The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, June 18, 1862, Image 2
II Mill i 1 KJLiLvVEK. AKGUS. ! ' Deraocracy and th.e War. i It hah been, quite commqttfor a cer tain class of iocofocos—-those particu larly wlio are friend* of Beccssujn to claiul that it was Demoefata who kh'ere dqing ail the,, fighting, and .that 1 a large jinajoritj- of those front -1 svlvabili were of this ; persuasion ; The editor of the Harrisburg Tel egraph has examined the matter jand, hero,is the result; “From a< careful compilation of the Array y&te in tho, difieient camps containing Pqnpsyl i vanians, we have been enabled to hr j rive ati facts and figures which com- j | pletely overturns the claims of DemO- j | cratic -politicians]at this time, that tho 1 Armyfiscomposed principally of ad i herects of the Democratic party. — 1 Wc haVc the Soldier’s vote from fifty* ! five bounties, derived from official 1 sources,sand the following la tljo re- I gulf ais presented by there Returns; , ; Republican, ; , I?®™ . ■■ Democratic; : , t : , L_. | , Eepublicadexbess, , 1 - 1 t Eleveul'ountiesshaycnot been heard j from—-six[ of which are Republican, jand The returns 1 from these counties, allowing thb same; pfoportiohi as in the counties will largely increase this vote; i>o that vVben. the; aggregate is exhibited, it will jbo sein that instead ofj the Dpm —|— ioeracy -composing the main strength 1 ISJ- lSm eihains of Col. Joseph H. j Qt - o^r Av; m ies,,they arc ; alptualljy ‘far, ■'Wilson wefe biOnght home oil Mon-1 fg (j e ]j; nc j the (Republicans in daw'and i atWred in the Cemetery, \ briiich of' the government‘6er : opje, on Tuesday. ‘ vicC-” ■’ . ‘ .T*’ I '' • . ,rT 1 Thus'-has another ibeofoco He been re (dad do sec that the re-| -A" •: i■ . ' ... .° , , , f , . m-i ‘exposed.: We have no doubt .that the, taken in v m» ir V (hat a t least eighty per cent, qf th|s(| who have enlisted arc Republicans: and wo have Ifavo rio doubt fhat i&s the same!lit' other"counties in the Statk | This falsehood Is abodFlii; keeping 1 with theione so., frequently uitcred by the enemies of - the Administration, as jto the enormous expenditures of thje | Administration, although professing j reformsi and economy when . coming, I into jioiier. From official sources it j ' Ims been do nonstrated that’ tbe ex- ; ponses pf tbji first year pf Mr. Lin- „ coin’s Admiijistralioc; (we niciin: aside, ‘ \j'^t from those,growing onf of our mi|i- o{ the j firry operations) are not as large by Col. John Eight Millions of Dollars ,as fiosevun-i duet atjtl ‘ 1 der the Administration of James Bu- j tl ‘j j tgu'Lifcut. Col. Kane,' who w - asb/mnan/or thesametinie. ’An exchange j J wounded in the late at Port j speaking about this matter says, ,wi,th . t he qgg.o Republic, and-taken prisoner, was a jgveat truth bud force: -'Let it be jio- 1 fan try; C ~son of Judge Kane, and a brother of {iced: and remembered f/iq< Me O/: gallant m 1 1 hie famous Acetic Explorer. Captain enormous ofS"*-**? ir""r'v- -r*( X Taylor. who was also captured, is ! a jj. ISC Military operations, ran fle muF.pT- ia | sth j-rot Keri of BAyard Taylor, and re- \^ x TRA ce6 to tUF. “DEMOGR.jnc” riru- | the flags fidcs; wlc b.dievc. in Chester county.’ ; ITVl TV A ' N i, tu .e Ahmixistuatiox of Jas: j Infantry, f'tXhe |Buckta;is - ’ were pretty welfilßvcHANAXl ’ “1 : il! lllu ; officers • suf seU ,. hi : sYkans ;; 8 :^ 1) f the : di-ICUAio ; iering ■ ■ S. rect ,- taX; amounting .to! tbout V bodv Of a man; was found 11'00,000, iTas been.paid- by the j floating in nver.kt Freedom,! Treasurer, Hon. Demy D. iiooro ■ com t onthcjlbth in,t. He was about fiveij It>»urt : yortatnly be m, grm.A ng burgh m-ct hrehes m height: dark hair j foot to every Penman. , ■ivhiikcrs, and ha'l on a blue dril-{; that-m addition to ic o r a ,-a j maud. - b-.L -Mrt black satinet coat, figured l ; which she ha#.rendered tl,c govern ' 1V- , ’ >;•% vest, I tweed pantaloons/and in.the way of men. Ac. ( May, IS I coarse simps.: The- body appeared>tbi ere furnished, promptly f .^ e >T | 2ei' 1 have.liebh in the water 'for-some time) AiLdanger, a. ie is aso v. >t > j V ruot/.rrßce<l was summoned, and'to pay her share mlo tbe Aatjonal. 6{ 5 hold lah-inquest, the jury finding, A-!-' Treasury hand shuukl it pjove ncces-) aft ddet. ‘vA-diit' in" accordance with thdfrctl: if al T' sh, t has. sldl thousar ds m A ' i ; and millions of dollars which she j guua, 1 • . Durst, of BridewaterM freely - ’ for| the piamtenaticc lo^tooj 1 ' f Ist Lieutenant of Cq. C, 63d Begj-i 0 f the tioVernment. j . I tho 49i -Jnentl was kiilled in the battle of Fair f —• '■ -~r, ' t Joseph l Oaks! 4 . ' |J t®,A portion, if pot-all, of i Oen.! , Wb abb inotice among the : list of J McDowell’s corps have, embarkea .0« wounded tlib names of Robert DaM transports on the Rappabanock, JW ■ragh l , of .-Rochester, Asa B. tEcoff arjd j the “While Douse," m toj rem- { a Mp. Gibson; alhmember.Llof Lieut.: force Gen. M’Clellan. Duisf’s conipany.' iMaj. John Da,r- corps are the famouB|Peon»yljvapia, .Comnij rah and Alf- A. Hurst have gone bn Reserves, under command of Gdn.jMk brave | ■to recoverAhe body, if possible. i-I Call) and .as they are) undoubtedly effecti] ! * one of the. very best drilled and equip- n .M ~ * . j ‘ CODffrt ed set of men in the service, w;e Van f a j peetj if they get a chance , to hear of nia voj some tall fighting. Why they' have i dishin been, kept .in^ inactivity] sb; long we jcy m ! cannot tell; and t we are glad- that they have, been given the opportuni- p e ji e ty at last of a crack at tpo rebelaJ mopw • It-1 eral.C Regii teers. _ _l~ ■ - BEAvieilV PENXM. 'Wednesday, June 18th, 1862. T. C. Nicholson, r,- • • .• ’ Fop AuditorrGeneral, HON. THO’S.i K COCHRAN. ' OF YORK cJOCKTT* S. N|. Pentengill & Co'., .Vo.' 3" 'Park,£'otr, At i r .yssState tl.. SMtcn, t arc ova- 'Agents for theiAncrs in tfcrae cities, and arc authorised tiitake Advertisements and Subscriptions for us at cjur Lotccsi Kaift, ■■ •£g>Js C yora-l cpmmunicati’pns and ar my letters:. arc *\tnaroidabiy crowded, out ,of columns thisiweek. Thoy.wiil appl-ar next veek..:j ft mini Sermon before the ijn'ary and Institute, will ■ J@KL'iie'4 Beaver Scm; •4c preached . ;iC o'cl(i \ 'Church in B \i.r. . :| i : next; Sunday Morning, ,elf. in : the Pre-byfcrian leaver, by Rev.cll. M;- Ba-' n'.ination of glasses com !t Monday morning. A Indaiice is solicited. \ Tiie «;a mo nee s ne; genial atti Avill be, an Exhibition giy tudents of Beaver' Aeade jursday-Asveuing, the; 26th ■h;. - .r -5 j, i tarTheil en by lhe.'f .my, on TL hist.. near ‘Z< lie: BSs..’iVi- i port of'lnti , t riion in the dieted bv lie,- yya«. fui ■4 ' ■ Festival; given ios <>f }l.r.kTay far’s. Semina m. as announced, on last Fri- 1 it .'and proved quite a success, i that the:'proceeds amounted '0 or jH'J d ollars 'CS"T]i liy tlJe Jail ry. ripire f day i i \Vo loani to lilltt'.l-?' 3uo. ,M. Thompson has re nominaliuu from the . ftc- Jyiri- Bailor county for -Con ic h- Thompson ish /no-it csti ef.tlcmdn. and would make unrepresentative? ■ We alsb xt.iNfr.; M’Candless received imition - of- that county for Senator |>f this*l)istriet. S©»C6l ct'ivfd lb. jrvMicuns 5 ~ ■gross, v in able d r ; ° i\n e-fecio l-.jjirh Hi UVo uora .would call the attention of; our j readers to the article foUnd in anotherloohunn.- taken .front-the Xew Tork Tribune, entitled ••The American. Cklaches cfe? Starery.” We are glad ! that Christian Churches thus boldly, express their opinion of-the acemrsed institution; anfMhis, almost universal action, ■wiill certafflljniave a 1 powerful effect towards the extirpa- Slavery. ’ 1 bill Ijas been referred; to a CodhuUce of Conference on the 1 . ( part of both House;". The conferees ■ appointed on the part of the House are '■. StcVehs. of Penrisyl ' vania, Morrfll of Vermont, and Hol man, of Indiana. On the part of the v Senate, Messrs Fessenden, Harris and ■ Henderson. , r Chris, MeCloary, of. Sh an on, Mercer Co.. Pav, who was wound- j - cd in the battle of Pittsburg landing, i ’ ,-tmd was brought to Pittsburg 'by the . committee which, went from there, wo are sorry to see*, is dead. Poor Chris, —weknew-him well. A braver, better I - man, never liv£d, and owing to the fortunes of Wary he suffered' and died from- friends and home.* But, -i . i • . . ,away ijhosq who mourn his demise can take consolation from'the faet'thathe died i!n the service of his country, anld that jus-memory will be revered. " i =I Editor -r I 1 HE t©“Wehad the pleasul to the lecture of Rev. S' ered in the M. E. Churcl on Wodnesday evening The subject of the lectu heretofore stated, .wad .‘tSkcfcAj? on Peru” Rev. Swaney.Having resided in that country for a! considerable time, and being a gentlenian of obser vation and l intelligence, of .course bis. lecture was interesting and ’instructive. As far as wo -were able to judge, .the audience was highly .; pleased. We understand that quite a handsome earn was realized for the Sabbath' School, for which the lecture tvas given! fiffir A gentleman wfio hah been spending some weeks in Sorth Caro lina, says : “A little observation there convinces both civilians and Sol diers, thatjtho rebellion will aot 7 be supressed until its caUse—Slavery —be destroyed. . . s . eauGon’U Burnside in Washington on a \ identj'SeCretaiy of tt C‘ -:M' r . -' & ;■. | ' t<ocofoco Gonventicn. ! The Lpccfocpi Convention assembled in j ihJe.Coart Hoi iso on 1a5i.31.0- iday.and nominated a t dfeet. Owing, to the time wo go to|#9, we ’iiavp not time to give a full bi story of he |fizzle.’— Aftd£tbo eonyontijbn (which consist-; ed o( akont 50 men, Republicans and all) hnd gbt through nominating can- ■ didates, Wjilsoti treated | thosid present ltd one of hii stylo pfj apoechesr ‘Samivtl’ Abated around through, tho Bar, and bis jeassimere coal i was continually standing out, at j an angle Pf about thirty- degrees, 7- Wej have/ not time to speak of hjis; speech at length tliib \ycek. i Perlitips wc |may againlt But suffice it to say-- that it Was inj perfect keeping wlih the one he delivered jih-ihe Court itojuse, when he studb'tjiat help|i|to' l fiojl, he would iiel-er help tp, fight his Southern brethern,” which our redders so wju ‘Sakticd’ tried hard to seduce his hearers and the Democratic party to fprsake the present Administration; knd if We are to judge by his success in the prtW in the; seductive art, \perhaps he. I may bo successful.. ■| . [■; , ■ 3D Brownlow was at the Academy ofi Music, in Philadelphia; on the 13th last; Thbrc was a large 'crowd in attendance. Addresses were delivered by. Ex-Gov. Pollock, Hon. AVm. D. Liwjis, Hon- Liorabe Maynard, and the Hon. JCaleb Snjih. During thjo evening!» splendid flag was pre sented to tha Parsons bravo daugh ter. I- j~ I ■■ [ ■ Wej ate indebted tofCapt. 11. R. Adams, of thc-,j“Cuptin liifles,” for a copy of thc|“Chiiistian Banner, ' pub lished at,Fredei‘icksburg| Vu. It is printed dn} coarse wrapping paper, which Wkl as. if 'printing materials jyerc scaled .in-that section.- Xt is a sound L'nidn sho&t. f Democracy of [Green cr Jty have nominated Hou. Jesse for Congress, and Dr. PaUcnyrl jsembly, ' ;; j [. / Head Hark j-cof listening ranoy, deliv atEreedom, of last 'yeek. re, as we have G.d a.;l B&JThe great cajfnp of instrietion, whtqh. it is proposed to establish near, Annapolis,- M 3.-, is an old idea, npw fpr the j first time earned into practice in thisjeountry. j'Nei|rly' a year algo the Wan Department ordered thejtbrrna tionTOfilhrec camps, of iiistrulction at ipoints convenient;! of .access Ifjor the: I Eastern, the Middle and the Western Stales,; One of them was tbl be situ-, ate |aear New York city, and the mili tary authorities went so far as to have preliminary fenrvojs made eligible localities. Beyond .that noth 1 ng was donfe. . ■(■ If ''' ■•II- SqCAn op Gckrriixar v ns Bin'- i;>e’a' and ’ fired \ oa. Sunday !>k, on IJjighes river,Gilmer county, a detachrtibnl of the Sixth Virginia = intent. The gderrillaa weroindulg ;»in a Httle “old" Bledge”at;the time, '; those who wire uninjured!got’ up 1 skedaddled, without finishing the ;ino. 'i_ ■ : M' r I I'- •pn we by fC£ i was last week feit to the Pres ar. &c.. h . r Du an S* ' ,r ■ | { -- 1 '■ |t- ■ ■-[ cLrfers, Pen,n’n \Militla, ) uho, ilay 31,1862. j I ;.SERAt ORDER S'O. 27 it “Pulaski, Georgia, 10tb ij,”, be inscribed on the. flag ■th Regiment ;of Infantry!, M.-i Power, for. gallant con ic taking of Fort Pulaski, on iat “Camden,’ North- Carol ;Lpril, 180*2,” b(i inscribed o i ' the olsti-Regiment 1 of Xr - ;ol; John il'\; ftartruuft, for : the taking of Cnnji i!at day. • i , i “I •pat •■Winiams&urgn, rrrgih lay, 1*02;“ bej inscribed on jf the foljovviifg-Regiment, |>f , viz ;*2Gt(i, Cab -William f '*V Oth, Cob iViUihiii 11- Irwin ; 1. t Chdrles |T. Campbell; Gojd. - a rider Hays ; Uod. Col. - John ■ri ‘JStlh’JCpl. John F Bailicr; TbOnni's |A Rjlwley,. and the «b; i. A: {CMcKjiiiglit, tor, g|t|-' duct at yh'e battle of Williams- 1 ;h .that] day. for which -they il-ivcd t lie [highest coinmenda iin the Udiieral-jofficers in-coni : ’ -l.lfi , .That| : ‘Ei(|banon. Kentucky ,6th i!>2.” he ipsc-ribi-d on the stand ;he ; 7th Regiment of Cavalry., Orge C. Wynkdop, for gallant ! in attacking dry, abLi-bancjn, on that (.lay, siting and dispersing it-. jj .'haf “Sbiinandhah Valleyjyir 4th -May, 1802,” be’ inscribed iagsof the 291 h Regiment ol y. Cob J dim K. Mni-jibyl'and h Regiment (|ff Infantry ,J Cob FJ Knip£, foi| steadiness! and conduct in the severe conflicts id during Vrio jjnasterly retreat nr General Banks, from Staun rginia, td Williamsport, fllary hich. reflected [the! highest] boo th e strategy fa ha valor, of the mding General, as well ap( the men whose vigor made I them e. -' ’ f | h•’ suing this order, the Governor .tulates the people of Pennsyf in ihe fait tha[t the Pennsylva up leers pave been everywhere guisbed f<>r con rage and efficien the field,: and| that; of the 11-4 ,ents now in the service of their ■y, not one’.hiis been fourd to ho‘military virtue of Abe 1 Com ealth or to dishonor her flag, j father ordered, that this Gen )r’der be read at the head if all-; dents ofi Pennsylvania jvolnn- If I *1 V ' • ■j ■ ; ! i ; ■ ■ ; | - : By. order of '[ ad. 6. CURTIN, vodnor and Cornmander-in- Chief. RySSEtiL, AdjotAnx General. x. :r * Army': Dear Fdihe, Oar attle. a the fight, lock in the until night., -irient about threi, mrselveswith ho ised up. i?ltj ss( [1 ' 'ivo. youJpuf to heavy. -Wo bod I company ,-bu| ha Calvin Morgan!» thigh; Wm. Dalyji liq Wyrin tm tl in the arm. ; 't'hc received scralchf mo that pieces, as the r.el} -two directions] j scriitch. , ■ Tj. O.ur colors ha } tbchl, but ivje bn safe. Wo were ( but regained or next ; morning. | niilef behind,} lost everything} i tents, clothes, hi ' Our' Lnjeut.j ffi Col. Wilson is} |) Adjutant, they trying to ford >v&s over the l« and it was the; witnessed. ; o}i but the rel|elB I coated jtiflU I pile; and a ma other plaer three, ’ am and eight over thejt lery mow I coda d tele Our Divisio] do not kniy belaiiade of iii fortkSed wheij| thev'frivc ds | good many lit | We jsiye notpi ing w cover us dot* upon'toe anjfstay by oji dJEtb of ajigi fliiyc not moj regiment ho\j imagine whai are in. : But the blight's!: X ani. vcryl for the last fbu duty;; but I I bit W<sareriOH*j;ii ancTit rainec h ter is laying it is a great ii| twenty of fijiri thcr lilost jt'id me, and tba I’ dnytbihg.| m you the ga} 1c the,rebe|i , | :it the lettel. ]| j I feel Jhs al; safe." l|lie [tj my headf in il ing and |ai mc every directic Tom; no | L|feear -ror As were. ih*y*rij iiuir.y .ijfnsjri squad ylst a fiue IdMii);! ter C'lvulcl : inijuule|t.. <treatiri(|it ai better win. m- Dan’l. (Ihi - is missjlig t ho is dead; I helped 1 ter day | ii t where pie :e | the b'.eJd.', [ I the ndlsiiig dctnil'simitl I I s|r| jti! |v:(f ! but \vi|c.t ij. til \\y i-sver I .May ifJpp l a riilc linj I the lii|c; ■|rallred|wj j back iUtit i too striiji had tclfa and does Gc)| 1 after Jh« sy. Ho , ' us being ‘ hhomln; bitionj a: [.'Dear. lew' cl|ky tionfsf Shi see by the inu(M drei in tlijjs Jpli ■base lies, [fore |on|;, shown !ou as “f a f|F. aind pore i, havd stood Cut |lp|| fall pack.] an'dlvmv ficial-rep the Pel Bdtfw; hiivjp jlrosii t .wMiuFllorij bacjc&tha tholiplacei d havje n jilac Ji Brisoiiorl thai t'bciy li WMof 64,00 pi ,whjj en | bad: : | wc|un.dc|d a nifflolJlfaß net altLpugh I; ballajiS'hasr. " ■ . tlihgiet,|pir is framing i n< terdajd w# a ■: lilr Ili Kl ip^deno. jbave ; :hladj[ wfela e'f|i fi fthard p°.4 lotond SWI aw unitj acquitted ; tjut we a|d badly o|siblpnfo|r me to n| killed? an-:, oar several | vSqunded. Ifoubdealin tbit s*l shonidlot; Ham* llg; : I Court wBre|;|ptliep who lljjiSjilgile it won •dre npMl cut to fiyed from W|thout a ghteer bjnjis thrpj (s***r|i >i eti backt|vp mile®, 1 «iare- abpuOwp f tyebe.- We kjhat WpKad onkf-.i sj.iobs. icl wts v ounded, ted dca<, and ouh lt blvked pip | liefii ib j4l |! TOnti l ; raslerdaT, tirti ;st Is gi( I over lot ses, 1 re' heavy, .re dt üblo 'thja of oars.! in d< : d rebel i in ouo h flii me jtp&ri 1 was kb: j ar it ;t|i erdiwera twpntyr ] itlieir of iiJuß hunjdred i i e; I'erp I spa! teredj all j .rid hilly. | :@ar‘.artiil stt d|'Wn[ijkj3 jra,ss..,j i i Ybadly dil. up,* and W Wnal "disjjjo dtiou will , Wp’ arb piletly well y -e ore bgWjihd before, •om 'thls thirl will pe a ,vk souls bit* the dupt.| ingibj sleepiop, or ndth-l i With. Vrk 1 ave to lays ground whei wc camp| irjgilns. ; It , vill bathb opd many b ris. Wq : than 200 t men in pUti it for duty; fo you car| kind of a isituation; we Swill haVotq look uppij, : j|. • ■ ; ) I;-;' . j - I Well, anijhave bee| OTffivp days unfit lop over give up .yet. nt ped,in.,an open help, I rd'all ifebf. The wit" P ibis' all {cjyer itj Et b lp mb t bat there age ,lj to- niptiiJ Tcljj.Tn.l -[Bj 'fle-eat [presented Ip thp ight |n ore ol it than U;| !p WjP'M a lejtt ;rip F «i;c. fTjj;bf,jibat 1 guess jthp jntaljl ■ iat/'ahtl ha|e ful tint 1 eJmo tlfriuflL ills j wb kljell .lover Jmy direction ij fehellsj j ur.|t: tiding, jinon’ ialliiglb i. [ at Mi!:; the irio; t ox- I m rs riw-r-: -«» rr'l • Vou r|in Pfj a! bs tl lei unless ivim. \V s .ha’vt 'ljUcen a great i irsi jit,- sa .v,J' 125,ii j 1 cjhc ■<l iiyi Ij'Sotb sijftbeni |wi|ie f ieu|ap(l a Prtby bfj r Uet ii IpAiii off t ;u|m are 1 Iviry Tji'ljj meijvc. Us (g4pdi is ivd"dp,.if,|i(Jt bette:*—|ai‘| . : mrs recfiyb from Ui«!tn. j ir if killed!' jt gujissl; lie a| id .1 jib propjjbility is. t mt t<i bv ijy Hiqtiiy Kfufsif; ; es e] bui iccj ip .thp i eld , A ■ lie wiub kbit;' tl; ropgh 1 mrigVTrifnble is um nig ;>fcujl[yep wi 11 gef tile! full hj p ijicj-s,. bet|jrp\veidb| , s wntipg wpajM; ia'w.— £ hitgcjibricj; attael<edlius, od-oi;gi'On ud like, rnenfun-, e fo qcdjip nslrfeat; . Cppt. t li ■ :b- p;.ti : jqr.l-f. lie .seszed; uho |f ihis nicy all it d idjen ! iy el iiell bbek be hj ICiljineiil and ciroTjo ciicm ;iir tid eainpjbut thbywore. .ini could njjoi bold it]and hackif, .He ip a brave man, is I j i jilcllapjWakbvfcr tp scle us ij*bt!J|gsjdlclaimed,H a Victp-j aid |ie r.expected.ip he]m of| r ycU;back eafit bf ,th| C|iiek-; jut ' lp stilt hold our oln po"; I t!iink ivjojean mai itgin it-- ’ iu} •j. Wm. ■"! > k? ’ K CPh i|auomi.* r I \ linnoitp, 1862. ij i iith ifl I adr ale you! letter a go! givijng a short de|cript ;b; §le • wii fiverc lri? put I jpaptrs th if ,we dp hpt get it.lflrhe stlitcmgnlj If sa^p persjpf):tbf|!2d ( which | arp ind jjom- iwi.|..’find’ ks nittors fre going (to be T iiJ.ihpir. true ligli tj Cen. stilt, the lijlst.stoid under l lit* a| eycr he Witriessed; .haiitbqt al saya vvekpjild , u tipj eye: ■jj .man cf; is jwas W 1 |;|liad| p< tibeen o -difrpd tc i inlhelpf irti Ikjidi yf|m' Will Mo-jtna sy| fallal i # did theib duty 'iliitt'-a inything uhtil, ye Hs ■ ' -biy •ctoj r 3C dO'j ..on s'. f#W Guck ih liii h ■*lir ■ : aye IBi i : £ i 4 ieijio TO Iq make : out, abMt MdJ#K teMih : [itf|i|.i oßhad awt |gOt|' Bps’*. ''SOUp.^|J[tl !’■ ?wtf 4i diviaio ! on tli< Have tt visions h wo a; only '( 3 djul, lost ! i out ( n find ight oar Veil rim lieen ho mye' not layiiji S' I the ti pown b orer |id ■ 1 y| ii j igk si mi i i ■ ii ?■■■■ •-! • IMIE Sb'd bjJ |h qrd as[ 1% fcevir'san anything to lordalstream whi toJthe-roiddl*. Two o| Iwdrej drsiyiied. ,• po : - yow wllat kind M-times wp'J Ijpierfe |is ‘ft’|ltar|i. fight' fimorpina ort odr right. .’y lihjit I last night Gen: V Sv ithj OTO Tresh tvoppi otft. &r jEihhiiiohi*’ . dnr;-< mjjre hapoi; tliani uejheiij dm to h|iyffidoii«: ? i 1 u| at two proper) have had io la: sly o tfc 'oh|j“i lost • B abd'oiir bagga, a! lie to Bta):t 'y . .pfenii jdone i|a. ; JOuv l|id dosvn their i will nfflt take.tb . <|ohe. I' lli rejnera! Others, S us wh f j'.hcy J time, 1 ;|bajck nr bag ;xi : pint ■ ey 3\yi arlilli?' sword uin up rhllpr hb foug'it as. pe'disgn.cicd, i have Ino field [ < Ificers; ilowjbi jjand Adjutant, whp> w|ei efbot k all: Wgbt|.V-( ; j .< [•;. f ■/' | health Is? as isnal, al thong 1 r' re a goo d main “sick-intthb rej i . It'is aWbnder to me that the: • I man fit for di ty,'. cpnsiderirj Jwo, Went- ttyfough during - th iew/days. | ..’]fY-our , Boii l l I-'-- -jr-jV. ; wm.iiaii;: Ji CUICKAUOMI rt SwAMPj ty' j ; S miles from Richmondj i > , ; ,ju..e 45b,.i802, . ) ; 'Friend Hart;' 1, i c joivecl fours ty is evening; il alsq foci ifccd'the pne ypi allude: to,;, witty jj’oe ry. :If|ha(i|ecei the original, which i - as composed b; a priyate jih Co. iG/ (fpmbrly|.m;ou company) named Be inelttyStyytyafs c age', of Diew York: i ily—apartic.i: lo friend of mine'. He •.received /on rpUnds at West Point, from rpur tii tiM rifle\halls. Ihe ieye tyijs ctyso ifi cojisi'dcrcd curable’ jKatheff c]b shaving. iV ’■ ’I • I i. r-.Wp lia'vc had’ tfp tybully’’ fig Siiico; I wrote ypn, frith two cleg victories.l Gen. For tei knocked ll fightlantyjlcfl^bn, tl e' 27th. : .0n- the .tretne left' and old “ VYar Horse” K nejj (the; bravest !€ epcfal bn fhej ofpbd’s eartli;); styh d a Bull Butt d< ter—probably —and gained!' S igloi i victory Jon Saturday last. H AS wc occupying the cfity|r [position !we nOtotake a band in |ither fight. Po tor is alsb on :tb||s center as res; M( Chilian |iad a’ special job: ovi Si nover Court Ifotyse. I’oftor 1 in'thd right|fix, anil not yetjhavi Tchaiicej JiTCI gave him theebiinc.e helperfomejl thpj'lb ‘right well.’ took upwards Of MOO pnsonipfs, MraMi Says |300; bttt ■' I’yc j!s|ep-' times tliiatfipniber ny’self, tyith si aaicr General. and jither offici proportion. 'Who have no:.d(. partipulhrs bf the asti fight,; A 1 tl ivc; ecuM a most ice! it. ! is fa k|owi!thc:eacmy. fljy: »| fuse, su eq I'Gen'l. CascyM , hfiOikiast. aud prcitluced u.panic, .tliat old trump, iKepruoy, scai'ft and drove t lent fipmj eytry; po; ; ®lo loss jpn- pur side IS i.fejirtft •Jf 1)0 killed and iv mnd.ed; the < a| d2OO. I can)no; vOiijisb tor tl rf'Ctness of tml ‘stima'le, but doubt iU r ’l e bailie raged w-i t|pndous fury froi i I' p| hi: till-t j (|b| Satluiday, and troiitytytill 9 a tyntyday fbjhhing.' ) ! fity 1;. ! j:'f|Sect lePiontliern papers are j’df .tyhi'm' "it: l,ittlo |doid.jtftyl; abo tyhippin ;i this ;rc|>el.sli]ni’y .ami' ilichnipi.d|' |Tlie{|e 'ninyl he; a I |n;’tbei|* • pernapH the ..pican w tat they |ay, jWejiher [ipp tldubt. J i\Vc*. are jUsttyakyco f hap Gei i. JlcClel lan ] will I plan [ Sirroj’! exclute, 'the j taking ot j : jiiotydi s i hd totally fpc tc the n i iiiy, fn t .jasjwe a i tTainctlldst'nigijt, Ways' p they ; dc n’ty ievacuatcd. |Sp r ho I liniathi anil stabil ityra nuclei i san’t .IVII; |it ainM ijn the card • ■! tiling is fast coming to a head days! MI iT-he Stor: fchickabominy tiihst Ihp fen ityriidgeej bo s: ibuturned. to iiisiirc ceytaih in And tyliilc.their jis an aptyarei: inaftersi MeClcllan and his a every, jnciwb tbj acei the desired end, I > : ; Our regiment pen t do\fi ■ j*i s to aft aj eoverj|or the lath, (Sappets and’Sliniere) who j, ni' ing.a bridge. Wo deployed I mia|HerS, and wife spcjii bjazi ■ I with the infernal euty’.^litydtyt ; 'Wo’went in tob>ur hips ih|t.b< aud by dupkir.g|purj heads-all ■ Ypu' tydil comjtrpbc'na ttyo j w ; i the man leaver. When I state I ‘,3lst Ladj throe ' nioh -' 'whojivoEf guafding thpi jbfidi rearfthe; bails! byfffT ivjere; fel ie,ved taa an ibsct j by, | Cjalifhfbia regiijient; (Baker’ t wfick's division’having' 'JjttMI ■apd ;now command the tyfii arc sbcUing thq rebels ever fronubf us; Ttyey try to dp but something appears toj bt i ler.pltyihcir'; powder ain’t ? P j We hatya trofdendous falti It mpyj ppssiblti delay th| fi, or twoj birt,; 1 tiluiik bef'orb j 1 ’ek •. jlbuj, fhe baiplo! idf jRi shr have been fouJht, and the U; Jp Bic ithondJ If: they' igl Tuppos) jthey wity—it wflt b: ojf I)es fefatibnj, and: the sh i •doubt i ejjll be if imensoj Y • algrbo t tyi the ro questi fn. ffi«|e | bl, thd .p! gger I tys th notbinj p ' I Ln 'tjruth; I; tain biltj vrhat ; Emsnciptyt Ping,' pjr bud ir’bat liuht atiou ! |s thej | bihg.i ,|.To respite you speik of, j if i pat do vn thelrc hellion!, 1 1 Ipapef-j" fplitojratcanniblldt mi bate ilwhita ty id black p fose-witef policy 1 don’t * he ttyi rig; - ’ijiii not w)l| fof C itting,;oi dippit g, unltyai l ean hr .hjey.a, ! tooth for a «N' v are' to, .1, .tye; Major \vitli U ' My there ’mentil is on«t| whatj |mst T* e, J ■‘ S' i'' ' '•! • ' r pots idly dori like it,: We ch todktisnp ;thd ; division ;*can imagine . iro having, f Vding ton this: W 4 Fbol ■ aft , If ■ v *\ Vi '* 9. want d little and; they w'ero 3 advance, and in they; ought hadfjeinfoecpd we would • riot The papen •age ana guns es of artillery 6d se'e there ii i. ’he ; truth iwil i, .1 have | justicn y oflicorshav) i, r until justice u itty hard .{that ardiasiwe cli(l The|Ame] ■!’ ■ The pro< cal -jisseml show that, Bebcllioh, hafe rocei character < which ■ ha' against S this year idoro‘emphatically Ilian dveij*} asihexpedleht, no protest against theiri while others ligfee "this year raised j Whvptesented; and :no defense of-Sla theik voices fer'-rao first timfc against attempted .l J ,thiB great evilWf !the country.;; On •■ - TheDutth Reformed Chupcb,though the nb-douht: that the] it has no congregations iri the- Slave i ,progress jof A 7 hpSh».yeiy: sentfracnt| States has beott tVilherto; of ike. more j Most : edt:scrvalh'eVcharqhcs: of - the,\ yeat 7 hi world than in Lcimntiy. , TIM’ General Synod "'width ' tbe.politnial. I 4. ; • ’*i ' ' j'is'how in sessrorr ;B| ; ;ks* ■ Strongest of the'utterance of ijmsseiU the Reformed. Bresbyterian Gimrch,S?t^^^deiHjunt : it.g -;-iiiost ; -iiiost wicked Which emphatically repeated its Ira-.' rebellion, and the .iK-p,.-. ditiohal testimony that on the tirey, of'this war tnulaii berdgardSdai* a,pun- ' ! whenj" every ".yoke in. the|anc| wilt, be r islimeht ’ok the |Amcrican people for brokcii and all hoft-iky; ; , thef sin yhf human oppression,” and. - In -the Old-School. Pixsuytetiair 1: which mailed ibn, the President and Church .‘therel- has been some rcaV -CdihteessT to,: ' the;' course tidnfVbm.thespirit of, i emancipation till liberty shall be pro-; the slaveholders which lias ebarattejf-' i claimed throughout all the land and ■ ized the Generaid A.sernb 1i es fur man;;' to hlf life inhai)i(thrite, : thp^off[?..\‘Siiirii-1 years. Three i lari is the ,t!e?ipr of'vthe.-MsdlatiohS.l^pcr^rAcV-jPmdiyttrk'od^-ffiineinDaii: .. passed h&,.lhe General Asiseinbly of (the. bravest ;of all:) \ of, e thh United Rreffeyterians, a body era-' ipftteburg, and Thlla-. y blueing ddiiniijisierSiand 57,000 epmf de]pJbia-Ashow. more*or e fefenicants. jTI oy refer to thbir testi- to §layery, Aha';Slaverjforgan ' ‘mpny a ,r a'n^tisiavcr3 r i as 4 (1 igtihetit e I T/ielPacific Expositor, pfSin PqtnciSeo, ■ prlncipilof their Qhurcb,” and to their Lhas become' extinct: •; V.e.t.the Gonerar : . Chifech law,: Which. “refuses to'.felloW-1 Syijoid has. not yet v'entured : |ny dc-. : or;tbe -abettors of; liveialjec on, the Slavery questiub; aiii Slayen i’ One of, though many apti-Siavery men ol*tbe designates thUabolilion of Sjayerjkas liC’hijiich.aredesirioustofeiie-vv the fes-iiV; “the 3 lrue’reinedy for tbefevils whichimotiy of the General Assemuly tf i it - surrodnd us[and threatenlpum^atio^-/,liil!b.against Slaverv.fno- one; has yet ; al existence.’’ f; They united iSvitlf ilfe \ dared this year im make any msijoir ft; n Reformed in ap-jthisond at th e iUeM»:il, v memorialize i,Congress; Tn jiselvtelf of iGh ufch .will ry t urn to . 'fair ? f tb uigevtllie, positipp. which die orcu ir aeiit and tbedheads :of l)epartmeiit.s| 'piod in 181 and .from ivliicb she has, tr the immediate: since so widloly [deviated. •■■■„..; **.ijigd ieffectiVe measures^to tijis ertd.’f The Qnir|bci|aiid'.; Presbyterians; a l9 f' Vjfa^y - ' other l k-elesia4lic r ;il... bodies, which 7 :originated4ri tire..-fjijatli, thbudlil not’) expressly ccns’.iring the and tyhioh hds! stillj in She Sodlh. all hiatvo'n' for having so.' long, folenated] its ecclesiastical gourds ujtd a makVity ■b.ts sikkbfy. empbatiealiy detiigriate is as f of its menibers, likewise avoiding pt ffbt, the priinavy fcaiise of the rebellion, and j their -Ucncraf -Assembly ihe ; S!p,ny icir. life preserit'war as a prpviden- questionj , * They;- cuttirlaui .t M -opening fori its .abolition,-: | The; tliat-a, re-unlon: with th.eirwtytgiiygm ‘ r -l*eifewil Aslcmbry ofithe Xew : School tipns in the Rebel States ss mk-il'le, f ’PresbytcrialnSvbne'bf fHe tbrempStre- and at;,, this pi [lee ‘they.wry V> :^ ,s ' ligous : dehorainatibng -dtjitd'eseoiintry. 1 the en'klavciy. 'P l ' s , iu intimbqrls'i talent, and character. They I are ode of the few denumiinitiousi al .’ e t wlribh embraces’li47B'c}igrche ? , with 1 from Whiclf hardlymny-.;x:i-t:nnsu be-' is’i'Qdb conmaniCitetymnd which not- [half of t|m-ek|h*pal>oU‘o.t--S‘larcry can withs imding its Anti-Slavfcrv churticsjbe expected. ] iorlunatcly; ln:y ;iu. l ' ve -‘ tef,*cpunfs]slill three Pi'eajiytcries in,! oniy a .small Jfbd-y;ii).-,tl!e; r -,,at j the aSiavc Slates,..pas^bVnWith entire', as the Anti-.Slavciw sentiini-i.t .js ft-'sg , ein S unauimity a resplulipd‘HMt f bfs wholgi more and more fostered by-^t! : m..ihr > i "S. 8 ! ihsurrectiobary .moycmenl cati be Uy of all the American b'tijircnes. it ,u '.aridi traeea torkAi'e' {primordial foot, atid on- inot to t>s. expected.tfiat the. f •u-nijf,- He 1y -one—Al'rican Slavervt the love : of iland.'Pr.esljyt.trians. as hng as in.w ad 'l'Hdt .andmd|lei|minatidri tqfmake it per|- ; beiA to their j .present- • | l>ract,i ; :i,ru f pctualV-’. ; laudJ'tii : at ’ the .; continue to pfu-per.ian.-Aorthera vw„ Bri r lirislufomidf tif n6e<J heflnnst j.—:,V: if. VV^!(.-m.; ; i 1,. ’ j .■; . ? , V s : U| - be maefe tc bend to the great 'purpose i .A.; k, r 1 4Jf" lte of rcstdrirg the Union." v : ■ 1 ! f Woenu,tnc Lreciiini-rngd-;^' |>ugh. StiJl- of 1 |f. tb iSr w erd- av'pr l t |\ e ~ u jttW® the- 1 Melhullist Episcopal 1 iUlinrch;— Ivfbr irttacking '■■the:- .|iirnrfnisiratiOi) u prim Wliefc Ar dual have met ' Lijmoiii. ■ and if they could .not »' ai.-fn illfo Xc’i thernj ■ Station'd; passed ji.misre]n;escnl; jtlm-e(torts of PtivnjkTOw vh;en „tiom. on the stateolphe country, to put down the rebellion '.and ~.ty vi n Up,] they have heartily indorsed life ida.u- dicaty. tlie.. (.’pnsutntVon V. A'Wy. r»r. ttenj (rui-ation ■ r Ji tlm^leinart.cipation policv ! howling over th.o ■InU-mvow a;jaw . d at! of the; PrEkideiit; anil expressed.theiiy-apppinling.diploniatic reprewntmive [jnemy hApd that) (wilfli the' warj Shivery also! to the rh|m!.ili"s of ffayti.mvl p'r:. e eor-t hndj; .'Af '.tho of .fhe , Jldw.candiU tjhcv ;arc,,uno ) hr w i.rum do not Kew-Ytlrki.East'C.onferonf-o, a-rdsplu- livl tomi Thby dknol sln'ie^lhatH', ; h. trb- iiicn to'ltids elllct ivasAlrafiod by a ddlf passed tim-Smiato; wit|v tnv a; T fi>- P>-(..hiembei^. of ,tlie '•'todM'ryiiivci paVly.psiicli l\*mmg':itsya ? 'J ; .at!Kuii m-d ■ -m.-bu.i’and tlnanimodsly adopted by the (fon-1 -1 of (fuldOrina, (ir , ! /,;• . .’! j fere'iice.' ,|iTh| tionfefences In Missouri,.,! general proposn ion ■■ w:is (some t iiixiJ |Wem,en:i Virginia life earnestly tadvoca.uul id former, -dajs* ■at • ,6ur.| lijbq.iji ft-jr ii ib eh alt of fill ian ci pat ion y af'dlcnry: ('hiy ai tuWipjg ! jindjiii the fornief Sldte/jtho ilcth,ddisi '•|Webstev-f . Tdtey. ; -te.tze di«' n ;: ■Boti.lip | upikeopal- cbifrc!i.,;dh ■ aeeddnt bl| her j 11 !g! and liciiid" 1 nr r doifVi ikylipy If j[f alfitude.oti’ tile. Knmneipa-}p!c- with "I eoioij d i, have mimti,on. ife receiyiiig large addi-flic reprc'Sc.ntativcs at p-. Vtident j t i or sfroifl loviil ihf McChm fstill. keeping.;, mil'his j - of; ill emlm.'d : ifjot i.iiieh- j jj C j|i bodies, in l'Whiejt loiyalty 1 lb thje! ctiUivme rclaMons wy :bel,af-!pelierfil i((ilovcrbinuiit : (has lio.t ni,j ;[ V-P %'t:!sq4llr brevahlnfc }(; Tim :Cpntcrcncoj ighdrant'an'l riitiilcys c.aim|i,, •pvid ed: fat Bal ti iii ore Showalitstdf aslyet exceelf-^.; not jiritU-Vho tact th:rt;t.;Be d; your bjliy , ; Umid big the (Slaydry 'question.;.; of this measure in ; tbc‘ iioi;s-e.:e • >I , )Yc tbcfo' nlso somethin!; bus .been ! prejeiUt-vL ~. .. The kmhed ■ ibis ycar o\l .life' ; A few, pt.; [.-the" mlahi Of Secession ;die ; llayti, ,fbus ViektiowlcdgingtfttyY'ff ’%■ ' T.h-c’j Chdrchl'vyb'ielp a Tear ago)was enter-j jiriucipk' of.ll'.c project which ■i • 'fsedr-rj fdined lA'"a' raajorjity’of the Confer I a laiv. Sueh'V* 1 ’ 0 the s.ti:ai;f.»a ■ i "M 1 ionciefe eni-e-’ As the :botvW. of union, wliich'; dieuls.df men wiio !irc,fo.{cc|M-'o,!c ! r success., 1 urn to • thb' jMarylarid;' land VirginiaetKcipattiot in tfie-qianisdm—/ y.- £ cbfvrehe's ' wilh a- dcnbrniwition Which \phi\i \Pres<s. '■ _j w .'- f •my *} r 0 fhm made; liew jmqgress ip an | r'mdV-rtA 1r 3niphsh Ai li-SlavcW;dirdction bceome.lighter.jiJ l-AJON .1 .■ Api at . ' 'iulA ddflubneo: of iho .C oh John tr-dveH^ 'MethodistEpiseoW.ii ClimieltWill make ' the Seventh ]l n gnmi AhW.V’ M ’■ltdelf iel 1.1 and c6n tr i bti te, it s sbarsL’to jXuttiy, .-lag o ,; '/I 11110 ;. ‘ tl . ’I .. ■!tlie'dfeliveiranbe of- both ,'Statesrfiom j'.on? that rllr - • ’r ■ t;. , Iv got' out of Lnray »sj ; the curse of Blave.y. .. , • J:* r^oHC^sbr»rg Tlifrce iinfluefttial. bqdies ; have this j n y 0 the town. Jackson afWst-O'jl -t\ lyearl spoken for the first time On the-li[r u j^ n ; men of the plumgdnd d,i, ■.tl Adpy;,tbein. to be taken to ifiebniori-Iq •) Missionary Uiiibi).],add,t he dTcncr-!. -soldiers' having them indmargrp ! al Synods, of the I.iithcrnii. Church, i ef ;( (hem over .to one -Sard (,'a!u.'.i>!', ■ajidjof; tire Dutch Reformed Churchy l.Gcfp&itan.-who'■hod- ft son in H Thq former, WhieEembrpees delegates j' jfg .jirtht. I4ullisp ; d liad tlv' m froip all ifhcifXdifthern /and some ofjs^ o fe■,^n■d-R).nt<!iea■tU6^rdtn»d■b■M.‘ the 1 Border’States, declared 5 , at:us. ref jbe taken iibme. : i'The J bo(lies av.iv cent anniversary. lat'Prdvideficm with j X Wrijinimityi that sihverd was the dfigin |; s n h doubt as -iiTthd truth:' oft tfr pi'tbc Rebenion, arid that,'“a safe, solid..! 1 snd laatingdpeacc cannot, ho expected 1 I I ;ofj its compldthoverthroHi’’ ■As the testimony of a society which rep fescrits about half a million of ooinmu- th'fe’' significance of ration cannot be over estimated. , ' j Tlie Lutheran Uhurch belongs among those r which;!; untiPtb|e : beginning of the EebelllonipurdhasOdi bj'absplute s.P lenec job the Slavery question,the glory, of having an organization extending khfbnghout 'the, whole Union. This submissivencss to .Slaivery has; beeti of little avail, as in, 1801 the Synods of Virginia-and North and South Caroli ng concluded to prgau&e a ProjSlavery j Luthernl Church of ’the Uonfcderato States, janda bp O i nted a ‘ Con stiuien t, General Synod ,tn meet in-.Ma}’, T 862, at Salisbury. Northi -The. Lutheran ,in the Northern, and mostly] also ih the Bolder States, have been'; eminently patriotic from the beginpiug of the war, and at their Gcneral'S\|nod. recent ly held at dEJadhaster, Ba. deemed it! tlie r duty not ionly to pass strong loj’alt; t resolutions, bat also to declare that ihey' “regara this rebellion as more imniediately the natural result it'erday . 2f. Y, o,build as skir igaKyay •ebcls.— swamp, escaped/ isdom. of. that 'the wounded geVin our, «S- We the other Sedgi fgc. rWe f- day- in the same, '.the mat-, good; or ast night.- ?ht-a day iis reach-. toncT will i lion army li*—'.and I{. : the fight 1 i lighter nh m and roc . f merely i njgger~ m not cer-' )n 'is. the r'sj)rqcla bi'hig the, .xessary to ty etnanci*! and extor- This nkexabtly ; to exposh y ears;lor ‘aneye.foif " H. u. i ii-wy (and Sia-iTtbe continuance and spread of Cq imcsfic Slavery in our land,” and that i; itlietetbro, Ithey “bail with iuimingltd T Ipi ,thtf-^ c^ 8 ‘ a,st ‘j | joy the dfijhe Presicfcnt' ; the ehri-eiit ; j’ear ito cxtendaid-to anySln’teState which to outbreak ofthoishaUdcern fit to initiate Gbngtitutional lurches or Arneriea rEmahcipation.’’ .Them were present .pie light upon tl|!e joit tlie General Synod deputies from (lean Slave ry. ThoseUho Synoda of Maryland aiid pi Kew ' 4©!;' their testimony 1 tacky, and though spmeof tbSm, spoke' ‘ tetoej bay4 ; 4° u P ) pA.i^»-Sl«iye^r-; , resolation« Loan'i v*.,t 'huxiohes #ll ■' : codings ■lies.- m siucjji T the oi ved sc re bor) very j ' Karas’' Ciig-,Jiimh from Fort Scott to the loth *■atel detachments of; the Second oh|7 e airy arrived, at this, place tO’dav; '* pne thousand head pi fijue beel'jyH (and eight; hundrbd he -oP ; jlhorses,. taken from *Cr I !• Cof&yf mand on t.he nionling o the • Out force's. Jive' tho ;sf !P,dcf tr f cojnpany with-Rohbh S scotid i I battery, under comnai d. f ■■ Doubleday, .made, ; : any~ r^ablv° ;I |ii i-early hobr Pn-.tfe'o =taorlang dttt.-h -completely Suvpnfc'ing/the 1A part --of Gofloe’9jcoiv»tin}V|d-is mft I ' > ■ of Indians. All Jtho^'.niwmt'e'.! , camp:eqiiippage piir |h*( }■'giment pt\uTiiort«lit(liat's ai' Ipccted ima dayfor two,, 'Chey-.w he . newly ' armed' and eqiiipp 6l * 1 ! paratory to marchjng South.- j tofPkt efieblal .'Corresponded | ! Menvphih-states that, tlie ;J»cp£ l 1 * 1 iof thediUrning! of 'Ticksburg { credited. He adds that many ; l, ! kwho: have,been locked np by ph ( belli on4rC no w:.starti nfffor t ho- i ' !>> . ‘J ' hMri-' ■a ~v JI l;l '1 . . r ;i Gvip-lV Js'ilbL lh