The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, October 08, 1862, Image 2
i| AItttUS. BEAVER, PEXX'A. _ Wednesday, October 8,1362. T. C.'| Kloholson, I’kpic’i' Uiiififl ' Male , For Auditor-General, T3OS; E. C3J3EAN Ecd. : : OF'TOHK COVNTT. For Surveyor-General, WILLIAM' S. BOSS, corsnr. County, Ticket! . Cbngrcss, WALLACE. Lawrence co' ■: v *• ,■ fv. 1 State Senate. i ' :k>un W CHARLES JIicCAXDL-KSS, gullet; , ; Assembly; \VM, HENRY. KulUou. 13 A lilt WIII T.R. Lawrence. ■: Associate; Judge. MILTON LAWRENCE, Greene tp. ; District Attorney. jUiIESi S. | RUT AN, Beaver. WILLIAM BARNES. Bridgewater Poor House Director. SAM'L; WILSOX, South Beaver. i ■ County Surveyor. ■AZ-Utivif WYNN. Beaver, County Auditor.-' i\V:i. CHANEY. Ohio-t;). ; ’ j Truslees of Academy. .TAAIeJs ALLISON, leaver % ■LKNBY lllpEifßoav< ; r. Republican and Union Headquarters. ’ The;Kenuhliean and .Tin on Head- 1 • quarters Wilb % . liejd at the, Beaver i Ho (el in. next Tuesday’. night." Per-: ■spus hrinhing in returns from the I different townships, call at the above-namotj place!; ’ ! month! for Gen. Lazcjar. Every man | who al the outbreak ;df the" war was j opposed to coercion (and there are i some in this towfij’too) is now an ad-j j voc'utc of Gen. Lazear:; Every ma.n i who could excuse for the rob-j .W to the com- bory of Floyd.tne hj-pocracy of Eow-1 r-rrh aiion in our of this week ; ell Cobb, or the recreancj; ot Thomp- j “A Sox or aUniteb Irishman ” ; «6n; Wul walk up to tfu wilt ton bv a" gentleman wlio has.-the polls and ghplu.pp -lor Gen La-1 ido-ouibirei been a pimnincnt member ; i-Evcry man wpo attempted to, ■;-thi itcUocratie partv.. We also; ‘palUaie the crime of the Southern! cbihesk-ciifl attention to thG commu-; rebebf at tha time they were threat- j ni-athm signed •;£ PlAßicrs UScm.” I cning| secession, will vote-hoarf and; Tins also, vias will ton by a tedding ■ soul. |br Gen., LaZear. Every man,; L^lr^..--drl ios county;* btipWho is'i who threatened, mease of a war by | loval and true to the Constitute and : Lincfiln tor the “subjugation of our j GieT'lnidn. and who now iWtbe sake -Sonlhcrn that• .those wno; m' tiot Union and- our gluri.nfc (h ; g, went to that war,, wpuld leave a; foe. will-s|spport the Republican and- Union behii d as fierce as tUqt they wont to< ticket!. LcV o'her . loyal' jDenmerat*: mocl]fand there are jsohm in Reaver mo! d-lik.-wi-e 1 £■ ,' . | ', jin thvor of Gen. jw,. —i j Lazeiar. , Every man who, at the time ‘Vcteis of Beayei County! : l 0 f tlie suspension " 1 r ] , —hears over the ••violation of the Con . tbis.gpVvi-unien't?' V. <:re they ;i>tilup<ui.” isn fast fijienc! to Gen. La liut-tiniorlci’.'ol J. ( Lie lof jzear.j I'inally, every man who has tl;e Fivyidency ? ■ W!.o are how op. curses for the AljoiiUonists to one if %st.the [.'< -publican aiAF, FeoVdo's for-the rebels, is operating with al! his I>tty r.t the -Noriiy ami opposing the power for (Jen. La/.eiir. g howii tills. TS'l 1 if * - , 1 , 1 leaner, do von know, m vonr local not support ■•. ! - ' -. ■ i , " i , - , , . jitv. ftiivineii who urd alr-ava rriimli .n: f,. Isrecitir.rnJgc JOr toe I real-/-,. : . -i, , ." ! ’. Tr ' * ~ . .. Img at t!ie acts ol toe administration; flow many til tnera wil ~i ; , , , • .j . ... . ... .. • . • .., "ho grow! about tilths abolition ’ war; s.nj porl Ins pnhev on next iuesdav / . : ■ i i ’ s, .J i ‘ . „ * "ho arc particularly, down on Fre !.l.ri toyal men.beware. amt rally to . *. 4, .1 T . Gi ■ ■. ■ „ ' •moijt. 11 uliter, Hank!*. or any General whei.may hej tuspej-t!ed of.being op-, 1 Cur i Candidate fbr State,' Senate, i’ 0 "? 11 to shivery; wUijo arc continually "niggers”' lot . y.O- Mlate, uj tli'e. W Worthy whp ei-OH t-inp.-Wd-oi’, ileavor 'amflliit- C 'F S 0 and obsecrate itr. com,lies. ..was in -our’{t jfvif L V l,i l s ‘- V!,nd -Seward,,b»t-drajy in very: .Thursday anil Friday last.' ’ .Mr. M’U.; n ‘ u<l &| Go. If you do, is a gentleman of ahiJitV. and ivili r' enture yl.iit. ■ man of them j; rep: ose.d the vieivs ami wishes of ,hoi '* !!r ' i! ' nt an< ? «>$ nsjastio. in thef sup . loyal yl r flioj Fist riel, r 1 * 01 ! 