BfiAVEB ARGUS - BEAVER, PENN’A. Wednesday, Sept. 3d 18 1 T. C. [Nicholson, - - - ;tor Peert.e's tiotioli Rate - tt for. Auditor-General, HON. THO’S. E. COCHEAN. or sous coxxrv. K For Surveyor- General, WILLI AM S. BO SS, or u;jiEXE .coc.NTY. County Ticket.- Congress, JOHN W. WALLACE,. Lawrence 00, _• State, Senate. JiIATTILKW S. QUAY. Reaver. (Subject to decision oJ'rfiSjDistrfct Conferee*.) Assembly. \YM. .HENRY,\ F:\Hstdn. - Associate Judge. HILTON LAWRENCE. Greene tp. ; District 'Attorney. S' JRUTAN., Beaver Commissioner. BA RUES, Bridgewater j* ' poor House Director. 6Aii L WXLSO2?, South ABeaver. -S > County Surveyor.' , AZARJAII WT-NN, Braver, • County Auditor; Ohio tp. Trustees of Academy. JAMES AjtLISON. Beaver. HEN RY IIICB, Beaver. •S. M. Pentengill & Co., • Xo 37 Pari S«*. A'. E.. 4'6 Stale are oiir Aeenis for the Auers in those cities. , , n j ar (. atuhcmcdto take Advertisements and Subscrivti°ns ; for us ot our I,exit! }{aia: County Coxnrnijtee- The hi cm hers of the Union County Committee are requested to mental ibc-i ■ -office, on Wednesday], g-tic ICib inst. at! o'clock r. 'M-.'-iorj , . ' i'i: l;ai't-r'.tti v ja c:‘ important business; j . ; Sword Presentation.! " A fail .attendance; \s ddwrod. j | OniPriday evening- the 29t ;» -ult,, j’'' • -D B. IMBRIE", CYi’nJ i-|a sword'was. presented to .Captain • ' The following named persons egm j James Darragh of Sharon, who left on dilute the Corainiitee; ; ' ; J Monday-morning with his ■ company ’pa L. lmi)j'ie,~t’/.’n.. V'. ■B.j'Voung, ’ |-f<>r Camp Carlin.. , The exercises took • ' John-Pobert's; n‘m. Sbrodcs, j ~l:i’ec in the AT E. Church illßrklge- J 9^ Ston ’ tfray? : ; 'I \ water/ The pi esentrttiorf spec :i was I>a\id JcLr.Eico. Thomas BI Wells, . f , n ade by Rev. J.jt S. Bracken l and is • WfiS: ' ■ [represented to have hecniayerj |«ap r . Samuel Miiciicll, % -B. P. CuambcrUn, • iny effort.'. Capt. JDarragti is a gallant ~T lUd °’ •u " [ ,' JoLn Slc “i 2 .' . j.felldw, and has a, splendid; company, j I'■ Departure ofTroops. -| whiekpvill no doubt do good service- I - ’On tjondav morniii/ three coippa-rfn our country’s pause;- On. Sifurdry ,rcs\4- nnJitrv, VlXli hufve'been ! dst: Wm. IMtCaUisler of the j, raised st«r bounty and encamped sanife company received a hindsomc in th'o Fai'- : rii : ouiuls,‘having received sword-from his line pm plover, Capt. j 111 ui.. 1 *ll. " . c I . 1, i . . i . Cl. . J ■ m - . -*■ . c-.i-vci-ai -i-cy. i it’ ijavijrg oc-en ail- y l *. - I . .f nonhccuHui Sabbathid.ay', in thc.diiTer-1 Two more swords iwerc Cut fcnurc.kes.'lhat ouwbruye boys.‘inVsentcd to Gapt. “Doneboo. an • the. evL-ut Of liu-ii arrival at Camp : Anderson, ot : the. Jrwih Ci , ,lfowe, wjjnid experience some delay { They; were presctit’bdin the •t’ v ’it} procuring rations for the first day-j terian Church in Beaver—tbi -the citizens of Bd-avor and the neig-h-Miy Rev.- Cunningham and 11 '' boring yriiagcaacm'.r.cuiateiy’ee.t’aboni iby lj£v. Dr. MeL'ean. - Sever r preparing something: for them, and at I speeches were made, and evei an early--hpur.g large amount of.sub-hpassod off pleasantly. I * ; . .substantial nrovisions was deposited!* ; ~~S‘ ' ~ '■■■C- ■■ , .a I tt ■-. i - •.- . ' ■ pjH * ItEcnniTico for the Oi J at tbcsCourt House .for tactr use. Cm > ■ ; ' , „ .. , " (• .£ s i « K-arn. that Cap Sabbath evening Kcv. (now Captupi) ; . ; * • „ ~A , . ■ . l i., •, - . .. £ J Adams of Co. I?, 10th Regime urmaau i.iehvered •an nnpressivcyer-i . • ’ . , » ■ , • .. i, in-vlvama Reserves,; has opei • n.. :i to fao volunteers m the B: P. i•/ . . ' • ~*1 »-■ A. i. ■ r . . ?■- eruiting oflice in .Roehesi Charcli of .J.' .. • . ■ , -i, j a'■»r - j v - ‘ • -Jf • belter ofneorneed one want t : Eartv on Mondav mornings our ; -s. . : ' stvoctfe to h* thronged wiai ilhc t-ati -Captam Adams, lie 1 soiJieri, their fricrtls ahd roiativLittll i prpveu hintselfa I • ■ ‘ * n 4 , V’ evident othccv: and besides to sav faroNvell to the bruvobnes t • - VV- ... ‘ i •, ;an accomplished gentlemen who. Udnn£-lheir-Jives m-their- lumas,-, \ ° ; • _ i - z i *.r *• v ' ‘.?&sn!ie oi the word, and'treat wero going lortii. to battle? ior wurji-' • , % counuy.; Xhe ’ioll.pi thy dnfpi ! - Kl> as y EN ‘ a J^’ 0 r ai^‘ ••shnll the life soon collcc\j. cn ° l 0 ; unns J *;• .Cd the sblilierp at the point of rondel gmicnt now.m thu held;, after Very delay.the - i companies; were soon formed into line , and look tip their"departure udr the cars at Rochester. .r - | [ : "While at Rochester the order to go ■ into'Camp Howe was countermanded, ’ and a despatekrocoived drdofiiig’ thein | to ro.port at Canip .X'uflin. The c-dja-! panics remaiacd in Pi ttsburg until 0 : b’cloek pi ( the ' evening' when tlicy- j '/ > started iofHarrisburg. ! ; ■ C‘i«p{.iin Oonfclitjo’s, Cavalry eompa ’ : uy jS retruitcd‘ in this-vicinity, left yes , terday for Harrishiirgr' They are a t spleYidid body of men and reflcctgreat : credit on their officers. f AYe b.opc to fnoav-agood account from all Ourimen ' ' The companies are officered' us fpl ■ lows: = E.jJj. Baker Guards: Captain, Eic-h -■' ■P. Rpber.i»t Ist Lieut., John D. Stokes; ’2d Lieut., Titos.Tler.ry, j Orrnand Bangers: Captain, Marcus■ ' Orrnnnd; Ist; Lieut., Justin Milier; 2d' ■ XfMit.. Sami; Campbell.. ; *'■ Li”. L’iirragh' Infanlry;| Captaii?, Janies ! Darraglglst Ai’Caliislcr. 2d Lieut., Geo. Shalicnberger. J,. Irwin Cavalry ; Captain, D. 31. Dontl.coj Ist Lieut., IJ. Q. AndoCson; 2d-Lieuti, John-Swapey! . 'i ‘ J-' j ' ! /J . I - . .. 2?OMjXATJCis or Hos. Wait!" w tACE. —The Conferees .of ibis district, j einbyacing UVe- oountics of LtywreittSe, ' Bearer, Washington and Grccn6,.met - oh the 28 th ult., at, the Monongehala 1 . . lloute in Pittsburg,Wd; unanimously ■nominated Hbn. J. "W.*,Wallace; our j . present able and worthy member, for j -’ ro-oicctioti. Hp.wiil iw elecUd witl:-1 ; oat a'oabc - • V H : r -- - Cojohel Quay,-; y' , • I We mentioned last 'AreelOth IL S.l Quay, E-q.,(if this place, lid long aid I favorably kown in this etimmuni Ye, had been cot mis:4ol,cl Coltinel.tift el tt3 134th Regiment, which is new , hi: t'i • service, , ramped upon' : Arling(ii i - : Heigh ts. , It is 'useless to say anything I in commendation of his -character las , a fi.-st . elass business man,.or a bravo and competent _officer. . lie 'has filled se.veratinlliortant pos i t i ons with ma k ? .. . , t - ed ability; being, twice , chosen by he people Of Beaver courts iisitheir 'Piro: - thonOtary. T.T . porr the breaking _out l of the rebellion he - resigned his - ogee; assisted in raising a comPany, in which he served as First Liente.iiant. lle r as then :appointed Assistant. Commissary 1 General.of „the State, a ft eards pri vater Secre'itiry to tilo Oorinlior, lind tnow, when duty calls,'lle resigns liat 'position and enwr&again .'pi to ac ire service. We can,- therefore, con lit lulate the 134th upon : theirr i i'lloicetr a Colonel;feeling assured that if an op . 1 . pore i nnity i s - offered that the can Fou -1o fidently, repose theii trust' in the:Sitiit i and bravery of their leaderf i n Abe hour 1 of fierce conflict upon the battle Add. i - - 'Upon bis taking coin man4l of the - iment he-was .presented with a . inag , Iniffleenf uniforin ,sword.,,sword., and ' dthe . • - - - '. i accoutrements, by Ge ner al W. W. Ir i win. Surely . the General - elould no , Ihave be:•toweil _the , handseincii an valuable pre:tent upon -- One - mote de slerying. They' had long beeni con i I i l nected 'in buSi neSs and official relations i and it is'only a mark of respd.-t to ;ward Col Qnny which he merited i ; jth affections of Ge n . _ Irw . in. \%p pr. ,•I Ilia for the Colonel a. b r ili an t. Carce ? ~ . --- ~as an o ffi cer. • May he live t 0 pas , I hiongli the hardhhips of war, disti gals!) himself • in: tire'seiThee id% hi Icouritf3- ieturn to the • e nj oym ent • i the sb;:ietY of his yittioeious iriend , . t j and spend a goed. old ago when th I,j rebellion shall have pas s ed awe -. r I I: i ' Sword Preentation. ' - . . %f®-Dav;J Sankey, Esq., pf Law county, hits beer. fijjpavritocl lector, for this -UislHct, anjdi Saimleli Davenport of Beaver,‘'Assessor. ' Agricultural Not. The;Board of managers dl ver County, Agricultural ,So< at the Office-of the Seeretac urday the 3(Jlh 'inst. Mem ent:J. C. Wilson, Presidei Boden, Wolf, Andurpdu, Brittain, Stewart, -Leaf and After some ' considerable 1 upon the subject, it was tin agreed that thd'Soeiely hoi nual Fair this fa.f ns usual. , , The following resolution was-then passed by tlic ilianagci-s, via-; !j Resolved, That in consecration. of the distracted state of our Country at this time, we consider it inexpedient to have horse racing at our Agricultuj nil Fair this'Fall, therefor: the premij urns ofSICO, Sod and,3-5 be discontinf ued at this time.. ; , 1 ! ‘ ■ By order of Board of Managers. >• ' A. G. McCreary, Sec’y. , Beaver,; Aug. 30, 18,62. ’->y Cixci.vxati, Sept, j 1 Lc..tington Kv:, -was evacuated this afternooii, oiii troops falling back on Cpvington.-r All the stores were re'movbd to Louis ville. At seven to-night the Lexing ton operator closed his pfpee,- saj'ink that Kirby Smith had appearedin the suburbs and demanded the surrentler of the city which Was complied with' by the citizens. j , f-„; There is a good deal off oxcitemcrlt hero, at (Cincinnati.) but preparations are making for'-defense, j Gen . Lew Wuiluee has assumed ebmVnanfl of the troops. Regiment* are-nrriviqg,jm] j ; -I •' - -- I • aster ` R o ll of. C aptain R. P. 1 Roberts' Coniptaky; ‘,.. .., . aptAin: It P. Bonita' xi, . l'.' s et 4icut.:..T.'lol. Sstrz.its, 3' :d '7 do' TriomAillimitY• '. , Ist .rg't.: Wm. S. 4 Bb-allenberter, if 2d do Alex HI Calvert, . 2 r 3d do Andrei , M. Purdy, 1 -4th do John E. Ilarsha,: - • -- . . sth do Jos. R.'Harrah, ; I Ist ' orporal: Robert Riddle, i 2d do , Jno. Henderson, • • 11 3d 'do Darius Sin v ileton, :. li ' 4th do Alonzo B. McKenzie, , s:h do Carman Nelson,l - 6th do 40s. V. 4pleton, .., 7th L do Geo. R. Bodeen,; Bth do . Jos. R. Dunlap, - - IaISICIACW: 1 Ist usieian: Taylor Stokes. 24 do, Thos. M. Anderson, WA :ma: ndreve Ro' son , • , . • PRIVATEd. - . , Anderson John • 31a tin W -lAnde ' BOll Janies Moore John B• - • iAnsh tz Thus 0 MooreiMadison , Bake JacoblA .11'Creery James L Bake Jos Al Mingsinger" G W Barn a Levvia . o 3liller Harrison • ' Bell ohn S' I .* M'Clain Wm P Bell George ' ' M'CalSe, Wm J 1 Brow,n Harvey li'Caskey Alf M j Bonlivell Beni A hillanatny John 1, Brizere Wm 11 M'Callough•A` - . I Bruce Wm M.'Cullough Ono i Buckley Benj . WFurlaud Jos . !CarsOn Jas'A . Nevin Goo M Clark John B Noss Wmq ' r I Clark 'Thomas Pyle Writ ' (Cooer. Wm J • Reed John S t Coo k er ! Robert • Rishigor Madison Il I Coo Frederick C Ryan George 1 Dads Jonathan I Stevens Henry 1 ' I DiOmore Win II Stone Adam _ Dinsmore Seal M. Small John P. z, Doak Win 1 . ' Stualt Thointur! , Doivds Join Strikin!Enoch ' l.Doughts John. Selilayl Jos 0 - • n ; Ediyards Henry.' Sho4;_olin it - 1 Ewing John S Sloan_Edivin'it r 1 Graham Jos SbiVeray Christian s i•Griienlee Alvin ;14 , Swearingen Lewis Gitlin Robert N Sifj.iiringer Wm ." I Thy James T Striick Seth "7 , TS. liiiiik Phillip Stiock Ruel W , 'f ll,iyt George 31 Taylor Alvin 31' l'a;Huntir Abel Waltori,R•ehard , e llrivin Seth W Wagneriiewis .1 Johnston &rail A White Alei\ -iliilioston Frank •N White Audreiv I Kerr Adam it White John S 'l. Kerr Hugh II Wilson Miehael B' .., ' Kreps Wra - W•iison James in ' LOckbart James It, Weaver David II - ,,cli . hart James Al -' ' • _ tester Roll of Captain Or mond’s Company. Captain: Marcos OuMoap, : Ist Lieut.: Austin Milleii, ; 2d' do Samuel Cameuell; Ist Serg’t.: Suin’! S. Kerr, 'j* 2d do Thos. 5?. Tlvornsbiirg,. U do . Jolin.'B. Vance, : i 4th do Arthur'Shields, : . pth do Jas. JI. D. Milcheli, • Ist. Corporal: Samtiul W.Miller, 2d do Addison Laneo, - Sd do Juntos Cameron, . 4th do Win. Ewni£, sth Ido AI ox Green e, Vtft Ido, H* ~}t r-WtiTovnr,-•• Bth do John Go? Robb, * |-. musiciAxs: Ist ilnsiciuiis; John F- Bryan, 2d ~ do Frank E. Kerr, WAOONfja: Andrew Fluaigen, Slso jire-1 I .Lieut', j valry.—l Pr es by-j - former j ie latter! ill -other j J tiling | i f privates; l T • - .dams!,John Q, Liiams Hugh .Q Jiackhiore Jno Babb Jambs i) v . Berlin jj.ohnston' Bmuton Win "A. Bryerly Thomifa Barries Samuel 'W II ‘ Conlin Win CbajnJpui Sam’l Cowan Win G CiouseEieliard Camerpn Chris 1/ Criswell John : .Crooks Jamesr. i Custard Wm f) |Calhoun Jos' Campbell Stewart Caroibers W m 'M Calljbun Writ Dorpian Jain os ■ • Ew}ng Alexander ■fitting Henry j; yFirmcgaii James -Fox George -H; , Eleegel Jacob B ,6’recri John M..- Galbraith Bob’t M Gibb JohnC Herron Win W‘ Hood Gibson Hood Jamba - Hull John ’•' ' Hall Wra B' / i Inman Ezekiel j . i Keiler David | Kemicdr Wm 1 . iLuwretiee Job/ 1 La’iglilin Robert | i.athcm Wilson D REOT-j M. R.| nt Penh- j ted a re- j ter. Xo; go wi th! has been! rave ar.d j hid he is: in every t« his sol will on vania Re- cce. if the Bea iciety met y on Sal ters pres t, Briggs, Goebriug, 2«ois. discussion atiiinousjy J their Au- Gen; Corcoran's Enlistment. K To t>how .how bfen. Corcoruh cd biO imprisonment from thetirat to. the last, wo reproduce the following paragraph, published by the Richmond Dispatch shortly after the Bull Run disaster: i f ‘ Wo bear of but one account, with lew; exceptions, from all the prisoners taken bjl our men everywhere, and that is that they came without any, intention? of lighting: the South, but I were compelled to uniip in the. ihvad-' ■! ingijmovenieiit, uud'lhat if they .wore r ji],oihe ti.'ey vvould never be {caught in ‘ such a sera,' 1 ® again. The last asser tion may be true, hut not| a word of tbo rest-T The i/ircuinstanees niider which thej left the iJorih are known to tliio South as well as vl> Ihemselycji; and thoir.Vcrynamo and organization, volunteerei. emitradiot every word they utter. We eonteiw* wo have more ro mped for the most impudent among them. Col. Corcoran, for example, who, we understand, says;>vi went in to the business with my mule soul,'and I wouldn’t take fry parole if they'd yive it Ja n-V. ' ■ ;T • .•. J. , & bk.' ; , + .4 ; . a .. •-• a- , ".' 3 .. ~ 111111 • ••• ''' Captain_" 4 m9101; -- ' ' ist. L. , : - imlcp4i- my ..i,.. : wh.,,.... Q . • fw oog • zutora; - I' • lai.ea - ; t:X s liw ftiDit: g!:1"; ;. 2.(i.."'' ,., -.a "...Aolitir - W.: z ....4 4 . , -3d 4!i-.' :.X.a . : . -TV:: 1 Ori'..."' Vii' •- . 4" , . - Wirn '.C.1: , 1i :.• ''l • 'fitlf ---- 4" - - T.'' .", . '4 ,7 7; ,' "' Ist Co ral.lllir ' . ; .liftli , n,,, 1 1 •.. 2d. . . o; • i B 6j. IF: W. sb, 1 ..:_ .31 --..:*: o' .., I ut.tke : , ; ;.....:.. i . • 4t:li-, ". o' . i... 11, ber.t. R •• say, 4 , sth- 0 .i , T 'oni; .': unter, .6th ' o l j ther ;; • _toots, , • 7th • o. ; J hilIE. . ott e : l I, Bth . 0 ; '.l" :nee IL, :duds • , .-. . •.- ' ins oars ' Ist , siatant' enry . Moctreii, • 2d - o - .X masW ~ a rr, .. .. W - ' ''' WAGO I*: ' ' ill oas I. ~ ..- -- ' . : ' T '''' .I '. ' '.- . " ; . 1: 4;,'•:;%' : : ~ ~ I - PRI 4.71:111: •' 7 :- . ....::: !i . Anderso ' °ht. ; Jobrup . "Wm 41 Raker hart . ' Jones itliti4P:',l 1 , Bailey eo 8I : --, ' , JOhn's ' .M.rib# Black ,1 hn i : Matte hrtstian •Baldwic John ~ Mino , I . am:: . .- . 1 . m Banco Xoti.. l , i M'Co .1. do'. ".i. .. Bruce J Ant ii , Ititeh John.:) Bone D n 1 • I ' ' l Mliti ;in 'Edvetl : Bone S Int • Maini,l. li r, Border ' An; bfolte ' Henry. Breoks eo M Mille' sacs Brett's. DD, 4 . M'C:ilater D , Colemni Joh n " rark Geo ..1 . Orals. J -Dikon. 1 I .Nc o ‘;ill , - '- - .1.e1nu4 Cailt " Xd!rsAl' ii, Prohle Wm Ail,' (3 C h h: 1 ; 1 :1 1. Q rs ll .l 4 t B ß l ' l ' ... 13- R i lt il o 4 . '' e .l,3 ' Levi TheQ 7. .' Itrwin amli. gabl): enry S._. Ewink Wm it l• Reed tml ',I ti Fisher Jacob. ! .._''Poile b0ck...101 Fnizie' .Wm .-; s . , ,Ratult) , Thos :i Fawca i lt J,al W, ... Stia7 lass:Ude, Pergu n Israel ' ST4tfb 'Jos:Vint ' ' Baum a nd lasi - I.E.Aot i l t a, Stapitett Hays Joh n IR ; • She I n Poterl ~ Has,. a nd Sunil ' . lta e Danl 1 : 1 :11.Suni tan tiearige 4 Sail 3 Otis, 1 ' Irons ohnlD - i. , gott I wick' , Xohn Herr aonard:C ; Sea • rJacoli. Dicket• Rotten', Tull i o i Wash I : Dailey Geol.; . • , Todd ;"John • , • Dal lel; KelSey To ld Wait 'S • ' ''. Gillinflohn Ll S 1 . 'Usl.4 1.. an Wn 11 .1:to Garla)al Samuel . • Wtt sliVin• Gilingra Alex( . Wattiii`n Ilow'ell, (3 lbsoln l WM P . Vat. terion And Gilnire Jos -1' . 1 at. Bli* • John ton Jos i J r _, . c is , :11.4,:i.i . ibbn ton -B oury.t:lW. ' e'Y - 1 1 1 IJohit, ton , J aS I 'W 8 . ad - ~..: IJohnitim ' ' In; J Zim ky. John _l. . -,' ' , .1 - ..i• -( ' •' .Nati pera for ij of ,ts .• f Marlin Wm j Miller Thomas i - ,Moody J os . Melvin Janie; II jMooro Thomas lv Moore John II . r iMinesigcr David M Milver Janies , . Miller Andrew R. MCreery'Wm I M’Coy (Jhas • i M’Oready Thos S. M’Kibbch Alex M.’Henry W ' iSiekluJohn Phillips James M’C Parka Win ’! Purd'y John Ramsey Wm Robb John A Summon Alex W Shindies George M Strouss Junius M Swearingen Sam'l SwearingenJus Smart James PI Swanoy 11 W Scott David G ' Stephens John "\Y Shaiiefliiehard Sb.ane 'Timothy Savagch Robert G ’ .Summerville Geo Taggart Jamo A jl'hornsburg .Wm . Uueapher Wm H Whims Newton ; Whims Joshua J£ jWbims Jasper i Whitebill David R lYolton Wm ' ' [• .;nR-i7 ■ 1 •• ; . I «••• j i.The | following (ay,c t|«, Ilcsol i- Meeting, r er, on l» 2lBt,uU:jJ' , I■ _■. iif.rkas, j 'the of o I nffsj'r B have rbn«lured| it i ' tiond Beavl »na. r .iilii» - % ivelyj, necessary ;ff i to pul,forth its ni he spdcdy and cotiij no gigantic robcllk i r country: nujd win $ ol ijid n Ivina bio to. call pit c> of j COO.OOU me w - t 3 patriotis-pi and fibe re 1 a bounty to ,t it'. ;m , who are now ro uplly an I nob|y to y, and/ ml ying < 0 f :ho rescue of,opr i .ry. arid-its cherisiicjd iiist itulions. Therefor Tesoltrd, That w|i Bet ver County, now i ing assembled, do holyi dW rn:tify the qcl mis sinners i;n offering ty o tluise 'among in spr'arms iwjit I pat ailed, and manifest pm ition to lay dovyi ne. d be. in defence jpl ert cs and franchise? fee ing assured tliatt lat ire will in< ly legalize any ab pe nliture which may thlranco of so praise tribtic object. 1 il P j r . y \ . • -ji - i- i i o •• i (• j = gfcsofm/. |That this meeting respect fully recomro.endtoj.cur Cpunjty Com mißsioners! thcpropHetv ofl offering amJ paying albrtnhpy to e very' citizen ofLthis County yqUinteCtting[ in any Il|girhent, either bet>ngfng tb this. 6r arty otbfer State, provided such volun teer is duly credited tp our County, add made part of the qn ? a w-bilh we w|ll bo called upon to make dp. Vr; 1 I |i Drafting in Pennsylvania. J' [• 1 To the Editor of the Philadelphia Press: Can any of] your numerous Bubscribers—-and I feel that some among the many thousand: daily renders of The Press'musJ kna'w-—in form me on two,very important points in regard to drafting, the- tipip, for Which is slowly but certainly approach ing. • I wish, to know if thoßp men who are drafted will be ruled by men i appointed their Officers, or will they be granted the,; privilege of..splectirtg their own officers. from among' them selves? And further, whenia|pianj is Urailcd.will be have to ge into a new or old regiment, just where Ae ?s| puf er may he express a preference, with any hope of his; wishes being Jrespeci- Cd? By answering these inquries, you will,lknow l couferagrtat|aVoi’on many’, andono who may be Bsated. 4.. Und(cr, the. existing I laws, draft ed .wen, 1 wlieSn. formcddntp regiments, elect their lino officers, i. k. 'captains and lieutenants. .from;, among them selves,. but the Governor reserves jtho right tb commission such The ficjd juid staff bfficers arc chosen by the GovcruOnand commissioned by him. . • j ! *,| ' ; : V, ! : ' | 2. Drafted men; have no right* whatever. The Government can, ati pleasure, form them into neWregmonts or put them here and there about in old regiments .now .in the field, and; in this last war,, a doctor of divinity fought at'Net? Orleans between : a'negro and-a German streets scaTonger.jl fitt Bart*. | ■ sii bi -iing , st . 2B..k:-A ge, tle-1 ri l. ,an Wharriv be = to-nightrepOrti'ti that lGe . Taylor, h t! a engagement 41 ,eitteitid , y,: , was leo . rety woitided exo that Wirier have V . " '; .itto an afa- let Tilitatinn Of - ;the righ . • .;?A' f ,Titlsmanrn.... ho ing;)lsibirtit :.,:calf . ' eight': n'eleeki 8v Stria-Atli l ' lea ry made art tisit4, t;xi r thiinigik F "rflt ce it house on their I th W yto -yi iin - aochi:li ii tits*, nttnirtSettft'ti pi, el from . Washln top. ~l: ' ' 1,1, .1 Co tt , he Uttionlieni e of wit sectionl Ay b iva,altted to the . ter cit y .. IA ght irr ixii44,on totda ,it is report l ed t at lee i l l ' re _ .ein v z e le il in s a t :i n , p f t.o ro: ted ' Po to p h 's, a :n e i li va f n oe c ,e_ ef li ti: 211 , (14 11 7 . it ; : 4 01 .! ' ' 1: - ;:ored, ' got 1 -l in . ..I,aek::11 ": Il in 61 20,000. f, The ti tig wan, heard dis- til ti etliat Atexatfd'ia. ' ';'1! ' I ' ,i , r, _ ' is ta,r; ssAs .Jan ox,Angn 1'' . 2,C10 0.. -.-. To Major .`era;l'Haq l'C i l i "' r In ide iia i r;CA'fe.f-- !iii:KM tis , dist!ov 7 tl e4f.biiia large ....aik of the enemy rc w,,aettirninti r ,. onr 161.1 'ght iowB a M- & names , and that, 1.1 6 division I had or. h dLred tci take post" there;twoidaye be.; 'el fora, had not "Set rrived.there (1.4 . it Alec liiiil - ri immediately broite u.) ni el camp iat Warreiltori ..ionetiOn and. 2. Warnint:on andni ,arOwd raf bark dix .11 li in three column s. I directO Dovi ell '.ko with hi 4 ow* l and.Sigeras ill's and ''p Reno's Division to marchiipOtt Gains. fi vine by the tillasaton[arqk , Afexatt- , h 4,t e aria Pike,. Reno, and ' one'..div,ision .of a treint'altiutieis * ' to march on ' Green-. 9 .rieh:l.and' with' Porter's corps ..'and t i ookriti divisio .1 marched back to a !Ji r , I . • 1 • ana/mos ' '-Janet' ii. iirDoWell L I was -' i ordered to interp e between the fbreo r tof th - l allmeiny, w igh:lgliii pro l .i.i.d down It Ittababsas through :Gainsvilled, and 1 his main ' bOdy,l moved , down frail* f WhitePt 'i# hi f► T 1 ' 1 . lal n t our iorotiA itares dap:l This was ecustpleiely aceomplish : 'i _oil--ILongstreet,l, who bad possecitllio . I ! the Gut.. having been drivea. back' to l i the. WeSt s i de. 'd .1, •, 1 .' 1 i . The'lforcesept to, Greenwich were i designed to sOport, ;McDowell .in _ease he me too tin • e a ,forc y ie o • the enemy Im d i divisionorlilooker., Inc marching . I',towards Manassas., earne.upon the ene -1 my, env Kettle Bun. on the afternoon 61 tpel27th; and after; a sharp action ' routed, them complettily . killing rind wounding three hundred, and eaptnr.' ingl their camps and baggage ; ; and. Pinny !stands ofl to 'inf.' 1., I ' This morning the cOmmand pushed rapidly tol...Mittins asi stetson,' winch 1 IJ,ackson had evacuated .breehos In advatiem lie retreatedicelieenter 'irei:le, and wait - the turnpike toward Wiirrenton. 'lre - wit , , Met when six miles west of Centreville by the foreoi `under GeneralS! M'Dowell eta' Sigel. Late 1 thisk atternootil a Severe light ' -.. took place which has been terminated ne by ; ,the darkneils. i _ [ The enemy Was driren hack at all r lvm inta. and li ms the grail -re'-t - . r , . I4:intzan's curpri will, mare-on lur! at ft.' in Centreville ~and I dol s not see how he is tO;esettpe wit.sout heavy loss. ll - • l • 1- . .1 t , . l , 'We have captured iti,.thottPand pri g ' , , . . ~i ', ,oners, many tirlins, and one pees Of'i " irtillery. L • rIN, :foriN Pori. Maj.- Gen I A * -, ir- thcCloyei rightist i ffor lletc dverfhrov on riow ragjjig roreas, the Pr •« lies has deen eel 11 an sjddilio ud I and , whereas. Jeers,' in a sp rit (riHtjvhuvc ol of our eiti responding] si the calls of du enthusiastic; ill imperiledfCt ur -.and benefit uii re," be ;. the citizen i t n County il cc l thy heartily ci lionfof the Con a liberal b nit who: tire. 10 an alacrity ui g a horo\c dii tlieir liv«|>, ,i 'iC/ rights} lip* 9m - ' Nation; State LegiSv |d unhc?itat or I any ' ex- Vado irij fur hy ; and pa- r•-• ' ' •,. „„ , „ ' I . 1 HEADQUARTERS r tram OF • .134 , ertra., .i. G R ovt:rolv.nei r GainS'vilbL.Angitst 30 -- w, v.. ft./4n.. I Hailed; General in Ciller .1 , am} iiiptiel : j ii p 1 A oug . 1,. •-- i. '.; A. is 4 l batqo yeStcrttay with the 4;fitniqtrd 0 forces of , the enetny, ,whieh• her,ited ... 1 wails eontinu r its: fury from '4Elayl ht , until after, 'day k, ft , tc hie!' - tittle rt he l, mein lait, l drivetifritru the field which - .i, , 1 a 1 t„ 1 - we Pew eeeuffe •-: it ,`,. , Our troops,,lttre too-; - much exhntisted I yet Ito frush mattes, but I\Outil do it ~ in the etir-•;ellof the l rmortli\ s :- . *- • 1 , , ,im' as 4 °(,l I ( S as . Fitz,Johm Porter ' s; corps come 'up i e front 31anassys. The enemy ; are ‘still i on Our. ill•ont;but thllf, . l • l y are badly j . . • ~, 1 itsed .. *o' have not 194 !esti than eight " housand men,,,in killed and wounded. t and from-the appettrant i e of - `the, 'field t;t the;enriay'sloss isr'at least! t -, ,0 to our ij, one. • li - 1 I I lie ,totp'd Sfriell3T, cm litp dereP-t;iY ,1 t: and every assault testis made by 'sou -. selves. Ouri r troopS beha t ved splendi •-: . 11 - .1 , ' ' '. 1 , The battle WAS fought on the lclen-it ,tieal battle , fteld of Bull Run, a=bieht, fact greatly increased titeenthusiasml of our men..; ~ ,1, i The news jult reaches me from the ‘.. I front that Alio enemy'.' is i retreating to , ! wards the 3founte.ins., I, go'forirrd at,'" once to Pee. '; ; r , - • • , _ We have ,made.greati•chptures, hi - it , :t 7 am notable' , S:et Ito, form anidett of It, their extent; ' -' 1 - ' -., ' -; SOHN. POPE, Hili.:GeD- I an ion. be i woi ' Washington, iAug.'j tion ha* reached i from privafej conrces th'atJiQcjti. Pope came tip with an d all ach o d t h'e cno my again .shortlyi after nine o’clfk-k this moan ing. Fitz John Porter! had projbably hy thht time arrived foti!''tlie|- field||.Pom Manassas, which ! was drily scren miles distant!. The cannonading was djs utiiictly;heard in Washington td-day ! The railroad was regnlarly riirnthis mornuigfroin the towjn of TVVarr.enton *'io Bristow ; edit is,already clearlhat the Only damage remaining to be re paired to the fai.iioad/ is-to rebuild the Bull Him and Rappahannock {bridges. The former should; bo completed to night. and the latter may wj in four or five days. j ~ '• Washington, I A ng.-lli.— The rebels wore heavily reinforced yesterday, and attacked Pope’s army before the. arrival of Generals Franklin and Sum ner. The attack was and a eevcrft battle followed.' Tlie advan tage ; on the whole ,i wits| :on ;‘ the side of the enemy. Pope fell back to Centerville with his whole army in good order. He has how been .joined ftt Centerville by Gen.:Franklin, and [Sumner was on the march to him last night. He oecnp.ies the Wrongest po sition in the vicinity ,ol .Washington, t arid Is expected promptly to t renew ] tlie' content and tile siicees'Sos of Fri day* 11 Ey|ry effort, should. be used to hjwtch '.he torWardlng bf oar troops. ietGol. l2th Massachusetts was mortal . ly wounded ip the battle of, Sstarday hod has .dibit- ; };• - ,Ui : ' »;K' jiJjM I• , ! = hinni Af Sept. 1, 4|i iri ! to-siAv : s tin 16tl npuit tile. AugustJlsti. 6 P- ■■»!•; **?*' iiytinitT*ir.<lwjfajCjSVC O dock; 8 iptiSOto^V u fcS?dy = i^ifescaya>rj> i tffb. tlicroaiid: strong, r AlcDowdi s- on* the lefi ofi our arn)} jat the time] and tlio rpbefc.pava!ry htuhg, Wpportcjd hy| infauti^.^i3lcl)o\vei| 8 coi*t>b v.'ast almost ihsiiui.lly '•[ j,l' ■’ .:~i. jLt;', • ■•,•."■ :,i I ThC Cliiirgcjvcas fearfpljl; Our offi* I cerb siy that I ft ; !?x^ i fiercpjJm tronidTpr'rcnd of in ihisj 'morning there was a| report,'hour.true [I khO.WMot, itiaV the ground by I i this charge Has been regained. This is improbable. ■;■ , : : - v- ■.j Tbp Jeiiemy,' according to the re porls of pi ison jrs ■who bayd; beet* ta ken;- and seem ;o be iiltelligent, -has recently beenl rehiforcctbj enormously, ilhd now includes tbeentire rebel army fiij thb State of Virginia.,) The prison ers even gojsti iur auto fay tbut.ncccid ing t j :|vbat jbev iiavo beard', the reti-. el uruyi.'of Virginia miiubcrs about 250,(it0 men. '' ' '' Tl.Py Occupy the outer, _■ p. pi t|S«,otd Bullj battle 'front i 'Being |fartlic|t poiijt of the okl field, hold thejr rifle pits ontibj nictnoru blo 21st of J u They are bold and impnde;tit thoi • uiteiilipu is chnnot be. b any bat thcinselves. ‘ 'i .. ! ■ 1 atp gratified to announce that our army was reinforced at noon to-day by iia|: least ' sixty Phousapd, o£ the mbitlcffective inch; live] have in the ■■fiiMi-l'i i.. I--Gv ]-. . It was.thb opinion of leading army.- ‘hthecys yesterday on the field,'that tve, shall Ibe we ,can tchip : Jacksou.iiongsiroct, Aiidebson and the otlicif rebel leaders, without surround ing.' h<l '■ ;v "'' llu'-'ni; T - . . •Tight Hundred prisonerSHyere sent w|rd. Itoim tbis Corning AlexihridriU. ’ This. I makes , •! 5;Jb l have been foi Warded toAVjstlMUg< i..iThe jlbtirl ■mi.inl&r-bf prisoners jitjfred by us is| ycry heavy, J j ; A.jvery iutclligent' prisoner, a’conv issionedj officer,: with whom I con-, ji-sMftaW me tlditUiu-kson made an: (j ii’oss ip 1 1 is army the day before estfirciaj''i in, wiiichi lie urgiul-bis men qrisUihd firm -aim! fight to; the,lnst, for it;- they | wore ,bcaton there: %Jl hope lor the succes.'jfuJ chtablisli.- meill oi the SouthoriijConledercy was lost '[.;(■!■ .■' , V,i; '■:' ~ ■ ■ .Tllii man idso reports that in Friday's battlo'l Jackson made: p very; Harrow eSchpe trdrh capture. [ - , I jßenionstSupposed ,tjO bp well inform ed, Kay that \y.c' have taken- at least >idv|iiteen thousand plisoners from. the enemy, in 'all the: engagements',.bit* rnlafiy were paroled on thy spot and 'sent hack'. ■' y_l' j y ‘.O -V. : dcii, Sidiene.k' went Wa.shibgton, .lasl'evening.,', lie' is severally woiiud-; edifit the|lefi-hrrn, kii|jtjijis teahodthal tip: will lose the limb. His i)ivision wa| ip SfgeN corps. H : :The ; briga.Jofdof Ctenf Stahl anti Gen. McLane weie drl|yeiiiu by ilaeksoii’s men ;but were rallying win'd Gen Spbciick left. 1 ';; ;hci{. Ernest iSleutwehr s mid, Gnri Sc.hiihis’sdiyisiotis'-drove the back tiifliiisoiheiy tipoll several occasions; at the point of the bayonet. St-b.ii|z',if division is.ijiiuily Out up: ; < ;' Gen. Mil'roy's;: independent brigade, ■litrered severely. Tliey {might,weli; Snipping ;tbe febefs like ripe fruit. : 1 i: This .afternoon vofiy\vl»o!ei army it| passed- ,tcn iiniles south of .Cenlcr-] ,-i le, biydi'd Bull Kunf. and dniid'mg that the rebel; army has re* | .•eived such great reinforcements, we • jfre.dri Vang; the eUciny ,:it eyei-y. ppintJ %\ d victlory, sooner lor latey-isf coiisid-jj wed certiTiTf.V g' '"‘j''.l i l ' );,: Td‘. ; jackslon wifl'lcci flliirly bey!riven iii tc .Idle jmOui.tuins, j lliti' cail.not pash Cl rotrgl£ :T h o r pug 1 1 far e, 0; i p ggaip, for. lleiiitzethikn is the Toad, arpbj lie caiiriot\break lh|’ouigb .that* brave' j imps, espochdly' with our guard sir-; miesatfhis hcCjs. !|; j e. ' St. Pavt.. Auglr-tijifSl— There wpro toil whites killcii anil .fihyhlipe wivundy edit I t ive New rU lin fig! l ton Sal urd ivy! Tl Fie iltidiaris tVinglit; and refrkf Itssly-, Their loss jjtvas phiisidentblef; C n Sunday opi-hniaillfoi-ce; urfiicr j r laud new, tea idngfh abd heir e>m!(| not sthnd’iih allaek, \vitlfdhevvy frq m\Maiif j kmtd .lejUdpg toiyn, at thc |the In(lians.. hlt isiirepprted. that tkvecK four hundi cd ana one thousantr Indians 'were iu the fight. Col.' Sib ley’s commend probably reached Fort -yesterday.' The Aojutant Gencrul, of Mihnesbtaldidh issued : ap order tl) thc,| commanding officer tod seize all ■■tjiej.'h'brsc.a, | atuFl means .;cff fransp irt ation h|ecssHr\ r ,,j, girihg. v -a i-ecCipt to tiie owners. niT'he hiassacre does i ot, seem to* bo confined to one localilyv but is spread over' a yiiijt iimoiit t (eyriloi y.':. It is’reported that bhtUif forty-five, lambics, all but two persors were killed,!.aljvLake Shetk, sixty,: mites IsGUthwdsf |l 7iF;New tJIm,:! but thesPYrcpiirts are undoubtedly cxr ajggdrated. jM-any personsibaying fled or secretctl themselves, **are probably 1 supposed ddjbc killed. ; ! . j fur' to ■ihi. t(j! I ‘cnji , .A 31, 1862}. To MajorGenend Jlallerk, j General in Chi’/: (jeniimi-r-The lidlpwing clex. patch i?.,from Bolivar, Tennessee : Col. Hogg, in command of the £oth and 25th Ohio intantryiand some cavalry, i yeas attacked by' about 4,000; rebels] yesterday} Our troops behaved welt,! ■driving b'aek '.the; enemy, | whose loss was over .one hundred.., Our loss} is Only twenty inton] killed and. wop'lidyd Ckd.iloggbeingonc of the nifnibei. , : | ; TJ. S. Orant; j' ; j ' f Major Gcneral Cumnianding; ■j Cairo, AugustBli- 1 } l)ispatcjveshave been received.! at headquarters hero annoti(icing that thb i®bels}arc march ing on Fort Dqhelsoin, with the pur pose of attacking. Their number is not known. r .i, 1..., r Tf-.'- ■ 7■ / V I 'Memphis advices say' that bn the 251 h Colonel- \\;pod' attacked throe thousand rebels, at Bolivar, completely routing them aiter ashorlongagetnent: Out loss was oho killed s that of th« rebel* not stated.'} ■'j ■ • : I,-i-A ' tind nmctiug 6t chkens'.. wals Held,; tldB; t,lw. Court Housed " Several spjrited :ti>d palr«o tic »j < ccOliCfi wore made and resolutions passed, j jA resolution • was adopted jtlt&t the, Mayor issue liiH proclamation’ ‘calJiiri-' ou; all irtalß titjzer<« to aym am* reiMly l<> nideTtli6|cnoiiiy In .casa^y.; sifduld attack us.. ■ . f _ ; ITUq ' DtceU'itg" adjourned to me ; u again a* tiotfh'as'UicfMayor issst/d ilia, proclamation. ■- i. . ■ i j if.',/ . The.LegißhUtire adjourned aj-Ercrikv fort ami, removed Ip the city. 'Jo:. - Bobiitson anil, many - } now. \yTt U Bald the Legislature l frilf , couveng, at the Cor.vt House io-:Lor- ; v; rowi : TlibJxitizena. are -very foae& '4 eseited. ,i, . ■.''lt' is rcmqreiJJlhai Lexington K-s i been abandoned by the jFedciai' that u Undh of twenty oj- thirty sand rebefe*nre near, t&St .plies, The leport is no! re-iuble' , ; Thir,public arcbivesrworoj rentoredf; .from < FraVdcfort, ‘ and' 'on-? \ctilU- : ;-:?';i .'Lank* at Lexiiiaton j and Ftaiiiktort arrived lo day. ■■ ,-j ; \ Gen. John ,W. • Finnell.. -A'!y'., ; r;t General,..of Kentucky..cstsibiisbed l;is •Ireadqnarkevs'in Louisville. Ths.eiiy is m.n'.bUtze' of fxeitemont Citizens are, enrolling themselves* -iiTd.; 1 jiuakiisg. great 1 prisparatioi*s. jH V tremity field at at the They 3re, dug ily;' 1801. What' mown to d-y . Exempt from Draft* The, prop- , or"':;causes for disiibility. WvVhl*. of ' Ut’cilieadi \vhieli inti)air iho.fUcnUM'or ’cause convulsions •‘serious impaiinvent' . of bearing syVeegiroryfsiori; jutfcli : or active disease of any v<‘ tf: : . • joints; the presenoo .• ease-of .tha heart; irreducibleJli gri•; fistula in ano; laifge fdiei'hiorr large' ami painful....vaflccU or vaii 1 veins AvUicb cxtend ’ above the 1: ui ; (die doss of a linib; thunib'and: feij -Qn gier -qf-t|ib.riffht; band,, or li>iy-li fingers on.e.iuVer Idi'nll pila.; los? A gretili toe jenny niArfceil phydcip .perfection tvbicli v/onid/unfit service .'.11.. The "following -person's i-.;) cinp.t; under tire.: hr.vs of. the tfi; I Sta'es': PthshLur of United States, Hie oSicrrs.j.uuk ud 1 executive* cif -the ; f(:ueat,.‘*f United Stales the members ss ; Houses yOf 'Congress aud their d • c’iScers, all custom house;pah •.vitlv tht'ir Vlerhs, rot otB.«rs stage drivers who are dmp'lyea.b i-iird ah/h conveyance of, lbs in-: this United States,*ball icrry ; w ployed ; al apy ‘terry on the po.-rt-r all iiV'pct'torsboi’ e>:r-or.ts. s all , inb-b actuaiiy employed in the 's.y-wy anyv y.itisuh’ ott- merchant, \vitlii:;' Uiiited'Slatos.'’ 1 “ 1 ' .Illy in. native sereio-- those who have, served its fit’oia ?e>:emrit. except in case of iueuvr-.." •'•or invasion. C ' 'i ■'. V;': y Teacher’s Exarriinations Exaniui:!l|!Oriis for, TchcLfSni vpil ij" bc-lii . In Moon Ip., at i>aVlsi SehiiolTroui-c Sfpl- t S- al O' A'- M.. ,j • ; ‘ lit ' llCijjGU'eli ID-.UI '.KTiili : Sept. 4j, :ii;p A. il.' ■ ‘J ■ yjV; ■ liuiependeneo Ip., al'.Rurd-I-. ; i'.v.i SobpjulJilbUes; Sv.'pt. s.••!»{■ Jl. , •Jiil'O'liu* U)., Faiiwicw.Sept S.;*.'.-,! --.ov |‘ In Industry tp-. v at 9‘A. it."C-,• - Jf- ; I .In Brighton Ip , at I'ilnitsi;. it)UpU:IO. tit 9 4--Jlf ■; ! SVidtli Beaver 1p,,-k (i^ayl’vS^EpxE j •Hous*j;S‘>ps• lfV. .sU 'J A. J - ■' : in • • *»»{;•. at. T'-v .t School; ilinisi?,. Sept. 1$ >1 'Si A... 'i ’• ; 111 CHi|'; owuip;.a,t iIeKL,'.e; : S; iiji House, '■ Sept. 13, a(;.,0. A.- -M. J ’■ re i tors,andTeachers AJf'jiiii' Beav;,;: V l:ploajse' : !U,toiui.' -» ./A-' ;■ "in-.- Ihilaski tp.,taf RmyU 10. nt I .P. ‘ : ■ In iN'orth Si! \viol<ley'l:> tlVavr.T SJlnkil;:LLouVoJSopt.. r l«.»; at 0 i In Trantiiir ■ : l”uriiac3 'Sc nr House Sept: !J'7v at 9 A. M. .. In Alarihti el}),, jnt, ■■lljvftzcl_Sciifl llpuse Sepf..l3, at O' A. M.“ , In •S’uav SewicUley tp., ■ pt lK»;p | School- lipnsq, .Sept. 10.. at A; M. | I ’ ’ 1 wish to call Teacheji's aWo.iim«-.R the iollovy’mg decision of State Sup! iiplemlent. "No private esanunatuj are jtb- fee granted dhrinV .the holdi public nor a/fehq’ a vyritten request o| a nia'iJ ity)pf the- proper. Hoard, with /an.■» i ty for llie lie presrjjv • As (Kr. as, practicable, it: is.dcsir ‘that Teiuthers be of to ■ which thoyifi t end apply lor schAplk- ’ nj; . „ ,-i T. C. CAROTIIEUS, 6*. "Frankfort Swigs’; Aug. 11l- . LiBEU,uIiTY OE VuVSICIiANS.-flt I afwdyij been said that physitian-t woi disparage any remedy, .-however ,ya able, .which 'they .did not origin themselves, i.This has been Uisprot by th‘eir libcial course towaid* l>r O. -Ayer’s preparation. V They dn adopted thorn into general use.initli praciicb, which shows:’ a wi.llingrr to, c i ountenah<‘e articdoa that hnye i trinsic‘merits tilhich deserve their I tention. ■ This does tlig.learned gr■ credit' and ■ effectually contradict 4 preya’ent’ erroneous notion that ty Opposition to. proprietary remedy based hij-their interest to discard t’ l * ■ We havtj always had confidence i,n hoiiorabjef. motives of dur modl«d tne and are r glad ; to find it sustained iheL libera they .accord such remedies .as Ayer &. Co.’s in» n oven though/,t(icy 8 not ordered in the books; bat arc w* known to tbe people thrdaghthonr r papeis.—Weio OrleansDelUi- ■ . MARRIED—On tl.ejl2th, ft-. Key. J*. Monroe, Captain J ajiw ■ amis; U| &| A., to Miss Alarv f ell/ of this place. DIED—On the 18th , UN Howard, 8«n of ' Jacob J. Bt l j 7. |?om } ofl Moon: To«B»lii|>, ! a y**r of- il two ;p VO •- r? *j, c*v::.V ilr.U* : i -‘; CA. J .• „ r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers