The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, August 13, 1862, Image 2

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Wednesday, |Ai
T.O. Nicholso
Fccple’s Union
i For Auditor-General,
For Surveyor-General, ; ; > .
■ ■ : . OT ICIEIISEi cot SIT. . j
S. M. Pent
„Vo. t!7 Part Row, -V
ire our Amenta, for tti
*nd Jins autLdriied to 6
Subscriptions for Us at
For the
At the request o
in the county, nr
from: the Is
October; election,
rates, vifc :
Single -
br Five copies
TUo papers to be s
and all papers'to b(
Certainly' any one
a paper (luring th
rjs£ninhlo. , at these j
eg>„The pnniarjy meetings wi
: hciW on nest Saturday ' everting,
.■' Tfitlf inatantiK. i " '■
? aSy-Scveral m
Viiel.Tvcek in’
county by Capt. I
purpti.-o of gc.ttii
'company. They
. tended; Address
the .Captain, and
Ur succeeded in
men,- which speak
oiism of the peoj
Kgi.’iVe are gla
the notorious Pai
last been arrested
.McHenry. They
ng treasuh ever
broke out, -win
’ «f newspapers, all
been most Indus
W% think that i
irfen who talk t
liended- toj and- I
' has bl;en'made bl‘
k (Jo., will undot
effect! If men s
sympathise with
Ipist he compelled
gentleman jtliatl
ticnlar attention
locality* t ,.
6 all SutL mca
■ ■■;■' •; _,; - .Rev. \V. a
. T; o .,T.T,mer • . speech; on* t tlie j<ufter- ,t
Recruiting hai a beun going o a bap- citizens, .jvbich was| respmffed - ;o. |>y
idly in this county sincethe late or- Rev. bV. Reeves lor [bj^Chiptain. the co
tier. . ('apt Tern lefh last week for In accordance’ an order from t hey r
Harrisburg with. one hundred men. the Adjutant (Wcfal, tlic con pany tew p
Capt. Hague, V Darlington’, left on k|\ on Fiiday/so as tqreportiin Har-.jy>co, v
-Monday wjthif-a similar ithumber. — rfsburg the 10th lust | foro’J
ijthese two companies 'fill our quota £ s^R VQmc E ,. V 3 1 ll
lander the first b-all for nine months j f-X Reaver; Aug, 1, 1862. f . want,
.Wien. (.'apt. R. P- 'Roberts,'-: ■«!«■ _J^\YhEREA3. • Petitions extensively,
\ patty. for Uie war, is irioro th*Ulf signed by many, of the best citizens 0 p OUI
full.' In addition to those compamwi,' 1 6t the County.Jravc been laid Adore j.
.Tamies Darragh, Esq-. andLJosopJFDun- the Board Commfemncrs, 1
******* & S£
-■ jVom jinnies, and are mcqUyg with good thousand Dollars to the payment of a
success.; We have no doubt that they : bounty of $5O-oacb to nil who com(i
•' filled up before Ihe .-eloso. j niiiy yoluiitcer'from this' Count jr- into j over (
of the -week. Our citizens se'em dc- j foe service oil the United States i-nj t j ie •
•i . . . . *v Au„u „ ftf j ibe existing war against'treason.and 1 T
. j ter.nnned ..t.iat a, Jhall not be |- be , Uo '. s„ eid £ aft?l c dnoitonsid- * *
made in our county, j AN hilst w c should | ei . al | on gpjphg subject and-theVassu- d]
raise our fquottt of=ncw compaai’e3'l,. ant - c by the petitioners; -of.-thfeir|be- j.
promptly; we must remember that the'lief “that the act will ;bo ratified by th<fm
- : ampoules already in the field
‘\ 1 , -.i. n i •* <State as one of true patriotism, &c., -i .
our county, armrcqjnred to be recruit- j Board j baVo dcte rihirted u,fu Aho j
■ d to the standard number, and it is ■ followiiijg- terms of said appropriation, j
•certainly a mai;er of importance that land have us follows , . j
' this-should be done quiotiy.;' Oar | j;. R&efre<i.->T , '.il-tho' .Gommhcwoners'
.Commissioners have offered a bounty f Seventy five M
„ r dollars ifSToi for each recru t who ■
; .;>if Scvonty-Fjvf Dollars .to all rol^t J r t 0 fill u j> the decimated *®J»
\vh|o cnjisl ir.Hh ; old l.ogiiiU'iits, wb'ch j {■onijKuiies from this county jtow in IQl<
' 'will make One Hundred and Fifteen j the army calling uponus for help; to
Dollars to be received- by those going each recnlit|for throe years or duiing
J . . \ i V ij'the war, JF llv-dollars (S5O), and for 1
nub the old Regnueats when mustered j each ni i’. Xnths I man Thifty-Soven
-x-crtanily-a 1-ii'O‘iul. uountyi | dollars Ud fefty c mts (537 stj), trust
•'! .! ; " ." —tT—“ T'v i ingi to tic Xrfgislat ure to ratify the ao
•. ' . Cay&.lrymen; Wantedi , ! tion l 1 ;
A v.ire chanc; is, oflered for >eh or’ provide J.thereern tsarcuccopted and"
a' twelve able botned'j’oung men ,swoi¥i i bbfore t'h rbounty is paid. -
T r* *- •«' r • r?'-U True fcapr ol r Preamble and % n^
Ust-in,company, E. of fho First Rcgi- j ut j on A- f Must . , •
mont.of Peinißylvania -CavaUy. now ; RlCft'D. P . AGNEAV, Cl'k.
■ eerving under, AJnj, Gen Rope. t J - ' <■ • V
- It the'peraoni wishing to enlist in , ■ El> ? P OO - notie \ * J' our
. . •-, 1 , .. -. : o j last issue .inj- name anuounced as a
* this splendid IA-gimeni will report candida * c fo J r stale Senator. . This
1 themselves at the Library. Room,:Pdjt i of the confidence, and to
i ' Office Building] 2\cw Biigbton, fe-i spbcf of-.-m3i however gratify
fore Friday nexli, they, will receive file ling and -oomniplimentary. «R
following.SaentUin advance: ' f ciicumstanccs Jhicl I. 1
•V' *iv am placed, cause my name to be.
, ■ i-Hburawn.. r. intend
One months p»y in advance...:.......;.... S 00!company., should my,ijdmit ot premium yi (’Q ■ ji. in a short time. Should this bo im
-I’rivatc Bounty to each of the squad... 00 | |)ossi!ilo, I still would be Unalilo to
—r —- JiakeKucli a part in oam
" , , $1» 00 j p a i 2 n as justice to niy fiienda andmy-l
l>r David Stanton, of Xow .Brighfpn, j self would demand. 1
. This One regiment belongs to tße, Bcaverj Ang . H, Ig C 2.
.; 'celebrated. Pennsylvania Reserve'd , | i
; Corps; and by a provision fn the act Xtw Brigutox, July 11,;’G2. |
:of Lcdslaturo'have-the privilege of T-?.- I CB°tf°i i i Esq.-Ejj
! elerihia their officc.ts: Argus: .In your paper of Ijist week
■ & ■/ •- -- • ■ I observe my name announced as a
; T. C. 2?ica6'£sbs, Esq.— -Ed Arqus : \ candidate fqV Congress.' I ajn deeply^
. Please say through the Argus- that imprcfssed Ai'ith the honor .sought to
huckstering will not be allowed, within j he cpnfevrdd on mo, apd feell grateful
il‘:e limits prescribed by law, a{ the j therefor; but, as 1 return itb the sir
tl£ Freedom Cfimp-mecting. which Imy a»soon *9 my wounds willpermit,
femmentes Aug. 21sr. ' „u w ;jl resjtooifully docliuo being a caffdb
4 . ; 4 ; ; j5l OrdW-oFComs ■ ijdhte- ' ■ Ym»rB,&o., j V
' Freedom, Aug ; A2ih,j62. c ’ i "
j -
!■ ' j : 1 . -I' {
it 18 th 18^.
. . - Editor
Stall* Tii
:engill& Co., |
Stale >t:,
(c Akscs in those e
Jake Adverti**emcn(
ouT.ZoicegJ Bates.
(■various gentlt
•j will furnish
s L of August OTlti
at the folio-
fcnt to onc .qdd
paid for in advi
who dosircs'to
i, campaign,?ca
■ricos.- •.
jsctiifgs. were
|du9 pqrtioMsr'oji
ik. Bo Verts. fu;
Is; for
[O - • i
were all large!
w were .deliver
Rev. Dr.i Mel
recruit!iig] abo
for the
rle. T' '
1 lliat'the editors of
riot it Union hive at
and confined s|n Ft.
nave been puhlish
sincc ’the rebellion
_-h a “certain | class
I over the Statei have
iti iously retail Eng.—
i t is’ Ligli, time that
reason should Jbe at
his example, tvhiefi
‘ ilc-Dowell, Biirctt
btedlyhave a good
arc base enough to
traitors, let them at
1 to keep “mura’’ on
- ’ " 1 —
SQfc.Wo print vrith pleasure Iho jfol
lowiug extract from a loiter publish
eii in the Bedford Gazette. Some per
sons: in.tine neighborhood' have tbo't
fit to speak disparagingly of Captain
May’s conduct in the battle in which
he was engage/!. We think that this
testimony,! coming as it does from, a
straugcr'and from one who was » f»n
licipant in the engagement, should si
lence forever the slanderers of a brave
and gallant Officer : • .
‘•Iho 85th was in our rear when
enemy came upon them and bcgai
throw some Bhells.whcrcupon they
up and “skedaddled.” The next tl
we knew was Gen Wessclrodbnp
ordered the 101st back to take tlieir
place. Tliey were. just making the
rand &y in their “skedaddle.” C ipt
llay/byho is acting Colonel, of our
regiment, in absence of the Lieut.,
and Ufajoji left faced the regimsnt,,|
and marchpd us bfck- again thro igh j
the, mud/about one mile, where we
fortnedour dine of battle along the
r ijtul. AYLile we >vere marching hack'
"an artillery officebrodc up to oiir Sq/L
and wanlei "to knpw what reginient
that was f nit run.' Said they' would
have let the enemy take "his battery of
two guns that was supporting tl era.
\Ye had to btay there all that day and
that night and- the next day until 9
o'clock at night.’ Wo could see the
enemy all the -time, in shooting dis
tance, but were not allowed to,bring
on an rtitack. Gen WcsSel was n a]
great sweat about us, to know how
we would get* out of the snap wewere
in, and helwas afraid to send up ||ein
forcementk for fear of bringing ot an
■ arid did not-'kuojy how td get
us out, for w'e were-Surrounded oh all
sides except onojeorner. where we had
to come but finder cover of night a
long a fence where"the mud, was.knce
deep. Gen. Wesel giWcßM>ur ailing
Cob great praise for gettingub-oil of
the snap] • CdptainAljay make i .Us
s and
I the
f be
if the
tr the
1- his
iy a l -
at 1 80
gopd, If not a better' Col. than we
ever had. 1 would sooner.follow
tlidii anyiotiicr officer that ditis
fried to handle the regiment: ;
no slouch 1 ,. I .tell you,” ■
Sword P;
The citizens of
a largo and‘entl
School liall, oh.
last, for t le purpi
Sword, to J. Adam;
the “Boa ter -'Co»
company of me'
~~ i ,t«4i 1 sc
' WatS;
1 to
; ing
.0 is
; Beavxb,' Aug 10th, 1862. " ■ neit day mboW Awliiipey,
Mr. Editor: Although to crush the «xp»ain to ity
ai.a rcstow theUuion is the At tl.e
fi CBt great interest of every man, we '4 Mf
should neither forget or neglect our and beliefi that |nd6r tho|
civil brganikation. Ibeg leave, there- Mf* bo
fore, through the columns of your pa- the mpointment* andcafi
[per, to slate my position as ft candidate cve, T ®J on |**F» J
For the «rpisTfttcx Atiobnbt. belmvo, from
It is; « well known fact that I was which tsithe last
fairly elected luSt fall by the vote of a ;tb»«»OM».. S
large nfajority of the people oyer two -- V\ Ould it not
other candidates, amlwitll thb clear day morning
-understanding and horieslj intention nien, who would. h«fr- lb
of evlery:one, that I should servo for after so.many speqdingl
the full term of three years; bull the hea th to s|v
law feqiuires that where thbra is ft va- portanye,®» 1 a 4f
caney ]to he filled by election; that lislment- 01 those who !t
vacancy must Occur thirty days pfe- .gland the irregular hfe of]
vious to that election. M.. 8. Welsh, The young man whose heal
Esq.,|tile then incumbent, was absent upon constant Md re,
in the Sommissarv Department my mind; w/wefimqst i
Idid not resign his office of District; 1 At- man the country, becaush
toi ney ln time for my election to take- attempt go tc ; War isl (
effect. I called the attention of;our to stey .ftt home is but a }l
Honordhle Court to thiafadt just aflerl than,suicide. ;; ; j jfi-,.
the election, find immediately on the BdforeFndayc veiling i
handing up of the resignation ofjiMr. we cart, our quoti will b« 1
Welsh,! the Court gave me the j ap- .ipust do it. All that is l
poiutfiient to serve as District stute the faeta-andfii'i
ueV until the next annual election, wlm have gone lout belt : 1
which (wad the extent of [their legal ask fori help, havo vfoufi
powerfiver the case. Novb, is fit pos- Weroes qfi Home. JButj'tboii
siblo' ihfit after having been electfor fcfcn- enlisting for thalast
the term of three years,! a instill tfiifiwn | tlfi mofipo worth 1 men in
out entirely, by * mere! ledufeility ipccuniarily, physically fi
of thb law (until tfio Court very kindly:} Jfioy ai« men wifircf
stepi id and gives mo thcirifrijends whfihayefi
until tlie nest elcolioh) thait thrtfilcc- field qiul in...the hospita
tion will nit still bo cadriell out ?J It' that cojirage wfnch c?c
would be,! in effect, electing a [man [powerfularm-, courage tl
for thfee years,.ami at the!finfijof|one|ibclr hinds cleave, to -,i
ycarjelbct bin. but again; | aiifi the r sworfis to the hi
card less Of party, "heretofore i oyery ;A«omy.. Vfi j '* I ,V-
DistlriCt Attorney has had the. office But, ilr. Editor, spei
tot from three to sis : years, and ibo forte, npt writing; and ;t
few who did not have it the six years TOJce- and nervous, syi l
did - no'ti ask. to baye \% so tyng. j. I |d6wp, Ij
I never will ask it'd seconl iemM Alljto wnrt this; buteuch o<
that I ash is a re-Hominatioti for the full j and' pm 2cd in th 3 situaiu
term, icfiichlis nothmg mhreijian.thospeo- it is ba. _ justice. to. ipysc
pie fiabe mi <it ihe last elect ipn. 1 ; that I ask a ro-pompiatil
r Permit me to apply the jefiersqnian term; Wfiich is fljathing -
standard tb my conduct during the ten vote, of Ifie people of,'
mbiitbs. wsich I have held}. the: office, mo at the last clbcK
and sco whether lam honest and ca- I canhot tak'
pahlo. My record of 2fov ember fiut will iny fr
sions . Was:'published at the time iiv tiod gojby
both, county papers,; and J bsvn esp*
highly conjipliiiibiilefi b}-; be th of"them 1 must
for mv ■ cdmpleto 'sueeess-ip the| per- us iV
foi.niaVcej of the onerous da ties of the ’
office. At! MStfih Sessions the record/
shows that the county paid no tedr
whatever/ The record for
sions it shows the same thfir
coudty had no costs lofiay/fr
-t !- ! X 1 ' ke
.xamiriiilg the;r case, I havb per*
1 them lliiU it iwns better tpjwai',
k ami get the eviden ;o and count
istsj auefe Avittii few exceptions
i ever troubled : me j furthoi;. A
srso'ns unwilling to lake my ad
vent off whilst still n a bad ha-'
c ndlentcred their c gnplaipt bc-
I usuceS; but they I ave hid to
lie costs, without exception*, for
)f evidence sufficient to satisfy
•and J ury. ■•: ■ I .1
lilt ik tlie effect Of this ? Sompi
r District Attornica have made
; ,wo ; te three hondre 1 dollars per |
dat| di the office*, •(we; receive
' J 3 to $lO per,case,} whilst, unless
,'ei an l‘xtraordiua|ryi amount of
uss at the next Sessions; my in
from the office canuotjamount to
one hundred and fort y dollars fbr
{ '■ - ' I . t
,’earj, ■ ,<, ■{ •• f
ave always got through with thd
f Jury by Tuesdays evening, or
iiesday neon; whilst it never bc-
Was thought unusual to kpep
Until Thursday ori'liduy. Apd
ugh the 'rutes of Court do nbl
re me to have the business ready:
ho Couft and Petit jury before
aesday morning of bach Sessions,
ve pcen ready bn Monday cve
evpry 1 Court atl which" I'have
L in the eapacity rof District At
■y. Xo man could bo more hon.-
r capable. I.could have made, at
Xpbnsc of the counity, $-off out
e office; whereas!, my entire in
from it has not amounted to §loo.'
>w, that ihy friends may know
j have not been electioneering,J
ngto them, traveling around arid’l
gto this matter. | c Just after the,
made this last fimc.afrieiid
vas made - I*. ■, - , r
line in the city gave imc two thoi}-
1 cards, which 1 intended to cireu
\ll over, the county, and auk that
lection of last'fall be carried out.
if those cards, except about one
Ircdj.aro laying ib my house, and
kyjfjthere,. doubtlessy'fbr
tfib&‘ reason, just after 1 gotJlhem,
talked by a number of persons
licit able-bodied 'men to volunteer
joS their respective companies
"pel war. Knowing .the fact that
* had any health’ myself, ex
# observing -the. most [strict
§ life slecpj diet, ipodor-
Rise, and every thing else, and
|e a soldier foysix weeks would
in the grave; I! concluded to
*way my electioneering and go
k and do all that I could in sof
J‘ those whom I-knew to bo ublo
• to join in the (army of my
The first day, I got five; the
iy two; and-Ihejnext day six.
ting the matter over privately,
[public meetings co-operating
/tb others. 1 have {succeeded oven
hotter than 1 had reason to expect,
because often when |I |C*puid get one
ho bpuld get one or twp more., They
always! chose for themselves which
company they will join. Thus, have
I been going on until Friday evening
last, when i returned froid
ing at Darlington. I- w« entotely
doVd, and could not speak the
h until
will B
For t
I was
tO BOi
and .
for t
I nc t
ate ex
that tk
i put- m
[ throw
to WI
.Ma |
I. I
J Slime t:
ids let n
It, bocaiJ i
I wi|thou 1.
y time
,]e stated. I hope i
be hut justice,, to i
|to ai»y one. f Youi
f' . JOHN B.
I •! i 1': Distth
,4 lhe
ior' J uue
U to bf
' . Ti
follows :
I o’clock;|P.
few BrigHti
Id Briglhto
%i. "v H; V.
.Hanover tp.,J«t : tti
.sol Sept. 1, at 9 A. j:
. 'Raccoon tp„ at £ i
Housol Sept. 2, at 9. A. ]1
In MoOn tp., at Davis i
Scnt. if/nt 9A.M. f J V
In Jiopowelj Ip;,at 2?ei
Sept. 4, at 9A! M. |
Indepetideitcb tp., at
■School liouao Sopt. 5, at
In Ohio to., Eniryiovv,
iP.-MJt - 1
at 9 A
- hi.
nJustly tj>.,
■> M. , 'j j
Brighton \p , at
■, Sept. 10,at 9A.
jutli Beayjr t [).,at. Court’s School
> Sept. Ufat tA. M.' ', ;' |
Dariingtnn !fp., ItV
1 Horse, Sept 12. tit 9A. Mi |
Chipjowa tp.,ajt McKinley School
e, Swti 13, at 9"AI M. j Direc
ud 'flackers of Big Beaver ip..
jattAd. :V ij,, ■ - n- ■-\
Pulikr tp., at llpey’d School;
•, Sejt; 15, at IP. M. / j ji, atsVArjtoek‘s |
.1 Hojso, Sept. fie. at 9 A. jM.f r I
Franilin tp., at FdinacoiSchooli!
c Sup. 17, at 9A. M. | •‘fir J
Marlin tp.. at Hiivtzet Seljo oil
oSej. 18. at. 9A. 3j[.,. . i
Kett Sewickjey tp. T int ißoggs’;
ti H.hse, Sept. 10, at Al M. L i
fish t> call attention to
tlloviig decision’ol|Statc Super
dent “Ko pmhteiexamiiialionH'j
O.belranted during the holding j
iblic caminat|on3, |or afterward ,
aat 4 - r‘ttdnxt| e qaoit bf|a^ ;'.major-:
f thebropor ..Boardi witjli an op- 1
inity\»Xttio Board .to be present.”
» far,laV)ract|cablcJ, it is desired
Teaclortbe exumi njed in presence
ic Board which they iptond ; tot
y tor sc.hbls- j I j] -i
T. C. C/*OTiIEB»,.!C»’-;Snp , t.
Atjg. 11.
. AgrirhitF
Pursuant o 1,
last tegular tee t
of t .e Boa/er a
Soc i ly, li tf w £
the Court Iou J
Baavjor, fb j tilt ?i
to he buinosoi
Fait-. Sin ie th ai
of 6ur con[<try 1
ing ;j and : nan] 11
list hg in tbo :1
(and amongst <1
managers and r
Th s noticoiS t <
a fail atto adan ol
offifccrs of the Sc
Chart Ho tsd on.
of Angus! ,total
the propriety off
fall Under of
which snrioandf
paijise, or at leas
i well
' In
tore i
In j
tho t
arc 1
of pi
tty c
of t!
rmsod at Cano
Frjazor, Profess
Astronomy utjJ
£ieut.'H.. Buigl
who hare autho:
1 ;.i ’ ■ I
'< ■ -iL! ■
t Ivraajnot I
iy and Sttt
> covering
i; ’rill meet
address one
■ llope and!
i it Friday,'
i us to raise
i■ i- -! ! h ;■'
f Jon Satur
ii (1 laetc ten
i| be drafted
t ieir;ent: re
t' the i u
l, arid < li
able to
the soldi sr.
;h (taper
atari ty',
■'tor him;
e ui(|idb[|.tj
bade boll
if wo do jail
fuU, atod jvve
necessary is
is tlir Tbpso
■.),!»ml now
ht|. like jtho
c jwho have
1 eddays; d're
i aur coutily,
n 1 mentally.
n ;mbcr lujiko
ici iupon Uio
inon with',
• njerveatbe
.♦ Will hr ake
iir swoi|diiy
rts of tjtj|eir
}'•" ■ ! j
ilcing islmy
i id| not” my
tinjj .broken
t tiikcn
I ig thejfasc v
it .that/I anv
if ttjid family
rdfor a full
i re than the
:obnty gave
) lid-iidinina-j
1 5 at itiy ojwu
idi influejneo
riot, sinfce it
bnd rid hit
! j-
Youno, i
; |Attori|i(
hers ••vri
■inlay, j
2», 4
>n J
S-- 2 ". «
I '!
len, Aug
ftorV Sd
ilia’s ficj
t c
harden Run
DA. M. 1 '
Sept. 8, at 1
stry Sept. tyr
I In
ikin’a School
fotice- .
nen t ’ at j Hlio
ibe Managers
beet again at
B Borough of
of attending
approach fug
tfng the state
c|j of |
o to n
jn tb.
>f the]
lit' moe
loro alarm-
likens are on
pun country
many of our
it members.)
jin on to urge
Ilf nagersand
> i icet at the
jr jthoSllstday
; a Faijr this
e Ibad better
Itr the’matter
I president. \
ML- ’ IvNrl
I the
p-Jl company,
wdf, is being,
y Capt. jJobn
Hematite and
College, and
D tbe State. ~
M !-iVI!
J, ■ I
HPffPKT*'- ■- -p - ...
f u|;- , : : .
Snijrplemeatury to An Acit, enjl
■tleS “An Act to Consolidate,
- Xteviae Tind r tho PewM
~ LaWs of thlaConmionwealtli,’.*
proved |
■ Section fl Be U enacted by Sen~
atedmHbute of
(Jatimohukqlih of Pennsylvania fbCen
, eral asseinbly met, and it m \herfby «K
actidhy tke authority of <Af tamS, That
it adfepertion or persons jbelonging to
or njsiJinji within: this apd un
der, pbo protection of.itSjawd, shall
takejl a I commission or jcommiasipns
from!! any pursoiij Slate, or States,or
/olheH tlie enemies of.tfcis Slatfe, or of
the tfnited States of Anierica. pr who
hhallllevy against (Ibis State or
thereof, or knojwingly
and wiHingly shall ajid.or assist any
enemies in opgn wnrugaifisttbijs State
or toe United Stales, by joining their
armfs, or by enlisting,, dr procarmg,
or p|rsuading othersrto, enlist (or that
purpipse. dr by furnishing such coo
iriicJvvith arms dr aiptaunitioni or any
bl,hc|arjdc|oB for tbdiraid|arid comfort,
or hji’.carrying id a traitorous .corres
pondence jwilh them, dr shall form,
or l|) in anywise- cbnccr;ned iij (
ingkny. cnn>bipjUion or,“plot dr con
sin'rawy, for betraying inis State -or
•t U oiit.w ; America into
of any foreign
■sdor pretended
n resisting*, the
-sli tcSj dr shall
liigohcd | to” the'
or of the Unil*
pr sbitll. with,
:lnt pr subvert
iis State
idcayca- jto j per
: persoiis. from
jOjtlifs Sulo |Or
of |the Uriapd States, dr* from fjoining'
any Ivoltintder’.coinpffny Iforjassticih ion i
Qfi ljio State about hciijg miisjprpd in
to: sdrvicol, or shall usej any threats or |
pejrsjiasid/iS or cffor anv Jbribe,ior bokl
oiit mybope;o(' rewar*l|. witii jlike in
tent to induce ahy person or persons
to abandon said bciyicej or withdraw
from any ivolunUiorjcdniipany or liissp*-
ciation already organized under; the
laiyii ot this Commonwealth, for that
purpose ; i every person! so offending
pild being legally convicted thereof,
a hi 'h nv.sddmeanpr, anil fdiali b'o sen
tem ed- to undergo solitary : imprison
imet tin the penitential y, at hard hl
bdrl for a. term not exceeding tetf
yea’s, anil be fined in ji shtbiiipt cy
cccdiiig five thousand i
at die discretion - of the court,: Provide
ed, tfhat,!' this I adt khall poi/[prohibit
adji citizen frpml taking dr Cecpiving
civil for - tad ackiiovvleug
njcfit jof [deeds and IptheC instruments j
oi‘ writiiig. !f J : ."[•'■; ; ||: ■ |l.;. ;j'' ... !
: ferny 2;liati if siliiyl person or
’ pfeifons within this wealth,!
sh Ji sel|, builds, . furbish, construct,
t ill aid prj assist
iOp3tracti[ig, al
any yessc-l oy
ii )»c-dfjbaki ng
•ice of iifiy'peiN
yj to hiake war
if America, or
.ilhcrlvisc, lVie.
of thp ttnited
‘V. ;
A 0
St bj
ation ,vf tt.
j: | such pbrjsc , f pcrstiim. .
bo of- misdemeanor, aiid on
conviction* thereof shall be- sentenced
to liudergo solitary| iifipfisonmeul, iii
tln|?pen lentiaiy, at hard
ejxql’cdii g ten aijid' be fined in a
sum npt exceeding tefi thousand''.«lob
Jar#, or both, at the discretion of the
coUrt. -j]; '• j -.I : ;
' Secik x 3. That every person hold
a <i>ih n ssion naan officer in, the v'ol
u nt’ccri„or mili lia'foreds pflh is Cpm-
fihall wuthiulthifty days,
sifter the pasiagC ■of this act, | be re
quired to,take the oath of.allegiance
tb the Smtcandtb this United States;
au« 4 in case any person folding such,
conimlssion, shall refuse,to take -such
oath, the Governor shall■•have authori
ty;^o revoke and annul j thejebmiuis
sibd of such person,And supply ?his
plafe -t>jf appoi ntmdiitj until; the va
! oanpy tbits created shall] be supplied,
as Iprovidcd fur. vacancies in other
[ casps by, existing 'laws of. t Ilia Cpm
ind|rwcaith ; the said oath p’fallegianeo
shall be'jadministeicd; by tlic Adjutant
Gdneraljbr any. Judge oP the Court
pfConithon Pleas, a nil u.ny bo trail's
mitjted to the several; brigade; iiis.pce
tors of this Coninihnwi o nlJ.h,,iVbo shall
: ih turn [administer the to the;
officers c,mbta.eed withii|lthb: bounds
Icif jmeir respective;brigades,; ■
j Sixties 4. Nocivil" process shall
issue, or bcenforcod against [any per
ifonj mustered into tho service of this
Stoic.or of the United States,"during
lhc|tcrir for which he shall bo'engag
ed| |n; such service, nor until" thirty
idajta after he jdiall.have’been discharg
ed Jhero from : Provided., j That the. op
eration of all statutes pt[l tnitatjons
shall bo suspended upon chunk against
such person during such term. : ■
ifi.;!: ;] ' ELISHA W, DAVIS,
Speaker, of I
■■ i ! ! i , r JOHNP. P;ENNY, :
1 ■ | Speaker of th* Senate pro temj
| Approved —The eighteenth day of
Aprij, Anno , Domini one j thousand
eight-hundred and sixty -one.]" 1 I , ■ 'i.
‘ M -i; A. g: CURTIN,
\ Jusitrior Carlilb; of NJorth West
ern "Virginia has so- offended sortie of
bis constituents by his 1 recent course
iiitlhAUl. S. Senate, that tlioyareffax
ioua to get rid of him. . Union
i citizens of Taylor county, gif a meet
ing latejyvbcld .for encouraging en
;likim|ntsi passed i the following roso
fiM- ;i l: V;
I ReMv erf, That the course; in Coh
: gr ?ss| of our Senator, John .131 Gar ilc,
in Voting with secessionists; and sc
ce isidn sympathizer^,"ini all or a
number of bis Votes, and also in ojrpo
st ijg ad vdtin g against the admission
of||tb| new State, has neither met iur
wjsbflp ]nor reflected oaf, sentiments,
afiid wo roquest himj to resign
» position, which h.«|has shown himself
■ tofill. :• ■
r v ' l
: Bftttlo npaur OttlppepeiO- H.
NkW-Tobk, August IP —The fol
lowing dispatch has beeri received by.j
the Ttitime.: V J i'| ; , ■)
■Beawvarter* ««r»»?«« *M<>w; 'pulpep-:<
ywteWaF j^ Banks* and j
Stonewall Jackson* Bayard, of
Gen. MjiJpweirs corps, With his eav
airy brigade bad been engaged before
in the .Meitrdmo advance,. J near- the
Rapidan tiVpr, ip; and
jhanphveriiiffl*xaljingi»orae prisoners,
and ending with a* slight; loss, baffling
the efforts of a large force to surround
and pat him dff. Yesterday morning
ho Was engaged some ho,urs before
Gen. Bunks tamo np with; four regi
monte t at?«lr)y, the Ist Pennsylvania
Ist Maine and .Ist Rhode Island, de
layed; : a ad- embarrassed the' enemy's
advance. The rebels under Jackson
ahd Hj ball pad, crpssed the Rapidan
in forth >, and thoit.adyanen guard,
15,000: strong, ;Wa» attacked by Gen
eral Bn iks-yestcrday aueriijooii about
six of Gulrtpeper Court
House. - ' The fight' was almost wholly |
h ai tillery jut Brst but the infantry j
engaged about six o'clock and,
(mined • and bloody contest fol- i
!. Batiks’ right | wing under j
illianijs sullercd severely. The
' position was in the woodsi,
ho tro’ops Which sllag-ked them
pligcdlto) cross lh|ojjen ground.)
pnot till about si;: o’clock' that;
jame evident tint .the rebels)
Jttackihg us in fenhe.; Previous
t three had been ihthdr desulto
iinoiVaojng. /J’he j whole rebel
|uddch|ly uttaeked Wi. th ; 'bvdr-f
'sng .numbers: at rail points. —■
all their regin cuts had full
'a deter
Gph. W
While tl
were 61
The ,
i tali i
~ ■ I J.
but n
‘ddjl v
cnt o
the ■ i
the v
are st
tini i
Ea ston, /Vngiist 9.— jriio following
corli'enpon'i 311 CO has tukcinr pliaco 'be
tween; tho |3tate authorities and Ex- 1
Gotei-nor i?cedcr.ivlatiyeit6thoi enlist-}
menti.: hy-L‘ -j!j. |\ ]_ !;■ j, 1
jla.iton, Aug. lGovcrnor Cur-r|
tin! Itarrisburg : The| War Depart-’
menti informs nie- that [if] this County
sends a surplus qCiVdlUi^tc©i*s, it shall
be 1 Credited in the Stateftupti-of t.-
If l!jir t'is done will you give credit'to!
thejcounty quota? Please answer im-;
rnoliatcly. jThe condition of. things!
hotfe arc such that |'we must know. 1
■!" f ■ E I' . ijAl-iXI. Rkeilku ■
Hanrisburg. August^,—There are
prhct cal difficulties which render it
uncertain whether, the [Governor can
allow iho credit your people! desire.—
You :aunot, theret'ore, irely upon its
being; done,’however much thoj Gov
ernor may desire it.
;; Eli SurER, Soc’y of'Stale.
: | ■ ■ 7
Wj.siiixotox, August. B.— &inner-.!
oas*aiipßcations having been made to
the [\yar Department jbyjtailroadi com-;
paries to eixempt their employees from’
the militia it has, been decided that’
noro : )ut locomotiye| engineers 7 in ac
tual o nploymont when the order lor
(draft jwas lmnde can bo exempted.-
| The exemption of telegraph operators
is njpoM thd ground that they are prac
jiisitigtan act ncccsisary to! military op
erations, aind whichi lining known to
coniprjratiyely few per6ons r thcir
ces aupiilicd.jj I ■
. jSeicuborixc! Couxties.—Lawrence
county Has sent three fair companies
to Hltrrisbujrg, and gas a fourth ready
to start. Four companies have gone
On Indiana/ ! belonging | to
Jefferson eonnty. Indiaaa county has
furnished on(t company; more than’ her
j quota of the; first call. |j ' j! : '' '
I '* fj-
Northern Treason. a' '
"The; Gfand Jury of tliei United : ’ 1 ’
Stateal DisUKst Indiana; has per-
brmed a good service in ferreting cnu; :
x secret truitoruns orgmiizalion in tbaf
StutcT: The investiginioii: has been :
thorough; and thercsuUjpreseut* a
rather’ startling record"; Ko Itss i.l' s -,n
15.000 citizens of Indiana’ arc hafuU-d:
together in organizalion-*. wiiivb
turns out to bo >a revival iof the
fainous K. G. O. order —fog the avow
gd-purposes of preventing enlistments,
resisting- tsxatibji,! and ipljtiHi event
of;obtaining sufficientminiejrical pow.
or, betraying our armies 'to tjlJe opeihr.- 1
Enough, has, been 'discovered of their
sell ernes to some that they are veil
that to spine they have been
put in effective operation.. ;
; . jjTow flutspoip ariacshVH'etlier
the State of InUianalis or isinoi alone
in .this business. £„lf ivy o' assti me.-tliat “.(•
:th|p organ iza ,lias>pr<nid 'at.,all igl.-; 1
ybrid its bordors, we-find it-ditlicult to -. i:
fix the limits probable influence. ]f ;
fifteen ''thousand mepvtn ;btib Stale
li'ave secretly rcnouncci]--} lrci>-
ance and entered into, a for.,, .
thp practical. aid, ofci'tlW' EelMljioi,/
bptv caiiwc.avoid tltodusp,icioti’T f g,t . I
its Ticigubors may: ip gi’eatfY; 1 i
of iilsiii degree iiuplicatcil A ihv
thousand men,secretly : .CQ -bpt|ra.tiiig:iii
each,of the Northern' and AWsic!-;, .y’
States eoald work injfiniie m irich ■ A v-,.
tile Union \C‘iuso. al,ii. not suth;
that they might not luipclcssivliii»j»erU: I
it. Acting togotbery lU'pihy critical: *
iinoin.ejit, they might produce a paihg
which added to top bjjjsfiec>; ot .warl. , i
fare under wdiiclr thp- VAiloii jsaVivmiy
Vi-niggling, would pfo.str)ue tjtc. e.iierf |"
gks of the North;, -I if'is due to unr , ! j
;!; own Security »thfct t;his; possibility ilf •
, :i,|; , !As i' % ■■ j., J jperii be sneodilyi averted. .X-hv'Cf.h-. f
A o’cjpek Gen; arrived on I Go^3 :Comukn- :} ■
Id fnn killv,- A i
" "P the 1 of the /
Ific gattk was expc£ *Slli c gnd uikcndkitoflv'- '
substantially over, Gen. ; h;itev ‘, ■ f>f .danger [ may •: f
gnmod that lip ,c- tk : V ' , J,-
K ‘I 10 hpaiiung; f i|Afle-ybe ar- ; , '
if there was as ar- ,| v/rr tlti «-^ vc . that such! ■/
at ' liyal ion is reel- V'
llbariy 12. night :(p .; The Secession: slain •rillst is. ;
nusua!ly clear, and the moon • )l>d 011 l flt - t!lis ifho'A
J^n. ' a 'il’ 'f* secret rebcd organizaliAu exisi. i; it' . .
*it’FowoH'seont|rp J? r.horeGens; t!l( f,
and Banks Ave'ro .fringing both :
m under ,nrc._* ;■: u _ • ~ becomes rcoiusity \vlioiv ‘Tron'.
GenoJ-als-ftinUbeir Htaff wero so Iln il iV pedcd ind; V iSi..A a -iioh -i,
herebcrnine»lliatA:sud#ucharge i /i n 'XtitliiiiiA.'five fraiiors uto '
'..rebel; cavalry iidicipenoirojitheilan.-’. nnc.nlA.
pods ii c-napler ot| A off, iiotli: : - Pupilisj,:
i\y with u vio\v to, tapuire them. vhui ■cifiiJCea'To'd • jn'n;U‘sis*Miis uv.iv . ••
ic. iby; a vigorous..' •^.ft.dcvcldpmXi.i,Vith.f i> ,
pm M-Dow-CltS trpops, '««d the l dw ndentjv ' 6 fi o^co,, n:^v act.i iy. ■ f
■als aiid dlicuh Btaft left ,th.c field . \ % oa i,. s ,‘;"i { ou Soiiti.ern , . natinz -fy:. [ ■
a cross fire frortf the rebels and T^„rc is - iilL i.. h.r doun. ti at iik- I.
own troops. Che hre pk the ul' and .•inlmm.ap. hi A
.batteries wore i afterwards ;Si- | i|| Bi , (M) ,. Jyil ;
f- h ' :;i %jj - i , r lt u rely, an eruption ; fr.iin,
i. Popp;,'on ari'n'ilig, sent fresh llowovcr.fhat. mhy hc;lt| -T.
s to the'front ip lake.: the place :,;j-, ,tlro ■ utuiost; iiiipoiiancc ■•that ■t.i.o |
in, Baidys' ejabaupted coluinns. —’ ij-ebeiripuls scum ofifliis inetfopniH j
rebels did not renew the attack,'. bo suiumartlY dealt willv. J ' ia
►t by ipdilleryA '■Wur !| troop.s-W9Pe jWnble aliieniativS'of'a icw •: prau.i- '•
rarms : positipn|al niglA. mijh^»: ints brouglife.tu ASmme. a
a/Banks was"bn th|oheld through- p,l v contract.*!}-; piii'gAloßhjirw'icked ,
His-! j»ote<s hbtpl or t-iyo ihdni . of i
nal. gillantryis P‘-ai=icd fi‘
PimCois. A J J . ; . „ (tiansfor k>f the vstock’’ tb FAri,X>uiwv- ’
e braypry and| go.od conduct. arid stGiy bands of pig-bcadl.l, •
poops were- c« ? sj?lppous, during | J.^ PS :turDed.o.vm to tlw-,V
-iPfrt of'the dpne. -jW hpm | d pf «„«>•. aitcl.-diggirj i.
red by nmirbcrs :spme pf wl { ieh is ! b^e uth. tlic negrooA arJ nol - :
nts retreated in disorder, ' H 0 dreadlul that tVe hccd-sl.rink .fWfia'
GtM.-y was'wpiinded and an s heni , w hen tile ,.
'tmpuUUod ; m,severe- | jnC Ulo . I|bcrtv - t!d . pron^iiy;
:unded; s Ifaa', Banks' | anjm pii;ie6 ot t i.e peo,do iim quar. r :
tantytook the,command. ol „a.hcs- 1 nui lP (;( ,; n e, inaj- b^icn.
:gh a lg fire. He. received : , a2V con ti,lenco and prolonged^'apathy; i
shots land is iseyercljv-wounped j- , ; 1 . v . y ;
6t dangerously, j !' *jj r '
0 losses are Very heavy on both ;. Borgticr : the ■ pubii-ln’r.: •
;and H is supposc;d tha-tj'not less j a.iid Wien i'orhey, the editor yt tlcf:
lavo orj three tbotrsand; ivero kill- Ilarrisburg Daily ; Tdajrauh., oud; K .uf i
ounded or inissirig on_cat;b side. ■ the mo>jt tearless hind patriotic
priscnci’S wpre taken by both | journals.; ia'llie 'llnitcd Slates, tveta.
- T ■ ■ ; jj on .Tuesday last bold tohail for utter
ksoepand EtveJl both pfes-| iiig. certain alleged libels againlsj. Big
v the field. 'Reuitbrcements tpi;iret,& MacDowell. the ;•1.i: -I, r nl’-tih*
inmllt r’ cf. 18,003; mert-hrcached ] Patriot'dnd 'Uriioa. jthe lhvciyl
cbela lasd night, ilbout the tinie jjin.r.idgo [organ not the Aaioe : j.i.u c —j.
mrs luTived.**- |, .1 jißiril-=w;.s pfomptly. -entered. on|Ahq[--
irmisliing in (rontids going lids Sqliargea prelerreil,. which consisicd,bi|
Ing, but thci.trOopi bn both sidesltbodnaii , : of cbrairiontsiupbn the daily!,.
1 muelf lexhaiusted by fatigue and S mafiifojitatipn;, of with Se'-|,
iiteusl? heat:, that bll serious erv- j| cession in tiui cohrmns - ot the, ndtcrj .
er is jegpccted to dake nlacc. to-' joiirijal, A somewhat [dismal sequel:
|1 , :. j 1 ;1 1 ! V . ... iM to this d irc-aiv-iicd .-priA-'eiiiVon fis J the:
1 ■ .«■». i;subsequently-discovered iiict-tiiat...thoj
prosecuting. parties 'in.-tbis-<; isc .arc;;.
in which;
w ere pr ip toll -1. ai K.ib ills cal ling l to r- a
negro lueelipg in B.arflsbucg,ai \vhicli;-
•recruits wci’p to be raised for Gunerali •-
lira he, bl Ku'usas-tbc whole, proving ,
to be a tsiso canard, ip'deter white (neu'■
from 1 enlist! ri' the army of the Uni| g
ted States! A hoautii'u! pair, inily.l,
to. I?ring-epit iigpiust a loyal- pep.v fori',
: showing., that .theypure 'what- they ln;V|ol
thus abundantly proved theinsc|vps .o|
of their country. /bVyhk
,Li3Er.AT.ijTv or BiivsictAns.—lt b:dj ;
|d ways been said that physiciaiis W' «Wl
rentedj', however valu-j
-able, \V|jiieh'', they:.did .not briginatyl
themselyes.. This lias bben disproy.cil; '
by theirj Uticial course towards* ih’- J-| -
C. Ayer’s preparation. They ,iia.yp
adbptedi thein into geileral use ijh.t- ! '-- c
.practice!, \vhieb shows a willingness ;
to Counleriance articles that hierc- in-'
tfinsic merits which deserve their at
tention. 4 This does -the learned'great |;}
credit, and effectually contradicts tb« |
prevalent erroneous-notion that! their -
to proprietary remedies is,
'b«feed in their interest to discard t).effi-
Wo have always had confidence in the :
honorable motivesbf oar medical ri'- n *
and are glad to fin'd it sustained I'V
the liberal welcome they accord t 0 |
such romedios as Ayer & Co.’siniinils- ;
ble remedies, even though they are
not ordered in the books, but are made
known to the people through the news
pipoise— New Orleaiispclta. - , -
i I • 1
• -r
SjSJ3omc twelve or fourteen of tbo *
young men of the Shaker co.mninnity
at Canterbury, N. U. have enlisted
for the Tar
; MARRIED—On the Bth inst.. b>
the Be\*. Joshna Monroe, Mr. ' Jam-a*
W. Brooks, to ! Mis« • Sophi i* FtEti*.
both, of Beaver Co., Pa.
■ 1
.B2&* j