1 oi ] lJ > nl Jt?fise In..fine. He slmidd'recei ve t tiie cordial Him.o.u I' "F 11 are loehcd upon by their. • V f ail'Union men.: ..ot onlv from the lb ° r * »> ' hl,t *'« ,c . bultar *»«"? Wactild Ins. views and sentiments, but iV’ ° IW ... , ■ . I'Jesseitazcaiv ■ !> . hdi.aa-.e .it is ot .the. uteufot mi- i . i I \ -j -ijmrtance that: sueh a man hi- elected’U TJi.ct{e areltlie. men 1 Who arc running to cast they tote <;.f this Senatorial machine this fall. True, , Instrict for ayt v nite;i Slates Senator, they have “roped in some,” wlio like as the term lion. David ttH]- ytlio editor of; the were ; right in ;rn ?t * expires this winter, ami nnVl :< he outset of'thc warj bat whose par- L, h. va- | Nidisan•prejudices havei overcome their Let every voter Foysafc that ' bis : cotificiisness; but thif active engineers ■ Vl’ot tor fstate Senator captains the ; <>f : the .Congressional campaign .orb ■ name- of. -M'CAxrLrss-. r -sncdi as we have described. ’They •’ i - h< 1 )C hy th - e a ( a ’ of Unsuspecting dem* o ; UF LOUIJTY! <,c*rats. to carry,the Congress and p.-ir fl>,> you :wish .te see. _tlds -reheliion ihe Administration.: Shall they against th s great' Govcrn’inont put IvjpermiUed fo d'o-'it? Sliall lbey - • g. 'i'Lons i.iovernmeiit ; steal a march upon us ? Let every given its by hong hi by nipu ■ who. feels, Uia| •’this- Union-is their hmod and treasure and given to worth preserving, tljat the rebellion ns as a legacy : Shall we prove bur- : sbpiil.l bo crushed, answer the-que.s sslves worthy tons of noble sires!’— j lion bj- depositing bis vote for JOUi\ . Do; ypa wish fo soe tiilA*jtinl.oly-war!. W., WALLACE, wlio is -an honest ended? ]>f you do go to the polls on post jinan, .an upright and faithful repre- Ty.ctlioy v votej the and, tentative; who is in favor of the Gov- I’eop’ >•,' ticket, and seei that yoar ■ eroment; who desires the success of loyal neighbors go. I ' |'our'arms; pongress, bias al / Leave plpngbs, ’ your fields, ’’ways found 1 bn the kide of the Excca your firesides pud beds and sound the ! live, upboldurg his hpnds, ready to as aiarm. Vouryneihics are’ beseigiug by Ids v6te and cdmuCmanee every you an sroai-:!, :.nd we warn you I pvt calculated to give strength to.the that yon-must, awake and strike be? j Government, and alwiays heartily en . fore it is, lopJiUeJ Have you nothing ; dpraing every measure calculated to at slake ? - Are you willing that our ■ weaken and overt the rebellion; eountpy shall bo desolated and that- i Sad; sad, indeed tyill beiberofiec th|s war snail .ebntinae for’years to jtijem of-that man, whrp by bis apathy -’V , ar ' 3r \, Then go or- neglect suffers of such y.. to too. ballot box and cast your, vote '.a;mau as Jesse Lazeatvwhen bv lds for Freedom and till- Union, and for exertions bi might hdvo’seeured" that . rasiong out this reLeliion and cubing ,of such a man as W \VAI ' LACE. .f ' ’ ' .■ " » A>tni} ■ i- tn'.rio’i hr v-uU’ Dili .they . (if I.f V l.’o'o on I!CSt Til(‘>..i;VV ■ • M'Ca f:\ridi date d o m'iJ Wu hive in this district .two canr didates, far representing different.. phases politics —lion-; John, W. Wallace otid lion, tpsse Lazcar 1 Tlie former was elected two years ago as a Republican,-, arid is therefore a -member |df the present House; Uie latter, is also a member of the present House, having been elect ed two years ago as an ultra Demo crat. : j • - ; -T Editor licktl These two gentlemen have-been, by the ie.-districting of tie State, under the apportionment law, thrown, to gether. and we have now a fair chance of judging each by his course last winter.! They have placed themselves upon the record so that there can bo no escape for either. - ; ■ Ji'ow; what is tb’e position of the Hon. Jesses Lazcar? ; Look,, at his course during the ! Ev-- en the-Star, by its owjn showing, con victs him. We need look no'i further than tlie efforts,of hi|own organ to condemn him.;- He/there ,l * stands in that sheet self-con'ncted of semi-dis loyalty. He is there [proclaimed with unblushing audacity ;us more in love with, shivery than foH the TJnion. . Of one thing any ma’n can assure him- j jself. Look arour.djyou and seethe men i who. atje. lhe loudest in their advoca-j cy of Gen. Lazear. Do- you not sec men who'have been j more than sus pected! of disloyalty,| anxious for his election? We ventujro this assertion and challenge the Star to contradict it; Every man in this district who is secretly and at heart with the rebels, is open- CONGRESS NEXT TUESDAY. THE ECEGTION. Wo have before us an, important On NEXT TUESDAY the people election-inone more so, to our mind, w jjj jt, e again balled/ upon to,; speak since the organization of the Govern- t^,.oU gh the liaUotlAox.: Bach annu. meni'.; It is not our purpose to make nl e ] oc t; o n is of great importance ; a-partizan appeal* to voters in; tlie ■j )Ut ne^cr witjiln : our. recollection— prcsent condition of public ne ver in the history of this: great bulrislng above Party, .<nur.. appeal .is. ct)M * ntr jf has there been an election for the Union; 1 for the (Constitution pf so T d?t atid transcencTant inl and- the Laws—all of. which are as- p or^nce as that to, be held on fioxt sailed by acts of blood of Southern »p acM jay. | conspirators; whostj conduct, is excise-j We 4PO j n the midst of porilpusand cd or justified more or less openly by tcrr iblc times. War I horrid war, is Breckinridge sympathisers in the'.j n oUP ,.!^y B t»' liovastatlon ah(l' de iSTorth. As Republicans, our party Bt ,ruction stares uain the facei; Many Convention calf of last was with- our 'friends' mo&dear have fallen in drawn, and so modified that all loyal t b; B contest for freedom and the right men—all true friends of the Union— j j n con t uB t for our great and could unite in upholding the gi ov i ous country, in this struggle for cause of our. common country at tho,: t beSiars and 1 Stripes that have so polls, as well as in the field. An issu<y j o[| ;, vyavoJ over ithO land of the has been forced upon us here in .the! f ri . e an( j t |, e home,of the brave! We JJorfh, in which noMoyal man can brothers, boos and j friends mistake his duty, and our appeal is tO . stranding to uphold the Constitution those to be'up and doing for the con-| anc j Laws— men who are fighting tost which is just at hand. i |as men Cue ver before fought, to (pi 611 Our platform is to sustain the govern-; gigantic, unprovoked and pricked men lin this its time of peril—to make | • and they cry to ns for beljJ every effort to encourage the lieajrts j Qn 1110 oj Tuesday of October, i Par and strengthen; the hands of those j^- cs Qr mOll - aro of but little account charged with the ma l mg enient °fp u b'!i n times like these. The people must lie affairs, as woU" as the_Gencrals-»n j the coming Mection-whelhef the field, and the hosts of brave and nation mast survive or; perish..— patriotic men, including those very i j£ e >_ , ife - or deatu'.weiglis. in the bal ncar and dear to- us, .who have made j | ant . e) a nd it is for the voters, bn the and are making every effort to crush ; 2( i Tuesday of Ocaobor, to settle. the this; formidable '■and wicked rebel-1 pca j‘c_ to decide (lie fate of this once lion. i great and glorious country so ; far as If any man is in doubt as to his (In- j p enn-i j ivaniu .is iconeerned. | You ty, and hesitates to; accept the-advice | JnUBt decide whether tills American of friends, l.ct him; if ho would prefer j R uW5 p B hall end! in stSame 1 Sbpdl it, take counsel of his enemies. As jt f Has all ih|s bloold been shed the case is made up by Francis W. j ip n!n r ghallf we nowi yield to those Hughes, and the Breckinridge lead- 1 ,| lO jjorth -wiki sympathize wltji era in Pennsylvania, how would he. Reason and.who are ready id Sacij|- hftve him vote ? What advice would , ce t[ie cou „it*yi upon the £ltarlof sla jbo expect from Floyd, Ala'son, Brock-! ver j. Shall we yield to | that unpa linridgc! :i:;d the rest? of; the conspira-, faction, .led •on by men" who tors, • against: Liberty! and Law ? socs; ycro parlies and privies to this treason any one doubt that tifese would vastly ! f runl tbe beginning, and 1 who set on 'prefer the success of the Breckinridge j fd ( ,t this damnable rebellion ?; ; Shall ticket in this and other Northern j , V e let the supporters of that infamous. States. Think of it, yc who liavo, tailor, Jbhn C. Breckcnritlgel rule sons, and brother! in the army I— | eounlry ? shall , they, ‘by their Think of it, friends Of the Union ! j dcvij,ish } craft, 1 while the attention of Can you,hesitate to give all your aid j j oyp j v m ei> is turned to the battle,field and influence in such way that your Allowed to triumph at the ’coming brethren in arms shall be directly eh- election? Is knot time that all loyal couragcd lit their patriotic labors and i n eir»bould awake to a sense oil their sufferings ? ! danger andTeb the designs of ipnr en-: Whilst bur brave men are giving j em j eB ft t home, who. if they are ul- their cnefgijjs, their blood; and sonje i owe d to succeed, 'Will hand us over, their lives In tie Sold,- shall we by i) ouni i hand foot; toVtbe enemy, inaction or indifference (permit onrj Freemen 1 cell, upon yon to Vippolients,: to" gain a triumph, the d[-| nroU g e i; Your homes and your fire reet-and inevitable tendency of which j H idcs are in danger 1 It the Brcckeh- W.ould Ixc to oncot"l'tmfrondered to' tiei“Dcihy. 'Jflien we ct the people-urou.-c to, the impor- j a ppeitl to all loyal men in the name of lance Oj. '.ln; contest. Let no one ; t j, o Great God, and in the iiamc'ofour thiak his ,ole may not .be needed, Constitution and our* (»clo V etl I but, standing togcllicr.with one heart ! aml the name of the old flag whieft* and purpose,, inakd every effort to ; we d ave-so-k)ng revered. ' O dnay it sustain the Union ./ausearid the Union stiJl wavo , we call nponyoudu the* ! candidates..,Pennsylvania. Uf_ ■ name of those lave died the Voters of the" 24th District, ,!. he . , * name of those who aro still battling \Ve have an important duty before usi for all that we bold dear. | . ° ■Voters, '{/''the 2Vth Distrisf John If these plotters against our g6yt |W. Wallace-!* the loval and war can- en.went and .witr IJag should succeed' i didali lor Congress. ' ' B j ,s * ll l ve ;>nt beurjtlie very bones . raft-j 1 t'-, ' , ..... T , thug in the graves of I hose heroic men ! } J vters of Me .-Ith .. Ir you |-\vho have died for.-pay liberties ai]d j j are in fuyor of ujd. dui-ig tl.ejGovern- j our rights, in expressions of utthr ah ; ment and sustaining the Constitution horreneeand detestation of their troa- j 'and the Laws, and do not sympathise I cobne, oliri negligence in I i;i, ; ,_..W. e ' ■i i j not standing by; our coiintiy s Cause— tivith.. tnfusonJ vote, for John W *t . , . 0 i-'r* 1 . ! (■ . 1 j “ • the great cause ior which our lathers >ullacc. ?- |1 Iso nobly contended.' : ; r j' I j I nj llih 24 th District !'■ If you I Then let us again dall npon the loy ; wish to see the country, your homes I? 1 T<>t-ers| of'BcavgKcounty. 1 to go to your pronertry and your lives I votedhe ; Republican.*,id, \ ’ Peoples,.ticket. Let us see that a tote for John W. Wallace. go who are wdling to; stand the T oters of the 24 th Distrut! If you interests of our bleeding country. See wish to crnsh.ont this unholy rebellion [ that loyal hier. led I’pdrhy'byl and to aid the army now battlin'.* for l>a* ty | leaders under 'pre yonr rights, vote for John W.WalTaee'. IP r> ;/ i rm T v ‘ , vole again Jet us vole now. CVn t Are liecoilcct -That J.cshc Lazcar is. the spend a tewidaivs jftir country] before caT ) of the Brcelciiiridgciy, and | the. cfcctioi|jin stirring our neighbors of Jtl&so, who aid Treason. ‘ / j out to the pjoila. If wp can't; gb .t.o Recoiled- That every man I ourselves; can’t we spend h fbw KT-mbntT;:™. wok T «• n • . r,‘ (days at home for the sake of those that with Jeff. Davis.& C 0.;,, have gone to fight for ns. Cannot u ill yoteifor Jcsfie Lazear. every loya| man spend at leaf*t a | few Recollect —-That the election of Wnl-' hours in going,to the polls and cast lace land, the defeat Of Lazcar, will b->t in « thcir VCHef ‘ t 0 sustain those who a rebuke totlbe whole rebel host. ' on . r b W h *< iCan-yorfno£ .n ' ii do it lor the sake of -pursolves and’our ■■lwjtollcctt.-thes'e and, vote lor JohnJ children and for nil future generations. W. \yaflacc for Congress/ Lot our cry be raWyf rally ! li iJRA If you wish to pphold the I<Y- to the polls, for ourjeountry calls, ment, support the Cunslltulion; the ' .Union and the Laws, au(l_ crush out Rebellion, vote for Charles M’Cund less for Senate, sml fn- William Henry and 'l t *n;i:ih .White for Assembly. It yed ’.yld, tc-/uo this, vote the whole Rt'pjihlicanjaod People's Ticket, which P“ will find at the head of our col umns. I V— —’ ■ llAnniMJCiio Oct. • (i —lnformation h:ia been received at the Military De parfhrent at Harrisburg, that . in j uinnj* -iiibtanot's hfvt|6 been ox* cm plea from the draft becaujse they jwere not. citizens, and immediately thereafter they have filed their natur alization papers, and thus oecome lia j ole ti> military tintr.j r J?he postpone ment of the draft gives the commis sioners'time to correct this, and "they ! will be instructed to add to thbcnrdll merit the names,of those persons nat uralized since the examinations w;ere held and hold-thcm subject to military duly: The coinmiisioneps will hear their claims to exemption on other ground'*, before the draft is made. Washington, OctG.—Gov; Curtin, of Pennsylvania, has proposed in an official communication to the t’rosi ident. to fill up the ohl Pennsylvania j regiments upon llio following plan (Tcru Ircgimenls to:be withdrawn and sent to; Harrisburg, to this city, op to any 'other convenient' point, to bn filled re organized, meanwhilefto per form duly (in,the defense.. This done, and the regiments thereby ipade ef fective for active idirty to have them •j returned ami ten regimcnM more ■brought so on, until ill are' fiflc|d hnd properly rcbrganizet. ■ c • Foi this purpose old companies, when practicable,; to-be cohsblidatcd -| and new companies added, ami. the -old regiments to ban! preferencedre.r j new- hues. The Governor asksito have j the, Pennsylvania Eeicrv'e Corps first, j and expresses the bdiet that dj- this I means the old army Vill be niade more | speedily and llioroujilj effective. I Gov. C also argtVs that sick and j wounded Pennsyivaiiabsimayho sunt -’ to their State.: 1 Thil js understood to j be tbedesire of -scv«al of the Govor j uois who met at Altwna. i I ‘j - :-iH r pc* , Thp Breckinridge leaders constant ly uppaat; to voters to sustai'n| their ticket/inordeiv that thcrOmay be a speedy twralnatiojn 1 ofjthe.wafi Let us see hot? this is to beaccomplislied. There are!'two ways to reach the de sired cnd: Ohe is to make your ballots and bullets abd. bayonets act in union —that whilst our brothers. .and sons are fighting lor tile Union in the field, wo should sustain; the Union cause, at tho ballot-box. The only othoi mode is to let the Rebellion triumph, and this is the end and tendency of Breckin ridge success. But still;- shall we, have peace? . Very far from*it. The Congress naw chosen jwill not be or ganised until December a year; and the;success/lof that ticket now would plainly say to the rebel conspirators, “Fight on, a year or more, until our Vallandighams and Dazcars lihvp.con trol of the popular branch of Con gress, when yon shall have every | t thing your own way.” But shall, wcj thciii hayc pelfce ? Fay from it. With] the two antagonistic! principles, pfi ■Liberty and Slavery, junder, separate;| governments, with an imaginary Ihip. jlof Bi.vlsionl between tlhetn, JdifiicuUies 'would, constantly occur, leading,to] inlbrminublo wan . The only hope of! peace is in the Union, and in thopros-1 Tralion of this monstrous rebellion, j " Mr- Lincoln,]nnder|Providence, will] bo President apd Cojnnvanjder-imChiefi until'March, 1805. The Senate, at least lor that time, will harmonize with; hji'jW on j public , questions." By' arraying the Bower House inantjigol, nisin. will Iwo not give the greatest I- I' 11 ° ■ .■. ° . possible: encouragement to the ene ■ rides -of The Union ?: .Unity and cm ergy in’ the public ( <j!cuiicils are- n/ny IndSsperisiblo to spbedyTiuce'ess. Let the loyal North speak at the Polls in | such wav as to encourage. our armies in ,the 'field,, and thus alone can we | hope forispeedy and permanent pefioel Intervention.. . J , In the‘Boieign coWcspondence of the'-Np.w jYork’ papsrs, a few ago, it was stated that in an interview between <JSJL-j Do [TliouveiUl, French Minister of Foreign A.tTuii-s, and Lord' Palmerston,; Cho English Premier, it was agreed pto deter intervention in American affairs until after the airfumn eleeiwti \a this coir tty,—these inter: tUtjddlers evidently expecting aWeac tioiiary feeling to bo manifested in the Northlno such a decree; as to justify their ir tcrfercncc ,'iij' a (way to see'ui’e, the sdi ;ess Of rebellionr, arid with ft the dt struction . of goVcniment the'world, and a standing rebuke to Kiiigly; and -Ansloeriitic tide. This gives additional] sigidiic'arice Up tlib| election of next Tuesday. ;! jts the voter approaches the : polls he should remember that the eyes of the rebel lions Strath.'as tyell as the’chronic'e‘n .emies across .the pecan, are upon him, ih anxious expectation. ’lf ho would yield accord to their desires', he wilf not hesitatVto vote■ jthe Breckinridge tfeket. which would bt a vote to lo wer the Flag of the Union and give direct jyaidand comfort” ti the enemy. With | the issues made up [by the Breckin [ ridge leaders, the triumph'of that or-: gani/.ation. af the Polls next Tuesday, I wonjd he more jiisa.llrons toth.e Biioh caush than another Bull, Bun JVfeat: ! Loyal jirtbn. of Beayer county ! see to ifht once; that nothing is, wanting oa j’onr part to meet land overcome all -the machinations of [this enemy. Our friends|tn llie army jexpect- j - 6u to do your dot}- at the Polls. Let no one fail in the present crisis of the country. j;j— !• ■*!. ■ , Spßi^NdriELDi’jilri.'j October!— A cor-j rcspondcnce oftheJlissoiiiji Democrat says that rumors welro aflosjt of heavy' firing in lluv diiccltion : (if SarcoxioV Jasper couim*, jjtissr n Frida’ >a»pt , . .‘Ouri-f-or. nday.— These rumors were increased by noori.- Woid was received that a fight had taken place at Sarcoxie'.: ■ The number of the enemy’s force is unknown, and wo have not learned; the result of the fight, i, ' ■' ; . ■The rebels at Sarcoxie 'say they .have : 10,000 men at Cowskin prairie,; J that General Ilindmaii, with 30,000, I'mien is in Arkansas near the (Missouri Spite' line, and that as soon ns they join forces they'will march directly on St. Louis. ) Al| the prisoners taken ,toH of Cthe rich bounty t hey are prom ised when they take St. Louis. It appears 'that |such- promises' are the gjeat incentives net|dedj by .the rl rebel Generals to keep their men together. B&.ln'the Yirginia Lcgislatrirp Mr; Collier) of k Peteisburg, offered tlie fblldwing: i ; ] -j I Whereas, Abraham Lin coin, Presi dent ot (the Uii;itcd | States, his re cent proclamation is abtirig :in stolid contempt.of' the principles of property a . aV“’~ * | —wwrtVtj in slaves, which is less consecrated in voted in the attirmativpl the United States Constitution | thiW : Jesse LazearJ ; in ,ouWj and is aiming by said prbclu- Clement L. Yallandigham, ination toexcite insurrection in . Uhjirlos A. Wicklitfej &c.. ’ I our midst, therefore ; V j,/'y voted in the negative, i ; 'Jtesolyad, ■ That no person' within: It made no difference to ! Lazearand shall bo hold to have com-] Yailahdigham>£fotUer| Uio owner was milted ; Uny offense against the crimin'-.: a’rebelbr not. j ( J al thereof;! or shall: bp tried [or impria-; , Februai-y 6th. 1862 Vhen ! our J ®. n . 6d » e °t bo requiredgo ansvver at any; treasury was and thoUinks (' Wo ten Umefor an act in ..dmmgfoofo and: monied monopolies : were ii-yificthaiiks fori the State or putting to death any per ; to take possession df our Gbvernuienf I * son; with or without ams.whoniay bp! and when Congress tf-iUmpheil in tlurP. npicr - ■ ■ found on our soil aiding in any way,-to; most important contest! that our coun ! “»wl>vwed give effect to the fiendish purposes of try, j dver witnessed; in !tho passaire bf oC time 'in siud proclamation, ,| y y t the billy making notes | adversity The ■'■Votes of Gert. Je Ve Lazear and Clbment I». y ap&hdigham. jii legal tend] 9i> to 50. \ In the affirmative, John A. Bingham,” , yVb observe in a lute number (if the J; E. Mbvhcad, j ini which rcJerentc, m made. tj. i j£Bg - £ \ action .of the lion. JoUn* W. Wallace Clement L.; Vallandtoham. the. last sessiondot Congress, Dariel \V. Yoorhees, &e, and fimnk which we. quote the follow-! (ten. Lazcar « believe is -Cntihicr I ill f‘ i' ij i of the Fanners-and DroverVßaifk tng paragrap i. . ,v - ■ • j-r <at Wuyneihurg, mid .he proved'tn ie V “Wp have Mingo question which,i nsl j I1(;t ". uu | ,i o '4 by his jJJ wp t.O aak bl. the eonseivatvo- b kif tll(j! Government,should toppib pi .thip ooutUy, and to^ieccs - 811 l i |)o d.isli ict.. \i } ......-i, did the! pec pie of hia district send liirii ior Wallace, wb vo es , „ . . C to':-Congress to look after the idtercsts President lit need n|, on this- subject. j • t ,, e Un.n^ .(relating to confiscation, ac )i ~r i. ;.;j country in this hour of its. |ii:d ;1 i J whojon ithia as op.aUj ? ;w e predict that tile t.tnnw Ute T V -!* r . iof the - present district willf|e.-i inf : I witU| President Lmcon.j j-bn the ' second ! .51 iiesdiir. of, Oct:, ■to t seldpin met wtth a more junscrupuUiuft | , a t ho he m,d look <U-r hU bat.k .falsehood. roin a carepil exannnation ( handsome majoritv.' > p •Of tge-l Joupnal of the House- we find • ? „„- a ; ' gc'ofthfc. Ho in a.' that [tijen. paly , opposed Bm * vote i every of thef ad.ntn.Btra ton, ■ h ’i bi „ wus t;ivcd :i £ j but IVo find hn* vote inpnbiy: plong, pi . ol l, ToU * . .wilhl the notoriousYallapdighutn, :mdi| [ .jy int ' evidence' to indicate w!u-re j‘v ’we sppak advisedly. ' v >eq 0! .. 'i ; i stood on lue question. ! On■■‘Deceit.!Vr * °” 1 ’^ t V p; 4 1 1 ‘, i 1801 r MK. Lqvcjoy,, from iho ■ 'yl^i l i . Il . wt \r \t ii **■ r S.Jl'CbihmilteL*. oir Agriculture. t»» v:ijo'n Y Yftpd wuh May, and.ghu.v was t hcd.ill of theHousO m . Wh ° B °- Uecure b.J.nesteada to actual scnlr^ . qU MOi l,on^b O’ .ii L O'' the pi blie domain'. reporUa iluo , *i',' ne n • a , o .'![ > ij „ witl out aniondinent.’’, ■ . . all ithe votes whieb ihe cast and ! con- j ! ~ . ■ . •■. . -i •■■■;.: tra'it them’'with tlio'ae Of- Dr.iWallabe,;' > tU !', ?" e8 P O ?V fP. |BIU ;lhe foSiowiitit , iShSiv’ : , rS® s' Nrk wik elJc'f R°f ?' t- **■> ■ ediilej).eseniaUyeidtl»p tb.rty-seventh l' 9 j^ SB^- |^2 E 4 ; troni thd third • i r A y flv : i al distnetiof the stateiof.3Liiso,uri ton - _ .*. ; r the ! ti'rsl. Monday of August in thb \\ ]: year 1800; and whereas” since that.- thd neganye : ■,.< j-,. tinio-tbe B. (Murk lias taken ! - ® ns . 1 ).?. U O .^ 1 :.. 1^^ 0 , l, j l ' 1 ‘'V' tiptirms against {hp Oovei-mnent of tile j . “> U„s IJiii.ldd Slates,- and holds :l commission j J att ’ ''l l ' n , to . and tn r vhat/is knawn .as the Sutte,Guard >. C ' c "• (nan no man. wh.; of Missouri iiniler : the \ rebel G dvoriulr'. l .: cif ihb. State;.’ and took part hi ,|llie |,^ 1 9« 'j 10 ~ c.a,mat at Boonville against hU ‘ , ~, , tir ;•• Umidd States forces : | 1 l\ P»> the the •• nil . f n th- Ilettolved", ThktiJohi. B. Clark has r< f lease f co.Uun•persons ju-ijl )o n-r-; rU- j; i- n ,u, i„ „i,i|. ou „ -Vice or-labor in the ip.sirictn .Co um- I »•;•!>»*!, A * i l' rna - ~c - - - - and is hereby- expelled* and 'dedarpd > B,ngh|un, . ; ,to' be no longer a member of this J , oUli Vi r - House ” - •■■■•■■ i-, v ■ i Jons \\.. vt au-a. r.. >vc, ■■;=.. 1 !oii the passag&iof the resolution 1 - l ' Ol . iK? d®|:h>ai.ivee . ... . i ■ 1 ' i ■ *{ S/bmLVn-Kie. •'i : • I ■ i Di,uit 'j > V . • ■ iJbiix W. WallacEi &C., . .ii I j.vo;edin tl.enegative; .'votwithst.-.r,^ vilelfin the affirmative- : ' ' -I ! 1 hig every one of those slave, «'v.,-rs; iilenfy'G. Burnett • ‘ ’•j.vvere either ni thp-rebel.service 1 jiiss’^-L f 'AZEAKi 1 ■ ... i l.our sole iers, or 'acting as. -sjn# ,':u..i CißMFxr Ll Vallanhigiiam, I •' -j giving- aid and comthn to the .noiay. Baniei W. YoQrlicesji&e., f I'ct Va|l; M) diglKnnoah;i liaz-.-ar vl r voicti lilthe- ncgaltrvpj -j ,i . , " •; ;dno , ' !.,t 1 Hbre we find jesfecilLazear.-'votirg fslaVes of t hose rebels 'shnuid- bj-v |V> witfi Burnctf ilnd ie-. Cong'ress.had vthef, undtaibted '!(, ./i yi fiilln'r to expel a| rebel, whp’ was' l .ituUonal,,|r,jglit to pa«s. t.h'•ii n• I s«V the j field : fighting against ns. jDul fgpwi faii.liXiwanls ;th.osc slaveowners tlilit' look like sustaining the- Pret i- . cancello.l by -.their di-jiiyahy, i dejit ? '(- id’ -J leaving but pi the . qiiHrsjion.tliC' co'io ppp; 10, 18G1J : Mi}, IPendibton | de- «dpfat»o[».-thp abaine aiid ai' I to vtha sirAHti.lot* the trailbiß paail boasted land of liberty, tovhilye ’k^ rx t?f ws Teb»ioh 4 or abry shl : t “r.i ,vr diabetls cpljius, as a,ii ustir- wf aP 90,1, Isr ., ....‘ ' . f putipil, and move! that the committee ic -v 1 * 10 l »jH.p»! > sp.i. of the judiciary iso fb the' p sc f tln S <d>c ; of tl^rdl d f■■ , ! Stood 20 to IUS. f | ; I ; i-. >'*■' ! l' j .', 'W V ■'-I'-’hax, . -,;jbhn : 4.-!B?ngh!i n i;i;i '■ l '.dd'J. i' ] {' jl N ' . J.l K. .j. . ; i. ;! i don.v V.. \\ .Co; „ ’ Jons- \V|. Wam.’yck c ; ;_ j 'f. ' !1 atlini.aiice. an.i - , ' r sustaining tlie ’ . j. ; 1,1 .- A . Jesse i-AZKAI’.,:- ' ’ , . Jli . i: l^dLE.yf;;rivJi.--yAF J i-AlM\Ti-.x£;iM-. ;d<,i., .ll;chiry:Maj% d'| . ii | t\..^{Yooi‘liecslyl ( y; f Gi-kment L. VApr-ANDrojiA'l • t -Jr ]-, voted, togoiliei .as nsiiuf and ; i.iih-io. dei , puncin'g?,|-;.: .j" ': . .. s- ;■% 1 j the bi 11... pjlicipie of nltio'.i d;.' u .. '■•. iJ|Ocs that lookr like -'backing, .| s ;is hotter estahiishyd, tiirlh ith/iT« s-i ■ fretids? 1. • i j .. ••••.-• j, j '.hon.lias'i right--,ta•sieziPnirdC'erfi'est'i-V -.. Dec. 11,'1801; the' folio viing - tesplu- I|iru|w-r( vfdf'afi eiie'm.v ■ Bn* > }.,■, 'tipij.was ottered- : r i -d; ’ ;; | r’dhh-yskpafi-i,,]^. Mrijor .tfienoiaf.iriilleek, ]''.r. jirijf.ri.'ig: thb'l oar i of tjhe -1 *. x 5, n , 0 ; be taxed to , ed tin order pt-oLibiinig negroes front 1 ; f-■■•■’. ; ■Ti ' rhan’■(.. tv...-. ,ecJin|iirg'with ill the .tines of j<Vur Arhiv; i IC p. tc , ‘■‘•h ers j-. j ■ aildi cxcludi,iig a rbady b.ider Go f f' 1 -:f T. pioteetidn And Whe.M-f t,S! f ? a*T 1 i' h< d Cyi ' ! 'V bs |Said- Order iiTitruo: farid inl„.Hnan, ; ■ .’,l a| di, in iticAudglucnt -Of this . ll.pu.>c’, i 1 VVeiytii •!Vf l iiconpy cohim ns in ‘I- upon no injli tary inet-essity, j the dettiii .pi' the ydte's fh -.L'ie ■ . v V . i :. i. j C’otigross’Owtng .that on ,-f i, Resolved, Tdtat the President be ie-; sions Gfnj. Lazoar froze ip-thl spee'M'nllyv: requested to direct Gep; lallandigham-; li'iit- the IbPvc W iialieek |lo recall; order, Or ciiu.jie.i suffice,- to' diow the complinv- fid ■ k.-jrj it to-iypnipriu, wjtlf vbojj)! actico bl[ t,ne ! And we' iow-aslf, the 'voters d'if lit; oi idr. departniciitsof Itlhe'army'.’’ , M'r. | district tc .pbii'dcr.f lie rr,a't-ror ivc!l. .nit Yiiltandighain' ttlitvt .the pircain- 1 vote as : ; .1 ccoiti'e's .inteliioeiii i filemi ii blcitkhd resolutibnj beiiiid on thenablb i'exui-cising; adiudi politicai p-ivif .- 0 | ''f - ‘ - I"Wo - nS'cjVOtf if this injfeS lik,^. f tlle Presiaeuf'iin liis jo.ji, L'liarlesiA Wickliffeie. V ' .'i i{v: , >' C; - ,?? k 'J', 011 ,f ; 111080 a »l‘ 1 l h' sutvlaintrig iiiin, aid , .' T ;. ktnd.of njeii, whom v ? u to.boK . Justin 5. Mori-iil ■ ■' { h’ ol . . o ' lll % m ihe'neklii We ask Ii I’hadeus Stevens' i-' i ; d >\ °l' r Government is-safe fnlthcv I ait.S J" ' ' " 1 -l ot->iiu;bv qbasi we foo'l ‘k- jdlnKW. WVdlabe &c|; • , !; -i K. Voti;pj^.-iu : th6 negiitiv'b| ( ‘■.V,r j j * ,a i. wsW unwilling to allow i 'V *i oubjjaWiiy to labor in our as t.o'i al J?n pcFSiit our poor eahiieire to rest iifior.j a ® , iln( vh&iatiguc of drillingand fighting, ■ l ,lobl >j-. s^1 .. J>ce. 20th lBttl,-|Sr. jlt Haft su'bUiVttdd i' 1 ?" 111!5 ' the following: ;4* ■. ;i ■ ■;) | I generous!; y&f solved, Thit, the: jliidiciary coin- [ to . ■ il3 , vu , mitfjee . Ije ihsif ifcted to 'report:- and . -' u ai> eliding the fugitive! slave .law’- bh>l I , iazo fi > r . rt acted iii/dSadi ap lto forbid tho reoaiV-1.. e . ■ tuxeior feturji' of any lugitivo ; froiii ,U , lalior without siiiisthetoiy proof first | wounded i made that .thif claimant of such fugi- j 116 • 10S 'P , f to the G«tyurri:ment.” j j U Wo stpj On fhe passage the resolution, ’ -L j tlio . disir Jphn (JoVude, i, : , ■]; • | j brothers, i J. Ji. Alorehcad, ; ■■■;■- I j tle? of the lohn-W. Wallace, ilir 1 f. hr, ii»e vp'ts- * 4 " - - . emphatic wi!!' he jlien to tjie phlis, ovcrv mail, he welfare of his couhirv at vote for I*i-p •fikicnt hm-mber; who life orl Government t-uvi ring optical amt ■ who- i«U '' contributed of fits means Lite sutler in gs of our wound ring, /soldiery, wliii • J .fused -to give, one cent ftj ■sylvan hr relief a'ssoeiati'un . rts to relieve our srek - and 1 men who !\yerc brought into tils at Washington. . i iei\l to the-loyal citizens o) ct who have* 1 sonsi hi nr n the| field'fighling*th e bait country to'go to the poll; ii 1 ,und-sustaii) puroundidi\ti ico who has aP' ■'cncroiist ikjiod by you an'd.tjho .Gof without fa Dr. ; Walla and ■ abu ts r’n men t. I EiD—On ' Jh'e inst by a Monroe, Mr. (V: A. linr ! JuLlE,t SoMKki!, all;of.Bill MARm Rev: Joslii FlN,t'j ills ver. or .the , happy - donple mrr remembrances of. Jtht May the life-barks of the Jed pair float on tho-stn ain peace, and the waves oi lever overtake,them.' - . , r > . ■ ;