The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, September 03, 1862, Image 1

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    • -~ 1 -- -1.- ■•-.aL. •■•■'- ■•■ !■• ■
~. —; - ■ ■ _. - ' =^^= S = SBBBBgggßßgWggg|
; ARGUS, - : . •■■;;
■ BEATER, PEIfyA; .'-. ; :
‘Wednesday, Sept. 3d 1862. !
: r • ;* • * v 1 ;; r-
T. C- NiCHOLSON 4C0., Proprietors. ' , >
TERRIS —Onb BotLAnn.nJ Fifty Cests :v A, "
jVr gnattm. is awascj : fltbcnviso .Two Dot
■{f"‘ u..r.i; v.';n Uncharged; INo paper disconiumcd
aa:i; a’.; nrevsotlled. ' ° '
c-.ronmi:;cationa, by mail,
t!:-u! lr;Te attention. _•■■■', ‘ r
vh'!t>|re any news of the war?" she said, .
a list of the wounded and dead,” |
//.' \fa.i lae'iaan's reply, .. 1
iVa'tO'i:. lifting hi jeyc • . [;
To the face of Ithe woman staiiding by.
"Tis the very Aing that' I want, - ’ahcuaid;
”itead mo'a listl of the wounded and dead.”
, He read.her lie list—'twas a T aad array
• ’ 0! ire i-.juudc-JaEd'the fatal itay;
:Ia t:.e '|;ry midst was'-a pause' to tell x>,
V I>T > youth. Whft"had fimgbt so tfecll
Ihs: hi- comrades asked, ‘-TThd is liU. ’
'•The only Jon of the widow-'Gfey/,’
Wes ih}e proud reply . -
Of his [hipt.-iiu riii;h;
:iVha! itils the; woman!standing near f
Her face -the ashep hue .of •
1 •
v.-ei). read dnjj is he wounded ? quick !
- hut ray heart it ti—
■is he tt.ju:. iL:i _ j!s. -hr fell, they say,
hiic-doutright on that day ! - ’'
But.seel the woman has twotmed away!
she-opened her oyes ; io,ihciight
feij rerslieJ tbs event of tbc fight. -• r <• it i:f y. _ 'j .1 general was'nominated for. tlie
•Faintly sbc.Jnurnrarwl,- “Killed outright: ; 'The•Directors in this tbwnshfns men-'’ X P* Pt y
T.leiWv.-'IL ’]!.? 7 ; *<»iireceived bjy the teachers at 82 pci- 1 teachings of the past. now
. ;vn ; • —•K *« *. bedowp „ -week, • . I : ■•■;,■ - ill a death struggle with the most pow
Tl.e light oiiuis peace tosliuhuue her.way!, I 1; '■"•’■‘Unng. tlio \ ear, bit in its ivory in America and sustained by tho
—L--- ..... _, | ston'i Touchers’" mot tings wore bold I monarchies bl' tho Olff World. Thn
- jM'TNUAij REPORT ‘ of* County ,in : three.dirfeKent parts of'tlio ecrtuitv. i * s:jlle is clearly made— the contending i
Superintendent foithe SdhobJ ’-Tiie attendance at f l .d‘thrcdi p f, I ’ lt °l dpeuly." arrayed against each
Yey: Ending June 2> 1862.: j minings was much [larger Than wo |v duai ’o^doW«* “"“V?’ T lndi l
ir. • . p. • ,;i ! H«uai, : oi au idea- opposed to human
•:.Vdir : iieir schooler* 11 pounty lUoeiing. | freedom that is not enlisted against | i
.houses .were civet a. I diiWim-tlrb v-ur-'i ' ,l P ,rellte a,ul interest were manifest. I government' and la favor of the i t
: u..0 ii. Sou^if Beaver township.’ fw6‘ini e 7 uvA “««> iho - ((imdbrs : ..^Ve- are ourselves our only a
■■■■’'■' r io'r ■■ ■ •- , • M- ! ai.M-,clti*GU were enabled" to! attend i V. ‘ ,n ° l l r Selros o l- ai
• :k H .‘P •: v»’:• ’ v "> v li> r paßkl,n! -• i ■ lJ> i au< - nu -: ly hope. Wc can have pb sympathy I vt
y.■ hd Oi.c- .a ii.pih-siown boro.; f ! ‘ ~ ° ."••'Jdeney that Irohi another Pbiyer In thoTvorld—Kh
" - dll good oife •’ ‘"'f t! -y ,! V I, ;, s '■« n - Ui: ' Will sen- sympathy "that as'wireW and efd
• ;o.'il''ljo;'s.-.s ■ *i,/i! w !-/). v sii'Wst- the cdiuhtional iKtc.mds"' •'■WiuaL. The Stale; Central Commit !an
iv-nv ilL,f v.iuc- fni'this.ooumr; I' hpWW. 1 card 0 f tce? tl ’ eU in o, t s nt®vCon-j ty
I. OI UIMC.. a.c for . J,- , ‘ , rvei.Uon, composed of tho loyal iben of I ins
Th.f folniiure In 5S i‘ -JV .q.sho. ten thb school who met to consider I the
irii i'H rooms i’s ufisuit.u-U. and dr.e 1s , Jv.‘ n V l ' " * V l '' 1 ' 101 ’ 'T* f! sides,| a‘ nuin- j what was proper. to be done in this {pel
sthi iviihovit.ahy blackbolml. ■ ' : 1 °f ol ’. n P v '’ School hni!dinga:jare al.! crisis, a simple doljyto-perform f cri
'i— 'fu,.fX •ral * >£ l r P VrV :^'nnl ' rat *y‘*^ oi; > the average cost I t *‘‘ s ;^ K ‘' r first They have! Re
r-ci.;',H.iir „ ““ )*f which will be more than Ihc'iimoani! , X to i aslt whether the example ofi gai
I 'i M- :ire «® ner * i -..t vrsVs ”• wars-wiU. Great Britain, and lTol
;ii!y oiasr:!;-r' , ly- 3 ■ | thy of>uie war'with Mex-! our
, —2? District examiua-; :s ‘ thought by many of out Diroc. j *eo, sbstll’ B&'regojlccted dr rejected in-I
r jtioijs weffghold,'dufiiiir ;he year. nndf-'' n " :: 'h a -the niituker o,f Directors, glpdniy hpur.-atid wlieihcr the
applitianty. esajiih.ed- of ii^.- c .1 : i! >- dtstriet, were reduced to tlnve. : ‘X plo, 'X' 1 * cor^l . a l' , y «up
. . fv , ,T ” ' • - h. . i, ]• 'i t the Coveinment in putting doivn
reeciyeu I'ru.'KS=:on eertitieates, 170; “V a ' 1 ‘.p some j the lottliion. - - *
, Provisional;cert iilmUesrand i>s refused i/ |ho tyne necessarily employed in i _ The State Central Committee would
} scrlincaics,'«£• unV hinrl -- . .■ j Jlt-Trr)tilfll ~l nH itie people of PonsyTvit-"
SJBtifaiyjfrtis-y. f?v ’hiprivonien : tr‘en..,thiv ipresont f' Mia t h«t | tho one gr cat subject for them
■ «-..*jvuit v ba«ib from C“(iutv Supcvlii-1 P!‘ lt ? ' Tins' change lin ahe Wescru ! 'n.ire^nA *■* th f d £ n 9* rt o th ? 'XepuM>'.
school*-- th rpc v? iis' t-aoii, ii.nd 5 school'/* :,e . Dopartmeilt. ?, ‘ [ ’7-
' 1 Ditring the year I havc'vyittcn 130 ! ,no l > peril.;; -The - Convention < from'
' oOifial dettersr havd 'lrdvoWU- 10SR ! derived its an
. . ■ -7 . I » r . ’ : ihorit}: tins spirit, and it is
, myraj anil have boon engaged 241 days | no w your duty to come forward aril
'l': of pmcial duty. 1 sustain tbe candidates that Convention
" , A“ain I tender my thbnks ' M the i I , * aeed 1 »n-'»o'«\n#tion. ’ We mako tlfis
v " , .• - .• ,/• .-i appeal to all loyal men.* They only
V Ure,r., ;/ o.rectors, tch-chcrs rk-dgnizo this war as
z-.-r.s oi lac county for the manv Ipvors ; one wagc<t for our national existence
■oc'ivcd at their bands. , , -hj j —wlto. give ah .ardent unquestioning.
• .. .TMipport: to the Administration—who
• jstistam all tlio measures of Congress
" r the maintenance of the war-muk
g.pqwjer— in the Southern
!jiifedcracy, and-flhosp who are in. ,al
mcc wiiii if, the enemies of Civiliza
>n and Liberty —and .who do 'noth*
g to .iVeakcii the hiinds of the Ex
utive. j Thcj’-arc not merely"dislbyf
who take arms in their hands, and.
cymbinojthcmselvcs' into all army.—
lie is a rebel who abjures his allegii
unco and becomes an enemy ; to his
flag; but he is' a traitor, who’, while
enjoying! the pioteetion of the Gov
ornuieiitj and ostensibly observing his
‘ ][ledge of a|legiance,-conlrives to bring
dishonor and defeat upon his country.,
i These rebels and these traitors we are
called upon to meet. Wo.'most cn
: epunte'r them on the battle-field and
iat the ballot-box. Tho ballot-box fs
tjic great source of popular power.—
la beaten there, our. victories '-will be
fruitless,;our sufferings unrewarded,
I our saoriflees barren.and the glory and
| valor of bar soldiers will end in the
1 1 dumpu Of the Southern rebellion and
; a dishonorable peace,
j It is unnecessary to restate the
causes of- the' war, Our opponent's
| have made them the substance of ca
:luinny and misrepresentation'. For
answer,- wo appeal to to hia
tory familiar to nil Vmen, We need
n|ot remind the people" that at the ba
sispf the Southern rebellion there ex
ists a hatred of Kjortherhf inen and
institutioys—of pur, social,
political and revenue system. "This
has inspired their leaders during two
generations! Wedded insulation
which has demoralized them in demor
alizing their labor, and cultivating the
earth byj an enslaved race of men,
•thcy'havemado their slaves the source
of tlieir jiolitical power, and have rul-,
cd the riation with the products of
s| aye labor. The happy hoars ‘of bur
national progress have for years been
embittered by.i their insolence.,; All'
legislation that looked to tlje prosper
ity ol the Northern States and pro
tection to| their indiietry hasbeon op
pressed-and defeated by them. With
tpe growth of Northern strength, as
the result of free institutions and free
toil, camp the possession of political
pjower, and the:.gradual resistance' to
the encroachments of slavery. Nor
need We remindjthe peoplp of tho out
rages that followed the efforU of the
davehulders to recover their unholy
ijnd despotic dominion/. The outrag
is uponthe studied insults to North
w Senators and Represoritatives; the
fjiir v|-f:s; each
0 :n
~k' ~..
T • -k
1 -! 'l' jlvii.
j-':'.r ; ,-J ? ;all'’ 'ti-nn. • ■ •
S; : UC':ir;l■ in P.-uhkiin ip.
' f v', 1 *
o for. liffiriir =:is District Sa-
iz- -1 h*\ o:hii“Ui»irict»'
-t:ie revived S'JIO.-
r H'-r.TiV :;-: i.icr.L-lv
• v '.•••■ ■■ JI-: tl.f— Th« . sfi'ipt'UTcs
iy. - read - in U'J .v.-lyool>;
it* r-i ijools.
- i-:‘ l(';lfl;vr~ of GPCCIU*,
• iiai Uactoo.a towrishtjis.
f ; a TeaoLt-ra’ ' Aswecuttao la>t
.RtitJ met monthly durin"
■ soirio fHtceh'to ei.irli
a.‘c;i ;i;acirersattend«d;'Tetwi»Cßj’'fnc<;i
-'r‘''r ‘'' ' V|- r£. also Judd in Ohio, Pulaski,
and Xcw Sewickly tjjs/.TmT
atumdod also ,by- U , at*ho T 'i- fVo*n s> . iuc
iuuc meet-
h-se' ,r~
ihgsj y.ia'ii'ovcr properly conducted,
.‘■aye h»d the effect of making feach
cr; more zealous in tiie discharge-of
tllv!r duties jit the school .room. 1
Hie mode of; examining tefachefs in
this county is the oraharid
Kfjtt.en meihodfe,. _T}l;,c ore I is pieter-
V’'.l.'' is, not’ too large,
tljo manner ol .answering questions
indicates his ability
*!n.cj< ,>yell asitlie, answers tbem
felyes;' The'.topicalliuolhod has not
■ o|ch' applmtaits. as their
■ o ®.l anjHvcrs, are asked more difficult
ffjesiirlns thr.r ethers in the class, and
according to answers given.
This plan has scenic'd to me Co require
■ ?,s time than the topical...method, and
to fees
u.iliv satisfactory iu obtaihiay
11 Kaowledgo of the pi-oficieney of the
applicants. -
'Hif awragit figure, for all thc.applf
f examined last year was 2J; Tbisi
,'t is a 'fraction bolter, nblnit 2'k. ;
"Tj r j • , 5
f ie examinations wore ibis'
Jear tljan jlast. A nbmlfcr of appli
-tjiils refused certificates last
and ail wcregivdh to understand
•tiiat unless. ii,(ji r qualifications, readied •
paertaiu standard it would be useless j
: Tins ba«,-no doubt, bad the-!
of* Ct ’*°P rov *og thequalifications |
: some of the applicants ibis year. ' !
ere were 7S female teachers cm- -
f-r /i ; -4
■, pray ?”
ji;;; :t, : n ;,]1 'Z'-J'r.
Ji'jr); <
•vis h,.ui vis
Ll if-'
'■vicii tin* O:
i ljv
••v at I’.X l liiho of-im -
j ik.ilbficsS, visiud
* ■ ‘ if
Good.— ilajor W. C. Moi ca.
Kentucky- cavalry, has a she
of dealing with the rebels aron
ineiiee. Kentucky, ay here he is
ed. lie ordered td levy on ‘
horses' for the army. The “
Tin anticipation, rnn| them, o
j Mlajor finds it out, ahe goes at
[two oi' three slaves'aid security
return of the horsc.-ip* The ho
ways come back. finds the
an excellent ono.infainbleantto
jopor o Hod .^Jndianqfmti Jtiurn
11■. ' - I!-"
Vol. liB-X
•V. ■ v
‘ plbj'cd last year;' this year Acre bus;
I 81; employed. The difference is
i . lo ° ’’'l#* l ® to make any mftrke I change*
in-the result. •>“,:•
j_Soyea Districts have sumrm r ns well
Mas 4 y inter schools. . d)f those, J)ul three >
districts will Havana portion Of their j
schools'open until ; August, probably i
npt more than .ten schools ih al'l. There j
is;little doubt but that nc-arlylall these |
j 8 s be, opened atriujeh times J
as-.v, oaii P-h-mi't them continued i
I o...during the winter terhv'under the I
; srype teacher; apd if no. it would bo a|
f decided-advantage, to'the schools,. r
j I- We have but'tv.o townshijls— Dnr
; lington and Big Bearer—in which a
| part.of the teachers •‘board iround;” !
; a!|d in these, up dor bt, the.(practice |
; wjll .fcoon ;bo dis%onl ntied. I'eaohcrs ’
j thus situated havh bit iittle ppportu-!
jnity for that daily peeparatiojn wliich j
adds so -in aeh to- tl* \t«ach’4r>'
, : CAROTIIEIrs', Co.
J .-' tigust, ’
TToblo Old Koystoni
1 -The State tins nct
! ed nobly du this conte-,t tor the malva
i iion . ot the. Union. She lias j p'royed
I her ftiti;! to the chiirjv. of -.being the
J Keystone of, the arch .of pur glorious
I Union.. Uvcry day lor 11 1 e last week,
j.has two regimen is of ! er stalwhrt sous
; passed ih rough', .y on their .way
fto, the seat Of .War, ami each clay' 1 for
j m veral days • to •'comt-. we leslrn. ar
• rangemenrs have hem made| for as
iinany more. W/lhiu the peribd des
! ignated. dthO-ji* men Will have 1 {arrived.
• 'Central Bail road
j from Camp' Ciirtin'-alono, all) except
. the first one which arrived, aruScd and
• equipped complete, and-Wc notice by
i the correspondence from it he. head
j quarters of .the army .of Virginia, that
> thet* are ' arriving there, and taking
| llieif places in the -grand it rmy. —.
j These are in addition'to olher; .which
,'liavc arrived by other routes f’om the
isame State; and wo notice them par
j tieularly; as from our position,-wo are
' enabled to see them j cady, and
[late, passing by our door; pud wo
; ciin (truly shy a better blaSSUof men
! cannot be found than! they.;andc they
. will up doubt add to the higlv roputa
j.tibii which their Stale has atlt inedlin
• almost every battle-field since ;ho war
; commenced. The sous ot\np State, of
; the Union have displayecHUir re brii
j very, and been found more rtcl able in
i every actiomin whiehi they Were- en
! gaged, (and they are found ih almost
! every one, from Virginia to ,t|ho' far
■ Southwest.) than those ot the gallant
(old Keystone State. All hone • (to b cr
; and .to her patriotic Goycruorpviio pas
J labored with the utmost efficie. jcy and
• success in prepaying-lijor sons,' iqßJtha
I grajnd battle for our ; fbertiesl
j more Clipper. ' I . • j
0. 36. ■:
j V' 1
Of the Uaioh State Central bom- ■
xnittee to the Loral Men tfp
, Pennsylvania. * ~
I lleadquarters of, the
! : • Central\: Committee, Common
weal Lb Building#, Xo. 613 Chestnut 1
I street. , •••
1 ; Philadelphia, Affg, 2G, 'O2. 1
Fei.low Citizens : fh times of wir!
tbo i political organizations ‘ of wpoace!
are surrendered or postponed' to the I
public emergencies. -During the Rev-1
olulionnry' war there was no party
agaipst Washington b§,t the Torifes or
the ti-pitcrfe. 'ltaring tlio Wpr of 1812
the enemies of the Administration of
Mr.; Madison boon became as infamous
as invaders ; themselves.—
Ibe War tvith Mexico-‘.was waged. as
results.have i prpved, by slaveholding
. in that one State
more plight be added. >to tho number
they pave lately forced "into treason ;
yet tho publig. man who opposed it
soon bojame tihpo2j| , nlar,-and its vieto
S htp't
3, of the
irt, way
ind Em
i sfatiou
d takes
for the
rses al
3? .
t . the prpraptooiiiige 6? iPrasi-
dent Llnt^lrt. followed the Tor.
tune 9 «f General' JJreehinridgo up to
tho poriod pf Jais /desertion intbTthe
WWlx|oy rojieat hin
ftrgumenlSym,thiij cbailtry’s
derkeSt '-fibiir. ) Their. jplea. fo} the
Constitution was Bis plea before* he,
iOT £«* hifl Aga/nfet it. They
IHt-TO 11 <[lampr,i-98 he.cldmoredi i against the
Abplitionistsp.Thpy euffinci.
i a » lO ».jfWn they tb# the
Jr r most effective emancipation is ts are the
Slra- i aI H themselvea. They be-1
m ii/w.LwUr iV, confiscation acts, 1 while Jeffer/fen
-A itj ° ?/ m Davis aeqatstraies the property of .all
lortnr loyal men in the South. P And. as* if
tv/L? ‘^k 1 I to; corapletothe! parallel, and to,show
I]* 9 how sincerely they love the traitors,
la! even astheyprbtend to despise the
‘ a frS-.itdL * treason,. thpy see bur bravameniper
™?l f ,Bh, ng on the battle-field and inhospi-f
nijmstraiiop are ufn. tai; from, the fiieeaW of the swamps
M a and the bullets of fhcfoe, anddisconr-
T h ’ nt ncktho Phffl age elistments in order that they may
be relieved j and while-
J'-fj, W^en*odi rne|i negro bxodus into -the free; States; to
\v|u h can alone , Qn terrify bur laboring whites, denounce 1
wX e r- VC R /*u®. X ‘ employment qftho escaped
? ' 8 P aral - r f !?'«“* . b e cd mpn of the Sbuth to lighten the
Hfr.Tr r Um « ty h| ,1 ? on ffl J Pl<Vyic- burdens and lessen laborsoAhe white
to: y for, our armies, ri ;pe; for the defenders of the flan! ■ : V
P r j£^yh; i ,°|n of tb . e vment. ' We address you, loyat brothers and
> BSitSf 'h tlm carnbst hope that you
'beladlierrng tile fOTO «» mere Va- will hot desert-yohr cduhtry in this
wm inojjloirat 'men hive jniomerttous Crisis. i'Wol fed that we
,ed tbek
' ,Dt .i'°J o ‘W Vn e 3S&Jy* Pehce ard supported ,by this hope that all
evivnljof dißpntcjs canon- good men ari* withus. j Everywhere '!
3 repeated! now MHtho injury tot in thofroeStates, ihesarac organiza’- :
' 0 * 1 for which Wejspeali is supported
t ? r ens Witbouireference to former
‘.“$lM Padjl distinctions. | The Depnblinans
IC i’ r m i^^f'-1%!5.^ f hBoB-: t d have ebrne forward to give thisbr-'an- .
Idon the prejud{ciswtfparty strife,]! izalioh their sarjdihn. The.inost'dis
■ 11 -Inf? 1 !' 1 s ii' ° f Pf ri -- do-1 tinguished ami orthodox Democrats
‘ h ,.f to 11,0 dividing! have joined the. ranks lof the; crcat
.!■ . '‘iM : : I ;j arrnj*| of loyal men; and from, every i
. he,rnmonents are niore ;| battle-field our brave soldiers send iisJ
nous Improve the«h<l»fred to apar-j words % approval | am} thanks. | In i
than to P®i6 eMroyi They I Pennsylvania, the great People’s pdrt V !(
ist that the dhdpi, Abolition” is • Imveenr.oilcd tliemseivesln this mio-hty 'l 1
fodof the public j ipovement, s Shall jt ; fail r :\Wili\bii;'l
ice. :•>> e can One , greatj! pjerniit a few diseojatented leadcfs,rthc J
’l''f.r b of thej rdics of a debiscdjimd 4iiilty iVihhin
dubhC—and ho is Wa^ ; in::|arm S a- Miratiod, wbjo are, ;iii : fact, rndrol ro
n.l?t;.o“‘’, V ount ry.i?»*m} bjrothers. ispiinsible-for the war than
defeat him at forcyer is class but the rebels themselvcsj to g
f i,. l ? rst and n'OSt duty. ; .sway you from your bhligafibh' -to j I
.. |A e , o dvcrsa »c»qrahMjwar insist) your country]? This cannot
thi t they contend ai it iniust not be. , - i : ;i. ; '! ?,
3’? lii | pEtelry. indnepni.enti invokes ns to,! i:
kl’ to ° ! - at ( or l*mflßWfeh> H' WO9 i consolidate arid co.-operato. Theebnl-J
bui not for fbrt and ncceksities ;qf ohr fellow-citi-1 (
. .. lss®M9 : ' t snpportj;
treispn to the places n tiey so Ipng oc-' of bur patriotic Prosiilbht ahtFfearless
cu] icd and so basely deserted. And G.bvenidf, tbkt they niay fulfil their
j wlile we rene w our'b»ajty,jfc<ibgjQwi4 igrrat the threat-'.
* fipj pnenls of the war so steadily ig- fore the one''absordlng duty-of tile j
1 n<u i,' viz; ‘‘Thci cnfbi’cemeiit of the ‘hour.: r I li!,- ;! •-*
latvs” whether these laws are for the The nominees ofitU ii>yal men of!
eon liscatjon of all rebel propeHy, the iPfmnsyilvaniaj for Statqi officers, Don. I.'
emancipation of all slaves whq! aiil to .'Tibomas E.-Cbchrabiidf York county;
.def fnd tho flagjof tho Uniop,ortbe fdr Auditor'General; aiidHlon. IVVT-S.
pm isliment of tbe rbdkless partisans R&s.'of Liizdrnc, for Surveyor Gener- *i
. in, film adhering: States who aid and at, dcserve yUr united and ardent .
[-con|dbrt tho. rebel. army, de,moralize support. Mr. Cochran has served with
I the people, and jpai'ur rzo the arm, of g|-eat credit to himself add advantage |
the Executive. ; i[ to the Stativlbr the laist tbrco yojirs il'
I f:hi a word, wo hive sympathy to |ip the position fpr yhscli he is again
I bes 6w it isijiot/or tl e murderers of i presented. .Tie is knawti and esteem- ! p ;
bur country’s , libortb but tor for his pure personal and ’upright' M
deb nders of those
luni soldier teaches as by l&cS;xitmplo j and extended experience are addition- d j
toie'rscycro in devotion to our cbun- all assurance that he!is,'worthy of the ' 0
try; He, offers his lif jto the Rcpub-, giiffcrings of the friends of the Gov- \*l
■lie villi unC6nipluinin<; spirit, reposes! en.ipent. General Doss has belonged : 1 (
full eoufideuco ju bis superiors, sins-] to the .Democraticparly, and isi
tails the; Gbvofnmenl. ot Ibc. Unifld] of that largol and’ i iflnoutial bodv ! 6f a
Sta and sees but pa 3 lantagbiiist fe-; men who have fbfbvcr brolkeif* the li
fort him—the rebel wl.o strikes at his j sbaeklca of the slave power, iuid whp v
owi heart and at the Union of these i see in the prosent troubles the oppor- ‘.h
Sta cs. We should le uhwotthj- (*f tuuity to prov|e : tlieii independence of h
the advantages of peU.-e and of home of those treacherous leaders wfib daf- c
fve did not strive to imitate at the ihg these trying, titles, degrade.the r .
'allot-box an example so freely set bo-' name of Demlocracy by using it as "a
irt us by.ouf follo\v r dtizens on the cloak for sympathy with treason.— "
it: Ic-field. |. ■ • ,| j i i BClbved at hip own home, and :ih a f
If the fulfilmentorfho grave duties, Ctiurse of pnbj e jservicC having
> invoke jto the standard. of our earned'!tho confidence of, the people |
i! i try men of every class and opinion, and gatherpd]a valuable experience, i:
3 scor| the baseness that invokes beds eminently fitted for the trust |
y bate or popular prejudice. When that has, been conferred upon himJ ‘ V
jeholdi the adopteti and the native ]To elect tbcse gentlemcn, will re
icn, the peniociijid and tho Repub- quire tho conccrteu ind Cordial co-op-1
' fighting side by jddo in the array, eraiioh of the loyhl citizens of itbo
ra inspired .by 'tyje less'onj 'to.-.80 State!lt Wild br^’ 3t culpable if.
CO i
|w|so in the quje
pyal mem' of Pen
you, U> dctutinu
tula of the Gover
. and the oppone
fr'yon to! declare
jew with freedom
is ft
tkiocrs with slavery a
It ft lor you to decii
willjstrocython Abra
Jefferson him*). It i
\rb(|tber the | iraitpis :
or whether pur free i
bo (
Irdsbed. [ There i»
[no middle pathw
ied, but [two part
tors— those wbdai
those who are aga
whc are not opt
it mast ■ bo cftd
lies. ■’
is a fact. that yput
■ pondejjj that the
isition to the Gorj
3 are thei same, wi
iptiona, who encqiu
ph encouraged the
100 • the
[t since the war bt,
[To to people of the
y aunoanced, earl
jisylvunia should jt
[event of, a aeparait
r secret, hope to-dw
b held the hands'
t that: the rebels
|eart, and would
•I : i
■ ■'
(0 W>-
•in the
»fei‘ and
jo If pep
- jta own
, /cbiwpi
ies h cpnspl
if.rT* I 1
fUf«l Ad:
iarl; Pry case
G«t ‘pnient.—
to, ,J jakeh the
i -if
*f rtjdtßpjHty
[oy «fe rebeljtor
'«on -m. ou jolmosi pable it,
wdlks : of civil with evety,other advantage, we should
;j fail to wind greatvietbry in Octobers
isylyania, it is for want of ao effective and extended' .
e between the organization; oi we should, |jby 1
imeiit and the dissension? aihpng oiirselves, on minor "
its of both. It issues, give the victory to onr udyerf ?
br the sympa- sarios. Tbeduty of securing a strong
or the sympa- and able representation Jn Congress,
dthe rebellion, to sustain thq> President in its noble
e whether you war policy, and defeat the candidates Cl
'hftt Lincoln or of the Breckinridge sympathizers! is
i" or you jto say paramount ;uud binding. -Let us hot
tall pe brushed forgot that we have also to elect a f {
stitutions shall Legislature that is to cboosoia.United -.
, and; there can S‘ites Senator, .and that- in cVery t ]
i.y. There are, cohn'ty important officers are foil be „
i es—patriots or pleclcd. It wolact |p to the call and
a for the Union. tb|the counsel of the State Convention V
nst it. And all from which .w&derivb iouri,'authority,
ily for. the Re- we shall achieve a great and; lasting
ited jamong its ijrjnmph. tin this; struggle it is {the
I dqtyot all fiien to forego personal pie;
cannot too care- forences for the, common cause ; and «,
i loaders ■of the hd who shall refuse, to respond, to this
ernmeht !ih this sentiment is unequal to. the awful ;rc
ith discreditable sppnsibilities of the limes. |. To accpiiil- j.J
i aged the policy pllsh complete unity, and :to prepare |s<
:raitors to com- for a successful rblull jt ia adyisablb g
whplo that tho ioyal raen'sHould mqct togoth-j ai
jan has been to er in their 'respective warhs arid ilia- j* 1
i loyal States.-- tricts frequently. ; Th 6 ® o * thoioun- jf
ly in 1861,; that tains not pil power, but!' in ‘
lid the South In this emergency, of all, patriotic pilr-
I ion, Pud this is poise and popular enlightenment. Arm- <
: r - ■T* would ed; with the, j papona of truth and of
of the Govern- loie of .county, and strong in'the
uight strike *tt sense of aperfect understanding among
»*ye -succeeded oarselve*,w« can<(|efeat all the’.hosts
i. ~
._ ~ '~
4 4 i-i-i-.hi
. .1 • ■'
I; M-ii
J : .i; I v H-i- •r. •
■lied 1818.
of opr adversaries, andie'ncouragojQur
public servants'. 1®: cotancil and onr
gallant brotßers Wtlio ffield of battle.
"i -i Chairman. '
George W, Hahmerslt, > 0 ■
= W. J. Howard, J B *®.*-' |
.List of Jurors '
*p• •: v MondaV, sept; 8, 1862. . ' ' :j'
'. f ' ■- ■( ‘ -i
\| • oeasd. jrcBOES. - a
New Brighton; Silas Merrick, (Forel
man) James Black* St. Clair Gray,
David Kennedy, :r' /i;-
Ohio ip.: Jns. Alcorn,- Noble Gra?
ham, Wallace Hunter; TUos. Hunter,
Godliey Minesingsr. ; <-; c
Hanover, tp.: Walter Braden, John
E. Carpthers, Philip Langfitt. ■ ’
* I,Greene, tp.: • James Campbell, Jos.
M’Crcady. ’•*.•: Vi-;.v |. ■■ ‘
Industry tp.:, Alex. Ewing. '■%
North Sewickly tp.: J.J. HazoU.
! Econonty Ip.: John Kennedy.
* South Braver tp.: A, J. Lawrerice.
108. DI Reed. ■f| . . ’
Rochester tp.: David Mitchell. ..-v
Ne'VS Sewickly tp.: Sam’l Piersol.
I Freedom borol: W. B. Robihson.
Dhippewa tp.: David Thomas.
Pulaski Tp.: Wm. Wallace.'
Economy tp.; Matthew! Anderson,
.Daniel Campion*. ;. - iL ’ , ;
\|Bor6ii'gh tp.: Jaa. Allison, Sam’l
Davenport. ; 1: j'- ■; .-v
Industry tp.: Milton Brown, Thos.
Wilson-, i os. Duncan, j ; - '
iFraiikiort tp.: Jos. Boots,! Wm.H
? -azicr. ,-i - i': \'. i , ; .
j [Pulabki tp : Barrett .
<>lii<i tp.: Peter ' .i
I Brighton, boro.: John Craven,
:r., John Corbus, Johnson.
Georgetown: Chasij Calhoun. G
Moon tp.: John, Cpoliran, Thos. M’-
GoyfW ll ™- ‘Shrd(los v l [- p V ■ >1 j
•I Rochester 'boro.: -Gbas. Gable, TiM i
TnylorjiTheo, Feylori j
EHsba Woods. . ...V-.i.-j
; . tp.: Rbbt. Eaton;’ fe j
* Bridgelvsiter: boro.:; John FJshcrX
New Sewickly tp.: Jas. C. Fer&u- j
*\bjn, JohnjHosson, Whi. Steel, jr., Tho. j
Hsher.l C . ' j{ ; ' ■ | ’■, i
North Sewickly tp!.;; Sam’l B. Funic-4
I fiuser,; Abner. : .;Cfibk|oti* John-
i i >pn.,; ■ ; ;'.3‘!
Smith Beaver tp. Jacob Grbstcrost.
690. Wilson. sr.,-Jns. jM’Millen. ;
V: Hartaonv to.: Jat-ob Henrici.
Hopewell tp; Benj Hall.
Greene ,tp.: _Sam’l Leeper, Sam i
N ilson, Hugh Deeper. ■ - : (
Hanover to* CMpb Ji’Clune.i John
Parjiiigton tp;: M. M. Marquis.. ~
Chipjiewa Win. Rhodes, Isr.,
Henry Shipneri f j: .[ i
' Marion tp.: lleiiry Sebrumm. ; 1
Franklin tp;:;Win. Gill, j ;
~ Racebon tp.:’ ' Wm.' Hales, James
Hall. J
jHookstown boro.; Joseph Cain.
jGooti 'Times - .!—Wo have a,, letter
: y
tn/a Patei.son boy belonging to
Zouavp? at fort Pic-ken?, or
-atlier (now) at Pensacola;' lie says
tifey are' sleeping.; iiijlluxcirious -spring"
jeus aild npftn 1 pillotvs of the softest
IjoWn, upon which tWo, fair daughters
ft’ Se i£ssia have ■ been - , won t■' to close
ihoijr jkhgnid' teyes. rf?The Zoo-zoos
pisages upon jckryerfesofas, suiyey.
,jt<|tji!iejr < fos through - fijftemiid■ iimyorsV
inij reyel in ’ the ,fit-h! libraries for
•hboks to read.”' Tiicy stroll, f ftp6n
rcranilahs, and ( pluck t oranges? aiid
einonsi in gardens - secn ted by,i magn’o
iiak and oliamlcujs. |A| ploiity of; stray
ftiuftfehs, geese, j ducks.-.p,igs- &c., yctj
rbnikln, and| fresh beef in abundance",j
V’offly, the in clover, and
.vo are' glad to hear it. —Paterson
ffijiftrdfon. 1 j ■ "•*ft"" $•
way tq Re'crcit.—At arecruit
ug jmecting in Western New York
as t ; week, of the speakers had
>c sn nrging'the men to sign the roll,
in i told tUje women toiharry them up,
vl ema. woman rose in the meeting
ml itcfdrcssed her husbaud substan
tially as fallows='[
]» j |; ( , j . -l ' .... , 4.
“Ira, you jknojv what you said bo
bio yo 1 came here to-night—that you
vcuhi. enlist. If you don’tilo it',‘go
draijwji, liomo and (j take off those
jroecncs, and let me have them and I
viJfgo [myself!” Thjs brought down
hlij house and brought uplrai who be
iaineiarvolunteer. V j ;ij ' u :
> I ,!-... ' ' i - ■ • s I - *'■ :
AnIOLD ftttempting tp
jaTve; a' ftnv.l one, day; a gentleman
ibdrtd considerable' difficulty- in sepa
rating its joints, and exclaimed against
lie man who sold him: an, old h en*'for
jmnng chicken. ■ ig
iMy dear,!’ said the enraged man’s
o,■‘•don’t talk so much about the
d anil respectable Mr. 8., hc plante'd
first hill of corn that was planted in
opr town.” ; : r\ ;.j;J
] ‘1 khow thatf’ aaid her husband,
‘and I balievS .this hen scratched it
I should bo drafted into the
icryicc/.what .do ?” said a
;enUeman to ids wife, i lately. _ “Get
iispbstitutoforyoa,! suppoao;”wherc
i|ppn I tlie worst
oc|t of conversation.
|J|®i.p;nej man who palled upon the
examining physleian lin Hartford “Id
procure a, Icertificatotpf idisiability for
service, look a triend 1 with him who
sword thatthp formefwas “a hundred
?na ,forty-«icht old, sbur*.? j
11: n:. r• I■' raair. i i *■'
E;■ • 1- .• s:- £ ...
I .AdeneUsciatoti'inserted at lie-rate of 60 .
cenia per .square.—each subsequent insertion
it> cents. i discount tnatie tev yearly
advertisers, and ob long advcrlisetacnta. | - %r
- space equal to "twelve 1 Imosbftiiatypo ■,•
measuredas -a square. |; •. .•, «. .v Ti: 'v : v: . 25 per cent, addition to reg*
blar-ratesV : ?
Business, cards, 75 cauls a line, per, y«
-Marriages and Depths, Koligious.Bblitii I
snd other NUtices of 'a public nature, free
• Dr. ih© ' Pxesi*
Dr. 0: A.Brbwhsbn, the eminent;
' Catholic, 'arid editor "of Brownso'n’s
Review' had-ap jbterestingconference
| with the President on Saturday. Tho'
i question ofEmaucipationand Colpjfii'-
ji zation. were discussed at length. Dr.
Brbwnson agreed ! with the President
1 ou the subject of Colonization, but.
, urged Emancipation ai| :v means, of
saving the country, and as a step
which, must be taken before Coloniza
fition .on a large-scale could become
| practicable. . ,v ; v | •
1 Thd talk of the President was in a hope*
ful strain. He said that he was not
tally persuaded that it- Vas yet time
to. Emancipation, but. Dr..
•' Brownsod infers from the teftor
his remarks] that it the next battle in
•Virginia results iti,a decided yictpfy
1 for our n: proclamation omanCi
paling thaslaveSofßeoeli in STortih
Carolina, South •Carolina,- .Florida,
Georgia, -Alabama; Mississippi,* Loui
ana, . Texas, and - Arkansas, will be
forthwith -issued.;,;!
| As he itVas leaving tho rodm -Dr.
Brbwnspij asked .the President if he
Icorild give him any.defimto expression
■of opinion in regard to the time when
Emancipation would be proclaimed,
upon which tho President took up a
newspaper and read trom it his letter 1
to Air. freely. : .",I : i
A. Hero Inoeed.—Among -the Penn
sylvania - Volunteers, in prison at
Eichmond, tecently were Sergeant
Geo. Bowman and ■ Ilerr. . Cif
those recently parollcd t/5 be sent with
in our line was .Sergeant
Mr. Herrwas very-sick, and hi's com- •
rades fepjedV that if ho ; staid in the .
military prison much longer lie. would ,i
not get homo alive. He was not pa- :
toled ; but when-tßowtnan’s name wa!s.'
tailed; out, lie : pushed yoiing Help- ‘
towards the ambulance, and exclaimed ,
—‘/llerr he is 1” . iThe rebel officer {
ho'w-ever. disheriting the. nisp,'refused
to let Ilerr go. and insisted iliat- Bow*-.
man’ should.' The. latter earnestly '
,r.omfnsti'atcd;land the officer finally
touched by his geno'ronscpndugt, con
sented; that; Ilerr should go, and ho'
accordingly camo down to our Camp
ip -Lieut Col. M’ln tyro’s party. Wp .
hood nofc add that, such noble self-sac
rificing conduct stamps its author ps
a soldier, of the very; highest order, - ■
and as a, ruan of the noblest impulses. h
■ Muzzr.isa mif Rebel “
Yanl Borm has issued ia geneja’
(jyo. 9,) in .which occurs the following; *;
C&L'rv— - . -j i
moremcnt-rof the troops is p.onrWtcoy
Hud irilio editor or any-' :
newspaper' published in : i any of tup ' i
.comities herein bpfore ; (
publish, am - oditoml article, or jeopy
in to: his pa|er any article or paragrapih \
■ Calculated lb impair cor.jiflcnee in any :;
,3ft the coiiimandihg otWcers whom thief • -
President niav, sec fit to place over"
the troops, siieh editor br proprietor :
Shall bo/subject to -fine-and imprison-1
merit, find the publication of the news-' : .
paper Sbijll be thereafter, suspended-| ■
■ jgj~ ; -\Vell,'’i'yhat nextsaid ; Mrs.
Partington, as she intemiplediilke,
who was Reading the war
pickets were, driven in 'flYfemil,ps?Jff; :
Bless my’ p6o^sbu|,’bu^Bif^Hh : inalije
a-Strong fence. I supposejthey had
to‘"be driven lin deep, to keep,, the
the ifrom;■ digging out
under thorn.’’;, r V : 1 1 •
jiguAnxiOus Father—What am Ito ,
do with yob. sir—what am ,I:,
with you? Do you feho< *f you con-
tinue your present epurse Jof cruelty ,
and cbwardico. ybu will ho nl for noth- r .
ing but a niember of Congress ? -1
Distracted Mother-rO,-' don’t say j...
that father! don’t father, you’ w;ll |.
humble the boy-! :■*. if,’"- 'f- ’
; gentleman ;said to ohe;of his s
sons, who used to’ stay late in bed; ev
ery morning—P-Your brother gel up : 4
thus niornirig at five o’clock,and found -
on the sidewalk, a .purse of gold.”— V :
“Very well,” replied.4he lazyyounjg
man;; “if-the poor fellow-to iwhom it ■
belongs bad remained in bc'd.jtill ten j
o’clock ho probably would hot have {
lost it.” 1 • ' : .,-i
SgyDo those editors
randh to say about, the expenses pf ,
the ws.r, desire that the independence ...
■of the rebel Confederacy shall bo acv
knpiwl,edged by our GovernVnent be- ■
bdcansolhe war is costly ? , If so, why ■
don’t they spoak out ? ' ■, [ '
. sixty -nine pound 'shell burst' l
near ah Irishman in one. of the tron'clj- \
es. • Pat cooly surveyed the rhihs the -
fragments had made, and exclaimed,. ■
“Bo jabors ! thim’s the fellows to soft- V
cn the wax in a man's eart’’ . [
husbandry he knows-of is the . marry! -’ ;
irig bf la widow in clover tvith'.a wid- : ■
owdh weeds. : '/£. ■■ kYrlvu'
1 JC©*“Do you know whb biiU.t the
:biudge ?’i said a person to Hook'., ' | , |
. replied Book j >;but if you '
go.i&ver you ’ 1l bo tolled.. : ,, 1.. ; ; ,* .■ ;>-'[■
I®-Women first resorted to tight a. .
lacing to prove to tnon bow well they 1 I
could [bear the ;y, | ; .
tSkWe know little'of the Jitcrttthio 1 '’ 1
of Tonis! or lAlgiers.' but thcro are a,'
■giwat.inany fine cooks ib Jlorotoot ;
■ • i- \
; ru