r 4 • L a AUftTTH. i 'j aSrSiiice our last issue we have ad . ______ ■, ' . particulars of the terrible bat ■ - i tles before Richmond, of which our / BEAVER, ■ am' already familiar. , .Tl»e Tnltr iRtV (goo ' [accounts of the killed and wounded July 16th 1862. very 816w , y And are couflfct " “ .. i ing The Pennsylvania Reserve Corps:] - Editor i' np p earB to been in evcry>ngage-1 . mcnt. and havesnfferedi most seveiely. For Auditor-General, i A n agrce in awarding them the high- HON. ISp’S. E. COCHRAN.; est praise 'for the splendid manner.in j or toss county. 'which they behaved themselves.-- ———— gg | There are three companies front this S. IW. Pentengdl & Co., , | county is this CorpsH-t\vo in the Tenth X0.%~ Pari A'. r..,4-6 State ft, BMton, : - nd o ' ne in Ninth-Hind from the wbicU-wo pobliih below, It wlfl Subscriptions for ua at our Lnxttt Ratei. |be seen that they all have sutfered.-p »- . ■ v. .. . j The list is as correct as we could make comranmeations navel , * -I . , ... [it from the information we re been unavoidably c-rov. tnisi . , -- !ccived: ! • ' : ■; 1, w,jek companV >, lOtu reserve. . ’ X T. C. Nicliolsoi^ 1 ‘ S®uThe Philadelphia Press urges. G. John D. "Wra ithe appointment'of Gen. Cadwallader , 6. Evans, James Me 4to the commander Pennsylvania ,Ke- jj eO . Alex. Dawson, Henry Gall, Ira serve Corps* and says mo more popu. Seville, John Jones, George Bean, lar appointment could Robert Campbell, Jos. G. %?,.» ■ !—l —ward Xeville. Andrew Ro}-, Thco. Scott, ‘Joseph Siejyarf, Capt. M. R. Adams— l 4. .ft ■ ■. J 3Bsiing— Janies E. Anderson, Eli K. Brown, John Dbnavan, Thomas Had ley,.Clark M’Cpnncll, John P. Wilson, James J. Rowe, Win. Reno—B, | i COMPANY “K, lOfu RKBKKVE. | i vi Killed— Lieut. John L. Moore, Coip.,j Crawford, James Irwin— 3. il j j: Wvuuded—Sergt. Anderson, Reuben ss§,The ordeffeft«9termg out . of the United States service[ the- Staff of Geu ; l. Fremont, has been counter manded by theSco’y-.of War.' ‘ President has nominated, to, the Senate, .Gol.R. Biddle Roberts, of! Pittsburg, commanding the lstPenna.*| Reserves, for Brigadier General of*j Volunteers! for gallant conduct onJbeJ 'field., ; . -V H Howell? David' Imbrie, of the s x brass cjannon almost equaled John A. Johnston, Josiah Lightber, the deepest thunder. Easton, ,by his Robert Marshall James ; M’Keogh, almost invincible, bravery and the JohipM'Millen, John Newgent, Caleb way he handled his cannon, brought Pierce, U- E. Shannon, R; L.-Hudson, down,,a most all of the enemy s arlif Hn"hiLaughlin, Geo.rN. Morris-‘-15. Icryifiro upon us, andjdiow we escaped Missirw^- John Boyd; Jos M’Ciure, I know not. , Alj last some one cried, Edward Milled, J. .Kaganse? Capt. “Now ook tout!” The rebels were Sam’l Miller—3. / cheering and] for ning to take Eastons We'have olsJoreceived the following Just kt th*t[ inata:nt , —.- , m ~. , . •• Eighth Regiment came up the nin on I ** Bt wounded and missing ol j c^an d as ,ve wcro[springing to ;Corapanv |H,J9th; Reg. P. E. V.-p., ot f r feelij their, cc mniandqi- cried out in from t the Orderly Sergeant, D; R. i cheering tones, [“lay still boys,” ;and Hawkins; -' » jw his regiment filed paslj us they hplt- TFotinded—Captr John Cuthbertson, ed : and lay doW on our right Mcam wounded it. both thighs, supposed to;time lhe rebels came on, and. Easton, be a prisoner; Lieut. JacobS. Winaus;| hurrying up a; caisson; cried out wounded in right shoulder, very slight-1 “Double; shot ypur guns, men ; they iy, sent home; Corp. Matthew H. Ful : don't take this battery {while I remain lon. shouldcr, severe,,supposed to be a alive." rTbe_ gRM n»W have prisoner; Wm. Ashton, leg,‘slight, nearly full to the muzzle,.for when prisoner, Albert .Marquis, band, stmt they went off i,t fairly taised us fro home; John. Lang, leg, slight, prison- the ground. It scattered the rebels, er; John Butler, abdomen, severe, | andjhe Eighth up, prisoner;' Archibald Welsh, leg below i mashed downJbe hilßto the right ot knee, severe,-prisonerpHonry Palmer, t us.j All this time shell and shot e both hips, severs, prisoner, Sami T eon* ovjer ns;, and, as, the caipsons were cn abdomen, severe, sent home; George tirinally passing! at fall! gallop in _ front Kelso, leg. slight; prisoner; Joseph of me, had one of those! caissons blown Hobbugh,Teg, slight,! prisoner; Wm.jnpj it would have killed all-of us,— Thompson, leg. slight,prisoner; Hedry of them were struck but one, i Earlv.* hip, slight; .prisoner, Tobias S. thjii by a glancing shot that tore abdomen, severej prisoner/ J J off ttiejiron shejatmg and njadc ano 9 j Mtssitig— James W? Gallaher, Fran- in theicaisson enough toy a cal i cis Wfagg, John Murphy, supposedto go through, j Just at dark company be prisoners: Lewis Reddy suppled out of and fell hack from the Sbo at general hospital; Joseph Cuth- rifle pits, then; spnnging.to our tm je-We learn, bv from- bertson remained with the Captain af;w,e went regardless of shot and she s-.bou. -«pp— * w ■ being issued reducing tbs team of en- V —_i-.- i sLiokfened when.compauy B - left i,t.;r liv.ru.e-.'.t-for the admiioiial three ban- ;CAmp or 10th Reg. P. R: V_ Cai) j Of yesterday’s fight Ih have -'not d *»t; p thocSj.iid" volunteers. from three . Jnni/ of. the Potomap,, ; r [room, nordo I feel li.ke writing to do it „ rears .o one* The object of Ais&'to' . / / - Ju £ stb f? B6 f- D. Scything We were oi ,j- • , ■ r • Enivon Annus—Deer iSir;.Jn order ,dered, and hnd;t«y fall or, at ; secure a .argo number of! °. to;Bet the’ mipds of the parents ; aiid j least, four iuiles.r-, Wo made n stand Would not enlist for longer, bat j fricn-lsjOf the members ot,Cq. K, ilflth J J ut Jast aud, although thej- ohtnuiiiber ; woukhreadily-do so for a-shorter term; 1 Reg. Pa. Reserves a,l ease,- and to let ns at least five to pne'.'tlrovb them •i ' besides ihV calculation is, the re- then> know the truth in tbif Ibadt-i-ln turn they Iprovc our men /•> bei'ion will ho crushed with them in Wiled, wonndedand V niis?i% of nbrj bac k bcTthemain bodyh At last, when t e • ~ v, , -company, j. have came to-the eonclu-1 1 | 10 .hospital whs filled will: dead and - ,cae year. jj l'O Gov-, y urtin tne a P“ ( it is'my duty—hei'ng thh on- ’; dying; the rebdls rallied in great force, lion of this plan is greatly clue., :] ly officer left w'ith the company— to ;.jr. ove!back 0 ve!back our me.u, killed EitatoirUndl \ . —-—: — —yr-.' , ;send%ou a' list of the stune, w'h^b.'yod-jdlV'hie.nnen. a'nd took-the battery.- ' \ The Plummer Case. . ’Will please publish; ,’ | t .V, I The; cither batteries .slowly retreated Tfrt ease of Rev.-Dr. Phifumer, j . Killed— lst Lieut. John L. Jtotlfe; j BU by put! troops. /. ’ T ■ ■Avhi.ch has been so much talked about, t Corp.-. Chas. W. Crawford: PrivateJas.,; x was not an oye witness tp the last • -va-.- ■-'t‘ bt-the ■ ' ■ ‘'.V I part ot the battle as I was at the ho-;- k A dn/iri-lv -nn the Stl/‘ IFoitKtfrtf—lni' Spj’gt; James Aj Ah-1 pital with John, '.lie wasshot through' -.which met . the■ j- dor3on; . Cor p., L, lludsonj.PH- and through, the bullet goins in'at T ms' ihe Presbytery refused by a Kates Reuben_H. Fry,.Daniel H. How-,j oge gide-aiid coming out at the other. • i vote of i« ayes to Thnys, -‘To. advise or ills, David Inibrie. John A. Johnston, Xle lived near !an hour,,but.only spoke }.y .pfconVuiend to Dr. Tiunnij6r Rhe res ' Josiali Lightuer, Robert Marshall, Jas. , otl^o,!3aying, - j“I see Tilly with -the f ignation of hts pastoral charge.” Dr.„ Keogh, Laughlin, ( - T ®°^ e stars and stripes in her hand.’’* Afiei 1 nr-,1- ■ T- I, ®. Morns, John MMillcn, Caleb Pierce, i, O ncV cr spokei Wlien.be died;. \\ ibiama.pi esented the tol o , »p - j Eiirtis R. Shannon, JohnNcwgent, |i.dosed his eVesand straightened him apcrjto the meeting, and. oiuts adop- j ms.smg—Capt, Sam’l Miller; Cprp. ] out> placcd ji is hands-on his breast, ’ tioi\ Dr. Plttoime/re/uSeii tt vote' Why; Henry J. M’Clelland; Privates I Jose-1 and twenty minutes afterwards the lie done t>d we kuo wspot, unless he: ! phus Al’Clure, John Boyd. Arthur ] hospital was in the hands of the enemy, • Kas‘ fearful of to God:— [Tankirk, -Private Marion W -Court- j ant j f f not; knowing where the' rogi - r,. . . 1 . I ney was left at the hospital- to m en t was ; and being of no more use The resolutions rpad as follows: . , p{ the oU nded, but not having £ Jo b n , m‘ado a Imsty retreat: with -As an expression of the viow>, of; reported to, bi»CQmp'any yet, is, iftpp'o- bullets and graposhot’flying all around , the in regarcl to.ourpend- j. ?cd4o be a prisoner- The rest of the me , Tllo Irish Brigade’tM came up : iiig National.-difficulties, the following, company are in good health, with a ail j dro ve back r the rebels and kept aetioii -nclopted-, viz: . ! few exceptions,’ Who are slightly in- the ground alt night. ’As I was almost Re.soted, That.the present robe l.ion r '. d j S p OSC( i pn account of the, fatigue do no out, I did not go back, but with in'which a portion of the people; of. t i ieJ . have unde,rgone.j : | r thousands of fothere encamped in- thoj the Sotithern Slates have risen-up in , .’By publishing the above you. pill woo ds opposite here. .u ‘ f arms against the trovernnieru ot these r C onfer asfavnr on the members df Co. ; Tliis morning all ouri force hod to ITrtited. Rjates’. and -liayt: forcccl hpon ami oblige ' ’ H ikll back on tbis side o/the river; and us : thr,alter n Htive of yieloing to-the.r ~ y onrSi Y er yjitespeetfully,j: b W B i, tlm bria g e. leafingr the rebels denr.iyicls, or defending our very o.x-. , . | J. Carson, | 0 bu * &]Vtbv d ° ad . istedet as a nation,>y a most deplorav| 2 d Lieut. Com. Co. K, 10th R. P.jR. C. - Another one, Corporal George Biy molffd, That of this re- an article from the wil ,. lose his i arm) or hand kt least-j -ybclljc.Ti, myplving, as It would. thp es- County Star and Lowisburgh CJiroiu- The names of the other wounded ate tabhshment- of an independent! and ■ j .. published at thd homo of the Campbell, Roy; Stewart, (not Lieut. fbh Auditof Gen- SitSwUl its- ‘■corner-stone,’’ end. which onrweadem will * oKptalnis not hurt? tell Mrs. . would be ruinous to pur nations and! peruse, carefully. | It wgs fit that Adain s, and gallantly led hiscompauy’ disaUrous .-to the human iact. % and j ihat . convention 1 should nominate.’{ c the lasU Tie shook hands with mo ■ therefore, it is .'our ■ aty, as citizens a , ma h aa Isaac Stinker; this inorning when I reported to him, Svc’or of bUd mis- b« found m on;, „l thn min Which compoirf necessary. ' : . ' i it, and those wlro will sabscribe te the L - J >■ 1 Resolved, .That it is the duty of all I p | at { or[ h w hi c h it laid down. We will ■*‘^iny,” : <il[>ioißtild3rtag«M| ministers lo instruct their people ... . }’ . , *ii: a hia little at home/ „to their duty in ibis tcfeble crisis ; j Publish the resolutions which this con- > - and in <tevotionß of | vention passed next week* anai|»et oor . the sanctuary, to pray earnestly to 1 readers see what kind of material tho God for his help in this time of trial; Eooofocb parfy in is .that be may sustain our Goverament;! , i . ~ ,|1 V that he may give success to-' our ar- ’ ! mies ; that ho would forgive their sin .and give them .a better mind; that he would remove the causes of this gFeaf. controversy;- and in his own time arid way, restore to u? unity and ' peace [as a people. ‘ . A ; Dr- Plummer’s course, to -say thei least of it, has not been above Suspi cion, and wo are.surprised to 2nd that he is, defended by .then who certainly should act differently. , Eiariloa. Heiiry D* Moore, StatCj Treasarer._rcceivetl ananopyinbus let tctr'tbu other-'day enclbshig a thousand dollars treasury Note; re ■< qnost that ho wOuld pass it to the cred' it of the State The letter read as ' tallows :.'*-‘Pi»BB 'the enclosed, to the •; credit jof your noble, patriotic State; ■ f tis her due.” j f - ’•4 dsoph Gedas, an inmate of the ■ poor House, was drowned on'the inst" • It is supposed that he ’went" in bathing, and thp waves of a passing threw him off his feet, and, hpbeing ofd and feeble, was not able to arise. , His b’ydy was ffeund at Stem benyille, and anlnquest held; the jury finding a verdict .m accordance With /the tacts. ” , , \v A Dismissing -urdbv evening last,- whilst a party of iihildrei. -wire playing on a shed"at the new building /of D. L. Imbiie, Esq., jit fell and kllled James .Allison, son of Dr. Allison, of this place, .ahngst in itaiuly. «'fhc"!iitle fellow. war<abunt nine years of ago, and the idol-oithe lap illy. ■ 1 ?il «• ,& ME r : •fif Rdbert Darragh, son, rt John S. Darragh, of RpchesU enlisted as a private in the 63d Regiment, has bedn made a IS tenant lor bis ■ bravj* conduct i the late engagements.. Hf»President Lincoln, last v company, with the Assistant-Sie [of War and F.-Blair. paid a James River. . • | [ma Army: Oprrespondenoo. ■> ] Abut of tbi 'Potouao Cak> bias RirrTTMnxn. Sattrdat. Jons 28th,862. —Dear T Vi/e: Since/iwriiing= my last letter to'yon we have bad a terrible battle.}- John is killed)breakthoiioW« to Another ail easily ,as you can.. 1 knew it rpll aliiost kill ' her. too. I am- safe as yet} although nil of ns were under an almost constant and terrible nre from about 1 4 o’clock o,n Thursday evening till it, mast have been 10 o'clock,} Thursday night. It then ceased, buttwaa recommentedas, earlv as 4 o’clock on Friday morning, i and cofltinned till dark. At first, oar regiment] was - parted; Companies A and B were placed in rifle pitsin front of and below the batteries P and <r |were, pltccd .behind a little rising ground Captain Eas ton’s batten' and a battery of regu lars, of two guns. We lay. flat on the ground, with bur guns beside us, and for three": or four hours inch a storm of shot and shell as flew over us I boj.e it, may never be my lot to see again? Shells flow over oiir heads so close that we fancied we could feel the heat from them as they howled others burst high in the * air nbovje us, scattering the in all direcjLibns; others went tearing through the horses attached to the limber wagons ai d caissons attached, to the 'batteries, where they .were, stationed, within [twenty yards of us : oho caisson alone had four horses killed, JAnd thei the musket balls! The atrj appeared black? with 1 ; Iheun and thousands of muskets kept up the most torrific crashing, while the sound . Louisville, July 13.—Rumorsreaoh •d here that Morgan's guerillas, 2,800 strong, in two squads, are at burg.and Danville, destroyinjg ty and stealing horses. \ * Considerable excitement exists in Louisville, on account of the proxim ity of -guerillas. " Effective measures taken to prevent incur sioipßr■ ' I ■ . -■; I j/idny/d.-—Reports, have just been received thatthe main body of , |Mor gan’s guerillas were at Rough and Ready, -nine miles south of ‘Frankfort, at five this afternoon. ( Our imfomant says the State archives are being re moved from the Capitol. ■ Major tr, who Pcnna. it Lieu dnring reek, in crotary visits to rj ,^tkaT > B £^ir .am sony to be uo •t--Wt «a It ttjas ycju*. reqncs&to me, Z ami lightbi frihndeljip een bim and me.lalnd ter to ease tb«t mind of api 4nig notber, to teUjbojr that.herf brave William G. ! Fawcett, fell dead‘ in J a.onl the Ist Of this month, abi[ut lock in the evening. . Put of filiy jf o ib Comikiny :(G); that epided lattfe of tbojlpast week, but re are now ftfhhr us—the otters g in the list ot killed, woundeq or Sng. It is-a sad' state of affa} re ) [‘God’s .w«|l I Ourffewt |e, o F Julytm' was h terrible|c|ne; Us’w advanced to meet the enemy, I win . charging the battery oarfro . snt supported; your [son iYllMni, the one I thought most of in pur ipah;r, said to me; ‘‘ldcamQaßtL if ifi in this' battle, take thwjonyel if. (ht nding iti[c several}' and | w die rhy n others Mrs- Clannda. M’C 'oe- Boaver, . ©oubtyif-'.paJ md I her how I fm, defending tliol giwd I mms-andxjyripca cf my cpa|tiy; d il iOMibWttmt me 'in agraviT by, plelf’ I.aranAcd! him, and, (dhiin thirty ®ypuid. In anther opient we wß® engaged with the leiny. Pooji. Will - -fellj shot thrppgh re stdnacir. : One of out boys; raised ; in up. but.he wasj dead., Kight clos i in u i, and about 9.o’clock the t ght] at ed. The erumyhad ppaßossiod of ic of i he part of the field where Vill jlll or I would hive carried om bis is . request to||the icittfer. i L, syt ipa hi le with you, inadam, i in'the loss o' •pur noble b6f| He.was a. brayc isol Her, ever ready atid Willing to dS hl iuty. To me he was as dear as albr the 13 and the name of jWill Fajv 2e am I du ■ many past adventures ten o or,[will never be forgotten until Ifie (this o e to join him in, the htty world nbdve.j |[ ■■ *’l; -!-‘L Capt 11 n O’Bden lias been ■ sic fomo t me, andiincoirtpuny. withfl tenant JjTcnn'eiy, Who was wop onfthe Ist of. Iplj-, “as' gone Si which leavcsjfne ineommand p Cdnipany. [Vjc reW'y e, l ourjuiip dak', td e first fi.f bettcr than n W* aim amongst i he ■ Jotlers.for! o’iW|->. pidny, f find pn s addrbsfiedi tb! Wj Ijianii ami will cnclo|} it tb you alohglwith thb on -elopes l,p-gay« nie.i Wiiijl|hapM sacks vero alt taken by AHje | hi|cniy;i and al that ill I can dcnd youv th4t .bp-i longed, to Wills are the few enylc|opes| I enclose. Wlicri ;ho handed them tPj me, it appeared a® I though he ibad n pileir.olitionlot his file. ; |f ■WI ;j ' . Xours^litostißoSpectfnllyi I if .v'l ■ : !.Wb;jH-i'SMW«, i . i i 3ut- Con Co. 62<1 p. VjJ *. Since Writing the|al)(|'ve |n'epij igohers fpis | brought .me' fV.illw he W« lucky'ejongk ; hauled liri' the wagonJ jl* eppj -411 hisi effects, atid I itt : r addhers;.: byj ; sbrcBß ita as ah import ipity i : ! ~■■(, ■! : | .il, ' : iHViLt.E : JhIy 12--Dclwednkhrci :Ur Georgianl ailJllffexf' erritliis, ‘Under CplJ Format, atjj I tho: Eleventli i Miclijgar and ’ BiJl.innoriola In i» niortpiig. : There, was >1 ?sper- f i-hting h) three p clock|iriitjie af- 1 In, The Wie ugan troop j| had iderod. i The 1 31inncs|itiai 9- m irongly entrenched, cut rim j enp|- : ip W>ih'|HewCtip[ |Kcm , 1 batterl v W“P Ll 'H in W ■ l '> i ; elmightor in three clirtrge|.; 1 jr j lag-of: ,tiimefws»Sscrti hiMpdf.il emanflirg the 6«rrcnHcylll-iC<>r;i 1 r rqiWeil that 1■» | eonld |h«d lil? 1; on a we ;k. i T ie: raflvotwll.tracsj-lj orn up.l >ut replaced. lAn pttacl j rashvilld is 'iipt' ; | Imprph!at|lo, a| j madirig is heard repeatedl| hei'i i Boone lias arrived, .with) Seyernl, 0 auies,: 1 . ‘ ' Mi- ii ter.—A. special dispatch - io ; th ).| .•iatedi P -esfl saj-s that; Miti-free.- -1 was titkin by the Confeclcratep.l; ly 'Coxaii Rangers undhi Pored* were ■ spelled by' :porl|b4tjei-y;-- ns r.oporc the Xinthpilleliga 1 ircd. The Third Minnesota, Wit. i ; . >attery,| ivero 1 holding out fit unts.. Brig. ; Gens , l>uf|ie}d anil .onderi, if Inlliana'are pylfebifen . ,t excite iiicnh in Nashyilljj. Ail •k expected.,i Wilt givej |tl|q‘best ,I-possible, nad if eom;po|odT t )| ! I Will shill tin city. A|ba«tery ih jsitipn r thW entiergenbya j- „ , 4.LTIMOIIE, July 14.—GobSi d Reynolds aro neither p /or aded.“ After' remaining a ihe Spottswiood-' House they w ;en to the dflficors jl A gunboat on tpo plan oft-1 m ic, though mu«h smaller, 1 'Ring cbmpletion; a rtt. nips get ins i yoi 800 Ilf A! ,(1 ft t|i:ke Tlhird It tlii ale fii tlrno ig.s l ijorc iliost Bitt S.tea dapt icco 'rit Grci ,tta tgh n p if hpproacf..ng - r tfK --- ■ bona—though gfcat experienced in opining irpn ppr |p<kj armor. I, ■•.!• v .. ,Hl * h -l s li [ Gen. Jackson hid moved 1 thought towards; Jredcricksbdi;g,jw|d ] jit was said would'fcgain strik| a blow jn the valley,. Maryland regiments with him:iiWder Gtihs. Lowej^idßrafl ? . ley Johnson, had suffered tc|ribly in fights with Fremont - and Shields. Bradley: Johnson’s'regiment «ad,-b«RJn cut down from seven hundred to] two. hundred effective men. ,; j.j . < ■■!' Cairo, July 12.—Goy. Splagne bf Rhode Island arrived hero this morn-, Ine from;' dprinth.. >He otnight for the EaSd;. The; information t from irate River fr that Gen. Hindman had ordered inhabitants near; Gan iev Bidge to bttrn their provisions and shoot their cattle.WKreni' Cdrtis had divided his forces, a portion being b|> (ween Gish and White riveri< theptlj er east of Cash river 75 m|es from Memphis..!' ■~ | .'j : ':_y . 1 ■ 'IT ; ij Nkw York, July .14.—Tile follow ing special idispatch have been receiv ed by the Tribune: ■■ | v j : ;jji Memphis, July saS gees report-that Gen; Curtis attacked and comptetoly cat to pieces IjjW dred Confiklerates, under Col.M Belli, thirty miles east of Batesvife, on the 4th of July ;-i 1 F C .'4;' |r I 'LI •I]] l-• j| TBB NBWB. j 1 | Memphis -Avalanche hapj ravpreaMd by OetoeraJ, Grant-ar Buqetin, a good Union pap ;r, has started in the piked ' of. the f Journal- j['i ' lf\ P\ '■ s ' rv '■ 'Be ports ftfoto' Richmond p!(i< hnmber .of prisoners cnptutjed recbnb battfps on the Chickah at over 5, bOOj It may turnoutthat sbldiCrs rmay allll i jbVp iHvej jwn counted among the killed pi } An important nopal! tpaty nt been,'negotiated between orir Gi ment and that pf Mexico, 'vliiel !ua linatori al) advantages In J:ho missiondf mail matter to thgt co i over what Wehave formerly ha: 11 The newspapers of the conn. endeavoring to, prove the n'ceesei drafting im Wder to fill tfei requisition)'[|romptly. No drafli i be‘Sanctioned by the General 6 tncht, but State Governments m sort to it,- : 'jf "■':[* i tChbpubliciwill be gratified to that j Gone ;ai Burnside's inrni joined, the army of the Pbto Abich it hr a always been a| pa i only detached for Special ;ser. North Carolina. f; .j.'. MC . The Clou ilcils of the 'city o 1 a resol utidn approt fUty dollan for jeacli: accepted jepr in a-Maryland; rogi mpiit,p |t|be cpmpjletcdj anti accepted jWJap ... P / j' i| ■ !Ttio ;Soul lioi-n^acirotiti ts <>f| the feattlorf of 1 the, (|fiiiLkah«iniinj'-| y.lchtertiiibing. i <T I iiGpni.Bupnsii|e’s mysierioiH nvents |rec«intly "are fully gud g 'ally described liy bur spcbial jpijihdcht Vrjtli Afeat, kl.iyit|ton Jiifniy: -Tt c old S! ying.,;.i:hat bpiijcs; move 1 slbwlj ,’V lias been fr|oni ''Biirii side’s cd lectlon’jjof I phrases. ,i, i|? ' ' 1; • .A hTfec ncia steam.s odp'Of ; iiv!tr galuila' wilbjbe launched tif-tla; lihvy yard | , at?!iiglj [wator-li ' | The don•esp.o'K'dcncbfrbtij the can' squadfonsiiop bperiiUng Mississippi at Vicksburg, is I with interest. - We nothing 1 but wait patiently the gratifying jiicws of the ea .this last rcljel stronghold on tl of AVajLcra.f ; ’ j' By way of ‘Cairo; per spe i paytih td|thc ■ TnAane,, leii den'efal Curtis hapsucceede treat i iig safely acri iss 1 1 he| Bla ihiArkanaas, and is j now I;nib .wards the Mississippi; i| ■, The strike among the grab lerki inj Ydrk,iy crca|td deu of excitement ;:thjere|. ' db lnot bsjk fojr an |incrpa|o c bn tiare opposed to! hav iiig-liu | tic q I .of labor chiinged. H it ok nt battle dfotiiulseie vs.j mi ? I An extract from a letter fr pop News v pu olisJ :ed| jn*t he N Post, of Friday an m|intepth i'hbp of Gen. Burnside’s itroi ;i It waslruiiicred tlult their' bfai :! Magkidcr' wa ißrniinsufei; i' ; .c .y ; i;j Jvdvicoi per the | steamier! S 1 1 ktslo .thhl- tile refe iU hayb, cc 1 bbslruoto|:l Mobile Bay. < | The ,feo ;dug g ditch cntirejyj an 'city— its jiiincr lan I,being del brejastwopks anil t aUcrici.;,| I About kwenty . ]!romi'ngiit.‘t lßAloii Bpuge i|avv been j aft If lujding .a brothery’df Bjenji rebel- Spcrctarly if Wail,, tl Ifthd JRov Mr. .Ciiyven. Fiv. iwete sent tp Npw|Qi‘lp:i[iH. f. iunjljthei Mayoritook ihej did igiithce.; rather thin go tbrF & 'i -.'f : I i isop. if. i v.- -j | |j Governor. fSlporj jisslied a proclnmal jedl resi mince, I biding trade with importanei ciedit |df Coatedi meddirig ihodestr rather tl an allop hands ..of the j|J c for Mou lded rtbe s to- fek^ Mhmford, who. was executed al Butler, a~* marly r-; j sta Southerii rindopendenco i is, bo! gained ; bc’dmd remaned odpitpl io | (iJpelpt: sas, - p : General Humphrey Mars! sighed bis cpninrissioiv, in army. • llis„brigade buS be ioyerj to' (jien. Wnl airi| [ i". 4 , .j.. (ijGPii eril-Hiitch* ’s [command entered Culpepp sr on Friday, and attacked and :.opi Iscd about one hundred ocl cavalry, said to teldngjto t|io: Bigbth Louisan:,, killing one, capturing fire, and taki ig eleven prisoners. ' pjrtiprig i was-a Lieutenant wbcj a fjew rdursj before, ‘was Seen iii] our. lines, and al German.; wifio h»jtl three ,"times broken His parole.*" Our loss is" .three i slightly wounded. .We took; two , *> J ■. , j I’.'i. -'i .i, v V. horses. , s I.:' ■ The policy loF; concentrating And consoliditiiig the scattered armies of :Tirginii under Pope has already de veloped 'good results, As many miles of Lerrit sry have been (jlearcdjo.f rebel parttzar s who .prpviQUßly were con tinually annoying* our outposts and trains. Tho officers and mcn ; are- de lighted with the consolidated com maudjiY I■ | d ll'J- ; I ThouSichmond Examiner of; the 7,1 h has-nn article showing that,. -jin jspile of Rebjfilljefforts! to prevent iit. pen M’Cle’.lan had [got out Af the worst in to the best position in Epslorni:Virgiil ia. Front tho description of;itheJ?.r-' aminef, [bis portion ir nst be A secPtid pibraltcr|. The same;paper complains of the withholding [ofiiinformjitibn of, Ihe latO battle byj the- Gdvernment.;- | It isjsajd ip Washington -{bat the accounts brought by the Presidential party tfi©: |h | eaf!t<|aa.rtei^i : of the Army of thePotomap represent that the entire losses on <iur papt in the seVeralj battles dpjnot oxcced. ip-killed, wounded, and fnissingj 11,000: . ■! Itis [stated that previously to tbe late bAttlesGerL 1 iPGlellan arranged with tpMßebot authorities for a gener al exchange of prisoners, . and that (Feneral Dix has beeh/ instructed to consuMste the| sjgreertilfjnt,r „1r 1 v ■ ! pre-all | day Sjt| |6ro ti.- : j I'V tj he.Me s rapid-l k- BicA-j adi T ' ■ -1 Jaffa <Oovmtj iStaif i;lint! IdjTisbnrg Otiher QRididatea., ,.['u \ Chronicle. •• -Iffoncyf t$W .profu^ly'-^^ Brecfeiniidgp.Tflamph; buy up'jill t!io- purchasable ,—.1.-'/ ! ' j. ; im- Slcnkgr, ahdicyery effort i i ' In Penhfrlyi»niih a large! proper lion’ hrifair). was made ia vain .tq-eleetKim l>f the IripiuU df the laity Judge! Doug- But, since his opponent,! Judge Woods : Uta hayd; hut loose from* that; Breekin- dt itoidldnj and has. been tried by thepeol Kgo Wt«W/^lriiiclv!6i|Bi ; ysiy4<lo«l ; > the-, nowbeat.Mr: SknkeJ txt . r i piny, divided j/p[cme in [running; tor The eainoltbfiic/ 5 thcUnio r. some of fnem.;however, ifTheso fapts may assure* those abi 0a d wcnllnst’Friday To the] Baityj-above-Mr. Sleeker, running‘i»p j on . er : [Country tfoi»vcnti]on party”colors,,cann'otv[coAi. hoping to regttlate, j f nbt j;t(> control, ! utand last Tail’s vote, Ilenosv euyjy t its': aylitm. IJut jthley; [were obtndtti,- |fo[fih unmistakably theembodim'eet bf [•Bcred, and [ placed !fiti h-ja ijuboWinate faction pind stioiiMba I pbsiti fF. \\ r . Ilughys, Tor or against,jicebfdir.g a s M r . [it most jsyihpathi- [fellow cttiisens approve or copdcknn j ger—one op those '.most | prominent in illrift. traitor’s, l-ourse preyiOas to: hij ? nfiering [the ihut is a complete jaiposta'ej . i *i[.- [belter .Tariff ! matT It bin Clay” —was ■■.'[;■j' :' : i- ,; ; i. '.yr-'- . [made the President,! ai|(l appoints- the mauls bosom friisrnd(>ncl .rejaiire, jj c i Suite Coriihiittce;- Ivimselfj the ! Chair-1 ffngh'M, was two y,ears ago the hbijnccratiU mAlL.Ovhi-Richard Yaux i f •; ' 4cindidate.for Chmferess.froin 'SAuyiliU't^.' Letter.. weo of cOiitt-adKaKJss. They -! ;■ ' ■ •' ' r have a gm.ssioT patrJotfsin . Comparisons.—it is aseles?. tb der,4 li|ed ino ihje casual riipdor : atThesame/[ttei the masses, of the people kino's^ I time, thjjy will suit byery 4obel and settled vcpnlideiice I pathizerj .and .Tetn I)ayisi would .say j >\Ssirgaparilld,’' as an alterative rj-cu >■ !4>at--tplv,oar State.- Notwithstanding this confide:;c3?4.- ■ they are the best j caloitjatecl, to aid) opiate years ' been, alMisedr- byi ;hipi,: foir the men: elected under it .preparations claiming to possess ife would co operate with him,: no matter. Virtues' but -really with none at ail what cheat; the}’ used 10 obtuiri . tlie till {h*e people believe in its- Intrinsic ppw< r. j!;.VV|o will copy th'eqilesokitlons, y-utie'aSia-Vemedy, because they.-hate Side by, with; tlio.se]' of. the - People’s hnovrn of its' ciSrW-The rage. )i t Cpntfcntioij, when be ;j ai .gb bottles at fow prices..has^callcj h^ld, that all readers hiayijudge of Ihe j’into mabket jniany Vorfipouhils of Su4 spirit of tile two plafjfbriiis. '. - J which cpnlaiivScar-iy any,bt|; ■ James Pi BAiyi> oT;jpit;tsbilrg, wasj jt, 6r even any medical virtues n.'iiat- Tipin natcdjfor.Snpveyfh' iCftmeraiji lie llcVc.r. [ Yet everybody knows that Sar-; j of thb Post,: and! is delscriHed jlsapuriilu is: tb,c- great staple antiilni itdinn- by gentlenicniwln?;knosy him as iffor Sdrdftilal'. firujptions ahei cutiine. Vsli iperjv oily ppllflciaiy. tiC for any|ous jtho desperate work.- [tie] once . n(miinale'd;|jtit [the bldpd, when they; can gef-.tfij. Bile ianan for re-eleetioni-- iiext 'capic ijve'ii; articleddr‘ an ■ actual .'iif. oiit tor i llonglas—and is[ how, in hill; Such we are now able to inform tlieiu laitli jvitli those who.ikijled Douglas they 'caht , obtdiii'-.i',-i|ri.- J. C: Aytir 4 (1;. [at Cdiafleston.f Professedly a War- .t!iye‘ celebrated odemists .of thi- iniaiv be! binders the -Adrn-ihistration in yvhos'e Topulatiori t ! Uey'<JS 1 trcttßufcs necessary to;»ui;cess. ,j well vrliatever they undertake. are[ Y;lW<? ['SLkNHtEH.' ut> Union (’oiniioun.r Kxtract pi-Sa^i-' for liiiiiifo’r iQunemh' is ujliiVorb* c* on si =* r ? > v * y teiiV.politicin.il,‘having- «o.f t 't J ht !lm ;/l ,, urt.s.t tf»r -a dollar.d. leiilt.v. hnd only.•t l 4 Ha | V u r a^P°. n4 * ■ veap itgo.Tibt oid v ! ack ho W I ed gi ng '■ His |i[ ; y 1 aa iYhp ) cpgal ons of . The st uit _n:tie!i yckd tor ißreckihilidgey |m't j —‘ V-* s ’-'* ills' vote. ; -a#V'atfikrietilHblo h»#-eih|i.P n j e ■ e^-'‘ Ay T s .^ a P- a *%-- sIU and plodding’ih hisniurh' toi - bte-ffains j? iore ,lhtin :donbk-tbe amhnnt. m ilEKiiln pnrlalTiachl logakaodtyits,] virtue, by, iiliJi.bcrallc ll hiih: alUj other, Phis lacdi> ant 4d.V ap] iavring in llw expense .ahdWill tceiiiiglj Parent Ui the taste, : i itsettecls ary id'll WydU?b«[yduMVidls'-eli^td mgontet.-ttbleproot.thst y thd county. In tlicvpcculiar quliftcad.;i«-tr.ie ; puely a_rem-ly Ue. | tioU ftW Aiuditor itldhynil. : all whd; sougl^fiM-yand^ every where lyo-iy: knhw them both nuisthdinit;thh>upe[ 'oi.r . eommurntr.-; ' Sfidniylbf Air. C«cLirflm.| mheiitj j 'ty- - ■■rcoiQhi.i^eLUtyo.nce„_ : > r 4- o n .'tjho*flavorv a-n(t---:'Vy.,»r /question| j■ Mr, sSlenker unenviable record; in^^\mr'.front. ev^bVn'i-; In [lB-19, he stood .jon! ,th«-• Free> litboil*.r<»oa Ikrmvilic/w [Cowisl Phttforrn of SamT W.'Tlilai-k, Cariii'iel [isheidcia’i:- -3 The latter . has fallen b«l l . W Imot. Wc. I 4 ; pn/di; h/[4 Too m jv,-. |n ( : ed Shriner, IlSekpk? an d- others in Tv Youie to be ah'.ndv'a;,.- ku iporj. of the Pi PJatPdnv— 'iJicd- anard”«f a' ait tuck us.;. 0 1 : I _‘That itis no pjivt jOtj.tbe .vt,is-:trr;Cover .the flank-.; mlscs of Uie Coiisl-itiitioh that S.-a-v hry* | coiiihiand 111 reinforcing Ciu ih mpl. for ever go iyit-h.jthc ndvanchiig j ( i(ic4Uonr Terri aritU: i vpi,,.'- w/vtl/rn- rety .warm, r VTft’: ii:lilar Scntiiiiyntsj ,p: | ~s •• ■■•']jL!.|'er>' ; --,in'dve.-*;dr-iie-b.ealth' i -of trpops. ’■•tic - rc-j-ufijuU’d,. 1 hat-y.nn f A ro .,4 a g,-.■ Wiii-h.iiighL-d men arc. -icnt', and 'w-d-oh! jßpii—'When (>. or u iheUrwl'.! of .one. tin ad r tntes! had [seceded, Inftef .ki|- Wie v. a ;4,,-: ■ ;■ >; ■ rSO forts, arsenals, ; mi jits.-Ate...; wheif if . ;’■ -—; -- ■ «»«•■ ——tj-j, ib Rebels- had fired i oh: 11 10 [ Star [of d AVASniMiroN. Juiy ip West and "proclahncd; Jeff.'• .r«it|or6 coiithi;;.*,;ii-oftTfiiftte abon; t - in. tiib j Ic foH'iwiu"- ;at:i<Sn.g other) 'Kosols'[Qtiath ge.-i 11 The Cabinet:,-clinhg*-'i'- 1 / 0 -' hns iittik ; lewi-»fiii?g|C<n4cntion: [ 1 thelCenerals, or Wimf c-iy- ll \i 4^- Ji [war, aslwe HeluweJ tliaU this 7 t::ih>N J'lan lain etcho. way t.opho, r-viywr..' iiv NEVttrt bc:'tiiai'iitili!n<Rl .by- -force ioTitranslerrod, and .thatßarn-,:d- ;c, rmsJanti tl.u’it as P;km4uats v we hi.m.c If-is; k t h-.wn,| 3T, W lllltixd VO TAKEjVtf AltM.S'tO oil tilo '.P-KCSihy;;! •>-. Art ir platform whivh liU.haijofivv'. o/tinJ, being:, entirely .sufvsiicd |wity :' life'-pdoidrehltdiaidcWiui opnoseoPat LUtdhin: were eohvred,- acPij |i< ivp' | )C h, Ms. .■-■ [4 [■ , I,i ■ I [c'l .tirat JPCloihin is very or.-v -|. ii B ThaUwc conifiilly Wppmvfi. th^p/j\- [hociiusv: B:.y 1; sill troops hv.w ij. of \lle : Xiifionoi j sent. -upphe yivci. as he,; a.;g H Ku'u.a'lc-pin its [ui'sy <i>‘ ! eon-idi’d'd}! j ,>• ; 1 1 . :)(irs(| in th^rdsyilt-j>.ei|UdttB to.poittoh . July T the (iopiftry.’ . ; o, li [ids' j)id.?e<f= the■•icoiitiscati.oiv bill, •By th at, oo hv.eh til on ho t , :i : !i y-!ihVlironsc--oi’- K-mw ;»el.4ate'|to-.-the Democratic . : ■ ! twn ,< VK e j,.U.lii ;: ,r d»." 4 Jet t .Court, to-j p Jl!ow „;iig;’6f‘'llliivd'i S : and .d/wa-i . Ilf! Pennsylvania—voted against Slid of that, body, h c h.- Js rl ; . atol , Coiiaiher, of VcrtnonK <iid i-rhci tile Uebflli'pn j ya'S. iuy ppetr id- ole ~ Jxlie ’bill -»tow requires, env t agr ini—aided and .applauded it by B j^ nat^r^o r, tocb4 lhc.lbi!bwing-/nfain6us Resolution :! ; 'nJAw 1 v ■ .1 !i wei wifll-by ,nll'"propcji*; , ——— : ... d jorid iY'Asni.vciTox, July l| ienAinCe jANi) pnEviESiT A.vy.Ai-rKMr'Toxdont this moriiing sent 'inE.PART of tiie pEPnMf.iCAXs-'I.N 'POw/j State, meinb'cae.of'Cdhgrcss, anff j it to make any afriibil; a<|gre.ssioh np; an. iniportant intbrv-iew iwith t-.cn on tha. «fspeciaHy sod; lie urged ijlion -.thc,ii) j: lffs :#} laws gohtVaveni'ng-their 'right#' gradual enyandpalioh,[ .and .hi ( ball remain uiiffpeaited on the-statue gtrongly thal if this plan was I )o<)ks 'of Ni ort her tr St ales 1 , an.d so long enianci p;Uion v,' iB-tllej‘i«f i ihcjSouth., shall come under loss'plcasahtv.ciroutn: ‘ontmue^-‘to >be -unrecognized Ji)\’ jibe ce-s I ‘•I-’ --ri ■-- iin these. States. ! " i ]>- '.e : -am i. boci: id the i been *! ;* armor ee-tbj©-j In the ominy many to are > esunt.' 8 just overn- Uans -11 n try, ry are ity for o pew. ngAvill ovcfcii layru- knojw | y ■■ has lac, of •t,»nd ice In ' BaHi riating yolnn •oyidcd bv.ilie i rcoe.i-i t: win.be , m^ve-1 -mpUil-- COlTCS <>f our. ■•'Hinge i' erased iuiiiiliai 1 , !i£cilipli • at the lAmcr.i -• in ; tlve full and can "do iow- "for pl(ire i of be great inljcies •n, that i; in ic •k river, ihg 4o- \ phoyel- a; "great "he men :f fwages, < oM.ron t. tlios iin iiehincrj'J • )nt; New low. York ,i‘ landing *;bci frt-n -!b\vn the . }.\' ■ ■. ' ;■ ■ .'i . ll’Clilfan irrpictely y had a!-, Hint]'‘the elided ;hv of ii< ested.in- ';| ihvin. the' ill ic Mjfjfj.or .-da i ioßilierii j at Benjamin'll .s| 1) of ullc- 111 ;>rt rjaek-,’ l!lfi •b’ r -oP JJj o h tillin' ie fed -ral i thoFodpi :c of .irisdivt i rate iou • K-tioh pf p tlionV to f: E'edcrals, ; 1 fiany.'-lia*! r ct>ji tin K- -! V rule. for-!? als stho'y- - '■ lining the: ° Si r.eedn!;j; toaiuboats-i .11 iii tp tb,o ; js ,i.»3* tie tier- j ting, that : certain tjo-l the ,Sti to iall has rc tlie .rebel en turned ZS .opuWican niaj'rtrHies ii -C. - i. md (unsecured hyiiproper, aniendatpry- p--] Vff 11: > ■ ixpllaihnidnsof t{»e!;C«Sn?t:tutiofh.”--;.^, ]''i. passed, intoiit'be ‘-Eternal Sin ■ It isdfue bdfal'terwifds yieltled tij> Land] - on . the 30th of. April;, ihe itcjrm of hopiilar indignation that (Daytpn, Ohio, [Matthew T. ,Pa: was aronsejd %-llieJat^ck - upod 'lhijrt fsox, formerly Jof Sumter, ivrid tallied “ tfP 1 ! rn< typid 37 years. : ' : i>w patriotically after that time.. Cut-for Fewmcn have had to piss t months afterlwaVdsi be bis conflicts - and , ia • i= admiration [ tori ;Breelcinridire-_haa earthly nilgriifmges, more try 1% i&'il ftcted Avitiv jind' fori .bis friends—and- the sulnect of,this notice., , Few Sletiker icUlbe voted for\by every halticau ,realized nitiiro, that this life, with ten* or open friend: of thousands, is little ejsel lhan a In, thpsel Avbo nppiinate, ttnd f o f brecid‘, In whlph is required oltPi l '! SUpportamavUprqyeiwhat he | heroism ofia higher order than tlat> ’ The secret of ijoniina- the conqueror of .nations. eJ i tiorl is said o&ae«- gaged].,in this -battle', this : Aicfierkl rityi and the fact] pf Ids ;jmn for iiqon|d ;had ; td contend with disopF'?. | Judge last Fall. ;But shou'.dj ho rp-. rnents, reverses,- difficulties,, a"® . 'Ar membered that ho did not then — as, ease.yAnd b efel t,i deeply, the T ". he loes now-r-ruh as ja, party ynan.-p- of the Poet’s ; ’ He refused' to‘ bo,. nomina;cd ,or ; hMari>B inhumanity to mah : to be! advocated as- a Ifcniocratic Makes countlessthousantlaniouni caddidate, hut was voted forindepepd- j But t h 6 battle of life with D’-®' 5 ently of party. Ullad-he run asandm- ovbr , friends^truehejW^'- inee of a party, ho would have fallen |n -sb] e and generous—such as'a far behind'the ’tote :i he received .pAI; stand by those jnosi in native where jhp lhas U ‘ m , aidafcttfe ind bearing hihiyo™' 1 relatives' and friends of influence in p a l n y to thoAfery boundaries ’f 1 , both partipsr-npt Tanning' for a polit- pp| r it.)and. He‘nitet the Death; v-K •k;al‘.- oj>pohe,»t edmpara- „ ot with jfeqrand trembling,'-Viv 1 . ; tive’y unknown, aiid loaded down ;l ca j mi hbroie, and even cheerl sp J with) false! charges, | with prejudieps, j it; f or bejhad learned, to "belief tWji and peispual andprofasßipnal rivalries {d the true SouL “Death is but » k ’ - ,j adv" '*>£?' Avluch 1 • 1 -ho uiflct'--'' i . Km ' ariti icar record ejnly defeated.— Three Democratic and two Republi can pape'rs in the District supported, him, and he bad the neutral if not "the positive aid of the ohlj* Gorman paper. also|r-tb,r‘ee papers otiK oppose"!; hip;; I and .welciome servant,. >v,. with,noiseless hand, lifeVflower cled to • show ins; those, we •‘The.friends that have parted tpfor. From life's gloomy passion and pa When the shadow of death pa»P» ? Will 02-ns fcr.dly-agatn. El ;lcu ,! not diil'd tan- Jfcrr' incif' love- 1 us, < h*- :
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers