•'Wm- •;*5 tk tub coOkt of' COMMON PLEAS i “VANITY J.OFBEAVEII COUNTY. 1 | 1 il-11 1 1 1 litliematter of the appUbation.for a Cbar- r j fa the wmie ant* tor rf Incorporation for a. Church in Bridge- M t journal w unc trailer. the worship of Almighty God, according to the • ..Whosoever finds himself jlaugbihg at .the i faith and discipline of the .Methodist Episco-! wit fef Vasitt ; F.un, and does not ret urn a i P* 1 P|inreh_«f the. United States, of America, ; pro j s .g t fa "treasony and spoils,’”—; . 1 presented to the whereupon* the Court ■ Jywj jf Craven. H t having perused the said instrument^and being ’•*! * •**•*'* .1 . ■ of opinion that it contains nothing Contrary to • law, direct said instrument to be filed, in the Prothonotary’s office, and order publication ac cording to law, and that unless cause be shown to the contrary, the aforesaid Charter of . In corporation will be granted by Court at next Terin. ' Beater Coistr, ss; : A true from the Record. - ; jy!63 Attest: M. WEi'AXD, Proth’y'; ■ NOTICE ' | ; IS hereby given that the final account of ' Thomas .M’Clure, Committee. Jonathan Phillip?, n lunatic, ha? been exhibited and filed in my; ofil-rc. art.] :I;M the same will-be allowed by the Court on the second Monday of Sep tember, jA/D. 18G2, unless caus:£ then be.shoWn, againii the confirmation. ■ ' Michael weva: In the Court'of CommomPlca In the matter of the account, Clurei ConUniitec of Jouuth: lunatic. And now, to wit, Juno 27. 1 ..-•-•grant a llule to show cause-why phculd not be discharged from , confirmation of his :■s£», ar : the hr Inure in his hands; and, t be given I*y pnhlicatiu:?'in the according to llule.’ 7>e.\veh County, ps: A true conr of Ru . . MlCllA EL ’ Attest ! C—3t L LIST OF f.KTTF.I:?.. I'N ' ro:ii..‘:!:nu - in.the lou, Fa., Juac'h'.-Lli, . Anderson A { AkrighL Missllachel \ Bryant Jj.»hu S ■ i Darid I Brinton iVui P Baker Mr>~ Ann jirewer Kohei t 3 Danl : Cuti-hey -Mr* N; 2 • .IFL-vit .! r ■ Fran* v.’ra j- • '• G:ir.utT'Mri* Kleanor : 'Smith Ke::Uswoo'l John ’.Summon ‘ jluilfcrty Lufforty Surah • i - jitiuncv . Persons Calling for letters in TrillJ.yway LIST OF LKTTKKS. O'C remaining the iVil'cfßc - ii. TV..., .Tnne IS o*2. -’Adams »Vm I* ■ jMlClure T J>rucf Wm ’ i.Miiins V m " Bryan M.ary ■ "■ pSfcrc^Mlrbscl Clark Anna . . jlonryi ’ ClaVk Sas:J* ; ’ < *|Ryle Fn nk 3 Tourer ‘Margaret, jPerley.l bos J : Fish Sarah J , jPviehard ? Sul * Pis Tor Nancy - ‘Kirs-dn*: & Sl ?in (ilasa John lilced A iua' I D C -• 3 iSni’ith.-jf C j - /Millsworth.N 'SwagcrjSarah j * ' .M r Cunp Phebe jTaylor/lV I MarcertKeiurah , ' :To’ms AirncrTa . ■ !*f - r>r.*iij calling s*»r tellers List will jdcase sny they advertised. r s I T>. r M--J. ANI)Ki;Sp>’J:P. M. LIST OK LETTERS. “uNCALLEP FOR, the J'om OtScc,/u Ki rbcstcr, Fa., July Ist; ISb'J:, l“l- ' • Barker Alfred jNoii I'mh ' ’ * • Brady .» ■V, ;-N. f h!c U ■ ,| ' J ' ; Booihe-Gco II | l*nrs«>n.« X J | M \ Uohvcnlo.Tger E 'Ey an ('..1 t'iihcari Ijiujrli '• | Rhodes'U B i i Batson Mm . jSuuwdou ii U' '* • Jhnis \V J‘ ;Slmrlork UJj. ■" ‘ . Griffith Oca? 'Smith .Irorgc { 1 Hall-Miss Fraiik T ! VamhiMiuthew lL‘«iik ; ii« John j jWolt’Henry Lijrhilnot Caroline. (Witmau Geor^o • Morcojr Sarah li. Walker God \V Mark'd! .S: liro AValihor Frederic M.vln.u*di vk Uobt >V«e AG ! -MaivhaU llaxior White 1) B I * Murclc'.G-'tifcc __ A aley Herman A 3 ’ ‘ J T. Jl.i T.VVIiOI!, -P. >l, IN THE; COCRT OK COMMON’ PLEAS OF KE.V.VEK COIN TV, ~ - i. , . ■ No. 1, Novi Terra. Foreign At tachment; Judgment by default; .U Mtnto ment of account and affidavit ftilccl. Claim ‘7O. Kvith in terest from • 31th June. 1800. T ( r ‘ X , And now. to wit: July *7/1 $O2, SEAY/) Huie luc the as- se?s the damage* and liquidate the ant'-nnt * f t!. e* ;nd., x iho recent Announce .incut ot* a purchase b\ Hm. 1. Derry, being ; premature. r . e i AL.SO— Insi •umcnti l , viz : j A VAAUM SPLINTS; " C P IMAhVI) V Vit iv mT!' ; ; L A OCSXETII- ) SKMl>x\ K\ AND !iM - / j Rev, R. T. Taylor, A. 1 AU arc cotiipictc. | Mrs.A. S. Taylor, Go l™? uXitf LaD: ‘ A m - ST CLASS SCHOC * I ?' ■> •*. 1 - - . ,*■ - • -V b ’ v ’ , cattou of \oung Ladies. -J C ’ JUi - - aoo-4 Administrator. pjvcn. in the Primary and.'Prt ■;V ‘ Sliex Sale. ' • v* I | All expenses except Tuition,! •I f viriuc of a writ of i fri'dttioni.Eipcnng,ii~ term of fotirteen weeks,..’. - ... If sued out of the Court of Common Pieasof i Tuition from $3 50 to $8 00. Leaver county, (tiid to me directed, w ill be ex- rS» effort? spared to make the posed to Public Sale, at the Sheriff's office iu ®f confidence of its palrdns Leaver, oh 1 .. 1 Send for a Catalogue.'' - Saturday,. August IGti, 1862 egf-The next term comment forenoon..' a , ’ i PITTSBURG -.WATE] All the rigur, nt!cv interest and. claim of: iiTnr„ M .;..a » - • defendant, of, in and.to flic following.tract of il\ r'tTrtY ** !**** lar.l situated in New Sewicklev township - ? th . C ¥ bounutu aid described as follows. - to Wit : Ouf try the north and, wesf by -land of James and i t«t?on than faclllt,cs on the soiuh by Jaines'Fersrusoiu I ftn p ft _ p* . - in* i J Jr., and e.,-t 1, ; . r’ruusou. Sri- con-' f ®®- For Pictorial Circular ad laininji 51 acres more or lets,'nearly all«lean i I D»- W. N. HaMI ,cd and uuder fence, and on which are erected i 'V- • ’ - Pill on^cjs^ ft )^ bar?; f g °° d OrC -“ d -j Seized aud iaken in'crdcttlion as 'IpHE undersigned has jemoied from the rtfy of Robert Clark at the suit- of, John J .-shop, lately occupied by him bprositW ‘ j ue? - ' >. John Barclay’* store id the shop * next 1 JOHN ROBERTS, - J oor «» Kerrs Hotel, on Third Street Beaver Sheriff- , where he is ready and willing id attend to all mr.'G r: —H in —. *—;• (' - MERRY'S. jJf nilla, at . . . . • D, Proth’y, ;- • r i s„6f Beaver Co. , of Thomas M’- in ijliillips, a j J&2, ]tbe Court r the Committee bis trust uponri lid v pj)ymcnt ofj irderj notice to;j c Reaver Argus i Two copies of Vanity Faiii win bo seat Ho one address for j A.a.So 00 iFire copies 1..-...12 00 HT«n'-’copies 20-00 ■ ; I;: ■. i( An Extra copy will he allowed to thcgcttcr- I up of every Club of-not five copies. .6. > i VEVjV.VD, ■ 'cthdnoiarr, A-Lli-ED FOR Brigh- Rolit. ■i Mif3 G . Mrs Elizabeth r Mrs Nancy lIJ ' : This paper ,is Elcctrotypccl,' *and numbers .mavibb procured al ai))* time. | • I ■ ' : LOt*IS H.[STEPHENS, j Publisher for the Proprietors,' 113 3hiusau-Si. i ■ Njew-Vork. • iM’Mulir L'l'Crcer IMcrcer* !M*Crocr [Oatnuin • Price .VI \Vvup Mi 'Pence \\ Pa-ilicm -While-M ■N'l'll.'"!!. ; I il'Mlv j Quarterly Mirror of Fasliions, I With Great Improvements and AfZditwiit, ■ * the sum>:eu number contains . : ;isuu v-j M’i'irparef m 1 j -. "" * n-rM5?f !p : 11 1 mII ] • ’ - ij'AVia' \ Ann ’ John the nbovc list, EOL-R LARGE .> :Sl\LEXD^r i dSmol\\ PLATES, ' THREE FELL-SIZED ■ , ,' \ .TALTERXS OF DRESSES, ; i ' ’ cojirnisixu the ■ Xew [French V.ki.-I, an Elegant-Sleeve, and a [Misses Sack, and a Sheet of Sew’’ | .■ and, .Beautiful I 1 . ■'* .BRAIL) AXI) EMBROIDERING I’ATTERXS, iALLED FOR j Together with neatly 100 Engravings of bat Beaver c! • i' ; all the-novelties'p.r • !.. ;, J j j Summer Bonnets, Cloaks|, Trimmings, , I [ Children's &c.,' ? I And [valuable information to Milliners, Dress I Makers,' Mothers, and I-adics 'generally, pro-, 'sewing the largest and best [Fashion Maga ! zinc 5a the World, published, *173 R-oatlway, :X. _V:. and sold everywhere at 25 cent-, or [sent by mail, post free, on receipt of ! the ain't ■ in'stamps or silver- Year $l,OO with ihc fol ' lowing valuable premium. i Each yearly subscriber dill Joe entitled to a receipt for the selection of 50j cents worth of 'pli*hiipat,tcrn3,. from the desigbs in the book, or from the show, room, or they may he Or der cl and sent by mail any time daring the j>.tr v bv. paying postage. ! ; KjuSplcndid Inducemi asVors. -• ftb-Satmacr-Nu. now r j; c. i 5 iVLKP. M. : SATUEDAY MOR . j : ' J . Family Ncwspkper in WESTERN PENN’A. jAn«I i|]ie only democratic Union Sheet - in | ‘! ' Pittsburg. j" r ( ] ■ | KSTABLISIIfeU IN ( 1.904. I It jeontains all ■ I he CCP-RECT NEWS OF TIIF? HAY reliable, .Monetary,'! .Market and. "I t.ompiercial reports'and a choice selection of : Tilley. Poetry.H.iicrarj'a'nd Scientific;Articles, | f Valuable SiatislicaMnfoknation, }. | v Agricultural News, kc.; ! •• . —ALSO— f ' ' . |The Latest Telegraphic News, ■ Embracing every important item of News, j and Domestic, Congressional ; <- i 'lntelligence, T.cgislatiVe Pro- • I _ i i ccedibgs; Stc., &i , Tcmu’, Sl J(r .annum for a Sinylr Copy , or 11 : ' Copier otie year for S jlO. Vj JAMES P. KARR. ; ■ • Editor and; Proprietor. I Corner Fifth and Wood sis 1; Pittsburg Pa. J Bgk-Scnd your;money by mail at my risk., j j Aiidress j TO COUNTRY DEALERS. ’ .;&;iiool Boohs and Stationery at Whole ■’ 1 , _ sale. ' ?! IC t-übse; i.ber has alwij’s on.band j Osy the may ,bc plainly seen by 7i qMfoi thr fca/io the tiyhf, [A’.handsome'reward wil be.given to any oncj rendering such informa tion as may lead to tjhe detection of any partj or-parties couhterleiiingthe medicines or vend, ing tke.gfme, knowing theili io be spurious; %f* Sold at the Munufaclqry of ProfcssoJ Holloway,’ 80 Maiden Lane, New Y’ork, and by all respectable Druggists v ahd Dealers ;in Medicines, throughout the civilized wdrld, ill Boxes at 25 cents, i)'l cents arid $1 each. J There is considerable Saving by takjna the l2 e«r. "***; : . * r-VNi-B:—Directions for ’the 1 gnidancc nf pnJ ients in everv disorder areaffixed to each box! May 7. -v' . > | AIR.” .JiinijCA', POST. ; Kdllock\s DandelionC pffeej Tills preparation; made fromlhc best JavW Coffee, is' recommended iy physicians a a superior NUTEITIIjUS BE\;£UAGlsforGen-; eral Debility, Dyspepsia and all billions rl'sor d\*rs. ; Thousands who have been' compelled tr abapdon the use of coffee, will iiao this avith out injurious effects; One: can contains Ihrf strength of two pounds of ordinary coffecJ Pricc’2s cents. j 1 ' ■KO/.LOC'K'S LEVAIX. , The purest apd best BAKING POWDER known, for making light, sweet anti nutritious Bread and Cakes. - -15 cents. 'Manufactured by ■ i: • 11- KOI.LOCK, Chemist, * Corner of Broad and Chestnut streets, ; Philadelphia, . And sold by nil Druggists and Grocers. mar2o., ;ISSI dOHi(i,3 General Commission Merchant ‘ ~b ' A XI) :it ' Denier in Flour, ' drain, and all hinds of ■ Country Produck, Wines and ... -^Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco, v .iliojiandji JIOOUi w Ip Ircatmpnyndj; •or Semin* wea sexual jlrtlilyi generally net mental 'nr 'jnhj SELF-All ISE MAKUIA E G This mostextn hands of ove'rj marriage, at d sires tOjlimit tl their circum ito ache incidental is fully |cxplnin that should he of .engravings, every one sbou must bp locked It trill be sent twcnfy-|five oer Alddrpss lAu above Fourth. . ser\wH may be yourj self under ti T Qt: AC K S-—nat ivfci— this Or fany ol get Votings'; book, t cai be tfce mcami • ou your health. jar ye ' lip. \?)UNO p diseases; descri bffiep, die Spn I BSyOfficc h' J ( II vl\ m Jih e Pitblith A '‘s Ti'i! tore iepa[ Consul -Deb lityj Nervou triti in of the H I the ;.lm|s frtjl Incapncity*fojr i y\pp •chcnsipii; Soci ;ty p Love List 'list's 'Dblzi the! .Jyci ; Pimp Emi sioija, and quel ccs bf' y< u( a iln thatUhc; abJ|a evilimay Jj*!? without jDa^o'f 0 should be redif-* in the labd. I V .St-hL.uiiilcr s scnloft*ciivclo] i two j>gc |a 1 . ,1 12T86w r9 i-.j.: ADMINIITdIV lETTEBS pinis|rß j late; Of] MawklgH township; Bctjunly;,d( granted to thprsighM debted ; to-" snide lire Jr immediate pay, and tb' against tie still ptci authenticated (dementi. j ][j ill May, 21; 18( _ IJMIN (AT 01 i ■fTfHEßEjwvs of ,W the cf T Coot. Hano ’cr | toP Bet.; ceasedj haviwii duly dcrslgned; aims ind: arc notified tic imnie those havinpU again: I sent theni l pfy atithe i ment tvitboutf. • , J■■ I 1) ! J r: ’ ,|.( ■ "AJjIMiU 1' ETTERS id of cun FcrryJ Ohio j deo’d, bavin j all persons i{ to made’Jirin claims agal properly aul , f may2B.i ADMI^ It. etteri [jo of Js’! (township,-® ween grant* indebted, tjo 1 immediate! ] a against the i authenticaii j r juned, ’{ } crp - Ivertu •RINT ■Typ| RITINQ OFFICE ribdfeWßi muaflcl; icri hTfbilb Nit. r.TflntD STREET, sre£|AND 216 i /:. | e?t| iusnnr 18 >B' ild teW trueceea •i, wi4 Is the iMgest Staled. i We havejon iere«ry|ok 8 •sdn VI is, a booklbnt bout house.: the receipt of 110 Sprhec, et;-,; •dtnate, d re. y ic iy j ol no matter what on place lyour'j ’ the notbrioua ho advertise in a copy of Dr. cfully. It will a«ihy 'a dollar, life. , r ’p . ■ *•(' 1 on any of. thp lication, at his i Fourth, Phila fdajly.fmar2o u tbovi ic to 3 SE OE s ' e i' -y . r>p<; Price C cti: :d 'live :uLVEinvEi-i, ;RE of-Spcrma -1 npd Physical ;f; linpairc'-l Ku? i- Weakness of .lifipositiotj, nnd jin* DuUrijess of .e\)S. Iml | In •mory; .Vvc-sion fo .el; | Timii ity ;[ Solf in idcl e, Al.cctions of pi Face; Involuntary , i ipa nty; the Cpnue- 1 tl ret on, sc., «c., f 1 mi turs clcarlyprovcs i"M*pflcn;SeU-alilii;le' ' I same; room occupied by • C. A. OBIFrIN. j[ Photographic Artist. |S KOTICE. y ition upon the es ix, slater of ijrccnj lec'd, bovine bcc: 3, nil persons requested to nuik ? iqso having iclaims ent .them properly M. HOODJ Aininist rator. ; s NOIICE administration on. . Vomtios,' late of i rer ' county, . die* granted: to the un : oted td 'gajd estate c into payment, and ( Ihe same willprc i ticated for settle- it. MILLER, Administrator, I’S NOTICE. itiori on the- estate •in, late of -Smith’s: WrCounty.Penri'a, - ito the undersigned, 1 estateare request-, at; and those having j will present them [settlement. :. i J, oflaamjo tp.,. ; J ; Administrator. ■ tfJRATOJ: S,diiinUti*i, S»m [ship. Bca i in grallttici 1 iked to sah I it 0; pay men lihe, Jicotcd for it SLEKTZ &’S -NOTICE. ■ ration on the estate |nj late of: Raccoon Ipenn'a dtio’d having UlgnOd, i aR a requested to make those hairing claiiris ■sent them properly St. .V 'I: Hi.. i [ENRY, Jr. lAdmT; ;' :kato Adminisi M. Lirrr. r Conhty, the undi I estate at nent, Wd >0 wilj pr jr settletn lOHNW’I p t Imitate to ««y i tbohe* remedy I ffHW' ' ObogbA Iloarxoßoai, iU ooacoaltaot aymptomwqfa p°hl» Uyonr CniMT Woman*. I%*?““ n A. a!, ?.‘2 jB: ay pnetk* ind my totally tof. thr. tolt t ■ • |«d talnbii shown i|fco pone* wpj IJ. tor theWtment.oftheta - MfrUiaa. KBSN HWiairrjM.DT -H i write* 1 “mw med toar Aelor«i nyMlf aodl ia mytomily ater since'. Yoa lK#ntodlt,ufld|«Ws It ibdlipst twdWii* tor it%< JSpOT. A»TpUtodl. fwilh a.had Sid;l .hodld tooner, i■■ I '.I 1 1■ r ; .v-| droaptf,Whooping Cough, tnflnenHU. Btnm Ami 1A cheerfully iSertifr JWr , If thoSbettiiately'weljiioatMßffcr the curoof,\rh<»piy i aragtr, crooTamfthepheet dlafararbfchUdremWeof | jtrawifratermty : In «h|Sonth appreciate year e** l *. ***4 . r*v W M.D. ; i I- Altos iMSi.i .«! tad* UdfcWilnftqeni^vblc^eonfl^TOindoort; ‘ six weeks l .took many medicines without relief; htu»Uy 1 . Stodyonr!ft«torol by the tdriee of our clergyman* The ■. An&oose rellerod the soreotai la my throat ■odlnngi, , I*3 than iboo half U» bottW iftade me eompletely^won, ' V?* Zlwn«rir. th. ctWuMt i Weß M thebest™ | can buy, arid we esteem youTjPoctok ened your semedle** es the poor man’sfriend.’* .|; ; . 1|- ',- | [. !| Aathma or Phthisic, andßrOnchitls. f •{.'l. ■ -■ i IVaST ilaxcaarraa, P»-r ?«>>• 4 > l J ! gat : Yodr Cbcrry Acfornl Is Atformldg ln«rjrellou« cUreo Is thin section. Uhaa relfcrta aororU fromahu-m -iSe iTmolome oi cousumptloq, and Is nuwi curing «m*u wtwhailaboted under an ugeettoo dC tWlun*« for the HENRY L.^PARKS.Mercbanl. A. A. ttAMSEY, M. f,writes Sept,«,WM: “ Daring my practice of iMnyy“" i 1 here (bund nothin* equal layout Chtm IWaralfOt . *irlor ea« and nllef to conaompU+e pnlienta, or eniln* | 1 loch aa are eurabla.” -.ij ■] \ -I: T r Wo might add toloniaa of orldaneo, hut the moat eop-; Tincing proof of the jlrtoe* of this remodj U Cmadia lU • offecti'opou trial. j ' L ■. • 1 -1 i'- - • Conramptloiit ■: i Probably ho one remedy baa| erer been nova vmca j cured Im mao, and auch dabgeroua caaea aa! tbia, - MM ) BO bnmaa aid can teach: but arim to thoaa the Oicnf ; ■ itetoroi alforda ralief and cotaAirt'| :1.1, ' . . ■ i 1 Aaron Uotar, Naw YoagCtn, March 6J1858, ; Docrou Ana, Iawill: I feel it a duty| and a plearoro , to inflxm yon what your Chtrry hae 4 on f/ or . n i wild. Bh* had been Oto tnontte undrr the dan reronaaymptomaof tonramplioo.fronrwhlch noaid we Sold procure gate hermurh relleff She w« ateadllj Wi- ! tng. until Dr. Strong, of thle dtr, where we hare eon» *w , advice, recommended a trial of yourmedicine.-. IVeblea. , hia Undneaa, at wo do your ahlU.i for abf ln“ r”°’ Br *4 ftom that day. She ia. not yet u atroog aa she uaed to • hoi hot la free from her cough. andJcaUaheraeif widt J ■. (Cbunnuptirca, do not deajuir tfll you .baN tried Atri’a , OnaaAr Pictoul. It la made by one of tliq beet medical , • chemUtsln tbeworld,endlt»xurrtftllftrdund oibcspeslc , the high merits of Its rirtufes- ~-l\h &uidj>Jua L*doD,MorWa martbm of ih. Soa*la and i nln I briatng tbm-from. Flatulency, llT« of Appetite, all Ulrer. • nnaland Cntaneoja •Duwasea Which reqntte an eracuapt j pledidne, Scrofulaor King’s Hail- Ihcy alaS, togi tho Wood and atlmulatin* the ayatem. euro many I ; eoSnlainta which It I would notjbe etippoeed they could , mrf,, each as Deafne*. Vnrti.il Blmdne«,>enmb{U and. lictroualrriUbUlly,Derangerocbtaof th*UreraadKld- | nrvi, o.'at. and other, kindredjumiplamta arielng.from a . low ataleof thebody orolr,tiiic|ion of ttafnnctions. i, j : bo not be put off hy nnprineipled dealert with lame other pill they make more profit on. Aak Jbr.Ariaa | Pl 4», and like nolbing elii. No other Ibeyran , yoocompare, .with' tbl. in Itailntriaaic raipe or cnmlim , poweta. -Tho tick want the J*»t aid itwte. ia *?r thim< j ■ ta't they should tu^Tcdt*, „ i ■ •!_ *-■; . f . Freptired by. Dr. J. O..AYEB, Practical and Analytical CheibUt.lowell, Kti». puca 'B9 Cn.i jrxa Box. i’fitx Boxxa sox .; ■jf SOLD. BY |i; '. gSuKof.snle by I», MtljiS, ji'-i' Cross, ilocbetcr;;'' «!!Pioiwr & lii wry, f tree don; J.! Nichols, Cadepk -': Snrgcnt.vNcw Brighton, John BlackVi Darlington.; p.»»- ii,’i Edcar, FhUsloniahd l.j dealers evyry whitre-[ ' '• hr iTI i ’ - i ; J, Hicnuio, _ i -hton, John BlacVVl i,’’& Edgar,' FaUslon.and hjF h " rc - ■~ r . ■ - F CRITTENDENS ' PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL ■ : : N. E. coinerbfTtli&Gnestiut St., i , V VniLAjjisLpniA; j?A. mills Institution, which xfa? | 1814; and is howj cohsci cigthtcenth year of its! exist anihhg its gratiiates, hundreds ccsisful Merchants and Busine Country. . i ;t' |, , : > the object of the Institution iorjd young men facilities j for tli ration,for business. _ I Jhe branches taught ate, Bo licablc.lo the various (jeparlj Penmanship, both plain and ‘Commercial LawJ mu thematic C'riil Engineering, Drawing, land Modern Languages 1 ., : The system of Instruc ion i (dalsscs or set lessons arc'made i student is ta'ughtdndivjdhaUy, commence uf anyitime,|aiid alti jcrjhours are mosjj convert ent. 1 Catalogues • are issued, annj 15th of April; cjmtaining natp dents jfor the year, and full terms,'&c.,nind tnay b’e pbtairi by addressing the VriheipaL | ' In extensive iceomulOjlation deputation,; andlthe lenglhy ex Principal,; this Institution offd perjor to any other in the couj men [wishing to]prcparctfor-b obtain at the samp timed Dipt prove a recommendation for t! cautile House. ' ■•i ' it: I 1 i , „ -jjpggf CniTTEXPsa s St Book-Keeping, 1 {now me than any|;other Work onj sale at-lhe College, i. jS.,: HODGES, i'j Altai ■ t. •a. ,' May 7. | ISTot Th 6 accounts and._ The .Alfeevs for 1860 ai have not boon settled : !the accounts of M,. W AVcyand; land AVeyand arc in my :hands for sci who are. indebted jto e; for subscription, advert ■work, will please call Treasurer's Oracjt.' M counts are of : long stand bo settled; I ; ' '] :■ SAMCEIji DAj r I ,?Po. Vpi V\ta||:; Eriij>lp^^^ X OFFER it jt^^riißg ,;| &nd Summer, largo profit*. S^^rfor my -i^bwd»t|pn'i. Eddies* ;i! I. iOPO- E.pif D SBABBiv K Hr- , 1 ■>!~-OXfe ; -.'A : ' OE IBM it' HEOwaiJJAi, oxlv tluje as» amnnsEi ; for S* Icttik SU»h Bc«cdr for .IYER COIWPLAINT !a Ain* Alt BiuoTJS diseases. ! •■ ,'! ; -—r“ ——• ■■ t?:-\ 4tl 1 :-»|l ■fiio ordinary evidences of DisrJ i easoj of tho-idver are Paid and ■ tendnrness in the region of the > I LlTer*soniotinies dpii and aching* Inot-eased by pain and Uneasiness in Breathing* Pain in tbe right uneasiness : when lying!upon the left side, " increased size of the Liver, Short . and Dry C«Bgb| disordered atom- : ach. Nausea, Yellowish I'inge on | th§ «jyes and *in,.Headache, yel- j I lowish Ihr bn thotongno, Bitter- | isb-taste in the mouth, heavy, ] .doll sensation in the Brain, Dc- . pression of Spirits, amounting i almost to Insanity, slight Ferer (■ toward evening.Lossof Appetite, I MjelancltolyV'withporqseness and !2ippchondria t*Neuralgia,°duii ! nass,.n general feeling of Intasl ; ness,* Languor, drowsiness, the patieot ~conscious of something I 'Wrong in himself, arid disposed ; to! seel nothing right in things about him, yet wholly unablo to explain;tho cause of his sen- ■ eatlons—with many others easily . detected by resemblances to somo one or other of tho above. This Liver! Pill will almost cer taihly arrest tho disease if taken upon the ajppoaranpo of tho above which if allowed to 4 tahe iti course, becomes chronio, I in its nature add almost incu rable, producing great and con stantly increasirlg sufforing'. * ~ . The use of thia jnodicino will neither ' create a bow diseasi nor complicate an i oxlatiuJ ond. bdti ip moat; 0; | sieseasary to call in his :i ~ I as:!* MMii.Tr oteswise SELLERS’ LIVER PILLS ■, j : ; ;V abb invaluable: ■ ■ v I Frioia C£> Cents. ~_c*(nl)lishcilln qucritjy in t q chop,:- nnmbc j i if. the-must sue :iq Mtn .of our is solely to af liorbugh : prcpa- ok-kqeping, as incuts ot* trade; ilj ornamental; ;3.l Nivigalion, i Pbonogt-apliy, • is: peculiar; no use of. but each aothat'bc may end dt whatev- uii]ly jXifterthc ip'fcs' stu -1 ‘particulars of led at! any, tinjq is, wide-spread pcricncc of the rs facilities su ltry, forjyoung t6 OMA, Which will icin' to any Mer- of Treatises on jiclcly circulated subject, 'are foT ties TENDIIS, ; ■Late, \ r -“ '( Teiucipal. 1’ 3KIT i t'y-al O- bscriptidna to id 18(51, which. ■ ip, as .well as j synod, M. &J- | land: Henry, | Element. All ! Lthcr of these, j> isenVent or jot r oW me at the any of these ca should ■■ nr. 'friririi hnv. [DElifiifi M j Ecnl by"'mail,- bur'-thf-V -Vi ■ tained'ai ybuiv.Diaig J [ . [/j j 1 hoy cannot, send. i->‘ ay ■ llr tec !tl.'. iVL i TUEASCiIV, I’rico. Eto LAn.-Mvinch, con-: ■! tains them.- •’ 1 I- vi 1 T*T OW,^ ,:V ' i AHE7DR- lilllli'S, PREPAREISKI Gll!iD I ' . '. :■ -M / J-'. ■■„ -t, 1; ■• . - . ' The'best cyidcnces.that x hoy :ih> U: [firmest fnoiuU :iu4.bcst are iim*? wh* f ha.vc thsodliiem, longest. i- J/r. \i'hi. /,*. Hurdi*.. • tfii-ieipinVui DcntUi <>f i»f-’!;k : vn; T•• r .:*-cr of;., | the York ,??t ate,Den*’.^y '-.* these preparations have '.-• i the profession,; AV.ithnuf iliCMtnl ..pv.y.-i^* ’j in£, dealers have sold,feh»*nf: 1H - t&i» ,/ • • 1- Tlic-'Kditor: ol the Jirooldan Dn'i’y • I **\Vo know thV;^iuw-;K Pr. v itnrdi •is ‘sncceedinir TiL*von*l,nU exp* ■ 1 with'his. nub TotiVih k>W DIVR life- gyeai oi* Isis ■'Fiw •. I' with tluii'.f act' that •lel'lclr'i arc •> r, --A-- ■ I: they (ire ;n^-i i rscn!. .•• "■\ their Umu p * ra.hii.lv have used ft all-'up. '-ft e 'art A< p. l t : jhr 'Ut-ittity: hare ever • tii'-iif I. shall l*i feel ohUg.C'l .‘if. 'you’XvJll k'li'l me ‘a no! her Vp;- 1 1 ply at t.iic Musenbr Wvbttr ' ii>hi.* v ' , v .-I- . ■ '.. ■ j j . Dut. ls, onj innj ‘ | j lest the matter for lu'Lsrlf , j . If. : iJcHviVc of t'lsepa - dlnary T• >caU I*.,\vders. : I Dr.;Hurd's TcDoodcr. conrani.s no f j nor alkaU, norl'C.lrkreual. am! paiislso's. without 1 \veaVing tltc o.un’m'ei: Use no otliyv- , T, " p rlvu \T . vt'll.b PR. tltilD S TLE>liT>n;S- 1 v ' '/Tr ' . i' ■ Ei-. Houv.i \V .iii.ajjd TKmii T'nj j'Wiil jrivj yvuttfr l.nlu-s t!:at ln |:‘ •’ iixmi—_a E'- A' j:- * 1 tion>, itnd U usv'J '■> ■tndriiingj t ;v.A;j;ii.uki- \ : ■ ; tile '.li-oiiillhb-v..tiisiii : -.vij tliis. '-Ti-y tliOin.-ccnTp-pi-ii: J ' ]•; I 1- Pf. Ifiil'i's lloutli AVii.-li it nil Tool!:. Pr "{j;ive.an juMitiunnl oiisirmvcaurts.pje. | ■ !’ wnkeiliusljiitfilffmore acrccuUlctb, tli. it- -"'p''"?,: ; i. 1 pii-lvcU Jojaiteilr TbCy »,;• nlu iw ■ ’ j uvcii liy every pci v.n Jinvitijr* ■, j ; ; i,■-,■ p; i' : t .ia* riri via i/rf cm. -y';,’; V wju'cli. in-ehiliiilc te iiiiprirt atiirofVt'«-n;'.' u O|- -i j pK. Hm-il's: Tooibaeiie Dronp.-f cure ' ”" ! p' j '■ -tUnebe unking' IVwm expostyl tiecvv*' ail-i •are '-fj; . . best Tricii'lsitliat pa rents ciiii Innie.in tbe lioiep-, ■V -to save tlicir chililren jTriim .torturem l -.! .selvoslrbm inks of slcep’aiul synipa:belie Mf- ;. ' 'elrin’g. ‘t ■' j > ■; _ . .Farnicr« and.mcchamca . ynacanMopnoi. . .t ; f »i*d to neglect your teeth., .Foratrtd.ny "’v'y ‘ you can i iK*Avijrct .preservatives, tha-iit wnica •• I - Kotliseliibl orl.AHlor can got nothing'Kctfciv - Kemember llbat Dgagejaia apJ i ■ Z \:lhe Lii)y> bfunior-iginaio in,neglect oi Teeth.: • i Send for the ' Ti'enti*-' on Tef thi .fi nil retuS ' Pr : i Fitch's’ observation!? on subject.. ' i latc to iit-rest jdecoy in, your awn teetjb, 'savo, ■ year cbililrcn:’s'teei!i. - .'/'I; . *. yElie&aJA Kurils -Ui Neuralgia:Noii-Adhcfiiye are„tlie. iiles ; t 1 .1 pVeasant, and kucqessful remedies ever jircsrn-- 1 - i t-d for this painful diseise. ; The patient -a ' i|dies.one, soon btepmes drowsy, falls- a^le^a.-, ' i a'ud awakes free from pain,,and no ■b!i.-icfj-«V ! yrflier'Hhplcaisant or injurious.con?eri«epees «»; ' .ku’eV Kin- Earache &nd X&Ma* /f|dv-according toaircclnfhs, and roUei,»'U| , lesnrcly foilo'y'. -.asothing can bp.obtitinod 7 • -flo'P'r, Kurd's' Compress fpr- Xeu'ra'lg'.a. 1, ■ . i them.. They- are entirely a novel, ’cn-ripus an-l ’ original, pbepat-atioin aiid wonderfully f .1 ful, Tltcy are of twb'sizcs, one sm ill bl rt , t aacc,;ti'4ee l 6 cents, and the ptlier .large* f • : appJjeAtion to the body, price .37 ccigs- ll ‘f , ’ ,lc mdiie&i on wceipl-of price, and one .-g ; . From A. Cutting, DrassUt, S. Bend, tnd. A yg-yy i Ti-ARE TUB PEOPLE D')ISC f . Ke# ■Th^|icto.j ? eop K d« . of B«iler» a Medicines has fat rxce»-d»*d mj / : appjocsftie-pvopjirationotual contviuun. ■ i ? ji, tlbni; and in no t* Im<6 Uim f.ilod to prodnee i ; , KSiHiSiHess' of those Using ihein, and to|? »; Vi f wbnt ,Ever y pmarflyrings »sleVe- ' : placet It within ihe.nwrb of toget.ier, ordering the lrealise on ieclh.- some inc o ;, “ its emweioos ltja wjcjwl raleia* Plasters, and not: a lcw_ciiclo>>og fcr°|»« o^e 1 tblax nccdrnl,” at thlS fe«on of the for theiJlouth. Wash, to be .scat. hy'K?’ l - I yean viz. SeUe^B , Cough Synipf „ to these; compelled to rcply r. -i. IA °- c F smh °- impossible to scud a bottle *s *% i I Price i Cpnts* The people [want these Remedies. ; . supply thtffih • • • cs ■ Now is the -f e’ -i '.W- CHAXCEFOR AGEXTS. 7 . Shrcwd agcnfs can .malce ae small carrying these articles around to liimuios. , Dental Treasury is the neatcat uriicir ar r ... man dr womah can carry around. r one. aitd see, or, better, a doiyn, ' will sbll", as -samples, for $7- . .Agents si P.P-.^ ( - ; liberally with circulars, J 3 . j{^ 0 to to gd ,into the business, to do g00d,.. il 9 . ir profit;' "Wo are" spending thousands d. .benefit; of agents. New Englanfi men w jiabtf! WeJV something nice,, nndla chadl, ; tako tho tide'at its flood. .Address, 7 i, , ' 77 . ' WM.-P, HURD-S bO-,. j !.-■ - j Tribune Buildings, Npw lo That remittances may be -made w! h , 0 ( .denceyW. B'. H. & Co., refer tp the- Brooklyn; .to G. AT. Griffith, Cra'and Citizens Bank, Brodkljjn led . New York; to PT. Barnum, m - > '-Yprki'-ete.'jl ,eto.--- ’ Evof F yojir ThoUssiidsipfChildrGiidie from this horrible ©yil. jThil a’.amnmjfmV l ? tuiiiy ,tr*n.ily| v.i'ia .'tut (iijdVorj|£Tfa!jT fare in t'Jcciiou of Uie. rmC‘ dy. "•Tl|« oppoeUlou j-f jtr.any p'bj.*’.ciua>‘ toi U,iu * mcuaunV jnjf.f.H by.itur uf, s.-;::c '-f V.u ▼ermiffe*. sjcd the jvmUJtc hu-jr.cb.Ticv 'if.hv-t ofi ;be jVo-ca!fvd \Vvrml O. uf-xT H-tH..'’ V Vs\ria rjlmlipfli” &c. fc«i /ai ter ftre at .finrnj/r j j \at\thrp are infjrn:ient,-TUZ prt *it lysEtr MAT’coir urr. j3»6..thoughtful, sen* *\Vh. uliillitr, >i»Ww Hk «’f ,l?r .■ .''■■{■ V-- !/ ’i LET F HYSICtANS SPEAK. SEiiits’ yisiiFiiiß use ■ ;herk isf '.elite riioosp. ■ I jj • I.i&Aii'} K;/‘. Ivml7; IS4.V '• I Mr. U. f.. Sa.u Ka :-*V* ; po.-* more virtue thrui any I.cVTi 1 •’ c'ftae where lj#m*i)iip m.\l. M> hr-'tli' r $ clubl v r. : iiininu a vd ! v:}sfin;rt‘< A 1 *V llour’t after I pv».v t4U- i erinlfncp* Uk*fr.r.niy'U:- miantity oiWtrw'rdjtf'ui.rr.is n:‘.r* js'r W,»! liow us Well iw uuv iu th<* iici Jih--ili<•>-•■!. " , : • ! - k . .-AM’UliOSt: M..l>: i : j . l. \<4 C . J,.>!! jhnt h rV,vi:p-l io "ire it in t\v fiu:ulj| ii a -tur Iruil. ' IL IT. WILSON, M. I>. iffn. It. TI. :—-I it li' rny fntc i,-o ft r tli-i )»*« loiirt'r «» *•»»..t •j tU»' pi-vf)irati’'irof the*.kind. .■ I .lium? I u rt-Ie llio propdnatioii' «f the solera. j >Uicr iaaliuUieturcrs. |, ?^u“'S’|p.' ! j ' xr« might cmnricruio Immlro-Ia of V-flirr gur.i. hut Hlcrs - .>Vniiifn S ulu« ftwjjl ih.J test «f Iho tiioJical Oioitltjr uml p«i|‘ ; ;iic tor more thana.quarter pta coutnry, ultii-lu o(j Is rt ,uclu."lrc uf its e ji tire sa/etyias well as Hie certainty'otltt effect. . ! I . rCoTICO. Zxtoi'iniiraT-y iti lucoim rits art of ! f«roil[to dottier* to rocomuiondiui J seifuthort or- ; mUuioi Jjo not lct,anpHndpl4i;mcii puli oB! tui/lr UicM ou ivou- v Tlio f.<-J( nt any price, is Vie cTeapest, therefore Vermifuge, and iake no ether* . ',y.. j. ■ . ■ ■- : - Price Sis , ri Cents. ; PRiI’ARED ASD EOLD CT H. E. SELLEKS & CO i j PITTSmJKG H a PA- ■ - ! , j y f - ■ ewsrW. ; VERMIFUGE. Fr*rn the Btr;8. WnkeHeld.Cormfr Pertbf •fthe tihettT Street M.E. tlrareh. Ur E. K. Sjoleßj^— l,t U from a aenVc of sLnty, A* . well m wllh' great 'nfal eight inclics by five, and is sen) JJgy** Full direction* for ute ts eh following articles- wocca’n !y, bymail. viz;" 1 . The Treafite on Prescrviny'itht \ paid, on receipt of ,TwKi*yE Y stamps.- '-:\y .-.■•■*■ I- ”' , The yturafijiij Platter, [for >’< -.Face-] [Nervous Headache* and' [ post paid, cju receipt of /V/'u't-. i | stamps. • ' ' I : yTho ycurahifi nnrl lUiruniaty Uizo.), ! for. Pains in tlie Client:.if: , or ahy i part ftf the; body, sent jt !;cciptTof Thirty~m*n .cents, v . U*. i - Address, t - . • - • • ; • wji.. a:. ncMi/. n. vf. KECJtALO'IJi •j sC*t Mtanx. r.f j* f cr fa * ti fth. dtKcai iI.A T’. fa. '*■ ■ ■ / i-‘ : : : Jr M. ' '-I" • ' vi. tack t:t-f. send sejinj aiji sen*. pV,-t. ■;t,sts;, (.r - f,.ur ourilipiv ijl (1,5 Earache.’ .sent;’ // ,(jr l EN d;(Jnv!ei'r.'l-:icS, I 1 ®?* ■&>*'!• <*reJ' =I