The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, September 17, 1862, Image 1

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    BEAVER, 'AX^Grtrs;
Wednesday, Sept. 17th, 1862.
T. C. NICHOLSON 4C0., Proprietors.
TERMS — tINE Hollas and FiftyOektb
Fj'r annum, ix adva.vce ; otherwise Two Dol
lauJ nil! be charged. No paper'discontinued
anti! all arrearages are settled.
Letters and communications, hj mail
ihal!"have prompt attention.
(From the Springfield Republican.)
6p, a Heroine of the War forjthe Union.
*- Os the morning of the 24th day of
last October, a somewhat dorel scene
unrolled , itself-before the [door of a
quiqt farm houBe, about two mile from'
Springfield, Missouri, Two women'”
and three young lads had 3 ust raised •
a very modest little flag; and as the
wind floated it gracefully in the ;air,
they gave three cheers foi f the Stars
andj Stripes—chfeers which f not loud
were certainly hearty. Tile younger
ot the women, tucy. Dudley, mother;
of the boys,.'Stood gazing, . her face
put on a look of stern det< rmi nation,
andishe murmured low, between her
almost shut teeth:'
‘.‘lt shant come down again while
I live." - T
‘“[fes ’twill, mother,” broke in' one
of the boys, “for the scccshers are in -
and they’ll'ina&o you."!
•His'mother did not notice him, but the other woman, said: •
, , “for -‘William’s sake, mother, we’ll
The Love of Hoine. . k e £P
If aWbr .b» .h.j roi
lowing, which were uttered by -Hah- j and the youngest boy, clinging to her
iel Webster, over 101 l from hunr-ai lips', j'dn ri,'tried s to drag her into the house,
we fiave y-et to see them. They iare, cr jl n g out: •"* j, ' . . .
iiidefu; peiils of -the rarest value, 1 -And f conie; 0, mother; run.
, rwhile the old grandmother,(retreating
shou.d be cherished in the.very heart| bohind t!ie door,” trembled ?isiUy; but
it hearts by every one : - - | I tile mother stood firm, aujuitMig'-tho
■;lt is oirfy shallow ■ minded -preten-I men she knew ofely too well. .Only
dersj who -make cither dlstiugbished 1 out little month before t.hcyjShot down |
.origin a mfitler qf personal reproach, flier husband .like a. dog. because he .
A uihtj tuiip.i's not ashamed ot lii'njsclffsuid bis house was his own, andfihould 1
ntetgigitfiicfashamed of his early.con-bhoist just what flag seemed 'to; him ■
-diffiJnrf It aid ha]>ptn loiflo fd bobornvbest over it. j V j
in a log s cabin, the They shot him before her eyes, and]
snowdrifts' of Aw Hampshire, at a'his heart's blood bad sprinkled the :
period iso early that w hen the smoke-;! very . ground w here she stood, and 1 1
‘ first"/rose from its' rude chimney! andr’wonder not .that thfe- Joule' in her eyes]
led!over the frozen hiirs,,thefe;i>vas;:iw as Vi-<;-»rcely womanly, flown the*
Ti-no similar evidence of a - white man’s ' road they come, a, dozen C’on/ederale ;
; liabitbtiou between it and the setl-lii-. rutfiaiis,; called soldiers by ■ courtesy. ■;
inents on the rivers of Canada - Its ‘iiiid “cliivairy,” by Mr. WEUiam Riufij
reinnihs : Slill exist : I make it an -Xhey w.ere well l t|t;iiied",and |
final visit; I carry roy children fo if, j! mop 11 fed and- as they thundered up to 1
.to.teacb them the hardships endured]!the door the leader shouted:
bv the . generation before them. ,1: “Down drith that dafunpd Yankee
! I'loved to dwell on the tender recoil- ‘ rag; if you don’t I'll blow'your brains,
’ lections, the kindred tics, the early a'f- out.”. ( ' j -..
feetions, and the narration of incidentsnotice was taken; the women
'•.-which mingle with all I know .of this ;; well have been stone. j
primitive family abode; I w’egp to ,: “1-tiey Dudley, don’t,yoti hear me?”
~ think that,none of those who inhabi- . and he pointed his royolvci; at her.
'‘ted it are how living;.and: "I bear, Bill Armstrong,” , ;
it everlfail in afioctioriate veneration - “Blast yc; f ben-why don’t ye mind?”
..for-him who raiseddt, and defended it |. .“Because* Twon’t.” , tfi ’
against- savage, violence and destruc- j : “You. won’t, won't you ?” arid he
tion. cherished all domestic comforts'fired, but mused. He sw ore! madly
beneath its roof, and, through the fire I;at his horse for shying, and as iho did;
. ami blood rears’revolution-feo, the sai>l. !
1 |iiy war. shrunk fijonkno toil, no sac-,; ‘'This is my house arid this. U. ray i
- ; rific*e 'lO serve ■ Lis Country, and tg j flag; I want it here, and shall have jt i
raise bis children to ii condition bet- il.erfc. You can shoot me down and!
ter than his own. may my name and jithen pull il downryou certainly won’t!
the puree of iny posterity he blotted ! before.’’ -- • j
froth the memory of mankind.’f - One man shouted “we ain’t, cut- 1
—■— - - throats; we don’t 'kill women and
I children;”. ■' ■ i |. ~
“You. have killedwomen and chtl
ylreif more than once;’’ was'the taunt
ing answer. Several old neighbors of
;l;er«, felt the thrust, and [quailed be
fore her ey es, while the others drew
.their pisUds; hut the leader, thiow
ling-up tlfeJweapon nearest him went
on— - "
“Wal, Lucy, -victuals and drink
\tn to the charge ■' Let Coward's fly
And seek for safety in tLeir flight; |
When.true men dare to do or die
While battling bravely for the right. -I M
On to the-charge! now Seize the sword ~
And-thrbw the sheath far e’er away,'
ho quarter ask and none afford
Till tßou has nobly 'von the day. t ,
tOn to the charge ! TVith dauntless heart
And trenchant blade e’er bravely go, :
Though bristling round in every part;
Trt Ciuiitless numbers, Bland the foe. :
On lathe charge ! ,Bo not dismayed,
Though deadly balls arc whizzmg t past j i.
Tn Honor’s panoply arrayed,' • -
Fight bravely, boldly, to tbe last., '
.5n to the charge ! ;V»ilh valor high; ;
Enter the battle-fifeld,of life; ’ \ !'
‘ ; ? i J ' . v i
Lei justice be thy banner . !
. Thy watchword in the hour of strife. .!
, On to the charge.!- Thou yet shalt see*.
Beneath the stroke thine unn doth wi,eld
'Thy vanquished foes,in terror flee,
' And leave thee conqueror o’er the field.
A Life Picture
'dlVha'l half the rebuffs receive in
odr. converse with the world but the
uhoes at oar dwh v ; oif;e ? Wo invoke
the spirit-of contradiction, and then
chafe under-the treatment we experi
ence at,'its hands.
.-»io»v' r of the ; child that
Hear the
v out north into the mountain ravine.
f "While the child wandered there, he
cried aloud to break the loneliness,and
heard tx voice winch called to hint in
the same tone, lie tailed again, and
, he tjought the voice again mocked
| .. .a, K lushed Willi-anger, ho rushed
- it find no one. Ho then called out
to him iit anger, and with all abusive
fjuthits,'all of which were faithfully
returned, to him. Choking with rage,
t'l.e child ran td his motherland com
plained, that a boy ijn the woods had
•insulted him with words. Hut the
Mother took her child by the baud,
oiid -aid ' i
“.Mv child, 1 these wore but the echo b
of-thine own voice. Send forth sun
shine ;T- :u the spirit,,and thoa shall
’ V'-T; have a cloudy day. Carry
u data vindictive spirit, and never in
tt 1 flo.wcshall lurk cures. Thou
Mialt receive even what thou givest,
..';d that alone.” ;• f
“Always,” said the speaker, “isj
that child in the mountain passes, andhj
ever} .man and woman is that child.” |
A ' Patriotic Scene of the Battle
* iti,n. —A correspondent of the l)ts
■y-’tch writes ; During the, thickest of
the 1 firing of the battle of Bnll Run.
.fiag.of the ■; regiment of
'■iinhylvama Uoscrves was shot down,
i < Gen. licynolds succeeding in get
rvossession of it, wrapped it
. ‘Uiia tiis noble form, rode up and
• n along tire lines cheering the men.
: iio inspiring effect which it produc
,A as ho rode along; is beyond descrip
wi, and cheer after cheer went up,
• loud as to almost drown the heavy
■-ketry fire to which ho .was ex
;ed. There never was a man who j
■v ,jd;ed.sp zealously.- antTparncstly for
T’ '-ounfry as, did Gen.. Reynolds on
' evcr-mcmorable day., and he has
■ (i; himself to be a General. whose
ory will be a credit to ; hip coun
" 'f ... • • ‘ ! M ' ■
StrXngil Drink.—An old -.toper
hat ho .could, when blindfolded,
oayh of several kinds ot liquors.
■ -i brand}:, whisky, gin and other
•;us'were presented to himj
• nced correctly what .they-were.
- length>a glass of pni-e water was
’on him; he'taKtcd it, paused, tasted
_again, considered,! and shpok his
■ He at last said— ‘'Gentiemah,
S‘} c .it up, I am not used to that sort
hquor.’’; . ■' ' , - :
Vfol. 3 B-iSTt
[we’ve got,to have, and won't go, un
der that .casjied flag.” i .
“Victuals and drink 1 can’t help von
having, but j(- going to get them
for you'. Ton mast como in through
ihWjbOr.’’ J . . i” ' J
j Evidently her look daunted them;’
,ifor bold as they- were, they were bad
and they knew it; so- with a
laugh t.he captain dismounted, shout- 1
inlg “Come on, boys,” and leaving i
their horses in the care [of-the chii
drop; they, one after* another; went ]
into the kitchen, and drank eagerly of
the whisky-set before them. Astbey
thus drank they became wonderfully
communicative; and. listening’eagerly, I
Lucy heard that thej’ hail been [sent
from Springfield, vr.ith somefifty oth
ers. to seeiif anything could bosseen
of the advance guard of (.Fremont's
army, who were supposed to be in
tnat vicinity. Shos»found that this
party had been stopping at one house
and another, drinking and devastating,
and very naturally bad divided, .and
that Armstrong meant to wait till the
rest came,up,- and start for the town ■
from her house. She likewise learned)
that, they had not'seen anything of
the Lincoln soldiers. She!gave them
their: fill' of liquor, she let them eat I
the best her house afforded, and as j
she was taking a pitcher-to get. mpre
liquor her cars caugh t the-sound of a
distuntfifs. * j
Armstrong heard it too| and, w.ith
an path, said-them lazy [lubbers of}
hiswere at last coming, apd the, old j
woman must bring some mpre dodgers j
along.. -
Lucy had takeii the pitcher, and
closing the door behind her, alnio°t
flew-mit into the yard, and; taking the
oldest hoy by tho shpuldcr, said- in a
terribly hoarse voice, ‘-Tom,’run for
your life.ovei the mowing, through
the lane, and tell those men yon meet
to take down, their .flag, slop playing
Yankee Doodle, and come, Up through
the lone with you and they can get
oyery one of these men.j Don’t let
the grass, grow under your feet, my
boy.’’ ' V ' 1/ ■■
j This, winds bad brought to her ears,
What is never whispered to those
drunken men, that .instead of their
comrades their sterpesl foes would ho
around them. And all her energies
Ware directed to keep Weffraiill in the
ignorance so fatal to .
■ M V 'A’ >f ■ fl( ;\- :]| &#•» *■ k rV \ ■ ; cent*;per. iibseqiient Ik^ertloi
■■’jjr ■ •-■ ; ■ £' -«»';;K ; li W-'-.'tWjS'-P'' :’»»■*> ;> • if-'- !» ‘.■ -'■'' W I : '\ T''! 25-e«its. A liberal ip. jreerly
■ ■ ‘B4 ; 7 .«• •:■'* M"* i■ Y ''' ■ y rl w'--' -WT“£ A 'm- '_L '' ‘I" i ..V-'i.. ■ Y HvY ; ''.vY-iY-i ' A3rerti»«r* I ttn<l on longedTertl&emenui
■ ■ ■ V'l Arm '' ' W ••••■ V E- H J " : : '; -: r > : ■ >IV I ;| I I. :■■ ••••’ - Aspare equal to Unerof liif typ*
'i, - ' ■' 1 s* 1 . i > l . 1,, ?‘ 1 '.'. -r-z-.-z ■:■.■ ■■■:>■. .. i.-' ■-. 1 '''' ;r; ;; , : ' .1.. '■' ' : - '. .■ ...i ■£-■- -■:-' 1 .' 1 ' . ■*!' ' -■ ;.’ ±,r ... *,. Business curds, 75^cents a line, perjyeaf
o- 38. _ '• Beaver. Wednesgi^'jKii'. 'ft M lBlB. |
in 'momenta of ..bit j but
(•he only „ looked an
corf;* -• ££■)■ ■ -,■’ •; ■' jr. i
, . They bennies ‘^*ijsbotufn-|
cd away I ancLyh thosestrong
rninded Gcruuuv forget the
'jhaide wjth
lhemm*Spring; «#;, she went
to itndE the ola id ■ arid the
children hidin/ j,ting rebels}
bat the flag > .and as the
poor pale fell cjirt caught
sight ofits hi .they gave
a feeble shout _ tf its. weak
ness. ,
All through ti shsparaod
and fed; that hit tf isufferers,
and as one after > /rew 1 strong
and iefti her, allib ,a them, was
that they would stt. mainly blows
for their] country Bndjk.6cp always the!
noble war. cry of Z«|jorii—“The Union
,and Fremont!” clwufto thbiv hearts.
1110 Dudley that .evwj wore spurs in j
the Ttldou days had'lnbniver or a more
.loving heart than hejfe, ■
The Boot on Foot. ; -
f A good test of onwiecrot opinion of
the real loyalty of papers add
persons is to ask thM-question. wheth
er we would intrusiibe safety of the
/nation to them; present, cri
i*l?- -- ‘^‘i'i i ■!
i There are' papetf and persons, of
whom Mr. WtckliflKTs the fair repre
sentative. jTb readnlieir terrible dja-’
j atrables that ad ark ■
fund ■ desperate body of conspirators
fbad laid, their himd-upon the throat of
. ] the nation and werd. sworn to have its
Armstrong‘saw the trap: ho fired hisi’.ifcJßiood ; were. marshaled in battle
revolver, hitting-the gray-li,a;;cd old i array and, moving] against the very
grandmother, leveling her with of the 1 govdriimer.t, justly excife- j
groiihd. .Nobody noticed the shot .ex- j ihg
.eept Tommy. and as he held' her .bleed- they arc land that these
nig head on his knee, he never shed a! generallywero tltdiboliiionist ; while
tcai';|;hut hfe-is on'one of Commodore! certain Of pttrTeJlqilKcitizens have faU j
Foote’s gunboats as a.powder-monkoy ' ion into error, not great rea-j
to-day. and he never hands a charge ison. and wore callefl'TObolk ]
but lie thinks of that terrible hour, i “Let us-suppresjllbO Abolitionisms/’
One hr two on both sides were wound-;] cries some slackwjfcdorator, ‘‘and the
•cd.. bjut the- struggle wjis soon Vover;' j rebellion wilLendEpT course. it yvill j
.and the rebels marched out bon&Np-1 you- dear' soul pand if all ydur ifellpw
gethfer' -with old chains! which the , citizens bad beeniof-yotir calibre 'And
boys! very gladly found.'. Zagoni must kindey there wpiddhafc been no re
take! the, prisoners' with him,-; for men J hellion it All. s l£p|fompdcn and bis
couldn’t |bo;fepared 4o guard them. j friends had us
As they were standing in’ front Of i those fellows put against sbjp-.
the doorLbeforeJrtartingt JUxs^DudievJiptoncy.’'.
who knew every inch of the groud ii> jiy sunmiHcoTyPTli e]tjratnrjr ol .lie’
the vicinitvL undertook fo toll them a ! Stuarts.; If PtSil and Patrick Henry
nearer road to town. They did, not! bad shonjwd i “Hurrah for King
understand her hurried, nervousdirce-1 Georgb and the stampi act!’', there
tions, and she started a* If to go with | wouldl been nobjoody rerolut|on| |
theni; then she remembered her dying i H Mirabean and the French people |
mother, cahie back, f called: Tommy i-had bellowed ‘‘Hurrah,-for. starvation} j
from the duffererVaide, to: take the !aristocrats; forever!” all, the trouble;
place in her! stead. .1 in Franco' would have, speedily eritJed. j
Bat the dying woman's,,faint voice jTo be sure,every righV would have 1
stopped Aeri. j been annihilated, every liberty do- :
“Yon go.! Lucy; lie might make a rich remdrslcM^O'-.j
mistake: helwill talrts caro ol’me, abd'.T‘ e wouid have governed FWbtS- bat;
we Will kcep the old flag flying.” ■ .there would have. been.
The reserve in the lane, by.Zagoni’s wpt moral rot and general national
order, had already cbmc up; and Lucy : i< ’
onlj- stayed! to kiss the pale lips and „ ’ us suppress the Abolitionists. :
precious face, then 'she mounted her But suppose yon begin jthe begm
own stout marc and led the way. SheJ c “'?; First subdue,the common sense j
guided them Safely ,-iu the intricate j°* lho ,°‘ lhe conntrtr; then you j
path up to tlie very edge of the ravine, i | n 2-3': subdue those wbo influence it. It j
■wb.erh according to Armstrong’s'talk, j an amusing i
she knew the wily foe was hidden. I t | persistence abolitionism which bau?ed |
was. the very spot Zagoni wished to bo I wai *ibut,the opening of the eyes of |
| in,,! and she; bad saved hinu:a long the people so that they saw. The peop!<|
strieteh of dangerous road. Then shef this/country know: perfectly-.well]
fell back to !the rear, just as Zagoni’s ' that slavery is -at the bottom of this
eager eye took in the whole of his no l re )e^i P n ‘ [lf tliero had been no Bla
silion. Desperate! What will h« >« r y t thcreJwouid have been no jwar ;
sav f whatj will these men do who just a- th-rc would have been no ab
hayo been. Stacated 'witiT .being hoi- «l»tioinsm.L The temperance,
iday soldiers on the.pavements ol Stl springs from iiitcmperance; and I
Lojuis ? -I , ■ when a drunken man tries to. kill ;!hi^
‘jSoldioraJyonr war-cry is .‘Fremont do * l tce-totallcrs
and the Union.’ Draw sabre,^the mT® responsible fcimt ? i „ ' j!/
right flank, quick trot, march.” Slavery was trying to kill the codn- j
■j, .. I. • | . . ■; lrv% It had ailmost succeeded; Watch!
, His voice; shrill and intense, pierc- w £ tch lhe ’ Abolitionf^
ed j every hpart,; and as those bright gla ; ma ddetied tbat its! crime wah l
swords glittered in the, and discovered [shot and stabbedbright
the httie band sped to_ thcii-deadly 1 1ef15 ..,.. . there!” cry the
work. I woudered that Lucy,Dudley S| blo Wicklsffe ai , d . Company-“thi B
brown mam kept her p ace as eager c()tneB ol - m „ g witch%‘WHy
as hcr mis rcss tp do ga lant work. thfl devi , can . t § u
That battle w.U alwkys burn on Let ns euppress
the pages of h / s ;o.r3 > un<l I need wnte Watch , p and aU^U
none of its details hen* j only this aicairi !*' <
mubh, that; Everywhere, helping off dog i
the wounded handling weapons, doing ° -i. v
anything, everything that a cod, heaS StioTo
and a trmrty hand cSuld do, Was Lucy natlon ° {
: uauu V uu.vx uu, nan own couscotphy -B system Tike,
I°i i v ‘ 'ipirß, ;ihd meanest'of
force abouti him bp
be i could not ccunt tbqi ’de^iM^;^
took not lotig to count the ; iivmisyt?
.Wlicrq wasi Lucy Dudley ?;'"HanUy"
one of these bloody»oe»,s
but could tell of some good doedd/sbo'
didsdtir theni during those long, dieadsi
full hours [ Even while they were
speaking of .her she came in sight,
and not now mounted on her brown
mare but instead, the mare was har
nessed to a market wagon['and its
broad bottom was covered with'.wound-
Meanwhile Tommy’s low head shot
ever the wall, through the 'narroW
land, reaching the main road jhst on a.
mounted band ■of men came in night,
He mounted, a stomp, waived hid
jacket foremost among them
stopped.!, ' i ' i
it tny bojr?” i
“Msrm'jwants youi* fifittg man to
that thing, and have
’down that ’ere flag, and to come up
to our bouse through: the lancJ Come
on !”■ j
HeHv’aa sorting, h,nt Zagcini stop
ped him. “I don’t understand, boy;
whut does she want ?”
Tom was indignant. i
“Want’ayou to . nab a party of se
ceshers up to Our house; but you
needn’t come if yon don’t wanton” >
Something in .bis face .struck one of
thotnen, and he said, i -
; “Who is your maim, boy?” ;
■ , “Lucy Dudley.” -
.“Go ahead, Major,” shouted L the
follow. “She is true blood; they shot
her husband a month ago.”
Zagoni, followed by a portion of his
men, wheeled into the lane, trying|to
keep. Tommy in sight; and soon they
came in view of the low house, and the
noisy mirth of the CoiilUleruUssWtts
distinctly heard. Armstrong nejer
suspected, even ordering Mrsl Dnuicy
l it) “show ’em . in,” ’ wept to the
door,sand they needed; not that she
should speak; her piercing, eager look
told ever}' thing. ? Thfcy surrounded
the rpom—-Zagoni’s clear voice order
ed those, inside to surrender, while at
j the Sapie moment, the iifer gave an'
■I exultant— :. \ '
ed |soldiers| She was walking 1 beside
it holding tjhe reins looking ; fearfully
pale and tired ; for now the excitement
was past htr womanhood was upper
most, and her only care was to help
the; wounded and comfort thcalying.
They kncwlsho was,taking iheir suf-
fering comfada to the shelter of her
ovk homejW-and not a man from the
Major downwards, ;but would have
been-, eager; to escort her, but she re
fused them! all, and when tlic Major,
pressed the nihtter, she told him that
she kpew the way beite.r than they
did, and was sate enough alone. Tbet
gathered around her; culled her all
noble heroic names, such- as/pien pse
“i’an&co Doodle came to (own,
Ijrankee Doodle dandy.”
• > . • Teach Theta, to Shoot, j |
jffite&iro are alvraysSviHint; to accept
: WjiT|gpt of the experience of |ot'b<oi*B'
the following;
; -tiQn'frdm the Philadelphia*-Press, that
.be acted upon iTere ItW
■ pw attack this Stpte Rt allyAjioy
will [attacksit in a few-days/' .At this
moment ofjjgenerai preparation Jyvbile
tbclmale population of every city,
town, and village of. Pennsylvania are
arming for.,defence, it'iadcsirablc tliat
they should bo placed in the speediest
condition for effectiveness. Thp midst
essential element of the maniial is
loading arid firing rapidly t Let those,
therefore, [Who.’ are drilling ,citizens
for the defence pf their! hjpmoß wiiye
the preliminary commands,; and > comsj
menee woti' ihefr ftririg and-, loading : rtf
once ’■ \t'hat a man wishes to do m. to
put a ball through his enemy, amt he
should be placed speedily in condition
to do so | with - Neither
shouldering nor presenting arras nor
any other action of the manual, will
accoraplishk this. It takes , days! to
leam thom, JbftforeJ,tbat time [the
enemy may; bo upon ni. 1 offer, this,
suggestion for wjiat it it vbHlfi : s
■■■ -■ ■ I ■■■■■! ■■■■" . ’! ■ P'.l :"i?
;t la Earkestßefbre Daylight- ETHAN SPIKE
; reccntauccosses of the (rebels *" ((} . A,Ca
are well calculated to strike the timid] | | . ■.l --j,
and the, wavering with awe ; but they I aint pleasantly eitooated up here
cannot change the isemq dr modify the if-spiite contrary wise ’. , The kornueks
laws, by,which the moral phenomena dont seem to appreciate the moral
of the world are governed. Asudden [courage that must aetdpate a feller,
tempest, a thunder stornvorancarth-icritter’s bussiimafprb hp kirns id the
quake, though seeming, for a moment, jskedaddlin pintv. Only yesterday, oilo
to suspend the ordinary laws of -ha- pofitbo bekmghled critocra told me I
tore; does pot change the order of the was “a whitedivered’yankee cuss I”
physical world, though k miy;be ac- I axed him cf ho war in airnest? lie
com panted by momentary waste ■ and said he war, an I fdrguv him- —th OUgh
desolation. Ihe great,beneficent works of it hadnt bin for . makin a fuss be
.of nature are not aebioved by sudden tween the two countries, ah ef he
convulsions, but by the bilent opeca- i hadnt looked as though ho could licjc
tion of immutable laws, in harmony ■; me; I'd’hev|; knocked his greasy fur
with each ptber and the general plan : cap into tho middlo of next month—f
of creation. ?: • ,I ■ fau efhishcd had gone:with it I shouldnt
- [ The phenomena in the moral- worldj heV- kcorod. : I naltcrally! feel, disap
correspond to those of; the physical s ! snted, L caOunted ( on a flatten n re
pine, arid are, in fact, its UnavoidableSceptipn—hut there |mht nary a flatter 4
offsprings. Thongh philosophers, for'attached (to it.; Decidedly! cool—bor-
Speculation, may sepk- dcrin on ’the'frosty. -■ >
rpto them, they are* practically, one j ■ I would go back, hut darsent—my.
a!nd inseparable.; ■ 1 .f £ I . jfcebjo--health i wont staud a dra/<. I
i [ Th»t, in the struggle for our n!a- oilers tuk cold ;cf I|]ept r in a- Common:
tional existence, sudden disturbing 11'draft, and the official one they ar get-'
causes should 'momentarily interrupt itiulup daoun. in the [stales, though, it
and, for a time, retard.the unavoidable may save , toe. gin jral constitottioh,!
consequeneca df a rebellion, provoked ; wojild ruinate .mine -|-it makes a Sha
by the• effon,of an inferior civilization kin Quaker of me' j sat thinkabout it.
to against the iufluehce* Ef there was any ay to make me in-,
and pressure oifa superior one must be, wnlncrablc to bagg n nuts, minnow ri
expected; but to suppose that these [fles, comickol shells’, ;,url sich like gear
consequences can thereby bo, porma- jftwpnid bo different. Ef *thcy could'
nonfly avoided,.would be both tibsurd j!pufi>me into a dry dcbke—for instance
and pusillanimous. ,In a war, whether —and turn pic' auu iron-clad, 'so’s I
between- two forci"h(natlons,(or he-|waA sure nothiri could hurt’ 1110- —why,
tween sections df•'the.'.edmo-.’countt jy,-||l’djjcsbaS lives go ratnind buttin dth
nothiiig can ,bo more naturai'than for mr folks as th ink the Monitor
some unforsccn circumstances’ to fa- |fme would suit pie—.hnt my phisical
vor, at times;.One or the, other ;.|ioiporal systcinjis to valoPable—jjinev
er, ifor a skilful general to obtain sijg- ierripint of view—to be exposed in a
nal ! advantages over equal, of, ever. Son protected sate* of 1 aCnr. j
superior numbers. But,.these .causes i,Do yon suppose t icy would draft
do not operate permanently,ami even f moref l Went back ? 1 skendy think ;
the geninsof Alexander, Ciiaflernngne (twoulclbe constitbol piial, I’ve gai 11-'
.and x?apole,on could not establish em- SJeil'S resident here—t n would kiwun
'pirbs ontliving thd period oftheiHivosjdpt iTte, Stkioptc. pc ’wided Tor furrir
01. their successes. i'f . [ |n|eis.' I’mjhtdb old, vds a caudydntei
The rebels Have undoubtedly found jofE 1. 'under ', the . general govern 4
a man of military genius in "Stonewall” i'jno it—nobody kin, prove that I \va*s
Jacket?n, and it would bc. both : wiong |-boin. in .the United £ talcs-—I. tidedto.
and wicked to underrate bis-terrible ijino the Quakers— haint got teeth
energy, the boldness of his jdesigiiS, ; enough bite,;a catridge —never lied
und the rapidity of their’ execution f jthd niurnps—might fc tuk wjth em at
'hut,, after - all, > StonCAyall'iJackson isilgriy time —the 'smoH of •|ggrtpao\vdci , \
algdgernl, and, as such, as mu ;h,| mpkos ,nie ! sick—specially' ,>vhe-n its
Subject to, the chanccs of ’war is ; mixed withilead—-sir h kimickal cam
‘jCffisar aud his fortune.” Such mpu j binntions never agreed with tno.. El
may, like a b°dy in motion, acquiro j these disabilities aou t constitoot jmo a
a prodigious^roomenfum j but when ' alien under the hiiyteas Korpus act,
theittfin.m/Jutipk iybt ar_ aour [free institootions; good
is spent.must dwindle down again'TOMbrEfTvek cohsUtootional objec
their originalproportions. Tho-rcbels, | tio 1 to", gunpowder —taint; my fan it—
: through smdi men as; Lee, Johnson, its a piifactory perdsinn ot natur— 4
jand ‘.Stonewall,’’ Jackson, have ac-. thr ts what it is; Ef I pre/er keepin
1 quired a great nioinonfnm, and they my human form dev ne hull, to hevin - ,
; have . now an nccidcntial advantage; it bored full Of holes, so’s twould look
i over us ; but tl oro is nothing in tlteir - more like a cullender than the ’noblest
j condition tofeAder thein perniancnt|ly f work of’ God^-dontl show good tastpf
[ equal Ito the s fugglpi thpy are now I’m willin them as is dffereiitly sot up
j engaged ’in.', If we withstand their jby matur should go t> war —in fact. I
[ shock now, wo, need ■ have no • appre : . want cm, to*—why ca it tlioj - be equally
1 hension that it will bo renewed ; ono.i giiferous and let ir.c t fay to liuni ?
|‘Waterloo, in the end, ac-1 Here’s' jsi tooation- -a sitpoalion -of
i count of a iiuudred battles. '.| , ; 'ithb distrcssedest.kinil for aujan whos
I i ;aro superior to tho Souih in all * oilers bin a respected''fqller; Citizen !
(the productive’ menus of canying on Jvo lost ray own country-r-fan ■' furrin
| this ‘w(ar. |Wp have th« [.best material ■ nations dbnt want me—i’m ostilichtsed
j for soldiers, and our geperals, if oirt-; expatiated, and disfrt.nkinchiscd—l’m;
j wittea by-the rebels, will, like Napo- Hthc Wandriii Jew of the nineteenth
| Icon’s' antjagoimt,. learnt the art 'of jsenti’y. l cahtgctafcotholtanj'wherS.
by; studying the causes of their , Noah’s- duv Was in >re fortiuit—rshe
jrevefses. The (rebels have disposed cduM',go back —I can;— there’s no ark
jof all meanswo have , for me, nor nobody to opcn the .windw
not }'et exhausted a quarter of our ief there was. / ■ :
[ rcaourccs. We Kayo a young; th’riv-i shall prohahly starve to death jist
i n p! - °; c ‘'VO' populktion, with, the best? like tho'children'in the wood —only I
pgbliciinstitutions of t lcara;ngto edu- ,dont blevo these' Kerniick robbings
catq the rising generation to an eqnali- ( will take trouble to feiver me up, ,
fy, if not superiorit}'lq its predecessor, j Ef the last words .'df. adyin unfdrti
-Iho South bavg no such meansof [ nit. will have any effect—on them who
eating: m masse,Mo. that;- ;|s turn in their eyes in this direction
to :usb pno of _ their own Tavorije| —1 would say dont Jo it! Better run
[phrases,j“if their gentlemen perish [in s the risk of nineteen drafts—better
,tho present struggle,” they no stand ycr clianCe of hevin your bones
.mcaiis of renewmg or iroplc.nishjng? biled an made irito ornymonts to adorn
ithe caste. The future, therefore, ;is’’ shc-seceshers, thai; to find yerself.’a
all bright for us ; ifis da«k and gloomy , strnngorin this unaccountably strange
fbr the rebels,and the thiakiagi t m6n j land. I: _ H* => •
°f the South know it. lienee their, I’ve tried [every method—except
desperation, and their spasmodic effort | work—to get an ’honest livin. here,
to stun us by a sudden blow. C<ji..raon Thar ar two or three fellers skedad
eense has beaten genius at Waterloo; i dles hero who aim i, livin as furrin
let us see What au unwavering purpose correspondence for the Trybuno. I
can effect against “SUmewatl’!j Jadk- [tried the dodge and writ to HorriH,but
l( I i J*i ' \,. : i f•' (be haint bin si^vil enough to reply. Then’
What we* want at.tno present crisis, jj uudertuk to'.come the George Francis
after the heavy losses we have pus- Wrain, but the balf-brccd bfuo-noao li
wned, is a Fahius Cuhdator, whom [h n (wont bcgr half as ,rauch as the old
w ® P* ve fonnd in M'Glellan—the war (seed, one atmumj docs—my fast- bqst
|will yet produce the. .Scipio Africans, *of iinrepresaible patriotisrn cost nioVa
Who will put an’ end to present unnat- bunged eye an a-broken nose. Lastly
ural Btruggle.— •Phil. Press, j;. j" ■:[, (Ltried to jino a 'nigor settlement, tel-’
[|j n f( lorn i wa9 a pctcroon—ari lWonld
;heii ; gone as low as a incrlatt'er, or
(even a aberlif-hunist—bullwas no go
7—the sutty cusses vo ;cd me {in jauda
ible; onless I would, gt I into holy mat?
lemony with a young lady of the Af
rican persuasion—aged 58— an weigh
in 283 lbs. averpypoii considora
|bl6|mbrbappptycaricß ditto. I declip-,
(ed this tempi iii offer Ibp the presen t—
solely on consiitootion'al grounds—
holdin it in reserve, li *pici 4 hat Gjcoly
may yetiwa,nt(nio; ■( .■(■ ■ ' ... ;[.
|! Mr. Griscleyf^f-youvegbjtanybaow
’ds'tif coihpasslon, dont 10l ine bo sac
jiiified. feih (your fckl ycr arms; an
(munch j-er pca-,nutSi.v'hcn a feller crit
[ter is toitenh on the brink of Mumbo
JUnibo?; V Qhd frdm you will
jjsaypi mo!;from this woolon dcsliny.—
iMiistra man bo forced into the meri
no business agin: his will? Must; ho
(nesti for the want of aleetle encourage
ment, run the risk of becoming the
ivemirablo. ancestor 6f| a long line of
(millt ‘ and [ morlassis (colored H
ants ? Morris,! help! mo, 1 -’ Vi :
'I I .- * i (,1~ > , rv- ■ i.
j ■ *.; | ; i r-.i ;■ ETEAN SPIKE.,
i 1 p. S. ; The shady she 1 critter, Who
(thrcptetufrrrpnless sutbin turns,, up
irighi a.^*^— to bekim the pardoner of
: Hbw to be Happier. [ I ;
■ Said bio fr ■' ht'
j aid n venerable farmer, some eighty
i years !of age, to a relative who lately
jnsitedhim; “I have lived On this farm
for 'over half a i centur}’.-. I have - no
desire to change my, residence as long
as I live- on earth. I have no desire
to be any richer than I now am. • 1
have worshipped the'God of mj* fath
ers with th a sanjo people for more than
forty years. Boring, that’ period t
bav<y rai ely been ■ -absent from the
sanctuary oh the Sabbnth, and ‘ have
never lost but one communion season.
I have nhver-been confined to may bpd
by Eickness a singly day. TKo bles
sings of God have been richly spread, and ! made up my mind
florig ago that if I wished to be any
happier, I must have more religion."
One or ’em— ThcMothcr day agen
tjeman gave a couple of cents to a
woman who askeiTlbri / l!
“Twocents!” Bhoexclaimed..‘ , Talco
’em back sir, I asked foi charity. S I
can't do any thing with two cents.”
“My dear madam,” said,the gent o
man,” “I beg jou’ll keep thei cen;s,
aiid give them to some poor person. ’
n! trouble.
SADT, Aog. 21.
my Joys and sojrcrs—she mayhevthe
hull of the latter—haa'Juat leftj tne.
She examined me as k jofiky would a
boss—looked my teeth; punched my
ribHj an by the; soft persuasion of a
hickory switch,; induced me to run;
jump, an holler. ; She called, this cour l
tib of roe! £f this is the wooin, wot
vtilljbo the weddin j Wot a sea of
kcrnibn&l mattermony awaits: me—
and yet I shrink a$ I draw nearer to
that blissful briny. ' j ! •
; j - . S . -■>(, ! ,v 8
; “So’ to the Jowa’Cld Cannaan stood ”
' i v ; : , -‘U ’I r E.g.’.
The Harrisburg Tatrioi , anticpating t
an invasion ot bur State by the rebels
in Maryland, Ibds figures.up the die-
tahecs frthn Fredrick, in that ■Stale to..
the principle tOwnsin our,State.upon
theSputbern border: ■= ’ - j V i
' ‘‘Frederick: City, where a portion pf
;t|)o rebel invading army ,is now, is ,
luttecrf miles Forth of. the ; Pptbbaci. ;
twenty-five miles South of the. Penn
sylvania line, and thirly-tlirec niiies
South from Gettysburg, Hagerstown,''
ffhich they were approaching at; the.
atest'.d'ates, is twenty-three.jmiles in a
nortli-wcstcrlj’- direction from Freder-
ick, and' twenty-jone mijes, we, believe,
ifrom Ghambersburg—so that a forced
inarch of one. day might- bring the
rebel diyisiopsvwi.thin gprishptjdf twO,
Of otT.lprincipai’i-bovder town?! ,Wo ■
shall hear shortly—but wo
feel pretty sanguine that the-thunder
bolts w"dl do more barm to the invaders
thad the invaded. ,-V .' 1
W aLawykr Can ])o.-l-dsoy.- H.
was ' splendid , lawyer, and -could i
talk dry out of their senses,
lie 1 , especially noted for hissuc-
, cimipal reuses, almost always:
Clearing his. client. ; lie • was ,6nce
counsel for - a man- debut ed of horse •
stealing. He made a long. eiocptSnt.
and , touching speech. Tile jury re
tired but returned in a f(ivv moments.,
and: with tears in their eyes,’proclaim
ed thh, man not - guilty! >An did .ac*
duairit'anee stepped up tp the prtspiie-r
and >aid -the-'danger! is I past y
and now, bondr-bright.’ d n't y ousted
that, horse?’’ To. which Tern replied:.
’‘Well, '-Tom, all along I've thought I
took that horse j but since I’ve beard
the governor’s Speech,- / don't ’ believd
idkir ; ■•'
. Strong ih the-- FA.iTH.-jj—A (tfcgrdf*
I preacher was holding fortlr to' his con-
.'upon' the subject pi' opeying
- the eommond of God. ‘ Shys ho::'
‘‘Brodpm, whateber God-tells mo do
dir dis bpok, (holding up the Bible.)
dut.Friigwinc to, do.' if I.sop m it'
‘dat l .must? jump Jihr66?ii,a'tftp'(Trail*
I v m ; gwine'to jump at it.' -Goin -throcf
it'dlopgs to God, 1 jumping at it flougs' .
to njej”'..;, y : 'Y ' ■
■was vfnting in bis business par or one
day, -When a noise outside disturbed
hirp. He [went to tnp gallery, ahd
loaning over to catch the facol.of tlto -;
orderly pnj duty, asked,Who’sJtjhat
A. woman, superficially-a lady,pvt- thd
ihstant passingjanswered tartlyp ■ Ona
of your New Orleans^sho-add oi's.”—
The General retreated. dl ii j ■ ■
■ i ■ - L-' - .1
fi^. u WJbat V isv the chief of
breai| asked \ tin : examiner) at a
.9ch.O(r|l examination, “The cbiei'hse of
bread,” answercdlan urchin apparent
ly astonished at the simplicity jof the
inquSkyv “the chief use of ~bread is ti>
Spread buttef and. molasses on.”; : ■i;
1 -'“No Jilrs. Partington,
“was better calculated to, judge
pork than ’my poor ; husband-, -was';
when he’was a|ljving mahV 'b e { know
what good, hogs were,'for he had heoji
,‘bronjgnt up among ’em from his eh ild
hood.” ' , : ■ ;{ '
B®.The Secretary of- \Vs»r has stated
that none of tile negro regiments now ,
boibg; ijaised ini Kanins, llhodejlslandf
|MaasachuseUs'i'Xnd other places,;.will
bo mustered inl6 the XJnited 'States
Service, though .some local use ckh
probs.bly bo made of them.
beat idea' of weight was
given by by an Indian who, when
naked how much, he wcighedjVcpliea, ■;
••As I ani I weigh one hundred and
.fifty founds, but, when! am mad It
weigli a ton.” ,1 f
.igi.Tho , Hon. Jo seph Hf bst§
been appointed by the•i’resideni J'.udgO
Avocalc General of .the. Army With
the panic of colonel. Ho will enter .
upon his .duties without delay. . . t
tSyWhat is stronger in .death -tbaii
in life ? An old yellow : legged hen;
If yb i don’t, believe it, try to dissect |
one e fter boiling. A *, *
’ —- ‘ • - •
to a
di ti
. The Distance."
itWhy wdiiW tying a, slow, horsd
post seetrJ tb tmproye ;faiBrjpja(Se.f
i ise it .would make him last. ? ’'
5 /The superficial must converse!
others, but thowispeanjj in ad
>n, Converse With'themfceiyes. •
—h—. J ■
Ufyo u do good,,forget it: if ovif
'inb’er and ropcnt Of it.
i~ lU' _:J
few persons bare sensd
gh to'despiae the praise of a,fool.
•The man whoi carries all Wbi•
■Tu wheelbarrow man. ; ;j| ,
•{ , H‘‘ r