1 FotitrEss ?|lon t tjoe, Oct. IT).—The I j Defaced Posta^esSfampS. '».lmeWlohn LVi Warner, flag of truce rp. Rife Aiken's Lauding* arrived ! M f ; V»**fS* "^nps ritoS-idst before i f ».d .or hitters. ; la-d , ■ -,<.i , ~.. „i. j- • ... , has evened considerable attention. — left- W‘|' u |U *. L .* v.f" ‘ ! The .Department lat gashing tun has L|nl> m prisoners aam . determined to use- etfeiry exertion fnK ol Major R_ 1 • k ->en ". '. ". ru _, detect, this mean species of frand. and : at»d 1 hirty Wt, } vn.'isy tuma. • iey, j„ a circular .letter to a postmasters; were delay ed nearly one < .»> '} run ‘ {thongbout tiio! country, the Assistant agnnmd above U.tv J oint.. ! Postmaster says : . -Please ! 1 Ids,:nmi pi'g >e J u )) oa tj cause most careful examination to bo 1. Wuubt jn 1. *mb ««M lie nry eighty ! mU(Jo of let lerB i deposited in your | ? ; x . ,-ebo! pnsdi)ew. The flag of truce u|Hc!i; . and send me Heeially all sus-1 byat Matamoi ae o-i ,a\ Jt collvt .' i j)eelcii eases, so that .the writers niav 1 tlfcrft, fo Alxen s Ln.uln.g. • They arc ( or. if any in case you i pr’vatos, toiibpiost, v wonin ei . - j* have means to know the writer, wilhyj _ fbe Peteis mig xpiesß, o- lt| oiit having the letter opened here, you | lust-, sat s,. • . .. . I ■■ sl ’will proceed at onto to a proper inves- ■ ••Tu n thousand \ ankee [prisoners Tb Poslioa:stt ! r ( | un eml is are daily c;spveted toari ivo in L eteis- aux j olls , to „, a |a; 6< iL e public exain bufg bsortli.. |\\ dd geese and . amler Ulb I a WJ if violations 'oc •vild ilm k are vert plenty on. the ; t . m . ;ls ~p|,r oi ,e lld eal. .itroiigten,ptalion J.iinos. river, but ll.ere are mxsports- j buUl * * fft!l . c d by Uia extensive use, of Tin n; to s.iwtfc-iliem. \\ jeal has de- "ordinary postage staiupsas currency,” cimed eonsrderablv. being now held.;, the improper use .of postage l ,c ? bushel. We u ' !au '" *ii stainps is it felony' under the law ’of / trouble;and jvast suftermg from 1 t h«:'fj-uited States, aild the pui.islim.eiii c v al: . i.. -,.,.1 !of the crime is verv'hejivy, those priie- Jne iiienmond Buprtch ol Ure.lhth ; u it wcmlli do Weil to hesitate 1 be .avsa-Uo infer, that the \j n.onislS. foi . c -f ||CUt . a • S() Sl V ritiils respbn-i: :> ,ll soon make a desperate; effort ft>r g 0 %■ M a profit.— ‘ their sromelads pass; Ururyrtf! y- ( ,j - UpilU Forewarned, let. us be foiv.r .- '.* - armed; , ')(,■ ... The blieiirn'ind Examiner of, the 17th s-The 'lgood*.people of Charles-; 'teft. South C'barolina, - hary had a J. ••■'.hraiion in their city., baptizing a aioi'in.- ram, built there. As Congress , l,asi liiiled to jmake any enactment's in regard to martial law. follows that it •ijas no longer any existence in Jthis .■*‘ti o ll fi*der«eyJ and any alleinpl to eon, tinge martial law in any lorih or <lU giii-e is in | derogation the law l ■ making--the''power of government and la deliaiiee ol the eor.stiiution. , ••Oar (southern Confederacy’ is sad j !v afflicted "•with dislionest Ppstma*- t-is, especially in North Carolina.— /Hie cause; of this complaint is, tin ,'Jn-uereeeipt of suhsetiptions said f r' be forwarded . by.f mail to newspi uV' r ?” •" f- i - %' ■ ;f ii'iNciNXATi, (pc-to'rf>r 19.—Retain “in •ii-t-ixiy-rjix counties a Idem i talic majority of eigtvleen lliousati ■ lleliMitrsUtc sraiif.' . ' I. TUc iJi-nitK-i'tj) ic nvnj. in the State wiU by-aliout lii'clve thousand. » Tiiol'migic-sional delegation.stands,: J)ci:!(jcia'ts ii'urtcen. Union ;five /fiSiflii bonding buxej.or packaged to s.oldlers, llieir friends'.shoii|J'Vretnein , I'erihal.tlie Government has ix-eenlh plumi inspectors ! in ’ Express Oilice' ‘ sit.■ Washington; Alexandria, George tbwi,,-ikiitiniore and' nil cdSees heal Jne army who open mspef-t eae| or package, and. when lound U contain Liquor of an.S' kind—even oni bottle—they seize ami confiscate tin ; entire contents. jAlteivlion to ’this mailer . will prevent the loss tO’jsol , ; diets of articles which would be use iul to them. t Ba.Passengcr statistics show that "wftiiin .nine niouth>|l7.ood pcoplo l*«vu arrived by sea atrSafo r rancisto in «x c.cs's of departures'll These, in addi tion to "a targe nuraber_ot overland im ' migrants. make tliofiucjasase ot popu lation'more thisiyear than since 1852. The?overland inunigrationi to Oregon' andiWashqe this year willainonnt to about s,bob. The rear of inimigra .lion, some 500 wagons; -was expected at- Walla cWalla, on the-.lsth of this i iiiuiab. v i _'~____ Al► • i of the -arrpws ;di»cUarj*ed bv tlio Indians in recent massacre at & Mcdeliawas taken Irom the body of -.oneof ilk- viciimls on the day ' after the fatalric-cuilfonces; The; armw ■ penetrated through thelicurt to the depth of twelve ineties.: The Indians ■, discharge these instruments with won <l ctl't; l accuracy and terrible effect Instances were seen of their faring, clone entirely through the body. teshAll the school bouses H|tEonis ville are now used for hospital '.•ptirpo • si's, and the sdliools disconlinoMl. The ; clairclles will he devoted to similar ■■piupnscs if nccessarc; and the Joyrrutl - »ats ti.cre'are many palatial.mansions " cj’tjie rebel sy mpathiicrs which would | mate first rate .hospitals. A ’ large government building is soon to ' Le erupted. , “ .Joe Lank’s SioicrLATiONS.—,Gcn •larie.'wWi. lust bcurp Irbin. wris on ; . ALSO. 01 Ibsway to tl.o ujjper Jniue« in >»«., j M thc . sm ; nme place. *U the right. -Ijigton lenitory with a ! title, interest and claim of defendant of, in ami hi:td ■ .of .cattle. from-the! profits of to the following described property, to wit: v.hich it is believed by tile Ore"oni- 'All thosethree lots of ground situateiin the that ife will realize fifty thousaud eouag. * V'h.ns. i lows, to wit: Oh the north by Market ..Street, : . i—h •* 1 —— , I east by third street, south by Mplherry alley, wr . C'oLOßAitp.—Governor-,. Evans, Ot bn thewest by Clover aU'cy, all under fence. Colorado; is; in Washington, in order; Seized and taken in execution as the prop to make.arrangements for the protec- erty of Thomas T. Reno, at the suit of John ti<,ln of that Territory from Indian j> » .depredations, and guarding the over-1 No. 5. land route by. which the people'are i ,At the-same time anTplace all thp right, ti ftirnisiied wi th domestic supplied. jtlie interest and claim of defendant of, in and , r • . to the following lot of ground m the borough ..: ——- , —l ot Sew Brighton, Bearer county* Pa., being 1 T*rV.Thc’wife of Dr. Livingston the y 0 04. bounded on the North by lot No. 23, African explorer, joined him at Zam-! oh the Bast by alley, on the South by -Butler l.csi laM spring and died on the Shire street, andonWWest by Bridge tdreet. on of ibc o«I, rf Anril last from the which are erto ed jme two afory brick dwelling I , \AT. rl - la !;- -a house, with ceUaruaderneath, and one frame onoots of I (he Africar ■ teyer. warehouse, fruit trees and on the fmshand attended her night and day. i ot . , : was with herj when *ho died. t g e ; ze( j » n d taiezt in execution as the proper , "i; , ‘ ~T-' j tyof JohnC. Rainbow at the suit of Jaibes : . ,je®“The'Snrtrenn 1 General intends to FeazeL ' ’ .-A issue an order prohibit inc amputation i 6, ,■ ■ ALSO, * •’ . ' ■• at the -hip joint on the hattlerfield —I At the same time and place, all.therright, ti sneli operations-.invafihlv proving tie, interest kind claim of defendant, of, in and fatal; and tyin<r. mdstlv abandoned hv ,0 the following; tract of land,; situate iir In- E.u.li.t, .„S Pr, s Vt Surgoans »# as tlie best American. j I jj Cac by depreciation land; north 4 degrees,! ’ ’■,;•]'! west 60 perches to a beech; thence by, land of, SSyAll the Rebel infantry and artil Noah Campbell north til degrees, west 64 6-10 lerv have left Weste’rn "Virginia. after perches to a hickory, thence south 43 dsmek Rait from the wells in the valley, It ,of the Ohio river, thence up the same no^th , os conjectured that they have gone to gg degwes, east ISOjperches to a post, thence '' East Tennessee to re-infdrcc Bra eg. | north 54 degrees, >Mt 110 perches to the place -• There arc ito Rebels now in the Ka-: of lO7 acres, more or rmwbn trt.lUn r>„l TanUne □ less- about one-half .of which is cleared ana nawha Valley, except Co}. Jen.kmk a f?nce> an at the m part (being 1 r .h'terillftE. -I,: - j {about one-half) underlaid with coal, one rein | [ ~ ; -4-k i , : ■ ■ --T ’of which-Is open and in working ofder, on K P Rol 'l WOOD’S BESTOBATIVEICORDUt.; which U erected one bride dweUinghousa, two ' X 'jr and|Bloodßenos*tor. the genuine arti- ‘ stories . high, with cellar underneath and! ®sre.ofl >1 ‘i kitchen back; also, two frame bouses onetoft, I p& £ euargviiand tax. _ - ■ , ; \ii [~ x ■ Wl - .bs disposadNof according to w - i : x Ang.2hi.ftD. IHOtJ. J, ■ i Sheriil’s Sales. BY virtue of Sunday writ* of 1 Levari Facias !* Fiera Facias ami Venditioni Exponas is sued oat of the Court of i-onion pleas of the l ' County of Leaver and to nje directed, i will j expose to.public sale at the Sheriff - s office ixk• the of Beaver, in the county afo'feri said, on ( ■ 1, ; Saturday, November Bth. 1862|| i at It) o'clock in thfc= forenoon, the following | property, to wiv; , - - , - I , All the right, title, interest and claim of i ; the defendant, of. .in ami to the following de--! .scribed farm ortractof land in Chippewa and j r}‘Big Beaver townships, Beaver county, ! bounded and described as follows, viz: On the ■ North hy public roadi East James P. Welsh, ■ Seth Win'. : McC«»tt'cry,‘ South by . John McCarter. John Duff -.and -John Wilson, * and West by John Duff, Joseph, Hannah. Mn- ; i ry Johnston, Jba. Anderson uud Washington i | Johnston; containing *J6l*acres, more or less, i ‘. about 2od of which are cleared, tinder fence, i »aud in a good state, of cultivation. The entire * farm underlaid with coal and lime stone; one • ; five feel vein of coal open : On which are 1 greeted one large two story brick dwelling} I house, built in an L shape, main or front house | Ux.*ing 4- x 31 feet.in length and breadth, and 1 the L pari 18 by feet; cellar under lhe [ whole house, in apartments; the entire f house containing eleven rooms,xvitUtwd'p'weh*' es back, and portico in front. There are al j so the following out buildings on the preml i scs. viz ; one brick building, in three apavt ■r merits, used as a coal houses’wash house and 'lumber house x three log bouses, one frame barn and frame stable, |one frame wagon house and corn crib- and two cow houses. There are on the promises three orchards of bearing fruit trees, and one recent!/, planted. Also—all I e right, title, interest, and claim of llie defendant, of, in and to another tract or parcel ofjahd situate in Big Beaver and Ghippewa-townships, Beaver county, Pa.; bounded and described as follows, viz: On Uip North by Harrison Power, Janies Marshalland John Imbfie, on the Kast by public road and' David Cochran, on the South by Andrew ! Welsh, and on.the West by Win. McCottery and Durrisuh Power;! containing 78 acres, more or less, about fifty of which areclcared, under fence and in a good state of cultivation. The above tract is, well watered and undg,’iaid ——i iSrn A otont*; on which, are creel * cd o frame (i«r«IUn 9 throA rooms, a log stable and cow house, and a stone [ building formerly used as a Church, bout 40 x |by 4*>,lept in lengt blind Tjreudth. A small or ! chard on the. premises,,. t ' - 1 Seized and taken in lexccution as the prop jierry of Thomas McKinley at the suit of Dan iel Agnew. - ' . Xu. 2 ALSO, Ai the same time and place, aU the right, title, intcrest-and claim of 'defendant, of, in and to tlie. following tract of land, in lujlcpen ;dehce township, Beaver county, Pa., bounded thi jhe Kast By land of Wm. Übeny, on the I'SjoKili by laud of RobertGorsuoh, on the West I Sr.,- and on the North by 1 Isaac McCoy; containing about Cd acres; on j. which areeiccled oue log Uouse.aud log stable, j, About*4s'acres cleared and under fence', i. Also— One other lot of ground adjoining . the above, about 2 acres; ' bounded by Wm. Thompson, South by Wm! Obeny, North and West by above : tract of land. _ ' ‘ Seized and taken in execution as the jirop ! erty of Fisher Beaty at the suit of Wiliam i Obeny. . '* ■ Xo. 3. , - ALSO. ' : At...the same time and place, all the right, title interest anil claim of Jfihu Wilson, one ■ ot the JeienUnuts, of, in lind to the following lot of ground situate in the.village of N’ewUai filoe, i>ig beaver township, Beaver couuty.l’a.-, j bounded on the North by public road, on the j Kast by land of Jonathuu .McCallum, 1 on the South by land of-James Sharp’s heirs and West ' by street; on whieh is erected one small frame ■ dwelling house. Some fruit trees on the lot. j Seized and taken iti execution as the prop j erty of John Wilson, Milton McMinn and. Jo -1 siah T. W. McCune at the suit of the Com mob weal th of Pennsylvania. *f+a I tab)* good orchard of ‘.1 1 ) ■ '1 1 A H : fruit trees, and plenty of water on the pre- _ • • VT ’ : “*««?• Z\_ ..I : r Seized an I taken m execution as the prop- TjpyMlpYr wppf- » erty of Charles U. Shriner at tre suit of Jos. Jackson. . ■. S same all the right, ti- * BeaVCP Station-GoXNG tic. interest and claim ofdefenient of. .in and Comm'nvng, Jlvuiay 3tuy 5.■ 1 to the following mcssusage or lot of ground .J av f e , uter - , a } on I \ situate in the borough of Bridge water,iu the a.-m. at Pittsburgh County of Bcayer, and State o} Pennsylvania, nigo I* Ji. •< i .. ' numbered 27 in the plan of lots in * said bor- *° - * WtQ _ ouch, and bounded and described as follows : . - . . ,i 8 - Beginning at ; a corner on Bridge street and L I'*** F*.burgh a, follow Market afreet'; thence by Market street 133 *• “ Arnresat fearer,.. feet- to South alley; thence by the same 6tf p - “• T w ~.r feet tpa corner tjf lot No. -JO, |old to' Samuel p; R Porter '9nd owned by David ijitewart; thence, by the said lot, So. -•>, .iISJ feet to Bridge , street; thence by the same pl> feet to the ; place of beginning; being- the same premises , which Jacob Wagoner, and [Christiana, his 1 wife,, did convey to the said' Charles H. SUi- I ner4 his heirs and assigns; op which iserect led one .[frame dwelling . house, two 'stories i high, with cellar underneath, one other frame building; two stories, high, o le frame stable, [coal bouse, gmoke house and other out build lings; fruit, trees on the lot. ,| t Soiled and-taken in execution asitho proper ty of Charles U.' Shiner at t lie suit 'of Phil ip, Cooper, assignee of Samuil li Wilson. No.'S.' ALSO, At tht same timo,and plac title; interest and-claim of d and to the following describ situate-in Hanover township Pcnna.i bounded and describ ihe.East by land of Andrew South hv. l.**nd of James Nidi .by lamTof: Margaret Melton North.by ma l1 1 ■ The above •fifty-three acres, ulore les 'erected one log house bnildings; tin orchard Pf gP' Zil the premises. ; Seized and taken in ex property of James Morriso Wm. Wilson So. 0. i At. the same’time and place, all the right, litle.mtercst and claim'of defendants 01, in and to tlie four-tenths parts of a certain tract or, piece of lan<J situate in Pu-. laski township, - Beaver county. Pa.*, bounded on the North by Klwood Thomas, on the tael bv the and— ; —Grant, pu the South by Kobcrl iWjillacc, and on the West by same and Champion: the whole tract containing H 5 acres, more or BO, of which are cleared, and under fence; on which arc erected a loghouscahd log barn. Seized and taken in execution as the proper ty of Williarn Moore, Hugh |Moore and Eobt. Mboi-e, at of Hugh, }lorrow, now for. theuse of‘Matthew 2j*win. . No. 10. AltiOi j At the sameilime and place a»J the right,, ti ! tic. interest aifd claim of Christieri Seefricd, one of the ' dcfeudantfC bf, in ' and to !the following: described lot of ground ; situate iri the' Borough j of Rochester, | Beaver county. Renn'a., bounded as fol i lows: on lhei&»rlh by Purdy's heirs, east by lot of Charles'’ Kaizcr, soul hi by Water street, und west by Ovid Pinuey; the above lot front i ing 2U feel on Water st reet by HO feet back,on ! which is erected a/ two story.frame dwelling rhouse,T4 by 28 feet in length aud breadth. ( Also. |Oue other lot of ground (being N0.‘73 ; in Vickary's extension of Freedom) - New Sewickly.-township. Beaver county, Pa;, | bounded as follows, viz: beginning at a post i at the intersection of 'Dutchman's run and Locust alley, U2J degress casjt to a post at the • corner of Locust alley and First street, thence south 5.7 A ■degrees-west 44 feet to a .post thence by lot No; 72 north 32J degrees west to Dutch man's run, thence north by the course of said run to (he place of beginning, on which is erected quo frame dwelling house with cellar underneath. • \ I I Seized and taken in excculi ty of ChrUilan SeefriciL, a of John Endriasriec^H? 1 * . 1 No. 11. ALSO,] At’the aame time and place;all the right ti tle, interest and claim of defendant of, in and to the following lots of gro md situatein the village of Vanport, borough I ownship; Beaver county. Pa., being S’os. l and 2 In Noss’ plan of lots in said village, and bounded on the North by State road, on the East by lot No. 3. on the South by Grave t Jley, an'd on the West by alley. The above lots each 50 by 150 feet in length and breadth, and under fence. ; Scitcd and taken in execution as tho proper tv of B. H Nelson at the suit of A. Frowen d’eid & Bro.’ , , ogj- Purchasers will take cent., upon all amounts of tin quirt'd in hand. All bids Ul : required in cash at-the tiino these conditions arjs not c property, will bcl re-*old. , . I. John r SitEturr’s .Ornc*. \ Heaver, Oct.. 2d, ’C2. f BeaverCounty,ss« IN the Orphans’ Court i t and for Beaver Countv. before the Hot . Judges of said Court, in the matter of j the real estate account of George Bruce, administrator of the estate of Charles Bvucc, dcc’d. • And now, to wit, Oct. 20th, ( SEAI.) 1802, the Coirt appointß. lt. V ' Chamberlin, Esq., an Auditor to distribute the balance!in he hands of the Administrator according to the Auditor’s re port,’inthe real estate account confirmed at September Term.’ 1802. I , ’ From the Record. A. 0. JIeCREART, Clerk. noHcbl ‘ Tub undersigned will attend to the duties of above appointment at the Court liouse, in Beaver, oh Fu'idat, NovannEnT, 1862, at 4 o'clock, p. h., when parties in interest will be duty beard. : B. B. CII AM 13KKLIN, 0ct.22, 'O2. '1 Auditor. Attest 0c22. EXECUTORS .NOTICE. WHEREAS letters -testamentary taring been granted to the undersigned, on es tate of Joseph McCready, Sr,i dec d., late of Greene tp., Reaver Bounty,j Pa., persona knowing themselves’ indebted to said estate ere requested to make payment immediately and those having claims against the same trill present them to the subscriber duly authenti cated for settlement. JAMES McCBEADT, ' -#22. ■ V "'■Executor. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. LETTERS of upon the es . tate of A soar w Glass, lata of Ohio township, Beaver countyi.deo’d, having beet granted to the undersigned; all persons in debted to snidrestate are requested to make Immediate payment, and ’ those having claims against the same will present them properly authenticated for setlement. ■ 1 ,7\ JOHN SLENTZ, Ohio, Ip. Oct. 22 T 862. Administrator. STRAY COW. CAME to the premises of the laubseriber, giving in New SewickUy tp., Beaver co., Pa., on the 6th of October, 1862, a red cow, with a white face, about 6 yean old; ehe had a bell on, and two or three alita in this ear; no other marks visible. , The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her away. > ■ > - ■ 0c22;8t. |A. P. SMITH. V\EN-KNITES, Seissora, Gum Hair Pina, Jl Puraea, Port MonaieaT Needles, Tweetars, [ Fencil-sharpenera, Spool potion, i Thread, Pina,-to., lor sale at the Drug Store,of 1 : ,;bc2f - DB.C.P. CPMMINB. /~S OOD Crushed and Browi \X aUh*Dn«etw%of ce, all the right, t?fendent, of, Irf •ed tract of bind > Beaver county, jedas follows:.on Moore, on the. ill. on the West laljJ, and on the tract* Containing 59, 00 which are r vn and other out ( d fruit trees on as * ho , al lii« t ot ALg O, ion as the proper- notice that 10 per ir bids will be re nder $5O will b 4 of the. sale. If omplied with the OBEBTS, Sh’ff. ; i, ’■ Sagan for aale IT’ ■ CLEVELAND Jt PITTSBUUG PITTSBURG, FT. & CH Rochester Station— Goi Leaves Rochester Ist Brigh'n Accom. 5:30;*: m. 2d •• •• • C:45 AUianc* *• - 8;4{» lat Brigh’n • “ 12:34 2d Brigh’n “ 2:15 Mail, j ; Ist Kipersf, 2d Express, 2:00 12:50 a. N... 6:40 p. ji... Goixo \V»»f— Leaves Pitta. Arr. latßrigli’ii Accom. '8:50 *a. m.... 2d Brigh’n ' 11:50 A. m Alliance 3:00 P.. M... Ist lirigh’n '• 4:80 p. m... ,2d lirigh’n 6:20 p. m... Mail, }:10 A."m... Ist Express, 1:00 A. m... 2d Express, '. 12:50 p, m... • | AUG. BEADLEV, Notice in the Orphansj The' following appraisement Act of Assembly of the 14th oi of property allowed to be' retain ow or children of a decedent,, ti $3(K> have been filed in the offic< oi* lb® Orphans’ Conirt of Bea* wu,: — Pe' r su.ni! property to omniii by widow Cf - ,l * nr 7 >«!' tp., dac'Jif R fed »n 4 AUra’rs. " * , ; Personal /property ■ f° | >“> OUl by widow of John lorrer'cc, Torrence, Adm’r. The amount to $4O 27 per? elected to be retained by the witi Itambo,' late of Kaccooon towns Jacob Frank, Esq., Adm’r. Notice is hereby given to all legatees, distributees, and all ci ed ia the above,; to appear at N« next, of said Court, anil not la nesday the third day of; the ,lr £2th day of the month, to shoi they have, against the finalj < tbt above appraisements. i? \ l. G. MTJ Beaver, Fa., Oct. 15th 3fio*V ;-: ■' IVotice IS hereby "given that I have as Surgeon by the Pension examine wounded and juvali charged from the service; it? extends to any County, Siaf and that'l am now reodyl to discharge of ray duties.-1 !( . GEORGE MkIOOK, M. D„ , Oct.lfi—4l. Examining Surgeon, i KOLLOCK’S . i ]p andelioti C offee. f | >lllB preparation, made from the best Java ■ I 'Coffee, is recommended by plivsiciaus as a superior NUTRITIOUS eral Debility, Dyspepsia and all.billions'dbori ders. J i Thousands wha4iave h'een compelled to abandon the use of coffee, will use this with out injurious effects. One. dan contains the tft&rfcV nosady -oflrudinarv coffee, i KOII.OCB'S IF.VAiy. The purest and best BAKING' POWDER known, lor making light, 1 swe'cl and nutritioujs' Bread and Cakes. Price 1& cents. '. Manufactured by ■ Mi. H. KOLLOCE Corner of Broad and CJtef ; 'i ' I 1 ! 11 ! And sold by all Dnjggii'ta jan r ‘ markh TILE SATURDAY MOBK ' | The best Family.lNea i WESTERN P -And the only Democratic i ' I’iltsburg. ESTABLISHED It contains all the CCRTI THE- DAY reliable, Moncii Hpuirncreial reports 'ami aeji Tales; Poetry, Literary and S Valuable Statistical 1b Agricultural Newi —also—: The Latest Telegrai Embracing every fcnportani ’Foreign and Ddueslic, ( Legisli j ■ ceedirigs, ifol, Ttrmt, $1 per annu t /ilr .la Copiti,oie yeatf fc 3i MESA*. Editor Corner Fifth ail Wood ; your miney by Addbcss Estate of David Minis, Jr., M.D., Dec’di is hereto girentbat letters of ad; | ministration hare keen granted by the Register of Wills, fit., of thicounlyofßearcr, upantbeestaleofßAlin Mist t, Jr, M. D.,dec’d;, late of Borough tp.,in said coimty, tb tbe sub scriber residing in tie Boro igb. of Header, in said bounty. Debtois will make payment, and creditors present tbwr claims duly authentica ted to the undersigned. : I .-. ! ' DANIEL AGNEW. Administrator.- vfofe ol iteel ers ,of administration on at MidnXii, Eambo, late ip. Bearer county,' de | duly -granted to the tin is indebted to said estate immediate payment, and. bgalnsti the same willpre jautbcE Heated for| settle-' JACOB PRONK, Administrator. | .April 12. ADHINISTB XTTTHEREAS lei YY the estate of jtftecobh towns! ceased, baring bee dirsighed, all pew are notified to inak those haring claims sent’ them property meat without delay. •ep24. q. pRUSRSON WIILERALE : ; I (oißtestan Merchant, | Al*< Dealer- in 1 , i.: iflott ibteieed i: iJID PKOPIE 6ENERULT No. 8j SMITIIFIELD gT., J pposlt* the Monongtela fl ome, - r PITTSBURGH, PA. ; Grocer & A.3TETW AND BEAUTIFUL EDITION :a: xhk : 1 V-. ■■■ MISTiKESOFEDUf AT) J Elf. BY JOHN a'HAKT, LL. D, ' InMO., muslin, pice 50| cent a: paper cor i ers. 2o cents. Copies of this book will be sent by mail on receipt of the price. In postage sumps. Pits address J. O;‘<JAIBIGUKB, Publisher, ~ Pbil’a,Ps. • _ ME MAYORS OF TII Great Cities. ■ ■■ '' ;j ■ * ! . ;if! ' We. the | undersl«nod May ora, hereby eer- tn«t the Druggists, Apotheoariea, end Physicians of our severs! cities have aignoA a document of assurance to us that ATEB-'S H»mup«TtTT.x,» tin been' found to; be a remedylof great excellence, and worth? the confidence of the'community. ' , ;|; , i.. | ' v. ij- -ip. HOW. JAMES COOK, l'| I 1 Xiyor of MASS. HOW. AIiBIW BEARD, , if Mayor of NASHUA, N. H. ■ HTi.. . • .i• ; \ ''iii E. 1. R. li. East.-! ! 'l.—Trairu .9:15 A.jk. 6:25'p4k -8:00 p-ik. ; : .i. [ u ...7:25 *. M r j ...5:'JO ,P.!kl || 11, I're,'t. [ 1 HOW. E. W. HABBIWGTOW, [| <5 VUyot Of MANOHB3TEB, S. B. I HOW. .TOHW ABBOTT,. .rr. .ll’itts; ■ i" ■ * CONCOTJ). ».,' .1. 7:(K) a. Mi HOW. A. H. BULLOCK, ■! , •• &\ \ ■I. S:4O a. m! I y Mayor of WOBOEBTEB, MAS3.’ ;i():40 A. m: I _ir -_Li ;j Jilj ■; ICAGO H. Ri :g East. A. >1 A; Mi P. M HOW. HATH*!. SILSBEE, 2:10 p. Mayor of SALEM,: MAS A ; HON. P. W. LINCOLN, Jr., " Mayor of BOSTON. MASS. HON. WM. M. ROOM AIT, [i Mayor of PBOVIDENOB, BJ X. ; BON. AMOS #. ll j Mayor of HOBWIOH,] COOTS’. 1 HON.' J. N. HARRIS,! ■' > ' - 1 i) i.f; jj Mayor of NEW LONDON, OOHH. ■ 'HON. CHAS.; s.; eOdieb, • kj; [ 1 , Mayor of MOHTBEAL/O.'E. < r HON.' D.. P. TIEMANN, ■.['■"if ’I Mayor of ITS W YOBK CITY; | HON. H. M. DNSTRBY, I; J i i !■' ; Mayor of HAMTTiTOI', O. tK.[ HON. ADAM WILSON, I > :! \ Miyor of TORONTO,'O, W. | BON. B. M. BISHOP, ! V '! Mayor of OINOENHATI, OHIO. HON. 1. H. CBAWPOBD, j j; i j' Mayor of LOOTS VTT.TiB, Kf. HON. JOHN SLOAN, Mayor of LYONS, lOWA.; HON. JAMBS MoPEETBBS,' ■ ! Mayor of BOWMAirVXLZiB, O. ;W. HON. JAMES W. NORTH. ■ ; . Major of AUGUSTA* MX. HON. HENRY COOPER, Jr., } Mayor of HALLOWELL, MR. HON. JAMES S. BEEN, |, Mayior of FBEDBBIOTON, S’. B. HON. WILLARD NYS, t Mayor of HEW BEDROBD, MASS. -Hon.' j. blAisdell, * Mayor & FALL BITEB. MASS. HON. W. H. CRANSTON, T Mayor of NEWPORT. B. X HON. PBED STAHL, if i V -Vf. Jiayap of OAI3CNA*, IXiX* Bon. john] hodgden, I Mayor of DUBUQUE; lOWA. HON. THOMAS CRUTCHFIELD, ! ' - Mayor of CHATTANOOGA, TBNN., HON. ROBERT BLAIR. V , MayC? |?f TUSCALOOSA, ALA i HON. R.D. i BAIT QH, ■ ,■ ; Mayor of .MEMPHIS, TENN. HON. GERARD STITH, Mayor of HEW ORLEANS. LA. HON. H. D. SCRANTON, Mayor of ROCHESTER. W. T. . EOir. DE WITT C. GBOVEL _L___ - _■ Mayor, of UTIQA, K. iT HON. GEO. v*UBo«; j. . ; -! j ) Mayor of PETTSBUbO, PA ’ HON. O. B. BUHL, Mayor of DJSTJAOIT, MICH. HON. HEMAN L. PAGE, ': ,% 'I Mayor of MILWAUKEE; Wio. BON. W. W. VAtTQHN, ! ''l 1 Mayor of BACZHZ, WIB,, HON. A. FARR, | j I 3:25 Pi 3:10 p; 2:00 *1 7:45 p; P. U. r- j i nt Roelicster. ~ 1 a-. w‘: 1;26 T. ... 4:55 P. M. ... 6:01 p. M ; J ... ft:00 p. «l ... ft:4o a. M. ... 2:10 a. ». .1... 2:00 >. Jt. Sunt., K. 1). | I v ■ . Court. under the. »jf April, ; jlBsl. led hy a wid- I) the value of :e of the,Clerk: yor County* tp s V of .'rnsn 2d, ! of Hopewell Thomas. Ueed it of $298 So, dee d. ; Mary. rm;>l prorpcrt j: ow ol Michael, hip; (IpcetscJ? jcredilorft, heirs it hers Interest* iWcmbey fcrmi iter Wedr tlerrii, being the aw cause, .if any Confirmation of IEART, Gl'k. 'i; been appointed Department, to 1 Soldiers,; dis; t my *ut horny e ()!■• Territory, enter ivpou the , Gbemist, itnul eltrertp, • 1 l.AUKld'illA, j d Groccn. ||'; . ■v- ;-1 i G post! spaperin i ENJf’A. Union .Sheet in IN 1804. I EXT NEWS OF ary, Jfarkel and •|hoicc selection'of 1 Scientific Articles! nforuntion, ' rs.| Itc.; j 1 tphio News; i; Item of New* Congressional la BOH. A. J. HOBLE, 1 ■ sever of ISOHTOOMEBY,’ AT.A. . BOH. W. 8. HOLTBAD, • . sever of columbtts, oa, ,■ BOH ESPAETERO MANUEL, "Qi SCvor of VESA OKUa. | BOH PIETRE BE CABALLO, | j'. lever oTSaanCO^i NIE RODRIGUES, I Mayor of. HAVANA. 'BOH AHTOHIO. ECHEVEBA, | . , . ■ sever of USCA. PBBV. fooH H. O.MILANGNp, t! > | J Sfayor of VALPABAIBO. jCBXLX. BOH KABO SESQUIPEDALIA, | ‘ Mayor of 810 JAinETBO, BBAZCL. ' OntUy that the raaldent Drnjcglata Sir*., j imnd them ; ‘"v- .live Pro- : .ill ic.; . - ; ’||i Sinyle Copy, or 11 /• s!<*.. • ■ U:-i BAKU, ‘ and Proprietor, i nts.j PittsburgrPaV mail at my risk. Ayer’s Ague Coze, ■ paxp*aan ar .f •i|. ; ‘ Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co,- ’ : LOWELL, MASS.,. ' ’’ , is id add tgf Dngglsta ererr whsrs. : • t9~ for sale by t>. Minis, Jr.. Dearer; 8 Cross, Kpcheier; tYaggoncrA I.o»rj; Free dom; J.lNiohols, Baden; J. Sargent,. Re«( Brighton; John Black, Darlington, Don on't-lipr; F*llstw,an<i-hr dealers every •kece* .'! ~ ~N :'j [ : ! Xajror ofg.KXNOaBA. m ' EOS'. JOBS? C, HASHES, ■"H I . 'I - ( . ’ Xoyoc of CHICAGO. TTilh |; HOE. H. J. A, HEATH, V %. \ | \ Haror of SELMA,;AIJL BOH Ayer’s Sarsaparilla la an azMUont ramadp, and Worthy the om»> fldosoe of tha eommaaitp. FairtprtaglHaaoaaa. tn PuUytaf tk< Blood. For kr*M> or Klag’t Bril. '■ For Taatora.Cleora, tad Bbraa. ' Far Kraptlaas oad Flaapla*. Far BUlat, tod Btili. > Far it. Aalkaaj'il Flra, Hoia, or Krjr- For T«tt«r or Itlt BUtmai. . [tipalaa. For Scold Hood oad Rlagworaa. ' For Coaeor oad Coaeoroaa Borco. - r Far Sara: Bjraa, Sara Ktn f oad HaatariW For Foaoola DUooao*. . ;»*£ Far tapprcMlaa oad Imgalorltr. ■ / For dyphfllt or Vcaortol Diaaoaaa. FarldrarCaniplolßU. | Far Plaaoaaa af ’fta Haort. , ■The Karon of the chief cities of the Unt tod States, Canadas, and British Provinces, Ohlli, Fern, Bnafl, Mexico, 1 and in fact at* meet all the cities on thia continent, hare signed thia document, to aasOrc their : people what remedica they may oaewith aafotyaod 1 confidence. But oar spaoc will only adroit • paction of them. i - Ay«r*s Sarsaparilla, i ■- Ayerfs Pills, &nd ■f i.- E f Orphans’ Court & BY Virt he. pf an order [of the ol IteaTler i’ouhsj , \\iilbe bv” public tendue ol* ouict y, <<) On Wednesday, Nov« at, 1 - o'clock; -llte follMviii" ■Jo{jji.McUi‘i)vy|- dot'd, iiiuaic of Indopeiidiiice, •_ bounded an .’foUo\Vfs; On thtj north by on the £ji>?t and; sout h by. ! Alexander, and on tlio* ■'M-oijrbw utid -Frederick linok ; berets, nmreorles*—iihi'ijt 7 hr andasiiiuli lo£ [dwelling house Hj 1 :- . ' .( ■ i ‘ ■ ; • TKitMS;—One third in Imhi tinn of sale by the t. v ll rti. and t wy[h ! interest thereon lii-ia the ■ further- Ihiormat ,Charles .M’Hehfy. oi* John .M* Ik-aver to. Pu. | ]iy ordhrof the -Court ■ . ; i,' ! . |A. G. M',CKI-:| i ! Oct. i, || .v'.-V NOTICE IS hereby p»\eu lllut ih ■-K. A s>ijJ .VoKinley. for ibc:benefit : ui ; heeri u'ml bled .in. my ,’flire will- be; allMvcii by ’ll ,'Secoinl M(irnlay.[«f .November ! besliown. ujr;. i mat on mtoi; ;i^- | Til the Crmrt of Common Pie: j[.lh the maiteritff! the accom crty| Emi)./ aHsipjher of Thoma lbc ; Jboiu*tit of creditors! ; j Xp'l pmT..io'wjt, Sep*! lb; grant a Uule to Jdu*iv cause \yl riot be di "charged ft oi of'jhiM* ucc'uun{, -> an* balance in his hands: - Uiu ! bp* given by publication in t according to Pule. . ■i lUlAVilt '.Coi’.NTY, KK; '* r Attest: • i MIOHAKI o^cB- —ot ] y v IsTcStio f |IIIE Co-pA’rtnerttbipiLerbt'c ;r Ij der tlip iianie and style 01 TSf.w engaged in merchandise whs duly: disspl Uuy of.Ajiidi, The l,*ot at ,tbe store ;of M. GiUiiai knowing Jtbcmselvcs indebted will settle 1 inn Hooks will be closed without ' ! A. D • i-.-i >'■ . ,|V - , M.; G :-STeW Urightqn.NlaylOj ISO ISTOTI ALL’ PEKiSOS’S Itavjng! bi ‘subscriber.| will jpleUsr KoifLTt Tallon, who is duly an tchd to all business din ing nn ill person? Ini.vmg unseTt led;: and miikc set i lcVi\cnt as soon it Las beconie duty to leal purpose of my c£m i customers will Ist ill giveltLc .usual,' fi«. ( t;hey .will -find, Mr,. T shop aiid*my,6oi, James,! at il ■ ■ : 9cpSl mvu .■■ , , -|01i: Stray 31ji to lh r o .preni:se3; Ofl '•\J living In -his Denver Vtyuniy..' on ibbievening of tli about; o aJL ai : ouati; =.,‘d»itc [umi I;ivgt*iLby u rut o" bruise;:-no c&irubhr.: r - the owner i* ward, prove property, l'-\ v V» ,a ' away; *.*r otherwise she v.:ll cording to huv. i Confessions >.£xperjehc PC ULISm.O Wtae ncti«i tug Jiud a <*iu| ion to joi * ti'niii :<c rvous Debility.. V' ! Si'h-Curo. Ily' oneT wilo7; f>; Latter beiiii'pni iVgreiif expe • ical nud rjmvcbrry, 1 DOi*i -pafdcaUUi'esscd . cnTei.bf be ,bi|d , of ibe.auiifl M.V. :' VIU, Isßff.; I niar2o:'4.y. ; ■^r S3Q. 1 im;ilQyJ«e TO SELL- (JOODS r r: :{■ - .i ,■ ■.[ ” fk' ; XK\v uxgLt M in ifajt urin^C Vi te will W ■'€*« hundred pci- chi V./la by our A'gents. or wu v from $BO to sliHi per month, ccssury-i'expcnses 1 . Fur pa with stamp, i_: ; - ■ 1 jriTAs. itytun: For the Adams Manulactu Michigan. ■,] SQO.TT T£C U B. it MARKER, • ~| .V'.T 1 , Cor. Jrtciti St% ; j2?«< i - r : friftsi The. ‘'Scott 'iipusEflin nnUbcst arranged lloteli ami neither pains njpr expend tojmaintain its well carhcjd* location, is convenient totiio i road stations, specially com traveling public •'* Mlt'O A. TOW DEALER 1J MO O'ftS. ST A| T WaJLI IPf* TOYS, A.Ni) FANCY i)o6. \ NEW BRIG A. JR. TIIO ATTORNEY AT UW, ' OJprr, conirr of 7'hrid tlrftt and thr Diamond. \ ■■■ : *i 'BfeAVERV PA. ;t f ■ ; H»y; 2l | . ~ -aI - ,■■ * ■' a : '-h BNETEL, ARBUCKLE&CO. ; r j,‘ I M^NUFACTUTEJiS^OF’ CABBOir OIL, 1 ' ROCHESTER# ■' BEAVER COUXo’Y, VA t« P 2: V - a Vl JOHN B. AVitl4AMS,\] BAEBEE & HAIE-DEESSEE. * I f I" -' • i"**- ■ . , j > (Shop one/door east of Hotel, [ : BIdIHJEWATEK. HENN A. ' 1 RAIL-ROAD HOUSE, ADAM JOHNSON," PttO'R. JARS * CANS; -Jr corks, i ,i ; SEALING WAX. I ! ! ' ROSIN, V . 'V k ' CANARY SEED. &c. at i V ' - V 1', 1 - HGNRY'Si> Do You Want Employment,. ' I OFFER a pleasant business for the Sprinrg and Summer, witli large profits. Send lor mynen< circular, containing full information Addas • QJSO. ROW’D BEARS, mar». JBl William SI.. N. T. SOAPS— Kosin, Pfptor'&Gaokble*, e«r :*Mt FftlM MU Htucy; at -W v | .•■■■'! :\- ' UVRJ’B v|;i ’ \ ! :,j" Orphans 1 ' 111 '■■. i l l , t ,A tr .'.?j ♦■jcpi.sed to srilo;^ ember sth- o w*.L real cstai‘e‘ - i u«!s£r:iu-d bss •i.l.i, 1 nrf! ; <.{ *p :Of X}' i’ I;jini - i»l'v \M-x. - iih;m nitM. t. lll-,-- U ‘ 1 *.iirrc? t*-! f I: lyrnp .yt.u 1 UL - I ; • I feet 'ili;U the it .on confirma-s fwotlys nli*l reti [ie balance Jin' j t •um that da v\\ ;-o(isr.*jrl)ll* f'*r same time. , j , SjAUi'K Cl F: :iou|; of! Jit ?;aiijls a iinoiji IHriry-, ‘ iferr;cc. ' ,yosi ; l r'"- r "v ■•,],«li;nuin<r the <■«! ;■■• ' ■'■ •: v V-J compiotelv h.on VKV, ci. k: ; ; Anu, J Vo*, xfanebt pu j’* ' . i J Hu*b.:tn«i^ e* 'account -of '; moff» hecessarv hoc of Thomas KXTJtAObf) creditor.-. has - Thl*'W«dy ■!? that- ,1J IIT 111*, t -on tli>. jtfght Kir, U &‘l jcTkt,. Ai I.». rot Hit. ihe,couhr.-. HOA SL’MKrioN. 1 .WAV'S -VIUA MKNTjVUcfari flight- find illo'l I rubbed f wice a \vfU;r<.;nu>vl* J In •.' ' < > •. . > liio tijioM disi;T 1802, the Court Ti;.,-r|,ri). we sai V the , .. ■' i' Sob] i his mviA upon .idp to your', ,n.r T .aymoi(t .of . , Vrll i v n v i ire. to V i-i iX-Sinn.! Of .c lieaver Argus .- t «Eifca.[- liiey m j .. j Luropean < ■I . lyeara doctor jjmiiiirs;in Him ’rothonotarv. iir:\ M I’AIGN 1 AEIJ'AVhYA • • ••• • M -■' I>, M*rotli r y. - Lfl 'of IVinVofO of l». Mclvin\ey.' "Ibr lE. - . . . there has sob. fprc existing un- .i.- . • iv ( -Mn i • <Hnlmeai .m a A,.!). InlliiaJid, . .u f ; lain! enemies tL .f m ;n, f w.u;i;iitA. r - , sciioFui k.s .trill hehettlou • , , i *,i • • pear like a ci : a. \n pen-ons_ }>j- NTMENT; jJ, to the late firm, ,• . • Ulmic-lv. as the . tl,ru^‘'" m ,. ‘' Jriav. - J , 1 «- OIU.ILAND. D -' J UITI v\IV ; .easAV;pl!ice-0‘ n.uLAM>,. I Zl 5 *I be diii.jrer-i; i : V Chill l *. ‘ and' f /J_J» . 'avoid, arid u|j; usincjis : With the succor jn.ibe* . ; call ■ with -Mr.: , liwiveinen Inb it-horized in at - their Kna\lsaO y ahscncoi- Also : fur all.the i ccount* will call dua-ny, tlrousab l as possible. _A_s wLdUvoiild ojJ. e home Ydr 'the Uc i itry/I hopcV-iny ir ns ' AA-M. all.Hiiat ri . c .j, he ■ ,oi ti.e ! o h*. SP.?; 1 OKK». j . p, JJt . .pile .-am th'- C'J'tU/ld} . lt* :ii ,’tL.e i>n!ifCribiT. < uwiuiiij.; Jiciivcr . £,• iv.-ul.ic'-- vIA: ic.lMth t.f Ajil'-!. i [lU r tiir Ui'l, rli'.ii r- ' Sold !■ ' liiad btjiigli e;i- lii.-’i i.w-' v. lit I.CV U!:ll ii.“-1 l'i’- ; tiv r . icd-fl. Itoaif- ,-lor^, f[| d (> ;md:lv,'-.e :;cr * () , u j s’o c i of 4c- xUci;a ,t»i« lit rift: »* r\’t. v. CAUIOI'N. : ve. ‘ JAMi'S E:ofanjnvp|d;:‘ ti^ ) y7;v' 1 a:ul n.« ;i v- aini. up ihciri •onj'n l , m Lcc-ri \. is \'ii ‘ecV'TiVriTM'f I ik<c th. ou r J» iUe<i l*v < i TJc 7 «»*’»i'r n PS.- MU-lf r; »• ATIIAMHf. ili'.t Jto., iV. V. , '*loo S WANTED % iTKiTUE &&t: '."M omp.any. IMMISSIOV] p’F ; ifl oh all pun-.U ill pay Vncca vat mci pay a'l. uc ■l iculars ndtlresa IS. Gen. Ag t, ingCo.. Uct,riot, July 2, 18(12. )TJSB. I’iut’k, .. . uf-site TVay, VKGH..PA one of the Jnrgckt Is in thejron Titr, • be pparctl imputations Its rViilges.und Rail iincodvit to. the NSE NB, i o y mi i iperj ARTICLES. lITOS’. I>a. MSOS. .... iu OPE r-r* .;■•> ' r ',* ! 'V >i.: v:*«:! 1 1 tjjiVjo'.ni -< i-YljbtcV-' ' i -,,^;Vi'Tvi- t i if-'i* '■iHl-j..-. U) VI M,t j U/iflrl irCi- «_• iji*■.?»jr *!’ ” ran - n- Jol of.- this ;(:o'.! I IM. t’UlVj r* 'V'• *- > hc-ji Imr :;\y;i v 11 •n: ire ii i !s nri'i if at,| s’ c cncmi- i nlput*£l*-, 4 ]- :hv i>.‘uu si illeltCti UJ-j-K J. £fr*»lUT :ilul 1 r ; V'' eves i .\:<u r. v> otjcts idled,i * stud pacvem mg: os juid / jointly ■ pos • I n*rt!i t-yr, it quickly;.fynd ‘ s ilhmiJ-oM frigkily woijndv:. , ; sisjriis ok;., olk 'voklx- | t -itvAxs ']_■ ■ . ~: •>. , ,i'ui hei s,‘ si Tiitii o valuable 1 C.r « pit) tiinn «nV}»Vy o£ Ou.i LNAIIV M i l.i’TA liy SA lA'A:-. ]‘ ! ■ entry -walking, hi* rounds at . so drenching rain* utmj drill oii seized tnnirA V lOljt.ST' v 'ill!? , tW ‘ tiyst svyuid oms ot‘ (<L ll'K ui it with , iiOLliUj ; Jand‘ Ij‘^IA.O\VAY\S' -rpe i< avevtod,.' l lew Pills tfikeiji i/lji-p; and t'lio biuinujiu t»nd;.iy . day; oyur «he throat Mid .1 •. = i 5 PA I NS:.- unci-stop « >1 n'p or -1* AAA'P- l\Ok £ tJOCliAi tb’ih'y'U.liol»*":irniy. . IUK-K.S .vn’KN'HUX! : ; i > wn iiciiilir. I'iy U'W -thd ■{}i«»lljra\i.nn?l v e jilt; oii] v V j■ s n't 1 i>arV a ck ? lUtfloWav lra> j-tt; £•••.; ;.ivi <iin !u-K.I e i-sluMislHr-d u -i clava.'l l‘»>r i Inj KKMi:un:sJ c*xclu^ive~ru!v-;of jjijiA| ,a -tiiiie lits • »yiir a !«ni in weight ,;«>L- {.be iujrie ilay* e terrible aiid )T llie S'Vidirr in |. V; s6.r*'K& UM;j* Kli.l'i’'Tlo!XS, all [{fcnp iinn| before :these PILLS -AfML aiid jiirtW awhile* the Cr?l vhitra <• ■■■* - ■ Aidis: TO.viiT.rs:: -v semibreve nicri prusV by di*- ' their hands ihci-c ThIXIOLS Ilia:: n lit rjuiMe I).ini to 'resist s ‘ i*sthe tVyerV; iihc jc which' ;l:Vy;, cannot, •il is ibortn (;::nnbn\ci { i;em iy pet: ‘lo'jit'iii. oi.net-jl. .wliVithis ii -our' c "only lo pir their Ininds into :ilid fcl.u ft MIVC r/:'f*ttny i-ijillor lib* buttle held.; 'HmV hi-, lives w-mUI thus be' saved ijrrv'br|b>l 0 I’Ciiqf could, ,j. ■•" ■ ■ ' ■-.-I : ■ >■;•■. —Nbiu*niiles^ « ; w, Yohji Jt lid l.wt'i'Ji • .• US/ WAIV. jl..:vi I- lir «v,;y ICiIT ■•ijreCil-.-nh ,;t ‘‘T ic in:iy tv* jjl.nulr .Mfi.n •y/<;; A' Ivii !.|i><>n o rcwnrU v,-ill ■>iiC \ vl u; > ■ .'rtfrAj.iS.-i .* ">*v c-l r- 4r,Vvii;C to i\* j . ■I to 1 h?* • •ii rl.,** M ajjabie ory. cl .Vbfbc ß sor, : M ft i*i»-n ‘-h:. he. V;ik, arid able iJruppjra-- anti Pe»lv*. , f g : in ,t bpbout the civilized Avorld V[ ir.?. 'C'unts aii cl £•'! .eachv i • Is considerable in” by taking •dions.lV»r • t.lav , hfuKiah'cy j;a tlisordevai4«ii:ix<eu tb pach box'. * •/-' '' ; ,• r •* t, tie Room-foraierliy oc ojr' ciit xt-. BEAVE Opcned.il CliyiiCU. rriber having t-ntlcbhsp*.,-. [the I:.s trill envbjit'voi-.'to.ktcj l -cMi lulya’l. a'rticics ti-utiLly. ihhi:b 5U rptr-n -siifi X rab;i>;.i Slant iy.op. I' Dr lip >! ', ; f ''' •• ' v «»•;;*»! aua .»P;upp?t. | -ib’ : C hts kc-epjiig !h*s &iid may rely (♦: lihrfT i»UI fitlrcr art.ic’csl v. ; M sV* T-!-p fQL.r.d i Ifisr -c.itnblisi -! Ajviirictv i; Tea: K.ri 4 , Fancy />■ ALL ’ A jit SPOOL C < BRUSH TOLA , TLli c *>: °J '. r .(vs«v.‘ •'if* . .P'Oft ;}*■'#. ■ ■cut’s roa Tin-: .ioli.lt. ) r f I.PAU l'nU-tHLS, . STEEL PUNS. lIA]U •is. T-OOT 11-BR ITSlfts-. CCO. SE‘-ARS. LLB- ■ jj u NOTE:i ;l-bOLS-h i CAP PAPER. i/ , 7. J • •' ’ ■ -\y Carbon ' 0 I Jjaw.ps -fyn'l. V CJirmvrys. • few.of tbc anli lea, and a Lund. C’riU and yco. 1 i'V. : by. elosc aiicmion «rd: fair ive>atUiaon6u’!.o uii„wlio may hUbcir cu'rjtoih. "_r. c. rUccAiMi^’M^iv; ilar attoii!ioa . jyill be j-nid .*io , ysi chin'* prescriptions. . '[:iv.££7 * Court Sale of.valuable Real ’Estate.^ ■i. of fin-orncr of Oi-pbnn‘s v of hcjiyieri- county, -will lu,* cx-- by public vei'idiiC, Or Out-fcry^ oui ■■ -V ■ v_V’ ■ tjifse are « feu* ul'.vr.ys o: H.e will- U* 'dealing, ito j : favor hiiii wii ■fleSLclrijf I pmUuj' .ui) I*l Orphan’s I T)Y virtm Conn, ,po>-. ; diio saU tLc prcmi: 1 .* Satui nt :1 o’clock, Alexander 0 lie tjy Idhds of bv lands of J( lands of; I of .'John .'Gjai acres—about’ vjitc<l.| j'A'.gi on the; nferiiii TKR>IS—( [to be paid oft Coui*r, tbe ht c.qunl annual interest tbtfrt : , . For -furiln Anderson, A't day Get 25th, 18G2, f : ?. ni. t ilic follovriug real nojiate'of iltc'd*!, situiUe in Hnuo'.er wer co., hounded on the Soith John (iihhV heirs, un jhV 1 ohn.3VSiLam‘s m*lr.s,' oiuthb Soi’.ih i-;in'cc and* Wpst ; byi.-i«A i rcn’. Containing tiljout. • ninety. T-nd' well UfuUi ood hewed Log)Dwcl!ing; llouse 5 CS. • ■' ••• Jr- J ■ Jnc-lhhd of flic purclif.se; Jnoiicy confiiination oil the Sanity the dance of Jimchafcj m'ouevf in two I payments fr^ra-itiiiu'ilatc, with i oa[;ilVoin’ the. Same time. ijj.". ( it iiiforma'tiun in-(\:'ire of Lsviil i mV. , !. J ;r y\' .• By order.of Court. 3 i A. G- McCliliAßY; ;pt.]:24 r -‘62 .- i j Clerk; , Beaver. Se Notice in the Orphans’ Court, i* Cpxinty, ssti inns' Ci-urt, in for Denver IK the Oi*pli [xmmty, bt I’reyideni r ai:« .Court;!. .In tf •bald JolvusU i Mary Alexei pertw iwancc mureVor the estatCi&ituate County, Pa. • s Now, io\ri a rule on tile of Mary Alex a decree !of. s! with. Arcliihaj said real e^tu j«ire the- Hon, Hnmel jAgucw, ;d bis Associate Judges-;; bi' <cid fej matter ot the portion ol’ Arch u;- jAdraimstrutoi ; oi liic e&*nte ■or der, dec d, lor decree of specific Aeon tract with Archibald /Gil-' :onverance/!o lain uncertain real’ J in liupcwell lowusiiip. iteiver June. 2d, iBC2, the Court grant heirs representatives ihidcr, dec'«.'■•! to shew cause why pacific performance of cotjtrnct Id'Gilmure for the couvevan'’ tc should notW jnad' l loth, lfeb2.; Rulehit TO theisecend[M ! ondaj»j. ever ' 1 \ ' > f - ■«w- -H .' ■ , A. G. M .CESAE* • \ tno • I■ \-d ■ September returnable on next. ! A true ci Attest: oc8:8. ■ ' ; v Ke;i?r’s . Third Street, Beaver; Perm!#' ; 8. .£E£2, Znpri**. V'\ ■ * :* I ■ inut. >~ l , M 1 InuVij*- iTiit^e •en thoroughly jes iii tlie lor river j-plied fljll the it*, si Ki>u:-vx W>> l '••.•*- ii..-sc (i i’.r;.vT special A-cnt '** Jr " l 1 * iCIOJI •-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers