" NOTICE. :■ etTERS of administration on the estate T of Ut.NET Reed, latobf Hopewell Town -M Bearer co., dec’d, haring been grant- Ui the undersigned, all persons indebted to " t cs; „ te ire requested So moke immediate I t Vr.ent,'ifn'l those baring claims against said '*• ’ "will present tbcml to the subscriber •’laJlv authenticated fori, settlement. jropen.' ELIZA KEED. : THOMAS REED, ' j Administrator^.", ~,s t pir j. W. CRAFT, COMMISSION NjEKCHAWT, " Noi 185 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. r oriinfi'ot Pittsburgh Manufactured Goods," aaJ ‘'Oroceries.: promptly | filled at the Very K.««jt.'prle^ r .;-tlicii accompanied ;with cash - iu equiyiUcnt: sepl7:3m. ,1 ANTED— IO, OOOBujihela of Wheat, \S •• . 0,000 •• , Rye, 5.000 j- f Barley, '•• ,5,000- •* , Oats,* j.Jiifrei in Pittsburg, for which l am author uri to pay the' highest prices. Address, , ,• Ji W; CRAFjT. ■- aVe. 185, Lilcrtg Street. Pftolvkj. s-icplT 3m. ' : j , • =TI3VCEI ; T 1 APT .TT! • ’ 1 PITTSBURGH, H. R, i •' . V • ' Beaver East. Cianr.t.’ij, Honda;/. Ho;/ .5, 180^,—TVofiu Stiver Station a* foU'facs: ■$ a. m. ■ Arrived at Pittsburgh/ 9:15 a. a*. “ 3:26 P. h. &00 p. u. - ■Ji a, :5j r- Goi.vo Tyisx— It'ace PittsluTghlar* folltget Arrives at Beaver,.,. V;vA il. r.v,*’. * J. 'N. MoCULLOL’GH, P,u'C f. R. MVERS, VGen'l fkkf-t Agent. ■ ?;TTSBURG f TTI WAVKE'&CfcICAG.O R. R. Rochester Going East. Reaves Rochester Arr. at Pitts. Urigb'ri Accom. 6:30 a: it'.'..:.. 7:00.a. a C;l5 a. a ’8:40 a. a. ■ 8:45 a. a. ...... 10:40 X: a. •• 12:3), p. a...... 2:10 p. a. 2:16 ip. a...... &2o p. a. 2:00 p. 3:10 p. a. * 12:00 a. a....... 2:0o A . a. . 6:J(t,p. a...... 7-A5 p. a, 0 ojno IVtsi— Leaves Pitts. Arr, at Rochester, "righ n Accom. 8:o0; a. m....... 10:25 A. a. Hrlgh’n 11:00 a. m 1:20 p. jj. “ ' 3:00 P. a. 4:65 a. 4:30 r. M &01. p. a. G:2ft p. a ... 8:00.p. .a. 7:10 *. a 8:40 A. lit. 1:0ft a. a....... 2:10 *. a. 12:00 p. m..2:00 p., a. AUG. BRADLEY, Supt., E. D: • il'suce .. v hT.'ih'n ii ! “ Expert, :1 Express. ilriirh’n. •• Krigh'ii .. •* Ist Express, 1J- Express, NOTICE; 4 LL. TKUSOKjS haying business with the Will ■ please call with Mr.. i-ir-cri I'nllon, wlio-is July authorized to at*, mi !u nil business during lay absence: ‘ Also t‘.|ersous haviripunspttled accounts .will call ci n:aJce pettlcment-a& sobn as possible: ;As :it as tyccaiac my duty to leave home for (he ;irpasd. of scrying nr£ country, I hopediny :>tomwr will Wtill give their patronage as v.al. us they will find Mr. Tallonat the shoe -*D and my son, James, at the trin-yard. iJOJIX. I). STOKES. NOTICE | hereby given thatthe final account of: i M’Clure, -Committee of Jonathu’dj a lunatic, bay been exhibited and filed *.n:y office, and that the same will be allowed! . :i>e Court on the second Monday of Bep.l rr.ler. A. D. 1802, unices cause then Leshojvul ■c-ia.-t’the confirmation.’ - . : j .MICIJ.IEL Proth-j. Court of Common Pick? of PvaverCo.; ■" '!■" matter of the jfcirount of Thomas M’- ■•••• Committee' of Jonathan. Phillipsj n ir;l owftt wit.. June i’d, ISC2. llie Court * ltul « 10 shoiy cause tvl.J- tuc Committee De dtsiharjjcj from his trust u]ion na;i.-.u_..f hi» : account,' ami pay'mcnt of :i.aucc :n !i;s hands; .and order notice to a !y l uhlicatioti in-the Kcaver Arlruii a? to Ki:!e. i . ■i*.r (.’or.Mr, ,as: : ' ■ j A true copy of Buie. ■.MICHAEL WJiVAXX), rroiiionoiarj, NM * ■; ! Notice. 1 ' In the Gouft of Common ' > Pleas- of Beaver ■ County, ! J -No--.7o,'March Terra, ISO;!. 1 ’' !"■. June -ith. 18*>2, the original and i : o n', in return- j ' !J th*>u«iff, nsi: ttbd proof ■ euw thrilf Uojty epuld not be I Braver county, the' Sheriff,is direct. 4 " 7 nuiu e, according to lye.' requiring j •>-n | iv!iT, Su-jq Ilocy. to-appear in this : ftrsf Jay i»f nest term, (Sept. 8lh) : petition of libellant. - „ i;y thk court. Y (Ilc respondent above named, ■■ ’.r notified to appear in this Court, on !l . a f <J f next term, (Sept. Bth) in pur "i -‘■■(Hi order. JOHN KOBEKTS. . ■. Abg. 2,VGJ. f i. . Sheriff. ■i !!-<V rii onnclheads •A . 1 WANTED - I above named Reeiment now :v ■ ■ -ilwWms.f or ' enlisting tti old-Rogi ■MMlttM?’ ADVANCE KMT- by the D;u Bearer Co. has agreed to pay a SOl VTY OF $75,00 ' ' joining. Regiments now in the ■ \.i, •1 ■ ■ i- : I particulars, apply to John _ e !- cr Crowl t Joseph Douthitt or L ”'' ,fon °f this or to the at New Castle,:Ra.i \ ' i ‘. ; s.‘.lso one full Company wanted for the' •wasaoj Regiment. .I'. a, ■ i iIO.S. J. HAMILTON, \ / *''■ and Kccrnitiiig Officer, \ : i /■ M0.01.1t Pa. Ytil s. PSTqoeTsb do., Commission /gents. l .- v : I ANl> DEALERS IN ■ .inks'of. All kinds - , Typ ?>, Materials, ‘Gf. AM) l®ibi T ]xGl’Ajkß CAKDS, &e 5 s —Brown'h BnildinC. rhilidelphU; Min66 ’ ■ New ' yorf ?-;i- — ■ J°HN B. YOUNG, at Law, ■' Ij 'STTJCT ■ ATTORNEY.) in a fc Court n<mie. You ant Employment. {”“?“•** for **• SpHng circnlw- ‘ h pwfit*- Send for ro “'»iniEg JiU urfamatioo. Hiif* GEO. EliW'D BEAM, 191 .WnilME 8t M j. Y. GENERAL election I general, special or township election, daring T> 1> Of' T A TVT A rn ■ .-Jivt • thetimesuch election is kept open, far iho pur- A V/ij r\ MA X l iUijl po*e of giving information to the Injectors Wnpnn.g .* ~ L l i and Judges when called on, in relation to the .ZiT •’ ““ db 7 “ of the. Gen- rights of any persons assessed by them to role eral Assembly of the Commonwealth at such elections,'or such other matters in.rc theoTn F? ’ ?? tltled “v n AC u *<» regulate 1 lation to the assessments of voters as the said tne Uenerah Elections within the Common-1 Inspectors or Xudge, br either of them shall |v eaU “> “ « enjoined upon me.to give no- tfrom time to lime require. : I * le f. of ««“ «*e«‘»on» and to enumerate in said j No person, be permitted to rote at any. dice what officers are to be elected : ] election, as aforesaid, other than a whitefree- I, JOHN EOBEETS, ■, i “on of the age of twenty-one’ years or more, i siftftftSrK '&ssr- 4 electors of tLe cotfnlj Lmt,, “b»r a^Selt-i aSeTa }.° »o'e. H «n d»;s immeJUtsl; oral Election will u.'im i . aT ">, at a 'sen ! preceding such election, and within twp years cm Election will he held in said county on paid a .Slate or County Tax, which shall have icj - ■ ' U i ! been. assessed at least ten days-before the second Tuesday in October Next,! election. But a oil lien of the United States, 1 at' the? several Election l)istricls, as follows: w ho has previously been a qualified voter of. ( . The electors of Borough township will meet ‘ tbi ? Ialc: and removed therefrom and rcturn |at the Court House in the boroughof Beaver i ed ’ and who ahall bavo resided in the election I The electors of Bridgewater :Tjoroueli! will I d,stlict a “ d paid taxes as aforesaid, Shall b« | meet at the Town Hall in Bridgewater i ! cm .“ led 10 To ‘c alter residing in the State six . The . electors of PhilUpshurgh distrifct will i moiUb * : Provided, that the wbilie freemen, meet at the brick school house in iaid! bor-l Clt,lenS '° r the tni,ed States . between the [ough. i f. I ages of twenty-one and twenty-two years,and 1 The electors of Moon townsliip will rnlct hi !‘ 1 ,lT! “? rc . si 'H d . in tbe Btat « one *•*» a “ d W | tlic -house now occupied by Amariah [Hen- tl t “ e 1 district ten dayri as aforesaid, j drieksou vh said township. shall be entiled to vote although they have no^ The clcctora of Hopewell’ township will meet pa i d laic3 - i. . . ' |at tbeechool house in the village of Siotts-' person shall be permitted to vote whose villc, in said township. name is not contained in the list of taxable in- Thc electors of Independence‘township will habitant* furnished by the Commissioners, un ' meet M the house of Alexander Thompson lcs8( firBt ,’ Produce a receipt for the pay dcc'd, in said township. ’ i mcht within two years, .of a State or county The electors of Raccoon township will meet ■’ ae,eßied agreeably to the Constitution, at the house of David Ewing in said t own . ; aa <» gives satisfactory evidence, either on his, ship, ■ ’ j . I own oath or affirmation or of another, that he | . Thd electors of Frankfort dUtrict will ‘meet! ha * P a > d -f«eh 'tax, Von failing 'to procure a at the hohse of George Dungan, in Frankfort ! T' 51 ? 1 ’ shall make path of the payment thcre •The electors of MGuire’s district will Imeet: ? f i or second, if he claims a right to vote by at the house of John Porter in the village 0 f: belI! S “ n elector between the age of twenty ! Hanover. t * ] one an “ twenty-two years, lie shall depose bn* The clectora of Greene township will I ° ath ur a , ffir, ‘‘ ,iuid:l thut hc ,m " reside.! in the rat the house ofKlijah Niswanger .in lliooks- i Sta , tc at , le4st , ouc y tar b(,f ' ore hia application, townt 6 | . i and make such proof of the residence in the • The electors of Ohio township will meet at! dist^ict “ Required in this aid; and that he house nbw occupied by Jamison Elliott, ihsaidi , ? cs , ver, 'y believe, frbm the account given township.- - I j him that he is of the .ageaforesaid, and gives The electors of Brighton township fnot cm- 1 * u , cl * othcr c y id ence as is required by this act; braced in Industry district) will meet at the ' ’ v “crcupon the names of the persons so admit ,school''house, near Richey Eatia V- in ' said I tedt ® Vo ‘* ? aall , be inserted into the alphabet township. ; f j ical list by lue Inspectors, and a note made The electors of the borough Of Fallston will! PPPO** I ,® llmrcto by writing the word “tax,” meet at the Academy in FaUslou | ’ j»f he shall be.admitted to vote by reason of . The electors of Patterson towimbip willmcot ■' ba^ng^n' d » « a *. hr the word ‘‘age,” If be at the school house in the village of Brighton. 1 f bal .' , be admlUed on of his age, rind; The electors of Chippewa township! wn pi >" either case the reasews of guch votes Shaiy meet ai the house' of Samuel - Cunningham, in ! be cal , led tbc "5 rk % wl, ° Shall make said township. “ gua p’ ln the like , poles in the list of voters kepc by The electors of South Beaver township will tb y m ‘ i , . • meet at the house of John Rowe, in said Vown- I. ln nU c ( a3e l* , wbcrt ‘ bo name P er / on -is i claiming to TjOte is not found oa the list fur . The electors of Darlington will! { , ! sb ? d , h >, lh and Assessor, or meet, at t|io J cademy in Darlington. ’ I. i ! ,IS ‘V« bt °.r* c ‘ whether found there, or not ■ The elcetdrs of Big Beaver township j will ! «*>«««. R “ball meet at the house of widow Milter, in said | be ‘be -duty; of Inspector to examine such township ‘ - - I | porsoua on ostli ad to qualification, and, if he The electors of Franklin towhship will ted I dajtu ? to^ u “w on * at. the house of Mark R. Clark, in said tjiwn- I H ? i b « proof . i' * i [ j but he pbail make proof by at least Tui electors of North. Sewicklcy lowtlship ™ eompeterit ivijncss, who shall be a qualifi- Win mces .at the house occupied by John lM&- td cle , ctor > tb , a ‘ h ? b “ 7 s l dcd w “ * ,n ‘ he d “* ler, on land of Benj. Chew. ‘ ,or hil “ len <la P ‘mniedmtc y pre-: The debtors of Bulttki township will meet !' ced “>.R; aa ; d “ d sha }' nb, ° himself at Dougherty’S school liousisj No. 4, in said his boim fide residence, irt township '■ ” ‘ j j his. lawful calling, is within the district fw The electors of Marion township will meet 1 ll, f P“ r rb Se f voting thermit. s-L the house of George liarticU, jr., in said P 11 an y P er f un shall prevent w attempt' to towuship. | • prevent' any | officer of an election, or use or- The electors of New Brighton borough} and • ‘breaten anjf violence to any such officer, or district will meet at the school house. In ] |or improperly interfere with Wrotogb. 1 - . | him m the ciccut jon of. his duty, or shull The electors cf-Rochester township wi uj block up .or altcmpljjlo. block up the w indow oi; meet at the school housi in the borough of ; avenue.loony " indpw where the same may be Kocfacster. - j holden, or shjill riotously disturb.the pcacii of .7:26 *.- * .5:20 r. *. j The electors.of the borough of Rochester' ; will meCt-ar the school house jh Rochester. |. The of Freedom borough and dis •trict will'meet at the school house in Free loro. | The' electors of New Sewickley towrship I will meet dt the house of John Feazcl, in said [■township. j ' - I The eJeetora of Industry district will ncct at the,school house in Industry. * Xhe"[electors of Harmony township will inccl at the Hotel ia the Economy, i ’ The'clcrtors of Economy township will meet [ at the house of George 0. Minis, in saidtiwn- I fillip. ' • .-It which time and placed she qualified (dee loi*« as will elect by ballot— One person for Auditor General of Pfcnn ; . One person for dr G encral k I>nnsyi ■vania. ;. * r“ . • \ One person for v oD B rc6S df tho United States, in conjunction v,Uh 'Washington, Greene,-and Lawrence, One person for State SccVtor. in conjunc-, lion Rutlcr countl-. . j ■ Two persons al members bf ti*£ Honwr Representatives of rcniif-ylvauia, in conjunc tion with Lawrence county. :r ♦Jne person lor Ao.sc/ciQto Judge of Ecfc?cr COUDIy. f ‘ One person for District Attorney of Bearer county ’ , 5 . * • • [ ' One person for Commissioner of Beaver l/dounty. • * ' i ' ' • ' U - Ouc person for Poor House i Director' of | Beaver county. ■ , ‘ | l One person for County Surveyor of Beaver | County.;" ■ I ; ' _ : [ | One person for Auditor of Beaver county, i Two pcrsons'for. Trustees of Beaver A4ad jemy. . . ' J-. . 1 ’ V "■ [ Notice is Hereby'Given, - | .That every person except Justices of the! JVacc,. who shall hold any office or appoint ment of profit or trust under the Government 5 , of the United States, or of this State, oi of any city or incorporated' district, whethefa commissioned officer or agent, who is or shall have bceiphuiployed under the Legislative, Ux ccutivc or Judiciary department of this State ! or the United States, or of any city or ineor- Iporatcd district; and also that every member' ’ of Congress, and of the State Legislaturc,'and ! of the Select or Common Council of any city,; ’ or commissioner of any incorporated district, 1 ■■ is by law incapable of holding or exercising! i at the Same time the office or appointment of: ; Inspector, Judge, or Clerk of. any election of. | the Commonwealth, and that no Judge, In i spector.ipr any other officer of such election, 5 . shall bo eligible to any to be then, votcd'for. j . Also, in and.by the fourth sccti&n of an Act J approved the 10th of. April, 1840, it ia enact ed that the 13th section of the act passed July lid, IS3O, entitled an aEt relating to the elcc {lions of ibis Commonwealth, shall not be con-. r^^^se”S3 i «ric: *• &**■ ' spcctur or Clerk it kiiy gencrel or special blco- 6a ona aiiected as tOUOWS : v j - Uca m'tWs CoinaonweaUJ,. : ; Sm> 8K wilen two or more Mantles shaft Amithe, said-act ol Assembly, entitled An compose a district for the choice of a member Act relating to the elec.ions of Common- oV of .11.0 Senate of this .Common r provides aSj weß ] l ] li or 0 f the House of represents! ires of follows: , i , I '} the United States, .or of this" CoinmozlWcalih, That the-Judge and Inspectors chosen M, , be Judges of] .the election breach county Aforesaid, shall meet at their respective pUces httrin ct as aforesaid,' the Clerks shall maki appointed tor holding the election an the dis-| j out a i a i r st atement of aU to votes Which shall triclsto whiqh they respectively belong, be- baTC been given at such election; within the lore <Ao clock on the morning of the Second, C9unt f ur every person voted for, as such TucsdajVot October in each and every year, j membBr or members, which shall bb sfenedby and each of. said Inspectors sbaU appoint one eaid Ju(Jges attested by the Clcrts, £nd clerk, who shall be a qualified voter of said, on 9 0 f tbo ea i d Judges shall take charge of. district. \ . ■ . Such certificate, and shall produce the same at . In case the persona who shall lirro rcceiv- a, meeting of one Judge from each Oouaty at cd the second highest number of votes fpr In- tU ch placis. in such district, as is or may be spccior shall not attend on the day of an elec- arpo ; nlc d by law for thepurpose; which meet tion, then the person who shall have received , ing sba u bc bc U on the seventh day after the the second highest number of votes;for Judge! election. -'I ■ . i at the next preceding 'electionshaft afct as In- Stc . S 2. The Judges of the several counties apector in lus place; and. m'-case the person | haTe met, as aforesaid shall cast up the'sev ; who shall have received the highest number ! cra j coiai ty returns and made duplicate re of votes lor Inspector Shall notattend, the turna G f alI the voles giv cn for such office in present c.cctcd Judge shall appomtan fospee- | said district, and of the names of Iholperson tor in his place : f Snd m case the person elect- ror persons elected, land one of said returns, for ed Judge shall not attend, then the Inspector j cacb office, shall bd deposited in the offide of who received the highest number of \otcs.' tbe prhthonotirybf the Court of Common Pleas shall appomt a Judge in bis place; and if .any 1 0 f tbe county in which they shaU meet, and vacancy shall continue in the Board for the o ther shall by said Judges be deposited in space of one hour after the time fixed by law Rarest post office, sealed and directed as in for the opening of the election, the qualified parts two end three of the,eighteenth' see-!, voters of the township, ward, or. district for j tionnf this act.' I' which such officers shall have been elected, [ - 8*&.83. It sbaU also be the dnty of the Be-| -present at the placc of election, shall elect one I turn Judges in every case, to transmit to each Of (heir number to fill snob- vacancy. . i|of the porsonsdectcd to serve in congress, orin It shall be tide duty uftAsaeMys reSpeCjtffbe House of Bcptxeeotatire* of Oa*Ccminon-! IvtdrtVreilead s< rite pkA oT WMirig »eWtb, a certSSrsfe of hi* else Mop, wJrtiin J«o. 20. t 862. i Mich election; or shall use or practice any W j Hinularion, threat", force or Violence, with,de signate' influence unduly, or overpower any ! cluctovor to prevent him from voting, or to 1 restrain i he freedom of his choice; such per— [ son on conviction shall be fitted in any sum i not exceeding five huhdred dollars, and be im | prisoned • fof-lany:. time ,nijl, less than twelve j months; and! if it shall be shown that by the Court who the trial of snej/ offence shall be had that the person offending was not "a rosi- I dtrit of the pity, ward, district or township [/where the said offences was commit ted and not .entitled to-vole therein; theii, on conviction he shall.be sentenced to pay a fineof nitlcss than one hundred nor more than one thousand dol lars, and be imprisoned not less than six months nor more than two years. ;V . IT any pcraoh.or persons-shall make any bet ir wager upon the result of any election with in this Commonwealth, oi shall offer la make any such bet or wager, either by verbk)proc lamation thereof,'or by wiitten or printed ad vertisement, challenge;or invite any person or persons to. make Bitch'a bet or Taper, npon conviction thereof, he or they shall forfeit and pay three times the amount so bet orioffered to be hoi-. : | ‘ If tiny person not by law qualified shall . . w qv— - fcuttfulently toto at any election witliih this I or -being otherwise qualified, 1 shall out 6f. Lis proper district, or if any J peraoh knowing the; wantof such qualification, |-shall aid u.r procure such persons to vote, the person or so offendingshall, on convic tion, be fiued ic au7 sum not exceeding two hundred.-dollars," pud be imprisoned tor any term not less than tlu'ec, months. | ■ If any-person shall opto at more than one election district, or otherwise Tradulenjly fold and deliver to the inspectors two*, tickets to gether, with the. intention to-vote illegally, or Shall rote or if any person shfill ad vise or procure another to do-so,.'he or they *6 shall; on conviction, be fined id pny I sutn notices than fifty nor more than five bun-- t dred dollars, and be imprisoned for any term | not i less than three nor mors- than twelve months. If any person not qualified to vote -,fn this Commonwealth agreeably to law, (except the I sons of qualified citizetis,) shall appear at any I ■place of election, tbr the purpose of issuing 1 tickets, or of influencing the chitons qualified toyoto, he shall, on conviction,forfeit and ray any sum not exceeding one hundred .dollars for.every such offence, and be imprisoned for any term not exceeding three months, j , The Return; Judges of the several districts aforesaid are! requested to mcjqt at the Court’ House, in Reaver, on the first Friday after the second Tuesday of October next, at ten o'clock, a. m. ,j to perform those things requir ed-by law.'f ( . . . ; ' - ' ' - J 1 And by u An Act relating(to the Elec (ions of this ' Commonwialth." ioassed 1 daya after the dtj of making op inch rS- I' I turn. i | The Return Judgcsiof the .Bepnaentative I ; District composed : of the counties; of Beaver | and Imwrtnco Will meet at the Cmh House I! in Beavef; according to! the 81st section above li cited. ' *l■ i. '■ ■!- ~; 'j ✓ — n. : QlVeil imder mjhandat Boafe*, f SEAL /the Bth day of Scptetafcer, 1862, ]; «nd of tbe Independence of the ! Caked States the EighiT-sev-eath] ] I ■ ' |_ J JOHN RODERTSj Shcrifc " , 1 ShcrifPeiOfEce, Beaver, Sept. 0, ’62. BEAVER DRUG STORE, Opened in the Boom formerly Oc* copied by the late Ihv Minis: THE- Subscriber baring purchased the Es tablishment will, enuedtor to[ keep.eon stantly on hand all articlca o'snalljr found in Drug St'orfis. ’ ir'l. Being a Physician and Dmggist,[the public may rely oil his keeping the PUREST arid BEST, DRUGS. ■|„ r ■■ ] --J A rSriety of other articles will aide ‘be found in his establishment:' T Tea , Extract of Coffee, Jtot'n: Soap, Fancy Soaps, Port Monica, Combs. ALL ARTICLES FOB THE TOILET’. SPOOL COTTO>VLEAI) PENCILS, NEEDLES, STEEL PENS, HAIR i BRUSHES! tooth brushes, TOBACCO.-SEGARS; LET TER. NOTE,* EOOLS cAp PAPER. J Caj-bon Oil . Lamps ahd > Chimneys. These are a f« w of the and only a few always on hi ud. Cali ahd Bee. He' will try, by close allcfation,and ; fair dealing, to give satisfaction to all who’ inay tavor him with their custom. [ \ i f' tVP; CCMMIXS, M, Di r attention will te, paid to jciana prescriptions. [ang27 putting up Pbyni teriy.Statement '1 K OF DEAVEII COCNTY Quar OR the ba; :(■ . nb’ uEAVEiI I COUa Bkiuutox, Aug. 18C2. LIABILITIES. . . j ’ . Capital Stock prij Notes in Cireulaj Disfcount Exchan •Bite depositors Dividend unpaid id in ige ami interest.;.... 1,835 05.............. i........ ..............i........ 59,911816 34!) 57| b53,012 50, fi.()00 00 TotaK RESOURCES, .. calth. Notes arid CillttD Loan to Common' U. S. Treasury N Due from Banks. Notes and Cheek Coin in Vault.... Furniture and Of Current Expenses .le»,;(7 3-10 J.er elj-4,860 00 ..... 23,045:47 of other Banka.. | 19,398102 13,30015 ice Fixture*..;.....! 1,068:95 .....: v . 4-. L...... ~$126,117 ;&e JiTY-bs: Before me, a notary 5 said .County, oanio Edward 7 the Bank of Bearer County! .{firmed according to I%*, do bore statepent ia correct and } the beSl Of his knowledge | EDWAJtI) HOOPS, übscribcd before me this Olh JNO. CUTHUEItSON, Notpry Public.' k 1 Total i BEAVER CPU public, in and Tot) Hoops, Cashier oi wbo.beirig duly a: poselh that the n iKreofdilijjlt arid belief. Affirmed’and ! s day of Aug, 1802, Citas. Hoops, icpufy List of lev remaining in Pa., Aug. .Bently & Oerwig Bard ES' ' Childs John. Deary feaml B ■ Gilmore (seo F . Greenwood J Greppage’A , Hall Her 0 Holla I! doming A J • King Elizabeth Klein k Dulthe TTEKI the F 802;; S. UNCALLED FOR; *Oht Office ktUochester, ■ j-l i ■■ r'- : ! . Konkol Ucubcn . | LyibeJohu V I Laughlin M . i Lynch John Mormon Charles May John i. . |‘l Smith Miss iTary i 1 Shawncss Asenitb j Smith S J i " Taylor E £ .■ Thotnpßori W 8 • J I IVhite David. is : ■; _* I-: •for lot(ers m .thcjab'oTejljqt, jy are advertised;! - 1 J [ t. M. TAYLOR. P. M. Pcrsons ; cnUing will please saythi Confessions & Experience bf an .Invalid. PIiULISIIKI) for the benefit andjaa a warn iug. and a caution to young men who sui ter from Nervous .Debility, Prepiature ‘Decay kc. t supplying al lLc same time the means ol 6clf‘Ciirc. • b y one who, has curtJ himsell after'bcing put to great expense through med ical imposition an 1 quacKcry.' By [enclosinga post-paid addressed envelopes,single- copies may be bad of the ahthor, 'NATHANIEL JIAYFAIK, Esq., Rings Co,, |K. Y. mariG:ly. •' ,'■ '■ /, j ' ,!•. ’’l '• I’OtfS’ SQTIUE. ! letters deatamentary 6rf ihi [Jeo. Boswell, late of Kcw county, dec'd, faring'been ndersigned, nil i persona iri ale are requested to make at, and those baying claims will present them properly settlement.* | - j • JOHN BOSWELL, i BEN’J BEDISON’, | . “ , Executors!. PXXIiCU' WHEREAS ■ estajc of Brighton, Beaver granted to the, u dehted to said esl itnmcdiate pnyme against the same : autentieated for i Juno 25, 1802. | KXECUTOKS NOTICE. j TJVTUEUEAS. letters testamentary- having . yj. been grant ;d,to the undersigned, on!ca* tate :pf ilim'scy, dtii'd., laitc of Han over ToVnsbipi U :iivcr county, Pa.* nil persons knowing indebted to paid estate are; requested to iTiake payment immediately,' and tliose baving jtlai.njs .against tlie samc'wiil present to.tno subscriber duly‘amber ti« eatcdforsctllemert. : HAMSBV, v may2B ’ ' Kxccutor . ' . EXECUTOTiS'XOTiOB. S’ T ETTERS testamentary on-.tW estate of |i i Saiiuel Hanna, late of Chippewa town ship, Beaver comity, dcc’d, fcavingbeen granted to the undersiguOcl. allpersons indebt ed tos&id estate ape requestedto taaVo imme diate payment, and those haring claims against said estate trill present them tothetehscribers properly authjbticatcd for seillement /OS. SHARP, j JOS. t>. lIANNA, ] jclB—• J.*., Executors. WHO) WAUTS , AW AGENCY ? ir’.the Army, 1 wishto <lis-: 4gcncy "for Heaver Ipttlar ami salable books. —l j j)f engaging ini such business E' call at once upon the'sub* nples inn be seen, terras one wishing such an Ageh ply soon. •_ v i ■ , UHT.DAWSON, : f Oliioville, Beavereo., Pa. : [ ABOCT!toicntci |,osO of iny i lor a; couples of po Any one desirous J would do. Veil. t< seriber, where s:. learned, etc. - ;Ant cy would bettpr a!) aug.2o ' Stray Marc. ■' T'l CAME to promises of the Subscriber, living ini Bid. I}cover ■ township, Beaver county, on tic evening of the 24ih of April,j a small Bay Mare, about 5 years old, shod all around, saddle mitrfcsf, off hilrd hctagh en larged by a eiit or broisp; no olhcr murka per ceivable. The owner is desired to come for ward, prove property pa|y charges and take her away, or otherwise site will be disposed of ac cording to law. ,junell 8t JAMES K. CALHOUN.- j t - A LL; Laving r\ with me, or Smitb & S« twenty years, forCiwi will please call at the Falls before the first of Octobc: the same by cash or note. jyI(VC2. ; i MACKEIi.A-L, : Molasses, and iNe'w York Syrup. ti H^NRV’fij feeaver County; teis *'<■' ;■ Elbe Orphans’/ Court in and. for Bearer. County, before (ho Hop. Judges 6f;Bai!l rt. ’ In the matter' o'f the first and fittdl ji account of George Bruce, | Administrator of Stbeeatatelbf Charles deed. ‘ j Juno 14,. 18C2: exceptions to the eonfiniid* ? tiohs of said aecountifiled by Thoa. Cunning-! batrii Esq., Attorney for Expectant . ‘i : , i And .now, .to wit, June 27th, I ) 1882, the Court appoint B.D. : Vl- ~l * Cbinibcrlio. Esq., an - Auditor; .to take the testiinbby, and report upon the ceptions. ' / FrOfn the KecOrd. ! ,jil ; . ■ Attest: ■ ; ■; | ; A. .0. M’OHEARY, CVk. - “'! , : ;p V NOTICE. ‘ ; , j# , j( Tan undersigned will attend, to I duties of above appointment at the Court House,' ml Bearer, on TbcusdaV, ScfTEitpEn 4, 1862, at’j 10 o’clockVA- u., when parties in interest-will | be duly heard. B. B. CHAMBERLIN, - Aug. 20, ’O2. . I, • Auditor. , Beaver Cotinty, sss ; : IN 1 the: Orphans’. Court in and for Beaver County before; the 'Mon. Judges of said I Court. Intbe matter of the account of Jacob Bruce, Administrator, ifelouii non of thpestatc of Wm. J. Bruce, late of Hopewell tp.f, .dec'd. ;; And not*; to wit, June 27th,- f SEII, I 1802, updlre'p|ctition of Joseph Bumbo, sole legatee under the will of Hannah Rambo, who was the. motbcr and‘heir of W in. J, Bruce, dec'd., the Court appoint B. B t . Chamberlin; Esq., ah Xudilor to make distribution,!of said estate to'and ampngst the parties entitled thereto, ;and make, report at libit term. \ From the Record. , .Attest; 1 . , .A. Q. SI'CJtEABI*, Cl’k? ■■.• j, Nom:k , - tns undersigned will. attendto .duties of above appointment at the Codrt House, in Bea ver, on XiicnsDAT SErTEMDKR 4, 1802, at 11 o'clock, a. M. wbicn parties in interest win be duly beard. ' B. B. CHAMBERLIN, Aug.'20,'62., - ' ! Auditor. IS TllE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OP BEAVER COUNXy. ! ...$53, 450 00 i ;j. i . tiiclijiiont; Judgment'’ Niknile Bank' \ by default: t Slate id 1 w; : ■ ' I meat of account and John Thompson. . y, afliduTlt filed. Claim ”- £ '" SOI,U£'J 7'.i, with iu . [tercst from! lllh , " June.' 185'J, TiTX Ami now, to wit ;i July 7, 1802, I SEAIi # Rule for the I’rothonolary to »s- Vj.. ~ 6C68 the damages and ,liquidate theamount df the judgment' in this case, it Ida I office, jin' Beaver, tin the 20th day of August,. 1802. at.lo o’cloek.'AJ M. .. ; ..A frefe extract from the Record. Attest ;. M. j\V EVaS'D, Pro. X^r'fs«6ioo T IST IGF LKTTEf I ii! remaining in the'' M. Pa., 1 August 15th, ] Agent Mary J Belknap Asa Cnmptun Matilda Goiter Mrs John (taler Michael ■ Durr. John ' Dickey .Uiannah Dunn Oh as ( ' Daria Nancy • Friedman E. B. " Oroscost Jasper Harwell ;Mfs ; Minnie Keylcr John j Kclin Margaret Kelley Turctta L '■ ; Persons calling for* will please say they ad' !. :Jl‘\ ' M; J f I HIE Co-partnership heretofore existing nn- I dcr the Dame and style of- MConmill Darbaces, Fallston, cnca'gcd jin the’ and Machine Diniinesij, liras duly dissolved on the 3d day of June, 1802. : ;The books of the late firm wHI be settled by Mi A Co.,i at their office in-Kallston; Beaver county,' Fa., where they will continue raid butanes* in all its tranches. All persons} knowing themselves indebted to the.late ; firm will pleaoc call and settle immediatfcly. DAVID X'CQNSELL, P MATTISOJi DAllKAtill,s I.Fal«yon.jelO,’62* S. H. DAKHAG II. ! i ;: f •; nsroTioE. si' JVIE Co-piirtncrship heretofore existing un- I dor tlienamoaud style of A: D. Gilliland, New Brighton, engaged in the business of merchandises-was duly dissolved on the 10th -day of April, 1602. The'Basil# will bo settled |at |the, store of M. ’ Gilliland!- All persons knowing t|U6msc)yes indebted to the late firm, [will please call and settle immediately, as the Books will be closed without delay.- i " 1 A D. GILLILAND, ; I I [ I »'I. GILLILAND,;.} 1 : Now Brighton, May 19; 4802. (| ■ j■ j■*". stray.' I] to tho premises of the! subscriber, \y inebippewo tp., about the Ist : of duly, |aT>\ bite; Heifer, 2' old. ,'Tho owner is' requested to iotie forward; prove property; Iptiy charges and take her away; otherwise she will be disposed of according to law, > i Aug,2l—2m. ' TIIOS.M'KINLEV.'., f |ADM IN ISTI’AXOK’S N OTICE. " Iff JJ.TXEKS of Administration on tIU ’eglateg -t-J ofCoI. Joseph ll: 11\]itsox, dailcl of the 1 , of (j UeaVcr,"jienvcr fCounty,; Teun'a, d<iCjd, Karin*.been i all persona indebted tej said estatearc ; request'-' l|tp niadp immediate payment,| and those having j,jclaims!|against' itlie'-siame liVjill present them iprotjerly authenticated for settlement.'.' , V ].. iJOiIXJL j : augliO ' jj-J I '\ ; Administrator, ■ ■AOMIN ISTRATOR S 1 NOTICE / ptTTHEREAS littery ofadministration on 1f f the estate! of Cool Volios, late of HttnoVer; township, Bearer coiinit'. de ceased, baring been duly granted to the un dersigned, all persons indehted;.to said estate are notified to make immediate payment, and; those having claihis'against the same willpre sent tjicm' properly authenticated for settle mentwithout delay, r ! > ■’ i 1 '■ ' - 1 .[ A. R. MILLKK; : f jel. : j Administrator. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. - X ETTERS'of Administration on the csla t I i of Jaues 1 SI. Litte'i.i., late Of Raccoon township, Bearer County, I’erin‘a 'dec'dhaving Keen granted to the undersigned,, allpcrsons, indebted to said estate are requested to make’ ithtnediate payment, and those hawing! claims agaiiist the same will present them'properly authenticated for settlement. | ::r i! . Juno-1.- ; JOHN M IIENIIY, Jr. Adm'r j ;iSTHOFiCA'USE3 FOR SEPT. TERM, 'B2, l i COMMA GING.2d MONDAY (Btb). [ Miller & Ricketson.y vs Janies Duncan. ■ John C.lEisenbood-J “’Now George Hobart Nathan P. Couch.. • J«meB Duncan “ John M. Ewing, ctal. Ahg. 6 i , 62..| j I M. WEYAND, Pro. 't'ARUITiJARSA CANS, ~ "T'" J 7 CORKS. !■ / SEALING WAX, ! ROSIN, - i' ' CANARY SEED. ke. »t I \t ' : :j ; - HENRY’S. ' f I e. ■ I Teas —Youtig Hjsori, Black and Imperial at ' HENRY’S. unsettled account ; Collin*, .within the t ing. Spinning, Ac., ton Woolen Factory, 1802, j.nnd nettle LEAH, at Whips, onij 25 irlFM.j SMITH. Magic tack hammers, sw Brushes Blacking, InkiCncio* end Sweet Oil,i>i ;?. 1. iwinrr •. Noi.l, Not. Term, 1857. Foreign . At-. 1 , '„!■ EMM IS, BNCALUID FOID Post office ut Beaver C. ;fiG2. ■l-■ c j i'. 1.-!; Minds Rmctla I. Nelson Rcbeckajj . Si Nogglc Dufay cite Penny packer.George.’ Phillis Mrs Mary : Powell Magarel t : Hhi clea L.ioinda Stewart Mrs E ‘ Scott Bell , Salmer Henrietta' Waggenscllcr F. B; Why Ella ■ ' i -,1 J Wilde Nettie Wjlsoh'Mary B■’ j Voung A'lalino S Jett cos in'the above' list Ivprtised:- ‘ ; .1 I. ANDERSON', P. M. Dissolution. \ , j’ • LRegi;stpi? 5 s jSfotice. . 1 EE, • persons in the .following ! Administration' and Guardian Aocduuls, winch hajrc (men passed and filed in tb? Re gister's office,! of Reaver 1 coiinty,'Pa., willtakc notice ybat the sumo w)ll be presented to tU ‘ Orphiift’ Court; to belieldnt Beaver, oq Wkd sieboay, lUiiiior SiiriEKßEii,- IBO'd, t'e’r conlir matioli unit allowance; J! i. j The final] accounts (Real atid Personal) o Hiram JE ,Phillips and Tbos. F. Robinson. Ex ecutors oftthcSjist will of Wm.] P. Phillips; deo’di- v f'f ; ■ lA. • : ; . The final account of Alex. U Kec, Adminis trator: of! thejeatate of James M'Kee, dec’d. • - Thcjsnpplenidntal an 1 final accounts, (Real And Personal J of Join M’Closky) ,qnt of-tbe .Executors of Gen. V'm. Marks, dee’d. ; •The final account of Tbos. Withrow, Ad ministrator of the' estate of Tbos. Seorigbt, dec’di ••• j j ; ' ! ' " ! ■' j/. ‘ 5 ■' Tbcfinal account of Robert Eakinf'Execu tor of the last will of Eleanor Li Eakin, dec'd Tlic final Recount of Robert M’Crecry, Ad nuriistratpr, With the will annexc.d of Janies Eopan, dcc’d. : ; ij.' The final accounts (Real add jPerephi I Robert Eakid, Administrator, with' the annexed, ,of Wm. Eakin, dec'd. r 1 ‘ The final account of Wm.Rrcitenstein, ecutod of the last will of Uengan Ur ; stein.’dec'd. ! The filial account of Samuel Nelson minislrator of jthe estate of Wm. M. 1 dec’di.. ,■ j < i j |i•. The final account of Samuel; Nelson, si j'ing Administrator of tho estate of John Leon, dee d. . [v - ' •, ■' j' - . The final account' (Personal); of W [ Hall and S. Hi McElroy,’ Administrators tesfAtij of James iloFadden;, dec'd., also tial accburil of the Roil estate of sai ‘ccasiu..’ : j ' , L., ; The final accounts (Real and Persdnal) <, of R, A.| Moisi, Exccjitdr of the’fasti tvill of Jla ry Jonhston,.dic’d; : 1 .. flic final account, of' F.liiabcth Potter, Ex ecutrix. Sind 'Andrew iWauersoni Executor of the la|sf will of James Potter, dec’di 1 ; - Mil ,Th( fowl {account, of- Thos, Sinndidi, .Bi .lor.of the lasi trill'ofjMargareti Shields, i! ••The guardian aecodßt! of John Paris,' dian of Ilobert McCoy, 1 minor sdn df‘| McCoy, dec'll. .■ i ]■' ;-J The Guardian account of i Elisha To bargiL ; ■ I L .'I Guardian of James Mi LitteU, jmindr j William Littcll, dec’d. ■ , i'|S j ] The Guardian account of \Vmii IE F) Guardiah of ' Aaroti' Stephens} si Joshua. I>. Stephens, dee d. | The Guardian account jf Hiram S. PI and Thomas, F. Bofeinson, Executors' bi last Jill of Wra. P. Itiillipa, deed., ■wh Gtiarc ian of MSrjj EHcn Drown, ininor,dl ter of John A; Brojvn; ! ‘ ’ • ’ , -:Jf, -t A. K. MOORE ver, A tig. 6, '62. ' ! Hc’gisj { Bci SA' And ; It t THE' t'uiuni Tale?, T 'EmVrr r ■ I F< Ttrms, Art $3O. CO TO •Mao \V' sold by from $3 ;ccssiiry with st! For ; M.iehigi SqOTT T3I OTJSB :B. f). MAHKER* Prop’b. , ,C<rr. Trtbi n St. <fc puquesnc Wvy, \ ’■■■■;■ I ! . -I_ PITT^BIXIRGIf,-.FA.; THE HOUSE*’ 1b one of the largest Styf beat arranged Hotils in the Iron! Rity, and ligjjtli'er p tins nor expeusb will be roared to maintain itjs well earned reputation. Its localiSt, isi copyenient.lb the Bridges and; RaiU road Stiltons.) specially: commends it lb tlie tj-avcliiiglpitblic * { '■ I' -' ■ A. TOWNSEND ’j i: I ' DKAIAR IjiV 'l/ B O O K.S; ; STA TlO KLIt Y ■. ■- " : l -1,-, , Ij -; I ’ ■ TOYS ,A AD I|AKCY : AKIICLES. > -noR. NEW ITRIGIITGN. Pa. I- W ,; i NEW KILIXR.iY :JBD' MILO ..a JVftmiXG ■ ESTABLISHMENT, ; : ji BROADWAY, ‘NEW. BRIGHTON, PA., (Four D >ori below Dr. Sargent's Drug Store.) '.V : ■•s“?*.®?^—ly-’' mkS,]&;miss reßc. •;: 14 —* --L—J---~ __ A. R. THOMSON, ‘ . ATTORNEY AT.LAW. 1 i Office, eopier.of Thrid the Djammd, BEAVER, PA. '• ■ ;may2l. j ' ‘ ■| j , . [ BENTEL, ARBU CKLE t CO, ■ ’ MANUFACTCTERB OF ; ; . , OIL, • 1 [ ROCHESTER, :.. BJSAVKIt COUNTi, PA [%2. JQIIJf B. WILWAMSi • BAEBEE & HAIE-DEESSER, (Shop one door of PtouJlcy’a Hotol.) . BRIBfIBW ATER, PEN N’A •' ' ' Hi Adam Third r /.W' J ! [RY’S. /PIATSUP, I tm* to;-*' : .■ii-. thk . ■:ci- ■. , DAY ROBIfIKG P The best' Family; Newspaper,in. KSTERiy PESfPfM he only UfrtocnHje Uaioh She [’ PitlffcoTf. iKST A RUSHED IN V . ,]?O4. i)nfains; sU the CCRRF.ffT NKW DAY reliable. Monetary, i Htrie lorcial yepoftg «ni a ebeieaaeleel , Toctry, titerary ant SeimliSr Ar . Varuable[Stati»ti«*J Jmfhrimation, A tricultnral Ncwe, Ac.; ;■ ;,'j > hb »L: test TelcjrepWo News Icipgf < very l*»m of 1 Wign- md Domfttic. CaftgrtAgion'd I Inlell igcnep.F Pro : U cccuings,ft o’, j I , -.‘| /”f ‘annum for. a fitvfj!? Cvp'j, .■. i'apict ohr y/i/r/ttr $lO. - • ims v .| ■ JAMES f. BARR,. : ' ! I . Editor *nd Profiric’ Btttsbui *1 mjr iMEBCIALAGjENTS WANTED >ESJLGOODS for THE ADAMS £A NEW INLAND* k , ! •-1 - .•■ ■ Jf,:- •» I u facta n n gC. omp ! WILL GIVE ‘‘A 'CpMMIS? 10] one h'undrtdper cp»t. cl all our, Agents, or-j we will jmj wig ; !0| to j 100 pcrjmonth And pay »! 1 cxpcksca. For particulars ac amp, I . ■. 'l‘ [■ ■ ! 01IAS. 11IXGOLES, Gen. A] lams Manufacturing Cjo.,>D< ' ■-! I. ■ ; .JuJp|2, ' ■he A< .n. i ■ -ROAD HOUSE IOIINSCW, PRf , ROCHESTER, PEN ticct|,\i''Bc&\criFcxn'6 Proprietor. eppcr Monaic;, Pass t« w* Paper, EfrelMH, j 4 !■:. -p‘: MAYORS OF THE Great Cities. . We, tKennderaignedMayore.heroby cer- • Ufy thatthePfilffsUts, Apothecaries, and Physiotonaof our eoverol cities have signed ■ & document or assurance to ns that AYEB'S ; SABSAPARTI.TiA has bosh found to bo a remedy of great And rfprthy tha confidence of the coihrtrtnlty. ' HOW. JAMES COOK, / ’i Mayor of LOWBIi, ‘ HOIT. AMIN BEABDiU ■ Mayor of NASHTJA, Xt. M HOW. E. w; HARBjaiGTOIIj .. ;... . .Mayof of AtANCHSSTBB, V. H HOW. joHW .'A U ; Mayor of dOMOdBD. IT. H. . BOW. A. H. BULLOCK, Mayor of WOBOBSTSSB, MASS! . BOW. WATH’L SILSBEE, L J Mayor of BALBM, MASS. - nfa: p. vr. jhwoolw, ' | ; , Mayor of BdSTOM, MASS. xL. fiODMAW, •: ■ -1- . - Mayor of PROItaJEHCD, B. t ill Pf, will i.Ex i uten- Ad ;obb. HOW. AMOS VT. PBETTTIOE, i . "fK Mayor of KOBWICH, OOSn?. HOll J. W. HARRIS, - i* ‘ :■ ; |««Tor of NEW LOOTPST.' OOmT. ,; HOW. CHAS. d. EODIBW. ■ V A' ... . Mayor of MOKTBEAL.'.O. SJ. “ H6W. Z>. P, TIEMANN, ;. I , Maifror of HEW VOBK CITY. ' irviT liel.’ lliara )f the i,Pat id dcr doin’, h. m. kins-tret, ; j Mpiyor of TTA.ftn.TQg. ,C. W: ROW. ADAM WILSON, ~ |; , ' Mayor of TORpirTO, C. W. host. a. m. bishop; : | Mayor, «f CINCINNATI. OHIO. • HON. I. H. OBAWEORD, j ! Mayor,of'LOaiSVlLU3, KV. BON. JOHN siiOAN, , .'j' r.. -Mayjor of LYONS, K>WA. HON. JAMES McFEETEES, i. . Mayor of BOWMANVILLB, O. W. HON. JAMES W. NORTH, . ; ‘• • ; ; . Mayor.of AUGUSTA, MB. HON. HENRY COOPER, Jr;, , ■ Mayor of TT A‘ I .LOWjei.uL. MIS. HON. JAMES S. SEEK; ■-V Mayor of.PBEDEBICTON, N. 8.. Izncu ijec’ti. ip ugh lorns- !on of razor, on 01 illips , the i was nigli- HON. WILLARD KYE, : , Mayor of NEW BEDFORD, MASS. iST. BON. J. iBLAISDELL, ' . ' -Mayor of FAI.T/BIVEB, MASS. HON. W. H; CRANSTON, 1.4 s st' 0 j in. J ; Mayor of NEWPORT. B. X HON. FRED STAHL, t:pr and ; • • -Mayor-of OATiKTTA', Hl* T of HOW. JOHN HODQDEN,. i - ' lelc *’ , Mayor of DUBUQUE, XQWA; H6W. THOSEAS CRUTCHFIELD, , Mayor cf CSATTAWOOUA, TEOTJ. HOW. ROBERT BLAIR, j f | " Major of TUSC AEOOSA,, AEj^ how; r. d. Hahgh, '! v i ! Major of MEMPHIS, TEElff. HOW. GERARD STITH/ ' Major of NEW OBI.BANS, L6_ HOW. H. D. SCRANTON, I ‘ Major of BOCHEBTEB, N. Y. HOW. DE WITT 0. GROVE, J Major |of UTIOA, N...T.,, ori ' I g.P».j ?k. i —I $lOO SON.QEO. WILSON, '"T"' : .Mayor of PirTTSBURQ.IPA, HON. C. H, BUBLj . . . 1 Mayor-of DETROIT. MICH. HON- HEMAN L. PAGE, | , Mayor of M3J.WADKIB, WXfl.. HOW. W. W. VAUGHN - , Mayor of KACUVK, WIS, HOW. A. PARR, .V -(' Mayor, of KENOSHA, Wig: HON. JOHN C. HAINES, Mayor of CHICAGO, tt.t. hon^m. \j: a. .-r Mayor of SELMA. ALA.’ HOST. A. J. NOBLE, -Mayor oTMONTOOMEST, ALA. HON. W. B. HOJ/raAD; Mayor of COLUMBUS, QA. > DON BBPABTERO MANUEL, ay. K OF 'goods ■1 ne- Jdreaa g’t, . itriot, ;62. Mayor of ..VERA CRUZ. BON PIETEE BE CABALLO; • Mayor of MEXICO.’ BON ESTEPHANEB EOBRIGUES, Mayor of HAVANA. BON ANTONIO ECHEVERA, J. 1 Mayor of LIMA, PERU. BON M. ,Q. MILANGNO, 1 I Mayor of VALPARAISO. CTTTT.T. DON MARO SESQUIPEBALIA; 4 . Mayor of 810 JANEIRO, BRAZIL. ■ 1" ' j ■ -.'O ■ ,4-' Cettliy. that the resident Druggists hard - ;j* . assured'■them ' Ayer’s Sarsaparilla ik ax excellent remedy; and worthy the 1 cozv* ■f ;fldenoe cf the community., For Spring Diseases. - For Purifying the Blood* i For Scrofula or King’s E-ell. For Tumors, Fleers, and Sores. For Krnptloni and Pimples. For Blotches, Blalns, and Boils. For St. Anthony's Fire, Rose, or Kry- For Tetter or ssdt Rheum. : , [slpslat. For Scald Head and Ringworm. For Cancer and Cine irons Sores. For Sore Eyys.-Sore Ears, and Rumor*.' For Female Diseases. * J : .Far Supprcsslonand Irregularity. -T ■' Far Syphilis or Venereal Diseases. 'Per Liver Complaint*. ' Pop DUcluci of Ui« Heart. V| Tho Mayors of the chief cities <of tho Uat> tad States, Canadas, and British Provinces, Chili, Pern. Brasil, Mexico, and intact al. most ell jiho’cities on this continent,:have signodthla document, to assure their people what rsmediesthep may uee with safety and, oonfldenoe. But our space trill only admit • portion of diem;. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla; Ayer’s Cheny, Pectoral, V' j Ayer’s Mils,; and „.. ;•. |V.' Acer’s Ague Cue^ . PREPARED d!t ''ii\ . , -./pp.-J.'d. Aycp i' ‘ | LOWELL, MASS., Aad mid by DrtjjciitfijcTvrr wlicn^' ‘j‘ ;■' * _ a®-l'prFale by:l». I '£ Croee. KvcU-tPr; \\agponpr Lo*r», free doiri; J. Nichols, [BaJcn; J. fnrgeut, NpV firigbteiii John <«Wnck f • Pnri}uctt>a,' . P» tu*"vFalMpu.»i.,ilj tvp; / • F. i.- .K, *irip .O’R, • > «••*■***. ( i i
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