/v ■V OE ES BEAVER, PEXX’A. class Jay, Iltb, 1862. C. NICHOLSON &Co., Proprietors. 05E Dollar And FimrC'KNTa is -advance : otherwise Two Dol v.ul be ' I?o paper discontinued sui fl'd-arrearare-s urej set tied. ■ , and communications, bj mail AO-*' 1 . • ’' •di Lav? prompt attention. * '_• V * iKAVEXSI. J3RI7G STORE, ;rne d in the Kqom formerly Oc cupied-ty the late J)r. Minis. . : ■?■ •■; r -I lii-- arms , T'r ■ in an English■ -At the lati -tFSTieral Conferince of. The' following somewhat remarka- ” 11111 8 n,,L > tb:l «?' i John j nMr^ Z,nC ® pleasant essay about ‘‘Be-,, the Methodist : Church in hie narrative is related by a jwestorn , l ? d *b? |»od' Ends.’’ Hero |is bis. Canada, IPeteri Cartwright wild’.was* i-lady. .ndw-nn a visit to this ei|y from fl (1 - a i- a, l' “'I I - I ? 4 *;*. description of aUfo-guimet: i , present us tllddelcente fhom ihc Meilr I I »***-. v s, '° i‘ jrw«r*r^-: ;SoT ' : ,r if'““ a et»tr i i-ije the, plgtns twice—. !; vs.ir %of human life/ ebbing | almost visibly, e..,* i„ n.i> >,, . . -j ; first in 1849, dhnng Wlijlch her has- ■ ; ~~ ! ~T. away ■and yon couhLnl.t but thinko’f i®. ‘j f i | l \F.’ ful '“wing review of i band perished—and is the first Aineri- 1 u Daring ' the*uh uot his last little spate !atmvo jl , ■ at!o, ‘ 9 18 eburch toslavei'y : lean lady who returned to the east by , ; -aU :>l :,. \ the momitaiiis jor above the U-a.. 11 rWv liiive buti troubles anil condo, r t * ie wn J- °f lb® Isthmijs of Panama.— I| -A correspondent ofthe Cincinnati two old gentlemen, great' vofsariesj resulting in divisions: Tin | Sl >eis a genuine heroine—a fiipspeci-' f&ette relates the ftillowingjbbld ex-, ; trend*, bothi fln the extreme verge of givui; Miyisilinj was consummated in i men of stout hearted Western woman- pint in front uf.Ghattanotigaf |lilo;;;Onls;wMvah<ive ninety; iheiolii-i 1845. It ha 1 been brewing for years. ! "Wttana.bct gdyentjiresmdi ie wilds j- )^ hc army ’washalited to r stand to ! a bov«* But their wits were ’ . Slavery was its sole cause; i°C tbe unpeopled west havebben nu- | La c u <«> aVvcoiirioDan* - iii order lBod,,tf clcl ‘ r i t*nd, better still, (heir • and.biviljwar its bitter bousoquenees : ! nierojrS and exciting. Jf theigood poo. 1 the enemy’* po* iiA right. They hn.4sed ; jl thgt li.e preadiefs 1 1, • < W a, . ,, ? osa •®^ <s m f sse( *. a la<l y bonij strength 'This was u ver ' difficult! lhal tbcV-woreno; more than (strangers koirtb have gone More tor elds than all rthiur Neighborhood,they are hereby ajis hnd dangerous matter; ownU|iotho A * ml P‘. I « ri Wi on ihe earth they de- the Southern demagogue*! and great • pnse.,l that die is comfoitnbly located nature- of » ground. Sottjriil hn-i < i la^oU P ,a i ,l, y H*al they sought a conn- ■ men put together. I hm a Southern i al ” IC boarding house’ of Mrs. Jvesbit, gheccssful atrenints Ind beci made to * t Ty f a y tt ' vli yi '' , bere most of those they , er by birtVandeduculibn; born iii Vir on the ccigner of Montgomery and procure the much desiml infcfiation. I V ". re<l . we r e waiting feir fhern. ;is'niai tn Keritucky ;ii traveled . butter streets,' and wtjl not return to when James ■btatieson' -‘WffTijcnt 1 ”- e w«»! very nearly|wofn twenty years in Slave States.l; I under-r ! lire mountains; until :Holmos |pf the .(j 0 q -B7th fndmna 1 vuliiiiteora pmlci o ” ls antfthougb the face of -each was stodjd the ipattprthoifough(y. Even j Ifrazeue; ceaseslo harrow hearts. b old u. „ p to within sixty y«Wof the P 1^ 1 ' 1 «T Tbuk at - ' parolysis"bad as late thellbfenerali Conference jof Mat iposa mothers by calling their bhemy l bolted surveyed oiTlds en j '.tgrasp.upoii the aged, machinery 1882] we hud ho, Metbbdisl preachers j 1 'p'Kl , i troncbnicnts, aecuraieiy his l ot } imb * n “ |n>uscfc which had played who {would jhie.ily avow-slaveiy to be j | M ell. while the tram of which this krenglh in numbers and p«?it oiif as-i KO lo "p- a ,cw w «'eV,itp-' ngliU;, but (tn 1830, at Cinciimati, a , lady , was a member \vas encamped at pertained the number of UdJ sleOo ! evening in the week and sit broilier Irom Squth Carolina inado a . -i- i? mil the Ifumboldt, ;where the Ouns and field'artillery thert yheeldd 'V^ h ll '® n ‘ a'" l take tea. , They ul- M speech tb prove Slavery'of'Divine phan s Court Sale of valuable ; Lesson trad intcrsc-ctsithe Carson track-horse and rode i.ffi'wuvliHr'Ls can-' va^' rt bad lea in large breakfast eupsj : appopitnienf, His f Real Estate. jof tfavd, she visited the tcjit of a ’ iriainphanth 1 tbiongli a t! *, er - tu P« i-Would ’-notf bavo d6ne.’ I were ■lashamlfedlof it and hissed him.—! )V virtue of an .order Of the Orphans!, | lumily. consisting of hn jeldci ly couple- pPowp',. 0 f balls hi.lilin.r ddfiuico to ,ei ' u 'nberbow thetwopiiiulylie hands; But ill the Balliinore General Confer-i ' W or l i ' he Can i 0" ***** e a '-bild-a <biiightfr of'fyurteen j the ~h ttlldpiHls Vf ipiimNcs on P - y ’ ller swect ,Ua ?> ts 6ivs«g | "> - »i(.oe,n veare. • 1 he,old lady was Bit. L. llistlil .„ - lt] ~r olll><| | nnd ui> to 1 “.f . l . ea ’ , There.they .were, the two ces were ,mil|de toword justification of Saturdav Col. 25th 18fi2 , Too near t« GoJ;for d.mUt pr /car,. > j ting on a pile of blankets, under can-1 the General; caiihlv and nUu-anilv - d M , ‘ lt,Kl "i ' t - hl *y • l “‘ a helm friends-. Slavery. id ’ ;-*ei-K-k. jc t?ihe rolJowiug’reHi estate of ■ «•»« stares ilie, ctemafcttW; ' ] -j , v ; 18 ’ nc '‘4 u ,^ a «‘, lx determined i Pn iiliiig,. to give, his information. \ tb*':'boo'd, and tljey had 1 been 6vef ; .In j 1.844 w.e. bad the great battle, in ' ria-h-r (liht.. Meed;, shjiate-in , - ’ ... ■ , ... ’ j ll *i‘.S k ' w b lle j asked Dim How d.S-eseanedl H-Thh)’ ■f 1 •‘'gc.fber. You, not, ,New,|id.rk.; | Bishop Andrews, avery.;- Uenvej- co., bounded on the North j s>ljc ,. llo ?s-'be seed lies safe, be.ow j.etil»_t»c bead of nflairs bad -planted j jh« mefev of God -ind vtTV'Wil rebel bave, logged, mV iriend, .but with r gdodtiriHii,- ,but the owner of slaves 1 iyi o! w-4 W - f‘ c ! rs -> n The fires |lmi Mas, a „d hum;, , j himself, on Ids ;wood,en tongile, and ; mar) .. ~ hi> nrom.dlvreolfed >ompwl,at the largo tea4'upa | was 'f|e)ecte<f .ak a : fair case' for a figlit.’i •t-I{|4nrv laaeVailn-’w."? Vr i UUt i h “ U 1146 t ? a ”-- of - b,o<Ml ! re W ■ I '' !,s sucking his,jape us leisurely as; laiH.lVe-, ” 1 -fi P i ’;j shaking übt’iui, as the old i.nen with They then determined (liat We should ’ i s.'n darren: romnimng aho.u’: niriefvT She "“ i! r lhc r:clj re *"“-'l V. j though;- lie expected to, remain tf,cro (...- f bo wry lrue, l < | ,tt, . < ' U l r3 ' -‘ , ' Sull ll 1 ,c !" 1° tbeir lips.— ; | inako, it bare to ihe ministry or epis'. --.1., ill. a.-res cleared and well oulti-, „. 'f,. ’'• [ ic ' er - A .'■ii'gh’ glance d e yflopc«l;,f or .; a b : f ,at th’reo '-liuildred-S'lni wore I’A.Vtl.ib’fre. was-a tliiiigtliatparticultmsA.fgpatf, would go-,out. . There . a je---"d,hewed L-tg dwelling House’’ 1 c r . CJC ' an . our * . : the fact that tliere \vjis a difficultj* irf-.' fireil-dt bim ‘at tlie short distance' of b' Blrwfk me. There was u large old ; was ,a maj<j-ity iT-dm the. Free States . ■ , r -. V \ •-•- ; . . .■; that,little train of bile ;and l sr V t y a ; a X t ! ( KSSk?i laAl.loned .watc.K, .alwWs ««■ a"irt.il| ! blip |{heyL4d'not' understahd . those :;• i;; , mo "?- v •; 1 u , ca, . ts like her flowers, • ll.reg persons, and that it had attained ! Uo lj (i t||H ’ t t { J. I f, H MoMl ,aj d .jj-o 1 ’ ;.«land,on tlie lea table, tickingion and i Soutltern pA-achdrs. I comprehended i, ■■ ::: . And npen like her corn. , a lion. t of quiet desperation beyond j J b«s tn’Kl * •neasurin*’; the Lull 1 'jlTefrih, f :■ ■-ur.pavui.wns d-.-m dite. whh ‘oh gire in in times like these ’ ' ‘ l - ' 01*1°, . " \ 1 1^ < ’^ 1 adjustment:-- j- lt jWuni versall V by all Who last m.nutes^r,.,, nine last, a;? (no w [ peril dps; jfi/Jait, or ought to-be); . 1* c.ei'is. - ir-wiu ihe'siitue time. . , T I IC vi , ion of j ler eves- *f- - I , bcto !' e tl l c 3; *> ad Pl ,cl,w ! witnessed -this exploit. aiid'Ue ae- : .'; ay -. , lt al * a y'' »*o to look at„ tUu .euitOr pf, Me South.l Western ' UI T .'"Scrmation uu.u.rc of Duvid ; , ,•’ i " * g’, .A , i | tboir ten t at. the forks Ol the road ami ' q „ u i n t e d w i t i, ,m. circumstance . 1 lint la,I a, b <1 lK>ar 11 Only lor a few. weeks,. Chnsfm, 1 M’Ferrin, . 7" ,Amli make her fields an l trees cas thqycou.d not agree upon thb route : co’mpeu-s with ary even fin tlie an- i- di ,' 1 1 V ' B * l tl;osu old fronds; till, one di r ...if the jXlethiAlist Cdnlefctreo is, divided, : -.V. «i.;Mci’R*E VltV . Oar go.dcu- prophecies ~. v-by which tet enter Calitorniaj there | la i B o - |,j 5101 ... ’ if <ed ; and the other Soon folloAved him, jit j Will be the entering Wedge to;, • v.: r< Vrpt. ah’oV ' - ' ('ie’ik. ■ Oi, ' '-ivc to ns i.er finer ear ' ■ theyba-1 rimiaiiiwll j The bbsband j : ' ' .-i 1 . l-wbere tlii-re are no palsied bands ;c|r ; disolaUoit |of tlie .Uiiion.f’He afi»\yfere<i, ■ -—-7 .. ,; .- , I ■ - ■ , expressed a preference for the Carson > X: " T rn - ..... i aged hearts,. Ko doubt, throjiglj''.a I| ‘\Und hruhtMt 'soon” v ‘ Notice in the Orphans’Court. -; ■ • *”' l . ',v mJ ( ‘ lll- j. : : mid—the wife for the I/essen—and j Anecdotes)or ; Sr;-.t\nn plraN;years the old-fashioned watch 1, bad I'. iioW sobii bis bitter spirit would ' eaA'oi* CoVifitVn «W*' n* t *° K U^ a f r I - Y c ecr 1 yield.[ ThepVwifo; dc-• A Is told of tlie Veteran : .about' in tii*v oi I 1 aat*nfi;c(.‘ Jimi-the Unio.n to’? i . • y o peace am rec pm m , ; ciaml sho y^ould _ remain there nil- • I>.-dtt.h»| of Antietam.-^-r; pookrt. life■ hud been..db'biiwif ad really i ! I }I. tbirtyrci^ht c.>univ'. l b”fwe.'«he"'ilonJ*l»lnicL ; ' ..».i ’ ’ • j winter, the liishand said be should bo- lhs m-n. y-iing Cap'nin gum it r. a Lin Jas fast as, then. ' And the ITJandsr Jpvrsiago ngiiinslt Slavery; tyas fined ■1 -lent'; ami |,i n of said i ... ' . n . ‘ 'i. .j p leased .to lengthen tlfo sojouf ii through ynnt!. of I vv,!t;iy.«»!fe.| was oiidiy staff. - wyi(e running as qmekly for me as lor) t'voior for it. p'readied !. In iliemaitiVoi the iietiiion uf Arch- ” atchino Uxe.s >f LF.—•• \Vhen I. the summeryiollowing. » 1 ; The <\i lean Fa!iniyj stoud,.«niidsi a : llipi'nged pilgri But 1 hen with mp4gh iit. Til hi caiiiip; Jneqting)i when a r Jojin-tun. Adiainistraiiir.of the estate of was a lin\, said an old man. •*,\ve had 1. On tlie moriHng of Uho fourth day, ■ s,tqnn <>f,shut and plceljs, a mi. Turned .it .wa»;.tli<puiud(e;laiid.ltblUem-it wits’ Meth4clist tutigistratefined Me S3-and« M r 'V 10 . haJ^ a " °‘l a wife broke a sullen ’ silence of, tf> send im„ tl.Voitgb a , t 1.4 end, -And l alwals Uiv. ft-' verv..*cbsU»| 1 TwolsldveholilfeMpald thc s fi,ie : .A '//‘f - K P“p i‘ la y (he , thirty si.v hour* by projjMsingNi dl- : fire, upon a, tni=. ioii of dug|. '.lie .'solemn.toj look ai the.i.wh old nien on an i ( kiid : “iLoad and 'liraA,again.” I ; 'Oiaii-fhi : Hoi>cwc|f: iow'aship, Eearer . ‘ f |V„—! V V*' f vl property; Which consist- might m-V it- see his hoy agjju£nut his : the ctinfinos'ol life, and at I the. watch have bcct-Mviud Mostr letters Vl , ■ ’ ’ * b ,nu> t;l closer attention ; e<l of two yoke of cattle; one'wagon, I eo'antry d:innci|«kiML'Ute^tt^w»-.he! lwndlyjl.jckH»g otf ; ,their- lust lifnirs.--.; froifi Ssbit tliijm 'ministers ;*bufifihcv v " : . J -« ,e «>« *'-«« ?rn,.i 3 «nr •hooks. .1 he tim qne ol you r camp . funiiliire, a small quantity oF looked upon; IfisyoiingJirow,he grarfp. i Pwc: -trr-ivvt kncwlhovalittle it-mbrtificd.mo il,ev : i' , ; a r a -' sT'))TT ,!C>lI ‘ l: ‘Oves another hoy idle. I aviiiu yon provfsions and iii- 'silver. !• The ■ed Ids liatid-fencircling j,iiii,iii his tini'i-. 5‘ OU bCU .the scUiiig sqn go doWn. .’ : would! rot wrifte anV’ more I itike it - :“r s&ifiV wd! atle.nl to the prophsttl was accepted, Mid-forthwith) and^' fo.nTly ;d<i-sod hMi. -Good ! ye. j : ■’ ) l—_.LL_L:_ . : I. as' an i lionp.4 jtiV} f 4 abused iby such :* ,U: - J biimsre ti.rsiij. cr.v,wince nf t v *'Vg ,i n „ ,1 , r r ,' * " f,. ' , T lllu *ld n in ior ” was’ divided, leaving T&nimy.” "Gtrou Ue, ilathcr.” at d the' 'A;- Man Klueu bv tuh Elei'Hant ! dir ty 'scan ip’s.:, li wqiildyonsidcr .liiiy- 1 ; estiite 5i. ..,.M net he ifa*. f:, ' -. 1 « 1 t" nit self.- there is the wagonT'oTTic old man. arid the-youth hiouiiiiug his lidrse. gtiilv i[\s\iu Al , Tiie Tiotoiiiius idenlinrT ; self udwoialivi of; Mvi ancestry v'mv :; ? ? r “ nd 1 i h ;“ T 1‘ <l<»nVHk>. ill daughter; to the Mother. -Tltf! at ter op with. The. messagk; Ho rid tMinni; “tanMhill >’ boh.n'dh^ V " u - 1 - --M em -cr, n -.- al " 11 1 l 2e !>"n look otl exchanged with a neighboring train, unharnijd. an.l again | It the cuttle belonging 16 her. fora ponjri grasped with a connul -flow d|ye <lo. o us exploits, when 6nra-«-e«J haVe ftii-.' lion - l3lavei|y;|ik its •borio'anU:' siiig w. Tm.n'.iii. . ,|c’i i!r bis book.-ami and pack saddle,and piling the .laugh-, baminy f” answercl jby ■ a ,.f r ,ishe<l so maiiv newspaimr pai-ind-aphs Tltere!| woul d l.itje been do diicil■■.war _ ’ f,.,. 1 ' 1 ,nto;m ’-“ 1 1,10 schq6l ter ainl I.er portion ;of the divided equal affection. ;•! he iseenc. wasfl'micli- j Ims.beeK.-Ahorn' as effectually as Vas d’ they did not Wanlto initi dualize Sla ■X ( Vi'TC'W '■ *J "“dndceif t,uf be ‘-, UIU . r: , upon the animal, she resdlutely ;mg to those aronmi. .‘ v- / fSa.npsdn, of his power «.f further inis- very- T !Vj : , ..; I 1 > .'■.e V 4 -I V.^ : Jlj. ~ . •/V.* lv liott did you started across the desert hy the Les-; Burnside now stands as a getiM-td ot (.nief V'few weeks . siiiee at Cald 1 • U_la 1 ' - '- i t ii-ui'i- criiCii ; t< v. Ji’nt-Win\-sii v‘ - ‘ l n,ni • ' • h -nevertheless truo.i It is iiinonjj ana rolls .like ajoliy iar as he iiurriiihiirvkeoner f rH ,)UK rLr u ;r ,-> i r" ] r c as y.:U* M ■ * . 'Y a '. vaught, and savor watted , ,he many of life' stfanger and his soldiers w.llLin, Mhe oh! mat.” •; S c t«Si ftStT 'T ‘ l:,.. f y„,iu„ jl e;.vc ilsuie f.W ~.e L-r bile b.,vs agsiu. han ,;,tion. Of couWte ht.ti. ;T4foy adore him both .Mr his j{ad e r-f„ l in,7i|S upon T •ii A i»hl f1i,.l M,v Taft". *a af.heshoc lit.-l f.uU wi h the L>dda of lil ,‘ :onrßC ’-:- , fr> . r 18 W C,y - P rfV ’‘-''f a "‘ l tt ' X,i blame was attached to the, keeptir,; Messages ifaf-sMittotf 1 Viia ,A. ache., ni . ' ' U ' U) c cm|dua of tha any obstacle, death ii.ejudcd, -,M : 'v«dij tinppnm. and the man departs u? ,|,e act ot the victim .waW as wm-i- f brtvl/..-ri.Blt %dfhi)anies , .H'HN li. sici;i';s • i : = • 'could have seno.isly :.nlc r fe r cd | delighted at ;h.s riotice. OfhcvJ*s arc, dal as it bo; had thrown himself, under (over ln, thir bi.f bM ; bp i ,ro p: s - 9 . df ;stiibbf?rmics3 so anly |no JcSs under., the. influence ot Tits at-, , l, e Wheels of but, in i siuessi lor WbiciniieV receivd iso pi*- lime Am vi ug -at Sacnimcnto - with I tractions, and he ti-mpers strict, t yuiie-, order ; ito prevent-P he., mischief ofiare not taxable • A"! . her dauhghtef-, the: oW la'djf readily ; t.ons with a ( snnle. ‘."DM ymi bear M.y, further accidents PdnvP.e dangcr-!p jjUu^nti'.- Every 'paper is found e;...p loyn.eut 7 -f t .r women were , wbat I have been saying / n-kyd- he ons fcpiper of tlje elepMuit, Mr. Tart ;equail4 valid januM-y css plenty than now—nhd subsequent-; of b'* division .. erf !s as had i.isj4novmi,us;tdsk S saWn ‘ l.t; lifts. wiitiVoutij.e slampias /with •bj 'Ojicnetl a •boarding and in ■ a., . h , d '^' n °^ rB f . OI ;' tl,e Jij-o.d • it;. -If unsFamjfcd Ids rumeot feu , \ oars amassed; a|,.handsome for ; the battle of jAntAClam. - A es. • 1 hen miHcmgdnmAto; the p.ktud,. ofitMon- fshoulli hetncfe.led akeyjdefein court, time. Two years, mgo , she | say it over.; And the g-ncra k ike comlmtant, hi the.lut.j|eA TIW- tusks Mho pdrtv usihg wMtld'be subjicted to Nm ■I- rancisco, -and the daughter 1 school. Mys in a class, r. j cr.tcd their Awing the weapon<.offlensiv e : and do- 'an .-xpense of So 'i' I V < ‘ whoso education ted not bednl neg-; lessons;. /; ;y, ’ ; j fimsive, of the we may’ cx-.1-’ giVeireliof ; lected, vvas marl-ietj tocneof the most j■ ,• ■ £l . . ; pect.to jl,ear of) no)Mi-thef, instances .in : ’ 6-K ' ’ .substantial .cilizcns. j ,\! . \ T W Emix.isii U vrvest’-The of destructive operations upon tbe[ Thiji decision refers ti> the li.llfi seer ) Alld "'’blit lias beepme , 0 f the old df p n sneakinircif the hi. part ol vlns noted animal.j - ' ;; lion of the RevMuio Laiv. JtMs prop inai.y The wife had not seen or lheard: oflS( ;., : sav s (he nUlts are —— : | ier fo aad ,here that penallfes Mill oW ,jr subscriber liarinc purchased lift E»- 1 ;';rbn;ei:i v - iI jcndeavor to kbep ’con ;r'v i>u band all articled usually found-in . b;-je.-. " - r j . . ■ clr.f:-a d’li. r sic;u:i aid tlie public ■ ids keeping the PURIiST and -T id'.rG.S. . -I . other at!teles wiii/r/ca be ."found r . -■'. I Ms e&iMisLineni: ' ' J ' ' Of - (joV/Lf, Sotip, 'PvYt ]iToi*iriS, ( 'o/Ufls. ‘ :,i. -!’.Tlf*LL. i v, FjoU -THE TQIJ.ET. | And still she walks !n goiden hours :, / ; !i COTI O.N, LKADjPKXCILS, \ .Through.harvest-happy farms. ; rPENSv HAIIi v— nt B,i, t sl)C 'soars her fruits and flowers 1 KSUES.TOOTII riPUSirES, i. her ahn». ! A ’ i l, 7^l'-^M^FO6I^ T ' ii'^ hat mfan ‘>p gladness of the plain, , CAP PAI’EE. ■«-Th?”-ih y .i Of .Tt ~,ri t 0r ? ' ’I A ■ i mirth that t-balres the beard of grain Pily.XfWijtS' ai»d- -yhnnneys.x And yellow locks of-corn? ' ! 4 -cure a few of tLe articles. 1 and onlv a . iUinv* on hand. Call and sec. * [io wiii try, by Hose attention and fair e;p.!T. o<>' give satisfaction to all who may l: i:A;s U itU tliQir- custom.- I - 4 ' • ' C. P, CUMMINS. M. I). attention .will/be paid to ; ).-i uj» riiysitdans prescriptions. ‘[aug27 i;.- A. ti. .M'I.'T'.EARY, CI t, t-i 4 i-iiy A£;wo. . : o- ’ .'|. ; :f.v ]..,:u!.-<>s /'I lilt- ''.V.lla’N-DSome C«J>trtIMENT.-*|rh> f«ll-t :..| . letter, addressed M’* y^lir*5 -oIJ. sm-i nC1o1!;iM -to Gov; Curtin,, .Avjilhfto read !f.ii(lc.s <•« bind «»-, pleasure bv everv feMii'ent in :no oiiienimrk? inr-v. t r l ; - •• | desire^. to come Hk*‘lvoystone SliltCj. It i.S (Jilted .fro^u’j of Headquarters atr Sept. ° ac }; 1:7 tli : , r) : j I ! ■ i i • ) - (iovCRXOR :-4l begin avail | myself | ■-- ; o,'Lw;ia r.linis,Jp.,M.D4ooc’d.' a,nl<)st lllu iirst of i,ef»u.re ; £i’ve,Pd.aiV'leUerkof :..l- : h:lV f !'h‘l --nncy the recent buttles. to; jini’ Imv.e.lbeen .granted by the toniler V«« n»y thunks tin; ymit wise ; [Kc., of tliecslmi y.of li’eavcr, and cneroctic action in culling; out: -• ■'C.ribAyn. jJisis.'Jr. >!. !)..(iec‘<l., : t lie .miiitiu of Pennsylvania [for its ; . i- ? u t E .. jntsaid county, to |hcsub-I detohse. wheiV tllPealcrtcil 1)V u llulncr in-the linroutfii of Leaver, -inr ... i » v • I ■ > wilt make payment, and ! ""*? I,ml . ' ar,n >' of thc.^iemv. fNPTitijiieir'claims duly autheniica- ’ X*ireuiti'd;ineos 1 L'jfulo.red iu!dvi>lgnodi ; ‘ ‘it- impossilde. for the...enemy to * sot , t DANIEL AGN£ff, _ jjoot upon the soil of tVimsylyaiiia', Administrator. i |j Ut t J, e mora l support rendereil; to .11,y ■ : lestamentary' on the estate ofai'inv hv vour UClioft vsjis none | the ■p ! ‘-h-HivNSA.. late of Chippewa,town- [ loss' mighty. In rif! mv • 'fg:e are requested tq make imtmi- ; know Jot* A (Mil “’jV '(it. and thqse having claims against ; pIH riotK* COtll **e; l hip in ;mtl or ill which r w v 'h present [them t«tlicstibscriben* i the people of re-ponded authenticated for srttlemenr |(p your CulPlind hastened to th'c do- Jo-' U IIVNNt j fence of tliefr.frontier', no doubt oxer ■s-tf I ' ' Executors: ! eised a great 'influence ujipn the , w ,.. U —; —' - - ! enemy. y;‘Jv’ lt A TOK S iXOTICL | I aih, very respectfully and sincere • dlit-KAS letters of administfation ,bn 'ly yours-, :l ** * >:tito 'of-Michael Kambo, late off :1 Jleaver country' de--* ' • ji\: !, t -en duly granted tojhe un- | l \ ::| i indebted; to *:nd otutc ; I i‘> n.nke nnti edinte and - !:iinis ugninst the .same willpre- I! pbrly Authenticated fhr eettle :‘-ut delay* ' ' JACoji FROXK. j can b« called “pood,”) in mriiilinjr in; ._2 • • Connecticut. lie enlisted jlifint thir-i lesions i Experience of an Invalid, ty men. ip Hartford. sold, them to an-1 ! | r ,iie ~<’ n ' e S' and « « warn ' other captain at 810 a head, pot his 1 rIV" ■ T " unfr ■*»■**• sul. | own pay %miihouhtv. ami then enlist- i ' n-.UN Deltjhiv,-Premature Dcc*t «ji 1 * » A AA -*' . • ?■<•**£> 1 a« the mikic time the ol f**’ ?. n H ,tnt * for , “f! nv ene w!i o -has'cured himsell 84pO: pot the Cash. W( nt into i camp, i, ■ ?ria ' tbrouph meJ-'run; the phard at. riipht. went; to hi*■ : h slj ll.v enclosing* own town, procured the town jbo'wntv-'! ;; i.a:/^ he en po. and then with a pocket ful!, ■i, .;:. E! ‘ , -‘-’ Kc ? lford < Kings C( J., .v Y, hof t'oeks, di-sappeared. . j ' ’~r~- — t\ ■' * . ■ ' j t : .; | • Certainly . Xot I—The Adjutant ji i -'I, 1 '"- ! rcmi,Cf< ’ of ihp subscriber'.: GonL ha» decided that students are not ! “*»«»« : of.’ July, exeilint from a draft. Wo never tho’t "/V/ '~>SZ£. V were. Lo;,k at the Ibeer; they : . . ; ’‘" I etc i.er ewiy: otherwbeshe di-ink ! Look at their drafts upon according to law.: /the • jSorcriwr’s • pockets. ' Exempt ,! ; -m. Trips. MKIKLET. Wo sboulxj. think not'. ’// | Vohas-Sso.-153., the battle autumn o b t jobs a. witVtt i i B The flags of war like storm-birds fly, The charging trumpets blow; A enrolls no fhunder 'in tie sky, T \o earthquake strives below. 'f ;■, . ■ ' ' ' And; calm and patient, Nature kccps 1^ • Her ’ancienj/promise well, ;V- Though q er her bloom and greenness sweeps The battle's breath, of hell. ■ Ah ! eyes, may well be fuIl"of tears, And hearts with bate arc hot; - : But ever* paced come round the -years, | j And Nature changes hot. ’ ■ She meets with smiles our bitter grief, J With songs our groans of pain; ■ She mocks with tint of flower and leaf i The war-field's crimson stain. i i -- 1 - Geo. B. M'Clem.ajj, Major General U. S. A , A •‘Sharper.”—lt i = slated that aii I officerof a company lately made a good i financial speculation^(if a gross fraud p.kavkr 1862. nv or h o f .Ijim since they parted cyi the Hum- peetcdlr U is nol qu ;po dt. 1 hcv had Irred happily to-„ VCI . ago crop : bnr | t if i littlf :ff cU.er as a fears. ■ or ; t!; ° mark [i W hat. (orei f' d L rfeproachod hc^li. what ■ witl , im- the wiltuliiess thatyeptrated them : ri< . s ' hr „ K . will soo ! n h alter Ho -umg a wlsrnnatfo-'tO{*el..cr; A l;!)m . sp , 6t - hiesame th rou <rh this rough lift. But hq, was who ..cpivs.uis, himself to have 1: not ileaj. W c cannot:trace h. s course over ; pUrt of- En iu .California, howcvcA AH tWt vo : -thS wl.oat-W on will l.c know ol linn ih t that lortuno had not li 1 ... ./ ' .... , •*"’ lOrtimo hau pj x to eight bushels below ah av< sindctl -upon -Inm and that for years per cent!.and of a shfivelled .ai .e bad toth-d'without hope. F.bally, }• ioE quality . tbe b j r r ov . Ai n-|. feel.ng. scarcfily able p longc* k.cld ; and 6^ s ,, V om fbur to six bnsbel bo lock and shovel, bo visited. San , ow an t |,. lt winWn 1 ! 1- raneiseo in the hopeof obtaining (whif!h Js an ; nlpoi . tal p „ irsE iJi. t rw; employment better, adapted jto. hiB;> n England) are in many: cases wasted strength. ' ■ . ' J ... 1 tnl failure,' and .spring *sowtl ! J-or three months be remained idle abou t ar. averhge .'rob Pof pegs after arriving. boro, and ilor want of is a fail . c- n ip ; ..P Swedi>Dtl. O'-enpalion became tbe humble retailer' whicb ire | ;ll^e ly do iended imp ot peanuts', and oranges with his On- : fo( , (Ior onl abo ' t h .'i f u fl tire lrafllc in a basket' jupon , m . vn . ol( j.,vu r t Z e, twujtbmls {.f t Jus arm This was about six otat()l . s are ; from to ‘, tUti , lt ago. A tew weeks smeopn pabsing £ (>nt ~ , M|VO the a ,4,. ;1 rc . n J the open door of a, cottage in the hay i 9 abuiuJlint llMt ! bil 7llv seel southern part,of the city, he observed , c . l()Vor b . aIIOVe an:av( . r -, e J a lady in the hall and stopped to o ,„| quality, and the pastures/- , offer 1.. s merchandise Ah ho.stepped bIU -p nor att(i W „ i "P’n the threshold, lhalady approach- flltte ' nin A < n ( . onsl -ed and theold man raised Ins, eyes Kng ] an( i ‘-ill Vin the market ,and dropped tlvo/basket. and jno; won- , ar * e purchli^P , her eoi.su ..pti.t ' der e.tl.er-for she was h.s ; w.fe-lus j ; m ( ima { ed at t111 .1. e hlin ., n ! < | , ; -‘old woman ! She recognized him, I and bnßhcl(ln ~a v ltU) .ami thnjw.ngup her arms. m amaze- ra!se . j n K ul -o I ;ment, exclaimed : “Great God ! John ... .. . t . 1 dsfthat you ?“ •-‘All liiatislettof me."'! ; ’i 'replied the old man. With extended) ' i — i — _ lj I arms they approached.-. Suddenly the j ; ia-- o-ehi I old .ladtfa countenance changed, and •these arol” e'ul i bhe steppetLbacfc: .‘-John,’’ said she, | aro larger-now a-du khan they with a look -which might have bech to bo; ten vear- a h-v wet construed into earnestness ‘ how you find the Carson road ? | y) _u No . x NUpp ni>! . pie Suky—nnserable, I man “full of-eand and alkali !>, “Then , Landlady looks a, , though she Iwm right, John? the continued, I gjjp had boenmisunderstoSd.) iWi=lSl Beaver, TD vrs • \ ■rT.'*t£-r--f-»<-1 r.ogSE/W sr 7 y-- v -v4vrX- ■ *-v4’:rl? > s TtfcL jfHTec chscaTr ii~ .motPti i • i ' •: \h ■■■ . . === 1 &S 2. I V ■■ I H ■I . i 1 ,.. ,r ■ 1 'I M’ \ ‘T’ — T~J/W -‘fm ’' B " 'W v 'm 1 ’!• '■ Wi• I >• a -v I B ■ . -Jy\ -ll *J '■■ I J Ki / ’’ a . !;[ T*- 1 r,.„ * % j. . t •' »• i, • * »■ h*- 1 -.; , e. 1 4: |lion •vests UlH*X ile u n short n and rra.na ftaft-“VVliy,is it, myison, that when you .|ro|i your bread and.butter, it is; always on the butter side J •‘1 ’ don’t knowj It hadn’t orter had It ? ‘The strongest side ;ought to up, and this is the strofigest butler I have ever seen.” | •• . - ’“Eiish up; it’s some o( j-oar aunt’s ii full, paper, ray led t t;iiin'i,' from eruj'e J <1 in ) ten,j Is : he-1 lioans ohm-uini'.” • bid she churn the great lazy thing V’ “What, yjour aunt ?’’i ; > ■ “No,- this'lrere butter. To make the j f>oor old woman churn it when it is| 'strong.enough tochurn itself." 3 “Hush, Zeb, I'ye 'eat < a great dealt worse in the most aristocratic house. t Well, people lof rhnk ought to eat i . ,j ■/ ; : ■; ■ ■ I “Why people of rank ?” , “ ’(.'ahse it's rank butter.” ■ “Yoh eannint, jornil what makes you talk no smart ?’"• I ' • - . “ 'Cahsot the butter'has faken.lhe skin off my tongue.’’ ,j 1 ■ “Zeb, don't lie i I can’t throw away t!ie butter.” ; s | ' * crop .a to-■ Jteans ithtTO; rnips,. n 1 for I nil ol | t-nop,: f l H ' r UlloW ; tiled; id of nil Qf‘ It. ” hyeryfl ;”1 U-telf you what-1 would do with nonce, > l —:kee|i it to draw blisters’.,; Yon L'as a. oufjliltoKce the flies keel .over its soon hi 1 )<? $ as they touch it.” hOlisHj ■ . 'I- '■ ' ’ lecatt . i ■■ l . ' ; licloW; SINOT3r - AR Coixcir.F.xcE—lt is a en-j nous- (•<)i i i.ci(K'iice 1 wojl Wort hy of re-1 : i murk,, that tile recent decisive battle] i ’ hiiirfht- by, (leneral <ook,j < ' ,n,l ’ ie 17th . of Septeh|iber-j-lhe ■ .•.kens.-- v,; 4v day h ll Wineji, seventy-live yjearsT : u<l ~l ' -.v the Constitution l of the ./United j n«»ih' />ni<e«i.waV signed -jihd adopted.' The? ihoiit ‘iwas fouirhi on’ the one side lor:' P>' ( ''*ervui ion of this invaluable hi J ,' e »_ i stnjrnent,; wliibh has conferred so ma tbd’t n 3‘ lasting on the human race, audjoo the other for its destruction. '' -■ ■ ii■-* ; ■" ■ -vj 1 .■ | -'U* r. : r • ■ ME ; ‘ ‘i It. E^tab lish.ec! ISI S. be enfbrcedrmiddr' this litwr until, the clamps are issued. . Vi’ ! ■ 11, ]■•■ b Napoleon on | Napoleon' dec)areil, in his ;Council [•■‘•l arn int-xbp:bfe-on jtbis subject of iVrpliljtl fee cHtiiinaH^s pjj r - : ..xulili n liiow, (loin I roooneilc it to my con science to expose the life of ope man the advantageof. another j? -.1 do pot think. 1 1 would exempt even my own'sbn.T Thoi Conscription is the everlasting rod,t>bf a natipii.Us moral purificaliotu'the real foundation ofi its habits. .Bjy meUns'pf the coiiscripllon, the nation was classed accofdin;» -to ills "iici 11 interests for. defense; abroad and- trsnqiiility at .home. linked,• built iip in this way. fliee,; French people!'might bate defied the) ’wprl(i. and might /with justice have Renewed the’ isaying of thetprohd l fiaiils: ” "If the skj should fall, we will prop it up with otir hipces.’” Ut r; ,’V: •' I; L-L-- . ll i ■ " ,r.. : v | ■ I*! * • •- |■. f * * ,,J ' The JR;e«ei.s at the Bottom of: It,— The .Richmond Dispatch of! the 24th .says.-: |.y ; (/ )■ r U l ! - Wj . Yankees/ arb nl)ou| to semi their army captured at Harpeifs f'eriyi agaihst Uie Indians. | Has ih i (iiiveriim'eiit/no tijAiiS! oi re- I for such a breac&W faith. [ ( If isi to *• breach the fSiouy iif llinhesoja are alicSi of the Ire be lb.] .|4re-’-thty.;?' A!rp,[tb4j recent i bloody. hia-sacres in Minnesota to be {liii< lift, iliodaoiH of the rebels. It is j to be! bo. by many of the west* j era people ? but wo should like to ' know fpt a cortaTnty. y':;'4.v ' %- > J v Nofnc SS teats per hip cents. A EffiNZEI A sJ)S :e cqi measure J as ■ • f ■ Special not ular, rates. |susrhcEB. < Marriages and other No V:-\ :f 3E( Owing to craPy coni spring".* tha itirmcrs \v( unlit then, tit cm.”, | Thtr mail hut if 3<4pf ;o their ket when tirev '' Some {tiik venf them very _ prbca cause of°th 1 will -1 freezing wi ~i.n the t iiavi age. 1 Jiur them; it in. too suddbn Potatoes patch aud inchesofdi they, will I freezings a •If kept.ii _n .tight box' always be sprouting. If while cellar they for them to straw,, old let. them 1 they will oo : ; 'This will other, foot, fruit.’ kecpttlu-in i vide drains from I the he ssrpuvy ■ roemcjfy of heonco rim i.v gave I proof: j ••When w campaign,” i ing able to f or rather n speech with ted it to mt Ken first, hit a'very nunu ed that lie s atdo|fdingl\' to n.:y utter Ofy word ol ing very sli< suit his, own awkward i speak 'came. —su-leic—a. ; 'vilhont :i ■iv ■ -‘fTo, "rli«6ul if be b: 5 !L tllOi V. Lint a'II i j BoStoi.l Dojft f ■ JvA-rY'ifpi | my dm r- nibs j cover up 11 it | It is/seiddm "Si ere. in th i the Wounds j er \v.a,v to s; 'it remains ti j tiltli and ind; iehurges till ! .nnlolerabic f .of its work iieht. ■B@u l ‘There said Pati to 1 ing andjwail me two tliui up. two linn twenty yea'i itwenty dolh dfed years!— CfIANOK of-Xam j poured. forth her Tiiy jiy fo'r; the su] L ipoi tin j her soubriiu et has | general! eoiisptVt froii i to llic.Sueeaf slate.- t ■, i • . ■ fiSjrOuf eu the ruts i.n r< settle ;intp til through the onucir trouble j Tho . v ■most dreadl'u ! cejjt the the i indifferently I does more d; lithe other. ;; SffluFor tin fire, under: t hut seven' el world <! ' Poi hlamoLhim i constitution i , tSTA, hurg put of hisjsch sweet eiinplic who, puttftig diit of. this! i aw»y ! ain't y , the army ns a nil rauksi to General Iveni Point gradual my as ajvolnn I Humanity or-a R ' Wihen Cion;. Loo evac • he abandoned| all his | the- hospital iivhere I e\*er, and carried, av I tal furniture and on TO 7 DVEBTjSEnb. ft ted at !]’ o rat c of stt ipnts insci •riisem lave—cud liberal d subsequent insertion “Count matte to yearly -Aonto labto. rwi ,TB lines of-tbis typi a - square. . .qpfcj'Eojpc :r cent. addition to rcg- ; cc-nts* a, line, jer year il t. lUj'{ iii.*,. Tolilica public nature, free: aids, j? 5 aud Icr Liccs .of fl. Potatoes. : ; that potatoes geni bcf!*•!• priee iu tho a thjll, nianj of our i'cr _'jk«'.epj ng them •.trouble of kctjping leping the fac lift it it. a' i iin th •iihl ])!•< jut for ‘ 'is of their rdttingp ; f ifi hot jchafgaat'lo a- the rot is i|i iheutM 10. jmtclii . • davigci dfy (hit ping, ft leave tl great to paw • ironr freezing, and- these . .ii ions ara too 'often thy iii- dcstyijction. ■ ■. I akaVd tljcr assertjpn Unit J snot injure potatoes. Xti ’’ ling which; does the datn vili gfailutil '' thawing:liiu-D inly- When the thawing is - that they are injured, may bej heaped up in the covered with two or three ■; irt well'.packed and keep in spile of a dozen lid ■'lhaijmigs, if kept dry. h the cellar it should-.bo iu witli a lid, that they inay in the. dark, to prevent the: po should th.Ww, b c'ot livk ijlatoes 'are in the i'; freeze.; do. not* aviii t. ’ tint coyer theni with f~pr eawdtjst-., and' ry; gradually, .and •rood. ' y y : ; ‘ m w ve: me out apply • as wel o IjiiMips dr .any ' asfilto apples and ,■ im ' kern in tV> . 1 Iliiii-ieii to pro- v trie \vatrtt* Y }itoie,i-Td. 1 ; The nui ■ 11V !ry," an '.o' earn- ip.-s Ol Crq.ckc thad a wdndeifill which Col. =—■ whom against for Congress,late e .following .SaahctUtc in . .' & . J . * 3 began on v; electioneering ■aid : po.i. ,A-|p ——, dot be pt'ali very well extempore, . <>t at all; IjiAvi'oto out a great' earefj a|id commit noVy. . I hiui always spo' Lilt the iduiftH, whioh was iiioiis 1 onjb, itp.ii Id t ;ikp|tlie Icjjd. Ho, moan staritl, and, recited. pV- only ?if(i tfoii vc or two to I felt; inoi-et ife. | turn to —aii« j iefl ' : p|~. V iiioi'ijtyeution the iiist I- j |;w3|'k;ng n 4) 1 ’ rivy,f"Hj if'x'y aj l case; i my 1 and' rny ! rd ifp •ord'io * |ete my iiUckj.in ijie. the V i-ompj was el ,:i(J (World, Mia'tfV-- A l ' ivi;i|er fiii the says bf ij lit;—l-.y - ' at solltvt-1 tins' ar il's only use is Ip rsuit bud ■- vi-v.. cyiij'di 1 blundc the best slu goons isou lu it is eii'nv.l ,p into. VV.b u‘k l 10 V,- | ,‘(i O ill r arniy iy ■ men >■[>■ ItL'lli ill it It in liftgeyajvi tlicro ■comes -tilled: wit li- lt ret »1111 S 'Tu IO : ■' l' l jy .rily, aiidiproduoo TJio ‘tor; it i iia tion boy jni lenoh. tvi-h or. ii -o na- is' the doing it'”; ’ as [he stood mus. it jobs '"ii i save ojlars; I iiutst lay ; jltars a I year dor i.'g Wo ■ limsel.r, ing fo r sand d< dred:do ■s,- or-, i rs a y no v iv I can put away ■ar for two bun icti shall Ido <* e. —Since Illinois riads so glpriou's the Union cause, been (-luinydt by i t bySm ker stale -£ : iv d habits arc Jikc 'he wheels, of life" id jog afodig icoause . il isj too? riuU tif -tlu m. i : Horn at ads' 'J >l(3lf!} \ mirej J ■to get ir is one] of the V viidbqii I animal Is i'n_ lu.tivrc^ex hio, whoso nuni,o :in<l \yliosQ toi)f;ufe linn the tu>-ks oi’ *'' IL 'S-" j ? ♦sum; spelled mage 1 i uf Wales'tin io ■ ish t'oijslifiuion, - rides in all the V; ii O one could i iQ-old smash the *' n.oh, tbo by-laws !i Piano 1,0 Bril <;'ible I T 1 lello' ‘ ii e • s ntl iro, : 6iK'o'f'H<jh toned rotrjjory by' th e .solitary spinier; >;hl;.ciri])ped Lead exclaimed,’ ‘-Go mod ]” of was emo ot ity of a her ni niitiow au (ish: d Snmner'eiitered i . and, rose thro’ ' , Thte late : ' ias not ; a ' West ; altered the ar- A LicnCra pi-ivift the*bj ■ncy as o. ■' He teer. ;bel Gene4ai..— uated Frederick,- sick; lie visited they were, how ay ull the hioepi pfies. ; c '4Mi ! i’ -i I' (t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers