The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, October 15, 1862, Image 2
BEAYEIi ARGUS. A correspondent of testj week'^ ascribing himself “JpsTias. - tfavelline through the woods near, Darlington—according tp his own ac count, accidentally felt upon a “mare’s nest.” 1 He was token entirely by, surprise, and the shopk was so terri ble that he fell sundenly to the ground. after a little while he arose up again; and on .recovering hnnsell. be looked, ho gazed, and started back He looked again,; and 10, and behold. -|yr g jnritv About 71 hoi saw a “Ciicular r issued by T - the Republican and People's County i > . 1 ~ Committee, calling upon the ‘Loyal Qu|> Whole T%ket BtoMX . men Of the County to turn out to the , , Tliu niphe(J^Triumphedl election! He gazed upon it, and ex- : , ( ~6 ' -|oU S| v j a fid seutiib ffughes\ claimed: “It.reads, 'Loyal mea-uifin most Gloilously a .. TCJjr who stand the Corsti- bowLing to Ah*ir . , I tutidn and\the laws.’ i Cab iCbe ?- Da yis is thus.rebuked by -BcitCi, a. Yes, it must be so. ’There it is, or Stellites with him dream.!” He perched himself to*ee- • ma j or Uies on Die ‘Tt is so. tVlmt shall bp done . Ah J .p ran ,, e fron 50 0 to 700-onc or I seel 1 will hasten to our place of et 0 „ vielow owin" to week’y meeting, (Sunday) about two Hyo falling somet}pn f .. . o miles from Beaver, and I will take local caused. i counsel of my friends.” After ; the- Wc^iav g again inet the enemy and secret conclave had assembled, the llVln ! Wo ijpogiratulalp “Circular” was read, and they were . . Beaver COuntv upon all wonderfully amazed. feoine do- the ~m rl. sm | P^sE s -fuli dared that ther would! rather live un- a vicrout meu i f , der Jeff. 1 Davis’s Government than most sanguine EXPECXAyio. s. that ©{ Lincoln. Others Jhat the mo3 i desperateefforts tie Southern soldiers' were fighting for; j£ ug hes Parly Slanders, their homes, and tW Sorlhern sol- iuiir x , sentution s apd calumny were diers ircre f)f pay, and that, _ I u n 0 av Jul. ret "“ of " ; " agreed'that if the Sortb wasvietori- Districts hoard from, up to the hour ! ous, that some oiUhe |;niggerA” . might of goiug t 0 press : ; • ' |be set - free. Whereupon they all DIsfTMCTS . Hon- John W, (Wallace. 1 agreed thtd ."Justice” 1 must go or J Rig Beaver, ; ° rl eked jVr 1 with to;-bis;office in the borough ot Bo % U; , h ; . Tho-Sfur of last week att. _ J an(J write abbut this wonder- Bridgewater, Wallace, the Republican and People sj - ’ , „_y lis kneaking manner j Brighton ip:, candidate for'Congress, in the mosti ?u , 1 aI1(J have-in printed Chippewa, - gross .„d infamous,, manner, eharg-| of and soon ar ing him as being as Jm h - g offi J be says to f a u"ton,' ; das,-and a traitoi, J himself- ‘T will iwrite and .have it Freedom Lor., associates, incompetent pnd a plunder;- j ■ StaL j Long is not for Greene, ■ er and many other Laid names, ilie pritueu .. , 1 i,„ i„A MoGun'e, SS» and *4*lll not take Ul ’ .^T, t' ' ™«bi.t»ar.»dtl.«l.aric.drll..d. (all; l'«t V all ngU no*. Uc.g Illduslrft Join W. iVallno”. .. tl.i| Umo 11. «, „ im £ ck .tTsHgUgn, andltliey have endoi-sed his hon- make'use of him now; that » all f : '' A more than once. — 1 wanted.” lie writes as follows; It x> aUer Bon, : L : and capab , nr, nrred ! is a secret circular. .;I am informed Pulaski, 1 There was never an eleelmn occurred I to be kept pri , Eaecoon, Jr. this county ;that the .Sk?r has not th. _ ; e tbe Kochester tp., Blandercdl'vilified, and abused some of vate. But I saw it. I oh “• I boro., . the"opposition candidates in the most do this withopt letting me kn ' • h - Soulb Beavei. im\Ll and blackguard way. We I know; they are tho Lmon, and 1 , ; • will' con tint - bursel ves; at .this time;.by am for the South and f Slavcry, and so ■ simily Adding that Hon. John: W.,m Long- But what will } .say ab. ut . Tho trtti i ori • Val«andi w Wallace lias inor'o honesty, loyalty and|it ? be, deleated. If true it coini>eleg!cy in his political little fin- But what 'vd. jrtcy Will be glorious news. He is more de gcr than Wrc bin the whole , loins'. write a secret, a (cw y . pla?c on the gallows than ' of-tbe' Filter of the 'those ago, m w ueh, I v ]‘ ina .lthe U.S. Congress; still he Las friends • i i, the Bepublican, candidates, ami manj , . °, who assail you. eff my neighbors, And yet they don’t 'u this county. ' i i attack any oiic in this Circular of) Allegheny County- • Another Tictim.-W c, regret tp But tbcy i don * t know ,that L 'j - Allc , rbeuy couutV the returns learn of: the death of Mr John Q- j wrote that slanders Circular., and j tb^^^alC ato t.W election Laird, formerly a citizen of this coun-j writ o.” Here he seizes his pen, j . bU ticket by a consid h ty; which took .place, m the writeB again a 3 fo ,,„ws: i ton' two dnd at Corinth, Miss,. SOTnc time, in th v par ty ■ and the Circular! • J ? , month of June. Mr. Laird the midst of V in the Ith lowaßegmienf at the break-., blo?(iv war> yet in this hour of ' Pennsylvania Election, ingout of the rcbellibn, and'serve j .: ‘ tlie Democrats aie orgapizing PuiLAbELPHiA, Oct ,14. The ,;elce . with credit through t,ie . sllssour M tbe i r bari( ] s f o r T i-tory, and that the i tion proceeded very cpiielly. The ’ cam].aign during the summcr ; and:w.n-1 4T , hat to “crush | polls 8 o’clock. - * t-r of ’(>l aiul ’O-‘. lie was m nearly ; and not tutus up to- 8 1-i o cloth, the Di-ino :> ! b . ltt ,cs in Missouri ’ Atthc'l thu sustain not , cAls that Mayor Henry,the : all the battles > -•■:. „; jn J weaken those ,Tn authority. It Unioll calKli date, has 8,000 1 majority. ■ rattk- i a Bine ihlls *° ■■■ 1 100 tbat lhov w h’o- carry: forward tbe j Kigl»t wards ot this city give Mayor was almost‘annihilated; yet ho escapwd fy r the’U nion the Constitution ! He.iirv 5.,%0' majority, allowing Demo, several others; but at lasl dic wasx? summoning all the charity.l profess to • da|l,.Democrat, is elected l.obO Wy I ’* far me Circublr i | hands-t- close h.s ,ycs. to| Co J lw! , 3 in3alie , or nearly Iso,’ rlectWi. ~ ' J - deaih-dpiap .rom his brow.. -J-hus hb Bub^.ribcd b ; llv = e li -Justice.” • The Republicans claim 'a gum of, W « a,ldc '} : a!10t^r 10 I-" 1 of j a|ul aatHl J D.trlington, and dropped) four members to the Legislature Iron, tbevidtims of GtisAccursed nil?l f ba4 te,.ed up streetto tbe | U._Thaddeus i . oxi fWltoa « .< A cit Wi-Sbir oftiec and rcadHo'Long. -Good,) ;, St - cVeDS is re^iC cifid to - Congress 1 by- E Plpiibus Uniun ys. AC , “wc havpgotThem now; i oVcr 4,000 majority Wver bleinman ‘l, ■’ j y lzen f; : i you are aiwkvs right,j ’.Squire. It WDemocrat. ’ J . ■ , A'eorrespondent of theA'M-r oi last, > j you last all . : j thought I ■-ILvttulsßyuo, Oct; 14 -~ Glo^® us ronf makes a >v«i| am! base utbick - Vro y of lby and I havoi upon thcAuthoi of- if. ooinnpinication , retaruol j- to ; m y former love, and will j A great.’Union victory ihiougbouy in the j last weck’y| Argus, Signed “E. mako amc p. j s w doing J nll vou ask- ' tbe State has probably been gained.- Pluribiis'Ununr*’f The argument oil o forg . velh ; g -and I will j .The wlmle Democratic ticket is -E riuribus” word so soupd, convinc- 9in aga - rtst again.” m Berks b- .Übm^,. ' Ang apd overwhefimng.:t!.iU "A cm4 Tlcß y replied, ; -I ibrgiveyou.V ami all| ... zen” makes no to meet or.l tb j s ■ < f aB ‘ printed; —tho people redd.! y- overthjiow them, hut iiihis usual style j and greatly astouishl-d.. ■" V, ■ eouimeiiccd inakfrisf moiithsaiul tbrbw* j -5. —r-~: «-»-r —'—- * i i - t ■ P v 1 •/,'}•-.» L • 1 - ■ ing^dirt-and calling all kinds of. ugly j- . for tne hospitals. ~ •» K bumesi He also,.says thatyL Plun- Q en(ra iomh\Saititnr)/ Commission,] i bus Ununi” never was a Democrat— Yf ashixotos, Oct. 2d,j62. ) ! We assert that Ho was;. anffas wc|v- Tbo frequim/ly made;] have no concealments we will-give %vb p tber tbe Commission Wishes to re ! his name,viz: James Patter-sox, ’Esq., cJ i ve )le3 fo „ thd use of tho wound- ! of Patterson tp., jßcavcr cynnty— one , | t shou^rf.immediately be publish-j ■; P- 1 - lh l m °? l i“fl“onGaland respectable j aBpoSB ihle,'thatdried i»p-| citizens of the county.too.high-minded ’ g c ; al j not be sont to its depots in ItodJ tp make any;roply to so filthy; an at- j quantities. Town and village j tack Apon his good name-arid vharac- belief Societies are icquested to make ; ter.- lie is ton hoiiorable tp wrestle arrangements for paring, cutting, and. with d pile of-diii. r?. ! drj-ing by their members and such : The writer in .the, Star knew well volunteer assistance as tbpy jean pm :. 1 ~...’i l. ! p. . l /lfst, arid to notify' farmers that, they ’-thatLe bad been long a Democrat; suc'h good fruit As- they but for political . pui-poses, empbati- inay bo disposed to offor and are una - cHUy 'dcnies the fact; The same wri- ble themselves to properly prepare — ‘ ter‘charges thcllApubUcAn part* *UK Dried apples may Wh , . ‘ .?...... •• , ur?r LAr.iv ‘bvor , in strong bags marked “lo be : 1. being abolitionists. M e r pply.,- > ,3 kept dry.” Dried fruits of othepkintls, ’ vliarging liiiur-with treason, and with a^d aU g oo d- caune d fruits, will be ve il ‘ aiding rebellion. .We don’t deem j-y acceptable. W the cLimuAnication worthy of furtber ; Fred. Law Oi-MBTEAD, ~r .' i General Secretary. ■ ' - UOUiJJ. ■ | -1 BEAVER* PEXX’A- w eoncaaay, uccooer lour, iooz. T. C. Nicholson, * s. M. PentengiH & Co., ‘ ! Xo. SI Park Ret,-X. „ e our Agents for' the Auers in lliose cities, *Bd arc authorixM to take and B„t,sanctions for us at 005- Lcrot Holt*. ■ ATTENTION I 1 ; The members of company P, T-W» ' Eegiment V. S. it:, will meet at the Court House,; on Saturday, the 18lh llnsf., with arms, fbr clrilh - By order of ’the Captain. . „ I Roft’T. GILMOKE, - U. O. ►. -~ pjr-Wc arc requested- to slate that •ill ; Anpculs made to! the Assessor, I dcr Law, tonsf b 6 in ,^n - -tin"-, and must, set forth pavticu lai cause or thing complainep of m the valuation or assessment, j Agricultural ‘Meeting •:• The Managers and’Officers;. of the ‘Beaver ConatV Agricultural Society-,, arc requested to meet at the. Court House, on Saturday.‘next, the let ' inst.,‘at 9 ne o’clock, for the purpose, > of making -arrangements for the pay. • : meet of the indebtedness-- of the So iciotv, ai. l other important bossiness. I It isi suggested by some that we might ,\J have a horse fair this fall yet. 'A J. 0; WILSON, Pres’t. ' lIIE - - Editor ivery I [ry*lie iil 1 e:c t •Wonderful 1 Disco Glorious News f« BEAVER CO. AU- BIGOT > OLD BEAVER LOYAL to tl* CORE! i < • _J ' Th« BMb.. ****** ted by Loyal M«a' Ohio CijjciSnatj, Oct. 14.— The election /passed off very quietly. The ilc-iuo ! ciats have elected their entire county 'ticket in Hamilton eo. I'endcltou, lieui., of Ist district; the present member ot Congress, is re-elected In, the 2d district Long, Lem., proba bly beats Gurley, Itepubltyan. lie ports from other bounties come in slowly. Vallandighani deih., of 3d district, is probably beaten. 1 \ x St. PauC, Oct. 14.—The Pjoneev of the. 11th says that a dispatch received by\Gen. Pope from; 1 Gen. Siblej, Tej porflt that the Indian war, as. far as the" Sioux are concerned,-is about end ed. The .entire force of lower bands have surrendered fy. General Sibley. Ho has probably twd thousand prison! ere. A cavalry force is in pursuit ot i the Little Craw’s aufl others who are making their escape. Twenty Indi ans have been r ennvineted so far: Louisville, Oct 14.—1 p: m.— Gent; eral Segley is reported to have had’ a recent fight with -guerrillas near Nashville, in which he took 300 pris oners. r: ■ V ■ • PENNSYLVANIA JNVADED 1 on,! 3,000 Betel the Poto- \ s ~-' mao at Hancock.; j They Pastt .Abovktheßight my\ Along Ho Bear\ at Across the Poton llarrisbcbo, Oct. 2<t- QoTernur Curtin has just following-dispatch from Clare : Army! c ' “Chambersburg, Oct. 10.- Mercers burg Woccnpied by part’s rebel cavalry to-day. They are now ad advancing on hqrg. T J took the’lioiBoB|ai)4allS Other proper ty they wanted, at Mer^h«bur ß> offer ihg rebel scrip for it ilffbey did no injury ilo individuals* but f have heard . estimated at three thqu^- and, i'lio rebels ale certainly advancing upon Chambersburg. Ihey have _cut the Bedford tele ;raph Wires, they are reported as near St. which is about seven miles from hpe. There is no doubt whatever oftheir being in Merccisburg. |Thcywillcer tainly give us|la[ call [o-night. . .We bad the rujnoriat four a c ock, but, it was not credited. Wo l ean niakojiio resistance as it would onfe exasperiite them, and cause a wantiw destruction of property and life. J “iatcr.—B pi fifteen men on horseback, have.clfmo inlq town.— They, are armed with carbines, and carry a flag of ; truce. | They want to see the principal men; pf jtho town. They havoivj large .force about one mile from town, and ViU enter in , an hour. Col. M’Clurc and Provost Mar shal Kimmell have gpnO two miles from lowa toiiireet the rebel eomiaan der, (. 1. .■> v ! ' “Nothing can be done except sur render. We loot for the arrival ol the Whole We in hal Can hour I hey crossed the Potomac at Hancpek, i nd camp over the country to the Pitts burg pike.” ' Gov. Curtin is uqw up the viillcy. ’tIARBXSBUUO, Oct. are constantly being .quarters ol the pro< art’s Cavalry since th burg. Private prop* ed. The only excepj .tering of a store ii and currying;off abc bool. >d slides. \Yallack. Lazk-vrJ M i 48i : 138 : 08 i; , 47 ! - ■ 54 08 59 79 ««.-i 114 . 02 70 I? ■ 119 i ■57 v ■■27. ; 50 . 19 188 ■; ' 72 7?-: '■ 08 71 48 57 59 ■7jB--| 50 | ■ ‘>;j l 00 . 01 12.1 04 ! ; 105 121 07 23 : 10 00 65 37 07 44.;' 34 1 10.8 18,; 110 lo 0: ~140.4 2115 /ools am , ~ ~ r After leaving Chamhcrshurg tho>- proceeded in the direction-of Gettys burg. About five njiles j from Gettys burg the tanners throughout the p.oun ty assembled in considerable numbers and made a bold stand. | They jsuc eeoded in capturing one of the num ber of the advance guard, who was taken into Gettysburg, aiifl is novy, on. bis way, in charge of a guard, to llar risbnrg. . • |? j ■ •) The railroad to Hagerstown is now in running order. [The bridge on the Cumbeduml galley Ilailroad.ial ‘>cot land, not paying «■» previously reported. TelegraphiCpm municution i.-? also open direct loiGen. McClellan's headquarters. " Large numbers of troops have been freely offered to G iv. Curtin, through out the State, but as yet j none have been accepted, as i sufficient forCp. has been alredyi sent forward, 1 to, inept the present emergency. Gen. Wool W now in eoininiinci Pp all the forces jin j enu ’ svlvania. !|, % • % . J "It is supposed that the rebels are making direct to Frederick, Mary- Brooks is in command at iHa gerstown,: where everything u. \ qun et. ' ■'j 1 . 15 ■■ ~ . ' The opiiiioir fiocma to prevail bcic in official qiiarteis that the whole _reb el force wilibc captured. . n [\Ve learn from a gontlpnian; who arrived in jthis city from Carlisle yes : j lord ay, that' the rebclp, on Saturday . morning,destroyed the machine strops, J railway 1 ami rolling stock of the Cum berland Valley Kuilroad Coippany, 1 which were at t Ch«mbersburg. (They seized about five hundred horses, and also took la large amount of Govern ment eldllliitg f hicb tlfey at once ex changed for their Own dilapidated garments.{-Em Dispatch.] 'f, Harbisboho, I Get: • 12—The iu-ebek are encamped lit Emmetlshurg The operator at Carlisle telegraphs! that the scouts vepdrt the.rebels as moving on that place}. * The utmost [excite ment now"prevails at Carlislc, and the excitement-hofe is also, vei-y — Trains are leaving for Carlisle loaded with troops from Gamp Curtin gud the surrounding country. . i Twelve O’clock M. —The enemy left Gettysburg »*} tho : h i ghi'> n^;T |SBcd the B. & 0: 4 R- at NeJv Market.— They destroyed the railroad li.aek and telegraph, and than ‘ or the -.^; tonme .east of the Mouocacy.■ Oar cavalry Sverc hi pursuit, but. probably too late} to, capture them.; . MeClellaifmiy intercept them, but it is doubtful- i ... „ I Ten Q'Gloek p. m- A disp.*tch re ceived this, evening states that the reb els from 2.000 to 3,000 strong, passed through Wbodsborb, Liberty, *ew Market and Crhana, and -then made for the Theyaily anc ed from the] direction of' Gettysburg, destroying a small portion of the rail-, road track Xt New Harkct. i b - , Gert.' Pleisanion [with about,-,500 cavalry parsed though Frederick, ; MB., this nSornmg tn .pursuit. ■ The Latest, Harrisburg', U n v- m;— Official] dispatches ;just receiyjcd statt. icd tbati the rebels have succeeded in escaping.: [They classed the Potomac, near the mlouth of the Monocacy, hav ing matieX march ipf ;ninety miles in twenty,-four hours.;, I v . , . 1 Gen Pleasenton’s forces .arrived at .the crossing just as they hadffimshed, -and tngagbd- their artillery, but noth ing is-Known of the result.. His force -marched seventy-eight miles during the lasi, twenty-four hours. | |.' ■ ■ 1:' 1 ■ . . ■ Ii- ■ 'P Baxtihobe, Oct. 12.—Thefollowingj ■ j I , ,1 ; . , v ,-— —-■ . V : Jj oct |i - j_?Tho Democrat I Gen M’Clellan’s Ordei is from the American special: ;Whes ; quarteronfft- AttMt or Potojuc. intelligence was; received ’ here offhe t^j u -.i w^a t^kea;ibn• the,morn,./- r .NiJA»l3BAßwteto. Md„ : crossing of Stuart’s cavalry into Penn- WW .... . patty of rebels ; -Order, iNu- 1 103—Tilt « Bjlvanitt, it was generally,unlicipatoa ; Ma : o £ firadfprtMield - 1 " - c, ) c £ k tCiitidndf the ■Officers-.and [soldiers they- would endeavor ’ to;, make tboir WQ wbfen Kirby .Smith 8 the Army of the Potoiuacds -cal U-d to exit by way of some of the force »nneared | on- tbe opposite; Ocneral.lDrder.N-d. 139/Wjar, Depart, the mouth of the Monpcacys afid-Gen. ; theviver, and necessitated a Sept. -4-j.18G2, l 0 M’CJlcllan , qfderedj a TiSdiiiw pdf wvaijb»^--' , iß<> v « r n ,ncn ‘ the arm/llio JPrcsideiits Piodatna. movement of trodps ip ihterbept thora W^ a a ij d sutlers wag-; x[6n . of &.pu' 22. A‘pr..ilai«alk n on roads leading in that direction. , On •—*. j ei jemy ckplnred'dve hun- BUC ), grjive , mnm.eut to the Xd'.ion Saturday Hyo had intelligence of their fifty r o f sil”» . stragglers, officially! cmipinunicated to tliu anS having reached JEmuiettsbilrg -fi o —' Kick ic| Um’diralh,-',, -1 affords jo the General)-Coininaniknii :Cbahibershurg -by way of the Pair* n ti,d Federal B dantored- were ; ; au opphrUinity. of defining'•spbi-ifeaf fitjd road, where they halted for some or d Lieut. Cassell of the t 0 thd officer sand : s'oldicjf underlij. lioiirt, a.nd,|it is said, but cot general: !-T»tsrinWivuni£t, Q»pt. Kowle’s c rt» lr j m aild the .relation Mne by a | ly credited, that a force waft w* a rtmriniiBter,Lieut. (Bailey of the p eva ons|ip, the nilitury of u, there to Gettysburg, wb.ich » 4 < ?“ t Indiana tuid-'tieuti : Goldsmith of \j n i te a Stlutes tiwaid the eijilanui/n 10 miles, fu -tber north The Rapidity ■:lf. of |blGorernment. ; | . with which they are kijpwn to have jinks. .■ _ jQayson waft taken ; Th o Constitution confidls n, a moved aitorj [leaving ij th ■ n e j a ! onthc 3Ulh of Septcm-. ClV ji aU|»6ritie«, legislative clearly fthowS|that they j did not [visit ;.M_. ; rU .) . ‘ and executive, the power-had (Jutv■, .•Gettysburg. I .' 'During Saturday . alter- I . ) iB ' siirrowndcd by the an-l! ex ouiii hpon andevening largo bodies ofjPed- . dre■ committing'all 80l ‘ t! ? the Federal laws.' Armed; idm-sii era! consisting of cavalry, in- ~«. , ’ tio^B an d'tlio] Fodoralsare ra i scd and su] ported simply t? si fiiiitry,and..aitillery, w'cre ionlcrpd o |bg are at lai „ ihUivil authorities thd[Vicinity of Frederick, to » nricls.' [The ychcls-caplureci, p,.!j h, ktriet subordimfLiun tl.v;■ the immense stores there, it oeiiig nil-, aj forii^ing^' \v*agons hist all Respects. T|i'.e' fnuUiiiii.-ntui r ticiUted to bo the 1 els to destroy these, jas: well the " -g uWi „ a xu.iof Was , tlle u !Vity of our ,'ep«bli.- :ui i,,. tlie invaders wemd be intercepted and- ojj Cheiitbagi andKlk-. o i,j G 'ct's for wl captured. j ■ were killed and that the rebel '- |lo .t cd j n Bll ] anjlj had reached \Vo,odbur>% nk»ch > udder Col. ililler, cap ; admihlstratiu miles nor S" Wo piefeesif aTtiHeryj-and. ofia; lhVi a tlchO'oso! a i-oiitc ,-a.t of DuuWiff, BmiimaiO !.;iiiu,s ul j tbljir way to the Po, f b> v /^^^ llVin y, oa/Satm-day night, » Ibe jneeessary V [ip !rli ,:.jL froui’LawrencclMirg'tpward : public mc/isu reaelmigi \\ oo.dbui j ,-*lv ( MjUl.. i | j[. f j una ; n( , ovev y and ica-ptuimg six- j {i ot la[red |.y ed -from bis scouts that a l«i o t f.^ V : Federal 'doss' notli-! C aV-riefl af .» al ?! force [was 5 stationed ,to intercept „{geu piisoiius. j ;i - teihvlerale>ai him, nnd[ that Gyn. M-Ciellan had .hs- f 1 ’ Eai/te savsd dispatch ! o fi opinio,, U cohered ■bis; movement 'eastward jin iai .^) ov , , ho tinio tOjaiforUiamplc tJoilUJm- at’ Dahyille diivMGn-i the troo j property-., and; " ’ f spirit ot pbl: This i>i a de dt \Uc(-essary thal jtf .*-i a *A Goi>ntat]oti P the Cincinnati San-1 a[ia|l\Vi aud move rapidly - U ' t i oi -it'y Of reaching!: the; Potomai . | with a-special tiffin c»f the liigffc^ tiopal regiments . V ld ife'rK ivagOns, j j ' Ttl.o . [ that llmirich pme they edaf ‘ f lch. James S.;Jacksdn ; e J, Com.m i P'rodenclc -and-■ ) Jli . t,' on ~C l niist ov Jl i wasfsdlej consisting, l>esit||s the b|U |i . or t l o f 25th -Mk-liigana id CaplV'adlisaLd-J d of twelve heavy engines, tfyod o. to. -TalOott . nar a lh e J Sills;" iiidLte boww, ink««l Of Bbo™ 11.,.<4, :Brisslli ...yrt)- . the iEonocacj. _ b.. • -S. ivbilb tlihing at tlicj.samp,-table with ip. ve r euiim hKEDEBicK, Octlpy-All the II f , ifie Mis«es avJ- uiterrupteil j yifegseKss dialiohl i-^ r I- yi the rebels accomplislied tlicir. ia.d y t hff«» hear ho tm-sj j J'ajies A 'with inuinnity. passing right of our army alp ig its rear,, W . ork^n i s hect theii;:ditt lecrossii,g into Virginia in the vieinij- and is&lad-l , tv ai■'-fl’onrad’ ft h,eriy; limy, i.mnheir t J : llal i n tiifie tl escape the Unioh; : eil -25ti0 Cavalry;- -fo«r.:p,eccf»’ol ligh,t| j„s| in ■tf» , u 10 , e i (t artillery, and had no bgg,g^ejra.,.|,; tw^ RV j„ 0 ‘j 9 -pi \jjVict. althongll ‘.tie , I “Kin* rSSS'S 5..-> I«.»i! ; f lK "' 1 -' ij iKew-Market. and crossed the B- & 0- iyKXHEg; pAßyicrfiAßS |t 1{ R' lat Monrovia,) carly tliis-idorn- ifigiit./ -|, ing; >t Monroyik they cat the tek- i ii Tllo dßederal'fbr<ie ,\va» IG,o(%; < tif C| and tore up a; ievy. yai l;, "r - - tixty-t>vo ■ * -of Our Ar id-Escape a -T':SO P. M.— reocive'l thO Colonel Me- pushing troops 11.—Dispatches received at head ieedings of Sin icy lett Chamli'ers erty was rcspiect lion wlis thehen n Chaiiihernhuvg, iut 8260 worth of Fiflm! Monrovia th’oly mOvi-il .NWaiJ d Ferry, r at.lhe ; mouth of Lite Monocaey. At the ford they me.l the Third aim Fourth Maine regiincnt.3, with a battery of artillery; The rcW els were severely 1 and replied with : vigor, hut, not inuchi damage was done on either side. eilvalrV there, 1 our force could not pur sue the rebels,i who. finally moved dbwu- the river ill, the direction ; ol Edwards’ and .Conrod's.Ferry;, whqre,. it is. believed, they crossed over tins afternoon. ! . Ar". I (Ken. Pleasanton,:with cayMry,. wasjt in pursuit, but was j two; hours belnmj £ the rebels. .It was l[hc opinion of some - •hat only a portion,Of their force had *1 yeerossed. r ' , ip’ J i Ball's cavalry and Rush s Lancers, 1 1 who were sent out! yesteialay in :|jtjlie direciion of Gettysburg, have, brciudht . in seven stragglers I frdln; 4he rf W s ; , OiKvof them with whom I talked] if lys | ( their Coluinu was 5;,0Ol) strong. ,ih|py r i crossed the Potomac at Gam A '»• o. [: General [Smart 'Vas; in .commai.di— - Their ; principal objectv'was to iget i stoves. 1 i, ■ [ : .y, : . •■' ~ ' i | llAHiustiu Get. 13;-Govrthor Curtin has just received informal on, dated! • Perryyille, Juniata toniityv from a reliable gentleman of Perry j county, thatiarebedforce, 30,0U0 strpng 1 made, their; appearance within eight' miles of Concord, Franklin ; conhty,; last night at ttyclve o'clock, and Kadj I carried off fifteen ! hundred hoi;scs;-r| The farniers of Franklin;county | arof moving all their .-stock, into.. iPerry County. :Thp rebels are supposed to be making for the. Pennsylvania Ccn tral Railroad. : v. ■; ; 1 ’ HARniSBUO, Oct. 13^— Lettew j arej constantly being received iit-lio:idquar tors in relation to thG iTianucr of" ing <|ut the muster rolls 1 of the cora-j.| panics' nf inilitia that, werq reported j and Arrived at Harrisburg; under the late Call pf the Governor. ThenanioH and residences of t . the officers and men are all that is requirodi.and when thus filled up should bo forwarded to Adit. Gen. A. L. Russdli;. Harrisburg, where they will; be ready for future reference when required. ; i, j | I P,hilladisdphia, Oet.,l3.—Thk Penn sylvania Railroad Company have re-, ceived a, dispatch from ant- irrpBponsi| ble source’ conveying, on the assertions of A reliable {gentleman, information of the sathe nature as the Inquirer'? dispatch in r ilatjon to. the i evasion, but it has received no from any official on the road, and the Company vised no confidence in ;itl—■ The rumor is supposed by be gotten npfor political pnrposes. . .. / I of! the -re*, .a,• - y . • f», aggregate unknown. e V, waadVombOOlo m *2,300 wloiindfd and 440 ikiaoners. O .» h e Vitter.'ktverc '-i ikii’dh‘<ki by., ißucknfi. [The r&bbl lo'aaUH 1,3110 ■ini' One general wounded aful-14-. C.hj<v neia a«il ,cf.lo.iie!s..■■ ;tbia ] numberkof: killed and wounded wadj W' tWoj rebel medical diyecim ; OfhGeiKiGliealbbmV division; ; M .; , | i ,- : .:a dispatch li;om| a member .odd 'k.. list \Viaeohain aayk tlm dirßli divi^ion-i lost 5S killed and 124 : ,'Voumkd,--. [Among; the wounded are Major M-iteli-, ; ell and IGaptV.Greep. 4 • , . . j !| Dispatches were received, at.head- : mvaVlera; slatiin,'? ifbat Cok . Lyttlo JWndir4ycfyr \ p iroledknd will arrive to-ikot row ei, e- ; i it is reported ‘.hat Walford'.s ca\ aL, ry captnred'Over o'lic lOd rebel J '’ng'o'f? : ilOCQtxrfooncrsj one ba,ttci r riduy, delween, Per ryjviUe and: ilarrodsburg| ; ; ■Dumont • ~j , Marshall, it] Is Said lolt ■texindl.oii, ufn 1 Sunday Vast wit,h Ids whole ; jlpree 2,000 Infant ry and IjoQO Oavalrj . ft is believed thbt bia lorce were driv en from' Versailles are at >icbolsvillo. ] \ AvisbiWfiA. I?.— It is under stood that a from Gen. Boy 1«. y. mJ laat:eyymt^ ■sayh: it was |enorally. help ed 4hat the rebel Generals B.ragg and 4 heat bam were both - killed in lbe’ engage ment of Wedbesday last near Bards .town." Our loss iir killed .\v;oun<lcd and inissing iviis, between | IbOO- and. °2OOO, vVbile tljat of of the ciicniy\vas laioer; : 2&o held tbe tiebl that night, and akirnlisned | v?il|i lhc*> tb -tMc retreat the \V hen th.a dispateb kd't Louisville a cOuyuT.froito. our 'forces wM expected; to arriva, in the the night, bringing db-; tails t of’ the i pursuit and tlie Dattlo | wiiieb; was probapiy Ibngbt yesterday, j Gen- Boyle expresses big belief in the , truth of the account of the killing pt jpragg and Cheatham in the action > 'lyV.cdpesday. i • J j' i• • . {• i>TRANGER IN Town—Wohaye.tx! =1 “ratified by a dull from Frederick Ay erT&tjv; the .'buidhess iruuv of .the firr of J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell-. s^<)r acqnaiiitaWo \v;ith the. {jontlenian 0051 yinceaus that hot the Docfoi' s bUu 11 dompoundiiig ihia medicines is uU n ini the imuierae comMiinp tion.of. thcini; but that it lakes j-bjisi ness talent of no ordinary tnc!ud*« t. pass them around the world, yMr.Ay er, manifestly, has these abilities dm tfie success: bf'l hik .bduW-.»,how»: Uia ‘ bo usestheiA [“Mepiphu “hJgi Tenn ] '[U'.y\ '■,’ ' ' V- ■! , t T. ). lloMU'.n> 10 evonii 'iijr; -at B aiiyi.occn ijitiiig- I'll! uiul'il Gc •den'*'' thr ijJe-jon lh ifiiville, i others 1111 |itteiid tli vti'iici : icgro sh y Vl,ma‘. were' j»r.i lit tlic 'i>:> ;ier wci'o fcourse. |- o look, plat ed in We ordered depiirlun and iuiiiti persons, h ’' by on i.lienj maii'vlK canicto apparent \vbjv ,A'!a fro in ;tju .had nbjt somet'.Hi ; do.or, >v! i eliarged | (Juitcly tarried . but died r.ouetrat by a mi ing a d having years sorrv t. j And _ba: ' | pursuit. i j arrbsto> 'i wash:'- W. : . j-g“i'iTsi(lynt -lintci ti'on Erodalihutifiii. ha- ( ’ r ; ■' to dvi! ! ? | l "l|;'; tiii out ’ ftir as We danjtvdge by^-, | Ricditfuuuljpiipers ami p."\ ■ do lute on Mif subject. Vi t \ ’Rebel.- coiUemplate tbe-»“j Miid’Uoath’ji'head and m*? Wap.t. Kidd.; a«<) l K % •I aiaagli ter of niedi woiuo; ■ •■. ■ as a, Uieasnrji of i;et:duitie> i just'al inad.Ks. wlieu-tne..\ * pf Qoaofai Pojiefs a«l**£ a ybeh they wouldliang c V. • ■t, oifieeis.'suro; but i- 50 of UiOih* and 'haviug . n it over, thfcr puroUeib s to them’without the - .ifross. a resolution ,111S j', 1 . 1 - i6|a r W,mtnittec:. that • ‘ o coin’s del h«houid;K;>'f- id ccfalfoii ofuiiankiiii ~■» * od-by such seyfeft 1 re ,>,.‘ji a* i? IV i may he best calculfttul^ [ %trt>t lile upon which., sun.! i(,; armies ppressiog-ftho llelto:, niiincd ‘and dri-lavd .lOritivs fkspid The X'. Imis charged .’.villi 11 Ilf aliilliill 'ila'.l.;'.- id only sparer yum lews.' andjjordcni ’if Can iio -inside knaivji '■'the .inUio'n. 'Jjl'vi;- nd ’ soldiers CMii-.i-.f: res detenihlnC.l aa-c ijiij' r tiiivCVnm'-.’!.i v.’ II heyon 1 . tlo- .ym pi )vs]i...i;ti'nl ■-•kiav 'nd gmlflyl t'.)'iii[ial(\ discipline ati f ciii’.-i. [is, JL>y‘ sahsl;uni«r£ l ist '■'•‘Ki’inisl s'.:! *i 'Dio (ipvi-riViin-'if .Avi. hitv 01’ 1 ho'A mm, •uiu-'dy f ’f pi'iitii’.-iS.V •ommittvl MEE ictiou of .tliu-p.--.ijhf-1 .IHogi liu’ aily viitr.liJ.HV trim.n-;;. .1 he ’tiovcj| l iniv ot a ndir.g ;i!i| ‘ly'a Ivv 't ■- which it| his -hie. - !' A ' ii-iiid'tOi'ic ■■ . ■ 1.11. p;.. nmv.vil in'- it'.i- . lie ill mil I": ' lit niimlcd [M'ltsuii a dccliwii upon' I'.iyKiV; let-, which ..Itfivy , : ' ! ■sited upon soiiuti';;. canryiiig '-iis.t*m-i : .am Kilicy. ! riil.-r army I sjuidk-UdiyjtlW my’’ l " mi Clivisiian;'.' dm llnl iifd conduct my By cinniham; ■ jp.r-(i l’li. AM ’I 1:. f-1 ■ I H.uuiee. l.ipui ( < ■-C-ainpJ and ;-A: A. k . at BCsoectstic ijr til* Uui first -rhy. ' irgeilstovv n^i/-iv' r •red at a negro '•'■'•V e tnwiu id wi 11; ■;i ; orgi -Wolfs V : l AVell-V whe-e V: :> 1 a OiiiV> river "V irvoirij'aiiy v.-iili >'. f >■ ■I cdinei.rp ■i.lai-gtrusi, e .bairdiiud <ji|i tin: (), | had' . gone 1 ’’ tity above in'Miiii';.'.-! J Several ji o !■< v 1 styt) aiiil* by ill. ■;y, more hr le*3‘<t.,t. under, its iiiftnyW-.v f the "evening -ahS ■j auiong 7 11 !'■ i,i 1 11s ill id lii4: , '' ,, ni ,:^!1 !‘. to Heave.] .'On tsf»n ; the quarrel’ aliahtotlmna-i-iniiii stoiieS were tar a J tliej ainiin Vv iigeler Uh“- i y ssy' qu i S| t, i tr.t; u p’■c ■ l_ ! ■ the doorjapd liven a ly without • effect. , v stiuidiijg a short t. ■Tj.flilsCj'tand who i bciin iii tho -oaai g aiid started to-' ien 1#" second shot by Wlmblcr. and Vi :cTI.J ■'lld.eWfis pieke to the of. Dr almost instantly. Ini ,od ijii live breast.-and nber of. slugs, the, « jii.bfe barrelled- shot ter is ai iiotonhu>ly sliot a mau'Soine 'io.i go in Can Honshu rg., v'say thaldie. made ! ! inanagod.' bbns hr' ■ Wed trust he nn I - aui 'brought;'U' I >d ' tiejv irtcr ( atoili;-J'tj'f ir, '[ VV.luv ..) ,1 .>: k 12MI