The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, October 22, 1862, Image 2

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!■ fiSaTThe, £fnr Of last week chaises
U» with dealing unjustly and ungeu
tlemavdy with them in our last week b
paper > but looking upon this language
as exceedingly mild and courteous on
the part of the Star as compared with
its former ooursej and as we desire no
controversy with it «0 long as it deals
anything like fairly,; and whilst we
still claim to be just and gentlemanly
we seek no quarrel-wi th our neighbor,
- ■ therefore come with a. flag of truce.—
Meeting of the'Returnffudges. still we cannot let misrepresenta-:
The Board of Return Judg4 met on of our ; candidates and parly up
!_ -. on the eve ot an election go
-Pridav last tb present and count up - - i i ... ~
“ , . f-jr , ed. The Mat must abandon the idea
the result of tlicivotes in the different ( - .1 .... „
districts in the county.,? The Judges lhatkanythmgfright in polffms. -
from Pulaski and New Slickly, Polumal vs moral d.shones
howevor, did not appear to offer their ty.and whatevens politically wrpng js
■' , .i ' T i, i tr.oial v wrong, and rule
■returns until all the oilier Judges had . • , y. .• ..
•. f ~ r> -rtsk, „r of right by which a man can be justi
left except One, the President of the » . 5 : _ •> .
, 'rt , ' : I -v- tied iii vilifying and misrepresenting
Board In-.act the retnru f from & sake of fcoltlfcal
■oewickly were not preifcfited, until.) . J 1 - .■ „ ■
*. , , , . , . i , -s or personal victory, and them is no
about U o clock at night, when there , . ~ .
.. . , r , . . ''piTiTeajde by which he can be justified
were none of .the Board. present but; 1 . y J ,
•:• „ -i , , in n \in doing a thing before the .election
the President and Clerks. The ° ® ' t..
'., , .1 , f.p -. ; that is wrong'alter, it. ‘
idem, as we learn, received '.tike votes v L, • * i
r ■ - ■ 1 , ; V Wo would advise the Star nokto ai
n't these, townships, although admit- ). 1 ■ ■ .. .„
, . ■ , ... , low usclt to become so easily •‘nettled
ting was done illegally and con- ‘ , , ■■ , b.':...
■ - ' , .... . V" ; . : ... . —nolto become by ;par
trarv to law, ijvenevmg. however, that i , • ! if. •
juitiec and esiH reqmredjiim to do « and gangrened ; by
s.i; Ot - ; ihislwe have-no comphiint to i P oli « wl opinions,” as to leadht; from
: ij .y i i*i ..|j! ,-ii the paths of honesty and trulb.- • ; fVVe
irciike.. HiU *ve complain that tm*. ; i - r. • ; •
~ 'J , : ; l . invite it to return frorn the evil .oi Us
33<W‘lx:n? then constituted retnsed terj . s • j • . .
receive the vole when , conting|,' Vay u,,d US ,n ?HJ
bidon- it'*: refukrlv certified, by: the j to uphold the constitution and
proper officiT: Will they sav'thatl^ «»<» in' down this
liiev (-Mrilti riot receive it ' logallvM mohstrousi-ebelliop.' It has as much
Then-ivt a sit them wlir did thev wj as we m tl.c tutcre welfare of
returns that the;- knew we? i lili " “ ,uJ S ,or wat
■ Umoil het'.ii'i? this ? Have liot dur sol- i il The " let ll
dues in ihe'llieldas n.uclr right to get'!™ its petty, and partyjeaJ-
Iheir vrne c.mi.ted irregnlai-Tv as ,| lU .Jbasics and unite under our banner
of Pulaski ai d Siiwicklv ?.■ Arc"'they ' Star Spangled Banner that has
tlviis-wiih inipivnitv to bedisiVancl.iscd fupV'ii waved, over the land of ..the
beeanse are an-w- from, home ‘pec and the home of vlhe bravo.” Let
' figiitiug for nilr.riglits and' bur lilmr-;Jkk ~n' p “pd stand by the old flag and
ties. Jivlii» ai-hitr'iirv' board ? Wv'dc- jrt will'recciv? a luarty welcomo.
•mobmwi'T as a gross outrage upon nurl Our excuse us for again
scl.liers in tjhe ffM-k we care .ui( who retbrnjig to the Stirs and;Stripes. We
We believe.' »l'»veV^^? ro ' ll ‘^ m AHe allu*
f- : .»!>«; .. a a the Stah come and
b.rtr i’n! rj'i.m-dy- will hq It.’let us.staud r t< geilief in battling for
is., probal.ij' due. to . t':ie . d'-iiyconunori country. - , 'b
,Board; as i| , be. fosay tjmt i ) luftiTi'r' r County.'
•wc un.iersipod that r.eiused.-to made on ihb day to whic-h it bad
i . .unt t'.ie arnji v \ ote I'erausy t here was j„,Ktp(,ned by the Governor, viz:
a see.noii injj !1 e ;ie! ot A ssc ni Idy whi eh . XjmrsiUiy, the lOtlj uistij' in peace anil
directs t iiein .ti adjourn to some da\ in ■ . a ,,j without|an unpleasant oc-
Novcnibert- But they did this.. , ;lln . t ; nc . e . \ V c urc^informed by the
If'.hey believed Hie taw required them ,Commissioner, in all his travels
to no l his.,it daty-to'do so. t i inu ,gUth o County; and with all his
. o Iniid Hnit this section in- itio all j c joVdyd meetings,, not a
ja'w is only ■diiyclory. and was ofvly , v j,y-.i oW ' of a idUrb'spcctful word was
intended to be applicff to so mw-h .of uUe red kga.nst-ahy of the officers of
the 111- m yvo 1 y not received 'atthe. UI(J 'i. Two , hundred;
regnhii meeting of the Board of Be- j I!; , mes have been • diaiwjjiy^^top vwL
turn .Judges, and that ih— . v W u. sein, wixu dUl.tus WTfie p< r ,
have, adjourned', until that lime to jrawn in ail the townships,which
count thclarrivy vote.nofyet teecived. | Klve been served, and. all goes on qui-
What .we have-said is tint, for the t , l!v -. u „p or dcrly. Tfie Commissioner
pnse.of finding fault. We believe >t ; l,\xd a yeiy trying task and duty
wa= done biAvyslly But . Y>crlbrm. He has devoted all his
id- bod df and
■Wednesday, October 22nd, 1862.
T. C. Nicholson, -
,S. M. Pentengill & Co. f
,Vo. 37 Puri Poir: ,V. Stoliit., Motion,
are our Accrue lor the Auers in those cities;
arul arc auiborizctl lo take Advertisements and
Subscriptions for us at our Lotcat Sates, \.i
power of mind anc >ody, u»y a
. The, State Election. • | )|Tj?ht> the discharge o£ bis duty.—
From tlie latest-inteljinetice ;rocoiv- jqjJ no t yrily super!mended, ’ but he
ed it seems .th*at the llreckenridgeitp. | June the responsible-.part of- the
have .tamed this Siato hy a small nia-j| W( , r jj'himself, as wo learn, except the
l| Joi-i I -As yet we are unable to give ;u .j ua ) drawing.
. the figures. We leave been swindled ; yii 3 t :l U e9 nm* have jOceurrcu, yet
and cheated 4y wo .j, avc heard of -non.ejb.ut it cannot
-and-lies niannfa'eturoil.anJ {adulated ; i, c - ex p,. t .i c a that under, the cireum-
Ly the leaders <>t I his party to? the stances surrounding the Coramission
promotion oliilie schemes ol tne\reh-. er - n j,j g duties. that no mi 9-
■ els.' The masses wilt sec, their -njis- ; takes corilii ~’have occurred, 'notwith
takd wlien t>> late. It is; n«t, strange . he has labored hard and tak
that so many could he deceived by the i~ n ..p p a j ns t 0 avo id Uiem and to keep
very men who brought lids war atid ; ,| Mi , ma ; nla j a a kindly and patriotic
this ruin upon ns—bythe very lr *y n i teelinii toward theStateand National
who brought upon us , all this cnor-;' ( ’. m .^ nI ' u . ' /
■ moas debt ami taxation. Tes. by the:; gMr. Patterson has done greatc’rcd
' VOtyiucn who are. using every moans U tfo himself, county and Slate,in the
to continue this terrible rebellion.-and discharge of the duties of ah office
finally to overthrow ;our good Gov-, which was ci.nibrred upon him entire
: !y unsolicited.
Header,-tly? election i> but w eW’e-give in our"-paper of this
askyou to t!,ink of these tilings, .tc' l -•«.,** the official returns ot the clce-
Ikcm b£rp.enihVred lor ail lime ; t( ’ 1 tio „ .^ u i,: s i-ounty, which shows that
'Although have triumphed e |, aTO C;m i c j the county by major
nio,'! gloriously in, Heaver County ye f rom about three to sev
ciui and win do heller v. lien anothei cn hundred, including the army vole
elect loh d:,y-omcs uruirn.J, and. if we sf> tUr us llt , ar( } f POm ; This .is doing
an defeat ed’ ill the :S;ate ui • us'riot- bo . ' VelT Jy, t .ji for old Beaver. Nearly ail
discouraged; wo may nice! v. i’h ic •; townships have done their whole
VQ hay shnnhorldria wh'le. y Ju(y undorthc cireungdanecs; If the
hut it-is utility a r.dy ill arise ;jnd li- y ()I( , rs j n t j,j. inny had- been at home
nally prevail.- and crush treason and . o;H . ma j ol .; t y would hitve been at least
the wiong. and eaiisythe opp-.sers otV j h, Q o ' r l r ,k*o. Of those of our sol- 1
the right to hide t\ivir in shaiiic.: or? the u t least sto ,1 belong
IBS?*. We fear I’roih all accounts that , l ° cur V' ar t> • \\ fiyUierSlio'tOlesgtV
rnr candidate Tor Congres/in (iiis by the j defenders of our country
Dislrivi. i> defeated, unless the i^Ul- be eouiuod remains to be seen,
vote "is counted.. Beaver and Law-! bhery effort will be made by
Ki.i-o has dime ndblv for,-I he cause of! *•!'« treason to preventit, we
' the Union. But we tear that there ; hut whether they will succeed
has UVu enough' of.treason in Greene > not remains to be told. ,
an’dWashington ijo oivrii helm. ns/ If -. ‘ The Army Vote- '
, sh.ive -must boar it. howevci hard. J Wc have not yet receivekl the elcc
£ia! Yillingiy submit to the ronsti- tiun return froth all the eoinpttuies. in
■,tii thin I ,''-the Laws and the will of t.lio’,.Uiv arluyf; but will give-a full table of
.p-j'ipy. anil iii’i dh like the Breekeh- their vote!next week. It may'rub
, by ibre;U : enihggvsis tetiee. ottr up to 800 : or 900 bun
;; • J'• ; J* —i — ' - ’Llred' i-n the^County, although but a
, :I?sW v T'* mir next issue we will refer tmall portion cf those in the army
tf). im>l point out sonic of false-11,’ad an 5 r. votes,
'•’’Kiiotis’ami. misrepresentations -somej <■
oi tne foul, corrupt ami opcsthave eleet'ed ouEr&tate Sen
means resorted to bv { the' Brcelcen- ■ ator and Members of the I Assembly
ffidijc Hughes Loc-Ofo'co' party heloie ' from this District, all of whom
• the]'election to defeat 16yal candidates represent us faithfully, mid will en-t
juid to secure the election of,tbose ;dcavc>r to thwart every effort of the,
, jybb would assist them in their trca-jßieckentidjfera iB their .treasonably
jonabla designs. ■" ■ purposes >
- Editor.
Beaver County El©cti^i|
Aud. Gen. Sur. Gen. Congress. Senste.
| | |
w s'
• ; i
districts, &C
- ; i
Bi e Bearer;...: .'. 'B6 49 80 49 92 .43 85 50 .85 ' .86 \5O 60
Boroueh 136 69 liB6 & 138 69 184 69 .141 117 66 69
Bria R £rater.J........ 44 60 45 47 60 47 60 48: |3 49 51
Briuhtonl 62 69 G 2 61 68 59 - 62 61 62 . .62 61 61
Chippewa.,.J........ 79 40 79 ,41 79 88 80 : 40 81 /81 89 89
DarUnetonl4B 61 61 144 6? 147 62 148»47 61 61
Economy-... 76 119 76 ; 119 .75 120 76 .120 : 76,176 119.119.
Son 7 :.":;;:::.:.... 68 -28 27 57 27 ; 57 27 62/ 68 24 25
Franklin 89 68 189 1 68 34 67/'39 68 86 37 ,62 60
Freedom b0r..l 43 ;18 . 46 19 50 19 ', 49 19 5l 51 18 18,
Greene J 187 75 190 74 190 74 190 '74 188 188 78 ,78
Frankfort dial 90 '69 91 ;69 91 69 91 69 91 69 69
McGuire's di5t......'. 77 66 76 60 76 -68 76 07 78 78 68 68,
Harmony,— 3 3 ' 8 ~ i 8 ■ 8. 8
H0pewe11—..:......... 70 40 70,. 45 -71 48 , 71 42 i7l .71; 40 40
Independence ..v 80 72 80 73 33 . 74 83 74 82 6 ,-76
Marion .. 1 12 55 12 55 12 66 12 66 11 ll?f 63 *65
M00n..’..-: 74 67 77 I 67 78 66 ,77 -66 . 77: 77, • 66, 66
New Brighton 221 71 223 : 70 231 66 217 76 229 218 .68 78
New Sewickly...,-.. 59 120 69 122 61 121 61 121 61 60 122 122
Freedom di5t;...:.... ,10 86 10 . 84 110 85 70 ,86 1 10 35 85
Ohio 1 ...122 1 87 121 .38 121 87 121 38 12 121* ,88 88
'Patterson.,,;.!. ‘iSi-lS 21 112 23 .10 79 ,] 18 * 2 l3 13
Phillipshurrl2 43 12' 43 18 43 11 ,44 li 18 -43 43
Pulaski ' * 35 ; 68 85 68 84 60 ,84 60 8V 35 ,69 59
Raccoon'*' .' 105‘ 64 106 66 105 66 108 66 .10 108 65 65
Rochester boro ....S:ao9 66 111 62 110 67 107 67 10| 107 60 67
Rochester »n 1. 17 40 17 87 18 87 14 44 1* 19 89 89
South Bcarer 128 43: 128 ’44 180 44 180 44 IS 132 44 44
Industry 67 69 66- 59 -67 . 59 '67 , 69 . ffi 65 58 - 58
North Sosriekly...... 04 102 67 102 64 105 68 102 ;ft , 67. 103 103
2268 1734 2&)5 1728 2309 1733 2204 1762 23^'2290 17411769
{ «, ' • " , f-Allison, E, 22471 M'arrick, D, 1
| Tmbtms or Aoittwt-1 HicCi B> 2211 Edgar. D, 1
1 ‘ '' ' * ' ’ ~r '' " ( : :
5 , i
Pemmylinaiiia Election, i
■ Pbiladglibta, October' 18.—The
lofficial retail* from Luzerne• county
give Slcnkor,|l)emocrat, for Auditor
Gonerapa mijority pt 2,821; Barr,
(Democrat, t£r . Surveyor | General.
1,839 ■majontip The' official! majority
for .Charles Dennison, Democrat, for
Congress in t|io Tweltb Congressional
district is 2,894." Pi . , I : pi
Washington County. —The Demo.:
critic majority for the State Ticket,is
4SB; foi Ln«ar. 511;
for Assembly, Hprpkiils and Glenn.
Dein., are. elected over M’Giffiin unp
M’Donald, Rep., by majorities of 417
and 476. The remainder oftho Dcm
oeratic county ticket has a majority of
over 400. P.; j, . pP : ‘ I!|
ScuoYtKiLtpCouNTY-T—fthe entire
Democratic ticket wasidebted by over
1.500 majority. Sleeker s majority
1,594 ; Bafr’ji, 1,614. .The draft takes
1667 men frbm the C|mu ;y. All the
lawyers except one were drawn in
Tumaqua; it| will be a peacabli village
next season.-P .! !■ P • ( ’
Armstrong County.—|Tho Demo
cratic ticket] is elected by, majorities
ranging from two to four hundred.—
In the Legiilativo district composed
of Armstrorlg and WestimireUnci.kiie
Democratic j candidates,' M’Cullough,
Wakefieliland Grahaini, are ot coureje
i elected - , P;>P PI '| » ‘
f 7 —=— I Bedford County.—-The entire Dem-
MelaNcholly' ' Accident.— Joseph jocrat County ticket i« elected by ma-'
McCready, a highly” respectable citi- jjoritics of frdm 400 to 1200, Cossnals
zen of Gi eenn townsliin-and Klirahoth- ’iy%u!| u g6gtjty : l§e
lamp with carbon oil from a can. on Republican Union ticket) i» elected.—
Tuesday evening, thc| 2d inst.. the In the Congtassiynal district
j. ■ v, nr P flnsß nrox- Glcnni W. Scofield is elected by a major
candle vras brought .ntoo close prox . Qf m | of thcrea boul B . ‘
imity with the oil, the cut* ©xplo Huntin«l>os County,— Archibal<T;
ded, burning both so badly that they jpAdlisterj'War Democrat, isproba
expired in a few hours. I They were bly|, electeii from, the District. jTlic
both mhch esteemed by all who knew entire Union countr ticket is^elected. j
them. : Let othe g- cansdeete^theif entire county tiplcf
ot by abohj 1650. 1
1 Merced Cwntt. —Give:
ca ; n ticket flout 200 fnaj
P, Venango County—.A
k good majority for the
Mean ticket ;;
i Blaiß Ccntt —The
lican county ticket is c
the TrCasiipr and Poor
j Greene k)UNTY,--Th
jbrity for lizear is 2,141
I ’ v ' crland cc
• j ticket; ’
irr, Dem.,
Wiboa, D..„
White, B.
i ,: . .
Henry, B.
Berg ~D—.....
M'C»ndle», B.
Laxe»r, D...'.
Barr, D.
Bote, 8......
Slehker, D,
Cochran, B.
Attention Deputy Marshals for
Enrolling the Militia in thk vari
ous Towniiups ANDB|bß(>uans oP Bf.a- |
VER County.— AH sdid Deputy Mar
shals are requested to call immediate
ly with the undersigned at hia 1 office
in Beaver. to make out their bills dor
[ services,'probate and receipt the same,
pieparatory to their forwarded
to the ’accounting officers at Harris
burg for adjudication. The under
signed being aulbociaed .tq .attend 1 to
the settlemcht'of said claim.
Henry Mice.
To the Editor of Arous.— De<i,
Sir : l.deem it due i;o a Religious So
ciety of people of l eaver County to
.ask you for a small space in your pa-
I per to correct some statements? mad'
jin various parts of 'the county
jin regard la the part.’ taken -by
ihein in this war. 1 mean the “Friends,’
or “Quakers.” From my knowlodgt
of those who have “[Volunteered" frbn
(Quaker families, anil of their conlnbu
lions in variqus ways in the suppor*
of the war and Volunteering, I thin 1
they have averaged equally well will
the most liberal of |other Societies.
And as a strong fact in the favor 01
'tha^. Society’s support of this War
would make it known that while
fwas authorized to exempt all wli
pleaded “conltciciitious scruples
bearing arms,” and was instructed
have as many-copies of a form of a
firmatlon printed lor those who wis!
"ed to claim.exemption ,on thalgroum
as 1 thought, would be required, I o
dered 150 copies I printed ; and I hi
occasion to-use only one copy for ai
claiming to. bo of a “Friend" Sociei
or Quaker family—-and he was a vei
young man 1 |
t®.lf Pennsylvania has had' her
&liai - o‘ol privatibn and sacrifices in
lids slavebohlillg,rebellion againatthe
freest GovernmetjLt on earth, Indiana
and Ohio have jhad theirs. Tho Re-- t . . j i
publicans and I loyal Democrats in Elecfen iPennaylvania,
these Stales void ulcered by thousands, HARRiiPßdctobbr 19. -i he re-
Vnd the result is the triumph of the suit of ,tl» e)e*i jri regard to ( the
galled Democracy in ibdtb. It is Slate ..tiolt'uril id doubt, but | the
something, to remember that , the probabilifes ufe fayoriOlDetuocrat-
Brcekihridgers I elected to Congress ic majpnt- J | i e I
from. these twb States generally out- Flttieerfjniis aw no doubt elect
bid the Unibn candidates |h professions, ed tOiUhgreß minding Bailey, in
of devotion .tbvlhe Union. How such ihe lGth isiri , I : / |
men can told feats'-in the: National Thf Hi atdre will probably
,Legislaltro andTVote agaidst the stand'asjolloi /House, Union
iGofernment ib a problen which the and 54 Lmoc* Senate 20 Union
future must solve. In th e meanwhile, and 18 j* mf gfoerally
let us hope that before that Congress concetledbor® there will be a
assembles the reWllion Will be crushed HemoflWb ' ofr&n#
and the Union mtarod*- : b«iw&
V * 1 ,"'W ' —vl'." l - 1 1* , ■??.
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Com. of Drafting- |
k i
»' a
(<M :
r t
Isaac Slenker,
.Union, 5118 ;
7(12;' Wra, S:
ii. . •, "
ial Democrat
tato ticket is
mtj— Offic
on tho S
ity—Official Dcmocrat
itlie Statonticket, 71)2.
t on tho f State ticket.
mnty— Official majori
-1939; Rons, 4953. lion.
, Union war Denicrnt
or vote Ilian any. other
Ibly ticket. JobtV P
strict Attorney I recoiv
ttel ■’ ' ■.
isi-iinth District: 3 haddeus
Nrilican, 4034 majority,
dnfcunty-*—Dongrehs Four
ilri Joseph Bailey, regular
,j4l; A. J. Glossbronner.
'ckiaxt, 198!!., ,
'dsi« countyv-Sixth Gbn
' pilot Stiles, Dem,
•ukrause, Union Dem.,
■( ■ ,
—Official Democratic
o UStuto ticket 5,914.1
;U!nsmnty--The Follyving
iciil b in this eonntyj: An,
jibruflenkcf, Deni., 3.515;
jocran, tl, 21 ; Survey or General,,
"Barr Dent,3,J Kod, Ui; 2,069; Self*;
ate. Cachet 14,3,515; Haines', EepJ.
2,679 ;i Hfcseihodcs, Dem., 3,491;
Snyder, l|p.»Bl. . !
Novtharfctofcn ly —Official Demo
cratic imaliritjjltli. •' i
is-~lB63— Official.
is. Judge. Att’y. Comms'r., P.H.Da’tr Co. Sur. Coj Aud.;
? ■ - :; !i ■■ '■; •■ :■ • : • • .--r® ■>•*•• ■
86 48 87 78. 66 , 82j 48 80 62 84 47
186 68 188 116 78 181 70 180 67 185 :6».
45 : 66 48 ' 86' 68 46 60 46 61 45 60
62 61 68 44 .67 62 61 67 61 62 60
79 -89 82 68 BO 38 . 79 40 7ft 40
142 61 144 129 72 142 60 142 62 140 61
76 119 77 -76 119 76 119 76 119 .76 *419
56 2D ',67 46 34 66 27 .68 27 56 27
37 169 ’4O 89 168 89 68 88 68 -- 39 68
48 !20 <45 48 10 ’ 48 20 45 ■l9 44 ”18
197 1 68 illB 785 76 185 74; 100 72 184 .72
91 69 93 91 68 91 68 90 69 91 ;69
72 69 77 ’76 07 76 67 71 69 76 1 67
8 >- ,8 8 . 8 .jV 8 . : 8- ."it.,'
Cft 41 •72 70 41 J 2 41 i 63 60 70 47
80 73 88 20 76 Tliv 26 ,78 30' 77’j
i 12 65 •12 12 65 12 661 12 56 12 65
75 53 78 72 00 74 66 71 67 77' 67
206 !78 216 201 90 21(4 ° 72 214 72 215 ( 71!
60 121 i6l- 67 123 60 121 67 122 59 122
10 35 10 11 82 10 35 10 86 10 35
118 .43 116 84 68 H 4 -38 76 64 110 89
20 12 i 21 15 18 $9 12 17 15 21 :12
12. 43' ■l2 11 45 ■ll 44 8 45 .11 • -43
■ 36 59 36 82 60 135 ;58 35 ,59 84 , t 68
102 .66 109 101 69 105 1 66. 88 67 105 ' 64
,107 694110 89 87 104 ‘64 107 . 67 107 64
18 89 1.9 17 41 l9v 39 16 -39 - 17 41
129 48 129 122 60 128 '46 127 45, 129 46
■62 58 B&r 44 63 _66 69- 43 63 57 00
07 101 60 64 104 [.lp-. 103 67 103 .60 .108
2240 1760 £227-2062 1892 22S£( 1740 2089 1802 2244 17|39
!-"-!.■[ y Vf‘ :
\ ■ * 1 ' ■ ■ • • • • 1 . !
1737. ,
1736. ;
'■ . 'y A Growl . j |
.Boston, .IT-i day Gelt 1.7.
A' Bermud|i letter' piiWish.ed’iln! the
Halifax papers of'the llt'.i in-di com
plaihs of the yisit of Admiral Wfjkpa u>'
that port with three United States jwtir
vessels at fdllows; ■ J |
, “Tho Admiral arrived ont.tso:|2oth
of Septembijr, direct from Ncw-Yurk,'
in 'four day? l , dml remained .ih;|'pd('.t
in ; d,chance, nfj the
Queen’s proclamation 1
34 hours .slap- ? j\ :
In cpncdiibion, the letter says : , i
- ‘lit won hi seem tbit AVidwvs barl; a
double object in comi'iog to, Bermuda ;
1st 1 ..’ To iripult the for he
must have* known what a ’ defciVeelqss'
state wo wire in ;andi3d. To
or destroy), the vessels 'in '.por|.—six
steamers'that ape engaged, etlbeiv ili
leelly, in tlie trade \viih- the iltijbel
ports"—anill to destroy all theippwder,
of which there is to he: ia^;large
quantity stored on one of the small
in pastlo Harbor, The'-.[Admi-'
ral and one of hisjsteamers has giiuy out
of*.sight frjom:Hie land, but Hies other
one, havipg 'coaled and* repaired,' is
cruising Outside of St.Heo.rgo.g Cpnit
plaints arjs also mAde that British
vessel arc occasionally brought to, by
Union gups while entering' the
ior of |St.;George:” ■' ! ! • I f
< (. ' i. - ' '•
A Tour Thro* the Refbel' Ar^nyr ;
A Harper's i'erry 'crtrre-qjniwlo.-it
t!vw y.t hf (Qn i‘ h r
who has (been within dho . rt'hel linea*
lor Mie. past few -Cocks. .ThefDoclbr!
corroborates the accounts wo have
previously had of their utter.dtsftitii-i
tidn'infthe way of clqUung-and sufi-;
and says .that ahj article off
clothing, other than a pfUr ,of ; oldf
worn out pants, and an equally diiai
dated coat, is a rai-ify—that'.; except
ing at' some of the (rtMioitd’ij head
quarters, not a is to lie seiiny and
!as . for a hlafikcl, not a soiiii among
them have even the seiithlatufe of- so
needful an article./ 'lie' crtales.
that since, their (visit to" Maryland,
and the consequent disappointment
attending that, movement, the’officers
are losing much pftho coat'-ol ovo,r their
men that they were wont to,have, and
-that they ft lie, men) are beginning' to
talk freelj- and frankly among them
selves of tl/e utl.oi 'hopelessness of
their cause ; |hat the spark ;of mutiny
and (rebellion find general 'desertion is
visible,-and itinay ntjanyftime ! burst
I forth in full ffiako. . | ,
vs the
ioritv. Ip
is usual, gii’es
jntiro Hepjub
| 1 1
whole Rep'uh
ilected except
Director. ■
reporiei rha
I lowa Election.
Chicago, Oct. 17.—Returns of the
lowa election come in j slowly. -The
Democrats acknowledge thei’i election
Republican jmontbhns’,|of Gon
■gn?A>.' Afahony, the iliird] dis
trict, is beaten :by 31000. * ; ; f >. ’■ .
• Buatij.voTON,'lo\vi Oct.' 17,--Su(!i
-eiont returns received determine 1 all.
six Repju b 1,1 ca ir Con g ress in eh elec t o.d.
The State ticket Ms! alsci elected ,by
about lb,ooo majority. ?. ;; j , ,'*■
The President the.Rehels,
■i A; letter t 3 Xo\v York Commercial,
speaking of iht! Presidenfaj .visit to
General M’Clellan’s Arm r, says : |
i The President's visit fraught
with many .interesting incidents. | A;t-i
ter leaving General Richardson's head
quarters) the President’Hqtfirty Ipro
eeeded to a barn, which |waS used as
a temporary hospital lijir frebel \
ed.l On enterings the sad'scenes Uhat:
follow battle met the! eye.
Air. Lincoln) afthr I looking ! arhund,
remarked to.lbe Confod e ra 1 1 v\v onn thyl
thajt if they i no ohjyjeiion .he’
wobld be pleased tp tiide the
' hand. The ( solemn obligations said '
hej which we owe lb our country and !
posterity’ compel the prosecution 1 of :
this war; and jit follows thatf n-iany oh -
both sides must become victims,! ami j
although they are out enemies .through
tincpniroilable* circumstances, he bOrp’
them no niulice. and could take them,
by. the hand with' as much sytn[ a thy
iind good as it- they were
brothers. After a short silence those
of the Cpnfedejpates. who could : walk
came forward, and each of thepi si,
leigly shook' bands with tlje, Presi-j
dent. , - I' ■ .
Mr. Lincoln and General M'C ellari
went ito the jbedlddes of those who
were unable to rise and cheered 1 hem,
eaying that every bate should be be
stowed- upon them to ameliorate their
sufferings. It was a touching scene,
and there was not * dry aye* am one
tba votutdstt. ‘i-(*■
■ 'j- :
T.i«fc of Persons 'Drafted fbr- the
i? County'of Beaver;
r»- f .. 1 > ■ ’ ' :i. . 1
'I- • HANOVER TP. ■■
Ijeorge Little, ‘ John Yolton. v
John Frazier,' Aaron Mincsioger,
Benj Chambers, Alexander Nickle, j
Sam’l. Richmond, Jos. B. Barr, j
Aridrcw Cown; ■ James. Wilson, I
Sarrtuel Bigger, LangfittJ
Patterson Brmiton,\Villium Keyan, I
John J.jCamphcll, J. R. Little, I
Sam’l. ChesDUt. JamesiLeech, I
Jonathan Smith, Joseph Haney, j
S; Swearningcr. - I
k:[", I : *NEW SEWICKLEY.TP;'" \
Fred. Frederick. . James Sala, ,• ! •
licnry Bright, . Coslih Burns, t
James Akins, . j JSVilliam
Peter Marrian, j Oliver Baker, s •
"M: Shenmberger, Adam Wipple, V
Benhart Groff, - Adam Efit, \
Scbjwti ah Lutz, lip bey t Bakei. •
Sahiiielißeani,' , *“Jdhh'
Joel Powell,' Gotlcib Muntz,
Alex, Romac, - • Jno. Is. Peirsoll,
; James Reader,' Enos Powell. , ;
' Lowry Morgan, ■ Jacob 1 Kerch lor, ;
Saratielpfellon, iiJohn Kriehs,
Lewis,Beame, ‘ 'John L. Wolf, -
Chas. Cookson, |John Cunning, I
Wm. Masscr, , ' Henry Erne rick,'. (
Tims. Wipplij, Henry Blinh,-
Adani Funk/
Jno. Stcinhauch, Abraham Hunter,,
J no. F. Kiddle,' Martin Doctor, *
Adam \Vipplo, .Philip ,L.‘iwaH, ■
John Zinkhun, ; Henry Stiles,.
John Sfianor, y, : Alva Shanor, .../
Gi’rDl'n.'Getmanj! John '.’drier, .
SJDouglas,i Stephen S'hatfoy
William Lozer, HarrUon Poo-sol,
John Hemrnoly, Jacob Eomuckv ~
f Win. A: Corcoran,: ; r "
C. T 7. Sills.i
G. Kojit
T. 15. Hunter. > Alex.
August. M.nnsh, - . Kobe
L,L. Jnme
Charles 1 ClvUiis; 1 ‘/Then
Tims. 11. Mason, Ilciim
Allan Green. ’■'flew.
\Vin. Anderson, -S- ;Sn
A i:'
A!?i!biii>Uin‘'hiini, : Midi
Priertd'jV'qtiYi,' -Case;
Tliqs..(ThaihbDr!< Beiij.
Theojdjjlus BohiOj Jak
'Chak 'E, Gbvjli' • Audi-
VioC Idall/er, John
%-r I FRA|kia.N ;
Hic'qb -Dell
L. (Jiitialior, , Mjcl
Homy Lutz, Oreo.
|Ed win; Pierce, . Heir
I Pred'k;. Alborne, ■ Goo.,
Win/. i Men
Ghas.: KHas'Sr.. • Jno.
Abrahiuii J as.;
llirani: ,Xyo. , IJhs!i1 J hs!i
Peter Aulshouse, J :
T. II Hunter,
. i ; - ,r'_r -
Geo. Alsliouse, ly.
.Geo. Majors, , ■ ■ Job
i7l,ew-;s.Bo\vcrs,. Job
•.Peter I ft. ? ■ Jiic
•Ihuiiel t
M. E J3\vain, ; J; I
i :i 1
■■ j|h 'south beav
William McC'ii'v. J;i(
Jas. 'F. MiUheli; Pe
■ThonyaS.'Kldor, An
fr('o. AViMoore, Jc|
(Alor-ran Builders; J, I
-Jns'. (iaivin jr. '■ >W
W.C. W.allaci*,tV
Abner Leuard-
■Robtl Gorsuch, Pc
Wm. C.':Sliai4in)iv, D
. j J ' ■: OIi.EE.V-1
A mini W: Ilarslia, S;
James Craig, , i AV
Johnston Irwin, ji
Jiifi. li. Mitchell,' Ji
H .■■ * MOO.N
t P,.- f/autiseliJr, , I]
I SiuiiUcl \V hi to, , , J
I" ’ ; I "■! /FRKEDO^I
John Hill,. 1 V
Djekiuson JoUv,; J
. . liUKiUljp
Mason Bov.ingtpn. i
'vsguThe Oipeihnat
thiv\Soine tivo year;
i*n j’;
pilled about i went;
and .'-out them inti;
gave them farms,
Xiiw,' the old gentle,
plism to the govei 1
from hi|s hdine,|in Ke
an ■■asylum, with his.
j rMSrA. general inip
iri higlj]Military circ
tlia( the rebel* will
Virginia ithis' Caiß
week's,] owing Id tie
sustaining thoir ari
Every th ihg has - fee
white" men are figh
groes have fun aw
Bent South, so tha
crops tire s
ruin' of XUe proud
, .
1 - \r
OHIO xr.
G eo.
Christian Swat?', Ab
C. -Smith, Wi
,Ileiii-yi A. Bryan, TO
JI. Brow n, Tib
Henry Snyder, Ab
Alexander Mars, Sui
nk\v biuoutc
John F.JlolincS, Jo
SU‘plicii»llvnilei-, |).
iiobcrt 11. Sinilli, Jc
George 1 Bruce, G.
Phililt Landis, j J.
Frederick :
im. Wallace,
lin Koeil,
hn Herron,
•essiori' prevails in
os in Washington,
entirely aUuulon
oV; .'vvitliiii'-n few
impossibility of
hy•■in .that Stale
bn eaten up the
ting and- the ne
ay or have been
t the prosperU of
ind altogether th? |
Did Dotuibiday is
J ■:! - ■■...■
I are indications of ui o
p’ttiiCe- of thb A|niy ofi tjio Potoniac '
[Two r, strong ’; rcepnnpwsaWcCs W( Z
made on Thursday to ascertain Uis
enemy's strength and o n 9
divjsilbn Of cavalry, pnd ;l a(;'til| erv *.
comnrtiided by General Hancock a j
•vamfedittthe direiaion pfCuurlesiown
No" opposition was manifested 'dh t ji
our army I arrived near Qhatdestown
when the enemy made a decisive stand
fitt 1 an advantageous position, and ,' O ,
aisled for three, or four.hours our ad
jvance, until o)ir. artillery compelled ;
them to retre it,. The latest rq, ( , rt
from this division ds .that it, baj
advanced beyond Charlestown tf.>w a |.j
Winchester, aid no enemy
met will).; ■ T ie second ‘ under com,
mand ofj Gen; Hnriiphreyj*,djtom den]
Porter’s! corp?, crossed at Shepherds!
itdwn wiihoht resistance. .and moved''
Mai tinshurg and liunker'iliii!:
designing to cooperate with
llancock! beyond
iWhen they met the rebels a skirnijVn
Occurred, ” the eneiny. /ailing raj;;.’jji- !
tiackv . Jjasketry firing has :
fiea'rd inpthe directipn.of pin-advanced
column?.: . / - ’y
yThe -'.Washington, FiidaV
afternoon states that the ’rebel Ucnck
hi -Stuart, with tr force' pf, ; Viwci|a
and 3,0 JO cavalry; reached ]
burg oh Sunday last andj halted there
until, near nOon of-Monday. J n dil.
ipeanlimo’a j
infantry ar
Within j«'npp(
ia hope dial
on Stuart I
aware that t
.however, u
\\’ inch ester
frym: the vie
! Ehe rebel
nels A-ndert
and which
Bull on \V
have nninbe
,iiig aml .pf
value of th
they threat
into their
day he tor
have, been
The, Ad mi
'against tf
« Watt,
(i. Boj li,
■r Diiwsor,
7 .
:t tp-
lel, Moran j
c Kjrk,
’ F. Austin,
V Jackson;
cw Taylor,
U, fpo in pie.
a thousand
before sh
Dodge. « : a
fragment c
.‘mated at
lurk. -
iAll the i
Potomac h
guii boat's.,
ing thy toi
the rebels,,
their apps
however, '•
any j
’ Gapt. SperryVconi rhanditjg at jßiril
Point, bak returned 'lrani 11 secmUt.j
expedition, and report the !rei|t)s i:
M lesissippji county, Mis«oufi;T:
UVUVO. ijha RtU'.i'Sl* wr tltc ru«;ivuJ
ing Tuhgbhorhood were flocking. ;Va
camp, at. Little ilVver Ferry,
.miles ft'omjSew. Madrid. ’lt is
that; Aho force in that vice,,a-is I,; .;
thousand or fifteen luindivi. .'-acLis
of horsemen'are scouring the ojinly;
stealing horses and pltintkiitisr private
citizens. .' -'y . ,"'T ; .h\
■ Gen. Price to he. gall.iji’iii.rt
large ti am hen -of troops .at j-H.'lWa
with a. view of atijsff ■;
some pn nt oii.the MobiK* Vi'.i nH
,\V. Lesnell..
iael P. Nyov ' ’
ry Knoepp,
.Steftter, ;
ry Pol ter, :
iPQuishii n,
Wrigbt J r..
n Sj
n M
icy ary,
.endnckHon, . r!
Swank, '■ -j 1
iliaiii Hand, 1 };
pinakK..\Vatt, fi
>s. A.I; Herring,.
iH. po'vell.
er T i“.
(ilcscJri 11. Cole,
JterW'dlf,-:; ■
iidrow Johnson,
remiah Haney,
M. MeMUk-n, .
:Ro:uT. •• If hew-'is a rumor Ue'i;-|. i \yp
ivndy h.Ql'w'ell ain heiu iea tfd, ,t irai «
aUaelv .had, been made
troops a > 1 stand No. 10. : Th<*tv,f*
-boon no boat from Slemjdiis Jor
aay»/ T-oiiltie is ftat ed on tin ijvir.
Captain Tiller, oi tiiip bark .Vi&iaii
which- was destroyed-' by five
••2ho.’’;hts arrived home, and imsra'
the New Jledbjrd *jklelcji’ry tbinV
S.einmcSi was voryindependtni!_:-su‘
jilliaVii Wilson,
illiam Harvey,
h n Heevcs,
J. X'
hnXi ibson.
- TP, } ■" , \yi
W. Erwin.
I. Patterson. “
and qui(ik in Ids' romtuks. loo•"
dud treating It is prisoners ami »«•'•»'
dogs.' .Souie'of thedtfieers wen tnw
social, and wished '«i
opt of llie scrape they.- had g’P ’p
The AlVbama left Eg
land on a trial trip;; but..weil' bt
and is now under the direpllou »i &
English, who arc to furnish her
supplies at the different'islands tries
she is to slop, and while she i> t c*
tinuo to prey <n>our commerce •
Reliable' information states 'fuS'
trol, with about 200 men, made ‘VE
mi S.bawneestown, ■ on fnlp
burning the greater portion “tp
town- and. killing nine cilpl'ir- p
'carrying off till, the : Horses -be |J, F :
find. lie passed little SnnlajFe.*M’-
mi his way to Kii'nsak'l’etnppl ;;
t he f sumo ■’ direction. ay o <>', tkfcic _,w&
rnornining. Considerable ,es.idtv* - npl
here. !■' i : p |
Stahl, on. Saturday,! "'Hn >
icnt of cavalry, mep alp;
j rebel 'cavalryoami a! baft;l
llery*, near < tljoroiichtiirt' f'd' 1
ticked them,
■heiny and dhc <:ai? s l"! ; ; n f {
nnitmition. - . The eni[»W
anil General'Stahl ip ;, i
•>CB TP. '
kor Butlyi*',
inyidKccdJ ‘
m’l ifiCa ul(.■!>',
m. Campboll.'
iy rp.
f ■ ■ l-Y
ir :wiis6n,
ilcCo'iiaii n I’-o} -
:r tp. i
>hn B. Voting
)hn Parish
■ »•%
eriry Street,
)lin Davis';-
1)1 st. .
, | fon-e ofl
|<jl’ artil
jiamj ntt
yf of Ili t] (
: witli ai
■f. Tele
l'i iday.
iCHjjo pi
at Lex
report i
loot)' mi
liglit th
nuMils ■
hold ths
in. Sehiiohell
nn bor. ;
i to c. 4 Irons
S TJ*. "‘£r
• ajf'V an yi!l •ren
u;is,,ivy.? 'cinaiiei
’ V>f tiisrj uoyroes,
Ohio, where he
They prospered,
nari, for fiis patri
‘nnveni, is' driven
'ntne'lcy, and.finds
ornier slaves. -
■feel ;uf
tion upi
*'•. ,T f
into tlij
tors bn
od toj
I r.
I ■* .
Biff.. 1 1 ‘
id artillery I'.
»f tUbl« VI iVt rfdo 6f- Siu-irt,
an attack wiiii 1(1 l. t . tMa H .
:>y our, farmy, not be'ijiV
: e was sifpyiorted. J
■bk> {tpoij eaie to mo\4 itp
before alponsi.deraiiV lb;yo
inity could get to liinj! j;
force'Hihmamli-il bv (‘.jlj.
■on,- Johnson and-.Marijii,
•Oblicd tllo stca.mcf ■ Haiti;
;dncsday„ is supjjosel;
ml 2|t)oi)jj'Ci ronoyieSjllfiiij.
wder' were, taken
red thousand idolj^rj..-aWd
ento burn all lujnts faliSnsj'
bands ' after:; Uijt lirA!
iral and •Pliiladel)>J.iia. U'
were Mimed at Adniifc;
3 jvstcniay. fn(>!jif»sed : i
the. work itt'afn iin.-endnm
a!. while huvami;.- fioM-e
.• Philadel] diisfc iTuni '.wMcJi
> jwjis |esusyc4 ; Jjfijsj
s . widindhi'''hy a
t’a shell. .1 'J.'lt■ • N i' d-A
seventy-five jhoa-aii'i del.
ll<l i ebel' works” .(iii-3‘,3'
iave been destn.>yed l yv'j'lr
While in deyry
•lifieation p-y.:?.
inranee. Hut a few
aused them to retrain true
r movcn'iehts. ' ■ j .
graphic communicator •
d with Paris,, Kents
. A : detachment /of
valry, cut off frc»m..o^ r ;^
ngton. arrived at P? r^,‘
that, John Morgan. wui' A,
en, entered-Loxingtpii ,
is morning, driving, ?, :Sl 'v|
! cavalry.'. Snffirif.nt reni'*
will reach VPaWsf
kt | :f>
cn- Prontiss-fd\>' tW*';*!**
the- Emancipation
vn the South wak
•uis. 'in all ,
to it- in a maiim'i'
ivaa ithe ono : filing
ie negroes ' Were being > l j
ie Interior for wafetj'-:
'■S hntiibew were W r,
» thousand in one pen.
Hlw lijte: cattle i“ m
.. to 1.
i : . T. lisrnuci, Ks'i-> *' CMr