.> ' • ’ • I I iL'UXLLAK BTHEA^C^fEB’ 8 T HEA^C^f E8 ’ | Saturday, Jane 34,18Q2. y The movements of the enemy to ut harefbeen extensive and as yet iinrolvMi‘'ray Bte, T' bodies ■ £ Lave been seen moving down K-bicsviUe bridge and .'Richmond, .to the late battle field. Oar piek- were yesterday driven,* from Old Cburclii during tvfiicli Capf Jloyall of cavalry was?wounded, showing ’ X.. < i-o enemy design making a dem-, in thiit direction. A con-. ' Who cHfce= ;in j-estecuay re ■Y' io.’i t jjat a ibyco’ of 3000. cavalry objW eduesday, proneed •" T- t Yn't-iie direction ofFredeficksboig.-, i;,=:firnbablVi the force which ap r .. eared, .at Old' Church. The rebels -V -iYd iiti davnebt thiVm;Qrning. r£At S 'poiili the'wires' ■> nil Jrrupte j|by. lightning,ltoo 66- • Le tj iLrwardlthe balance of nis re ■v |,l ’V sharp tire Was' ppened from the "•'.•rciicrv in trout: of Gen. Stfmner. It ' about itbree hours ; {wo had one man killed and one wounded. A mnnberof prominent citizens living ' i, .'v 'en New Kent Court House and :i " e lijiiekali'iininy have been arrested order of.C\»l.'lngalls‘on suspicion rtimniahicadng with the enemy.— iiK'i'e is no d°ubt tha-i thd£rebcl gem , r:ui are daily advised of evert 1 move of our VroppS by Che people wlio ijgve remained at home. ‘ The weather ,; 5 hot ftitd sultry. ■ ‘ _ - ME-Hi'ife, Juiic li.—Secession sym i ■, u ; l >zcr| are'bqCoining- more bold dai , ex'pressio'ir of their sentiments. Union citizens complain that Col. }it j,, s ’ oyer the city is too leni c;-;; belter'prbtec-, cliu not avow, theirsentinents.' •The iVoyost illirshal requires in oath a ,hl applicants for pa&ses or pei;- e Diits t o ship" goods, and the stringency qnirembnts are such as have ansed'considerable excitement hs r Aftv.ilv U, ikc'.ul .V, Wi EMI ic.*r Au?iimportant VM'ime .Di‘ the railroads run this city lias just returned amid a. | tJoneral: Hindman is hays ■ gjoue to •Arkansas, .with Stjite, after theevjic «’ Ciirifitli.' general Pope has I.Okaiona. fiendral Beaurc- ; Y' : " V; io I-P/iil. Mll'l/'tO 1 »n ~_ i ,,i_~~_i ,:'; J .was Aill! -retre and trice . was \vjt!i Idnil. ■ Jett. Thompson was I ai|G;:in!ada. with less ihin'.two-.thotis men. -| - Ml i • Miic . IVlnij; j r>io«'lr{ of the Memphis j I;. It-Mias atst.tanolaSfatfjttn', j :I'.MsidL-of GraaadaL The Post office; , a-J A'hinis’, Impress office',both open „m-iay. !■ •. •(.’ •} .. : . ' : }lr,..VMiis. June 12.—Twq steaiffcrs. Lav.;-: I .-day with And iiiolivssis lor St. T-ouiS. • Numbers of •• eitiKVt»4 Ma'i;e Mtlso llcayins" • for .-the. - North, ■ i,: " ■ 1 . ; l; M ' -i PiUjl.uin.miiX'; suni* - . 15J-—Tli.effol iinving dispatch'. lias: beci) ’ ■ recciYod. Ir6{n ; (lon. fd’plcllan.;. . lllkaiVq'hs Potomac, ) 5tV.". 15(53 y, , To I on.,JJf.NV ; .?TA>'Tbji, Secrdtdry, / vf VTaT; . ‘ I',; J* ’■ .'.’j/i i ■ , I■■ My| rLispat.uf! fast.-, statiV.'g i ,■ tlial Gen. Casey's iliyisiot,. fvldcli'ivasJ 1 iu IhiHSrst- l ilie., ‘gave wiy inaicobmita'- |>ly n‘ as bSsetf upon ! ■ ninoiril. ffatein«»hfsf iiiadc to mo before ! ,1 arrircd'lijio'n {licifielii of battle,’:uid | wi.-iioTKvas'-t ioiiuiian- • ‘ dors. 1 [ .Stateiinebts'jjO me suli-se-1 .''ijiUrnilyj.by.liVyis., yfaser aiw IN'agjoo I j a’j! iib!uodjtp !thieve- tlial. portions of; lb, d?y '■><■•l). hshatred Weil. ami kiiade a ; ‘ _ »t»*l stand agai Superior', •'■'•jiuaijier.i,- bifc iit p'.'-osyuf i lie accounts] .• ty'i'-ottiidiotiiig lii> o!i:ib!e“iiie to,; \vith, oprlaiuty. When ; 'iV.'.i'au-e IcloaflT ase.ietaiiitsd flic : nul 'go'oa -coiiduct tyilS-be'iirop .Mafot magg uu*eu. i Iko.- 13. MX i* on era I Coi .■ 1,.--: i-\ IU;E. JjHlO I(3.—' ii- £ •.•'■liUystcd- jXnu i nhv.l 'lndiana, Fir. tk v.t.; - Kci t'K-kv and u>rirs Tlio. gal! i uni\ v L*n<:: MIMI L-1 tie at tli' ncul nien AVj.’lii.ir.i k ii..' «;» ;ti. i dibtWrui shed ,army ■affair is a i i'lvrt'tkr Tji.. tlieJco mjiany lari •hes by Jas. nt men, an t 1 ■ "lIiJ-'l* Ul'omilK: : ‘ ’ r, !• • '' -T io under wl I’f.RHArs O f'< ; nv ito shov hfjjde of the South , in referenda to t or.d t'urposc’of the (Npril ' \vus iiJingtoward _ t-rosdhg..ho o b< , "t'i the Woods.'follow woir.eii and children, all’t flag-;, i The, boy advanced hiy :i ]J -tho while and l - ''Hrf.t-e, sir, don’t diow '■riAvii me I”. “Why, my wtil hurt you, why do you ‘r i" exclaihied- the wj J fold u| you wonld cut du ■wfrownj-as,” and., graspiii tiny ■ iV-^-Hamvt Timi-s.l ■ 1 ' I BS-fsorfolk is - getting int.o better •'* frelinsjsU-niou sentiment' begins to tiii.J trarleis reviving. . Ati expedition to deep Creek,-15 miles ■livin'.'JSorlblk, on Friday, discovered • .-a'-Ilebe’,' post-.oillte . that kept regular s '-etiimunicatiolii ‘ivith ,'Eichmoiid; It "us. <,f course’,.'-broken ’ up. r It is ■■tbpugju there are no Rebel forces cut t't the Bladkwatef River, which 'is *- l i ear ,'y dO miles by--.fail from 27or ■ !P‘k. f V” ■ '. June 17.—Colonel "; ar,e ’ lot - regiment, "in company xvith X'apt. Taylor df the ■ ri-giment, a brother,- of Bayard' •»'lor,-bave arrived here Latino- been. jk P ar °led hy.th.o rebels; ; Gol; Kane was nnly slightly, woundedin the log.,- The prisoners ‘taken were seat tf> *. ;--pwourr, X. C. t- ‘ - V CuMßraijuro ihat | the rebels have evacuated Cumbcrliind Gap is fully' venfied»„d£oe Military Board of Frankfort rsbsivwa dispatch •tOithat effect; on' Tbß.Tsdaj; and/ the report is otherwise 'fefflcially jjorrobo'- f&.Guerrillas still linger al Tennessee river The ateamf craty while coming down froi biirg Landing, received- one 1 musket balls i jvben, near Dui bat jione of her, passengers \ jured. ’ : 1 -®®,The very best medicine are tß.qsa prepared by Dr; J: | & Co., of Lowell. -He is a;g of the Penii- Liiiversity, whj( necrion with that celebrated] of Medicine has conferred m tinction upon it, than its Lip upon him. His remedies 1 come . household words not j this country-, but in "almost ( I gion of the earth inhabited. I Their extraordinary ftirtte b j from their extraordinary vir i these are certitied by men of test station. We publish in i j to-day, a document signed Mayors of the great .cities in ied 'States, Ganadas, Moxii Chilli and Brazil, each of' wh J*y-that .the physicians and of theiPTtspoctiVe localities 1 on tlVcir aascrance of .the good effects and superior \ Doctor, AVer’s preparations. eVidenbo which should ea most skeptical, of their effit wo beg our readers to re Especially do they speak w ihg praise'of his ■ Safsipa beneficial effects find truly " ble cures that have been reu its use. [New York Sund^ ] i MARRIED—By the ,R Brown 'of Ercodom. biV the ME Thomas A,- McDdNAhn dom, to MlSa Loriex Jane of all of Beaver < it On the ;12th inst., by Ri Srtiith.i Mr. J. B. Potter, an; A.! S.liroads; both of Beaver ! On the 12lh lust., by the J Bijown, of. Freedom, at the of I the. bride's father, Mr. . J. Ingram, to Miss Martha both of Allegheny.jCo., Pa. . Bviclsre Bettin ■YfOTU’E iij hereby given that the i!7ti day ‘of-June .insta ;l he hours of 'lO o'clock, u. in. and County "ill jreceivi posal; at their office in! Beaycr, fo ing 3 6f .hvo Wooden Bridges .and. meats over-Block Ilctu-e 111:it—on ijitate-.’ftoad crosses-bet ivehn Re Xew Brighton, and the other whe Road bet tv .-on Neo ■ Brighton; nr crones the same atjßcnj. Tov |?i»n and SpScificat iotik. tiitrebf a at the office. ■ By lOrden • . ' Ulfllß. H. AGNI udner-s Office, j ;y ’ ine iS. " f >-. 'I ) ! Oommi&Bi j i?cf»vcr. Jut | XMsjsoliutipr rillfK heretofore (ierlhc name and -of M Dap.uaoik; FaU.-ion, eugiigejd In , uii'l Machine :lUi4meas. Wan duly I the 3d day -of'June, i The 1 j hue firm will be settled by |M. Da at their ufiiec in Fall-ton;’ Dearer where they will continue said hn il* branched. All persons knowin indebted to the lute 'firnf wjiU'|deu ? tle i m media t oly. DAVID 1 M’ C C I ‘ MATTISON i F»ll»toii.jcUt.'o2», A- H.s KAK : - , KXECUXOIi'S SOT i . , 1 f : , . ■ 'T* ETTKUS tv*t.;nm*ntary on tl / Samlkl lull* nf Chj s?Mp, jiiraver cohuty, ‘ <l-cc'»l, 1 Ranted to thc;umJ*jrsijriuMl, ajl pc evhfxrsaul csiair are requested to diatCrpayinent/uiidiho-sc .said bstulc \rili present ilieisi toll; piropbrlv authenticated tor >«*ulen JOS..SII, jd^-*; _j- ;; *■ ; e estate T»f; •pewa f'iwa- i a\jng • ,been_j •sons iudet}|-'( [nuke iitime- j aims uganjsl t * , j , ub«cribvrti • ient. : i . UUV I ANN A. !r.*vcui*>n. STATE &: TAX ; IJKF.LAX-. imau«lin£, fho ]■ ederals t Cliatianoo ri Michigan, t Wisconsin. .Edj'ertph’p antry’oC our commeuda- !”■ : jv; ■/ .'’incite it rjpilE CVunty Treasurer Trill attend in tha :lL ■■ [I- ; several Townships and Boroughs, for the purpose .„of. receiving, the JJouuly and S atC"’ 1 * Tares the times and places tlcstgr silted below., nil:, . j.- North Sswickly, \ June 11, N. Hazels. • ■ ' tircnt< FJrankUnVi jdo ' 12, IV, fi 6. Phillia j Ati ,i Marion, v-' ] ;do- 13, G, ilarfzell’s. above . (Jo ‘H, nV IVnlhtce's. j i joy fiallstohi ‘ .do 17, Tfoll House/ ’ - aY p -New Brighton, do 18, j Edgarta Hotel. : fe )j u New Scwickly, do It)/ G coy Rausch er’ i. ; Economy, •do .20, W. J lireitensteii's. / do , |do i 21, Mrs. Bryan's. I Big Beaver, ( do 34, Mrs. Miller's. >• Chippewa, , jdo 25, Mrs ftunpingham’s Ohio, ' 1 do 26. Aber’s store j Ohio &iß.Beaver, do 27, Kerr’s storo. South Beaver, do ' 30, Jos.'linwrenee’g ■ Darlington twp,. July I, j'JJ P. dHlwortb’k. j do- boro, 1 _do ; 2, Ai j. Cook’s. Moon, , do 7, W. Elliott, Ee<j‘s. Kaccoon, do - 8/’D., Ewing**;* [ ' independence;. " do 9, J. Holmes’.’' . |do & Hopewell do’. 10, Orr‘s store. %_• Hopewell, do 11, Robert Scolt‘k. ’ Hobkgtown bor, do .14, T. T. j McKibhc Q’a. Ido * Greene Ip. do 15, .do j. Hanover 4 GreCne do IG..G. Mdler's. Frankfort boro, do 17, H. MtCdicbotic ‘i. Hanover village,. do 18, ShoHfs itore Borough tp, ' ndo 19, Treasure’s offici. ! ggy Payment edit be mide in kny,adjoin ng districts. ’ G. C. BRADSHAW, i apr16,62 j Treasurer. ien.'Rosscaii Galt 'llonse. Kentucky I officers are lost brilliant e apd enthu- Guiltrie and I most cScel neident may-;! at. delusions are actually he character: i. • As Gapt. 3 the railway: >y advancing, ;ed by some raving white: timidly, cry exclaiming, a " %ie—don't son, hojiodji cry?” “Oh, braeti, “they ir threats or !ig his haudj r- Cor:- y. Y. ji o. wilsos. n. >4’itE( fiL^raßi&ci Wood si, .| . piTTSBTma:, ■|f BRIDGEWATER, PENN’A. mOßACCQ—Anderson’* FinojCut, Nati irt I ' Leaf, Grant’*, Baltimore Ping, and Out .and at > \ 1 HSKBT'jE SGBdOL S'A3£&£l3> o&ty 10 cents, at , ,;'; ; TU •. HENBrfi RYECOjrjEE, Ground Goff* •of long the BrAuto m Pitts hbndrtd bkriyer, ivere in- BV. J<j)hll 4lh ihst., • i)F -Frfee- Goueley, County. | v. J. M. I Miss M. 'CdiPaili. lw. John residency Matthew A. Neil. -TTnl »gs* jl 5 j on Friday, ! nt, between; I 3 p.|m. the : < sealed p n- i >• the, builj.l-I . Stone Abut-' ae where the '■ Dullest er :unl ; re the Stale j r d Harmoiiy i »hsehd’s. A I 3 liiy be se ?ti i ;W, Cirri, ... i l -: :■ - ill i cxistragAin- ! 'CoNNKLL &j| Found *<* i - disjoined in \ !j >ook« of t.ic i TA"h & Co.', [ county, Pa.,ji sinesslinS;ilT 'themselteM [j se call, and L .N.NELL,-':! tIARRAGH, lAGII. !■ jgiV | ME it. JAKKS FIItLIT I ...• ■] ,_iL- and Eitrti HEKKT’U • V - ‘ ■ ■ -} ■tv. G TROOPS Loved l.|uw ef^ctuaily Cured by losing these admirable incdicmes, and by. paying,jiroper attention to tie Directions which are attached to each Pot or Box., SICK HEADACHES AND WANT OF APPE ’ jTITfi Ii?CIDENTAIL TQ SOLDIERS. j These feeling* which so sadden .ns,: usually Arise from trouble or annoyanecis, obstructed, perspiration!, or eating and drinking whatever is unwholesome, thus distnrbinglthe l ealtliful faction ofj thje lirer and stomach! These or gansmust be relieved, if you desire to lie well, lire Pills!.caking[according to tl|e printed in structions, will quickly a produfce d healthy actiunin both liver.and stomach, aid as.a natural consequence a clear head and good ap petite. ill-.' ■ : i 4- '■ i WEAKNESS OR DEDILITTi iSDCCED BT OVjER FATUjUE,! - - Will soon!disappear by the iisc; of valuable Pula, and thej Soldierjw|ll qt I quire additional strength. Never let j els be either confined pr unduly j acti J It may Seem strange! that Holiowaj j should lie Recommended: for j .Dyseni I Flux, many persona supposing that thi | increase the relaxation. This is jql gr take, fortqese Puls will correct the j ! stomach and Hum remove all tbekeri f from tin system, If This medicine will and vtgtr to the whole organic; systei j crAernr ged,; while heilih arid etr’enji las a mal ice of chdrse.j Nothing twill j relainti in bf the Bowels so sure |as ; ous medicine. - i ■ I ■- I \ VOLUNT p ' JKS ATTENTION! -i INDISCt - TIONS OF YOUTH, | - an Ulcers, Blotchinps and f welling*, certainty be! radically Cured if the ; 1 itl;en night jandj morning, : and the it bp freely used as stated,in the piint ■ jettons. ■ If treated in any other nan ydtyi up in, one part.to break but in an- Wfiercas this Ointment twin retrieve prl from the system and leave the Pa iig irons and healthy manl l.twil I re liltlc perseverance in badjtases to .■to ast ng cure.; ] 1-.. (■ ’ v,' . oßnus'either! occasioned, by BAYONET, OB SABRE OB3QEBUL SCRES dB BRCtSES; | •• • r tic t every Soldier anil Sailor are liable c i o medicines so safe. sure and con as Holloway’aj PilU and oifitt iciat f ; { Jhe un led and almost jdying sufft rer ipight b.'founds dressed] immedijit*ly, if he ni r provide hUnsejf with Sth a mtl ch in ent, which |shbhld!be tlWstiritjdthe ,n 1 anieiired all.ardund ftj the n covered ie ce! of-linen froth hits knapaackj..and lei Iwith h handkerchief., - Taking 5 inbrnirig O'rir 8 IPills, to tool the ■£*. preventj inflamation, 1 .- s • j Soldiers: kiapsackl and Seaman’s aid be provided with theses valuable *1 •!.; i - | j]’ M[ ■ | P|OV;U-Norie aregemtine rinlcss y ••llodowagj Xtff York ape London,” ■table asi a water-mark .in every] leaf iklof directions around ca eh pot or same may be plainly seen 1 by holding the light.:, A handsome reward 0 any one tendering such informa ijt lead lii the detection of any party counterfeiting th eniediem ts orjvend me. knowing them,to be||B puriousi; , 1 at jhcl Jilanufactbrj’ Of Professor *, 80 Slai'dcjt Lnne.j Nev| York, and portable -Diiipeist.sj andt Dealers.in , throughout ll:e civilized yv'orld, in Ib cents, U2|bcn s arid SI feaCn. , . ere is consider ible saving by taking i sizes. j,j ■ \'-j ]. ; , | . ■ Directions for the guidance of pa ivcry disordernre affixed td each box. '■■■ -t -.'fcaLi ; Sore* cnn-witl Pills Art oitlitncn ed instr her thei Other, the huh tlent a ’ quire a sure a 1 FOR W THE LET 1 , To wi there hi t enient poor wt have hi tonld j |w Oh wound with a compre night a tern tin Ever chest s Rcnicd CA the wo hvc dis of the •box; 1 tli'. ItoJ be give ticn As :ei bo be lo or pari ing th< Hollo by all Medici boxes ijic i:ir ' N.H items i - ■May —__ h . Carriage, j: hates. sorrows did a; '|ars. regrets' an 1 joys: ft. ’liojp |ie n mdical cure! of spei-naie iSnesaj; iiivoluijl itiyi cmi; ami impediments I’ |ma vopsiiess. eoiisiiin} I ion, steal incapaeity. jliin -tire fully explain),)!' ii :ll>El by WM. TOfNG. Ml I'm nr y book sbofjld he : yi.urig .person .iveryriaah nr woimin|W ic 1 number- of‘their ifispi'i i neves. J Every pain, discaji ; to youth,,maturity irnVo! ;il; .eVerylparlicle oj' kuov' cnown is here giver J It i ; In fact. It- disclosessecrei dimiiw; klill if is_ i I>oo up, arnl Ifot lie aboil fhel tuj any tone on thfa reci is .Yhjsjicj.'tc or post igc s.t Wo. jY.ot'NG, 410 4jpm Philadelphia. ijj ' and h'uj'orluuate, no mailer what spasc, .before 1 von place I your cure of any ;of the notorious ■j or foreign—who |d vert isc in liter-paper,l get a copy pf -Dr. arid read it -carefully,. It will ifyidving you manjf a (lollar, : d 'possibly your lifc| J ! canbe consulted; on| any of the : bed in his publication, ut bis . ce Stryet, above Fourth, Pbils - airs from !) to 3, daily. [tnar26 +rr ' ■. .- THE ■ : TT3; | •ho] js an<l inisl f| ov !o.‘ taml.i j won hilirv ;a'(XU i realm or sein MEM pen era mental SELF : SrA&Il TM&ir hands ijinarrin |Mres t il -jilij ,USE r. extn every and • mil tli uusta plain d be inps. • sh«m ;t lifir 1 ocked i sent i re eet f s Da. i art h, I (JlkU'd four d i r the Qi-aks this ,o Younj* be .the your } Db. diseas office. ■ -imtiv : iiy ot took, 2 cans i th, nr OCKG lescr Spn > Bee h- y msmjsiQ post. it Family Newspaper in ERif jpen^vl. Democratic Union Sheet in Pittsburg. V . t ■ ; LISHEDI JK 1804. I : ll'.thfc CURRENT {NEWS; OF Sable : Monetary, Market and [>orta and a choice [selection of Literary and Scientific Articles, s Statistical Information* icultural News, &c.j • I . . I'- -h| —ALSO—i ' {!.. ' ■ v’ 'La! ist Telegraphic News; 1 jig' er >ry: important Item! of itcrC-s, sign and Domestic, 'Congressional ' (ntelligericej Legislative Pro ■! (feedings, Ac., &c. i ■ r 1 per aninnp for a j Single Copy; hr 11 I- Co nek one year far slo.r ;,.J. ir -! ;■ JAMES P. BArJr, ! I - | Editor and Proprietdr; /■ ifib and Wood sts., Pittsburg Pa. Our mbney by jmail »t my risk.; SA' he be. Ora IST only And TAI ains i Y re ialrc etry, ilaabl i I Agt It c THE Comm Tales, Embraei Fori Teririi; Add; ncr Ft indryo ' Cm «®.S STEATOEfS NOTICE. U ‘ ! |i . • '■ if Administration on the estate ,M. LiTTELt, late {of Raccoon rer County, PenH’d dec’d haring o the undersigned,! all persona id estate are requested to make ment, and those baring claims ne /will present them properly for settlement. | JOHN M’HESRy, AT)} TtißTl ±j of townshi] been gr indebted immedii against i authentl ;ini ■ i Ja»ki >Be»’ to sa| ;e pay he saj sated sppet 1 Sanee, Porte Monaiea, Para leand* Letter Paper, Enrelopea I , RESET'S., . . ' f : i- - ,ii : ? ■ L : : Gats Bo< Ac.. At. ka,N tl SAJLORB' PllilS ent. tatWesinthe ispecial care those Pills ire--Soldier* >yide thenj , can be Bent ; becn prov .g. friend jiit. Ist Brigli’il A :in 2d BrigVa !• Alliance- j “ lit Brigh’ty 1 • 2d Brigh’O Mail. |i Ist Express, ■ 2d Expre|s,j j IhCsS'in iSckly|ac-, (he bow ed upon; Jjr’s Ppi* fery hhd .ey would rest nU liver and d humors [rive tone fi howev jth follow 1 stop) the jhih falm- List 6f ilf' remaining fei Pa.; May|lsU>J|l BenneHMisaMli Davis;Miss Sarin 'lanielg Epoert I Devif Jamea|:| [| : Fletcher iorenip Haalep J yl |]||.||i Johnson Samueli. KircbnerjMias | ■ Laytoji bus Mli ' Lembrickl Apam I M'Kec Mfs Jirafir | nMil u r if? Not ;sar Jfiiks. ; ■it:. |dc | | Sta e Lonn.. Dua from Bio i Notfcian&Okeck Coin inlTnilt.Lii 6,iJT r |aaUbrft! Projli atatcomt ij 'Eoual 4—. • • • .Stock paid |i.J, ii N'bljc i ih|ClK’ni ill dividends unp?£< 'Bcpc sitors i I'rofUealidJEari i: Dud id|BaiucsJt:. ■ irjji I TftajOJ.lfi fcjATOnfett p“fe > Hobps, ®asn|«t t \tKo beidg dufj i pose'h tpat tb( i true aplordmji I anil bel»f.l 111 '. a r.tbnw' 4nc day ofiSlayJu 1 i ■. f'yg-||| rip he| nil j If -j tbe <wf , | emu on£l he pi the.iiafl »)j*.* Stubkl «B>‘ ■ TO# T Niflif 1 -jf 1 '! \d'« igcrs, • VIAN-; lilure,; •rlioca; ‘•ion's, • *riag;e fit?, * from it the m/d:. in the tinting 10 dc- 'n« to iC4lld i J age, 'ledge is full isthat -v.that 1 louse. < ip£ of f ampß. ice Bt., .atriisi ; J> t . tlJeiKvliitTO EmisSioils an qi crlcel of. jjri^ tl atthj; |'St without Dung should lie refij in tho wpd! . :SoQ&na er t sealed >nfoloj| t\j-o : poet|age (i rio«|c|y,;; .■ r ! it.. T IST [OF , I / feiaajinin U. Pa., May i .n.- i r- ii;l Black-Cj r . Brotrn Sarah Cook Saia’l C Chlvcrslmjjo i CalviaMairy I Cfiristyljlmm; Dickey Dikm Finley Nancj Fisher Mary Glass Dora 4 Qreeh Silas' (jrapain|SMra ! . Persons ca ; v i !; jfe m V/ liTWji; county, 01 tk a small i-E iyj all arotjni, sj larged by I a cOirable.. To ward, jlrp re | Iwajr, or:< the cording tpi lay . junell dt! I It l *l fr. Adm’r ILAVOEEf}' Mil pfM F1.60| ’ i ll I- rlO 9 rt oo Ui I/ li&OiW fIG.iBEADI ■at Roc ..10:2f L. 1:2( I- 4:5i ... 6i< ... 8;i 111.: 2:If) 4'.. 2:00 i ■' 3uft.,E. kpilXEDj’i mc< at Boob e [if Jl- i 1 i i | jta nomomci i [MI ins Jolialn (el Miss M|iA| Wet S M k ( ir Miss Mil h -m [Mlsa (Sm n DaTul fia. [■ f p' bob, t : §#l Smit i ■SnllS St|ria Sltola Wte -J .Miii fentj II rkß cot Staei fSpF|piA ■wHf' ; ;; BsjmclioKa Diil'lnted, a ;t I iido uniler pi M-U#" i. (jffif I -illiur a lijana Banke is (a bs oiherj' 5i est- S| kg... 7 ■ (7 30: t] i ll' i-M j._si itlO ..4-.. idlii.:... .... .... In-" iu * T tjon % r-si nu Jim fUC ilicud i&'affir Claim *‘vP J -V to assess , if lb T in pursuance of ;eil 'lo-:|ssc|B tlie -•rrothmiotary's i .of ipnej.v.'n. ttcstk:|i;i i. |,i; XD, 'L*rfil|y. i : se“?Sf;] i i ■-i'Uir■ s S» i'xy • cpc;;/]fcc 6 c<j; } :uLy||i\i|ELL )»i t7EK‘oj|ji?|i|rnuli dial anill Physical utfe; \\ cakneßS; <ff Indispobdiioni and iii pdr; DijUmbs of li dry; Ayersiun, to f: ITimidiiy; | Sclfr Vine,,Afflcti(|nß of flee; Intqlnhtary pi aflcity-; the :Conse-, CttMjt j-S lije'clear jy proves; lUt med(cihC andj I opcrntfens| ,»ndi in ahd;cferj| man iddrcss,; in: a |plain' anot Of sixjcet|ts, pr rarassing,'. ~l. .ji EtINE &|G,Oi; 1 ' y as C I do with jMay ■*, j notary* due'-ii IJOTtlio OH FP zc?. Jif :ationL j j Wllllj I ise;, »t 'a; m! M. ff ,-:at ( till* Still'll. larfc JSE don; jil sail Kpi i; Back ~i y and •Wof it m « pIM on tlie ,i Sc: iiial Inc omin We la?' ife in nneralc b-izni T«d wi ze 'pc t sprgi ij ijy (srccy y rth< bca' • m f, p . the» u ip I, by »i 3i has; ji o, it rt ori;Pbi : ;.i < If. ■!! i ■ .11 I lilt, ijtkeA jfcCli aslirvd R SUvs-cfs W]» #"] Wm ijwnjyeri A, ‘pMwi.D ,T i mm ffiii NPERSoI ' TV 'ip J'TEK: A help ibj 1862: ii : ; i g 'or h thej ad' _ nu ai-fe & .• Kiyeari ,|off hind ; n«i othel desired tl bljargesl Qlj^digi rii;Eil i ibremii tifi Bed Ha >d die marl it oi ibruia B owner i n^P» n’iw she I ■Lett) ii-t Ml |pp| f | Si TTA3 j isij recllred I H . j spKing Jrhjjcli wilt te iiflfered J [ Amongst' Mattock eaa 1 DBSjBS GOODS J WCS ;TO: : :flßON;il:SMkall i sXILS iby the pouni. : w ?wd' ’ WINDOW GLASS, alt[ i dtjEENMAII4.[DOqI Alfof wb|cq will’|be‘- m Produce, j j,; ' •I TW: THE; COUKT Cap X OF BEAVER|COUS3a ■ ftw! ; if,, i . j - I V ‘- 1 SiaM Joi. MineaiagerJ j) . iffia "" ■ *4- I ' -M-: 'i !;17 >| ii- i ""Txl Aqd novf to | jfH dwnages, ;af ptS)icati|tj. cret>J gi; en le,Si||jwil’ |j tliisjcaae, > aVerJ; on 1 D. 18112, fct id p’clo M: h slier. .ttatdorDavid|Mii|lB, | S ToTl<)E : |B h^by|gWei I ihii Utration faaxp I be E igiatcr of Wills, &o.j of 1 U] on tl^c' islate bfj)AVit Mi l«rte of Borongh tfc., *V koriijQij i r eaidingijn tU4 Bo saidr coin iri I DeWonHHH 01 editors! present! their cl» t< dltopthe undersigned. if^4 ,]• h* April 12.jj. JAS. ip <|IU n'p If WHOtESj }.; I j-,. ■■ ■ !• ,cjr (emails: | Also peal ■LOTJ^; Fl4l»!J(E Npi i:e th! % [|t nongal|el fl | f OJBTT. t-6£. .< Li 49 sop oft 00 i}W »3 472 58 7Cfe 53 PtfjMWTP n" ij®l | .A« h bllbvc; -TMiwjj • j;l'j piiiilai ei.p^i|d\. Ppt>n S;ps4ws \\^ hjnHtslH' tel is central 3 ponvcpien l i|_[ seligei Ealiwayi Cfijfst.to afiliatl! Sty» and ip every Ant) cjuinf adapt' it lomfcrt land wants llie Trave liu;; j TfptMjj, 51,50 :PER pA' 7iS OC 8756 o<i 75 mzi 147,16 .5® 64 ._!_£ si ' '4l J ,-1 ■■ General Commission i fit • li-it }■■' jfe ■ iMfc P&ieriin '<| l| of :JC6upity Jfhie. j j I, T.ohaUgi i fpffice a’riSfnkreliouatf.Np. 237 Sodlh piiS® Ip advancesmadeop-Con| 91JJ 88 Afftaryj ! Sf«4j ’ dtw f*r , AKBO|>|bilii S&| ejcritfi per giipo^l £;|p6SE|mf u HAIiL I j L J?£i. H' \ (fitted ju£.t , hc i-! jov prepared t.o lidemur i pu >l jatisfactorrijiiailnei.. i I|, >; ip’ ! . " “[The tjtovve Sewing IS?ac i . ;|| . ! SJLIV BY ' jij| V a'.' M. M’GREGC CORNER ■|’}iNis &|St. , I' f' riTTSBUiui; iPj: ■. S tei'ii xkg- 3rl c ■ ; V„ : i :: |fl ■!' [M : r t. i!i ■ ; ; j {DEiyrrN' SVOOD AND jiAItK •J .PfjW: boa bi ti|e me a’e| -pi t. ( '■I 1 i, iJ Ti Tin's Itm/ Moderate. • ■ ■ • . l 'i ■■. t ■ J ■ : n i i!. j -J., I: Alr}rc ■ V Office H'KtRTII SOQi :■ * >i : Cor. Tmi /pijE - “s|b’ Jj nnd bat an(i|rieitliei?-i)i to risniintairiji p location, is me road;stalio|k. |d*sFok; MS«r C.' [|jj :: i 1 MIL' j? i) o • ; ri iv e’ l < ' TMj. I|BT^ Ikbfii [i. I Ware List jniM-fh lay 21 Be»v«rl UpMh % tpEJeime for »tW tajte iji ,lp •5 IMrd• “ r-iu i. : HIT L C. fGGY ■APB|;I i;. .|ls! rll I id Vi P'S. II IP 10 i -. m if: is'4. !,! r ftePj V \- iscrnin < ■lcV.'Ri b l l / r '(lto(VES, (Hi' : lies .}.' fc'eft >. ' ACInBOS 1." M.. ■ !'■ J-GLAS3E: ow (oi- C«! COM > j -< - ftej | j ! 16. Juio peri i, ;|gn Mtachi u ement of laci ’I urit 1 to,.withirtteie [wit, Mnyila , tboqotarj) to Ter due' iiotic I: '.-fi-l-lr that In pupv a hceed to Jasi e: |tH« = [Protbof ic J 14tlv day of. 1; M- h, -is ; eyandl, t*i4t the ■ n that letter! Sen granted b he county of B us, Jr, >l. D.,< dcounty.to t" ;6a«n ofjßeii maSe ins duly iutl i iieij 4qsi: | . Ajdn>i|isi a* so: ,LE lion sr in ENElli 4,fejiE lise, !i' JUIiGH 1 j : 1.1 • IEI Hoi tts: :NiMNGiI !!► c ■ Hi: (lETjAff-i a jin!; | Opt: ■ Wilspn'i t-V I j jSt'IJE|OF ! THE 'jljlA i . Pfcoi»’i jm St\ Bunitcinc ■ it.arranged Hatels'ln the pain's nljor eijifenije jjWiU I [isiwell earnedJrepuia: lonjriniient: I olJießridgje! (,! iipcctaß; commends ,lir 1 '£. j ! .11111 NS T '-11 iifiptov. |5 !i |ijf' ly .;4rA H'ii ojpl pi Hsci ;Afit ISON MW and the 1 HO et Ei", U R. T m Jot i r-- .ver, opritioi ati ,} s\ _jM : \' l K& {NS, head lit ’• ! Ir"!m ’ ir ns U»|wj|il lack am \ ;!P lySon, [ it : : > n M :« . : : 1\ L onl;> it cent Mft] pai ifi iProctqr i Palm an: M i 1 ! f | ■ ( iLQi 1 Pam I /'■'!• jl 'A "(4 !ME LI» rpHlSpr iJL Coffe. 8 superior oral Debili ders. -Th' Abandon t. 4>.ut Jityuri lltrength i Prise 25 c r di©li<inGb£fee : . BUon, inode from the hestu ava icommcn'ded by physicians »s tITIOtJS BEVERAGE for Gcn •spepsio and all bSHoua diaor la who|hare;be<in compelled to of coffee, will use this? wilh oua erfedta. I One can contain? the ,f tiro pounds qf.oMlnaij- coffep. _Bn'ts.|. ’| '_T r' : i ! '; ■ -* 1 ' | KOLLOCICS LEV AIK. .The pu-c«t l»nd best BAKING POWDER known, ifot ■ making light, sweet and nutritious Bread ad<3-Cnkes. |, Prlcp 15 : cenfat; ' Manilla tlured. by, i'■ J.'.- Nj'i . VIT , H. RORLOCK; Chemist, /Corner of'Broad aid Chestnut streets, : [■-sS J. PHILADELPHIA, And. sold l»v all Druggists: and Grocers. i .vla r 2fT-T|:\;::.-i' r.j-; t t . - -- it of r T£S, l>und ho: Ilia I, &c., ili, or OF II.ETTEI ining in.the! Mmy'jlSl.h, 18 & Goujd Tf LIST ■ | ;/ remn jton, Pa., Beckwith Bates B S Brian Mr Brans Ha Johnston Piersol J( Plumef T *1 ,EAS i, 1861 it at. t and i Haim it t,&c. 1862, Jane ' Prison ■ {Adam 2 . >hn • %| j : .liomas oa <*»■ use say ssess :b by* i ice of 1 5 t! >9 i .toy's 1 June, Persi will pic iingior •tlicj 1 u lURT 0 COUNT free yEB. vl IN.T BE ■ I ■ r Ji’y. : . !: So. 68, |Sopt. Term, 18G1. j Foreign ? At tachment, 1802. t Judgment bjfdcfault. Copy of due bill 'and N afbdavit of claim for . I- §63,06, witbfintetost ■ .'!■ ' .. from Mar.. 18, 1803. Filed. ... ; And n< w, to wit: May 15,1862, tula for the Prothcnptary to as- thf damages 'and liquidate f the'judgment in this case on the ime, 18®J.: '. i. .it. ’ ■act from tl)e Record.' Attest: M. WEYASD, Pro ■ sc’icK if td i y the nda: ». ct aj. J times Thoma; iver, lec'd., ncsub- t, aiid ntica- the ad 28th d< iOunt ol lay of. J rue exti tori t ■ Atr ■Way: 11l ■j !: riHi« 1 New I inerchi day 0 ‘ a t ,t b 3 know: i will pt Book: j ianti i,<?v .*• Co-ptrtnerah the nanle an< •iglitdn, eilg: itlisej was du ! Crilj 1,862-. ilore of M. 5 themselves tse call, and i till be closed tLT, W' ■■f.99; ■9 ’! !rightoa,i! 'K«' MINSTiU EKS of adn t of Mary At fa, Beaver e< to the, undt o said cstati lie payment, the same wil ated for. sett lif towxshi granted debit 4 ' imipedii against autentii May. top’r; byPas tol the to the; Public.! 18R2. - . ~1 iBURG WATER CURE. [urative Age tie ji is, superior'to HYDRO-; ATHY; fprthe treatment of:all forms iseS, ajad.no Institution in. iJiis .coun 3csS(js:ireatcr facilities for-hs adminia-’ thiin'thia. \• ,| . ■; ' ; tor Pictorial Circular address : t ;■ f„; Dr. ■W. X. HA.MBI.ETOX,f ; .■ I ■ -Pittsburg; Pa’, i FITTS of. Distil try/pojMi tratioa i ' W9..1 illLL\ ehiiiil 1 k'ji'is \aiid ■ $ atreet Let el i gnmenti . ig.2B. : JiBX Vj i 1 :! : ] IADiJVAT, iSEWf BniqilTQSi. PAi- : i Poors b« low. Be. Drug StUre.j ■ J;62—ly. . 'MRS. & MISS" RENO JL3L.:: T;;[ E tin<ler6ign<:d hns; ternoTcd ‘from .the;**' hepj lately occupied byj him opj-o-she,’ ahallttfmaye etorei' to- {he.shop next?, i Kerr's Hotel, on Third Street Heaver* k iie dp r«jady i nil willing ;to all 'in. of Saotf*] i with 'proL and dispatch.- :•* 8,G2 ;'[ \ ", ihe^rv ' into (Foir|) JRY’S. ol i. iefor; ; TPt Mil j; <loot tji vhere' 1 orJpfs' J AKINC , ,'aprii Jfl i s house, i date his :hg inost ; ’ iiayC2 ine,’’; ' 6 H N r i • i * • SXi’A-, ...... DISTRICT] ' ATTORNEY.) lOlfice in tholCourt'; Elou?e. i i - ■ Jinn. 20, 18 02 A, ■ ■■ ner- B AP •m^Cm <s<e|, t j*eet. iCu '•A* ■ ! ; iLost or Stolen-. I • ITedftegdaj? Evening .31st,* J'Sheph erd up, about'four. Moathsiold, Black eolodr mixture of’ I‘hitc and tall, and long hair.- i ;tsdii delivering tbsisainc at iny place or : information where he may be found, ; libcrallyircwardydv ! i.;, w. w.ui\vi\. i i h x Xtar Xew Brighton, j, >B. : , Beaver Co., Va. " : wEpK. m- piccjrj - _■ • v bst), ■■■ >p30,62 ‘'EXElj’.U^ fIERfiAS.-lc been | gr into if llobert Ra 'iiwhship, Be; : igJ.tUsinselv i guested to n tose having c ittaemtoth lorsettlenien ■2B.’.■; I w tale o ifff? iknowii are rc and tli 'prison •cafed) nifty 1 1 * ‘ ij' ’ J^ivi ifiisi la spared Sp n iM lie and Rnil l to.llie executors' xo^icl ’HEREAs' letttrsfestamentary on ti Estate of tVm. S.cdtt, decfct., la e : ;wa,jlp;t Be aver codh t y, haveh t en g -an he aulisctjil icr, rcsigirigdn Blighter tj isoni iiulcb cd to said .estate ire relics i make immediate payment mdT ho ; r cMhris- wj 1 please presetft tl emi >ro jthenticiifle 1 for set lletnepU : .■■ r\ .J.J.DUEW WATXERSOS; r ; 1 28 •' |! /: j; : I E :ecut sr. \w ! *Chipp ed to ill pei etl »o hatrin; erly a 1 imaj jJN Wry, P: jciiES* mi T'a" m i-XM iiN 1S TK AT O^l’S. NOTICE. 1 rTBRS cstai i f CJ.n. Sa hcel Smith, lute of Sit ith ’ i Ohio Jowl ship, BcavcrCounty, Pe ih’i , having'hccn grantncd to i heundersi pie irsoht indcb led-tp said estate arc'ref ues ide iimhedii te payment, ami thosei-hi tyii i »|raittsf the •same will present- tht arly i.uthenticated for settlcmetot. \ : I : JOHh StENTZ: of siipte tp. y2B; i j-H- , Ji'. - Administrator. fi-' i-M iI ■■ -■ a.: !l - ‘ I‘.. I ■ £ e 77 depd, all pc to ma claim Pfopc [! ■[■' \ * i ma; w. icmJ, •. ' , 1 4 & ’enn’a* •S| : SR n„ple jjuimner, qirculaft i toy n ■ ' A'dj mnl Do I’; !. I‘ jjiV’s. ‘ EL, : RFS; MAX' Imperial, <Rm ■■■ M l . ■ • .I tors. 1 (TEE la’s, Oer at j:: C Nam ovmMr NON. ALBIN BEARD, : 1 Mayor of; NASHUA, S. S. HON. E: W. HAEBINQTON, ; Mayor of MANBHIjISTEB, N. H. Hbw. JOHN ABBOTT, ■ ((.■ 'I ■ Mayor, 0100110031), N.H. hqN. a, h. bullock, - : i n] ‘Mayor' of WOBOE3TEB, MASS;' . NATH’L SILSBBBj 4 4../, r Mayor of SATiBM. MASS.; F. W. LINCOLN, Jr., ; V. Mayor ofrBOSTQIT, MASS. HON. WM. M. BOWMAN, b' r. • V- i* ■ Mayor pf H»-X« &ON. AMOS W* BREimCB, Mayor ofi-KOHWICH, CONS. ’ HON. j. n: ' V Mayor of NBW ipSBOIf, COJEf. : BON; CfflSs. S. EODIEB,. ; > • t * | of MONTBEATii 0< Z)«, HON. D. P. TINMANN, ; ‘ Mayor’ of NEW YOBK OlSr r HON; H. M. KINSTEET,. J % ' L A Mayor, <jf HAMILTON, 0 ? W. HON; ADAji WILSON, . -1, . , - of taaONTO, <K,W. ■ HON. ■B. Mi BISHOP,''; ■ : /' ■’ : ‘ Mayor of OXNCLN-N"ATI, uHIO. Honl i. ,H. Pbawpoed, f J . KV. HON. SfiOAN, ■■ •1 . •• . ; : ! Mayor of LTONS. lOWA. ' HON. JAMES MoPEETEES, r j ' Mayor of BQ.vVMANY iXiLE, |O. *W. I HON. JAMES W- NOBTHvU |,..., ! _j_' Mayor of AUGUSTA, ME. 1 BON. HKSTBY COOPEE, Jtl % ’ *, j‘. ; ■’ Mayor of MB. ' HON.' JAMES 8. BEER V : j 2£ayoT;,Of H* HON. WILLAED NYBi w- Mayor BBl>Bp|ro, MASS. TON’S NOTICE. ] j HON, 3U BtAISDEpL, ' Ii .• Jj ;• Mayor df FAIA jUABS~ inustrat ion upon the.ps- i , . v |-j- -i' • ,! \' c EXASDER.iIate of Hopewell: HON. W. H, CRANSTON, / V'-.', unty, ! [dec’d, haying rbeen' i ’ : Mayor of NEWPOKT, H. I* rsigfied. all persons in-.! . R'TATTT..' ' 1 >t : ■ i are;requested to. make ; HON* FBEIi / Wt aid those having ..claims/. . | ( ‘ MayOT of QAXJIWA, 1 present theta properly! j OH u HODGDEN, ,- ■ ■: J-";>!■ 1 0f IOWA. ; 1 Adkninistrator.. | gON. THOMAS, CEXJTCHPIELD, 1 Hayor of OHATTAWOOGA, TBOT. HON. EOBEET BIjAIE, , ; ' j Mayor pf TOSCALOO3A, ALA. HON. E. P. BAtTGH, : • -y : -:.,C, j ;■ : L Mayqy of MEMPHIS, TEETIJ, HON. GBRAEB STITH| :. ' \ Mayor of HBW iOBLjEANS. lA*{ HON. H. D. SCEANTON, I’- . f 7 ! - Mayor of EOCHESTEB, N- a HONI BE WITT C. PEOyNk ' ■ ■ .Mayra;of l^f. 'Xa' Hoir. OEO; WH.SON; " . ‘■'.j' ■’ [' 1 Mayor of BITTSBTOO. PA. hon. c. h. Nuhl, • • !' ' Mayor of BBTBQH. MCCH. HON. HEMAN L. PAGE, 4. ; - Mayor of MXLWAUKJ B, W-®. hon. w. w. vaitgHn, t Mayor, of BACIBB, HON. A. FABR, Mayor of KEJTOSE A, V Vi».‘ £ HON. JOHN d HAINES. - > ' , \ , CHIOA'3O, llili. HON..M. J. ; A HEATH, , _ ; ' Mayor of SBlih: A., I .LA. HON. A. J. NQBEE, ■j, .■ ;■ r Mayor" of MONTQOMEI ;T, i JiA. ;< hon£w. S. HOETBAD, S ' ,;| ■' Mayor.of COLUMBUS, <SA. DOiN ESPAETEfiO MANGEL, 1- ; i 1 -i ■ Mayor of VEItA CAUZ. DON PIETEE X>E CABAELO, . ? j . ■; Mayor of MEXICO, DON. BSTEPHANIE EODEIGHES^ ", ,-r '/■ ■ j": Mayor-of KAYiJfA. don Antonio echevera, Mayor of LIMA, PISBXT. .DON' M.; G. ‘MTLANQNO,' , Mayor pf yAXiPAEAISO. CItILI.. ? ■ Mayor, of Hip JAKEIHO, BRi .211*. Certify dhat .thd resident Drugs iata har • ~hx ] • • .1 Aybr’s Sarsapeiir la aaexcellent reinedyjan'd.wOTtty.thf i - ' fidonoe of Hie cojnsaoaity. . 1 'For Spring Dlimes. . ; | Foi Purifying tile Blood. \j . * Ppi Scrofula or King’* Evil., j Ppi; Tnmora, Flcen', and Bores l j’-| Poij Kraptions and Pimple*. ) ■ , i Kor BlotcUe*, main*; and Boil*. 'he 1 _J A ■ ■ I ■ ■ ■ >T Fog St. Anthonyf*-Fire,' Hose] e ]t . 1 For Tetter or Salt lUieain; |[i p., ! For Scold Read end Blngnprii. at- ! For Cancer and Cancerous ;6o|ei For Sore'Eyes, Sore Ears, and|R ’f', ' For Female Diseases.'/ | I 'For SnpprettlOnl’and Irreg nlari i ■ r ■ -11 - .”j- ■ Por Syphllls or Venereal Sjtsoai For Liver Complaints; ■ j. 1 j Diseases-of the Beart. | | ! a; I The Mayor* of the chief cities. OT ' ted States, Canadas. and British Pi at- i Ohili, Fern, Brazil, Mexioo, ahdlii ng most an the cities on this con tide aignodthis document, toaasure tnel : what remedies they may use with. . ocMdenoe. . But our spiuse wQI <| ■ a portion of them. f Ajot’b Sarsaparilla, Ayer’s Cherry Pe liyer’s Pills, . Ayer’s Af PBZPABED BT IS, UNCALLED FOB. 'ost Office at New Brigh- Powers Hon , ' \ Robinson H VTm Capl ’ j . Xarßy Mias Bridget ‘ . Wc£ats6&prg<v : Wallace James Wity Michael ; ,! ’.Vilson Miss Kimcy J } Young Miss Susan ■ , letters |n the above list, i'e . * •'■ J. C. BOVLE V. M. COMMON PI4&AS OF iip heretofore existing uh a style of A. D. Gilliland, Aged ;inf' l the business of ily (Jissoived on tlie 19th The,Boohs will be sett led . Cjilliliridv" All, persons ndebted; to the late firm* i ettle immediately, as the without delay- 1 , 'A. I).:GItLILAND*| . JI ;GILLILAS!B,> ! - l9, 1862. ij. ■ ' ■ i - QTJWfiG-, LLw. NOTICE. 'ORS -Iters t bstamehtary haying 1 1 t'i tbf undersigned,' on es nscy, dcc'd.. late of Han-' ;ivcr county, Pa..;all persons its indebted . i aky payment- .immediately;- tlaitns against the same will i e gnbscrihmr'dulV'nnllienti j. -J E.UKAMSEY, l.i f ||i Executor, * Employment. Liness for the: S ifing jgc Scii d for mg fultmformirtion'. EpW’U SEARS, 1 , ,N; t. „• Want I r>9nnt.:btj .wit&f l»c contain! ,■ GEO. 181 ARBUCKLE & CO, TFACTCTERS OF . Iboist oix., (CHESTER. COUNTY, PA. [ap2 (AS?, 1 Lamps,,, Shades, and !mn*y». . : UKNRVS. ■ Mil 4 ; Cities* C i; , WOj tie, omdoreigiiod, Usybn, htttbr 1 pfj tbat tlia X>ni«s>atß> ! Apothooeijee, 1 Phyi&iana of outeevepai dtlae have • document of afcrtrtmce to us that ATBB’3; BABSAPABHiIiAIm» bitett fouad: to l» Ut remedy of *reat expOlfcnee, end: worthy the oonfldenoe of the oanmanitj. HOW. JAMES cook| -■ Mayor of IXDWHLL, MASS. how. HOW. i.’S. 'I 11=11 ■ - s i ; • r' V..'• Dr. JT. C. Ayer d .LOTTEIX, MABS.; knd *old byDrEgjisjs evenrwlwr r ngui'or salelibyj-D, Minis, . Crbsj, Roctieter; 'Vaggoaer & ' dou ; J. Nichols, j Baiisn; -J: Brighton, John Black, lii can & -Edgar, fslUloiLsntl I when- ■;. . =I El CI {* OE : k 111•11 IMIIM MI ME i - Er 1 lp«J' li imoi al>. ivo' ,! riot <■ ■ V 1- -’.i atM tele iT'lr ♦vl 1 ' j . I : p h- atei* r-M .•Lornpj 4i(){(tjpi r O'H-iiei Feb- 1; *1 \ ’*!i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers