Important Gene ral Orders.; ; Harrisburg, July 7 —-The follbw ... losing impbrtdnt General Order has teeai issued :> . ■Hiadqvarters Patna: Militia, I Harrisburg, July 7, 1862; J ' Ginend Order JS T O. 27.— 1 n orgunii ine the quota required from Pennsyl vania. under the late eitH of ihß'Prw- the tinted states, it Is order ’ J . yirst-f-Troops will be accepted by eqitad? ,or com punie*i as hereinafter arid will, as rapidly as possi t-.- 1 . be intv companies.- and Veg:ti.i*nts ‘ —Persons proposing to or ..awzo companies’ will be accepted Un •str;iiie;foH«'ving-i>t9positioD,'and not .oiherwise. .viz: -To .Jm ■'commissioned a Gfipiaim the applicant must have iaruifhitl t'oviy or more-men who have Sui item's examination,, and .been rinu?i>'-iid into the United Stales strvue. To be commissioned a First IviJoseiiaut. Trim, twenty-five to forty mask- have been. furhished as siKivc.; commissioned a,Second ’Li'-a tenant-- from, fifteen .0 twenty 6re men must have been furnished as Third—Transportation, to 'nViJ Di‘i>qt v .Caiiip Ciiftinj Will be fnr • :iii<hed «ri applieatioiHiji .’person; or bj B ;iiCtb Csipt R. 3:Dotij;eJ U. .S. A;-r - Volunteer Recruit* iliiil£ Jfje. JPeausylrai&a, - liar* riskin', -to- whom report must bo . ; ■■ . -In the Court of Common Beaveri In tic muter of the account of Thomas . dure. Committee of Jonathan Phillips! lunatic. -|] -And uow, to wit, June 27, IBG2, theACbi grant a Rule to show cause why the Commit! sho’dtd not be ■discharged from, his 'trust qt confirmation of his account, and payment {imbalance in his bands; order-notice bo given by publication in' this BeavcrAr according to Rule. ■ i , Bh-tVEII Cot NTT, ss: I . i i AtruocopV of Rule. • Attest:. MICHAEL WEVAND, jy’l6—3t Prothdnotary. ; T 7 l LI ST OF LETTERS, UN C ALtEP Fl’ 1 i "remaining in the Post'Officc at New Brig tonj Pa.; June fiOth, 1862. Anderson.A M’Millin Kobt" Akright Mias Rachel Al'Creery Miss O Bryant .John S I Mercer Mrs Elizabu Briflhingtoa Parjd 'M’Crcery Mrs Nat i jßrinroh Wm P Oatmari H.I ihiker Mrs Ann Price Allison I Brewer Robert ‘ ;Priec .Miss Miirgarst ! Callaghan'Pant. . ;Pcuce.Wtn . r r j CaugiicyhMi s X I! Parlbemer MissMl .Si'siU —A« a reward tor meritofous i Klu rt Mr,_ \Miitc Mrs Ua)isym,; , , ~ i l .• Framptou Wm > Stcnson Miss Margt; ■>!.MUct ana to secare valuable;■_>. •.i.w_ n’ . Garner-MrsJ>teaut.r tsmilUAtm U Lißiarv expel ■ Kettlewood John , ; Summons Wm , . ;k tii-iu 5 ■.•Rivi’fS .trill: Leu, except ■; Keffie J/.hn / , : ;Raffbrt.y Miss Ann i n io! - .];c<-u]i;;r OR by' ,ineuiis4 cri J'.. . .Kinney John ■ ■ t . . :; ,A. t ■ ■ ih. - 'jl, - f . persons calling for letters ih till! shove Us ’ ’ • i r,A' . i t»lli please *av thev are advertised; r I, ■ A-> .A * • -j-. C . JKrVUE iW A. I-.- Uns&ru.. .Aijiuiaiit 'Ueuevai-. *• 4 • - '. j „_:i, . A-t0..- { \V-:ir ui-paKthiyiri hi&Usixed -j-Jie J T OF itXC A LLED Vifi ;• i*v\*”ir»» r : •* ” * I J.:J ibe Pont -uffacc at Leaver; < ;• •■■■■•? *“ -,.i '| j 111. Pa.-. June SUth, 1802. * ■ [, •V f-. ';V» ’Re I ’ i Adam.-SWot . R , - M'Clure T ' A «‘ ..v>t: J M«ii*N. v l>. v. . ... - • % v . . ..... ... . , • > - . Bruce Wni r Mam*AV*H-. .1. i m <uitru to. a. iowti. . ! ol ( Brvan Marv *Nve Michael ‘ Vetiwress. to eiifourgc- c alirrmentro in: Cinrk .tifta ' :Patton Henry : regular' atii’.y ntSf vivhmteer 'forces f Clark Sami .Pyle Frank S'- it’ .SJ - ' DWlcreii tiiaf jl of two Margaret 'Perlcy Thoa:J,. iS3SS&* v ■ r.i tail, , that ...i, WfCd j (Hass John... • ißccd Anna] A years-or dciirtir the, war. anil,, evefy. Aleoriicadii 0 . ’ Smith JO " '• \ ■ 'iklieV -vriry iici eaiter eiii.ists in ’ Miilswofth S f Ifiwagfer Sarah i. ilti reuttiai* ai’lttv-or the vrlrnuvtrs. ■ 1 V nc i’hel'e -Taylor JA a , | f- ,1," ~1 ... , .. . ■ it,;torch. tToirjstXfvncrta ■j 1 " -VV 3 .-- ’ . 1 ' ‘' ‘hi 1 . >; . IRusetis ct.llinti letters iit the above hi tasty, nattvyea avs!. p ;l y „,.n ; *}Vi , ut-v :> l(S;'iipoii-a i <tSpß!;’e;t.Oi> ! (.1 ; I; M. J. AN M. i orKpanv inr.t the pervic-e «f the Uni ■ —t,- I ■ — ted t-;.- -t tR- . hmve her,,; uF LKXTIiRS, FNCALLED^FOT ..... , »1 f ; ■,••.: I ' ■ ■ rJj iretmtnias nr the Post Office at IWbcst* .’...isicie.u ’itto atii. jeitte l a i-a,. jja.- Ist. ftOi '-4- . • ■ ii!r^?d , t ; - ■ illarkerAlfrcd £*) . :NoH Erish ■. inis he-nmismiUod tv“:BradyJS ; [ . ’ INoble R - tlie tt'ivenittrp id Stalr.> .‘Llhi ul’p-lere'R.'etne GroAl - . : Parsons N J | R.e t'lireetsh . ’ .] l!c.hvcnj|c¥ger £ ARyanC J " j ) " ,! f-'ithOarf Hugh 1 jBbodes ;B B [ ■ itaws.-n 'Vm A Snowden II R I ; Paris W J , t - ; ' | Shurlock UJ : ’, , A ■ Griffith ChaS ; iSmiih JciJrgc ' ' oHall Miss Frarik ■ t ilVanth Matthew 'llodikius John ; Wolf Henry ■ Light foot Caroline! Witrnnn George - ; Mercer Sarah Walker Geo W Markell & Bro , AValthcr Frederic ; Mcliowetf A Koht] fWltc AG' • 1 Marshall s Baxter ! iXVhite P B ' i. Marcia Justice tYalcjf•Herman A 3 h T. M.fTAYLOU; Pi M! DIM I.Fuuriii—Aciiiril und ntHrcssary os- perses lio-wurding■ and lodging of ir..oi's under this order, will be .jiaiii ly tlif Wiled Stales fefsimt-sing 'officer at, this post lor a period .not.ek r-.-edmg -twenty, days, tit a rate not ex reeding*forty -Veilis per day for each mastered hilo tbe service; of ,'theT nitsd Stales on tlie affidavit of rii-j- officer tiirnishiiig tjje ; meiiy sup ported -by receipts- of tlie party to yluiia tiio reSihoy wis paid. ■„ ,?quadt« will he organized in t>. r-.iiMpiiriieVat C'suiip Gilrtin rap idly ii- ()o'-viii>te, : the form ed into’ 'rcjffiiibnts. -field pffiberi ap ■ji '-i-s-Toii uydcoiainiisioacd by tbe Gov .Wayr- irti» ■ tbe r^gimnntiiniriediatoly rl:i( id kt iliv disposal cd' tbo War De i ;;’i Imi'lit ■ . ■ •’ 'Ei»\vin M.‘Stanton,- S:.*(wvt;;uy ot' War. AV.ui iiEp'i.. Washk'.otn. I). C., ) W.e.lnesxlayf jiily 2; 2?'i2.:4 | ■yt i.s' ordered that mu of the appro, friptiug for eolletlion, organizing and I >!(lin - 4 volunteers ihtre shall Jje'paid * in-advance to each recruit- for three years.- of during: the warthe sain of _s2s.‘lierng- one-fourth the amount of the hifuTTiy. alio wed by law. such' pay iw.iit! to (he made upon the .mustering ‘ Min- which such recruit- H-,!"iigs into the service oi the United ?lut.-s. lioiiitiv-d;;. E jl.. ST.VNt,OX. Secretary ot' War; Karji roiy-urt will thus .receive nrif sauiiMi's pay in advance idhncdi sitcly <m his mjister into, the service >)f the (’hit.-d‘Slates and Joining 7 a re /g4!ti.Mtl already "Mu the held, or if a _Sr recjment ,6ii the recruiting of ‘ his coe.par.y into the set-vice of the L’ljiic! States‘each recruit will receive bounty of S2.Vin ■advance to bo paid in like-manner a$ his ».wn mouth’d'‘ad .vaneed pnv. . ; . ' - i FOR SALE. ii ! Drug Store and Surgical IrtHtarnenfs. ■ 5 - • , j FTtHE SUBSCRIBER AGAIN OFFERS FOI ■ people of Sweden, : with a. J. sale the DIIUQ STORE °f •I’" p! , <Hii>'r < sense r‘f the great services to,L*‘ lc -. I) • f M,s,8 ’ recent .unouneer ’V , • , V .> .. pjtaent of« purchase by iVm. I. Berry, be me •■•nuizahjon rendered by their distltir i premature. ' j? Kuishediicoa'ntrVrriiafi, Captain Ericsson,, i ALSO4-Surgieai Instruments, rii: j »fe Having a niedal sirm-klin his bon- i A CASE OF VEftV FINE AMPUTATING IN (, r. in reference'’to the Monitor affairs i ' STKD.MENTS AC.—A CASE OF PA- j f I ■ j TENT LEO AND ARM SPLINTS I ! | , A SET OF OBSTETBI- ■■ ■ j CAL ISSTRD- 4 / ■. I | . MENTS; >---/■ ] All are newjwd complete. I Also, tvrb Pockct Cases, and 1 Clipping Lan ' cet and Cups. DANIEL AGNEW,.; Bearer. July 2, 1862. Administrator. A. L Kvssei.l Adj. Gen. , / MARRIED—On June 24th ,1862, . V Rev. xj. A-. Cnnningh'am, at tho o residence ;6f the bride’k mother. Mr. . it.s< in 'Cunningham, and .Miss Eti '7' Jan,; (j arotdkrs, both of Beaver i't). IV j SherilPs Sale.: ] BY virtue, of ft writ of Venditioni sued but of the Court of Common Pleas pi' j Beaver county and to me directed, willbc e* i posed to Public sale**At the Sheriff's office ir ; Beaver, on .‘ Saturday* July *26th> 1862. O o’clock in the Forenoon. j : | j All the right, title, interest and plaint.. oi' ! defendant, of. in and to the following'tract of i lind situated in XcK . Rewickloy township, ! bounded and described as follows, to wit : Or j the north and west by land’of dames and j Hugh Watt, on the south byjames Ferguson, ] Jr., and east by: James Ferguson, Sr.; con taining 54. acres more or less" ncarlyXll clear, .ed and-under fence, and on whjch are erected a log house and)frame bam; a good orcbaid on the premises. ; j Xntino Sailed and taken in execution as the prop. . . ’* i| erty of Robert Clark at the suit of John \. L persons having unsettled accounts Stiles. X, ■ £*• with me. or Smith XCollins.. within the . \ JOHN ROBERTS, ' years, for Carding, Spmning, &c., June!2stb, 1862. X- ■ X Sheriff. . >■; please call at the FallstotfAVoolenFactory,! ' r*.* ■■ -Xb. .■ . ■ ■ ;j --re.the first of October, m 2, and settle Do You. Want Employment. - D “ te - ’j l_ J. X OFFEgn pleasant business for the Spring _ ; Ei H *■ Smm JLand Bummo-TrtM> large pdfit.. Send fo? WHITE IF *n,« “ —my new circular,''containing full information. V ’ nt-wXe 1 Address L : GEO. EDWD SEARS. ! r »- HKNaV S. ; mil ,2* X 1»1 XflUatt St.. KT. •,Of Ja iiidice, in the Beaver -V P^ r) r_iHouse, 'June *2Bl h, MarOa |fr IJiipK, ajved'ahout 84.years;'. ~ Corifessipns A Experience of an Invalid. -JL "x J r ••..-/ : . . . ’ •• r)lULlsntlD;for the benefit and as a warn i audftiicahtibn to joung men who eiif- ■ ; iii Premature 'Decay at.tfcte same time the means pi one. "who has- cured himsell ?'?! : r; ‘?_£ P u / 10 great expense through med c-iiiupi quackery. By enclosing* . envelopes, 'single • copies .'Vrt' J' 0 'Wj- ,of the author., JfATHAMEL FAIR, jEeq., I’.cdford, Kings Col, If. Y. ,Oiir2ti:!v. j > ’ ■ • - ■ TN THE COURT; OF COMMON IJL OF BEAVER COUNTY. , ■ In thamatterof the appli ratio n'for a Char ter of Incorporation for a Church' ta'Bridge wiler, Bearer county, to be, known by the name! of “The Methodist .Episcopal Church of Bridgewater.” , , J ■ ' And now, to wit, June 27,1663, Ui« applica tion of John Mnmj, John S. Lchmor, John A, Brown, William Barnes, John C. Chapman. | John Fallick, Lewis Reno, Jesse W. Moore, | ! George. Ocyer, George Otto, Stephen Smith, , Philip Rees, Thos. Campbell, Samuel Eypff, | John Moffitt, R. Darragh, John Btrock;~Jos. ] Bcamer, A. Stewart, "William Adams, asking I that a corporation bo established, to be known"' by | the name of the ' lv Mcthodiat Episcopal { Chnrth of Bridgewater.” haring for its object \ theworehip of Almighty God, according to the faith fond, discipline of the Methodist Episco | pal Church of the United States of America, I I presented to the Court, whereupon the Court I j haring perused the said instrument, and be ing ; ! of opinion that it contains nothing eentrarj to ! lawjdirect said instrument; to be filed in the | Protuenotary's office, ami order publication act | cording to law, and that nnlesa cause he shewn to the contrary, the aforesaid Charter of -In- j j-cotporation will be granted by the Court nt; ! Term. ■' ’ -V j j Biateu CocStt, ss: I f A true extract from the Rceordr ! JylGd Attest: M. WEVANI), Proth’yL I ME IS hereby given that the final account Thomas M Glure, Committee ef;-Junath Phillips,, a lunatic, has Ijcc’ri cxhibilcdTand in myjofficc. and that the same will be alltow by the Court on the second Monday of Si tembdr, A. I).-1862, unless .cause then .be she against the confirmation; ' ! ■ | MICHAEL WEYANI), Proth’y IN TIM'. CO CRT OF COMMON PLEA'S 0 -REAVER COUNTY. . , > f. Niantic Bank ■! V vi. ■ j John Thonjpson. 1 terusl , from ; 4|tli ?■ ' ~ Juiie. IK>5. ■’ l i And now, to,nil •-July 7, I SEAL ) Rule for jhe Frothonotnry.ta. isp i K Vwi goas the damages anil liquidate * the. amount of the judgment in this case, at hi s i'n Be'aver, ton the 20th day of August, ■ISOiIJ al 10 o'clock, A. M. j | j Jt true from the Ke«ord. -i I J yll>.—Bt Attest: M.t WETAXD, Pro] Soticfe No. j, Nov. Torn 1&)7. Foreign )h\ taehtnonj;'* Judgmer by dofiiSlt. , State merit of account an 'affidavit filed. Clair -■I S3l t oBf> 70, within ATI OTTfTE : • BRAVE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. HOLhOWAY’S PILLS tA nd tMhtiaieiit.'. [ A LL^VVIIO have Friends and ftolatirQ? in the ? /\ Array or Navy, should lake cspeeial catc j IBM they be amply supplied with those;Pills i and'Ointment'; and where tlfe~Grare. Soldiers land Sailors hare neglected to ‘provide tfaom j selves with them, no better present can be aeiif 1 them bv, their friends. ; Theyiimre been prer |ed to be; the Soldier’s never-failing friend ixr | the hour of need. COUGHS, AND COLDS AFFECTING TROOPS Will be’ jspecdily. re moved and effectually ! cured by using these admirable medicines, and I by .paying proper attention to the- Directiona wluch are attached to each Pot or Box. i SICK HEADACHES AND-WANT OP APPE | TITE INCIDENTAL TO SOLDIERS. These reelings which so 'sadden, ns, usually arise from trouble or annoyances, .obstructed perspiration, or eating anddrinking whatever is unwholesome, thus disturbing the healthful action of the liver and stomach. These or. gans must be .relieved,' if yon desire to be well. The Pills, taking according to the printed in structions. will quickly a produce ' a healthy aetiun.iu both IlVer and stomach, and as a natural cor sequence a clear head end good ap petite. WEAKNESS OR DEBILITY INDUCED BY iOVER f ATIOUE, Will soon disappear by the use of these in valuable Pills, and the’ Soldier will quickly ac quire additional strength. Never lettho bow els be confined, or unduly acted upon. It mtiy seem strange .that Holloway’s Pills should be recommended for' Dysentery and Flux, many pereons euppoaing that t hey would increase the relaxation. This is a great mis take, for these Pills will pUrrect the- liver and stomach and Urns remove all the acrid hrUnoxa from the system. This medicine will give ton? ' and .vigor to the whole organic system howcv . cr deranged, while health snd strcngth foll'OW •as a matter of course. Nothing will stop the ' relaxation pf the Bowels so sure-as this' fam ' ous medicine.' , i VOLUNTEERS ATTENTION ! INDISCRE j ' r: TIOS3|Or YOUTH. K Sor|s and Ulcers,. Blotching* and Swellings, lied »red |l >cp jwn >|urt I itee pon | . of; 5 tO j can-with certainty J>e radically'cured; if the Pills are taken night and ’morning, and' the ointment be freely used as stated In the print ed instructions.. If treated in any other -man ner they dry up in one part to break out in an other* Whereas this Ointment -will remove the humors from the system and VeaVe Ihe Pa tient a vigorous and healthy man. It will/re qnirc A little perseverance in bad eases to in sure a-lnsting cure. FOit WOUNDS EITHER OCCASIONED BY THE BAYONET. OH SABRE ORTUE BUE- I.ET, SORES OR BRUISES, ‘ To which, every Soldier and Sailor are liable . there are no medicines So safe, sure andean-' ■ vVoiumt, as Holloway’s Pills and ointment. The ! poor wounded and almost dying sufferer might have his wounds dressed immediately, If he’ Mvmild oply pi-ovide himsoff jvith tbismpteh : less Ointment, which shoiild b'd thnisl into the i ■ wound and snijoatcd all around it, then coVired j : with n pierc uT Hnen knapsack, and | ; compressed- with a handkerchief.. Taking 1 night ami morning 0 or 8 Pills, to cool thesya- * telu and prevent inflamation. . v V r ! ! .Every Soldier** knapsack and_ Seaman’s t chest should be provided with these valuable i Itemed test. : * | .CAUTIOX. —Arc genuine unless | the words ‘JJloUvuyn/, Xetz York and fsbHcfcrt,” | gro discermiblc a* a water-mark in.OTcry leaf] of the book of dircCtlcoiS around each pot or 1 ; box; .the same may*be.plainly>bcn by holding ■He leaf to light. - \ revyard will be given' toanyone rendering-theb 'anforjoin.- ; tion ns mky lead to ihcrdetectfcm of.any party or parties coqn terfei t ifig t he medicines or vend ing jhe knowing them be spurious. I tiit the* /Manufactory of: IVi/leKsor j HoLLuWAV t( ss> Maiden Lane. New V£r)c* and I by Druggists Dealem in.l Medicines. throughout the, civilised whyjd, iri-1 boxes at 25_ pcttit,*,! Ci i*eni»'nud SI cach.l I There la by’taking the largcj.siics* '* V-* ** /!* -i- X* Ih-—-Directions. fdi thO gtlidancc ofmn tjentt in *v&ry disordcraroaffixcd to each box. ; L May t. | ; . ■ f I ; \ V- L- MARRIAGE. v -."TT; , "TTS ahd hates, sorrows and angers, ' I hopes tyifl/cars, regret* and joys; MAN f. HOOD, how lost,. How restored; thc~ nature, j treatment and radical cure. ut' gpcrphaterrhoyi' i.or Feminnl ireaknbss,: involnqtary .emissions, j sexaal dehitify and unpediments to mjrriage • j generally,; r naWmitnfts, 'consumjjlio®, fits, ■ mental and physical in capacity, reshlting-frora : SELF-ABUSE—sard fully explained in the | MAHRIAtJK GUIDE, by tf M..YGCNG, M. D. . This most extraordinary book, ftouM be in the ; hands of every, young person eontemplrfting '"'‘fjil? ll ' and every nfn*.<nr woman who dc. To limit'the number of. their ofisprfkig.fp , their .circumstances.iErefy pmni'discaqp and • ache incidental to jrclitilj, maturity itrfd old age, j is fully cxplamed; every particle of knowledge : that should:fic known is hcre.given. It is full ! of engravinjreiV' In fact, itdfsclosca.secrctsthat itvery one should know; still it is a 1 hook that ’ mustbe locked up, and not- lie about the house, j luvviirbe sent, to any one on the receipt of: rtwemy-tive cents in specie or postage stamps.* | Address U&AWm. YOUNG, 41G 1 SpniCc st., I above Fourths Philadelphia. . j •. Afilictrd and Unfortunnle , no matter what j may be your disease, before, you place your- j | self-under the care of any of the notorious I -Quacks—pative or foreign—.who'advertise im i thii. or any other paper, get a copy of Dr. i Young’s book,- and read it carefully. It will | be the meahs*jof saving you many a /dollar, { your health. 1 aqd possibly year life. 1 Db. IfOUNO can' be consulted on any of the diseases described in his publication', at his office, ~4IQ Spruce Street, above Fourth; Phila- BgUQffice hours from !) to 3, daily. fttinr26 TO COUNTRY DEALERS. School Books and Stationery at W hole s sale. ' ’ , . ■ The subscriber, has always on hanefc Osgood’s M’Gnftey’s Speller A Rea ders, Ray’s, Arithmetics, Stoddard’s Arithmetic, Pinneo’s Grammars, Bi-. _blcB, Ac,,'Testaments;.Letter Cap and Commercial Note papers, Envelopes, Blank Books, Pass Books, Steel Pens and Holders, Copy Books, Slates, Ink, Ink stands, Bopnet Boards, Ac., Ac. Usual discount for cash. Goods packed and delivered to any part of the city. _ ROBT. S. DAVIS, fcb;lB' ;■; 73 Wood st., Pittsbm^i ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. LETTERS of Administration on the estate of;' Jambs M. Littkli, late of Raccoon township. Reave:* County, Penn a dcc’dhaving been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estale are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them properly authenticated for settlement. . june4, JOHN M’HENBY, Jr. Adm’r 'BEAYEBr SKM IN ARY AND INSTITUTE. v-.-'-ss i ■ : • Rev. R. T. Taylor, A. M., Prin. ' Mra.A. S. Taylor, Governess. A FIRST CLASS SCHOOL FOR THEEDD cation of Young. Ladies. Special care given-in the Primary and preparatory De partmental ' ,1 All expenses except Tuition 1 and' Washing, per tern of fourteen weeks.'. $3B 00 . Tuition frCms3 50 to $B. (00 inclnding lan guage*. ' . - t . Ko effort* spared to make the school Worthy of the confidence of its, patrons: ; ; ; *5F* fiend for a Cttslopis. 1 ■ : k V. ■■ : .-t e Pt ILEVI Staii-4 mettcing, Uoatos, Ua ■ Beaver Static if at folio a. m. irrii «i it. Piti v. m. -H“ 1! v' v. M. -JbuirgU, 'Osii ftvf lu ft-' «o wW W? ijr-5 j.' \tiuFfh a.'i/oU6ai: ■■ m«l Bi Mer,. 7.-a Pv- ;jf • ; 4-45:2( *. McCCLU)CGH. f> (Mi Titket Agent. | ■ami Ittni P\ *. m. Art p. li. i i R. MYERS, JSIJORG, ET. WAYNE & CHWA’Qt tftlbii--Going Ea ea Roch' ;it'er Arr. ill f 6:80 *: 7:00 ' 6:45 L &4C i ,M$ it i 12:84 t, m 2:IC ifc '*.Ai&&2s 2:00 f N,L.^B:l« f ,li!;60 4 2:OC :...&«■£ m 7:4c o(*t Wist— ret PUts. An i &50 !il ii.... 11:60 ,i. 8:00 r. x... •4:30 R ' &30 *U*.„ fclO a. u... Rochester let trigli’b Acco auca ■ ■ i Brigb’n 1 ; u Brigh’h' 1 t" 1, , ’ : . Expends, :j' Express, . _ tc»’ Jrigh’n Ao«om Brigh'n 1 “ ance V‘ ; Brigh’n ** , Brigh’n i|“ '■ If ’ ■ I Express, , j Express,; iV;;! AM Ist 2d Ma Ist 2d Ist 2d All Ist 2d ,F THE BANK OF BEAV: ' New Buobtox, M ; ' ■ • J |n*aotafcKs. : ea and Billa Djscoaated] IcUti [do ;dd ; pid under prof. te -Loan ..L........ !....; nitare and One*’ Fixtures. 4 i from Banks•nd Bankers...] es and Cheeks of other Ban! o in 3. Treasury froUa. (7 80-100 itest acc0unt5.,;.,........ 1.. l+*Biiiin*i. f ul.-UjJ...... iph....^{4.,,.i. r"""- Fa l»u| Nol Coi 'atal Et< fk paitj No eg in Cireiila Di’ Meeds unpaii Dc losifors I’r fits and Kami Du!, to Dunks.... £ lV fHtiv‘ • • ■' STY as; Bcfor r said County, >f the Bank of I 0ta1............ JEAVEU COl >iic, in and foi >ps, Cashier o wh|s being duly tmrmcd '&cbord poseth that tHc aboTc statement trim, according to> the best of ?nd i |>' - | * Employment. j AbM \i I TOSEIitIOOD? p ■ -...alams- i C c m^alny. XjrjE WILL Gip; A| COM Illifios OK >f|' 'one hundred pdb cent! on ’all .poods, sol 1 by our vfe will pay wagfcs at froii $3O to $11)0 W month and piy-alf nc ce:^aty,"expense*.]! For particjlais uifilross M histqmp. r : : I. J ■ CHAS. KiyOLES, : r,et,..A£f. ; 'or t!ui.AUanis| r Mauuf!ictiinnj:. C0.,-De:riot, '_JJ''VlM.' . IBi3, ; ;tIHE^AmUS eTSF ~ X ’ u. m a n,,’ M i'a e i- y . . J (lie Published in qlseaUd Eli ;elnjjr, Price i ett: ■ . ff LECTURE (BY tfm CULVEKW3LL, OS.THE CAUSE AND CUBEof SpoVnia toffuoea, Consumption, Mental jtndljh} sical Debility, Seriousness, lmpaired Sie. trimon of the Body ; Lassitude; !Ve:ikne; s Of Ibtl Limbs hntl'the Back];: and Iharpacily for Study Uulliici s op Apjifchetisioni Lhsp of Slemity; AvcrHf n-to-.|- rvi ;' —~~ 1 —n — : —- rSomtfy ; Loro of, Solitude; firutiily; icli- !•' . A• K« XHOAISOX, ' Distrust: JJiiiiness 1 : j'Affcetiot s off' fi jiT T'rt'D iWT V"i AT T ilif ' thc|Eycs:'Piiiiples on; I'bejEatißij Ittvoilu !.iry A ;1[ I U n jl’l b I. j A I Lr LW . ■ Emissions; arid Sexual Incapacity;! the- C. nse- r ffiffee. corner of ThcidWeet and the Pin aonrl, qurjiicCaof yenthfulHndi«crc|jori,4&c., &e, J't, i. . u!?"’’ ' V.l. i BOJuThi “admirable Lecture clearly proves 1 , - 3E_sV. V. Tv ? JL* • ' tlini, the above self-afflicted; »-| ioiiy 21. d.i . I i —' ! ovitj/ihay be yerpoved without medicine and .t—-i t-;- 'i, / '■ without Dangerous], surgtCall opfcjrnt jonsH and MNfpU ARRIIfKLF ■JSlffl should be read by every youth anti eVcry anSri. -A* 1 EL) HilOUvlvLL vt hU) in Jhe land ; -j • . T. 1 [. ! f-'.MASCFACTCTEUS Iff ] y- ■ ' •• Spt underseal, Ip auy.WdreSS, In d'hlsin Wi'a. ' ' scaled envelope,-on the receipt of six cent: i.,or, J I y-f-'vPV ■ rA>-C3Vw'-LN» ; IJ j, two!postage stamps, by addressing. ty, !>• Rnnilli'OTli'R CHAS. .1. CJKtISE;& CO’, i I Irtp. , v pnfwvl Pv r 127 Bowery,Sew York. Post OMip iTiox.fhk). A "TsA \ Lit CGliMly 1A [api { Stray Mare. ; "'j to the premises of the sufcscrißer, \Jjliving in • Big Beaver township. Beaver, county, on the. evening of the 24th of. April, a sipalUßay Marc, about 5 years old, ihoti all protind, saddle marks, off hind hough en larged crit or t no othCr marks ,per coiVniblo. The owneria desired to copre tfor warilj prove ptoperijr paychilrgeS arid takC; her away, or othcrwise.sfie will be disposed | oil ac cording tolaw. I,'-?.' . I-,] - j j# ll 8 y V 'l' JAMES.K. CALHOUN. I i jo h n gr y ' 1 (DISTRICT AT 1 I ■■ , ' | ; : i n the Coqrt 1~ ,'V ■s. HAIL-RQAD: HOUSE, ADAM , PRO' I | Bldtel* Street, Beaver, Fem S- 1 KJ&Jtlt, Pra met or. . ; Thpi &c.,|£e., at ' 11 TTiUoic taCMh. iTij blacking Ini T# IEI) 1 PEACn :I - MealJ at: 1j : ?atfcs, po rte Monalea, Lttlurv P iper,, Enveß HEXfIY’; AMMj Cast , i ■VffiACKEIUL, M lTj|;Byrnp, «*.- I O|RBON Oa, 8S ff iARS—W| lit* , i ! v r if ! .tj . .Li Asi\j vJ J j JLV • rfiniS.preparation, mide.fromtbebest Jays IH ' fJ’I’OQt ' Jlit • V’d’’ Mi ■ !;' ; [ }:■ ( ’JL -Coffee, is recommended by physicians is I " VJICKO • ; ~ f | A*tl«s . ;01 anterior XCTRITiCiPS.BEVERAGfei'Qttfftn- V 't* j I'! i-_ -.h.,;' ■: '• 1. ■ |"'j ![I L • era! Debility, ttyspepsia ahdal! hiUkMis ditor-'. tuy tbotjh* Druggtoa.'ApotheoaricaV’'-*'- I TTAS Just!. m erred,* lnr£e ; assortment of dent. • ! Thousands who hhve been compelled to; Physician*7sfonr sereril cities ate’' i»; i JEL,\ :SI IUNO 600U9, /a 'j ‘ Abandon the use of coffee, will use this ‘with- i W document ofossuratico to ua that ATE. i which' will be o fored at PAXIC .PRICES.. ' wit injurious effects. ;'Onc can contains the BAB9APABTT.T.> lm hum fantid ro . j l ■ Amongst bis st tek can, at all .times, be found sreegth of iwo pounds of ordinary coffee.' •remedy «t f*reit excellence, andwor:./ a toriety of . ■ -HI H i ; j ijriceia cents. -t\, p-<-' i- ’ the confidence'of tlw oomttttuitr. DEESS GOODS, MUSUNS. iIIiOYES, HO- 1i ' . KOLLOCfCS LEVAIS'. \,, ■ 1 !iH -•■;' V '.',y ' ' H i •.;;l I BIEKY, *«•, &c!;_. . jiThe purest and best BAKING PtHVEEIfi HOB - . i I tftON * STEEIi; aUiia|ietJe». 1 •: • * koopir, for making light, awett and .nutritious i , i iiajftw tif TXtWBLXi Itil’.i |! Hails; i>y| Ui« pound ‘ Bread and Cakes. Price lu perns;' . ' AT.WTW tnaaTJTt i ■' -,--4h i WHITE IIEAt) and jVAKijaaHj -iHy-,.] Manufactured by ■ ; , i :.=•)• ~H f:.i HQB.AIiBIB H tAJID. SPERM, LINSEED A CAHBON t)lI>3 1 1 I M. D. KOtLOCK, Chemist,' k j I . . Mayor of WASHtTA, JT, .f. I WINDOW &LASS, all, i. M Corner of Broad ant? Chestnut street HOB; E. W. BABBCtCKTOV.. i QUEENSwTaE?, LOOMSO-QLASSES, &6 y ! |.] -I ", ■ t...' ; ! PHILADELPHIA, i ,j M» yOT of ir. : Tt All of which will be acid JWfri for Cwh, *, AndAofd by all prugg|«s Orocerff, i. v, i y : j > . r .Hi CoUntrr '' j nur26« j . 4 HOB. JOHN ABBOTT, . ' EBtateofpd|| MiniBi Oec’d. ’ LiJ ft .• i v Fi.-j H ° N ‘ 5 IUS ’ I r 4! -' _■ ’Co%toiy Trcnetirer willatteo'l ih'fhaj •« • v -i. , ~^ OT WO^U*ax’Jatt» befcby gircn that lolUsrs of ad- J Isejreral Township* and Boroughs, for (he f HOB. WATH*!! SIIiSBEB. •T i t'SimistJation hare bocn. graOlipd .thjk.pqrpjiiie ofcireeiriiig ijhe. County and Store | - Mot"* qar.'BMrfimi’Aat" t®E'*thr ofewillsj&c.v Tiieli for 18HA «vth* ttihe. and places dcsig- I k ,*. "»1, dponthcestatcofps,Tin, Jr, M. D.,decd., t, tiietl below, tii: ' ! I 1 1 -j HOB. F. W. ÜBOOBBi Jf.»A ),.-[ .CM-'- j K. : IWRQH, Is. rOING Eal 6; 1802. TVVimi A.*, p . *£ P. [I A. M; It P. ’Mi B.K; Pitts. a. ;m. a! M. A.' X. P*. -M. P. X. P. M. A. X. Ilate ofißoroi fseriljerreMd 4s»id count-J-. [Toreditoro pre [ted to the ur kprit 12. atßoei ...10:25 1:26 ...4:55 J. 6:01 tester. a. n. P- Mi P. m, P. Ml .b. «ii.soa. 'Hi . - ■ i -I - ■ .. jsja:: ■Uiappp Jl'dve^how DR A. M. P.fc. .... it SajpU; I • i I ent: ER COI »y. 7. l stV. 62.1’;: WAN :est„ pompiote. 85 49: 00 00 I*oo 00; 058 95 197 77: o, ..„ 1, .... 1. ,972 5» "ANH B i-'j • ; 18.706 53 I- 4,fe50 00 .LJ I 166 ..„$98,b12€8 w’ B.f .... ,2. HISTIK f BY J( 1 (T)MO., n. |'_l era, 21 bc;Bent by i pokagestan ,i us mariitj. . <25 00 570 00 19 75 72 33 47 IK 78 C 4 - 31. •,4:"!?.' ..._s93,|]‘i'BB : 'Wary c»mc Ejlward caVcr County, ng to law, de ls corrfc|t and bis knowledge ! Vi 3?, h Arch S | -* . ; . ! ' • W J- 'i ■ ■ Upton rrmis Hot 1 aengar I'lty, mul in icomfort and ■ : ' ; !!3eav^i*k;Sqtel,'.. JOSEPH HAtL. Proprietor, i Ifeaver) Ka» thotoiigUj- filled' up Ibis house, 1 he isjuoivj|p>feparca to accommodate hisj irieqds, ana thcjipnhlil; generally, in tbelmogti satisfactory itirtuiiof. | \ ! (inav(l2 Th6 -ioW§ Sewing ; Maching,” i/i ' soi.u ny .. I';:- f■l-;/' CORNER‘I'£NXs ST.[rLAiR STSi; I i rh'i-V ; - ■■■'■ PITTSBUHO: PKN X ’A : NEEDS ONLY TO iii: i3(SES TO HE Al’- ‘ i r I’RECIATED. i T :fap22-Miir„ ■ 1 SteVliiig Mouse, No. 107 Secdnd Street ;y (DETWKIiN WOOn 'ASTt HABKET) PITTSBURG, PENX’A, ■ BYiTHE MEAE, DAY OR WEEK. T^rni*ilVeti/\- [<j^3o V1X;|I1>I. ■ V AT LAW. WUsoHyiJj^te.l THE DIAMOND, i,PA, [np3Ci,ls2 ;ioo •D IE ■ ! i VAN K 1 . J. 11. CITN] ATTORNE ; ‘(Jjjiiic in Geti* -J,'- NORTH- SII)E. OF > ;;T beave] BOQ:TT EC OTJSE3‘ . B. 1). MARKER, I>Roi«-n, \Gor. Train d- Duquesne Way,. I. I' '- rjTTSIIUUGH, PA. . npufe libuSE" is ohe of the.largest I .arid best arranged Hotel* in tbclron City, ianJl neither painq not expense j will berepared to tnaintain itswell earned reputation. Its location, is convenient tt the Bridges iind Ruil- station?:, specially :comm'ends it to- the travelingpujblie ' :l| .U'. 1 -,. j• • i ; M Ili O A, TOWNS E N D { , ■j ■■ -I a J ; . ! .| , Ji ; DEALER IK j ■ ,■ ' VI- i , nooks, s'T:j. T t { o NE It Y, XVali P«b©r, . TOYS AND FANCY ' > no 6 : INE-W KRlfe^T<jy.' pi-'. OUNG, rdKNBT.) : loore. | jjan. 20,1863 1 JOH BAEBEI R. (Shop 6ne : i PRID QII. CAN t’a,. flfl A B—Young Hyson, ■ Black and Imperial, II Jj. : - - --jj | ;j; ;■ ... H-EjNRYis; > PCOGY WHIPS, - only !25 cento, at •’ \ , 't i'■ •; v, ■; iijENRVi’S. »APS-I{Ui,i, Pro _ man, .Castile, Pali i£_t ■ ; TWBACC' i Leaf, ( txid Dry, at fas,9 : pes, 7 1R?, Shoe Urn ! and SwecttOi ■| HEXRT’ ihes, , at i&tocs; . and ( ; ' HBjWßfi i and Heir 1 |;i :-jHEtJRt’I sr galW, at ~ I. HENRY!) 17 LAYOR3 Jr eiiu, v | i ■ i '.j|j ."p i'■.-’Hi I- *■ iwb, «t, HE, 1i" A- ! Vr ■„ r- Yi v. r : Y. &' i . •■■■i! - . igh tjp:, in taid countJr,Jb.thfesub itlg in the Borough of Ueaver, in ' Debtors Will make payment, and sontftheir claims dulj nUthentiea dcrtlgned. j j;-; j. ■■.[■. ■.< ; - ; DANIEL AGNEW, .1 * ! Ajfamnutrator.i biilrngibn’iWo, July . I'. Inlwiojl'i’a. .Lu '■ May°r W BOSTON,. .1 do boro. U» * 1 A.J Cm.kV J'HON. WU; M. - Moon, | ■]•■ -. ■■ Jo 7, W. Elliott, Etq's. \ j Mayor of. PBOVTDBNOBiB. Kaccbon, ) I* Uo ,8J D; Ifring**, 1 _r V‘• Vi,? ■-! i Air' Inufe( ebdfenctf, Jo 9, J. JloJrncsV I HOl<{ AMOS /W« ; FjUSH , i|iUßf r f 7, |d'» A Hopewtll do I0 4 I Mayor of KOBWIufi, OOl; ,T -v, do 11. Hqk-: « 8colt?». . jf -j} TtAfe’RTfl U ['■ Uk b." n’Btßot. Jonas Fiklat Moah«own bor. do WcK ‘ bljl: ' 1 '» i of " ; : - . do * Greene tp do, 15.1 do . , . -I ' Hannvur&Green* do ]«,'G. M Iter's. ; ; HON; OHAS. S. RODIER, ,p‘ ' lilM HRflf & CO. IiHTOO^ il 1 ’ ; mad, in* aiiy m Jjoining $ ' **°* °? WOOa ST»-y ..dialects. 0. C. v HOW. H. M. K3NSTRBY, v 3?TSIB U itOGK \ . atT'.C.fio ■■• Tj ■ Treasurer. j-' , ' '..-jftya, of HAMZVTON;;<Jti^^.v %•> SPUING STOCK of i I EXEGUTOUB’ NOTICE. ,5, HON. ADAM Wltj3oN, '- T ’ Y GOODS, letter! testamentary on W.V ‘ ' *ayor of TORONTO, dW , ExtrSi ! „t\ 1 es l*‘« Geo - Bosbeu, late of Sew.'.,-HON. : B. M. BISHOP, ' ,1 ' |T c^m^ a r “ er 'l Brjghton.Beaver county, dec’d, having been; : vr.yn,. nr ftrwnritngfUT, rymn , tojqash buvprs: • (mhl9. i granted to the undersigned, all persons in--; <-.■- »_ •■ ■•.. 7. *'l 1 —•''■■ -- -. debted to said estate are requested Id make , HON. I. OttAwifOßD, v immediate payment, and those having claimq 1 ' ' f Mayor df LdUISVHiIB,'Xy? against t the snmo will , present them . properly rxreia mine ‘ ( uu tent jested, for -f JOHN ; . p . ‘ /■[:- [1 i JOUS.BOStVELI., V: •j" Mayor of ;LTOI«WOWAJ 1 ■ I,{ v-'- - ' iBES’J BEBISOX, HOIT. JAMES ■" : HOW. JAMES W. 'NORTH, f i I Mayor. <ff AtfQPSTA, MS.*- HOW. HENRY COOPER, Jp., ’ ' ] i \- Mayor of HAUaO.WEZiL, MR • |l' ; ' BAUTIPUL EDITION 1 ' OF THE I ■ !;■ ; :s OF KDUCATKD MEN. )HN S. HART, LL. D., ueliu, prifep- 60 cents: paper cot • centa. Coplcg lof this boot' will tail on receipt ■[ of tW ■ price, in ps. i. Pleas address i{'. , C. GAUUIG UE.S, Publisher, South Fourth street,’ l’hilV,'Fny e ' 'XJ ii iq ii reet above Third,J j I’iilL A DELPIIIA. Pa.l 5/ I Newcomer, Prop'r el is teatrnL Convenient by;P&»- Rvilway Cars to' all parlf of the ifTtfry particnlai;! adapted. tp lUe wants oftho |Triivoi|iiagjPublic. IS, *1,50 PEfc JDAY. ' ft. t & HAIR-DRESSEE, Ipor cast of Prondleyls Hotel,). SEWATEjR, PJJJyX'A. iS| bcstjjn use, at if or & Gamble's, Qer and Fancy, at ; i. i HENRY'S. i’« Fine Cut, Natura Itimore Plag, andCu HENRY'S.. Andcrsi mi’s, Bi !, only 10 cents, at: | ■ i * HENRY'S , caooEi ' i :! "- ft IXCHELI ,'UI i v YE COFFEE, Oro, . of Coffee, at ’[ idCoffee \ ind Eitrato HENRY’S ACJ8 —Lemon and Va BJJNRTI. 5 :|i : ’j; ; 'h ' Dis|io! ; ution. THE Co-partnership heretofore qiisting ito-. act: the name [anil style- Of, M’Cossbm. |& i Parbaous, .Fallsttjn,'engaged in the Foundry i and Machine Business) wits duly dissolytd'bn : tifewJd day of June, J18G2.; The boobs 'ot' ! tbo |,lat|e (irjn will be settle)! by tf. -Dariingl)t'o.; jnt their office inTallsldn, Beaver.c|unty\ Pa., {■whjeri (hey, wifi continue said business in _rll i its branches, j iAH persons knowingthemsolves j indebted to the late Stint will please call and. j settle, immediately. DJiTID M'COXXELI., I J. -i. ! SfATTISOX DARRAGH. i FallstonjclO, 152*', S) Hi BARRAGH.: , , ■ : : “ rKXI-X r i:'TOPvS v it O'f ICE. '' -*X i ■'-■ ■: ■ ■ -I- ■i, ! : . , . ■ •: XTJ" llEREASklettert 'testamentary, having: V y\ been granted to the undersigned, on.# fate- o[. lichen Ramsey, dec’d., lale ofHan over Townsliip, BeuTcrjcounty, Pa., all persons knowing themselves .indebted tu - said' cstjuc are requested to 1 , make); payment immediately, and.those baring claiicpjitgainst thc'sarac will present them tojtbe subscriber duW.autlicnr ■ cated forjsel tlemeiit. ["■■ i dfld RAaISBY, ■■■_ if ■ . , il.-.'-U-I- ExeijutorV ! EXKCUTOK ! "TTjrjIlEtUiAS letter I fY jErta!? ef Wirt ; Chippewa tp.; Kcavcrc i ‘'l*9; to the . s rth*cnl/cr.-re^ MI 'dill persons indebted IqSi cd t> i makeijiramediai £_clnimk >sill .plciji ■•. WV idfibcr.iicntcd for il I ii” . ! /i- r C ANI>Rt |i jmajr2B 1 .'j' . ; iJ; ! L_ _J ; . i L fFAVKGUI'QfI ITTEKS Sampel -Hanna,. •); % Iseayer co.muyjj cd to the uiiUcrsij’ 'ft.statc iirK m pnytaeiw, 'iirid th\| estate will proscm] r\v authenticated I "kip' - prarv . *A to i Uiate • KJlicl . j^pp. j;■ I pljo- ji- ; ' ';i fa Co-partnershijj heretofore existing njij:*• 'der the name and etrle of A. I>. Gilliland,' i jllrightOn, engaged iin the. business of; ; handise. vrns.duljf; dissolved bn the 1 V-lli 1 if. April,.lS)s‘i. Tfbe |Books‘\vill be Store, of ■M. Gillilaud. .All persona 1 ; ■irig themselves, indebted to the late firm;: please tail aful sHtlp immediately, as tiiet: is null IBfe closed; u'ithbut dclav. ’ I ; a. u: t:ii.i,ir.AKi\ i Mi . V 19, ’• . I FTSBUBCr WATER CUBE. id Cursive Agcdcy is isjipcripr to . PATHY for. the treatment' of nil forms and no Institution in Ibis conn.- ! possesses greater Ikcilitics for its adminisr ion .'than tins.. | ‘ . ’ , j, *uF >r [Pictorial Circular address ; I'•.; fW. w. Jn‘ hambleton; 4* ! ■V r [■ . ■ Pittsburg. P^:/ ’■! ; tryi tnui | . j ptij;J®Di| MAfjMMIJiISi ESTABLISHMENT, ‘ ;-. v ■'] roadway,' j new. Brighton; PA, t nr Doors below Dr.| Sargent’s Drug Store.) j ty7.C2—ly. 'j ' ’ MRS. & MISS iRENO. / [ (Fot i lIE undersigned hue Teraoved from the { shop, lately occupied |by biini opposite | . Jehu Barclay's store :to the shop next] rto'Korr'silotil, in ThirdStrcet Beaver, ) iffe >fs in lui Hoe. ot hojuines—Boot aku Siiot*. rixti—wilUpfom places and dispatch. ; 'i • lira 1862 j- !i UENBV MERZ; ' T Mr. door whei orde'i axil r : General rCommfssion i Merchant ;■■■' ii ,j: : 'A»D'_r‘ '.j’’, ii- ■ 2V«ttij..m r Mpi(«r,- Ofdin. and Jail kinds fif'f Collnticy f Produce, Wines', and ■ f Liqitors. Tobacco, <fcc. : ■ Olfi ;e anJ iVarchoase, JNo SSTSgbtU 2d itree PliilaaellOlila. - adTatfces mado ou consignments !■' • -j, J j : ; I’. ;[■ .. ihaog 28. ■ HENRY'S. JAS 6. GRIERSON,. - ?/■ ;; , ■! ■; I ’ WHOLESALE ;• • occr & Commission Men bant, i;;;;- - Xlap Dealer in FEET) * 0 Fi;oi»lflß MERALLY, | No. 8 ,SSIIS±FJELD ST., ibtUe tie Monoagaiel* Houec, ■ 1 ,;■! -■' r ... :1 , -; niTBBt&OH, Kiu/m'wAßirutt~ ’ j-leaip Chjjscsy*, it liffl=l 8 "NOTICE: t'optaßiCrUtaryoit thjc Sootjt, dee-ilv lute jof hnutf. h&Ve;b(*qp"t‘:iot? * *sMi'hg hi tp.'.T - said estate art’ request Nd, those ,>• se present pr.op- : ] ettlcmontl ;,W VTATT rs jary on i ,ato :l»f * Ipte’ of .(’h ; to\vn_- j* (Icc 'i. ~ ■ i.x,‘«va' r juu4,'*i! piirsoiU irolcl'i-:.*' (jjiiosted to ni?ikc';iipirje-' ibh;ivin J g claims ngainM . [tbeip.-to thesubscribers . jfor settlement • JOS.'SHARP, ; jos. d. hanna; , ; : • Executor?, f L sla,- 1 rbf(.ll, May , Shades, and HJNETS. j j ■ i'' '■ a ; HONVJAMES' 3. REEK,' ; ' ' ' Mayor, of FREDERICTON, S. f■■ - HON. WILLARD NYE, ’ . W ; , Mayor of NEW-BEDFOED, MAw ‘ i'HON. J..:BLAISIfeL,4.t i, ; %. ■■■• J; Mayor of PALI. RIVER, MA^p; ; HOB. W. H. CEANST.ON, ■■'pi-'' 'f y •! ■ ; Mayor of NEWPORT, Al-' ’ ’ HOH.FRED STAHL, •i : ' ij* •V;j ,- | |' Mayor Of GALENA?’ !!£>.' |■' HON. JOHN HODGDEBi ... 0i ? ,1. . Mayor of DtIBIKjVB, iOWA. HON. THOMAS Mayor bit OHATTASpoOA, TBNM ~ HOB. BOBEBT BLA&W J-l: ■ Jp . ' Mayor of TUSCALOOSA ALJL HOB. B. D. BAHGH, ’ ■j' ■ ’ Mayor of MEMPgtS, TENS’: HOB. GERARD STITH, ' Mayor of NEW .ORLEANS, LA.' HOB. H. D. SCRANTON, ' - , Mayer dfBOCHESTEB, N. Ti ' HOB. BE WITT C; GROVE, f Mayor-of OTICA, Nr,~. , HOBi GeP. WILSOB* -■ ■‘[ . ' Mayor of PITTSBUR®. PA.' HOB. 6. H. BUHL, , : ■ j. fP 1 Mayor of DETROIT, MICH.' - J HOB. HEMAB L. PAGE, ;j j, Mayor of MILWAUKEE, WIB-’ ■ ; HON. W. W. VAtTGHHv ' ' ; ' Mayor 6f KAOEKEi WIS. HONi A. PABB, 4 w .:‘ -’ [, ■ ;, Mayor of EENbSHA, WIB." ■> HOB-JOBBC. HAIBEB, . “ v :] , 'Mayor of CHICACtd, ZLU . HOB. ’K. J. A. HEATH, \ Mayor of SELMA, ALA ■ utdr HON. A. J. NOBLE, ’ ■ 7—i j , 4 , • Mayor of MONTGOMERY,' AiA.' ' HON. W. S. HOLYBAD, ' ‘ ; ;.[v ■ ,sj Mayor of COLUMBUS, 3A. DON EBPAETERO MANUEL, :? -• .j._ . Mayor of, VERA CBCTZ. .. DON PIETEEDE CABALLO, j ■| "•; , .•, I . ; Mayor of MEXICO. DON ESTEPHANIE RODRIGUES,’ 1 '• ;■ ■ Mayor of &AVAMA. ■ • V. •: '1 !, 1 f. J •' !■ DON ANTONIO ECHEVERA, . l' f--" ‘ Hayor of LIMA., PEBTT. ‘ DON M. Q. MILANGNO, 1 V ; : I Miyor of VALPARAISO, CHILt ’ DONMA&O SESQtJIPEDAIiIA, : ! Mayor ot &LtX JAJSTEJBi), BHAZHk" Certify that the resident Druggist* b ive assured them , , j. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla Is an excellent remedy, and worthy thsr fldenco of (be community.' For'Spring Diseases. ' For Purifying the Blood. For Scrofula or Kind’s Evil.' For Tumors, Fleers, and Sores. For Eruptions and Pimples. For Blotches, Blalns, and Bolls, tot St. Anthony’s Fire., Hose,' or’Ei For Tetter or Salt Rheum. [slpelj For Scald Head and'BlngWrorm. ... '! For Cancer and Canccrpns Sores.’ .:] For Sore Eyes, Sore Ears, and Homo For Female Diseases. For Suppression and Irregularity. For Syphilis or Venereal Diseases. , For Elver Complaints. For .Diseases of the -Hearth, ' ' ' | The Mayors of t|io chief cities of the Xfot ted States, Canadas, and British Provinces/ Chili.'Peru, Brazil, Mexico, and InfSctal moat all I the pities 6n. this continent, hare oiignod this document, to assure their people what remidlAa ihey map usewith safety and confldbnfce. Bat oar space Will only admit a portion' of them. v‘' !,j Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, v Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, 1 i. ... Ayer’s Pills, andi.j ' Ayer’s Ague Cftiire rnEPAr.ED j ; Dp. J. C. Ayer Sc Ca» 4 ,■ ■ LOWELL, HASS., . ' had (old bp DregstitsOTtry where. ' : ’ 1 ; j For aale by U. Minis, jr,, Beari Crosn. Uoehetcr; Waggoner &, Xb»ry, .yjreei. don.; J, Kinhols, Baden; J. Sargent, ;jNc»“ Brighton, John Block, I'ariiugton. Bu:> i gao&Edgtr. Fallftcn.ind by dtaUirt «tu -/ iWijwe-'-';, p felt *«2: • *■ 1 '■s: i ‘ l l I. ' * i\ i. SO 40-1 Ill= r ;t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers