V 2 -TTTt n', ,■ far r~i ~ ras ?■ - . - aympatMapr. - Ti 9 Rc4 : thß Bhils, Still tailing ii’et then? IU» • "|. ?•: ohglyf j y ' v-:.,_.-.{ Wbila »• nation’s i«Sg : : •• ,' i Bhailr shout tbeir.welcome hocno 1 j ■■.-, Ohithen, ’twitl be nothanks to yoti.!--";, , Ton frowned upon their toil; ' -V? v ' ■ i Attest; ;‘twnrfoU£ rn.your view—. Until'yon saw.tKc spoil. : _" v y "you’sighed, apilookedamaiing wise i - AtJuriice’s jong jdclay,. J : nrnWalltod about’ % “Compromise” - hounds nt bay.... Oh ! yes, ’twill bo So thknksHo you 1 ' .yoiLheyer spoke one word , Where heart and hrinda'and all werc due, ( That:! have'eVer heard— ‘ One cheering word of sympathy, ' - One.patriotie prayer— . "•* •, One; word of faithiind hope, to he ’ f A charm.'against despair. •' '■ ' ? '■ I ‘ .s. Tet, you shall reap-whatthey have ejjwed, t A country shall be yours; - F6r heroes’; blood in streams has flowed, ,• . A richness that endures.; , - 'fl§ eat the fat, and drink'fhe sweet Bought, by the.brkve and true— And yet, rei Itujnothi j A Quaker Jumping a Ditch. v Hezekiah Broadbrim was a fat Qua ker lotthb State of Hew jersey, who sold molasses, cod>fish, china, earthen? • ware# clothes and ail, sorts'of liquors. We like the Quaker in deed as well as iqname, :apd Hezekiah was a-hickory quakor. He was somewhat of an old. bachelor, and had a sister that was somewhat of an old-maid. But she . was the best creature alive; straight as a candle, blooming as a rose,- and smiling" as charity. Her name was' • Dorcas.- Hezekiah and Dorcas walked on 'one Sunday afternoon, iiu‘ the glooming month of May, the fresh air,and view the meadows. The walk ing; was smooth and i with no tpanner tof "obstructions," except here and there a ditch full; of Water, spanned by a: few'hedgcs, and toowidb for a=fnan of ordinary jumping capaci ty to'cross at a. single bound. But Hezekiah valued himself,"as a fat*pco ple commonly do, on his-ability, and, instead of walking a: few irods lor the sake of a bridge, he must needs leap every ditch he came-to. " f ■ , “Thee’d better not try Heze kiah,”, said his kind'and considerate, sister. v “Sever "thee mihd;.Doroas,“ replied Hezekiah, ‘‘there’s no danger y I’ve jumped a biggcr -ditch when I wasn’t half my present size.” . -t “AH that’s very UkeljV but recollect tliee’s I grown exceedingly pursy since thee was[a young than.” ' .“Pgrsjll Well, if l.have, that's-no reason why I shouldn’t be as agile as before; I (ell thee, Dorcas, I can jump this ditch without so much as touch ing a finger.” - ; ‘ “Aye,font thee’ll touch thy feet to the bottom.” ‘■Tlicc’a but a woman, Dorcas, and thy fears magnify this ditch even to a river,, Xovvpetand thee’asidp, that I may. have room aecordiii" to jny abili ties.:? , i : i v ' “2fay, brother llezckialu thee’ii hot- j 'thet- not. The ditch is wide and'the.i bottom'muddy—and thoe’ll assurcly | ? spoil tSy Sunday clothes, it no worse-;' i “O, fudgtHbr your fear's, girl, they shall not stay me a jot. May, do not: > hold me. lor I’m.resolved to jump this ! ditch, if it were laeyely to convince theeof my ’ ; : .Accoidingi.y Hezekiah went back a • few yards jin order .that he .might have, h fair ran,and that thc impulse thereof might carry him over. Hkviiig. re-’ tractSllar enough,, ho. came forward ydtli* a momentum proportion to his ' weightand velocity—andfound himself in-the ditch. The Water ..splashed ■ • around oh all sides' ansi bespotted the - Sunday clothes Jof Dorcas, who could not, -with all her Quakbr sobriety and ■ kipd. feeling, help iljursting ire a loud ..•« laugh. There was Ilczcikiah showing his agility, and flduftdcringin the mud like a whale. The water was not so " deep as to be dangerous,-and the scene . was too irresistibly comic ior oven a ■saint tb’ahstjin Irora laughing, though on the Lord’* day. j , ’. At length when her risibility would , 'allow heir power jofsapecch,. Dorcas kindly held out her baud and said, “Como hither, Dezekiah, and Til help thee out.” -i ‘ j ■ : “Well, well, returned the flounder- cr, in n lone of vexation, “Ihrea- docs -Well Dorcasf to stand there and[laugh. ;• kht wCrel'merc epoft to. see-rue! stickpin too mud and water up to my Ivory middle.” • I : . . , T.. . ; »ay,; .HczcJfiaV;' ftliep has .ShoAyn lhy agiljiy' so marvelously' that ■ I could not help .being pleased fqr the Jife of me—and now I take shamo to . myself for opposing thee sb strenuous • ly, or lor having doubted tbycajjacity for jumping. But if tbce’s satisfied •with' thy exploit, and ready to come -I forth, I’ll lend tbec a hand to Kelp thee put.” ? ... .. ■ i ,■ '■ ; “ Thus saying, Boreas drew near to the ditch—but Hezekiah having gpfe 'himself in by his unaided, power, do ‘'clared he woulcTget himself out in the same way. But the tnnd was HieCp and adhesive •, and as be got one foot .Otyt he got the othec in ; and thus he * continued to, labor and pbmge cill he . was satisfied that his own Anility was better calculated to help him in than to help bimout of the ditch. He grew i wroth— S' : ‘ ■ “Bba’t thee swear, brother Hezekiah,” , interrupted Dorcas. I . Jh ..““Swear,” rparedHezekiah,” “thee’d, ’ swearipp if thee was in-here!” “Swear not at all, Hezekiah, but ewen lend me thy hand, and; I'll use ■ ray ability to pull/thee out, according to-the scripture, which sayeth; If thine ox. or thing ass fall into a ditch on the Sabbath day—, ‘ - . ME heavy as; the former animali nor so stupid as the latter.” ..,;. \u ’■. Jfev.- v “A* to tby weight,” returned Doir-, icas, ‘Hhee must bo pretty well satisfied by,this titoe j and as for tlfy stupidity, ■lt were* indeed nusisterly to liken thee toihcAbagearodanimal. But if thee is satisfied cm sheao pojnts, and will mfrtbinfthaßdjrfijdp'- as mdch Jas id me lietMw thee: safeto-laiid/f" ;■ .’■% . , / ’ Hezekiah liras prett# well convinced by this jtinfe, that Ms own would aever^fetchhiih oat -j whereipro,. . humbly reaching Ms hand to. Dprcas, .he sister,'! vtjlhabcept thy aid, inasmuch as my owngahility has deceived me.” - ' Dbrcasj Madly lent her assistance j, had’ pulling yigb’rously,. Heiekiah-jit length came to land. -Shaking 1 off rdud arid] water' like a re turned' homo j but charging J& ,%ter by thb way never to mention hcvjr he came to' his lcastrophe. Dorcas Pro ra ised-hf course ns shb] WOhajgirl of-truth - arid kiudfeolirigsg she pvas as 'good*aa her word. ■ But once ot: twice whep thpy ! were- in cojupiny with -sundry, ujher Quakers, discussing so berly rgbbuf matters and things, Doi‘- cas, lookingi-archly at ahotlier girl, merely said —“Did I ever- tell thee, Rachel, how brother IJpzfrMah bh Sun-] day—” 11- , V s - [ . : - Hezekiah turned an cmimrrasing. and. imploring look her,. and, she said; ; i ', . 1111 , “JSa7i bay, H&e&i'ah, I'm-not going to tell—but merely to -ask it 1 over had told how thee showed tEy agility one Sunday.'Tand jumpej in the middle :of a ditch." - A GHOST- STORY. " , A gentleman took a .fancy to a cer tain elegant villa in a cbarmingpart ojC ono of the loveliest counties in Eng land.; Oh inquiring about tho rent it seemed to. him so extraordinarily, low that;jie'’cibjecied to take it,,suspecting that there must bo something radical ly wrong invtho buying, i Tho pro-1 prietor assured him tbere tyas nothing 1 of the kind, but iiiibrmod'ihim that; Objection! in the/iicighbprhood to the villh was jthat it halg the reputation of 'being haunted. Ho laughed at tho vulgar superstition,, and at onco ac| cepte'd’ the'terms and moved into the' cottage, i ;• : 5 Ho not very-, long in; it before bis domestics informed him;of-strange noises ; which they had’ Wpeatedjjr bcard in the -night. They had! dis tinctly listened to the opening of a door, and heard the steps of a mrfu,as cending the stairs.; Another door-was then opened; watefV was pbured out, and the; sound of Washinjg hands was unmistakably audible. , After a short time the [window was -opened and the water was thrown gat; the window, was then closed, arid, shortly after, | steps were heard descending, and the ( house door opened and closed. This, | the-servents declared, they had sever ally and Collectively listened to ntimer rous times; . The gentleman could not gainsay their statements; for hirpsclf and bis'isifo ;Had, at different, times, listened to the same unaccountable proceedings; ; ,V | . «j, I j On bhq 'ocgaMpn? particularljn ■on ! the an iv-al of.the ghost -at/the house j door, several persona.-went out to meet! | him. . His ascended, as usual, tlm stair | ease; wept through bis, regular liblu j lions, anil-departed,iis j But, thongh their: [cars alone were con vi need of the pres ence. of komo being. They could sec nothing,inoutithstanding every one ;'of ! the w party was" provided with : a (•light. 'I; -Thbso;. nocturnal visits j continued so regularly that; fhe gen- ; JO COti 1 tlcman was at last compelled:to, aban- , s j don. tlieJ villa, for the simple.reason School isbofy | that no'jscryant ' would reman] there 'V*' ' j j with him. ' Y The subst j., Ifcce is a poser! We may laugh at Osgood’s & ] : the credulity of-those who are fright- dersj Hay’s, j e.iied ;atj ghosts and at mysterious Arithmetic, i sounds; but liow arc we to account for bles, &c.,-T< j fhpm ? | 1 remember having'heard Commercial I that, at the Patcrsville; : in tho count}* Clank Book! of .Meath, the sound of Col. Tuckt-i’y and-Holdcrs footsteps periodically 1 terrified and, Inkstands; perhaps; still terrifies, the;present in- Usual dii -mates, although the veteran- to whom packed apr ’the piopcrty belonged departed j this. 'the city.. liie_jhany ycafa ago. fv -4.,;-'' ’■ fhkdS i Tl)| duly rational -explanation ~ * these phenomena was adduced by our ! fellow-traveler* the Apierican consul. | According to-him, "apertures in the ground, jor subterranean cavities, foi th ing natural tubes, often act as cohduc tors of sound, so that what niay be done.in one house, at a distance; will be audible in another. Ho remem bered' in a hotel in his'State (Dela ware) the sound oft bo trampling of, horses.in a stable; which whs situated some.2oo yards off, was heard as dis tinctly as if the horses had occupied the chambers of the hotel. Many ghost stories and mysterious can, -no-doubt, bo explained upon, the ; same-principle. ■ HSuA'jnewspaner correspondent,with General Curtis’s army at Forsyth, Missouri, gives the following account of a man who deserves to'pe called an unconditional Unionist“ln Car-; roll County a man was tried for boldly a vo,wing Union sentiments. He defied his tormentors, and said he ‘would stick to the - Union as long as there vfas a piece left.’ He was told that the ,Un|ion was broken so fine, that a piece could not.be found. ' ‘Then, ’ said he, ‘I (will hang to the 'stump,, and when the the stump is ; gone, I will bang to the hole the stump came but of.’ He was released." i ISUIt is common in -the, rebel Con federacy to call Beattregard “the SouthrCn game cock.” tie seems just, now td be a cock with bis comb cut, histail-feathers pulled but, and his gizzard out of order.— Prentice. I®*A smile may be bright while the heart is sad. The rainbow is, beauti ful in the air while beneath is the moaning of the sea. •ssfs > "If ,f , ; I -> v -■ ■T. t>NG marches, sore jpint«,|Mirtw. ; I /td ifd WUt, ed feet, »Uth»« the solfliir nmstiend*re,MOT HEES.SXMEMBEBTttIS,, wbenyour song ai el grasping mnaketsto merit danretvUiia tjwhai relief a pot; of ibis ALL HEALING j COOKING' Salve* will give to the one you lov s when far away from .home aidfriends. It'h irdenp andmakee,tough'the feet so that they ein endure great faliguei It Soothes and reliev sa theinflamed and stiffened joints, leering the ri supple, gtrong and vigor ous, while for .• J ?[.:■’ | 'sf , {■' v. SABEE C.OTS-i iil) GUNSHOT WOUNDS,A It stands unequal; ed,removingand preventing h every vestige of ihflanunat£on~l and; gcmtly. dratfing the edge 1 1 together,; it' quicklyi and completely heals l he. most frightly wounds. WIVES AND, SISTERS OP OUR VOiCN- .■ ,j J • f- Tout cannot put nip the Ki apsacks of| your Husbands and.’Br (therej: a more : valuable or more neSsgary girttSai a supply ,of thi| EXTRAORDIN ARY 5 MILITARY SALyE. ,_The'lonely set fry v utking his ,rounds at night, exposed ti drenching rains And; chill niclit air. is often seised the 1 most VIOLENT PAINS, COUGHS and SUFFOCATING HOABSNESS, fir it symptomi of QCICEICON SUMPTION, but if supplied with jHpLIO-. WAT’S -PILLS and HOLLOWAY’S WNT MENTf all dange • is averted -afew Pillsj taken night and momit g,' and the ointment briskly rubied twice a di y over the! throat tmdi {ehest willj remove the iE VEIIESI PAINS] arid stop thejmost distress! ng or pANGEROCSCOUGH. 'Thefore We say 1. 1 the whole army, j j 'H SOLDIERS ATTENTION!! | See to your ow a health, d'» .riot trust to the Andy supplies al hough most valuable.] These; PILLS and OINTMENT have been thoroughly tested, tßcy aro the onfar remedies used! the European Cainps and Barracks, forj over forty ycap Doctor Ho lowat has supplied fill the armies in,Europe, andjduririg the CRIMEAN CAMPAIGN he :stablsshed]a depot if Bala clava, for the ei dusivle Solej of these GREAT REMEDIES, ma: ly a time his special! JVgent thefo ! ha» sold orer al ton in weight] pf the. Ointment in a sit glc djiyri , These terrible and I fatal enemies of. ;he Soldier! in Caipp, | I DIARRHEA, dy uentery, scurvy,Js|ores and SCROFULOUS bRUUTIONS. all (lisap eaji pe.iir like a char OINTMENT, situ throughout the U - TO A Bi .JO not the! eafje, pln.ce in' I ÜBJtEDIES, (h the dangerous Chills, and the" avoid, anti what succor in the mo brave men have their, Knapsacks for all the casus many thousands who would othei be. obtained. are disccmahle of the book of t box; the game the leaf to the Ugi be given to any tion as may lent or parties connti ing the same, ki ***Sold at 1 HOtLOtVAY, SO ’i by; all rcspectal boxes at 2-5 ecm SSf~ There is the larger sizes. if. H—Diret tients in every May? 3 : o. Wllloa WIISOI 04 ;; pn Have nom it DR Complete. cd- ANT) b: MISTAKE BY JO 1 W)>lo., mo jl£ cr8 i -o bo.sent by nia postage stanfp ,' - J.’ 148 fit mar26> . Quarterly rottmtnU and 'Addi . T Ml &MMI B. KT7MBEE CONT-UXI W-& SPLENDID hi S, TTREE EULE-Sli TEBSS OE ESESSEIs, ■ ;[ CO; IPEISiNO THE ■i • New French Waist, an i Elegant j sieere, and a i. Misses Sack, and a Sheet] of New ' ! and Betntiful 1 ! t; ■ BRAID AND: EM IROipERINQ PATTERNS, Together ; vpth icarly 100 Engfatings of ' ' all tie novelties for; ] Summer Bonnets, Cloaks, Trinimmigs, Children’sbresses.&cy And Taluablj! [ inf irmalion to Mzliin irs,‘ Dress Makers, Mothers, and I Ladies gebei ally, pre= ; seating Ihe largtjst arid hest-Fshhion Maga zinein 4he World,, published A 73 I roadway, N. Y., and iold ererywhere at 25 cents,: or sent by mail, post frecir on receipt of the azn’t; in stamps or | silrc r. Year sl,ooiwilh the foil lowing valuable p emium.. • | I Each yearly) snl iscrih)er will hejentitled to a receipt fop the se ectiori of 60 cents worth Of plain patterns! frt m the designs ;m the book; or from the, enow room, or they i isy ho or dered and sent by mail] any. time] during .the year, bypaying pt stage; lnducements toj CanTassers.*- K tfnowraady.T j • 'v THE 81 FOURLAR6 ' PLATEk '/ : pat: M'ackeb. Bynip, ;■ cfft?-:,-; -: 1 1 : • r • ~ ■* -r-"- ir-r pf rmri JtEABY. '■ I IOINtMEI#. m Aim. UOWJ tore these fills! and v while the Cry rings mM| •] I - v ‘ ! ![l | - 1 a be) 1 no\ md, SMS ;e; men ■ perish |h;r amis these ,I*BECIOUS 1 enable them! to resist uresj) the Fevers, the ids which tlieyj, cannot re, r cannot frequently get of need, whereas (if bur to'pul their | hands jnto ind there a sure! remedy if tbei bal lla ficld. Bow ca would thus] be; ashed perish before Relief could Ll.L_.liMi (one are genuine Nev>\York rater-xnark' in erci Jong abound escb >tcc?y, ■s a \ irccti my I plaijniy seen] b^r handsome ■endcring euct^i i detection of] a, jthcmedieines 01 them sptiri nufnctory of fij Lane, New i" Tot gcists and; jD'eal IfToijCrniiiejll ffti mlajand s]■ eaph, Table saving by LMt ;■ {• for.: tiie guidance !erairc|ijffixcd to |a ■ cons! jIODS lisort [’siHor.' JAtixi IROR ■ 1 ( i * 30d St., i&TTRO-. IPMfNG STOCK of |i- • _ i f • CIO ops, i inducements' offer firbuycm I I (nihlOv Extr o Ga RYKBAL^S. StaiiOrl'ery M Whole Mh]- '■ji;-. • lias always son hand dl'ey’s Speller & ilea thmptics, Stbfldard’a neo’| Granvnia Bi lents, Letter;Cap and :e papers, Envelopes, .ss diooks, Stjeel Pens gy Books,-iSllitcs. Ink, ict Boards, &c . kc. it fdr cash! Goods ivered to ahy part oil ROBT. R. DAVIS.. VVd|od fit Pitt sliiirgh NT Pin istai No ;, Co Bdn ■cdu ; del vTEW'I PIPUL EDI ir.TijiE- '■] f. EDUCATED 3. MART, 11. irice.so cents: pa Copies of. this. 1 IN, ilin,. icnts, il oi receipt of leas iiUdress 1 ( iRRIGUES, Publi ourth street, phi} il ' ... d I C. 0 uth ] JEHOEEST’S • 1 ■ ll' r ! 'W irror of Fai IPitA Gra It /mj(. Molti IUM, promptnei New Yor' May 7- B. kprinlsr U|l iwrnm •: ■■ . I E. M '1 j 1 SEMIJi; Rev. E . ' Mrs. & ; y,’ FIB 51 cat! nj glvon in tl jmrtmcnti. | f All cxpfci per term »f : Tuition t gtiages. 1 No effo ij of the co it S i t X-w I unless ndon % '\ f leaf »ot' or ODD* i VT TOR£i j Cptj|l these plcturei ranted SUFEC mede in Beey To be conjrini I »illrcms,ip ; i ! BeuOalfcrV me in ISoTj, holding d will fonna- ]f party irrend 10US. ■ jofessor rk, and tiers in rid, in taking ADMIpUS r iTTEBS ol I ship, Bea er cj od to the i inder naid estate atej payment, intl'l eel ate wi I pri| iropcrly c utnel Jc4. . | | of pa •h box. Fjxlat CO., • E 2 T ETTE ‘I /Hirer,| d*!c'cl, llaj all person toj make it clairaa ng the subac (lenient. June- INIIJXKAIri US of miiiiin i of V M." S t.iv I ; Bearer coup o l lie unders said estate! it s pajmenti am le entiic will ] ated for aetlci i j ADM LETTI tate tiln'n.sh'ip, granted drilled it immediat njgtiinst.l authenl]c|i I May£ INI ie es ADM w; Hanover ceased, ' ilersignc arc notit those ha sent the meat wit i ray 1. ■ION' ed L( 'in ; MEfl. cro -! Advertisj] \i f PIIINTI 1 T | PI WRITIIjO. | OFFICE! Tribune! Bui! >er cot ■oqk will price, in slier, ». Pa, jhions, lion*. | SHION -IED &. E^pi PUBtISHEt) for'|4 ing andjaeadtion ler from Nffftons Dflhll &c., at the |i Sclf-Cufe. j By, oiiej * after bcungmut | to gte! ical imffcaiuan and (jui post-paid- 44lres>ed c may be Hap of the MATFiIBiI Psq.,Be<l itnar2p:lj|!| ' j ! *.j i) R ; S CE ' ROCOI ,!*f ch nnQßkcfct , 1# ana Dry, at mSi GAXfeOtj.fcepptf £ B*okLNot«.ad d «ew York HEKEFfI, : < Centfe BIGLE 4’t\ f Mi i_»., | I Sniu '' | ? ' ■ f teESBDi p;j*} mi TrJl • - .1 H ', I AM [Taylo! pPayloi Us SGHi k’oung; -ii: iimary |u I'NSTI A. M., |,;GoVeri SoLFOHI Ldies. "'Sf| id Prepai i iition and:; ixcept Tj leen weel rs l ;toixi) ■ft’S K( pjJ^TC f adminii > Noss.lat p., dec'll higned,i;Jl I request hose hayr isent thei Uicatcd : ft |n'hy: KO ration on} k-jo# Brlgj: I baring b li persons' i to make pg claims a n to the ir settle raj S 3, liitlusj ; • Adroit S NOT j ■ , ry on tl JTOR a i 'I [estamcnt L late <if' leen gr.-tnl stated to si. lata pajr: said 'cstai properly , JOHJs Koir: Had ing 1 i indt imed dust | sben Raccoon t[ led to thee ,d estate a tent, And I 3 Trill pro: • authentic B. HALL if. STERL |)TJCE, upon the cs ’a .of Greuni Having b >ci persons in cd to miiki 4’ihg tin m ißm properlj iXK)I>. ; ■■ ■ ifchistratoif. bll’S 2s istration v : light, lal'i r..dcc’d, ;ned,. all ire rcqueMl », present; thf ! ieit. M | WM.,11 | Adm; OR’S $ ;stra' i of adrainf ; bot Y olt> BeaTcr j c Inly, grant^ Iftdebtodtj; jmcdiatcpj] tUpst the si •heoticatec I.« ■' S letter! ate of, f i nship.E I i» r been| « i pirsbiis i i make-ail lalms ig; iporly mi ounty, ; d< j(l to tiic ui I'said ,cstal lymcnt, jin line willpn I for te&li tILLBR, llnistnito A. It. 51 A dm! So <& pm |n| Age il P ; f ■ l : qc| ft and $ Joiqmisiio Ilersin 5 OF AIJ vg Mad j AND I>E rkk ] Prittt ,!l Aerials,.' | CARDS 'i ■NO.PAPE] D PIUS' ’hiladolpliii ! ,1 . V '<• ■ ■'L tingSj N:t luildinG, York. L ‘an Invali id as a wki irienteo t benefit a: Uo young ity, Ume time; jpho has ‘ < It expense Lckery.; j' E avelopes, author, fort; King ncn who i iktire Do Go mean i urad hit (trough i 3 j enoldsi single • c< (IATHAh ijeb., jr. 1 t; and bo HENBT^S.j I.’ i i PEACHEI friilL I, Potato* doits, jot ThEHRY)’ i, only 10 [Aida: ind Coffei MI ■FEE, G: m> (Kin* kitfandra.il rMil I—-Atidei Irani’*; She t CWdr rAcRH. 1 ingf.-lAk/ i}'*-V*ll UtjnrtmP •xj Bmls HEMIYtS, je*, Port' tt«r P*j I: t, If , paid Ik, fiola,v .^muchtlmfVtk.. | Iren then. Such a ihediciacaa . • nod ah 4 booectj will be prized hi ■ oKO-.oi Indigestion and 'bmaritl BloMt \,rMSa.Ay.&mtt,Bmrtfk eMrefcjAjtM. !li B*. An*: Ibm nwd yon» PHI* with -extrMrdlnarj 'i, ndialodgilioMl'ain called toTiflt ifii dfitrkw ToregnfotsUwor^aiofdigwrtkmaiidpuri- B flood [they are tba %irr teit* remedy 1 have ito ’knd l cao cocfldtoUy nfommend themtcnn •f“- *■ 1 h^TV.IHIMKSI*! | j Wabuw,Vnainv Bm:Jl am using yiroic Cathartic RU* In my prac ttesb atadTfind them an excellent pqrgatiT* to denote tht iritemudpariiy(lmltescxtetof'tlM blood. * ; | IrT " JOHN Ol M. D. Ery*i#elaa, BcrolUa, Kidg** Eril, Tetter, ; L-.: 1 .! 1;- Tnnorif apd Sau Rheum* ?. |' | jy&i <1 Jhrvarding Jferchant of AlA<w'/, F%. 4, 1850. DfoATza: Yonr ? PUit era |b* patagpo of all that !i I great la - They hire cored my little daughter ofnlcenfna •ore# epos and feet that had troteq Incurable for years. Her mother bad been long gneroak w affllcfod with blotches andptopks oo bepakln'anrfTn. hut haw /After onr cbOdwaa cured, she also triedyour and they hare comber, j ASA MQEOftIDQB.: | ; RMe«unatUm» and GpuU J | prmmUn. J)r.Mawt*i # Ot.Mdhai&l&ti Oiwtk* 3 I 1 J PCIASXt f ’l' Hokokxd Snt: I ahouhHM ungrateful for thereuof yomr •f aUll !U| brought not report my cam to yon. !f A cold mtladln my listfaf and brought on excruciating neuralgic paint,»wbkta ended in chronic rMumatism* I Notwithstanding j had the best of phjildan*, tbedlseara a-.grow worsaand worse, until, by the'Mrieeof yvak excel \ fedt agent In Balttaimra, Dr. Uackenaie, 1 tried yburPiU*. - - I Their effects were slow, but sure. ;By peinerehbgln the I"-aw of'them, lam now entirely ,wefl/ ; | nsun CEAirexm, BiTO5 Rocox,Xa h 6 1855. | Bi. 1 A-rxn* I have been entirely cored PIUs of •I Rheumatic 0001*—a painful dlaearathat had afflicted me \ (foryeara, . j ■ VK4CENT SLIDELL.• IFbtpbropsjr, Plethora, dr kindred Comp plaint*, requiring »H aettv. pnrg*, they an; an excel kntranedy. •- ;■ 1 ' • For CoMlrieness or Const! pa tion>«nd n* m Dinner Fill, they are agreeable audjeffectuaU I I FiuL Suppression* Paralysis, Inflamma- . I tlon,«nd even Deaiflocaa, and Partial !BUnd* | Beae.lbaTe been cored by .the aUerattfe actloA of jtheee I Piiu-i’ ■ i , ’/h , ~M V. V I Hortfof the. PHI* id market contain Ifetcnry, which, al* * < though!* valuable remedy in akilful: bands, la dangeroua In a public pill, from tbVdreadful fre quently follow Its incautious use. These contain no mcr* | euiy bfaiinefal substancewhatever. J ;J \'■ . j AVER’S CHEBKY PECTOBAL | ■ jj I . FOE-XHE RAPID CCBK Of-'; ", ! COkßii COLDS, nOARSBITKBS, «W.t -1 £3rZA, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPEfG I 1 COIiGH, CROUP, W 8j ? CIPIEXT COKBII9IPTIOK* . end 'far tlw .WIM of coutUmpdre : patirat. tni UT*nced ■«a<»p'thAifl** | ufc.'-' •• t ’ ' W«|Mkl «0l l «pMik' lo tb.-pnUlo of, it. TlrtM. Throorhont j«TMy town, »nd i)*#.! .rery b«blot;of Um Ametitui BtmtAMU W6nii.rful ton. of tiulmonuy com- Uioti b.To mid. It »lrn4y koowoi Kiy, few w« th« irnillM hi >ny drlllud amntry on thl. contlomt with out lojna pmonAl oxpori.nco of IU .fleet.t milfeworyet CoromnniUca any where which hare not as*oag theta, some |irtog r trophy off lu Tictosy orer the Inbtle and dan* gerouJ diseases of the throat and longs. /While ft; 1* the mostpowerfol antidote yet knf*wn to pian for the fortcl daMeimd dancarous dlaeasee of the puimohair ornn% It la alaoithe pleasantest and nfost remedy UiitcanT>e em« nfojM for intAntr.-andJuoDg persons, ■ Paretota should {jaw |t, in store against the Insidious enemy? that steal* apod liirra unprepared. Dfo haye »bnml«nt groond. to Ib»H.™ the Cf>rrry [\xi"ral air., more Him Vy tb. con- . ■nmbfiods It prevent* than those, It .cures. . Keep it by yonJaStd cure your colds whfle they are curable, nor neg lect ffiem until;no bnman skill can master th«ii>exor*ble; eankw that, fastened pn the vitaft, eat* youj s lifo away.. All know the dreadful) fatality of luhtfdlsotdew,.and M. they know too/the remedy, wr© j niori* iih&n to assure them“ll is #til made, tbd best k taa be. ftTe spare 1 no cost.'no care, b° toil toproduca-itjthe moid! Krfect pomible, and thus bfford'those who, raly on , li the bekt agent which oor.skill can furnish fof-thclr cure. ■ f j ;| ■;• PBEPABED BY ’ 88. J. C. AY^ER,, , > [’l Pr»ttlc*l »nd Anilyticri Chemltt, Lowell.llii*., ?*> *T /} ;, j ;.j. . !«g :' BQuror sale Dy t>. M .nU, jr., Biayfer; Ci t« 'Crossj .Rochoter/ \Vaggo ier. '& Lowry, ! FreB t- kiEj Badeu; Siirgani,. N£w John * l)arUng|tlin,. Dun^. ■ I ian fij‘BJgat’,l Pullston.'and tiy every : i j FeKi £2. ’O2. : i CIIITTEXDKX'S j PHILADELPHIA COMiyi|RCIAL . .1 -n 3:-|! ; ‘i N. 11. comer of 7tix’& Chekthut St.,-. >1 i>■l’ '. I’ Hll. AI) K Ll’l 11A,. I’A. ■/ n ; ; li : j | 1 ’ j •; ,j ; i.,, , ■< ■■ ■ ■{■ ' u fXTI|IS Institution/; wliicli was; estnbUsiied in j ; ISII. and is now conseiluently in the eigtlilieonth year.,of its uuinbers - among its gratuAtijs, hundreds of. tiic mojtstic ccssfnl Merchant s' and Unoiii tos Men of our Country;.,' I ■ _|<l. . li' I ;/ I Th]6 object of is sojcly to af > ‘ 'ford yoiinjg men f&ciiitTcs?- for tboroujrb prepa > ration for] busincssili ”: ■ j- | o i .'Jjife branches tfiugbt arc, Bojpkj-kecprag, as j: applicable to Utetf arrotis dcpail of trade; ([ PenlAansbip, bq’t i l 'plain! .and !|c)rnamcntal;e ; . Commercial Law mathematics,, Navigation." • • Civilf Engineering, Drawing,Phonography, I arid! Modern Lallgnages.j ‘ - I f : .j I oo 'Hie system ofyjnatniction' is peculiar; no- I clashes or set arc miide use of, but each I- stirijienliis tanght'jindi'ridually, soith-at he may (commence aLunytime, and attend iat whatev-.; or hkrA are.mostjeouveniont. ', r : M ~ (jafrilogucs arti issued, annually l aftfer'llitt. 15ti| of April, crintairiing riarnes of l, tlre, stu denta for . the yfar, utnd full' particulars ,of terms, ’&o., land n|Sty be obtained ati any time by addressing tbo Principal. -(//; : j jlil extensive aicommodations, tvydersprchd | , reputation, lengthy experience of t|ie IPtincipal, this,Tristitufion offers facilities sur porior to ariyj otbfcr iriubd; epuntry, jfor. young, i ■’ men wishing to prepare for business, and to . obtitin rit the saute tiipc A will prore a reconimendation fpr Ihem.tp any Meri-j ' canjilo Honso. v ifef PniTXE'srips’s Series of! Treatises oh; Book-Keeping, now more widely/, circulated than any other Work on the subject, arc for sals at the! Collete* ii ■' 1.1 S. HqDGF-S CRITTEND r ” (L i -j~ ' f. AllomtUral-Lav, %T 7 -!v : -:1 t-'.i' f i V p- i J}t ; ■. 1 ei n'R p ;g,-pa fellTE' •rin. less. UEEDlf cml i?*io .lory D|- wishinl '^3B pi : "Artist! TIGEi [Jthe - eat ilt'o (jton town- Iweri griit ndebicd|to immediate ■gainst«id I saßscriger ant. -I 1- i ff.V tp., ' iitrntor ;c£ s Estate licavcr ideraign id e rcqucs .e« ose biv mt'them ted for .4 NO, Lecutbri pTICBf ! stmt ion oi in; laic o ; i -iNjOftloow; ; : _V. V j 'j'he accounts hnd subscriptions to ThelAAgub: for 1860 arid 1861; which. have not heed settled "up, as well as i the accounts jof M. -Woyund, JI. & J. "an^ ; Weyahd! add . Henry, aid in for jsettleident.- 1 All either; of these fofj subscription* advertiseinent or job '• wc rk, will please, call on j me 1 at the; . Tbeabcreu’s Office. Many of these ca >• co ints are of long standing andshould be settled. ■!{ ■. i. . 1 ■ .■ ■ _ Lj DAVENPORT; . -if L idEitn JNRjfS it, Kotni J» ft&u < ilfS. e’Birnshj r«Ct£m iNEY’S [ JOHW ». WIIiLIAMS, &BBJSE HAIR4&IUBS«EEi 'Shop on* dodr *Mtaf Prcndley’«HaUl,) i i'BRIDGBWATEB. PBNN'A.! ' '■' > i . , : '••(■; i» - I". f: V . ' .jil- ■ t . • I r> . •, • • ■ ! m ~~ ~~:,Ti:i: 'CTfiiggJ .: t»jcajiij* istY ratm asd ousnnsx) ■:, ,■■■ toV««nkjBt»|te ' ;ttmeJrftr,v Oliver complaint •• AHL All DISEASES. g ■ The ordinary evidences of Die* ; . -- /ease of thb liver are Pain and I. ■ tenderness in the region of the |' I LiTeiysometimes dull and aching, increased by pressure, pain and y . Coeasiness in in ; the right -Shoulder, uneasiness l when lying upon the left side, increased also of the liver, Short and.Dry ( Congh, disordered atom : acb, Nausea, Yellowish Tinge 6n " the eyes and skid,, Headache, yel- ' i h>«isb fbr on thb tongue, Bitter* : ' ish taste in the mouth, heavy, : I : dull, sensation, in the -Brain, De pression of Spirits, amounting almost jtb Insanity, slight Pern toward Evening, r Loss of Appetite, Melanehol;, with moroseness and ■ ness, a genera! feeling of lineasl " ‘ ness,* Languor, i drowsiness']: the ,■ patient conscious of something wrong in himself, and disposed ■ to s,ee nothing right in things about him, yet wholly unable to explain the cause of his sen-'; aations—with many others easily ; detected by resemblances to scene one! or other of the above. The liver Pill : will almost cer tainly .arrest the disease if taken ' uponthoappoaranco of the above symptoms* which if allowed to. take its course, becomes chronic* in its nature and almost incu- ■ , rabje, producing great and con ■ | stahtly increasing suffering. ; ' The use ofthis piotiiciiio will neither crests a now disease nor complicate an f existing one, eat. in most cases, will prepare.thosystem for the more vigorous / remedies of the physician, should it be i- : aeieaisrjr tp cJdl ifl hia/aid. i’■ ‘j AS A-irAhKfi-rMKWCEVK [ , I SELLERS’ LIVER PILLS ■ k ' ABB lICVAIiUABIiB. • V-'- |Ppioe CG Cents,; .MU. i V-.i- - i. Wfnr menV 'that dii- ~i. Weiilj iter. ,tife<fhefX from hen chllW illi, while i entirely actually CE JEN', . I’feISCtPAL. INIIM ‘ U mivii.,.*- jkjmU SELLERS’ yummL Every year Xhonaaiids cf Children d;b from this horrible evil. - This nlarnilni; mop* tality 'logdiyitaHa. .vntclift:}in-*i. and foe Vfl the selection t>fiiLe JJ. Tlj« *wct?plu£ oppcjsHUui ormaii\ piiyaSckfoK lo| aJVcrtiWd worm }*.. ln|p m*-asurr f juptiCcil. liy the iryurrou? qualities 6f twiiie r.f IK-; Tcrc:ifn£cs, aV|d tba'positive cf mojf bf| Can&Va,*] •‘JToroi Tri b'”.szc', latter at they are tPfjfiainL rut DOAT iTpjifr c*t !.irr. Xo; thoughtful; hk‘tb£f£'ull -thus triile.' w ith- tli<? lifo (f l;i>r ■.'■■■ •■■■■. 7 ■-■ 111 j' i LET RHYSICiAMS SPEAK. | SEll>:i(s‘ VF.ESIFit'UE TIIET>E§T IN I>SE; 11,Kill; Jls; T II !•;• I'l! C)OK. I itefyi/'&iiuin', A'.V- jVry U, 1515.1 : M?, fiiit. nr V* : r'nilu^f more >}ntric limit any Icwr u*-<U. 1 ivrijrI »b«Vo MyM-.-lht r‘« chili iru* \ jrining\and\v:’istihg Vt <7 virrj HflH-.ii. . lumrkafter ,1 k«vv rho-Vermifuye. the iuirhtlu' j f|»jatitit’’jor juj it'Ti-.i nf fix hapdr.’U ir<;r< ! jKtj.-rit. -iThp .that ny> f?-r- 5* j uow'as Wvll as ili.* »;eidi , *-ii in-v>ii. ji '] ■ f-.- ‘• ■ ! &.fn: ikr-is,' -i : AM tl nf k iv*jl;in-l lb roj.uiiitiuu i!ia|vy ■ Stniilv* Li h mirUUil.' ! •jl'- ■■ i ; |. ] j • ilS 1 . rienritvt. l*i. OH.‘I. I''4Ti ' ‘Mit.'V* Havinj: 7i>oU ixiti my j rlur-; tli" fiHimr* f.>o .years. Ilhink’it i v: rlio tliuk.in«t 1 talvirl 1 hrv«<o'ib»'- isc<l thy prcl'araticJi fti-Vvrn]. other uianiitiii Lmvrs. • Yuur*. rc-;>- dl'i.lVv, j . , _l, 'IK : We ml|;ir ate lnvni2r."j?i of; other w£re It f|:eecWr,vi. lmt the'w ; nivliin tty s weilicjit faculvy anil lie for inore'tfian aqiiarler'af k century; *lu<jli f of itself, tjt coricluslv^uf‘itk cu/iVc »a/t !y. as rtflt'as ; vniyrtij ~ | ' NOTi imiueeinentp are of fcreJiu idcolers reoriinmcnd mnl scjl Ver- Do not let uriprineii'ledjmcd palni off auy if these on. you. Th<3: best at Injl pr*;V< is theehei ipest. lUcrcforo’ ask for ScUetsl Vermifuge, anil lum nyfiUur. ) r 1 ■ ■■■ Pl ico - Oo■'■■ pirrAP.tD isn soiii j ", RE-SEELEESficCO. ■' PITTSDOBeH, >,A. '■; SEILERS’ CoUgH SYRUP. From A. Cftshlntf, Drudit, S. Bead, IntL D, 8. Owes, E*q.— lkar i'lVr-lij reply to.y.oife* faror of tbed3tb instant, IwouW gay that the salo of Seller** ftiedlcine* has for exceeded iny expect*-, lions:; and .in no caso they to .produce v . the desired Soffect. THe[ Cough oyrup-l* a cure for coughs, and tho, cheapness of tlio article place* it within' the reach of ail, which, together . with, its efficacious qualities, mjdMW it a im&ersal favorite. jiot adaypaeee without numerous calls 1 for fc /Ae.onothinst needful/* at this season of the ycar.rix. Seilers’Coagh-gyrup,/ >' i j,.v.,. a. aumsHiKO. v. • i'• 'j: Fylcie. .;r ■ ’ VERMIFUGE. from the Her, S. Wakefield, former PaitAi *v -i •Tike Liberty-Street M. JS. C%tu£h* /! Mr, B. B; StLlQts—it is from a dnty. M ; wetiaa that 1 hear IcWamooy to 4 /| Iba jrlrtah ofjustly cslabrmtcd Tsnatfage.'' I ■ procured a single and giro It fcTthrw of my T children, who bad] Wen m. for fteregd veeki. "The eldest w*a seven years old, tha next four, and the youngest eighteen months.fflw first passed fifty- . rix wotm*»the fortye&ren, and tbo third * aodosldteahlfl number, not dhtfnctly recollected. . Ktde thed thsy hare been doing wtU, and are new - ’• tagoddfasafth. - It WAKEfIILD. '. . :: Price 25CTOta.; ; ' PBIPABen IITO MilS sr R. 4 CO. j ME ■ W<& of Exttrmauuio* ogaintt Bad Tti(h.] Saf Brtath, Diuaui Gwat } I Tdothacht,'Earache, '. 'V.--p. i ,j , and Neuralgia.'' ■ J Otm’ABTIIXfcHy IS Dili WMi B, HURD’S DENTALTRE SURv _ 'V A COMPUEI* ’ ! ’ tu& teeth ; Prurifyins the firtnti and aoc-t "h ’ ■ 1 ..q .i Curing Toothache Neuralgia; 1 Ur. Hurd’s Celebrated MOUTH'WASH bettlti, .1 . , ' ■ : ( >' ■'■'’■ ;vl 'Dr. Hurds Unequalled TOOTH TOO. otii box. : . _ | Dr. Hard's Magic TOOTHACHE DROPS me bottle.' , \ j iDrrJlurtf’f pKRIVALED .VEL'RALOf.i PLASTER. : ’ ; _\ ir' i' ■ Dr. Hard sMAKUAL on the heit Meant. 0 f Preservimfgihe Teeth, including Directions ‘fur (?,V nf Children’s Teeth'. FLOSS' SILK for Cleaning bemeMlthe Teetr ■: TOOTH PICKS, etc., -etc. I Vl 1 Prepared at Dr. Hiird’s Dental 6!Hcc Fourth St.,Brooklyn,(E.D.) ’ : : ' Price, ONl! DOLLAR ; or SIX so. , Jgf* The Dental Treasury makes a packer* eight-infches by fire, slid is sent by express.. ,! SSt" full directionsfor usiis bn each: article, ' lie following articles tvejean send .separate ly,: by‘mail, viz:" '! The Treatise ohPreserving: the,Teeth sent .post paid; on. receipt o;f Twelve crsTs,r or four stamps. . ■■ / KV- The Xevratgia Plaster, ' for. Keuralgi.a in the Face, Xervous Headache, and Earache, sent : post paid, on receipt of Eighteen ..Cents, or gj* ; Stamps.,’ ■ ' - .1, A'euralgia.and Rheumatic Plaster siz4), for in thoiCtiest, Shoulders, Back; or iany.part af-the body,,sent post 1 paid, onre ceipt of Thirtg-ieven cents. \ , , Address, ' _ : ir.v. n. Hurd. cn.. . Tribune Jimlding*, Xeii* { Dr. Hurd’s MOI'TH WASH. TOOTHPOW \I)ER and TOOTHACHE D HODS' cannot he 'sent by" moil, but they can prubabljv be ob- • ;taine4 at your Drug or Periodical' Stores'. If they cannot,; send to us for the DENTAL TREASURY,)Price, One. Dollar, which; con tains them. P'- NOW, . ; ABB, PR- ■ HERD'S PEEPAKATIUSS.- Gfloi) ? ;Th'e best evidejnees; tbat they'arc.is; tl<nt= their, i firmest' friends aVd• best’patroii? are those who bare longest. • JJK Jfurk-is an eminent XJ^rnLiist 4if the Kew York State,Bentlists’ As4d«;iph/iind these preparations have'been used in hi ! s pH-.. v.ate pracUcG; lor years, and ho’-leaTmg citizen of Brooklyn j or; Williamsburg : ‘<|«esinm« iheir excellence, ivhile eminent', Dentists-, of- New”*’ York recommend Them as tl^e.'.best kyoum io * *iie profession. r tliej'aid.' ofJjdyehUr Jng,'.dealers have sold them Uy i the giij-s. 1 ~Tlie Edit br\)f thc lifeo/clf/n] JJalb/ “Weare happv to know that fern* friend. Prf Hurd, is succeeding’ beyond nil ‘expect at iorii. with bis; MOITH- WASH and TOuTII VOW- - DKli. The great secret’.of-his sheets rests' with the r faci that hi* arfUfcs are prcck'.hi \chci they arc represented to he, a* - ice cun- fr their hng use.” ■ - ‘ ...* The welh'kno'vn P. Tr.Barnuin writes: “l! found'yoUr TOOT II POWOKIVsu that my : | family Tiave used it .all’ up.•’ We JiiU it,the lest \ [,pp\cdef for ? the'teeth ice >h\i& ever.jjud. , ! feCl obliged, if you \yill send me another sup-, ply at the Museum at vuiir coitvculci ! ce, with bill- ■ L ’■ v v .V; H Bui their cost is soipmnlJ that eVeny orieUnoy hicst the matter for himself. _ ‘ I i [ ' . SQfr. Beware of IKe Tooth I .Powders. ‘ j'Dr. iiurd's Tooth; Pooder 1 contaius bo acids, rnor dnd polishes wiiliout Ll wearing the enamel. Use no Oliver.. : ”• WILL dr; I yiiuiD’s remedies. EFFECT? Dr. Hurd;s Mouth. >Vasli and Tooth Powder will give young n\>- man-*-a swccubi&ath laud.pearly teeth.. Try them,, ladies, 'j f~. Dn Hurd's Mouth Wash and'Tdotli'Powdcr. | ■ will the moutU/frum all foul eihala- : J tions.' ami |f use«,rin ihfe morning,' will make l t'the breakfast taste svVecter arid ihe>day begin ' jniorfc pleajjailj'ly. * Hundreds persons can- I testify to this. ■ Try iherii; gentleriieh. : a -" v I '■ Dr. Hurd's. Mouth Wash Ponder 3 are,the llic best preparations in : for. ‘curing . hail\:brtoth aiid giviiig and | hbalfh to tKe gums. nuhdreds : of \ Jjitev&ii 'Jileodiuj G Son Mourh, - ('V'.'.Wt, . Tcfc., have been cured by Dr. IlurdV a>t.rftig-. ••.cut wash. j'• '■ ’ I . Pr. Hurd'* Mouth Wash iiri’d vK'U tlpr : I nijilkclhuslmiuis tuorfe agreeable ; to their, r j aii& h ives lb thou’ hiisWnds. Thev .be s ; ustjd, by : !!' ;■ • a itn riaiai. ' : r e 'k r./L .' , (which'are liable to impart ii tniqf.lo then>emh.. ■■ i ' |Jr; Hurds TuutlmcheDruups' buro '.['l’etri ache arising from expose J,nerves, and :irc : i:o best friends that parents can liaS'c-in tii their chiidrenj'roin torture-and ihcnl ~ selves from .loss of aleepiand, sympathetic suff ering. ''' i~.-- ‘ , Fntjniors and mcclmnics.', you e.innqt'H-eltaf-t 'third to neglect your teeth. Forjitfiiiing Mtgi.l', you can ' itotv get " s preservedives, than.- winth Rothschild or- A?t or: can get nothing bet I er, ’: Kctpemberthat Dyspepsia and _Consaatpiwn of (AF-LB«jtij'.6fien*oii_g»nafc .in neglect of teeth. Send lor [the iTrrJlif: oh'Teeth, and, read D*r. • Fitch s obyservattohs on this subject. ; if too late to arrest decays in your; own teeth; [save yotirj children's teeth: > I-. f \J KBORALGLA PLASTERS,.—Vt, Htirdjs . Neuralgia Non-Adhesive Plasters are the most pleasant apd successful remedies ever prcsetjiV: ed for this painful disease; ap plies one, sooni bf flames drowsy, falls asleep, and awakes free from pain, and, no blister or other unpleasant or* injurious consequences car - sue. . For ’Earache arid JTervous Headache, dap-’, pIV according fq diretriona, and .rcliefd'pjil surely follow. Nothing can; be obtained equal tel Dr. Hurd's; Cojmprcas fopt. Ncuralgia.i Try ’ them. They are entirely a rKiyel,: curious and : original preparatfon, and wond*erft»Uy success ful., They are of two sizes, one small, for the face, price: 1 Scents, and the other large, foe application to the body, prioje 37 cents. K’iT be mat/ed on receipt o f price andvne Stamp. . : mA r ifATAEE\A'REA i •-•( The .American people artyntelligcnt enough to ■ apprcciat%prepai,-atiQns thatcont riliut e ao diucb. to happiness of {Jioso 'using' them, and jthey i wont 1 thiamj Every mail brings us.letters, sonic ordering the Treatise on Teeth, some IhejNcu ralgia Plasters, and hot a. few enclosing ST.cts; for thejilquth TVash, to.be sent by mail; bt;f to these we are compelled to reply that it is , impossible to; send a half-plat, bottle by, maily ; j The people wadt>tbese Remedies. H'ho. irdi. 1 tupplg them? | '-j . * _[ j N#w is the ■} CHA;NCE“fqH AGENTS. Shrcwdngents can raake a, small fortune in carrying thesfe articles around to families-' 'fh® Dental’Treasury-is the neatest article/that a-, I maii or Woman can parry around.' Send for i one !and-isee, or,, better, a dozen, whifett- ; w ® hfill sell, as* samples, for s7.' Agents snpp. ie “ liberally with circulars. 805“ Now is the tune to to g 6 into the business, todogood, nhdniake a profitj• jWe are spending thousands fer tfao. benefit of. agents. New Ettglhnd men or ‘WO: men 1 here is something nice, and a v chance to take the tide at its flood. Address, : • . [ 1; ' , WM. B. HURD & CO-’. '■ i : ■ Tribuno Buildings, New kork. , That remittance's may be -made_with confi dence,! W.B. H. & Co., refer to the 7ttay° rol Brooklyn; to G. W. Griffith, President' Fann errand Gitizens Bank, Birboklynilto Joy, Cp.. Nerp York; to P. T. Barman. Es<j York, etc., etc. " ESSO 11 •1.; '• V.'A 211 'i- .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers