i :'vk:KITXF AIR -- i rß,EW f®^^ AWVI:S Golfee.'! ••This is the friHreally clever com?c and -BRAVE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS* uS.'-x ,holtowa y. ? s pills »r.| And* Ointment, <■■*' raid an diMi> j _ our rcadc „ will be glad i-'.kiiow whtrc ; ■ ' . rr A' . . d.-tfsv Tho«*«nda.wl... have been compelled to j . fin( j n^,j Te mn that has swnctUtog : ; j L WHOhave Friends and Relativeem the, nhi.ntVtr-thc use.of (iertee, will-use this w.th-i j-„ j, than mere * jwo.j.'’V-nlrf<w«t«-; A Armv or Navy, slibiild take([Special care. -,ei ,i , -ru es ,|(M ( e can contains the ; . - • ‘ - {tihtiiev be iiir.pl v supplied Vilh-those Pills .-'•■ongim . V two paudd= of. ordinary coffee, j V ~l iiV s pa - er j s esccllcnl. .... Remarkable . aijd Omnuejit'; 'und<v. in-re tlic'hrave Soldiers price fib corns J.L ' ' I for m-iginalnv.”—-V. V. fr„r,Ucr. I and Sailors have neglected to yiov dc tj.eti.- - : K n l-f ! OC , K'i n I' ..Vanity Fair is conducted by a vivacious, ; M , v „ ? lh ,1 1 ,. n ;.ii0 better prcsi.nl. can be sem. -TI-.c fur, si and -best BAKiNG COWUbk , oi>d intelligent corps of. journalists. — lllcl;1 * v llicir |*U*ifils. They have been proy-: hr -.\vn. for making light, sweet andnutritious , n\, nn 1 >;«jm,yr,.cdiobelhc Soldier » nevei-inning Intud in driaulrnnd Cai.es, Vrice lo cents. i ..\\i.ll wield as potent an influence as that of,: t!ll . (1 , ~C . C J . .) ■ . Maifulaclnred by _ . . : [be London I’ui‘rii." — Trmdi-r. ' i pol'li HS AND COLDS AI'FF.CTING TROOPa • ..1.11. KOLLOt K. < heratsl. - ■ i . ..Whosoever rinds-himself laughing at thej Wflt-be speedily removed and effectually r imer o,f lirond and Cho«inut streets, , j Wt of Vvxtfv Fair, and docs not return a 1 cure d hr tlsing.these admirablemedicines,and. 1 ■ . PHll.A.Uf.Ll’inA, ' h}ii(i /*ro eat.. is fit for -treason, and spoils."* -* by p! tyi n j* proncr- attention to the Directions An 1 s.-.M’ij'nil Druggists..and (* njyers., : X. V. ’ '"j which’ are attached to each ;Vol or Box. ! il—_lL_ -.'1.--J a-'-'-e-.n-iTt - AtiTirv • SICK HEADACHES AND AVANT OF AITJN .< ’ 7 TIIE ! Si I.CiAL NOTICE. | TITE INCIDENTAL TO SOLDIERS. JttOENING POST.; . "l3 . Tlip best Kauiily Newspaper in f .has thus tar attcuded the j.ui.Ucaiu.u o * pcl j* r i ral t ion, or taunginutl Tirtm Vx'V* V T * •[': **> AMTT r ATR. ita ll.U* ilkilllbinir Ui«M LiJaUlflliV W i Enables* thfcipubliplier to anuounce that ' Vl . ,h ; of lia- liver anil w«.:iiac : ii. Ibcpc i'r- And. the only Dcnioeniiic • .licet, . c , m ,, UC ncenicm id the Second A olnnic. is- . . |, c ii you licsirotobeSvcll. i • , i\*-' ua i. .• ; -tied tiiis day-dh 111 ,!nnc. Nc.v 1 ca.tii iiot i _.. j.jjj, t; ,i;iu2 according to tlie printed ■ i;STABTJ,S|IhI.) t - i Ijiierary ..ml Artlsiittw.l! be « h ' c “ ' will a pr<duoe a : healthy Ii contains alt the .l.CUur.At -.Eds pF,ji* d i i UC ieasC the vjJu.o and inicic=t ol -' ,e P- .. . . j i, vi . r and iiomach, and .as' a 'i tin, t>AY reliable"’ Monetary, Market ..tsmhj a „,i lul’ty ; naiatain tnc, prou.i iKtsilion ■ li;ll , lr!l iy co j M ...nctice^'alcleir-ltead andgoodap- Coiiinicrcial reports ;. 1 el a choice .selection.ol , u ! nuaimousiy acco.,d_*d lu it, as InS leading . j ~'pcte - " * ’ '■ Tale-, iiirfrvn Literary:and Scientific ; * i " '\i E vICNESS UK DEftILITV IJiDCCED BY !c Slat ml leal Infoiroatton, . 1 ,1. Coill.lt JiiCjINIAL OF A.MEIUCA. | OVHU FATIGUE, ;i- Agncui.u.-al Nc'vs, .Ac.; - ' jif • ; ; v j Will soon .Esipjcar hy,the use of these in. i ;f I - ' ‘ i . vabuildc Pills, and the Soldier will quickly ac- TitJJ Lalest I nt iu News. . : ~ nuire aildinenal ..ircngtb. Never lel iLc liow-. Puilr..;epery important Item of Ncb-s.'j . VANITY FAIR ; ,i‘e!s be either confined or unduly ’acted upon, horcipn Congressional , ; j, is-rrn ni.e.ii.Al.l.v l.\ tin Till r.-o.'.v. ',!u mdV seem s', t a line that Holloway's Pills I •’l”' i’.jfetjoc,/' Ecgi-lat iv-c Pro- I and is lor Sale by all Newsmen.-and at the . ou id-be reconmiended lor -’ltyseniery and * , . eccdings. iter. Me. - | tillice ot‘ Puhlicatiou', No lid Nassau-aiteet, , p I.^.1.^. ninny persons supposingtlini ihcy would i cries, .pi '■ ;.*r mmm,i fur- d, Siugh C-'-f.r. ordl ; w York. - ‘ i increase I lie relaxation. I '..This is » great ritidk (Wpiir one yrarfur #Uh I t . take, for these Pills will correctAhe liver and ‘JAMES P. P.A’KP. . a . TEUMS: 1 ’ . - . i stomach and thus remove acrid humors , Editor nnd Proprietor. | Three dollars per tijinumv i“ advance—Six- ;. rrom lt ; e system; This medicine will give lone iv.ynet Fifth and Wood sis.. Pittsburg Pa. \ j. enla jiinglo eojiv. > •• 1 and vigor to the whole .organic system howc»- yohr inoti^A- by mail at toy risk. TEI.AIS, EtlK CIXBS : . cer deranged.•vvhi.le health and strength follow 'hr 'L.'tTTT' Two copies ui Vanity Faik wiii be sent to ; as ~ nniiKT of course, i Nothing tvill stop■ the iIN ±b vy i 0 address tori-........'. "l \ ;S- r > T»0 'vehixation of the Bowels so sure as this fam iwr. BEAUTIFUL EDITION' 1 riveennics;..- .4 1....1.....1i!-t‘« : .msjmdicii.e.' , ■ •’■. [- , aiiy- ■’ T . u c0pie5....:..... ;• VUIA NTEEI’S ATTENTION F INDISCUE -t.l- THE J. , , -I K; -, v ,win be,’allowed to thegetter-., TIONS OFi Y.OCTII. ut:r*(jr-: O v ■ tT}’l I ; N. Minof-evirv Club of not less than live copies. • Pores anil Ulcers, Blotciiiiigs and Swellings. 3ji-.it asi.iu J. ..a/i. vA S l-Wi’ l ' U I " ik-. - -can with certainly be vt.dioalhf cured if U,e Tliis pfiper'is Klocirnty’-cl. and numbers s are taken night and morning, and the I mav be procured at any lime. . i ointment V-e I reel j used ns slated in the prir.t- LuUIS 11.,-STEriIEN.S, i ~.! instructions. U Heated in any qthcr man P.ublirhcr for the Proprietors. 1.1:1 Nausau-st. :' IK ,p ,-, IOV j,. y U p i n o nc pm •obe.-i\: "i Ncw-\urk. juliier. Whereas tliis p : . : .i m .j,i. l :. ,! .. 1- —= —: Ik 7"; i the btiiitors. i id... : -_.!-.cai ai/.i , • TO COUNTRY DEALERS. . I „ vigornds and, hi-ahliy man; It yill re J;,'„yl:s ',S’b■' ti'/lil i'll (li HVio/c ; i|.tirc n little perseverance ui bad ca.-ee to m *•'* ' v ,;, - sure a ci.ro* ' ,*■ ,1 i FUiliWuLNio-EITfIEK • OCCASIONEB P> ,TKo siiitsiTilit.T lifts sil>vays on na-nl , T „ E ~A VI. M . T . uK sakUE-okTIIE 1.U1.- )sgrlll, l's iV M (I alley's Siwllci* ck.Rva-; -.SOKES oil Eill l^r’S.'' iloi's 1 lav's. .V til li 1 lie lies. Sll al*lar> l s ; To wiiica every Sol'iier and Sailor arc aabiy \ vitUnicltC. I’itVlU'o’s 11 rammars,. l>i- '■ there arc no'iued.c*incSis.. kafe. < mu-c atol coii iiil.-s yi- Tbslaifiviits. I.clicr Cap anti i vcn'icnt as ll,.noways Ibns ana ...at-ioo,- U 1,1 - u , • ,s j poo;* • ‘.l-iiiiii,:*, i.i.uu .•iiumu i..i c iu Jianmcrvial XTU v. pa pel's I'.n Vcloja-s. U r.,,,-lyl, ii oc iUaniv'ihioks; I’a-s 'iinokJ. Hlfyl .lVn> v „ ll i,| „i,U-|ni,v;do.h:ir.s.ii ylth i'»i' purcli. ■ n'lnT li.il.l'ofH -Cfliv ]><M>k'-».,Sj}tU-s. I tils. ' i.-ss Oiiunlcnt, wi.icli slomhl be,thrust inlotoe i l'lcsiaialsyii.iiml't Hoards.: evV-AiV- 'i ""'"id cad stacan-d all aeo.i.id it. the., emeved i • will: :l piece «*t linen iioin .~:i: U. jiin. • l.suai, -thM-oni.l lor caslr . -L< -us imiidhorchici! .Taking ; -tlii‘.l Ut r * anil morn4l tr tl o»‘ c. I ijU,. lu cad I;:e sj ■ tl, ( . i-i 1v; j IJp rdr.-. S •!» A \ IS. i iciir.Mid p.-e-'-'-ni .itil itanrlun. ' f'li'lS ! 7*3 Tu'Oti St., .rittslju’ljtfll.; . l-ivcy boblicr's ; knapsatk had S<anaaa'.- L ,- . _ 1 _-f ; chest si.onld be provided with these vaiaable ,( S^j!ATVIEJ^ : >, . d i Kciacdics. -, r t in : |T ,v-i !\nTI ‘'IT CM TIOX, mie are gen nine unle>' ‘ l I'i 1 •’ * « *l*' * f '«!'»- I* ;• lJ .; [!:, v.... .is "Jt- ii’iu (»y, .A *J or:; 1 .ml iAn.ti>n>. f "r\ m A TvT Prin .io lilscAliable u» ii vv’ ‘ l«’r-n:»irl' !?■• er*»ry ie:a J Rev. xv. T. I V i ,* *3 * • *,r t),e bt«»k of directions nrouiul each pc-t * - -Mfs.A. S. -Taylor, Governess, • viox: ibc san.e plainly by W.diiuj ! 4 ri I .ST r I>.\ lii M il, >()U '1 ilk KI»U- : Ml l'\f tn the H'jhtJ ■ A linn'l-'iiiic iv : .v.u ;I _v. n A ct ■ \ oifinj Ladies.* Special care ,bo given to him onii rendering suck ■ infornu;- . ,vi 1 ill li.e ‘rriiuaiv and Prepupiiovy L?- : lion ns may.lead t«i the dclcciioii of. any p«r*; . - * *. £ t '< ; or.pariics ouunte/! *’:'ni«;themed;v.n' , *!- , Ji vfcinl ii'.-t- ■-e.'irtiv..will r V '\{\ exemptiTuil'inn 7u»d V.'arldng. ■ iu'" the sirne. knowingtliea. to V« -jmfbms. ~cr.era. oftoartecaweeks.;.:. -Ciiits a" j «'*SoM at u.e oij'^csai ' ■ Tuifilm from .'V. .-At p. f>4. -a .; Hi.li.owyy. Ho Maiden bane. ..cw ■ i ana . .iceiio. t r ,. .; . .y.i.,,,1. -1..,-,. r t o make the scliooV worthy I liv all 'rc.-pcctable Druggists a:,.d. Dcul->> u- E Veen; or. 'I ■ coiitiiinec of. itpatrons. j Medicines, _t(,rot. glum. ,hc i.l li./.d tNirpl. in i ii Ll'Vvivni 4 ■»* ■ /i £-*it Send lor y A’aial'Jizue. | ),*>xes at --j in.*nis. i an ; .| c*iy- )• « • H. I. Is AA IA i«ll Aa>l 9 - auv:ug.by; taking a -J .«,_ „ ' • nexi re.m commence? Ang. '*-• I A\ . ' -i ' I LOB N EY ATI AW r; VM Mli ; LK a.’pl,il....C W Kcw-***. fiu.slfg: , N.’‘iei-llirlctU.i.s fur the gt.yance of pa ; - (li-'.. c -; / j C. .1. fc!'i/.o„;'s Qr/(,_r. i - - - , ' ‘ it- ,ts hi every disoftlerareuinxetl tveacb box. NUKTjr X SIDE OF THE TuaMuNl). ->| ILLER & UICKETSOS. ‘ ■ i “- ‘■ ' • ■ '. ;i ( f: ' TAissoTutioii. i.jHlWtlißubb UuWlLl.o, p-i... ~ r „, ■ . -- . 1 •. i _ ' , ‘ , * •’Agent Mary J, , . j Mines? Tlozetta •ITTIHL C7o-pny!iior?hip hereiojvrt l existing uiv-; v an'lj imfortei'-s i»f‘ ‘ IbilVnap ■ '■ '• Nelson i|, <•!:« .) f , ."'jp, der'tLe nauie ahd >:yle vt M'V’ox Xf.t.L vv ! - - ■ ■ : • * (’impniri Matilda .s->g;:io Lahiyeite % ' kl*ATii;Aviiis, Fallstoul ongaire.V -ut-tho Foundry.; BrJUlßirSd WlllfS S.H(I SeGTIIS* -Cotter MrsMojiu ljourg?. ' .and iDmiiiac Kusiticss. Wasdiily-dis'-olvcd lin :" 1U ' \ '! ’f / (v.ler Michael ' .; ' Pl,ill.- Mrs; Mary t*ie *M flay of dune, 1 iNi'd. TBe books -of rbe ;.. .V Jrrin nr.* \ ui’t ~ ii oueTl M;t:i‘aret late tinn will be seultld bv M.. Dun aph \ Co.I i >. T PI i’l j’lr P\ I‘iekcv Dinlinah j • Üb* dcs L',\ii lu , an.heir bil.ee in Falls.un,'Kwvcr comay. Pa j j rt , n) J fotum Yar„.‘ ie.;'-&c..'eonsta,ulv' HunnChas, , *' ■. |»a««l Mrs E where tliey'wiU enniinpr- sa of biisim-s-- in-ali ! ■ • on hand" r,inU; Jbtvis Nancy be..M Bill! ■ itsbnini-h.es. Al! pOtrsons.knowing I lietn-eiv.,- : _ _ , ■ i y r .Friedman-E. B. da!u:fr ilrnri -tta i.i.l.bic.kio the late firm will pieii-c' call ai.d , TT-Onn I' - inWvnAl* ■ ' G.oscobt Jasper ■ iW uggctisellcr F. B. settle immediately. DAViHM CoNNELI.. : 1,AV1,: ‘ If'||{ l\Aj( " Harwell Mrs Minnie j v Lila .MAT.TISi-N HAIIF.A'GH. ! JLeOLJ OUiiADUiVI J -Kevb-r Jul.m , 4 . V. tide Sejlie . " Fallslon.jt‘lo, (i2-,S. 11. IUAUIiAIMj. 1 , - ' . ’ M:irit«<-el ai. N Wiai, E ■" lil IUTtI! Ccwmjssloil 5 J\!(‘rfll'll!l Keiby Tnrefla , v MI-- 'daiitte •! . ■ ; Persons i-ili'rig for i"Oe^ LETTERS of Admiiiis,ration on the' C-liiu- ] p.-alir Fl„<ir. ffjvD/i. lU «•>» {tlca-esay iheyndveriDcd ■ofCuh.insEiM, ii. lyasuN., late.of the. vM. ; '.iU . ■: < borouch iif Beaver, Beaver County. J’emin..! u r* ,• •/• / . , . ” \x u . r d ■.dce-.Cjmvi-i been gramed.o the ttmlerstgacd i , < , u „rs. J ■jh.u. n. RMiV D l-LUr* L '.. all -pet-sons indebted to said estate, arc tp-ptc-I- Office anil WarelmuFe. pNu .ST fit ad. ffl -IrN- H'TXbX ot FtUIIUOIUi, i.'ty made ihimediato payment, and !thn<e having : n -I .rt *f ‘ , ..* ,w J *. claims lire same 1 will llieiii | A Ax AC«S. , .* m UiM (ir >i* Jiiifh’Oi't-mtn!r <iwo, A.d*iilwns % .• properly auihvutlcnied jeettlciMent. j ©a? 1 ' Liberal H*!>:uu:es impic '<n con*'.•:r.njrisi» • .Tin: -u:mmeii xr>JCCßcontains . "JOHN H. WILSON. Franklin tp.., - ! a " ', j ' . * S ' R I.A: <IK FAS/flO.\- V .. - v o>F.; -; AiiMIXdSfKATUI! S XOTIC E._ _. __2 i ' ; r-.«i-insiNn the - i LETTEKS nf adiiiiiiislraii.-m on the estate- '■ ' New French Wais.. »o fieg.mt Sleeve, and a M m IS] Tl ROY ifi{T Mi -^ ed ip the nude-signed, all pets,ms indebted.., j ” BiBUIV UI liljUU 1 tt; C BRAID. AND EMBROIDERING PATTERNS, j said estate; are reoueste-l to make immediate 1 : (Ts-S- 'Togetlicr with, nearly 1 : l 1 Engravings ol_ ’ paypnt-t. g»id tlnwe liavVng elHiuis against sriitl ! - all the novelties (or ! i . estafe win i-i.-s.-nt/iiigni t„ the' sub’secibcc ■ ir l.i 1 fcia U .iyG - ., Summer Borinets, Cloaks; Trimmings^ Pfl'crly authenticated tor settlement. j Ui'.rt: fir/V' 1 /./.,-<> aV I’KI'SC of Children’s DfCSSCS, &C.J I'-hl/.A Ul.Elt. . I - .- r f-y f-a ~%7 o And valuable inbirination to .Milliners, Dress THOMAS I’.hlvD. ( 11 j |b. j ■*,. fj| p J yr I. Makt-rs, Mot hers, and Ladies generally; pre ■-4 - Administrators.- > , , ; . • , ~ -scnliifi* the lat-eesl and hyst Fashion Maga ,T h .T|r,y T ,,, Tn „ .".r ~7..:..---- L.v.ni]..otC, Kxtru lli<Uu-OIIU-nls ..Her- linc Uie Wnidd. pnt.iislrtd 17:! liroadw'ay. • -A.! MLNuJliAlOli 5- NOlK;h. I ell' to C'i'.sli.bliyi-I-S;: ( mill 11. N. Y.; and sold, every whdre al ff r > cents, nr a • .i. i'TERS of-Admini, iration on the e.-tat i ... ' ' ' --- '■ ' sent b.y mail, post free.'on K-ccipl of ihc aind -Li of, Ja.wks' M'l d '- ? : I.i.iate of Kai-e 4 ..n‘ PIiiSEUEG WATER ■ CURE, in stamps or silver. Year Jl.lm with the Ipl- L.evn'.iil, . Uoaver Coam v. I'enna dce',l iiaving . • - x -; . iivtior,- lowing valuable premb.in. - 1 V’-e tl -4 raip.e 1 lii the ti’udvrstpi.ed. all .persons ,.,a-||Y .rO ’n' K °'. i E'|<i> yearly subscriber will be eniilled to a .indebted io - lid e.-fate are fe>|iie-tcd io make.' "V i - jJJ " i,. .'':!' *• "■" i*• -" ln ‘- receipt, lor tlie .'selection of bd cents worth of . D 'lo-diate 'paymcm. and-llt'ese having claims j v !'fl.- el - ~ n. I ; li,, ‘| plain patterns, from the design . -In gainst it he saine will-pre-ent tliem nroporlv 1 • laciline- lor-its adminis- f,„ m .-|ho sbpw room, or liiev tm-v. h<* -a- - . 4 . » 1 . •- M r;ll Kill i 1>:« 11 t III■• | - i » • » . • wßuibemicnted lor .-vtiWiiFfut, I _: r . , ».♦ . • w • fi ■ uf*-v! •> ... 7.. j ■ iii.i- -.ui.i i t:a- •! ->f-, j.inel, , .JOHN M JIENKY. Jr. Adufr I • < ncu.ar address - , ; a p.yindpo.i;;-. . . • t =—- | R - A\. N. lIAMBLKTON. i itn Uw'omontM to I’.uuiiriviii..' / s■ • KX I'X'l- TOILS' NOTI rK. . i # ' Viltphurp. I*a. j . Nb: n.uw fe’idy.* t W«i“o4"'«'--*ml“K ::y. i i<ms,-. . n<-w ci.KHi.o:; ; •; n s i> a \(ik t> ■ , i*. suid v<i:itc firo”rej|UosU-*i to m:iko j a ji;i;twrf.x wooi»*aNi» Market) * * , * *1 i]£iued..iu* pnymcm. and tbo>e ha\iiip claims i PITT^TII'IJr 1 ¥>T?W" 1 ■ T >l*i Ll 1 Ol* X-*n _ r tbp.snroe will* ]iic>ciii tbcm jiropcrlv r * »A>« I L.\ AA* ' *** -A. «, nmcnucuicd jor gcttlui.ciit: HOAKBINti BY THU MLAL. UAV OK VTBKK -r-r • c • .-‘ 1 , , . * • TOHV I 'r.>\vr r t • - II -i* s J'lf* vccc;yc«l a turpo ussomnont uf I'F’N'l tA'l>t<(■ ■ Ff /'/ns .1 t fif -tl ’ both S. ty KxecuiJr? n ’* >'uucc, PoticMonaics/Bas? . wtl ' tvU ' will . hc al IWMC ■- T*i*vks.Nviu and Leiu*v Paper, Lnveb.'p c ! Amonp-'t his siock c.tn, ul :;1! 'lines, bc‘iou.nu |M-.. Lc. at . HENKY'Sm ; - of. ‘ .inters Testamentary havin I XX-iiITE LElf ''' ~ ' DRESS GlTov:; ':. ov,.r Toivns!.: l ,. Boavcrcoan-y,l-, 1 .. nlioot -oas Fine ('„ t . ;Namre■ yv nVi K T '‘k \- 0 . r ,.MTi ~ i kn-w .ill- 1 elv,- iioieh, to- >aid '....-J ate' '• L- Lt af. Giant s, Baltimore Ping. aml.Cu" )’J 1 .},,.., '* {i . 1-, are ir-.ifiested io hiake payment ininudiaiclv : L -■ HENKY'S .- i Jel vim»U* rV'vit• tf^& UsVUDON..OIIiS ...:d E.0.-o having claims agaifi-i the same, wk ' IVILIiIIV wlilE. ,"~1, ullki - c - - proem.'them io the subscriber duly niifirenii \\ Lami n» ll/ r m • *n*/ 111* ca- o(f tor settlement. ELI UA’MSLY ' 1 T . at AH of whicu will be sold low . for Cush, cr I; inavT' - Evcciitor : AT TACK HAMMERS. SjToe'B'rtmhcS Uonnlry . ' —r : —— J.VX Llacking, Ink, Castor and NivccM 0,1,a I i Bridgewater. V--*y 7. 1 V ' ( ’- ; .... - TVotice- I ; JIENKY-'S. \ hi. person-..having account T7M-AVOI'.ING EXTRACTS—I .c-mon and Va- '■ J\ wlitL'-mcvoeismiil, .sTeSir.?.-'witiiin the L -nilifli at , i 11ENHY S. last twentywears, for Carding,- Spinning. Nf;,-. i~ -vr-ll please call at tii.e Fallstcn lYoolen Factory.' ' beftfle the first of October, ifefi-J, jad'ien’c— the same by cash or not*, ii : CANS! ben in uses at Jylf,'62, EPHM. SMITH. I J r . T!i;irzo. ij/Ul,Sa V jnliXK H.VKT/LL. U *■ •-■*** -Un., pr>._- .»o cents : paper c ov-t j l!'» cciils. Popies - of this lu>ok will b- ;ii by iH;iil k .on receipt .of the price, ia . ■p.. M -i'■•«» -lamps— Pleas, ji<hlress ... ,1 ' . C: O.Al* 1* Hii'KS, ’.PuVuslior, . ] IIS Hov.rh Fourth street. t*hil : a, Pa. . 1 T. J Ikvtver plot(4, JO? 71 ? JT AL L, Proprietor, ijeavor. Pa; ’TyAViNO fine*! iu» this •J - 5 w j ivprirj *1 t • ii?.' 'ii:r..,.; uni! j;nMiC;C<*ncriiiiv. f si; r^nnyr, ■ The HcivJ'e“Sewing ; ' ; ' ' sui.i l -<*in ;| ‘ r a.k3i ; ... >i*g rego r, I!Kif VKNN * ST. CI.aW!#TS:. ' piTTstiriJVjf si;.:i>s o:«fV- *«. in: m:i‘;x to i;i; r .iT- [•prcl.VTßn.- I LcUTCIi S IircSPICE 'ML. . ■' ■ 1. ~ i. j S j.;;S nn' »-:/• /. ‘ ij > T*\ i \ !;: r -’ «.f 0 I’cotH* Vj«.. r>o;»- - <i<K’ *i..l»a\l'crii :i«f un i.« jvV, ; ■-'•••I l({ } I;Vy- ■*, ; U*t». ■ ;-i : -H t \> -AI.LISON. ■ TvbM rxrsxim r 6iH ' ■iicplT .1 upe IPi’.;. KXKrr j ons.NOTICE. rina 1.2 Machine.” I •i BLIiGV WHIPS, oulj 2o cents, at - i HEN'BV'S BEAVER ACADEMY. XTrt«n S. Newc rriuis INSTITUTION .iniioras ON '.rpillSHotel i, central, i SUNDAY, Ist pat ot *KPT Sy^lr^ y^ j tSS“For particulars auJreaa tbe Principal (comfort and wants of tl 1 ' S. B. MERCER, Beaver, Pa. ) i; TERMS, «1,50 UE^RV'S. iOii&'lHitiSKtYlClW iUU * MANUFACTORY, KOS. £2l -EXfit TWENTY-THIRD STREET, 158 & 176 GRAND STREET AND 215 1 , . CENTRE STREE. ; | cstAßilsßßD 1888. ; N. Y. iiUßiisaio 1888 I rpIIIS Establishaient bu been in successful | operation fur 24 years, and is (be largest oi the kind, in the United'States, We have op himd or manufacture toorderevery description of l.o'okiiig-glass, Picture knd Portrait Frames,' rial r. mid Ornamental Pier, Wall, Oval & Mou ld Glasi cal i Connecting Cornices, Base-and Bracket Tables, 1 with Marble Slabs, Toilet Glasses, 0.C., &c., &c. Mouldiigi for Picture Ft.ira us, in lengths suitable fortransport stiult, either Gilt’, Reiling, Rosewood, Oak, Zebra, j Diriliey.c, Mahogany, Sic. 'Our new manufac tory and extensive facilities ena dears to lurn isli any article in our line as got d as the best, and as chenp'ns the cheapest. Dealers are invited to cs II upoij us '.Ejienifhcy-.visit New York. Veciaimto be aide to supply to supply them with eVjCry.arli de : iur line which they can pot sibly purchase , n m _ mw ■ :icuwv» iuHuni»«. "m.vm v«uu..v. Cip in O'- w—k* ! ; took many niedlclpea witbonl rrlief; finally elsewhere. I , triwl yonr/W/Toi by Uieadvkaof our clergyman.. Jb* i Orders by mail attended to with Cnt doe* relieved the ******* In my throat end loop* 5 • promptness, DonOt'taiL to call When you visit ta. fl ! >'cw \ork. ( I can bny, an<T we e*teein yon. Doctor, and yonr remedies, . Qjfc#> Warcroomt, A0.,215 Cntre SI.,"X. Y, «Uiepoor.jnn’ijWpt/*. , . ,j; : - [ *i 'itnp tnp r otp! *pV* .1 nr'** . Aithma find Bronchitis* | , lIUK Af-r, \. hJUi-I.U, | Wurt JtAScHumw, P»„ P»h. 4, 1858. 1 M«7 T—B • i , • Six: Your Cherry lydaqtl In perfonnipg imrolloa* , -rWfi «• . • I>vVfr hATTimtil-' ” ! cure. In thi. accllop. It hu,rell.w«l a«eml (b.m nhuro.-, -ililj in Kid A 1 L r AU*pK t Iqjc eymptome of wtunmptlon. aifcl U o«w curing: a mam Hum an ‘M ft la ei- y-' . AUTtUKU ! I*Y Dr. dJI-T tit" ELL, \ l hsle f„; m j nothing t>|uxl toynur Chrrry fWnrtd.for ON Till' f WSE ANDCOlKofSperma- 1 (King «we>njl relief to conaumptlTo pmtienu, or cuflng —.tea, Consumption, MenUlf and Physical | of Debility, Nenroueneoi, Impaired >u- , lMinK pn^f „ r t b,>irtuMof tW. remedy U found In Itr ; : tritiqtjof tholknly: Lassitude) Weakness, of a L n uu, o . j| the Limbs nnd the Back; indispogition, and. . j . Consumption* I; ' i! Tor study and L:ibor; Bulimia ‘of | Probably no one remedy baa ever bean known ;T A t,prehension.; Xbss of -Memory ; Aversion do | cured no ninny and adeh dangerous caaea aa this. Some ; <..cielv‘ Dove of Solitude; 'Eimidilv 'Self-!''no b«»W> aid dan reach: tmt>».n to thorn the CTcrr#,.j During: l.eadachS, ii the fcyes: Pimples on the lace: Jnvomntiu> j [ayer. Low*ll: 1 feeldt a duty and a pl«ajmr» | Emissions, nnd Sexual Incapacity r the ,Co!i»e.-'| to'inforin yon what your Cherry Moral has ’done for my : tjucnccs of youthful Indiserctioa.ic fe. . .Br.euHua itUniimWc Lecture Cleat Ij -i.pioveo , pjigtf, meebermorliroUtf. Shewaasleadilyfail ,l,...lit l.c above arimmemted,. oil cu scll-ulliiclcd ; mg. until iOKStronß. of thla city, where we bare none,for, eviiy. ntay be removed without medi/me and | 4 withymi ])ange» (ms surgical (perution>., anu from lb*» day. | She jla not y**i a* strung a* *h«Hised (o r should bo read by cvi vv youth ind every ;nmn be, but i?:fri*e'frpm her cough, and call* hcrjelf welL;{ , , • * • . !\ . Your* with gratitude and' regard* I I.: t- , ' „ , i. . . : ■ OKI.ANDO BILELUV,or Sueuiyttliz. ‘ .-•pi; UM-H'r *f. 1. in'An\ n ',l di <_, in a 1 ; i do oot (Impair tillyou have tried Ater’s • ; u | en ? v'i ru the receipt [)f .ixccntp, or Chekrt PEcroaat. li U made by one rtf the beet medical i'. tta r -lurivos, !»v addroSJ ilig,. ' , {■ cbemista In the world, and it* cure* all around rfis bespeak ‘ .< ' S.l <* KIdNK tV CO.; i ( the high meritspl ita virtues- - Ayer’s Cathartic Pills. J*j *'* AP-KIAGIi. . j FTtHR pcielJcee of and M»lieioe liade lieen ■,.( hfAe-t, sovrovd 1 ; tjtjd atiger.ft, 1' L taxed tlirir otm-jet to produce thiaheat, muet ■ 1 reattr.d >••)•«. reefeta ar d joVM; | : purgutive wlilrli 1. known tojinam IldlJlL how W. how reiiorcu ; the nature/' are ehowu that there 1-tt.ts have virtjoeai which annaei ln ; if .Tre'of <Deimal Crrhuea i excellence the ordltiarj ijcdlcinea, and that they win,nn iiL.,,,l... -—ol j. . P - - r precedentedly upon the ealeeUi of all |nen. They are aafo • ; si oi.tial v ..v.ilie e ; mvo.tm ary eim-.-ytis. pleaaanl to jtake. lint powerful td cure. ’Their pene- j 'O.vtjni (]■ fl.ii i atiil .i.ipou.mel la to liiurr.lniie , vitalnctivitiepof ihel’ody,'! - ;Ir'- ;iiy : nerjot,-. ti-i.-s. ■ con-:umption,j • fils, • oiietrn’ctiona ot.ita ontaite. purify the Wood, e.; trial n’ml ) i ysicai im apacity.^wosultiujr from, n ,i n jicrjusenee. TheypurgeoiilihefnnlhiimorFnliVh 1 r-Al!l,'.'’:i—■ .r 1 tnllv r■;j '..lined hi :thc i breed and- grew distemper, aiininltile sluggish or di'for-. \ •h!'!:;’ tillluE' hy'WM. YODSOjjM. D. !' deredorguialoto their, natural action, nnd imjiart bcaltby T ! il n;o=;.ewtraoi I'.inr.rv book diould be; in the ! tone with. airengllUo the whole system. Not ; only do i, •; o'f every iy.m.tw* persoif contem, Anting • ,«rtjr cure .the ereryelay cmppl, nt. of evety t •• ,* r ■ 1 ' i i i i. *iso foruihijiMc and dangorout dL«t'Aiief thfit have bafiled j taarj ihji ...an or Woman vvho de- I of human akitl While they prince powe^tl,, I !;• t ol t »eir otlt < pnnp:,to . effi*ct«.iheyareat time.in^iuiruhheddoacßjih© j .heir clk t.aotariees. ■ l.vcry pain, disease and | xiicat iiest jjliy sic tii.it can is l ,-ni]lny,»i for children. | 1-l.c u'i-UU lital to youth,.maturity and old age. Being angar-cnated. tiiejtSre 1 pleiiaatit to-bike; and i4lng ; ' ■ ..,_ i..iaC‘i; every partielo of knowledge j purely vegetable, artfreo from any risk of harm. Cures ■ I■; ai'-‘e.ild be knowuis here given. It is full [• hare made which surpass belief were they not sub-,, 1 ~r',l .eavincc i Til '•let, it discloses seertts that atantiared by men of andh exalted istaltion and clntracter ' : ‘ f tnmv 'still il-is a book that '*» to *wMd the auaplcion.of untruth. Watty inunent „i,e s .ouUl Know, stll il ; S a look .h.tt, f c j ~by.ieUn.tJavelen names torertily' rust he locked up, fttvd not lie about thelMiu..e,j £ t teUaUlitir''ur mjt 'remcdlea, wUi|e oltgra It-will! be sent', to .any one .oh the rekcipt oh, . k „, /, ot n , e the aesuranei, of tlieir n>iiTicti<|n;thatim, • iventy tive cctii" in specie or postage slaiops. preparatlona rohtribute Immensely to the relief ofjjny Aildicss Dn. j\Vii. VQUNG, 410 Spruce, st.J ■ aufcri’ng Mlow-nien.' . ’ ! 1 fi 'bnvc F.itu lh. I’liiiadelphiu. f ' ' I The Agenlbeiow named is pleased to farnlah'(tratla, my 1 ]^ai‘Atlfieli-d ntid Infortunaft, no matter what i American Aln«naf.cOmainingdirectionsfoi;.thelr.naeatid ; -aaTbe ve.ur dtsca'se, before Uii pin* vtotr-! . it their 4)ire« of.the Wlop-ins «mi>lalnn«-.; ,y OL • ur s. a. , ;tf l • 1 CoitlveriwWa BiiM* BliMimAtlsm. Dropsy, i .♦it itxiUvT enre )f the notoriou. tj^rtburb, llwidiull* from a fi»«l slubiarh; Nwut jjrMlai.;—navive or foreign—wlio advertise in . i n in»cU«m of th* Bowel.•i|<n>in, i •‘•is or Sinv utlicr paper, gCL a copv of l)r. Csu»g thvreftonJTfp*tuleucy. Lofelof Appetite, alllinear-. .. tS oi , o_«x r a l \ o .. „< /,,j rntflii-iiusl Di*eH. c e* R’l»icb require all eTR'UUnt Youngs book, and read if carefully., ■ - mJludne, Scroftill «i. Kinp’n Kv|L by pftvify- J he I l.c means of saving you many a dollar. I | DK tb« blood and luthimlnting Ibe nyMem, cute mhny year health, and possibly | IOLNo cati be'Consulied on.nnj of ihe.» irritability,Uen»Rffvn»nt*of tha Uver«nd Kid tli-caScs described in his publicalioh, at his ne yf, kindred «n»i»WnU nrWiijr a Oflice; 4l« Spruce Street, above Fourth. I‘hila/ >. M-itemf |tln;bo.ly or ot.n'rwetiau i-Sga Office hours from H.t« B,' tlttily-l T't\«r2n !• , Do .not H-pu|o* by uuprtudpW *•£» wttkjgm : L-. 1-I— • other piU.tbcy snake more profit on. A»k tor AVER a, J pn-1 jC, «nd take] nothing el-e. No other they «U» ! you wth thla in irt i»Hin*ic value bf cuftaive power*. The .ifck wanl the best aid there is Jor thUm, and toey riifrtdmhave it. j | | Prepared by* jDr, J. C. AY-fciß,, Practical and Analytical Chemiit, Lowell, Maaa. Paics SIS.CTB. roi^Fiva Boxes'roa 11*| i'i | ' , SOLD BY ■ ' --t. ’ in an V r }‘i IM ‘ . J.KAYKI - AIE S E ii,V. AV. SV. IjAV L rl ( I, \Ti; i’.U'.F.OJ “KKV '.INhTITfI tox, f« V-oo.ng Ladies, will ope .iiO/idV/y, the Isi dnij '•/ T„i:,i;4fe received inio 1 1 Principal. • i ■ -Expenses—Hoard, Light, 1 ' ■per icim uf 1-1 weeks, Tnition.alone, per term, S 4 according'to branches studiei further .purlieu' P,;. ‘iK ip.il. ’ ) ' "Ai>MI.\STKATOU^ LKTTIiRS cf admiiibtraiji tat c. of Hkset CanimikJ. township. Beavci J county, 1’: been grunted to t lie iimlersig knowing themselves imlebte are requested to -made bun and those having clajins agu prescui them properly aulhc tlciiu*nt.‘ • ' ■ 1 SAMLM j June i-"> 1802. ‘ ' 1 AIiBBSTI i...• uin>vc l«i*t o< ’I). V OUST AMI -Vi*. vi ■ niKs (HU |t(>n h»* h;r COVIi T-liGUSE, i; These ret- nre not moj rnnlc.i fc-UVI.HIOU to -any iii Tcmvit minify, l»j 1 If hr I «i)ivircp»l. mil .mi H e| I 'A\' r* rn:'iil hut h tow vrc«| It-Jj, (Mitlery in tlie some ■1(1 c in I>-i7, ’ *'• AnrO Pl.ot ‘ A 1) IST R ATO R *n<lmimpttt j ta'le of Wm. SKAWBifi) lownsliip, lU'jiver-cnnnty. d jrva tiled to tlu* unm'wiffire *_*l to, said-estate b.re |i ‘doitn payment, nnd mum the same will prei nUcatei lor setlemcnt: May I*l* W. 2. TO GGB_& GO-, r.utc.ilk I g U; d jvi.JUinißßlOll rjgeiilS 1C A I.rWS IN i ‘ . ;i’n:x';T?Ni- Inksoe all kinds j 1 ypc, Printing! Materials, Avi'itim. am) i t.ivumi vapeu cards, &c * Bui TriV.un** I'jcs, V iy JZjft’sr, . art : (DISTRICT A 3 OlTice in tKeCourt “T he TET Arch Street above PUILAL MDJAEY. .1. a. >i!‘r,iu.. i f the reception of li on : * icfiimliv of the hicl, and Tuition, ........’......5J1l (XI 00, SC 00' &IS7 00 d. ' liars 'address; the | nii(cB p NO i l C'iv , oion upon tlic> cs- laic.of,Greene ja.,' havin'g nie*l. all person?* to s saM niedinte; payiprnt. hnst tluj sjjmVc-will ■miealell for set- KL NELSON, .Administrator. PES!! I.IFE-tdKE PlC t\ rt the is BEAVEII. I >te but- w»ir oit binr ever bee'ii jr Kt'J ol,her artist, •i >i>eciiucns r’nnm occupied bv A. ghif; i-N. • l-ernphic Artist S NOTICE. ition uy>OT){ tKe ; it. late of-Greene •, dec’d. having beer | Jfl, all persons in; ! irc.iuosicl to make hose having- claims Sent' them /properly li.i N_; - ' YM. HOOD, Administrator. ■ LulinC, Philadelphia; i ork.‘ , „ , ■ OUNG, JOHN B LELW, TORNEY.) Honre, i * ' Jan. 20,1862. ii ion,” Third, ELPHIA, Pa omer, Prop’r. ConTenient byPas a to all'parts of the oular adapted to the le TraTelllng Ptihlio. PER DAY. ■!, GEE -Ti ■ ■' ■ ■ I ;■ 4AYER’S ■) ; Jtf ■ CHERRY PECTORAL, , TOE lilß RAPID CUBS Of J ColftaJ Coa»h* an* : Hoarseness. "!■ \ B«nwi«U>, Mui, »»h Oec, 1856. '*■% IW.J.C.A!r«A:l<lunuCbalUUtoMr' .! Ib> bMK mafdy 1 h«T« tm found foe ' OnariM. n«nmm. Inßuenn-md 0i» \ H s amranltuU •y»p*odl««f»0**10, ta/onr i Cniuy Pkivul 1m coß«unt uw Id my end my family for the tart t»a nan bee |t to poa**« ■ ' liar Tin wo for thetreatmentof Uraee JpflF - OnmpUlnti. KBKM KNIGHT. U. D. A.R MOttTLKTylC*<t,of Utica, N..V„ writee:“l Hat* . «Md roar ftotorai mjrwlf and in 107] temfty eter dnea 1 vna Idrented IU and where it the beat medicine for it* porn** erer pat oat. With a tntd cold t ehnuUl eooner . p*j twenty-fife blotter* for a bottle than do without it* or , take any ojher remedy.** ; j , Croup*: Whooplßf Cough, Influenza* : 1 SpantomU), IW6. BEOTHIR 'AnB: I will cheerfully certify >oar ikctoral Is tb« be»t! remedy' we. umwewi for the cure of whooping. cough, croup, *0(1 the cheet dleCtee* of children. We of > ypar fraternity iuj the South appreciate your ikill, and eommeod your medicine to our people. | IUKAM OONKUN.M.D. j AMOS MoTPtitT. write*,3d 4an*. IW3: « J bad a itciUous iufluenta. which confined irteJo door* in. ivy U Minis, jr.. Ri'BYcr;j{ 5> I; . J ter;. WappomT & Lowry, Frne> . [ bojs, Biulrn; J. Stirgoni, Now olio Rlnck, liiirlmeton.| Ppn- (. 1 FuUnlou.aml liy ilenlora every; • j ..j ■ ■ *Fch* vs, ■ ■; “Vrittex i>evs_ i v : : IV PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL; ( COI-iXjECS-E!, ' N. E. conier of 7th &Chestnut St., ■.'j |. :■ ' rmi.ADKLIMHA. PA. 1- ■ Vi I'iniS-Tiistitniion., which was establishedjinV- . j' UM-L ami is now bonsctiuently pn i ciglhtccnth yctfr of-ilsj existence, mfinhii? j among its grammes.! hundreds pf mjssful,Merchants ami liusinesa Men of AniS 'rininiry.V’' |. • I .. .1, ' 4i' i 1 The object of thc(lnsiilution| to r ford young men facilities prepay t ; ration for business.] ■ ; t , Jf : The branches] taught arc, IJ.hok-keeping. ;jas.;. to the various departments of t r:u)e; _ , Penmanship, both plain and , orufthiciilJTl;; jConjinercial l.uw. mathematics, Navigation,'j » t'ivil Engineering, Drawing, I Pbohograplpvj and Modern Languages. '’ , j . (J i l i The system of Instruction is peculiar!: . classes or set lessons arc! made use of^lmt’each; siiidentiis taught individually, jso tjvnt he ni|iy, ,j, i c**minenee tit nny.tjine. and attepd at \vhattji\^' !?er hnursare nio>t j *<; ; Catalogues are’ lissueji yinnlially after i)»'0; j, Toth of April, containing names of the | dents for the full particularsJof , | terms, &c.-, and inay be obtained at any time i by addressing OmPriricipill. . ' i ; Jn extensive accommodations. wide-spread in ni iv’ip/’:Uid the lenglhy experience|bf tps! Principal, this-Institution oilers facilities ifu pcrpVr to any other in {t he country, for Jybufig wishing.to prepare for business, and jt.o obtuiA at the same-time a i>ii‘LOMa; which Will prove a for them to any Mj|£- vanjtle. llous];. , • { , ■'! 1 Ciuttiinues’s Series) of. Treatises bn BookrKoeping,. now m|*rc’ -widely, circulated than any other work on the subject, arc -jar sale at the CcVleico. . . • - V f' - ,S.|HUDGES CRITTENDEN, - ; ■ Atlorney-at-Laib, : ! May 7. ' • r:«>» fii On**, llocb** donv; ;J. Nio! Brighton,: J g: h ]■& Edgai wber**?. isrotioe- The ace,aunts and subscriptions $0 The .Audi's .for 1860 ami 1801. wbi|Cb have not been settled np) as well .as the .accounts oi - . M.’ Weyand, M. A-J.'i 'WeyanjJ,. and ‘Weyand land lljcniiyv arc "in my bands ior settlement.) All who arc indebted to either of these, for subscription, advertiseinentror jbb work, will please call on Inc at- the OFFICE. Many Of these Clir counts are of long standing and should bo settled. 1 I i . i SAM UEL DAVE' mu m ami m ESTABLISHMENT, BBOADWAY, NEW MICH TON, PA,,' . (Four Boon fellow Dr. Sargent’s Drug Stole.) v *B»y7,®3—ijr. MBS. & MISSjEENOi. FV=MI (TIOS 0810 ISAL,ONLY inl'E AN© OBNCIKB} ,'i i For *J Tear* a Staple Bfwdj far LIVER COMPLAINT ASS AIL BILIOUS DISEASES. i Tho ore inary ;eyidences of Dis ease ol the Liver are Pain and tendon css in the region of tho Liver, sometimes dull and acliing, . Increased by pressure, pain and Uneasiness id Breathing, Pain in the right Shoulder, uneasiness - when! lying hp6n ; the - loft side,- increased size of tho Liver, Short and Dry Cough, disordered stom ach, Nausea, Yellowish Tinge oh the'Oyes and skin, Headache,,yol« lowiahjfur bn the tongue, Biltcr ish tasle in tho mouth, heavy, doll sensatu n in the Brain, Def pmsion of Spirits, amounting almost to Insanity, slight Fever towerd*evening, Loss ol Appetite, BirlaucStoly, with inorosencss and Hypochondria,•Nfuraigia,* dull ness, ageneral feeling oflatasi ness,* ‘drowsineSsij the patient conscious of som'e'.hing wrong in himself, and disposed , to seel, nothing [right in things about him, yet wholly unable ’ to explain the cause of his sen cations—with many otherseaaiiy detected by resemblances fto someone or,other of the above, ; lnver Pili will almost: cer-\ tainlylarrest the'disease if taken \ upon the appearance of the above symptoms, which if allowed- to take its course, becomes chronic in its nature-and almost incu rable, producing groat and con -1 stantly increasing suffering. The njf of this meoicine-will neither i ' c-eato'sno w disease, nor complicate on ; •xistiujs one. but, in most case?, will ■ 1 prepare the more vißoroos ■ -remedies ot the''physioianl|stould it be ineeessjiry to call iii his- 1 aid. . A»:j» FAMILY MEIUC’IXE . SELLERS’ LIVER PILLS '■ ''j AEE INVALUABLE, j • . - Price Cents.! NEW UE* 1 Mii id B ea b bJJsj & a Is S 3 Wi S 3 Sa 5 •m t diM : & ;ry voar cfChildi this Lf?n ibVo&vil.; T}.i'-’>:.l:;n:;. : i?iiiily,i' Ev iron tulity r Vncrva*o*i vut* ci /. r.' n f’.tf /A.' iliv-y^; - r-;: p-i'-i.-H ■ f it:;. 1 v,]-li |verli.--;l uu m’ m. K Uni hv {l,O itijj-r nr..l Uir jH.-Itljo n } . ‘i’A'.-ri!!: r>,iir.v rniidirs," " i\ vrni 3 *a*." &*;. : L'rrn \J it i ictiU\ C rf n f 'hdr,7»h ci a.< (iff. i nrjtt I»I.l or,JT-»-i I* M• V C -'T Ut‘i. Ni *tl -11 ;l jvilljtins'llij'c wiih tlu*. \ . LET PH.YSICIAKS SPE. SEI!IEES ; VLUkIFUIiE Till: MSI: .v.u’kiik- •!•«<! ,• -I: i 1 . I.Wing .ffitfV'.n, Kv. !>• <\ II |\ln. K K» 8,-uj i- —V» ut iiVr inorr \ irliir ll»au - nii|y 1 rvt r 11s -.1. I yi «1». rt* I ci»{> ' ml,, %,1-y •t> .tlrjr > oin! ,tl■ fcT t-. :^ t' n h.nVnjnU.T I pi’v-ilu; Yi-rmltn'e. tin-S. •«lu‘.int!tv of t'l-ir 'n< ;./■ liz ■ ■ f: isjui 'Hi- i lui'l. llint wpu dvrii tip '■ I'u-y.,- iu Wv4l n* utiv in Of • - ■ - • ‘ i ’a:.:AJiM.Vt I ,• .1 ' ... !•'*• 1 ■ . {rat! 0/.»ViVJtyr I . *.VI >l:r«t U r.-.|ii !v4 tivc.lt n I'flUl TantH>, n iit.r ii uil. 1 ju-t.l Ttri:i K. H. WiUO: - P.iW Viif'ct .Ai I *. U.' VVSr^ixa-:—Ua'nij:u-.-«l it t thi* l:«-t <-r fiv-» .ymr-l ill I' .it jt.-j ;»r;»ti*>n ojtlir kiy llV■ j*f l i-jLt .iuauul.nctuivrs -Y«iur«. . ; !>• CW'JJ ■'’■Wc-mlsht rnunicr.it<'-hmnln ; 'H of < i Kut S-Ihys" Vt'ii! it**;: > (Mtixcltlntj tr*t ('f l»K* luV.dk’rtJ Iflj 'till \ . r <>•» cer:.tnn Ifc iV nmcta*j.w of its entiie f«/Wy Its » rtV.rr. ■ f SoTitjK.-^— n.ei fe <*-1 to licuK-r-Vto a;i<i fell roi'Ur' l‘ - t unj>r'mcii>k‘«, nj* •uty of thv:*e on vmi. T rt nj ‘th ec'ttapsU tliviyfo.e ask for Scllrn' ftjid t.iks ** tjt-itrj , ■, ' rttiuii's" ■ ilec.iy i s teeth, ;/.i n •u'cccsst' tinful 'l5 -n be con rce froti l* : ' > • • . «uo: ■ tVv A’/Are/irbr j. SE jL t-E RS’ . jSyaS:- sli j.s (*■;.:] ‘ : I ; ' . ■ :j. _ r | to Dr. Hunt.'—Comp •■: ri H ■ •• tiuVni, They arc cut ;1; S vl I I-' BIT r“l : oi-iginiirprcp-ifation, .%LJ. -Vi* . ■ ■ - i ful. . t Thcy. a;c of-ta v 1 ‘ ; face, price 15 cents. Q TTT* 1 applicall oii t{>J heb *- I>i ; ' fn((u'<‘<L"H r&cijif of From A. CBiblng/DnugiitJft. Bend, Indv A WHAT AiltK TL •J t ■D. S. Owt*./ K*q.— Dear ,5iV-i-In ro| lo jouv/ i • • •p . • , foror of UurbUh Instant.-1 would |jav that the sale;’ TltC American peop] of S<-Uor>’ Modicin** bit* for exceedf-d my exp^cta- - . appreciate preparati • fion*; and in no chh * Imvt* they follod lei pn-duc© V 1 Hunmntw* thVv . effect. The Cough Syrup i. a. care for -, ; -U. ttappmesh *1 «H 0 ionebVci-ltl-*; Ac.. tneapnegg of,ihe article wont lhem. r.very.l place* it witjiln ihe r»*arh of a/lj »iich,’ top-ther ' ordering the TrCtttft with Ita cflttaclon * ii nvmtersrt r ’ rjl l>,t a Vbmtwa ■iml • ; favorite. Not a day.pa-w* wlthnrit uatm-ix.ua calls ] a, ?\ a 1 ,, —J S ; *• , ■fyr “/Ac one ihlmj ntvlKnhV-at ibli season of lb© lor the Mouth mish .ear,.lx. Se(ler.- -ij lo those we are con ' __ ■-l.il - >Jj ' •: ' • r * , ; impossible tb.schcif) I .■ -.Pri* 6 ~-CpntS. j'Tlic pcopfe want 1 tl i .try tpltf fh'eul? Now is the CHANCE ’--price! O r . PRi,PARt-I>' SOLD .. E^SEIkiERI PlTT»sli:sC}n t P. Sejle VERMiFIi • .Treniihf S.Wnkefldd, former P**itor •of the Liberty Street M. £ Chnrch. iMr'. R. B. tsf.LL v ß*—-It U fwm n,®eri-*et>t duty.'as | . wp : l as w: tb great plraanftvtliMt I heart stimoay to i; ' the virtu •ol «y :ur justly eelebn* wj Verjnlftnn*. I ■ j procured s single bottkvahd fear* it, to thrve ofniy : chiidn-n, arhobad bwn ill lor se’ ophJ Tho . eldest wai aeW-n ye«r* old, the- r ext fi»ur, and the J youngest eighteen umn'h* Th« first pa«*<i fifty-/ j ‘, six worm*, the second Forty-seven. and tue 1 hlni^ ; a coiwidtrahje nninV*. distinctly recoil ctvd; . Flore thru they have becn'duinic well; arid ■■re non ;; la good ,heal th. S. WAKIiFLKLD. Price 25 Cents. * j;' * riKPABKOjMO SOtn BY R. E. SELLERS & CO. ;•" }'■ PITTSBURGH, PA. ..... ,'Jhe K&iU Calls I rl-'cnn ) ; iJ> >(I j- " - OUR AUT. l 1,. I pit. waji. E.- | D c Jv I rtLT rti - ,A. OOMPI.E7K IiIKMIUVi IP r J til I j Curitig Toot I s ! -■ V | ’ l i, - cb? ' JJr.JlurcT j Celt .} hO(H(. ; \ '’ ;r 'V . . I Jlr. j 7lnr<r p XJu I one lf>X.' ■■■ I - ‘JJr.\ }!-fir»r H ,V ai VoiiC hodlc. : ' • ; Dr. \iitn^r. v: ■\j t LA.yn:ji. \ . i Dr. JhtnV9 .VA X( A h j Prffnr ’thff //i j, T‘ \ h, mrt • Vrnptt Trrof{'•>)•?: ■/ * l.il'h t 1 . T'>i.illi /'Zr/-X ..v.... I .■ ut i r.: JlnrU- EourtJi’Hi., r.vod-vlvn. (Iv. fXi-i f/nijk ;; l^hUl eiirht',in«:,b<*s.Fy iwi*. nrol i - fj&£p Full- It it /rjiuhX I! ! •Tlie arijcltjs 'v lib’* bJ viz': ‘ TIlC* '/X'liir.r 01 v : poiil., on fei-.eip’ stamps • • ' 1‘ Tile ! Fact- V: urti'Ll:n N(»rvf»i;s 1 . I*"- 1 ' !*■ I snnnjji r Ti;. : ■U <?r ! ajn '? * ,V< u'hilfp.o ;V<r -I'mh* •l,nrrai't if \rJi/~. coipt t ,v*[ ' f/r. , i>f.h j sent I'lipy. T(U/. , trail's iiur.Fn movtii w. i sir tonm /w:v an'l l,e‘ , >y mail.. Init they cun ).roK-iLly lie f 1 aKyunr'jjnijr.or 1 'criwTiea IV'Sijnavf.- ■ If 4 cannot, WmH to. n-K iV.r, the iUKiVf.iL ; ■ iSJ.'UV,Tric<*. 'l)ol£ui, w'hicii -’jiua tl-cin, . . - ; t; ■ ' : NOW,' ;^-; v [) i .-'irdl'i T iii\’ i-litil i i 'll! .. '.■.-IV 12 iVfheii S lirim'f |;it;ivVl ' I iill oi • , tl.o N . ■■Lthratj vate’j i . of jir !osoof 1 Vurli i'liie l| • ‘ ; ’iriff; I . 1 : Tl: " r--w-o |;Him ivl’ji \\ uU act** that' sh;*y. arc i~. . un.i Jiest ure who, jJr. W’,;../:. i- . *(t liroi'kh n. r * jttate fieri Mm s’ >r& ijons s KaVc; l»pt-n u-.M lii |hi« ri r v«*a*'T;-'; u'd n j|v*Vr i: j .hj.m-aC >''\\ ill i Ami; Vir ieiu*e. wl ile eminent * u '! /recommend t hem : «• the' • ■•’• i 1. ; ., (rnlteimv. Wlthufit. ]'Hr- :.i ■ *1 !;;tvo i.oi-.s hyT.ji.'.- :e .K0:?-*r i<! uI: ■ •■"//.< ft' bent evltler inoiids [used then •hiiiVntriJc iew ! •: jh-eparalij pi just ice T*j roojv-lyn, b) k-~ j {‘V ,*'/ I ti'.v . ’l'-vSi*-*:?* h. his [ ii r >v A,* | .Tho gijc-ii src.r mo- 'if /■■>.■< a. ,' ; r >■'< l ilO; IV-«, i / y , f i ' lii'.r \ .'■ T | ■iM !:n.':’.vn I*-. I y-i; ■iuniiU’l : /x'!>../• <.• uA*<i ii-.j;!: • I ■ i.ili; lii cf-ln-i." »•*». :i,i- Jiinr l:io!> To' ! ■ ■ : V :,i lit.: :cn a'c !nor ruk-ili, r\Nr i \v-vi'nng the ym Wil.Vt WILL Vw Huni's i ve yn:tn|r Ih'lifs \ <*£ ivi in^ H sv.H‘M jlii*6ulh- : . ‘ [ | 1 ■ I>r. Huvii's-jlnulll V .. will • ch*:iu*<> tl -lions :tii.l ir-nj > “Whe:bre:ikf:V:-t t :nmro’ pjcsi-int ; t«» tbiis*. I ~l)r. UnnTT* Sbmlh’V | arj* tlu* illo bi'i-t jwopit ; cUyiiii: l-ul . h r'i an • J : health lb the ■guln.'.. j ; Jyl> 1‘ kci . have boon* curd : : eiii w7ish. * - 1 •' ■’j -IV. IlllT .| >- ? ; give an * n'M’.i 1 ■ ; rn:ifcb*husbantl| diul-wivo* t'n 0 f tr>-i \V- mu jr, •* r f t ! 'it'rf. tt:i rut. IN list >oir, r.-iMs, chiltl; v.ii' mj. Mh V.‘ i i ni-rh!"h ,r J.->i >!. V. Bin i>y every, lK ■ . M itr 4. iw. i vr.\> •MuJi I li> uiK-i.: r li. Si: d. ■ wh’uTi :ii'.o liai \)r. \hnA r facin' arisiiijr-f" ;• IVii’H'U t|. ij'o «ave liieir e!> r. selves from U'f ilirr l-a** ; l* tfrinp. iv’sirj I'.n <r. \t|iirhl< 1 FaViju'rs a;ni .( JoimL ti» hoplec' ; you oati n«w ' IVoth'vUlM,t»r at Jtiiii a ; ‘ tV‘‘- ofttt ’ SemCi\*r the i Fiich's its* are -y otluT Vet «U p;dm off i -y />riVv ■{* Verniifug**. late to.nrrc'-t vouf cliiltlrwii [' ytif'itXij | NouraljrirT Y No. : pleasant ami ptV'for this pa 11 plies'-.one. ■ |:an>l awaken -ti \ ot her implead Bnts. cCO i rs* 'CE.. | Shrewd ngenta c: *r carrying these, aril Dental Treasury is miuror’woman' can j one and see. or, ‘l ■. I will selUas sample | liberally wit h circt j to to go into the bt ■•‘J u profit. We are .: | benefit agents, i/men l: hero" is some ... j take the tide at Its : That remittance dcnoe, W. B. 11. A -h ooklvV: to G. \ I Crs’and Citizens I ! co. f Vork; X ’.York,etc., etc. ir Ktu \4[ toi.**. it*.* ' /»,‘j ■ i /W C ~ u C h Z t il.e It tlltorb itf/'i h. Ihxi T'ltr, •. Jj't i ..v• .1 , I, i liv is HURD'S-. r* : : : H.Y ; SET tITTi Tl ; 5/c r.M j: tok' E TEKTij i 111 i il <1 31 nd Neuralgia, f iac)ie a i'l’i-i yrn ir.i.'i/. 'OOTIf I'boifcj!; jiratnl M\ ■■•2vaU(\\ •IIACUE phot ie. TOO ■V SDCUA/(;i r l yj:n-A/j K :, ‘ "' tif ' fir- J.; v- r-./.. w r 'a i-v/,J' 5T., f Di niii! '■-ffi.-i-.'-JT-T '■r 54. J »/ r. - MMl* ’ V-- i‘ I* <-•:<n r!1-1j.;i ,'4' (■ J*rfp'n\ ■ 'of ,T>v 7 !l>T T-r/li , po. -Vi, <■ r.nts or jn'.'.r in' tlj« JUi!! ‘ ■Ks*nicjif. “Jp ( ‘ /<!;',• * Vla*Ur i, rj:u»a( , lu t j ifr.Vj*! <)V ' i »)'/•«/ • ’’l- -Vi /■{■;| ■•.'l.'Sll.onl'lcTH, ij: r}.-,- jj«sr i,|n re- and J'/t in tlu* 01 *tc crrn f> n{: \VM. } . IU'JiD. Cn..r i irJ TfV+jJUfi /i !;hat 3-d. hr. roml all orv|.fs.t:ili«i!i3 it anil T( hil* ti r ( ; ■'* - • of his sat:. i>- - iv-sls “'il-v o,~:\ { ‘ <ih i, <• £in> t>'■' fi'-i-i flarnum : ; 4 *l .. i I'KK so goad Unit n.y • |>. H <•' hi.u ir.ihc Ust -• • f? ~f.aU •" >'j; convenience, Vvith ■ni-.i lall'jLat.ovci'y oho.may. t is so si lor of f ho o: r| .t- 1 lin.irv Tooth jV-vdo:?, ..coiita’ins’ m* arias, apd polishes wlihoi-t _ ’so no other. . f Hl/i;l»U :n V •':= ; . • * th IVoul charcoal laracil. ‘ and Wi: id jvarlv 'teeth. Trv itr.u-n’.:-'- ,i ; .'v dfT tV-.iil S’A P Ur *.X; ' i • r;ke , - ?'• J f • r cterand the day l-siin e ndredf-' of cair »-hi. ' yi\ , ash ands,'!’*. V is r•• nines*. iu "i Ik-- v.-i. ’i ii <?•* k- . I - >vl. ‘ H.undn-u.' Vd i' - "L’ f x. -,Sy/v J/'./i'-V*. I»v Ur. HuH'.-- r«.*•'! life u jly.; ■■ II; I s Tvv ti ash and TimU.ii Jjl.yut h |Vi muff* ji ::eir lr.:s j>o,r.*on ui i>. v’W-. at -Wpahiy P.U innds.- They isnuijr • .ij/. 7 Fir'l >;ift Malts -tvH h-- n. hi Hr---‘ph I etuv '*■>! t i •V.;d.a.i'l., :t!j itVr'an haw. in ? i.e.h' T- \c 'to inij To'ulli:‘u ■l'lll CX|»‘ :U p:Vroi \Uhirov. W ..f, >l**. 'Yhin. torture and p. and -yhV; \*“ mi I I inpMi:( lie.*.! V'CliMJli. •fli; *F..ra;V:- Vniir li iiol pro As(or o l t lj ; v origin; Trtaitue -erviinves, i:-.-! ' *.t.f;!jin.v, , vfr; dm Hi?-• ot Teeth Vfn ’J'rr/h:vi\\ re:<'l L‘r in .this sahjeet. ' n votir own teeth, >;uv FI liWl-j • iv.e -IMasiers are the im.-st ill? remedies ever prrsevi- The paticnv.ap i o': ilrftw.sy • {hllS a>U-ep. n p.ijn, ami no. blisiw; ijurhnrs,eotise<‘iu*'in;e? <-n -ul -Vc :rrou* jJotihclt*l ;:p -•eciibhs, Vill ng can be obtained •ess for Jve\ihilgia. iT-rv l iroly a novel,* curreus : itei , and wonderfully sa ve sizes, onoSnnall,' >f*>r liu and the other- large,-foi . dy,-price. 07-coins. h ? ’' ' prict' oifd ,<ratnp‘. . k pkoi’l !■: nmsc • le'nro intelligent cn**iigj»t' i >nsibfitcontributes'* tuncl ■sc using’ them, anil the i ihil brings us letters, son ;■ e on Teetb/ sonic jh* Ne* I not a few enclosing d* *' .1 ? ,1a be sent by -mail ; ,bi i pelled to reply thar* it n : half-pint .Vm>ifie- by ;nun Lt&e Remedies, i. MVe: •* ■ r 1» ,: - FOR ACENT S :.n make a fortupe iirles a’rotmd to iamiltc?. T 5 the neatest article taai b cju ry t JScnd better/a dozen, w;Licj*. ' for 5?7. Agents suppy latja. Now is -the t; sincss, aiid nin ipending jhousandjr-leri New Englumlnieiyor \ v ihing nlco.'jaml a flooft. Addrcssl L Vim ß. no ijuildings, jSe'y \:'f k j may be ,mady With" cot Co.,]refex to the M, a y 01 r. Griffith. President Fat anV* Brookly*; to Joy.. t > p. T. lirminii * ■■■■;■: ■ ■■■F? ; i Trib 1 ; a :L*ir ■ iA - I ; 1 if tlia'i whicii Kiur
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers