June, Kew, Features, both Literary and Artistic,' will bo introduced, which will increase the'value and interest of the pa per, and fully maintain the proud position unanimously accorded to it, as the leading Comic Journal op America VANITY FAIR : IS ISSUED REGULARLY EVERT THURSDAY, and is for Sale by all Sewsxnen, and at the Office of Publication; So IJ3 Sasaau-street, New York. 1 \ i TEUMS: Three dollars per annum, . cents single copy. " ' TERMS FOR. CLUBS Tiro copies of Vakitt F*i» will be gent to One address for.. ....... Five copies.'. ..i...'.......... 11. 00 Ten - copies 20 00 : An Extra copy wilF be allowed, to the getter up of evefy Club of not less than five copies. ; This paper is Electrotyped,' and numbers mar be procured at any time. . • n. ' •*' \ LOUIS H. STEPHENS, ; Publisher for the Proprietors; 113 Nausau-st. i ~ Ifew-York. i TO COUNTRY DEALERS. School Books and Statiotiery at Whole i. r ■■ J sale. !;■ “ t The subscriber bus always on baud Osgood’s & M GufftTcs Speller A Rea ders. Ray’s, Arithmetics, Stoddard’s Arithmetic, Pimjeo’e Grammars, Bi bles, &'c.. Testaments, Letter Cap and ("imuriertial \Note papers. Envelopes, Blaiik Book*, Pass Books, Steel Pens, and Holders. Copy Books, Slates,-Ink, link stands/Bonnet Boards, &c., &e. - Usual discount for cash. Goods packed and delivered to any part of the city. v EOBTJ S. DAVIS, Tcb:lB .! 73 AVood st., Pittsburgh C OB EATEB si MINdHV AM) INSTITUTE I Key. R. T. Taylor, A. M., Prin. , ■ Mrs-A. S. Taylor, Governess. \ k FI KST CLASS SCHOOL FOR THE EDO - .of Young Liidics. ■ Special care given in the Primary ami I’feparatory De partments. ;[ • ■ ! All 'expenses except Tuition'and Washing, per term of fourteen week 5............... §3B 00 ! i Tuition from S 3 60 to 88 00. ■! i *vo effort's spared to mu’ke the school, worthy of the confidence of its patrons. : 4fc^i^f^^»iesAug:2firß2. AVm?Millkr, Phil;...C TV Rickitsoh, Pittsb’g MILLER & RICKETSON, mmm grocers, I ASU irn'OETERS; OT - ; ■ i ' ■ ; "]: i•’ j Brandies, Wines and Segars. Nos. 221 £ 223, Cor. of Liberty £ IncintU. PITTSBURG, PC Iron, Nail?, Cotton Yarn, &c;, &c,, constantly ' - on hand. ! ' [ahgG JESSE JOHNSON 1 , General Commission Merchant * ' A*D , i‘ •' Denied.in Flour, Grain, and . all kinds of Country Produced, TT in'es end • ; i Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco, itr. r Office and Warehouse, .No. 237 South 2d stree pnilaaelplila. |®“Libfrail advances made on consignment* aiig 28. J. O WIISO*. _*. n. M’XLBOt. JAVKB FIXLAT ' ■,'! i ■ ■- ’ imsoiffiuioY&co,, 54 Wood St., IPITTSBTJI&Q-. . Dare now* (heir SPJtTNG STOCK of DRY GOODS, Complete. Extra indiK;eirients'-'ofrer : ed to Cash buyers.. (mh!9. PITTSBURG. WATER CURE. ItrofCnrativc Agency is'suppriorto HYDRO XV'PATHY forthe treatment of all forma of Diseases, and no Institution in this coun try possesses greater facilities for its adminis tration than this. , | >®.For Pictorial Circular address De. W, N. HAAIBX.ETON. J Pittsburg, Pa. Sterling House, IVo. lOr Second Street (beitteis wood asd mabeit) PITTSBURG, Pm’A. BOARDING BY THE MEAT., DAT OR WEEK. Term* Very Moderate. [ap3 A CATSUP, Pepper Sauce, Port* Monaies, Pas'' Books. Note and Letter Paper, Enrelop * SC., So., at HENRY’S., HITE LEAD, at Fine Cut, Nature Leaf, Grant’s, Baltimore Ping, and Cu and Dry, at ‘ HENRY’S WILLOW WARE, Lamps, Shades, and Limp Chimneys, at' HENRY’S. -\TAGtc Vack Hammers, shoe ifeiiir Blacking, Ink, Castor and Street OH, : ' ■,! ■ -- HENRY’S. ELAVORING EXTRACTS—Lemonand Va. *>illa. at HENRY’S. BUGGY WHIPS, only 25 cents, at ;l. . ; • ■ • HENRY’S OtL VANS. *« 9 V- ■ ■ I - BRAVE SOLDIERS/AND JAILORS. HOLLtiWA ‘MLJLS And Ointjneß t. ' 4 LL WHOhave Friends andHclatlvesin tie 7V Army orNayy; should take espeeialoare that they be amply snppHed with thoah'Ml* and Ointment; and wherr the brave Sol (tiers and Sailors has* neglected to provide them, selves with them, nobelter preoeat cahbd »*nt them by thair friends. They have been prov ed to be the Soldwr'a imver-failing the hour of.nted; ! " r ' _ COUGHS AND COtDSAFFECTINCS. TROOPS Will .be speedilyremoved and efTpotuaUy cured by using these admirable medicines, and by paying proper silent ion to the -Directions which are attached to each Pot hr Boxi- • ,j- SICK HEADACHES AND WANT OF APPE- .- Remarkable TITE INCIDENTAL TO SOLDIERS, v; These feelings which to sadden-ns, usually arise from trouble or annoyances, obstructed perspiration, or eating and drinking whatever: is unwholesome,' thus disturbing the healthful: action of the liver and, stomach. Theae or gans must be relieved, If you desire tube weR. ,Tbo PiUs, taking according to the printed in struct ions, will quickly a: produce a ‘ healthy action in both lireraud stomach, and as a natural consequence > clear head ondgood »p -pd Ite. : t WEAKNESS OR DEBILITY INDUCED BY OVfcR FATIGUE, . - ~ r , Will soon dissppear'by the nse'of these In valuable Pills, and the Soldier will qdickly ao-: quire additional; strdnjth. Never els be either confined or unduly acted upon. It may seem strange that Holloway’s Skills should be recommended for " Dysentery -and Flux, many persons ;supposinglhat they would increase the relaxation. Thisis a 'great mis take, for’thesS Pills .will correct the liver "and. stomach and thus remove all the acrid.humors from the,' system.. This' medicine will give tone and vigor to the whole organic system howev er deranged, while tp'ealth and strength follow; as a matter of course.,, Nothing. Will stop the 1 relaxation of the Bowels so sure as this fam ous medicine! ", I - :i * ; VOLUNTEERS‘ ATTENTION! INDISCRE i ; TIONSOF YOUTH. . Sores and Ulceni'Blhtchings anji Sweljingv can with certainty b« radically cured' if the, Pills arc taken night and morning, and' the ointment be freely used &a stated, in the; print ed instructions.; If treated in any other maa- dry up in one jpatt to, break out in an other. • Whereas 1 this Ointment-wiH remove the humors from,the system and leave the Pa tient a vigorous aid healthy man.- Itwillre quire’a little perseverance.in bad cases' to' In sure a'lasting cure.' ‘ . | FOE WOUNDS EITHER OCCASIONED BY . THE BAYONET, OB S ABRE OBTHE BULf LET.cSOBES OR BRUISES, I I in adrance —Six To which every Soldier and Sailor fire liable there are no medicines go safe, sure and con venient as Holloway’s Pills and ointment. The poor wounded and almost dying sufferer might have his wounds dressed immediately, if he, would only provide himself'with this match-' less Ointment, which should be thrust intothc wound and smeared all around it, then covered with a piece of linen from his knapsack, and compressed with a handkerchief. .Taking highl and morning 6 or 8 Pills, Ao cool thesys tem and prevent inflsmation. ■ Ever; Soldier’s ; J knapsack and Seaman’s chest should he provided with these valuable Remedies, j ! - - | ■ ' CAUTION.-^’ oo ® «« genuine unless the words, ‘‘//oWoicgy, A~tw York and London?' are disccrnable as a water-mark To every leaf of the book of directions around each pot or box ; the same may be j|lainly seen by holding the leaf to the light, A Ifapdsome reward will be given to any one rendering such informa- tion as may lead to the detection of any party or parties counterfeiting the medicines or Trad ing the same, knowing them to be rpurioftb i ' ♦♦♦Sold at the Manufactory of Professor Houowat, (S) Maiden Lahe.'l N*w York, and by all respectable Druggists, and Dealers in Medicines, throughout the cmlfetdattl. r V *~ I ~J®"*i , £?ere fs ooneiderable SaTing by taking the larger sites. N. B.—Directions for the guidance of pa rents in every disorder are affixed'to eaoh box. • Mpy?. i [-; Quarterly Mirror of Fashions, With Great Improvemenft a*ri Addi/ium, THE SCMMEE SUVBra contains 1 FOUR LARGE $ SPLENDID FASHION- PLATES, THREE FULH-SIZED PATTERNS OF PRESSES, ' COMFRIfIISn.THE New French Waist, an Elegant Sleeve, and s \j_ .Misses Sack, and a Sheet'of.-New j . and 'Beautiful ■ BRAID AND,EMBROIDERING PATTERNS, Together with nearly .100-Engravings of J all the'.novelties for .. ‘ I Summer Bonnets, Cloaks, Trimmings', Children’s Dresses, &c,, . And valuable information to Milliners, Dress Makers, .Mothers; and Dailies generally, pre senting the largest and best Fashion Maga zine in the World, published 473' Broadway, N; Y., jand sold everywhere at 25 cents, lor sent by mail,, post finns, on receipt of thelam't in stamps or silver. Tear $l,OO with the fol lowing valuable, premium. 1 Each yearly subscriber will be entitled to a receipt for the selection of 50 cents worth of plain patterns, from the designs in the book, or from the', show roprit, or they may be Or dered and sent by mail .any time during'the yaar, by paying postage. '"7 lnducements to Canvassers. No. now ready. New Q-oods 11 li. S. RANGER. Bridgewater, Pa., HAS just received a large assortment of SPRING GOODS, ; ' I which will be offered irt PANIC FRTCES. lAmongsthis stack can; at all times, be found a variety of . L .1 DRESS .GOODS, MVSLINBGLOVBB, .H 0... ... ■ . . BIERV, ,&p. f i O., 'IRON A; StfcEL, all /nrieues. •■NXIIiS by the’pound or ltiig. WRITE LEAD ‘and 'VARNISH/'' j LARD; SPERM, LINSEED A CAR BONOILS , .WINftOW,GXLABB, aU Biicg, - . - - r QUEENSWARE, LOOKING-GDASSKS.&o., All of which. wilL be. - sold, low..for . Cash Country WodiioeP k ' * - | * Bridgewater/ Majr 7, 1862, BEAVER ACADEMY. 3 iniS INSTITUTION . VpLL OPEN ON ONDAY, Ist DAT by SEPTEMBER . tSpTai particulars address tins Principal - S. B.3LBRCBR , Beayety Pa.; Ji W. GR AFT; COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. ISB • ' tittsburGb.pa. HENRYKS, Orders for Pittsburgh Haattfioiared Goods, and-. Groceries, promptly filled at ,tbe very lowesl prlccs, when accompanied with cash or an equiralent. “ sepl7:3m. . WANTED— 10,000 Bushels of Wheat, •• I 6,006 " , Rye, !■ 6,000 -BafleY. 1^ 6,000 •• Oats; Delivered fat Pittsburg, for which!amauthor ised, topay the highest prices. Address,. -; ■ • f.yr. craft. . ‘■J ililE. DEMOKEST'SfI ii a wwmwieigimiE KO3. 221. EAST TWIJNTX-THIEP &TREET, !• ,178 ft 176 GRAND STBEKTAND2IS V- ■■ ’ CENTRE BTBEE. ; MTABiuns.lB3B.,. N.T. UTABUsioxs 1838 rpHJS Establishment baa been in successful i I wperation for 24 yearn, and is the largest oiltbe kind in the United States.!. Wie hare on hand or manufketure to order cveiydhseript ion of Loaking-glaae, Picture and Portrait Frames, Plaint and Ornamental Pier, 'Wall, Oral Ablau ts! Glasses, Connecting Cornices, - Boss and Bracket Tablet, with Marble Slabs, Toilet Oltssii, &r-i tti., io. Mouldings for Pictme -Frames, la lengths suitable for transportation, either (lilt, Barling, Rosewood, Oak, Zebra, Birdseye, Mahogany, At^jOor l Be A manufac tory and extensive facilities enalile us to fnrn ish itny article la onr line as good as the best, and ps cheap as the cheapest. • ! ' ; Dealer* are invited to oa II upon tit When they visit: New York. We olaim lo be able to supply to supply them with every arti cle in our line which they can possibly purchase elsewhere. ■ 1.--'} M ’ tST' Orders by mail atteniedio with promptness. Bo not fail to call when you visit New York. Office s'■ Wartrodnu, At). 216 Cm, da7 y—3 mos. THE GREAT CAUSE OF . | Hama n M iseryi jtut FMiihed in a SealedEnvriope; jPricf.fi elt: | A LECTURE BT Da. CULVERWELL; ON TUB CAUSE AND CURE ofSperma torrb'ica,. Consumption, MentaandPhysioal Debility, Nervousness' Epilepsy; Impaired Nu trition of the Body; ‘Lassitude; Weakness, of the Limbs and the Back ; Indisposition, and Incapacity for study and Labor;] Dullness of Apprehension; Loss of Memory; Aversion to Society; Love of Solitude; Timidity; Self* Distrust;-Dizziness; Headache, Affections of the Eyes; Pimples on the. Facie ;|lnvoluntary Emissions, and Sexual Incapacity; the Conse quences of youthful Indiscretion, Ac., $«., admirable Lecture! clearly proves thatdbe above enumerated, ofteh self-afflicted evils, may be removed without medicine and’ without Dangerous, surgical operations, and should be read by every youth, and! every man in the land. . i [• Sentunder seal, to aay address, in a plain healed envelope; on the receipt[of| six cents, or two postage stamps, by addressing, .' CHAS. J. C. KLINE 4 CO., 127 Bowery,New York. Poet Office Box.dSSC. MARRIAGE. T.TS loves and hates,. eorrojvs and ingers, I' hopes and fears, regrets and j joys; 51AN 'HOOD, how lost, how restored; th* ‘nature, treatment and radical cure ’or sncmiaterrhcca or peminal weakness; involuntary emissions, sexual debility and impediments!' to generally; nervousness, consumption, fils, mental and physical incapacity, resulting from SELF-ABUSE —are fully explained in- the MARRIAGE GUIDE, by WM, YOUNG, M. 1). This moefeitraordinary book should be in the hands of every young person contemplating marriage, and every man or woman! who de sires to'limit the number of their offspring to their circumstances. Every pain; disease and ache incidental to youth, maturity and.old age, is fully explained; every particlejirf knowledge that should bis known is here given.. It is. full of engravings. In fact, it secrets that every one should know; still ijc ip V 1 book- that must be locked up, and not lie shout thchoiiac. It will be sent to 'any . one on Ihe-receipt of twenty-five cents in specie orjpbita'gcistamps. Address Be. Wm. YOUNG, -141jli Spruce 's!/, above Fourth, . Philadelphia. : j | | ,! J ■ mu'Afflicted and UrfortundU, no matter what inay be your disease,, before yot) place-your self under the! care -Of any of the notorious Quacks— native or foreign—|wl|o advertise in this or any other paper, get a j copy of Dr. ■Sftkl'bfeina oT saving* yon "many a dollar, your health, and possibly your life. 1 Db. YOUNG-ean on any of the diseases described in his ’ publication, at his office, 416 Spruce Street,, above Fourth, Phils : hours from 9 to [B, daily. fmar26 . BKAYEII FEMALE SEMIN A BY. ; Ktv. W.’, W. LATEKitv l&riuef-pal. (LATE I'SDIR CARE Of BET J|. A. M’01i.1..) THIS INSTITUTION, for the reception of; Young Ladies, will-open on " \!| Monday, the 1«< day of September Boarders received intotieifimily'of the Principal. , - - ’; " !y ■’ Expenses—Board, Light, fuel, and Tuition, per term of 14 weeks ’.— slo' 00 Tuit ion alone, per term, s4] QO, $6 00 & $7 00 according to branches Hludied.l For further particulars’ address the Principal. ; •’ll-! aug6 A]>MTsl3Tii Al'Oli’S ]*OTICK~ T, KTTERB of adminutrntion upon the es| I j tate of Hinax CAMrnEiiL,|late of Q,reeno township, Beaver county, Pa., dic'd, having been granted to the undprsigued, all persons knowing themselves indebted - to said estate are requested to ms dc’immedia'e payment j and those hav ! ‘ —“ ’’ ’lt present them pi tlement. June 26 186! prN. , ;* - fl. /•'IOOD, 8U VJT TURKS ..... .. - isr BEATER. These pictures are not meredanbe, bat war ranted SUPERIOR to aqr that hare erer been made in Bearer county, by any other artist; To be eonrinoed, call aid examine specimens. l I »ill rcmainimt a few keeks. ? ' ■ . ■Qu-Gallery in the sake Irabba occupied by me in 1867, : C. A. QBIPHN. Aor9 Photographic srtist administrate Letters of admin! late of Wh. Sbatt township, Bearer count; granted to the underai debted, to said estate it immediate payment,' anc against the same will ] authenticated for setlem 1 May 21, 1862. co; Advertising and Ci • S-’ '• AND D 1 PRINTING INI " Type, Plinth WRITING AND PBINTI OFFlCES—Brown’* I Tribune Buildings, New mtrtftlyr- . i»' JOHN. B. A.tt’y a (DISTRICT , !. ib ‘. 6 T lie Arch Street abot . :■ pbix a JJpton 8, W«rw mOIS Hotel la centra •J.' *enbertUilw*y.Ci Cltj t «pdia*T«rjpar bad'W^pt,; TfiRMS, il&f itre St., A'. I'. ■ HORACE V. 810 >R|S NOTIGE r 1 tration upontheea ioiit,! late of,Greene , d ic’d, having beet ne< 1, rail persons |n b ijeqncsted to take those having oTalma resent’them properly nt.|='-i WM.I HOOO, V Administrator. Gi<Sc CO.i ? nmlssion Agents- EBB IN ■‘•'-r'” fi ALL .KINDS I Materials, I Q PAPER CARDS. &C ■■ I;*'! r ildm6, Philadelphia; Fart-};- ;■ v ~V rouNo, PTORNEY;) - r is'eij hloh/k Third, * -ri ' |l ILPiiiA, ■ Pa. 't' > ConTeaieatibyEMtf ■ to (he }PHk ■ r,D ATpl tMjf; 1 M lij-.|. I V --J‘ cherryQs PECTORAL, Jb , -:;i(» ; thb **ra> oral ot .. . - c*M«, c««(iM, -'■»! : ; ■; - ihumkii. . W] 11 . ; ■i anmuiiiiM.ntfOMwiiH. >'. . b ' pK ; - **-—»« pMiaiS^ltteoMinl wti | ■ ■wpSegTndEr tmaj-t* tto M K jitiiobolinmrH.tr i~n — "f ■__ p®r J sst%r.'£t a rfaas ; “^^fe£3W?irst Mm Am: I *Ol choorfall/ eortify joor JfteOrol lo tko boot natty wo naoo fbr Um eoro of wbMolo* coairtLooopToaJ tho Mlmm of cbOdraa.fWo of! fjenr MltraMjr lath* Booth mndd) jre«r HdH,aad •"^ J^te SffiSWi w .k ft f .' AMOB till,ln, Ktmn. U, writo,*J Job, UMi "I hod'otadioaoYaflotaM'whkh reotaod mobidoan •U «wb; took —y «a«Alrim« wfthoot rolkf; SmoJlr Mot tow Mint by Hit odrleo of uMiloiijmio. Tho ■ntdoo rollond Ibo toraaoo lo mylttyooF om»hm«o| lon Una 000 kolMbobottlo note no rnoplrfaly won. Ton aodktno ora tbo elino lit oo woll to tbo boot wo •an toy, oaJ wo «ot«<o ron, Doctor, tod jour ronttfot, oatho poor 000*0 MOnd.* i AatluM or Phthisic, aad B(oaeUti«.v .nil- W«r Muroo»m,fc,f«b.«,!»»«. IBs Toot Ckerry MMklpataiinf nm »allw onrea l» tha •ertlon. BfanUndimnlftonibiv lac mMi of tonaattioo, ud it sow tolas » nwa inatm Mail under «a rtfcrttna of tba tnnx> tsr OB MMrnm s HBr»TL»iMa,IUn»«I. A.lli EiMMT, H. D- Alim, Mona Oa,|lWi a i r 1 ban lmi*»iillilin oqnol to roar CVrrjr Aeßralt* KMa< aaaaaadnifaflo eoaßaatftlia ratiaata, or earla* ioßilimonUn' : , ;yoadaht addrolaaiaa of art doom,butthaacateoa riadncproaf ofllwTiHatarf tfelaraoadjlafcaadio tta tßWta upon trial !' •• |lf ‘ f ■ : 1 Coanmptioßa .vKnatlp M oao remedy 800 oaar too kaooa;«Uek Oand Oo aaayaad ooeh dtactaooa caaaa aa thla. Up Bahama ald caa taacb; tat araatoiboaothaakon# AeMroi aSorda raUaf aad ooalfai. i ' / ■/ S Asm BocaoiXsv'Tosß Otrr, March I,IBA. - . Docrn AVsa, Lowm; I fail It a dntyaod.apleemta to totem yea nit year Ctomr AcbralhH dons Sir my i ilk;: Shs bid basatv* months labostot nadir tbs dn»> to*, matt) Dr. wroor, at this eity, whers WS hara corns to adstc< taluminiliiil a trial ot reor msiflrtns Wsbbaa his Madinas, aa no do jwr skill; tor aha.has meovarsd from that day. She b not yat Matrons la aha media totbet It (ns tarn hsraatifb, and calls bamlt van. I- I : fwn with sratltada and tsaard, ■ ' I f , OttLAHDO * HKLBX, Of Sxxtamua. tbM—mWsu. do aot daaaatr tinylnhava triad AvsWS {nn lamu. It bMh by oue oT cht tost medical ehambb ta thawerii, and ttaanraa UP around mtaapsak tha hifh mtrtta of Mi ftatms.— nOaUf^UU/ftr. Ayer’s Gatiiartic Pills. THB ariancaa of Chemistry 'and Medicine fere bom ' : taxed their utmost toproduct this toot, Boat perfect: ' purgative which ie fcmown to man. Innnmtoablepfoofe [it Bhowa that theeePmx have ytrtoee whkfaieTjW hi ; ttmlleaee the ordinary madldum, and that they win on- ' ■ikwirntcrtlj upon the meu. Ithey artoafe * aid pltunno tiki, tat pto«M td con. th«ir p«M> , ltuttogptopertfeetimnlata|hayttalactivitieeQf thebody, I—irrri the oUtructkme of :lli ibrgane, porii; the Wood, end expel dieeeea. TbeypurjfcooltlMtoiilhttßior* which brMdjend grow dktemper,itimnlate ehiggiebor dime* -• deredorpnclntotbeir natural action,andlinpaitbeallhy : tone with etreugth to the; whole eyatem. Mot enly do the; eon the every-day complaint* of every Jtody, fet ■.! •Ito fcrmldable end dangntme die—w that hire bottled { the beet el heaven ekilL. While they product powerftil < •ftotßy they eve at the «iune time, la diminiebeddoaee,the jidbei and beet phytic thM ceo be etoployed tx chfldren. fefcg •vgareoetedy they ere plaeeftnt to take; and being purely vegetable, are free from any riek of bans* Cured; hare been made which imp a— belief were they notenV Mandated bymeiof «uch exalted portion andjehaneter t aa to fcrbW the 1 eoeplckm .of untruth. Many eminent : clergymen; and lAplcieoabatalenttbelr names to eerttiy to the puWic the rdUbility of my rtmediet, while otbere the assurance of,their conviction that my I Preparations contribute immenedy. to the.relief of my; aflktedy eu*rin« Wlow-men. j -. -.l* 1, ;°T!he Agent, below Denied to fornfeh gratis my American Almanac, coutWnlngdirections for their nee and; cettiftcatec of Ibdrmrea, of the iroDowing eomplainta *■ frTtlTtnrw T*™ — OoiripUint»,‘ Rhenmattm, Propey, BmrtbonL Headarhe eriaing from a fonVatameeh* Man*: aee. indictotfeD. Morbid faection of the. Bbwela and Pain | tog the"btoo^and atlmnftilng. the dhre maey; (owhiaUwbkh it would sot be anppoeed they coold ten*, inch aa Dealheaa, Partial BUndneaa, , Kantxia IxrltabOltTy Deranseßtepta of tbe lirtoaad KM-’ Myt> Oo&f and o*w ccmpWnta aitotog from n MY pf the body or obetmtion of lt» ftaoetiosa. ; ite'not be-poi off by nnpriodpled deelera With aome' ';otbat pffl tbey make l more prpflt on. Aek for Atxa's 1 riui|» and take woiMog elae. No other they ean give 1 you compere* with this In tte Intrinsic value or imratlTe 'powerej The tick want the beet aid there ia fcr them, ;anjd they ahonld hsve It. 1 ; i IPrepared by hr. j. G. AY£B| Practical and Analytical Chimlat, Lowell, Mass. ■, l PAici MB On. m [box. Fits Boxsa res' 11. ; . i |,I ■ - SOLD Bt '3 ' for sale by U. Minis,, jr., Beaver; O Cross. Bocheter; Waggoner * Lonry, Free dom; J. Niekols, Baden;iJ. B»rg«nt, ;New Brighton; John Black, IParUngtoh.- Pun gan & Edgar, Fallaton,asd by dialers ivery ilm- ■ .'i. ;' ,|| Peb- U, m'. '' •] CRITTENDEN’S ‘ PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL ;;•[: ..OOLLBa-ES, "0 N’t E. comer of 7th ftChestnutSt, . ° l ■ PHILADELPHIA, PA. . ' rpiIIS Institution, which was cstablished.in I;- '1844, and is now consequently in t e eigthteenth year of its existence, nun\bea among its graduates, hundreds of the most suc cessful Merchants and {Business Men of our Country, ■1 .. , ' .The object dfrthe Institution is solely to af ford young'Eneh facilities for thorough prepa ration for business, f ’ I The branches taught Book-keeping, as applicable to the various departments of trade; Penmanship, both | plain and ornamfcntal; Commercial Law, mathematics, Navigation, CWili Engineering, 1 Drawing, Phonography, and Modern Languages!; . The system of Instruction is peculiar jlno classes’ or set lessons are made use of, but each, student is taught individually, so that he may - commence at ony time, and attend at whatev er hours are most convenient. Catalogues are issued annually after the TSth of April, containing names of thd stu dents for the* year, and- full particulars of terms. Ac., and may be obtained at any time hy addressing the Principal, ' , Ini’ extensive.accommodations, wide-spread reputation, and the lengthy experience of the | Principal, this Ihstitutidn offers facilities’ su perior to any other in th|e country, for young men! I wishing to prepare for business, and i o obtain at tbe same time a diploma, which will prove a recommendation for them to any Mer cantile. House. ; 4" • ' Series of Treatises on Book-Keeping, now .more .widely /circulated thin sUy other work on the subject, are for sale at the College. • i k ’ y. ", : / 8; HODGES CRITTENDEN, ,:.. £ i'!-,',, , - . Attomey-al-Laa, , i .’eMjiyL ■.. .; !-■ -::j Pem'cipal. 1 'll ( IVotloe. : |;!£h .1 Thoraccounts and subscriptions to The Argus rot; IB6o’ and 1861, which hayd not .been. Settled' up, as wdll as the ; accounts pf il, Woyand, 31. & J. TV[eyafld,‘ an<l ,Woyap3 j Henry, lard in my bands for settlement* All j who are indebted to either of these for snbscription, advertisement Or job work, will please call on me at ! the Office.. Many of these ca coiints are of long standing and should bo settled. ’ ■ :\v.vi SAM UEL DAyHNPOBT.; iie%^ , IBTAKiISHMENT, ' ; I BROADWAY, NEW BRIGHTON,. PA ~ l . > MBf. AWH HMHfc v I i/v L VIr■ llliit P-£rTir-,r eatiabe® i -!'K (tH* owannut osx.t ipcs and oiorunncf hr»lMntlU|i*KM<rtN’ ; : LIVER COMPLAINT SnSABSS. ' 'I Tbeordiruay e»ldencerfoT Dis ease of the Ziiver are Ml and tenderness in the region of the ; liter, sometimes dull and aching, increased by pressure, pain and. . ■; Coeasiaess to Bnathiagy.Palß in ;; tb» right j Shoulder, Uneasiness •]'“ when lylngf upon the left aide, ; , increased sine of the Liver* Sfciort > anil Drj Coagh, disordoredatom- y v iiokj Naasea, Yellowish Tlngeon'. '. | the eyes and olein, Hcadache,yel lowish for on tho tongue. Bitter- ~ tsh taste in the tooutbj heavy, : iall seasaliea in the Brain, De -1 pressioiof Spirits, amounting g&nst to Insanity, slight Terer toward anjriiag, Loss of Appetite, Melancholy, with moroseiieas and : Hypochondria,* Neuralgia,*dnii ness, a funeral feeling ofCneasl ,{BOSS,* Languor, drowsiness, the patient conscious of something wrong in himself, end disposed to see nothing right ui things : about himi yet wholly unable : toexplain the cause of his.: sen sations—;with many others easily detected by 1 resemblances to some one or ether of theabove. [The Liver Fill will almost cer itainly arrest the disease if taken ! upontho appearance of the above I symptoms, whiohiif allowed to take its course, becomes chronio in fits nature and almost incu rable, producing groat and con stantly increasing suffering. jllMfiiae of this medicine will neither create a new disease nor complicate an existing one. but.in most Oases, will ' prepare the systemfor the more vigorous remedies of the physician, should it be neoesurr to call in his aid. ■ - . .• : I IM as'a runic aEDicin 1 : •ELLERS’ LIVEN PILLS ir ;!■/ Awm invaluable. , !' Cents. SELLERS’ OoUgH !; From A. Cn»hln», DraslUt, S. Btnd, ind. • ,i li,D. 8. Ow*?f,! fisq.— Dear Sir—ln reply to your, ■ ■ fetor of thelStb instant,:! would my that the sale 1 of BeDen* Medicines, baa Otr exceeded, my expect*- tlona; and Inina «*ae ; bare tbeyfoned.fo prodace ; to'Mrad effect. The Oongh vcuro for AViAIIK 'raflt Oaj passea without muoetuos caUe ; one thing needfoV at thlaeeaeonofthe -f; ! Selhm* Cough Bjrrnp. _ ■: ) |- ■■ : \j ji,r a. o. cnsnm. ■ ■ y Frice as Cents.| I VERMIFUGE. rraa Ike Rer.3. Wekeßeld, {briner Tutor •r tha Liberty Street n 7, C.'chareh. Hr. R. B. Pniirts It is froraa. aenseof duty, m wellas with grratidoasnre, thetl tear testimony to. the Virtue of four justly celebrated Termlftage. ■ I procured atlnrie bottle, end gave it to three of my children, who bad been Ul for NTerit weeks. The eldest wwraeven year* old, the. next four, end the youngest eighteen months. The first parsed fifty* ;riz worms, the second fbrty-eeren, ana. the third r* considerable number, not distinctly recollected.: ] Since then they have been doing well, end are now i far good health. I t/ 8. WAKEFIELD.. Prica 2S" Cents. . pbbpibeo tiro seen hi R. E. SELLERS & CO, prrr»BiJ!»f!n, Pi. SELLERS’ VERMIFUGE. WORM 81 Every year Thoneaodt of Children die from tbil horrible evil. TO. atamiing rao'r telity loudly culls' for increased wntchfolncas; and for greater cnraiti.fAc ulediorio/ the rmr *fy; The sleeping opposition of mrnny physicians (0 advertised worm 'medicine# Is, In a measure, justified by the injurious rjnulitice.of some of the Termifoges,|aml Uie positive iovfflciCncy of most of the > Worm Confections,” u Worm Candies,” Worm Tees,” &c. l £vtn i/tcmtnfUic latter art jts kahiitrtt at theatre xn/JJicUni, tar SEUT'iVfeiLr mat cusrvunc. • No thoughtful, sen* aible mother, will! thus trifle with the Ufo of her Child. . ' | ' LET PHVstCIANs), SPEAK. SEUEBS’ VEESIf lidl TOG BEST. IS USE! Aeue is tub: pro’ok. " . -I ZicHng Station, Kv. Dec. I’i 1545. \ Mkß.lS.Bcu. Tour Verriafnge polweaeer more virtue than any I ever atcd. I willetote a case e here I gayocmatial. Sly brother's child wav pining, and «mi Uistg Vi a tnerr tkeUlon. tn Sf. hours after? 1 gave the TernUfape. the enornioiw qoaolUyof vpward of nz Amufrtd tomyat vtre pustd. The .child, that was giron'iip fur new aa wet! aa any In the neighhorbodd. ' l AMBROSE A2UUOT,4I. D. 1.. ■ • i;-- •( ■ '• 6dntpf4rr, Ofti«:‘Apri} 1. c All tliat Is repaired to jire It reputation in any throlly, la 4 fcir trial. - *;; I 1 j R. It WILSON. SLl>. W«'fWwfl(,rfl, Oct 4,1M7.- R. E. PftUCA*' Hat lug tu*d illu my juwj tloe fbr the. last four or' fire y»*r», I think U de cidedly tho beet preparation of the kind.. l hiv« hcrrtofepai o**d the preparation of the KTeul odurOMalaHwlti YownetaepeetfallT, j i-. D>| jCODCU, f We might enamerkto hundreds of othereMes, hat fell or*’ Vmnifngehaaetood tbs searching Ust of the medical tenUy and pot»- Uo far wwrt tAau a quarter of a century, which, of itaslf, Sa ooodoaiTa of Iklsttrs ax **ll 'ax certaintyptitnettect, ■ - * r . ■ .-1 ■, Kotici^ —chttraordiwy inducements ar«q£ fcrW to'recommend and sell other Ter jnifogee. j Do hot let unprincipled iaen pehn off ohj.of (bsM.oa. yon. Ihe* best a? any prte* it Vu cJuapat, therefore eek &r Sellers’ Ysrmlfqge, nod taJctlnoMer. '’j • IPfrlco [sits' Coutm* . : • R.IS. SELT IERSdc 00. woi% ■ ">??■ iHEzlermmaKon.againH Bad Teeth /«'F i 'Breath, Diseased Om» ’ !. - I Toothache, Earache, ■:-■■■■ ond I eurulgta. j ■ , OUR ARHX,LERt Is DR. WM. B. lIURD»S DEN TALT RE A S »»R y PRESKJtrifM? THE TEETH Purifying ‘the’ Breath and. Curing Toothache and Neuralgia. \ GOKTIotS; Hr, Hurdi Celebrat'd 310UpH WASH bottle, . j ;,{ I 1 * 1 Ihr. Hurd* Vneque. (led TOOTH POOOER one box. ' if > r' > ■', "• . 111. Hurd's Magic ,3 one bottle, <! j j- 1 * Hr. Ha de VNIil PLASTER. ; ' Hr. LLurets MAKE .Preserving the Teeth. it Proper Treatment of Ci ■' FLOSS SILK for t ; TOOTH Picks, e Prcparcilj nt Dr. FI fourth St., Brooklyn | ' Price, ONE VO | The; Dental Tv eigh&iriches by five, ; ''■ FuU direclivilx' The following ai t ic ly, hy mail,: viz : . The Treatise on Pn. paid, on receipt of stamps. i* V . Plat Fale, Nervjms Heada post .'paid, tn Receipt. | stamps. ,'■ I; The XmrnlmtL f sizej. for Pains in th jor any j.um af the. hi l .cpipt of ThuUyA':c-. h ; | : Address,* ; *‘ baturt/m »k'ps -i apnJkajre und is sent tiv exj.rcHs,,- fyr met* uh cad, article. ; les' we can scad sepjir&tp. Iri Trihw | hr.Jlmri*MOVTi I DER nn-l TOOTH A TSeni.by mail; but t: j; tabled at your Dinjr |. they(cannot.. setui |hTl> l’rice, j tain* them. ! i V!(B M l !I il!' > ! . ' j • . ' j The best dv [deuces * [ Til jnesi friends aim .1 I have used; them hmj: j.ah .eminent'i>entiVi I j thc.New York State ! these prenatal ions b ! practice for. yea: i* til* llrooklyn -or Willi - excellence,, wldle ti York recpiumend UUt: the prpfch-dotu Wit I jt 4tig.-U.eivk*rs ha ve; Sol i ■ 'The Kyil(v- of the ‘♦We are-happy to Jr Hurd; is with H:s;>rqrTf! V. I)KU., The jrreit s i ; with, the fact ih-u ‘ K* i rrju't'rt usf-{ f" Ou ir hm>j uv ] / lr The well known I 1 fcunll your TOUTH. . j family lurt e used,ii.;, pftH'l/r.f f\,r 1 f/i •• ii-rfy. i • i-feelii y;o; . I t»lv at ike Ivlu.-eikMi Uv-y -oa^i;j»!'..buH v u--‘ • ;i -or Porfnllic.ri t r ■to \is for Viie iiI.%T ; VL JM; .wlilt-it-; 3W, : V i' i : * 1 >.vu : i ■ V'j '■ - . i! ml tjl-vy »\Pe is. ; , • •. est j.;ifreV-vm! v. ,-'M.'-; //rV H'.v.. U ;• »t'T»riM»l-.hn. Tfi-n-ury;.. ’• 1 ivc b'.M-n ns*-l. Iff. Ms |TM- ' * iis.jnu'i uoug (,-iiizon.' J liani-Wig MUi.*.-!jrrns!;ti.i*ir ,i : IliflU-Ut-; lUMlliMj. o( .'jvvv ;j I isl-jTS tiu* btiSl '!< V. i'V 1 1' rll '■ bout tl.o aM i.oi • >{■. \ Vli idrtaem bv rlm-g-.-;*-..'... ••'[ iiro [>,r ■■■-■] >,vVj , I i'l'b.-ft t;:w l.ft* Jj ■ -;-£iir“ re lii J)j:..Uurd*» Tooth -■}*( nor alkali* nor wearing tho'enamel WIUT AVILI DU ; f J.‘ '■■■■:;■ ■ •. El i pr. Hurd's Moir.h - will give'T,oung Indie man—a .sweet breati them, ladies. ,! Dr, Hurd's’ Mouth will cleanse; the m6i if used in : the breakfast taste ? more .pleasantly., testify to this. Try . Dr. Hurd's Mouth arc tlic thc .bcVt pro] : curiiig had] breath health to fhe gums Difttised .maiding ’ 0 etc., have been curt lent wiash. . ■ j. Prd Hurd's; Mouth give an. additional make husbands mbr<! and wivesjto their hi 'used by every perso, I ARTl'f'IV ■ '.v. •• l‘. • ! n - Hundreds Jpf c;>s.es rfv um*,- Rare Mofrih. d by l)r. Hurd's as|rirj>. Wash aiid Tooth Powder charpi -4 b and; ;-agrqbahle tohhejr wjfves, usbauds.. shey ( should be; ; ' J -y \ UAL TEETH, , 'which are liable t o i Dr. Ilird’s Tpotl: ache arising from 02 best friends Unit pai tliolr chiltlre selves from loss of -s i[apart ata hit to the incuth.. !: ache Droops cure looih-. 3 posed nerves, and >are the rents can have in the house 3n-from torture'and them.-' Mcpp and sympathetic sui- ering. Farmers and nieci . ford. to neglect your you can. n’ow get p Rothschild or:Asfor Remember, that JDgs : the Lungs 'often ,brigi So ml for the Tread' Fitch’s observation late to arrpst decaV . : your children’s teot !i.f . i ■ KEirßAiaiA lhv pjfeuyalgia Non;Adh isive Vlasters are • pleasant and successful remedic:- ev»v .. - ' ed for this painful disease. -The- } . i ! plies one, soon bfCcjmes drowsy;' land awiikes free ty»Uirpain. ami :• sV;'.-:.- ;i other unpleasant orjinjurious u-.v-j.- -v: | sue. For Earticfic in&Ntrvuut !L f ply according to Cirectionhv 1 :•<. surely follow. Notliing.can be o | to. Dr. llurd’s Compress Ifor Nem;- . them/ jThey ai'e;entirely a hovel, o ‘ originaV preparaiio: i, and : wonderful hf-.J _ ful.-' They are ,of two sties, one smvy face, price 15 cents, aiid the other •; • . - application?to the I odj,’. price tfntvV- -j■ i -6c. mailed on;receipt** f-pric* -and onAisi'. U7T.I T ARB i7/i| PEOPLE i)f);V / f- The American people are intelligent-t -appreciat o jircpara,! ions that contri’iut ; to happiness Of th isp using, them, a’. ' ,■ *• wont them.’Evcry.mail brings, its leti< - ■ ordering the Treat ;»e bn Teeth, some I: ;■ ■ falgial'lnsters, ahl not a lew'.enelosiir-■ for the Mouth Wash,, to be sent "by in. to these we are co iipolled io reply th-. • impossible to send a half-pint, bottle, by.-.matt The-people want 1 these Remedies. It - 'tupplgthemf ,:,l' : . Kow is the . ■ ‘ ‘i . , ~.. ,* ■ uJnicsuVy.oa cahnoMvyllat-' 'teetli. Fora drifting reservntivcs.v than vrbich, can. get nothing hcfter! Apsut a nii l ■. Consumy/ic-it. of inaie in neglvct of tc»'fhJ' «£ on Teeth, ■ aiul 1.1 r ,:i on this subject. rf-":uo in your ovrn tecili. avi- ;i CHAUCEFOa AGEJTXS. , Shrewd "agents can make a small fprfsii carrying it hese. articles ,around to families;: Dental Treasurer is the neatest article man or woman-can carry around, . Semi one and see,, or,'better, a dozen,' e tv!:irV will self, assampleji, for $7; Agents liberally with circulars. SST" Sow is" >I o', to to go into the business, todogood/ani a profit. Wo are [spending • ■ : : ‘ c benefit, of agents.: Jiew England men' f “•e 1 then! here is something nice, and take the tide : «tit9flobd. ; 'Ad(lre?s, , ; '•■Oj.' WM. R HURD & CO:, j; Tribuneßuildings, ,J>'ew' Vork Xiiati-cmUt*iic6*m*v- he made with , dejicß.-W.-,lt r .^i r &.jC«v-,reefer,-:to ,Uie Mft vptS 4 '' llrooilv'n; :JoOrm ffrMUj. •?*?&; Wi’iina Citizens BftokjßrooUynito Joy., p®»* * 'OOTUACIJE \J)BOPS, "ALEE EEIfRALOiA If, ,>on j <;>. irlurlmq Direct,W, forth, ildren's Teeth. ’ j tledtdmj 'icivtin the T&th, c., i (/<*. •- ?■.: ■ ■ | ■ «r<r'« PeauV Office rf (E- f.) i r LEAK ; hr SIX $ >; • bhf frrh.ii pr,«, prisj, Shelve',cents. - <,(• ] [ bn , ft, i i‘ ,r 'Xc-aValjria 1-1 1 .: ;, e c Kv"? d , HI . bf Ea/.’i-'nr: :oi six T lhfuvt >fir :/V.'fV, v ' y. M-iit i.0.-rj it; j, 'lf H. iil/1 7>, (•>■■ ' -■ .4-;:.. .\V I 1 It *iiiat' .j>h: h I -U .v-.x, A'f?H Ton ‘uivr *>r h urf>••!** X'tr* 11111 • . ! • • -“I T. RjiVniirn ■ • .-'j !i-y. t U{>. UV .:,v/ //• ;* (-.* n-.-r 'hsuf: ." I lil stiul'iri* ir i••’•Mir- e;-iiv.ji;ici:cc • mr.y r«)j:'imary Tooth I*<nvilers. o»>**w3ja< i xso .aoliia, >,.1. -i"i polishes H'Uhoui Usc.no ■. Oilier.'- UIT.D S : REMEDIES FECT? ” ' T‘ Wash ami Tooth Pow.Jor .finest ch-inn in wo-t i and pearly, teeth. 'Tiy. ■' r •*. : Wash and Tooth Powder i,tjh, from all foul 'exh:ih j|he morning, wjll u*ake *yeeter and the day begin Hundreds of persons' eftu, I them, gentlemen. . . Wash and Tooth.•’Pow'dcr-j iarations in'the world ior* ind giving - finmioss . mid i. ■ '.jjoyv*>V VaiT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers