The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, September 03, 1862, Image 3
4 i pP-AJBT |IH?. . |Beavei* CoTiiity, r SB* ■- . - ,f TS tji®; Orphans’ Court jn Bind for iSh|i;> J’JL CcuaTyj before flic Hon. Judjetc of--»aii. nr: -.'- -* ■ ■■ I.Court. - in the matter of thc-firal'-eiid final * account pf George •Truce,' Adminuitrator of tile estate of (Iliartea Itmce. deo'd. Ajfiac. •j,Juue H, 1 Sirf; '.exceptions to the CgMjvr tipnai of aald account filed by Tup*. CnST bam. Esq., Attorney for Expectant v^ : — v V; And now, to wit; Juiu Cl SEAX, ) .SBG2i the Court appoint, VI - ! an-'A j tb take ibe testimony and report upon tj j ccpticnx. ' . From the Itocord. I, | Attest: A. O. M’CItEARY, i R. : R. - Beaver Station—Uopo Kast. -Jilziliig, 2la? 6, leoi— T.-aim 3‘ii ~rtrS:abir.h/ollwiz _ ;UriTe» at PituVurgli, '6:16 a. m, - B:20 p. st. 8:00 ip. si. %vt t. -H- (SoiSG. WtST-—' e . faiir'iusi J’ifltltnyh af/cilovtt' V, ■ .-i v >s Arrive* ui Eenvcr,, 7:25 aJ M »:20>. », ,'f. J/.\V:iK;oi:iXoCOll, Prtt’t ■■■ r ...R. MI’KRSV; {/*•<■/ T/exttJfftHt' r : l;0. FT; Vi’AVXE & CHICAGO I fc. EJ Rochester Station— Going East, :ij Leaves Koclitatcr Anvat Pitts. i Wtji'o Aecvin. 'S:SO a: m 7:00:*. si. ,'j ■- '.■ -•; 6:40 A. S'...— S:4O a. si. " 8:45 i. 2i......1(b40 a. si. StßriVW» i“ ' 12:54 StXOjK.K* ji “ 2:25 p.-it. C:25 p. si. ‘ P. at 8;10 P. Sl ■ 12:50 a. Si ,2:00 ; a. M. 0:10 •?.. 7:45 :p. M. OoiSQ r Leaves Pills. Ait. at Rochester. .i'-tigh’a Accom. 8:50 a, 10:25 A 5 si. i BrifL’n •• 11:51 A. H....... 1:26 P. M. iUiiiM “ 'S:00 P. H... 1:.. 4:65 P. M. fcipVti 4:39 P. 51...1... 6:01 p. si. •’•J lirigh'n -r. ,'&2O P. 21 8:00 P. at. 51ii!:'' ? t 7:10 a. m B:4o'*. M. Ij; Express, 1 " 1:00 A. Ji.. 2:10 A. 51. •■I lipreski 12:20 p.- 5t..'.... 2-.00 p. 'M. * ? : ACG. BBABLEV,. Supt., L.iD. / _ _ __ - ' ir. Vi lil-im. NOTICE. M, V£.K3yNS having buiiacei with the >Y_ «>' i-.;i ;r /jsHl. please cal! with, Mr. C .: d;:ly authorized to at utl to all business '!n.-ing mv absence. Also _;j haying Jt&setiteu accoaata '.vill call ‘i-.i settlement as soon rs possible. . As ii.ii-a becvJ'ifl my duly to learc home for the p;v;-.e vf serving wji- country, I tope'my; u i-.;:avr wiil still gift- their patronage ga t'-iu, as they will find Mr. Tuiloa at the shoe' /;.jp atiJ inv son, Jaines.iat the tan-vard. •i -ep'J. If Gif ‘ JOIISyD. 'STOKES.- BEATER ORtJG STORE, Opened in the Sgom formerly Oc cupied by the late Dr} Minis. w ■ .?> rpiJE Si:o?"- r ri)3c»r' pdrch'ascd tbe I'fi wi«f v -mdeavor to. kcop con st-: ail articles usually I‘uiind lu ii : orc-= * public - 'iLc rcrrST- snd] .- ~---r ■- — ■ -.■ • ' | . I’ IJitesoiiitioii. orbf’nr artfcld* will also found ! Ci>-fiivtner=!iiu heretofore «Wl _,m h!i c-itabhcltuicu::, «■ , j.J[ ilfritlie name auAsUle cf.M’Cb* f.-?, -srtriu’t- -Of"’ .Coftc.' -Jtc-StnJ 'Soap, engaged in liie F J- ,< „■ ~ •. 1 andM-iehine Busiiicae. was dulv uieso i -ÜbJn.r.’L <v?W- ;-tU SdUay Of June.-:isC£| The book* ALL ARTICLES• FOR- TUS TOILET, !'Lrm'-.vili be'seultU by M. l/arragb v,>i>OL COtTTON , LEA I) I « ee -iVUstOfi,' Reiver'co.ji.ii .. r, , A ~ c ~\ D r Ti v \ J c TT VTI • ! ****** ■?on!;i>u? (said Lusme.- *n Si-jFi-. ■ * iIAIK ■. ; I; i All personsknowing ibei ‘"SiIES T* ’*O ! itrBKUSn3ES. ■ i iudebied'to tU late; firm will pleaW o LET-, - i DAV^ar^ rp-f i> '-y.-rL- 'i 1-'- I,ll’ ■ f • I i ; .- MAITibCLN DAL 1 t.K, t 'o..b.e t OOhS- ■■■ Falistd’i.jclOyCi;* ,ii. li. LAitRAO! ■a ■ < vAP PAPER. . •< , j-r 1 -•--/ —■ to:* Oil jAyiips ■ .Vifi. Oimnajs.'ffi: . |; '• iToA-Sale. ■ ■ ■•cc aic a lev of.-in.c articles., tnd. only a.:_?TjnT*£. umlcrsigaed offers his property, situ* } :‘p. i. C r.l: i:- Ji _£ atod iu Ihe borough of Beaver, Reaver ... >.II . bp -clos's Liu:.:ioa and fair j C'-Ji.niy. ’ Pa., at until thr-lthof -to i;ivc to all who may | Auou~l, l.rvll. Said pwert y. .being htsMus. itvor lam with ' * , !, j’jc iiml Itfth up on which an»cj,'ccied onaFiamc ‘C. F. CUMMINS, M, I*.' [ licuic udd T» ring easy. ( ■ . -.•wiJl bo paid- to } : ' ... ANTHONY A’liLlN'' mg u-c i i ?s:claas prescriptiona. f-at:g~7 i : s Be&TCr,.'July *23, 3b02. ‘ • v Quarterly SUtemonf- I V- lif the above ■ property is hpt .-sold /\F THE’ \NK ir" ViiK COCA TV. ! .tLt iluic. proscribe,, I will ;exp<pe it to 0- ! r C.Vv ■ Vdol';c.galc,a:Voi-w ;i rus, 4- V. Ln-.i Z ixy rely :r. NES - L : S.w uhvaT-; o: M.ri.lTipa in s : t-s -i q i;: rr uiat i •: u . ! . I'i.'-cc-u/it ViJ iuitfres: I'uc l/'cim&itors I'i'ildt-Xi-J uiij-aid, ~'lutji: wool's: era, .£55,012 go tVO'.-o h‘J n o-iO^-cr tt )...•?.£5O GO iJciikn,, , i:3,o*w *J7 n uLu cl other lO,3O*C-‘J lii,o»hj 15 1,953 05 k « :•*>!■?Oun;-.d Oilii-CI.-v-chUL. L,£II Lv C r. i- ' uvi <_*s cl- 1 vu 1 LuIVjV fcv : lic : ioro L*iq. n notary i”'-.' ; •’ijar.ri iVr.said County...CaiiiC .KtlwurJ ] '■ < ii-trivt uV the ol >Jeavor County, - ; i , 'iuly manned lolkv'w; tie ,.r ’l-'-t the above '-ratrn.cnr correct and host hi- Viunviedge . £ I- - ?'* Ait i> <ii o‘,)i- - S sal. ful*s*;ricvil otiose ific ilns.'sU* j^b.crrKisruspx; r"- Notary I'uVnc.' ■*V •:•! Ai: t - • T "F I H’ALL'fcU .foil, gin.lie Pott Oaioe utKoctcsler, -Ill" let!/, Icvi!: l-Konkcl Kciibcn jhythe John “L - iLaugUin M :Ljrneh- John - - ■ Morrison Charleg ■May J,;;.:; i t i!v Ijcrwijf Birit S i'cary'SMu'.'l; to..'ii„rc (;i‘o T '-rv'-yv-vi J ! A Snub Miss Wan; So:iv, i.ess A'senitli fcantb'S J- ■ > ,i:-VA a A j..; i.uiai.nh ’ Tpy lor E F tThompsoh W S's ;White David ' ■ ■r-f. \ Dt.h!,.; fvr lefers in the above list, they arc advertised. ■ • ■ T. M.’ TA\ LOP., P. M, ieast -nr. Confessions & Experience of an Invalid. iH ULiSil for iLckcaeut and as a warn 'tip :'rj• I cannon tn vising men whu full ‘ ■' ■' ■- .'-••rvous its ioli: y, *l : icmuturc Decay ■ at t,tie same time the means: o* ', i; v - - 0110 v *ho cured hiuwcii | ‘ ' 1! ’ a^Vu * ‘to great expense through med* ! >* n:i},.^ni,-, n u ,j fpsaekery.' I*t enclosing* | :w‘?r:rs*cd envelopes, 'single Copies | (t v had n|‘ tin* 'auilmr, NATHANiEI \. '* ' 1 •' •.>cil<-rd. Kings Y. ; . j A !- - ( \otk:£ ; ■'■" I \\ lIEMIA:* Nuers tc?tuiucmary on the; A T of Cjrr». ilo.swtu, late of New 1 t l -’ a. :;eavo r coumyv deed, hav:ng. l>ecn' to /be jinTersigncd. ’all persons in-» 1 ■* I I*.r'; r-taic arc requested to*make; M - payment, ami those bavjng claims* same wTU present .them properly > ■ u /*at:ea;ed rprsettuti-uitr •; JOHN BOSWELL,•! BilN'J BLiIHSOX, • Executors. ' I I*o2. EXECUTORS NOTICE. HLUhA? letter.**.testamentary Laving * '- e, "‘ .p*an?cd tu tbi undersigned, on cs j7;. r -' : I*m sc jr, ilic.u., of lian- : v . ‘ ’ --7* 1 a., all persons L iliemsoiveV indebted to said .estate ‘c,jutted j-.iv-uicot immodiaUdv. . —•. v riuibi;-. against the same Mtil. "¥”. iIST UF CAITSES FOR £KFT. TERM, *O2, iuh^ciiberdulj" amhcnli- ] | \j CO3iM£ACISG 2d MONDAY (Btn[l. • t ay2S' i ' VUlCaielll ' tMKAMSE), , >[ Millc * & lUcfcetson vs James Duncan! -r-g-I - . ' ' r . fxocurdp. T : John C. liiscJihood • v Kctr Scwic&Ty Tp. . p-‘ j.idl ’ ”1 “ 'George UotarL 1 “ Xathan P. Couchs Tnr- : JameS Duiicaa ' Jofcn'M. Ewing; ctal. fI?L . ET FOR 18G2 r Aug."6,>2. U- M. WEtAM), Fro. {••»,.l* receiver! at the ProtLonciiir's " ■■■!— ■■■ ■■ '■ 1 ■ —-" ■■■ | i —- ~ r‘ Thosa entitled to lie same will nk*so iiH/TAGIG TACK DAMJIIIItS,. Sboc Brushes iffIA M - ::f » L NOTICE. ; | TitEi nndenigaeJ trill attend id du shore \ appointment at the Court Ilou lii-arcr. vu"Turi:siiAT, SEtTtiiuta 4, 18 10 c'c-ieck, at., when ngnies in mtercjs bo did c‘heard. B. B. CHAMBBBRIIi I AvgJ So, ’B2. . "Audi Braver ss; • IN the Orphans’ Court in and for Beater County -before the Hvm Judges if said. Court. ;In the matter of the account of Jacob. Bruce, Administrator, de bums non of the criatp of'Um. J. Bruce, late of Hopewell tp.,jdec’d. vr —~T'rv Aiidnow, to wit. Junta'-27th, f SI2.UL ) 1602, upon petition, pf .Joseph V. ' llauibo, sole legatee under the wit! cf’Hannah Ram bo, who was the Another and heir of Win. .J. llruce/dcc'd.,' thi Coun appoint B. B. Chamberlin, Ksq./ an. Auditor to make distribution of.said estate ito and amongst the parties entitled thereto/ add date report at next term. From the Record. , Attest:. A. G. M’CREABV, tTki. I The iindersigncd will-attend to duties of above appointment at the Court House, in' Bea ver,"on laciisDAi Sl:i»Kj;ii;ii 4, at 11 o'clock, " j. )ic when 1 parties in interest will be dufy heard. B. B.CHAMBEHLIX, ‘ Aug. 2U, Oil. Auditor. IX 'THE COCUT OF COMMON PLEAS OF ■BiIAVLK COUNTV. ' f . ■ Xo. 1, Xov. • : ] > ; 1877. Foreigi ; ’ T I . Jut i Xiantlc Bank • V by default, jl- r ;H-i. _ .S' inent of'accoi [John Thompson! J affidavit filed, j! - ■; 71', v ; | ■ terest . from if- : June,' 1 S">o. . 1 J-' —y ; s' And now; to wit: July " .jJJJAIj ) Rule for the Protbbnotary 1 - sess the. damages land- lii 1 tile amount of the judgment in this ease I oihee, "it 'Beaver, ou I lie -llMlj day'bf J i ibull, a: jpJ o'eldek, A. M. ■' , ; I A true cxfraet tixm the Record. 1 j jylO. T vl Attest; Jl. AVKITANO, ; y i-TCTICIEj. .- [ i'*' Cp-|>artnershiD heretofore exist I i, L 1 j - no lap ami Wyle of A. 1). Gi] engaged in the busit " ot was duly di£«olrcif ’on tl i div oi%.Vpril, IS*;:!. Tho itrajks win be j £tt the - sa-re of. M. Cinilv.lid. All ; l*«{»wjnji “Uvea indebted ij the Itst •/trill f*;iU and settle immediately, , Books will be cb.-sTd without dcluv. j : N i -A. l>. CITbLILJ ! •'• A' . :M I Kevr iU:iLliluU r Mat IV, 1*502. . ■ vi-'-'J 17.1'C I Fivcj Cents Reward. I | Oil STRAY El) Aj-Vf a V. I | f y, Volunteers, V..\suiM*MiLLK>*, I • losmt-viy vi” Frankfort Va* ■ is o ! | feci fc iittriit-.^-Ijiirli. heavy _wl;i.-k r o:s ai u mus- 1 .( ta.cbc; We* 10 ii 1.i.-.ek edit. The, U st tliat.i • •‘was scmi ol him was at thc-Kocbcslcr > i The Jtfcovcj rewind will be paid on bis appro- j l bension. j i , ' - 1 I ■lb7 iV.ME jto (Lc premises of the aubjeriber, I V>/' :n Chippewa ip., about the Ist of 'July, | » White Heifer, If year- oM. The o vner is j requested |to come ffor\varJ, prove property*, i puy chartres mid tukulier away; Otherwise she I' wlll be disposed of according to law. | Au S .2l—2m. , . THU.S. MKINti JY. ,T XtJTKR.S of administration *on Hie estate •Al i K VXtiiick' Keating, latc of Kew Bright ),4ju bor-*.. 'l, havmg hecngrant ’ed to the undersigned,.-all poisons indebted to S'-iid estate arc.requested to make'immedtute payment, sod those having eiaitns.agniast said estate will present tbpm to (he aubkeriber properly authenticated for jSeulcment. j J. C. WILSON. lieuv^r, | Administrator* jj'2o j AD'>[I|X ISTi?ATO-R'S NOTICE, S ETTERS of Administration on the jcstaic. : -f of pol. .lasnni JI, Wilson, late of tbe borough oi' Ucavcr? Jacaycr County, Ifcun n; (Ice d, having been granted to flic undersigned ‘ ail person* indebted to said estate are rftjuest t<> made immediate payment, and those having claims. against the same \x ill present! tbdm 'properly authenticated for settlement. I JOHN II.iWILSUN* Franklin tj).,- aup‘Jo | • i r ■’ . Admiiiiatrator. AL»IUIpt.HiTiS AT.OIWS NOiljL’L '"%'TT'UEALAS letters onndministration on H the csiati of i Cool Yoltox, lute of Hauovcrj township, Beaver county; do-, ceased, Laving been | duly granted to the un dersigned, ; all mjrsous indebted to saidjestate arc poiitied to miakc immediate payment, and those having^claims againstVtlic same will pre sent |them | properly authenticated for settle ment) withouldelay. • ; ’■ .1 | I A. B. MILLER, jet. . |‘- . Administ^jtor.- •A DMIN ISTiiATOR S NOTlti’E. T ETTEKS of Administration on the |csta f 8 1 pf JiiMus M. Litiell, late l of ILiccoon ■lounthip, Beaver County, Penn’adee’dhaving beenj granted to the undersigned, all persons indc.l|tcd -to. estate are requested to make inituwlintejpgymcut, and those having claims against tile shine will present them properly authenticated lor settlement. | juticd. j JOUN M’HENRY, Jr. Adm r 27th, B.dl. nditor i*.cs- lies of lie, in it will NOTICE. • Term! :k At dgmeut State* unt and . Claim ' ilb in* 11th f 1602, .to as* initiate at bis ,ugust. j Pro. rig un J - JtLl.' Ci ■mnjlry vcd.ou ox* .the i Co'., y t jl*a., in. nil rlU'clvca ’ tU and EIX, . IAGII, IER. ng un iliUnd. aeVs of e Ifftlr senled Arsons V' arm as tbs M), St ray- Btj rirtn* bf'Sundry writs ‘ot 'L'eriri Facias Ifi«* Pacta* and Venditioni Expona»,fs- F L° > Miak sued wit bffhc Court of Commbn'pleaa.of tie l-V? 0- **s**■ cl;tsJcSL ‘ ikv, iiioa I kitchen back one storyhjgh, a one story brick “^y*, S T®W?; ethj 1862. building,used ** a banking>use, /fraina *• ll if V l " Lt $ ° V l -® fhrenocn, lid' following rtm bie, fetal houw* and «l« out-lUdings, Iproper^ t lo wit.: , ,: ... - ,-; Theaborolots are :Wbll improved andpUntril *"*?** claim Of with fruit and v I | Christian Secfned, one of the defendants, ; ; ,-ai, o lots N’o.Ma£d r 352. boandednafol of, jn- ; and to, the following - described lot k** fc. 85U bonndalibrtb by lolv*t No. 1 of groumtpsitnato m the [ Borough ol Ko- -»4**aatbT-Frbiit | Chester, Beayec county, Fa,. ttaunded, as fol. by KrttadWW. ' Ko. M 2 botinded! owsl on, the north by I>rdy » hetn. east by notth , b , , o ' t jf 0 . 850, front street, lot C s^ ,ea Js““ e ! r - ttouth by Water street,! ,o U th h/Uurelitreet,l*nti.Wei* by Broadway, and iweri by Ovid Finney; the above lot front- Tbe ab J v< , loti u endoeure and plinUd 'v f c0 * 011 at€r atr6 ® t fp** baA.®* with' fruit trees, shrubbery," Ac.r onwhich is houie, 14 by 28 feet in length and breadth. length and breadth. I i : V i 4*o. one: othw% of ground (being No. 73 eitei taken in as'lhe ptioper- of Freedom) .ituate m : ty of. Harrison Mendopballand -|L B. Cham- NewSewickly, tofcnship,^Beaver county. Pa., berlin at thc guit 0 y , E dWard Hoops, now bouidedss follows, v.i: fegnuinif at a post for of I’bos. Cunninghin£ I. .at the intersection of PutchhitDa run and v. 7. . atlca i? • degress east to a post ai the AaI * . «,» . J-. at . and. First stmt, Alienee 4l V® ?«*’ ll i south 44 feet to a post then to { lc^ n ° f * by & dCgrtcswcst to Dutch-/. 0 ,‘ h , e . f “ U<^‘ n ?- *"*«*• lt *°. **' mad’, nm. thetalS by-tbo couweof «Uf -£‘ ruiflo thbl place of beginning, onj which is : «MUdone frame house with cellar il SJt£t S erty of Christ iau Seefried, B oiie df,;the d«RM , “ ,, |* ' m J%? 'T: da& - % ■*<s• “ i .-■•.k i Q^* ia y? w 125, east by Ohio streCti south by VPaahington At tbe same.jgg^W l ptabe. alljhe ngM, ' street, west by lot No. 177,dud being 40 feet mtorest, J'ront* extending back lO'ifeit.' -: I * and-to the follo#iglotof|[ri>und m kails-j Seixed and taken iri execution as the proper ‘«B Beaver county,' Ka.Jf'bdHtded on the north . ; Q- X i cbo igoi and Majy E. NichoUon, I bvijWoolen Factory, by Beaver creek, bis wifei she being owner, bp reputed owner, i s&th by Kennedy & Co., andweat by Dimcan, | tbe Btt i t of bo ® ■ on jwbich ia erected-jt two P * kouae v‘Xo. 8. »• ALSO •; coitar uudcriteutb, and a none foundation about] ‘ ‘ (j ■_ ;| is*. ' 40 bv 51 feet. TherO is belonging to the above )■ At the same timt-jqkd plaeo all the right ttaf brtiMriy I*2 shares stock in Fallstou Water j tie, interest tuidclwnto/ defendant; ofT in and Coi feach share boing equal to the 100th of all I W «bc following; situate In water belong to Fallston Water Co.). j the borough or Self; Erigßtun, Bearer county Also, a lot of ground situate lit Now Brigh- 1 PcUasylvania, alllhat cerialn cine-story frame toti. Beaver county, bounded north by Mchani, ■ building situate on the West side of the;- Pitts east by Kaiiroad street, west and south by J. f burgh Fort Wayne «td Chicago Railroad, be- T.fßugh; about"7( 190|feet, and under tween the lands] Of- JamesvMsrqnta on the fenoi. f south, and Higby and Knott'oh'the nhrth, eon peized and taken in execution as the prop- tailing in front on saijd P-tulford, about tw;eniy-‘ ort'v of Jos] T. Fugh, Ex«eutor v of last will seven feet, and in depth about twenty-one frtt; anfi icstanicnt of John Pugh, dee'd., at the | having a steam-.bditar/orcita (hr tlie distißa4 suit of Samuel E. Walton, also at the suit of tion of Coal Oil, and [other Small out-buildings John Walton. , . ! allachcd thereto, and the,lot or piece lof -i ALSO, i ground and curtilage appurtenant! to. said ' ' building. Seixed and;taken in exceutibn. as; the property of K. N. Homer at the suit of William Barnhill & Co. : No. 9. , ALSO, 4 • . At the same time and place all the right- ti tle, interest and claim of defendant, of, in and to nil that certain piece, parcel, lot or mes suage of grouhd situate in thc borough of New Brighton, Beaver county,rl’a., described ab folioivs. do wit: Beginning on the towing path j ndjoiiie in line of lot belonging tohciraof An i j drew Giahr.m. 'dec'jll, llience up the towing I path t-wo hundred. feet thence along said road and line of lot formerly of Matthew : Bryjiolds. fo the Brighton road v seventy -lwo;l feet to siiid ijne.of Graham’s lot' thence down the Same to place of beginning, on which arb l erected one two story,brickjiause with cellar j underneath,, and one frame stable, a; number of fruit tfeesxm the lot, and a well Of good wa- J ter a'i the door. Seixed and taken in execut ion aellie property of Joseph McClure and Elixa beth McClure at the! suit of Sarrab &,Eeoff. No. 10. ALSO, i'.-a.-.-jJ . At the same time nna plug, all the right,ti tlo, interest'and claim of defendant of, in anti to the following tot of ground situate in the borough of New Brighton, Beaver county? JPai, dusignnlcd as lot No. 408, and - bounded as follows: Beginning Ibn Bridge street at the sout Uveal corner of lot No. 497, formerly by Matthew Champl.iD, a|i|d now of'tately oo cupied by Milton- TciWqpcnd, and running north 01 dogree« 1 to-PearlslVeet, thence 2O degrees, south 44 feet to lot No. 400, thence south: 01 degrees west 200 feel to Bridge sireet. thbnce along Bridge street,44 feet toplotce of beginning; containing 32 j per ches. bc.lho samo giorc or less, and ( being the same premises conveyed by Jos. W. Maynar(l_ atiil Susan L-, his [wife., to Louisa L. Olden, on the 2Clli of Oct., IS3l—on which nfcercct j cd one frame dwelling house, .two stories high, j and «:;? fratiie stable; a number of fruit lrces on the, lot. ’ ! : - ■j : , - , i Seised and taken in elocution as the prop erty of Maria Gould at the suit oj Fanny C. Hess. [. i ■ !' No. 11, , ' ALSO.. "At the same time {and place, all the right, title, interest and blaim of defendant of, in and to the following described property, to wit; All those three lots of ground situate in the borough of New iilrighton, -Beavci county, numbered'l2o,'l2l and 122, botindml as. fol- ; lows, to wit: Oh.ths north by Market Street,- east by.iihird street, south by mulberry alley, on thc West by Clover alley, all under, fence. : Seized anij taken in'execution as the prop erty of Tboinas T. Reno, at the; suit of John A Braden, ’ 1 . ‘ ■ ! Ni. 12. ALSO. - At the same time and place, !' Kt the same time and place all the right, ti- ' ! tics interest; and claiimipf defendant of, in and! Ko|ihe folloiving described lb*wit: j ' All that cc.ijtaia.lot or piece of ground situate i iajthe village pf Shippingport.: Heaver county, bounded .ori/t be-north, south and cast by land. : of[ John Chnstler, op the west by the Ohio rilyer, containing abViut quo acre, more op less, ; onf' iU * rqctcd one large New Frame , y inuring-Mill viiu .Steam Power, embracing ; one Uscilmhig Engine and ‘One Double fiued j Hoiler, witii two scts-ljf Hurs, sSiuut’Machidjes [ and nil of her necessary machinery for a good 1 Flouring .Mill; the above building if four aio [ rios in beighth, thirTy-five.lcct long and thir i tv feet - wi ite. ’ [Also, one; frame Saw Mill forty-five feet lo£g and 18’feet-!wjde,| and will cut thirty-six fectl. aii«l is al&o i’un by the cleam engine /that the Grist mill is; the above mills nv« well located fkjr business. .;■)*. ' ; ’ '• ,' [Seized and taken In execution as the proper ty of T. #7 Kleeson at the suit of David Gamble. \ '- _ ■ N0..4," [ ' '■.■■■ ALSO..; , v v;" 1 L 't 4 •; 5 At the same time and placc, all the right, till? interest and claim of defendants ol‘,in and .to \ho following message of tenement and tract of latid, situate in (now) the town ship of Indii-lry, county of Header.and 'Stai© of I’eunuylyohia; bounded and described aa follows: beginning at the niouth of Kun where the mme debouches into the Ohio river at or near! t|«e| village of said township oil Industry, and vanning whence up said Wolf Run by and along .liirte of land owned (formerly) by Win. Henry north 63 de grees west t!2 perches, north 28, degrees east 17 perches',|north 47 degrees west'TiS. perches north- 39 degrees west C perches, nqirtli 47 de grees'west 17 fetches, -north .I*s degrees west 'B.perches, norjth 28. degrees west 20 perches, nprth 38 degrees' jyesi U .perches, north 58} ’dc gFeeawcMdoSperches, south 77} degrees west-8 perches, north 76} degrees west 17 8-00 perch es, and north 31 degrees west 7 perches to a rod oak: (on the •plot, now astump; thence by and, along of Jacob Ross (former ly William Vabdc) south 33 degrees west 4t» 7-10 porcjics i*s Vhickory, thence along the line of laud belonging to John Vance..south t;*>J degrees east; 20 perches to sugar tree; thence along (the line l of laud formerly of John Vance, now ol -.Tames S. Wells, south' 56 degrees io the line of land owned' by Wiiliaraj Cairns; thence by «aud along the line of the said Win. Cairns south G 1 degrees enst (or -thereabouts} to the centre of Coal street, aah laid! e|aV in .the plan of. Industry; thence along skid Coal sired north 67 degrees east to Cantoq street,; thence along suiu Can- Jor.’strect south 32 degrees cast, to its mouth; •thence along the line of- Jacob Ross (now Samuel 2ii degrees east 14 8-10 perches Or thereabouts to the Ohio river, and thenqeup the said river along the margin t hen - of north 51 degrees east-4o the place ol begin ning; embracing within said limits all the lots of. the said to.wn or village, of Industry, lying between the said Canton street and Wolf lUm, mid. extending to the river, and containing; in all about nineteen acres of land be the same; more or less, (excepting and re serving thereout and therefrom, nevertheless, one lot one hundred feet in length amj seven ty feet in breadth; on which is erected a brick church, apd also it lot of ground ,on J which .is erected a frame school house, the sue of the lot not 'known;) oh which said premises above described are erected one frame 1 flouring mill -11 stories high, and steam saw mill—the flour ing mill being forty feet wide and .sixty ■ feet long, with otie.engine and boiler'and power :U itcicnt to run tbe saw mill and grist mill the flouring mill having two pair of .french burs .and one Laurel Hill; and all other necessary and fixtures for a good mill; both saw,mill and flouring mill being in good order, j Also, all those three certain pieces, parcels or I lots of ground lying ai/d being 1 situated in the J village, of Industry, county and State afore said, being lu*. sVNos. -42. 48, and 44 in the plan jof lots of said village, and. comprising tbe I block of lots included within Canton street, Orange street, and Grape and Centre alleys ; on which are erected one frame dwelling house and frame-stable, the house-beinjf'about 41» feet in front, 18 feet deep, and two stoiics high with two-story kitchen attached. The three,lots are endorsed with a good board fence. - Seized and taken in execution as tbe^prop erty of Benjamin Todd and Francis Vi. • Walter at the suit of William Cunningham' and Sam uel Buncsn, executors of the last will and. and testament of James U. Latin dec'd, No. 5. ALSO; “ At,l he same time- apd place all the right, ti tle, liftcrcst and claim of defendant of, in and to, the following lots of ground, being Nos, 672, .157.3, "and 674, in thp borough of New Brighton, Beaver county, Pal, bounded on the north by ,lot No. 671, east by oth street, south by Pearl Street, west by 4th street, on which are erect good,iw;o story frame house, frame sta ble, coal house, smoke house, etc. The above lots in One enclosure, and planted with fruit trees; waler.. c,;livcnicnt. Seited and taken in execution as the proper ty of tiavid J 1 ■Connell at tile leuit of Joseph Smith,.. N<>. 6.,. ALSO, it thesamo time and place all the right, ti tle, interest and claim of defendants, of, in and io the following lots of ground, being Nos. 477, 478.' part of -rfx, situate in the boro.; of New Brighton, Beaver county, Pa., bound ed as fbDftrtk 4b wis* Let No.' 477 bounded otp 1 f , I ... . -**uCj . pi —V . title, mien-stand claim of defcndent, of, in and to the following ttvol lots'ofiground, situate in tlie borough of Darling! on,, Beaver Co., Pai, being Nos.-35 and 36, in the place' of said town, 00 feet by IK) feet ciph. making all 132 fcct Y frohtr : by IK) deep, and all under fcncc/on which is erected otic large frame dwelling and fiturp house, being-25 feet vide anil 60 feet in length, ■ the remainder. being in two apart ments, one ten by fifteen feel, and the. other 10 feet square, tjicj' whole building being 70 feet long and 2o feet wide, wlith cellar under neath, there is ntsojtwo pcw room lately added to the house;' Also.a frame warehoused by3t> feet In length and breadth, two stories high ;; also one fraite stable, 18 by 24 feet, on lot No. 35) ‘ '■ ,:I ■, I | Seized and taken in execution as the . prop erty of Marshall atthe suit of AVU son,-Payne & Co. j 7 , \ ' tIST Purchasers will lake .notice'that 10 peri cent, upon all amounts of their bids will be rej quired in hand. All bids under $5O; willba required in cash at the time of the iale... : - If these conditions are not complied with the property will be re-sold. .1 ' ■ 'v JOHN,ROBERTS, Sh’ff. I] Sttißirr’s Owes, V "■ i ]J - Bearer, Aug. 20, j’62. / WHO WAKTS AN AGIiNGY ? | A BOUT to enter the Army, I with to dis-i •|/\ pose, of iny Agency for Beaver SountyJ tor n couple of popular and salable'books.— i Any one desirous of engaging in such business': would do '.well to call at once upon the'sub-j scribcr, where samples cad, be seen, terms! learned, etc. Any one wishing such an Agen-' cy Would better apply soon, I ■ ’ UOBT. K; DAWSOS, l.j aug.2o ■■ Ohioville, Beaver co.. Pa. j; . Marei: CKME'to tlie premises of the subscriber', 1 living ia Hig llcaver . township, Beaferj comity, on the'evening of the ■SMlhjof April,: a" small Hay Marc* about 5 years old, shod; all around, saddle marks, oil bind bough\en largtal by a cut or bruise; no other maVks per ceivable. , The oWhcr is desired to come for-; ward, prove property pay charges and take heri away, or otherwise aho will be disposed of ac-j cording to law.* ‘ : ! . Junell 8t JAMES K.- CALHOUN. | ' Notice. ’ '■ ■ ■ 'i A I.L persons having unsettled, seeouiil /\- with trie, or Smith & Collins, within the Sul twenty years, fopOording, Spinning, :&«,* will pleasecallat (he FaUstbn Wdolen Factory! before the first' of October, 1862, And mIUA tha same by cash or not*. i Jyl«,'«a . | 1 I ,1 HOLLOWAYS OINTMENT.! EONQ' marches, sore ami stiff joints, buster-. edandinflamed feet.all these thosohJier mirat'ehduire, REMEMBER THIS, wjtgn your sons arc grasping their fmuket* to meet danger, think what relief a .not' of this ; AhL & COOLING Salves Will give; to the one you loro when far pway from home! sh<l friends. U hardens and makes l lough .the feet- so thattheycan; endure great fatigue, . It stjdthes and relieves the inflamed and slllTcned joints, leaving then) supple;' strong andiTigor ous, whilefor ' .1: „ ’.j 'IV : ’’ ■ I iSABRE GETS AND GUNSHOT WOUNDS, i It stands unequalled, removing and preventing every vestige of inflammation’ and gently drawing the edges together, it quickly and completely facaU the most frigidly wounds. (;■• WIVES’ ANDi iSISTERS PF OUR VQEUN ,|i" ■;;,[! f. TEEKS V •; f ■ You cannot put into thg Knapsacks of your Husband* and Brothers, a . more valuable or more necessary: gill than asupply of tills i EXTRAORDINARY MILITARY SALVE. • i The lonely, sentry walking bis 'rounds at night, exposed to drenching rains and chill night air; is often seited the most -VIOLENT PAINS, COUGHS and SUFFOCATING HOARBNESB, first' symptoms of QUICK COS-' SUMPTION,! but if suppiietff with HOLLO WAY’S PILLS and HOLLOWAY’S OINT MENT, all jdanger. is averted,a few Pills taken, night and morning, ftnd.the ointment briskly rubbed twice* day over'the throat-and-, ebret will remove the; SEVEREST PAINS and stop the mostjUstratimg or DANGEROUS COUGH Thefore Vreeay to the whole *tmyj if;' -p: : ■ SOLDIERS ATTENTION!! !]! ' See to your own health; do not trust to the Array supplies although most valuable. These PILLS and,OINTMENT have been thoroughly tested, they ate the only' remedies used ih the: European Camps and Barracks, I for bvcr!forty! years. Doctor Holloway, has supplied. all the! armies in Europe; and .during the CRIMEAN! CAMPAIGN!he established a depot at. Bal aclava,: for the exclusive sale;’ of these GREAT. REMEDIES, many a time his special ‘ Agent there has sold over a ton iiq wcigh| of the Uintmentin a single day. J These terrible and fataltenemies of the Soldier linl Camp, DIARRHEA, DYSENTERY, SCURVjY, SORES aind BCKOFLT.OUB ERUPTIONS,: pH 1 disip-|| pear like a obhrm before . these PILLS: AND OINTMENT, and now while the. Cry. rings; throughout the land, 1 * * ( • v ; ,j : . fTO ARMS it, Tp ARMS:!! [ ! Do not let these .brave, men polish by dis ease, place in their hands these PRECIOUS REMEDIES, tfaat will enable them to resist the dangerous exposures, the Fevers,- the Chills, and the wounds which they cannot avoid, olid whntis more';cannot frequently get succor in the moment of if our bravemen have pnly to put tbeir hands into thieir Knapsacbs'nhd find there a stire remedy, fbr all the casualtics of thc batllo field. How many| thousands, of lives .would thus be: saved who would otherwise perish before relief could he.obtained, j-• '.:|l I ; ■■; <?AUTIOJi are genitive- unless the words "Jtvliupay, AVir York and London,", sire discernible jaS a water-mark ini every leaf I of thd.bpok of direct ions’around each pot or ; box ; Jhe same toby be plainly scon hyloldipg ' ! the leaf-to ilte UffUtl A l , handsome rcwaid will be given to any one .rendering such informa tion as may lead to thedcticliiin- of any party or parties counterieit!ingUie medicines orveud : ing the same, knowing them to be spurious. ■ ] ««* Hold: at this Manufactory oi ProfesSor UoLiowAt, 80 Mdiden Lane, New York, and by all respectable! Druggists and Dealers in ' Medicines, throughout the civilised worldj,' ih boxes at 25 cents, [62 cents shd $1 each,' .’•I There is considerable saving by taking vhe Idrgcr sizes. ■; „i " X. B.—Directions for the guidance, Of pa tents in every disorder areaffixed |tb each box 1 . May 7. j:-;! ;■ j..-;!;.:!, iL.I notice iii IS hereby! given that': the final hccoubt of Thotna,s M Clare, Committee of Jonathan Phillips, a lunatic, has been exhibit,ed and tiled iu mjr office, j and that the SiinieWilfbe allotted] by the Court on the second Mofiday of,Sep-/i tember, A. D. 18t>2, unless cause then besnown against the confirmation. 1 | 1 MICHAEL WJSTAND,: frothy.’ ; In the Court of Common Picks of BearerCo.:' j In the' matter of the account of .Thomas M'- Clur'e; Committee of Jonathan .] Phillips, a iif'ti3!ic.f- I > I v; 1 -And now,'to wit, June 27,’ 1662,. the Court firant a Rule to show cause why theCoWniittec should not/be discharged from his jtrusttupoti confirmation of hjs account,;, and payment of the balance in bis hands; and order notice to bo g|ven by/publication in■ the Beaver, Argds according to Kule. 1 1" -I. . : MM ( Bsaveb, County,! ss: ' Ml - 1 A true copy of Rule. 'MICHAEL VVEYAXD, ' j ■: ■ Prothonotary. Attest: jylti —St Notice.- . . , James Hocy i In the Court ..of Common fTS. > Fleas, of jßearer County, Su«nn lioey J • No. 70, 'March Term,” 1802. j' And now, June 4tjb, 1802,] the original and. alia* subpoena in this caseharingbeen return ed by the Sheriff, non eft im-cN(ur v and proof being made that Susan -lioey could not be found ip Bearer county, the! sheriff is direct ed, to' give notice, according to law, requiring the-xespendent, Susan lioey; to appear’in this (Jourl on the first Jay of next term, (Sept. Bth.) to iibswer thepetition of libellant. , j ' | ! ' i UV THE COl’llt. j Susan lioey', tl*e respondent abfiTc named, is hereby notified to.nppear in this Court, on the firsl’.day- of neit term, (Sept.’ Klh) in pur suance of said order. JOHN KOEEIiTS, r ■ I.UcaTer, Aug.-2,,|C2. | . ■ ' Sheriff. 30 O ;R. o •joi'-M cl Ueai d s WANTED ! ■ all the rti rpO fill .up the' above named Regiment now I in the field. I .New inducements for enlisting in old Regi ments, beside SoU ADVANCE PAY by. the Government, Oldßeaver Co. has agreed to pay a ! BOUNTY OF $75,00 1 to each recruit joining Regiments how in tlie field; making ■j. '■ ’■ ■ ; | #ll*s Bounty, -'u | IQkiFor further-particulars apply to John A. Frazier, Peter Crowl, Joseph Douthitt or Cspt. D. Dawson of this Company* or to the subscriber ntiNjew-CasUoi l’a. • : ■ . ji. . 1 ■ j: B®.Also one full Company wanted for the above-named Regiment..{ J': ij ! TIIOS. J. HAMILTON, { iiiliug Officer, ; P:u Viol’s. Ag:nt Mjiry 3 { telknap ‘Asa j Camptou Matilda Cotter Mrs jlotin „ Cnler Michael: Durr John J J... Dickey Diannah Dunn Chas Davis Nancy Friedman E. B* Oroscost Jasper- S" Harwell Mrs Minnie , Kcyler John i 1 i Kelin Margaret ! Kelley iTorctta , | I Persona calling for i 'will please say they'ad’ JAKS 4 CANS, • CORKS. ■ Tii.i- SEALING WAS, ‘ 1 ; bosin> li-hf'-; -v-.v CANARY SEED,**. At USKBY’S. % '-I i* /, j! UXCALLEft FOR, .'ost office at Beaver. C. .802. . V Mines Rozclta’ . J Nelson Rcbecka J goggle Lafayette.' ■ Petinypacker George. / Pfiillis '*rs( Maty •" { Pow ell M tgiirct i Kh deal, icind* Stifw art ~irs E ■ Scpit B ill ( „ . ■Snltner Henrietta , Waggenseno'rF. B. Way Ella -' r v WiMeNctlie ’ Wilson Mary E ~ Voting Adeline letters in the shore List vertised; y ANDERSON, P. Mi • fcii' parsons Wtesestcdl in j the), following J\_\ Administration anti Guardian Accounts, ,wliich: hayo been passfid anti .filed in theU'o gistci-'s office,) of ■' Beajfijtr county, Pa.) will fake notice that' the same- will fie presented i toth- Orplii»iis''Courf, to bo held'nt Heaver, on Wtß xesuay, lOtk of SsrrtMßtb, 186?, for confir; mktiehauJ allowance; |./ f. ■ • ■’..j-, ■ j ).. i The final, accounts, (Heal find I'ersoniil) o lllram S. Phillips andTlifis. PJ Robinson. Ex ecutors of the ) lost will" iif Wm. IP. Phillips, dee’d. ’■ i I )■■ j /)•. "" ■'! , ) -\y., ■ • Tlio final account of-jVlox. M’Kte, Adminis trator 6f the estate of .lames M’Kee, deo’d. . The snpplemontal andfiuul Accounts ,{Kciil and Personal), of John M’Cloflky. bne of the Executors ofGcn. Wui. Marks', dee d. j. • Tfi€ | 6nal nceoubt drt’bo3. Withrow,, Ad iuinistrator of the estate, of Taos. Scariglit, rdec’d.. ..]) 'j' "i '., Tho final account of!, Robert Eukin, Execu tor fif'tlie latjt will) of Elea)l or L. Eakin, dec’4' * The, final account’ of Rdliert. M,’Crcery, Ad)- mjjnistratnr, tyilli the rrill, anncxe.d of James ‘Logkrif dec'di .\ r; v); I•- i | TUefinaliiccounl., (Real; and Personal)’of Robert Eakiii, Administrator. with the, will annexed, .of jlTin. Eakin,' dec’d. f ; The final account of >Vm. Breitcßstelhi. I s ecutor of the last will of Homan Breiitn stein.' deo'd. ■\ ~ - j.'JJ I . L"' . The final account of Samuel Nelson, Ad ministrator jof-lhe esfatel of Wo. ,M. Robb, dfic'dJ. ‘ !: I'i j;.-!/-."'-" - I The final account of Samnel iNelson, rarer ingAdminlsi ratorof the estate of John Nel son, dec'd. Ill' 'ii i)-‘ j v -f ■ s The final account (Personal) .of William Hall and S. B.*McElroy, Administrators <if the estate, of James McFadden,' dec'd-. also Par tial 'account! op the Beal, estate) of said de ceased. ' j l .*’’!-’ J\’ 'i ■’ 1 - > fir icounts 'Teal find Personal ■'w" The final Mi (Bt. ill.'a, Moon, Executor of t ry Jonbetun, dec’a. ,■ ; ■. ■ j The final account of Elizabeth. Potior, Ex ecutrix, 1 and Andrew Watteraon,! Executor of thelnst will of James t’otlcrj dcc’d. lj ' ' The final account of Thos. Standisfa, Execu tor of will of Margaret Shields, dcc’d'. i'TJih guardian.account of John Daria, Guar dian : of Robert McCoy, I minor son of Hugh McCoy, dee d. '■. | '•[ ;. 1 : i' * i : The Guardian account of| Elisha Thorns burgh.' ■ i -i • i !. j ■ Guardian of James, M.; Littell.'minor sob of WiHiam Lit|cll, de£'dj“ | j. ' T ; ■ , Th!e Guardian account' of Wjn.idl. .Frazer, Guardian of Aaron Stephens, ’minor son. of Joshua D. Stephens, if i 1-hc Guardian account .of Hirath S." Phillips andThomas'F. Bobipson, 1 Executors of the last will of [|Wm. P. Phillips, dec|d., who was Guardian of Mary Ellen;Brown”minor daugh tcr of, John A. Brown, dcc’d. i ■ ■. Kf : - i v • A. R. MOORE, ... 6,’63 : | ■, j j Register. - ; MI the- I , v VTtJEpAY MORNING POST. {'Tuo best Ifamily Xewspnijer in • WESTERN PENN-’A. 41 the oily , ! D«ni6ora£jC Sheet, in I: • ■■Pittsburg. ! j ‘‘ —.u 1 I 'l. Si •*!. AiiLISIIK. IN I ISC4. ns/all tligfc-CRREXT' OF reliable. Monetary, | Market and reports ainl a choice selection of ry, Literary and Scientific Ankles, i|nlj!c Statistical Information, , !Ag,ric,uUural Sews,-i &c!; - .' ■ E3T It tfontai; IE I)AV nuijcrcia les, Poc'ti I ~' -ALSO— .atost Telegraphic News., cycry important Item of' News, i «nd Demesne. .'ConmssjoiJ&r - l ‘lligpnce’, ' , * pccdltfgs, &c/ oer. cni'iium for ja Single Copt/, or 11 'ijOfin we t/etrfor slo. ; ■ JAMES P. DARK, \ '• Editor and-Proprietor. . r Fifth ftndWpod sts r> ' Pa, I your inoneyj by mail at my risk. The ' fl ibrncing I'Oreig Int mt, $1 AODEE3-I Come ; (SuSeni $3O. Employment. $lOO ' '-I 1.-.-" ■ . _ll i ; r- r :'•» ■ tcqlviivitßdiAL agents waited TO SEEL, 6ooos for the (A NEW KXGLAXD) finfacturin g. C 0 mpany. HOI?. W. W. VAUGHN, i ' , Mayor of.RAC.LNE, Wia I HOST. A. FAEB, V' # ‘ j * .j ’ Mayor of KENOSHA, .VHS. HON. JOHN C. HAINES, , ;,V ; j.■ ,j; -■ Mayor of.CHICAGO. ILL HON. M. J. A. HEATH; |‘ ’ ■; Mayor of SELMA, - ALA. HON. A. J. NOBLE, ,V / -3. i T - *• ■j ; -’Mayor of MOHTQOMEBT, AfiA PQTTvHOITSB , soiliiw/s . holyeab. /• | Pkop’k, v ! [l ‘■ Mayor of coiagsTEUS. ga Cot. mom St. tfc Du.'/ucsnc Wehj, DON ESPARTEBO MANUEL, ■ • ■ ' . 'il 5. 'r- Mayor cf VEEA CHUZ; ‘ PITTSBURGH. PA. ! I- • . ‘ , *-.••• 11IE “SCOTT iIOtSK” is one of the largest i DON. PIBTBE BE OABALLp, and b jst liofels in thelroa City, j ii { , Mayor of MEXICO. 1 neither pains nor expense will be spared | eqjt ESTEPHANIE RODRIGUES, maintniA it* .well, earned llk j ji . ' : ‘ .Mayor iof HAVANA ration, ia convenient tptheß.ndgesana Kail- . . i.' _v , - . .f,. . j ... ndj stations, specially } comnlendß it to' the I BON'ANTONIO ECHEVEHA, ■ ,veiling jjublii| .jC. *j'| ■ ' Mayor cf IJMA, PEEP A. TOWNSEND'BON M. G. MHANGNO, . ' .j; Mayor of TAEP ARAISO, CHTIJ E WILL GIVE A COM MISSION OF one hundred per cent, bn all f goods id t.y on • Aggnts, or .wciv.'ill pay wat;cs at W s3|) t > SUlll per mouth aud-'pay, all pe ssary. cS senses:; "Tor particulars address ithstamp, . - .1 A' ‘' | ' i. CIIAS.; RUGGLES. Gen. Ag’t, For. tire Adams Wanulacturing Co., Detribt, chigan.' - ; ' |;j j.j 1 ; |July 2, 1802.. •goi< fr t ces -wi] MILO ' f 'I,/ PiAXEIt IN; ;| B 0 O K Sy, STA TI O KKRY Wall Paper, TOYS A-S'd FANCY AKTICLTiS. | NEW BIUGIiTOX r Pf, i - NEW ,■ LIXEIY AVI) IV\ UA-ll KIXG ,[■ . ESTABLISHJIENT, V]'/ BROADWAY, NEWPBRIGIITOX,; PA., .! our Dog!™ below Dr. Sargent's Drug Store.) nay7,6i—ly; ' -MRS. & MISS KEXC. ; i A. R. THOMSON, HORN EX AT LAW. y/icty eprvrr of'Thnd street and the.Diamond] PA.;■ ‘ lay 31. | .' j ; -.-1 ’. iNTEL, ARBUCKLE &CO, | MASCFACTI’TEUS OF oil, .‘■■■l Rochester, '. vi',- BEAVER EOl/.NTVV EA-[np2 ' JOHN B. WILLIAMS, arber Shop one doof 'east/of. Hotel, ) * jßfcltDGE^V^ H JL-ROAD HOUSE, ;[ JOHNSON, PRO’R, ROCHESTER, PENN’A. Terr’s Hotel, i Street, Beaver, , Fena’a> &. KERR, 1 ■I - ■rj \ Peppeigauee, Porte Xtonaies, Paa* ,MaU«*d Uttar P»p«r, Eirreldbi*, > : henbt*4.. , ATSUI Booki MAYORS OP THE • . pities.,' : - } ■ Wo.tJieinnderslsnoA Mayors, hereby <wr- ; } tit> that ths'firaskisia. ApotHeasriCs, iod'i POyatoiaasof oar several cities hove cismod .- a document of fwsuranco to ua that A.YEH*3 ; SARSAPARILLA baa been found to be £ remedy jof great excellence, and worthy,, the confidence of the community. ';; : j'y^. HOST. JAMES COOS, ~ ' ■ ;■ , \ Mayor of XiO WEXJj, UA33. ‘ SO J. ABBIH BEAEdj - " ( Mayor of JSAdihJA, K. H HO2T. 33. W. HARBIITQTOIT, '; t . , Mayor o' IiANOHSaTBa. JT. U: ■ S6S. JORN ABBOTT. , ' ] ■ ■ Mayor of COJS'CJOKD* 2T, H-' ■Hbisf. A."IL BULLOCK, •May(jr of: MABS; > . HON HATH’Ii SILSBEB, V > ■ {/; . ; Mayor of SALEM, MASS; ;. HdN; P; W. EINCOXW Jr., . :;;V .1;, ; . , Mayor' of BOSTON, MASS;; - HOIf. WM;i M. ROBMAN, ‘ Mayor of BBCfvtfteNOß.’M. .t. HON. AMOS W. PRENTISS, , Major ofj NOEWIOti, COJTU.'i HON. J. N. HARRIS, t ': v ii J : i ■ . j; : Mayor of HiiW LONDON, OOSJ); HON. CHAS. S. ROOTER, ; ! " • ■»»«•« mootseai* <*.■%; HONpDa P. TIE MANN, Mayor of NEW YOBM OTTST; HON. H. M. KIH3TBEY, V ■■! -j '( .. Mkyor of TtAannTQg. d-S*.-,. HON. ADAH WILSON, , ■ ' [;j j .. Mayor of TOHONTO, O, HON. R. M. BISHOP, j::‘ - ■ Mayor of‘CINCINNATI, OHIO. HON. I. H. CRAWFORD, ’ ! j ; ( : Mayor of LOUISVILLE, KY. HON. JOHN SLOAN, : . |r ;.**•■■ Mayor of LYONS, lOWA.' EON. JAMES MoPBETERS, • ' . j .. Muyor'of O. W; HON. JAMES W. NORTH, j [ v Mayor .of, ADOOSTA, MB. HON, HENRY COOPER, Jr., ii ' j ■ I Mayor of HAIiJjOWSIIiXi, MS.’ HON. JAMES S. BEEN, . / ■ •''j'S r' Mayor pf fiISDKIiIOTOIJ, N*B. Hdlf. WILIiA:rD if£E, _ ;ii ' Mayor of JTEW BEI)FOSD, MAB Si HON, J, BLAISDELL, - * . ~ j \[-31*J0X of T’ALL BIVEB. MASS; HON; W. H;'CRANSTON, V ■ ■ | s r ■ Mi-cr of IaEWXOHT, H. I-' HON. STAHL, , j ..i- hi -j ■ Mayor of QALENA, TLTfc : iION. JOHN HODGDBN, ■ " .I'- ij ■J- ■■■'Mayor' ellßUßUQTlE; WWt 'eon. THOMAS CHCTCHEIELH,- Miy?r TSSN; EON. ROBERT BLAIR,- /. Of o laet will of M*- [ Mnyor cfTUSGAIjC)O3A, ALA •-; -> . - . |-i Mayor of ME3iPHISi'.TEIOTv HOE.; GBRASD STITH, ' ,j -1 : ’f HEW OULSAIfS, AA, HOIST. H. D. sbRATTTOIT, ’ i ; . - j Mayor of HOCSEE3TE3,I N.y. EOST. DE WITT O. GROVE; > Mayor of UTIOAVE. Y. HOST GEO. WHiSOW, - I--’ j- Mayor of PITTSBUfiO. PA. HOJT. C. H.. BTTHIi, 1 r ■ I .. Mayor of DETEOIT, MICH. HONi- HEMAK L. PAGE, DON MAHO SESQ.triPEDAI.IA, iJlayor of Hip JANEIRO', EBAZ: Oertiiy that' thq resident Sroutata ban ,J : / assured.(heai ■. l , " Sarsaparilla Is anexsellent remedy, hud worthy the con j *:■ community. ■ .For spring. Pop Purify r For Serofolt or EVUj ~ Sores. For Kruptlons >smd .Pimples* * . ; For Blotches, Ulßint, |and Bolls. : For l£t. Anthony’s Fire, Rose,: or Kpy- Por Tetter or Stdt Rheum; . '[tlpelsi Bor Scald Read ind ningirorra. Fop. Cancer and Cancerous Sores* For Sore,Kyes, Sore Ear«,and Hornorf For Female- Diseases*^ Foy Suppression and Irregularity. - por Syplillls or Venereal Dlsearscjs. For-hlver Complaints. *' “.7* - For Diseases ol the' Heart. V The Mayors Of the chief cities of the TTnl tad States, Canadas, and British Provinces Chili; Peru, Brasil* Mexico,and in tact al mbst all thw cities on this continent, hay< cipmedthis docnmenVto assure their peopl what remedies they may use with 'safety One conddence; our cpaco wlll ouly admi a portion of them. : f - ... Ayer’s SarsaparDla, • ■I Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, Pills, find " Ayer’s Ague Cure, rnupAßEii or ; '• Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co^. ' Ji I.OWF.LL, MASS.,. , And toll by Orug&lsta every tibw, [’ B®u For sola by u. : Minis,- jr., Baa-rCp; Cro8«. BochuteF- Wngponep &, Deary, Frei 30n.;. J. Nichole, Baden; J, Sorgea-, Jf« Brighton, John Black, : Darlingtok,' Do g*u & Bdg{srirr*l!(i«B,and by <Wlfn>r<; Proprietor. " Mayor of SUIAVAUJOE, WIS. ji.l M- ■' l EMI lIMM