op Ft. DaeLISO.—A + IST OP LETTERS UNCALLED FOB. J *11?- Bit;*' 8 ‘ ! "I' ' - . FtVirlishraan from Kicbniond‘ i^.£ e,,ai^ to i*? Po * t Boc “**»« r ! T>T WrtiSof «n order >l Pllli i elngce Ehg Y* hm,n J 01 Sept. 80th, 186& •>, . ' JK of County, will be wile {MhatflC; lTl|l& K , liny last J une, auu again i BEier Miss Ann M’Clain Preston B | public vendue or out*y, bn the premised, j 'ft CGAHi COATED,) ’*[ I ,st before" ibavii.g, and furnishes a ! Brubaker Joseph' Thonuu 1 On ’ Wednesday- November sth, 0. ;I F .. ■#! eofespbi-doijit York Trj.- 1 B^“ a a n ABI j ‘ MurtJ; Im« \ r lot 12 offi** M. the llbliowingV «»t«tc of me wilh-a-dtscrinliott of the work;:; Cajnpton Matilda Mwah Robwt' John dwU, artoW* r*«j thilr Efeu. ■-_ .me W.l» a u 1 , I ClArke John B May John . of Independence, bounded and described as nMw'•“ 1- a* threb. eJ>njl»ainus..ol Infantry _and • cifr Hart Null Uriah ; On the north by land* of Isaac Mo- «*»»• " coirtjWol of marines are encamp- ; n etri dge Mrs J Paine Hiss Nancy Coy, on the east and south of Jamea o^Mfce :g |ck ftfc, -aeh e,F4Ll«owioh. iln hiliu the-tort, l-berc arej only ; Darrah E H Stillwell Misa Mary Alexander, and on the west by land of Alex. ;,I I, lans»oso,P*;Miiy X, 1856, i l * oium -.11, . . .• .. . 1,,,. ; Fraser J SeeWOtis Morrow and Frederick hook; containing IYJ Da. J. <3. Amu sir; I Xi»»« '"fn r>TMt*ilj rurvdof aedu guns n.ou«‘« therek i'' Herron Miss Elisa , Smith Mrs Rosetta acres, moreorless-abouF7 or 8 aCrfes cleared, 1 IK re IS lo.ot foi ana there }rt> Ha^.Uon MigsM A Stcnger Peter - j . and a slmal} log dweUmg house on the premt at (me*. IT they will card others u they do‘ . i:U-:i:e h;iUdry ot lliTeedv- . jfarria j ose ph - Shepherd Peter \ ses. . U.etact U »u r lh J PRIinIP ; , o , n; ders.rided are also. Hall ADanigh, Stout Palmer B• X; TERMS.-One third in hand on oonfinnft- T««irith^pji^ <^^i WTO;^, Ui-inclr coiUitibiddi-. The rest Hare Miss Maria Totuson Gariy j tion of imte by the Court, and the balance m |»a«(j|«4 wad tlxre# ComptntifuL V ,11 ; iluoston U C L Wray J A • two equal annual instalments from that date, “ ,,0 “ ~j)»ruitiiiat or tb* Isruuoa, 1 X ■re orui-miiyi sniiiollt bote 3- J) miultrs. - Willey Mi«s Isabella witbantorcst thereon from the same.time™ i V.l Wiuunsotox,p.C-, T Jch, 1840. J r ibo:?ori therearc three mark- , Jacks „ n Tllomas Wise John L igfcFor further- information ■ inquire of maud cannot besltatlto j ij l coiumbliuls,one' ! j o jj uston j ollll Warner Lotad . i Charlcs M Henry, or JobnM Henry, Service P they aro Uie bc*i eaUiwUc we.emvlor. Their in xat-l. Iballery: coittmundiug the,; Johnson Miss Lizzie Wilson MrsO M ■ .j V- 0- BeaT fSv Pa ' tbe Court I ipproaelicA-)ol the m er, «..d o.te in u W.lson George, H> M CREARY, CVk. ' "KbSr d’ersons calling for letters in the above list, 1 Oct| 4, lW2t- , " • ~ ...' • are of sunk- j WI H P. M. j T , ViSIPTh ro ~ v'osels at t wUU an j -pr^ ST 0F ! K sq ; of Thomas peliiiiu" i'iV rebel datl to gO tlnougll. ,T ■ ■ ■ • p’ t office at Beaver 0 ) McKinlcv; for Uie. benefit of creditors, has; j gJ JB bwro pick »uf plulng away'lto motet^ ,etwee« F !f rVDarli,.g a..d Kichtnond, - C " (been exhibited andfiled inmy .office, and .U-t ! „ f r -.>m Ibe.lutter place, ibere : MarshaU „ l!gh - - i .j •. :i S " r I T r<> " 1 y L. S Mavatta Theresia [unless cause aaainii the ceufir-1 ' -!a li.|l tonilluihiiedjiy .1113 sjJMI.., Baldwin (.assy Net in Angie ;j- iinntion. M ■).'Xn awumt u« pnij (mm tin to twmtjr rtallm ‘lortojj ; ir ivih I.- iloleeUa;f'V*tle!d tueee.s.— t amp.bcll.Joseph , Nelson Kate • ; 8 MICHAEL-WEVAND, Proth'y. ,1 lt»t ninch time, without W« «»4 ;[ .■J. ~,,1 ,|„ in,.l,niond • Cnmpbeir Mary Scott Rebecca „ . OW ‘ .■'*teu.tr-u * v y -Sad..-iWdieh.om which Is actaally ij motll ei.-.<>aru» 1.. to ItKlimuim . > •» J J wd honest, *«UAe prised .■ , t ,1 , • . ,r „ 'iiuml ■ Ifif t .,. 05 -’ 1 baunell. John Shnides W illtau ■ joootm , jTqEq, j.- ouifFlN, Jbetiooiter.^- : attta,, vv dver.'ami luilV n thousand yards low- iiurtvcll Mtnmc Welsh P F . »a Ara* I btroßssd jour WBiwUb estmordtosA ■ (1,.u linin'Fhft Darling is A but- : Higgins Margaret Wilson Mary , my '' v iVhifii.is sui.f tu be mimnted with Higgins William - . ? g ..-Uii.s—oueii-oh buttery oftliree . Persons calling for letters m the above Lisf known, sad 1 »wcoa.-'ajP^ " ... .Will pleiise say tuey advertised. Menda. Yoon, .1 1 r *'■ \j 1 \\i»KKSO v P M WAtnw.Wrowisa . * -v ir 4 M r*n f. P \r Dia» Si«: I»m mibg yonr Cathartic roi* In ■ Hours: rrom t aV* *»!• ,t“l « • -*' l * Ucc,and find them pvrgativa to cleanae un# i., .!, '..J * ■vilem and purify Uw Counlaina.of the blood. . ! A Rare Chance for a.Good Investment, I - amni o. l. Eryslpelnsy Scnfula, King’* Evil, Tetter,, Tnmorti and Salt Rhe«nn*‘ [ 1 p ' J>W a Pbncarding Merchant qf £L Louie, Jl6. i, 1850. Di. Ain: Your PlIU: are the paragon of all that ia great in medicine. They have tmred my little daughter ■ ofnlrerons eofet upon her banda and feet that had proved I incurable for year*. Her mother bad been long grievous ! ly afflicted with blotches and pimples pn her skin and in i her hair.; After pur Ichlld.wu cored, the also tried your j pille, and they hiOre.jnred her. ABA MORORIDQS. | ■ v RheumatißTii, and GonU; | 1 F,vm the h'tv. Dr. tfitr kts, of the Methodist XpU. Cftwr I *- - putASwi riors*. BirAHJfAH. Jan. 6,18505. . I HotioittD St*: I should he ungrateful for thereltef your ! skill hWbrought me'if I did not report my case to you.. ; A cold settled in my limbs and brought on excruciating , neuralgic pain.; which, ended In: chronic Hieuiiiatte. • Notwithstanding I had the beat of the diwaae grew worse ainTworse, until, by Ibe adrke ; • lent ageut in Baltimore, Pr. triedyourPUU.i ■> Their elTecta were slow, but inr*j Byiperperciing m the .: 'nee6f them, lam liow enUrelyjaelL ( ‘ yL ’ y RrrATt Chamber. Batob RpcGt, Uu S^Defc, 1865. I Du, Ateb: I have been entirely cured W-ypar. VUU of i BbeumMic Oont-apoinful j For Drobsyt’ Plethora, or kindred Coil* plninta, requiting tia aeliw purge, they are nu |‘lent remedy. •. f /' I For - Costireness or Constiimtion, and ii* 1 «A Dinner Pill, they are agite:il*l»- end eflertuai. j Fils, Suppression,|PnraiyBis,.lnflrtirtma^ 1 tlon, and even Dewfncaa, .and P*rti*l BiluO* ■ ncAa, hate been cui{M by the action of these j PiUa. r ‘ | ! ' !| ’ ■ I Mort of the PiUsita mnrkol contain Mcrmry.yhlcli, al : titongh a ralnable rcier.lv in skilful 1 if. 11 'll*. 1. dangerou. i In a ruMlc pill; froßi lhe drwidftil coHMuucncrt that lie quentlf follow l« Wcantiona nae. tb»« contain no met | enry or niim-ral siuiatanco whatevor. S AYER’S cherry pectoral WriV.p A -xKAt —-At.the prescnfa-C ijoii vi -: a I'.i.-tul Juli Conm cUcHI wr- ' [Siral.j -the . lii atfc - alj'isllVjihil&il as : 'iC-.rpo&l ! .My lu-art is firlt. 'i i u\nv> try i'nc >uiiiri ol* us all. as 'rjT(i'K AN I* FIXTURES OF. A COUNTRY , ;-it -as oiir poi kcls. My \vi»r*ls 'lull.-t j STOKE, in a Location, with n large V IvW. "autl Id the tmriiose. ’ Civof™" of t-iiStotni situate within ilk miles of; - -'r x . iip <ll* ,? * , ,;i, w.i- Pittsburg. .lu?st in tune for tall am.V Winter i JI Uiarlcb amO. htll • Trade , ow at pre V cW; J„o unsalable' ■ 1 ’.Viil, , heMilve ijial it l> a cno- Toms easy. Kt>r a manof limited j i: i:t tr anil that VOJJ oar. si'C'it. .Slioift capital, no better chance, could be-effeTcd.— I it. Cjlnilo ilioth hip ailH llligll. ail'd Store ami- dwelling house lor sale or rent. — j •tiv ik) re-wav*l t« camiibciie or brick* ;-AU*lr«sa “It. L. .Allegheny (.tty. Pa., giving ; ... A, . n„.;_i.„,.. "real name.. aad staling where an interne* , Util newata- of C>l< 1 - Jiourlion.— ■ , > , , , . * , - n... is ;• . , ■ I f can-be held. i Uut.io. yuui-tiiily. John, keep out. oli__ . w - i i rn'is.'iJlpii't'oo-o'r half onokoli ; anil , : ; .Notice' ' ' r r i . I nVi ni-i-ist'.-i Jtoiliicti limn yom’i—r. XS.fccrebyvglvcn that I have been appointed i ; t* O.nU.-oral.'oli IH-cctV.il'.w, liio' Wetlp- x as-,Surgeon hr the Pension Department, lo'j teas -100 liilieh atlcctci! to nnikl. ,:a examine yonmlctl ami, invalid Soldiers dm- . V , I• : 1 *«1 , •*i l ' A chnrgeU trow the service; m*.t my authority: • Miiil yr-jily, but promised tbul tup extend* to any J County,, Siafe or Territory, ! i>;vl Mi'o.ubi For biitl.j i ' :iinl fbat .-I a ( m now cuter’ the ; •aibcliai gc ul* mv duties ' £j. . i - GEORGE McCOOK, M. I).. j Examining burgeon. • ! i.'V is.'.ii (K-.t. IjJ.— Karly : ycs ivvj kiv'miion.iiia;'Tlm-ll attack-'d liraoo’s ,■ Uci.l.l—l at (,’liajiliiy CMvck in tlii* .ii.ito.vi'-ijniy .J'Pd.yviVla-. A .short!', TIZM-Ej T 1 A ~RT .TT! !.'ut aotsiiod ■ when llie; ; ■. ' . 1 r. i i i-’ broke faml Vl.batVd ,>-a l .i-l!y! .>v<-iy ;) thrc.tv di wads ,-to tliui, Tlrf:' .TCITr.HQS. tf iiivhwcst...'-Our iulxvs iu'e in close;; CLLVl.l.ANUl'lT'i'S'lU'lKjil, It. J 1 jiiir-uiL, wuli a’Jiopu to llio .lot.—? Al -IhM ;U‘V«*in»tS' (rilinTlV Inivos wrtiL- : in ' tlie*'rear, oft lie i;obi‘ls ami si.niO: dislanve -liclinv. them. Mi'lTtary vxiocni-ics re.jiiire'tlie sii)i]iression of flic "place. No. farther • areduiils of] the mss oil cither side. • ,1 •I.ouUvfllc .is inl'iiival unxiHy hilil | vxcilcmvul■ iv.-javtinj' the fate .'of oiir .| MtiilicTS.'ill till*' 1 >V>! l l • !l tr Instill*. . C’ajd. UMfr.-lia w. Jackson's -Aiijiilaiit; is nn I.is way licm from JJarilstown \vit‘i tiie ivinains of (.iensf [ “Kil l 'lUirwU.'aml Col. W'p.ljsicr’ of (Up *,.>,’.'.1 O.Uio. -,. ' . : j • is tlit* - ’ 'naval war lists'yam honi:- • v<l t-h.l i'l-vsi.ii-i'ii tn ilisjriliutv. in ao k m •'.vioditomont. of ymUiont M-fyic-es. will lit- a iiiii[!nsyil , fit" tin- same inotlil, lor alii flak-,V" that an admiral ami ■Jt maa ijotdro tho niiist shall'-have Iho sit mo ■!;;|,!tnriio!i.'. ; Also, that .the spoc in, g;01d..-'llvot aaif lironzo rooont • io. siriitlk at, tlio mint wore executed oi. 1 v to r-how how tho modal Would aj’lioaf indiireiiehl inofaU. ; . i ’i?!-*i.tL\ [>>;l,i*llia. 13.t—The Jit h;is sjieeial-lluni I’cntyville' an- T i;f■ i::.i-illannlher rebel riinl in Frank Tin enimiy. They are thirty tiums ai.‘i ' strong an<f are .-Uj.j><>>o»i to -be ihakiuij lor the 1 IVim.-yivtuihi-.CVniral ' ioii’r iaii. They havif seized a. large Mothers ■)!' ilol ses. ■ ?lij-. { .‘-rti or ■A'* Oli» • Kjutor.,—Col. V‘rr!:':*J r . Varler, Jor many t ears yon ; ; .K-.| vviiii.thtniiVwspapcr'ipiVss. send , . tW.nr publisher ol' a paper in i-aji . - !’a . e;d!e,d the Lanea'ter -Dein • ■ ■•. died recently al. iiis-residcnce/ia ' '-e iieorge county, Maryland.. '■ii’Kli'.ii—tin U’ene-day, Oelo jb v. I)K I’ressley.- ilr. I)i;- . v t '..Nr.sotiAM aitd iliss.K.vre S.Mi i till ol lhaver C<di)n,ty, hht. NATIONAL. WAR TAX. “'^’"OTICE; —Tlu Tax-pur*;:.-* of Heaver Co., j_>( who jlmve been aWi-ssed during the. n.viitli of September, are hereby notified that >.ii-'i aeminent.s arc how open for I lit- in.-pec ,as fwK.ws:. .t i. n. No. -1, Heaver 'county. North rof the Ohio: I, iiver, amPEast of th§ Ohio river, at the of Eli Ueno, Nidi Brighton. • No. o, Beaver comity. North of the Ohio :\\ er- and Wwt'ef the Beaver _ rivet 1 , at the of-1 lie * mTW. Ilaiailion.'Bcai'cr. ,***, N»-. h. Beaver countv, South of 4l'.c*‘olih» •river, except’ the t’ownshij« nf UopewiSft ami Independence,' Willinfii Jl. Trimble's** : ■ ! ’ 7 . No. 7, llopcwcll and Independence, town ships, hi William M. Heed's. Independence. All persons interested can call inspect 1 said li.-sts at any time udtbin fifteen day* : from 4 fbtf date hereof. / A Court of Appeals will be held for Reaver j The final account (Real estate) of David; county, at; Reaved cat the 2ith day of licto- . .M't'ailisli'r. acting Executor of the. last will; ber. in's:. ; ' JvAM L. DA} ENPOUT,, . ■ (jf Wm* M'Callister Jcc’d.-. 1. SAAs- rs tijßcc, ), Ass r 2o|U t)i> t - : The final account of John Ewing, Esq.. Ad- • Reacer, Oct. 9. > , * - ; ; ministratur of the estate of James Whitehill, | Notice jn the Orphans Court. i j The final accounts' (Real and Personal) of; 1 The following appraisements, under the .'John iPCuUough Administrator of the estate j Act of Assembly of the Uth of :of Andrew Knox, dee d ~ of property allowed to be, retained by a Avid- 1 life final accounts (Rial and i Personal), of ow hr children of a decedent, to ihe/vahie dfl Daniel tshafer; Administration of the estate of I '.•■.tirifhavo been filed in tile office of ihe Clerk ; William Shafer. deed- i ot the Orphans' Court of Reaver Qojtnty, to-j The final account of Alexander Sickle, Ad-j r w ;,"._p ; i v j niinisirator of the estate of Jane Hogc dec’d. r Personal proper! v to Amount of $3BO 29. | ’ The second and final account of David tjra- j by widow of Heury diced, late of Hopewell ham, surviving Executor of the last will of' ip., deed. Elisa* Reed and, Tlroma-f Xlocd j " illiatt: Nelson, dee d. • * Aißh'rs. i ■ ;j ' The/partial account of Wm. Duff, Executor ■1 Personal -'property to amount of 55, .of wiU-of John Duff, dec‘d. I -by widow of John* Torrence,- dec*d. Mary I The final accounts (Real and Persona!) of. Torrence, .Adm'r. I \ !P* L* Grim, acting Administrator of Henry ; Notice is hereby given to all creditors,heirs ; Small, dec dr- ■?" i legatees, distributees, and .all others interest-j The Guardian account of James MjarkajGuar ed iujt-lre above, to appear at November Term, ; dian of James Berry, minor eon ,of Charles -noxulof said Court, and not later than Wed-i Berry ,> dec d. . 3 • ( neK<i J iy the third day of the term, being the | • The Guardian account of James, oiiih day of the month, to, 1 show cause, if any Esq., Guardian of Mary J* soimg, formerly ; have, against the final/ continuation of i Mary Jt Marks,i miner of 1 the above appraisements.' i | Marks, jlec’d. \ | A. G. CVk: : L Bearer, Fa, t Oct. doth IW2.* " j ’* Beaver Station—(4oi.no East. . S.b.caii.,n. is convenient to the bridge*, and Ratl- M..,Mr,!, 0, ‘ J; cumniends_.it, to-the ; r , l r e^.w'Sw«;w y.fc: ■' ■ ‘ •' ~ 7:*V> a. m. Arrive- at i’iitsliurgh, - 9:K» a. m. • i r ■ in 'ft o k 1? ‘ i . I*. M. ‘ ** 3:25 P. M. \ J ■ W ■ LHA f 1 j l 5! ■ COMMISSION iHEttCHAXT, j : No. 185 Liberty Street,' •• 1..... Jiao r! «: I PITTSBURGH, PA. J.-X. Mct'U|.L()lHiir, Pr<*U brdera.for Pittsburgh Manufacture 1 F. R. MV-KKS, Wen'l Ticket Ayrat. ’ au<l (jrocerieH, promptly* filled al.’tlio very VikacM. a l?siXi£T. Rochester Station —Goino Kast. \ a • anted—lo.oim Um-iioia of \vii«»i, ■; I 1 1 •• ri.liiid •• _Uye. ' I, „ , a T cs Rochester. Air. M Pitts. ; ;■ . .. . ' 5.000 “ Bariev,. ■lst Ilngti D Acckhi. .);t!0 a: su* | 7:1)0 a. m. ; - .. 6,<t00 Oats." • \ “ A * 111 A - ; Delivered in Pittsburg, for-which I gut tuilhor- Allmftce . *t,.-- .P-l-J a. tMJ.....1(1;.40 a. ». j ze ,[ t j, o highest prices. Address, Ist llngh 11. •*. ■ 12:151 rf .si;.;....“tilt. p.>. ■ ••' . f j V rB VFT . 2d iirigh’n jfl 2:15 )•. M: i!:25 )•• ji. ! ; ' ° ~ ... 1 Alall. -A 2:110 )•.. 5,i thill i-. M. j . I UtM.urg. Ist Experts, t». 12:50 a. jii..... 2:‘i)D a. m. ; • j ( ' iM Express. ‘ thin r. Mi:,... 7:45 iv n ... 1 ~«r» A : Jini,, wesr-e ‘ 'I H ■ ’ I ' Leaves Hitts..; Air at Rochester. /?IAiME to the premise)* of the subscriber, Ist Ttrigh'u Accom. «;stt a. ji....... 10:25 a. m. ! V 1 Chippewa Ip., about tthn Ist of July ir.l lirigh u 11:00 a. m....... 1:211 f. m.. : a*"’hilc Heifer, 2 years' old. 'The owner is kllianeo *. o;(Kl'i>. m 4:55 p. m. 1 rcf l to come-forward, prove property. Ist Hrigh’n f* 4:30 p. m S t! : ol i>. ji. ; pay charges and take her nwayt’plherwisc she ii liriglrn, L 11:20 p, m i-8:00 p. ji:i wip be disposed of according to law. Siaili.. 7:10 a.8:40 a. m. if Aug,2l 2m. _ _THOS. >| KINI.EV.' WsExprcss, 1:00 a.,m..„... 2:10 a. a! • T O ! WN's E N D, 2u Express,. 12:*»0 p. m 2:00 p. m. j . ».■..*• 1 “ • ’ACG.-DUA’DLEV, Snpt., K. I>. k ' - ' -I»EALKU IN ~t/? 0.0 K S',, X TA TlO y E It Y "STVsi- ll Pa-per, TOY* ASB FANCY ARTICLES. .$53,150 oo! ;nofi. NEW DUIGHTON.. PA. • ; ■ ■ A. R. THOM SON 7 : ATTORNEY AT LAV4 ; '■ | ■ OfJlrc, corner of Thriii r!r>(/ ami (he DUnnvnJ. .8120,117 Wj 1' ■ ' nmy* 21* '' '. ■ ■,t . i’. m. Going wjjsr— 7'nyux have J’itlxbur'jh a* follow* I'ol'i a. m. Arrives at lieaver, i*. .M Quarterly Statement • OF T.IIE IS ASK OK ISEAVEK OOFXTY Xi;w liutuiiTnx. .Aug. ti, Ibti'J. Capful Sthek paid in iXutiys in t'ireulnliou :Diseount Exchange and interest ■Due Depositors' ... iDividead unpaid -. j Total,. , jßK.«oi|RrnM, Notes and Billsl’iscountcd,-., Doan to Commonwealth.' o,«H)0 BO ; DWrTPT ADDITTV I IT JP. TA U.-Jjr Treasury Notes, (7 3-10pcr ct )...4,8.">!Hi0 wliJm 1 tldj A ADU Oi \rfwa ...: 23,(0.'> 47 ' . |. - ; MA?CrFAf’TV.TBIIS ,OF NolcV and Checks »>f other Banks.. 10,1*08 92 •" j_ ~ ■ , - . ___ _ ■ „ ' ’ , Coin in Vault 12.30ii10| A (^JL-Ej^j. furniture and OlTicc ‘Fixtures....;.... I.OoS .!*•) j «i/\/-i¥yyi »i p Current Expenses , : 485 07 > A : ■ : P ? T • • :: UKAYEU COUNTY, PA. [ap2 Total A.. 5120,117 h(J C BEAVER COCNTV s>: Before me, a notary \ public, in and for said County, came Edward , ll.oops. Cashier of the Bank of Beaver County, ; who i»eing duly affirmed to law, iie-J poseiu that the above statement is correct and j true, according to the best of his knowledge* and belief, ' . ‘ EDWARD HOOPS.. I ■Affirmed and subscribed before, me this bib day .of Aug, 1802. J.NO. OCTHjBBKSOX, • .1 Notary I’ublic. j Cuas. Honrs. Deputy Register’s IVotice. ALL persona interested in the following Administration and Guardian Accounts, j winch have been passed and filed in the Re-j gister’soffice, of Beaver county, Pa., willtakeJ notice that the same will be presented to the J Orphans" Court, to be held at Beaver, on i xeaday, 12tii of 18(32, fpr.confir-| mat ion and allowance: \ I Bwer, Oct. 8, *62 liMill FOR SALE, UAHILITIES. AK. MOORE. R«gUt*r. In the Qotirt of Common'Picas of Beaver Co.; j-. ■ In the matter of the account of :K. P. Kob- } [ferts Y E*cj., assignee of Thomas McKinley, for; ; the'benefit , of creditors: ;-*•■■■ y And now, to wit, jScp’t 18, 1802, the. Courtf I grunt a Kule to show cause Assignee! I should not be difechorgcd froin-his trust upon ' confirmation of his uccounC arid payment of any balance in his hands; arid order notice to j j be given by publication in the Beaver Argus ! ! according to Ityrie. ■! :• * i , libavek County. ss:“ 1 1 Attest:-. MICHAEL' WEVANB, I > ocS-r-Ut . Prothonotury. $3O. Employment. $lOO COMMERCIAL AGENTS WANTED TO SELL GOODS FOR THE ■ ADAMS . j ]’ '(A 3SKW KNGLA'XDi ' i )Manufacturing Company. | ■i'S'T'K WILL -r.IVK A COMMISSION OK i 'W one hundred per cent, on all goods I sold Jiy onr Agents, or wp;«ill pay wages at from $3O to Slot' per mouth and pay all nc iccisnry expenses. . For particulars address I with stamp, (’HAS. UI’OGLKS, Ocn. Ag'l, ( For tlie Adam«_MaiiulValuviii}; Co./iletrioti Mifl'igan. li. SCO TT • H OTJ SE. JV. J). M AUK KU. ruot-’it, i . Or. Jnciii St. <f - Duqiu-shv Wu>J, j ; ' PITTSbI-ilGIf, PA. 11 HE -SPOTT HOUSE” it one of l.lie largest ami best arranged Hoicls in the Irond.’ity, hand udtbcr pains nor expense will be spared to maintain its well earned reputation. Its .$53,012 50 3 JOHS B. WILLIASIS, BARBEE. & HALE-DRESSER. (Shop pnc door oast of Troudlcy's Hotel;' - •. BRIDGEWATER, PE^'N’A.: BAIL-ROAD HOUSE, 1 ' S ADAM JOHNSON, PRO’R, ROCHESTER, I'ENX'A. I7RUIT JARS & CANS, ( * , CORKS. - , ' i SEALING AV AX,;; r • ’ ROSIN, 1 - - . CANARY SEED, &c. at HENHVS. *- / ! • , riIRE Co-partnersltip heretofore exiling un - I der.the name and style of Gilliland,. £*'ew .Brighton, in the business of flierchandisc, \Vas duly dissolved on tlie btUh day of 4pril, 186;!. The Books will he settled at the'store of M. Gilliland. All persons knowing themselves indebted to;the late firm, will please call and settle immejiliatcly, as the Books will be closed without delay. t a., i). Gilliland; > M.GILLILA'ND, | Now Brighton. MaylO, 186:*. I JAS. c. GRIERSON 1 \ \ I WHOLESALE I Grocer & Commission Merchant, i Also Dealer in ■ ‘ IFLOTJIR,, FEED AXD PllOrinK GKXGRALLY Ko. 8 SMITHFIELD ST. ; opposile the Monongshela House, PITTSRURGH, I’A. Do You Want Employment. I OFFER a pleasant business for the Sprinrg and Rammer, with large profits. :' Send for smynew circular,' containing full information. \Addrt*a GEO. F.DWt|> SEARS, ' matM. : 161 William Bti; N." T. >v .. '•i'i-' ' ' , j ' FOK TIIK KAI-ID CVUK OF ; . j; COI'GIIS, COliDS,' HOARSENESS, INFLU ENZA, MION'CHITIS, WHOOPING COVGII. C.nOI'P, ASTHMA, Ilf- ' hi: CIPIKXT fOWniFTION, I i i hud for the reliefjof ccntumidlte;|H>Uwt> In adv.ncedj < H«li« of lh» diMIlW.' •' '-J : !■ We need hot laptak I® the fuhltc »f ila ! lr i i ’ Tlironithont every town, end :»lnto»t every hbmlet of tne 3 Amnion Slate*, lie woudeifnl nm» uf pulmonary com- j nlainle Save n.adelit alreadyf-known. Say. few are- the - fan.idea in any rivlilacd readier on thta continent with-. onl vuuf netadnal evict cureot lie effect* : and fcwenyel . tlio coinumnitie* atiy where which hata not amony them ,otne livinfe trof.hy) of ft* victory ever the .uhlle andd«t eetv.ua ilUeaaee .dtlhe thcret and lunc«. Whi.ell la tlie nioet nowertW antidote Jot kaown to man *» the fonfih deble and daniieruoa diacaaea’of the pulmonary oraanO, It la ahn the pteaaWnfeel and «afrrt remedy lhal can t* cm- - ■ ployed fur InfintW end yoWiw pereou... yltonld have it it. »tvtv>.lifeiMltt tlie inei’lloua etfeuy that ftrol* ; , them Utiprt-mred. Vr pvv.nr.d. to , j believe the /tdanl MW» "i 0 " ••*»». io‘ f annipliot.a fM-rcvni.la than thoee it nitre. {'•’•‘t , j yon. and rur. vo.ihodd* while they « || left then. ...Mill no human: .HU tan n.aeter **£££>* J • ranker that. faateUl on the vital*, eat.. vonr lifejwny. Ail Vnow the'dreadful fatality of Jonit.dljnrdcca.aj,d *a they know la,. tl.h| virtnra of till* remedy, we need-. tmt do more than toavanre then, it la at 111 ho. We rfaire no Wet, no rare.ino toil to |.n duce it llm,, moat ,*rfret poMihle. and 1h... afford th<«;«hn rely^, : It the heat .pent whl. hour akill can fiuyiiah. ft* their cure. PREPARED BY DR? J. C- AYER. Practical an j Analytical Choniat, Lpwcli, Maia. - - i^oaVJPe V BT ’ 'V;, * * . • _'| \ Lh .PERSONS having business AviiU the ; Y~\ subscriber, .will please call', wi|h Mr. | Robert Tallojil who is duly puthnriicd .to at- i v t end to all business during; my ab.'lenceJ Alsod all ’persons having unsettled accounts will call j and make settlement as ao*jui as As it has beofmsinv, duly to IchjVc honic lor the-j. purpose oftsorving uiy country, I? hopcjiny,f cnstoiperswi I still give, thpir-p.fttp.onagc .as . usual, as they Avill find Mr. Talbui shfie ■ -shop and my son, Aames.-at ihejtauiynt’d; eepy. rgfii >OHX ; ; ' S ray >larcJ CJ.VME to the jiroiiiiAb-s pf Ihe subscriber,’ , living ir i% Beaver t-utvnsliip, Beaver countv, oh the evening jolUhc -HU of April;, a small Bay. about o jehrt iJd. shoa all arounil, saddle marks. off hind hough en laced by a cat- or bruise: no other marks per ceivable. ,fl c owner is•ilcsire.il to- conic for ward, prove ] roperty p'a,v charges and take.her aw.iv, or othrrw.ise,she will be disposed of ac cording to law. . iji' , ■ ’ j tine 11 8t - JAMES K. (.'AUIOI-V - ' 1 -Ij.-.s ... ii ■' Estate of DSvid Minis, Jr.,M.p,, Dec’d. | TyrOTU'K it hereby invert that lettersiof ail -luitiisl rat ion have been granted by the ■ Itegistcr of Wills. ifo; % of ihcuounfy'ofßeaveri, upon the cstate of.D avi i; Min is. Jr. M. p.,dcc d. ( late otdioropgli fp.< in said cbtinty; to-therub T scriber resitting in the Borough of Beaver, in said county. I Ifelitora'vyiUmak'e payment, and creditors present their olaints duly authentica ted to the ur ilcrsigncd. , jM , ; | , . DANIEL AIVNEW, i Adiiiirfistrator.s i April 12. LETTER!- testamentary '■on ( ijlic estate jnf Samuel Uassa, -late; ot-X'lifPi’Cwu town ship.- Beaver connty, dec'd, . having been granted to the undersigned, all persons iniiebt cil to said estate lire requested to make immef diate payme tlVatid those having cjlaixns against said estate v übpresent them to t lie subscribers properly authWlicatcd for Settlement , * 1 ’ .$ : JOS. SHARE. ; ' | JOS. I>. lIANNA. . ■ Executors. jel?—» A J)JII>’ISTBATOITS NOTICE TTriIRREAS letters of administration]'o|r. tlic JSthio of SJICIIAEI, Uamdo, late of Uhcooou : t wnshijV ''Bchver ' county, | de ceased, having been -duly? grantcdito thettn dorsigned, .all persons indebted to said eat»tc aie notified jto make immediate payment, and those having claitna.'agamst ibc same vfiU pre sent them properly 'authenticated for jseltlc mentwithouldoUyi ■■■*'■'. ! \ l'i !; I J,\COB FRONK,! , j sep24. ' *f- / Administrator, 'j Confessions & Experience of ah Invalid. PUBLISHED for the benefit and as f warn ing and a caution to young men who'sill fer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay &c., supplying at the safne time.the means ol Self-Cure. By one who .has cured'hinjlSeh after being put to great jexpeuse through med ical imposition and quackery. , By enclosmgja post-paid a Idressed .envelopes, single cipiet may 'be h id.,of the'; nuthor, NATHANIEL MAYKA 18, niar26:lv Esq., Bedfi JS, bee* in; use. at. OIL0 IL 0 i. - •• -• U— i-r! - lrfrn[rfilf"t’ ''4^ , | ; r«r U Tmti » SUple BtaMjr br LIVER COMPLAINT ABD ALL BILIOUS DISEASES; £ EMI j The ordinary evidences of 'ln**- ease ofl tlio Liver are Pain md • tenderness in the region of ihe UTer t sometimes doll and aching* v increased toy pressure, pain ind , Cnetslness in Breathing, Pain in : the right Shoulder, uneasiness when, lying upon the left side, : ; increased size of the; Liver, Short and Diry Cough, disordered stom ach, Nausea, Yellowish Tinge on i the eyes and skin, Headache, yol- ; lowisb fair on the tongue, Biller- ■ ls& Uste in the month, heavy, ; tail MBsatijon in the Brain, De« / prtSSionof Spirits, amounting : almost to Insanity, slight Fever ! toward Evening, LOSS of Appetite, , With morosoncss and. Hypochondria,•Neuralgia, •dim-; ness, a general feeling joftneasl- : I gess,* Languor, drowsiness, tho patient conscious of something I wrong in'himself, and disposed 1 I to see nothing right; in things ; "'about him, yet 1 hnable j ,to explain tho cause of ih sen*. . sationa—with many others easily j \ detected by resemblances to ■i some' one or other of the above* j | The liver Pill will almost cor« i I tainly arrest the disease if taken ; ' 1■; upon the appearance of the above I ; symptoms, which if allowed • to' II take its course, become? chronic i i in its nature and alm6st;inbu-! I, rablo, producing gro'at.and con , : | stantly increasing suffering. 11 j i -iho use of this medicine will neither l i , \J is now disease nor complicate an< . i fLexistiug lncmost cases,,wiUj. i V prepare thesyatemfor the more vigorous! j j remedies of the physician, should it liej' 1 necessary to call in his aid. ,;;i , I; AS A FA»ItV MEBICINK ' ■ sellers' Liver pills; L , ’ - > ,!:■ . Price 06 Cents. ird,-Kings Co. jN. Y HENRYS. 1 ■ I; s ‘,?, =I j' . 111:11 SELLERS' VERMIFUGE. ; Every yoat of CljUiiren gic ftron this Lcrriblo evil. Thi? ;• tality loudly «“dla f r Inrn-nn-d \vatchfnlotr‘s|‘ I", and for grwr.pr *vtc inMie xchclurntyf- the rrnifr I dy. Thf Bwc*-j»lii~ of p> AUfon ofmar r (d'lyKicUn*. ,ro aJrcHist d xurta I*. In a nu^smV. 'justified by of aom«* of thjy nt*d inoirK-ieticy of;tm* i of fha scK-ttllji d *• yVortu Cojifjrtious, - u v Candies, - ’ WoFiu.i«su*," Ac. £jrri if t{f th : | ’ latter are as hannl- st at they art inrjjlcient. tk l • . r.Ei_\r itvr.i? >r*T C',Wt Ltfii. JCo - slblo mother, will thus triOe wllli the life other ;• i-uuarv~' s „ T ,i. ’•;■ p’ xVt Physicians speak; j > SELIMS' VEMIFIGE ME BEST IX hl\ , TIIK PRP^.i J fC-'ing Stm-'nn. K'j. Dec.lT, l?4o.. f 1 i yin. K.,K. Sij.d k--;—Vi up ViTiuiiiij'u r.««ss-s.“'|s . tiioie JtirVuo than any 1 wit l *i*od. il \vill'»tot*?ja li 'io 1 i':*v4 ot.e yjal. Jly hiidli!*tV<hiM w:U 'jtiinti'y and, wsfii’g’to >t m> ir tUlrh'h.' ;in lid •; hoiirs after I "gave iht* 'quantity'of ui'tranl fix hinu'rul i&p’iu s icejv " jhij/ri' 1'la: child..that wh* civon ' uSwtU well us uay lit the i:eri;hl*»rh<>*ul.‘ . V • 1 ; - A.HIiKOSE AICSJfe.ro *l.l>. I'-'i. I C4t!\{f*4*f, OA*. April AV Ht;it W rw}uir*ii‘u>;c» T c U iunny fauillyi Uia lair • '-i k ■ i i K. .11: WILiON, M. D.j-- I .’' ; . ; TV. (V t]i, IMTjj I*. jjOR. I'. Fr.i.LSa - U in usy l'r:lc’l i li. c r*irth« U»st ,fO«:r t-r iVvc; I tllnU - it d«*-i 1 rii!<«.J!y*the l tlw kind.'; I Iwf* | h.TfiwY-ro in**-d -tlio 'fu'tri 1 ' • »-.tlur V>a:;ui;icttu>.T*.' Vi ur-jj ■=••• . i?.-I ■v ■ v.xx**:u, - p ■ j AVt mlglil cmiTTiVniti' hitnilmli vf •.■th.fir s. I vji.re 1L ixtfLsUi-y. 1-ui htw*l j,;' did !*-sfi.ftlic‘m.-akal fcvulty ami piit.-1 He than a Vi/mV-o' - n (vijtury,whldi.jm£" iL'olf.iiii conclusive of its entire fatty, cu ic*tl a.< the cr.rUituhj of its t*n*;cl. { ' Notice.— rJxkraonlibury are • f«*ml t') tjculef* and m? 11 other V *r- I mitoses Do not t*-t; uuprladifci rujiipalw iff ; any of these on ypu., I'lio Itft at apy pr’.Vj i.i! ; t'u 1 cVu;*c/Vthrrclbrofa3k for I and tttr't po < thcr.\ _. t j • . )_. ;■ r ! l*ri<po| GS ■ ‘ ; I i rtLpAitn AX© £CLb irr: ... R. E. SELLERS & CO PITT3BITSr.iI, PA. -J SELLERS’ cioTfeffl H-i ::SiYEijftH,s ! '’ FraaA~Casbin*, Drtevlit, St Saii IiUL D. 8. Owr-^-E*!.— D*xxrSir— In reply io jour fcror of tb« IStkinstant, I would wy that fho Hale of'Sellers’ Medicine# ha# far exceeded tnr exporta tions; and in po case hare, they failed,,,to jirooute the deitrH effect. The Cough Syrup fs’l car*'for coughs, cold-V Ac« and the' cheapness pf the article piacee.it within the reach of off, which, •with it# efficncione qualities, render# jit a umWrwJ. favotfte.' Not a day |iaMes without numerous <fal!i for u Vie one thing ncctlluL n at ibis season hfj the. year, vh. .Seller#’Cough SVnip. : i i jV, I A. G. CCBHISGL ■; '■ Price Centw. ; Bel Mfr $ VERMIFUGE. Fiwa* the Ret. S. Wakefield, fonhef Paster of the Liberty Street M. h. Cbnrch . . Sett- a.H—lt is from a.seiims of duty/a# well as with great pleasure, that 1 Uau* Voclmony; to the tlrtoe of y»ur Justly celebrated Vermifuge. I " procured a single battle, and gave It to three of my ' ehndri'Oa 'wfaohad been j ill for u renal ; week# iThe > eldest wte seven year# old. the :nezt fbur, and] the ■ youngest eighteen month#. The first pa#p»d fifty* ■lx worms, the aeonod farty-eereo,’and the third / • considerable number, not distinctly recollected* Since then they bare been do hue well, and are now/ Ingcod health. / , .!■ 8. WAKEFIELD, i ‘ Price 2S Cants. : ' ■ PREPARED. AND MID BT RiE. SELLERS & CO. { piTTSßcneo, pi. ' E Tllfc H.IiE FiiltAtl OP T : alwaysreapy. |.; n-rpnt itlities. HOLLOWAY’|qiNTMPT.| i[v' . . . 1 . ; ’ ***■ ; ■ ■ . JVi ' tUy that the’ bruggiatv Apothecaries.J«n<* T OSC marcbcSySpH mid stiff jibutie blister- physicians of pur several havo signed 1/1 joJ and inflamed reel) .*vtl these tljo soldier a document of assurance to us that Ax BB p CSst endure, MOTIiEUS.dIEMEMBEjR THIS, baBBAPARIX.T.A has been found to bo kvlicu your sons tlicir muskeus to ofereat excellence, and worthy meet idanzer. think flirt SuHcf a pot of this th( > 00 nfldouo<s ofjha oormruinity. A Lli HEARING A t&jOJdNG Salves jwiU give- ] . V c 1 to tike oucfyoUlovc wltcnilitT away:|r™m home HON. JAHES COOK, - ; r . and friends. It hardens and make* tough the . . . , |«; r r'nf T.OWELX.. MASS; feet so tbit th(Ty can eWtirc great faligne. *t ~ . . | . , _ _ i soothes arid roii.-vefe tljo ihttiriiicd an.L suffened HOIffi.ALBIN BEARDi joints; leaving them Stipple, strong iiiid vigor| | -j NASHUA, N. H. atUtands unequalled.: rcilioriugand preventing I -j ■■ _ Mayir of MpTOHBSTEB, H. every [[vestige of ijifiammation and gently ',TQQIf ASBOTT,! ' ' ’!'• drptvillg the edge's [together, it qmekily : tui'i, [* , (Mayor! idf CONCOBD, Nl,'H; completely heals the mosi.triglitly wounds. i j-l J■ ' * .is , f ■ MvUd iA>iI>::SIKTEI!SiUh O.Cll; YOI.IIN- , HON. A. IH. BUItLOCK, 'I, . *\: i ■ I.]/ XKKKS'j ■ i_ Mayor if"WOllOSSTBB, 11A33.- i ■ Yb’bnnhol put into Uic .Knapsacks >ofyour ! - -r, TOrA |p TT , T- gTt.q’RTVEh r . i Ifcsbands and Brothers* a more; vaUfirUe or .. ?<?«. mass. morcivccctsnry sill tlmn n supply M’ I *] ,1 I ■ • : j• ; • . ■■■[ '7. fcXT 1! A 011 UIN AR V >lll- IT AIIV isARMI'.. [ h6N.-’3?. W- LINCOLN, Jr., I - The. lonely seritry .walking his rounds at f j' „j b. jiayor of [BOSTON, HASS; nigltf. exposed* to rnius nnd 1 qnul - i L *-wr 1 : nighf air, is often Seized [the most HON. WM. M. , r , 'TWAINS, ’ OpCGHS ; and j j i Miyof of PBpVTDENOB, iR. £’ litiA K.<Ndi.«Sk,'tii>l symptoms of Qhlt'lvt'OXs;' V Jng nr PRENTIck I •SlMl-TUfts, fiut if supplied wi.h llphl.O-: EO f' S^IoOIIT W'AY S J-thbii and IIOi.hOiVAYTS ‘ OINT-!'V [ [ Jjlayor of NOBWIOH. JIENT, iilkdnugtr is averted, a few L’ilU taken jjnjjy j_ jy; •v . l i • niglit and imirning, and the ointment briskly ■ [ Mayoi( of NEW XIONHONi' GONN. rubbed twice h [day over‘the tlirbat and-this! '.. r |:.l.' ij - ! ! 11, ■ will remove the SKVh. 11KST PAINS and slop i HON,. CHAS, S, BODXEE, •, j _ tfui most, distressing or I)ANt»KU(tVS h’Oh'Jyil j.. yJ , Mayor of JdpKTHEA3i J | 0. B. : Thefure we the wiiolc army. - .’i, I WoNi T 5 T 1 • TIEMANIT. " 'll -' ' ; ; ■ i;. ‘jS°f [f Pcc to tt'oiir own licaUlu uo ru>t Ini>« *l.O j tf . n [.| ■ i-‘ Aim supplies altdiouglr■niost valuable. These WON. H. M. ' • t’ILLS iind OINT3IE.NT have been Ihokiughly ; ~ .j..,. ij a y 0r of HAMIXii’OK, C. Nf nested, iln’t ,iiic the hn.Uvivuiedic* >ii tl-c t ‘. - . j . I'uropeaii (ainjis njni Barriicks, for over biity NON. AD. A lit Wi. I-iS ON, : ■ [_. years llooiiir llollowny liaii. supplitHl jail;Jthe i _ [ . Mayor; of TOBONTO, '-V/; ■ armies in Europe, and,during the (jIUMEAN' _ li.- ■tbyssTThP i ‘ 4 ‘ \- ■ I’\Ml* Vlii Vhe esttiiilished a depot. ni. tim(i : ; R. Iff- j , ' el’nvrt, *Vpi| tlic cxelhsive sale of these jJ.IiiEAT . v L Miyor CINCINNATI. OHIO; a time his* special 'Agent 'U-L. V ;'ct CRAWPOBD, • i "■ ' - ll.ei'e .lliiS Bbid lover a ionTh wyigii.t| .bl the • fl. | * Vjj r - pf KT, Ointnier.it in iVRtngU day.’ . 1 hose lerntldc. ( j- | . ( *. • • .• » filla! encmiesoof the Soldier in (.’amp; HON 1 . JOHN SLOAN, . ; 4 I biAiiltHKAi IiySENTEIIY. SCI 11 VY.jSOUKS : j [ [ , Mayor of LtONS. JOWi: : ,aud SCitOKUbOCS ERUPTIONS, nil disap-, jl J . W,' .TTa..mnTr«i' '' i>J.,r' like in elmrin before these i'tI.LSiIAND HON. . JAMES-MsF'RETBRS, UINT tiiy'•Si’i',- ''and k noit while tfce'l’ry-drings [ / 1 Mayor of.BpVVMiANVILLS, O; TV. ■ _ o\ -I M yi s,'-;5. i■; 'HON. IJAHBS w;|NpßTHy' ’ ■ , ; I . I*^1 1> ARM.... __ ...n j . Mayor oT A.U&J3TA, MB. Do nbt let t.hese bra v o men I'ein li !>y. o.sr I, i, .j: ' _-I ' -eii'.'*‘ piaeiv in the.iy llaiids These Pii A v )OL>> WQN. HENRY COOPER,' Jrj, ■ RENli.jilES, that will enaMe,l;. | [; •;,*] of HALLOVsEEL, ME. '■ (he dnngeijims! exposures, the:. l t'.rs. t,c : | 1 i ’■ _ : ; ■ .Ohills, [ivnitj, the. woiiinl? wjiidh ‘ they] ea-VOOt - HON. BE-jK, j avoid, and.what is liioroi ciiii.niit fie.jiujnjly get .' I . MCfcr of -PEEIiEIiIcTON, N-, B.y ■' .succor ih the niumeni of need, whereas If « ,,r rJHi tttttt imri wtn? brave mtn hhvb , onlyty pm their !,a,ids..into" HON. ILLARR. , ‘, their Khapsacks'aml find .there n stive [remedy ■.l j;Mfiyof Of NEW BSDFOB.D, MAu3, , . furi«n the'cnsualties of the battle tield.’ J Uo«j WON J BLAISDELL, rMiiany tinhyamls t f.Uyes|woitld ilnfe b)r_ Sjavei . ’ ji ly br bf 'PALL. HIVEB, MASi. ’ \vli'*> pvfi.sh.tifkOic i.cuuld ~ j , * _ ' ■ - , ■ be. obiuiKi-i. ;v hon. w. n. cranston, iC* WTXO’N* —N'liie arc genuine - i n’o.s T [ . , | Mayor of lIBWPOK’, N. X , 1 ijlic wunis ■-//o/Aiitvij/, AVi- i'nf): m ; !_L_ : -mL-ijf V , | tire dis'eeniaiile as a Avarer-mark in every loaf HQN. ; STAHL. _ . _ r«f.:n,i b.*ik of.-direclions nrtaiijd d icjij, pc|' gr ’ 1 : 'j . Mayor ot fiALENjii ILL 4 ft|boi- : tke siVinc niay.be plainly Veen ih&M ’ JOHN HODGjdEN, i . Ihrlcaf lo ihe Vi/hf. A liutidhume re\v:ii d will * mayor of DUBUQUE* lOWA. ' 4)e given rtny’ one rendering hiionnfi- ' v i; ■ . i {ibu a.-*’msiy.lcad to ilw drt**ci:i‘A *.«l’ psirty -■ )»r piirlics countci-'tVi* iug! lie mcjlic.nes urveird-, ing the sjubiV kjiuwing.tlicni to'bv tfpurifinj?. - j . * -*■« Sold'..lit the Miiiuitaciorv oi\ 1 I > i r( , .rck<»?i* ' Hoi«Lmv.AY. H’* Mni lcn b::ui\ New Vbi k,'rind by. ami Pt*:_tU ; ri.-’_;iTi [ Medicines, tjifoughimt tii.c tivilkeil ir .rid. in j b.»xes ni|. 2A cc'm f. liZ eeiifs ilnu^ t irt-' i.,'' ■'j tiki)*"- I'b'cre WmMdciiibk- ssv-sng ( ;t*y ffinir.g bjl tlie .largjer sizijs,. i. . ‘ ; | ; v :jj y. 11.—1,'ireetinns fur tlie ; gii:tlnnri 'of pn-i il ienis in ievevv disardcrareanixed t" e.'teli box. j / Ylay'7.- ■[ [■';■• ‘.H! Ppwbdjiatlieißopni former ly Oc cupied by tlie lateDL Jliais. ■i 'a i i , ; •I 1 I ■ ’ «•' * .I . t I milE "having' i-urcki.'k-i fI;?AC-,, j.' | '-taklialAncnt yyill emleayor to. ktcf* t*in4 i'stamlj? on-" hanJ all ariiclcs usually"foun;l in ■. Dnijr SturO , ', ■' j' i ileing a i’hysician nnd'lJrttjrpTjk. .tlie ptijMjc Imav.relr nit It kfL'pit.g - ; tho ;f?M | best invi'n-5.. ■. A vn,| jj' i A-variety,■hi r.’l:er r.i tick’s 'w ill■•jo’tio%c:fc!iJil ,'’ in ilk ;c, 1 , ■Tea- ’ i’c/Jw-f ■! <f\ • Musiii /ioafi ••[ .Fannl- f/>aps ' Fart M'-iih Vo)i>l& ■ dvi’-jr jI’LES eon. XHfICTOII.ET.; f-U’OOL COTtOX. LKA^IfKNCIi.H. ST EEL' •i ’ EA'A, JIA Il{ •iurr si i e»- tooti ru i; i: sii ks, .1 TOBACCO. SEOAICS. LET t TEV^jvOTE I . A FOOLS; 4 .■ 1 ! ■■: CAf BA P ER; I '.dutT& 'Clityrieys: '■ These ■nrc.a.'fcw of the va fo\v ;, ,:ihvav> : »jn liand.'l Cal! and s£c. ‘ * -v ■. He udfy-*vy[ lly close attentioii find 1 fair Mealing.. t<. give' to all. >vhb may favor him ivi their: custom. • • ! / . ..•■) i ’ o. l\ CUMMINS, M, J). .. p.j, ( .ici'ijitr attention 'will l)e.j l-aiiil'- lo physicians prescriptions. .*■ [aug-7 putting-up Orphan s Court Saif of valuable _ Real Estate. j By yii-tucMif an . the Orphan's (.’onri, ; of .Beaver cminty./lwll be, ex- | posed to sale by .public •vendue, or•- out-cry l , ; oh the picmiscvon i; _:jf- r : i ' • Saturday Oct-25th, 1862, . | et 1 o’clock; p. iu. t he follo wing .real cst afe of: Alexander 'Gibb, .dc.c*«lLsituate ..in . lijufoyer ; township T ;'l>eavc;r. co.,‘bounded on thoj Kjorrli by land* |df ,lobh Gibb'-s |ieit>. V<a the ihist ■ ■bv lands Of John! 'Vit ham's hoirs.on i lre Sryutlr ’ ! by lands of Henry Lance and' M ost -f)jj ‘lffiids j of John Giirvun.‘ Containing' -ahouf.!miioty, ; acres—about fOU acres 1 cleared and well vAtcd. t A heaved Log Dwelling House . on tl:o promise?. ■ • V- - | ? l TKif.M rv—One-t bird of the purchase money tobc paid on confirmation of tlic Saje by the ! Court, the balance of purchase imnujv, in two ; cijual annual payincmi from that dale, with ; interest. ,rbej-cdn, fromlhe saniofmiei For further information innuire. of David { Anderson, AdriVril . ' j r , ‘•i , l*v order of Com- 1;: i; ■ ’ • -. V V*- A. Ci. Mcl'llKAßY.*^ Rcnvcr, Pcpt. 21, '(}ll !, ] Notice in the Orphans’ Court. Beaver C.^oviiit_v, ass;: IN !lie Cou?:. in AndHVu' l’»! coitfity, before the' Hou. IMniel.-Ai President, and his Associate Judges- pi ('mirt. : In the; matter -of fhc petition of ibald Johnston; Administrator of thciest; Alexander, dec'd, for decree’of SJ performance of coniraef .with Afchibiild more for the conveyance to bhn of certaii estate situate in Hopewell township, a l| county, Pu. ; jj ■■ ; Now, to wit:f; June-2d, 1802, the Court! a w rule on the (icirs and legal represent of Mary Alexander, dec'd, to shewjcauw a decree of of col with'Archibald Gilmuve for, the coiiycyai said real estate Hjtbuld not be made. - September' 13th, 1862.,Hu1e contirtne ' returnable on -fhO second Monday of Not .next. ; .1 ■i s ‘ ’.A true copy. >? ti Attest: ;1 , A. 0. M CUEARY, Cl k y Oc8:3. . i. jyy. V ■ •'■ . Kerr’s Upte Third Street, ' Beaver, Pc y •* Si Jt-JSSJti ; Proprietor,:’" I- !■: 'v HON. t: May: , f~iM AS CRUTCHFIELD, ' ‘v, jr of I HON. EbBERT BLAIR, J .. 1 |- ■ Mayor of' TUSCALOOSA, £~D. BAUGH, '■'V A : Mayor, of, MEMPHIS, TBiSriV. 7 HON. GERARD ETITH, _' !. ■ . I i .itayor of NEW OHLEAES. HON. H. D.j SCRANTON. . • ,% . | ' -VLaybr of HOCHE JTETI, K". T., HON. DE ,WITT C. GROVE, . ' j; .. | | . n -j - ; Slayer Y.; HON. 6EO. WILSON, , ’ F ; i: , r .jil i' -I;. Mayor of PITTSBUHGt PA. HON. c; H. BUHL, .!• ' 1 ' ' -HON.: Mayor ofr'DETKOXTj I MAN L. PAGE, | : ' Mayor of MXL'WAU U-lE, AVIS. 7. W. VAUGHN, " , ; Mayor of- EACIKE, WIS. . ' . | : ■ -| ‘ 'f' r , .f L. PARK, i . .7 '.l-v j Mayorof ItEIiOSHA, WIS.- OHIT <3. HAtttES, -f \ A Mayor of CHIGA3-0, /TLL. j. J. A.'"HEATH,, j H, • Mayor of SEIjHA, ALA. A. j. noble, 7MtVS iyor of MOHTGOMEET. ALA. r . S. HOLY3AD, j■' Mayor of COLCTMEIIS, GA. PARTERO IaANtTEIi, I. Mayor of'VEKA CETJZ. ;tee de ca^aleo. Mayor of ’MEXICO.' HON. : HON. HON. ■ • HON. HON. HOST. ■■■fh!-- HON. i DON P ; # >ONK DOIT A DOW M. G. MILAWGtWO, >1 lay or: of v at.~pa~rajso, | GH_ii.iT. DOW MABO SESQUIPEDALIAN s ; -Ma ror of 810 JAITEIBO, BR.VZI^/ flirt;fy that the resident Drujjgiat. "have t ■ .assured them • ■ ■[ ... i‘ Ayer’s Sarsaparilla , li on excellent remedy! and worthy the eon-' | f.idenco of the*, cotnnuinity; For Bpr|lng Diseases. For Purlfylng the Blood. I For Scrofula or King's Eyll. . .: ~ Tnmori, ric«rs f! ah|l Som* : ForKript ions" and Pimp.<?a. F*or Blojtches, BUlai, aud&tolLt* For St.| Anthony’s Fire,’ 1 lose, .or. ; FjOr Tetter or Salt lUtenkc 1 ' ; For Scold Head and ootm* . Cancvr and Cancerom Sorei. s ' f ' Sore K>e*, Sore Humors. ' ; For Female DUeaiei. ' .si . Suppression and Irregularity. j/TFor ky.thUir Or Venereal Diseases* For Llrer Cbinplatute* , I % ; For Disease* of the'Heartr j.i - . *|‘ ,[■; I, 7 !- ’ The j|ayoiw of the chief cities of the Uni- | ted States, Canadas, and British provinces, | Chili, Peru, • Braiil, Mexico, and- in fact al« most ali the cities 'on this continent, have • uignedthia document, to assure their people what reine&es they may use with! safety and confidence. But onr space will\only admits a| portion of thorn. , ' ...*■ 3-;' Ayer’A: Sarsaparilla, k , v ■("; Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral,- J Ayier’s Pills, imd •> Ayer’s Ague Cure, • PBEPARED BT ' I J >r. J. C. Ayer St Co, LOyrF.l.h, MASS., ; , by. Dragght. cicrf where. j- * |eii^\v v i said. A rch ija'te of pecific r i\n h real ioavDr gvnht ativcs lc..why iitni'Ct ucc oi* K And. r^inber id sol( K*ir sale by u. Mini*, jrU r 1 Uocheier; is. Kr.*» . NicbdU,Huueu, J. **rguut f ,>cw n, toI:n I .Kilted ; - r —j , Fob’ I'ilj, - •11/ »<* * 0 .% rhiriv* . ]* STEPHANIE HODBIGEES, Mayor of HAVAIfAi N'TOHIO V- Mayor of LIMA, FEB.IX fl-.> u 111
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers