A NATIONAL PRAYER; - : isos. : |- 0. Thou, the' God of Jacohihear, |l The God who driest the intmrpcr’s tear! Great (Sod,. whb hearestytb; [widow's prayer- The orphan’s cry- J . "i • Hear, us for Afric’s sona nt first, For Hiim their father’s sin getprsod, Vet now redeemed, since for the wor !t,^ ■ | Did- Jesus diel While- wo were casually looking on and listening to the proceedings of ihe Convention which assembled and adjourned in This. city yesterday, a sin-ht''of the; president of that body recalled the past and revived the inci dents of the, political struggles that are no\v regarded as having . been the ihitijal rabvernents in the great reoel- Uon which has been convulsing the country formore than a year*. hran cis W. Hughes haf a history in con nection Avilu: the politics ol Pennsyl vania, which no effort of his own should havebeeri left untried to sntoth cr or at least not to have revived j bill as we find him true to his antecedents, jaiid emulous now as heretofore to |bring disgrace on his country,.by .con* ■fiTributingto the deception ot hiscounr j frymen., we. cannot refrain, frorai Iring ‘ in** n’p the past find comparing it with . the present,condition of sifeli locofoeo leaders. ■. It is well-established that the ar ruiiireincnts and iht? plan? ol thu Icau '•ers~'n the slave-holders’ rebellion, i were in course ot preparation.and sc ! erot development for many years.-—( The politicians-of The sputh never i ■, made a mav'biheiit, or supported a pol icy-fin any administration, ftirthirpast : thirty years, unless they were cos ; vinced that bv, doing so, they .would j be contrihuliifg to the success or their ■idarliu‘ r efforts of nullificatjoii of secw-. 1 sioh *Thus, 'H-'h'en. H.cftfy Clay- was I nominated lof\lhe Presidency, nn’d-i ! when the hearts of the uVmeriean peo-j I pie yvere filled with admiration, for his i I great service and brilliant l|alcnts- r .tlfc | j i)cntbcfati.c party-placed on theirtjek ■ jet James K. Polk, the inferior of Clay in talent, experience and patriotism as ;v ■7S siatesmab. and in no wa^'to be cbm i !.-• j.pared to.hinx.as a friend and advocate , Htilesi by whose : j o* tojag' Tbe bo..do,*us tubes arc kept from harm! The true interests and develop | "yy bib- V cemcirs bi-joe flows free and warm -With of Hher.aucm. Henry r gay :■ r -i, - • . -Was the iriend of tho laboring iftan - .. „^ not a friedd by.ful. ' • "t”' 1 lhc - Uome dr idle adulation, but . his advo-'i * t4ba-ao-ept ibe-i-aei-fice -■ , . -..-j speculation sought i '.lie use ol‘ the energetic of fho-onej ' y'V'. ? .-V;V Ipild ' “ nd * irc ‘ m.l. -«ord. • j 01 . geniu3 0 <- t b c other, at tho sae- - ; L: ■ ■■■■ jrifice of the vital-Welfare of both.— ! J> ■ : 'fins. Ev-acvatiox o.r-JfiMEs IstAm l n tflfat contest, Henry ("lay would ; __.y correspondent,of, the.-Baltiinoro have carried 2i'civ Tork and Pcijnsyl £j 'c<;y.,writing (coin Janies Island, vania, bad it hot been for The frauds | I S. C'l" utMbrclafc ol ’Juno llUttii -says . a mj faiseliotids of the leaders of the. S" fiver since battle of Btojib party. In Pennsylvania,! Federal forces Have f>oen Hardly cnj'ag-'j.partieularjy, the fraud yvas-dpgii and; ' v d-in erecting batVerieslor heavy gtiusJ'bofd, by the declarations oftsuebmen \ Wdl ini'a lew days they wouldl be. cm a s-Francis W.'Hugos, wlio ■dcclami’j flijlbd to bold James-jslaiid against all! an d insisted that “Jf| Ifideiicd with troojis. and the cnerpy^s; j f ,yal iuoiyi those interests were sacri-1 . eamp yvith tents for thirty ihous'aii.l i tiJed, in telecasting vote of George At. ■ ' -- men are.;plainly .Visible.,o ilh .the ' D-jllas, ifcteiting the Tariff of’4o. ’ naked eye negroes ean haSeen. busily j Then folltfwed. other: Democratic . • engaged in crectii-.g entrohcffmenls.— i nyonstrosliy, tha admission of Texas j The weather .continues' Warm, though |by whielTthe'- yvar yvith Mexico yvas .the nights arc- cool. The troops are j provoked.. All those acts- were links . in-.tolerable good health.in,the chain of that rebelliofi which 'f- • J i ’ , i” ‘ seeks to girdle and destroy Ihe'TJnion, x . i-lAx Affectiso Sioht. —One day lust | an j the starl!i(!gj3o-lpcideni in the week, as y?-e passed the commasidantsj tr:insat . Li r on ; s t h e fact that the tool', .' •’offiee, "ii Jcfievsqn avenue yve on-ci-vpj ; w j lo pi a y et j SU cu an importanl part in B ,Tv; yvoundcUy.sqhhyr upon the ; |\ n the cause of slavery and -li e j,■■<.')■ had l\|, us necessarily.the cause of treason, piaccii his erntel.es under nis head t° r i turns up. noyv as. the .President of a S n byiov. and vyidentl.V^.-.fji! iirMHUid- [Convention convened to give aid and • ,V y-y'he wonbl done in nistathors ■ c( imfori 10-trailors. Francis W. Hugh 'l-. d|'.u3-e, sU P ; c , 3 . who so yvantonly’and unscrupi-i y / ' ts het* anci ,^ul r !y fcteatii U P 01 ; ously sacrificed the laboring intcrcts hiiu.- Such is Wars'aomTti'e renaiu ( ,p ie whole ; Xorth, by iTtraud yviiieh izi I ‘ oi courage iijal pafrtpfisip. ■ defeated jlvo immortal. at-1 >' - was no good Samaritan neav-to-onei . len tpfiifay his old ganie by insist- ~ hrm shelter irOm the anil cbol “j s ■ j|,g thatbjjien yvlio openly oflcr’od-sym-1 f lips yyitii a glass ot yvau-r- f)ur;BOble.| p at j,-vm'friicd couspiralmis, are-as- Joy } nglith)g,h-\y_s deserve bcHfer a j- , ls |b (we who.are in the field peril- -n atTne.hamjs ot our citizens-— rJjitrou jjj i-; V es in a contest for the'il' l • Mh-!,) A-lce'ri‘St'r. ._y ; | Union.: We. yvarn the people in Time f^ r l bi ds This wlu-b-.A eMspondcnt at i uguinst such trickster^. ; |Lct Pefinsyl-; 'pctrCrcss'Mo’hrJje r jcoionej-Brat- 'yama pmeraber the fraWs by iwl.ieli=, : South -brooght i her labor anq her mineral and agncuF , , -a‘ - •] AKS’lx-AWntiv'-' «i ! tural -were saenneea, aiiai - t j v. cut .the . \ iiuuorftflvvJcceni]}, a , i •. it . i ■ , , * . ' the Iraud uow nhout to.: be perpeini-: . ;>r!bJoiu*i-.v antrinff ipe? trip. , ♦ .... .v x y 7T *. 1 ..... i ■ down he saiy a wounded Soutir Caroli- j tedfortho sacrmceof. Ip; Lhion; will; , nhlyimd aMassachusettsPoy suffering | Fovea most uisgracetulfailure.pHar.j Aide by side, engaged fin\m ar.ihui’ed ; 1 r '- , . j; ! j j cunvefsajioji, ■-My Hod . i csclfiiiuad , J y Xoble SEXTiME-NT.-j-Danicl Web- • . the info |-ster pen.ued this sentifiient: ‘]lf yve • i»s he yyfiinessed tfestenc -do you call work upon niar.blo, it >vill perish ; - if 1 ? But ai ; ,feW;j!ours ago,; ton-: wo upon brass, time will! efface •'* vmuvdjbm "fhese t\vo -toiayo ladsiwerc, j t .-jf wo rear temples, they -.will ' t.ngag4-d j in, mortal contli.et together,.! into dust; but i|’ yve work up 1 mj-yy arc the best.of fiends I; omiinnoriulfninds—if \ye iinbuq them " ’ | prinijijjics, with the jufjt fear pf God land btr fellow-men, yv'ie engrffvo "on theisei tablets soinethijng tbdt nyli brighten through all eternity,” • , ■ ' fcr j • Almighty God!; to Thee on high. ,1 - With tears and groans these bondmen cry J 0. God, let not these millions die 1 . Unheard, by Thee! ■ 0, Lord, thcir carnest cry attend, Make their oppressor’s triumph end, j For tficm'a second Moses send, j • | Their Pharaoh's flee! ,/ j oi (i ill. it mourn the deep disgrace/ That Uio Yfinkec race I > Kor evijn tliCjrwith shameless lace. • ' *fb tyrant’s kneel! And servile to the tjouthern nod, Rule o'er the oppressed with iron rod ! *And how WSlayesv 113 th-God, Afith impiKs zeall , _ . How lone, 0 God of Hosts: how Jong Wilt thou permit this" giant wrong ? How can we sing the rapturous song -Which Miriam sang 1 J.While o'er our land no glory gleams-r •The star of hope withholds his beams, - And aveoping by Columbia s streams. Our harps we hang • flh, ari of 'Ood ! awake’ awake! v : Put on]ihy strength ' this Nation shake! . Make ey'ery.traitor's heart to <{«ake! fiend dVirylknec ! • , r>urst.t|h| burst tile cr jdlte’s-banda! Free, oh! free our Land.of Lands.! VViisl, j ~i; ! wash,till &on stands OfsSlaverr free! ' : - 1,---"'" ■ V : ’l ' . r ‘ Capital iltpyilj,— following good :re . AJ : r :\ ■ i 1 “The oilier day as a number of reK cl prisoners were being shipped, ttjr Sandusky, ho.niq on ? John'soig6~-Istefra, a little Gfearman made hiras|elt quite prominent with i Ins noisy remarks about the Secesh. OVio of tlienff., a brawny six-footer, / £ turned siyagefy],upon him and said. -- J ‘.JWe.U ]-)iielin|en down South.’ *Ty den yon no ciit Sigel V was the in-, . - slant fetdrt.” Sbeesli had np reply.to give, hut passed sad ly-on.” . ' *- r SSUAt a recent ecclesiastical trial in i ■"" England “The Somh Ccith case,” one of the witnesses complained that Mr. i:e:ld. his sermons; and on the j .question iieingCput to him, “Do ser-1 r_ mens that are not ycajd edify yon rapstr’i . “convulseclJth'erCOHrt by replying: “i! consider (that if ministers cannot re r ; member them themselves,' neithercnrM 5 w-e ;” s whicb is the latest, if not. the*’ weightiest; argument against reatfhig ; f..r .... ; 9.1, b., be., »W thwt pveachor Jn; Winches-. cai ‘ 11 ■ to^ ; on!y■ ter presented a good example of aj l^'’, ou , t^te^ l < ! loyal prater, a lew days. ago. .“Pe*” o^ 0 * ■ ! . 0b v e Un?t l d W-A‘man in Spring towns' ! * n f ISI e^e n tnw| recently ! aonndlv whip ‘ 7 Jeff. Dayi* | tort El The President of the Dough ' 'Face Convention —a Reminis cence and "a Profitable Brain* } pie. ' • . ■- .I'' BguA letter from "Winchester, Ya., states that amongthe -rankest of thp naftksecession .ladies ftbere, is Mrs. Udndridgc,'better kno'wn .as : L“Bctty Bliss,-I'the daughter of Hhe late Prea idem Zachary Taylor., I •ia.Par.son Brownldw and Emerson Etheridge are talked Of as the most dor the Vacant Seiiatorsliip as soon as Tennesseejgets a loyal Legislature agqin. . • B®.The Girard Union 603-9 that the Messrs.Goulds, of SpringSeld, brought into in thatj place sold -to Eea & Eyman pounds of wooffor 50 cents a pound; D®JThe Oil City slays iEv.. James TarrliassoljdTof a terra otyears one half his Interest in j the yield of oil from the Tar'r Farm ifpr the Bum of 20.000. r l SIKIW THIiE FRIESDI m always ready. ! LOW AY'S OIHTWEHT. HOI T os : JL ** marchesj sore and stiff joints, bliatcr snd infiarriedfeet, allthesolhe Mldier must edthare, MOTHERS, REMEMBER THIS, when y )ur sons arei grasping their musKcts to meet drnger. think what relief * pot Of ALL HISALING ■& COOLING Salves will give to the one yon lave when far away from home and friends. . It harden* and niakes tough, the feel so hat they can. endure;grcat fatigue. It soothes and relieve! the inflamed and stiffened joifits, leaving them supple, strong and vigor oubj. while for | • i < * 1 V SABRE CUTS AND GUNSHOT WOUNDS It slant s unequalled, removing and preventing i every :rcBfeige of iiiflanmation and gently 1 dritwinjj the edges'* together, it quickly find [ completely heals the most frightly wounds. WIVES AND SISTERS OF HOLUN ‘ TEERSV J Ton caHnot put into the Knapsacks of your fflushand/ a more or 'more necessary gift than a supply of this 1 EXTKAORDINARY\MILITARY SALVE. The lonely sentry f walldng at ■night, exposed to drenching .rains and chill niffht air, Is often seized tho most VIOLENT FAINS; COUGHS . and SUFFOCATING IIOA USNESS, first symptoms of QUICK,CON SUMPTION, hut if’supplied whh HOLLO WAY'S PILLS I anil- HOLLOWAY S OINT MENT; nil danger rs averted, n tew Pills taken I all flanp- - :VT“ I A ; ’’\7 ’H"t fVL :!/* -I knight dml morning, ami the ointment 'briskly ; :‘P, v ■ . t* A- I ! «m«W **H! the most distressing or DANGEROUS COUGIJ. ReV.R T. Taylor, A. H , PHu. ihit.,l, Mrs.A* S. Taylor, Goyeririas. !( ■ PlLbq and OINTMENT have been tborotighly given in the Pnmaiy and . I repair* cjrj ITcatcd, they are the only remedies ueeddn the European Camps add Barracks, for over forty ) A I expenses except Tn years Doctor Holloway has supplied ail »ho i per tevm otjfourteea wcek 1 armied in Enrdpd, and during the CRIMEAN | Tuition f|om S 3 oO.to $1 1C VMIfAIGN he depot dl goages- ‘T , ldW«. exeldsivisale of these GREAT. . No effortj spared to tnak, REMEDIES,; many ft, time his special 4 gent- of^ c r? r ”“f r ‘ S ,,J' there has sold ier a ion ’in weight of the \ _J^_ S ?T *'“ f S ; a Ointir ent in a single .day. These terrible and . r r P fatal memies of ; the Soldier in Camp. ; Ai' IVI., l-34-w'w' 4* DIA.B UHEA.DYSENTEIiV, SCURVY, Si and SCROFULOUS ERUPTIONS, all | pear ike a charm before tjiesc PILLS OINTMENT, onp now,.while the Cry throughout the land, i .. ... TO ARMS: TO ARMS!! Do not let these bravd men . perish by dis ease, place in thfeir bands these PRECIOUS REMEDIES, -that will enable'them to |rcsist the dangerous exposure’s, the - f evers,; the i Chills, and the wounds which theyj cannot | , .dnd what is. more, cannot frequently gel | succor-in the mUment-of need, whereas it uur I brav * men have, only tp put their Lunds into I their Knapsacks arid find there- a surclrpmcdy ! for all the casualties ofjthe battle field. i How i many thousands .of lives wouldthus ,be | saved j who'would otherwise perish befjjre Xctief could be obtainbd. ■■ ■ y . ’ I ! cAU'?rioy.^%' p •*> p nui , n '- W c * ( the yorda. "Iloliott'Vf, JVetv I ork and Lmxdwu | are disclgiable|as a water-mirk in,every leaf -of the bohk of directions around each pri or box; Ihefsame inay be plainly seen by folding the I'd/ S.lhc Ujhi: A: handsome inward will he g veil to any opa rendering such r-(informa tiori as may lead tb the detection of any* parly or parties counterfeiting thcmcdicincs or vend ing lici Mime, knowing- them to be spurious. - *’iSold ,at .the Manufactory pf Professor Hon tow ax', 80 Maiden ■Sd.w , by all respectable Druggists end Medicjpes, throughput the civilized .world, ill boxes at 36 cents. 63 slcaeb.. jdg- There is considerable saving by-taking thiTlnrger sizes* j N Ba—Directions for the guidhrice tients in every disordernreaffixpd !to na May 7. " -t 1• - ’’ JjiIALE. DEMOIUiS'iI'S ;| : tt aiterly Mirror of H7/a! (Jrcqt Improvements nhS^t/dilicj/is, Tins SCMMEB NUMBER | •QUR LARGE PEA TES: THREE I'CLL-SIZEt> • 5‘ i’.i TfEnxs'l of Presses, i’ , ' . icojirofliiNfi. tub | ]■ L, lew French Waist, an Elegant Sleeve, and a Misses Sick, and a Sheet of New andj Beautiful . | . JRAID AND EMBROIDERING I’ATIiERNS, 'iogetlier with nearly 100 Engravings of all the novelties for - , \j , - summerßonnets, Cloaks, Trirnmniigs, . , Children’s Drosses, ic;, | And valuable information to Millin'cW, Dress' Makers, Mothers, and Ladles generally..pre setting :the largest and best Fashion Maga-' tire in |thc ,World, published 47|3’Hrdadway. . Y., and sold (everywhere at: 2-r cents, or s’ent by mail, post free, on receipt of tjie in stamps or sUrcr. ■ Tear. SI,UO with the fol owing Valuable premium. . |‘v I Each yearly’subscriber will be entitled to a’ ■e-eipl for the selection of 50 dents worth of lain patterns.: from the in the book, - froml-tlic show room, or tlidy may be er red arid sent by mail any during the ar, by paying postage. . . i ] J Es£.Splcndid Inducements to Canvassers. No. neV.retdy. I , j < ■. . the . ;ti’ - '■ TTJEDAY MOENTNG POST. fThe best Family Newspape r in/- | WESTERN PENN’A. Old the only Democratic Upior Sheet in ■, 1 ■ Pittshuijg. : | '. t i ESTABLISHED IN ; 1804. It contains; all ihc CORBENT-l NF>\VS. OF pIE DAY reliable. Monetary, Market and lommerciaV reports and k choice of lales, Poetry, Literary and Scientific Articles, y aluable Statistical Information, *■ ! Agricultural Xews, &c.; I —also — ;.j !•' , The Latest Telegraphic I News.* mbracing every imporjant Item of News, ■Foreign and Domestic, Congressional . Intelligence, Legislative Pro c ... ceedings, 4fc., -&c. "ermt, $l. . an«iTO,./«j a Single Copy, or 11 Copitt onfyear /or $lO/' j.'i BARR, ; Editor and Proprietor. Corner Fifth andWohd sts.. Pittsburg Pa. B®,Send your money jby mail at tny risk.-. SA Acdees* 3ENTEL, ARBUCK LE & CO, \ MANCFACTUTERS OF OlXj',' ROCHESTER,: BEAVER COUNTY, PA. [ap2 MACKEUAL, Molaiaes, and New York Syrup, i at HZSEFS. we can Dy serv r. tbepe- QABBOK OIL, ?6 cei gCOABS— While ea< Brown, bip Pa y ged for WIELOW WAKE, , Uap Chimne; I PSOCtij,, loosiM-iuss &incp MANUFACTOR NOS. 221 EdlsT ; v 178 ft 17p GEANDgTREETAs •' r' ICENTHEjSXREE. ]{i I XSTABUSHSpI&sk 11 K.i,Y. . ESTABIi THIS Esllbljshnjentihnsbcen it. operation Tor 2i.year«i and is ’tj of the kind the United States.. || Kami or mnnifacture tojordef ereryjc ■inf hy<\king-g|ap!, Pictufeand Portrai Plain and Orihainental.PicT, Wall, Of tel Glasses,-. |Gonnecting Cornices.,-] Bracket TSljileSj'i.with [Marble 81i) Glasses, "&cUj &.C., Ac. j Mouldings|| Frames,, in lengths suitable for tram either Oilt,i tßerling, Rosewood, 0| Birdseye, Mahogany, &c. Our new tor} - and extensile facilities. enablb|ji feh any article in our line as good a: and as cheap as the cheapest. • Dealers are invited to call u When they tisit‘New York. - Wc cl able to supply to supply them with 1 eje in our line which they canphssib I I elsewhere. ‘ I v I * BS?“ Orde) -d promptness; New Vork. bjKcc $ Wat May 7—B )RES lisap- A'Nl) rings /-I OOD. r U JCRI \boui picture* nre not tn>, ranted "SUBEHIOU to. onyljiat I»o« made in '|l»a»«r- comity, il>S noy ot.li To ibc coti'liiiccd.cull andephtmu i'tj I » ill rctnajn but ,» few wefeUs. the same room On me [in l&o7j '; V ■ Cj.J V'.MylF AnrO . | . . Photographic """ s > ; o r lion OD t f Bright ivlng be >crsons|ir o make i; claiming tJeTTERS of adminUtrn I j y>t J.vfcon Noss, late ship, Bcinjer co., .dec’d, 1 ed to the undersigned, all ] Sait! estate are requested it p'ayment.l'lnd those'having estate wla present them; properly authenticated for 7 | lIESBT NO QO y T KTTEI’.S tcstamentar; H.m, late of R 4 dec d, horang been cranted allj pcr»onS indebtedtos.aid ! '*> Aik«!upaedmt*j>gTtpeA jlfljlni miurfi[TlfTr 'the at ticuent*. I’» ■> John 1■ i • r.h • 808-T.’, jlincl- of pa ct box. ADM ! 1 i T ETTS Jii ton'nshipi granted to immcdint against! t| authentic May 2 AMD W" Hanover ceased; ! dersignb; ju*c not It: those b.v mcul T wlt je4. | AM I ETl| Li of ( Ferry, 0 dec’d,! hi all'i'crsd to made claims properly : ‘Aaj;2! . P 6 You Want: I OFHEK a plea sant ;li (ihdfSumincr. withh my new’circular, conlai Aiidriss CEO MharSo.. 18 go: Advertising' .and Ci [' | AND DEA PITTING- INKS Type, Printi; WRITING AND PRINT! -t • OFFICES—Browns Tribune Buildings, Nc\ ■ marl! 1 ):! y. i for the I Mg and ndaationi ler ftotn Nervoai Debilji &c., supplying at tbo si iSelf-Cure. By one- « after feeing put to greai Seal imposition and qui i “post-paid addressed; c 1 may ce' bad •of the MAYFUIR, Fsq., Bed - marZO-.ly, A. R. TI3 ATXORNE Offil!, comer of Thric : feEAVI maj 21> ' JOHN B. ■-i- ■ 11 ' - a r , DISTRICT "V,' ■' i*Q “Office in the C > its pergallon, at HENRY’S. Pepper 5: looks, Note and I 4c.,.i .e., at ? »t I 'll HENnrs; Magic tack,. Blacking. Ink. Shade*, and; HSNUT’S Lamps, >«,at mu STREET, l T' j msplSSfi i successful I he 'largest i 'c hare or i Icscript ior sit Frame?, ■fal & Mali i Base aw Ijbs, jToilii !or Pictuijt i portation t, Zelira r manufac is tu fnrilj .s tile hesi* laid] jcirei; lypiJj •g ty mail rtttchdc Do not fail to call wb< ;to i i y l St., :rooms, yo. 215 Centre HOfcACE V/SIGLE mos. •T, * ORTTOfN,- latter. y. r -} -r- - - . .Injdfei JOB and JmpoHty of] the Blood." ,s t _ doll SCIISatiOD in the Brain, BC sly the blood they ere tlwverr beet remedy I liereerOT . tQ Wart i evening, LOSS Of ApDCtltC, knUn.jmd Icm .confidently them to tty r. .K v ! IfrUDde-p; Vourhf.' v 'iVf-; t ]>..« L»TI V yGti whbky unable tq pplain thb cause bf\bi* sen. Snn, «qd they have cured her. ABA P.! - : BUtiOllS —:With IDilDyot|lGrSG£lßily J nleamatisni, Neuralgia* find Goat* f j detected iby resemble n r -*s itr IHojakiD Sih: I nbouldbeungrateful ; TbeLiver Pill will almoi * ciwlet«eS*ln t l^r , llmbe 'end on citrucin'tlng. j tainly .atTjeSt thO disea.Bß it symptoms.whioa if 4llow- were ilow, but lure. Bj pereereliDg ln the, | tallS itS COUIBG, bCCOIUG3 C? >oof;ihrm \y _ 1,.J, and almost tihuAta?emS*iJ«i«4& fcw;wjKV ]■•:■.; rable, producing groatj%si !! ! 7eS|3L ,c stantly increasing suflbrii p O |S Dropsy. Plettiorn, or kindred Com«V> "I^Thotnao..of this roeaicmoWiU luliits, reqriiring ini actiVe psuisei they erenu oecel- a now disease nor ooynp! itremcily. ■• -.'j: i ■•■,( ''■] J ’ ■!]. [ Jone, but, Ini most fbai For Costivenes? or Constipatioßj'Bnd ns ;.%r_ r ; pa V6 tho system for the ifnfrev Pill,..thwart .*.«•.k.'l oUhe physiqianTshou., *nfl'«"“|; : aec'eastiry to oail in llis aid. . ouJlnud even Deafneas, and partial BHna* i J* > c««| baVo been cured by the aiM’rajUve action j ■’‘.jj.S.A FA3Mlilf|-9IES>BCi i Moel W the PHIS In Market cont.rln!irei«ry,!»bdi,«l- ;< j . S Ei.LERS ' LIV E R P khongbWtohieblerriiitdy in ikilfut hsnile, 1,, . ARE INVALITa!bIiE. i piblle pill, rnvin the dreadful coneenurncci I))|it, fre *,'I i . t , Enter Mllorr U« Inrinllom me. li.eK conuiniho. mcr- ; ■p>s*i CO GSC C 11 pcr mlncnUiiubatance whaWTcr.j | J j; •••"* 7, 7 r: —— 1 ypr’s CHter t tep|fr 4 " ‘ ,V. i " ; TOtf.xni : iMPW<®gs ® F j'j■*•#!' ■' |1... iFGHS, conns, HOAHSKXEBf , ) ISFIC- ; - K*ZA, BKOXCHITIS, .WHOOPISO COCCH, ChbFP, A STB MA, 11K*J j ] ■ '\ fipikst cossi'siPTiosr, ■ I for twireWof coniumptlve ijsthßti te advsneed.-,'j grf of I, J la.-’ :JA - .. ]: ]i- -i wialMit OTenr town: anA almnet arcry begirt ef the lilfiSiD sutkaaie noodediil cnrM-pf pulmonary ata-: lidiinl« bare nsdoNt knowit.'i >fj,£w aw the■ t£niilr< hi anp fltllhfJ conntrjsopitbU coaltarut with-; loot »*ioJ>«Wu«l experience ondrlhcM; apd fcwcrpet j . jUie c&uupUics Any sheie »T%h h»re n«t among them ; • I gertAn diet-area of the threat and luiige. l While;« Jytt i lCJhi- I i Bo,^*erfnlamid-ile pet known t ff n.in for f ; • _ j. ! l.r clanp-iouadleeawe of the pulmonary lt; i J H» alirthe obd wo'ret reipedy.Uiat can h»^J;' I lie ot GdienCjr rptoVfitfor-infaria and yonpg p*r*»M- p *r e "!? , ?b , a • ft persons* in- I aareamore lire.; bp the>n- j|. . aUJi . • «»«& late .of 'yr#lifklanH4n 4^tkiO.<^e“U‘r^^f l^ l ’ ojunty. ; I tie- ’■( f/ **'» sola &J, v n ?.-j ■ c to i ®QLaK^ r * ea^‘.' b y u * j*". said’estnie ,iCrpsli,,Ro.cheter; 's'-Lorry, Free ; ■xnW, iffW yl*,, ; . J. ; ‘tyi-hils, Itaden; J,;. i lShrgent.i Nef i - jo will pre- Mrigiiton. ' v jojfn Block. ’ tlnrlincften. >Dun;-; for settle- iJp-an Kdgor. f aU/lon.nnd by: da.il.erd every ' ' 'lnhere- ’ '•’ i-t • Kedv. 12. . . i4i, : „__j: t CItiTTENDEX'S 1 a,-V j’ . i;CEi ; ijHILADELPHIA •; I COXjXjEG-E!,' 'S ; I 'i oC'Smith .l[ *, • • i !. : •' ' •;■ ■•' ty, v^ n v=N. E. comer of 7th&GaestnutSt;vj ite «lS*t’ Vj; pH! I- aT)F.I.I’IIIA, I’A. - hose having { njyjng InstitutiOuJ which was established ih-i escill [them j I ptgdl, ) miu.is. litotv consequent ly in t l thi JDI- , jr l! i.-'i’-J. Cigihiecnlh’ year of its cxlstcnjce, - mnnber| i . nc t HiA: --''l’iiniJng'Ua i (cr#tuatcS;' bumlriJsJof |fhe most sue! r nistratar.;,. l ! ( .!css^ u l .llcrehailits jand Business., ...of oj||; r_TT.’i ~ 1 Ooienti-j-.-, f■ • ' ; i ,',| .■] ] ■ gfe? ; me, VTI -I \ . Tpe bbje'ct ; of tb'o.‘lnstitut|on is v.olely j r the Springf fprti young: men, faeiUties .for tlioi-dugUj pru l^^ <.-• Send ter iiratijin for business. ; ; V-’ •|f . i ■ .hformktion.il T&e branches taught are.) Book-J:eepi.ng^ T ; IKA'KSj li| app|icahlejlo.the various departmpilts.ot lr adp , StJ N.'V i 'll I’chpianshlp, both plain add prnaraen^l; , Coimnercial Law. ! matheinjtticsi Navigation, /rrq>K;- | i Civil Engineering,; Ufag-idg, • Phonography,.]: and Modern J-angiragcs'. j ’] : h; i Agents ; I The System of;,lnstrnctiop is. pccttliar,;-nq 1; j i plasscstor wet lessons nre usoiofj biit ciacli '‘‘Btutlcnt istangilf individually, so that jhc tjonjmenqc til any time, and attend at whatet - 6T hours are most convenient. ■] ,i ,■. Catalogues aije isstied annually 1 after the 15tn-.of April, (|ontaiiiihg names jof - tfie stus. dents for the tjrcdt, ajld. full pfirticulars jof tcrlns. j&c...and.may Cc oMainctl at atiy tinte ,by Jaddreiaing the principal. ‘ ;j ;.| *' i o lui exleiisivc aetjomufodajioris, iwidc-spread rcputalioln, and the Ibngtliy experience of thil Principal this Institution Offers facilities snf pefior to [any other in the iountry, for young, nicjn : • wtsliing to prepare ,fdf iuisirjess.! and Ito ohiain atjlhe same] time A i iplomA- Which wiU .prove a reieomwonilation-foi thcih; to any Merr cantiW House. I' C C-’ , :i■. L; C.'rJ. .yp-CniTTEXtiEx's, 'rirojitisesabn B(|ok : Kecpiug, now more widely circulated tlijin any otlicr work on ti c subject,j are .for sale at the College.’ '• '■ ' '. ' j . [ ■ SeHODGES CP l.|’ j -’ll \ Auomcy-at-Lav*, -'if-.-.- •]’ jMaji 7. ■■ ■■’( r• I. v • ’ Pnisci-PAi, SUBSTANTIAL, S con now be. * T HOUSE, settle! ■ Adt tint stmt or. ' j NOTICE- | i ori lie estate ofi. . icofin p, ’ leaver co,' I,to {lie undersigned,. tstateardrequested! lk,{in4i>4sc tfftl pijsfii(.Ahe« jU) lit h cirt ica t:ntion n.Tj 1 cfcc'fl, s . i ll person* in i .‘rd, Kings Co., N. V. j ! 031 SON, iT LAW. I' - ' i free/ a 818. UNG, ■/•'! ; t ' ORXEY.) .Ttjf ATT( :urt lie Drtc Monaies, Pass ’apor, Envelopes, HENRY’S., r. mce,P ■eUer-l IS, Shoe Brushes snd Swept Oil,- si!‘ . , IHiNT.VS. i iMMBJ 7a*tof :V- ' ; R IT Cathartic; Pills, t, JJ? 1 r /■ i (abaAH coated,X .. ' I r TVWJi ■ 1.v.l X. Fmtb.r.,{Mother., Phy.leUut* - #> S,■ ■ r M'J It) ni|wt)kropUu|vt*d tkfllrj EfflDfUf ... ■“* • 1 3 ;• r -. ■ • ; -o, I,!F I 'M ,Ud ***fc CO ' K ■I; ' ; ißAiite'w ' ■ : i- ij■ | v !■ dIl J. g ATf Bit: 1 Lave cured of (THE ORIQ] NAL, ONLY TECE AND GlDfolsß} _ ! , 'for »4 Tear* a st«pU B-tmeij for LIVER COMPtAINT ■ i Hi j tjerfcof StaMtr CtairOK, ... . ‘.l .■ , t , .| •T; ;■ '■ V. f-f ■■■! ■ Bißon Disorders *ad UverComplunti. AHD ALE BIEIOM WBEASZB. £ f II : DniinAT Of »Hi I»TimipK, 1 . : ■” ■ ;-t— — ■ • •gtfer^W"■; lease “J;. ’kmSKMqra on the li«rl| quirk .uddnMjpnmjMh .’ tenderness in the reglOQ' Of thO | U**f» s6niatimes dull andachlnjf, ' •. * ujoreaitd 6y pressure, |pain and TVi : **■“" n i?£^f v * d ' tneaslaess in Breathing, Pain in „• f nrapoteiTt Hplot* l Bttd vVonnS* ■ •* . ; .k rTI ■ i, •. ■ co,Micii,Ko..>«.iBM. the tight Shoulder, unoasinesff when, lying upon'tho IBff side. I Increased size of tbe X.iver.l Short SH ! alid Dry fongh,disordered atom hoh, OTftea, yellowish{Tinge on ; sfc ::%he eyes arid skin, Hcadathe, jrel- : .A,t 3SJ?fe|Ss® i; 1 fur on the tongne, Bitter- hon««, wui6^zediiete. —11 laSjle in tho moutp/ heapy, c«n jinm M 8 to be y artU rchaie "W iti m visit JV T ; Y. •jenU I ;• *\ ingi-.f , oo i lah-ji li ■tliyii. 'iiii PlOn ; war been I icr (irtist. i [ ecimens !■ j ! j' 1 cnpiedj t>v in. ; j. • Artist j he cata e j an. town- L ulebtcd; inimediutc; ;ainst ‘uh'scriburj; : HI ‘ •u.Kn,: strator. (j KKS T i>S erials, L CARI)S, &C r’hiladolphia; ■ •■■.-'I :: ; i'an Invalid. ml as aj warn' men wucfsuf nturc l>e<;njl ■;J»c. meins ol | The, a Qceun ts .and The Argus' |br 1860 -hiivo not’ l>ocn nettles tse ucedunts of SI. aiid | |AVeyai ape In my hands for >vho arc indebted to f|r sU'bscripti.Ojhj adv( work, will jilense .cal St east’a Eh’; b unts are sta. he settled.. ■ 1 1 | .;v ■- _= _ . SAMUEL DAYESPOET. lan. 20, 18 62 | JDHNI B. WILL.FAMS, BABBEB& HAIB-DBESSEE, I {Sliop one,dpor east of Proudley’* Hotol.) |V';BTRIj)fiE|WATEK; 1 ! iYE rtfoti O©- f i-,', subscriptions* to and 18(51,.whiclr up,f: las well; as VVoyajijd, &3. lid'"and Henry, settlement.. ; ,All i eithbr of these (■rtiscment or job il J on |me at the Many oCihese ch iding apd should I • I: .{ . : j i' 1 1 Tear Xlicti b|r CTiildreaUie torriblc £ 'iiliV rr^uJly .HIIs Ti ivinma.ifi’t A*:itumuu’‘*--. | nrr. in tht *> Uethn o/.P»Uoti'of tiuiny ph jfcu’lin* j ‘ loitiii'jjiwcr^t’m-'uiciurijU iu a 1 nw^u:% ftij (piaUtiw of lh* 1 if uji'l l!>o l-ariihc Wtolfic:**-Vk’orpf ’ | Can livsf' ILc. £ir» i/frnrr vf I idlU r .rr<«rfi Oirj/ <*rr iVirjTio/yit Tat I i I I)*'!. 1 V OiT bi'r. : '_ Njj 11..-u;:htfi:l, s» :i- r [siMi mother, vvtll .thus ,Urt> 'jiih tW lii>? i f her I \ khhli. .. ' ' V 1 j V ■ LgT PHYSIQIANS SPEAK. verSke pfe is usn [ i ;. ij&Ku?ils- titi-;].i*ii ooi". iISK, . Uv-E. nr |V|rnr,!;>?•>** <■»«• t>r?cj l!UyTf*v.v r v.« .h 1 will KJalc a caik*Jwe Myhr jllr.r's.chil'i wn.* 1 pioiuyfCatid Uni sfht xf- t -11 l 3(;'3 'WjrKirtcr ] ,piv?J th** o'c> luifu-*'. tJavonormon*. • ];./[s£« I%' l IliM, lllftt W.v* iMVvn j,. ! ; uo$ i jn-vii as 411 V InHl.o nola)il ,,, rh'> -C y.-C • AjlUIUteK jUIM/l'iVM. D(.- j;■ ■ ;; C( Ar rM 1 ..1 ifv - }’l thnt i* i to’t'l v« it ropujatiuu ;n joiy nili jV, in» Hl* x-i: vl. i 3 ;;.■, - '. -y ' •■ ' M U I ■' • $ * ■ ! e ~ • ]•. •• I. :r.t;i 4 TV. Crt. 4. ,\if. hi li:*vir.jt’t;u;J it In n.y-,(Tr.c : tliH, Mr or fijv | civfnily t!ic;l'C-st ,<-i the kil havo . I t!i-j .p.rv» , avnt:v.M of tlio* several Klivr mauifCu.tttrv». I:' ' ,j i '.•j. * 1 • IJ. LVtiill, M.. D. . • cuumrmlo liurr’| *:•!!» of! other on^«-'jJ Ti ok-itinccfp-ai-y. hut S;l!c;al V-rnnin-.- ha.->t.xhJ | sh(} K.iC'hing.jif-t of the hi*'ati'ljvub- ■ liCflwr. iunr'T llr.xn a ofa h!c*i. of | ifsjlf, j' 5 foirfJu'ive of its *:>'U av | - thf\cr'rt*v tt t ty oljifH ollrct. J '•i . • • ‘^ \oTtcr.—Vxtnwiit-Nry itidtuTiui-iKa are of. Kt nl to' i\n-l sell ctlicr Vcr n,i I off a ,il- iir thjw oa yny. -llio llisti it any j.jfee it iJu cltfajuLt, tli-'R-fviro a* fjriScl!«a' Veraiifugo, (in ti.Vi.jyr- . -'!*.. j - - . : pci! V i -j • ASD,Co’I3-Clf[ 5.. S; SELLERS & GO. piTTsauson, i*a. StE E LL'iRS." •Wm CoU STEtfP. ll= .'Trent A.;Cvsbtaff, Bracelet, S.Bettd, fnd, i rs. S. &>-4ln n?hly to yoti? " fkvor of th" 13th Irwtunt. I wonM mV " ;l \ a i of Seller*' far rxcml.-d nijfoTprct.v i llon-Cand in no <***' baTe-tliejb.f»lio‘l ip pridm'e.. i the desire*! effect: The Oaiph Syrup In a cure for i i cobfthe/cohK Ac* and-tins,cheapness of the article ri place* it trtihin ih© reach of a/C.»hlch, together iK With ite ’efficacious tiimlities.'render* It *tcrifr*r»il ‘ I liiVorlte. Sot a day pa*se* Atithoiit i.amerptwcalle; , JoV one ihinc needMiV* itit, thU wa*m of the •year, Vit. Sellers* Cough Syrup. ! ■ ■- • • \- d ; ,:■•! a. o. cusniso. :V f Priori ar>i;CpntK. ■Sell >f VERM!I From tfceFcTi S. Wnkelliw, fonvk P«*itfe . . of the Liberty Sticet M. L Chnrch. , Ur 'R.,!e. Su.t«««—rlt i* from a winje «lduty; as Wed a* ■with plrxunro. tlmt I baart the Tirtue-of y- nr justly c«debra»cd Verm>t«ce. ‘ I procured a single. bottle, sndgHVe.it t<» pits# of.ni jf-• • 'cfcfHren. who had Iweu ill for several weeks' The ; eldest wan serep ye»m old,'thene*< four, and the ‘ ; :.ypnoci*»tjeigliferi} moa'lis. j The first p.>K»«*d flfiy r «t womiN the second forty-eeVriv, aipl the third . aHconsldeyahl© number, .not; distinctly xcroU ct«d.. ;•' Stoce then they hare been doing welL and hi* now B good bcnlib. •: J &^AK£FI£LI>. J' Prieto 25 Cents;'! i ' j PBEPABGO A.’TD SOI.D BT ’■ ' R. E. SELLERS & CO. ~ : . PXTTSBDRCH, P 4. The JSugli Call*l Tht . War Lit Begun ; [■■., War of EitrrminaliCn agamii Bad Z;cih t ' j l ';.', ']'■ Bad ! Dittaitd (hunt -I. . ‘ ; Toothache, Earaekt, ' ; r , "| . and Neuralgia. . t ' : - | ARTILLERY IS ’ ’ •' 1 • 'f £ 1 o|t IS DR. jWltf, B. HtjRD’S DENTAL t RE ASURY, 1 A COMPLETK SET OF.llEJlfeblES.roß . , j. HiEsEUVIXG THE 'TEETH; Pro'ri ty tog the Brea.t i and Jloutii/ ■ Curing Toothache and Neuralgia. (.mfusTs hr: Hurts Celeireited3lOl}\TH WASJti-, m*r bottle. ■; ■■.)■:. "I ■* ■*' Dr. Hurts Unequalled TOOTJIPOODErA eme'box.Cl j’ I ' , -X ■’• ■; Dr. llurt.vilo'gk TOOTHACHE DkOPS ( i one bottle,. i ■ ' . r *** Dr: Kurds UNRIVALED: NKURALOU piaster: ;'■■■, ■ v - ,■ Dr. HUrtTs MANUAL, on thi Best Memt-fy.’ ■Preserving the Teeth, Directions fur the Proper Treatment of Children's, Teeth'. . fV | 1 I'LOSS SILK.Jor Cleaning J between the teeth ‘ , -TOOTHPICKS, elc.j. etc.], ' ■ \'-> l > rcparciia)t'Dr, Hurji’s jlclital, Office, Tf Fourth-St., Jlrooklyn. (E. Dl) ’ r > J -.. Price, ONL DOLLAR ; or SIX iio, ,• '■ Thfj Denial Treasury niakes a ■ * ’j eight, inches byXfive,.and is sent hy cxpjes*,. 11.I 1 . gsjpf -pull directions, for use is-on lari/ article. j articles we;can Send separate ■iy> v ' z • - i ■■ ■ ’■ . ' ThilL'realisf on Preserving iheTeelh-fini. post-, lpaid,.o,n receipt 61" Twepve cENisi .trjlpu'r ! UlathjgV ; v ; V •'■ ■ ; ! Aalgia ■ faster, Neuralgia in' the -j Headnehg. br.d Eathlclle.' scat,.. 1 post .pitid, dn|r€ceipt 'of Eighteen. Cents, lir sa' | ; stamps. ,■. ' .■ ■ {'J-V .. j ’The Neuralyia ana Rheumane 1 PlaeAr '■ largo , 'size),'for Pains iir tbelChest; Shoulder*, Kackj ! or any pari af- the body, sent post paidjiotm cciptled’ Tjtirty-seven. e< nts. 1 ■ ! 'Address, 1 - :f- ■ ' i v- I.' e.Mc" r.v. n. : - nmiK rn X i;/ ■ | X jiy Tribune EuiUliny., ,V- .e Verk: ; m-VTn )vastl. ronritr^ DER nn(\ T(>OTJIA C}f* J?ROPS rum he' Mb- ■vail? but t- sri -'ibaoly xjb-'. . -liqtUwjtefj-’ r; ply ii-t ilTe wit if' 'v . bill, ’yf' ■*.- -,-X v *. _ - V.:‘V- "4'* . : ; J.tcfi!, the liimVi’!*. . . c “ ■> J u-.f »> ( i"iTu;y: Hnary- T-jlh , •! I) v-Huhl*« Tvuij; VroC-:v-/h'i\y.:& no neiii-;*,". *, ! nor*alkalx,'’h,->l* ckdrOOv.l, V ,; *'-y(C'= yritlioiit , \ weaving the* etvamel- Use nc cu.ci*. ■ ■1 . * .1 wk-VT* i)li- I!C'KO’k• • I- v .. Krnc>;'rr KfU‘7';: : - ; i)r. iHur&cs. M-.tunj* V> u sir, and X-’ofh.] i t givtnyynrig uidioSptnat finest enayhi iu v *.■■,, ! Tx-taii —-a ;tnid jiv‘;vii.v_ teulli. y,:': tiiem..luxU?V’-‘.. ' = ’ u -. ' v '•,•■ 4-''., ";r--v, v 'i Xi'j.XiF. 1 llimlViMoiV-U AJfcsty-find Toutlf;.Po.waer k , tH’e Vr.*nftli I'roju :i\\ tjioiilfT., ariy-he. myrrnjr. div^ky .; t iie l'i-oakla^ tne ■}' iWj - iestifv tb'ihish'Try h-htfiaVVeiuleitc-a.' ;y • ~i! ' DiV’-fftirii’s nij-.l “i . ! arc-the the best projvjlratifyis ih'thc tyivH ,»’•«•■ '. 1 > curing; Ufa breath hiul civj;i ji I i'h&UU'to -tlic JtiimA. . of- cy.v '{■Jihs’ii'!/ ■•o'»nk s-r : O'';-'*'. [ , ,; ! ctc.. liiiyo been cured by tbr; UvTv-.l «• ustring- ■ . : cm: ATa-slr. ’• • . o . 1 , , I . i il)r.iHmy.3,'’Momlr- Ayas?; anJ-..T00:-a Powder*. • , ir|vb iiib.litbnipl ; AjK\r:u Jo cibiri^hjp. i. ! utaeJinsftuirif agrceaihe.tohhoi"; j ■ ;an l -.vivesto thoir busbapda.. They.should bo;. v,.:i‘tigcdi.W^^v^W rs i' ,n - , ' av i n s , i*-' ■’■■'■ -t.\\\ A n'ri .!■ t{■i a I. n:i:Tir :y-y . '-.which: ale liablcrto fimpan' iitainuo tho raping. V ' .•• Dr.'- ilur^'s^ curc ».'looih-; - J ucbe-’.nrishig; tVom cxvos'cd nerve*, .nn.l i«re ijie c " \K»sifrtomls/Uiar parents. c:in haV’c ha t l|(} house _ !■ - to savcidlioir ehiidreu fj'nn’i torinree:.n*tl;^tlicin-,' }' | selves fi’oiii sleep and _syuipattieUC BufL or ins. 1 ' .* • ,■> i - i. •* ■ -,,1 *]■ I y6ifcai>i»o?.'\yeU af ! Farmers anil'mpchiiiii.c.-• -- . . , fdrdslo neglect your teeth. Forat rifling sum 1 vou'eilri 'now gut preservatives. th*ii.| which , ■.iuitlischild or Ast’rtr can get. nothing .| better. P i'R^meinber;tliat;-A»W«' v, ,. a " d C'oMU’A>>ti ' ‘ | The American people lire -intelligent .enuojjh le | ! j appreciate prci'arations'thafcontfibut e'sv),ni|tca: j'to bftppipess of those -using thept] 'and • they: iWliiit fltciu.' Every! tnairhriugs'us !;c tery. so™ o j ordering the Treatise on Teeth, some the,h el! ' Plasters, tuid not: a few enclosing hi f* ' tl'for the Month Wtisli, to be scut- try,, mad; 1 |;; ub these wo are compelled to. reply that ijuPps'sibfc.to send ir.,half-pint bottle-.-by V-' :l . I ■ jheso iUemcdies. N" . : : -t-.v." 1,-..' 1 - * t-: ■ |:| ANC E FORAOiINTS. . , _ ' i ■ j : Shrewd acprits cau make a.-sjna’il l^ ' i Carrying these articles around to tamilies- > J | Dental Treasury is the neatest 'article ihat ■ I man or woman can carry around.--' ’-Send « , 1 one -and see,'-or? better; a dozen, ;whica.' •. .. Krill sell.' ns samples, for S7. : .>Aget«s supp l * ['liberally with eiripdars. fiQf Now: VjT ' to to go into tUe bnsinp%s, todbgogdfiW® I** 1 ** ’ 1 a profit. Wo are;spending thousands for t J “ j benefit of. agents. New England men ; : i men Inhere is.aotncthiae nice; arid a chanoo • taka (he tide at-lts flood. Address. • V wm; b.*h,cub & co.. . ’ --- 1 " ■ tribtbis BUUdirigs. c . Tflat romittarices triay be ntiido with- c p.J“ . • ;J denoo, V. B.j Hi i Co., refer to the ot : [Brooklyn.; toXhAT. Griffith, President Farm, , I ars'and'Citizcha Back,- Brobklyri-; to Joy.f 1 C6.j Xew’Vorlj; to Pf T.i Barat^, A'orlc. itc . ’ .etc .. ; ; vj |t .’j S tits; • wrm -UCE. r; I ) or?--. If bE.N'TAL’ '.:O b, coii-' GOOD ll Vr ll 0] !‘ r , ! Uj>.l is; (:uuou;- : *f :>e "■•v.!' to; ' -ii 1 ‘lt r ir-i ;^Sv| Jf- VO'stl i tiu! i riy-. •T'iwiu