The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, August 13, 1862, Image 1
11:1 •V ' beaver Apeias. REAVER, Wednesday, August 13th 1862. T. C.NICHQLSON & Ca., Propijetow. ~TE RM S —OXI ahdTirxTCaJn'h v per' annum, is advabc* ; otherwise Tiro bot -, iab*4t2l be 1 barged. I So, paper dlaeontihued until »U arrearages are settled. • '■ jgy Lett era and communications, by x illall taie prompt attention. : J. [Friin the Boston Journal, j the ■ FT ILtILLED j PLEDGE, ill midnight, Colonel Fry, with □Dowers, assembled in * .dimly < and, with their left 'Sand on the to defend it "and redeem Old v S a bfltid Jighrcci cabin ffTTfire , |‘cnncs£o#. fr 't ;-We ■ The' swgar by the Flaj tear.old Flag, of ‘the brave am ■•., .The Flag And i ' . , With : iur God will help, His strong right i i Old Tennessee.” To icdc’ci liters echoed . ■ The;) ■fhcsi t>f that b I .■ Who earnest words are and undaunt it .Tima pledged thcjr faith Ta God, s and their own lored land. “}Vet wear bj the Flag, 1 ■ The d ear old Flag, The Flag of ‘the I rare and the frefcj' And our God will! help. With ilis strong-right arm, iVredecuj Old, Tennessee.'’.|i • were gray hair'd sires, hearts of^stcel, ixl Lad Lecn freely given ahood's prime r Unions weal,' trait rvus foe Lad’riTea. ; Father will Le.vcrf-'- us o ■ fei'i a k'e.” ■ : n again shall sec I. ng of our Union j r its folds ~ j , . Old * j TLcv With V*'bcjje bio , lii ma ‘VlLicbiLe •■Our Our c. Jiis diildn . T!.< 3 F V\ rtvin .Over aeuj- There were sturdy men, ir hair'd.youth, I ! u'r brothers all, I steguJj- resign’d i rtiau,holJs dear, heir ifounlrj-'s^aU. ■ore by the Flag, ’ Flag, i ’ -the brave and the free;’ »’d Gud th« help 1 ■ strep-g right ana ■ And f* FliliiOr?. ; JX > ' c ’ Who hi All ib ;T‘> ur.srrcr Tbev s I'o'i the ■*l fao o And as or nis l o redeem OiU Tennessee '■. ' s •: WitliEmds njJlfteJ"' And with right armjjaxed—■ IWrh faces upturned jp'll That uufiinehijjgthand, v , I\ ifh-tv ltHan oath, * I’leJgwl all that God had give To pro Cvt 'the .Flag,' The do: r old flag. ; - * la S °f Alhe braVe and th . .. forthehft. Of His ; trong right orin> To redßcni^d))d,Tcnu r *'. j ei And Goi has’beard t if .'•Those t And acccpur And has Of His : arhest words. ? J- the pledge | a lent the power. strong right arn?* Old Tennesse to save; .And oom the Flag, old. Flag, NM I [The dca The Flag of- the brave and tire* Is.proudi y waving ' iiid stripes : • ‘ >ld Tennessee'^ Its stars ■* Over grand t £ i-urx Soldikus with Blood •Hoi'M-s.— at» Memphis' !&m ti>u. bane-car capita ref 1 ifouudf ben. Grant had determined On ;. !;iiiiigoui to the scenetofthe.disaster,' t . Ui? |kh .Illinois', cavalry, five cbm pa-, and die s.?tb Ohio regiment. Ij d to ry my-luck again, and. j til'd invitation pf?Cjol. Gris- j v 'tllv.t rthc Gilt. .tOiaccorhpanyjhim, we j mi the’ evening of the Friday j ■.afurtlic caplui e. Saturday morning j round the -erniins <)f the) engine.! aQ d train. This was three miles libin / ■ -hviinantown, ;i teiwn jot abouli 100 , uiiiabitahls, all thy ■ra.irjjes.t kinidf of! rru'ers. .AA e pad 1 not been on the j _ Stoukl- half aihljonr. bclbro infofma , eon; was received that our n en had teca hunted scwjn by bounds. Yes! •■‘•. V had used a'new arm in, civilized ,-Thc hounds' used to hunt -4a' runaway ( battels vverp for the v' { I .‘ n ,‘, e us cd t!o hunt white men. A •HeCash, wJj&Uved near the f ceiio of ’ :,(1 disaster, hgs a . pack of s x ceie watc-d hounds ;i in s fact, pets, as Mr. -iWi altcryrard itolci the. These were rf. * & .°s> e ; and put on the scent; of the rluioisansand fight well they worked. Twcnty-fivcror. thirty : were .hunted vWii; some whe had run eight miles "Vine woods and brush, j One man C T Afjjow'ede fifteen. rrtiles, chut for. n ason did not touch him, and •j r ‘ ; uig he eould'make friends With the ysb if not tluir masters, liej finally.) -Another was not so: lucky. | ,“ e ( -v.-. ? caught in a corn-field, and G.ove the humane cavalry could come Capture him, the. hphiids bad torn (■•iwidcrablvg'' This may' be Moiiglit by, some of your readers as fiI** 1 ** tale of some excited, negro. To l, e f P rc i thernegfocs first (‘ )ldt us of |u.c lact, but as those w ho had escaped I -atne struggling back, the Caine "?■ vght., ilXeiin County men were , &se d- and caught—freed until 4,heif .'?!>tors could find time to call the gs® off And take possession,. ot their t-isohcTs. 'One.|'Blooming(bnian, fie- J ‘° the jUth Illinois, just r&- among (ho unfortunates if 1 ': 8 tiur.c. I did not learn.—Cbr, {ill.) Pantograph. .was sow ,s.S ro »nd. one of two swells who i s i ?. ri y' n K recalled to him with an K,J C o l , air: “It is jour business to '' ve , . rCi |P the iruifs of yqur ttlx- '^. vr o ir -;h- t he, countryman qui r‘| l ’ cd > ‘‘ ll js very likely you •j m I »rn sc.wipg hemp.” ; - 'i,'. • t i .' 4ir : • w.,c En v! • , VoltBBr3S^ FaojJ the PaESBTTEBUx I ANKER, - 7•• : ? tlSv -fijajcter.j' THE ittfeN Ipirn *thb fiic-Wd '< Cecil said in th onetion .to his sermon on 1 Patriot, ’‘To meet every when We, citizens, in arms 1 to hi and gardens daily echo will °f martial exercises ! surely speaks a time critical—als .new'!■ a-time which a.xninistc but feel, and ought not tt» nn >vo live fir such times, and i Should every minister be AilIV but every Christian Should aroused-to the pressing nece the hour. - Action ! action 1 s the watchword of; the hour, activity, zeal and'courage, tbs bo deep humility, earnest pra an overcoming faith. ‘-The i ferront prayeK of a rightoi availeth much " ' And do we i •something just at this momi ill. avail much, for our hr av e i fpr our Government, and for ciency and success of ptir t. When -the Government*'calls f<i hearts aiid ready hands, to coni ily toi i(sJielp,‘do ,wh not uee thing-tdgive a new impulse to' riotismlln the exmlemoi hurry, and anxiety, do wo npl wonderful putpguring of th« Spirit ?! "VV ell, ‘ The effectual, pniyer of U rightfcous availeth These are the kind ofprayerst now needed. W.o Want Christi riots—men wlib, like Enoch wa,k with- God—men whodoi closets,, and the prayer-meetiii whose hearts are temples - of th Spirit, a lid who intercede by d by bight, with the Eofd, imbfc par struggling, nation.. Such m pray that the-sword now in th of the .Government; be made “a to evil doers,” and if a terror doers,,it-: will certainly; be apr those., who do weif. These f intercessors (would that, 1 then many more ot them ! ) hrO bless onr! coijhtry and the Church., J< delights in contemplating .them, this irnib will 1 look, even to hi a ..broken, and 1 , contrite i For the sake of humble believe) spares wicked. nations, 1 among - , they 'd veil, even as h e Would spared IrJodOm, had there bee: , righjfeot s persons, found therein as hl> spared Jorusalenllong fo “fry riti -; fold" blessings; 'as, T tin ‘13gyp t, IbJ sake’Of Joseph; on the bouse of 1 edom. for the sake of the Ark; p widow of Zarephath, for the s: Elijah; and on Babyjon.rforthe s; Daniel. ' ' i - the free; 1 id band, ?; . k IMII ie*free;* OM ;ave, ' What a is to the Ch ana nation when there are many i-ing tip themselves to take hoi God. These, like Moses, stand ii breach to turnTaway the wrat God. ‘■Therefore,, he said, tlwJ would destroy them, had not 3J his chosen,? stood in the 'bread turn away’ his wrath, jest ho s! destroy."’ free;* ’■God can do nothing cpiitfary 1 perfections; All. his actings ar Unintedfatp result'of them. Bi I pleases Jiiiu, that his saints in sei ■ of.national distress should plea* ! perfections, .and, as it were, take |of them in holy, humble, for veil j portunityv Someof his greatest ( | and manifestations of his perfee ; upon eartlf have been performs j answer to the prayersmnd accoi ; tpHhc pleadings of his praying pc j AVas he ready to spare Sodom \ ■was in conformity to the pleading ■ Abraham, who took ho.ld of his j lice aiidi righteousness. \Vhy dii spare Israel in the desert, after i idolatry and rebellion, upon there; of the spies ? Because, as it, is Moses would not suffer him to tics them; hcjltook such hold of bis pe lions. Why did he restore 1 Jerus; .after tli® seventy years’ captivity In answer to the prayefs of D; and thej angel 1 of the Lbril, pledi the! rtgh teoiisfiess, faithfulness, ‘ mercy- of God. Those who have g to take hold‘of God in this man! are j thej pillars of a Chm-eh and strength of a nation. Thus it is dentil that the great strength b _ Church|or nation .does hot consist in the outward forms, privileges aud mul titudes of the onb, nor in the wealth, population, laws or armies of the pth er, but in those among tnem who c|h istantly pffer up the jjifcctual, fervent j prayer of ’the righteous man. .When ilezekiah and Isaiah cried tor God; Sennacherib and his Hosts could not even approach Jerusalem. O i how many, like Isaiah amkHczckiali,should be- at thi throne of grace, pleading im portunately for the success of -pur aims and the restoration of peace, when brothers, husbands; fathers and sons;ar<4 sacrificing their Hyes on the alfar of llieh- country ! The humblest j belicyer ijih the land‘bus a power at the j throne oj grace,- which not even !ar .mies and navies possess; j . But' vve arc not to,'expect tbo ehd; while we neglect the means. ‘'Abra ham believed God; but, ,op a proper occasion, ho armed ■ bis'.trained ser ; vania tborn in his own house'; three ! hundred and ,eighteen, and, alterjre covering his'brother, was met on nis return and blessed by>, Melchizedec. Jacob wrestled, with. God for defiver'- a nee from a fern el :avenger;.'bnt'Stijil flamed, with as mpeh policy as it he had never, prayed ; David .waajwtse if not frwffpptbbisbow; bat did be i ' '^^Sp^jw J? ■ ~ " 1 ~ / r & 1 ASia, 6 '|^M^pnty-(iibc ] fwhfn, fc wKufl 1 ’ a' 'mih®,LjßUCt e fis° r ) . i l|je it iof j J*3 t I?V-^ t i tw< f n ' if r;‘ffßßrarft■:: Saduntdm j, he was thlr ; 9*s®®fi:l>|> ■- ariritj: iroin » Pabllbs / J ® Siß* : W th » Tieerms, , ‘“P*®! Iw Jfrebk- ,*' fc®9 llfi apprbiaeb Ito j iea,« B | waste the : whole J •s§|| . Jfj simus MJqtp Cappla, arid th mdeK , A.fl9a®l $ / ® ty? W t ive .'pSirt in j W*r W»dj. eavbd tub £ V’*|3 SMfFjWok -totf tlfe i •VJk ml ■ t^r n ■-*& x : y3B!S tbdnil! jf isj J Won 1 ■ after ’h*} / ifej 8S P /aobii Infter i f V W Jnsbrrcc- a fPf ia Bg J - h « : | IWnswto, returned ,’ ., ‘th* J ‘ r'y^^?T^i —bt b lr, de| .«‘3l:tb&|nation r s.| binn, t ,.„ ; ;JLimlffi itfff M'r iV ®u:Wdepcna<|n6e; El bridge' ticrry oi i,;-. -, ~ J’ •,J!s; • .t Benjamin ; jlnt.b, and be j-Jg Sw ■ |A< pf Peiinsylvanid, Jtvere tli>ytethii ,{S b»|t thirty-tihb years ofjagbj-rMnttfaew : *dettd bodj "$£ BP-ftS- *& «j T - TltdSiv.'lJu leti.- -ll A Sll?S&' l ! a S? t *' - iL W > ' ® or f! efore m**i m f^ r - yhicQ was- co. ing I^t 1 lj;kV V^ f| 1 nrn< H W F A&f&Z'*'* l 0 lOpnsiT* utlon t~3 * J M •Vi h. e intro- 'Ae Tne i peacea »r fields i the din this rming-j^ rcannot gleet.”— rot only awaken also be isilftS of Jot wilb ire must ■ffeetiinl vnst dcal of rfnxioty, quite §uhcr mim as_wethink, is expendedupon ibt nrnrf 110 <l u *stfpn- of intervention—that is nt tlinf t 0 n P )n the infinitely debatable -Question; -tef: probabilities 1 , whether the eS' !> nce « England, or both, will ,med rhJ ? I_ dle in our American affairs. Asifoui'> • optional existence were dependent on AfcnprH ! l ie of Count • Pcrsigny- Or u some Lord Palmerston ! [Why should this Mir bat- & lh ® P er P elual topiO bfl debate ?- f ? j [[That France and' England: wiit med-' '* ij a ! die in our affairs there is ino eartbh' t. , .i'lbubt. Both have been doing so irom f. i he. time [ the rebellion broke out. I To »«*?•»*' they will openly ihter i " une ihrhehalf of, the rebellion hsre * tLo only question, i That will I of r ) ldi'p d , CtC r n,inecl niotinly by the Success e their I J'- , e federal army within the next , r . J. J 5 i hundred days. The; French protecto- ATTbU-!™ 710,0 i is to ° “bsurd to be thought nv arid if 0 ••but thjat the rebels, in ease ofipro hfllf nf; 1 ! ,n S ed struggle, arprcadj'lto offer it, mi will 1 111 U e v"Pbi by no means-ini probable. i>*l nrlll' The decisive -overthrow of the rebel terror 11/'I 1 /'' 11 , b > v tlle capture of its strongholds, to evil! l hebmohd, Charleston, Savannah, Mo afee i b ,le an( l Montgon§>iy, would phtafde iiifliti-i c sivc etul to the s;chtjme of u .French “‘ ;On the other Land, n _. t u| so invites jbreign intervention boviili n -’ dilatory, indecisive movements— : : ‘>To England niayNiven make n tlrii P apsiblo excuses to the world for in-: Wirit*’’:' tcrference,- if the war be protrapted s God ailot b cr year. For this reason, if for whom every energy should be put hnvn to suppress the accursed rood -1 The civilized world is the spcc i nodi'* 21 the struggle. | * >r the if intervention._co moaJj« in,* ted*‘thani the' armed intervention of I France an id Great Biltain; . Mutt as deprecate hbtV quart els, it is :er ltr^a|n' -T! will, jfDtliiy occur, cvbkd “Sinetv energies, Buchan the world has 1 e °*.j never seen, for' resisi.ance. |[ No loss' icei tain that the spi'r, t of thc.lcyql hurch J north will never yield or concede! one stir- j'iota to thje rebellion. Whatever sny ud ol j broilmenta may accrue from abroad, it 1 the ji s absurd jto suppose the governir ent i.h of; of the Tjnitetl .States', tvhile it haspi It ho standing place upon earth, will ever I oses, consent to. the -pretensions of this r«j -b to bellioniH-ifnri'. Td-.t I liould ; , :.j._ , '•.j" ■* ", . John Quincy Adams. ' the i iVhcn John Quir.cj' Adamsiwas min u-t . i t ! ist'ir to the Court o r riiolland| Lc j un isons i cd a society of learncjl men j|vho net 'l his !P ni:e a wcefe for mutual improvement, hold ® r ’ ' i^t i a,ns > though one of the young i im- e i st utctn.beKij.sotJM. bcehmej a jgreat fit-, ecds VP^j'to; his tonecj mind and de ions lj? 1 »tfal conyersatipa wonthiin many 'j j u trie hds, Andy receiving as much enjoy dine- melt as-lic.giivd, he Was always pe nc )plm tuall J pJ-o« c «t- ; ” . | 1^ •) jy i'f>n one occasion, however, the m ;ct s of was adjourned ievoning. : us . Mrl Adams Was not there, jlt was ap- j j j ie I pointed on the ncxt ijiinday bveni ig. h e i r !Mr| Adam? was nof%hore. filis fel nTsbt I low! mcmUoi-s noticed- and ri gretted *!iid • b’ 3 absence. On the .third Sunday [ ro d [ipvening'it met, Mr.-Adams’ chair Wasj •fee- rr 11 'vacant. Many were surprised, ] em j tnal; he, who was formerly so prompt ? land-punctual, should thus 'suddenly.! piel ; break off. j '' - ' I' ' !!„„ > |^o w d'd >t happen ? Press ’of busi- ues.‘ was supposed. At last the meet-i ■ace ’jS 5 tvorel rctiirbed to a wcck-day feve ner,—and lo!—there was 1 Mr. 'Adams tl,g bis place, as | ev j i evei. ’ The members welcomed’ him' bad:, and [expressed IhojSr sorrow that ' press of .business or duties of his of fice should have so long deprived them ofj his company. Did ho let that {go as the reason ? . ! [ • {“Mot business engagements hinder ed me,” rjoplied be; ‘‘ybq tnet On tht Lord’s day—that is'a day devoted to religious by me.” ' j ! ' 31) then told them ho bad been brought up in a land where the Sab bath was Strictly observed, and from ait that lie had. felt and seen, he was convinced! of the unspcakablq {advan tage s always arising from the faithful, oteefvfcnce of It. I Ho resolved tint to trail in chariots or In .horsiest but did m deitroy them,?” 1 " , , J | . And' now, mny[ not all gob'd hVeh confidently hope and pray that the ro snlts of this great struggle, which at jpreseiit teonVnlsbh aha crashes the cohhlr£, inh^ be the' establishment of ipur nationality on h'basis mbre e'n'dhf ing. ' As the pelting'storms and driv ing winds cause the oak of the forest to sink its roots deeper and to clasp more firmly the solid rock, so may this storm of rebellion, which is now shaking! so.terribly the Tree of our liberties; bhuSe it.[ to sink its roots deeper and to clasp taorei vigorously the heart of the nation. : I>. A. C; • Rochester, Pa., jhiy 2d, 'B2. j intervention; Na utoW tsdAPß.—One of tho wound ed! soldiers at the York J Hospital,,bas truly made a harrow escape. , A bullet passed through his arm, penetrating through a teslamcnt in a side pocket; aed hetween the testament and bis j>ers<in,|wjtS ft small memorandum book in the pocket, containing the holy print. The memorandum book, too,Was pierc ed a mdstltp the inner! leaf. These boojk 3 slived his life. Here' is an ifl stahe e that the precious scripture saves mortal-is well as immortal litcS. W since joever is courteous, re,trulybonorable,| d, is a trite. igeDtlei learned or g faberei cand tick, icxhndt Ipr byfel lilt Alteii died at it l&nniba) wi r the fhll' ot Asdruba I ' chosen! Carthagini ven, |he" 4 the Kdr ty-fphr, ho, Afripa into ScipSo, ‘on tin routed Sem defeated Fh llieappehihi country, |’de) and Warro, at tne age o ihg at the ' Si|pi6 d teen Iw hob hi the battle dl life qfhisfal Roman cavai theii| leader, backs : to/th< was Stwenty, Consul of 8p) Carthage jby/ defeated, sucv nitalSsi brothfe crossed into’: 5 Syphiix, duds turned to Spain, tion [there, dro’ wholly from tl to Rome, devlr the Cartbagihi war into Afri> stroypd fhO an ted the return fen tea' Asd rubai Cliarloiimnge; Franks before hi the gfeo of twchi picrod Aquitahi Avebiy-nine he of thpwhole -f pbfc robt and i and Vrifa] Uie' ty-si f-orri hcr&'trtw ou. j-xnt\T he had Subdnetl Sa.v . jit Uybn-T ty-sevbn hb was con due ,g his viicto riqns troops into"'the hem of Russia, when |a severe Wound prevented- Lis' taking Command .inipers.injund result;' ed ililhig overthrow} and subsequent treacherous captivitif in.TnrkeV.} , Lalayette w-as ia taiajjiir-general in j the American army i x iue age of cjgh f- j but; twerfy jv lieji he was wounded at but twenty-! two nfjien he raised I Replies for In's anny|oTi his own enidibit Bdltimofe; 1 and bjit tbirty-threel yben. raised to j the opco of xomnairier-in-chief of' the Rational Guardf [of Prance. ■ .* j ItUSolcon tecqnuncnced hik tnilitayy ear£er,as art tffic*- of artil lery, Sat "the ago of se reiteen. At twenty-four 'ho sneccjssfil ly omniand ed the artillery iit Tq|ilqj. Lis splen did and victorious camp.* igr in Italy was p :rformed at th« age c twenty seven. During the jncxt.y it, wheii ho wa) about twcntjijcig it, i gained battle oyer] the Auptrii ns In Italy; ’ conquj >rcd "Mantua, emit d tie war in; to Au itrittj lhAaged tfyr)!, bhOlnded an advantageous peace, tool posses sion of MdaU and tie 1 Ventian re public] j revolutionize!! Ger»a, and termed the r spulic. At the age. of twenty-mpe horeceived the command of th 1 ?. army against "■Egypnj scattered the elands ffliara; el like jcavidry, i master ed. Alkandria; Aboubir arid. Cairo, snd; writed the land c f the Pharaohs; and lolemies from be proud deseenidan of the prophet.' At thirty hb Pep ajongifhc Parisii ms like,, at thbnderhjt, /over- ' threw the ' dictatorial gffe-nment; disper ed the council yjf. fls' hundred, and w is proclaimed first ponsiil. ’At the tig3,Of thiny-bneihebossed the Alps v ith an army, arid dbtrtyed the Austrians by a blow aW Mlrehgo. At the age of thiHy-twd hejostabhsl ed the Code qf Napoloot; ii the sa nb year hb was. elected C Usulfor life by' the people; 'and at the tb hirty-threb'! he wnsprowned Erupot f ofvhe French people!.• ; . '■ j'• j; j . Wili[am Pitt, the| fin rcalrlbf 'Chat; ham, was but twenty; venWears-of ago when as a tncmboi ¥ Pafliameut. ho waged the war d ; ny . .Vllgl the corruption’of [,'Sil polo. ; i i-'.. The youngetj Pitt wai ty years of age .-trhhfl powcfhfe grappled, wit 6f Parliament,! in javij At twenty-two 1 ' be Iwal high - and responsible | ceYlor of the exchequ that ago when hef can might on the affairs d dies. At twenty-nine, h insanity of ; George | around the Prince of « i Edmund Burke, at til teen, planned a refutatr theories of Hame: At twenty he W pie, thd admiration of ii the brillidntyof hfs gej variety of hiß.Acqnistfi six be published hls com entitled, ‘‘Vindication jq Vlety- 1 * *Tjb?esitae iyjMpl : .■*. v iV-,|h bbnost, frank! generous,and nap, whether MEI ;iao B^b. :arcely twen ItU masterly he teietubs )tj America, tiled to tHci st{ of Ch a ti lt was at S’ th in b» East Id| ij the first | no rallied I fco' 6f niiio- W the met nates foV ;and the Twenty; Jd satire, taral'tm. ptiblißbM I 1 y ; -agaitis) t Wul ■ U ! .1 ■-.>..1 ■£; ■' ;;i; r ' 'T>- kssaydb the and be&uti tiiu'pU; admired for its spirits 9* philosophical investigation and the 41eganco ofits language j ; ! At twenty mo! n'e wits' first lord] of tbe treasury, i George Wdshington was only twcu seven* ye'ftrs of age when bio .cbvor |dtho bctrfcat of thoßr itish troops at Bra'ddock's defeat; and the Bamejyear Uo was appointed cornrnander-imchief of all the yjirgibia| fc|rces.|| j - ■ \{i Gen Joseph 1 : Warren] was] only twen fey-nine yearaVof ago,! when, ! in defi bn'c'o of the British soldiers stationed At the ~doot of the church, he ’ pro ifSuhCod the celebrated. Oration tyfaicb hjrousedth'c spirit of liberty arid pa-, tf iotism that terminatedin(be achieve ment of independence.! Atthiity four b]o gloriously , fell, gallantly fighting « in. the cause pfs.frcedom: ion Bunker iiii. .i > wnjs a bpt-cblonel ip the army] Of] the AmCr ih reVolptitin, iind aid-de-camp tp ashingtoh] at the' ago ofj twenty;—; Was a member of ClprigresS Bompfew York; at thirty hp was one pf the ablest members of tlf.oi convention that formed the Coni s|ltutibn: of 1 ] fbo Xfbiled, States. ■A.t 4 tbirty-pne' ho was a men her of the Kcw York Convention; and joint au tnor Of the great work entitled the rrederalist; At thirty-tufo ho’ was Secretary of: Treasury of the "United States, land ;arranged 1 the: Financial branch of the government upon so •P< rfcct a plan; tbiit lib great imprpye m int has evOr been made upon it since bi|» successors. : : Ivll I Thomas llayward,'6f Sonth Caro lb n> was but thirty years jof age,' ■w leii he signed the glorious record of thbi nation’s! birth, the Declaration of|Phdependcjnce; , El bridge. G erry of Massachusetts,- Benjamin flush, and James Wilson, p f Pennsylvania, wore btjt thirty-Ono years Of T|orriton. of fvew Hampshire, Tholn-1 ftspeffersPn,.lY Vi rginia! Arith uf Mfttjii dleton, Of .North Carolina, audThom- * as| Stonc; of| ;!l ana I William Hoopof . of JS’orth Caro- j Una, but'.thirty-four.' I l ! ’I i' | - i jdbn Jay, at nfijs a member of the .Revolutionary; ingress;, and being associated with j i and Livingston, on thc'connmttcej draftiucr *>ddrcss t 6 the., people ’.bat : 'j paper! ■■•ertf’d otie of ' bf the ..«i prk, hhdTnj the . , ww Chief fmr tiefof that stillo?, At thirty-foiir he ■ iiiiilisier to Spain. L.f L-jJM t -° °S Q twenty! six! Thomas | Jefferson was a loAdiny mcmberof tLo |Coionml Legislature iri 'Virginia. |At sthii-ty, he wa s a member j of: the'V'ir k!tfa, ponyerition ;at thirty-two ,-a mciinber bf Congress; ami at tIuHV- be drafted the'Beciaratiqn of jtnnepehdenfce. 1-. ... ji ; i-. i S f i lton .; a> the agb Of ttVbnty, had jvrjtldn his finest miscellaneous poems, Inblading his L’Allbgra, Plenseroso: gmus, and the most beau liful tff ilon t#rd at tfce age’ qftw;fchtsv pul|iished. hia celebrated sat|re r ;upon the? English herds and Scotcli review 's? a* twenty four, the two first can, to *; of Childt Haroldeis Pilgrimage! jvj fed, all stbo vast poetic treasures T ;JP is . S eni “ fi were I ppiirJsd .[forth tM|r richest j; -ofusion, befdrij be was t|ii|ty-lbur yeiffsiold; dnd| ho; died at t|urty-scven. • ,j ' ; .J;:/ ■, i; f'.f p t great German ttiusibian; cpinpleted all His noble' cbm|jOßitionB before he was thirty-five. I 1 I I ijPppe wrote many of hid published |p|cms by the time ha was! sixteen yfat l * olJ; at twenty iliii Essay on Chticism twenty one the Rape of tlto Lotck; twenty-five his t work, % tganslatiob of ihe’llk *isSnc jriwtbh had mastered the highest elements of Mathematics, and thp Analytical method of iDes Cartes be whd twepty; had diScdvbred •the new method of infinite scrioqs, pf flukibns, and hisine* thcdr£ bfHgfit and I cdlors. lAt - twenty-five he |had c *^ c dvei-ed thejnew principles Of the ipfleeting telespope, the laws of the planetary Ir^5 r otfCfrpfed the mathematic caljohoifat CamhHdge. r ■ i j E r | Dwight’s- Conquest of isfimaan wad cpniiaencedat tho ago of Sixteen anq finished, at twenty;t|vvo. At tho JatlJes age hocqpiposedbjs celebrated disjeitation on the history, eloquence an® poetry of the Biblol ‘’which wad published and republish ed to Europe 1 1 ' -:| [ ■ : Gtrss.— .The rebel f the; arrival at fJ a |°P> iWcnty-iwo of tbelchnnon capped by tho English from jthe Russians at the Effttlo 1 of In- K® r^f nn " and presented tp Übo reb xl? H tortain | h k l i‘>‘b rncrchants.— We this ; One of t®! fenest which bard yet ;<tsgraeed x? e iT I^ 665 - ; ** *“« firstfelaed,thd Lnghsh did not capture any cannon f™*the Russians at Inkerman. jin the place, if bny such cannon had been Captured they woald have been iMrefulJy kept ad trophies by the Englidh Crovernment Weteadi of being sh ipne d ioff to thd rebels byi EhglisE merchants., : : M'■ i [- ■• 6 liblji.gQpa' mauyi-p able for being Jiobr-i learm; tlmt .thfe Benec d . —yiviil ' of our army in Springfield, all loyM citizens ' were led’ 'that rth'% .ihiust leave their homes 01 die: It was little that the pool widow had to miserable log cabin and a email patch of hillside t Bu;h' hs it whe .she!was prepar ing 1 oabin]don it.iwhen her sod Har vey loft her, in search of employment. She packed his bundle with a heavy heart, took a bilk hankerehiet from her neck gave it to him, j and s kissed him good bye, never Iqxpecting to see: him again. |.j ' !>.■. ; „•: ■ j Ho hai. pot gone many days when hop persecution began. Her little boy was, mob'roping bringing 'in wood for th|e £ re,when ashot was fyeard—Abnllet struck the log under his arm, and he di-opWed it . with, a scream. The hajl had fuajt missed his heart. I Joy at his j escape. fijom 'Was f henceforth milled with gloomy apprehension. ' - Next, bhe heard bf the death ’of H.yvey. [He bad found a] homo, and fa'bejfing hinisdlf secure, Was alone at work, in the field. 5 (Tbo, family, .with lived were absent. ’ When |ued at nofipitjieyi found itHo i ’ in the house, pierced by a is torn cap jand other signs j to £he seventy of strug be yielded |tb bis murderer. I Ha 'time, the family ,df .Mrs. Willi! lin OncVday a gnn fired at thqni as they sat at dinner. ; .Often they sdvv/men abc ut with guns, looking for the vophg’ ;nicn.h QhO man was'bold enoughi to come into the cabin in! searchpf-them. &,t ni jht they all bid in the and rlept, : Th]e wOfnnn wastbne day gatjie-ing born in the garden add. William wassitting _npon the/' J r „ V-'- rmtifatrf-^krirttf ytfeTOuw.’™* lorF ■!.,|... ;■ ; ■ j Wil iam went to the door, and sat upon 1 lie Stop. i; i “William,''’ said-’liis ‘.‘you lare ndtisaje there. -Come in to the house.” • ■ lid'wag sitting between two] b( ds, when suddenly apbtbdr. shot i rang upon’ thie', kir] and itbe 1 widow’s : second son, Samuel, whom she htid jmcjt helieed sitting byfanother door, j rose! to his feet, Etaggared a few steps I tpwads his mother, and fell a corpse i before her. 'h /■ I /;. ■ 1 ), .• v l ,. « i’liCnovbr wished any pnpin torment Ibefpi-e, ? -Ebb said,, ‘‘biit 1 I did frisk, thb ikhk.thilt killed hi«£wna thefd.” I ■ Her throb oldesf soiis hi, 1 Once. left’ tbelcjttb p apd flpd over the bills. ■ They are all inn he Natibnal/army- to-day.,, Samhers sister washed the cold clay and dr;ssed it for the grave. After! s tbjß Secession neighbors came to . bury him. At first the frantic mother jessed to let tHbib touch his pody At last ' she j! coiisehied. ■ The clods) wore,fulling nppk jthe coffin each pound awakening an echo in her ach ing her rt, when * whippoorwill flut tered] dciwn, w i t h i wil4“mela n eh 6 ly ,dry, an i set tied in, thejopeii! grave.— The riot 3 sc teiriffed the -conscience stricken, supefstilibiis iwretehes, that | ®.ro ( mfer t they fled in dismay. ; .-! T.w.b .■ of her.children’werb! now inj! Three bad escaped. for The unhappy woman was. left will her two daughters and three! .small cl ildren, helpless] drid klono.-- She Wjßs obliged td tip -1 on horseback to the mi l for food, and! afterwai d tb return bn foot, leading I her, horse by. the bridle, jwltK the sack of meal upon his back. 1 tinker return she met her children ;nbbut k mile find a half fijom tidt own .house. In her neighbor a. y jind her two ; boys, aged ten and twelve years, wore digging another grave of-an old man; murder ed m hep-absence for the (durtie, of? loyalty to tbp Union.- Tocgtbcr with a whilp-l ended patriot, |who tottered 1 with ago, they pffibed-the corpse upon 1 ‘•oiled it, unprepared for bur ial ahfljtipeoffibed,into' tht* sbkllbtv hit, then covered it with!eifrth. Sttch the tHalsjof loya| citizens in the Border SI tve_States, and-wherever re bellion pa 5 4]pen in power. ' | ? u . Tho . iow! escaped for refuge to jlhis city; And Jhere, tci [;-ci:6wa her sorrows, in the absence ,o'f her three oldest, rcn.aining sons, a drunken sol ,dmr of tbe Hifth Kansas Hcg.imcnt jsbotrher daughter Mary as she waa standing in tho door of her house.' Is jit any wonder that this wpirian’s hair gray, hbr forehead full | pf br that she should with tremulous tones.“l f ? el that ! shall not live long. The only thing which] sustains too is the love of Christ." \ . • 'Northern ; people JtijO v 1; the hbrrors of/war. •OuA backn tdiudedtoini described : its manner? : ' ‘An inatramertl tb ijrith Sbey-;tik« it 01 tree, ana. i bat itprm blows;«» T 1 » i ‘!rl ./»;!•> erspi fppi ictio nff.riemtirk ted, should ‘‘W .k- f w* ’il ; '.I! -J if } ; h •! S ,-H -r BE f m ME lisiied IBIS- 'erriiblfelstory of the Rebellion: correspondent ofthejiN’ew York :,wbjo| dates , frdmi (Springfield V 1'.,-' '"V, . .1. ■. i.. . Missouri, tolls the following sdd tale ftfthe consoquenceaof llio ; ebcllion. ■ The tender pretties of secession are erne!. Ijliavejust heard the sad story of a Widow wh.ohatj buried two sons and a danghther since the outbreak of rebellion. - Iler {tliree ; children nil -fell by the h u»d of violence-» J ; She lived in the fctiuii try-t-a land of hills hnd'px In that |coantry she and her famify llj'dbp hlhiosl alone upon the side i>f ilic pfatipral Uijionl Her neighbors were advocates of rebellion, and even bpfojro, the atir .1 of ;bbds clergy: inchor,m hii use iftUthe Anchor jib it-sailow'fc* 1 When 4 6t I shore. ind Mdji( th« jbl Wv?'.] : f • Illlril MOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. £ \ t A<ly.^&ements ! insated at the rate ofciQ- > cent i per squire—each * gubse quent v itiseiflott 1 2o c :nt«.' A liberal discount made Vo jeaily, SdTi rtisera, j and oalong advertisements. ' ■ 'l' * •■i X space equal Unes of t this tvpij meatured as a square. i ■ .? I V. ■-< -ij; ' Sieeial notices 23 per cent.' jeddhioa to reg ular rates.;- ' : S: 1 , ®' jslnetfs car'ds, ?5 centaia; lin'e; pcr-;Jtert. ; . irriagca and Doatlia, Religious, I'oliticab > and )thcr .Noticcs of a-public nature, free.- j '[V. .t The. True Odds; r ; '~ It is ajfeattcivof isurpriae; to persoriii at lj'orne and abroad, saysi the N6rts that the .conflict-in; which we have been engaged for Sliced - mpr tbs ]i£ s notlong since been terirtiai ateo by t le complete suppression of. the revolt; The advantage is 8.0 -dei cidcdly with the loyal portion couhthy thajt the «d»ik llngQiaher upon rebellion is; ihcxpliciif ble - *p *.■ iV ( 1 rere jS qplyjtno explanation; ■ ‘aha that lie) in'the, ttiotive and spirit ‘of tid c'dhtendihg.partieSi’l ITje. JPedi enUftfmy |s conservative, the, bonf&dJ crate army .desti active. “Thefofmcrj seeks to 1 preserve and' establish tfio} latte r to subvert andJ exterminate!-- One is calm,'considerate, careful;the Ciherihrioiis, recklesfijdiid desperate: A m i’rderer has almost siipeyriatural /streiigtli; -arid an 'officer needs to Be worked np to a Botnewfiat similar exditemont loj cdpo with hiiill When our Ibyal meh begin to fee ours is a | struggle for life with an enemy excited to idesperation; and prepared to, use hny and every method of accomplishing quf destruction',’ let the consequences , to; them: fae = wMt they indy. iVe shall then Hddpth. more effective policy, and give hick a little of the coin kve have so freely tecei ted.' ‘ Tile fury of a maniac and the ten: dernpss of a pul-so present scarcely a greater confrastlthan spirit lnch Uio‘ contending armies in diir country, hayol cpndiicted Until- jye hdveisqTpetimig of the feel ing yrhieh nerves the reoel 1 arm,' 'and are prepared to dismiss the gentle and IprUtfaripg policy xVbieh has iiltherltd liilcdv wp v shall not,.make imiich towards the desirable, pnd.y-J desperate'disease domiuid a des |o remedy.— s prqv prog The pei-u; ’ortaxt ■ Arrest.—Brig. ’Geni" \vortlii Provost Marshall pf tjjuj jict.of Columbia, accompanied by ju|tcnantand t ; y*o privates, arrived arrisbdrg at three o’clock ion sday morning,. by, the train front more, and, acting under the ,oi*i ot the'Secretary of War, y, proceeded to, arrest- Messrs.' rl-otfand Thomas C. MacDbwali; ihera-of, And Messrs. Moatgotoe-; liter', and Uriah^, p ..|ations of a treasonable arid jn !arria f character! The parties 'were arrested at their respective'resit* fa-t *i»K. atjofcitil rhqnest.,'of Capt, Dodge,'they were pci'if.VttPi id remain at home with the under'sthnd ving iljaDthey should report thsmselves atAhp Mayor’s office at . six o'clock:' •this morning, • At the hoar .indicated the party were' on hand, wbeh dldf.’ tvdre erheineted to the depot ftnei -left in-the 730 train for Washington. The affairjy though npt jaltogethpr -nueS'' l)eott'| : XTcateiJ quite .a sensation; • pAi[BiaTic Benejlicxion;.— A Calitor tiiti piipei;. states that. Eev.. J. A;i An-- (forson, chaplain bf, the Third i-fegi: dioht- |C.Y.; 'tviis decidedly dbthe!rani-,' pago, on the 4th 'of July.. At the close ot the oration At the. Agricultural: Hall, he pronounced .the bdk>\ving’beh-i' odiction;—“And* no,w: may the God of Washington, |he God of Fdotcj Hal leek,- MeClellart-Apd Di need n, nerve, guide and sui-go -ibid whClo patipn till KiChmond is takcßACharlestoridmrut, secession annihilated,! arid slop shop. , Dnibp mem turnecFout of existence.— Amen.” •_ ' r;'i i, '(■ |j Im Wjul a Lie at U Thnr Balti ; ders' cliafe : <?: Br RuMi. ry Fi * Fieema.v Multiplying.—A letter fronrlfew YprkjsaySi it is -[astonishing; to Beetho.w unsolicited additions, are' tpe Fi«> t>cparlrnrcnti both in that city and,' Brooklyn,,now it ■ is ‘known . that , gentlemen Jrun nJn|\ >'’ith ‘‘din- mashecn” Hvill ndt tie sdbjccjt to draft. Men who, before; had a tiolv horror o! associating with “Mpsof have, now not bri-' ly no objoAijona. to ! their company, bhi tire anxious even to “take the butt:”- ■ l -I' -\ ' ", '. r , ■ 1..? i ■ - BSrThe ■wonderful splendor of mod ern life in Paris, is ibfisT "Tbo*' number of; suicides iri France |s aug menting fejirfolly 6very year, being on . average from ten to eleven rdailv; iOjJTCbreo thousand eight bubldrod 'andv ginety-uino a.ycar.'J To the credit ! of" the fair sex, they stand in this sad cat egory only as eight hundred' and forf ity-twp, against,: three thousand and fifty-sbven men.” J ! " Bfir’Thcpe who volunteer before? the 15th inst.,'*will receive money enough in bounty and pay fO buy and qi- tbo close of thd war- ; Those who .wait to be drafted will-receive only their pay. .■ ■ !' rf ft % : , , you see a persoii coritin-’ ually; snarling at, and abasing those* possessed of influen6e, j-ou may know that he is like a dog at the foot of da tree. ,H<St barks because he can not climb; ,- ' ■ ' ', . " -ci : d #®-Wc have seen, in the Norfolk ctinphatic denial of the i eto-’ iS g°'ng„ the rounds' of the papers,’ thit. the yellowfc vcr is pfc vailing,- in Norfolk. i Not "a cose has occurred. notbl/ig of main haring ij» discoufte,' Ji .following i lafgO iron MtijKito sea oriii. arises, ' fasten to a Wpe till t&e ’i". ■■■:■- ~ B®jTho President,; last- week; epmpanied by Secret ary Seward (Jenefat Sturgiss jinspected the b and camps on : the South side of _J?ojtoiuac. vHe. was I enthusiastic , received by theu *S: 1 T 11 •, r'Wr ■j# I=s== MEI f 1111 i , -A \ cS. » rat - - -1 ) 3 1 V "•I ■ i. ■fl ■ ; ■ti J. ; : .j n ■; k, -V.. '[''i t. - Tr * : h. K., ' . P' ME =lll ao nd rts'Jj he'. ■ Ilf , - ‘ 'lts,. .: ''l- , ~ --.. , - ' , t.-4'` , 1. ' . ...t1,-, . . ~ i cW